The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 03, 1904, Image 1

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    ' ? V . J r V- Shan - V ;
voi n. raw-150,
iidi 10
Ir-'EsteEbtwtcn Tecs-
Stffdar lei fill Prabbfv flat SMie
it n Tine Owf-tto JaawR .
H rtfac
(Journal BpMlal fwirtw.) .
- BmiUK .(cr mmIm that
at-BMnichc nd-tasu mtlt 4
'olek thla morning, th atrMtear bm
c tm owr tttmu ttrt-o inhri a
ami atrtka at ttota ttet oU a la
drtMbl. The ddion la looked upon
mm a. TMtarar th wthvr tib a
ntia Hlctrtc OMmpany. whtoh laana a
4wtli-Maw t atontsa ma ter.aa atrt-
ira aoacrBl Tha" ataatiac
Inf raa for Aia parpoao ae 4eMlac
1 . wlMthw or Mat ta oaU a- atrlka teoaaaa
' ta mastMfir had arvaaly vtolata tja
' ,l finding f sha Arbitration oowualtua t
vhkeh waa rafarraa Uw olffaraaMa a
fwaaa ta eotaaaar and-amptor atba
Now of th atria tmw aaoatha ao.
It waa attondad by am aMradit dta
i arata rroji aaohr at tha orajanlaad labar
; , uatena la) th Kr ThM lato ra
r fMd iamm tb auvaon . x1-
atnloaa, baraiiat tt was found that taa
. atraatear BMm wra aot uait te wlabr
Ia to aall a. atrlka.; ' ' . , "'
". -."X ' ka Saad of Puijiiaaiia, V
This lack of baimdajr waa da to th
r Una hand of tha teorporatteo'a' wianagara.
. " who a taw days ago dsd aad abattad th
, orsamlaaUM ef a rival unloa amoac Its
, aoiployoa, th. aaambara f Whleh war;
pladffad to oppoaa all atrlk
i It waa saaaabar from thla -saw anion
. that asBoaia th ealltnf f a atrlk at
th aMatlnr. and thereto? oaoaad th rap-
' raaantatlvaa ot tbar. labar , anions to
-withhold their support.
, Thar la nwoh Jsaiaabla talk being
Indulged In by ail man today a b tha
gunner In whleh tha eattl OTaatrln
Coaapany avoacht a host this ' brk In
; th ranka of th anion, and tha asa ef
. consldarabl suss of money la freely
r. ( aharcad. It now appaarn that tha fehy
corporntloa will awka food Its threat to
throtUa tha anion and dismiss froai Ita
,r parrtoa all wlon axa.
4 af lt
T 1
Iiuimt IMKid S.i 1
ffaattkn BapL ."Thla la, a far as
we ara coaaamad, a fhjht t Aalab. If
, wa loaa. wa will take oar aeedferwa with
tha bast araoa poaalble. if wa win. tt
4 will- mean tha permanent dlsrupUoo of
; the taantdrlvars' anton."
ueh hi th statanwnt ntade by PrrsV
dant Moafeldar of th Seattle Transfer
, Company, th oonoarn. that nandJaa about
' two-thirds of tha taaminc and draylnc
baalnaaa f tha elty. Th taaaaatera,
, however, ' do not propaaa ta loss tha
t nsht. and now hava their strike as wall
-' srsaataed that they bar strong hopes
' of brkujlnv tha amplorars to terms
Witbtn a few days, Vp ha aooa today
, 41 dnaa had aigned tha aareenteat to
rafuss to employ any bat anion am, In
' th delivery of freight or sappHes f
any klad. Of this aaauar ajuuty ara
Ursa dims wtaosa buainaas In the past
has proved prod table ta the lrs tohja
, Ing oonoarnsi j. v . . .
Tha arippllng af bnHdlntf 'apofattana
and other Hnaa of Industry an account
of union man rafaalna; to handle mata
liat detlvered br any . but union
taamatara has already ausad a strong
- protest from many Influential souroee,
and It la expected that wlthla 4hars
tha praaaura that wilt ba brought to bear
on tha employe re from this eouroe will
; ba so grant that It eannot ba withstood.
Th Uoyd Transfar Company, which
has sis haavy teams, has autwlttod tha
I strlfcara and avoided th ooneequeacaa of
tha atrlka in a nW and novel manner.
' By Issuing a took ta sneh of Ha drtvsrd It
ass todaoad th Bjaa to.bellava that thay
1 fcr Ptoyr rfy asaployaa; and
.(Contlnu4t on Vaaa Two.)
. Helena, Mont, tapt. t.A decided aan
aatloa waa savatopod at th saaaloa last
night af th ssronar'a ary whmh Is uv
vaeUgatlng tha death af Bvery stcKsl
vay, a dark la a looaJ dryBoods a tore,
who died at Xla realdaaoa u Fsosta ava
na yastsrday thortiy Pfer srtnklnc m
cup of eoffe. Dr. W. 0; ItUMaU, who
was'tunmond by tha fajaltr, announced
Away fro CbseSer
Uk. the Series.
tt Wtt iSlDlMPHnt-Kil to Sir
: . Tbout LiptoBs Tbotttfi Uc E ;
: nit Has Bcci IHtcorated :'
C r'' t Several hyu
: Wtta all aaiia dytna- the Kelt,
bnos saaaa toward tha pnlshlns;
Una In a foe . It was 'believed
that - tha defeadar wavid not ba
abl ta tnlah m tha Una ItatR.
ir- shtt -wnok" wfthta haif
mile of th and ef tha aoorae sb
patherad wind, and wtth beautiful
salllsc aroaaad at t:lt:0, aaof-
anu tuna, tnoa wmalna aaoh
tha thra sraat rases, and thereby I
iv aealrea Of 1M aTrltlah ahal
Baflothit Rallaaoa erassad tha Ibm
a a ::,
; 9mm Vpaclai abjrrlaa.-
pxidhiaadsr Bapt. tWPith the wind at
". oonojmsi lookad msoaaracins; far
raa today. Aa tha day advanoad.
hewavafk a Iwaas Mltfanad aft abora.
and br aooa a seven ma wind waa
blowtna;. Toward 1 elook a fw
euraaan boats asaae stragrgllnaT tat tha
bar aad gathered abawt ta lightship at
aha Start tag line. XJttls satb
abowa, aa few be laved tha
and if K did. nearly
averybsdr aaiaiid osrtala. that tha no
llaaoa would wia haada down. Those
faaturaa ontrtbatad to a dall tjaw eaT
the rllghlaada this aaoraiac.
T After watttac until abaoat tha last
tthnts arantad or th regatta rules, th
Reliance aad Bvuuarook started bk a fuae
that promlaeo to be another fluba. Th
raeany want ta tha starting; Mns at th
usual hour, but (ha wind was only blow
tap; twa basts. Aa th day war aa tha
wtad In aroma, bat vary slowly, daart
ly bafor aooa, however. It had taksa
th valoolty of about aavon knots aa
hour, and tha yaohta hurried away on a
thrash of la mUes to wtodward aad re
turn - ' -
"Tha Kalian orasast th Haa at 11,
and tha shamrock pa isonds later, aa
offlclaT tlaaa. The KeltaAoo hold tha
lead, outpointing tha hasarook. ,..
Highlands. Sept. .When' 'day
dawned this Morning conditions looked
anything but propitious for a - race.
Hardly knot, of wind waa blowlng
and there was little hops-for a fresh
ening. As tha morning advanced, how
ever, taer waa evtdanoes of - stronger
weather, and by aooa nearly 1 sevaa
knots waa tha valoolty regia tared.
. Durtaaj tha nraralng a taw strasjsihig
axcuraloa boats came lata tha bay, but
little Interest see wed t prevail among
tha altm erowos that appeared upaa tha
docks. Th soareHy of spectators hi ao
oaantad for. by- th belief -tha as race
would be run today, and also by tha
fast that should ' oas ba pulled off tt
woaid ba a case of tha Ballanaa wuv
Bins; bands down.
Although there was not enough wind
for trial, th yaohta startsd far th
Una at th scbedulod tlaas and tailed
around th lightship sooordhftg ta tha
rule. ' By noan tha bra asa had so
freshened that tha Members of the re
gatta oenunlttet aiwiounosd that lbs
race would aoour tf tha good wind eoa-
tlnusd antll the atartlng time, 1 o'etock.
Sir Thomas Uptoa oame dowa ta tha
oouysa asrly aboard tha Brtn snd my
oft tha atartlng Una not far from tha
ghamrock. He had a arowd of friends
aboard, and apparently took mare pi
ara ta thalr eompany aft than ta
maneuvers Of Ms challenger, ' .
Contlnuad on Paga Two.)
tnleetlons ba rastora tha man to eoa-
salousnaas, dudUg which lucid spall ha.
dented that as had taksa any drug r
nsreocia, and, dropping back. died. Tha
coroner ordered sa autopsy ta ba held,
and pending thla th Jury wlU not raa
dr r Ysidlat. -The aaae sa b asaaa
UaM haa bean tu mad over to tha d
tarttvaa. AHhoagh hw had IS in hla
nasseanloti whaa be left th store, at
time of hts death aatr aantg wag
4 on big person, - - '
--- --
i - a-
Rajiaao eras
asabstai. -
. ,. it !. ; ' .... '
-' Ml " I I . . . . . I
I Kill ii I - I r
' W III! Iff If S 'ItaacM
.';.: ,hw snW d. e.--.. ay. i- .mTTfAPfZTTTni I not
" Barb, ara thrae pictures of Captala Charley Brr, tha mart who sailed
a aaan sc daw words, but aa a yaehtaxpan ha hna raw aquale aad n superiors.
t I 1 4. fl III 111 - I
V... t.4 , 4.
Ssa Francisco (Officers
-Ccse upon Scene; of;
".'v. Hitman' ilonrfitrlTiy'"
.i,- iiuuiuu uvyiarua
Fither m4 iothcr Lyte,, Intoxicated
. While Ok lnfirt Dies nd to
Twii Bretber b Dy!n
r-Jfcrtt Others.
(Journal gneetel arvW) '
aaw-raalaei.-dapti In A mother.
Inaa- riiaa, har bahr -arl dead
aad-lla wls baileii dying; ta.ths kltahan
th soana which mat tha horrified
ayes af th aflloera of the- doolrty for
tha Prevention of Cruelty to.Chlldia
when they entered the house ef Robert
Xlngaby. tinsmith, la -thw- city ? today.
Thrsa other- ohUdrea show awful signs
of neglect. i
Tha husaaad was - found" Just' reoo-ver-
tng from a sprag and' tha -wife snd
mother waa lylnc In -bad -stupldlir ln-
toaloatad. both unawars 'of the death
of their baby. Tha society will' take
aotlow until the parents ara In- a
better oondltlon'lo anawar auaatlonat '
Th attantlon ' of - tha society waa
oalled to the Klngsby' family by cer
tain neigh bora who. hsrd tha kmsll
chUdrsa .crying all mat night. arly
thla morning two woman want to tha
honsa and oould not gain ahtrahoa," the
doors bemg Jockwd.- -lioofclng trnrsua-h
ths windows tha body of aa infant, was
lying- on --the floor. It was ., tha
dying; boy-baby whoa, twin sis tar jaa
later found dead. . - A
At onoa wore ths nolle notified and
then tha sfBosrs of tha society of Pre
vention sf. Cruelty. Policeman , broke In
ths dpora of tha house and dlsoloseeU
th fearful conditions..
It bad bean known that th father was
on spree, but 1 was bettoved by tha
neighbors that ths mother was eartns;
for her ttttla ones.
All hava bean taken la chars , by th
society, " Th dead baby will be burled
by th city, sa tha Klngsbya have no
' - ' :f.
Usuronl BpacUl Sarvloa.
tla. Wash... Sept. t vm prts-
onees uadar aentsnoa far patty offna
brofc out of tha city prison eoaae time
before daylight " thlk morning by un
screwing a bolt frbm thalr cell door and
climbing tha fane of th Jail yard. Later
oaa f th prisoners returned and gave
hlmeetf up. This la th fourth suc
cessful break from ths BsatUs Jail In as
stsb Mmn daw arm af vaatr OCeasaa
Tssina Bait fMam Vhatr aU .,
f v , - -7 dMaws VB. ; r . .
eajr Wv,
n hi a ii , i - "i.
printing; that " would so arsdtt to a
profeaalonnl was all that' saved William
Harr fram betas robbed br highwaymen
Tuesday night. -
Mr. Harr Is a llnmart employed' by
th Portland Osneral Electric company.
He la also call man ut - tha Portland Art
departmcot stationed with Hoss t com
pany la North Twentieth street. As a
result of hla encounter with thugs Mr.
Harr carries a bad gash on tha aids of
hla head, "
Between' t:B) aad o'clock Tuesday
-avanlng Han was walking near Bsvan-
ta eoth and Oflsan atfaats. He was going-
U vleltT frteads and whli passing
ths shdw of a large tree two am ao
costad him. Tbey srdared him to throw
up hw 'hands. Harr did not comply and
on of th man at ruck hlra a severe
Mow an th sua ef tba bead. Thla
daaad Harr, but before ' hla aim Hants
had time ta search his clothing, 1 ba
mads a break for liberty and succeeded
la out-dlatanelng hts purauers4 who
chased him but a ihort dlatanoe. .. .
; Harr sustained a deep out on tha aide
of hla. head absvo Ma ear. The Injury
was evidently Inflicted br - brass
knueka. However Harr did not loss any
valuables and h considers hlmaaU
lucky. : 5 - .
Tba attempted robbery waa reported
to th police, but tba ofllcars hava ds
velepwd ho due. -v -. ,- .j, .
A 6riingar ravolver . ooasplcuoualy
dlaplayed wn all that saved George
Bchults, proprietor of ths bar at the.
Hotel; Perkins. and Robert CHoea, tba
brothan of Bd Qloss, tha asramea, from
being held up early" yesterday morning.'
Tha attempt occurred at Bast Bum
aid street and Union avenua. shortly
after 1 a. ' bl. - while th men were on
(Continued on Papa Two.)
Bight Rev. Charlea It Colton haa
bean eoneeorated Blahop of BuRSlo.
rather Colton has for many years beaa
la chars of at dtephen's In New Torn,
of which church Vainer McOlyna wa
pastor before hla failtnf eat wJUl Afvh
...r.;-. - ,.,.--..
AlaallBAaa, A UnUI, A
Vasn BT tmO; BOtaT "sTBAB
j-yBB BgTja 4SaV vXBBaJf
VVainTB aWa -wBsTHyMs-i mymjt
f , WXTal 'MMA9M9 XBOwaUV . .
eaagb swhana wttfc a ttevaisa earas
Ma dHawaa, sua Babaj Captaaa
pishop CwrrifBa, - . , r t .
Uia Ballanaa ta rlotory In th rneaa nor tha
" Annual meetings ware bald today by
the Portland and Oriental Btaamsbtp
Company aad th aofeaaa Untan Depot
Company. In aaoh Instanoa dtraatscs
and offloera wars re elected.
-Th a-1" meeting of tha Ol B. at M.
Company, appointed for today, was post
poned to aWptember I.
Nothing- developed touching plana for
the coming year, aad tha sleet ion war
perfunctory. W. W.- Cotton, genaral
counsel for ths three sompaales, hold
.th proxies. .. . - -'
Ths flpokans Unloa Depot Company
met at II o'clock aad. after fmmalltiaa
bad bean attended to, th faiwir sat
of omokMs war ra-aieoted aaaaimoualy
br Mr; Cotton. - - . - . v -
Promptly at 11 seloek th Spokaa
rjntoa Depot Cempaay held Its assetlng
and rs-eleoted thee offleors: ,
t Directors W. C Bristol, It T. Con
nor. W W. Cotton. J. H, Kloeterman.
J. H. Teal, 9. O. Wilson. Portland: W,
D. Cornish, New York; K. R Harrlman,
Ardan, - N. T.; i Lawranoe Oraer,. New
Executive Committee W. D. Comtek.
V H. 'Harrlman, Lawrence Oreer.-
Offleers B. H. Harrlman. president;
W. D. Cornish, vloe-preeldnt; O. Wil
son., secretary: Alex Millar,' asslstsnt
eacretary; F. V. Croaby. ireaaurer;
. a. Benson, general auditor - - v
When noon arrived tha O. R a N.
stockholders,-for the time osAbedted la
Mr. Cotton, took out their watch and
decided that perhaps It would bs bet tar
to peat none the election to a later data.
Thar conaldared different dates, tele-
.graphed to Prastdeta A. U Mooter, who
Is In ths Bast, and sato tnat tney no
llwad they would defer tba aeeetlng
to September 1 . . v ' ..; 1
l-m iraligiaai to BDf. MShhBT tt
ttUT Oi miBiliiBlni Wtta ' lajstkay
mm mild aasskMasa.' s
, . . . . . ' :
At f p. p the corporation thaf means
s tbuoh to PorUand'a eommeroa with
the Orient the Portland Asiatic
Steamship Company held Its annual
meeting. The sam fseaaare of har
mony waa manifest here -that had bean
observable when th other oorporatloas
Mr. Cotton called himself to order and
re-elected the. former officers aad di
rectors as follows:
Portland eV Astatic Steamship Com
pany Directors'A. I. Mohlar, B, a.
Benaoa, W. W. Cotton, William Crooks.
Portland: W. D. Cornish, W. S. Pierce,
New York; H. Harrtman, Ardea N. Y.
executive Committee W. D. Cornish,
a H- Harrlman. W. S. Pierce,
Officers H. H. Harrlman. chairman
board of directors: A. H. Mohlsr, presi
dent; W. D. Cornlah, vtce-prealdent ; W.
W. Cotton, secretary; Ales Miller,
aletant secretary; F. V. S. Croaby. treaa
urer: K. B. Benson, general auditor; Job
W. Newkirk. assistant treasurer. .
Journal BpsHsJ Ssrvte,)
Newark. N, J.. Sept. s. The e
ploeloaXof a holler almost completely
wrecked th plant of th Vaa Ojiswie
Chemical Company this after neon. At
first It was reported that ten man wwrs
kilted, but biter all weee aseountsd for.
Two ara probably ihtamv Mured.
. ' ' ' ' . '.' "
sap. The sturdy, DtU Bootohnutn Id
- - -
Attorney yss$m Advises
Mrs. Bowers and Mrs.
Sutton Not to Testify.-
Chief of Mke Telefripte the U
Frmljca Aatboriti 4 Mills
Pttl4 fowl's SUtcmt
4. r,,,
(Journal SpectaJ Servlee.)
Pranclseo, Sept. t-Iteetrva
la busy today ' serving sub
on witnesses la tha Inquest
which will o bold tomorrow ta deter
mine tba cause ef tba death of Martta
I Bowers. - A aoasa have been summoned.-
In addltloa -to Dr. McLaughlin
and' other phyalctans ' who - attended
Bowers, several of his astghboS have
beaa notlfted to bo prsssnt st th tav
quest. - -
- Mrs. Bowers and Mrs. Button prob
ably will act testify at ths tnooost. W.
T. Vaughn of Portland, thetr attorney,
baa advised them sot to take the stand.
On account st th great number af wit
nesses subpoenaed it may take more
then on day to bear all th testimony.
Dr. I C. Morgan, toxtoologlst for the
ettv ehbaitst.r iporssd ta- the osronar
today tnat ha bad: found ever four grains
of arsaalotis add la ths stomach of Mar
tla Bowsrsv enough to kill four am
r Joha Cunningham la bow knows to
hava beea living In Bowers' apartments
during his atckness. Whoa Bowers died
Mrs, Bowers gave Cunningham his gold
' Attorney Vaughn says that th women
ara not guilty of murder. Under hla
instructions they refuse ta discuss th
oasa, . ; -1r ..;",-- . r v
Chief Of Police Hunt telegraphed to
day ta tha sbisf of police of Baa Fran
ease that be bad amilad th statement
of Mrs. MoOallum at Portland rgard-
Continued on Pag Two.)
It fll Cl'T
vr i 1 m. 1
I ill ii ii Til r
Bl III WJ Hvm s - : , leiasinsa
-r a 1 1 a Tin a til 1
-111 llliklllllf
"T: aaaaw-t lhr
Journal Soeetal
Berlin, mn. I- More tha ordinary
m Is being made about the capi
tal today over the sensational article
published this morning la a kmat paoer.
, ha review las; the false report of t
sssasstnaUea of th American vW-a--sut.
Maaelssea, at Beirut, Am
oaewly shargod Witt being a
th fsk for the parpoao e
Mil . - -isy at I
Drivers Aree b f ;:
Work fcrTJrty I ;3
From Next Zzzlzy.
Triable buel by the ttxztmzdt
f the OrtiNtee ReIrtciThw
U Die Tltht ff45M---,r
trouble betweea tba elty
tba aarbage haulers
aa sxeitlna; stage, . Praetloallr
aH the arrrsra f gsrbaaa- s a gene pas j
tsrday signed a paper binding themselves
ta haul say sarbag ta th elty af '
Portland betweea Seplsaibsr d aad Oc
tober t. Tba city sOctais are seriously
ssasldertna; ta gussttoa of either golngt
lass the sajbaga-bauJtBs; bustneas them
sr awardmaj. an saclsstve fraa
ahiaa to anats snmpsny which h"U agrsa -
Oaa aMa ar the otbsr
berere Monday sssmlhc. Thar
wa taformal dlaousstoai of ths sjattar
by th haass stf several municipal sa
bot ap to. .a .
i dednlte
beea arrtved at. -
rsamsn net to haul sjarbaaa
days was tanked an sd ska
garbag sromatory mst event
Immediately brought to th attention ot
tba saVtala. -
Thla la tba direct outcome of tha re-
rrast ef a amaabsr ad th drtrars
wa seralsted 1a haul log thetr leads of
refus ttireogh th publls streets with
out H belna- tightly eovered up.
If tba sarbage aad rafas from th
laalasisiils and business plans were
allowed to sol loot far a asoatb, the sttua
tlea oaa easily ba tm agin id. The boa a
ocbchUs declara that tt would bring' aw
a pastUsaoa,
Tha e, arse meat f tho sarbacs Bken
haa eartayily put ths eify sdimaia kg.
plaos where they Blast dschts oar some -thing,
and launed lately. Thra ramala
only two working; days antll tba terms
of th threat are to be earrled. sbwj sa
sutM. - -
. Tba. proposal to- form aaa osmsasy
to bs gl van a franchise ta haul all aar
baga ta ta elty amy ba deeaded apoa.
snleas some coaesaalons come from tha
present ladlvMuats la th auainssa. .
The paper signed by ths drivers af
refuse wagons is aa follows:
"We, tho undersigned garbage -d i tvei a
la tho elty of Portland, bind ourselves
not to haul any garbag sr refuse ea
our various routes between th dates af
September and October a
Then follows a list ef shout td luuaed
oomprlalas; praetleally all tba men sa
gaged Mi that bualaesa hers.
The rebolllOB of the garbasrtrera
M attributed te a man named Burkhardt.
who was oas ef the number recently ar
rested charged with violating; th ordN
nanos reg-ulatlns; the business.
Special OSleer CasweU baa ba dele-
gated for same tlaes past to as that th
garbage men obeyed ths dJnanes, and
ho professes to hava been eaoesdmgty
lenient wUh theea. -
One portion of the ordinance provide)
that no garbage wagoa shall be drives
on a street within tha elty Mmtts be-
wea 1 o'clock la th morning and
e clock la th evening. - Thla he feus
ta bar beaa frequently violated,
of the sjisa not reaching; the rnmterr,
with their load until nearly eoloek.
He atmply warned the sssa at tho tha.
Bocsntly. howeven there hava beea
many oom plaints about the garb e
igrona be Ins; driven through th o
etreets without being property sever
and th arrest of six er seven Of t
ara followed.
It ha beea sagaeeted and amy be
carried sut that tba elty enlarge e
atrest-olssatns; dipartmant so as to hr-
slud a nrbsATe-wngoa esrv.
attack sa Aiermang
AsjMtiesa navy hi par
that tas aeaears
peaa sawssroa
t lotooa oo
Tns e- -fr'