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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1904)
,AAAlTVf fT'TTf TV( . , , . E2LDAME WINS GR3AT FILLY STAKES.- . i YALE TO, E2GIN FOOTBALL' PRACTICE.: i ! " RESULTS , OF. TJffi TRACKS. jjlii.ixi.lLiJ.lkll- kk TiImx.h j , CALL ' ' -l ' V - m omOK ivnui a wiiwt aaaxjcs rxa ofaauum - wvmtm,. stab mm wwiii ". oo9 turroM' wotrx mat . i,. i rt ii 1 1 h -i ''"'-' v iftMi'l mm m Blake aa ; that Re mmk tn af ' - -V - ,, , mi : r ' (Journal Special feme) fan Francisco, Sept I. The Portland . Browns and Pete Lohmaa'a crew en 1 gaxed In a nix up yesterday afternoon at Recreation park, and when the smoke f of the nMnt - cleared away. Bis ! Chief Ik butler could be MM atslkln proudly off too battlefield accompanied ' by his webfoot bans, tnumpnuiur wit . Ins th scales of tbs Lotamu crew. Pete designated OMrtlana Cooper, on ' Of bis gwroas-aided pitchers, to do the pussltrf for Oakland, but Georgian sot -disoourised whenWUlle CHara oom t moused to nvK Ay bells, and othar of i the misfits forgot that they were paid : for nettine? thins In the shape of snherolda that wara battad In thair dl rectlon. tbarafora It seemed to Mr. Cooner that he was bain "turned down. I to Butler, on tha otbar band, kapt ' bis Dlrlt all through tha cum, although his support vu bat lltua battar than Coopcr'a, mm Blake and Nadeau an Aesvored to rival CHara In tha muffin of fllaa, ate. . Bailor ahould bar bn credited wtth a shutout, aa ail of Oakland'a runs wara law nauii vi Mutmtnmjm Portland started soorins tn tha ssband on blta by Frauds and Hollmseworth and 0Hara's orror allowed Franela to ' aoora tba first run. Oakland tied It up - In tha third,, aaalatad by Blake's muff of Prank's fly, which allowed Ooopar ta tally run number ana. --.A combination ofhlt and error sl- . lowed tba Browna to annex four tallies In tha fourth and firth innuife. Portland landed on Cooper In tha seventh for , two earned runs. Van . Buren ainaietf, Nad a flew out and both seen aoored on Andaraoar irlta to center. ' The AekliBs; '-of Holllasaworth and Van Buren and Nadeau emrrled OS tha . i bat tins boii ra for the day, each aeeur- tnr three hlw out of lira times at bat. Meffwla wlU pitoh for tha .visitors oday. Tha soars follow! ' rrHara, . Trancki Ears. a. ......... I t 1 J neks, a. s. a If iklman, Sb. ...... 4 1 f t warts, lb. 4 1 1 I 1 Moeklman, Bchwarta. Vurdoek, T. X. ....... 'hteeeerly, XK . - Gorton, o... Kruaer. L X, ...,.. trooper, p. ' ,XaTraaux, IS i i .4 4 rotats . ;..:. i'.tr if tr nrs aa at. aa. rw n. b. Van Buren, e. f. I -t Nadeau. L f- f Anitanwrn. Sb. - km.. 4 1J Franola, to. 1 I Holllo lllnswortn, s. s. -. s i s say. lb. f 4 iea e. . S ' 1 Bhea. puxler. fx rotate I ...........If T 11 IT II JUTS AMD RUNS BT INNINGS. : . sTerOand m.. MMIMMT ipilland .M.... .4 llMiilft-l mtmZ9mm t S 4 I I I 1 14 r BTJ104AJIT. Hits Os? Ooopar JU Two base kits -fScbwarts. Anderson. Sacrlfloa hits 'HoHtaajnaorth. Francis. Stolen baaes Van Baren, Nadeau, HoUlneawortn, - 1 Bchwarta First baae an errors Oak- 'land ; Portland 1. First baae en salted balls Off Cooper X Left on baaes Oakland Ii Portland I. Struck out By ..Butler L Double playa Franc ka to iMesssfty; Sohwarts to Francka to sfea- - -varly. Time of gams One haw and 4 ' mlnufes., Empire evy. v t ; DIAMOND GLISTENINGS r , Oner fan out of Pete. - I We will oertainly win ft few sMfS acivua win pucn wwi Ire Brtek Ievreaux dell r red tha goads for two Inning. Tha red doc was ft no twlrler onos upesi a time. Holllnawworth and Andareon fleraad In their usual brilliant style. They are - va eeoeuent pair to draw to U Butler has pitched mora gmmee wtth t laaalas a baaa est balls than any other pltoher In the leaaue. Hell of Loa Ana-elee Is his ueareat rival Chortle Shields la aaid ta na 'Ins from appandleltla and may have to ' tjnderso an eperaUon la the nea fu- iure. . Tommy Bass has been oatchtns the i. Mat few Same with a Try aor band. Danny Shea relieved him yesterday in - the preliminary practice sad Mterwarde oaught tha game, Oeors Wltbeok. whs Ml i - of tha Portland team last season, la i . havms hard luck. He Jumped the Johns- . towa-OloversTllle team of th New Tork ; state leasjue to play with tha Burllns 1 ton alub whloh has sow turned bus ..'-loos. - The tllon olub alalms to have reoetved 1.S04 -from tha New Tork leasua alub : tor Fitohar Ames, Com inker has about closed beretta- v flans for tha releeae of Bfltfy- Httlen f ' ; vtloa a third baseman, who has a throw- IpS arm on the Harry Stelnfeldt order. ' Jack Zelusky, who was released by the j Spokane club, oaught yeeterday for the Washington American leasua team. v Dummy Rlhm, since his return to the sams st Indianapolis, la playlns senaa ' t tonal ball His fleldlns w far above the ere rag and ha la dose to tha at mark with Ma bettlns- joe CsntlTt, who so successfully se- Tented playefv 'and mansed the Mll- waukea team this season, will be la charge of the Brewer Seat year. This V was decided upon last week when Can- tlilon promised Preeldent Havenor that he would again take eharge of bis team brat sea eon. HcOlnnlty, Brown, Mathewaon, Leerer and KwinS bar ach pllobed a oae-bU same thta season. - If Donahue ef Milwaukee makes good, . Ishetl of the White Sox may have to seek other pastures. Hoffman, who replaced Hart sell In left tor the AMiletlos, did sa well that Tossy WS not missed. -. A Plttsburs fan offered Sam Leaver 10 to pitch and wla for the Plttsburgs ' the other day. Matheweon waa to be his spponeat BAv he decided not to go la. Bdward Kllllen, Cleveland'e new pitcher, who won his same yesterday, -s a blAcknmlie- bn'ora ha took up the : k "kea, who will , a Vaaeowves. S. O. as sbmtasnbat T. be a Red next year, Is ens of tha bla Cet fellow in tha ganle. The Boston fans asy that with Toung. Dlneen and Hushes In form, the Pitts burg team would be too easy. -MlQue Kahos has duUnsulshed him self with tha Browna this season by standins still whan hiH foul fall in hi territory. Tha New Tork Nationals are reputed to have played to more people on the homo srounds than any alub la tha hb torr of the The Southern league 1 furnlehlaf th closest race of th season. Five club her a percentage of .400 or better, with Memphis leading with .44. Billy Phym has been mad captain of tho Memphis team in tha - Southern leasua to succeed Perry Werden. The New Tork Americana are so ans fsus to play tha National that their latest offer Is to allow ins puhll free admission. On aaenolatlon teams la to allow a suhetl- tuts and atillty sUyetvta de tha eoaoh- lM. Phlladelphm was a hotbed for the bet tiny evil, but sf tor Waddell made an at tack upon a epectator, tha bet tins fever subsided somewhat. , . .... ""Arthur f". Dun, of Oeorstowo uni versity, tha American lnteroollesiate and world record holder for tba 1 44 vard dash, has added another ohamploa- ship to bla list by wtnnlns the ehamplon- ahlD of Scotland and lowerlns tbs Scot tish record from 4:14 to 4:04 4-4. 'The old record has stood sine 1444, tnough tt has been equaled several times. Duffy now holds the championship of Bnglsad and Scotland and that of tha Amenoas Intorooileaiats Association. He also holda the world'a record of 4:44 4-4 and English record of 4:44 4-4. At Blrmlns- bam, Bnsland. asrly la July ha equaled his own worMTs record of 4:44 1-4. Duffy doea not resemble any of tho older champions la his style sf ruohlns- Thoush h Is tbs best man America aver produced car sil tatancee up to ana in eludlns the 124-yard dash. Wafers la looked upon as the greatest sprinter America over saw. for be eouM sprint any distane from a short 44-yard dash to a quarter of a mile. Tha present champion, however. 1 taken the best ear of himself, which ao eounta for his ability to so on year after year bresklns the records of foreign countries. Ha Bret covered 144 under 14 seconds at tba national championships bald at Auburndale. 1444, where he defeated Wafers and several other cracks. This marked tha rise of tbs little sprinter. , - ' , rmsvs Awrvrn riu. ' (Journal Special Bervtee.) - PenWeton. Or Sept 4. Tuesdsy mornlns. Orac. tba 4-year-old daughter of Henry- hfcRsynolda of pilot rock. Umatilla county, loot her be la ace and fell down a steep bank fully 44 feet, and In tha fett-she broke one of her legs Just hove tha knee and tore and lacerated her face hi a horrible manner. She wlU probably die from the shock. After V Mental sLxer- -1 ' NrTuflvIrHtable and Wretched. ' Dt. Wtmm N-rri-i4 Saved . My Life. - , TWs Intm Joy ta Uirnf wfctB tta sb asaasAasgeaa useaat smts and mat) whes) ana wakes fnss a mSii aerat sum tvan men the sisht eeewat whan one bt ftoroad b drar wosmsh the rouaa of sany atanmtttV sat eaavfy. ambiUea sr mttraat. TUa ean SKiea da to a seraasemeat ef sW aarve which mav he a noli lassJeian and sliiiihasea by Eh MuW Ksnsistlia Kervm. Tsm isifcli BMoVma has a ""Otnn psootw or cusm sapvfysBs as ni so the asnot slamat seseW lor tba roe. toretiea sf the nerve tarce ea4 vnaliw, en s eSMtsamaekaflsr me first Iswdeeea. 1 have sard snur remedlm mvealf and hi mr tsnurf tor the past erven uses and tt h) 7 taa much to ssy tent uevenM my ins ha thud Ii sUsf i seed ta sans after atviaf s few atomic kwMSS as Ml ma entireir and Ulead sf lyinff Is bed mma sr four saura trvtaf ta set tleep and then ttthey aa and waiktaff fhs Sear antU smrslat 100 au as m bed aad sleep lrM, am and twelve hems wMbent ewy ambk. vVbaa I mmh ef my farmer ssvvaas, weabmsn, hiwsbl state fwant 4a lal everyone what Dr. mnes Nerviss has daas for me. I can do as mach work new fci a day m 1 seed m take a week m acoaamhsh. I thmk Dr. hitter Nervme totlMbeslisnwdyfor era) debility sa earth." L- D. KsWAasn, Fret, sf Monk, 11aoHs adsaa. AD eWevkes saD and lemeaHi IrMbot. tin Dr. buses' Samedtm. Tiesd far Ira book R Nervous and heart Diseases, . Aisrnuj . ItiM Medial Cs eUkhart, Ind. . fired Ol Ala41I t limit AXvO AMMMEOmM Won. Lost' F.C. Alt .467 .444 .414 .409 .444 .444 M BostOB . . 74 40 Cleveland '......44 41 Philadelphia . . 4t a. 41. . Detroit . . ............ Bt. ,LiOulS ....41 41 New Tork H T Chleaso . . 4b" 44 WaabTufttom . - t , 1 . - a H. eV Chleaso . . I T 0 SL Loula 1 4 1 Batteries Patterson sad Slattsry; Powell and Snyder. A4 W H. petrolf . . .........4 t Cleveland ; I 4 H.H.B. 1 Batteries Donovan sad Buelow; Don ahue sad Abbott. V. Aft ,. 1L H. . Waehlnston , . I f New Tork . n.....U 1 Batteries Las, Towneend and Ze- lusky; Cbeabrs and McCawley. . t. STAKONAB t-.-i i. rt. Won,. Lost. Plttsburs . . ........ ..,71 4T New Tork . 74 44 Chicago . .44 4T , Cincinnati . ..........44 -41 . Brooklyn . . .1..........44 , 44 .- Boston .'. 44 44 St. Iuls . ........... .It T4 Philadelphia.. ........44 14 ' F.C .474 .404 .441 .414 .413 .411 S24 All 7 !V ' AA BTsv TsSB. - ". 'X R.H. Brcoklyn , i..V.......,....H,..4 4 1 New Tork 1 4 S - Batteries Reldy and Jacklttsoh; Nat- theweoo -and Warner. Umpire O Day. A ..-- V t WL m. ML Chtoaso . . 4 14 4 St. Louis 1 4 4 Batteries- Wetmer and Kilns: McFnr- land and O Hall. Umpire Em alio. Pitteburs ..r.4 14 4 Cincinnati . . Y I T 1 Batteries Ptallllppt and Pnelpa; Hahn aad reus. Umpire Johnstone. - ' A FbilsSeTpble, ' " FIRST-OAJChV ' .... (T, . - ftltm Boston . 4 4 4 Philadelphia 1 4 4 Batterlea pittlnser and Horan: Mitchell aad Dola, Umpires Moran and Hurst. tJVVlNn flAMB.. " . Rue. Boston 4. 4 riejUhUdlphla .... 1 I ttaiienes auuraey ana morno; Fraser and Roth. Hurst sod Moran. . v - Butts, 14; Salt Lake, 4. Seat Us. 4: Sookana. 4. i f':-i- Won. Lost. F.C. Butts , . .... .71 47 .404 Bpokana.. .........j,.44 - 44 . .444 Seattle .. V.. ..44 44 :: 424 Salt Lain 41 44 Ml Sap states. Butte. Bfonu Sept. X. Salt Lake played poor ball yesterday, makins ten errors. Taster was pounded often sad Butts won essay. Boors; , . . , ' 1L tL B- BUttS 4 I I I I I I I 14 24 Salt Lake .1 4 4 4 t X 1 4 4 14 14 Batteries- Bench and Henry;- Tosler ana snea. umpire coisan. Seattle. Wash., Sept. S Hlcker was In flne form yesterday and let Spokane down with, two hits, snuttlns them out, and also finned 11 of hie oppoaaata. noore: . x , . , r K.H.K. Seettle . ..t 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Spokane . . Itltlllf S i 4 Batterlee Hlckey and Stanley: Dam- man n. Durrett and Haaaen. Umpire Treaaway.f . VAfXFSO - V'-iJ - Yeaedaya , San Franciaco, 14; Sacramento, L IiM Aneelen. 11: Beattle. 4. Won. Lost. F.C. Los Angeles 47 . 44 .,( .444 San Frandaos . ........74 . 44 . .444 Sacraments . ........74 4T .HI Portland . . 40 44 .4C4 Seattle . 47 ' 74 , .434 Oakland . 44 44 .444 Low Anselea. CaL. Sept 4. Bill Car Hck, who essayed tha roll of slab artist for Farke Wilson a sarsTegntlon from Puset sound, waa the easiest kind of a mark yeeterday for Morley'e crew of a tare. The Angels found Carrtck for a tout of 14 hits, which netted them 11 runs. Andrews and Braahear. for tha visitors, distinguished thsmselves with loan drlvaa.. Score: Los An sales 44114444 it t aoattie. ...sstllSSS S IS 1 Batteries Drlnkwater and Spies and Hurlburt: Carrtck sad Brero. Umnlre iiwooaid. Franclsoo team had an assy thins yes terday with Sacramento, and won by the one-elded score of is to T. Brown was on tha elab for Sacramento and waa hit freely throughout. Herr started the same for 'Frisco, but was relieved by carter on account or ma Carter pitched well up to tha ninth. when tha Fishermen landed On htm for ava runs. Score; . a . R it. si Baeraments i ..4 4 4 1 4 4 4 I 4 7 14 San Fran . ". . .1 4 4 1 4 1 4 7 14 11 4 Batteries -Brown and Oraham: H Carter sad Xearfoae, Umpire vC nell. Too hfoOlnnlty. the) CHsats twtrlar. who lost tbs chance of winelns 4404 by not pltchlns his team to victory In their second same with tbs etmmploa Pitts burg on Thursday a week ao. says ha Is sa of tho most unfortunate persons on earth. McOtnalty waa a spectator la a asms between tha new Tork and Cleveland teams butt week. Ta speaking of the sum lost to Plttsburs. ho said: "Just before the Mayers wont as bed. after be tins the Plttaburss that drat same, tha man at the hotel asked to aae M cO raw. He saw him and told the man- aser that he had bet 44.444 against 44.404 that th O lasts would beat Pitta- burs la the as oond sums. Ms sold ha made tha bet with the prvrlee that Me Qtnnlty pitched. MeQrew sailed mo and asked ma If I would ehllfe tha fea- Ueman by pltchlns the same. I said I would, and tha bettor then said that If I won the ssme ha weald give me a -proa out of 4404 and aa additional 4404 to the other players of tbs team" . i Full doeertarton sf all sporttnar even ha New Tork, Chicago and Seattle races re ceived by direct wire from the tracka. New Tork telegrapa tips pastes. Com missions received for ell sport I r. f even t tn any part of the world. FORT LAM D CLUB. 144 Fifth street. . t The Cmrtnnstt team has defeated the New Tork O lasts stffht times sat sf 14 this season. , . Umpires -. . II " . r ::t ffis riLV fukse (Journal Susctal Service.) New Torn. Sept 4. Beldame, by Ausust Belmont, . with Bullman up. won tha Oreat Filly stakes, valued at 1 4. ess, at Sbaspabsad Bay yeeterday. Beldame was quoted at 14 to L Sum mary: ' Seres furlongs. ' Futurity ssurss- Bocky won. Mollis Peyton scons. Bat kul third: time. 1:14 4-4. One mile and three-six teentha, handi cap Surmise won. Hunter Balne a ond. Lord Badge third; time, 4:44 4-4. Tha Great FUly stakes, six furlonss Beldame won. Ocean Tide sooons. Mis- aola third; time, 1:14 4- Ths Ocean hand leas, one mile Her- mla won, Molly Brandt second. Dears third: tints. 1:44 4-4. Handicap, six furlongs Turquoise Blue won. Monster asoond. Pirouette third: Urns, 1:4 4-4. - Mile and a quarter, on turf. Bhnbnr- rasament won. Black H Past third; time, 1:14. . Bt Louis, Sept. 4 Delmar summsry . Six furlonss Blue Grass Girl won. Mis tie second, Aylmer Bruos third; ttsas. :iv. - Seven furlonss Revenge. Dare Stlns second. Una Pries third; time. 1:40. Five and a 'half furlonss atasaoiin won. Foil lee Bcrgeree Bond, J thtrdt time, Six, Tnrlonss, handloap Hllsa Theory ssooad, Croix D'Or third; time, 1:1A ' One mils Jos Lesssr won, Bel vino second, Josle F. third; time, 1;4L Bel- vluo disqualified for foullns, Mile and an eighth , Never Such won, Tony Lopping ooad, Bxaps third; Urns, 1:47... nrr---' Whaieom, Wash., Sept. 4. .The result of yesterday's events at tha Whatcom County Asriculturai Assneistion's. track are as follows: "r 1:44 pace, three In flva, purse T54 Portla Knight won thro straight heata, Prince Chekalia second, Solo third; time, l:14u, l:tL 1:44. 1:14 trot, three fen five, nftrse 44s Idol, woo three rtralcht heat. Saint Patrick second. Duke of Wslstsla third; time. l:14H. Ittl, 4:ttv Half-mile dash, eight entries Bills Glen, a 4-to-l shot tn th bet tins, won, Ulotma sncosd, Adnor -third; Judge Theme, the- favorite, unplaced; time. :44H. ' Flve-eishts-mlls dash. Ulna entries Rosebud, another 4-te-l shot, won, Hlr tU Aeeeod. Pat Oraa third; Bldred. the favorite, not piacedj time. 1:41. At ' release, Sept. 4. Harlem summsry: Six furlonss Duchess Hanlaw Lady Charlotte eeoond. Fair lady Anna third; Urns. 1:14 4-4. Flva furlongs Major Pelham won. Salts, second, Mr Oem third; Urn. 1:41 4-4. Mile and 44 yards -Dr. Stephens won. Tho Don second, Lady Jooetya third; time, 1:44 4-4. - " Six furkmge Delasoa won, Schwa! be seoond. Golden Rule third; time, 1:14 4-1. Six furlonss Alllata won. King Ells worth seoond. Glisten . third; time. 1:14 4-. Mile and aa sleuth Byways Fadlns Usbt eoend, Frank M C third; Urns, 1:44 1-t Providence. R L, Sept, 4. In the pros snos of 44,404 parsons. Star Hal, owned by W. S. Snow of Hornellavlil, cap tured the 410.444 1:11 class pacers' stake ta straight heats. Summary: 1:14 trot, three In flva, puree S 1.04 Caspian won In three atralsht heata la 1:14, 1:14, 1:1144. Texas, Judss Groan, Mlas Jeannetta Wlaasoott aad Satuary also started. 1:11 class pans, Park Brew stake sf 114.044. three la Svs Star Hal won ta three straight bests In 4:47. 4:44, 1:44. Mlsa WUlamont. Kins Direct, Ar mora. Peeler Patron, Blaatls Pointer sad D4ok Wilson also started. 4:14 slsss trot, pure 41,44s, two tn three Hawthorne won. two atralsht heats bk 1:44, 144. Dr. Stmts. Walnut Hals, Mary D The Roman. Wllque, Palm Leaf. McKlaley, Jim Ferry and Francis R alas started. Pace, 1:14 class, puree 41.444, two ta three Johnny Wiseman won tha seoond and third hosts ta 1:44, 1;1L The Robbers won tbs Srst heat la 1:14. Rnox's Gelatine Led. Baa wa, Bookport, Kiowa. Alvla R, Midway, Frank. Wil son, Margaret W., Guy Red and Mlanls Brlrht also started. Trot, 1:14 class, pnrss 11.444 (unfin ished from yeeterday ) Wavtdad w the Srst, seoond aad seventh hosts ir. 1:11, 1:11 1:14. Cote Direst won tha fifth and sixth beats la 1:14, 1:14, Kamares woa tha third heat ta 1:14. Our Fortune won the fourth heat In 1:11. Margaret Bathsats, Prince Oa ten, Free Silver, Hattla Mack aad NIek- (alette alss started. JBAV (Journal Svseml ServicO Na Tork, Sept. 4. Articulate, the horss brouskt her from California by R R da Lopes, win probably never race aaaia. He waa so badly cut down ta ths third race at Sheepebesd Bay Satur day that It Is not thought poeelbla he can recover. Mn Lopes refused 414.400 for Articulate before he brousht him Bast this season, specially prepared for the Metropolitan handloap. ' la that event be finished fourth, after get tins sway badly. So aoed was his perform - a no that sa argument ensued which resulted ta a hollow victory for Artic ulate over Oed Bnsland bn a Special sweepstakes, t . - OeJeeburs, IH Sept. 1. Oesoeus st- tempted to lower hi trottlns record of 1:03 yesterday, but s sign south westerly wind was Mewlns aad as fallaf to lower, the star . ic:; .. f 1 -..-; . AeSffH BBI4IOS4B sTnXBthTB. AT U TO L miBBBsT BT sTVUISAaT, WO&T ton S14.4S4 SUA HUT PTAB3BS AT SsTTsTTSBBtB . SAT . TanTTBBJBATi, -, . $ -t, ' ' ' Sts RsJl Owned By W. S. sum Oea bares BiU Faisss Smba, Tamed at . 114,444, 4a tarn Sts si QIiibSj atsst at aeaa FaUa 4s Bower sob Bmr4 COLICATED STC3Y BY A TRITKFLL MAN S4 S New Tork, Sept 4. "It certainly waa ft hlshly oonwlloated affair," said tbs Very Truthful Man,, "and la all my ex perience on ths turf I never yet was so stumped for a technical rutins that waa really equitable. It was at a Jlttle one-day race meetlns up at Scrosss Corners, and tbs feature on the sard, aside from the free-for-all pace, and three 1:40 classes, waa a match raoe between two runners, one named Gun ner, owned by HI WUktas, and the other named Fair Play, owned by Clem Davis. Of course, you expect that I'm sains to say that Fair Play waa a Jewel, but I atn't solus to take no such advantage. Fair Play waa a half-bred that oould turn a mils tn 1:44, and Gunner waa also aa "unknown' oa his dam'a side, with about the same speed capacity until the day of tha match. Then ha what do they call Uf oh, yes. then be snowed Improvement The betttns was 4 to 14 and pick and tba congregation waa about evenly divided as to the merits of tha respective homes. HI Wllklns end Clem Davie watched the race tosether from a point near tha iudse'a stand. - Tell ye what I'll do. HI.' said Clem, loud enough for a group to near. I'll aive you 4704 for Gunner If he's ahead sf Fair Play a quarter of home.' , "Seven hundred r said HL .'Sevan bund red! Hey, there. SquTrb TPujiktas, yeou sot any legal papsra about yeour "It's a cold day when you find a horss trsdlns squire without a bill of sale la his Jeans, and the day sf ths match race . was particularly warm. " Til sisn this now.' said HL Sttlttaff the word to the action. - "'And tare's the seven hundred ready.' said Clem, eountins off seven oenturte quicker'n scati Now. rm telllns you this for aa hob eat fact." said the Very Truthful Maa "Just tha very thins happened that v sryoas was tooklns for. It waa a mile raoe, and tha pair ran tosether like team till they hit the turn out of ths backstretoh. Then Gunner began to draw away; and swlnains Into, the stretch was saddle girths la front, and. sura enough, st tbs quarter pole a clean lenxth In the lead. . - - 'Here's your ssvea hundred, Said oem. paasins over the money. "Gunner to yournf said HL handlns over the bill of sale. ""t win that fee chuckled the" Squire. 2 m Tesuaad Ounnef wins that hundred dollar purse.' yelled too bystanders. The which he did. driven out, by a lanfith and a half of open daylisht. "Before tha time waa hum? up, how ever I think It was 1:44 and a frac tion the news of ths tranaacUpn had reached the Judge's stand, and that's what eeeaetoned all the' turmoil, .for racetrack Judges at county fairs srs us ually pretty wily mea, and aae sf those. Judge HolMgan, waa more or less in terested In ths association. What did ha dot Why, he sailed both HI Wilkin and Clam Davis Into the. stand. w tinned them about tbs transfer, heard ell the facta la tha ease, and thea pro tested the payment of the purse; called It no race, and sent word to the tins to declare all bets off "On what around T" aaid the Very Truthful Men, without changing t ai ela of but countenance. "Why, ha took the stand that aa both horses were rna nlns In the one interest before tha decte ton of the opnteet, they should, have bean coupled In the betttns- "And what was tba outoomr saked somebody. . "That's what I've been trylns to find out," said the Very Truthful Man. "Just so'o I es a have a suitable endins to my story." ABBT &BOBABB) V, J! Andrew J. Leonard, ths greatest left fielder af his day. and who played with the Cinclnnatte la '44 and '74, with the Olymplea of Waehlnston la 71, and the Boston club from 'It to '74. died at hta home In Roxbury last week. He had been suffering for some time with stomach trouble He was 44 years old. Leonard waa a native sf Ireland, but came to this country st an early ass. Newark became his homo and there ho learned the national game. Ha waa a member of the Boeton-Athletic party that visited Ita gland la '74. and amased the Rngllehmen by his wonderful field ing. He waa a perfect catch, a greet ground coverer. poosasd of almost per fect Judgment end long-d Istanc thrower and a picture to tha aye in the grace and ease of hie play. PafUiuv eyesight compelled hie retirement from baseball. After a few years In Newark he went to Boston, and for eight years had been employed by Wright A Diteon. Ho was loveeble end companionable . and uni versally popular. He waa a brother-in- law of former Alderman Nusent He la survived by s widow and several stowo up children, - ' . VAOst Trureyg Invincible, a IsseJ baseball club, recently organised by the popular non l race. Tommy Traosy, will play a same this afternoon at the Coast league srounds with the team rcprossntlnfi th U. S. a. Marblehead. As thess ti teams met last week, and the sailors came out victorious, the Traeeya are determined to turn the tables oa the tackles, srd likewise ths Sailor, a re de termined to add another same to their atrlns. Traeey'a Invlnclbles will be strengthened considerably by tha addi tion of Spec Hurlburt. lata of the Port land Browns, who has elsatned his wltllnsneea to play with them. The treats will line up sa follows: Invlnclbles. . Posltloev Marblebeads. Burnett ....C. Bruff Newhouss ........F .Reynold Lanahan .... ..... IB. . Rawley Traeey SB...... Sods ret rand Maura Horror. ...IB. ,...,.. Bechtd Aurello Merrera.,.SS. Ingle.. Slmonton .........LF Sohulenoers Spec Hurlburt... .CF Tabel Druhot .RF Lane J (Journal Special Serrtoa.1 . Salem, Sept. A-The Willamette uni versity football team.le already at work sreparlns for next whiter1 campaign, under tha Instruction of P. H. Rock well, of Portland, the famous Tale quarterback of the 1401 team. Ths team haa two hours sf drill on ths new field every day, and a Tooioau ibis ovary even ins- Mr.- Rockwall is putttns la rood hard work with tha Willamette university boys until bis departure for Tale for the new season, whloh Will heata September 14, Joe KostaL ths clever mile tvrlrfer. formerly with the Portland Browns, who haa been pltchlns for Roseburs d everal of the Coos Bay teams dun r ths past two asoaths, arrived hi rwt- A Tub aim I Tat Beitehle BMBnff - Mass TAasfe Os id BTe Mad ' sf Bsiitimint sad As . miyesat, -.;- land yeeterday oa bla way to Butte, where he is to Join ths Salt Lake team, Manege' Reynolds of the Mormons wired "Joedy" at Rose burg for hie terms and - satisfactory arrnnsementa were eonsummated and Koetal will don a San Lake uniform upon bla arrival ta Butt. Koetal states thst h had a vary en joyable time ta the Coos Bey country. mm ths people there are all makins money and are enthusiastic "fans." 1 Kudsey took a trip out to the cruiser Marblehead yesterday, and as this waa the Brst war vessel he had ever visited, be took a deep interest In everything- be aaw. Th engine room especially at tracted bis-eurloetty, and the explan ations sf his sutde regarding the work ing sf the different engines, signal tubes, eta., were eagerly listened to by the clever little twlrler. After paylns several of his friends a farewell visit Koetal left at 1:00 p. m, for Butt, where he expects to Join the Salt Lake team and play with them the remainder af ths ssasos. , fey aefeatms Matty Mathewa at. Port Huron, Mich., last Tuesday night, Mar tin Duffy, the Chicago pugilist, tight ened his hold os the white welterweight championship. This title, since "Mys terious Billy" Smith shot hi pugilistic bolt, was ths principal bone of conten tion between Mathews end Rube Ferns, and for several years they Jurgled it back' and forth. Duffy, who recently Brew out of the tlshtwelsbt class, made a bid for the honors and at Louisville beat Ferns for the title. This brousht Mathews to ths front again, and his try for the championship, which he oaoe. held, counted for naught. Now Ferns want another whack at Duffy, and I presume, should Martin again beat him. handsome Matty will butt la for the loser's end of a purse. While ths trie of white welters are eee aewlaff for the championship. Joe Wal oott, undoubtedly the boss of that di vision, la beras seriously ebutrncd left to paddle his own eenoe, 1 mlsht be Ferns and Duffy, should they be matched.' will probably have It nut at Fort Brie, as Jack Herman, stoneser of the International alub believes he can pull off tha fifiht. ' . - .t. (Journal Special Service.) Dover, Sept 4. Holbein, the Bnsllah lons-dtstanc swimmer, failed ta hia at - tempt to swim the Bnsllah channel from' Dover to Calais- ssaln yesterday, a ohsnfs In the tide when he waa within four miles ef-the French soast oaosed him to abandon ths sttempfc- Holbein statee that he rttl try It sata la the future. Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. THE MERIT OF OUR.. U Dental Is unquoettoned. - Wb please ths most exaction. Remember w extract or OH . witnout pain. nivery operation warranted. Natural looking- arti teeth and a perfect fit- guarantees. -fiav w. a. wlfim WISE BROS., Dentists en a. tfe JOURNAL Pattern Department Cot Out Coapoa fifl k&j 4Bfft 4bmS T5e JOURNAL O0R. FIFTH AND S ,'" '' ' f ' V " '' ' "' V '"" '' - .' ' i' " ' 1 - I I II r ., -: ... , . v .... .... , . . it-gh- ' " ' ' ' ". ' ; " v ' ' ' ,f jBjgmji Mirsss ' ' y " ' .. ,J ,. '1 .- . f - ' . . V " . r , - 1 1 itmm';r': ' , -.V BrvCUMMBD FIWD TBW CgrfTtV. '.: -' -'V r. t-,j 1. 1 :.. V - ,. "-.' J- , ' Ths Falters srs nvarnd sm H ;-f.;. , ...... to FATTBJUf DSFARTufffrT, TOTT CLD ELI TO I 4wasv 4 waits Bssafi 4 as '' (Journal Special Service.) ' New Haves, Conn., Sept 4. Charles Rafferty. oaptala of the Tale foot hell team, haa mads the announcement that Walter Camp would be tna general coach of tho team thie falL and that George Brewster Chad wick, tost year's captain, would be the ooaca sa tha fteM, Thla means that Tale will have tba sams system of coach Ins this fall as the one that proved so aucceeetul lent year, when Mr. Camp waa the g-n-ral coach. It took considerable prs oca to get Chadwick to accept tho poe n sf field coach. Ha had mads all errs as men ts to so tato business, and It was only a week ago that Captain Rafferty prevailed upon him to help out the Boe eleven. Followlns the example of Columbia, Tale will start practice much earlier than usual this fall. All ths candidate havs been ordered to report on the field to their football tosa on September 14, and severs prac tice wilt at once be bosun. Thla change la, sf course, due to the ensnses In tha football rules. Which make It neoeesary for the coaches and tacticians to set to work early sa tha study sf asw forma tions. They have no assy task before them la flgurlns sat ths style of play that will yield the beet results under ths new conditions. Any weak team that faces , the Tale eleven durtns th coastnff eam patsn on the gridiron may spring a trick that will result In ths sacred sosl line of Blls being crossed. All the ooachea la the land ar now giving ths new rules much thought, and some thins extraordinarily good is eats rally looked for from tha. mentors ef Tele. In abort, tba lovers .of football are looklnBt forward to plenty of fua next fall. Mr. Camp. In an srtlcle la ths This Alumni Weekly, explains tha reason for the change in tha football ruJeToobo dtas th fullback who kicks the ball from settlns It after the kick, or put tins the men on side by runoins. Be says that spectators have not understood ' Unit u the kioker should not be stopp and should succeed In settlns the ball bo baa kicked the effect would be the sams aa If ha had run the distance wHh tha ball, and therefore there to aa much rear son ta stopptns him ss If h waa actual ly carry Ins the ball. To remedy this ths change has been made, prcrentlnq the fullback from- betas factor unit! after tba balhja oaught by tba oppo nents. ' Work 4,4. A 1 a a nv sstxl vb TAafJtTU. aTTeW KlRTLAKTA CaJtRJ ddsf MTsses Shirtwaist, tk) to IS yes, 1 Btoas Wtsh es Wtte t Aymtta Take sad Shsaatat swans. Shirtwaists with yoke fronts amons the lateet feature of th ee' and ars peoullarly well adapted to yo. Slrls. This one includes box plait fe strap over ths shoulders, aa w"i yoke, which la cut la btUemen the lower edge. " The modMl la ns white linen, machine stitched t trimmed with ' peer!, buttons, but . walstlns materials, cotton, linen, ' and wool, are appropriate. Tne m over the shoulders are novel and tlve, but both they and the yoke a omitted If a plainer waist ta deeii The waist consists of the fronts, l snd yoke. Both fronts and bark laid In full fteasth box pUlta su at each edge, but the bacxs are 4 down smoothly while the fronts r over the belt. The yoke Is arr over the upper edg-os of tra fronts beneath the center plait, waleh ts cw ona with the front. The sieevea amons ths lateet with Sun's that sv the yoke. Ths quantity of materiel require" the aaenlum else la i y ia 21 l wide, t yards IT lnc ; wl- S.rds 43 Inches wide, 14 n,k chea wide. The pattern 444? Is ew tn el" attosss of 14, 14 and 14 y s at . TsxR nijf a .V.