The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 03, 1904, Image 8

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c:iis sept, id
seaa fmm S Twy mH, aa fw
at owm will praa aa Ae-
l Be la an an tusbib, -
Oregaa fatl-wlnter ' epea season
tchlng salmon will open oa the
ta rlvar aad Its ..- tributaries a
from today, September 10. The
remains open ,. until March 1.
xtra .large run of Chinook, Steel
and Silverelde aalmon ara x
K for at Um raeent tima tha Aver
1 of flab. At tha aloe of tha
r aeason there were aa many Sab
i that tha oanaere and cold ator
a found tt Imposstbts tvtafca care
a one-naif of tb number brougbt
lair plants, tbougn considered
of tba larireat in tha world, warp
rly eufflcient to preserve tha flab
ire um. Tha aaaaoa aa a whola
.naldered about Si par oant abort
normal pack, tha fora part of
n time tna M being caught In
tba -
nrioe to ba paid ' tha nsbertnsn
aoa wlllnipwaaary -ba small.
few of tha lower river eannar
rate. This wilt throw tha en-
b onto tha ooid aterag and tbej
crirat and tbla will bring to war
Useif. . - v
ofc av laas sash.
Maieraay a lenal waoUaala
any a:
U -winter span season will opah
0tb of tha month and from
ndteettaaa I look for a vary
Plah ara at thla moment
jfnl m tne river, for tha cloaa
miner season found ' them In
,e numbers that tna various
wara eompelled to refuse a
runt of tha atoek ofterad. Tha
remained ta tha river and ara
Kin their way ap tha stream,
.oa opening af tha oomtng aea
wltf have .saeaaed probably as
he Dalles.
MW ees Win Bale.
prices will rule In tba aalmon
oa tha r)ver thla aaaaon because
w of tha oannara will, operate
nta, Tha reason for thla la that
1 Chinook la not of tha beat
for canning purpoeaa, tha i
f much 1 if titer oolor tbaa thoaa
In the aummer or spring. For
dob tney ara not abla to cat a
floe for their product and they
t not worts, the while to. operate
t maka any money. " There ta no
for alarm tn tha fact that the
e will not ba operated and coq
naed have no fear that they will
for tha want of canned- eeltnoa.
r ago-the pack waa of aufflcient
i'tat many of the exmoerus ear
h stock over Into thla year
f all tha wanta of their trade
. oomlng aaaaon.- even tf not
a at aabaoa aw pa mp ?la
: r r cc:::::ssioih r:iets
nMawammmaj . awfaaj amanep ajeaeaw
0- atana e ftaeaa Baae . f T,::y.r.s
10 010 CT
nuuHMssoa Mfaiit wrnsd-
m pyAtl liWffAWf
aniTitaaa Ara an Maaa, r
tha leaaow aaano K will vka
about Ja oaya. for- tha river -to
nwd op of all the Chinook and
flilveralden and aHeelheade will
'ht to tha fora. Tha latter nah
.re In demand for old etoraca
ea and the fall variety brln a
r price t tbe flaaai than doea tna
-nk. I aspect that tha rultn prloo
tlnooka to naharmen will ba ba
b 1 and 1 H oant a pound, while the
of ateaiheada will probably aver-
a eenta.
Hera wUl ba a largw demand for
need from California polnta ba-
n Beptambar 1 and October 14. aa-
Jm aaaaon for that atate la abao-
' teoaed durtna that period and no
nra allowed to oa aold la the
-re. Thla la probably aUaleadlna,
a -T aeason- there m a treat' de-
tor Steelbeada from that atate.
h oommlaalonera of California aU
v that tba meeihead - waa not a
, bat a tront. In eoaaeqaanea of
a decision tba Steel head la allowed
aoid only durtnff tha open aaaaaa
(Joarnal 8aada nervine. -
"wood. A. tx, 8apt 1. Tha tmraal
et folaoopal conferanoo for tha
Mills enlasloa beaaa here today.
A. Ok Andrewa of New Tork pra
The mlaalon takes la tha entire
llla, inolodin all enarcas In
iera part of Soath Dakota and
west as aVtadanoa, Wyo. Tna
eonfaranoa will aontlnua four
ppolntaants wUl be announced
the week. Few ohan-ea In pas-
axpaotnd. Reports to be pre
a tbe oonfaranca ahow that tba
41atrlot at now ta tba moat proa
'MmdlUoa In its history, many
aents la chare hes and naraon
atg been eompleted daring taa
ve months. -' ,
: - i
ry low round trip rates from
to Baltimore, lid., September
d M, account Sovereln Orand
X O. F. Tlckeu win ba aood
n until October t. Peter Har--al
aaanL Baa franrlaoo, Cat;
jtln. O. P. A., Chlcaao. Ticket
1 Clark Street. .Chicago.
. -V (Journal Special Servioa)
" London, Sapti .-Tba oommlastoa ap
pointed under the treaty oonotuded Uat
January between. Great Britain anrlhe
United Btataa ta.aettl If foeelMe. tha
lonaatandiB dlapute over tna Aiaaaaa
boundary, met thla mornina; at tba Brit
lah foretfa efflce and formally oraanlaed.
Those areaant Included tha tnree Brltlah
oommlaalonera 4xrd Alverstona. Sir
Louia Jatta (llantanaat-aovernor of Que
bec) and Mr. A. B. Ayleswortb. K. C
and the three Amrloaa ce ta m laaionera '
Secretary Root, Senator Lodaa and Sen
ator Turner. T in addition there 1
Dreeent a areat array of oounaal to1 pre
sent tha two -aides Of tha eaaa. Tha
question at laeue was not entered Into
today, tba fnltlal aeaalon balna -devoted
to tha work of organisation and tna ax
chance of eourteaiea.
Tba Alaskan boundary dispute la One
of lone standing. Since 1171 Canada
baa been bail Ins attention to tha quea
Uen year after year. In 111 a Joint
blah commission of English and Amarl
oaa representatives tried ta settle the
quarrel, but failed.
Tha territory In dispute1 oovera aa area
of unward of 10,000 aqua re miles. For
the moat part It la mountainous, bat -It
Include valuable gold mines. Tha quar
rel eentera around tba question of the
whereabouta of tnq boundary between
Alaska and Canada. Ortflnally Alaska
was' Russian territory. I 1 the
boundary Una was defined on paper by a
treaty between Rueeia and Great Brit
aln. In 117 tha United State bought
Alaska from tha caar, and then tha Ca
nedlanAlaakau frontier beamir ta ba peo
pled. Aa the boundary line fixed by tha
lilt traalv had never been nrooerly sur
veyed, dtaputee arose between! Canada
and tba new nwnera of Alaska.
Throughout nlmoet Us entire length
tha disputed territory ad)olna British
Columbia on Its westward aide. The re
maining portion '1n 'dispute adjoma ha
famous Yukon territory, and Includes
tha eastern boundary of tha coast strip
from the vtetntty af Tafewtat ta tha
141st marMtan. .
So tar as tha latter la' concerned, tha
ownership of towns like Skagway and
Dyea, famous In tha great Klondike Sold
rush, la In question. Tba Klondike. In
deed, la directly affected by the quar
rel, which Jt la now hoped' will ,a set
tled. The Ingresa and egress to thla
area ara by Way of tha LYnn oanaL Tha
Americans claim that thla canal, plus a
belt of territory' SO miles aaat of It. be
longs to the United Statee; while Canada
demands that a great portion af tea up
per 'part of the canal, together with
slice of territory to tha aaat. ba recog
nissd as part of tha dominion. , . t
(Journal Special Service.)
' Baltimore.. Md.. Sept. Both parties
ara holding their state primaries todayj
Tba- result ta . awaited with Interest
throughout tha country, aa tha
pa law .ia-Maryland thla year ia
tlonal Importance. It 4nvolvee tna elec
tion of a United States senator, tha
party standing of a doubtful state pre
ceding a national aampalga. and tb
ehancea of a national democratic leader
as a praaldentlal possibility.' Although
now controlled by the democrats, the
mdVTBJmaant vola I hTm state" Ta the
balance of power and "can awing the
state either way.. It la tba Uncertainty
surrounding the Independent vota that
paadea - tba political managers. aft-
Klnley carried tba state both tl
Eight yaara ago tha republ Icana awept
tt on tha state ticket and elected a
United Statee senator. Four yaara later
tha democrata recovered atate control.
Tha republicans ara "at a disadvantage
thla year because of factional differ
ence, while tha democrata an
pexattveiy united.
- For governor tha republican candidate
will in all probability ba Stevenson
Williams, of Hartford county, aa emin
ent lawyer, who, aa a member of tha
legislature, has made a eplendtd flght
'for anti-bribery and fair elections. The
leading democratic candidate for gov
ernor Is Edwin Warn eld, president af
tha Fidelity Deposit company and
prominent financier. , Ifr. Warneld has
had a wide experience la politics. For
years before ha became tha head of a
great financial Institution he waa prom
inent fat politics aa one of Gorman's
lieutenant . '
Tba tickets thai year will ba among
tba largaet aver voted for. Including
governor, state controller, attorney gen
eral, members af tha legislature, two
Judges of tha supreme bench of Baltl
mora City, and a a umber of minor ofil
(Journal Special Service.)
Newport. R. L. Sept. t. Tbe world of
fashion turned out In full foroa at noon
today for tha wadding of atlas Gladys
Brooks ta Mr. Eugene V. K. Thayer.
which took place at Trinity church. The
sanctuary was elaborately decorated, and
tba altar filled with roeca.. oyer - which
number af lighted tapers east their
soft light. Tha Rev. Ernest J. Dunne,
aaaietant rector, performed tha cere
mony, aaaleted by tha Rev. Mr. Ball.
-of Oroton school, Maaa Tha brldev-
malda were Miss Marlon - Flan. Mtaa
Constance Lilvermore, MlaS Anna Thay
er, Mlaa Adelaide Randolph and Mies
Fannie laeltn. . Mr. Thayer was attended
by Mr, Jamas Jack eon of Boston, and
tha usher were Mr, Reginald Brooks.
Mr. Delancey Jay,' Mr. Philip Llvermore,
Mr.' Theodora Douglas Robinson. Mr.
Charles H Perkins, Mr Gordon Fair
child. Mr. Hugh Mlnturn, Mr.- George
Snow and Mr. Reginald Board man. The
bride Is ths daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
H. Mortimer Brooks, and belongs to one
of New York's best known families. Tha
bridegroom Is tha bob of Bugene Van
R. Thayer of Boston. The honeymoon
will ba apent on tba yacht Varuna, be
longing to Bugene Hlgglaa, tha bride's
aM ' aw up f aam ,
Brass, DMna Knowledfc,
- but oaa blood and one power .
aaa tha pons of the skm with
. - Purify tba blood gnd
cae Berree with Bweat Spirits
A car Cor JLhevaaatisai and
?ue Ail men ta is certaia. Pnly
racists keep them. Alrttle
pars lor all. They are mas
California Co-operative Med-
Company has a mat tacreae.
ip at aw thousand, and a
750,000. Shares $$5.00 each.
r 18 avoatha, ending July I,
! over f oo a saoath. For
list af um-01 bars, teetinaaeiala,
a Dr. joaa U XaUeaV Cak-
. i f ..... ''j
VRmovM tmani snrtca
Hbjssb FarlSnaA sad :UI COasaaa
i. . meaea Fetnaa, am and Afta
I m.
ktmraav. Jnir 11.
Beginning Saturday, July 11. and
ary Saturday thereafter during; tba sea
eon, the popular Port land-Seaside Flyer
will leave Portland at 3:td p. av. arriv
ing at Astoria at 1:6 p. m., GearharC
: and Seaside :S0 p. m., aisklrfg di
rect connection at Warren ton for Ftavei.
Round trip aeason excursion tickets
from Portland to alt Clatsop and North
Beach polnta aold at rata of It. OS for
round trip, gnd Saturday special round
trip tickets between aama polnta good
returning Sunday evening, at ll.Sf for
round trip. Season commutation tlcbeta
good far Sve round trips between Port
land and all Clatsop and North Beach
petnta Said for lis OS. Beach eneuralon
tic-seta leaned by the water lines are
Interchangeable and Will be honored on
the trains af this eomoany In either di
rection between Portland and Astoria.
Additional Information wtl be gladly
furnished upon application to Mr, C. A.
Ntowar-t, eommerclal agent ,241 Alder
street. -mmf
ad satis
iseva fog a Xika A
Am to Be
far Parpostaiaa
AvaOaaie, ta aa Veieaa
. "The excellent results aeblsved at Be
attle by tha Oregon delegation to the
trans-Mlsslsslppl eommerclal eoagraaa
have moved to the suggestion that this
state saoujd have adequate repreeenta
Won at Oadea la tha sessions of ths
national Irrigation congress. Pursuant
with this Idea, a special oar fee a dele
gation has been considered and the dis
play of an exhibition, of Oregon re
sources therein. ' '
The gathering of aa exhibit la at
ready assured. Colonel Judaoa, Indus
trial agent of the O. R. A M.. had been
Instructed by bis company to assemble
auch an exhibit and make It thoroughly
representative of tbe commonweal tn.
Colonel Judaoa baa been busily at work
and has accomplished what he sought.
Ths exhibit will be la either hia per
sonal charge or ta the care u a. L
SmHh of Mood Rlvar.
Urgent appeals are being sada for
representation. Letters from the Irri
gation congress officials are oomlng to
various persona and In all It Is set forth
that Oregon cannot afford to neglect this
opportunity to get before the people.
This opportunity la two-fold to ad
vertise the Lewis and Clark fair and to
secure proper attention to Oregon's In
terests In ths Irrigation aparatiens of the
federal government. , ,
Two letters received hi Portland by a
buslneae awa who la deeply Interested
In the subject are from Professor F. G.
Young of the University of Oregon and
T. G. Haneyv mayor of Pendleton. Pro
fessor Young writes front Baa Francisco
urging large representation and setting
forth the good that will accrue If the
people hers realise - the advantages of
being at Ogden. He suggests effort to
secure the congreaa for Oregon la 1MI,
and eleae study before the coming legis
lature ,of problems pertaining la lrrlga-
"It Is to be hoped." writes Professor
Toung. "that Governor Chamberlain will
attend the congreaa, and thus lend his
influence to the good of Oregon la irriga
tion mattera. If you will inform me of
Oregon's -program at Ogden, I- will try
ta assist it while here and also at St
Louis, whither I go before reaching Og
den, It Is my Intention to give a course
of tnetructloa at the university pext
year oa irrigation institutions. " .
" ntayee MaiUy Ttowe. ' ' ; 1
Mayor. Halley of Pendleton alas urges
that Governor Chamberlain be Induced
t9 attend the Ogden meeting. He baa
been striving to seowreat least four
delegates from Umatilla county, and to
working to create Interest locally. . .. Ha
believes the time to ripe to evystantse
sentiment In this state end to get tangi
ble reeulta from the prevtone agitation.
A special oar may be secured for II
delegates. More than that number
should go from Portland. The eovarnor
has 10 delegates to appoint, tha mayor
feuri eommerclal badtaa two each, and
various other delegates may be named,
making a total from tba atate of eeverel
score. It Is earnestly hoped by those
who are at tha bead of Irrigation mat
ters for thla state that many ettlaena
will elgnlfy their wllllngneee to go to
Ogdea and arrange to go for active
work, .. -- ).-,'
When It Is learned that the Oregon
eongreea la to make speclfto recom
mendations as to the disposition of the
2,e0.00 available for federal Irriga
tion projects, and when It la remem-
ed that Oregon has vital Interest
therein, the Importance of a strong
working delegation la realised. Failure
to send auck a delegation may operate
to the Injury of the atate. Other states
bettor represented may secure the ear of
the eongreea and obtain the accompany
ing beneflta ,
With matters ha S tentative state and
projects forming, the opportunity for
Oregon 1 manifest. Therefore the few
persons who have given attention to Ir
rigation here In Oregon hope that Inter-
eat will be aroused and- the cltuwns
awake to the aeed of the hour.
. Ill fc 1 1 I IM
osec:n i::p yield-
of aha BwAee
; Whan SS.OA Beiee Are
McKtnley MltcheU. who returned yea
terday from a weakly tour of the hop
Selda off Marion county, aald!
"Picking operations la nearly aU of
tha valley yarda are wall under way.
There la plenty of mold In all f tbe
yards. Some of them are heavily dam
aged, others only llgbtly.
"In tbe vicinity of Wood burn and
OervaJa and In fact ail through Marlon
county the banner hop section of tha
Paclfle ooaet the yield of good hope
will be very light and aa estimate of
0.600 bales made by The Journal sev
eral montbe ago still seams accurate.
Than of course there will be a pertain
amount of very poor hope barveated oa
account or the high prevailing prices,
and this may poaalbly run the grand
total up to perhaps 71.00 balee.
"The hops that were picked early will
not to be in a matured condition and a
lerge loaa to the growers may result In
thte way. OrVen hope ara bad hope and
never command the top market price
even under the. beat of conditions.; Ths
picking pried, this season ranges from
40 to 10 cents, according to the yarda
and the auallty af tha hope to be picked.
"Those yarda which were thoroughly
sprayed may have a fair' quality of
stock thla sea eon, but taken -altogether
the crop will be. light and unsatlafaa-
tory. , . . v .
.in ini...m .t j
. (Journal Baaclal Service.)' -
Washington. D. C, Sept . Carroll
Institute, one of the best known Cath
olic InetltttUone ta-Amerlea. celebrated
Its loth anniversary today with a public
meeting and banquet -attended by diplo
mats, public officiate and scores of other
eminent members of the Roman Catholic
Church. -
Tbe Institute, which was founded In
1171, and named In honor of Arohblshop
Carroll of Maryland, baa for a Quarter
of a century been the center of Roman
Catholic social anl literary life In the
tlonal capital. , Brilliant receptions to
high dignitaries of the church, conven
tions of national Interest to Catholics
and maaa meetings of mere than local
importance have been held within Its
walla ob varloua occaalons, all of which
has caused the institute to become a
familiar name among tha Cathollcpeo-
pie of the entire country.' The Institute
occupies a handsome building of Its own
oa Tenth street, formally opened In lstl
with a brilliant reception la : honor of
Cardinal Satolll. J
journal Spatial Service.) 1
St. Paul. Minn.. Bent . Prominent
Scandinavia na of Illinois. Kansas, Iowa.
Minnesota and tha Dakotas are gathered
la tha Twin Cities to a total of several
thousand to attend a series of meetings,
which began today with the annual con
vention of the Norwegian-Danish Press
association t tha Windsor hotel ta this
tng af Dot Morsge Serakan (the Norwe-
glsn Society), a national organisation
designed to unite all tha Norweglena
Mi the eountry. - Saturday the Valdrla
Bambrund. an organisation of natives
and deacendanta of the province af
VaMers. will hold Its annual' reunion.
-"-' (Journal Spaeml Service.)
Seattle. Wash.. Sept. A It Is learned
on excellent authority that the promo-
tecs af tha new Vnldea, Copper River
Tanana. railroad nave for their pri
mary object the eoaatraetloa af aa all-
American through Une into tbe - Klen- f
dtka The Intention hi to build a rati
road from Valdea. oa Prince William
sound, to Kagie City, en the Yukon
river, a distance of 4 miles, ta addi
tion to a spur of II miles down tha
Tanana river to reach the placer gold
diggings la that section, and to handle
both passengers and freight. Construc
tion has bees la progress now for some
time and It Is hoped to finish the work
during the coming summer..
With the advent of - the railroad and
the knowledge that It will be speedily
built Into tbe copper district, and the
fact that the route la 100 miles ehorter
thaa any other In the Tanana diggings.
It is believed that Intending copper op
erators will send la men and supplies
to begin development preliminary to ex
tensive operations aa the eompletlog of
tha read. - - -
Knock the Flies
Use Child a -aO-aHmto ncii'"
on -our stoc'-i It -means money la your
pocks L. fox. cq-.. a alva one talrd more
milk, and horses do better and on less
feed when protected from flies, it ra-
uires oniy a lew seconds to apply it
t costs less than one half cent a day
lead, xou cannot afford to be with
Ask your dealer for. It or send
write today cor 3 S-page
r he
out It
direct ta ua.
BsaWa Osast Ageata, ParUaaA, Oregea.
o: wiccjv q
nswefmrrty' lnisFfVrTC' I
tllTl PH aO09TUTO CITaiewSI
Plni sad Hoattsajayy Jhj rwsna 9f
f s.
It's Eitcy to Trcco
Wo ftvg a wrtttea gsmraatoa with
vary saguM for on year, sad we
ara rtgbt bora ta amck It ap. Patrom
faa hssns saehtstryby bayiaa; frasn
tfa aaaatifbctitrejra.
S30 aad a Oak St.. PwrtUad, Or
Tha Urweat sad
dartakrag satahrwhsaaeit aa ths Coast.
P A. Daaalac lsw.t 414 Bast AMor
mar Bast Abrtta. Both
Calta prasaptly aaawarad to aarjr
of the city. ' "
Ef try Uc:
m .- ?yW secuttae woeswna
I fiklS 1 MAtVf I vrkaHhaj Seewf
hi sutlMUniasd rtliIion to. Off,, C
ealisaMe u istUea. MaavaxTcaw wtfeunt?
mmm M M, TIsms Stag,, BTewTsisV
tat sets a woooaaA
; Tho Oroot C4ilnoao Doctor.'
Xs called great be
cause his wonderful
cures are so well
known - throughout
the United Btatea.
and because a many
people are thankful
to him for savin
MtWtK uvesi 1IW)
a sf . u a treats any and
f CSa-fef dlseaasa with
I TTw -Prtul Chinese
I I jf herbs, roots, buds,
v i barks and vegetables
ant aisaljai iiwsas that ara entirely un
known to medical science to this coun
try, and throue-h tha use of these harm.
less remedies This famous doctor knows
the action of ever 600 different remedied
that ha baa successfully used In different
diseases. He auaranteee to ours catarrh.
raatnma, lung trouDiea. rneumatism, nsr
vousnsss. Biomaco, liver.
mala trouble and all prfvata diaai
Hundreda of testimonials. Charges
moderate. Call and see him.
Patients out of the eltv write for
blank and circular. In el oaa stama. AaV
dreaa ,. ....
v . -MEDICINE CO. - ;
HI Alder etraet Portland, oa' Iffast.
Hon this paper.
Waito ST A . A. Oatmos, Prea.
1 Manufacturer ef -.w .
tasffjsodsWiasaw eeavdl
.y- Sea j tkiag' at arare.
SSt m. storifaisa - Perils as, Or.
Oa to Nawvort and Taoulna
meal oeaen. at is Becoming vary pop
Uiar WHO ins roruua people, una lo
rata of 11.00 has been made bv the
Southern Pacific Company. In connection
with the Corvallts A Eastern Railroad,
or tba Sunday round trip, from Pert
snd, tickets good going Saturday, re
turning Monday.
A delightful ride through the beaa
Mful Wlllaaialte Vail er. with nrlvlleM
of going up one side of tha WlUametls
River, returning me otner.
Ask any ft P. Co. or C A t . R
agent for a beautifully Illustrated book'
let describing the seaside resorts at
Yaaulna. f
Whr not make the trto ta the famous
etlowstone Natloaal Park f" Ton can
do so at a verr moderate expense. Spe
cial aacurslon tickets are on sals dally
at the Northern Pactoe ticaat osvoe. No.
S Morrison street. This Is the best
month In the year to visit the Park and
the Park Association are fully prepared
to take care ef sll tourists deelrlng to
make the trip. Call at the office. No, ill
Morrison etreef. for Para literature ana
full Bartlcuiare. All arrangements will
be made tar yea prior to starting en tha
iMrooiHa, aarftocedlea, Winrsigto
- PHOsiPTLT euftf mr "
Espic's Cigarettes, or Powder
rr asssaaral
Bassaenr to sM esse wsere eeeteis fan. ma
a aea-soteesoea. vegetable CURW fee slceranea
aad utlastsMtles ef the sineaee atewbraae et
tb srethe, all srtvat ar leery JiweM g
wnImwm of mi and wesin. Ju 0 OTTAB
AiTTiu) to ouia 0B MOVtrTk miDtn,
Oirea sew eaaea ta et bnsre sitsoet sala
Bipeellb aevUed fnr std, ebeUMte rmeea. fireg
rUts, er ml emteeM. 1. aesreea Dr. Dey
Oo.. Jfe, lOSPntcer Wf , 3aa. Hasj.
rre sjodl-a1 MtW alrta. Writs far Mk eeet
mkt-rnitl, BT-HO aoM ta TttUn4 by
Tba toseJNtrls Brag 0s M aad IsamUl sta,
' P. U TALOOTT, M. ft
' ooictuactbi otsoanaaJ.
nvery sesfrstted dlseaes
ay sreee danrere mat aothlag laea teas
e taoroega asd abet late core eee man.
Tn take erea the altcbteat ebaseea hi
eases mj ta uivlte Ur-leng sHaery.
Uma do net ret 11 m Mfe as tsey asoelA
Bsrttal ear a fsllnwed r S ehreski
Aaee. vitk ail 1 horror, the mm
tsoack tse auweea bad set baea treatst
at all. W poiHtralr will not dUailM s
satUat- amUt arerf eosatMUtr ef relapse
Sr ear mue ef
every pattest to seesdlr cared, Ssd SiaSe
aa free fraai etaeaae Ulat aa as waa hs
fore ra aiisieet was eeatrirtee.
BO. VALOOTf 0 DO,, BMf- Abler St,
1 1 -V
Homo, Breakfast
' Bacon and Lard '.;
- ' I Th use of Shield Brand Oobds Insures rood
health to all who consume them. Made from '
Oregon wheat-fed hog. and government ln-
- spected : For sale by all first-class grocer ;'l
tamous : .;
-B-rTh l mt
1 imim
' The Overland limited to Chicago, via - r
. m ant w ru t- " '
Omaha and Tbe Pioneer limited St
Paul to Chicago, run via the
.. -.-, - , - , , f.
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
STB. as"' - "
1 B W aA a A M
':.? - K-.J-, Jt Jl I-. . ' ., "Mi-TV
. ;. ' ; Xacfa U ta tzoeHatst tivJa, and tevcfa - fert , l
. . oomsrous sttractioiii. Ths prindpai ' to ..
t:- Jbsuiv a quick, oomfortAblo trip oast ;'.vo -
" -:that jrour ticket toads via tba CbJcago, vf
t I wAoksoftSt Paul Railway. --.-.rv--v--
- - :
IS Union m
Made "A Uttle Better Than
Seems Necessary -
' 1 .1 .
: W-1 SFVA ' Sk ' ' w - -
The Best Workmen
The Best : Material
The Best Machinery hi Mi
1 '
' . ."1 J1 . -v
.'-ft 1
t .-.It '. .
Fletschner9 Mayer &7C0.
v orxcon daily jouiuial
AMWIMrU rOH Alt THt FlOfll
V- T
.." f
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