J- I ; T "LY JOURNAL, PORTLAND HURSOAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER "l, 190. mew ::n:i ra ED N. P. E11Y ' L -a - I T-". T,nr A Dcpirtzit--fctinut 4 ie4 4aii04 lJ ,1 Ftrom th bench at 1 clock this after noon Municipal Judg Hocus scored th : polio department, saying that tt mlgnt ( be a good thing fa hnnouno that tha north end saloons culd run open all , night without Interference, from the po lio or flnaa from tti. court wQa found guilty. H asked Deputy City Attorney Pltsgerald what the "policy of th polio department la eerioarntng north and saloons, saying that ha thought per haps th chief had decided to permit then to ran all night. . - It waa wlwn ,tha oas of - tba lty against Ou Botth waa called that-the oourt became so vigorous. Routh, who ;-waa arrested yesterday, waa being tried on a c haras of keeplag hi aaloon open after th regular hour prcrlbd by elty ordinance. Leonard Bnrnmea waa . on th stand, and had testified that Routh hired talm to attend to th Aleov aaloon from 1 to I a. ax it waa then that Judge Hogus turnad to Mr. Plts , sareld and mad th remarks about Umt polio depart neat. "How ara w going to know about . thea saloona running all night until they are brought Into court T" was th first question aakad of Mr. Fltagerald by th court. - "Wi never learn about then sjntfl tTy ar brought here," waa Mr. Fltsar raid's NGGNA ITS PROUD OWNER Calonat Do eh, director of exhibits for . the Lewis and Clark fair, this morning '-- received tha. Inalgnln ofctba order which , the mpror-of Japan bestowed on him for hi aerrieeo In, hiding tba recant Japanew 'xpoeitloa. 1 Th Insignia consists of a gold and i anamel trophy fof atrangs shape that la k -aupposad to tall complete story of th emperor's relation to .the lorda of ' the earth and tba heavens, but Colonel Ubseh baa not yat mastered the secret WANTS TO RUN FROM- r. NEW YORK TO FAIR i RenrV C ffiavghtar of wt. Xoula la a foot raeer, at least he ha enough eon L fldence In his ability to break recorda tb ?Xter to run from New York to Port land and wear a long )men duetar with IM pstnted an It, for and aft. ' Mr. glaurhter IS at present traveling In th in Ureal of Jewelry house, butJ lie Is sura that ha would attract much mora attention and do mora good should la make tha longaat run ever mentioned - In aportlng pagea, So U la that, for a M i l' I n I REED railOTE SML FAR AWY ' j. rL-. Js. 1 - A year must lapaa before anything Is lone toward the ereotion ef th Reed . ' Instltut provided, for In the will of the ylat Mrs. & a Reed. It Is Impossible I ' tn nake the mlaiui and tlniate until -v th trust know tha amount that th 1 Jnetltut la to have, and thla eannot b , ' determined until tha aetata la converted Into cash, aa the testator bequeathed , . th residua" of th estau for tba estab lishment of tba Institute. It will amount to whatever la left after all definite bequests have been paid. A portion af ; th property ef th estate la located in i California, and In that state a year la required te effect a settlement. ' "It will not be poaslbl to do anything . With th institute .proposition until - year has elapsed. aaye C A, Pelpn. - - n of th trustees appointed In th wtlL "Tber ha been a meeting of the v trustees, and will not likely be any meeting for a long tlma W can sot do a, thing until th estate la all stUd and th cash dlstrtbuted."" ' Although It was eridmt from th . first that th amount would not exceed 1 1,000. 00. a local paper publlahed statement to the effect that the sum waa t.dOO,Q04. A Boston paper publishing y the story mads tha amount lft, 000,000 ; The amasament of tha attorney for th - etat waa great when a lsrg number :" f ollateral helr of th deceased 'rushed la end began making demands t. (or a division of th supposed surplus. PARKER IS HELD H FOR GRAND JURY 1 ' ' , - i Parker, charged with larceny from th person ef Andrew Palmer, waived Ipatlon before Municipal Judge Hogu this -afternoon and waa feeld to await th action of th grand Jury. Bonds were fixed M H0. ; Parker waa arrested by Detective ftrrank Snow at Fourth and Alder etrests, Tuesday U wme running from Detee tlv Ryan, th expert with Rlngllng irous and DeMotlv Weiner ef the city AtafL H and soms pals had attempted, go It la alleged, to pick the pockets of passenger on Third street car. These facts, war published In The Journal that night, nnd Palmer read of the oase. Ms cam to tba city jail and Identified Parker a th man who robbed him of $ on a. Washington street oar that ay. ' Palmer stuck ts hit story, sjthgh h was severely cross-examined by Attor ney ftpener for th defense. Palmer's son also testified to th Identification, and th attorney for the detente at th doe of the examination, stated. would waive further examination. Parker was .arrested the same day aa JR. J. Mack, also known to th polios aa 'pickpocket. Mack la In Jail charged with vagrancy. Both men wr follow ing the Rlngllag el reus, : w OB iBsuracmosT nxr. A trip of Inspection of th Western YJnlon Telegraph company's property on the Pacific coast Is being made by Prank James, manager of Paclns coast lines, Who will arrive In Portland this vn fngt H Is accompanies by J. N Mtller Of Man Pranctsoo, superintendent of th American Metrict Telegraph for this district, and R. T. Reld, formerly maq r at ieattle, who ha been tnad as a 'ant anorhntendeni, Mr. Raid's p...-e af bWiu will be taken by Man ner Weat of Port Townsend. , i Mi 'J1 1 ft- A A. V H Trvve 4 t-i-45 tfn That Ilcrta End "What M th polio? of th polte de partment regarding., th , north, ead saloons, anyway?" - was the next startling aueatlon from th Judg. "X hav . fined up-town saloon keepers for having their places open 10 minutes past th preeertbed our. Ara the north end saloons to be permitted to run all night T Maybe tt would- be a (cod schema to anaouno through th press that there will ha no more police inter ference In eases of north end aaloona that r run all night, And It might be a good thing to say. also that the court will assees no Mors fines In such esses. What do you -think about U, Mr. ntsgeraldT" . r .'Well, X hardly know," ' ha replied. -but I know that If tber ever was case where the keeper of a saloon should be fined and nned hard, this is th on. When a map's bartender will go on tha stand and testify, as this sua has, there oao as no way around It.' Aeld from tha eharga ' mentioned. Routh la -Charged with "disorderly eon duet. In yell Ins on th street; carrying concealed wsapona and aseawlt and battery on his llttl baby. Ethel John stone, who waa with Routh In a room .when his wife entered yeeterday, la enargea with oisoraeny oenauet. au of th easea .were poatpooed untU to morrow. stgnlfleanoa of th daceratlon. A tiny button la also Included tn th oase, and tha button la to be worn on U but Colonel Doaoh la ana of th few 4mr leansaver decorated with this high Jap anee order and usually tha dbjUomatle oorpe alone reoetve th dlatlnetlon. With th larger doo ration la a gold and allk ooUar. which will soelrsl th nook of the colonel when he neat appears among tha proud people at Waahlnlrton. eonaitferatkm. h Is willing to start on thla loos: aoeed test He has Informed the Lewis and Clark fair corporation of hi burning dslr to "hot-foot" it fapm New York to th Paoin and be ven Included th pattern-for a novel duster with puffed sleeves and scalloped edge that he expects t weslr tn th Interest of th not fair. No special meeting Of th directors has been called to take Immediate action on the offer of Mr. Bhuightar. - i- JACItSa Et lE I PLACED IN CHARGE For two days th oounty oommtss lon ers havs wrUd with tha problem of t. B. Courtney and tha county poor farm: A meeting la being held thla af ternoon to consider th aueatlon. It haa bea practically decided that Courtney shall be succeeded by D. D. Jackson, ths former oounty Jailer. Th reasons for this decision are that Jsjohaon Is not only a staunch Rspubllcaa- and haa don th party material aervloe, but that he haa the strongest support of any of th candidates for the position. Judge WebsW waa loath to take ao tlon until ths other members of the board took a firm stand. Commissioner Llghtnss Is understood lo have delayed mature somewhat by n nswtrsi atti tude. Ha would not oppose ' change, but would not act in th affirmative. It la aald he baa finally reached the eoncluaton that further delay will sub ject th board to Critic ism. Judge Web ster did not desire th public to gala ths Impression that be favored a change from personal reasons. - - Whitney L. Boise, chairman of th Republican county central eosnmltte. denies that the delay haa been due to Interference en th part of that body. He ears it has kspt it hands out of th matter. Mr. Bo la is known to have said t a number of hi friends that ha deemed - bang at th poor farm Imperative. BUSINESS MAN IS ' KISSING FROM HOME Marry Omm of Drlard, Wash., ta M!nhJ sought by th police at th solicit itW of frlenda. who aav bee unable to lodate him sloo Monday. He disP-U peareu on iimi oar ana snorts w ravie him or learn f bis whereabout have been futile. . - Omm cam tt Portland from Ma bom several week ago. . He .was accompa nied on hta arrival by a man whom th polios call "Big Pt.'d Tie J secretary and treasurer of a ahlngle manufactur ing plant at th Washington town, Hlf father, la owner-f the plant,. . , . . KILL A WITNESS IN A WALL STREET SUIT V tJeuraat apedal Berrlea)"" New fork.1 Sept 1. In the suit of James O' Leery of Chloago, whn te reoover tit.000 margins which he aver he loet unlawfully. J a me J. Hill. yeesldenc of th Oraat Northern waa to day a witness. Hs testified that prior to the Mortn Sim Paaifla tMnla ha StM iT OOA AAA In stock snd controlled 14.000,000 more as against Mf. Morgan's. IIO.000.SOO hold ings. He sstd that n May Tu ItOl, th day whan ths panic took place he had but title knowledge of the ooaditlons. In asmuch aa he was discussing railway extension and did ncg leave hi off los, : . . OPBst BBW BOBB. . . i - (Jeensl ttperUr terHee. tnvr.' col., BepL 1. With n aalut of II guns the flag was today hoisted over the new t'nlted Blares branch mint In this city. Frank; M. Downer will be He siioeiintandnnt and will direct the first ootnaga, whish will be mad July 1, ivt ...... u4 1 t oxm KATOm 4DTO. OA worn TO FmZTATB QOmPOBAr VXOB. a. Th elty ammatory Is rrr ex pen- etv institution . aooordtng to th mn)- bera of th city board of health. Dur ing th month of August ths bills of ths board - amounted .to tl.70. of which amouid)oyer one-half has been axpsndsd In maintaining the raroatory. r "This Is wntermelon season." said Mayor Williams to the "members of th board thla moraine, "and Immense loads of rinds have t b burned dally. Which oauae mucti extra labor and ths burn ing of a larger amount of fuel. , Mayor Williams expressed himself aa being much In favor of turning the cre matory and th scavenger work of tha city over to private corporation, which has applied for a franchise to dare for the gathering and consumption for l years, of all ths reruns of the city; He stated that b bad been trying to get the police and health committee ef the council to take ap th awtler but they havs refused to do so. &rr W. Jones and Dr. J. C. Eaa re ported that they bad mads an agres ment with tn county commissioners for carimr for pattenta, which will) lessen ths monthly expense of ths elty. By this screemanl the city 1 to xar for all acoldent erase, in ease If ths Injury to the patient Is of a permanent nature, th patient will be transferred to the county hospital, wharf the oounty wtU shoulder the expense. Heretofore patients were taken to on of th hospitals in tha city, and the olty had to bear the entire ex penes, no mat ter now long the- patient remained in confine stent. , Ths satlmat of axpsnee for th month Of August waa 11.400, while th bills amounted to 1(00 above thla amount. Thi exes 1 said to b do to th audtltlng of several back bills from hospitals and for nrs Dries: an extra fuel far th crematory. Mayor WIIHama gave Instructions to Ttr. Zn to notify th bospltale that their bllla must be in on time, or etas they W1U be rejected. - - .I . i i - TWELVE MEN MORE M- x FOR JURY SERVICE nervt of summons In the oase of six jurors Impaneled for the geptember term of the circuit court having been found Impracticable, County Clark Field drew an additional 11 nam from tn cox thnr morning tn tn preeenoe ef Presid ing Judge George. The extra half dosen names wore drawn In order to provide Lfor failures to serve other summons and to make aUownnosa for tboa who may b excuasd Judge George notified the bar thla morning that he will call the trial docket and a sal an cases next Tuesday morning. He wilt on that day tak up ail the mo tion before- th court and occupy- aa many days aa may be necessary tn bear ing them, in order that they may be dis posed of preparatory to th be sinning n th kJntMhap Urw ett iwiupt nn tha following Monday. Th following eoni- ttonal Juror were drawn: W. H. Coons, farmer, Twelve-Mile nous; Joseph pelean, dyeing, 4i Ollssn street; William usnholm, insuranoa, izo Iai1ngbulldlng;lCdward Doe ring, mha- iatsr-.JiKa CMi oevinui airvei; uiuh Floss, farmer. Corbett, Or.; F. Hamilton, farmer; Cleone; W. Harris, capitalist; William H. Leah, jeweler. IM Madison; Owen Martin, farmer, Orsahanr; Jans j. Mlokleson, fruitgrower, Ruesell villa; J. N. Ross, fanner, Corbett; Phil T. Smith, farmer, Cnlvralty Park. . , . SMASH MORE RECORDS AT THE WORLD'S FAIR ; (Jearaal spaetal asrrtoe.) Otadhtm, at. Ixmts, Beot fL The Olympian championship contests con tinued today under lar skies, and In slxxiing hot weather. Th attendance waa ft.00. Tha axo-metre tinrdla ran waa won br H. U HUlman- of New York. . Tim. 14 -, being n new rpooLfr Throwing It-pound weight Waa won by . DesMarteaw ef Moatreelf - dis tance. 4 fet Inches. tfu-yards burdi hsiosp -waa won by U O. Byksg (soratch), of MUwauk; Urn. fTl-. The running broad Jump went te Meyer Prfnstein f New York, at 14 feet dnch. being sT new record. Throwing th l-pound -weight hn dloap -waa won by Albeit A, Johnson of 8t. hxmtm, by 11 feet, he throwing t feet, t Inches. - (MCHT STRANGLES IN GREAT SALT LAKE t7wml apactti torvtee.r ' Salt Lake, Sect. 1. H. U Wilkinson of Cleveland. Ohio, com mend sr ef the Knlghta Tsmplar an routs to San Pran- cisoo, was strangled by salt In- two fMt of water tn ths Oreat Salt lag while bathing thla morning. ' Friends carried him . ashore and brought him Into ths city on a special train. H waa rushed (o a botyjtaj but will probably die. " PRESIDENT PICNICS; NEGROES SERENADE -rr'-y.r-, . . .. fc " ' ' 'Jjraal SperUi Brr1ce.V " V "- Oyster Bay. Sept 1. 8a gam or Hill (a, being stormed today by 1,000 colored picnickers from Brooklyn, A special train bringing member and frtmd of the Colored -Rqrtnee Helen's association, ef4 Kings ciHy arrived at notra, Headed by two band they etartad for Sagamore Hill to play "Ha to the Chief." but It la doubtful If they will se ths president, who started away thla morning on a picnlo, with his boys. t SHOCK Tft MOTKtR i KILLS TWtt BABES -.. y . - ' fsperiel Insaetek te.Tb Jearaal.V Taooma, Wash., Sep, li Triplets wers born to Mrs. R. Beyer at Old Ta coma Monday nlfht. Boyer lives, at University Park, Portland, and bis wlf is ware- vtetting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Frastar. . -i- -- New of ths accidental newtb -of her brother, Dan, on Vaabon I eland last week caused a prematura birth. Two of lb hUdrsn bav ln 04. . xc:.ws STOCK -, Th hwerporator of th Port- . land Ik auburoan Railway com- pany, (the aw corporation Into which Vrr to be merged th two --principal street railways of thla elty, ar A. I Mills, J. O. Atns- worth, C. F. wiser t P. X Puller d and C A. Dolph. Of th stock In ths new eorporstton,. tk.OOS , sharsa will go to tn stockholders 0 In the- Otty A Suburban Railway company and li.ooa to ths stoek- 4 holders In tba Portland Railway b 4 oompany . '., C.WALS SLOW B TO SEE ADVANCE! BIT OXIOAtrO niOBB WTU AT- mAC bit imu WB3AT uurr , ib a FisTos na JeurAJrmga M vmummm ttu bb wiunri o FAT ABT FBZOB. ' '- -A - .. "1''. "I do net look for any tars nart of th wha4 drop of Washlngtosj and Ore gon to a moved to Chloago,'' sai Darin Millar, traffic, manager of tha Barllngton and ths Northern Pacific railway systscas, who 1 In Portland to day. "X know f no reason why thrwnoold b anything Ilk a revolution In this business. Th present movement of wheat to Chicago 1 simply because th prlo has gons up at that point and th Asiatic people have not raised their offer to. meet It. - The Chinese and Japanese ar Btow to ass tba drift of these things. They will hav to get th wheat or th floury and when It cornea to a pinch they must pay whatever price Is neces sary to bring It -their way. This will happen vary soon for those countries need a great amount of flour. Mr. Miller la on of the wsst'a dlstuv gulshad railroad man, Hs Is accompa nied on his trip by Mrs. Mlllsr, and, is taking a vscatloa. preferring Portland and tba Pacific northwest to eastern re sorts. "This Is th first time tn two sear that I have visited Portland,- hs said. "I am making an outing of this trtn. and am enjoying it thoroughly. Port land Is growing so fast that It will bo necessary for on to eome here oftener than ones in two years to keep up with It. Tou oan't amy too much about our admiration for th beauties of tola city and the developments that have .been going on at the Lewi and Clark fair grounds. Thar la every reason for Port land to look forward to auooessful fair and a steady growth In population and induatrtee." Mr. and Mrs. Miller wlU lsava this evening fof Seattle. - , Astoria. pt ' l.-Arrived at Cotook last night and lft up at 1 a. m. t ateamsr Aurella, from Ban- Pranclsoe. Falmouth, dept. 1. Arrived French bark Armen and British bark Thistle, from Portland. , Baa Franotsooi Sept. 1, Arrived at a. m. Steamer Columbia from Port- lanas t Helens, Bept 1 Psssed at :t0 a. m. Steamer Aurella, Honolulu. : Aug. lt.-Balled--French bark lie re KxU, for Pert land. - Astoria, Aug. 1. Balled at 1:1 p. m. German steamer Nloomedia, for Hongkong and way points. Arrived at t p. m. Oerimui bark Anna, from Hamburg, Nuahagak, Aug. It. -Balled Ararloan ship C, r. BargaaL for Portland, Astoria, dept. 1. Condition of th bar it I a m. Obscuredi wind north west, light; weather foggy, denes. Arrived at f :0 n. m dteamer Iranais HLggtt. from Baa Francisco. A Bept "laTXaW upiTttrlt VI nv Steamer Franc la H. tggtt. WATBmrmoB. Th schooner Andy Mahny completed loading her lumber cargo thla morn ing at th Inman-Poulsen mill. Her dtlnstloa M Ban Pedro. Tomorrow the steamship A ate will move to the Southern - Paclflo dock. where she will tak on a shlpasent of flatesrs for Japan. When thla work la move downAWM dour mill to finish her cargo. A day earlier than usual, th steamer Geo, W. Rider arrived a th return trio at daylight Saturday morning. Owing to n -rush of bualne ths steamer - Uadln mads .ths' trip to Astoria today to -assist the Lurltne In taking oars of th snonnous amount of freight down that way awaiting ahlp- ootijAws nr iBABa t ' fSserlel Msealih t Tae JesrsaL) Vale, Or., Sept. 1. HhriA! Lawrence received word today that th sheriff of Sboahon oounty has captured and I holding He and Cheater, the ho, thieves, who soaped from Malheur county few weeks ago. Lawrence at oao left to tak charge af th men. ispeekd btssatck Ta Josrsat) '" Bnmptr, Or., Sept. 1. An Investiga tion has been ordered by th elty coun cil to ascertain th amount to th olty treasury's credit In th bank of Bumpier. If found deficient aettotr will be taken to recover from the bondsmen ef ex-Treae-urer Miller. HI bonds , called lor BOB ,4 . IthMrhd IHBsth te Tee Jsnelr ' Wallace, Idaho, Bept, 1. -Sboshon oounty has offsrsd ttoo for Information hwdlng to th apprehension of the mur derer of Ed Boulet, Who was killed sn Mnrbls creek, and whoa body bore It bullet holes. . -,-.., (Jeasaal Watsrtown, Ma., Sept. 1. Nathan A Fry, treasurer of th Watsrtown Bavtngs bank, wss arrested today, charged with mbeBsllag I II. 00 of ths bank's fund. Frys confessed. He Is under bond ampl t ever nay loss, raAun BrnDsm xmmm - fleer Sasefal sersts.) .' ' Washington, Sept. 1. A fraud order was Issued by th postof f lee department thla htorning against th Health Appli ance company of Ban Francisco. In ths man to! pal soort thla morn tng A, Harrington was bld to th grand Jury by Judgo Hogu on eharga f robbing Ray Brlggs of lit at the Irv ington fno Unek. riaanllj OdSBTBB BMBBBBIiBB (Jearsal Bpestsl Bert HELERFiCFERTO IBS OB BTffBJBO ' sWarBJJBsVT VOrtKWAMX BOOBB TiBB BBBaBiTB BBPOT , XBBA KOUg SB BOntB QTJAB Ther Is aa Important difference of opinion among those closest to th Northern Paclno Railway company and tba Northern Par-lfto Terminal company a to what use ths Wsldler mUls prop- erty is to hs devoted. Judg C. H. C rew, the local attorney for ths North ern : Pacific Railway company, believes tn company ha bought th property ror dockage snd switch yard purposes. Another good authority, who Is particu larly lntreatd la th Terminal oonv panys afUira, belle vea that the Notth- FacfRo haa eeeuraa this nranertv In order that It may be independent of the Northern Pacific Terminal company and may even withdrew altogether from that concern, while still another man, per- nap th beet Informed of all in regard to th affair of both companies. presses ths view that the, Northern Pa olnc Railway oasnaany will net oalr build dock and stdetracSa, but erect aw lndependeia passenger atatlan, on ths round. Th Weldler "tracts known an th Wekl- lr ntui property, consists of It acre without th strsst. or 89 a re laclud tng Btreets, lying Immediately northwest of the Union autkm property, and has a river frontage of l.fot- feet.' Th eighths of ft belonged to George Weldler and tha remainder to th Holladay es tate. Judg Carey says ths Northern Psomc RaHway company paid 2M,as oash for th property, and adds: "It appears t me that If the company la given some snooursgment here It win spend a large amount of money In going ahead with an eaterprtss at this point It may not only build xtensv docks, but put tn n vary Isrgs steamship line for Portland. I do not, of course, know any of the things officially, but X amy tat my private Impressions In ths matter. Nothing will be dews Imme diately. I think that further develop ments wilt await final settlement of the Hlll-Harriman legal contest over he Northern Pacific stock. -When lb matter la taken trs again It will com into th elty council, where franchise wlU be naked for by ths company. I ahould say aa Portland that It would be welt for this elty to enoourag this enterprise, for sines th consolidation of ths Haxrlman 11 nee Port land needs other railway enterpiiaee mora fhanwver." About three years agtf th Northern Pacific Railway company negotiated for the . earn property, , and endeavored. through Mr. Weldler to secure fran chises from the city. At that time A. H. Mohler, president of ths O. R. A N., and Richard Koehler. general manager of the Southern Pacific, Appeared before th olty couactir- committee on franohlse and spoke ta opposition to granting such franchises, unless restrictions war made "that would prevent th Northern Pmclfta frosu srsctlng passenger, sta tion -on th ground. They, declared It te be their belief that the Northern iBs olflc'B purpose in buying th wehuer- tract was -4r-erwct ita own -p tallon and abandon It Intsrsst in th Northern Paclflo Terminal company, which had built tha Grand Central eta- tioa under a contract providing for Joint malntananoa. Th Northern Pacific Railway com paly owned 40 per cent of this stock. Ml O. R. A N. 40 per cent, and tha Southern Pacific 10 per cent, and th union sta tion bad been built by a bond Issue. It was seaumed by ths rival railway of flclala that the Northern Pacific Rail way company would, by simply ban dott ing It interests In the Terminal com pany and permitting tha property to be sold by ths bondholders, get out ef its contract for maintenance of th union station and. Its terminals nnd establish complete tarmlnala of Its own on th adjoining 'ground. This -view of ths case was so generally sceptd nt That time that the city council. In. granting franehla to Mr. Weldler. Mserted a J(b.l . ?Vl.:!Lfi- With this olauss In the franchise th railway company declined to accept th property from Mr. Weldler, the deal fell through and th fraocoise expired by limitation. . T't CONFERENCE DRAWS A METflODiaT THRONG inpeelal Dtasatck Ta JosraaLI Th Dalles. Or., Sept. L At th list Ion of th Columbia liver Methodist oonfercne whlcb convened here yeeter day th chief work of the day was ths election of standing committees of the oonferenos. Bishop Henry 8 pell mover presided. The oommlttee sjctd wen in part a follows:..; - -.'" Auditing-H. C-Olark. E. W. K3ayT W. H Vv. W. B. Armfleld,-' Blbl au Charles Klry. J. T. BetL a. H. Murphey. J. W. Bpanglr. - Books and perlodloaia U W. Rain, U G. Stull.. ' Church extension L. B. Xufuav V r. Hawk, Alfred H- Henry, W. T. Buster. Conference relation J. B. Anderson. R. Warner, H. D. Kimball. W. C. Rvana. T. O. Hodgson, WUllam Hash In. Robert J, Raid. TCduoatlon -H. I. Rasmus, I. C. Har vey. H. B. Kl worthy, M. C, Da via . Kpiscopal fund G. R. Moorhead, C. T. Cook. R. A, Armitrong, J. B. smith. Historical com mitts F. R. Spauld- lng. J. W. Blgby. Hospital and dconsr home C; O. Harmon, J. H. MarUn, J. XL WHllam. R. Gregory. . SUte of church W. B. Bakln. Perry Chandler. B. ML KoonU. B. L. Hick Missionary appropriations The pre siding ldr. Resolution Ti n. Fvrtrg; William Park, J. C. Harvey, H. D. KlmbalL , , Book acoounta- J. Q. Kir a man. - , Tsmperane and prohibition T. O. BtulL T. H. Fertlg, R, O. HadJey, John P. Barker, B, A. Armstrong, J. Law rvnee. ' '" . Tracts a rTntublean, It O. Hadley. Th workwf the conference will con tinue throughout thla week. Today wlt- yfrwoss fWSniwsi la th attendance, and th various oommlttee saaumed their duties. . ' wUTasvoa rsjooa rxarvnmm. v Article ef Incorporation' of th Gal veston Sesnlograph company were filed In th county oourt thla morning by. John Adams, C. H. Dunlap and Frank Bchlegel. Th capitalisation of th company I MftftOO. snd Portland will bn th prtnelpei pnvce- of buelness. The objects are to .exhibit pictures f the Oalvestos, flood. , :- i PUBS BO BOBMOTsa. UrTBnV v " (JwJraal gaisilsl avrvHw.) Bad ltets Baxony, Bept, J. Pllfiuies Levlse, who left her hotel at I Celook yesterday morning, la believed to have fled to rejoin Count Mattashm-Ksgla Vleht, with whom shs attracted atten Uea tn 117 by an elopement which b ot th gahjaot of a royal onndat, , YOU MAY NOT f winton Toiiu:; c:. VBas wr Beting bw ym tutwa Inst a) mos1 ' : tbmmm as tfay oob t wla aog ! ttM y- ffvat prtass, fainng la this, to memrm wm at f '-) th 4BW0 sr mofw soialUr prtass ; .... -, 5000 PRIZES FREE-VALUE $4 . J- :. '-. i ..sw-wwwwaW. ti : HERE IS A SUMMARY OF THE PRIZES s tat Mrw-A WkstsM Tawntf Car (1904 lrndwl)M...Vswgdi U fit- Mamwa A Hwantss Grsmw fUs..i...M..Vg4gs tJM M PrbdM-A CsbvW wrawd rHssM w..,bb $l0O0 V,Vvr4r'V V'-'r:- ' ..-v' ' : Value. , - S Corsovcr Cabinet Grand Upright PUnos...... $400 V 10 KingBbury Uprieht Pinos....,.,. ....... : 800 . to Apollo Piano PUrdra. ,0d0 tO Chicago Cottan Ortnn: tt100 60 Grand Rapids Sectional Book Cas. , V 80 Royal Sewing Machines...:... ...... 80 KsvUmaaoo Stores and Ranges......,....,.... 80 Vsoiins, Gttitarav Mandobrsi and Banjot. ...... M Solid Gold, Gold FiUed, Enameled and Jeweled Men's and Wonrrettw; Watches.'. ........... 10 Columbia Grapbophones '' 70 Aa-Vista Pairnic Cameras... ......... . 800 Pieces Heavy (Quadruple Plata Silrerware,. 100 Gen Safety Rasor....... .......... ........ 100 Moore's Non-Breakable Fountain Pens....,. 1. 000 VofosaeB The6dore 1,000 Vohimes Hodgson. American Homes"... . "1.000 1,000 Vofcrmee "Stephen G. Foster's Song Album". . 600 1.000 Song aad Mostc Foliof.... ......... " 600 6,000 ' : coraxTiONS or tms great contest m r; HOW TO MAKE ear a THZ JOURNAL SUBSCSUPT10N RATK By year. Bnasar ealT. SiMiTti LOS tB-iK; B wBtasaB TO OStB ewawsi ro bwjw rsssri-nrs usisi ra sm Vi ass's'1 VTLsieC'i"rT pawn vna aa Jawwas nms wssm aassx l us was SUBSCRIPTION BLANK. (Osft ttsss ant and fBteta wnwth Wssklj' wnthr Daily, Siiedey, awml-Wsekly.i flSSBBBSH MASTER PLUMBERS . . SUFFER WITH MEN If aster plnmbsrs to the Bomber of 40 have been locked eut by members of prumstng establishments ta this city. Th trouble rssvlted from th conten tions that were started by th Journey men plumbers, who insisted that only n esrtatn number, of apprentice be ent- ployed. - ' r- Their eont rations war oppoacd by proprtetora. who declared their intention of employing .as. many apprentice 1 as they pleased. A dosen Journeymen went out on strike aa a result. Master plumber who nr msmbers of tn local union, Nol So, were accsd of aympa- Ll falsing with tha atrlkra and they were locked out in order t prevent a strike on their part. - Ths lock-out Bag only neen observed tn shop whreh proprietor ar mem bar of tha Waster Plumbers' associa tion. In tha other shops plumbers ar working and they assert that ther la ao probability of n aympathetl strlka that will affect other branohee of the trader Proprietors sssert that th look-out waa ordsred simply for th purpose ef establishing open Shops" ls Portland. It is sal that tha association propose to oppos th anion by showing to sm ployors their anility to employ as Bonny men aa they deeir without causing a strike. ' BEBXtB OB SUSflUlOa. ttetlve Vaughn last sight arrested (lorge Btuamons, n stranger. A charge of being on th streets after lours was placed against hiss, and on It h was ar raigned today. It ta saM, however, that much mere ssrtow case may be Sled against him. aa It is the belief or ths officers that be know something of the robbery of B. Marklsnd of 40 la tks AnUere aaloon last sight . - 99 halt for divorce was fttad h ' lr- ctili oourt thla momkaav.br mat Theodore Wuck. Tnr wer ..4 at Anoko, kflnn., -r 1 , iw- he all. 1 hr In At""' t a ... fc if " ' 1 sssBrssad BM 8 , ,l.T-.n T Mr ssnmsl . ... I Bev. 1 1PH. is satly aa antajnlartaB g awBsV tngSsAWBBlBsBi WIN 1V.1 1,000 1.950 1,800 1500 1,500 8,600 8,600 WW ,--$60 Rooseverr. .-rvVt rr - 1.600 Tot..;.;;.:.;.e...;.aw..v;- .$40,000 AH WTimill . nwrtMTAJiT STATISTICS n fTtrBB Bsr fVAL POWVeAB TOTS mr sal nt ew year - 4Ba.mt . ,Tli.4l ken f m ear era kee UA ma. f lx, yav evot Liix.TM, la, of SB.10 per aas ... bw. ef l sar eaat ia.044.Wf, la, sf aT par ewtl 1M was ll.tM.Sea. la, ef IS. DO ear seal isaf rs Acr.86i. tea. B.9 sar aaat IBM W.f S lot m. ef Mt emt. ssa ss s ser eass tie Mai fepeJaOsa ef nw Bam Staua (set memmag nag Urrttorsja. ttEe a, Bwall, e Ptaiks- Dwrn oeaiflieia. L UM wa.....H1..........K.r4,lU 1 .l.wr-aB-a ail dn assstfnByw) r m f fsat s vs's sst tor BM oae J Ft est eat ai aref 1179 waa I 1SS0 we I I ISM waa V 1 s ' " " : ,; L- . -W. -M 'ayi I t Al.. 1 .i 1 1. 1 .. PACKING PLANT , . , FOR FCRTLAND . -- 1 t ' J. CahlUof Denver, who has been tn th elty for ch past month arrang ing th details of th organisation, baa succeeded tn organising a company and raising -th accessary sum for the ; mbllihment of packing plant 1 tbta elty. A larg sum of Portland capital ha been subscribed for that purpose. A eompanyv ha been formed and la oomposed of soms of th moat sooaarr nttv and snbatanrUsJ business men f the elty. It is announced that the work of constructing th new building wlU begin within th month. - .John Thomas of Kansas City will hav oharge of designing the buildings and superintending their eonstructton. He is tn th cbLy and will begin o th work st one, it will require five months to-' complete th work, according to th plans, and It 1 believed that tha stent will b ready for shipment of eetU In th spring. Until minor sntalls are oompleltad ch promotora of the aompeny will not an nmrnc th leoatlon of th plant. Th ground h been procured, however, end th sit kas bean definitely dealded upon. ",f obs o wKAgna mis. Adotf Olson. shsrgMl wtth mrreny from th dwelling of Imvld Oihbsv was thla morning hM to await ths sotton of -lb grand jury .by Municipal Judg Hogu. Hi bond wer fixed at II.VuS, He was arrested by Delect ire Hartaask ang had a lot of . plunder tn hm room. looioo rfcooxaa ainti - 1 Oaenal apswsl aWw. - - . TnTaraelllee. Sept. 1. In ennaei of th oontlnOous marltlm trtk tt flour faelorlee of the city are RWieed, a J l,b workmen hav Sees lnese mi. ; tmaxa ew . -. V -'xn' er,