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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1904)
THE' OATLGOT? DA1XY JOfrBKAL. POTtlXAKP, TrffrfDAY TT " VM Payne's v ay the 4 f tt AttMMI .4 LMMH win Bs A- ( istinaater Bancroft tu formally nb- a tkta morning from Washington. 04 b withhold from deUvesy all 1 miiiir orders and Arst-slese matt made payable addroe a ad to Pacific Mercantile Company. The r la signed by Footmnster-aeueral C. P&jm and accompanied by Hv tkms, to which the signature of a W. Lawrence, acting assistant -ney-geaeml for the poetomce de- iBnL la amxed, Tk order froaa postmastsr-geaeral la dated August ult, and tba annexed diraetlona a the acting assistant attorney-ge- oa August IT. Tha Isttsr was da 4 1 tra&alt ana day by the order ta directed against tha eom . its eebcere and agents la Port- Seattle, Spokana, Taooma and San iMcOk It reads la part that tha - la "ensnared la eondueung a a or dsvtos (or obtaining money h tha aaalla ay means of false and lmt nrtenses and Promtsss, and a distribution of prises by lot or t, la violation of tha aot of Co. entitled "An at to.smend eartata na of tha revleed statutes reJat . lotteries." ate. - - ruettoM ara given tha postmes- ko stamp tha word "Fraudulent" a tbe tea ot tha Mil aaattar dl- 4 to the Paclnc Marram tits Com and return It ta tha aandar. If ess la given aa that tha lattara am raturnad ta tha aandar Fost- - Bancroft la dlraotad to aao dead totter othoe at Washing I mosey ardars aaat to tha ooaw II ba repaid tha aandar br tha a department uaaer Ka rated and ns, tter from Acting Assistant At Mast-el Lewrsare la simply sx- try and corroborative. ordor want Into affect lmmedl- and. bo lattara ware delivered to ospaay'e afllee la taa Oregosuan g Utte morning. er f. MV Scbwarts baa aot yet .-41 to the MUoe, although ha- a expects from tha Bui Tha t women steaographsr la charge esnoo here aant her regular report ta President- Prod Came, d ta the treasursr, H. JX Smith, ttle, laat Monday.' She aloe for 4 her tesig&atioa at tha aame ant haa not heard a word from the edloara of the owapany alaoa. ATI mVAXi QWrmMBOaS, . Tort, Cept. .-Teday'o ; metal 'loae arat ' - ' r, -bar. Xoaooa -SM nda The markat baa a, ateady bna n-apet. W.VOVM. wr Lake. U 7l0lUrM ro-TJ.OCULTt iNOTHER The Investigation of the boadltn that rmerly prevailed la the oouaty clerk' a Soa has brought to Hfht another lb anos 'of ambesslement and falalflcS' m of the records. Tba esse to remarfc Am tor tha barrtsmd msanst fca which is fraud was perpetrated, those oon srnod la tt seeming utterly tatdifferent o tha rtak of Aetaatloa, although the ost oursory examination of the books aunt have disclosed the theft The amount secured by the ooodlers m thla transaction was tlM.M. They covered the steal by false entries en 'tis books In the county clerk's odlos. V. O. Btlmpsoa appeara ta have been 'tie principal in the fraud, bat there ara 'iroumstaaesa which point-strongly to m eoaelusisa that be wag aet aleas bUrob 1M1 J. C. Bayer went ta xe courthoaae to pay b deltas ueut taa oa property Which tie owned. He end Btlmpsoa In the county clerk's e and to him Mr. Bayer paid the mat due, llt.M, ta cash. Btlmpson ve him a receipt which Mr. Bayer il bolda. The tamlpt aebnowledgea ymeat ot the am named "la full for e redemption of tha following de tbeft real property sold for delln tt taxes tor the yaat 1114, and sosts, atultnomah county, to wit: caruth (. Iota 1 and t. Woob; tT.- The re it to signed H- M. Holmes. Clerk the County Court Of Multnomah nty, by W. O. Mmpaon, Deputy. tat aa Mr, Bayer was eoasernad ; transact ton was .perfectly regular, had paid the full amount due, the ent was. made ta a deputy of the y clerk, and at the latter' a office, .e bad rssatvsd a receipt which was 4-eatly to the usual form. , , M poasiMo that tlmpjaw, after re n tbevmsney, made an entry at the nt oa the alias writ. But If so. he sat at his honesty, and the entry erased with chemical fluid. Over erasure be made the following bow nceled ias." by order of Board C Or OssweSlamsa stab Asked av -e meaning of thla entry was that aim in queatlon had been cancelled, a matter of fact; Mr. Bayer had r asked for a cancellation of his end the proceedings of the county i tot March II ltas, contain no enca to his property. Ib other where the boodlera appropriated y paid for taxes, they-made forged 4 in the commissioners' Journal 41 as en the alias writ, thereby detect loa mash mora difficult. 9parentty secure at the eoaddenoe there was none te expose them, made no eflert tn the transaction to t anything ta the eommlastonera t, and tha entry oa the alias writ a forth like an Indea Bnger. poiat e the fraud wblcb wna oosamtttod. i receipt glvss Mr. Bayer by Btltnp- -e o B printed form, bw was Mtob as to aommoaly ussd la ao- STEAL LAID BARE PORTLAND HARBOR IN NEED OF DREDGING daaardhir ta TOom, tt 1 it Warae Oao dtmaa Tbaa ray Satan Kaawk--.. Beaav iiilliil w mrrei Bj v . - te MM Oabttim, ;- ' Laat avaalna; tad rtver pi lota com- platad labia their aanaal aauadlnaa of tba rlvar bat warn Aatarla and Prt fend. Tber bare beea oecuplad at thla work tor tha paat days, atillatnB the torarnmt ataaaaer ,L4aoela foe tba oo oaeioa, '" - "Conaaarad with tba aoamdlnga of for mer raanh said Captala Harry Bmp- klns tills anoral&c, we faaad the rlvar to be ta estraerdtnariiy aood aonditioa. la the low water period we asUraate that there will ba an average depth of It 1-t feat, but at preseat It safe for vesaals to toad Aeva to II feet - "The aboaleat plaeea We found ara ricbt hero ba tha harbor. It la In tha worst condition I ever saw It. , This is larval y aeooonted tor by tha fact that all binds af refuse matter Is damped Into the river from both banks. At eertala localHms It haa beea filled In Witt mud, rooka, brickbats, tie oaae and almost every ether concelvaJMe article. The harbor m badly In need of a thor ough dredslBa; It haa boob a ai acted too lens. The bottom of the river to ry muob like the Boor of a larsa bulldmff. It has ta be swept at regular intervals or will bacoma full af aboumu latlona af various kinds. la front of tba Weidler dock there to only about II foot ot water; at the lower end of tha Oceanic II feet; near the coal bankers, it foot; at the Albtns, If feet lb low water; at Columbia No. 1, II feet; Montaoraery NO. I. IT feat; Colombia No. 1, II feet. Considerable dredaimi should ba done before ships load at any of these docks. The shoal eat nlaoss on tha river ara ei Hartln'a Island and near Reeders and Knapp1 croairina. Tba government d red see are at work there, however, and will soon have them ta pood shape. They below Portland about II an 14 miles respectively." 10YE WTURNED . SHE KILLED A WIFE - (Journal Spaemt Berviea Denver. Best. S. Mrs. Theodore Krets moraine byraTXane Tlaherty Henier. who shot and billed bar. Mrs. If enter was enamored with tba murdered wom an's husband and the affect loa was not reolprooatod. U to believed aba to saea- taliy aasonad, r. : s-,..- V0U1D-BE ASSASSIN SENT TO All ASYLUM ' f Journal Bneclal Bervtee.1 flneola. Long) Island. Sept. I. enfrf 1 WelBoreaner, the would-be asssaaln ot IPTealdent- Rooeavelt, eras today formally committed to the King Park Insane I asylum. , smmammmamam BRAZEN bnowledglng tax payments. - There was no stub and therefore no evidence of the payment appeared on the aounty clerks books: Art that the boodlerg bad to do la order to appropriate the money' was ta make It appear that the tax bad beea satisfied, and this was ac complished by the false entry reciting that the tax bad been oancclled. Not cent of the money reached the county treasury, - Hulk Aha hmM afMl tttA uttv mI. Ing cancellation are la the handwriting of SMmpeon. But Immediately below that entry appeara a memorandum of the description of the property, and this lb in the handwriting of Cord Bang ataka. It was apparently written In for the purpose of showing that the pretended order of cancellation applied to this particular property, sod not to other property also owned by Mr, Beyer and appearing on the preceding tines Of the allaa writ The queatlon at once arises, bow did Sengsteke know that only this partic ular property wae Involved t He could not have known- from tba order, for no order exlated. He could scarcely have accepted Information on ouch a point from any other source, for the obvious and natural thing for Mm to do waa to consult the commissioners' touraal af the date named. If he did this be should have seen at once that the entry mads by ttoapaoB was false. Ben retake wag asksd to oxnlala how be came to make this entry that appears In his handwriting, but be waa unable to do ao satisfactorily. He seye be can not remember where he got the Infor mation that the pretended order covered theee particular lota.. He prof mass to be entirely Ignorant of the fraud and d tec I Aim a having received any part ot the money that eras stolen. It to reasonably osrtala, however, that but for the entry made by bengetake tha steal would have been discovered within a few weeba after It was a seem pile bed. A roll of delinquent taxes, commonly know tn the county elerk's omoe as the "junk roll.' waa compiled In the summer of ltOl, All property appearing as delinquent was transferred to tnia new roll. The clerks sagaged la making thla transfer would neoeaaarlly have consulted the commissioners' jour nal. whsn they reached too Bayer prop erty. In order to learn the scope of the order of eaaaeltolto. Vive minutes' search would have shown them that the record was a forgery and that the taxes But aucb reference to the beentnto stcnars' journal waa forestalled by Beng etake'S memorandum on the alias writ His handwriting waa well known to the other deputies, and . when they found the had made It was seeepted as sufficient evidence ot the scope of the order of cancellation. : But for Bang stake's memorandum, therefore, discov ery would bare been prompt aad leevlte- If Bongstake Waa Ignorant of the tread, his Intelligence was certainly greatly at fault AH the elrcumetances proclaimed that tbeft aad forgery had beea snenmltted. Aad but for Bengetake a memorandum dtecevery would have re sulted while ttmpeoa waa etlll alive and withla tba reach of humea juatloa. 'f-,'" . . - 1- .. atrs. Ta so less Itreai OaJbat ta Beea , may Seam asm M by ea4- - a BARRIERS K:UST KOI EE Tew Ordmaaos as This . Meat fcHb Hsdwua m tbr Otty Oisssfl at Zta Vsat atarwit by Oiantnman Tim aim bum as aVwam ot aa laveamyatlom . Otty Mas Steps atb Vow em An Ordinance prevtdlcr for barriers sufficiently strong . to prevaot - them being torn down or removed from bridges and streets wbteh the elty ot- nclala have declared closed usk will latroduoad at the next elty eounaU maetlng by Council nan lmmarman. "There baa been some oomDlaint toUly," said Mr. Zimmerman today. '"and I tor one InteneVUo see that when once a street or bridge is closed It eha.ll remain "closed againat alt traffle until permanent repairs ara made. - The city baa about M damage suits on Its hands now. and will have more It the people foolishly persist In traveling dangerous streets and elevated roadways." The councilman's resolution regardtng the construction ot tba. barriers wUl road aa follows; " '"AH barriers sr barrfeadoo erected st points am -streets and brtdgss which have been closed to traflto shall be eon strueted In the following manner: The posts to be sis Inohes square, set In the ground two feet and to extend above the surface four feet; posts to be set three feet apart and bolted at the top with boards two inches thick and, six Incnas la width." "When these prorlslona are carried ft." continued the originator of the resotatloa, "It to extremely unlikely thai the harrlcadea will be torn down. Offenders will be ' arrested and flood. Disregard at the ecu noire action sloe lag up bad thoroughfares must stop, and stop Immediately. When torn eUy eoua- ell loses a street wo want It distinctly understood that the street It means to to be alossd. and to stay elosed." It to only recently that the attention or the City officials has been oalled to the fact that certain barricades erected on streets which have, been . ordered elosed up as dangerous, bad been torn down again, and tfarae resumed over the dangerous portions. An investigation was made, but the names of the guilty arsons souid not be learned. WANTS DIVORCE; SAYS HHEKISSED OTHERS' by rs of Charles 8. Taylor, a well-known con fectioner, filed suit tor divorce from Brthel Tsylor this morning oa tha ground of tnndcllty. - The complaint alleges that the defendant waa In the habit of "making da tea" wfrb other men and al low.ed berssU to be kissed by them, "to the great humiliation of the plaintiff; aleo that shs Sad frequent- nta of sulks nd for sad the plaintiff to seek comfort leutetde of his borne. , - , Mrs. Taylor Deiongs to a weu-Known Mood River family. She said she In tended to leave for bar old home today to attend her mother, who -recently aua- talned a fracture of the leg. and would sogaga no attorney until she -returned. The Taylors were married lb JPort- land March , 101. - , WILL HELP AWARD i ? IRRIGATION PRIZES CoL Hoary poach has boob appointed a member of the committee which will award the four. Iioo loutng cups, IT gold medals and numerous oash prises at tba National Irrigation Congress, which meets in Ogden September li to 1 inclusive. The other members who will act as judges are Hon. Frederick W. Taylor, chairman chief department ot agriculture of the Bt Laulo world's rah: Hon. A. McPbsrsoa, fruit Inspector of Idaho and the agricultural editor of the Chicago Tribune. The colonel has alee received an Invi tation to, lecture before the con gross on the subject "Fungus Growths of Fruit Trees," and la, all probability will do The Indications are that the eleventh congress will be the most sue- ecesful over attempted and all of the II arid or seml-arld states will send detoaatea. President Xoosevelt has Blgtilfled his willingness to attend and has also prom- teed: that tha leading scientists and s ports ot the government will attend. IS CONGRATULATED ON NARROW ESCAPE lowrhel tmoelal avrrlee.f OYSTER BAT, Sept . President Roosevelt rooelved b large batch ot tele- grama this morning congratulating him on bis escape from the attack of Henry Welnbrenner. One Important result of the attempted assassination will be the immediate Increase of secret service guards about fmgamore Hill. KELLER WILL STAND FOR THE PRESIDENCY i (Journal Special Service) 1 djyraouee, N. T-, Sept. I. Jamea Kel ler, president of tba National Assorts tlon of Letter-Carrlera, bow In conven tion here, waa exonerated from charges of having some connection with the de feat of Congressman Loud of Califor nia, and It to bow understood he will run for president this election. He would not etate bto htteattoa until tba axon- WOMAN IS KILLED; THREE OTHERS HURT Journal (vaectal Bervlee.) - MssTWth, N. T., Sept. I. One woman mm killed and three others seriouely ln4V,rod, one small boy badly burned and three men severely cut la an eagles ten In a small building this afternoon. The victims were engaged .In the manufac- ttre at booths ta ba uoed la -eslsbra- tlona,-., v , . . .. EMEN ' 1BIMM AW BtJBBJtai ' pAaTASBV ' OWB fO ffJfaVUtnO BfVBV MMMAXM KILL EE ACCUSED . ASA r a ouo win tmm maratm it m mm tn VmQOYMMI - OV A tatM 0OT- VaVaW, VaTBSm U As published by Tba Journal yoster- oay, u pmtoe save a nreeug suapeoc la custody to the person of Joba Amber sea, a maa at years old, who to ssM to have been seen sating suspwloualy m Albtna, where two small cottages were destroyed by Are early yesterday morn ing, and a third badly damaged. The oaae was laid before Deputy DU triet Attorney A. C Spencer hie morn ing by Captain of Detectives Simmons. Tomorrow Mr. Spenoer will file an in formation In the circuit court charging Am hereon with arson. Ths complaint to J. P. Westlund, the owner of one of the burned bouses. Cap tats Slmmona baa beea quietly pursuing bto Investigations for two days and now be believes that the m votary surrounding many of ths recent Ares of suspicious origin nave aeon cleared up. Amberson, who to a prisoner at ths elty JalL refuses to make any state ment except to deny his guilt' The of ficers say that the susplcjob against blna to made stronger since be bag denied facts known to them to be true. - Ambsrsoa recently moved Into Albino. He had been working as a oarpenter on a new house being erected within a block of Wednesday -morning's . disastrous blase at Rodney avenue and Fargo street It Is rumored that In tha neigh borhood la.' which he formerly lived there have been numerous Inoendlary fires, and this report le now being in- veaiigateg oy iMteotiva gimmona. . Suspicion was first directed toward Amberson tost Tuesday night when be waa seen walking up Williams avenue with a bundle of bay under his arm. Mrs. M. Bather, wife of M. O. Bather, of tha grocery Arm of Bather Brae TIT Williams avenue, noticed the maa. Fear ing that he Intended to fire the grocery store, she watched him for -a time, but the man disappeared. This was shortly before 10 o'clock. At le:6 be appeared in a a-Uoon In the alghoerbood, but soon went out1 BtlU fearing that the man's Intentions -- tea einaiil i rbr bTtbi mmb TTtimtr snaha sisbir rrf lllllIIUige Jh m hi UgAlelUL BOl Bwi alarm clock tor midnight upon retiring, but whan It went oS everything was quiet tn the-neighborhood. About 1 m. tha nrebelL rang and the Bathers woke up again. Mrs. Bather explained her experience to her husband. He went ta the Are, where the flames were devouring the three dwellings. She deeeribed the sus pect and Mr. Bather readily pished him out among the few spectators. He en gaged the man la conversation, and says that he acted very nervously and could aot answer bis questions Intelligibly, Yesterday tha suspicions of the nslglt- borhood were reported to tha police and Captain Slmmona aad Mounted Patrol man Croxford arrested .Amberson dur ing the day. He was readily Identified because he had b crippled leg and s peculiar walk, which attracted Mrs. Sathsr'B attention at first. Whsn put In ths "sweat box Amber son denied aB knowledge ef the Are, but the police say bis statements were con tradictory and In some respects so ab solutely false aa to confirm the suspic ion that he knows something about the Are. ' ' Mr. Woatluad and Captala Bimmona called at the district attorney's offioe today and submitted the evidence to Mr. nenoar. After ha Interviews the other witnesses the Information will be Bled ta the circuit court and there wl ev w prwimiwry uudiiwiwiii . : ha FeUee Fuel ffoatdssa, The bourse destroyed, which were tn oouree of erection, belonged to J. F. Westlund and A. Pauleon. Wallace Hadlays house, adjoining, waa badly damaged. The total, lose was about IV too. Incendiarism was suspected, aa the Are etarted oa the outside of the Pauleon house without apparent cause. There to -no known motlvs tor ths firebug's nefarious work except that he has a . mania for destroying property. The polloe believe that with Amberson to. Sail the work ot the - firebug will WOODS HUTCHINSON CREATES SENSATION Beads a Btodtoal Boolsty Ad r see It eg Ovov . tosdlag asm Faugh Air as 4.' - (Journal Bpeeial Servloe.) Spokane, 8apt I. Dr. Woods Hutch inson of Portland created a sensation In ths State Medleal aoelety. new la aes- alon here, by reading a paper advocat ing over-reading ana men air as a care for consumption. He oatd to pay no at tention to the lungs and gorge the s tlent with beef and eggs, v NEW TELEPHONE CO. IS TURNED DOWN The elty ssuneU tamed down the B plre Construettoa Company's petition for a telsphoee franobiae yesterday by rota or six ror ana iwe isunn, ana tt seems likely that the movement tor second telephone oompeny ft dead tot- some time at least. The members of the oounoll who opposed the peti tion expressed themselves as satisfied with the eerriee given by the corpora tion now occupying the field. Councilman Plegel spoke tn favor ef appointing a committee of three to In vestigate the Empire Construction Com pany's proposition and ascertain whether the people baeh of ft are flnane tolly able to earry out their -promlees. but the proposition waa defeated and later tha petitions wars likewise turned down. Tha Banftary Free Drinking Fountain Company waa granted permission to erect thirty of their fountalne at vari ous places ta tha publlo streets. They are to ba maintained without expense to the elty. The company reserves the right to bare "ads' on the sides of ths fountains. , Ths scheme was criticised by several members of ths council as Bepaby Bttitoto Atoisuay hais ftt lns aa yafwrnamaa Agaaast Vam wo- ' swsj Tsreeas Tbaa ta eay Xto wmOt .aid b Btoaa eea Beau Wtth'Buadle at Xay Vmdar Mia Mam-'-; of s country village. - .roc:) -v.. j, b. nut sooa nw of xmm no un '' Ajrs n tommm tma mm eovu ffiiff sTfrnaixw tba Aaseat ta a avert Fostlaad abbMlag aad mo-' Bsabe wave Way, CimpsTtlsr stmt ta Aa aTveatfml Vrb "i 1 $. a Kelly climbed S.0M feet UP Ml Hood In an automobils and to certain that he could bare made b further as cent of t.OOt feet to the snow lino. He is the flrst "bubbler" to make the as sent . I could hardly expect to reach the summit.'' said Mr. Kelly when he re- turned .from his trip yesterday after - noon, "but I can tell you that an auto mobile win bring a man within i.oet feet , of the notch. With the machine tt to possible for a man to leave Portland oa a Saturday morning, ride 10.001 feet up Hood's slope, walk to the summit and be home la time for dinner Mon day." - . . Mr. Kelly made the trio to Mfc Hood tn a aingie-soatsd automobile last Sat urday. He left Portland at 11 o'clock tn the morning to carry provisions to his family and tha family of Dr. Rich mond Kelly, who are oamplng at the foot of the mountain, and he arrived at his destination la Ave hours, running time, although often all four wheels wars op to the hub in mud tn the road aaat of Pleasant Home, Ths ascent of the mountain to beat told la Mr. Kelly's hewn words: . Ths xrade." ho said this morning. "waa a tees, and the front, wheels would often fly ont the road and spth In ths air. The rua was exciting and exh (Iter ating end, never thinking of danger, X turned the power on fulL The brake gave way, but relying apon the engine. I kept moving up the trail that la trav eled b -eaddie horses and oooasfonnily by tea ma Svery once In a while I would stick ta the bogs and would have ta drive forward to make a track, then run back and then forward again ta order to force my way through. The trip up to tha height of I.0M feet was delightful one, and I believe I could have gone to the snow Una, I Bad not time to make tt. however, aa I had to return to the camp and bring my wife and children back to town. Comlna home, we ran slowly, oa account of the hMkH hp In Kn aprlv in w !.... TURNED ON GAS AND : WROTE UNDERTAKER ft-fty Jb 4 (Journal Special Service. - -li Bah Franetsoo, Sept I Mra . ' I Putsch, 70 years of aga, wrote a letter to aa undertaker, mailed tt and thai connected a rubber 'tube to a gag let and placed one end In her mouth. A weak ago ahe called on the undertaker to get his rates on cremation and also visited the coroner and asked his fee. The undertaker received tha following Miter wis morning: "Please call un at the third floo i Til Folsom, room t?. after I o'clock. Kespectfully. . Mrs. U PBTSCH.' Hs called and found ths old lady wiin mis noes lying near: ... . ''Thursday morning at I o'clock got t rest Oood-bye. I leave Il4t til for the undsrtaksri It for the coroner: tl for the gas.v - - ' - 1 . FOLSOM CONVICT A CHICAGO SUSPECT , tsournai npeeiai grvice.T r -I cnicago, sept I. The chotosraoh In the rogues' gallery here of Richard Gor don, one of the oonvlcts escaped from Folsom, to the exact likeness ot one of the men seen tottering about the Chicago city railway ear barns the morning the two employee were killed and S,4O0 stole a Mrs. Harry Dupree. who lives near the barns, made the identification and declares the photograph to bo exaot likeness ot oos of the snesi she MINISTER FAILED IN SELF DESTRUCTION 7V: - (Journal SpooJal Servloe.) ' Spokane, Sept I. Rev. C D. Nickel n, a -Methodist minister, after a eon- fereaoe with Bishop Hamilton today, for mally withdrew from his pastorate and the church. Mlokelsen came here a few days age to commit suicide with Mrs, 1 Dunbar of North Yakima, and they ; jumped on. a Midge. Mrs. Duabar made good her attesBpi, aad Niekeleon failed. FRENCH SOLDIERS (FIGHT AMERICANS " , fJournal Special Service.) London. Sept i. A Pekln dispatch states that aa encounter occurred today between French and American soldiers, fifteen Frenchmen were hurt and four Americana sustained Injuries. The oause at the quarrel to not stated, : ,. WXUh fM BACK TO sBIBOaT. Detective Prank Show, through whose efforts John Seymour, an escaped con vict from ths Salem penitentiary was arrested at Taooma Tuesday, will aot go ta that city for the prisoner. Seymour will be brought bask to Ore gon by the warden of the Salem institu tion and will be compelled to serve (be remainder ef his time. He was cent to the prison for months, artsr having robbed the ft el to Me Loan offioe at Third and Pino streets mot November, Last turdar morning tha loan ahop i robbed In a similar manner and Detec tive Snow ennetuded that from the ne tore ot tha work and the fact that Sey mour bad escaped three days Testers, ht guilty. - U 1 , e.S '..7 : -ObY yon naughty boys! ita flaht- Ing!" . , ' ' - we ain't Aghtib. rm Jest ghowln' Freddie what I'm nolb' to do to Perry Jones next usne I aee bim." 4H. Louis Star. . . , : ef vei ae a kUirli..! TJ -NAVAL Ca;iES . J..SJ- OOsTOOMS) AJTB tou errbrB: A i iA private reoeatloa wis teadere4 the members of tba Commercial club and other prominent olUsens by tha officers of ths two warships, jtarbtobead and Concord, this afternoon from f sntU I ooiooa. - i .. . The ateir was qulu lntormaL consult ing ot a general -handshaking; aad the , asrvtng ot light rsfrashmsnts. Tba officers of the two worships .will bo given a reception In - turn ta - the parlors of the Commercial club tomor raw night by that elub, the abamber of commerce and city snelals. , , T MMntinn will he efVen ta' tha spacious parlors of the commercial etab and there will be. about 7U invited gusstav , " Fmai Are AH Osmaista The ' plans lor the reception are all completed by tba committee tn charge, which ooasistsof Mayor Williams, chairman; and Messrs, Elmmsrman, Beebe, Boles. Cennsll, Qoddard. Devlla and Beach. The mayor will preside at the function, which is to be aa Informal affair. There will be no set program. other than the usual pleasantries and unconventional greetings. Tba invitations are out and Op far there have been na decimations. The hat includes members ot the Commer ete.1 clobv the city council, tba executive board.- the county offlotsls. state federal offlolala. the effieere at ea- eouver barracks, members of the ebai bar of commerce and other preeminent people. " The. committee has planned ta receive the honored guests ot tha ovenlng at I o'clock. Then introductions will follow, and after a abort period of -Informal conversation, a light tanoheoa, with punch and cigars on the side, will be served. At ths luncheon Mayor Wil liams will preside and. will extend the hospitality and good will of Portland to ths visitors, i Thar will be masu by an orchestra. t ' .... The eemmlttee ' sppotnted - by ths chamber of commerce to - oo-operate eaj eenfJon, eomprtsss B. brrinnbme, w F. Woodward, H. W. Ooode, Alfred Tucker. W. H. Corbett, A. F Uly. It 1. Durham. J. T. Watson, B. M. Brannlck. W. B. Coman, F. O. Buttum, Sot Blu maur, gamuel Connell, H. W. Ooddard and U launermaa. The reception' commTttee appointed by Prestdeot H. ML Cake of the Commercial elub comprises John H. Halt W, m. Coman. Noah Llvy. W. A. Clelsnd. Oea. O. Summers, Dr. B- Wbiung. Ben Keudatadter, B. U Durham, Osorgs Hnyu F, A. Httcbey, R- F. Prael, I. Oerllnger,J. C. Morelan. H. C. Bckea- berg. Cot oeorge Hasea, gig gicnst a. L. Craig. W. W. Cotton. J. H. O'Bryaa. W. H. Chapla, V(. B. OlafkOi Prof. Pratt, Henry Roe, W. H. Wyawb, O. M. Idlemaa, J. Frank Watson, Ralph Hoyt, B Henry HeCmeaea, Oeorge Hyland Adolph Wolfe, X. Cong, Bd Ebrman. Alex H. Kerr. K. I Derrew, A. H. Davera, John B. Lathrop, B. H. Trumbull, H. W, Oodosrd, F. W. Artos, Dr. B. K. Miller, Cot S C. Spencer, H. Wittenberg, Dr. C. H Wheeler, Walter Holt Fred Botheohlld, Cant A, B. Ore- ham, R. H. Wallaoa, B. Laaarua, M. Rlneststn, A. F. Biles, H. I Slsler, C. J, Owen, W. H. arindataft Bd Lyons, A D. Dtomond, I K. Flslda, Cbarlss It. Msatlck, p. U aHovaeav - .: , ULTIMATUM SENT BY TURK TO BULGARIA of wbteh l . Btoaatah H Bays (Journal Special flervlea.) Berlin, Sept I. The Lokal AmMtger tatso that Turkey has addressed an ultimatum to Bulgaria making various demands, ths fulfill meat of which Is ss posted tonight If the ultimatum to re jected Turkey will Invade Bulgaria with an army tomorrow. The paper saya the German foreign offioe regard the dispatch as altogether too alarming. The United States has BO Information. In corroboration of the report . t, . , Constantinople, Sept I. Replying to a speech ot congratulations offered on behalf ot heads of a religious com munity who had; received an audience Tueeday on the anniversary of the se cession of the suits n, he established the precedent by addressing his visitors. Speaking at some length he said: "All my desire Is for the welfare of the population, without distinction ot race or religion. 1 call God to witness ths sincerity of my declaration and that all my aspirations and work are for ths welfare and prosperity of all my sub jects." MIND UNBALANCED, SHE SHOT HERSELF i (Journal Special aVrvtoeA ' Sab Fraacleoo, Sept I. Mrs, sephora Cohn, aged 41 years, wife of Nathan Coha, a retired merchant committed Mlekto this morning, with , a bullet through her heart . The shot was heard by her maid, who found her mistress dead, r It to said her mind waa unbal anced. Mra Cohn left a netov saying: "You are right my dear Nathan,, to have) found me so changed the last few days. Pardon the Immense sorrow thin will cause you, with a thousand kisses, from your Sopboro." - . ,t Don't mtss bearing the Kncs-Kantner Concert Company at Second Beptlet church. Bast Seventh and Shun Ankeny, Friday erenmg, September ! 0eneral admission II cents, UBPfJiOaT BT PBObUtTSB CUV- Baors Mmxymsotr sjxdwm-y ,'. . , r ... i '. v f Been Bi 1st tola if fcsawe eTasabay of eaamVavtlml SmVaVgTaml gtsoMmaaVml aVFaHp4l Wassblag Vbto Afwaaosa Beth Affair- Qufles rnfirmsy wtsb Bwasbswm, Bbasto, Few Spats eg smt . AsemaV eatSaejptm4ttyv ,-C-; F.-f' ': Bsibirg thxba, WHO 'of Btobtosd m Ft an Us is Wsselissa, Fabi g aVttt Beta, i .. imm : ' . mi n I " i aarfawil . .. ' V i--- -J V. CBbsv mm Blast US' meyaL Jewet, Bmwb Pullman, Aloha. Bw aaa mat and Frbbf Bslisns Aaouaed an raeaa Oat by Obiof ef Fa st Whether a saloonkeeper hag tha right. to keep hts place open after hours, It bs does not permit new customers to eater after 1 a. ot. lo to he decided la the police court when 11- caeca againat prb- nrtetoro of liquor astablisnmanta Are heard next Tuesday. ; ' A anaatloa was caused last bight Whsn warrants sworn to by Charles H. Hunt Btrief ot police, were served. Bach of the ssleonkeepers mentionsd to al leged to nave violated ordinance lt.ftee which axes the hours at which business ' ust osass for the night. , , It -to said that thai action was taken by the polloe department after ths ofA rm had been quietly instructed to se cure evidence of violations against the mm &9m wdl : I A, mu amOTZBBB VatST ABlaTV BTO IIIISIIIMBBSJ, WTJEA BB VaUBB toy ovgnr. , , , . i t t. saloons oa their respective boats. What ;" they found they told the chief, w.v . maintains that saloons will not bo per mitted to keep open alt night although t It has been an open secret that certain saloons, where business warranto K, never close their doors. In severs! esses tried recently rn the municipal court the testimony ot witnesses showed that .. soma ostabllsheasnia war open after - a. so,- - -- -i' - .'" The proprietors arrested and their plaoen of buelnees are: Nate Solomon, . Portland Club; ths proprietor ot toe Aloha eae.. lot Yamhill street; Royal . . cafe, Keys A Weaver, proprietors, U Stark street; Jewel cafe. Fifth street. between Alder and Morrison streets; Albert Shapiro. Mass oafs. Third street ; - PuUman obfe. Fifth street, between Washlngtoa aad Alder: B. Blasler, Burn . side and Beoond streets: Fred Frits, See- , ond aad Bumelde streets; J. Blaaief, First street near Madison; A. DeMsrtlnl. First street. .-. - The accused men were bafere Judga - Rogue thla morning and entered pleaa .. of not guilty. The oases worn eontlaued until next Tuesday. All the warrants, to which Chief Hunt . swore, were Issued against John Doe, that myeteriouo villain. They were served by Patrolmen B. F. Smith, Bd. and Thompson. 6ft Whose hoata tha saloons lb question are issatsd, - According to Chief Hunt some of tba saloons under the ban were found opea after t and o'clock in the morning. It Is claimed that some of the proprietors will claim ths aright to keep open after hours it they close their, doors and per It no one to enter after I o'clock. Io some instances this wag true ot tha ' nelsons whose proprietors were arrested. but ta others H to escorted that the old entrances were open long etter the legal ' closing hour. .. -tt Last week two enlooa men were Aned " II sack by Judge Hogue for being oeea after lan Both ware technteal viola tions and ths souft imposed tha mini um Ana. At that time Chief Hunt said that ha would not permit saleosei . to remain opoa all night , 11 WARFARE - " ' (Journal Special Service. V ' Washington. Sept I. The abstract of the Ualted Staaeo argumtnt In tbo Alas, ban boundary dispute waa made publlo today. It goes over the ground minute, ly and Into all htotory shewing tha eo trovoroy which nearly resulted ht way with Oreat Britain. The document de clares that tbo British oommtoslonerg1 contention that Canada's claim to the territory at the head ot Lynn canal eras at ths Usee of the purchase ta 1UI well known to the United Statea, to false." Continuing, It saysi This to b gratuit ous assertion, ana there to no proof to sustain tt If the Canadian government bad instructed, British vessels to disre gard the regulations of the aorta of Lynn there would, ba grave danger ot serious collision. There undoubtedly would be collision Just as certainly aa If they bad been Instructed to disregard ths regulations of tha port . of New Torn."- - ..V ' - ' . - , PERUVIANS GRANT RAILWAY CONCESSIONS (Journal B pacta! Servloe.) " Salt Lake, Sept l-Alfred W, Mo Cnne, the mining millionaire, waa granted a concession by ths Peruvian government to build a road to navigable water from the A mason river to the ielnt line he and J. KJRafgia ara now constructing between Vroyo and Cerro do Pases to develop eepper mines. Tha eon cession la a part of ths trans ooetinsntai scheme una from Lima to tbo Atlantic ocean. OS AJTXB9VB The 44 teacherg who have been en gaged In taking the sxsmtaatfona for posit lone ta the elty oohoole finished their work today, and for the next week, while the eemmlttee to passing upon the papers, will be en, the anxious beat, as to whether they passed or not Tha examlnatlone have covered three days aad were held in the Park s ah eel. owing to repairs which were being mads on the High school building. This annual -test to for those ' elty teachers whose eeritflnatas have expired or who came hare since tba last gram TOIID E RESULT - ' -.-V' ' i AAaWrmAdW xb rn dx.dsm-g BOtrgrBM - ABT B1BPUTB BtABB FtTB&Ztl VOV BAT, WMXOX OOeTTAXBS ffJOBOl svAjrrmiirw rmomm m nr ;ff1f' :'t,;.:. y i- ,' f. ; .. , -iitm'iii -- Bsalss That fits ill's Btatsmmt Zs rag aad That tbo Vatted Staess Sag at ' bbg Bevasi Omstt Omma ot tbo Viang ef tbg Piitom t uhd TMitouij ed eUsbmb tmaa Bbg Biesramsnt af aba inattofe , t - 7-'' y " -:,'y .... . - -f k 'X, if' V