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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1904)
TTT3 OREGON ATLY JOURNAL. FOTXA?;P, TXttTRgDAY I i I .- a f Tx " 1 - d t the Fvartndtae f PorvJsaA. taeto thawwgh th MM M iw4 ter. tor stagm Fat mm s. ia. kta. w inrnnim unmrinra i Ihihki - '- AdverttetoaT A so err. Jaaean tuM. Sew York. tMbaa t nwmtnmf batjba ." ' ;' V r Imml en rw If Joemal, Bit Mfa ly toarnal, thm month L0 Jm JwntL by the wtik M Hf iMmL by Mil. MB rM..HN ly JovmI, by wll. eht snetbe.. ly JmtuL frr MIL tkiM Strath.. l-SS ,-JtM Journal, by met I. en month. .. . At The 9.n-Weekly JivuL . ek bnoe. ah the ana and fan airhet as year ll.SO. ... , The Weakly IMMi Weekly taHUI, 100 cetnma ef wM oe. dhwtxatod, ttUl market ttparta. sae uncn abevM to toads to drafm. easts! sprees erdera aad email a mi sate in .aaa la ewe, aad twa-nnt postage stings , m nniu, ' 9. A. Be 1H. Portia. Oragea. obats fobboast. " audition sod moral fsranst far to. Draco sad Idaho: tf have atuitl la Northern Artena. ra t'tab. Colorado Bad Norther New and tba weethor to unsettled sad -ug la Netreaka, lewa, Mlameeota and -.aa. Local rales, arhleh war hnvy la . ara reported la BMUaa Colaanala sad adlan Northwest. weather eontlaan lb tba Pariae Caaat la California tba tempera turn ant "Teal, while la Oregon, Weablagtoa laara-Iaaba they an IbjbUy asatortaea ri cottons ara fat- taw, waattor to bMb trtimj, aieept abaarara along tba Waab ooaat. It will ba waroMr taalbt n Waafehctoa ad4 Kwtbara Uaba, and idajr la Waaiara Oraaa Mi Waatara at bnaMratof tm tba' tort K boaia. Kiaiaiaai w jtar i, al agraa; Mimui uokim . Laar, M, aai uwtraaa tmwf, IT, ordoa, M. a4 rhora K. 0. Mvara. Sft. Braadla, 8M and Loota Dlefc, aa ahl. , aaa1 Emma StoMt. SS. ' I. Slcblar, 3. and Mttj A. Bark. L n. Mm$t m, an lambqr.O. al, ta ate. aaa an. W. Baaa at tal l."to Mr. a Mm . WlUtaaM . aao atraat, k aoa. . to Mr. ad Mr. 0. law aa Ma a ftafacl Kmt a aaa. , IB. ta Mr. and Mra. O. VaaraH af ar atrMt, a aoa. 19. ta Mr. aad Mra. . VawaJl af m atraat. a aaa. t T. ta Mr. aa4 Mm. Iauaaa at tl a atraftt, a daagbtar. , k OOVTAaUOtrB BTUCAaxt. bar 1, M. Uanaa. at nmaataai total; la. - rt H. Cbaaatav Cam, af TaiaUato, at ll. clan aU. mi 3 Baat latrd , VabaM trnr. SI bar 1, JaajM K. aViaayaaaa. aarad I. at tat atraat, at otnrraialoaa. utaraaaat r raanatrrr ar U Kata Walsaat. at Oaalaa a. af iMtn-aaUrtOa. Uaarataat Mt. f IBUUUi VOTXCS. ' ' -fto faacral aerrtcaar af tba lata Mra. , M. wlU ba aald at bar lata naV , 174 MoatoaierT atnat. at lb a. a.. jr. rrtaada aariua. aarrleai at tba .-a , pttaaba. . Tha KAarard Hatuaa Vndartaktiig Crx. rai dtractera and ambalnara. no r4 txaa. Jtuma HI , ., . v. P. flalar Sob, tunaraJ dlraotora i mba.lmra, havo ramovad to thalr ' aatabllBhrncnt OOmr Third aod jlawat atraata. Both pbotaaa Hm t, "Yatnatortum, on Oraaron City car naar Ball wood; avodam, aclaatlAc, Plata. Cba-riraa Adulta, lit; ohll i. $21. Vlaltora t to Ip. m. Portland uatloB, Aaaoclatioa, PorUand, Or. onarnT. -- lnR-ua arrmTaav Jit. ram 11 r Iota from j to 11.000. Tha only oamatary in rtland which parnatually maintain caxaa for lota. For full Information to W. R. Mackanzla. TTnrnaalar t city. W. M. Ldd, praaldant. uu xtTATt njjrcrnaa ' -a Maxwall at aL ta V. Srbasld, tot -o lb, Hawtboraa'a rttat a4d . . . , .1 -x Laad Cwnuanj to fX W. Saaf. : lit. in. ArWU Park i i oatboltt arrbMabot) OVwwa af Ora . to Laula P. mmo. aantb IT faat tot Ttb 10 feat tot a, Mark m. Kaat wad u tc Land CDanaay ta wtaadart CN1 laay. aart tota a, t and T, aloe Mt, inKratb Lauad Company to Maadart Ml Omb twa aarcato Mad black M, Porta .wtbw'atoto'to'c''fMi4s am cm ia iotb aaa x. aiaek aau. tiaw- -a park . Waldtor. racalwr. ta C A. atbaa. t. Paatoaalar add Ma. 4. Saat fcad , k aaaraate A Traat Oaaaaaa la Wblttoa. toto aad It, Mock b. Mr Park add j rrfar and aifa to fVtar Bat tar. Mt t faat tot aab Pjloa tract, jom Tlbtotfa P. U. C. 1.400 coot t ytrar tltla tnvuranoe and abotraeta if aatata from tha Tltla Ouarantaa oat Co, Chaunbar of Coammaroa. aTIRLBDI FBtJOTaV . Warnata, arart tbraetott totes at and tilth, to mat, U.0M. . M. tanrf. arret aaa-atory Patlaja at la and Knntt, to coat 11.500. . P. HarradoB m, Ca., erct twa atarr Plfth aad riandata. to nat 910.000. km Baa, arret aaa-atory eottaaa at jd Malhwy atraata. to coat f?00. WatdraMyar, rapabr aaliatas at TbJrd aenla, to eart IoO. -w. Loaraa. rrart tMN-aury awttaaja at aad Eaat Twaaty-r4(htb, ta eat ptM. JCpatata. arret para at Maad and taeaad , to cnat 7t. iw ooifounon. a4laj a A. tbaa. If. C and iaaan 0 Wllana, rapttaUaattna to ntaa Uraatork and la tba blag laaiaaam, wttt baadaartara at i Owaawtftol A ItanklRC rvaaaaay. by i ttoaa. H. B. Fink an? Inha C KoT pltal atook fa.000; to da a lanaral DVVT1 old toar of taktnf pMla. ate, to euro dyapepala. In all - Thar nay ba put up In tablet -mid, tha rwault Is juat tha aama. net to to oraata axtlflclai dlffaa t this doas not nak a cura. kins tha papain, etc., and you ur dyapapala or Indlgl tlon back paopla uaa cocaine or opium for troublaa and alck baa dacha, it t euro, atop taking tha 4rua pain and dtstras return. Tha moa rtana Mat hod la to drive i aytem tha causa of dyapp alck hadacba by eloanalnc tha i and bowels, at tha soma time medicine that will ant on tha -hie foroae through tba alands (ornvh tha dlgeatlra fluid that ntanded. In (hie way you cure a. Tha medic In that cures a by thai method la oallat Dr. ,a proved 1.1 vr Pills. They put r In condition so that tha dlflar- nm can do thalr work ta a nat- r Drunatata sail th pills at bmt. ar w will aand ttoewi pot i raoalpt of Ibo In staanp. Sajn t fraa. It enly take on pill for A draaa, Dr. Boaanko Co, rail- paper, i fi; to m pagw Vegea, enute. ..v . ,. ttlafbuees. i!? n trttoeMaia too. 1- "'LXIT -Uk Bii Man 9SSV -'-rk Bras, far atowaro, Mt Umrlmtm '' i i ...i If YOU S Tat watt Want a 8 Vat kwm YaawaatM Sittiation Advertise for it in T& JOTON-AlJ r-ttfcowlyOra CENT A WORO -f .(Journal Special Servle) ; ' New Tork, Sept. t--ruarded by naada af eacret aerrlc aaa and iwaro lar aoldlera. ten million and a half In slrvwr ootns for th Philippine war broucht to thta etty today and Imaae- d lately ahlppad to) ManUa. Tne Taiua of the shipment acTrrrate ItJI.OM. Monn -We are to aaetttoa to eapply yea wll a at klada of noa-uatoa tola m ebert etlet; we raaiator all bkato eT aM-antoa aeto; and ta yea waato to tba W-t aVBlater atoreea. nan MV tttw atoaalde. Pkona, Ciar lis. Ble aaora at tba rednnd nte effaced to ear trat clan to bart-rlna. Per JU arUrUn rail ar write PoHiaat barter Ckdlaaa, JB Srarett etreet. a M. HAlttBN A CO.. St Mertb toned St.. - general swto eeaptoyBvat ageae-. Hno aaarten for week tor bm far iillread era atraettoa aad other eatalde work. WANTBD Brigbt boy abont It yean ef an for adeartbilug oVpartttn-nt of The Joarni 1. y-ai il XXLI WAVTXS. WANTED brifbt, latelllcaDt tody fee ae--atoUat to efate. Apply eetweea t and It o'oloek TBanday. rnlea Tanndry Company. tlTUATIObl WAjmSu. WANTBD By yoaag lady, porltloa at prlTata telephnne deafc. Iddrna IZ rare Journal. Bummi oppoBTDvxTixt. a flfMin THtNO Wi waat Beveral mmx bm aa - aollrtl Ufa bltnM ! t wfco dealn to toaka the laaaranes Jfwnen aei aaainiii in wora ui i. tog aad prafltable; only appllceato wlth goad repatottoa tared awly. Call or ad dreae Oa). W. Baaaa. etty BMaager, Waab lnctoa' Ufa Inearaaee Ceaapaajr, ; tOt-U CbminSr of rotumfTP rTOVTAHXV BOOMS. LOO AN Bt'llDINQ. 100H Uatoa ate; elegant room fur boonkeeHng er tranawai, nrsiaaea or nnfnrnlaked; ratua reaaooable. WBLL VBMTILATBD rlnaka roeana, 16c, and Bm a nlvbt; bee, roc Ja a)Tareii Huaaa. ree. togond ant Barto. THE rOfTMOeWPMirth and'Mnrlaan. -ifonlbed hoaeekeeplng aaltea, aaita aaa atagia rouani al nar weak aad am. ' POn KBNT A alee fnralabed froat mm' In prlratp fa as I It: aultabla lor eae ar twa g tletaea. 174 IHtl at. - Jm'h MTARK aC, aleely faralahed iwoatoiree- nnaaie rem;, waaaieen aounwa. raoae Proat lrtD. TUB CAfrTLBtrS Waaklngtea at.: geatleBieB; tra Baton t. Tel. Boetb IK RnVRXTH at. half block Portland ootet BOABJ) WITS BOOMS. BOOaffl ; WITH BO ABU. well fnralaned; all nndara roc-ntoacn; taMe board alee, gu Thirteenth at. JOB SAXS. OBNRBA. BL A CK SMITH SHOP. or apace klnda ef auiSO tMt: fully eoniapea nr au work; doing Si 300 to 91.40 400 bQelnee a year; arlca to0. Addren A. T Martla, Waptnttta . 0 Ween eoanty. Oregee- OWNER ef a vacant lot eaa nreere a barealn la tba real dwellleaT been at In. SM Tblrteentb at.. Bflrtb, W he eeraoead fron nld areanaee. The Bamll lnreataaoat Can aan. No. T Pint at. fOR IaLB A f hla-h-eraAe typewrltVrt. to nek. L.. aao H. Alrxaiwier. ia -rnira at. Movtzs ros mnr. 91.3B PEtt WEEK, nrge faralabed beneekeep- nv mam win aee or tannory, mn; imrnianea eatugn. ebeap. Mr. Baan. 14 abernan at. LOtT. LOST Oa Wed Deader last, gold watc aad ebala. Betnra to eearoal oiaee ps taretn rewerd. ATTOBaTXTt. BMHONH A KMM0NS, attar aeya-at -law, 944 Werceetar bids. i C B. RI00EN. attorney and" moaeenar-at-law; aetary. ataVtOO AMagtoa bMg. - , PaxtoH' BBAOH A II mow BIO CbaBBber et oiaaww. ai'OHEB . , Booai la. Alaeworta wag. aVBirKIKROtt. attomey-at-laa' aad a tory paMle. 503 OwnmerfUl bldg. slvz Pauwrnit. BLtTt PRINTS, Mack at brow prfnto. etc.. aneated with dnpateb. rortiaa Dine mnt Co.. t, Aim worth BWk. Phone Main Mftn. BATHS. MA8HAOS. Tnrklah. Bnaelaa batba; Battle Creek noma. M vragoaiaa a tag. Mala tbsa. r - BAXOINa AJTB UOMTZSniS. OBROON BOt'ND LI'MBEB CO., lai aide at. Phone. Grant 1171. CATZS. YATES' PLACE. B Waahlagtoa at.. Phone. S Main TT1. I. W. Talbett, pro. rortiane. ur. casx BXoisTxma. WOOD CASH UfdlsTKEt 3S4 Stark et. OUIAL MILLS. ACM K MILIA CO.. waaafartaren Bala tea n and 23 N..r(l Front at. - Arme CereaM. 0AXPKITTKBS AJfD BUILBXBS. t. P. LtTY, aerreenr to Oordo Mfg. Oe.. "vnreenter. batlder, geaaral ceatnetor; to nee leaaodellng. altentlona, etc.; cabinet work and tobbtog a apeotoltri eoanter abelrlng. to bozea, etc.; atore aad of Oca ix turn; s-to-date Bod original earneuter work of all klnda; net blag too targe er tee BBMU far our lanaedlau atteniloa; no flea a nawa take aid pat up the beat By acreea to afaooe. Black 9WT: mldeaee Ul Beat BtArk:! realdence tibooe. White 712. JOHN At MBI-TOK, carpenter aad balMer. ft Stark at.; efDce an atore Ritem win ana 'J ofto 'M y,." f?'w'w reaejdeW; aitertaR aad repair hiain, Pbeae, ll r. CLA Brf. carpenter and ballder; repairing and jobbing; efoce imm. Bnidenee pnone, Wnt 782; ahp. Male 1M1. 453 Waab. at. AtTnORS. nrpeata and ballder; repairing aad tohblng; atore an ornce aitaree vuu. tn Cntowhla. Phone, day 1SB1. OBXAM AMD OBKAMKBT BTTTTXB. BEST creamery better and pore cream promptly elleered to all part a or we city ryeai Mouav tata View Parw, Oreahan. Aregoa. Apply to W. W. Cotton, 914 Werenter Mat. Trto pboae. Main IM. CXISOPODT AMD MAJfltnTaMBA. TUB DBVEya the enly actentlae eblropodlato the rltr: barlon soi-l AUaay a Ma. ; UU tba loo hatred geattai yea waat to orant in. OtwABS ASM TOBAO00. It BERO-Ot ntar OMAM 0uV- ... .-.-t v , Dtotflkaton ef PTm CltARS - Portland. Oregea. OOBanOaVAXTUaMTt. METAL BKTUOHTt. gateanraed nlcaa. J. r. Bayr. Mt tWond at. BTa,.-ar' SEOOBATOBS. ENRT BE ROSE 1M Pint at, ; wallpaper, lagnhai. toieetrtoa, aaftaaa Srtoaaa, toar aw aeamllag. h l if YcaV&nt ratal a) Itat Anything ' J . BBBBnBWawawaaWaWaWaWJBW QOJX AMD W009. wkbtichm rirn a mul ra. toelera la aU klttds mt Seel, soke Mat tear aoaL fbeaa, ui. . Vt'LCAX COAL CO., wbotomle oaakara seat roala; fpatidry end amelter evm. po Ajrr, Momts mospttal. DB. S. . CARNEY, ntortoary aargeea, IM lbtb. Pboae Main 14M. He. pbone Proat IPS, OYaUMt ABO CLXABIBS. CITY STEAM DYEING A CLBAMINO WORKS Her ma n Bnale, proprietor. vru. ataa 1T11. No. t5 Otk et., near Pine. Portland. Or. XXXCTRJOAL WORKS. PORTLAND MECHANICAL A ELECTRICAL Worka. Phono, Black S9S1. 181 Mediae at. PORTLAND BLSCTRICAL WOBJtS Oftoe 9U Stark at. nxx samss. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED 91 per SMatb. taieae Taltartag Co.. 94T Waablng- ton at. PBATXRBAX, ZBtVBABOX. ORDER OP WASHINOTON Porennt froter aal aectoty of N or la w eat; protecta tba , tog. J. h- MltcbaU. mpreme aeeretar, all and 13 Maruiiaia bldg, Fertlaad, Or. Teta- - phone. Main Ml, ' - - - IBIUBABOX. J. PH1UP KENNEDY. Inaurance; realdent agent Norwich 1'ulva fire Inaoranee beeiaty. PUone. ftVaitk 1M1- 44 Ua wll tun bMg. Tin. Mcl. WOOD, rnptayan' liability and fa. dJrldaal ace Meat: wet ty nande et au sum. Phone 47. Conned b tWg- . t tt-. SaMTKLS COMPANY, 'tre .Inaennee. 440 Sherlock bldg. Oregoa fbone. CUt2. ft A AC L. WHITE, tn iBoarance. EBB tberawfe bldg. Oregon "phooe, Main 0M. IBOX WORKS. PHOENIX. IRON WORKS Bngineen. nana factarera of Burtaa. atlalng. tocflag and aaw Hill moral eery ; prenpt attention to repakr work. Phone. Boat B). Hawthorn are A K. 3d. THM Q. HKITKEMPER CO., autnufac taring Jewelen, 2M Morrlaoa at. . MACKIBXXT. THE H. C. ALBEB CO.. aecond-hand chlnery. nvmlll. etc. SM Orandaee. MEDICAL, TttK arntNnsTERN mrdicine CO.. til Dekttn. (itm women' complaint eulckly. MAStAOX. clectrlctrtreatBiMito, lbs Klraat. MONET TO LOAM, TUB STAR LOAN 'CO.. o McKay bldg. lflSHi Third at.i w the remgniaaa nana er th ware -earner. We advance amoney to tcamatcre. trakaaoen. abopmea. . nftotoraaea, eondactora, etc, wltboat aaortgage, ladoraer - ar colUtereL Amonat Monthly ,.4 Monthly, Weekly 01 repay . 930140 ar fiaoft ar 90.A3 IN repay , 111 or 9 0.03 er 1 repay ' i 4. S '.or i 114 er l.0 Inen cimfldeatUL No anptoaaant laqalry. MONEY TO LOAN eai ral aereoael and eot latenl aeenrlty; epectal attention to chat lie anrtgagn: noM boorbt. C. W. Pallet, Alt CoaintcrcUl blk. rboae, Orant sM. - MONEY TO LOAN, anal! anonnta. abnrt er long tlaae, 3. H. Haw ley,' 3 (itB of Coar. fioNRY TOT3)AN oa cttybta and Inprered farm. W. A. Shaw A Co.. ftt Stark at. LOANS on anhejrbaa aaortaagn: lew retos. Ward. W AHaky bid. XVBAXS, CUAS. W. ENOCH, trained asm and toaaaear: bydrotberepby and manage treat awn te given at nrlrate mldenen. O fan, 100 OregeeUa bldg. Thone. Main It"- BOBTHWXtT M0TSLS. Hrtel ParUeAaiartna ataa ; 9T per 4j. mra era Metal. La Snniai teajralaaa' anB. Jtoleedan; jtangias slaai ttt aad AUar ato. ' It. OaarlM. Ytrat and Morrlaoa ato., Portland. M0DXLMAXXB. POR F1KST-CLAS8 REPAIRING go to Andy Prlta. anrblnlat and BxxJ-Ima Irr. lie eta. Mnrart and mivx itwmotxrs. SBHSIONt A SIMPSON, nlnltwT and nine ; mot em. Room X. Chancer of tommeree. SS rXBSOBALS. fof'R PRESCRIPTIONS are more aecentely and reasonably tiled at Bynll'a Phanaacy. Xn Morrlaoa at., bet. Pint and Second ato. EITHER SEX at wHi:"Dr. Scaeweke'a" late dto- eorery; for ,00 rente mailed; agenta w anted. Write J. Jon. Beat Portland. . SCHOOL fWMrKS'hongbt. aM and exebanged at Jean' Boohmtore, SH Abler t., bet. Poartb and firth at a. cTPBKRA'r& iMt Slitb L A tot ranch aereed at all boara. PIANO LKSSOMS. OIPPord nasil lot joth at.; toraw apoa application. Beglnnen taken. OTKBAXLS. BOSS OF THE ROAD OVER ALLS and In' clothing: anion and: H eae tea. tor B"W. Mfgn.. Portland. Or. PLUMBERS. DONNRRRKRfl A RADBMACHER, rdwbcrs. removed to M Poerth at. Both pbonea. SEAL XtTATS. POB SALE PA RMS Improeed fferma far Bab) t all parte ef - Oregon and Waablngtea: paynents made to Bolt nercbaaen. For rail narttcvlara aa to nrhma pmpertln apply to Warn. MacMaatap, Stl Wormter bMg. MAXWELL aTTNAPP RHAL BSTATS. V - um fbamber of Commerce hldff. BXM0YAL. JR. PRANK B. fSBRlS, DR. flBRTBTOB S. IT tmbaraon, eentiata. renered to Mactoay Mdg.. fifth floor. KOPX. PORTLAND CORDAOB CO.. ear, PoaiteeuOi and Northrop ate. Portland. Or. BOOFTMO. W. 7 FRRRRLL, roof painting, repairing; leaky roofs a apeetelty Scott Mi awn rvar. Fkene, tYIBITVaXISM. A PSYCHIC PSYCHI8T laada dally; ctrcln Tsenday. Friday T-nlug. 180 N. 19th at. JAfSt. BI T" YOfTR SAFES ef .' B. "DbtIa; ynnr T pafn and kw-tnata nfcly done. 08 Third it. SLOT MA0WJBXS. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO. Slot ma chlnee. A B. Pert aad Oak. . Beth Phonee, Mala 1S8. SPECIAL BELXTRAY. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. 300 1 Waab- i. Or.. Main SR3; mi.. u mmmm - aapjJB SOI. FMIAOI AMB TRAjrsrgJL C. O. P1PK. eftee 8S Pint at., betveea Stark aad Oak ata. : pboae AM; ptanne and rarnl tare wand and eaHted fee ablnptng: rea nnrlan Sraaraaf brtok warabaaa. Freet aad XMJ BM. f , . ,. k WMKBB TO SOTS. tTROl'HK B BaVALRANT. trat-claa bnt aervlce. f Waablogton et. WjaoiRALS t ROC ERA. WADHAMS A CO.. wnoanato grocera, factor re aad nmaiarilin pirckaato, td aai rroat ai. ALLEN A LsTWlS. wtodarala avanaai. KgT Uud. or. MArwT-EHiA'y A CO . wboUaata greean) N. W. car. Second aad Plaa ata. Pint and Ankeny ata. WMOXXSALB WALLPAPER. MOBOAN WALLPAPRR CO.. 14 1M at., bet. Yamblll aod Taylor. Portland. WMOLXSALX CROOKXRT AMD SLAStWABJL WHOLES A LB CROCKERY AND OLAtSWARB. Prael Hcgol A Co.. tot 100 Mb. nr. Stark. I atra aj PL - totaapaaed ta Tranaaeta a teanarai BanltlnaT Bttttoota. amattwSOJ jLBaraTwt Tto SflStlB. fMtoanaa amde at aH aatoto ea ft nitli term. Letten ef endtt Weed arafiaWa I Saeape aad aH aetata ta weUatoad ttoto. ' Mgbt mbaage aad towaraaaia traaafeea sebj Is New York. Waablaetoa. Cade. St Loata, Daaver, Omaha, tea PiiBaaiM aa) Ma tea aad Betttok Oolnmaia. . .. , Bwebaag eaht a7 mnarort, aad Heneh f TBTTTMXt bTTATMH BTATX BAJTaX W OF PORTLAND OBXOOX. B0RTBTWXaT 00 B. TXXBB ABB SAX ' . nABSACTt A omiii BAXXXVS MtTtlMEtS. ...... . DKAFTS I88TTKTD Aeaflabte to all ettln at the Va aad Kerne. Beaa Xeaat-aad Maafla CcHtrtiOBw aisbSw M fsVTAbltT PnMdeat ......,., J. U alWRWORTH Vice PrMldeat , ,.... .....W. B. ITR AaaMtaot Caablir ,.,..n..R. W. tCWMBWR Aaelatant Caablar A. M. WRIQBT I OMSOM A BAST mAJTOIMOO CMAMPTR OT' OOVMXROt BVXLBKBaV r TKXBB ABB) STABB aTRXrtS, old Thta bank trinaaeas a general basking baat. Ben. Make toaaa. eleconato MUa and waaaa letten ef erevit a ral table nt traeeien aa far the pereaaae T nrerebaadbM la aee rtty af the world. Beat a retga aad lasnarti accheage. l- trt Palff or Tims Dpoatta. t W. A. MACAAB. Maaeare. MBmTMAmr matzomax PORTLAND. OAJHrOS. tL L. Derbam TtoaPrealeat Lvl::::::.':::f::iS5EK Dnfto and leton ef nedM toned anUaka to aU part af ta world. Bafloeeta a aneetelte. rtofct aef haerhr. B OX.TOM. SB MTTTTMX1 A) OO, 1 - LaaM A Trrtee. Peettoat: V. S. Battoaal BasB. Partland; Bank er canrernie. sea rraa- . atonj ner-weeiamrTB niumi Beak. Sea Fnaewa. Itemlm, frnteaee ttoard ar Tvada. tea Bacaaaaw, aaa minw anaaa . . pad Bead Rrakaaan oMATjr, rmoiaipja. buhjab, bowxtb taw Ft abate 0a ft Oallferala St. fat TBTRB ST. BOBTLUTB OS JVl OmAZB MMOOL A - MORRIS A WaUTeUtXAB, taTaTTSt PIRBT ANf ALPKB STRRtTt, -PYlRTTywn. OR. MORTOAQB LOAMS . A Pnrtland reel eetate at hrweet rataa. " Tltlee Inaand. Abtneto fiintobad. Titlo autvanltav Trust Coa . ' 1 Ckeawer ef BOTTOM BAfcAmiWD nOTTM - De yea seed moneys before pay aayt OaB ea aa. We eaa aeVaneh awaar ea year vagn a ahoet potlce. Yea any eae aalkiy. naae- Mtaiy er weeaiy. TR1 STAB XdAjr OOw tit -McKay Rldg,. Third aad ttat ato. , tK New 6 New York Loan Offke Tbttd St.. IL MTJtor; ' Prod. roUateram: tow ratoe: aa- raaeemPd pledm far ub: watob repairing. Plena, e nr. . . Etorrar ajotamomp. Raiarted -eorle. toamaten. e.. wttaeat Ity. eery pay 'a nrgaar baatoan to art net pel eft in. TOXAt.'.w. aw ARWaaai answ. MORTtAOl &OASTBL am rmnceeed ette aad term at aunty, at irnVmU1 toetSlmee t ratoai BMnugi Me 1 CITY BOTICKS. lPOtALt rOB tTRXXT WORM. Sea tod proBnabi wlU be received at The office ef the Auditor af tba City of Port land, aatll Friday, rtaptomeer 4. ISOS. at 4 o'clock p. m. for the Improvement of Baat Twelfth afreet from IS feet north of the Booth Uae ef Knat Taylor etreet tn IS feet snetb of the north hw af Hawthorne a venae, ta the niaanar mwrlded by ordinance No. IS, (Ml, enb tect ta (be erortolona ef the charter and ardl nanne ef the City of Portland and the eetJ autr ef the City Rmrlneer. oei fie, Rlda mnet be etrictly I seeordae wtrb aHnted tlaaka. Which will to farnUhed en appUcatLei at the office ef the Auditor of the Ulty er i-oriiana. a. eam i rn prove meet meat be completed oa er before ao itave from the date ef the a leal a at the contract by the parrln thereto. No nroaoaabi ar btda will be tnartdered j len aeompenled by a certlftcd ebeck payable tn the order of. me Mayor er tea city eg Portland, cert I fled by a rn pone I a la hank far an amount cmal to 10 pyr seat ef the aggre- gate propont. The right to sat an Mda hi By erdar of ta BaWire awr. xnot. a DtvXTir. 1 edit or f th CJty ef Pert Uad. Aogawt 99. ltot. .. PROPOSALS rOB tTRXXT WOXX, Rnled sreveaab) WlU be received at tha office ef the Aedltor ef the City of Port land, aatll Friday. Seetemher 4. ltf. at 4 o'clock p. ai. for the lmie-orement of Corbet t atreet from 91.4 feet eontb of the eeetb 11a of Pennoyrr atreet to J 10 feet serth af the aortb line ef Peanorn etreet. ta 'tba aua- prvrldod by ordlaaan No. 18.4SS. rnb- lect to the roetoteM ef the charter aad ordlaancn ef the City ef Portland and the nttmau of the City Engineer, on 8 la. . Rlda meat ba strictly In accoraence wtm printed blanks, which WlU he fernlahed a application at tba offtn of tba Auditor ef the City ef fart la no. Ana aai un preve nt mnet be eonpleted oa ar befar ea rear from the date ef me atgniaa .si. ta cos tract by the parttoa thereto. Re proaoaaia ar bun win oa ootwiubi au en tan aeempantod by a cert 1 fled check payable to tba order or tea mayor er we city er Portland, cert 1 fed by a mpoeetble bank for an amount eoaal to 10 Per nat ef the Aggre gate pronraaL - . ie ngni m repna mry earn au en a bereby re aereed. ' mg nan c eaa sawnw .jrju . Tnua. v. ws'i-i". BVL.1M. ttottaat. Aadltar af the City, mt ingest to. ibos. PXOPOAALt FOR tTRXXT WORK. aftce of the Auditor ef the City of Port land, aatfl Friday. September 4. isns, at o'clock p. to for the (m prove aeon t ef Ohrbett aUeet from OS feet norm ef the north tine of Ofweac atreet to SAO feet aortb ef the north Uae of O rover atreet, la the manner previa by ordinance Re. IS.etT. awbleet to the re elalarn ef the charter sat ordinance ef the City ef Portland aad ta oetUaate ef the Otr Engl new. ee flle. Bids mnet be it Hetty 1 eeerenn wtth printed I Unka, Which Will he faratshed ea appHntro at the oftes ef the A editor ef the city ef Portland. Ana sen improve. at Brest be complete oa to wan aee year from the date of toe aagmiag ef urn one tract by the parttoa thereto. Ne eropneen or btda will be eonaaocag Ba ton accompanied by a certtaad check payable to tba order ef toe Mayor ef tha City ef Portland, certlBed by a mpeaaiato Mak aa amoeat aojaal to Mt par not at tha aj Twa right to retort taf at ktl -Mat to sercey ri aevte, . By grdmr ef Dm Mie""" wear. THOR. 0. DRTLI. Aedltor g th City af Porttaat. Aagwrt bp, ltoA wmnomcn Mawtbiiai fob TBVawrtavl FOB MBaTT Ot BUatOtf bTTRXBT. Berlea to hereby ton that tba Coeaefl af toe C ty af Purtlaal prepueea to aaean the foltowiae- deacrlbed aroMcr and aw ewnan aa bttag apeetaUy and peoalluly beai tted la tba anonnta net opposite tat aeaan end aecriittoea tbereef far tt Inarerement ef Maao aueet araat to eaat Use of SVat Tenth atraat to the net Baa of Beat reertaeath etreet a aroeUed to erdlaann N. U.M. Any abtectlona to tha apperuonnMt ef real tor aald iupnremaat mnt da la writing to the Oeoacti aad tied with the Auditor within sreeen daya from tba data at the tret neb 11 MM Of thai no dee. amid abject km wUl and e tar mined be tba Oeenrll be- nr ute paaaage er ue the eeet ef aald Improve Llmnta Park Anua Blk 0, waat 109 net tat-A Ttotor Waaa- rlad I Bl a. east If faat art C BBaa B. Ma Carnlck . K4.0I too rvlnjSi Btt totift, Tba Title flaanabtB A BlklT. eTrba'Tltta' OearaataeA Traat Coauaay Blk It. lot VThe Tttls Oearaate A AAI JB Stt la. WT?BTbi' 'Tttia' 'owaiiai'i Traat 1 Cemnane Tttt Blk ML mt 10. Th Tttto On Treat Onannane Blk la. tot A Aataa Otobtodb sad FndV naa Jopua , BUt, lot 9. The Title Oaaraato A Blk It! hiTy ha Ttqa' aearaatee A AOS AOS st-tt Blk It. Set 10, Tbs Title Oaanatoa A Treat Company Blk it, tot . The Tltla m A Traat Con; IDUI ... m-u Btk to, tot I. the tlon OvaraeCe A Treat ammar tOLTt Blk to, lot T, The Title Oaaraatoe A Treat Oempeay Blk to, lot IoTIbo Tltta Oaareatee A H.ft Traat Comeeay Bib to, tottT Tbs Tttto 1 Treat Company . , , . , Blk XI. wnt 10O faat of north 4TJ feet tot a, Tha Title Oaanatoa A Treat. u Oonoanr A 40. M Blk Al, wnt lot ttot ef eawth It feet tat f. The Tltm anaraataa A Tint I ponpay-es . j f L14 r Lincoln Park Annex Blk Si, lot 1, Sarah J. Kfneey,,.. - ST.14 BU tl, tot X Barah 1. Klaaay... MS North Irrlagtoa Btt if, lot ll. The Tttto Oam Mae A , treat Company-, JAtf ana is, tot i. The-Tra hwyato A Traat Coaaaai Tt-OJ Rib 10. tot L W. BT. Flanagan ........ Blk 16, lot A Tha nUeOaaraato A Trnt Canaany 11.49 04.00 BRt U, tot 19. WlIIUsj H. Plana gaa. ; Blk It. tat It, William H. PUaagaa... Blk 14, .tat L tba Title Oaaraate o Traat Comnaar tf,Tt Btt 14. lot I th Tltla Oaaraatoa A r- . . lx.ft Treat (omnaay Bib 14, let 16. The Tttto weenatoe A Traat Ccnpaay Blk 14. tot if, i The Title, Oaaraate A Treat Company Bui It, lot 17 The Title Oearaatee A Traat Company Btt IS. let i The Tttto Oaaraatoa A Traat Conpaay -. Bib it, totlsTTbe Title ayaaraatoa A Traat Company Blk It. lot 1. The Title waarnatoa A Traat Ceaapaay i.rTT."77;...... 91 . thob, o. uaun, . Aatlter af the City at PertleaA."1 Aegtot 91. ltOA. t!IUIPOSKB FOB - XMTBOYS- or Merle to beretrr aim that to Ooesefl ef the City ef Portlaad propoaee to aaa in tha fotloerlaa deacrlbed Drooertr and owner er ewnen a being apeclelly and peculiarly beae- ated la the aanoonta act opeoaita the aann and deecrtptloM tbereef for the Improvement of Mala etreet fron the eaat ttae ef Proat a treat to the wnt Roe of Fifth street, aa Brertdad to erdlnasM No. 11. too. Aar ehJeetleoa to the aapartlBnnant at ant for aald Improvement meet he endo la writing to tha Couocll and tied with the Aedltor within If teen daya from the date ef the tret pnbH Mtioe of thta notice, and nld objeetlooa will be heard and detamlaed by tha Gonad! be- tbe neaaaee ef the the mat at aald lmpnvanaat. PortuuHy Blk A lot A Aamto C tcbanar...:.. J OXjM Blk A eourh tat A Charlotte Mbffett cartwngnt ... Btk A north 4.04 Blk IL 't 19AU too MB, 00 162.78 100. t 151. Blk 11. lot A .Job A. Ihyrlla Bmt, helm of i Blk U, tot A, Leender L. aawktat..;r Blk 94, tat 4, Agnee H. tchasmnn Blk 94, tat A J- W. and T. Ceek RB 68, let 4, Maltaomak Cownty f Blk at, tot 9, Mnltaemah Ceeety Btt T. aadtvlded to tat T. Mary Aaa. Cottle Blk T. BBdtvteed t T, Ada ISert- Cettle .T.T.., Blk 7. andlvMed KMT, Btaneb 'B. Cottle AM 1.SS 'Blk I, ondlvlded Mt tat A Blsiaetk P, Merer SAM But T. ennobled l it tat A Iaaae T. iiaTmini ........,-... Blk f, aadlvldad l it tot A Bator . D. Blk T. oeivid'a Ws.';TyW"Weee ward, troatee Blk 10, tat A WIIHam H. Barria...... Blk SB. lot 1, Bmma H. Andereoa Ik as. tot A Rile M. Bnltb Batata. 1A9S 1M.0S UA66 beln ef IST.By Blk M. tot 1. Mary Bntb Rawhlaa.,.. ITT 08 Rlk 9T. tat A Mary Bath Hawkins.;.' At Blk ST. eaat 984 met tat A Mary Bam Hawkins 9S.90 Blk 97, undivided H of wnt ttM feet . t tat t, Holltatar D. McOair totata, helm af St. SI Blk 67. andtrfded mt wnt 00 tnt tat tWIUnn at MaJhoUap.,,.. ... St Tetal 93.11 itatt THOt. C. D BY LIN. Aadltar at th Oty et PerUaam. tl, 100A rXOPOtXB ASSrtSMtBT FOB XMPROYX- RtJOPX OF WAtXaMtTOB tTRXXT. Botlce to bereby gleee mat th Oowactt ef the City ef Portland propoan to anno the following deacrlbed property aod owner or ownan m be I ea apeclallr aad pecallarly bese- Sted ta On amoanta act oppoalte the hum and deaerlptton tkereer nr ue imajeorament or Wuhlngton atreet fron the wnt line af Pint i. ,. m Hn. af TMrd a4r. on ore. elded by erdlnanee No. lASOA Any oblecflana n tee apperwramaaii ne eow for aald henrovrment mnt he made Is writing to the OmecU and tied with the Aadltar wltbln ec Un from the date of me Bret nebll- ntto of re la aotlce. and nld objection) will ba beard and eetermine ay raa veenen Be fore the panage of the aral an using the coat et said Improve meat. . rfwrinnra-m Bib 98. tat A taamel Breoe Hntoe....9 mm me aa w a 98. KS THM mk aa A Labbe Bm ail. a a t.MM npoai. 988.42 AM. 78 78. SO SO-SO Blk 1 A tat 4, Joba B. Wido.v Rlk It, tat A Amanda W. Reed". Blk It, let A Amanda W . Reed . ...... . Blk It, tat A Freak Dekmm Batata, Blk 1A hWtli tTH feet tat i," "AhBraada Btt'foT Booth BtW iaet 'tat- 'l,' Onhaai Otan Eatate, bdn of BU 1A aortb St I S feet tat 9, OnAeaa Olan Keuta. beta of ............ t Blk 18, eoeth 9t It feet tot A Henry W. Corbett EeUta. hetn of . - Blk It, earth tatf, Johaaaa Raman. Btt'lA ' toith' '4 tat' T," iesyy ' W. 'coil bett Batata, fieln ! "-v Btt 1A eaat st feet tot 9, PraaB 0, Baker and Abraham Jlobner. . . . Blk 1A west SS feet tat A A. aad B. aaAi. Labbe .-.i. Blk 10, lot 1, The Oammarcml Traat BlkTT "tat 'i' 'Tbs CumimWrtsi' TTast Blkri ' V 'HeBrtetta b! railing Mary . railing ant B rally P. Csbelt 1AT9 U.09 9t.9t 17AM TA44 Mary 'r FelRaf and Emily P. Cabell. SU.1T Bight af WayTfertlaad aUUeny Ceav Bfibf W -w.;; oiy t-awrW 'itoii way Oaatpaay UAn Tetal ,....9A9BA9l TTTOA a DtJTLIN. ' Aadltar st the City sf PertlaaA Astaat ai, iwue. . . Mt7MBSUarTXBl BOTXCB. BonCB hi bereby gtoea tost sa the ttm any mt Aagnet, le.lS. I took B aad omponoed t taedty poend, at No. Ml BUtoeatb etreet, i the city ef ParUand. Or the toltowtog aeecrtbed aataula: Oae dark eorrel snre, roeebed mane, white spot aa tarifciad aad whit tripe dowa toea; " ota. " . ' i . . oae wea fray tores, m nil mass aad at tar nmrka on benlder. Aad aaton the owner, sr ether pereea ar aaeeona ha rlag aa tat erect therein, shall claim BM narlo oftbe nme, and pay an coeta and chargn ef the keeping aad advertising mem. aaareuan wtim uw ann .n mni 98i Slxteentb. la aald city, nil the above - - - .niwki et nahUe aactto tn the highest Mdter, to pay the .ante and ehergn for Uhlag ap, hwaptag aaA adewttotag seek nlsuli iLtotot mhJ Stth day sf Aagnet, 19A , w W. mo, r iBsiBiiitoi, rsoroauxt res strxbt wobjk. Baaled pninala wlB reeelvedi at the land. jntU Friday. tapUmber 4. 1P0A. at 4 e'etork' p m. for the Improeement ef Maw thorn aeeaae from the wnt line ef Baal Rlereadh etreet to the eeet Una ef the Steptw-oa Donatio Lead Claim. 1 the ma naar nttrrlded by ordlaaan No. 18.601. na-t to toe pro eiatoaa of the charter and ordlaaaen ef the City ef Pert la ad and fha nUaut ei th Oty Side mnt he atrlcthr to aawjraaae with srlntod blaak. which will be fur oU bed en appUcatloa at the ofte of the Aedltor ef the city ef Portland. Ant aald Impreee- meat moat he eomwetod as er baton er ftmjm mu iae aai e eontract by the parttoa lte propoMla ar bid ton aeampaaied by a daya from the data of the etoatos ef tin tbanto. wlU ba etaalland a- eartltot check aayahto ta the order of th Mayer ef the City ef Portland, certified ba a mtonelble bank far a aneeat eqnai to W par seat ef. the agre TbefMt1'to tetost any ad at' Ana to areay reearn. By newer et Oh Brecerln Beard. THUS a DRVLTST, ' And tar at th City af to Una. Aagnet A, loot. OOMPLXTIOB AMD AOOXPTAlfOB OF BXWXA IB BAST TWBBTT-ABTSBTB tTAXXT. Netke M bereev atven that Wllltan G. Rett, City Bnglneer. baa Sled la the eftee ef the Snderelgned aottoa that Jacobna Bade Oonpaar, contractor far the onetrecttoa f a nwer la Kaat Tweaty-eevaath atreet from te Beam rm er Beat Taj tor street to la Rolnaant atreet. nadar the nro- at street. rlatons of ardUMaes Me. U.S1A aaa eonptoted nld nwer. laid acceptanee win ha nnbfafid bp the Bxecatln Board at 4 o'clock on the 4th tar of September, ISOt. and abtorttoss to Ute ac ceptance thereof may as Sled to the eraoa at the andsralgned at any time prtor thereto. xtui k a at; l n r a euiKu, : f vRy THOA 0. DRVLIN, Aedltor af tha Oty at PnUaad. , A agent to. laoA . OOMPLXTIOB AMD ACCEPT AVOX 0T XB BAST UtXTI BTBBXT. ' Motto ta herebv at van that Wirtlam fl Billot t. Cttr Bnalneer. baa tied to the often ef the jdaralgned node that 'acoeeea Beta vempasy, eontracter lor ue eenauwcoen er a aws ta Baat Ruhr, atreet from 100 feet eoeth af the ooatb Hoe of Tbompeoa street to the aewer ta Tillamook atreet, nedav tn pro elelons ef rdtaaan Me. 1A4I7. hav ana- pmie naia aewer taM acceptance wlU be iibsHihI by the Bxeeettve Beard St 4 e'etork ea the 4th day ef September, 108 aad ebtocttos to tba ac ceptance thereof stay be Sled la the eftsa of ths.anjosralgaed at any time prior tbanto. ZUB BRBl'L'TIVB RUAKU, Br THOA a DBVLIM. . ' Aedltor ef the City at PerUaawe Aoawrt B. isua OOMrLXTIOB AMD AOCXPTAXOB OF aOrBTXR Motto to baraaw Stvea mat WURam fl. BUtott, City Bagtoeer. has ttot la the eftee af the BBdanlenod notice that A F. White. coatractor for the cotmtrscttoa ef a aswar to Beat Thirteenth atreet fron tha north Baa of Broadway te tba sewer la Haaaeck street, mda the provtotoos mt ardlsaass at. ,U,Pm bee eomplated salt aswar. Said acceptaaw will be lasataaret by th Bxecatlva Board at 4 e'etork aa th 4th day of kpuaabex. IPOS, snt shjsrttaaa .to th.A- ceptaace thereof may be Sled la tae eraoa st tba undersigned at any U me prior thereto. , sua pAsvura -. V) - By THOA. a DBVLIRT, " - Aadltar sf tba atp mt PmlaadC Aegeat tt. ltoA ooMrLrnoB abb aooxptarxtb mt - D rZFTM BTRXBT. Nettoe to hareby at van that Yrtlnaa a XI- ttott. City Engineer, ha TUet ta the fto of the andsralgaed aotlce that A W. Blner, eentractor for the conetroctloe ef a nwer In Fifth street fna th sooth Uae ml Irving atreet to th sswer lnuQltosn atreet, aader the preelstons ef eragwna Nov 1ASTT, baa Wd acceptanee' wtn ha tonl0eri9 by tha Bsecetlve Board at 4 e' clock aa the 4th day af BepteBbbsr. ISOA and bieettoaa to the acceptance thereof any ba Sled la th eftea af ta aatrnlgned at say time prior tberat. TBS XXBCtnrVB BOARD, -: (, By THOA fL DEVLIN, . -anMttor at tha Oty sf ParthubA. Angaat tt, IfOA -- . QUMPLXTIOM AMP AOOKPTABCB OT YAV nOTZMXMT OP TWUflWrl btTXXXT. Notice ta eereby give that WIIHam C B9 Matt, aty Engineer, has Sled to the eftee ef the ande reigned, notice that R. J. Debuhr. coa tractor -tor the uuprovemeac et Twenty-arta atreet, nnoar the provtoktM ef ordinance No. it.SM, Lu eompleted nld atreet fron tha center Hn of Tagbaalratoae Berth ttn af Raietgn imac - Raid neeentanca wffl be- anslSmS by Bxarntrm Board st t e'etork on the 4th day ef September. ISOA aad awjeettona to the acceptance ef mid street ar any pert thereof may be tied fa th ofte af the awtoraigaed at say time prior thereto. T B THOS. & DEVLIN, , Aadltar at tha Ctty t frtlanL Aagnet St. IsQA QOMJIJrrTOB AMP AOOSFTAWCB OT TJa PROTKMXRT OW MOYT tTRXXT. Notice ta hereby given that William 0. SB- HotL Cltr Rnaineer. hn tied ta the efaes sf the anderetgned aottoa that Fralaey A Keating, contractors for tha Improve Bant ef Hoyt atreet, andar m prevbnon of erdtnanc No. lAXta, bars compietea nia arreet rrom the center tine sf Tenth street to tbs east Uaa af Foarteeeth atreet. Bald acceptance will be rjoneldered by the Bxecutlv Board at o'clock on the- 4th ' day of neptember, 100A and becttons to tha acceptance et said street ur any part' thereof mev ae niea u me ornce sr. ua anaea at AaX-JtUB. prior thereto. Tf BXW IrrYB BOARD. . J By THOA a DEVUM, Aedltor f th aty of PsrttaatV Aagnst St. UOA . OOMPLXTIOB AMP AOCXPTAXOB OF IM PROTXMXBT Or XLXTXRTM tTRXXT. Notice ta hereby given that William C XI Itott, City Rnaineer. has Bled to the eftc ef the snderrlgned. notice that Smyth A Hovrayd Company, coetractora far the Impronawnt ef Tie reoth street, aader the provision of ocdl naoea N. 13.989, ban completed said Street, from the renter II na ef Johnaea Street to th eoeth line ef North nrp atreet. Said acceptanee will be tonal dered bp the Bzecntlvs Boatd at 4 o'clock on the 4th day of September, 180A sad ebjecttoaa. to the acceptance of nld street sr any part thereof may be tied to the ofte sf the amdaralgead at say Urns prior thereto; TBS BXsXrt-TTTB BOARD, 1, - By THOS, C DBVLiPT, Aedltor ef the aty C PortiaaA Aaxast St, IsQA PBOPOtXS AttlttMl BT FOB IMPAOTX MXMT Or AALM0B STRXXT. Katie to herehy gin that th Coernfl sf tbs City of Portland propoan to sseen th following deacrlbed property and owner or ownan M being specially and pecallarly bese tted la th amoanta net eppents tbs -aaans and deeertptton tbereef far the Improvement of Salmon atreet from tba east Una ef Froat atreet to the wnt ha of Sixth street, as provided by ordinance No. 19.868. Any obtoctlotte to the apportiomnest ef eeet tor nld Improvement meat be made la writing to the Council and tied with the Auditor Within tftoeu days from the date ef the tret aubll nttoa of tbla notice, and nld objections will be heard and determined by the Council be fore the paaaage ef the ordtosass aniastng the east ef sahf laiprovemeat. Portland-- - ' " , nin a nudlvldet 1A east at Ant tot 4, f. A. Melarkey 4 Blk 9. sTidadl-A eeet tt tnt tat k A sndlrlded 1A bmrt wi" net' tat A innma Hoi ma a dt.ts Blk It, ssat St feet tat 4, Orac Ron.. tSAdt Blk 1A wnt is met mt a, mary . Waodward Btt 1A east 10 feet let 9, Mary . Woodward ,,,, v- Blk 1A west 99 test tot A TmnmS M. BLto 1AS4 aSAtt 199. Tf 108, 86 100.06 10.10 A4T blehnrAeoa Blk tt. tat A Joaepb M. Dolpb Shtate. noire, of. and trn Dolpb ant J. T. Blk? tot A"oeorge'TMeyers."4."." Blk 60, lot A Bernard L. Steae. ....... am lai. tot . A. WUUaam....: Rlk lsl, bontk M tot A R. Williams..; A A nth 1S1. earth to tot A Bltoa BL Ooav asrta tk gle TT , , ' 0.48 Bib A tat I. Robert Patton berra 190. 0T Blk 1, aoru m tat A Robert Fatten Blk a, fea'tt"H-tot'i' WlrUB'-Woir BttV" tat' A ' ta vtega' A 'teaa' Society ' if Baa Fraacton Blk U. tot L Ass Marker Batata, befcr Bit l4"tat' ll 'ioinnd' d." Krnidi Blk 11. tat A Benry Welnhard. ., Blk 94, tot 1. Oermea Bartags A Laaa Society Blk M, M L Mnltnomah Coanty Blk 98, tat A Mnltnoemb Ooentr AM 1st, let 1 Sacnrtty taring A Treat Ttompaay v Btk lop, net U tat Ti Agon Oroorss.t beln AM . ISA 99 teTOT 8 38 ltAXf 19A 19 ISO 06 100.06 119.01 0 tl Bk 100. net tat A Agnn Orootsa. . , 4t.W Blk 1st, west H mt T, Henrtotu E., Mary F. railing ana amiiy r. t eaen. - .m A itt, wnt A lot A Hemrtotta B., Blk Mary W. railiag aad Bmlly F. flskeu. SAPt Total PROH. C. ffBYLIN. Aedltor ef the City mt PertlaaA, , Aegast H. ltoA . p r FBOPOAALS FOB BtSM Seatot aronento Will be ssrelvedT at efdee ef tba Auditor ef the Ctcy Port land aatll Friday. Beptm--r A IbX'A st 4 o'clock f. av. for the ova- ttctlm of sewer In Twenty-thhrd street froid 160 feet sc. h of the acrtb Uae of Thurmaa street ta ( e aewer ta Vaagba atreet. Is tba leer pro vided by orduh. ns No. lASOa, sa' t to tea Kovialoas ef tUe charter and o tares af a aty erf Portland sat tha sabamu sf tha atr BnglBeer, on tie. Bids moat be strictly la seemdaaea with printed bleaks, wblck will be fern. aa a p. lira ties at the of an ef th Auditor ef th City of Port lend. And' nit fewer mast ba eompleted n or be tore 40 days from th data ef the signing ef th aa treat by the aerttoa thereto. No nroooeaw ae bide win eaten accomoentod ar a eertlted check shto te th order ef th Mayor of the Of rortauid. oartlSe - Moooattaae Sa for an aaboant eoaal to tea per seat af tha "ThrlghTtoratoet aar amt aB tods to aarebp reearved. By erdsr sf th Bxeeettve Beard. THOA, C. DBV-LIV. Aadltar af the Cltr ef tettaaA ? Aagast BA ISOA r- ' nOlXbAALS COS ' ARWAA WOAB. - Seatod anaiBsM will reeelved at tba efflce ef the Auditor sf the City of of Prt OOA at 4 land aatll Friday, tntanhn A li o'clock, p. ai. for the enuattoe af a sewer la Bast Twrnty-aeveBth and Lawreaoa streebj from 100 feet Booth ef the eoeth ttn ad. Sandy read to the sewn la Bast Brarett street, ' is tae manner previa oy ereuasn no. ia 60S, subject to the previaton of the charter ' and ardlnaases sf the City af PorUand, and the Mtlmtt of the Oty Itogtaan. mSU. Bids moat be strtotly to acoordaac with printed hhurn. Whleh win he fnrnUbed sa sp. . pllcadoa at the eftee of th Auditor af the . City of PortiaaA Ant mid aewar nest ha oompletod ea or before 46 day fron the data of the alento ad the nin hr the nartlef thereto. No nropoaaQ er bids win be unless accompanied by a eerttfled shock able to the order eT the Mayor ef the ef Portland, eart reed by a reaaeemThta 1 aa amonat eoaal ta ton oae anl ad m aggregate preen al. - r , Uf 9h right to ratost sny ss4 sB btto to L av aroar f tad snecatre Bamra. THOt. 0L DBVLTM. Aadfto af tbs City mt ParttandU Seatod efftce ef the Auditor af the aty of Pert land nam Friday, September A ISOA at t e clock p. mu for the eona traction et a Bower ta Mleeoarl srean from tt feet eoeth ef to sent lias st Freeoatt atreet to the aewar ta Beech street, to ta manner providad by erdt. aama No. IA90A eablect to the prevtotosa of the charter and. erdlnasen sf the City of PortUaCv and tha estimate at tba Otty trngt- BJde anat ba srelctrr to animltasn wMh printed htanks, which will be tarn la bed sa ap plication at the ofte ef th Aedltor of tba Cltr of Portland. And aald amt met hat completed aa or before 00 days from, the 4a te of the atgalag of tha ntmt by tba pau-uea ubiui, MY aggreMte.prepnal . TBS lift tlaht to reisst amv ant an toa m. WkWV& TwVfRTVaMo j By aroer f tea MienuMsa Boer. - - THOA fJL DSYLIRT,' 1 Andrtar at tba atr af FsrttaaaV Anpaat JA 180A . ros Sealed arotMmls win he reeeteet at tha eftee sf the Auditor of tbs City ef Pert. land aatll Friday. Bantonber A ItOA st t o'clock p at. for the omtruetta of a new ta Bast Twenty -eighth street from lot tost south of the south line of the Sandy rood to the sewer la Beat Twoety-etghtb etreet at IS feet aeath sf the Berth line ef Baat Ottaan Street, hi tn maaaer provided by ordinance He. U.60T. subtoet to the prevtotons af the charter aad ordinanon ef tbs Cltr of Pertlaad ant the n timet a et the city Engineer, oa Bids must be strtotly la accords aee wtth io aropoaajB sr tat am aa eesBTnwrea anlssa acooaapaalat by a airtltad shack pay. -sbta ta the order sf tha Mayor ef the Ctto of PnrtUnd. nrtlaed by- a riapsaslkta baaih - far aa amount eoaal to ton aar eaat at ban printed blanks, which win he fernlahed sa sp. ... Slice tie at the ofte ef tha Auditor ef the w ity of Portland, Aad mid nwer want ba completed ea ar before 40 day from the data ef the elgnlng sf- the aenwaat by th ' , arttoB thereto. No arooonto ar MdS wffl h snleed accompenled by s r aril Sad ebeck able to the order of th Mayor of th of Portmnd. eertlted or raeaosstbta fsr as ibmm oeaal b 9R pn seat af tha aggregate propnal. ' Tba rtehV te ratoet ens amt am bmto to pBayTw fU TWWn By srder ef tha Biecstln Beard. THOS, c D run, - Andner af th Oty sf PertlaaA. August St. lBOA rtoivtdxs ros . txwBm wtrxx. Seatod proeonbi will be aseatved at tha efflce ef the Andttar ef the city ef Pert land until Friday. Bertember A ItOA at d o'ctock p. m. tor tn cooetrectien eg la Bast Ninth atreet from Tt feet eontb of Thorn noes street te the bwr In Till street, ta th mi nan provided by ordinance No. IS. BOS, sebtoet to th provMIen ef th charter and eroinencn at taa city et Perv land aaa taa nunu n ue uqr aa flle. . Bids nrnet Ba strlctTr m printed hlaah. which win be furntobed SB ap- pueauea at raa km et tae auditor ec ue City ef PortiaaA And nld town mnet be eompleted a er bsfors 90 days tram tha date of th signing ef Jhe m traat hp tba aarttm Thereto. no propone la ar no win aggregate prepnaL h7 right to tatest as and aB hbfs to t"' '"' gg- " VTHOS. a DBTLTrf , ' Auditor at the city at pertlaaeV Angaat St. uqa nOrOSALS BOB SXWXX VOAZ, Seatod aMoosabi wlB he reealved at tbs afflre of the Andttar ef tha aty sf Port- tand nam Friday, aeptember c ISOA at t o'clock p. mt. tor the nnstrvcttoa ef a sewn In But rnoch atreet from the went line ef tot 1 ta block t and tot 10 In block A Back- man's Second Addition, to tha sewn to Bast Eighteenth stmt. In the toa n on prevleed by ordinance No. 11.60. anbject to the are. vlatoas sf tne charter and ordtnanen t4 the atom accoaapentod by eertumd ebeck pay. able t the order of tba Meyer af th Ctty of Portmnd. eerttfted by hrispsnsfbta beak far- an amsant a anal to toa ass nat af tba aty ef Portland aad tbs ntlstato af tbs aty 1 - ' Xnsineer. ee tie. Ride mnet be rtrletlr to eceordann with printed blanks. Which will be furnished sa ap- 1 plica uoe at tne ornce or ue a net tor ec ta City ef PsrtlanA Ant Mid nwer meet b : , eomntotod an oe before 00 dara from tha ' date et tha signing af th eoatract st th - 1 parttos thente. i no propaeam n ens win oe eaeaiBwaa V alass aeconnealet by certified ebeck pay- Vi able to the srder of tba Mayor et tbs city of Pnrtland, eertlted by a reenoeelble bank 31 for an amonat eona! to tan par eeet ef tba "rVTrttaet any and H bid. ta hereby reeerveO. BY rot sc ta arxeceuv anarn. THOS. C. DEYLIW, .Vi , ' Aadltor af the aty af PnUaaeV ( Angnat St. ISOA I , rAOTOAAfS FOB SXWXX W0XK. BWlod eeonnata will ha received at eh office ef the Aadltor of th Oty sf Port land aatll Friday. September A 1P0A at 4 o'clock p. ai. for th construct! ef a sswer In Baat Irving etreet rrom ue east nne ef Bast Twenty-ninth Street m tas sewer la wMt-elehrh street. In the w provided by ndlnanes Mo. 1AI10, subject to the orovtotoas af the charter and ordinance of fbs aty ef Pntlsnd end to eatlflMt of tbs aty Bngloen, en tie. Rids meat a Strictly hi aeesrdase With printed r tanks, which will be furnlahed on sp pllratlon at the ofSce ef the Auditor ef the city of pertlanA And Mid aewer West be eonptoted en or before 49 daya from the date ef the signing; sf On aaattaat by tha nurttoa thereto. proposals n Mds wtn b umllirnt union scosaapeatod. by 8 eertine check pay able to tbs srder, of the Mayor of the City v of PWtmna, anrttnen oy a rMpooMBie ssna far aa amount enuai n rea per seat at th frntoct ..pd an Mat ta hereby reeervaa. . . fcm . r , my sroer n n s""rava m. w , THOt. 0. DEVLIN. Aadltar mt the CMy at PortiaaA. Aagast SA, ltoA OOMTLXTIOM AMD ' AOTJIFTABOB OT TM noYXMxvT or WASSIBOTOM tTRXXT. Metlc to hereby given that WIIHam C. at Baat, Ctty Bnglneer, be tied In Ue office ef the anoeralgned aotlce that the Carbotleeam Wood Preserving compeay, eantraenn ror tne Improvement af Washington street, ander the wovtaitma of ordisance No. 18.8DA bare mm. pletcd aald street from the went Una of tint,! street to the eaat Una of Third atreet. j Said aeeentanc will ba considered by th Rsecetlve Board at 'ctaek on tb 4th day of September, ItOA and ebJertloMi to the acceptance of mid Street mt. any pert thereof " may to sie in rs oraoe n qn aaiatntgaif -aA. say tins prtor thereto. TBI XXbV I TITB BOARD. , By THOA C. DEVLIN. 1 Aadltor af us Ctty at Portlasd, . . Auat st. ttot. , r, j J.. e