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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1904)
dtopay ra TRANSACTIONS IN 7TH FINANCIAL YORLO if ; Y v.. to ctjic. n LAD ELIOT , TjMaI Ur4 edvanoefl . Sukl end- Sid, ; , ; '. 1 , , H eTJCOaTW. B-JBB ' - BBM Ol MVS MAM Att ',vf,-' ..v 'L "' ' " 1 ' .' ' v-- v' ''BMrt BJJgfV m mb ' 4JbbbI mwM pBimf Mokii dowa H oent, . - ft ton. - ' '; ;, Other reea" arloea arc Um .--w." furar advanced io . Batter advanoed 14 eentg ft . Liverpool ealt idfMiin. new blabar with small riMt fttr t. Bert. l.iTto ptfC wi In th loosl market . eteMM Is ejwotatton. Today the Un- i mm rw imjiii siiannimsd a r MNll IMMI f OSS d to - ths exletlog quototlong ob tbe verloMe n tneAufaatarad tor. The MM - ammpv Mima annOOB ft eeeltoe ef H eent ft pound to tb quotattoae a baobB and iMM, smoked end gniwttd Tn new auotatlona take eeet ftt oooe. Bat- ftftor la bl m Frttod Vtourinc MIS OoPr k ftu .t h nrtoM Ml bftrtV. koth fMl . ftAd mtlML II ft tott. A fttmllftr ut of it s m waft uftdft ob brfta ftnd aborta. Bxport flour la to fair 4oan4 with iotftUon alttlitlr . TbO ortB- alpftl mil ftt this vooMat ! fro tbo Orient -Tborr la ft ajood tfomaaA for sport or at ft www ftor" promlMnt mT today. Tmj oxport rkt aoma Joww. aa f7jbo ' whMt ftd flour hava oaan too UH on this aids of tha Atlantic tor momm nm . I MtftMlv azaaet aaaiathlaa; to drop. Local auotatlona on atthar tow ar , wbaat ara uaohaiigad, Vaa SMtta ' Tha buttar Mrkt.M aar W. B. Olafka A Co., "la to a haalthy aaaditlom. Stoaka aff tha battat aradM ara aaaraa and wa aaftatolr aspaot prloaa to mora ollffbUy blabar. If tt doaa it won't ba but a abort tlma before thla markat wlU bara Urn MimtlMi of lOnfltom atoek." Tba bettor arftdaa of eraamary advaaaai eanu pound ar ft 'canto ft roU aalr tm h mull 'Tba 1 oMito a hvndrad advanea to fba nkar ntarkat aartr to tba waak baa toft tba auanr aiarkat tft ft fairly amd aoa dlHon and there ara aoato wfaa at 01 pra- dlet further ftdvmneeo. . . , Bave fttUT ai ftt ji-TwlftT tha aca market 11 attff at tl etB and tba indication ara that tha Dftraex wm ao p hi mriooa will orevaa tMuaee: TAara m radical ineraaaa In tba amaunt of ra elpta. Borne of tha Jooal eommlaalon men hftTO mada Inqnlrl- for Beatern atodt. but tba ntarkat at preaent ia about aa atlff aa tba loeal on. ' SpnMafl VanMew Fke entirety cleaned up thla waaTa ra ' Mint at tod auotatlona. Hena ara ut , the moat aotlva aalt. but a receipts to that Una an email, buyer kava to aon i tant thomaaWaa with aprtnamr Prloaa ara anobanped. ' I . Ia tba PMbt market there la ft demand for all etooka. Roa raoatpta dnrtnc the areftfe were nulL but vaatarday ai "Urnoon stocks were. mora plentiful. All receipts dnd a ready aala at tba hisbaat yaUna: notatlona, . ' 'Tba arrlvaia of Oro trapaa today were ao laraa that tha market la fairly awampad and. although quotatlond now rullne ara unchanged atlll lowar prloaa ara looked for durln tha eomlna weak. 'Tomatoes prloaa here advanoad arato with amallar raealpto. Peaches from Tha Dallas continue to aoma at ft rapid rata, but tha market shows no accu mulations at tha htaber prteaa. Tba varular liner arrived from Ban Fraar etaca last evanlna and today tha ustul cargo of smell fruits waa distributed mono tb dealers. Tba banana, asaaaa will open soon at blabar prtoea an aa- aount of tha hurrtoana In tha Wast In dies, which destroyed a laraa par eent of tha plaatatlona. A oar of Washing ton nutmeg melons and a aar of sweat potatoes from Merced were tha arrivals' by rail today Oregon anions ara ar riving now and rulUur grlcng aa all stocks la weaker. Todays quouuona, u raytaac ara aa follows! . . ,v ' ftmla,' Itssr aal Vft WHBAT port eeoteUoas. WtDa rlla Tftei ktaeatMB. , siet lei Yallef, H& BARLgrreea. ran. oo i niied, en.oom.Aa OATS Me. vhlta, L10 gray, i.dl ruoua P?ft Jft 4.10; itrelcblL 1 sb.oqi vaiiar. ss,TejMB; gra i ul tn.mi io. as. to. n.'io; H I LLRTT i m Bras, 21 uer yteai sna- dhnas. nB.oo; aeorta, fft.M); chop, 91R.M. HAT TiBMrtar, i4.onejie.wt tteref, si. U.W; arheat. M-H to- . I" Seas, Weat and KM. nnag goute gar taoga, an, OOL Taller, mmw ajeamai. Hmlt gna, lTOlTUt; Baatera Orasea, 10d)iati taBKPHKlKj-barlag. HHtlbt eaert noi. name: sjeonai weak soei Mag wan. gDratl.44 44 M TALLOW m sm, gar m g)sci am t and gtasM- JOH HI IDI SB Dew Usm. Vs. I. He, Id bn sad aa. 14- t tt: an klB. He. 1. I ta tte. llei err tan. Re. I, jmw tha. ltet arr itae. balla aeS etaea. 14 Waa tiaa srr flint; mlta kldM. steer, SMed, SO yomods or ' writ, 70et Hi ta so lbs, Td)e; naoW 00 Ba nl mn, now run ana naist. omm. ec U:isl H!oth:rs!I CDftOTlII TBAAdby IbTa UOMf) f MOTKXM fsf cmm,nBit bootkw m csnuk, ftorrmitg na aJJUATg aB PAJaT CVBBft WTYD COtAtt, and lima bam ramaay mr rwagBaTma. Diaaybas to mm mw af tba warha Be aar hto hasana Btosi mmi Tssau dvestaaaaamh . , v - -- - t&rrt-A Sjj aa ct (Malted), It PM U MM! lla J P-" J iMI feorM bldMTmitad, M. rp mb. il OMjl.OO; aolu' MH, eaca. paiMi 'M, MMM, i'kri) Asd, wwm M. MA.-Mc4MB.4fc - M Bad awaMs on, fcOw, .." ' gllllBIl Bihe Utrr. lt We: iKM. -" rrMli Qregoa, wa ruu rmi Mff ZNIf ftite mm ft: poulty-3iAm. Mdzed. ilim per ; meat, f tor ft; Mr tfti frrere. J ;ufte mt WeUere, 1MJ1W PoyATOBs Mw. ffasae: serert arleas. mt aaiaatag. sBTSe per ewt Malaari rHaivw r i . T. -JH rBUITBAppUe, raaef orege. gi.eDMi.aai rHfmii. si Su aar boa: eraatM. lata Taleectaa, MM s ox MM- hila. 8.00 ser saaa; WarsbeirlM. e fj STIsbmm. ehNFe. g.N: (aaT. H-004.lQ; naMS, hiuhh, sat per ion; amesee. i m IsMBpUa. ft. not , bleef. Iiioi wkite. l.oodli i; rbiaM, atvaot: MMkBMioa. i aa per oo; Orepm setm-sa, $17 u.e Mr sTate; watsrsMlasB. C!'f oraM, saeswe wj ewt) aean, Tkt(l t tr sex; grapes, tl.pAtl l.m; nmeasts, fl 0; 5Tbaroh aSTper bas; aactarlM. V; toMMrrlM. VMIlte. The Dmllem, TlW e BafM river. gl,oa par Ami oMrdt.. M : Ur. Pea- l 00, loeat gogi . ear dost asaas K3m;,,WTm "V Mtt aeaa, dHl awma BOarmc pfuwan. lorper ei aggplsai, ids pet l samar toaaa. Mt par la. DBIBD rarrra Am. vaartC amre par t spriMt. THftlOe w ( pee-bae. SQM KB! paara, 1U pM IB,' praaM. itauea, per lb: ha,lW r l JM California tueeu. ed)Mc ow tt; . vajte. BdUB "gaetr tM-Mi' Cabe, $a.t prw- aa e& as- itr miakM. Bb.Tb: eatra O. blsbm OkUm d. la. 11: Mrtala. le: M bar- rtls. Mel aeaaa, gB aavaaee aa mj Baus, leai bm tar rt far eMa, U arl suuda, M Ue par Is. owbt : Us. PornB-Msa Btocba, ntttaet tsv. msey. aHH.r hn ftneMSf: Java, ardtnarr. IaSidbi Onata BIm. fiacr. l0ei CoaU Blca, paaa. leajise; cwu aa, onuaevr vsj fsnpowdar, Bsassa MdMNW' UBTtjfe tmirut. Oil. lerant arm (We. t gradpe. TlHW: eplaar lag, alerMl Japea, lOgWMl very, seans. gftlBiiM. ta ffft, 4s. Ik. lot, gLW taa tsble, why. SOB, aM) 100a. Teel I pom Uf " - aalf rraaad. 10M. Set MS. BIS. so. ObaiK BAOd-aVtta. g.lsajaat par tof fclCB Inmrlal Jspaa, Pe. J, acf n. a, BUc; Hew OtIhm baai. ftt. . OOAi OIL Osms, bps par gal teafcst watOT white. va aaia, 1SH. wooaaa t, aeauDi, eaaaa. Mt. tMa able lTUc: saeeUM. la kettle 1a cuss, 63c LINK ft KD OIL Pare raw. Is sbla, eeffl Im bettM, sellaa. nm Ua, ssb) eflej PM raw, BiltaikB-aB degT aaaav atot baa a. "XgOLIBM dag. asms,. tt1 . kea bbb a-. 9U.m Ih thla rr MM ltB TIC. ft iuVi.00: ptak, a.1Hll0; bayea -; uati. m.vo. huts reaaats, mts foe MB) wbbwW1BATB iBTMetedi rnniH ii i I a turn biibm mmmi. anna. ewei por. CtM, HA IIS. BACOW.wTC. PHa IH ai pff fWWSIJ mm. 1 to II k IV; 14 tte, lfiWc; farakfaat Wo. lHe; pUtrt-, JOUej aalted atoasTloBt Pr tt: aMlkd aldas, 11 e; drr, Mlta bad a, joi 10 He; baron DMtla. aalted. Be: estoked. 10c MT lb. BABTKBN FACKEO HAM ubmv ba i ia BaaaMMd! lUi bMakfiVr bMaa. IggJUt; LAXTiASD KetCIs bf,rl0s, llHo M. llt; TO-tt Mm. llt: ateasi tssderad, 10, llftei . llci iO-BJo-a, 11JM: m- ereq. in, m, aw, uoi Aieve psarlag inasa prioM are set I JfeM g-lb una. BB.W; laaey l-n sanvai.M; h-d raaev Bats. 11.10: faiier l ib aval W W; Alaska Bj Uag eoa, T: arsba, das: rw ilOaaerdei-. atripad bass, IftHc: elam. Amtmk. Tat knuobarka. sc. slhrers. r: aol. Be; shriatps, Purvt aeaad. ito; aatdas, ds) aUvar t, at per B. ' . sf Cbiasas - Tm nil Um af Beltea. de Barter ft CO.) thwr. sept. Xm BMrbeta nsged teday m pjiiewa: ax--... 4 8 V BUBT ABLBa Tarelps. U.OB ha; eanw. BJ; eevte. $l per aa4- rasiahM. 111 e far sost ebba. Oraaoa, 3e pet tt; Ut- Mm. kai 1Kb w ftaet DM! BaMMrt. flOl POT per I mr raw, isua ftaeL prhna. draws, HVc; ,81. J1 ' 4l4 .Mt( . as 14 m : :S ,S5 -3a lt , IS. 13 lajg - i. IT u.goa rr : ' gtra - t.ig , t.ig T.w t g ot ;y t .at -V .. ta arg ars DM.. SI Oat apt.... De Si gpt 1S.4 Mar . la-n LaadV BrnL..., t jn 'M., T.lg Bibs gapt.... TO JuT:M.. ,TT gAM ykAKCraoo, gapt, a. The ciMlag tatloas C grsla ta the varkOar altMS teday WM1SMeBa Whest gaatawkar, ggg IW.S IK kU: Hav. HUl MA. Dulata WhMt -ptMbrr, Mtta sM( Ba. Mher. B04s Md: .Her, TilwaakieWhMt. gapteMbar. gl DaMMber. sSHc bM. Cora DMaaiber st MB-mm BMUsjher. Batte MOib-r. NHdMHi Md. Oern Deombar, Se kmm Citr WMab-OeMmber. Tl asked Hay, tafcgJUIe. Oil a Piaintat. U Md. . ' . Wrw yrk Wis i pi f ir, sswa am Mr, SSM Md. nwa ceMMsar, asked. Bas 11 :s t. a an BertepDaoMjber. fl.lS. Otam ameAy. CbMg, me BrtBctpal Ml! a -Baestots of petal eg mmi mt the mm try ...uTa miiw. emp, g.oort ls.000 f .on - B.ono mraa Kimm City S.S00 Omana nana . .vw 4.AO0 Hues Opesed active And Phjai a atdy with T.000 rt ever itvm yawrmj. wmpa a tm, a an ware 1B.0OB. R nllns boa arlcve era: Hlfd end anbTBera', g aj.gUg)A SBLiaed toff, g IN; reMjh toryt gJO. Oattk-rfna. gases dtMdy. gs.mtja.mi ngu, Cblvase. grot. a-The grala eat mt mail tm today aaowsiv . Bat Wbaat ........ .Jit . 11 Cora aTT J . M Oats 4 . I ISO The whvtt mm asBay warn lgftt Dahith, to. gept. g. Tba Mah Star bet at ia. b rM. bb bniic : no. rre. ei MVi Re. bara wintar, nWe: Bo. . I hard wttUr, toHl Wa- gprlag. gggfc H 1 ' BUM ef Llwraiw grel. ' ' UverpmL Boot. . Wtot bM'Sto, ftd aarbancra; DeiMDsr. b-i, Mnawra. . ikBiT BHiMMbrr. 4-4. aaraeaMd. ' ';C 1 T Llmaiwl. seat. g.-fwitM elMed tod aninta aoVs e far mmiha aad 4 I gataai dew. mo exflcteo 'v. 'v--:-. - . - . sBoggw iriwumgi tg m AflUAmSj Barrang n OBTssTaV WMMS MMMB WBLAJT sVAM TBAAFft 'AUftTgT BOa ' y y.r- i r i 'i ii i ' , -' It-:. BfPBBvmmmnHs mmmmV Bms'uttlaallinramBibran Qasto W. ft. and Ommftft wn m OaOad fyngg. (gpMtai gajMsMisa af saAtos, da ftayaw Oa.) Chlaago. Sept. t-ljngan Bryan ad vise: - Tba Hungarian minister of agnoui- taa, ft roogulsd authority, and Uta London statist lelaa, another equally aa goad, estimate tba world' a crop of wbaat the present year at very materially less than the previous on. The former says nearly II par Beat toaa, wtiicn means a tun In to world's prodactioa or about l. . bushel if tha above data to Mrraot, oonauaptlaa must deoTMa bt aoma point. In tha abaaaoa of any other apparent In flu en oe. tha only thins which aan bring thla about w nign prioaav- Tha lmmHat ooodltlon in exhavuated suppllea outside c isrmere da avarywhara, both af wkaat and floqr. - Tba Arganttoa arop baa bn praettoally markatedl India baa aft un usual aupply, perhaps, but ia net an !tn nortant Item: Rueala 1 alao an a- known quantity: but allowing that both af the aoaatrma will rural, their full quota, tba United State and Canada ut ba depended upon t rurniaa tn Importing oaatrtes a greater amount of wheat during tha current year than It aaams poaalbla for them to do. And thla la tma a Id from tna not mat tha farmers to this country ara mora than aver before reluctant sallera of a small arop of vary good wheat. Aa to tba Immediate oondlUona. they ara b- oomlng nout. The rueh in the aariy movement' of wintar wbaat hag accumu lated no atooka. Tha demand haa been bo uraent that spot wheat la at ft pre mium wbararar tha saw wbaat baa been aaoTtmj. Important oounttiaa In Itaropa are without auppllaa, In sotna of tha moat Important, moat nnfavorabla weather oondltlona have not only damagad and decreased their arop, but bar mad thm unavailable for Immedtato u They era gradually abandoning their for mar eonOdaat expectation of an mport surplus from thla country. Their wants eannot Inn- be deferred. Heretofore for week peat prteaa naw bean maintained by domestic demand. Add to thle anything like an unusual for eign demand and thg altuatlon would be oome almoat scute. Wa think It la ft yaar of sigh prloaa ob wheat. ' - Cms ghtppiy bTmmbi Tb oondltlona of worn Immediate supply and dentand' ayg about normal. atooka ar uMdorata, raeetpto ara gtot large and demand Is fair, Thar la nothing ta the conditions to aaka.aay material Chans tn price. The growing arop la the point, g fa teres t. From the planting to-tne pres ent time tt baa a bare chano of ex let- en ee. However, there la good corn and poor corn tn nearly every aeetloa Where corn la grown. The altuatlon la thla: The acreage of earn planted waa nearly 5.000,00 acre leaa than tha aereag harveeted last yr From no aaottona where roar reports com ara the Indi cations that It will be ht beat, with tot frost and every desirable contingency of weather, more than three-qunrtera of a crop. There ara millions of acre of corn that will probably never be bar- veeted. Thar are many more million, with fpaata at tb usual period, which will make a very poor ahowlng. On tba whole. It seems te na but ft oonaerva- tlve conclusion that with the beet that may happen IB per cent of ft yield on the aoreage planted would a, ft UDerai eettmate. Tha orop la made and It la ft abort eron. The wiini ta nant. nut ui qual ity to good. The demand ror oata nee under a-one a revolution In the past few rears. A much larger percentage of the crop is used as human food. To what ever extent thla w true, tn pnoe ooe not out much figure, except to the profits of the manufacturers. We are Inclined to think onto will be governed largely tav avmnathv with actions of corn. The provision market has been declin ing steadily for many months peat, the turn ma-polnt coming a year ago. Up to that time consumption had been crowd ing production. W are now an the other elde. -The high prtoea shocked consumption and the boo became the moat d rod table thing on th farm. Stocks have aetmmulafm and are quite liberal. We -are lndlaed to think that oro visions are Bailing at about a fair price. Of coarse the outcome of the oorn erop will be ft factor. The South la big consumer of hog: prodnots. New Tork. ftept. ft The Bank of Eng land rata baa advanced to 4 per sent. American stocks in London are weak. U to a point below parity, ftecretary haw speak to favor of an emergency currency aad regarda Mslneea eonoi tlnna aa highly aatls factory. Rock Island Interests ar stUl accumulating Atchison. Forty-eta. road for the third week of Aagust ehow a groaa Increase of 10.1 ner eent, Big Tour earned B.4B per eent on eommoa aa against B.II par eent for the previous yaar. Th surplus after dividend was I410.B00 against 1411. 14B last rear. Stocks are plentiful In the loan crowd. - Southern Pacific dividend le likely after operation basin mast serine. Th hanks loot to the sub- treasury since Friday III4.MB. Twelve rnduot rials decrease .11 per eent: to ao- tive railroads advance .10 par cent, ' London ftept I. p, inAriaeonda eoooer advanced ttbl Atoblaoa declined H ; preferred advanced i Battlaaero A Ohio declined i: CheBaDeake ft Ohio advanaed OA: ChtcaJfO. MlITTatlkle ftt ftt. Paul declraed ; Denver ft Bio Orande advanced : Brie declined M: ftret de al lead BA: rillnola Central advaaoad H Louisville Nashville declined ; Ml- eurL Kaneaa Texas ad v need u Hew Tork Central unchanged: Ontario m Wester advaneed 14 : Norfolk Weet- am advanced U: Pennsylvania vanoed ; Beedlnr unchanged; first .ad vanoed : Boatharn racine oeounea nreferred advanced ; Union Paelfio dw- ellned : preferred unchanged: United tatea Steel unchanged; preferred da dined H; Wabash declined : preerred deellned i eewsota declined . , . Tha report of tha Portland etearrng hous for vMterdav waa a follows: Rxchaagaa -..,....;.. 61. BalaiMea ,B4,(JO,B. SFEOXATCXS SEEM -TO CE.1NTKE AIR Aetoto, (IpeHal PaitoMlu t Battee, da BayMs ft Cb.) Chicago, ftept, BLogaft a Bryan aaaeiei latter aayet . , Tba wheat aaarkat to ft ahaa easier. Oabteg are unetouiged and the weather to the TJnlted Kingdom ft little, more favorable. eVrnthweetera report goad eaah demand at abewt aoehaaged prloaa. Frtaaary raaeigm are auii uaev awi i amaind to atlll a little diaappolnt- lnar. Th market bare egmln lagaed into dullness, with predeeaional tredera working to the aato for lower pcloee. g peculators seem to be to the air. The altuatlon la buUlsh but the market haa neculatlve trader and. the trade gnaa out at ft ssnall profit or small lose. The aituatloft abroad for wheat looks aa If It would require an export demand boob. It la Blow in coming. v The oorn market waa a a hade higher. There to nothing hew to leoal or gea aval condition. . Thar are rather more Modarat temoeretnrea thiwrtoO the Weet, but there la a possibility of a eold wave to. follow. The eaen eituaiion aa to ba on BA even kL nut the ftentember option atlll acta con jested. Reports oonoornlng the growing crop are fnat aa oonfilctlng aa ever. On tha whole, we ahould eaU tha ttndertoo of the market a strong ana. The oat market was a anno nignev ft atlll pas the support of a good eaah demand and good local buying. Ra ealpto are moderate. . Helen btoskto 9tm, X ... The provision market la firm and blather. Llshter reoelpto of hoga and a better general speculative buyinr were the cause. Caah demand la moderately Improved and there to a pretty fair elasa ef speculative buying; en the tneory uuu It will -oonUnae to leap rove. , i Li M . - , ! wrw tobb; BTOOtg. f nBacBIpnOB, iMeoada tflatar 0... Bt AjbsL Copper ue. AtcakMB. eoaj. da preferrad Am. Car ft roaad., anm. da prfrrrii Am. gagar. .. tlTHHTH 'A m. Bmelt.. (MiuHi de Mfrred BaltlMore a Obis, asm. de pMtMvea Brooktrn Bapld Trasstt. Canadlaa Paciac. oom.. Ghl. A Altae. mbi.'.. da araferrad. ......... ChL. Mil. ft Bt- til. fcrim.. na),.,... Cbh-Tarauaai ay..... OhMaMaka a Okie..... Canada Boatharn.. .... . au Cow. .XBai a uoa. mcb Oolo. totbera. coat... de M preTeires. ..... a let MSirrrea CAB. CL, IM SB do iat preferred.... ... 'A nilnoM Oestral LoalavllM ITaaBVUia,. HatroaotltBB Trae. Oe. Menbettaa BwvaUd... HU ueavai wim Mine.. St. P. f Bte. at.. Si MlMMti-racuM aV MehBiedf Maw Tork Otatnu Norfolk 0 WMtera, em. Norfolk WMtera, North ABMrlMS.... N. T.. Out Wat ysBMyrBSia ay..: r. U., L. a u ue. risMt gteel car, do preterreB...,. n' Tie.' '' Beaatny, eon de 9d prvfrrre.. do let preferred. Bap. I roe gteel. da ararerted....... Beck Ialaad. M .mm do prafrra. ....... goatkers By.. MM . . . de sceferTeB tothare Pact-..... St. u g. r. aa pm gt L ft If, M1.. ds pT nfVM, a M4ie Tiiu racUr. Tvna. Coat ft IrM.... Uaioa rxria. mm.... da pref arreS ...,. V. A LMtber, mm... ds Bfeferres,. ...... as TJ. g. ButT. Mm.... de pMfarred V. B. BtMl Oa.. earn.. da Brvfi wbmL a L. da M pnfmd,...H do let srefarrea:.. .. WUCMais On tret, mm. do ptemrrtd W-etera Valea Tela... S3 Wabaaa, com, ....... OD fJttwTw)4 trtat mms teoay. bw.OObT 1 per emt. Oblaiaa, BepC Tm prtMary reMlaw taBay ) - J- BMbHs. Tear Am. , Bashfh. SBi. ono Oern T 14B,BOB Wtot ....... .....w-ftW?' 0O9 Odtb BM.0O0 41.000 The flMBMS were: wiiii, in.nm vwm nn 11 OOA harvalat MtS. 5.000 BmM! wheat sbB goat. mjuI ISTJWS Bwabehf aara, XtoOOO Ww York Oattse, (gaeclal rer all ilia ef Bteltto. ft Barter ft CV NVw fork, fiept. a. Oettea taday naaed aa BUlOwBt . . Hit. glO.O 10 08 io. oe 11.64 10. 4B ' 10.14 W.11 Jsa....l4.o0 y-b... Aos Mar.... BOB $:::;:, Hnr.M, 10.04 DH... 10.11 Chios so. Bent. B. The eaah buatneaa bar yesterday waa LtOt.OOB buabels of oata with charters for them at 1 oent to Buffalo. At seaboawl porter bought 11B.B0B Bushels of wheat and S4.00B buabeia of corn. Charters here a alao for 1BO.O0B bushels af wheat and 100.00B bushela of oorn. There were nnj deiiwerieei on Beotembar trade. Thra hundred thousand bushels of wheat which waa put oat largely by Peavy were taken to by them and Logan A Rrvea. There were only ' 4,0O0 bushels of corn delivered by ft ele vator Interact. Of oata there were tfltT.- B0B bushela which went to ft shipping house; 1B.0OB tlerete of lard have been taken largely by Welle. Pwrtautd Union mookrard. Sept. I. Receipts af lives took to the loeal yards today, eonetoted of 110 bogs, Tl eattle and IBB sheep. All atoen m m mmm aa tk. rniinwtna auotatlona: aaadlum. end lAaa. . Hogs Beat. BHo; md1um. Be. , Sheep Beet. tot medium, 1H. ; ' New Tork. Sept. B. The government ootton reoort. Just Issued, els me aba cotton arop at tl.B per cent. , - fteea Pbi amMi, ' Lew. ... 0mm. a m , bb-uQM ' g.TB ABO u.ii ii. nam 10.0T lO llOlt r m.m . MBN B.BB AB4ftBB SOOKA& Bvmowmm ao - rnmammumw OAmmTor qrvv fcwa ,' at ef Bag OWB tradBaft trlBvUsi fatf amavM STeg Be ftiarhnhad AeTasa by Wheaa Who) Bwve the Blwigaamf a BdwatoB wmh. ana ftenaal m ' - Many pereooe fall to reailsa tha ab solute neoeMtty ef entertaining where a state or government makee an exhibit." eaid Cot. Henry Doaeh. eommlaaloner to charge af the Oregon eablbU at the ax- poeitloa In Oeaka, Japan. "uver in Japan, ana could do nothing BnleaS he took tb social quantity into account. Lavish entertainment wag proffered oy the Japanese official a, and any one wno there aa rcpnmntative eC a lor- ein aovamment had to do aoaae an-. tertalning, or be looked upon aa af little aoneeouonoo. "X raleht say the same or expositions to this oountry. to which we aand repre- MatottvMj. Othr atatoa atertalned at Buffalo and Charlstn, and we bad not a dollar of allowance for entertainment. Thla matter w vital, too, and eannot wisely be overlooked by tboaa who ato- nanee tha money." , . Col. Doach want to Japan tast aep- m saber to ejvaaga diplomatic ree- reeentattve for th raoognltlon of toe Lewi and Clark fair at Oeaka and to secure the transfer of the St. Lou la ex hibit of Japan to Portland in no. He returned this year, to pleoa the Oregon exhibit at Oeaka, and forward tha In terests of the Oregon fair and af th Oregon business houses. Ha waa allowed tMto expenses on tna first Journey, and a deficit af BIBB, tba oast of entertaining, waa aiaeiieweo, Thla mission waa for the Lewie and Clark local corporation. Thla year Col. Doach bad M.BBB gf Bts disposal, contributed aa follow: Lewis and Clark . local corporation, ai.en: chamber of, oommeroe, IBM; board of trade, SMBr Manufacturers' aaaoclatloa, 1100. Of tb B4.B0B, B7BB.BB remains un- dratyn, CoL Ioewh, bavlnar aaaended ooet of entertainment of official there out of hie own pocket. Ho made ft set tlement of all accounts today. TtnfXBAL gOTTOg. DO BN BT The faaarsl aarvlMa of tha lata Mrs. Doraey will be selo. at us Mtaoarai aiv a. xT rrldty. The lady will top' tba rMldeace at BO a. m. yrlMda larttM. LXdAL "OTIC, MOTICB bereby ylveB that ttoreta peadtag la the govs er tae Aaeitor ei me va m PertUnde petltloB for tbe vaouoB ef.tke portion of the streets sarelBarter leMribM sne lut at uw raaawr mmudh ." v eli ef MlB CIV of rwnUad, MaJtaenab CoaatT. Bui ef Otwjaa, tol be UH aWed Mdar, the M ear ef BepUMber. 1B08. at tbe rrnr koar end pUee. mU petttlaa WlU Be preMBted te Mid Ooaacll by tbe aaBar SlgBed prajlag for tb raeatkoe ef mil tttat part ef North gtfhtMBtb treat la Mid City it Portia ad leehiDed batwee tbe aorth 11m ef Vattahs atraet extaadad aoroM Mid Berth HibtMBth atpevi aad the aoatk h-e ef Wlkwfl BtMat estendrB eereM aalB Narth ' Blaataaaita miet. MMVthBV tbarofHM the rla-Bt of way ef tbe Nerthera PaelBe Tarlaal OoMpear: alao all that pert ef wusa sumi IB said City of PortUad totweas fee WMt Hm ef North SevestMnth atraet and the Mat Ha ef North Nlaatemth etreat, - etptlat tkevefroai. . aowe ver, aocfe pertloa ef MMo&Mt m la owned, aaed sad empiei by the Northera PaclBe Termlael OoMMsriaMt hat nart af Wllaoa llntt lMhldad batBMU the west Km ef North NlaateMtb atreet and s Km drawa ecme Wlktea treat eosaart toy the eeeterlr Use ef Uoek twe (1) Bherlork'a Addition and block BeartMa (14) le BlackMtene'a Addltlos. .'By b. MAC LB A J BBTATB OOMPAa , L. U.L.w mviliUat. Mi ACL CAT BBTATB COMPACT. 7 ft. tirlnsatone, sacretsry. LXOAX BOTlOm. MOTICB TO MARINER! The Oram Ball- roa gt NsvkfitioB oompaay prepoeM m m alB ea September g tMrlBff Ml a PorHer ef tae exUtiaa Brew protect the aeata. m ip-etrNM eat of toett brtdge aeroM tbe WlllaMatte rtTBT hi (he riu ef Peruesd; sod a boat geptewher B enect te ..beat drivtns plus tor tbe aew grew protecnea. - narTnai rfc He. thla work la ander siuaraai It will be tor tMh to aDeraaeh the draw with srMt oaatloe; MptalM and Mtnta an tbaratoM reeeMted tft MM del the tmost mm la peaslnc tbreagh tbe bridn while the lesewsM raieme w are i Chief BsglMer tba Oregea Balhsd ft ratios romMBT. eMMav--aIMMMMMMB Three Dollars Per Month NOTHINa DOWN -BavB Bice) lot AjftftToo, wtta lo-foot alley, aw co4 ear Hna, o-BBLanttaa froaa camtraoC cHy, g-cgot fara, hhjk and perfectly toval, amd rwaefy for gwlkllns. watar prpew ta frowt of aftcs Price, Including & f( ImprovemcntB. k m. JJ The Best Bargain in Portland POTTER & CHAPIiM. 246 STARK STRUT 1 F.W.Baltes&Co. Second and Oak Streets pOTH MftOtttS HENRY WtlNHARD CITY BREWERY to aba Bottled Beer a Specialty A REAL BARGAIN teavtoa? aw wtn Mtoie bom, faxatahad s aara. IitaoebB Bark ftaaaa. Beveaab sweat Bests. PRINTERS 1 " -. . - ' V- - " ThftllliutTojHftTAi- la ose tot orsv 80 Trmym. gttd All Cotuttvfeits, IndtBiatmSBViad-JwAwH ' XB4rrtizMtB) iliftt triflBi with And agdljHiry ta A. VVIICIIm leA WW W Be ' CsVBiortft Is jBaradess gwilhTtittito for OftatoP oa Tv ;, jworlflp jOtobs ftikd lioothlng; aryytr-ft. It Is Fmmawngali oontjbtrAg nmktixm OpluzBe Morphia nor otb anmm BWiMetoM. IU B U Itft riBU. I t A- : gmd ftiUTft Fftviishnftam. I euTeB DliurrlHBBV and WIbi Colic. It BvilBrtwS TMtliins; TioJlm. etiM OoBaBitia ;y ; : mmd jnotiilgBscy. Ii ftggtrnliBtrm the Powd fratotrai fAo BHoemBek ftnd Bowbab, tytnr hegathy tt-4 B4ni ftff oOUlitim , CENUINI CASTORIA ALViY Bu tt The Kind Yoa HaT6 Always E:4 Vln Uto For NOW IS THE TEE ' WlmW yofjr teilty toerwry ftftyoytBS tfcairvswideB), to Iuyvb yxmr homm wirod m Uawm wti BUJUrTaUC UCHTS. WitlOB) prtmi iter tlM logWs-awi migHH, - ;;: j, v .-.,.a;v. 1 ; ;i trtBTMrmTt, we only chargb ; - YOU rOR WHAT YOU WEe- Ported Gen Ekrtti'ls Co, V , ' aKVaWTH Alw ; READ THE LATEST SENSATION , , TR AriarcM 7 Br TA t ST U R BE R. Arhtrchkrt b Price '. -.--SO-Ceiete Sold by W. EU aJOIVES - 391 Aldor StTwwrt DRINK THE OLD GAMBR1NUS : 8END ORDERS FOR BOTTLED BEER : - , TO OFFICE, 793 WASHINGTON ST. , I TELEPHONE No. MAIN BEST RUBBER HEELS ; fWe MSN'S 8EWBD OAK . 80L.ES Goodyear Shoe The Imrnl lie! portly r Itotl" luto baarM ilag) - ft mt BBft tfMmBftftM w3b ' F" BmgAg4tpxrrm4om t J AllOW sm Olid) BO 450ft4T P " BlfcTiBtLiro of Over -30 Year. MM AND RENOWNED LAGER BEER 49, t - BOTH PHONES. Lt 400 ; Ca ftiaarS Yea -r 4 ". t: v Repair Co. ST 4J, V BJIOWftA dp rv 'orr'": - - i