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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1904)
V f " ' 13.01 OOD EVENING. ; , . mum ; OF TO 'JOCSIAL YESTE23AY WAS ' Tonight and aeturday, fair; aorth ' erly winds, -' s J wtt,t a A - . FKlUn PORTLAND, ORGGON,rKlUAi avis.rinu, oar i libpcr , av. ' V-m J t(A m . : -, ..: j LI AO YANG IN FLAMES, POLICEMAN NELSON IS RUSSIANS FALLING BACK Kuropatkin Believed to Have Fired Town to Keep Stores From . Fatting Into the Enemy's; Hands. May Be. Retiring on Entrenchments, But a Root and Retreat on Mukden Seem Possible A Czar's Soldiers Throw Away Guns. .," ; ' ." ' (Journal Special Service.) - v Tolcio, Sept 2. Liao Yang in flames, the Russian army steadily K l 1 .i . T I J - A.t. - I- II L. iianx dj me Japanese, a neavy rain xenacnng tne nnus wcu-mgn ' impassable and stubborn fighting proceeding on nearly every tjand, this is the, substance of the reports received here-today . . r. Before night the battle may become a rout, and with it vanish -retire ; trlories of-General Kuropatkin,' veteran of many wars, and the t " I. " i j ' 1 " a t t A army wnicn Russia nas wun unaccusiomea zeai maasca o noia jxs base of supplies. throughout the coming WinJet- a Japan seems o have made good the promise- uttered when the war first opened, in which she calmly announced that her purpose Was to drive the Russ frotn Manchuria. ; '. y " - FIELP MARSHAL OYAMA'S REPORT. Following is the brief report received here this morning' from : Field Kfarshal Oyama on yesterday's firrht: . : "The enemy beings unable to resist our fierce attack began re- tirins September 1 towards Liao Yang.L rir -r "Our left and eentraJ divisions are now notlv oursuinc the enemv. who iq great confnsion is trying to retire to- the "Tight bank of the" Taitze. . : ' ' - ' . "We captured 10 half-centimeter cannon:which jvere . being used on -the Boltba road, near the Liao Yang railway station. "Our right flank has attacked the enemy at Heiying Tai, 15 mi ICS mnuiQBsi u t-.imj tmiif. "Our casualties since August 29 sre 10,000 killed and wounded,! "i-trLtW advices Irom he front tell tersely of the retreat bein made by the Russians and their constant hght to prevent that re- treat from becoming a rout such as has marked but few defeats V in'the wofWV history. ,: - . r' These dispatches indicate that during the night Kuropatkin be gan the retrograde movement from the positions outlying the 11 stronghold' which has been built up-at such expense by the Rus sians at Liao Yang and, screening his movements as best he could beean to concentrate the huge army. - ' Barelv had the movement berun. however before it was dis covered by the watchful Japanese, and bnrtuitt began. The Rus sian retreat across the. Taitze is being effected, according to these reports, with great confusion, owing to the Japanese gun fire from the" river. . - ' - - - - ' The Japanese have secured-the use 'of many guns left at Liao Vanir. which in the haste of retreat were not rendered useless TOnlyThe 1ighteTi btlfiese 4ieces,howevef, can be utilized in thej chase, owincr to the heavy roads and constantly falling rains. With ther the Russians are carrying their lighter pieces, which at intervan are swung dsck to ore upon xne Japanese w ineir nw ' . GEN. NODZU TELLS OF ADVANCE. : Thr is some doubt as to how complete and widespread the retreat of Kurbpatkin's army is owing to the following dispatch received this morning from General Nodzu, commanding the Jap-1 ucird Donniir toay aftr a confr- anese center. Nodzu savs: - SH01 DOWN; ,7 " JOURNAL STARTS A FUND FOR HIM p ""' V"" ,MM)M """""""'"""""""'"'1 ATROLMAN OLE NELSON lies today at the Good Samaritan hospital perhapa fatally injured. ' In a hand-to-hand en- t counter with a hiehwavm an last night was twice, snot and his chances of recovery are at least no more than even. He was shot in the line of his duty ana deserves weu ot tne people ot rortiana tor tne reason tnat tnrougn ws etxorxa, . j .t.- a. . iU rf frhaa miHnlflrht mraiHr-a Kaa hn miAmA tn 4at1 n Kji ttinlahw1 ' tl ArmmrVi Uhder circumstances such as these, there should be some puoiic recognition ot nis services, it is true tnat poucerocn are t paid to take the chance of losing their lives when their duty calls them, but men with families dependent upon them will be I spurred to take greater chances, there will De engenaerea a nncr apiru in uw ranaa ana. inert wui w m usngcr w iggipwn getting in their deadly work in the event that the men who-take the desperate chances have reasonable assurance that should they kiae their fives those dependent upon them will not be left to suffer. , J. - X y Fos this' reason and in recognition of his bravery end- high sense of duty The Journal asks for a popular subscription lor r'the benefit of the family of Patrolman Nelson.: It will lead the list with $50 Any subscription received will be acknowledged f through its columns arid the sum turned over to the patrolman's family in recognition of the service which Nelson himself e naerenqOTca ro crag pup. 4 Youthful Bandit, "Babe- Walton, Attempts to Holdlp Streetcar. MRS. HAYNIE'S BROTHER .4 m i 1 : v:: i I . . ; , OLE NELSON THE-. - i h - -t WOUNDED H)UCEnAH.-L V '':.. r ., INDEPENDENTS y4 : EL' CLOSE ALL THE Donnelly Will Attempt to Brlnf Mat ters to I Crisis oo talon Butcher Stabbed In New Tort J JowMl SpMtal SmtIm.) Chicago, Bpt. 3. Althouh forced to elos tiilr plants by th stanalon at th -butchers' itiiks to their sstmblUh muita, th Inaspstulent packrs ar prv- xpscted to tkm ths lead In this move ar Boyd. Tunhanr dc Cow, H. Boor A Co. and Roberts At Oaks. This moraine wvoral- wafona loaded with cots are belne take to the inde pendent plants, snd the houalns of strike breakers to expected to follow. . The strike, situation Is quiet today. "We will close every Independent plant meat-supply house In the United 10 o'clock tomorrow nlvht. 'Our army is today continuing its advance with the object of taking a line from Shinchiyan to Liao Yang, effecting a rejunctwn with the left flank." - . . ; , J Schinchiyan is about 30 miles from Liao Yang, Nodzu's army " thus forming the apex of a huge but obtuse and not entirely con . nested triangle. : ' - ' . 'His dispatch might either indicate that .the actual fortifications of Liao Yang themselves have been abandoned by the Russians who are thereforvin full retreat toward Mukden, or that the re-, treats of the several different finga of the Russian armr are upon the fortificationsy-' ;V ; : ' " ' ''V;.'.''T--V:" S The Japanese people regard either movement in the hght of a great victory. Fpr Kttropatkin to retire to the fortifications them- setveS" would" mean that the Japanese enveloping movement has , been effective, knowing that the 'Russians in their fortifications --can be completely surrounded and cut off from outside supplies, . help or communication, even as is the remnants of the Port Arthur aiTIS - V TRIUMPH FOR THE JAPANESE. 1 -. if w thearty dispatches indicate, and this ia the view which 'i the Japanese are prone to accept, the Russians have come to regard ' even their suDDosedllr impreirnable fortifications untenable and are in full retreat towards Mukden, it will find the first season's cam paign nded by the complete carrying out of the Japanese war plans, namely the driving of the Russians from Manchuria. - ; Mukden would become but the first stage in a full withdrawal, probably to Harbin, for winter quarters, and wouia necessitate tne bringing of .ever- ounce of food and supplies from Russia proper, thus making it impracticable to bring forward many men dunng tha winter season. f " " I . 'nil . .A VILLAGES ST ON FIRE. ' A 'message received this afternoon states that Kuropatkin has ordered all the small villages about Liao Yang burned. Four of these villagea have already been, destroyed, renoenng several thousand Manchurians homeless. ' , : The Manchurians are now joining-the brigand chunchuses m ot mimhern and will weak 'ventreance on the Russians. . While the chunchuses have beer) suppressed wherever possible by the Japanese, this great addition to tncir ran win nKe me ru- (Cootlnaed Pmie Bis.) enoe with the executive board of strlk- We Intend to brine matters to a crisis as soon as possible, and by a consumption of meats sooner (or later brine the packers to terms." Donnelly this afternoon issued the following proclamation: At'a conference of the board repre senting sit organisations involved In the present strike, there wit Uken ac tios, today to place ail meat on the un fair list. The order . goes Into effect Saturday, September S, at 1:19 o'clock. Ths order will be sent to every packing house In the country, and ao member of the amalgamatsd meat-cutters, butch er or workmen will be allowed to dress any animals until the strike Is settled." This will result In a. request that the public refuse to sat any meat, and any parson, nomstter In what capacity em ployed in handling the meat, must re fuse to handle the asm after the hour stated, or be considered a strikebreaker; Packers have resorted to extortion aa result- of the strike, and they are buying livestock on the hoof at almost nothing, and cHnrge almost any pries for the dressed product The public will now be given an opportunity to retaliate by refusing to eat meat until such a time aa they can procure the same at a fair market price. ' ' - , ABSAV&TSD9 ST aTfTtrsT , Ukt m Sister, Waltoa Com (t Grief tat Bravely Denies Havfnf ' - AiytfciotoDa WltliCriaie Fftbts like Demoav lln A rear MR5.GRACE WALTON HANEY SISTER OfLCAPTURED. MY V CH AS.W WALTON , THE .APTUREP HIGHWSYT1AN. 4., OFFERS M. D. $500 . TO KILL HIS WIFE Wttt ' Xsife ss STew Term ' k Jaersal Special berries.) . New York, tfept. a Bdward Armea, a son-union butoher, was assaulted by three strikers today and severely wounded r wltn a butcher's knife and otherwise badly bruised. His assailants escaped. - r LPRINCESS AND HER LOVER ARE IN ROME . (Jesreal Sswtal sVrHeaJ Rome. Sept. 1. Princess Louies f Cef burg, who eloped several days ago frwft Bister, Saxony, with Lieut. -Count JCem elvltch Mnttlsch, has arrived at Rome, accompanied by the count. -They are staring at the Hotel Pllnus under tfes name of Mr. roa Rum aod wife. , " " ' ' (ioerasl Special Serrke.) Dartoa, a. Sent. t. A cold-blooded death bargain la which Frank So naffer, a prominent and wealthy business man, arranged through the pretended conniv ance of his family physician to kill his wife, became known through police channels-todar. following the arrest of the would-be murderer. Although 64 yedrs old and the fathec of foar children. Sc naffer Is madly In love with a girl In bis employ and desired to get rid of bis wife to marry her. So naffer offered Dr. Charles A. Ktefer. the family doctor, tW to kill sirs. Schaf fer. and the doctor pretended to agree, but reported the matter tq .the police.' Detectives were sent over to hear the Interview. The doctor gfcve Schaf fer some harmless tablets which he told him were poison. Schaffer gave his wlfs the tablets but was arrssted about the time he expected his wife to die. He made a partial admission of his guilt. He had even arranged to have the coroner "fixed." - Polios Officer Old Nelson was shot and seriously wounded last night ta as endeavor to prevent Charles W. Waltow from holding up and robbing the erew of a Twenty-third, street oar new the Willamette Heights bridge. He rests at Good Samaritan hospital, where today m la said that ha ma recover. Walton, the bandit. Is In JaU- Walton ta ! reara mmm .nd' brOtbST Of UraOS WSICOBI Haynle, who accompanie ner buidwm when he perpetrated a. eerie off stnruing highway robberies near neeiue a j - Walton lar a mustcmn or and a. highwayman beonuse of him lncil- nations to go the pace was . r money. He was employee as a vwun pUyer 1 at Watson's restaurant. . 14 , Fourth etreet, and was there until abort ly after o'clock last nignu wnni the restaurant, he boarded a oar and went to the scene of the crime. , J - Walbsn aef Shsithig. WmAh nrofuselv from a wound m) - th. hi aiwf beaten almost Insensible , 1 by the irate conductor of the car, Wah T in. mad two attemnts to escape as he , was being taken to the hospital. With a nerve that never failed him he abeo lutely -dsnlee hie guilt and unfalteringly deola res tnat those who say tbey saw him shoat Neteoo must be mistaken. ' In view Of several previous attempts? at irhrhway roboerr. one which wu sttoseesful, three weeks ago. to hold up the ear. Police Offleer Kelson ueos panled Hotorman O. A. Bingham an4 Conductor H. F. Johnson on the trip isst night. It was or-Novell Motor- man Bingham was on tne oar wrmm week ago when ha was held up and robbed of IS- He and others swear that Walton committed that crime. Officer Nelson boarded the ear at Twenty-third and Thurmaa streets on Its outward trip last night. On reach.. Ing the end 'of the line be went to taw front platform with Motormen Bmghao. Standing there, they saw the dim outllna of a man by means of the headlight on the oar. The man motioned and the car slowed up. There was a bandage across , hlsface. Both the officer and motor- man thought 'th boy had sore r hav thnuaht be was a boy. for he small of stature and was weU dressed. learasl !!, lerrtei.) - -".Winnipeg. Manw Sept. -.Five sons were killed and many Injured, some U Is feared fs telly In a wreck which oe ourred to the Canadian Pacific express at Santeluta,' Nonthweat Territory, at an early hour today. . The only one of the dead so far Men tfled is the body of Mrs. Die sot of Bd-mo-fcton. ' The dead were all In their night clothes and so fat It baa been im possible ta identify these, owing to no narks or papers' being on their bodies or the clothing tbey wore. Among the injured are Mrs. J. Brett, Miss Golden, on route to Manila; Mies Murray, en route to Shanghai, Ira Roes, bound for Victoria, and K P. Hart, a porter on the train. The accident wan caused by tha a sresa which wan west-bound. . dashing Into an open switch and colliding with a -freight tram.' The killed and injured ,11 in fce forward nara Lorn NOTED FINANCIER IS TO SUPPORT PARKER i ' (J-earsal Ssirttl Sprrlet.) ?V New York, Sept. 3. Spencer Trash, the head of the greet banking house fwtio was arrested of Spencer Trass: Co., a great friend of the lata James O. Blaine, has an. nounced that he will do ell he can to bring about the election of Porker. He thinks Parker the safer man of the two candidates. - "Judge Parker has at all times,'. says Mr. Tresk. "shown a disposition of calm and deliberative observance of the law en4 constitution. . Roosevelt'a course, on the other hand, has always shown a tendency to . recklessness apd disregard of law." - (Joeraal aftal . Oystaf Bay, N. V., Sept. v Senator Beverldge of Indiana was the only caller at Sagamore Hill today. He said his visit waa a social one, and refused to Jmake aa ejection a redlctloa, . ARIZONA DESPERADO -SAYS HE IS DUNHAM (Joarssl Sserlal serrkw.) i Kaotf. A. Ti, Sept. I. Fred Douglass, 10 miles from here Tuesday evening by three Alisons rangers after a pistol dnWt, confesses ha is J. H. Dunham, wanted for the mur der of six persons sear San Jose, Cel. soma years ago. Dunham ears he as tired of flight and life and Is now ready to return ta.Callfomia and answer for his crimes. Lieutenant Brooks has Dunham chained jo a sot in a small oabtn here with Mi m guarding him. He has twloe tried to commit suicide, using a rssor and a revolver. The- captive answers very closely to Dunham's description. Dunham killed CoL McOHncy. a wealthy Santa Clara county, CaL, fruit grower, and members of his family, and escaped, although tle.OM reward was offered for him dead or alive no positive clew waa ever rouna, Dunham was last heard of m Mexico. . Mlnto, governor-general,' and party, were on the raln- Lord and Lady Mint es caped without Injury. - The reason for the switch' being left onen hsa not been discovered SO far and he blame has not as yet been placed eo any one. Ths var -cams almost to a fuH stop, and the conductor rang the bell Indicat ing that the passenger had boarded. The curtains to the front windows and door were down, and tbe young man and tha mmrinrtnf could not be seen from tha front platform where tha of floor and mo tormaa were atationea. Suddenly tbe officer raised the our tain. Under the brilliant glare of the) electric lights In the center of the car Conductor Johnson waa handing over his money to the solitary passenger, who wore a white mash, and pointed a re volver at hla victim s head. ' , The patrolman - threw open tha dodr and looked Into tha muaale of a revolver. The highwayman turned suddenly oa him, leaving Johnson. Nelson, rushing: forward, grappled with the highwayman. The latter, being tbe .smeller of the oonv betanta, fell, and Nelson attempted to pinion hie anna . They gradually worked their way toward tbe end of tha oar, nntU they were oa tha rear platform. There they fell. - There was a muffled report and tha officer loosened his hold on tha proa trats man. Stifled with emokS and pain the officer's grasp was broken and tha bandit threw himself from tha ear. There waa another shot end- a ball grssed the officer's clothing on the light dlde. - The motormsn and Conductor Johnson were upon the robber In an In stant. They hurled him to the ground and Moorman Bingham suceeeded la se curing his weapon. Walton made se erel attempts to escape and was beaten severely over the head by the streetcar men. So Infuriated waa Conductor John son that but for tbe interference of Ma (Continued an Page Five.) i J " X ' "." '"".'""t : i What Did the Woggle Bu Say ?. : It la worth while for you to guess. Olva tha children a eheaen to guaea. ; Thsre'e money la It. Next Sundays journal wlU tall yea something , mora about the wlae old bug and hla runny ooaapaalona I I -VO " I Fairy Kingdom of Os " - r .11 sK -' t " Did you notice last Sundays edition of Tha Journal, , Did you notice last Bunder's edition of Tha journal. printed oa the only Svo-story rainbow press la Ore- gonT -Wasn't It a thing of beauty? Well, next Sua Z day's will be even - better. Besides tha special fee X urea and the color magaslna. ths only one pubUahed .between San Fraaclsco hnd Seattle, The Journal Is able f to provide its readers with o lees attractive ana sew- solid matter In the ahape of a news sew lee a sequel In the PaclSe northwest. With the Sunday Journal you get the real newe of all the world presented agreeable, attractive form. Ton get a local n that baa ftaag since eatdletaacad tht of w newspaper la Portland- There's a that you will mtas if you buy JdVa-dafjhAdfgBsm " rwraFaFT "1 .-'