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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1904)
At . -.-3kw . , - .r tt" I ig!!r5,, i ,. ;, . , , ll ft'. 0 9Boroav smmmm-t bob r"WTB- , KDTT 07 Ult AAaJttOt aWA-. v WotfcWta fcerrt ttoea thrt th CHrert! rt the nty r i''Und aropueaa to e th following Aooortbed pty ' - . ewara a lt a"ta I ir bea- Bt-4 la f Bn eat - , . m4 dMcr -aaf tor , 1 af Bbatl m eti H fro tba w -,, fart Plfteeulb atraat let the w t Una i tl : Cat Thirty-third WMl, M arOrtOwl 441-.-flHN , toe. , aw m)MUMi to toe ! irt rt , . aaat Cor Mid teaareToeaaat writing to tha (toaawtl mad Sled wl.k k AwiuS wtthtalftoen toyefrow tha data f 1 tie tral publleatlaa Of tbla Bailee, ud KM atijeetlooa will be heard and determiaed br VHe CoiuKdi before the puMii f the rUMa , eeeaoaing the ovat rt MM IwgtWWt. - rto Tnutl ...." ' BU SM. et 1 W I, T. W. IM U rto yonnger ST.4B kih wot. ia Biwttntu Brat. 7.11 111 IVT, Wt 8, TM HWlM BIW , Ik UT. tnt I Tha HMrniCM nwtaia,. BUt 82T, lot A Too UnwtfcorM Batata.. Bpwn'a Addition a tha CttJ . Portland ,.BU STMlk IN tot M 1, M L Dick ...... t mik l. aoath loo tort tot ft Baatoi Bin!? aoath' IOO tort tot 'ft 'ftimwii X and III 0. Bnwi,. Btt 1, nouth loo feet tot A A. BM.U turn ua.8 SB, to UB an Blllo O. Brow Ik 1 aonth 100 feet tot ft aaa im o. mm.,.; ...... : Btt 1 acath 100 feet tot ft Bam art A. irf KlUa CL Brows .a.' Bik & Matk 1M tort tot t, DNtoi . Bik S, mtfe 100 tort tot . Bmatol T. ftortB Mt "tort "i" Dwrt C 'r trooMto'.' MMtow'to ttkii'Wrt BikT. mmxk im tort tot tow f, . Kimdert Blk . m 1M tort tot , B. ttortut Blk t. ooqtk 0t tort tot T, OMVft T. 1AB.TC tat-N MB4T BtfMtk "tib'tort 'tot' Kltoi bV X BftCm"Mtort tot'K'i' 'iJitS 'W' flirt tot' iC'wiBtait t" Woodwortk j " Blk iNith 100 tort tot 4 Ma b Xtprt ' im 'tort "tot" X iC BlkT tot 'AMkBvA.'Ii""!' taUT sat-ai ma 1S4.40 aa.1T Blk X tot AUkM ... Blk t. mttB 1T.M toi Ml. mw Bosk -. -j Control Bmrk. Boot Portia t Bik a, tot a, mmoj mt nuti Btk a, ot BD4 tort tot a. maoM Blk a, out HH tort tot Orato t. Blk a, tot aV Mm BaltM M.B3 MM wit a.aa . TINBHO.. Twtlor TW-flOF Vorclor ta.! X wort B tooTtot a. nitoil.k . ckatort i-v.-'-----"f Bto 4. wort at tort tot a, maoff u. r Bctabort tt a, rt ft tort tot , atoiy BBaa. kato lUnT iXttm . Btt 4. W f ort tot 1, Horr BUBtbrtk ; BooH V. , BLM Bik a, wwt to tort tot a. Mnr BBjm . Blk 4, oott M t tort tot a, ktocy BBawt toth Btard -i; i ii-T ' Tikoa'o Aoaiuoa a Om Cttr a Port- bt.i MfikaT tot't, Ctotrtot K. Btoktr.... UBBJ -Blk 10. Wt 14. 70 TUto OWUtN M Trart CEojponp .IBMB Blk la. tot la, Ittto Ovojaatoa Tmrt Owiponr ,WB Bik io. tot ie. Tk Titto ewwAaa B3 Trort Co 03 am oy - tTJt " BlkTtf totlsT" 'Titlt" Oaaraatoa' '4 Trort CMopoor Lia ' Blk JO. vt to tort jrt It. tto Tltla (MirutM trort Oooipoar . . tBBt Blk in. om4 10 tort tot 1. W. M. Btot- . todlto ..; ux'V BU la, waat tt tool tot St, r. W. tut- - fotita a.BI w-Blk lA,at SO tort tot , two Tttto UMraaUo Trut Company - Blk 10. lot tt. tto TlUi Oaanatat Trust rnnoor . . .. . TV. ....... .i-xr Blk 10, tot M. laa tttto Qaaraatoo . Trart CwMpoay 00. B to tt, Taa litto saarojrtM at i w''aomM a Troot OmMlT ' 08.BB Btk io, tot as. mrtoH w. tn.... ioa. Blk 10, lot io. tm tum mmnf Trart Omponr Btk 11, tot a. Two Tttto aatraatoa ft 1114 Blk 11, w"'??"' TWi' qauaaaia' lkrnt. t"iirBTtoi Tl'tia' Oartiitoa Trart Oooaponr . . i Blk 11. tot " Tat tttto 9amtaatoi . BlTTl. totToBo OoArotoi' Trail OoMpoay . Harra U1U adtttoa to Btat M 01.1 to. it 1" Blk L M & Jllbort W. UoWt., .,. Blk E tot Albort W. Loojltort.......,- BBt. TO aa.oa Tt.ll tot , Alltrt W. Lonam , tot I, Albert W. Libort-.... tot . Barofe H. 6m TT1.41 SM.oa tot I. Barak H. loooca...,.,.... . tot i. Barak It. jooaeo lot L aarak H. ttun. .r. W 41 at. it Baa.f HaMoa'a Adaittoa to Bart itorttoat, B S . Blk an. to . Proi W. Baaaai........ BM.0S aa.w 09.71 sox.n SMI TO. sa Blk SS. tot I. J. C. BohrU. ........... ftik SO, tot 4, Praooto Rowa. ;., Blk M. tot t. taato Bowo so. km a, i sa, tot 1, sa. tot C at. tot T. Blk tt. tot a. Corrta P. Alkoa... ITS. 10 Blk St. tot f. Onto P. Alkvo 1T0.T0 Blk St. tot T. CharlM BtTcoztvrtowt.. BBkM Banajoldt Blk 41. tot L Ttotoau Barfta Btk 41. tot Tkoauu Dorllat. Blk 41, M S, B. Ooaroo it Blk 41, tot 8, J, P. and Ljdlo Wendell. n.34 Kik 41, .wt a. i. r. ana uau wonaeii. J Ik 41. tot IS. J. P. LrdU WoaaaU. ik an, tot L Borik winuoMoa........ Blk 40, tot Barak WIManMoa. . . .. Blk 40. tot I. Maraant kL Braoaaa.... Blk OS, tot B. flnnDjalOa Load A la aroTotoiat Omopobt Btt 00. tot 0, aannrrtOa Ual ft laV am Tan tit Oonpaar , Bit 40. tot H Bunaraoaa Laal ft tm- ' riToaamt Ooojpanr , , to, lot It. Matoow Rtooto Blk 40, tot 14, Bunaaoto Laa ft lav . tans to. at 48.01 fa. at tan sr.aa Bit at, tot iy 'atoaarata'lM''A'lav romaomt Ooojpanr Bt. tot S. BunartMo Hi ft IkV Blatofct fonratia' Laioj'ft' lav ravooMiit Oonpanr Blk 00, tot a. RnaaraMo Laa ft lav troTcBMnt Obntpaor Ik St. toi 0. IfonaMo Uaft ft fjp BrotMBMt ODBpaar . BAY at, lot II tanoranto Laa4 ft lav proToawat Ooatpaor Slk tt, tot IS, Btllth t PattorM..... ik to. tot 14. Booajojaa Laat ft m HO.0S a. st nan lo.S iTtar Ooaapaao tot IB. w. , 140.08 St M atoa Hawtboraa Park Blk BH, WMt Blk SM. VMt A. oTfrTtnaoa. A. UcKlDsaaL Btk S04. aaat ft tot a. Wa Waltar W, Bof. ' ST.Ot Blk Sf'mrt'toVyWajw''Bov Blk I' 'ioV V. 'tW Hawfaor'na 'iatatoll SnH,'m st.os Slk im, tot ik . tot Tbo ftawtkorno Batato. TWo nowtknrno Batata. 00.40 , Blk 138. tot S. Ttta RawtkorM Eanwortk'a AOaUtoa to B BaUU.. . r f ik a. tot t Umm f. yaaoa...;,, . , BTk C fit Jbbmo P naea s Blk I, tot f fbomaa Ckllakaa -" Blk B, to B, Tfconaa Callahaa :' Blk totl, r41aaa4 Dtioiat u4 P. aooik 4 an ' T4 BM.01 Blk 4?lot f ParaW'fao'i'ai'a?1 a'a ' ': Sift K t':B;:'8S::::::::: Btk tot Wniuoi B. Jackooa v ' Blk E tot Wllllaai B. Jaekaoa ...... , 1 Blk t. wart OS tort tot t, ft. D. atoaa ' . Bli''tAao'tort'art"T;''Bioa' B Raaaknr ,. Bik I. art OB tort tot 0, Boaoaa B, Haaakor I BH.TI Bt.oa OS. SB BTT. IT . 00,71 ' mis mtf Blk 1 tot I. ?aato Bot am Blk 2. tot KSCm:::::::::::: Prank K. Conk WIHUB1 a BKai Ot ft Sltitot 03. U til 47-07 oaatrai rara. mawx nriaio Blk T. aorta 100 tort tot is. twaa f. u. aw-o T. wuiar Bik T. wen ioo toot mt aaat at tort toi Of JO 11, alary a. waw BmTt. aarth, 100 fart tot 10. Bltob lk. ' aairti'' iwi' 'tart" artK''aV''4 40,70 am st fftn eBJS najnr Blk T, north 1M fart of woat SB 14 fart tot ft Andrew T. Lewto lfc T. aortb 100 fart' aaat Id M tort Blk l. Blk S, . Blk ' Klh I tot ft tteaaoj U Bay haln..MM..fl - tL9l 1 T, o W0 fMt rt Mrt M S-l tort tot T, U Kit ht-n BLOJ mk. T. i ft out 18 14 tort , tot r. C A. tiMoa '.. Btt T, w' ICki fvt tw( HUM tot t. C r Brno. am 4B.U HOT Blk T, a k luo foot Mat 10 1-0 tort tot , t -trtec f. fw ...... It T, w Ji ioo foot it MM toat bu r. orth too fort wt M i4 tort lot a, 'U Borla, truotM... Blk T, Mil 100 tort Mt tt 14 tort tot 4. ClroMot L. Hmtot, Blk T, Mrth id fort omI M M fort tot 4, rordlDo4 OplU BU T, aorta ioo tort wort M M tort tot I. rrliioad OplU Blk T. mtU 100 toot oart CI 1-B tort tot ft, Ontm M. ooj KU Ortoa.... Blk T, oorU 100 tott lot I, BIooaH a Bik "7 to'ioo'tort' toi'CBitoifX i iVi'oWto'bU'd'o('rWt; jaaorth U tort tot k afaaa H. 'fr'' Blk 18, aorto'ioo'tort' tot'li''TUto Oarou 6 Trort Oomponr ........ Ik U oarth 100 toot lot 11, TW fltto L0 aM 10L01 ma UOJO - . Oaaruteo J Truit OospoAy Blk UL aortb 100 fort lot 10. no nua uaarantoo Traat Compamy Btk 11, aortb 100 fort lot a, Tha Titto oaraatoa A Traat Comoaav Blk II. aorta 100 fart tot a, Tka Tttto Oaaraatoa A Traat Cornpaaj ......... Blk it, aortk 100 fort lotl; Tka Titto Oaaraatoa A Trut riiiaaaaar Blk IS. aortk 100 fort lot a. Tat TUto ; Oaaraatoa B Traat Oaaapaaf. :.: Mac la, aorta 100 faat lot 0. TM Oaaraatoa A Traat Oonpaaj ......... Blk II, nortk 100 toot lot 4, Taa Titto Oaaraatoa ft Traat Oocapaay ........ Blk la, aortk 100 foot wt t, Taa) Titto Oaaraatoa ft Traat Ooatpaay auk la.aaorta 100 root tot 2. Taa Tiua Oaaraatoa A Traat CoaMgaar Blk U, aortk 100 fart lot 1. Taa TUto Oaaraatoa A Traat Company Blk 11. aortk 100 faat tot 0, Taa TUto Onaraatao A Traat Conpaar Blk It, aortb 100 fart lot 4. Taa Tttto 111.40 lOLBS uuaraataa at Traat Donpaa. Bik 11, aortb 100 fart lot I. TW Titto A OaaraatM A Traat CoBMif BMt Blk U, aortb 100 fart toT S, Tha. TUto . Oaaraatao A Traat Oonpanr Blk It, nortb 100 toat tot 1, Tha Tttto . tavat Oaaraataa A Traat OoafpaBr. ... B.S4 Matrap BUI AaaUttoa to aawt) Blk 4. tot L T. 41. BTvwaaaa:.Mi-a Blk 4v tot S, T. O. Browrto. ..... Blk 4. tot f. . S. Browaaoa....... TS.40 sm.4a ST.H . fle.rt OD.St Jta.ts Blk 4, tots, T. O. Brownaaa..MH. Blk tot L T. Q. Bwnaoa.. Blk tot f. 6. Browaaoa Blk t, tot T. . O. Browaaoa., ik t, lot S, T. O. BroarBBoa... Baaaaa'a Aaaltlaa to Bart ffarttoal. Bo. S ' ' Blk tt. tot I. Aaaa Colrl as.. 180.M Blk 3. tot S, Aaa OolUno 122.1T Blk St, tot S. Oooriw A. Ooa..M....rt lUM Blk SB. lot 4. 144.90 S3S.S4 320 01 108. ST lfll.TO 181 SO BIX ZT, ZT. ktt 1. Prod Hanaoai M Blk ST. lot ft Ma B. Kokerta. Blk ST, tot a, loa ft. Bobrto......M Blk ST. lot 4. Q BotMrta.... Blk ST. woat U lot t, Pra W. Hanaoa. Btt ST, aaat H tot S. lajaaf W. Xtoft. oatsajaiao Ilk it lot a. Baaaaaaaa laaar At taa pfwraaaart Otaipaa ........ i. n i I01.4T 4 Blk 41. tot S. annnjataa Iab t I Bvovoaaoat Ootnpaar ' St. 18 Btt 4S. tot S. Suanrakto Laia ft lav araaaaMMt Oaaipaar v 14.11 tt al in I. HuunlAa IaA ft lav . proraiaeat Oonpan 00.48 Btt 41 lot 0, auaajatoa Ia4 lav nraraoaoai uoanpaor j BU 41. lot T. Honivaiaa lab arTeaaoot Ooaipabr ................ hot totterod O. RaonyatAe Laiil ft taV aroToetat Oiaaaia aaaralAv- Blk 48. tot L feaaayalAB Laaar at lav arpTwanat OonpaaT Btt 48, tot S, Buaartaaa La4 ft lav S.T4 ftvao UIQVVWb)' tat 41, ! at caaipany tot 8. Bunarataa Laaal ft lav , eat Oaaipaar 00.48 tot 4. ButmjaWa Uai ft lav tat Obaapanr a 08.88 aroTaaw a Btt 48, tot 4, Bi araoaaaaat Cbaaoanr .... a . Btt 48. tot B. BunnraMa Load ft bTs: it OneanaaT or.aa ft lot 0. inunUt Laad ft lav ort Oaaaaaar 41 lot T. SuoaTahto Laad ft lav nroTotooat Oaatpasr ...... ' Btt 48, tot ft BnoaratAa tajad ft lav BlTlTtot t, r)u rlnWaaUad" 'ft' 'lav,. proTeatoat tfempaay ' Lot tottrrod K. fiuanyakto Laad ft lav 1.48 Btir raaaaenX CoaBpnj--. . . . . 44. lot 1, Aan7aida Laad) ft lav . BlF44Ttot lKTa,'Laad' B laVl BrdTtot r,''ft 'i- BttwTto tjCnwa' tW WJ Blk044tot l"naiaa' Laad' 'dV lav.. BftTft rivaaacai uoaapanr V"i"i. V 44, tot ft Buoaraida Laad ft lav aa.ts proToeaaat QeaipaBr ................. Btt 44, tot TBBratda Laad ft lav Bit "w. tot 8. 8nyaldo'LAU ft'lttv ' prvnaaaon Mniwv 1 Btt 44. tot ft ftannratoa 4awI ft lav - ftlS Bcaraaaoat ooaapaaj aat. '! TMal ....... ....r.tttjo6-a4 THOft C DBTLllf, Aaditor al tha Otp of ftrtlaad. 8, lBOft , : nOPOBZS AwSBBBSTBSfT FOB BotJea at aaraay frtm that tha Oavrfl af tha ntw ad Pwtlaad aiuoaaaa to aaaoaa tha fol- lowtaaT OaatTtbad amaortr a ad owner ar wa- ara ai bolnc apaafalto and pooallarlr baaafltod rh am ata aot oBDoalta tho bbbmi aad ata aet op doaerlpttooa tbaraof by tba aaaatratttoa of a aawor to that Klghth troot froaj 100 toat Booth af tha aoath lino of Thonpaoa atraat to a eoaaootloa with tba aawar to Tillamook atraat. aa prorldod j ardlBaaea no. w.air. Aar oblorttaea to tba apportlootnant af reft aald aowar arart bo aaada to wrttlaa; ta tba OoaacU aad ttod with tha Aaditor witkla Bftooa Sara froat tba to to af tba Oral pub Ilratloa af tbla aotloo. aad aald abtontoiia will ha board aad do tafia 4 ar tha CoaoHl bofon the paaeaya of tha aralaaaaa tha ert of aald aawar. ( . , nib ioo. tot 10. Robert atartfh. ,t SS.SI Btt lOft tot 1ft Joba a Jaeoba., ...... S0.1B Blk 100, tot IT, Blleabeth Braa M Sa.SS Blk 10a. tot M, Bllaabeth Baas.......... SO-to Bik toft tot it, p. UtIb. sasa ik loa. fat 14. Onaataaea A. Nkraa... SO. SB Btk loa, tot It, cota W. Barrtoa....o S0. Blk 118. tot ft A. BL Mnoa..HM... U.4B Bik lit. tot ft M. H. Plook........ IT 06 Blk lit, tot ft H. H. riort 17 06 Blk 118. tot ft . D. Xackaoa 1T.M Btt lit. tot ft Botoa A. Eltore.... , Blk 110, tot T, Joaaph T. BUIa Bib lift tot i ftrthar B. DaTara....MM 17.98 Total tsoa.10 THOB. ft DBTLIN. Aadmr mt tba Otp rt Perttoaft i. laos. BBBBOBBB ftBSBBSMBBT; F9 . Bfttt TBUXTaOUITat BTBXXT .Bfltlto to Barabr atfah that tba ObOartl Y tba City af Portland propol to aaaeal tha foltowlaff aVacrlbad proparty aad owner or , ewnan ' aa bata apoctoltr poealtorly beveflted to tba. aiaoaata eat oppoaica aad liarr lalli aa tbaraof br tha elrncttoa of a aewer la Bart Tblrteaath atrert froai tba aortb Una af Broadway a aaa aattoa with tba aowat to Baaeack aaraat. mm roaldad by ariiaaaca no. m,m ahwrloaa to tba aaawrftonaajart af aaa for aald aewor Bloat bo made In wrttJae; ta tha Ooanril aad Sled with tha Aaditor within Ofteaa daya froai tha data rt tha Brat pnb Ucattoa of tbla Betle aad aaUl oaoaa will bo heard and datarailaod by tha Orancll bafora tka paaaaM af tba aralaaaaa aaaaialaf th raa for or aaia Hoitoftkr-a ftddtoaa Bib H Winaai Xaao A iv ana. U 4. Wllllaai Mana . ..A SB. 10 Blk SM. tot X. Joba ft. Uaaaaa.M... Blk SU, tot ft Joba B. Baaara. ..... S8.10 Sona O. leailaeflau... S8.10 oka u. jBmioaon.,v.... ty of Portland. S4.H rr af Portland... 84.50 Jeaoeh BX4at M M M Wt t; aoeoah Baldel... M S4.M aik aaa lot m. IIla Grace LaaiMrana B4.M Bik aaa. aaa a. mbi wraoa laawnw.. aa.ou saaftto THOB. C DBTLIN. aaAltao a tka tmtM mt Tm I land Sftrar Baptoaiker i. itoa. OOaTPLBTTOB AMD AOOXPTAKOB BP O noTxatsarT ov bbbtjibuub atbvvb. m m w?abT alroa that Will taw ft SB- Boaa. catr Bulaaar, baa Bled la tba afftra rt tba aBdretoBd aottoa faat Baaar A Wlaiaer coatrartJcator tba lapTOTinat of Pt-ala-ulai iinAao tbo DroTtatona of ardlaanea Ma 11.100, bare aamplotod aald atraat froai the Enta? Una MrlT.-raaa atoort ta Sat aaath Una at tba dolaaibli boalarard. ... felt acceptance wti be eeaaadereal tor tho .rtiJTf&ar at 4 e'fLoefc on the A day af Bapteatoar, ltoft lad rttorttoaf to tte aeeapuate mt aald atraot ar aay part taoroot auy to dlo to tba oftea at ata aaaaralpi4 " W. "-TBI tfSMhwm- BOABB. ( fc : .... By THOaV ft DBTLIM, Aaditor af tha Olty at rarUaaft Aaana Wft. ,. . , BBOVOBFn totfl BV AUtB IT&Ot, bv-w to towrtv r' toot ta. " r of Port' J or W aaaMB tka W deCTtaal r -"(J ,ed owoor ft-r Vlu epo J and jpoaallaj-ly ta ew a. opanata the lar M ti wart tor . laiararaaioat it tr a tba wai ot a Um of j tbo aaat boo at oato ittwrt, j artUaaaea Ho. 1 I. w to tho anporw ea af aaat or f t BOM BUM Of J Blxtt prov. Aur v. Ir aald l naat a t be ia u wru- to to tka ttoaiMtll irf Atot wttb tha AaaUar wfihln ttaoa dara froca tha 4aU af tba Brat pabUoaHa of tbla aotleo, aa aaM whmmoi will bo hoard and datarmlaod k tha Couartl afora tha aaaaa tha ordlaaaoa aaamlaj aaat of aakt iayraraaiaafa , a . , nan inaa . 7. " Blk ITT, tot ft fttotfaatia PatotohMB Oonpaar .i-;.".-1 V WJI IB 177, art urafaajaa raauaauoaj Blk l fTj"tot 't. 'Parttoma ' fl'aaamj' Bto ' - trla OaaaDaAT ...................... SaVXi Btt ITT, tot 8, Pattlaaal Baa awl Btoar - trie OonnaAr 4BJB.a Blk SIS, lot 4, B, W. Bopt Mat Laaa BlklV lot iE'W"atoFt'aAd'ioaiaa 140 Tt VOOK a Blk SIS. tot . ft Caaaaratiaa toTaataaaat Com Mar M0.T4 Blk 111. tot t, Oa apatatlTa larMtajant Park blk S. tot & Mrs. J. B. Walkar, Park blk S, tot I, Baatoavla a4 Lawto ' Blk VlV irt X'Arttattoa' Baitotoj 'aTftsi 181.48 S31 88 TU-08 tSTT aociauoa - Blk lid. tot ft AtoBtoa Ballatoc A BuTstartota, 'iium Wiita "rt az!"C Bfl lie, tot 8. laaal Wblta rt x...... Blk Ids. aaditUad to tot 4, Btoto BL Hamlltna ..f Blk 1U, avatrtaat tot 0 BtoUr . HQ BIO ... . Blk soft aoatfe tot S. Baallr K. Uana ; .,... P Blk 3U. aarth M totl, Btoa lama aa4 Blk SrlTtot a, Waodniii' i'tbo'arta Bulldloa; AaaociaUo i.'iiv"i BTkmadlrUad 1-1 tot ft SOato B. Blk SU. aadirtdao'i'totX Wlr'H. Hint j'-i Blk SU, aaftrtaaa M tot S. Braaat ' Haaiiltoa '"n- Blk ShTm ft Braaat aad hUrto SSLOB BM-Oa Bk SM, tot ft WllUaai B. Blllia., BM.41 Blk mt, tot ft B. M. Caka - HIS" ma aoa. m a a. a. caaa a tb. u kib a .. am ImI Id A. Aa-aea Han - Booth to blk I, wart 48 fart of aaajtB . UM 18 fart lot B, Aitaa nau ' -" nth to btt L oart 8B tart tot ft Anal B. Baraard BBB.TO Ssatb to bit I. aaat SS fart of aaath la Eart tot 8, Aaaa a. aaroara.j.... oath U hlk X. aortb 84 foot M S, Bllaa Oorbrtt BsUta, boira of Baatt H blk . aaatto tot ft Byroa P. Oardwen Btath btt 1 out H tot ft Bnam R riantwAll Baatb H atk I. amfbSt tort a wart lot a. Harriot af . Ha una a , r. Sontb to blk I, watt H tot 8, Barrtot at. fimaa,,...:. oath H blk f. Berth ST tort of wart ai a Bucaaei wcwawiwy . bddui w aaa a. ava awww n. . . . . 006 1"T'XWwarr-7T3!: noraan fffftM Boot btt J, aaat tot ft Aaa Danhar Batata, todra af Sjaatb blk J, aaat H.tot ft ftfaaB Dunbar Bjotata, aeira ox Boath H blk J, wart to tot ft Lteato O. Walla .'. oath U btt J, wart to tot S, LtoBta aTLTO 104.00 BlftTS ft Welhi ........... atn. ata la M.-trt A- fllaan B. 171 aaa tto.w Ik til, tot ft Jaoob ptork , ik lis. Bart tt tot Lacto A- aid Hmpv It. nkaaa .....wa... S.TS BftTt Btt lift aaatttlrt ft LaeU A, and Blk VS. arart Blk lift waft tt tot'ft Batoaa irBarti ....4 SBO.OS Blk ITU la 1. Ortwoa -r 400.81 si i tm ant m. urrana UDnDanr..d Blk 178. tot f. Orecoa Company. Tt OO Blk 17ft tot ft Oroaoa Ooamany... 82 71 Blk- 111. lot 1. ucr A. at. naaaw. naawv Blk SIS. tot ft Crraa A. Dolnb I .- 0S.M Blk 111, tot T, RVlea P. apanln- ISO .80 072.40 Btt HI. tot ft Ratoa P. paaldlnf . Park btt L MI, Chariea H- KrraiiT, r Park blk ft tot 4. PactSc Btataa TahK a float A Teawrapb Oannaay Blk SIT, tot l, Oearga t. aad' Oart raOo M. Baaacll , Tk tit btt . B . and flara. rada B. Haaaell 140.04 Btk SltTtot T, Syrnater Poaaoyar.... SDT.M Blk SIT, tot ft ftTtoeatn PMaayor.... I 888.47 Blk 1SS. totl. ft BiiiaplitTBatata, belra of TT0-8B BTk tas. MIL Bee aab tact Batata. batra af SSB.01 Blk SM, tot T, Mary MrItorawtt....M . SS3.S0 Blk 8T8, bt a, Mary Mruaratatt .- IIU.U Btt SDT, tot 1. Bella w. PorkkalBaer aad Laa Prtod Blk SIT, tot ft Bella P, Itorahalaair aad Lao Prtod BUjOT Blk SOT. tot T, H. Baaaafakl aad ft.W. Boeonfeld BsUta, belra of.......... Btt SB7. tot ft H, Booenfeld aad ft W. Boaaafeld Batata, belra of North tt btt ft hit Plrrt Praabytai BtLOt TOT-St taa Cbarr WW IX K1V In a atpak tinHlHi ' laa Coorrb - VLBI Berth tt btt BI. aaat H MT, PUM Praabytarlaa Charoh Bortk tt hlk BL aaat to tot ft Plrrt Proabrtartoa Charch Berth tt hlk B, waet to tot T. Pint Proabytarlaa Charrh Traatae Borth tt hlk R. wort tt tot ft Ptort Preahrtatlaa Cbarr Traotee ...... aWtk U blk I. at L Tbaaaaa bf. Blebardaon - 00ft SI Hnrtti la btt BL tot ft flaltiada ft. . Bowora " TTS.4B Worth tt Mk ft. tot T. H. A, aootalaa.. n.4 Nortb tt btt ft. tot B. M. A. Boocslaa.a Blk 811. tot L Sboal Dlitrlct No. 1.. Blk til. tot ft ft-bool IHatrlet No. .. SS4.S8 Btt 111, tot T, Bcbool Dlatrict No. M M Blk nt, tot ft ScBBel Itoitrtot Ba, I0O.S1 latal v.... 'Trioft " 'cTfa'iVLi W. Aaditor af tha Oltr af Partlaaft aVtdaajhar 1. lOOft ... OOSTPLBTIOV ABB AfXTBPTABOB OT IBV PMTBStBBT OB BAAS TWSXPTal BTBXXT. Mattoa to heraby ttreai that WllUaai ft Bl Ttott. City Boanaaar. aaa Clod ta the aflea of tba BBdarshined aottoa that Borhlll Broa.. etm traetan for tha tBaproraaaowt ot Bart Twelfth etrart. aadar tba prertatona af erdlaaara Urn. IS. Ml aara eompUted aald atreet, froai the cantor Una of Maaoa etrart to tha eeatar Baa af BhaTor atraat. Bald eccaptanca wfB ba anaallirii hp the BxerorlTa Board at 4 a'etoek oa tha 4th any of nptaaibar, 1000, aad obrttona to tha aoreptaneo of aald atrert at any part thereof may ba Bled ta the office rt the aaaaralood at aaz ttoae artar tboroto. TBB BXW'I'TTTB: BOABB. t I By TMOB. ft DBVUN, Aadltar of tha CKr of Porttoaft Awnat St. loot, , 001CFLBT1OB ABB AOOXPTABOB BT XBV nOTathTXWT OS SLAAOB aflUB. Baftoa to barebr (Ivea that WlUlaai ft Bt Urtt, Cltz. Bnflnaer. baa Sled to to ofaoa af the aKdaTalfnad aotleo that B 1, Pikakr. aaa tractoa for tba Ivproraaaent af atoaoa atraat. Bbdar tba nrorlaloaa at orainiaea No. 1I.S00, baa enanplatad the aaat tt af tba af Bait Poartooath atreet. Bald aaeentanoa will BaocaUra Board at 4 e'tloek on tbd of Booteaibar. 1808. k&d abtotttona to accept a ro ef aald atiwt at any part tbaraof Bay to) Bled ta tha efOrt af tha 'aAdataajaad At 8BP tlaMprlor therrto. -' BXaVTTTTB) BOABB. . J By THO. ft DSTrLIB. AadlbbT at tha OUT Ot ParUaaft Aaswrt St, loot, QOMPLXTIOB ABU AOOatPTABOB OT Oft PBOTXMZVT OT XXAABTXT aTBftBf. Nrttoe to hereby g1a that WlUlapa ft Bl Itott, City nclnaar, haa Sled to tha office af tba awtoralcned Botlea that Pralnoy A Xoatinc eaotraeton for tha laapromnoat of Xearnry otrttt, andar tha pravUlone af ordinance Mo, 11.108, bare ooinpUtad aald atrert froai tha nta Una of Twelfth a treat to the eart aarb Una of Poartooath atraat. . SaM acoepUDca will be neat ami hp aha Baaratlra Board at 4 a'etoek on tba 4th day of BoptaBber. 100ft bad ahtoettona to the anwptanea of aald atraat ar any part tbaraof may ba ttoi to the ofaoa af tha aaaaratonod ertor t bar to, na HSKCTTm : BjOABD. ' . By TH'Uk U. DKVLIfl, . Aaditor of the Otty at Partlaaft Aataaf St, loot. . . OOatPLbTTOW ABB AOOXPTABOB OT aat TBOTXBtXSTl OT JaAAOB BTStXXT, BfaMoa ha Wrabr alTa that WllUaai ft SB. Hott, City Bncinaar. baa IN la tba 0(800 af the aaaaral(n4 notice tnai awcaiii vraa., eoa C.tan fa tha lunMTankoat ef Maaaat atraat. nndar tba prorialona af ordtaanoa Mo, 19.300, bare aMpfeted aald atreet froai tha orator Una af Beat Twalfth atrert OJ at Baat rourteantb atraat. Bald aeo-atanea will be anaaldiria bp tha BktoraMva Board at a'atoah oa tha 4th day of aoBfaeabar, 1808, and eW-cttoaa to tba arcoptanca of aald atraat m mmf part thereof may aa awa ia taa ernm as taa awoaaasaM ai aay tlaja prior tboroto, TB BXS1 TITB BOABD. i By THO. ft DIVUB. " ' AndTtor rt the dtp af rarttoadb aVacart St, uoft W Anmw9AiroB OP XaV on Jtwr vP BLAwaoB tisin. Hoiiern to br BlTaa that WlUtoat 0. Ba ft a, nty t. baa lied ta tk efaea af tl a4oraVn4 'loa that 9. B. O'Moll, ooax its ar tot tie 1' .-orontaut af aladlaoa otroot. naar th wowt m af ardloeaoe Ma. 11.148. baa eomivtef d b.,1 atraat froai tba aaat hue of Ptaait atraat to taa wait Baa at PUU atraat, . a 4 aeraouaea ana aa nan una aa pa iacv1 .d at 4 e' cloak oa tba 4th day af b- 't,f, 1008. aad objoettoaa ta tb acaapiaace ef aaM atrot ar aay part tbaraof Buy ba 9 lad ta the ofte mt the aadatalcaad at datf Baaeprlor tborrto. 1UI a A S.I l, I TBI aniaHir. " J By THOft O. UBVLIB, if - Aaditor af laa OUr af teilaadL aj aft , ' aBOPoers3) ABAzoaMxsnf bob ntmm- BtUlT 07 TWEBTT-PIPTB ITIUT. Ptotlca to baron siren toat tha tfeaart! af a City af Portland propoaaj ta aaaoaa the fattowlaf deaerlbad pravorty aad uwaar or owBara aa aelnf aponauy ana Brniiariy naaa Stod la tha aaaaanta art appoalta tha aantaa and Ocaerlpuoaa tbaraoi ror tba impraroaMat of Twonty BItb Btroot freta tha 'aortb Una af n.ii.ii atroc aa tha north Una af Nortb fwrt- tond. ae pravldod by erdlnaore NO. It.hM. Aap ebjoctiona to taa apportionniaBi ar boot (tor aald huuroraawat nuat be aaada la wrttlaa; to the Coancll and atod wttb tba Aaditor within nnoea aara from the dale of the Brat publica tion af tbla BotW, aad aald ebrtloae wtn ba board and deter mined by tha Coandl before tha paaaapa af tba erduaaM, aaaeaalaa; the aoat oT aald lwairitaaiaat, . , . - Harm wnuw , nik in lot t. aVboal Watrlrt Urn. 1 8 ftSI Blk 1ft tot C tchoal Dtattlrt Ba. 1.... T 80 Blk 11, tot lft Soli ana Hlrat Batata, brira ot , tlS-08 Btt 11, tot IT. 1 1 km Hlraah Battta, BlklL. tot ft Jieah itorer.... - 84.1T Blk it tot T. Joob toayar .... , OTjn Wllaoa'e Addltloa to the City af parv nib u mmm "---- i i". .VT II t. tot IT. Tj tot lft t tot lft TV Blk J, tot lft' Blcla Wraarla. .M Bib T. tot 18, Mary a.i-Da ai- Btk T tot lft Mary fckbrt...... TT.fA Bit T, tot ft Bdward Booa... 41.80 Atklaaoa'8 AAameai ai on,uv aa Btt S. aaath to tort tot lft htory Blehrt. ..T. Bikt. north TO tort tot lft Btola wia'aTaV Alj'aal'aaf,aA'ii!fk ftSS ftn Deba mt-t Btt ft eart dftf fart af tot ft ttetahe Merle Btt 8, tot 1. Mary Blrbot .... ... a Wltoaa'a AddtttoB to tba Cttp af Port- .- Bik t. htt ft ram irwarf..ft.Vi-.;i." toss Btt T. tot ft Clara hUrdorf. .......,., B2.4i Hlk T, lot 4. Pile 1 wtoowua Blfe T, totl, Kmou J. Waknaaaa. . . ... as an Atkiaaoa'a Aaoitaaa a taa utr Portlaad . Bik 1, tot lft atonaa V. WakaBaja. .4 Btt i oaat 11.4 tort af tot 8. W. W. Bttlrlirt' li'i' atoi rt'tot 'ft W. W. (landaU .... ftU Btti 1. lot 1, Bataui J. W atresia. . . . . . . . i, BaWh'a Addltloa to tha Uty af Part- toad Blk atS. aaat lao fbrt rt art a, cawav- -- tlan and Bdward Booa.. Blk lit, tot lft Baaaaa Wifaor 4T.SSJ uan Blk IIB, art IT, U- aaa isowara auv , 1J0 Btt nav kU'i'aaiaawai'iTBla.b Bhialo ' Bttaitr tot X 'atotortaV Htradi ' Brta'to, ISftTS Ooldamith'a Adaittoa to tha C3 at ' nik at. la A Antoa Baaaontad... ..... SO.Ot nib 01 W antnn Bern 11 anti Ml ........ . , 00.18 Blk XI, lot a, lioata ociaimiiD...,.iw- Tl 1 Bik SI, lot 1, Loato Oaloaablth,.. Oft OS North Portland , aa a m in 1 ! BI aaaa.. . ........ , an. 11 Blk u ant A Bamnal BlaMB J. aa.wa brtrdrt :...!". aaa.ia Btt ft tot.U, BOkxaoa Hiraca awtata, batra af : atik a W a HtaB BBltaea. belra of O-dS Blk ft tot Hlraah Batoto, . noira ot wiktaa'a Addltloa to tha City mt Port.y, Blk ft tot lft Mary Blrwat............. Blk ft lot IS. Ooorra Good...,....,... 107.88 Blk ft tot 14. Mathtae Kalna...,.... Blk ft tot 11. Mary Biebot ......... . . Blk ft tot 10, Arthur Joba P., Oaraaeba. , g is a, lot T, Mary ami t. Ik ft lot ft La Ad A Ttltoa...rf....,..w. MM Blk ft tot ft Udd A Tlltaa. ....... U.08 Biw O w a rtimr Omi 47.84 Batob'm Addltloa, to tba OUt at Part IbbA t BlkSSft wart MO fart tot ft Ptop ft Kottaga .-. Btt 818. tot lft Oeonra Sttrauyer Lk ail Int 11 kartlM Bflaaarala...... iOfTl .04 Dk ill. tot 8. Nttla Bbrmaa r ft IS Blk t. Hrrmai Bnrtoe, batra of....j..u ISftTS Ooldaailth'8 Aaidttoa to tha ntp af Portland ". . A Blk S. tot IT, Ma thaw Daady Beta to, Btt a, tot ift'hiatt"pV rtoadr'stou'ta; Blk ft fatVft'Lowto ffVtadBjaa.. ....... 188.84 lata 1.TT Blfe ft tot lft Thaiia way US. SI Trtal ta........ . ts.oaftsa - omnai. f npraxiN. Aaditor af tba City af rarttoaft Baptoatoer 1, 1808. nnTDhtABTXB'B BOTXOB. BOTTPB ta hereby alraa that on tha Slat tap af Anarnat, 1008. I took Bp aad etnpoaadad at tha dty poond. It No. SOI atxtranth atraat. la tba dtp oflrNwttoaft Oregaa. tha toltowlaw deembea antniaia: . . . One barkakla pony branded O B aa toft htp, - ' nana anl wblM boot aa forehead : aaara. arhlta Boot aa forahaad. wblta etrlna aa aoaa. toaadad L T em toft Up. right Mao Sort whltau nl BtiVoa tha owaor. or Otl acraona harlap aa taterort tberala. aba 11 claim poaewaaioa of tba aama, and pay all coata and charrea af tba koeplnc and adrerttalnt thaj, tofrthor with tho pound feee on aald .laula a mrvtA by ardlaaara Ka. A09B. an a man dad. af aald Htr of Portland, 1 will aa the oth dap af aVptaaaber, 1008, at the Vir mt in a. aa.. at tha rltr aoandj at Me. SSI Mxteaatb. 1 aald rity, aell taw abore doarrtbed a nl aaa la at pajbUe aaettoa to the hlfbeet bidder, ta pay tba eoata and ehargea for taklac ap, kaaplag aad adrartkUna; aaeh aaiaaaia. BatM thai SO daraf Boplaajbif. 108ft P. W. BRBD. Poaadmaater, yPAOPOAAXa TOB BXBXXT WOBS. eatod araaaaala will ka aarrtrad at tbo ofnw af tba Andlaar af tba City rt tul bmMI WmiAmw AaalaBBhar A MOB. at o'clock p. aj. far the laaproeraaat of Bart Btark atrert frata tha want Una of Bart Water atraat to tha wort Uat of Fatea a ranee, to a. aawMod hr ardtoanea No. la.OM. aabtoet ta tha praeialoaa of tbo ehartor and erdtoanaaa af the City of .Portland end tba eat I mate of toe Oty aMiiear, 001 in. m Am a lis atHril. ta aeeontonoa with arl n tad bUaka, which will be fnraiobed aa Mpuearlaa at the ofaoa f .tba Aaditor of a. rtw ml aWtland. And Bala Iminlll- aMtrt ha aownUtod aa ar bafora 80 darn from tbo data ef tha atowlag af K Mia mart taa rboratB. Na aropoaah af Wda will b eaaataarit aa. kaa. naiaA hv a artlBad ahoek Parable tm tba ardor of tha Mayor af tha City ef Portland. rttnd by a raaaoartbto hank far a aaioairt ewul to 10 par aaat rt tha adSre- "Tbatobt to retort aap aad an htda aareap ruaarral mm ardor mt tha Btoratf-a Board. - ay arejar aa na THfM, merxn. Aaditor ef tha Cttr Iwrttoaft . loot. OObtPT.XT70V AWB AOCZPTABOB OT TBOTXaTXBJT OT TAMJUU. TnXXT Battoa to aarenr arrroa that WUltaai O. Bt Hott. Mtr Xnclpaar, baa Sled to tba eftW rt the amderataii nod pot aottra that tha Carbollaeaai Wood PrarrlM Company, contractor! for tba Imprvraawat of Temblll rtraet. aAdar tba mrm. rtaldaa of nrdlnanoe He. 11.841. ban ram stated aald atrert froaj tha wear Haa of Ptort treat to tba aaat Una af roerth rtreet. Said afwaotaaoa will be coaalderod bp the aanHva TAnarA at 4 O'rlork on the .4th Oaf of Bot-mbor. 1008. and abtorttoaa ta tba aeawptaaca of aald atraat ar any part tbaraaf may ba atod la tha efaoa af tha aaaanlgaaf at aay tun prior there to. InB BXBCt'TTTB .BOARD. J y THOft ft' DBVLII4. '" AaAtor af taa Ctty af PorUaaft Aatart St, itor PmOPOOAIA POB aflUXT WOBJL Baatod propoaabj wUl be, raceted at 1 afftra of the Aaditor of tba City 'rt Pj a'rlarh p. at. for toe Improroakaat af Haawort au tZnmm tmm aaat Hna'af Baat Tweatr-foarth atraat to SOV feet aaat at the aaat Bna of onuaty road, ta tha manner ererldod by arar aaaca No. lftdaft anhJ- to tba Pf"" J tho artar and ardlnanraa of tba City rt Portia ad and rha aatlmato af tha Olty atoAta miA ai ka aMatt la IBariBDII'l Wttb arlQt.d blaaba. which wlU ba rarol.had on Bonttcattoa at the ofaaa af .tha .Aaditor of kTntt. af fwtUad. Aad aald lnmo- mmmk awt ba MainUtad OB OT bafora 00 daya from tba data af fbe Kalac af ma M.ia mt MAa will be aoojalaarag aa laaa emmnanlad by a rartlOed rbach payabta a. ah m&m, mt tba Marar of tha CIU Port laa 4. eortltWd by a rm aonai b je ba ok far an amonat aaoal to 10 pat aeat af rha aAra. gata pro pooa I. The riabt to retort aay aad an btda to barobp rMeraed. av s aha twiMn abiaraT. -riirta. ft iiRvrm. . " .Aaditor rt the city rt rwTttomft Awjejtt SO, 1008. . auufr or tajuou. BsmskT ttottoa to aaroby gtraa that taw Oaaal Of the Key or rortiaaa eroaoaaa w at owuom aa total- aveeUUy aad sit 4 bene- rbo aaaoaata eat oaaw 1 ! ' aaakaa td daaartotbiaa tbaraaf Car 6 ' 1 aaaat rt Y atraat froai tha wart l e af rtort etrt to tba aaat Ban af W aarth atraaft aa pravldad by erdlBaaee Ma. 1SM1. Any oblrcttoaa ta tha aawarlloaaaaat of aaat far aald fmefwaat aioat bo aaada to wrltlaa; to tba Cftauell aul llod mtb tba AoATtir wltbta rtn 'laya froai tba data of th Brat pabH- caUoa af tbla aoUoa. aad aald eblertioai win be board and dftlaraUnud ay tbo Coeuxll ba fora tha peaaaae of t ncort af aald toapraa mrtlanA Btt 14. tot ft SeaaaB ft fXiwarbriaBfr.4 V4.04 bik 14, lot a. rlrary W blonaateo Btt U lft tot ft toaaaft A, atrowbrtdBav Blk lft "tot" 'i' 'iaaeph" ft. BUwato'toW STABS Blk nrtot'ft'jwjtwai BM8T St. tot Jnatna B. tlrowbrMca.. I JT.U a u m u- B Blk Blk P Palllaf aad fnally P. CBbalf M. Ik 11. lot 8, loetua at lueebifclli.rt S7.4T Ik 8ft tot ft Jen KamTT. .870.08 Bib Blk Rlk BO. kit A Jarofa Kaia via aw, bj a, vity av rnnaai bu ao, tat Bt Portland Boaiai Tn veroin 81ft IS Btt 18. aatrk 'ttW L'Tytor' Waed aetoa ...m..,. SBftB) lft aaath tt tovl. ttor, f W-f; 444Jf traatae Btt 18. Blk it, aarta' tt 'tot' 'i' 'Artlaar' taiaav nart SO 48 Btk 18. aonth U W 1 HMkinalB Aaallh. S3. 41 Btk IS, tot T. Xrthur Dareaport t.. lOftOO Btt IX aaat 80 foot tot ft Hoary W, Onrbett Batata, batra af llftOt Btt lft weat aft tort tot ft Jab B. taw SOT AO Bib Sft'tot'ft'kton'rd'o J 28.04 t n, aaat at foot of north tt tot ft BBt S3, aoath tt tot ft Artbar DaWaV OftTt im.00 Blk St. woat ST tort at tt tot ft Bdward Oooklnibam Blk lft tot f, Donald Mack ay 83.80 Bit 38. tot B, Donald Mackap RIBr HI. lak 1. BUIaa lav BBMata. belra of BTB.tb Blk 81. tot-A Pbtto Hxlbrook J....I SB Blk Bl. In f BVaa. aaw A rkiaaaaa Rife II. Ml aVna. Parao A Com 81. tot A Wflbj. Paiwo A Company. 81X10 BWfbt of way, Uty A Bu Ballwap W8BBABP ,,wfwMwwHt 1 Tubal THfal. ft BBTLIK. Aaoitar of tha City of atorttoaft, Aaawrt tl, OQA. , pftOPai,B itaaaaaiiai ros ' rim btbsxt. Motlra Si aarVby rliaa that the ftoaactl' Of tba Ctty rt 'Portland prtipuaea aa aaaoaa followtnar drarrlbod brODartr and owner owner na balnf saweially and porattarly b Atad la tba aaaanata aat a Mill tba BB aad deaeHpttona tbaraof by tba eoawtrnrttoa of a aawar to fifth atrert from tba aoath Hna ef Irrlna: atraat to B coanetmn With me aawar ta Ollaan atreet, aa proaldad hp aralaaaaa Ba, IftSTT. Any obtoottoaa to tha appartlanmart af oart far aald aawar aaaat ha made la writing tn tba fVnapU Bad Blad wttb tba Aaditor With la arteea dayB from tba data of tha Bret potoll- ratloa af Ik la notion, and aahl aaioraonn win ha heard And and dataratlnad by tha Itoaaetl ba for the paeaafra of the Cwaeh'a Addlttoa to thaAxtT of Part, toad . .. . . Ktlk V tat L I BbaAa aaat T- BL BL Roberta SftBS Blk V. lot ft H. H. BMa BBt P. U. U. Btt Y, W 'ft 'fiT it Bnto aaA prBi ft bo aorta (1, Btt T, bt L E ft Bade and P. at B, Kobarta St. 88 Btt ft tot ft Oram Traaafar Cooaoaay. SS M SASf Blk d. tot ft OivRoa Tranafer Company. Blk ar. In f . ktartkaaw Paaiaa Tarsal aal Oomannr Blk W. tot ft Bartheam Paataa Tarmtaal Dmpany SB.1B WVtot ft W. T. WblttJar I SB. to w, lot w. r. wnittief....nt...: so.m P. tot T, Qinrga BL PtoaAnm Batata Blk Blk Blk batra af Blk P. tot ft OiBTgej BL Ptoaatora Batata, bain rt St. 18 ' Tatol aaaoaa. ....SttftSP aank m narVT IN ' ' T Aadttor of tba Cat af Portlaaft iaftart St. ltoa. " PBOPOBKB TOB IlfPftOTB-IVXATT-aXTXJlTB BTBITT OT tTBAXT. . BABX Notice to harewy atowa that Oaa ftoaaat tba City af Portlaad propiiaaa ta aama following dracrlhod aroparty aad owner ownam aa baiag apoetoUy and peca&arty b Atad fa tha a nana ata art ooooalta tha an Baa TVlrt Ta.Mlh atraat. from tba aonth ltoa of Bait famblll anrert ta.fba aarth line of meat Tartar atxeev. aa muuaea ar in pi annua 0iar,,.rf!tloBa to tba taaei Uaiunawr mt caat far aald lmproremat mart be maae la writing to tb Coancll and tied with tha Auditor within ftaaa ara froai tba data af tha tret nwb Il ea tkn it tne nonee. ana aaia oajoniona win ha baard and flalarmlmd br tba OoaaHl ba fora tha paaaaga rt the oral aa Boa an awing tha mat of aald imprefimaat. aamnralaa i Btt SS, lot T, Mra. A. OrtfOa lft" Bik si, tot ft Joba H. waiiaoa b-db Btt IS, tot ft Joba M. Walloon. 1U Blk H, tot lft Xonrad Brandt. . Btt 81, eart tt tot 11, Wllttaav BSft 'aaat 'tt irt'ift BilnaaM wi'ntaav Bit .' weai'tt'tot Yl.' Bar( 'pioiaiwi'r Blk 83, waet H lot IS. Balpb raoaaaan.. Bik as, let , ooorga av. t lara. .. Blk lft tot t. Ooorra K. Clark.., Blk S3, tot 8, Tleta J. Mnlr , Blk 8ft aaat tt tot L A. 1. Lfndeey..... Btt tt. aaat tt tot A. M. Llndaey.,. Blk St. w-at U tot 1. Panl rVborle Blk lft wart tt tot ft raal aahaato.... 17.81 "Tatal aisftsa TOram. O. DBTLIN. Aaditor rt taa Otp af PwrttoaA Aagart SI. land. PAOPOozo AAatAaifxvT pob txwxm ZB BAAT TWEATI-aXTXBTB BTBBXT. Notico hi hereby gtraa that tha Ooaactt af tha City af Portland rrnpoeaa to aaaoaa the following daecrlbed property and owner ar ownera ia being apeetolly and aoeaberly ban. atod la tba anwaata art oppoalta tba aamea and awarrlpttoaa tbereof by the ennetractloa of a aewer la Baat Tweaty-earentb aUeot from the aaath Haa af Bart Taylor atrert ta a aoa noctlon with the or war ta Bolster atraat, an proTldod l-y ardlaaara Na, 18.818.' Any objecttoaa to the epportlonmowt af cart far aald arwor mart ba made la writing to the OancU aad atod with the Aaditor within afteea daya from fba data if to tot pnbUeattoa of tbla artlrr, and aald obtortlona will ba beard and dotormlnad by tha OwnHI bafora the paaaaga ef tba ardlaaana umitag tha ort tor eald aawar.- . Baaaoa'a Addltloa to Bart PwrttoaA Btt ft tot ft Wllmer L. Pag .. KM Blk A lot. it W II aur H Paaa i. 81 80 Bik it. tot L John McCall... S180 Blk 18. tot A Jnka MrCall ... SI. 00 Btt l tot ft Mary Conrhlla Bit IS tot 4. kUrr Congklla..,.. bjarrar HIU AddlUoat ta Baat Part land Si .80 1.00 BUB I, ntli naraa ra. BBBco...........r Haanoa'l Addltloa to Bart Portland Blk 10, lot ft Bllaa and Halo Backanata. Blk lft tot ft Bbrrman D, Cooper Ik 11, tot ft William B. ftt-eM..i.... Blk 11, tot T, William B. ttorla. . . . . .. wik tl M A fan-la aad Holla Abraham.. 40 80 40 80 40.30 40. 40 80 Btt l!. tot ft Carrta and Colto Abraham.. 4uB M array BUI Addfttoat to Baat Part- laad Btt 1, tot ft Atoart W. Uakbart SO. SO taaa Tnll. V. VtiYiit. a -V.IL. AflWlr Clt1' r,U41 BgpCaWmrfcmtf la BwaV OObTPLBTTOB AaTB AQOBPTAMOB BT -nOTaOCXaTT OT laUrTT-riTTM arasxT. Motto to hereby gtraa that William 0. B1 BoU, City Barlaoor. haa Sled to tba pfOea ef the nnd-rnlgn-d aottoa that Baaar A Wtamor, eantractare for tba Imprrrremeat at Twoaty flfth itr-ot. ander the irorlalona af aratnaaaa Not U.OM, bare eomptotad aald atreet from tha orator tlae of Tangba atrart to lha berth Una of North Portlaad. . . Bald acToptanca wUl he nail tin I hp fbe BXararlea Board at 4 a'etoek ea tba 4th day rt Brptamber, 1003, and ebtorttoaa ta th acceptance nf aald rtr-rt arany eart tbereof may ba aioaT la the of8ea af tha an law tan 4 at aar flaw prtor tbwrto. , TUB BXBCl TITB BOABB. . By THOft ft MVUft - . Aadttor rt th atr of rorttohft' Aaraat tt, 100ft . L. . OOMTLBTTOar ABB AOOTPTAMOB OT TJft PAoTxatxsrr or tomnow msxr. Matto to aoraap gleea that WllMam G. Bl- BaR. Cttr Bnglnaar. kaa Sled la the OTAre rt tha BwdfrBtg&rA notice that Prataey Aaatfhg. rontrauwa 1rat, an ta o.ti ha aratar Bna of Thirteenth ttrart ta taa aaat enrb Ba of Powtaenth itraot. ' Bald arrertenca will ba aoaartont br the Bxecotlo rim td ertaoh oa ba 4th day of eatember. 100ft aad abj-rtlona ta the acaaptaac ef aald atre-t ar any part tharoof amy ba that In tba efOea rt th T "-VSxiJ'TB BOABB. -' " By TH. ft pSVLlB. AwMta rt ah Cttp ot Itorttoaw. Atvoft Sft Ituft , - , US II psdrTB-1 imopoaon a ibbbibbb fob nmnm rmo: Ksarr oar or aab: otasm. - Battoa to barebr gtraa that tba OawaeO af City af Portlaad nroaoaea to . aaaoaa tba toltowlng daecrtbad pruperty and ewaaw or awaaaa aa bo laa eaeetaUr and Booattarlv boaa- 8tod to ba amoanta art oppaatta tba awmdb and deerrlpttone tboraef for the Unpnwraaant of Btark atreet from tba aaat Una of Promt atraat aa the w.ot Una of Barenth etxaat. aa ara- tlded bp erdtnaaca Me. la.STt. Aar obtoctiuua ta tba auuorttoankaat ar aaat far aald fmpraeament waet be made ta writing to the Council and died with the Auditor w Ilk In fteea aaya from tha data af fa arrt publl mtloa af thai notice, and aald abjection will ba board aad etewAad by tba Coward ba fora tba paaaaga of tba erdtaaaeo inlawing the coot of Mtavnaaakabt, , owtland '" " Block 40, earth tt tot ft Btohart WW- Blk 8ft tot ft Bllaa Loob , 148 48 B lfc 83. lot ft hUtbow BradT 144.80 Btt 8ft tot ft FftrtUnd Lodge, Be. 14ft B. P. O. BL. traatraa of ft 48 Btt Sft tot 8. Portland LfldBft BO. 14ft ftoatb U blk 88. aadlvtoaft tt lrti.'joam wbiliey Booth tt Mk aa. andlrtdea) ji tot I, . lara av. ana w 11 nam fwdimbw, Bllaabeth an-beamraea. .Bam. Atta BU i Hhi AM ath tt hlk Sft aadtoldad tt tot ft Joba Wkallar 8.07 Swath tt blk Oft BBtfvtdad tt tot ft Clara A. and William rrrneunaa, Eiuanoia Baehaarirwoa and Alice bt. Sara...... , Bib laTtot B. Prod Btrfcal ftoa LIS Btt 04. tot , M. Aoaeablrtt Batata. - batra mt. ISA OS Blk 178. tot T, Adolpb B. Stetnba-h,.., 0.10 Blk lift tot ft Ado lab i. Btatobaeh,... 147.04 ; Mil e.M"WfiVft"BEvi.i- Aaditor af aba OUy ad Parttaad. Aagwat SI. lOOft 1 PBOPOAAIA TOB aVBZXT.VOBX. tod prapaaabi win ba racetoad at.tba afara of the Andltar rt tba City rt Pert land. BaUU Prlday, fcrtambor ft 100ft at 4 o'clock a. m. toe the lmpror-aieet af Beat Mar ket atreet from tha weet Hoe of Baat Third atrert to tha wort Una ef Bart Twelfth atraat la tba manner provided br orainanee lo. u, ana. aahwt ta tba nrorlelona of tba ohartar aad erdfoancoa of tba nty of Portland and the eetlauta af tha City Bngtaeer, an Sta. aula aaiaat ba atrVttv la aeosrdaaco aaHntad hUakn. which will ba faralabed aa awiw, aetoa a 4h afaaa- af the AaAltor rt the aty oft Portland. And aald Imprwre. moat waat be aomptotaA aaa or bafora to dare from tha data af tha toning a tha oonfrart by tba pamee Tnorow. ata. aMaaaaala BT bade. Will hB- toaa aoompaatod by a .eertibaa .abeca jpejaeie ta the oraor mt tarn Btayor or ua vtvy or Portland. eartlBod by a reapoaalbtohaak far an amonat eiMAl b W par aaat mt tmm - T . . . . Ua a. Bp ardar rt tbo Btoerattra Board, , ' THOB. C. IIETUH. Aaditor aa tha CUp-4 Iwrttoaft Bt. lOOa. . Aaawrt ODBVLBTI0V ABB AOOXPTABOB OT IB bTOYBBKBT OT BABX OAK BTBBBT. BatJre to barowF airoa that William ft Bott, City Bnglnaar, baa Bled hi tha ofOee rt taa aaaaaaignea. Kinca iam a. m- 1 1 iw, eaatraatv far 1 tha latDroTomaat af Baal Oak atraat. Bjader tba prorUiopa of eraiaanca Km. 18.100. Me aampiotea aaia eireer. rrom mo eaai Haa rt Bart Water atrert to the eantar line of Baat Bacood i troot; aloa taa wan tt BO tha t.ii.r.rrlna ar Water atraat. Bald aceaptaaea wui aa wamaarna bt tbo Bxacotlve Board at 4 a'etoek oa tha 4th day mt nantamhor. 100L and objecttond to the MBaptaaea af aaM atoeot ar ear part tbaraof may ba died la the eraea ec am at aap tJ.a'.'i ... By THOA ft D8TUH, Aaditor af lha Oty rt PerUnaft Aagart St. ltoa. pmotooAiA ob irrsBav WOBS. will ha reeeted rt afAra af tha Auditor of tba aty at Parv land, aatll rtlday, Beptomber 4. ltoft It o'clock n. aa. ror ma imDroTaaapac oa tian atreet from tbo aaat Una at Baat Bioventh a. ma ta tba woat Bna of Holladay Park AaV dlttoa. In tha maaaar pawewtod br erdlnaaoa Mo. lftOOOw. aobieet ta tha arorlalaaa of the cbartar aad ardluanoaa af tba city or rort taad and lha aatlamto af taa Otp atoAiaaar, ai. nina awl ha atrtotlp ta aooordanea' with grlatad btoafca. Which will ba faralabed oa application at the efOoa of taa Auditor of Iffrt.V af Portland And aald Imara-a- aaaat aanat bo- anmplabad .oa ar bafora- TO daya from tba data o aaa traat bp ha partlaa ot raw Bignmai aa aaa thereto. ana Oak, Baarai rbnaiai I " The rfrht to retort aay and all Uda karaay reaarvaft tok..ah. Bard , Auditor af tha OUT of tttohaV Aawart SO. 1008. Double-Track , atjUaWY BWfWBtai taM . t Missouri River Tba ChlcAfo-Fortland SpecUl, th tnoat htxunotai train in th world. Drawinr-rootit, slapifae; CAro, dining cr, buffet tnsoking aad library car (barber and bath). Leas than thraa days rortund to fiucAga TWO Through grains to Chicago at operated daily via th OrnB Railroad At Navigation Company Oregon Short Liu R Ail road, Union Pacific Railroad and Chicago & "North-Weatcrn Railway to Chicago frotn PortUnd and pointB laOragun.-- - , - 4- Ttolra and pereoaiffr roooVctetJ . guriMBB In Pullman toaritt Bleeping . care from For Hand, Loa Anrtlaa aad --ftan Pranrtecos ahtwagh to UuaagO fjUhoajl cbamgay ,v - -. B. B. BITCIIIB. A. O. AanTBBt, xm& no.T.1.' Chicago North-Wertern Ry ALL TtLAXMS VIAVVASrllrOTON Kb arnnaaeia or awn win o oiaaHaaawa aw taaa aaaeapaaaat hp aartlaed Chech jpayaato ta the order af tha Mayor of tha City ef Portland. aarHaad by a raapnnalble hank for aa amoant eoaal Ok M par awrt af taa agcre- Inn mmmmmmmmwsm I BAXLBOAB TaOTAAXBSk 1 i : :-- I . , awBrnaaaw 81 I W a. BVlObl IITBt fmBBwaSBf I -j .m 1 I MM t, mJakarltoa tiaiiagiif I t.. ... - v .41. 1 I 'Itolly. Illtoito aabwato BtoaAap. I 1 1 rf. 1 1 1 1 I ' rnMf-aw at JiaTaiaaai BBiiA " - 'W'i'. Smal -i 1 Chicago 13 wJaJvftwb 3ntAlNSto tartt t" OAkVt altjar . A, g to Aw) Bag'eaS awi'ff tourtot atoavtadL tan. ft , tbroaab Pol taartrt t ally aaadactod it bt utyi rac lining TJJUOB BBPOT. laavaa. Arrtem 4BUtlABnrftAB tofc m -'JJto ato PBC1AL. t-w, .-Bilfc Bw) tba Baat ba awBBV , toartoab , ... . .n ft-OKANB PfcTBB. MpJ Ba, T JBOi Bh Par tUMri WaablaaV Delay. . iMatha . ta. Walla WaXto. L.W- - tea. Co aar ?Alaw ..' . . anT tjraat ffftrtharo J autata. . ,. , ,rt 1 ATLAMTIO BXPBnaA 1:18 p. aa, s JOa. Bb far tha BMatata atoanV mllfa kauto. . OCKAB Ajn, BlTBm tr -ft, POB BAJT PAAXCtaCO. I Prom "T B ft ft Oaa, W. rig) AUaha 4 apt. ft 10. St. 5SSav ft av tekamtla , f t tapt, ft lft Sft ; . POB ABTOAIA and way M B Sb eot ata. einaiftlag wiaTDallr. A as. a a aaaa. atav. for llwnea and BorfA atoaato rtr. Stoev aato. Amvrt atoak. 4oap Bh POTTBB 8AILIN0 DATBB (Aah Bt. Back). Aaa. St. T:80 a. m.; Aag. ST. 0:00 a. m.l Aag. (faltrday, 11:80 8v m. BapC L j4B JB-j nt. ft 13:6S aeaai atopt, t (MtaawAg). lt TambAl Btoar POB BATTOM. BATTOM. Oaeaia and TamhlB arar TnaeAr fliodlr. Oty folate, atr. Aab At. atouraar. Pttday. i Water BOB UWIBTOB. Idaw ind way pot a Ok, from Blpana, waaa XiflKBB OPP1CB. Third ruv POimjftNt) ft ASUT1C STEAMSHIP fa StotoT ItagMabT ltd" BBuearihtni eta. iipa i jtmg Namaaj Sat Maafto, two f t and Vbvmrwtoaa. ZXa)AATVAA BA2LB ABMT aXPlAttBAB tft Taa ratoa aat fan to ear em Men eatl a ab af tha A ft a ft Oa EAST SOUTHS VBIOB BBPOT. oTsjAXAMD imwa tralaa, tor tolaaa, K acJ Mrg, Aaniana, m Mat, to B.ON, 6 aaa. Star I nwBa. Bh fti-M. tn fi mm, Jmt ttoi ' , toaaa aad tha StogA I l , At Waawbar 4nlM (erxapt Oodayl. moraJ 1:80 a. m. Ina- traia ror bl ajh tm ft ba' LgeL BllTortoa. .Bfpwi niia, apriDEBoia. wew JTl natron. ttattvm. ata at Woobara al SOiStABt () at -AB8B. an, Law Paattond dntto to Oawa-o T:80 a. . 11:80, S:0A S;lft Fit ASft 8:7 :18 tv . Dally tneoew Baaday t -a. av 4:0ft U f. av W. -aw. w:k m Bw aap aaOT 9f . . bC.i.-j i aa a. aa. The a --- " Btotor Ida aara taa dally ta Monpoatb and Al.lto. e-a. SaTwttt Boath-rn P-rtAa Oiami iy a bmcka at Da I laa and Indrpaayl-noa. Ptrataaa robot a ttobett B aato torn Bart bkad ta tearamanto aad Baa rranrtwes. Brt rTtT T.MwTth 8P; .oooondUoaraat wit boat rabata berth; mm ad afhaa barta Tlrkrta 0 Ban ten aatoto oaalftorrma. ato Aaaa, China. Honemr own "-"- C1W TVket torwor Third and B m no etiMAak W. BL OOtfAtl, Otty Ticket Adwaft Oaa. Paa. Agaaft HPs. time card r( aV) 1 TRAINS i?ClTa4B ' pobtulND. f-awt for onad Umltaw. Taaaaaa. Boa ttla. oiyatpto i. aoaaa Wi . Band Siaa a. m. Mh an tlmttaA. BoViooWCatoacol UaS Onto p. m. f MB) m wb fork. Baaton and Batata Bart aad eatbaart. TwtBnt Bam am. tl TBooma, aWattle. Spa laa. Batoaa. Bt Peal, aiqaaapoua bw xork. all petals CMoaaw. llidtf. Boatoa ind Pwgrt Boaad . tTanaaa Clt -At.' Loubi IWriaL far Tnaoma. Baaitia. Sookan. Batta. Bllllaoa. IB a. aa Danrar, Omaha. Baaaaa City, it, Uato and all potato atort Mt ffaajth. aaat. All tralaa dally ?n .tt Aaabrtant tat atoaatal PaaaaoM. "ft Aft, aaraaa Third, PWttoaft Astoria & Columbia v River Railroad Ci r r. 1 Btarwlac from OO, arrtw PwHar, An 8:80 a. av; i:oft t :08, :ft ftlA T J I i. 11:10 p. m. Dally teaeart anAayj a, T :lo, ft SO. 11:4 a. m. naxee hlemaaj. Ihuat p. aa. Buoday anly. ttjOO LW. Leaeea from aama depot for T)e ltoa and wAar aaafllata aolatt daily (aaawpt BWABay) 4.M0 In. a ' laaaaav . ' tjaiM BBPOS. . A .at as POT klTM U.Ur.naa . -, Clatebaato, W. r. Cllftno, AatorU, (ita.m - Belly. ,,.. pf t r I Bt. p. ta, w"arairt P I Bab amtt. Aawaria bum i " ... Baaraaa, B , ZmtJt - awh-a-a, Batry. I i ii i i ft T. 0. A, rrww- - e WL 'a e 4 1