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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1904)
i ; w tin Lwl LI 113 ti: v;:..;:aS I.JT LAKE, OREGON UL LCSQ AS 4 L j iJ li::e ea SSr1 f hems of local tercf Busy Sa Journal Readers - totoy printer 4 oak ' ft. 4 Bias ay, ft altohy Blv r Pah man (or iu ship at foot o( -' sHark street . V & m. nifliii at stk Sad Alder, tmQBi Ms , v , : fcovefoy' ft Tmniia, 1 bofftbtofrrr and "Hank book mkm 1M First street, an snmryrp'9Bm to iklMM at Ku ftnlU'l Savoy. IM Fifth. Opa. 0. - . Bm W. A. Bcaesto. I II Mil 'Mew - ' Boas Mohawk tudg.( M and Morrtooa U. Bur MorMitVo ambrsfto Wi drug fall. McMana, oo The MrJU. J - pmWnad Club, lit Plftb palatable Ttirrfr tmit tram t uam u 9. a taitn eoTe 1 aSy d -The Savoy, AM WI. en & . xpeditloualy executed by the Metropol itan Printing Company, 14T Froat, near (Morrison. v,. ,v. tr s es'wi ana nun wenntne wui ' be given by U) dlreotore of the BmmII ' TlIU school district about U middle , of th Month. Um occasion beta th eompletkMt of tho dtotrtet'a M sohoot- - Am fas Baa gnnlin Cabin, til; ttetrm IS. Steamer South Portland v sella aarurOay P. m. from Montgomery dock, CeJrTaompoa'a ticket mo, ill tt Third etreeti - , ..;y. s Amrmtmg la mmMo Uoift fof btld tno or 'for otiuint nyttihc tn ' rnlto for Ilk purpoa fr Hkd lit ' bot MtM and in bMt form at ftohv - tttann'a, post to Taylor fttroot Church. fto aim bafor bullae " It la a Man sov when yen- are v roturnlna; to busineaa t rimeanbar thai Kwlnaw Book Store t : now at ITT Fourth, oomar of Yamhill: alao that .It la a ood plaoa to buy boofca, P"g- , aiaea, noma atauonary. . . . v.. $ J Wtn mo tup oawtp to room Sol 'and 101 McKay bulldlnc. Thirdand tark. ma ttwra tomortow. Mad am Vaua-ha. rapreaentlap Madam Irena La Pera, th eelabratad rartatan beauty apoelallat All ktnda of blonUaboa pdlly rmoTd, -j L ran Bnyt A M thtsJt aff HI Only 14 oonta for -trip to Th Dalle and .return. Steamer Bailey Oaaaort laava Aldr-4rt wharf T a. m. Tuaadajra. Thursday and Barur- dayai arrtv bank Mondays, Wadnaa daya and Friday a Only 40 oenta. MaaU ,IM very, bast. Phone Mala 114, : ianfmnd Bnv jT'W. Carr. lal aaalatant onaarvor tn tba ' toeat weather bureau, received aflatal potlea from Waahinaaop IX C raa : tarday that no la to bo transferred to Denver, where a similar position awaits - bin. Mr, Cart loft for fiww this 1 morning. --- -- . - A rrias dal of anapranoa and dlay ta tram wan oauaod at FWth nd-Morii- pop street mat eveolns; by th breakmc of a trolley wire on th Portland Rail way Una. Th City ft Suburban racks tom tho Portland line at thla point, and i a there ara aara naaelna; almost arary minute, th renalnra worked under "x Tana ill mm. ntlrtac etorfe o tho t ' nbws schol district, ha settlad all his pecouata with th dlatrtot, paylaa; th : nraetora 1.04. th amount elalased . t be dua. When HU1 retired h4 refused to purrondot hi books to his suooe sor. and It waa necessary to pet an or ' der of court to secur aa aooountins; rogblf, f x " Tb PMotM, hands om. larlshly fnr aHshr staamer Charlea ' R. ftpeneor , ssakea all way landings between Port land and Th DaJlea. It la th only low far boat that does, W 11 tickets to any pttltrt as 14 enta each not rust 1 th terminal point alone. W carry freipht for a dollar a ton anywhere. , Whn It eome to oheapneaa tn steam- . boat busineaa, wa'ra strictly In It No oonoern oan pot th knife mora deeply ' Into price, and there la not another steamboat afloat with aeoommodatlona aqual to tho Spencer. It la the axem- K Mention of tilrh Ufa" ra teamboat t. It Is tba people's popular water - era ft, and II la coins; to bM faot to that reputation. " ' . " THIRD INFANTRY ; i OFF TO CAMP ' Th Third regiment of fnfantry or th Oregon National Oiierd Ool. Oantvnbein cem mending, left this morning at 14:14 o'clock for Oearhart, en the .coast, for S 14 days' encampment- Arrangements have been completed at the coast for th reception of the nfflcers end men h nl iTitM MMB Will A kflASII Summers' distinguished ejcrvtoeo during th Spenleh-Amerlcan - war, while In cemmaad of the Second Oregon regt ment The com panics reporting arc: Com pany A, Baker City; Company L, LA Orande; Company D. The Dalian; Com pany O, Albany; Company M, Salem i Company 1. Wood burn. Portland' eom- 1 nanle were A, B. G D. B. P and O. 'MeJ. Cbarloa MoDcpmetl will oommand the Fir battel ten . and Kaj. prank Beker the Second. ' The town was allre with soldier Oil morning, hurrying hither and thither r with knakKPcka and gtfha, bunting bag gagv and 4tng goodby to friend." At the anion depot an Immense erow gathered to sec the flnal preparatlona for the soldier Journey. Fully 1,004 offloer and men wore on the train. - During the encampment ppeolat attention will be given to target practice of th rlflO and small arm range. . MCCfJent isatftmnmashlp ' pales one of .tho cwsentiale ordciwd by Cd. Oantenbetn. Regular camp duUe will net he neglected. - , - - Oen. Summers will make the cttlcMI Incpectlon on Sunday nest, which In all likelihood will be visitors' day. The Nineteenth' inStwtr band from - co aver hss been detailed by Col. Huston, poet commander, to accompany th guard to Oewrhart M . . . supt. X McOuirc. and Oeimral Prclgtit and Pa enaer A vent J. O- May of th Astoria A Coluenubi River raHroad, cam up from Astoria last atght aad acoora- ,panUd the ooldlara to the park this tr-n ng. A large number of Portland Peop will visit tbe earns neat Sunday. mw rmj a tariuad Tbroa UttU glHa, waarloff tei toll- tax thtr daatlnatlona. th younvl tot of 4, trvliDc qtt alopa. pmm Mrovali Portland ytrda7 and bwt nlcbt. and wall a,witlnc tranafora vr amdor Um om of cba autroa at ah aion dpac On Uttl mlas oaaM from Baftar City, nine to hr mothor at Taooma. Al- thoust but 4 yoara f ao tho ohlld ap peared to" tnjgy her novo! oxpaiieak and fall aalaap ptatdiy la th mat rua's anna, Sh Mnu into Portland aarlr hi tho ovaalntf anfl did not ao out vmm 11:44. ftb was pound aalp whea oarrlod aboard tn train bf on of th gap" I Tivi.iH, Another child of It. who bad bona Itvlnc arttb bar fraPdmothar aC Loa Amtlea, CaL. waited in Portland oavaral poura bafor oanttntilnff; on to pnbano where ah will mt hr mother. Tho third eh Ud. Mar Laraoa, ad la, earn la yaaterday mornlna; from flaa Franelaoo and want to Aatorta, wbro bar parent re Ida, I 1 PflD It IV DDftflD 1 Uajeoc. Ta his latter Mr. Balrd aayct LAUUtV Vtl I iMAWVAWI f HAS EEEN CC"PLETED The oommrtaee appointed by th Fed erated Trades eouncU to make prepara tion for a Labor, day celebration mot mat nlsht In tba ofBop of th Labor Prsaa, and arrmnared Ahe follpwms; pro sraat for ftaptmber 7; . . 10 , mv First ball sums between taama of th laath erworteera pad broom maker' anions. Prls' for winner. Jit. 1 p. m. Tup of war, teamdrlvers' union No. HI asalaat all oomaim. PTlbe, 419. j At ): n. m. foot raeM will ba held as follow, a prta f 11.40 bln iva for each event: , . .top yards far warn) an& "V ' , 40 yards for union ptrls. i '" 44-yard aaok raeo 'for aaloa mim 44 yards for -wive f anaon man. 4-yard tbj-la4 tap fof anion members. - - ' 40-yard potato fao for onion mdm 1:44 p. am. Second base ban woodworker vs. ironworker; 414. AC 1 o'clock dancing- will oommeaoe upon a platform which la being erected and WIU ba anlabsd by. Saturday av- aing. Th oolobratloS M to b held tn Haw thorn Park, aad there win be rad. Women aad ehlldrea will bo ad mitted to the grounds free of charge. Many of th bus mesa bams bar prom ised to close for the day. JEWISH ACADEMY ESTABLISHED HERE A Jewtah academy, to bo known aa baa Chlaoub M'arlaa. baa been aramnmed In Portland. Roy. Adolpb Abby of Spo kane, Washington, has been elect d u perlntanoanC - M took, share Tuasdai mnrnlnS. The academy has secured tam aorary apartara la th rooms of th council of Jewish women, on the corner of McntgPBMrp and First atrcsta, wbcra Dr. Abbey may be found from t to 14 a. m. dailr. n Th course of study will Include the Hebrew luguage. Th Martv alaa(J mm rintnAn t . dir-ro,0ugh a young' men. baa oiled eaverel pulpits to that country The ofBcera of the academy are: Proa Ident, M. Slmoat ctce-preendeat.' a Nu- aclman; secretary, D. N. Moeecaobn; treasurer. Rev. Dr. N. Moaecpohn; di rectors, M. Levin. L Adler. P. Mudelman Unit M. nnU.. k 'I 1 1 1 1 "-. ' 3P COUNTY $21 AHEAD r-.ON LAST MONTH Tfc ewnwrretiv statement of County Clerk Fields for August shows a crsaa tn th expencea aad aa moreaa In the receipts, 00m pared with the cor responding month during th preeedlns two years, and alao a profit to the county of 111.44. The report, which was completed late yesterday afternoon la as feUowa: . t e Builfto. 1941 ! -r- 194 Circuit Dopt 41l B , 9141.44 tint. IS County DapC . 444.9 , 431.21 . 767.40 RCd g Dept. 7U.H 129.79 947.14 Total . .11,171 44 41.414.44 11,991.11 1901 1901 1901 Salary 1 Supplies a.sjVT.v t,eB.e ei,z. . , YO9.40 179.44 14.14 Total , . . .44,904 4 ,I44.4I 11.H1.44 xpeneo td eownty 191 .. ,...41,417.1 Kxpens u county I toi ...U4 964.99 Profit to doanty 1904 11.94 L REPORT ON ---I THE HEPPNER FUND The Beppner executive eemmlttea baa re ad e red a report on the financial 'con dition of tho relief work In that city. Th report Is an lbort affair, and shows th source sf every cent of funds reeerved by the eatamlttee nine the day of th disaster. ' s , .. Following are the totals: Tntal amount of each received. 141,104.41 Tefal amount checked sat by committee .............. II. 414.11 Cash balance In bank as per statement this cat.... n ., . -i - - Total ...... A ....... . . . .441.197.47 Outstanding , shook , not yet t ' 1 presented .,,,....,,.,,.... l9.t Bamnee V. .T. . . . . t.. . . . 141,104.44 j. A ftTtrnp time ago President Jefferson Myers of the Oregon state ootnm lesion suggested that babies of the Northwest be named In honor of the two famous oaptalna. Lewi and Clirk. The latest bany to claim tats s 1st i no tion Is 1 rlttle Lewi dim Bumxardner.1. Olive Mleemoro, who ha bees the third t amve been inV, peaohicg la the Stanton dlatrlct. Toledo, who la named. Little Lcwtw dark lc the sen of Mr. and Mrs. W. Of Bumgardner of Columbia City. Or aad wag bera June 4. 1904. - - . . . i. . m mi. p ii i ... ii. in ! SPAOB FOB BOMOOm DTBV&A 1. ' . Tn .awe , wssmiui nwm i iu word from the St. Louie Fair director stotlag that Oragoa am 1,009 square feet In which to place it d rational exhlbtl The commlssloa applied for 4,0 fee, but 'as the cost a en oar foot for erreaaing and taking care of the exhibit, averaged f4, ft we thought advisable, to. out, down th r::;::.TL: 1 . 1 ' wmm mX vvmimmnom m oam or wxmm to n om oagw ftl fiMia ftaftr.ftajl W Wbm tfto wntb tmoM Fvaam atl TAaw PMrt Vodajr ta tho bTaalmal Oiantaaoajpa 1 teftnCalo, M. T, Oartona yaof y Abaw4 'fAaa Vpsfpa) )iajajaBaip Portland pas a pledge of mrpport from I. M. Balrd, oupreane acrtrcnotor of the Coacatenated Order of Hoc Hop to bring the annual aseettng of la organisation to Portland la 1494. Ia a letter reodved from Mr. Balrd. who resides at Nash ville, Tana.. Jam A- Clook. Tteegerent anark fop Oragoa. m mfermd bbat tba aupsame perlvaaotsr will week to being the Moo Hep to Portland I -i think it bf nigh Um a 0tUag waa bald on th 'Golden Shore.' M -Tho annual inaeting of the grand todgo, or oupresie nine, a It 1 called, will be held at Buffalo. N. Y., oa ftp tember , A tolBt assloa of the Hpo Hoe of Oregon aad Waahlngtsa will bs held la Blks ball. Portland, on tba same date, at which tint a number of candi dates will be Initiated.. Between 140 and 44 visitors are expected. The delegates from Portland and Se attle to th national concatenation will leave today. .They are R, D. Inmaa and M. C. Banfldd of Portland, and Victor H. Beckmaa of sattl. suprem eus toeatioa. The dslegatss are ffolng prepared to bring the aupiwme nine td Portland dur ing the ftewla and Clark Centennial Ex position and will carry with them invi tations from the mayor and council of Portland, the Lewis and Clark oommle- stoners. Governor Chamberlain, the Port land board of trade and the- chamber of oommeroe. . V lease rent Snark Clock baa secured a rate of one and one-third for the round (rip over all railroads leading Into Port- bind for the local concatenation. Among the Important members of the order who will be la attendance on the evening of September 0 are B Clark Brans, vice gerent snark for the waster district of Washington. - and John L. Mercer, vicegerent snark for tho eastern district of Washington - "Througb tho eoartesy -of fJeov I Baker,", aald Mr. Clock, "we were en abled to secure th Blks hall for our meeting, i Mr. Baker has the place en gaged for hlocheol of dramatis art. but readily agreed to allow the Hoc Ho to occupy the ball oa the night of their concatenation. W are anxtoua to build op the order la tho Northwest and every delegate to tho meeting is request sa to brina at least aa candidate. Tho Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoc M composed principally of lumber men. although railroad men aad newspaper men are admitted under eertaJa con dition. - A black oat with body arched In a deflnnt manner w th oflleiaf Mem of the order. Nine le the number by which all thing are reckoned. The annual meeting la always bold CO the ninth month, ninth day and at the ninth hour and ninth minute. The original limit of membership was for 0.999, but that aumber has been exceeded, and to overcome the ruling all new members have tho letter AKaxed to their num- REMARKABLE CHANGE IN A WOMAN'S FACE If the mdies of Portland afflicted with wrinkled faoes, making them look twice aa ld as they ought to look, could see a - woman residing at 44 Sauth Fourth street, and obeerve tbo, oondltlon of one elde of her face which has and ergon treatmeat by Madame Base; there la not one of them that would not speedily avail themeelvee of Madame Saxe's skllL The patient to the Sane Institute of Dermatology, 41T Ablngton building; with enough "erewsfeet" upon hsr countenance to dlengure a steamboat-toad of th pret tiest belles hi Christendom. That aide of her fees upon which treatment ha been completed has so l changed the lady's appearance that 'whereas she seemed before to be a woman of 40 to 44. covering that portion of hsr oounto- nanoe act treated, and seeing the ether alee only, ehe now has the looks of a girl of 14 to 11. The part of her face that has had attention to aa fresh and es smooth as whs sh was a ohlld. The dlaflgurimint waa occasioned by slcknass, but wlthla two weeks from now there wilt not be the slightest Indi cation that she waa ever anything but a handsome woman all her days. She may be seen at the Institute any after noon or at her home in the morning boars, v - - Mrs. Freak Raley - aad Mlas Mlaa Smith are visiting at . North Head, Weak gueat of Mr. J. J. KeUlber. Hon. and Mrs. t. D. Lee turned to their boss In Salem after an enjoyable vlR to Sesslas aad Port land. ..... .... Mm Thomas Bradley M visiting 4n Milton, the guest of her daughter. Mrs. Craig aad Mrs. .WL Jfi. Fraaier. e . - Mrs. William Chaoman and dauahter' Miss Laura, of WaUa Walla. Wastw. are visiting friends to thla eity. -t Mrs. Lynn and aon Robert are vlett- Ing her frem llwaos, Wabtu, at the home of Mrs. Lynn parents, Mr. and Mrs. C C Pratt.- - ',.... Ml Maud Morrison of talent 1 v tott ing friends nor. . Mr. and Mrs. Lelsnd fottlna visit sd over Sunday at Toledo. Or., gneat of w r.tJ Mb mnA B. Colllna. , ',. . . Ml Olive Mteemora, who ha been to vieltlnc with relative in Portland during her three week vacation, before resamlns ber school work to salaa Mr. and Mrs. Miatt are vhTdtlac to Ilwace, Wash, Mist Anna Herd, who has boon visit ing la Roeeburg. the gueot of her aant. Mm p. W. Carroll, returned how Mon day. . - a . Mr, n. B. Royee of Jnaspk Of. to viaitiag frtoodg la this lty. . Mtos OertrwoO Bafrto of Grants Fees la visiting here, the guest ef her deter. Mr a. Manna, IN SOCIETY '" ', II ' '" fMa-ty Bafsipj stoPker Tkoa th .. . pnerasv Witt Pn t " W. Tape, T"T ;t nm 1 f Dr. fltr. Tap, of Rot Lake, Or.. w la the eity at the Perkins, in aa later view yceterday the doctor aahlt "X am her calling oa the physicians of your slty, and And them a fine lot of fellows. I am acquainting them with the peculiar advantages of our sanator ium for their patients. My partner. Dr. Ptay, and myself are regular ethical phy sicians, and work In perfect harmony with the medical profession. - "Ton aee. there are a greet many oases which are not benefited by any medicine, while another aet of oases will be ben' died, but act wholly relieved. These ere tho one the physician send to our spring. As If It wre a special dlapea aatlen of dlvta providence, then are th very eases that make such remark able recoveries under our treatment. "w have aoeommodatlene for about 144 new. and have been enlarging and Improving the sanatcrluai ever since we opened two years ago. Rlghty thousand dollars was spent last year tn a new hotel and bath-house. There Is really nothing to compare with It at any springs west of the Rooky mountains. "Our water la stronger than, that of the Arkansas springs, and wo have over thre time as much of it, and tt Is 44 degree hotter than thetr hottest spring la Arkansas, Vvry patient ts examined thorough ly without cost before he can take, hla bathe, and the kind of bath he takaa and the quantity of water bo drinks fct prescribed ' by. th physician from day 'Tne faot la, we are paytagvry at tention, not to the man who wants a blowout, bat to tho en who want 4k health. . "Plans are being drawn for another how hotel to tola the present one, which. when completed, will doubly our accom modations, ss our largest trade hi in the winter and fall.' ' Hot Lake ts en th mala lino of the O. R. N. near Pendleton. Or., and was dissevered by the Astoria expedition in 1111 and described by Washington Irving MM "Astoria. Dr. Tap win be la the etty the great er mart of this week, calling on th phjr- stdans and frtenda. . BOARING FOR OIL : NEAR ST. JOHNS H Ogiua B. I. Ogdatt, who discovered petroleum on bis land a mile north of St. Johns early tost spring, is busily engaged la boring for oil and to down 149 feet. 1 know that oil to her," ho aald. pro ductng a phial of erude ell. "It has been tested aad will bum and I feel confident that wa will strike tba vein one of three days." Th oil was discovered during the high water early tn the spring while -Mr. Ocden and bis son -war paaetng over tba ape where th well to being bored. Aa oil scum was seea on the water fend upon being analysed proved to be petroleum. -Experts," declared Mr. Ogden, tested th seepage and examined wit premise aad they all tell me that there to white oil ther ef excellent quality. -Shortly after the oil was discovered company waa formed In Portland with a capital stock of 9440,000 to develop the land. The ofltoera are: aV L Ogdo, rrldentt Gordon S. Ogdea. secretary; hi Tench, as lstant secretary, and Edward T. Taggart, attorney and treas urer. The officers, with the exception of Gordon S. Ogdea, and ;w1th Joeeph Paqust and Joelah Miller, form the board ef dJroctora. . GfvtDl Her a Chascc 0 would refue a woman to do the right thing T There are few who would deny her the ehanoe to wear a Natural Body Brace when aba Beads it, Thla brace to Immediate and permanent a a relief aad euro for women who have aay Internal weak nee. It to sold oa I days trial, free, by J. A. Clemeason. druggist, corner Second and Tam hi II streets, Portland, Or, This to th drug store where "Rum and Pin," the great est of all cough cures. Is sold, and where all th great speelalttoa for all kinds of ailments are sold, most of which are guaranteed. ' Th most delightful trip across the continent to via tho Denver A Rt Orande. the ocenls line of the world Apply at 114 Third street, Portland, far rate. AMen! lanIwtBtBrand. YOU CAN APPEAR nCCT A HVA MT A I TO TfIB eUsU4e7 f a fib i i ly' mmmm m l wi s Br m rj.'iv ' : i I .'a anil in smmBBBmmmas . .mmWjsaaxBBsBM A: ROSE UilE 7 SBBrnT BXACMAB P, A P0- 9Ta4BMBJty0J OBBBTBft 04T4? t verily beltove." said Henry Black- man. who has returned from a Journey through the Interior, "that within t or fifteen years Harney county will be the greatest county in the etate, outside of Multnomah. The people are awake to their promised future, and are build-H tog hope high and rosea to. Over there are vaUey susceptible of reclamation by Irrlgattoa. . Qovrnmnt parties of engineer am In lb field, and am van ning lino here aad there. . They are looking eat reasrvoir alto, and they are finding them. - t "Take Sltvteo valley, for tnetanc. It to 44 mile long and 40 wide. Th kind to rich and the water may be led down from tho hill to abundance. It would be so wonderful a producer, with water en the land, that It to almost beyond thought to estmate what would eeata worn it ' "In Malheur county, adjoining, ' 1 a other Immense project of the national government. It la along the Malheur river,- end endjass atretohee of arid land may be brought under the plow or dotted with orchards, when oaes th water ba boea turned Into th ditch. "At this time, thua lands near noth ing but sagebrueh end Jack rabMta. But. it ia an adage of th West that land that has raised sagebrueh will raise rich fruits or vegetable with water supplied to moisten It. "The Interior .need railroads. But there to no necessity to worry over that, tf only these Irrlgattoa pleas carry In Harney and Malheur counties. The railroad people will go Into that region la a hurry, after the water has trans formed It from a scene of desolation la places -to a picture of plenty and prosperity. I am not to be understood a caylng that that country to a desert aa a whole Bat, although tn many place are rich valleys, the possibilities win' be brought , out only by extensive Irrlgattoa systems.' - "THE CHRISTIAN" IN EASTERN OREGON (Journal Special Service.) Pendleton, Or Sept g. The theatre season opened tn this eity Monday night with the presentation of "The Christian" by the Baker company ef Portland, aad a peaked house greeted the performance. Thai play was ably presented and well received. Mice Counties aa Gloria Queyle wa at her beat and rendered. thrilling interpretation of the role. The emo tional pert of the difficult role were eepeotolly dramatic, and in every ettmex. ah arose to the fun meanlag and spirit of the pley. The rounds of applanae which greeted her and th kindly ex pressions of sat Is faction which are beard on every hand prov that h ha toad herself a. lastlag favorite with Pendleton people. Asa Lse Wltlard as John Storm waa also well received, end rendered his part wita anility ana understanding. He to a master of hla line, and hla every word on the stag shows that he Is a student of the play. He was warmly greeted In the climaxes In which the heights of dramatic art ara eeea in "The Chris tian," and the support was very good throughout The play mad warm friend for the company to this city, end theatre-goere will gladly wetoooM them at aay future time. , - Tho Portland Psyotito ' Research so ciety wlU hold Its first aeml-moathlr meeting for Septemebr at 0 o'clock to morrow evening st the residence of Prof. T. P. Mtnerd, Bleventh end Mont gomery street. Th subject will be "Divine Healing.'' Meetings -hereafter will be for members of the society only, except when otherwise announced. yLAJTS RATB BBBV Oa Valley do By t Mllia lasy B ykesl BnAat Waam Piejiato ta ' Leads to sTrntmay and Btolkou Oeaa Ues bo Vtn Beat Abas lastly Wkaa pHwlai KavoBeea Balls, , 1 :, aTBeU' T. eTml 1 1 eTmVI atef DURINO mllSINESS "Nusac" ; FOUR BUTTON SACK SUIT : dsslgn and shapeliness this I the dresser' Idea ef snappy apparel that gives a maa aa Individual appeeraooa. Mea with an appreciative eye for high elaaa tailored clothes will disesra euautte to It Meets the Taste Of the man who knew what oastom tailored clothe am tike at taolr bMt. Made by Crouo ft Brandeger ef UUea. N. manufacturing milora, It to metropolitan la otyto. and betas; perfeot-Sttlng, It appeals parttoutorty to th maa woe dartres that edo-by-the-best-milorM air about hla clothe. Made to a variety of worsteds and cheviot. A eomparleoa of price and qualltlee will convince yon our prices are from one to taree eouara jess oa a suit .7 $10.00 J13.50 w. h. rmoiL co. -ev - QRAISO AVE, THIS mocniug ws oosn trior) dram! r rotors novntrisS in pftttmrB 4wft and . turn's Pall styles In fancy shirts, mr . for men, and right hemrtily wia thsy bs we man sb know good things whts tbty se ther; iUnoctt for aimonsB pad waastev . . LAST DAYS. Of OUX OPaUCIG WATCH SALS t " ft- ISSSj'iMori'-'. About., v S blUENTAL RUGG M W believe hi Oriental frags for floor oovermg beeaue fbey ara the) beet of all carpet lags. Half their peeetbilltlee have sot been brought out as daooratlona. Let any person become well acquainted wnk tbepj aad now beauty will xeanlfeat lUalf dally. We are holding our FALL OPENING SALE Of Orieatal Rugsthts week aa a season's starter. Bvery Bus fa owp took at materially radueed ia price, and all our regular price .are made strictly on a oommeretol basis; as sentiment or myatery can have aay lodgment with us. Bvery Rug we show to here because expert and arttotto Judgment found merit a It. and on that merit we offer them to oar custom em Whea yea buy Mug do the same as yea would whan buyta dia- mondS" get them from nomoone who to responsible. With us tba sale le not completed unU) the oaetomer to fully satisfied. . Take time to sletlnv buy them to daylight and yav will artos tkoat aa trees THEATERS At Shield' park aa unusually artrao- ttve Mil baa boea prepared for the com ing week. Beainnlna- smiday filgm l ni oomeny and novelty ecu will appear la addition to Orace Waltoa Haynla, who makes her initial bow In vaudeville to raise funds tn aeflara the release of bar husband. now to Seettl Jail, lb to talented toeutloatot and a goo rtager A A rood smatsur bill has navad for Skialds' nark tonoircv Bight. Two young ladles will appear along with two other euuaily as interesting acta. Thla "reel" ahowrtakes Piece after tne resular orogram, and by the way tne regular program at thl awpuwr amuee ment ntooa this week to the beet of the OF OASfPOBnTXA. -Ths Hills ef Callfornto- will be pre sented by Mr. Bacon at Cordray' at a special matinee on Saturday. Saturday night closes Hh engagement. Meat Sun day she Mordent-Humphrey company will eommaeo a weeKB enagmnt. preefnun for the first ttase bm Tba Legfa er newer.- -.- "BIG JaTF B!EN 1 : GO TO HOP FIELDS Bvery trata bound for tfc upper Wil lamette valley bear .aoorss or aop plokers. People of almoet every grade of th middle class make up the throng that Sits th yards durtog the picking season. From the family that deetree a proStatal outing down to the profes sional tramp and tn Indian are taer. Then, too. there ts aaotner eiaaa taex snes to th hooOelas. test not to worn. Th -big ailtf ma aamblem a ncttv th levee are there ready to i cure by fair msan r foal th saratos of their fellows. - Detective and polleieama ea dory at th union depot declare that elmoet every train that pulls out for the bop district carries criminals whose aamea am oa tho prtooa reaistee and wbcae picturee adorn the rogues sallerles throughout the Northwest. "The only thing that eaa be aoj weld a police Keen, "to to warn the train men aad the people whom they s going. We have no authority to arrest them while they behave themselves." Itching pi lee produce moisture and aaua Itch I n. tnla form, as well a Blind. Bleeding or Protruding PUee are cured by Dr. Bo-een-kCe Pile Remedy. Stope Itching end bleeding. Absorb tu aenv . Ito a tar. at drantote. or sent hT mam Trestle free. Write me your cs. Dr. Boaanke. Phil's, Pa. rt V! ON PWMBWADBOR .eelN th "MUSAC" la ether words. X -3 man. eteawnsraj - - .fi- EXTRA VAUUBS 512.00 S15.00 $12.50 $18.09 Dry OocvK FttfnUhipy Qoo v ; AISO BA4T c:t r 9 "TP7. . -. bBX J such sat ' i'.J ' .1 '' ', . 'V - - THE PROFITS OF THE MIDDLEI.IA1I ARB YOUKt WHBrf VOUBUT DieUnoiil" Here. W e& ffirect to yo snd fXaroqtMutly ron asrjr only OBB profit snd that vry ressooabst orw. W ara willing to props tiattota' CTsmofkJs ara of tba beat. ; BUY A DIAMOND OF US NOW AND SAVE 25 PER CENTeweev worn COKLST AMVMMmnm mm: ; Ts?r1iiaffreL 4B raNS--a. Tsask and aonosaa. - ' LOA PI BBVN , a - . MOO NT AND C tUL . , ixorp RPBWcav . : SXCBljLa. -. f . ' (. - And lb '- - . '- " BIOOCOPB. XJiWt wbck or Loins rucaa. avenina. X lee, strss, t 1 mi wmwmu, nets. eee Saw. A, tip powY ansa i .is show. Cordray's Theatr P. ftoWay i W. M. Pa loee. Mala ra wits raaHir fbextnv i PHtS 1st, 9Be, etc. 49 ad 90 Bat eC4et pea ftea M a. m, b M . ft ' votnaam sad wy stoat tots week sad aetereay aamiii. . v Mr Pranss baeon -, "rn bills or" aJroajnA,' . . Beat Weak, t fteinteertng Ban j Pveelef. m BakAiTT-BtramAkTa oOaVAtT la tea eelebrate pley. . "Tbs LMioa or Q0B" SHIELD'S PAR. A Stow That kbTnt t to 'rev. BAHD Aa araoM, ; CA4T01I AKP RABTSTk TBB mwrnimn. apwiw a. waa. SUl Be Pee I JSP' pas babtt. 09mBAb APMISSIOIf. f CSP! B' iMt T As' r Jbv! Hki 1 1 at id aad ispsm id. Baaw tampa aibwp eeeto, eea Oeest Aewsa Oa, 41 aoark. Tea 144T. i LluriIlLsr a - - -