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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1904)
J J mmmm NEWEST" NEWS OF NEWEST TIPS PROM - AN AUTHORITATIVE 8TYLE SOURCE OF 1904-ft FALL AN O WINTER FASHIONS ON THIS PAQjL STYLES ON THIS PAGE TOPAY PORTLAND, OREGON. SUNDAY HORNING, SEPTEMBER- 4, 1901 r : , .... . , -x r- - rT,. i 9m v I u u i r. a i -s I I .. - It.' .11 . -ij. J A. . . . .j . . . .s . Olds Wortman King Page of Portland Jopurarities AWUiCUlWU , 1U H.ULOJJAY USAUfii THL SllJKli WU-L dAJdISU ALL DAY TOMORROW LABOR i DAY " ; ' ; 1 V f s I . j' V .- ; II IIII I'Ull'l -MB-IIH-IIIH ' ll"" -S" l 111 I I ' . II - II I I IIIIIWI I Ill III BUSS CATHERINE COUNTISS, the Idol of Two CoMta "One Touch of Nature Make .tho Whole WorU Kin." Th Old, Wortman ft King Company, th Ideal Merchandising Organiaation of 6m Pacific Coast. i i Oil the Cf cst of Popularity's Wav in the Flash-light of Public Favor- THE , ACTRESS AND THE STORE ' --v --'. . -. ;. 1 Yean ago, when the present generation Wat young, our forebears looked with . admiration and talked- with loving reverence of Mary 'Anderson. What American was not proudand Is not today, of "Our Mary?" The world is better today that Mary:' Anderson' and Joseph Jefferson Uived m it. Theyvrose above and glonfied their art. .No one thing in this world was ever yet done that cannot be done, again and better done. Mary" Anderson has passed from public life, but the good She did will not pass away, even with the mortal Temple that holds-: the spirit which .endeareH her to the world. We pause today, for a moment, to join the glad acclaim of Welcome -that" rises from the 'banks of the laughing Willamette, that goes singing UTthe set, to the sun-kissed peaks of the heights that bear its name, welcome to a womanly woman and. talented actress who holds. Portland hearts -in-heroalm aa Mary Afiderson held those of all America Cathnne Countiss wOur Cathrine as every loyal "Rose Cityite" delights to call her. Tis our purpose today to honor one who honors her profession and elevates it with the stainless purity, rigid truth and earnest sincerity that charac- i -terixea Cathrine Countiss the actress and the woman. "A strange thing," -you say, "to ulogire an actress through one's Store News well, per haps so, but this- Store does- unusual things; it's a "Different Store,: it Succeeds, and. therein comes- the- application; Cathrine : Countiss succeeded becaase aha had the mbom Talent This scsm Codrven gift that enabled Cathrine Coulitiss to reach the top rung in the ladder of acting, to portray so vividly pathos or comedy, this gift of, talent is 'possessed by this Jtore in another line the talent Of Storejceeping, of reaching nearest the heartstrings of the' people The success of Miss- Countiss was founded on Truth, built up by Sincerity in living. . As Cathrine Countiss the woman she has ever portrayed the noble fines of Cathrine Countiss the actress. So With this Stbre. It's builder founded on Truth and built up, stone by stone of sincerity.. Above deceit or chicanery of every' sort they have builded a temple that reaches to Confidence, r and the -parallels run along endlessly. These two objects of public- approval and affection stand together today, both in the limelight ot Popularity, y ..." : , , - "4 ? :-The- New! Tailored Suits ' t '"'''.'v. :,-V''s--' ' RtpltoM of th Lovfc XIV and XVPertodS 1 ' TIm Olds Wortmta A Klne tor aUna prmlaMUT Srrt ot nly hi PorUnft. aut In all tha Mt, la ib fBrntahlne of th bttr oUam ml UUomS ooatasMa tor MnM-ul w mil .at Biieaa alwaja that Justify prudaat Sr y woman to laan on thla atom. Fuhloa haa Uftad woman and aat aw la 182 framlne to thla aaaaon of It04-t. Undar tha fram of h pletnraaqna draw tnf wt raad of dlraetotr ooalumaa alacanUy trlmmadn noval affaaUi mw la tha Said of tha Amarleaa tailorad aoit. Sararo atylaa ara dooniad, Cnlo. jaonty Toat sulta, U aYtn aklrta la all round affaot that Juat aUnM tha aronad la front with hack) allchtir tongar,, ail In fuUar out than formerly. Thraa-ouartar lanath aoat aulta ara astramaly popular, aoaia ara douala braaat ad la tourtat affaota.. Coata ara la a lanethrane from IT to 4 toohaa. Paoaa aulta with auada yaata la onion ahodaa maclne from eharapagna to dark hrowa. Tha alaavo la a prowJ aont fanturo, tha astrama lara lac o mutton atylo pradoaUnaUns. . In sown tha damt-tailorad ooatumaa this fontura la at oat onphmalsad. Cmahad valvat aa a fabrla la thoaa lattar hi at tha tap notch of popularity tha Unaa .wa abow of thaan ara (snaroua and maanlncant. A vtalt to our grand onpoaa of now thing will amply ranay ona for I ha hours apart la admiration at tham. Whathar s proapaoUTa huyor ar not oomo up to tha graad aalona of draaa thla waak- aad har a paap Into tha stylo boa -i . . . ..... f:r -...iv;;'-; IN THS OOLDBN AUTUMN DAYS Women's . Theatre Wrapaf Opera Cloaka and Evening I ' 1 - J';;-'";- "CW Toilettes.'' . . : -V--c ... Tha summer la andsd, oparaa and thaatrlcala ara at hand, and with tha vponmg oi m city a magnincant piaynouaea comas tnougnta or toilettes ror adorn tnc at evening functions. Never has inv house west of New York It. aelf been better prepared to meet tha exigency of & social season's opening nsn wis great -noma or nanioa' la, .now. The wonoerxui array or ju.t tlstla creations dlsplayad here ot - Toole Costs , Vhaatro Cloaks ; WalaSg , . .Sarrhura Wraps Tsaing TeeeTll lurto Place, this the groat "Style Store" of the west, far away and ahead of any otner nouse in this section of the continent aa an author it ive fashion cen ter. Wa show thla week the most attract Ire display of women's (Ine Wearing apparel ever shown by any bouse weet of Chicago. Our fair, prices wlfl auraly please every puraov .a ..... . T A HAT PROM -. THE HOU8B ' A SEASON or THE SUMMER HAS . DEPARTED .COMES MILLINERY RICH IN , AUTUMNAL. 'BEAUTY , . Newest Conceits and Conjurings of Authoritative Milliners.' STow naty at the giant" gaioaa, among aaaav Tig the season of the picturesque In millinery" reelma. The faU and Winter season of 14-5 will go down into htetory aa quntrd above. The chnrmlng Chapesux, with their tall ornwns. brosd brims, nodding plunVea and aweeping aigrettes, ara worthy the brush of a Rembramlt, Rubens or a Rr nolds As In gowns, the millinery of the present Includes all that Is quaint and beautiful In the past combined with the art of today. The period of faahton most Influencing our own la that of Louis XVI. The extravagant faehtona of the beautiful Marie Antoinette are reproduced In ail thtr eje qulalte detaiL Of course Turbans will also be popular and much worn.- In colon the American beauty, greens, bronse or terra eotta, aad onion ahadea' ranging from champsKne to dark, reddish hrowna predominate and so wa might go on for 'tis a oellghtftil tale but coma and view tbe beauty show. The millinery chief and his head deelgner are home from New York and. will hold e harming at-homea for our frlanda ail week wel ootaa. ; . J v. 1 ' " ' f ;'. f i ' :! , - f - t 'v , ; -. - ,- ; J- ,-r.t I ,.-Ttt 5 - ' - V .. .'; w j,-r ; ..I ; .... ' ;. 'r f j'. ;'- ' . . . v, Represtntinjr - the . Hiffbest .' : .v ?. '. . - ... XCwign2nt: Art .-v . , ' . See Monday evening's snd Tuesday morning-'t papers tor full-page announcement of the Orand Openir T " of r 's Coloawal ReaiTancernent f " '1