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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1904)
THE- OHBGOTT- DAILT JOTTRNAli, PC HT A1TP. THTJBSDAY .-.. Aro Yen. Vi:".i n On tlio Kat C::l!cn? Iii Bm Optical Work. i 'WdcorrKUnffcvr '. ' ' M eWv nfractlvtt defoct. Our tramse aatf : : No hats can ut-raak theto. They are fcdhion'g ; moat popular and approved' atylea. Your - i . J: 1 v mma iIm In MrtecL - Wo nuiiufactur IM . grind ton i for the moot complicntMl defects. Remnant Sale of Dress Good end Sillis ' On Friday and Storday we '' o 'JmjitS and tilk departments, and the price haw been pruned to hatf rfthe orJtaalpriM. , HundrSTof dCTir.ble nmnanta resulting from the rapid aeUinf of the past month wffl ba placed on ule tomorrow and Saturday a reductipo of P0"?. The storv coea somethinf hie this: Thee remnants include serges, cheviots, lady's doth, nenrV et ind other htvorite material, Be sure and com in, you can buy that skirt or suit at half . ,. ... ... ... . . . . -.;.!. - ' price now. - - .. . - - ' hat haa a great deal to do with your portonal ap- , (.. , paamoe. Whjr not elect a good orie. Try a. (Cnox or Wcrturtcn . 'J. ' ; and yon will be mora Aan pfeaaed with the raault . v: .tfir ,l7 , . j . ... . kULI5TS PRESCRIPTIONS WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF. OIVINQ THEM OUR SPECIAL ATTENTION., i .. 1 jjjJM1-,BDa-,, .iniiiimjiEajriti !jii.jujjit -amavmwinaBBdgf9 . T THE HEAD naoajfactntttsBj Optfcsaas mU. Jewolsra IRQ AND WASWINOTON STS, ' - ' - PORTLAND, ORCOON f HAY EE HERE an bwbi arb snvsouva m BOBUBT Of W teOMy esnw arfwi the Rab at . " '--r ' " " - . . " ' ' . - ' ' - ' -f 1t 3. W. of ' WahtaftOi y vm In Portland yesterday -rook- 'tO the JBWVementa Of Rev., it L ady. the ConssTetlonal minister r wmt at Hills boro, charged with c Mm4 un wta or R. h. a at thai KPeo , TMtof C ' to ebloroform Mr. Wurm"! .tar and IM Mrs. Bmma- Mm r ft vtaltor from CftMfornl t hr Wtan Mr. Warrn tntarfand. tb r iMkwd ktH'U a oIsmc a4 flr4 4 tkrouch tl door.' . vmM and Mr. -Warm aay ttat . aqrat vWtw ahovrad by M ao ..t b vm Uwirauvhlr teadllar v tnurlor of tha Wama rwrt- Tba two woman ara aald to hav atd Ataf aa tba darmynuLa . thV7 knam waU. and who waa at rtaiior at thah hcrnrn. A IMMltri Hartaian. Saartff ta aeourMl Irtlaad for avldaBea. tba tinea and wateft wuca u k wtth auB war MK IOUBO, futthtr effort M) kataa; saada by tba da taeUya today to looata the booty which, U la ballavad waa pawaad ta Portland. - Baa ! Saw tha Baflr Ana. Tha rarer nd ariaonar will attamvt to proTa an alibi. Ha aara that ha waa la Portland tha alfbt of tha robbery. That ha waa tore tha following room In la a waU known faot. but tba theory of tba authorities to that he rode to thla alty. It ml lee. Immediately aftar tha burg lary waa eommltted. - .-- Rev. Mr. Kennedy aeya that ha left Hlllaboro laturday rMlnv 4n QUokamaa onuncy amJila blcyela. Than, ha aaaarta, ha came- te Portland, taking ladinc at tba Multnomah Mock mt Fifth and Mor rlaoa atraata. Arcordlna; to hie atory ha waa bare Monday and from f to U lo-etoek:' that . nlabt waa out enjoy lav a apia on hla wheel, but ha aaya ha ah no one he knew dtirlhr; tha rlda. He aaya that he waa up early the morning after and bad breakfaat at a'aook. At o'clock he met a Hlllaboro elttawn with whom It to aald ha had nerar been on friendly tarma. Ha la tjuoted aa having- naked thla man regarding HJllabera people, . and especially Inquired If ' any thing new or tartltng had aoearrad. i Tha Klnlatarhi aald to be m poor an "oumatanoea t- .' , ' ' (Journal ' peelal Barviea.) ' " 'Hlllaboro. Or dept. i. Rav. tf K. Kennedy, lata paator of the Congragar tlonai- charoh of thin nUoe. la atlU la 4.ii rhirmt with the tMirderv eom mltted at tha Warran iwaldaajoa -early J Tuaeday morning. He has not been t able to aecure ball for tha sum of l.o and hla family of wife and- etx.JUUe oblldren ara Buffering from want. ' In vtow - of thla latter faot a aub aoriptlon of l4 waa raised thla morn ing for tha Immadtata naeda of tha famUy. During an tntarvtew aoonred with the prisoner at tha iaU thla morning a aa tbatlo acana waa la evidence. Tba ao ovaad man seemed oast down; but re ferring to the erime with which ha la onarged, ha Mid: . "I am lanWnt and will prove Hi X ma In Portland all day Monday and until Tuesday afternoon. Mlaa MMtate Warran should have thought before ah Mid she raooanlaed my vote. - Ioaa y SWit Length Rcnmt$;; $S.OO Skirt length reiwk Bow.:. $150 Skirt knth remnants, new $X50 Skirt lentk rtnuvants, -fc:T..f 17 $3.00 Skirt lenjm wmiwits. now v ..... 1 1,50 ; Suit Inrength Remnants. Vo.00 Salt length ronnwrts. sow . $5.00 7,50 Suit length rtmiunti tww .v.... $3.75 $60 Suit length nmnantv oW $3.00 $4.50 Suit length remnants, now SZ25 J Wkist Pattern Remnants $5.00 Waist Fatten remnants, mw ...;. $150 450 Waist rittera remnants, dow ...... 150 Waist Tatters iwbjm iww....... L75 t50 Waist Pattern remiVdflts, w Wash Goods Renmants . . v . - ' ,. An lot of watte and colored wash ffooda, aa- elodinf a food raacaaa dnnittoa, la waa, batiata, ginghaane, porcaiaa. ate, invaluee rangkic up to 5c per yard, ara orlered you during this sale at Just half of their nuvkad acice. it wiUgy ye to taaw advantage of thai tajewrtuoe- DUFFUr.lOPENDLETCN Mimmmkmr, Horn Sixth Third mi Stark Streets dtrw jwdajg tw odtrry CLOTH IMG Immurmmm jVarrfjaa. it wilt pmjf f mlt fmr eaw account for wy moment of my ma ltW5J5T KKa!inady turned aside hla head, tndleattng that be eon Id bear tba aubjeet no logger. ,2., Out at hla quiet home are hla nix children and Mrs. Kennedy. The eldest child la only 1 years of ago and doea not realise the nature of the accusa tions mgalnet bis father. Tha nwther is urtef.strichea ana te , 1 TjrsvgrfmT few membera of her husband a former t" vmw m 9VrH, pollej here ballvTa that Ketmffdrl la the guilty maw, and any that if he f waa la Portland be rooa nta oicycie hotrrf. Just about tot time to commit tha burslary. - Mrs. Mack Ktnder and Mlnnla Warren ara as positive today aa yesterday that they recognlasd Kannody'a voice and hie general appearance In the burglar. , Tba accused man haa been bare one roar; and before that ha had a charge at Albany, Or. Ha la a graduate of Harvard- and eomea of a highly cult tured family. Mra. Kennedy la a mem: bar of one of Boston's beat families. Kennedy baa heretofore bald a apotleaa roputatMa. Ha waa In financial-atraltn. and for tha but It months had bean timber land locator. In thla ha waa not snooeasful and be bad Just taken up a Ufa and accident Insurance agency and waa getting good boelneea. " W . Thia city nr rOotplj atlriad aver tba adfalr.' 1 - fwUfivi eurnlnatron will not be set probably until next ween. LLJ-VVVt-t h i iii an si hi ei in ai 1 1 i iL . ., inn.mTi ii ji i i 1 " 1 " '-... . . if. h 4 T -t Av. -w.n.j.i .... ; r"M V mm HOT LAKE HOT LAKE, OREGON ALTITUDE 3000 FT. A Wonderful Water and Rest Cure A Beautiful Heafth Resort Cool I in Summer--Mild in Winter A- .1.. Rot laka ' la to tha West What Arkansas Hot nrtnas are to the Kaet It hi In the Grand Rondo Valley, oa ox B. K- railroad. IM iiea from porv ,k Mnd v.. h. kw. .a (Ke Islar lladl. V- Mna Of tne inaian. kw a,y,ywv day. boiling hot many acre of the hottest tne w iB per spring Wiwr in in . , . . - Th water la dear aa crystal. rnt mnwrw m J? the water la in- euoh perfect solution lhat no par-f- JiTi. rTf areeiniiata will XsiL. area after atanolag ' iSrveloualy curative fa dleeeaeo of atemaob, bowels, liver, bladder, akin and blood; also la rheu- ; matlaaa; eatarrh, neuraJla and other nervous tron- :.;Vi.:; '"nwimT UPTO.DAT CONVOTBHC AMD TCVXPMBNT OF A HIGH v CLA1I. HODERM HOTIL. week. Bathe, eengia 'oak . . .. It will toKereat Mutil ensLSa a snavaw was asm week, tlei three weeks, aif ait down and wrlle for war Ulawtratad booklet today. yen. Ad erase . .. . , : DR. C, W. TAPE, Gen. Mgr., or DB. W. T. W, Mewkal Supt ' MOT LAKE, ORt300IH , ' f ., . ' ' '. ,;: ' OB SMQUIRst OF AWT O R. H. BTATION AOIW.',;', -V. FiCSSESS CF H ! i-CCO P01R CO. WlOi !. sjreedy exaanded and extensive plana for farther Improve ments, tne Oendor Water Rower Com pany, of whioh DTj tt H. Bay Ja presi dent and ganaraV ssanager. pi epos sa great thlags for South era Oragem Dr. Rsy ts la Portland f ram Tolo. Or, oom pleUng arrangementa for the further prosecution af the work of development of which ha -tm the- bead and behind which La hla brother, who la a wealthy New Tors, banker. , The Condor Water A Power- Company will use tba water of the Rogue, river at Tola to provide' power for quarts 4a MM. tnr nlaMra and IfTlSatlOn. leetrle-ligMnig-and power of all klnda for surrounding ounrry. anei aiso r the' eonatruetlen M tha eampany a oam hk IK.,nf thai ROaTUS rlVST and make an hrtlflclal lake on- the shores of which It la the Intention to have aa attractive aummer resort. "We are to proceed at am w msiau the power plant," aaid Dr. Ray today, -and tf possible wUl have tha plant op erating thla fall." r- Hi Miierl m local StBDlovment ngendaa and looked after the securing of laborera to be taken to tmo. ne waa busy with mimeroua nutters connected with tha big enterprise that will be the moat algnldoant industrial anterprlao a tba western half of tha etate. TO PROTECT ROAD - fk:,i tee SAras . - .ma estsM I WMW AID O. M. V. WWiT.i mw m nn warworn o m . wo tarsb inn KAmm v sroxM- . ,w-.v. mm aiaaL. Z.T AsTB 9WnM BOn sULTZaVAO- -; ' ' '' " - '-' ' ''' ' ' ';'-'' rewag fav OmMai Win a. Wage fag Agsaatilifnw rom ba Agiliaimml Ba ynaeeaa aadbtwibea, asmgj fat adgbn- iwafanaaaj rnwi risanana; Ik Xa triaa limtoa.-w -- l tne QaagMwaaaam off a Sew aa. tha -aatla Anat gg Manaataa Tee Aril mu sg am jmislal Tr-W Hipiail t -WIU XrTonaMy TtialU b Sraet JACK M'CLELLAND - aiif a rikir CPAAIUti " "Lwilna1enaagaaaM. ;;i ;. - High43a$$ Dentistry ; r At Mc!erjte RaSteii - H The site of tba power plant la at a point one-quarter mile north from the entrance of the valley. There the liver la T feet wide, with a heavy fhlL The Condor Water A Power Company baa out through tba solid rook walla of the river a i-foot wide channel which la to convey the water for lot or too feet down stream to where the water will actually be utilised by the power plant. A well-built log dam baa been Urowa across the river at the upper end tf tne rock cut. and It la the Intention to oon strvet a wuigdam to insure eon trailing all tha water In tha river. Bxtenalve Quart mlnaa will grew eiea- trie power from the Condor oompanya plant wide expanses of plaoera wlU ae cure water to waah their gold, scree of land will be brought under the ditches which Will be alien rrom tne eenele. anst the ertlBclsi lake to be made will afford a good site for a sanitarium and note, u w an oniev iu ankM the enthusiasm of a leaa enthualaatle man than Dr. Ray. and one to offer unlimited oppertunltlea for the ampliAeatlon of plana for the bene Atlng of a large scope of country. . It la, too, la a romantic apov, wnan waa located tha hlatorie old Tort Lane, named after General Joe Lena of early nreM feme. Near by la the spot from which tradition aaya aa Indian maiden lumped te avoid capture rrom ne wmto soldiers and waa hurled dowa to death on the cruel roeka beneath. The Rogue liver canyon at tnax point, a at all points, la beautiful, and, in fact, u i wt.. Mhsr le tvnleal of West ern Oregon mouotalag and valla ya, -and the climate grateful. . The people or noutnern uisgun an deep interest in the enterprise, end ex- poet lerga results rrom wt so soon as its varied resources anau aavs oeen piaoee at the disposal of Iba inaustrtaa mat ara to utilise them. . . Te Sa ft w Wm fj KMAKKVM AsuaTSOB To meet the demanda of tha pabtte the A A a R. R. have found It neces sary to maintain their present aummer schedule between Portland and all beach Mima nntit nenlembsr 11. Thla ex cellent service baa been In effect el not t..i. a fw1. imeeds no recommendation. Tnli laavlKS UtllOn DSBOt at t.M S. OL dally rune through- to Oeaalde direct without tmnafer. reaching Oearbart at 1-e earn auU BMalitJMI 9. BB. aturday aftsrnooa Portlsjid-Benslde M istaine llnlaa Deoot every Bstur- day at tv ai. ana rune tnrouga to mi Am Atm BLrHvlnS Astoria ft: iS L m., Oearttart : p.-m. and Seaside : p. m den eon exeuralon tanketa between AHlawl mnA ell beach Dolnta Bold fOT $4.M maad tlo. dpeclal gaturday rcind-trtp axoureloa tlcheta between aame nolnta, good return1 Sunder even ing. ss.e. - . - , SMda waahad down from the mean tare by the Columbia river have caused, aa much annoyance la one way and an other during the past few years that the government baa etanted aa tnveeU gatioo to determine tf . there la any method by which tba nblaanoe aan be voided. - Bee, of tba Cascade anovn- talna tha O. R. A K. Campany haa been wreatllng with tba aand problem for years, and It la atlU unsolved. During wind storms aand accumulates on the tH.b anil nttmwt Mnsaa arraW. At all Uama, but more particularly dur--lag the aummer months, the eeetloa crews are generally kept busily am nloyed ehovellng aand oft the roadbed. Many remedlee calculated to eliminate the evil have been tried, but they fail snort of accomplishing the oealrea re sult. The awernment will now act jointly1 with the railroad company to determine tf on aatiafactory plan can no oevura w ace viu us sana ques tion, and if ao, to put It la operation. -. M- Weetgate. ase latent sgreatoio gmt from the department of agriculture, la now to the city partly for the pur pose of thoroughly Inquiring la to this. matter. Ha la conferring with railroad offlclala and acquainting himeelf with the attuatlon aa It exlata. Mr.. West- gate last evening aaldi "Xn many locamiee tne puating af ua In h. aaini4 ha. arlvant snail fa. lt. tin I HMlarataii that thla aultinrf rnnnet be an ocees fully introduced along IM upper Vymutaiuus. a obn, es sn stn rw anna sni M will ha awt ta ImnnaalMa to gat! vegetation to grow, particularly m inoss sseuns wawsj us ssnn no eumulateav . - - mpjld Tiaiil, f la mw ahUIab ttaaA ahimt tha asslsr plan- Which will prove euocoaaful there wtu be to miiui a xanca on eitner aiae of the railroad in such a manner that when a atrong wind la Mowing tba aand 111 drift from. Instead of toward the track. The river la to proximity to the railroad in tba aand belt, and If eorae sort of fence oan be built that will act aa a conductor to carry the abowara of aand Into the Columbia the evil will soon be eliminated." While oa the coast Mr. WoetgetsrwIU also vtalt Fort Stevens, near the mouth of the fiver, where the shifting sands ere caaahrng some trouble. The gov ernment prtty at that plan la about m.s anil a half miles In I Mirth- snai all along It great bodies af sand have ao- ouraolated. it la causing onaioeraoie annoyanoe by blowing In on the fortifi cations. Vegetation thrives well to that locality, and It la believed by getting rrowth .of grass etarteo mere aa trouble from that eourca wilt be at an The grasses eonuaonly need for thhf purpose are knowa aa aeaslde blue rase, who anna ie ua i ien rmss. Thla latter variety la the kind ith which tha Golden Gate waa re- claimed. ' The nertnanent 003 sex or my trip, - aald Mr. Waatgata. "is ts see what can be done m the Una or reclaiming tana w .i.atina' sisa I will also are down Into the Coos bay oouatry before re turning BasC tnu aaaasaae Oeello srHvlns at ban aa.iaiis hrnusht word that four davo before aha alghted the aehooner Andy Mahoney flying algnala of dtatrssa Ap proaching her. It was iwm mac xne aapply of provlstooa were practically HhauataA and the .otnosra and crew .are la s. half starred condition, The Oealle contributed to their wants. The acbooneT waa aal IT days from La Trla- Idad, Mexico, 1 or rs oy. 1 Oo to Newport on T equina Bap an Ideal beech. It la becoming very pop- ..1 mmfm IKS VNnlatA IhSMll l TM iAW rate of II t haa been made by the Southern Pacific Company In connection with the Ccrvallla A Aaatera Railroad for tba Sunday 'round trip from Port land, tlcheta good going aaturday, re- That tha eon tost between. Jeak Mc aua . aVMratio HefTera la at tracting more than ordinary attention is evidenced by the raot 1 w "7." UUM kh haaa momraentinaT an tne affair and aomparlnc tha respective flag records of the two men with a- yiew 4b picking the winner. Here la what a Chicago paper printed the other day: - 'Wttaburg presents another candi date for ohamplonahlp hooora In the fistic world. It puts forward Jack Mo ClaUand, a youth believed to be abided to meet and defeat all men of h a weight engaged In ring warfare. This etalm to distinction Is baaed upon hie umeroua victories and hla deverneea. The Pastime Club oT Port land. Ore., haa amtched McClelland to meet the Mexican lighting wonderj of the age. Aurelle Herrera, a pie from the Biddy BUhop stable of tfornla flghtera. to box . rounds at lit eTwelght that appears to salt McClal 1. . .laat and it -la aese rally ox- nectan that afedeUand wlU defeat the sturdy foreigner, insy w -'-bend' that MoOallaad wUl accomplish ki. aV - a laeaTMndl. bttt lCOk to see him win the decision, on Pnta by clever ring ganeiaahin.- In nation of a long drawn out bottle, what rbandsome surprise ft will be to ear northern brothera If MceUand erlne In n few rounds aa a lmocKout, m i i ia at all tmDrababla. aa the FltbB- bnrg lad-baa a anmeklng good hit "Bishop haa been mighty suooeeefal wHh hie fighting machine. The ring records show that in the past alx na. rmmm haa won Tl atralght battles and all of them on knockouts, but It must he painful to Mr. Bishop to knew that his boy moat attn need to expect trouble from clever, ahlfty brulaara. It haa been hla one raw- back. The Mexican could never nam a clever fellow with any maraeo ae rrea of success. If one .will alep In and mix with him It la generally 'ourtains with tba other fellow, but If'youblt and ran and ems-step the lighter from waian imm Irritable In hla en deavors to catch hla naponent: be will glance at bla manager aa macn ns w any, "how will I catch hlmr With all the decided aggi eselvoneee that Bishop poors Into hla Agtitsr It proves of no avail. Aba Attell gave Herrera all aorta of trouble and so did clever Tim Ha garty. yet alnggera like Todng Mowatt, Kid Broad and Toby Irwin fell before him like Bermuda llllee untimely nipped. "It la said that Hecietiang nee oe- vetoped a remarkable punch, and bis recent batUe with away noma ai rsu- adelphla showed plainly that be m pos sessed of wonderful quickness, two good handa and a splendid bend. Whether Herrera will be able to catea mouei land within the limit remains to be seen, but U la generally thought that ha will not, aad that Jack wUl win oa points. Ha baa studied a procoa in his training to develop hitting ana ne gives it Ant ta hla f rim da that be Will SOU Into Herrera to win on a knockout. Mc Clelland would Indeed be foolish to court defeat in this way, and It Is thougnt that ha will adopt altogether a elrvar system of fighting whoa bS atepa Into tha ner arlth the Wanrtean. The CTOWd that will congregate at the ringside to J see these two notables perform will be good big one, for they turn out in good round numbers whoa suen artwia aa thaaa ftwn ara hilled In Portland. The reputation of McClelland has not ae vet attained that brilliancy which fllla houses to their utmost eapaclty out on tha anaat. hut tti tha maL where he la beat known, be ts a great favorlta and draws big erowde to the rtBgetae. "McClelland ntade the hit of ns lire, WPVB U MMHS r tliwm w a gtnoe that dght bar haa been Sharpening and training hte talents and will em ploy them on the hard head of Aureiio, tha awt Ha la 10S ear cent better than when be beat ritagerald, he has eohooled himself studiously m aw pro fession, and as a reward he haa opened for himself a way to fame and fortune. McClelland Is bat ST years af earn and has never touched tobaoas sr liquet to any form, -m Herrera fas' yHtmburgar has an Aememt of hla awn . haft and hla obsncee are mucb better than if ne nta an adversary to meet that waa tnach hasW than hlmaalf. The con tact will be watched with Intent Interest all over the middle West, and Who can ten 7 h snavHMluaa tha mas who will Incident- ally take the measure of Young Cor- bett. The fight la by tar tne most at tractive one that has ever bean booked la tha ' Paclfla North wee Ln When the Rasters press will comment oa a match la thla manner tt raust no nma than avslnarv nlaaat Werrere'a reputation has extended all over the oontrTf and as )nna hee eriowTi turning Monday. irwillametu Valley, with prlyllaaa of fu . nna .eMa of tfM iver. return ins tha other. ide through the beautl WUtaaaette soing River, returning ins ener. Ask any Sou th era pacific Company or CorralllB A Rasters Baliroaa aaern ror a beautifully Duet rated booklet desert b- Ing tOS saaaioa resorta a iwuuaa ; Hart Tow Can Oat Tow Dental' Work 1 DotMBooMa wa do so mnch of R. .-' Ofltoss ha ajniiqr chiaa, and bb saws baying af supplies grew US this aslsaniass - '-"Wt protect . swery pAsoa vi lor Syasss, atnoeiddltkmal ei YOU SHOULD MOT NROLECT YOUR TEETH. Cane beta aodsy fat have tbam wsmlnitl. " Coo eulubon Pras.: . v-.: A,, -Aba Dcnthts DR. Xa la. WHTTsl Chlaf of Staft ' TeJepaon Maim .I7M. Oftee Resr, palhr. m a. w, t S. avi gsadayaTtoft a. a. a U:00 a such good form to the Bast, the men are regarded aa the only St opponents for th featherweight champion, who has aa yet failed to pay any attention to tba Mexican's challenge. Loeal sports are all worked up oyer tba oontaat and indications point to a lively betting scrap with the money does te even. -MeClelland Ja traveling toward thta alty slowly, stopping' off each day to work along the rood and traveling mostly at nlghl Hs will arrive tomorrow In as good shape aa man oould wish to be Id and hla communications to parties la this dlty are full of confidence. . ( WOODEN WALKS IN CEMENT DISTRICT Right In tba heart of tha oement aMee walk district, at Mast Twelfth and Oak streets, several blocks of wooden stda walks ara being laid, and despite tbg scores of oomplainte which have bean brougtjt to tba atuntlon of the dty en gineer, the ofllelais arq. aowartaas piwvent H. This strange condition of affaire hi heap noticed by hundreds of people and from the property owners aad reetdentg on each side of the streets named, tberb has been a continual complaint, but the contract for wooden walks was awarded before the seawnt district ordinance pas 2 The people on the blocks named pett tkmed . for tba Improvement last winter, and tha council allowed tt. Tha eon tract waa then awarded, but tha Stat utee allowed M days In which to com plete each g tank aad later the eon tractor asked for mid waa awarded an extra stx months, giving him hlng aeontbs In which to do the work. This time Is Just expiring aad tha . task Is) only bring finished now. . - . .. tUUTORd tfO POhYlnAnTR fAsnid Bee was Bis ml of tha mm . isss flaramsla sUves. Leaving Portland dally at :g a. m by tha Oregon Railroad m Navigation CampanyaPortland - Chicago Bp-clal," pper Columbia Cnlumbi arriving at I., and .The the Oregon Railroad A pony's 'Portland - Chlct beauties of the Uppe River are aeon by anriight, raacade Looks at 11:01 a, 1 Dallea at 11:11 noon. Returning, the train leaves Tba paTIeg at l:iT p. m.. raacade Locks at 1:46 .0. h. arrlvlna at Portland at 4:1 P- gw I eel red. re turn can be made Vy'rver at earner from Cascade Locks on the way up. arriving st Portland about Tp. m. Return can also be made from Tne Dalles by boat. Tha T. J. Potter leaves for Astoria and Ilwaco every day in the week, exoept Sunday and Monday.' Particulars at eltr ticket ofooe. Third and Washington atraata. Alien d Lewis' Best Brerd.. STRONO EYES Ars tboaa wmoh b-rrs been ftttsd to gssaaas by - PtlltXlPS BROS. BxpmOpmtLtm Ws ant only sarve tha snoot hp to data w. cJ. ji ,., .Maiaai. itiaavuananui af snv. but OUT savsjasan Vvsrs IV sxparlencd has tanffht OS how ts ems tbeni 141 Sixth A : atreet,Cor. Alder.- Ofnoa wltb Wbna fewing Macbioa Co, . M e a ; a sss aieiwaNadaagass,wi , . - 1 : - . v