The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 01, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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Entrances en Tblr.
J "J-
'r- : 'S:
noys- nats
velers Samples,- in Fedora
and Crash Hats; values
ti up to $251 NowlV.'..60t
Mason Fruit Jars
Pints, doien ............45
Quarts, dozen .. ...... .4. 55
Jelly Glasses
Each m
Drawers, 12c
60 dozen women's balloon
shaped Knit Drawers; sold
everywhere at 36c We close
. out the- line,- cheap.--Take
.what you need at,
Women's Belts
450 " Manufacturers' Samples,
all newest styles, great vari
ety to select from, at less
than half regular price.
From np
Children's Jertay Knit '
Union Suht 25c
Ages. 3 to 12 years, a regular
60c garment; now 25t
School Hose, 19c
Bovs' and girls' heavy ribbed,
double knee and foot fast
black, silk finished, seamless
Hose; sold everywhere
for 35c. .Take them at. .19
Ribbon Remnants
1,200 or 1,500 Ribbon Rem
nants, from y to 2 yards
long, .all .silk and: different
widths, colors anL shades.
Your choice, while Ihey
last, each Jf
Wratmers. 69c
All our $1.00 Lawn an if Per
cale Wrappers, made with
deep flounce on skirt
and trimmed yoke, now.89e
Men's Shirts, 39c
AH our 60c, 75c, 85c, soft or
stiff bosom, with or without
collars, attached, fancy patt
erns or white. For his
sale , 't ' v ftO
Pants 85c
Men's heavy cottonade, $!.50
values ; now, per pair . . . oof
xH .v T" Largest Qsnaral
Yamhill and Secoo4 SUwU
g Boys Suits
Heavy Woor Cheviot and Cas
simere Suits, ages 5 to 14
. years;, regular values $2.25
; and $2.50v Sale v. '
' price ...,,.....;...f 1.25
We rrijake a
Hundreds of
?TOc" ' Embroidery 10c
i: ; The last of iat special pur-'
Fresh r Roasted Peanuts, chase of travelers and show
. per lb. ....... 10 sample strips of embroider-
ies, insertions, etc, iy to 3
. yards in strips ; 25c and -
Cotton Batting 5c 85c .vr Nowstrip.i,o
Nice clean white Roll Batting; ""
"rl . 5 Sample Millinery
We have just secured from
- , Robinson Strauss & Co., one
7" TP4C " ing houses in the United
tSft:BM4 Wl, ! . States, their entire sample-line
Japanese No. 1 Rice, per fine Mi!Hnerv ior he faU
'"V-""- and winter season of 1904 and
' 1905. They are all of the lat-
at est creation lover four hundred
- VIlalQ S in the lot, no two alike. -We
U w tfllr Avti aiV 1 have secured them at one-half
aPMlftUaVCTi;UlCI59 1C r vaiue tnd are offering
Colored border,, variety pat- them at less than wholesale
terns; regular value 6c prices. They are now ondis-
NoW, each ............. If play in the Third street win-
' dow and millinery department.
Men's Shirts, 69c rKnj,.
Men' Shirts,- take your choice , VonUOTCIl 5
of .ny of o. wft or stiff WOOl HOSC, 1 5C
bosom, fancy , and white, , -....
pUirt or pleated values $1, Eartra, hcaV "bed, double
$1.85 and $L50. For hec,i and toes- A month
this sale 69f Utr rou wil1 Py 35 -'or
them. Take them for, a
t pair, .15f
Ladies' Hose, 19c '
Fast black fine combed Maco WOmCtt'S
yarn, latest improved &eam . a. g
less spliced white foot, high UlaXierVeStSf 9C
spliced heel and toe double j sleeveless or with
sole; regular v. ue 35c ' trimmed
Closing them out at. .10f and silk toped, white or ecru
color ; 25c and 36c regu-
Men's Underwear clo"ngont,t--
39c Handkerchiefs, 5c
Manufacturers' Samples, about "'UerchW.'"
"Hobba? S 1akt,S;.r.het
" and , ees and linen to 80c. Your choice., 50
meshes ; values 75c, $1.00,
. $i.5, $ up to $2.2B. We Infant Cnft
. have divided them into two IIUOlll .OUll
.nr.fh?:.;-.3 Sole Shoes, 35c
.iii Colors pink, "tilue, red, ' tan,
s aa black and white;' regular
LfAQieS Silk price 65c You can
Waists, 98c Uc -
23 Travelers' Sample Silk 1t!nraMt
Waists,' colors green, red,
pink, blue, black and mixed , Calf SllOeSa 90C '
colors. The regular prices , Z
on these waists are $3.50, Boys and Misses good heavy
$4.50, $6.00, $6.00 and $6.0. ' School Shoes; former price
Your, choice, while they $1.45. Sale price. . -90
last' whim ( 08 -.I r-" nr-"ssss
t-w . Kid Shoes, 95c
Boys Underwear Big job children's km shoes,
. . nice light shoe, spring heels,
.'jj O C' ' 'v 7 patent tip, lace, sizes 6S to
" . J JC - H; values up to $1.76. '
. L JJZJTLjT f While hey4a8. ....iv. 95
Undershirts " o;., Drawers, alt . -.
1 sires, pure wool; 76c values. mmx'rUkBZm
, Makji your selections ; TOllWTtlltt nprie
from this lot at, each. ..35' Per roll regular pricefcer .
Marchaadia Stora in .Oragosi vj., ..a .. I Tba Largsst Oaoaral MerAandlsa Star Its
K ? ntrancas oalTkird. Yamhill and Second Strsets " : '
Men's Wool Suits
AU sizes ; regular value $10.50.
",, For this sale P . y,-'
only ..-.l.....f5.00
specialty of Travelers and Manufacturer's Samples.
Sample Cloaks? Wraps, Walking and7
Hosiery, etc., to select from, . on which you can
save about- one-half the
';$95 .
Men's Wool Suits
In hlack and dark colors, made
in the vry latest style, alt
custom-made and best finish ;
regular values, $16.60 and
$22.60. . This sale ,-;
. only. $9.25
81 lbs.
Jest Dry
17 lbs. to a customer.
Men's Sweaters
Heavy Jersey knit, assorted
stripes, all sizes; $1.00
and $1.25 values. Now. 45
A manufacturer's stock of Fall
Samples at about one-half
regular value.
Prices. . . .f 3.50 to f 15.00
Infants' Moccasins
Regular value 35c This
safe 10
Underwear, 10c
Shirts and Pants, mixed wool
goods; regular 36c value,
broken lines,- some sires
missing. To close out
take them at, each 10a
Coffee 12!4c Lb.
Fancy Roast, Costa Rica .and
Rio Mixed; regular value 25c
During sale....,....12
Mirrors 15c
French Plate Beveled- Hand
Mirrors; 60c regular.
.This sale 15
Ladies' Flannel
ette Gowns 50c
Heavy material, full length and
size, 76c and 86c qualities
Sale ......... ...;.... 50
Merino Wool Socks 13Jjc
Regular value 25ci Sale
Men's Wool Suits
TweedV cassimere or cheviot;
values up to $18.00.
. " For this sale ohly , .f 7.85
regular price
Boys9 Sweaters
Heavy Jersey knit, different
college -stripes f 60e- and
66c values.- Now...... 20
HairBrtishes 10c
Heavy Bristle , Solid Back
Brush; regular 25c .
.Sale rr. .l0
Clothes Brashes
Large Solid Back Bristle
Brusbi 25c value. This
sale........ .....10
Satin Damask finish, regular
value 40c, for this sale
only ...t,....7T.'.....27
Comforters 98c
Silkoline covered, white bat
ting filled, closely quilted;
regular value $1.50 This
sal ...,.98
Umbrellas $1.35
Manufacturer's Samples, black
silk fancy border, no two
alike; $2.25, $3,00 and $3.50
values. While they -last
........ .$135
Outing Flannel
In fancy plaids and stripes,
good weight and width; 10c
Values.. During this
sale, yard 5
Corsets, 49c
An assorted lot of Travelers'
Samples, long and short
"waists, extension hips, gir-
, dies or with hose supporter A
attachments, colors gray
black, pink, blue or white;
values up to $1.50 Your
choice, while they last. .49
Shaker Flannel 5c
Heavy , cream napped, good
width Flannel ; regular value
10c We are now show- .
ing it at.... ...5
50 dozen knotted fringe Da
mask Towels, pure linen,
size 20x42 inches. These
towels are worth regular
85c and 40c -rt sale. 21
Buck Gloves, 25c
Mena and boys , strong, well
- shaped and made; 60c val-
ues -Now on sale at. .251
pragosi V -
entrance an Third, Yamhill
Boys Suits J;
One of the " greatest "bargains
we are-offering, strictly wool,,
jtfonble or single breasted,
heviot or cassimere values
ur to $5.00 This - r . a.
sale ...fl.05
Lace Curtains
Having secured all .the dropped'
patterns of one of the largest
lace curtain manufacturers in
Philadelphia we can show you
a very choice line of Not ting
hams to select from. Factory
cost is more than yoti will have
: -to pay. ;
LOT I .vA-
$U0 to $1.76 ; Lace. Curtains,'
$1.00 PwrPafar T -
$2.75 and $3.00 Lace Curtains,
$3.00 Per. Pair ;
r - LOT S : ' ;
$4.00 and $4.50 Lace-Curtains,
- C $3.00 tor Mr i-
Kimono .
Handkerchiefs 81c
All the latest designs suitable
for pillow tops and kimonos;
16c and 20c values.
- Take your pick for.. 8 1-3
Canton Flannel 5c
Heavy wide Canton Flan
nel ; 10c value. Now. . . 5
Towels 9c
Manufacturer's Samples, in
huck. Damask and fancy
styles ; Values 16c, 20c and
25c. Closing them out
at ww......t
Men's Band Bowt 1 0c
Men's Band Bows, heavy silk,
in great variety of colors and
patterns; 25c and 86c Ties,
- while they last. lOf
Hack Towels 4c
Bleached, good weight and
size, regular value 8 l-3c,
now ...-4
Candy 10c
French mixed, ' regular - 25c
now ...........10
India SQks
39c Yd.
24 Inches wider 80 different
shades; regular 75c value;
on sale, per yard . . .39.
Men's Extra Heavy Navy Blue
Flannel Overshlrts, ' regular
value $1.50 Sale price 95
Fascinators 25c
HanoVmsde, all colors, 60c val
ues; your choice . ....25t"
The Lartat r - "
and Second Street " "
- Men's Hats -
Fedora and Crush Hals, all
new fall shapes; regular
price $1.60. - On sate : "
at .................. ..98f
Children's Pants
Jersey knit, summer -weight,
" deep lace trimming, loose fit
.tirr; formerly 26c.
Now, to close. . ..12
)0c Bargain Tabb
At this- price you will find a
fine assortment of desirable
and useful artyles, many of
which you' will hnd you are
in need of. ' Goods on this
table, regular value 16c to
25c each ; your choice. -:
Jor 10
Bleached Muslin
-- .1''.-,
Soft finish, in 86-inch width;
worth 81-8 cents. Now 5
5c Bargain Table
This table you will find loaded
with useful household neces
sities, which arc worth from
10c to 15c Your choice .
for. .5
Women's Dress
Skirts $2.95
Women's Dress and Walking
Skirts. We have secured
-from one of the largest New
York manufacturers their
line of Fall samples, the lat
est up-to-date styles for this
season; no two alike. This
-r lot consists of 85 garments,
'. the regular prices of which
; are $4.60, $5.00, $6.00, $7.00,
' $8.00, $9.00 and up to $10.50.
Call early if you want a
choice : -for less than half
value. We . have. ; divided
them into two
. Iota,;.... $4-85 and $2.95
Men's Shoes $145
Satin Calf Lace Dress Shoe;
' , sold by all the leading shoe
stores for $2.26 ; to $2.50.
While they last, .
; pair ...... .....$1.45
Embroideries 10c
Strips of Embroideries slightly
soiled, edgings, insertions,
. etc.? values up to 25c
and 86c Your choice. .10
3c Bargain Ttib
On this table you will find hun
dreds of useful articles.
Your choice for. ....... .2
Rot Pattern & l?r
In prints, suitable for Con
-ers and drapery; regr
r' '