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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1904)
THE OraCGOT DATT-T JOTJItNAlV PORTIiAOTV riUBSrUT me mATmmma ' im vxa wM iboiib Os MASIf A W no see emjSJ BT WW Bet -m I If fHt OWMlKWVltfl Interest witlaaea te river war as Dauee. At a etag seen panics r, law iwd docks of the P- 1 morning there people, many f f tatting a trip up ne eeenle Celumbi rMMt IB the Ml while MhNV were cBwvtator to i m rivals desalt, if - Fully It MinutM (before th Toonr f ajiind. which a-elock. arrived. irnti f th urn in pmp y Oetsert negan There war 7i all thai the go. fnMt allow Tdtaery Mmi two "ago the ta carry . vadar UnMl ft day near halo, what ta news a an emeu ton permit, and the mlt of time for tlred while th tea It waa lesuea nited tatee steem- mt Inspector sr. According abaaat from tha to oAotaia of tho eeea- jijr th permit to ha renewed at permit wlU allow oa. Am excursl ne ataaoiar ta almost twwa ute rnbar that the ,e out at any "Whoa tble Ii la permitted to or time, mated." say'' MM- tha Regulator line. a will ebow pppeelUoft hew to buelneee. "About how do you expect tha w rata to eostiov in fores" mi asked. "At th tiM tha ataawihoax flefattne tha Aetorla dk co- ta SIvot flaliroa - n iasiea hvr-waa tM evasive reply. ' K.r to bound to be blc travel. he continued. na tie river ao long aa the remain they are. It la raa cheap people to travel aa Besides they wlU ' making one of the a ramaia at the pi ' -et tripe. M ned, la the ir aa cenery la eon oat. Aa lone aa thle a weather oa tbaro ta ao doubt -t that our wlU be crowded to full naaecii Irrespective tof the disparity hi tha rates tha aWecr la Rtvlnn; her oppo ,U ft merrj nhsss Promptly at 1 o ,eck aba steamed. out from bar dock . T"ith fully paaaenvera, bound ror Interraofllaia ' potnta. s ao Dollea ksy of boaaht round trip tteheta Intend laaj "Quito I tenaorrow. lumber of them. aal tna local aeoi at Mat for tha plaaanre t,-w will derive from makln tna trip. ae dolnfMft. uor " we exported. ' I ' lAutf 4m tha flaht UatP ' ak the Jator people. They tart If pnd WlU- probable ha ftnxlous to' and 'V' - - modi ataajaaraf loft at the amme J ,bftt apparently Wfth no Intention of an fnttoaj la a race.) When they disappear from view of tho Oity. ftowever. n w eid tant a- grant change oomea over t m. Than ateam la turned on, tha - vok opened up and away they epeea 1 ,e T7bonda after d eoered wolf. ....! -: : antow Vonigmt. 1 ' The ataaaaera Robert Dollar and koala Portland arrived at Astoria this snoro inm ftnd will reaeh Portland thai even tog. Tho former Is bringing a general cargo from n Prandaoo. and wlU toad amber at Whstport lor tho return trip rno latter 1st under charter to Kerr, GitTord Oa to carry a cargo of wheat and fead for Baa Francisco. he will tak out toao and wlU toad at dOClL . . n-i Week. , . ' Next week tho email dipper dredge will bo put to work by too United Btates engineer to deeps tho channel near Swan Island. A snagboat wlU alee be placed In service to remove tho oM rr vet meat at Coon toland. near tho mouth of the Willamette. Water has broken a channel back of K. and tt to no longer In ft aervloeabla condition. It replaced wtth bow one, ' Bkf Bo Aft unusually large log raft reaehed tho Irunan-Poulaaa mill this morning In tow of tho Game Cock. It earn from tells, and was fully a quarter of a mils In length. Tha rare waa divided Into four eectleae, each of which waa to oeotaJa , feet of lumber. Thd at earner Columbia, arrived at 19 'clock last alght from kaa Francisco with ft full cargo of vagctables, fruits and general merchandise, flhe brought aoout passengers. Condition of the bar at : a. m, smooth; wind northweati weather clear. Astoria, kept I. Arrived down at aad soiled at t a. m. Btaanjar Do apntch for aaa Pranclaoo, Arrived at and left up at l:M a. m. -eHeamer klgnal from Ban Franc iaoo. Arrived at T;t and left up at If ft. gteamsr South Portland from flaa Ynnclaeo. Arrived at 1:9 and left qp at 1:M m-dt earner Robert Dollar from Bap Yanotooo. Arrived down at a. m. Pchoaner Bndeervor. Arrived at T last night AmerOftft bark- Uarry Morse from N Baa Franelaoa, kept, t. Arrived Id. noooer Mabel Oale from Portland. IXTD1V0RCED WIFE" NEARLY TO DEATH awalat, at BeUard J- i (Journal keiilsl darvlaa.) Ballard. Waab,, Sept. 1. WlU lam 'eatty. ftftwtUor ampioyed ta a mill , ttato aftoraladt want to the hem of dive sad wife and brutally assaulted r, heal lng sad kicking bar .lata a te of nneonactouanssa. Tho woman's thor was preeeat. bad waa too timid to erfere to aav hto daugbten, A waf- at has bees burned for Boatty. efcarg- btm with assault with Intent ta t murder. Thd, W into a to 1ft A -leu aondltton, . , . .. ', unabated la the t- Mmr Portland u4 FIGHT TO A FINISH. (Contlapof froM raga Ona.) ' am therefore eat of tho Jarfadletnft of the talon. Fr this roaaoa he elx rtga Of the Uoyd oompany were oa tha atraatJ yoaterday and today, and each team la errrea by a proprietor. r The . aocleton to laeue atoak to all aVtvera waa reached at a meeting af the ataafcholdara held Tneaday avanlndV Im mediately after too tockhoMara maV ottrnoA the employe- were fttade ao- anaiated with tha propoalUon and told that if they wished to avail themaelvee of tha opportunity they ahould tahtaatr mm oat at 7 o'clock yeaterdajr boir- lng aa ueuei. -- i-,. Of the als mea employed ay tho oom- pany before tho strike waa laaua-uratea. Ave reported to tho oOoa for duty, and Preeldent Job a Mayor of the oompaay mounted tha atatth truok hhmaalf. Tha manner ta whtc tha drtvera wore made atookboldera ta tha oompany waa very plmplo and required no aapltal whatavar. While the oompany nontends that tt dd aot make the offer of atock ta any out ntea of known radustry and taUarity, the fact remalaa that tha atoeaj. waa leaned oa eaetnorod notes. Tho oempaay, ftowpvof, to ftpparanUy taklnaj nm ahawoea oa tha vonture, for tha braplore eteokholdem, aeoording ta tha agreemont oanaot participate In tho pronto of tho eoaoera until the tndem edneao Tor the-etooh baa boas Paid la full either by deduetloft from wagea or froaa the aeerued proflu. , - - Tho at like mean gem in t la greatly dta- oomfltad by tha Uoyd. oompany move. They declare that It to ft aubterfuge. ta evada the ooneequeaoea of the otrtke, and that the man-.who aoeepted tha ateok are aahB" pure and atmple. Tha oompaay. howVev, etaima that It would aa aeon trust ft drlver-wttk t4M or $t worth of atock aa with ft rig that ooot $1,M or HIM - - - -, ; " - ' ' ' bann Cflaam a Tiotary. Seattle. Sept a. Both aldea ta tna taamatarg' atriko are elaimlng ft vletory today. Tha employ era amy they w have all their team run Ding with union men wtthin week. ..Tha any that while thla amy bo oo fan will have nothing 40 havi. union men throoghoot tha oountry 1 noa-wnloft mea, and erohaata will dof the aaaaa la tho matter of freight. Tbia -the amv. win foroo too eamalsnre Co4 tenon. " Tho facta bear oat tho oontea tton of-the tea ma tore, and it looha aa though tho beeeea will have ta oom promlaa tha altuatten orloao tho nmor part af thotr bualpeea. Tho aoa or oondootlng a-otaaa atrlkt and aav the sympathy of tho general public -b " Oarmsa Wffi Walft -eettle. kept. I. Both etreetear ar- alom,' decided sot to strike. A ommUr tae-of -ISrJtao oo. fraat. aaok orgmnlmi- tion. was appointed to watt oa tha atreatomr MBelala thl afternoon for aa newer to tho union terms. TrsaldOBt Furth of tho oompaay say that no mat tar what the union fteoida, be had aot bad time to take up the situation for tw days. The oompaay haa enough emtf. gaon. anion asaa ta tow to rdtz oar ta ease ef a vtrlke. v INQUEST T0M0RR0 (Oosnnwaft from Tkg Omt) T fntr nor knowledge of KM grvihg of vtryofcfduBrod' haa p Mart lb U Bowers, ' J . . Mrs. MoCallam told fear story to tho police tost sight. Mrs. Deedto MoCallam wife of Robert ft. MoCallum of thja city, second vtoo prealdent of tho Calted Brotnorhood of LeaAherworkers on Horoa Ooods, made a visit to aaa Pranolaoo last Juno while bar husband waa in Kansas City- at- tending the national oonvenUon of tho brotherhood of which ho to ft member, I and returned to Portland trotn 4 MeCUlum two weeks ago. Up to a year ago tha MoCoJhtm resided te aaa Pres. eisoo. They ooeupled a house -on How ard street, sad were neighbor of Mr. Martha Bowers, now under arrest la that city, charged with poisoning her hus band, the late Martin U Bowers. - Whoa aeea today the MeOallUBM apoko freely about too affaire of tho Bowera family, of which both seem to have considerable knowledge. - 1 sent my wife oa ft vtolt to her rela tives la kaB Francisco whoa X went aaat,N said Mr. MoCallum. I cautioned her about violtlng Mra. Bowers, ss Mrs. Bower was addicted to "rushing the can.' and I did not want her to get Into that kind of company. Wett, yo un- derstsnd how ft man would feel under tho eircoeastanoea, whom ho waa aot around to look after her. bo wot lone some one evening sad called oa them, and whan Mr, Bowers got potooaed from eating the ham reported to have beea dosed with strychnine, sod Mrs. Bower was also- com plaining, sho went again." ""After Bowera came home an vn- COMING TO r f SPECIAL NOTICE! mnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmms mVmnHBmTHMmBPaTdanmsml . Thel Boston Painless Dentists l With BaJMfB OPPttlBB th all mrga etttoe fa the TJnlted States. Have . leased the entire corner offloee on the second Boor of Benson Block, -i corner Fifth and Morrison streets, opposite Meier dt Prank and Poat eniea, and on or about tho loth of September will opca the meat modern and approved BBBTTAeV PdBlfOftg for doing painles dental work on tOR 30 DAYS WO wilt 60 ill denUYwori! for actual smttfiiit wrrcotrr pint rki. atabllshment la th WwSAto. Ail work guaraateed for ton years. Watch our ads. ;.',...' . , . :. . :,,-,ii 1- 8BATTLB OFPICfiA-t 9, , 4, s TACOMA dPFICBS-i-l, B, 4, s OFPICeS-lt B. 4 I BftkioB Blk, Cor. Ftftft Merlsom. .a-.-lrfi 1'-. 'W WAIT BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS lng and- found 0ReU1y there very angry ho forbade bia wtft from having anything more te do With O'Reil ly. Thla waa tho i ret . time I called. He woo doing noma piled riving at Val lejo and wop not expected to eomo home that nlghC aald Mra. MeCaHum. "B)ut aha met btm aft the outaldo. yaat tho aum, and they would go away aoi where and have a good time. "Da yon know that to be ft faetr "Tea. I do,- replied Mra. MoCallum. Til Ull you bow I know they mat oa the oulaMe, When I went down town one evening, wbo ahooM I meet faoa te faao but O KaJtly and Mrs. Bowora. ; Whraaaaaed ta wafca Wife Away After ho foaad oat that Mrs. Bowero waa aaaoelatlnr with O'RalUy. Bowera threw up but job at Tellejo and dee la red bia Intention of buying ft 'farm pome- where la tha state of Washington. . Mra. Bowora did not ilka that Man. be didn't want any farm to here. Bowara waa making 111 to fit ft week nt (he time. - - Along about thla time Ttolto from bar platen Mra. ftutten. became mora frequent and after the ham opto ode they together mere than usual. Mra. Bower took her husband out Of tha hospital where the doctor had oent him after tho bua poisoning, beforp be waa reoovored, and brought him home. Whoa Bowora waa In bad one day after ho was brought boajM, ho said to ma: 1 am poisoned; I guana I am aonp for thla time.' I replied that I hoped not. and thought b would reeevor. I aald that la order te ansouraga tho man. XMd he auspeet that his wifo had poi soned the hamT -T , 'No, I do not think hs dMLM -. . , Waa Bowora '-fond of bar!-- -";' -Tea. 1 think ho was." ... t -And ha knew at tho same time that she was drinking and reoelring vtslU theraaonr-. -Tea, V knew tt. and I think that la a roaaoa be wanted te get bar away an farm. V who had pltrnty of money to apand. did ah not r nroa. sho did sot lack money." ' Then why did aho go out with other near . Mr. MoCallnm hesiUted and studied the flgwres oa tho oarpet s moment Tho aba glanoed at Mr. MoCallum. Ha did aot dlaconrage ft reply to tho sjuas- Uon. wnr aha woat for tho fua of M," sho tspllad. - .; " -Did Mr. Bower ever tan you how much, money they bad la tho benkr "They bad tt.000, Instead of aa ftth papera aald.' "Vbat kind of ft man is oRaniyr "He is ft street-sweeper. ' I oeuld not see anything In htm for ft womaa to take s fancy to. Ho to not good-looking; he Is what I would sail a vary oommon- Bflwa,m alap eamail t be fond of her husband all tho while.- rWero yoft acquainted with Mra. But- -Ho, X never mot bar. althouch I have jaaen bar. irootTi kept ft lodging-house' onv Body believe." , jf ostomy la tt Bewse of Boats. , , John P. Bahnsrr, who roaiooa am to the Bowera homo oa Clementina street. said yoaterday ra Baft rranoisoo that oa the morning after the death of Bower be aaw Mrs. Bower oome to her. door aad look upoAd down the street. Thea sbe.went back Into the house, and a mo ment later O'Reilly oame out of the bouse and . ran rapidly around tho cor ner and out of eight. - - V ; T Tho Baa Fiauulsoo police eonwaue to be very active la, their toveatlgatloa of tho. alleged poisoning, Tho two sisters, since the arrival ' of their attorney, W. T. Vanghs, front Portland, on hto ad vice refuse "to talk further about the Ho aays he can prove that Mra, Button never purchased arsenic at the drug store, and to confident of proving that neither Mr. Bower nor Mrs. gut- ton 1 guilty oX-the poisoning of Martin X Bower. ",?T7 "'"Tt n7.- - other of Mm Bower, fgite Mra. Klmabeth Brer, the widowed to bowed down with grief under the present trouble that baa oome upon her. kbe expects to receive ao Information about tho situation In Man Francisco un til the arrival of Attorney Vaughn, kbe doeo not look for bia vatl) next Satur day or Sunday. l W. ks Park and atoOaan, en aaft. mtmisrr a, for sJd. The A. 'A C. R. R. will Sell Saturday apsctal excursion tickets from Portland to Gearhart and Beaalde and return for tf.SQ, good to return aunoay evening, Kd season excursion tickets from Port id to same points and return for .Mgood for return passage until Train leaves Union Depot a. m. dally and runa through direct without trans fer, arriving at Oearbart U p. au and Heaslde 1)14 p. m. ' Portland-Seaside Batnrday afternoon flyer leavee Union Depot every Satur day at ); p. at-, reaching Oearhart 6:4 p. m- and aside t:ftO p m.. re turning Sunday, toavea Seaside I p. m., Oearhart s:l P. sl. ftnd arrives Port land :4 p. BU . Tickets on sals HI Alder street, sad TTnlon Depot ' PORTLAND : ''' I 30 DAYS 1 1 cot-f material We are the UM sal 6 tMoB Block, 71 j Plrgt Av S A v. , v ... ... FOR V. -JXlL STILL CLOSING THEM OUT ALSO A FEW POINTERS IN QUALITY. , ' AM Addltiocftftl PdftldJ List wl Vkfioas PUims, Alsk Orfsttsv kfid ths Sals Prices Bsgy I PaymeaU to AlUtftfw Opsa Evdidrifk TUI SsJd Cktocs. t Teeterdav waa. another busy day at ilere Piano House, but there Is every prospeot that today to going to be our banner dev. J - If rou are eontemnlatlna? tha purchase i pmmo, oome in mmi7 dv wvwn- tng and look over these piano tnax are going at tremendous reauciiona n prices. There are ao many various Una makes Involved In this alteration aaie that you are aura to be salted la style. quality and, On lab. aa well aa la price. A Few Word on Quality There are menu nieces where piano are offered at extremsly low prices, but exoerlenca teaches us that the goooa are worth no mora than the low prices aafced for them. omettmeo we wonder when reeding m others' advertlaemsnts glowing de- oortDtlona of Instrument that they are offering to sell, but when these goooe are compared with ours tbeir inferiority ie revealed at once. , ours nave we ouslltv the! re haven't Price Is only one of the tblnas tS be oonsldered. for If you fall to got the quality you aim ply throw away goo money, no matter bow small the amount ar be. Therefore, our nollcy la. and always has bean, to sell the right qual ity, the beet pianos, at the right prion. hd you And invariably that a w nrlco than our mean also a 'Spondlng lower quality.1 It Is the com bination of prices and quality In which tble store to strong, and wniea aaa built ua the Silera Piano House buel- to one of the greatest ta tno u at tea Btates. Ton can est new rearolar lit pianoa here now for lll, otbers lor 914. iibi, etc., etc. Excepting a number of new Aeolian Orcheatreflee. Pianolas ' and several very costly art pianos la tho recital hall e Washington street , ev ery instrument in Block at our main salesrooms and In tha anna to for sale at a reduction aee the prices) of from 11 tt w par cent,. . : See the Price i Fin, lara orchestral vprlght pianos. la fancy mottled walnut, mottled ma hogany and quarter - aawed oak easea, that would be considered cheap at lite. are now tils. All of the ao etrlea. 117Z, and atui lea expensive mazce aioo warranted) go sow ror iit, fiie. etc 'r In thla list are a number of very nn now pianoa of various make, not regu larly sold by ua; also some slightly used unit ihnn-vorn nianoa imonf them: Plegel upright piano; fair-ton;-. ft-SOl Hmlnlnh unrlvht eiuuio. moo or-.. der "fl Wheeler Co. ripAght piano ... Newbr A Xvane upright, rose I wood' . . ise.oo Sherwood Co., maboganr 17 Halnee Broe fancy walnut 161,00 Haines Bros., . largest sis ,.. 111-09 Fischer, ebonlsed case . w, lift. 00 Jacob Doll, elegant oak I18.M Fischer, new, very largest, aa; hogaar . no.eo Eater, new, fancy mahogany. . . J47.0 Statnwav,- largest else, ebonieed. upright Stsinwar, -fbnev roeewood 17B.0A Klngsburprf new, Wahaut Itf.O Oramer. new, walnut .t..... lt.t Sherwood, large, mahogany .... lU.Ot Ludwlg, fancy oak, new ....... Jtt.OO Singer, new, mahogany ....... HS.OO Singer, oak, like new f ...... 1SS.M A. B, Chase, rosewood- . . ;7I.V 4tH Knabe upright, -roseweed .-..... XJ5.00 And a number of most beautiful Kim ball, one Chlokerlng. fancy mahogany Voces, together- with a nearly complete assortment of every catalogue style of it of Amortoa's Heading and highest- grade pianoa.' ah are ror enie cm pnymenis, one tenth of the amount in caab. and tho balance In monthly payments. Square Pianos Tery Ane fit Chlckering. now..ltt M Same thing, case worn i.o Very fine 8Sg Weber. BOW..... 114.00 Elegant ttoo Btstnway .o Other ntafeee- 4 1 OHnronF oneo- ror A .1. Waw rm MA each jBonth Ull paid for. - Parlor Organs Eatey, walnut . ... t Utt KlmbalL walnut ..... M.Ot Eatey, oak Eatcy, very fancy . Estey, fancy, walnut 41.00 14,01 ed.ot Et.ot 6.00 44.09 WO Kimball, oak . Hcniuu, oaa . Packard, walnut .............. Packard, walnut ..... And doeeoa of otbers. . . As to Payments Cash ta preferred, of eou lasonable offer as to perm ifused during thla sale. of course, but ft reasonable eats win be rafuaed d urine: Remember, we guarantee the price as well as tha quality. Money back If not eat t factory or as represented applies to every transact Ion. great OT SmalL at BUera Piano House. our unconditional guarantee goes with very piano we cell. we are sure to please you in your pur chase. Over eevsn thousand people who have purchases their pianos of ua will tell you ao. SSI Washington street opposite Oerd rsy'a Theatre, to the place, Portland's largest, loading and most responsible sal era, XUers Piano House. AMERICA WINS ALL X. Continued from Pag One.) Th couiwa selected for today Is Sf mile t windward and return. . A has hung over th heats whe th starting gun was Sred. Th official tint of the start waa: Beltance, liOl.M; Shamrock, 1:09. to. Tho wind freshened. although It was ft hit unsteady. The Relatnco oontlnaed to draw away from th Shamrock, and half aft hoar after the start ehe was nearly aft eighth of a mile la tho lead. As Oft ail previous races, the defender hold her head higher and slipped along faster thaa the shaV 1 eager. l. At l:tl o'clock p m. the Bellaaee bad ft windward poaitlen half a Bill la th end and was outfooUng and out pel at lag the Shamrock. - - At 1:14 th Rellaao was sun lacfiag leg its toad. . , . trfttaw Sat it Bbiib - f , "' Buttotla, : Cetook: Th Batteeoa turned the outer mark at .9U and the Shamrock tw minute later. - r BvitoHa. l:Mt The Boltoao Is new flying boms, with ail aalta set. about a mUe and a half to th lead. Chicago Man--Ijet sea. New Tor la tho place yea g through on your .way to Brooklyn, la It nctT Mew Yorker Oh, no. Ifew. Tor to the place that gees through pop. Oft ywer way ,t aweoJyv-Wudg , i:it by r.;: (Continued from Page One.) : their way Boms. Boldtng the feretver ta his band Schalts aouoed ft blgftway maa foJ towing him a are as the Burnet da stret bridge. As Schuity and Oloss sp proaobed Ualos avenue they saw ft sec ond man standing la p ahadow. - He asked them If they knew of any saloon open la the vicinity, bub-as he saw too derringer with which Sehulis wes armed h aeked no more guest ton a MeanwhUe tha map la the rear kept fol lowing and after the Intended vistlms paeeed on -be Jolaed the second. Peering that he would be robbed Olcse accompanied Sob alts to the letter's hoaae. Whoa he was about te leave be eaw the men waiting for him and g ho remained at th Sebum house o eight. SehultS live at 11 Bast Sixth street north, while Oloes reetds ftt il Bast Third street, south. . aloes' dwelling was robbed Monday Bight aad s salt of etothea belonging to Chartoa Gloss stolen but clothing l longing ta Bobart was aot touched. The police wet notified of this hut did aot make M Bubtto. Schulta has beea th vietlme of four attempt at robbery. Mistaking Jama Morrow for Schulta. Wad and DeJtoe murdered Morrow and were afterwards hanged for tho ertano. , ' . WHh ft heavily loaded sandbag Jena Olbaoa. aesro, attempted to rob John Hen man, wbo heaps ft Bond hand star ftt at Conch stresC last Bight. After aa exciting chase, th thief was caught and tookiS up on ft charge af as sault with latent to rob. It was about o'clock that Otbeoe walked Into Meek man's place and or dered a ejuantlty of etothlag. revolver d esjrtrldges. Th bin amounted to nearly pm While Gibson Jingled eomo mey In hto pocket Hack ma a turned te take down ft coat. As ho dw so Olbaoa dealt hla a, terrlSo stow en the heed wish ft sand bag. the snatched Bp the bundle sf. clothing aa tho counter and Heekmsft was dased for oarr b aiinut by the blow aad as started la pursuit. Standing oa the corner be called loudly for help and aa vrlbeoa seared Third street ho was oaught by SevereJ by. They held slat until Pa- trelmea Baty an) Oibeon arrived. Some neemnan propeny waa lonnn . m pesldar algbt f watch Detective Snow save that about year ago Qlbsoft entered Hoi aaaaa Bros store nt Third and Fine streets. While ex amlning a revolver ho dashed out and eueoeeded hi soaking hto escape, without paying for the weapon. Thieves amdo rwk aau between 1 and 1 o'clock tost sight whoa they vis ited the home sf I. J. Tbompsoov-ft painter residing at Oeklsy Green, a loDVnrw iwnsanuv During the absence of the family the bur glare pried open a aide window and at their lemurs they ransacked tho turned "topsy-turvy. and after toft search th lstrudsra found fU whleb waS hidden. Nethlag ported to tha polio this morning. Allen A Lewis' Beet Brand. prrooArTtBTd&. MILITARY ACADEMY ' "torAJ. W. HfU. Prtnelpal S4th MarsbaU Bts, Portland, Or.- ArrWlwsTdhhl - mi Day kkm hr Uj mi r YMaiHct. ; y Mew buildings. MannaJ tfalnjiiaL Plkary ma I n Mi 1 a. Boy win issftiflv Sited ftw sfl sonsgwJ g far Heilnm Mia, , PitoctoeJ of twenty-ovo yisra ao perience m Pcrtland. . - Boys of say sge ftdmitted ftt any km. Wrha far eatatof-M. Fall tana opens Isptomber 15 Portland Academy Pits boys aad girls for BTaurtwm collegee. Primary and fnnnw grades Included. For girls, rsoelvee limited num ber, not more than, to, and gives them tho oomiorl aad oars of a refined home. MUbft Principal at the Academy dally from fl a. m. tlU 11 Bk zoi Cor th enrollment of students. For catalogue address PORTLAND " ' -ORBJOON LOWEll SOIOOLrfJT.HElBn BALL pyfmarr Dent. Nettle ftt Intermediate Dept.. . . .Bdlth Waterman repar at y Dopt-.Kllsabeth K. hUtthowa Kindergarten training October i. . . ' Model naemrffjartmi eaaa opens Oc tober li. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF OREGON eeeateenth annaal aessssft . hecms ftepiember jt. JtOt, Lddreas f. & JOgaTr nt lft, Deaft, fit Dee-urn BaUOlng. reraaad. MRS. ALLEN'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND IjIKLS ' V Prepares students for eolleg. Bpeera regular elassss. students admitted to Seven tb and eighth grammar grades ln- oluded. For elrculara addreas AIaJIGA- rbt T. rT-f-t aixu streef, rort- land. Ore. BIDS WANTED tWl Hsb wMh adraam raparbJ eaOy as sB wwuaaa. water ssa stwar riteata, rimii CMHtnrtlea, hnebw 4 teptisg erna s 4 preMli let as w bhm aerr. errwl n er Poruiwwt. eadfe t it hW-d Pmm C v las, XUM fttift BOUue, r - 11 .. II CrU 1 . to keep your stationery, etc, Don't let your private memomida lie sTdound the room. A well- appointed writing desk, and rack B$accL and rrovided witn lock and key. ; i what you want We very useful deves fcr women. They come fa aeveral heights, and in many designs. They are : made of selected Golden Quartered Oak, WeanV ered Oak, Mahogany and pirdseye Maple. AA fine finished, good, strong and substantial. . A Ladies Writing Desks -HE : $c- As Low 1 v COmiMtk HOVSttJMSHLS ; v 7 V I J4; I f Vi m awseT-ea Mai ULLUlj; - VCATZOVAB. As we taaeh It. We ase over e maohbte. and employ a special teacher of typewrit - (net- Oar stndents are started tight and that hi what counts. In toots for aoearaoy many ef them write Hne after In ef aew amtter. read to them, while bUndfolded, rlthoftt ft mfaWafce. This la oa result ef carefal tsachlag. Open all th year; sta doats admitted at any time' tBustratad oatslegae free. 011, er writs for ft espy. POVTLAND BUSINESS C0LLB0B ; PseBI ARB WJWMiSJwTwB .".i lip , , : - TTrWlliTI)dj IB BABV r - ' . '1 IS V..'-1. .-'.' i Hal . nj M I laB tonaa epms eea. gft. 9m. Osmligs er arfenastlea atdtem tt 1. B BUTXXB, giwitary St Maryfs Academy PORTLAND, OREGON. . Oldest and largest nrst-elaag Cathcllo college for glrla and young women la the Nerthwest. Forty-flfth anaual ses sion begins Tuesday. September L Roe rd lng school department, with eellent modern equipments for health and comfort. Puttee of private room for students. Collegiate, academic, com mercial, grammar. Intermediate, pri mary and Undergartea courses. . Con eerratory of must a. , Art d apartment. flpeobU teachers of al oulture, ele catlon, fencing and payees! cult re. partlewUr attention glran t moral training, reflaemcnt of manners and needlework. For catalogue. Bieter uperlor. A Th'ooswod Peot?I D2Sa3JeS2S ). Yc::r. . Ccrrc- mmmBBBBBBBmaamm ' - T ' d 4ftw ePiee w wavtJ With mmmmmmmmmm J . Ccniforti i I . Have a place to writ your letters In comfort and a place with plenty of drawer have a very pretty lot of :' as $7,50 CLOTHING That wffl wear hoidf . ; lUabsp M .4 - 5 , 7- - Prtop at rJfM gT SrwB- :-L.fcerftf ; .: & :. t $630? $276 Cp TftW ftat U' ... WELCH ;: Thd Best sM Kst kwapovoabswvdswttll V TbB Anwrlcaa Oethlflr trOArTOnTAS gag seeag br the basftrem h btes alscM br m la rMpofMlbls poslUom at rnt emlartei, ae BoDfekMpere sad atiaagrsstwi. a tae sibsbs hs ear srissawi a gmsws uss ever. nt le ef ms lech stodeat feertrm sseHal wre ttoe Ib private SS ms aMtreetlea. ftjtekkeeptae, gbertbaad. Tjp.wrlaaaV tB SMmUb, Bsnklag. Prawl, Art, etc. . rrlTBts board sad leesw SMSt ewefWr !.- Oollepa balMlspi eat gfeaftt eaeni rhKUnta. OpB afl me rear, fbtaleges ftee. PwtUea. Ote. SfATB NORMAL SCHOOLT. - laOgMOOTt, CdWOB. f ifelsg rsBeet wpwuiir ftw walaiag teaesws nw stt bntschM ef tbe jrtftjeilnii, .bt aBsrered BMtbodi far piMiid sasraded wei Jssgbt S MaeTd-Btrlet mtL Ibe mceatse ef tkbi sebeat ss tssmsra fer ex- Hrima mt tkla aeaeat tka aiiilf. Tha trabUBC fteel of 01 S pnrslcal tral and ealkaet way state ewftdmte., a. u. diversity a AlStasa WlUt4tU Oopfvlwrtvtf by 4lt tmmwm r Tii mu cms . , Aad Afflllftte With th . ihritJsOTT ir mm mti Btandarsl ' Aeademte foer-year Ceurse In Claeelaa, English and foteaoe. One-rear aad Mr-year Commercial Coureee. Begular Collegiate Courses hi Classics, Bfi gl lab. General Bel. ejioe. History and ivononca. Finance and Commeroo Clrll Rmisai1iia BTeehanleal Bnai peering and Bleetrtoei BPeTtuaar ' schelastlo rar-. BagtnajBB Rentesaber code Jane 1 isei. Catatoa-oeent fre gft appU" rbV. h. a. QTjrjrcAJf, o. . a : vhii mmIm et a bam arasa eaoue m a boat BM paslkk to wall eerteeed la sR S braBcbaa. ladlag Llerd Otaale, erawtag Bad nine. Tea normal cneree ms asm 111 - - a . . Ill 1 Almmbit tii 1