The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 01, 1904, Page 13, Image 13

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jjui soasos Am xza
: rrt MrMt, Sept. . Tb principal (MtMl
'M Ihi Curt la od wboleoal aurhets dy
Poultry take) a downward slid..
tuffs strong at advance.
Trad la tlrvd of watermckumv , '"
Ouod pcb hold Arm. :,?., ,
'- Muck Minos from middle rlvac '.-;, , . .
. . Slog ar my Ml and daws. j. ' "
. Veal aaa a fair tea.
'i Evaporated fmlta svoeraUr hither.
Oregon obJom r now eomlug. ,.
Local potato are Mrr dulL . ,',
Wheat qmmUUom era badly mixaaV- -
Poultry Tahaa Deera w km,
' k ataeh Larger supply nt poultry f all Mnfla
tarn- la lau yesterday afternoon and (Bit
morning and ntM UM price la take
additional drop of Me per pound. Lata- restec
day afternoon all grade of poultry with tbe
- exception of old mmum and turkeys sold
at l4ae pec pound. Tbls la a eoaditLua. that
ta not aftea met with and quit a numb uf
,. aalaa wr reported, but the Market wn by
no bmm fully deaned up at aha 1m at
bueJncM yesterday, Tb IsrfV arrlrala tola
moraine (ava Um mark a ho (bat backset, vat
tbe dealers are holding for um aam pries.
beUevlnp that tha stocks ara worth tha money.
Tha Indication ara that 'tha arrlTala for the
. remainder of tha twk wtU be ault Inavy. bat
' no serious changM la tb qaotatlona ar an-
Uelpeted la tha apaa market. However, la
' ardar to clean op at th cloaa f tha. week
aoBM alight irdacttoun 1 prkea hi; ha ahnda hr
tb odnimuina m,
- ant ttnaw ad aa Ad. -
Tha agg market la ttroager at an edvnao
about He today wttb tb receipt practl
call? nothing. - Tha ootd atone luetltuttong
ara anil being draw apaa very MBTlly M
nuppiin and if tha prsnant send I Hon ar mala
Ulaed for a tow week they will a - entirety
cleaned ap. Ptlpe of -sa u UUa aiarkat aiV
now cat iidht to anoint whar It would ha ax
et-adlnfli' ma It ap-asaeh b !-.
aa that would allow rha mirhat to apen for
larg arrlrala f eaatara atocka. It la rather
eeclr la th ataaoa foe latporUtloaa, hut It la
ramorod oa tha a treat that aires 47 tara full
ran at now aa their way to tbl lty fron
Kaaaaa. rirrs oa agca today raof froni SVi
Tiada la Tkad af VatemvUad. f
Now that Ina Oracoa wet artna tone haea Inv
(aa te arrlv la farneat tha season la last
crnlnc to aa ad, ta trade bctnT vary tired of
fchta kind of fruit. The ear which arrived
in front Tha Da Ilea found a fair aal at drat.
rhut now trad la daU. Ifforte are botnc aude
a held up tha artoa oa aenowat um axua
aaod aamlltr of taM-Crult.
- ' i eod f ill Ara eanac. V
Thari la aa eicvllent demaad tor larva
iawl aoaehoavol good aaaUty and th hick
prlpe ar belnaNnulntalaad tor thla clas of
aoda. Small -sited trait M dradirlnff allhtl
With artcoa at tbe bet ton. Tha market la ow
err writ aappiud With ripe baaanaa. Ap
ple ramala qalte dll with pear la tha aaM
eoodlUoa. Nertarlnca ar arrtTlna la hcttM
abapa, but aappiiaa art hat larxe. Thar t t
err beary demand tar loeai caMac at fc
-pa pound, hat tc rupply hi yat llmltac
. Xa)al ltataa Ar SalL
Tb awrkt oa potatoes is rather dull and
Terr little borlns l color oa imont the dabrs.
Who ara antlclpatta- lowor ngure within the
next weak or . Bom Shipments of local
ooiona are arriainff and ar brlndnc 1 BO par
handred pouada.i CaUforata stock ot uw opet
aus'lt sxeistinoc at 91.T&. WaUa Waila
aloaa ar ptadtteaUy laad aa.
Sslraed Tnita 8 s stall Mirnhm, '
Tha market Par naaorated truluj ( la s
vary Arm coodl(Wn and soma . recent advances
of frem 11 to Be par pound have bean made
la s Detects and peacbea oa account of toe
Cnall supply la California thla aeaaoa. Prac
rally no peara ar hU af fared dap thla
Wheat Ooadnieaa At Badly STtaaA
"Th coudltlon ar rather badly mixed fa
th wheat market, tb eetlmataa of tb bojers
and tb f rowers ot the co to Ills' crop be Id tsct
ssuch apart. Some ot th Utter an talklac of
eO.MMMMJU bushel crop, while the firmer ara
a tl matt oa all th way rrom aw.uuu.ouo t n
OOft.ouO busbela tor tb throe ststee Orroa.
Idaho and Wsshrnrtna. - In referTln ta rbe
all sat Ion La Felersoa ov the CommarHal Ka
view eare: porta ha re been eent out froai
tmretlsbM snurcee recently that tb Pad Be
northwest Wtll not harrewt crop at t. 00,000
bushel at wheat; we desire te sejr that thee
, Ixures are dotng th northwest an Injustice, as
th crop will be fully Bd.ou0.oao bushel and
Buy possibly reach ao.nuu.uiaj nasnew. -Tb
dour .market la Arm aa far as total de
ans nd m roses roed, bat a sale ara reported
axaa.ta tb onaai.
Pr ssd Bet An Tory Wank.
Th tea la dressed boa today was tafher
weak and name sale wer msd at tower
Klce. The reOlpm Br ahowlnga stosll
crrsse. Veal la- eemlag mora freely but
wood quality stocks an not hard ta Blip sea f
au auotatlona. loor real sella tower.
Today' who lassie aaotaUgca, as nlnaa an
aa foUowi: .
1THBAT Bspott prices-Hew and attCkut.
kVl bljeslem. 3; tslley. 5c, .
BARl. FY feed, 131; railed. ) brwaiac.
SK.otiti24.00. ,
OATS-ProdMafa prtee ItV. 1 white. pB to-,
fyar. tM-00.
PLftt;a Basrora Oreyna: Fs tears, $tM;
etralaats, Jl'q.0; slly. S Ctt.VH;
ham. s, t3.afiQ8.TB; 10s. S3.H14..
HILLemiyTB Braa. flk OU per teal
Mras. S2B.0O: nbort. aouatry. dSLWi aawa.
HIT l-iiahniiiin nrias TlmefhT. WlIUatMta
valley, tsncy. H.00ti Id.OO; ordlnsry. I11.0OO
jBOO: ewstera Oregoji- llB.OUtJlO.OOt mltedT
m oi18.00; eloTsr, B OOyiO.OO; frala, AU.00
S)11.00j ehoat. 11.00Oll .
. man, Wee and TMa.
' nont loot, NomlMl. 32Ac tar choteet Si
ns for prime; eootrsoL ipo. ttc.
WOOL Noon lost. Vsllef. Co re lo medlua,
l'i(Uc; doe. Iftc; eaetwra Oreaoe, lZtilOc.
UOII AIR Mew, 10c.
HETPlKINa Sbosrinff, loesoet abort wool,
ftfl:; atedlnm wool, HQ AOs) lead hTaaL
aCcUll.OO each. . -
TALLOW lkrlasaa pat Ih, ddfSei M S aad
ThITTi'mI fiBat per A; hwyta prM.
' BIDKS Dry bides. Ko. 1. Id lbs and p,
isHOiae per lb; dry kip. Wo, I. 8 IB Ina.
Sci dry wit. Wo. 1. aside r 1 tbe. IBH:
rj aalteil balls, and sUf. 1-1 hoe than drr
lAt; aaltad hldea. ataer. aoaad. 10 lbs or er.
tfhet 00 a HI lbs, Tc; andar BO lbs .and
owe. dOTl ntsn and baUs. aauad. Be; kip.
10 to ft) lba, TH; aoandO to 14 lba, 8c;
aa If. aeand, nader Id lbs. dHr; (naa na
es I ted) lo per lb leas; colls, lc per lb lem;
tores bide, aal ted, each. l.2nOl-T0: drf , each.
10001. SO; colts hldea, ecb. JBQMlet "
skins, com men, earh. lOdtlttft Andora, With
wool aa, each, ancJI.OO.
aranar. In and tWertrrt
STTTTRR I" AT Bweet, ' 11 H
BI'TTKB 1ty ereemcrr e; ttlda fsnef,
tSHtrmc; ordinary, lTU2ic; at, re. lWe.
iViia No, 1 freah oVeaoa, tta34r aa
aan'lli-f. Xttac; baketa, tar.
CHEKAft New Tali creaaa, twin, 10 Ut)
Sic: Yoona America. HHima, .-
POT'LTHT fblrheoa. miied. lIQIIHc par
; bens, l2Hc per lb; roostrrs. oW. Be per lb;
yranc. HHtV per tb; brollera, 1SM ar lb;
trrera, 12HiSe per lb; docks, oM, lie per Ih;
yoenf. 11 c per lb; reae. Tc per ai turkcye,
1T per lb; dreaeod, is par lb.
rruMa aad TsaetahMa. '
' POTATOES Kew Orepoa, ll-OOdfl-tl - pee
rwt; buyers' prlcehi PUctill OU; sweets, te
lflblfSWalla Walla. fl.Tfi CuUfraa,
1.7ft2.'Xt! asrlle, 10c pep Bt.
rilKMH PKlIITa ApplM. tsncw Arsawa, M at
1.60 per bn; cheap aradde, 1BA73 per hoi;
r ane. Hedlf erras," n . tweeti, dlt OUej
B bar fen; 1st Valeaeiaa, IX 3bl.M use
hoi; bananas, ac per lb; lemnna, ebolce.
ill 00 per boa; fancy, M.BOT6 per ho;
ltmes, hlWa, 0e per 100; pi neap plea, ft.lW:
plums. n-irbusltB. BOAAOc bx; pesch
purms. n4iiH hot 1 peacre, rmRary, w
ai; tancy, anejww
beta: oears. tl.OD
boa: if arso
ll.OS 1.JS pet
pat boat btacb
erstet watermelons.
hot; black ftp.
pi per
aHf-iraU, Tftrkb per cwt; crated. l ";
ain, upr ii no; mask roe lows. loeji on
rrr float eantaloapee, rallforaU, pl flO Oreana,
1.00 per crste; casabaa, 12inai-1 per 4;
nectarines. .'flftOr per hoi ; buvkMbefTtes,
ac p-r lb; enK.pales, ft per lb.
V - sn rBp. 11. pet aaetl r-
1 . $ "a pvr w ;
, p as ..a, fc
fr per ;btro4, lead. IB pet aaau atsea
peppera, 0e pet kn: celery. The per Sj to
uaioea, Crewou. autf&Oo bet; parsulpa, Ttc
rJ.18; preen aeaa, de pat lb; groan emles.
I4 par OB, loosl nraea eora, Idtl
doe: ate pleat. Pft4 par lb( strtnjt beaas.
tcttftef cucumlen. Soc per ssck: notbdusa, 13H
Cr dos: cauliflower. par doa; butter
ana, c nuuiukloa, lUc per lb.
DKIKO PHUlThV-Apple, seapoeated. Td
per lb; aprtcots. M,i3 pet lb; sack, fee
per less; peaches. S HI lie per lb; peers. '
per Ibt Dran-s, lull. Inline psr lb;
rrench. Itlstt pot ; dps. OslUeruU
blacks, BUdTe pat Ml dp white.
per lb; plum, bitted. par lb; date.
(olden. Ue per lb: tarda, pJ.BD par 11-Th box.
B All! Na deeded, fancy 1-lk eartoisv 11
psckase to cass, 4tiTHe pkp; aeeded. lS-o
1""II, W", (Bwnw, WIS Willi
an Vie dbr lb; London layers, 11.18; clusters.
Ha, Het Boo adraac over pouad
riuafea 1-a carton, ehclee Ivaadk Mei
10 lib MHona, fancy bread. IveoriO 1-lb
briasa. a-crowa. The; 10 1-Ih bricks, l-crown.
Me; 10 H-lb bricks, er box, t2.uu; hrli-ka.
s so rasa, axuu; a-rsw Myex. net io-n ant.
70c: toos. 6 lb bote, per lb. IH. CaUsymr
oss Mx-erowa. 10 lb esrtos. per hot. .11 00;
V-lh aartaaa, par box, fi.T. ,
dsiatrlia. ante. See.
rOA bast Cube. a.dOl powdered.
TO; iruit graaauied. so. 18; dry BranaUted.
16: beet aranulatod. BtLUA: extra fL M.1B:
folden 0. MJ0; bbls. loe; H bbla, BSc; boxaa,
uc adnnc o aaek beete, ton Ke twt for .
" 7 i mP 1 istjiae par in.
H o n T t u, m 1 n
TOFTtf Green Mochd. TlOMc- Vara, fsacr.
32c; Jita, food. JoeiSc; Jira. ordinary.
laazuc; rosu nice, raocy. ltavic; Costa Klca.
bmml :
llOlkc: Costa Blea. nrittnary. llttUs
per lb; psckase coffee. llS.TSCI14.7a.
. TEA! Ookmjr, different aradaa, 2Bd9et
fereot 'arades. TlUeafBe: snlderlee. nnmlwii
01 r-
't4air5 Vapap (very aeaxc). JO
arvaj pi .u
BALT- naa Bale, fa. as. da. 8. 10a. 11.10
.tSst 1 Imnorted Llwiuit bis 11H ones
ABO: 100a. Bla.7nalld.O0: it. 114. Mats aa-
eitrs das. bbls. Is, Is, bs. 10a, 14.001 bulk.
ISO tha. U.IU: sscks BOa. etc.
ALT I'jiri Half enuiTUl lone. mm mm
100 SO; oils, per to. AB.aO7.00i uWrpeol
mp rock. lis.B&Qieno per sa: dft-tt) roak.
aB.2oes.79; loos, in T&drrt.zs.
(A bora prie apply To sale of lead fhea
ear tot. Cat lata at apse 11 arte aabjaet
te dnnosthms.
ORAIN BAOt--aWtta, STaayaoo per ltd
BICE Imperial Japan. Ko. 1. 4e; Ko.
t. ,fel"r Hi?;, AdpVtt.
BSc; Otwle. 4WQ4Ue. . ,
lltAKStmall white. n.OBat laea.
Whit. 8Uc: Mnk. 4ue: tara. Ittit Usisl
fsc; meaieua ria. 1 '
HUTK-rsnuu, THei yuaraat: BHt par W
rsw, Bd10e per
a rar r
roasted; eaconnota, Bbtl
toe per do: wslar. 1401SAe per lb; pin
nam. loejizHC psr : Bicaory now. Toe per in;
chest list, aoetera. ldallae ntr th: mmti.
wc par m; nioerta, Utjiac per Ih; waney
pa on as. 140U per Bt alniosoa. 14110 per t.
Kanta, Fa aad fnrialiaa,
PttRn MUT--lBaptaV-Bf. ateera. e
per in; can, pobhu psr it; mattoa. dress.
ti8c nee lb: lamba dreassd. SeOc par lb.
lttSn HIATt Proat srrset - Tteef stMe
4Hile per lb; pork, block. T07 per lb;
pacsar. th per 1; nulla, an,
sews. 1H14H per lb: muttoa. drjos
per n: real, extra. tSTU per Ibi
86H per B; poor. Slide; tombs.
paciaru, 1 H" per laj nnua. as pet 10;
Hat per a: mutton. drMseo. taba
per id. -
. nAMB, suwn, btto. rarnaua nan (Mean
ha ma. 10 ta 14 lbs. 14e par lb; 14 to 18 lba.
I4e net lb: 18 ta la Ins. 14 pee lb:
BHc par tb: breakfast bacon. 146 18c
psr p; pi coles lie psr pi tcvatar aboct
clear, aasDaoked, 10 per lb; smoked, 11c
oer a: clear docks, ansmoaeav Be nee -
amohed, 18 pat lb; Vniom hnfts. 10 to IS m,
onsmoked, St per tb; stnokrd, a per Ih;
elear oeMles. fsmsked. UHs pet B( tmofcsA
12 Vic per lb.
LOCAL LA HT Kettle mat. Ida. MUL.
lb-, Ba, 10He per lb; Ofrlb tins, pe per lb:
rtesm rendered, zos. w per lb; Be. pev
id; wm.
BO JULMOM Cobimhla Hrar. 1-fth tana.
p. 9&i l ib talto. 12.80; rsncy I lb nam, 19.00:
-lb 'hare taU. fl'.K: fancy 1-lh 'oral BtiTB;
task tall, plat;. tftdjtOe; ri 11.00; Aomlaal
uii. fs.00.
IBH Rock aad. te net Th: towadoru. Is rae
Ibt baltbat. Be per lb; crshs, li. aar do:
strped bass, 0ittlH fsr Ib cat flab. Te per
Super lb; blue backs, Ac per p; herrlni. Be per
I; aoloa, 0- per Hk ahritnrs, lOe pet lb. ehsd,
arsasea. ih Per m; perea, ac pee n: ahad
roa, 12 We per Tb: roe shed, At per tb: Mack rod,
tc per lb: silver aanslt. tc per tb; lobsters.
ISHe; fresh mackerel. tc trawflsa, tat pa
djos; rimmoers, oc per id.
QTBTBBd thaslwater bat. Bet. pel. M S3:
ravurL 13-78 trt: Olympla. per aack. S 28.
AUiUnard rhelL par boa. dS.001, raaor
etaam, tl.ft per hoc
Pahrta. Caal OtU, Its.
OPtV-rat hUatm. UUs: atandneA uaie
Ual. 10 Ho.
COAL SlVtmH Aatnt-eeawAT He nrr
pal; wtter white, Iron bbls lie per srsl. woode
P'.'v..nlrt,t- "-t. aaaap Stmt
par pal. Iran bhla ITr per pat
LINSEED OIL-Vnn raw. n bUs tte pat taL
rase par aal; aemtla hettl bttoa, esse
88 par fl. abto toe pet pal; around cake,
car btp tat-SO par tan, ton that pan 12a. Ou
ar ou
uaiwuwb ow new,
bbls SB nor aal: at
fL traa
boa Mi lie per caL
BK.Nr.INC dl-dea, mm pat pal.
Bla IKUa m hI
PAINT OIL Rear, bate las aar
1 tat caL
per pat.
St per fsf: boiled, asses ate pre pal.
TTJRPC TTINt th cases Sfir nsr a-al.
bUs. tie net pel. tram bhla TP pet pal, 10-Ih
case lot ate per fa I.
WHITB LEAD Ton tot. T4 pat h
tote he per lb. leas tore IHe per Th.
WlgX MAILS freeeat baes at 12. 4B.
Per Par Per
ht rtrM rt. at ra.
Rrweh. dtMl4 regular
steo 1x2 to lZxlt, 81 ft. I Aft 1B.OO tSAtt
BoBxb, dimensions refulat
slses to 1111. M-dO ft...
Bestk. dlnMDokna renlat
aiaea to 12113, x-e rt .. ia,a xuvaa
Kniirh, dlmeTislons rerrlar
BUM tO III 12 atvpo
ft. . lxsa an.1
ot so. at
Per each addllloaal 1 I orb IS
ta width add Ldt
nr add and frsctUost -.
slssa aswod dd aet leal
than Alt
ar aa win re ikal Brata
Att mm
W UU DUD , , W
Commoa roach poarda, refu-
Ur siaaa u 11 la. wide 1 -r
tA ...rr?f t. ii...
tnectfled TamatnB at aaardi 11. Ot pes at Beet
eh aieknaaa, . ,
v'v ' " 1 1 1 v '" '
(ictrrnkihed hr Orarbeefe. Kart Ooofcs Ct.1
New York. i-Dt. 1. Totton todsr was from
I to t points higher for fa tares wUh the macket
te atrouf st tae ciotw: t.
oday'a eracial toiton marker; ; t .
'oen. llleh. !iw.- ' CV-'ee.
Jsnnarr... Hi 00 , lo.fll in TS .' 10.T8tTfl
Pefruarr... lO.St ' low '' 0.m k. im"2(n8
March...., lost in. np io. wt 1 lnjTucw
Airll 11,00 1 il.m. . 11.110 . lO tiKiiW
May....,,. 11.40 11. 10.01 IO.0'J04
July 10.B8 ' 10.0T 10.04 T" 10.04
Act'tembet. 11. 00 11. lift lo.Ol lu.MHfiftO
October. ... lil Wi 10.00 Kl.Tt --r 10 7St7
-toremner.. ln.SB tti.TB . W.Ta7iJ
OecemlMr.. IO.(T7 lci.04 10. TB 10.T7U7B
T. A. Mctntrre A Co. nr: The most lm-
anrtsrit erent ttwlsr wis the nuMlrstlnn of the
crop report ot tbe Journal of (tomtnerc. This
so th seer see cottaiMoaa or tha crap 77 4
oer cent, sea I net A4.4 per aent a amnth amo
and 70.0 pet cent last ysr. ThbJ report wsa
censtdered moderately bullish at Llrerpool and
aiao ny in irsoe oer snq in new or is tins,
but a Its estimate at 04.4 per cest a month
an nnderes tl mated th norernmrnt flaur
then hy oeer T piilnt there was disposition
to held otl far lbs avveremewt'e reports befor
e-nterlnsj Into any new enpemeta ta any
eileat. Tbe market seatus ta be consider.
In nntalaf tt thu RMtment tut the prhhl
character of tbe foeerameat report and It
Ua ks au ttoniffh tbe trsile Is vened ap to re-
cetra It and thai a redaction In the rare as
rendition to abmrt BO pen cent he been dla
eoitoted hy tb rise In price dar In the past 10
aar. aunsjc unicn Time a-rer .ms.ism
boles Ot contracts hare etiahprd fcaads In this
msrket atone oa a owaimum adranc est end
Ins from O'Ae for the fall and winter ontloa
fri 1lM.IH4r oa Tuesday. If rhe porerumrM
crop ebnuld eonw aeueh below Ait.D y Tl or
70 per rent. in en 11 would rim arm tbe worst
Impress loos aad a farther sharp adraac
la price. , ,
Oetteu Wosthor, '
New Orleans, teat. 1. The weathe hern m
part cloatiy; Monro and Oreetr-ille. rfcudy and
ptessant; virastwe. eionay ana warm; natcbea,
raining and root; Bneedsle, part cloudy snd
cunl; ittreTert, Ctoat aad Pleasant; Memphis,
ekar tad warm.
bore that Mully la awl with aa setiamto af
la.oto.owt katoa tar tha asitsa aran.
- BaaaJl Taaslm Prlss.
" Chloaflro.. Sept. ' 1.- ""Michigan
nllUr are Ilk. miliars at all lead
In; points," sabS JL J. Hamilton,
a miliar of Coldwatar, Mich.,
who wan hara. "Ail havt to Ira
port wheat, and Michigan miliars
will have to da th aam. Thero
ta hardly a larn mill pny
whar la tha country that toag
not have to to outalde for tup
pi lea at time. Tht Hour trado
la B.OW, but stocks ara- gancrally
light It is difficult to UU x-
acUp bow tha Naw England
trado it flsaS for supplies be
en u soma of tha daaiara bars
way of earrylOaT Urg stocka.
During tha Laltar deal on dnaldr
tt Portland. Malna. told bm ht
had flour oik band that was four
years old. His policy waa to
buy whenawsr ha oonslderad
flour ehaan. And during that bt
advance in wheat bt told out ail
Bis flour." ., . .
11 1 a ' - , u. fh V
taw Tork, Sept. 1. Logan A BrruB Bat!
Th etock anrket raattaae t get la a In
tie actlrlty and there was a further sharp
optara la fJDaaolldated Tobacea 4a and ta th
Steel lasue. This rather ncourage4 tb Whole
market. There a nothing new la ta i
Id. Thamactlon of the market Indicate
cheng tram prrrioua eoadttlons. Tb tendeacy
ta elearlr sa adeanrlna a. W feel that Um
ecly aacerUla Utng la the attaallea la the
era oa. If tbe eora crop waa safe aad tb
col to crop suffers aa further Impairment we
can see oniy on mo t aracaa.
r. M. IHeh eaya: Th stock anrket had sow
a much beyond what anraae could expect that
opinions are of little as. On stock after an
other' la taken ud snd advanced la tara. Ova
rrsl conditions seem to be ignored but at tha
different advices very few stocka com out
Apparently, bartlaf acetdsata, tha twrfcat will
aru nigaar.
""Today's official stock markst"
Anaconda Mlnlua Co. m
A ins I. Copper Ua.....
Atrbiaon, com. . . .-
do V rjSi '
Am. Hitar, com.
Am. Buielt., oom.4..,o.
do nrefcrred T.T. .'.
Baltimore Onto, aam.. Wi Hal
do preferred
Brook 70, Itspld Transit.
Canadian 1'sclac, sou.,
Chi. Aitoa. eon
do nref rrek . . .
CM. (it. West., som. .
Chi.. Mil. A St. Paul...
Cbl. North., com
I hi. Terminal Hy...T...
Cbeeapeke A Ohio
d la. fuel a Iron, com..
Crio. touthern.' com
- do Id preferred...i,..
So tat preferred....
Delaware A lludsea..,..
D. A B. 0t, eom
do preferred.....'. ....
Brie. com...T:....,....
do Sd preferred
do let prrfarred
Illinois Central
Metropolitan Traction 'CWHOfiliao
Manhattan Kleratafl....
Urxleaa Ceatral Hy
sMna., tt. P. tt,
Missouri Pacific."
... K. T.. com
do nrefeerad
New York tVntral:.-. . .
NorfoU at Western, cam.
K. Y Out. dt Wewt....
leanylTaal By.. .....
P. u.. U c. cr.
Pleased Steel Car. eom.
PadSc Mall 8 team. Co..
do Sd 1
nref erred v
1st arcfered
Ben. Iran A StL, coat..
00 prererraa... . .J, (u
Brak "l.uod. eoaa
do nrrfered
Srathern H.. eaai
do prefervd
Southcra PaclSe. . . 1 . , , .
St. L. t A P., 2d pfd4
da 1st preferred .....
St. L. it 87 W.. eoat...,
do tare f erred
Trka A PaclBc
Tern. Coal A traa
T.. Bt- L. W., com.,..
do preferred
Viiloa rsrUle, eom.....
do preferred
t.-. Hqnber.
t. A Steel Co., com
do ore f erred
Whcef. dt L. B-, com....
do Id pre fe red
do 1st ureforred
Wisconsin Central, com. .
do preferred
Western tnloo Tele
41U 41
Wabash, com ltl 104
do preferred i 1 I m m
Canadttu rVrTue, ex-dlrtdend 1 per
Total ssles for day, B7S," abarea.
ny, lella pex -csmt. . -
( maTXaiOaJI tTOOKt K LOtTPOtT. '
Loado. tewt. S. t p. m Atchleon decHned
tt, Bsmmore A Ohio adraaced M. Canadian
Pacific declined tt. Dearer A Bl Urand
drehned r1 declined , flrsbi adranced aj.
Smlarllle A Nash Till aVeUaed UUeourl,
Kansss ft Tea advanced J4. New York Central
dranc-d . Ontario a wester aianred
Norfolk t Western adrseed h. Pennsylvania
advanced tt : 'rradlnc declined . trsta de-
e;iited , Boot her u PscMr declined , ntbeea
Ksllnsr Brancm preierrea ejernnea uj.
I'nlmi Pari He sdranced U. Ignited States Steel
advanced Vk- Brefrm-d adranced . Wabash sd
r s nat-d t4, prefer red advanced , rest ua
ctaad. . '
San rrsncHeoo, teat. lCtoae, 18:80 a, .
Local ateeka: .. .. ... . , ,
r- ,. . i BIA Ask.'
Itprlng Taller WBtet 30 tou
R. P. Uas Blectrlc tlW lift
ifawsHaa rorutntrclal 88 80W
Hoimbe Buitar , 18Vi
HuUblrmon 8iitp......u..,....M iai U
MsksweU Sneer tHtl SO
I'sanbsu tir. ....... . lo . ....
Alaska Parkera' Asa'
..ItAtt IH
SAtr ntABoitoo troinfS.
A rraarlses, lewt. l.Ctotng mtatng aaa-
Montana ... ' ....Sid
Midway ..4 , fo
B.' Imont -....m.. tl
McNsraora f.. tS
Twotsh. ld Moantalt it
Tonopab, Nerata TU
Jasutio If
lied Top 18
Ooid rum to
New Tork. Sept. I. Oa aoeemnt af Labor Day
the stork xcaaaa etooe aaturday, teptem-
brr A , . . .
New Tort, teat. 1. tsturdey the rattan nu
cha bg Will close, thla being Labor day,
" Mhraoapelkl Oart tTlgaet.
Mtaneapolls, Sept. L On tb tart Diuambai
wheat to H higher. , . ,
Lnadaa. tent. I Coorala, 1IB hlghat; rtindk
rtaiae, Sffk hlgaet. , - -
0. A W. tuba Taiwan,
Mew Terh. tept. l.-Oaiarte A Wester iuly
enrvlne. aftet bwaaa, to 1197. 3B7, aa nariaas
' 1
ihaamBd tissllaj
New Tart, aeaa, X BsmaBd ttarBadW 4tTH:
aahj at4U. , .
do orrf erred .'.
Poultry Market Makes Another Record for '
Large Receipts and Prices Go Lowers
v Ef Show Another Rise of a Half Cent
W ta M CTJUPt? Maws,
Au. .tW T.wUr
11-uOK at uA
Old tept.,,.,.
DemaUMt i..
voN l.ONwTA .uun,
OB l.uott . .00
(Purahiaed hy
hp Otatbeeh.
ttarr t reek Cu.)
k Bryan say: In
aellverles. mstlr af
. Chicago, Sept. l.-Lnaa
Wheal then wan liberal
Ho. I hard, oa aVptemnet eoutracte. This was
the esos at th weakiteea la that eptko. Ihe
gsaarsl tsse wss unchanged, it wa matolf
oa showery eoadttloaa I the nortbeet. A
ft-od deal of the buying same from that quartst.
t la not, nowaeer, aa active market and there
to nothing IU th tore to.ArriMrsl spernlstU
buying there wan a weak ago. Tber seemed
to be a great deal of profit-taking la tun
quarter, lrtmary reoerpta are In eires of tost
year. Th prico current wee comparatively bear-
Mb, neoUrlng that a atop of 07o,uoo,iJO busbela
Is not Imprubabls. la tb unfavorable
as rare and effect at tb rain la tbe northwest,
whur there In mash late wheat and wher the
ahoveuaent In mih deUysd, the action af the
market m Utito slow. W tool Uke only
advising pwrhssc af wheat aa aharp teat
Uoaa. tealprnr -Oara aUruwt.
tt to the ant kind of a acalptaf. Irregalar
eora market- a hers to fore. Tber Wsa further
rain through the west, wbleh wen hot needed.
Oa the other band, than seemed M bo a ten
dency kswsrd hlghet temperature tbea are
aeedeA There to the same strong rash position
with a good demand for all th eora that I
eomlng. Tbe oversold con ditto of th May ta
face ot all options makes it asaslllv market
te aarthtng sarfevarabto hi the. way at a arop
littts Ttsmsad at- Oats.
' la sat there tf n cbaaf la th cash situs -
twa. Tber la a fab- demand. On the other
Band, there ta ton aelllmr ntraewre. The actios
at the earn markat la aa In flue or aa oate, but
we see nothing- of particular Interest la tb
UMgnitue r arigm at apecniaar opera no tsi.
Lean Press sre hi rnrtaiea
ro pravUlens there sssmed leas pressure.
which waa probably dap to Um fact that Sep
tember la pretty well over. Then wa also
aomo forelrn burin of lard and eome burin
by local traders and scalpers. We cannot see
any actuatulaUnn of long stuff going jon in good
place. Naturally tbe selllnei prcesur will be
somewhat lees sa the September stuff la cleaned
up and a moderate react to would seem likely.
B tors aoviain pnrcbeae. however, w would
Mtber pro a bettor el sua ot burl..
Today 'a official wotatlaaui
W UK AT. - .
1.1.1 ii s
New rtoat a
- -1-11
. con
' .B2U
Old Sept.. t.fn
iHjceaabat l.
9 MH
- 11. .18
1 Tt -
T. IN)
T '
11 jar
f .ot
; .t
11. it -
A 87 B
Kept..,,,, CAT
Oct T.Ot
Jan...,.. T.OT
tept. ,
(Patwlaned bp Overbech. ttarr A Cook Cat
ssa PranclBCO. MenL 1. B. P. list to a Co.
My: We bsve had a fan? market this morning
witn sentiment inclined to n MHisa. Tb sesre
alvea th bulla reeterdsv that AstrHan wheat
eould be Is id down Here fur 11.3 Pr eeotsl
eeeme te ban died a natural death. The fact
do not bear out thee assert bm. The bean are
asliiaT verr available arcument t denriee the
price Of wheat and barley, tat tbrlr efforts
so far hart met with failure. There na he
but one outcome, aa matter whore eastern
price go -tbl anrket eaa t break moon, and
11 can ga higher. Facta at facta, aid they
will not abwn.
Thee- t a good demand tot barley, both
speculative and cash. Ws caatlaae bullish aa
both eereuJ.
Today's vfncMl ii:SD B. St. market!
Wheat Becemtx. ooeoed at 81.81.
cetnber, opened at II .61, high
at 11.81 and rtoaeed at tl.llV.
gl-BIH. tow
Hsrler Deeemher. oaewed at 11. ram. blah
tl.O, tow at ll.OS nad etoaad at L08f4.
Teat Age.
- Bash.
Wheat BiB.nno
....411,000 ahAvuu
Wheat ,'. 488.A00 thtOfM
Corn 817.0110 8M.W00
Clearance ware: Wheat, lt.onn bushels:
flour. S.nno hush la: earn. 41.000 busheH: nta.
SAWt aaeheto.
Cheeago, tent. l-Coh wheat;
, . WA
No. 1 red. new1:. 11 OA
No. t red. new t. 1.08
Mo. t herd winter I.04
Mo. 1 hard winter l.oo
No. 1 nortbera spring I. Id
to. northera apring. ........ l ot
Na. I
CUeaaa, tspt. L firs In rar ton:
Can Ond awt.
Wheat . so so
Cera 814 ' 1M . 480
OsU , 1( 41 m
wheat cars todsr: Minneapolis. 10 ; Duhitb,
It Tear age: kf lnspoils, itt; Dulatb, 10;
Calcage. llA
' til 11 I'll! TBhl BmtmA,
LrtatpMl. teat. I. Chme: Wbeat, teptem-
Fa ISA Ld hie her: Deeemher. Ta Skit
CoCn rVptwihet, 4s T4A m1 Mgherf teteeaj.
her, a TA higher.
Wees VaaSi mesh mraai.
New Tork, teat, fc Cton: Wheat, apMBs
har. 1.1A
SI. laals tn ta market. .
St, Louis, tent. L Ctoni Wbatt, Dansi.
bat, tiTotib-
hThntoap! Srala Btarhet.
Mlnardtrdle. tent, 1. Ctoi . Wheaf, tP
r, tl.l.
' ' Bareah Srala Itarto
fl.lAH "A ,
" aUnaaa OHy train market.
KsnsM tutr. SWa. I Ctoaai Wheal, tea
brasher. 08 hie.
. nrw toba oorra maaxxt.
Jtew Tart, Sent. 1. CoffM ttosoi
Bid. "
AeTtershor ,.,.,...i.t. m
A at)
October .....U.T
November &V
Derembar .k .....,, tM
January ...... .r... TOO
.pril ......, ... T.
.y .... T40
Jnn y...t T m
Inlv " .S.,. ... T 00
Total Mica
wet 48.1B0 bats.
New Tart. Sept. l.Havn coffee wchaaged;
rramhwrg declined Hi Bio receipts ta. 90S naga.
market steady; Santo. 81, 000 bag.
. BVw Terh Oaah Oaftaa.
s wfc o. t r.ah Kiost aw a
Am, tVi So.- d tsatoa, tc. .
kXTtDrnoti ov sxtssi avebus.
tlheieea. tbe Oanurll at th Cltr of
Bad, deeming tt expadleat t open, lay oat
and eutbllsh aa extenslou of Dekum Bveuue,
to the ntj.ef Porttoud. from tbe west Ho
at Camden street ' to the east line of bo
os ver euaaty rood, salt street to ba BS feel
ta ml&Ji and tha north line e( Mid street
hi be 40 fret northerly from snd parallel with
the eenth Um of Dekum s re one aa laid out
Saratoga, did on the 18th day of June, toot,
root the City Koglneer to survey tbe mum
ltd (a mark the hoaadsrle thereof, aad to
make a plat f each survay, snd a written
report Containing a full and pert ret deacrtptlop
ot such proposed street and bwuudartea thereof,
and ot th narUon fcf each hit, tract or part
of either to be appropriated for sash traet,
and the City Xnglaeer hsvlng msde each ar
vey. plat and report, sod lied suck plat and
report In nke efttre of the Auditor et the Cliy
of Porttoud oa the JBtu day of June. lto4. and
MM report having been adopted by ordinance
Ke, 14.10S, entitled: 'Aa ordlMuee adopting
tb report of the City t sal seer la th nutter
ot the proposed oaten Inf. Is; lug oat and setao
llshlug of Dekum avenue. In the City of Purt.
Isad, from tb west line of Camden atreet to
the eoat hoe of Vancar aaauty road, nld
atreet ta be to feet la wMtb aud the aorth
Uo at paid atreet to be 00 feet aorthsrly
from and. parallel wtrh the soath Una at
Dekuat aviau as laid oat la Sara t uas."
Now, therefore, all persons lute rested an
ht-fcby netlocd that the Council af the City af
Portland tu appointed H. I. Morrhion, J.
Kelly and. J. P. snacfe viewers to view Mid
proposed xtensloa of utt street and nuke aa
serf mat af tbe bene ats aad damafes occa
stoned bp the opening, lay t.ut and establish
ing ot tb Mm, la accordance with aecitoa
HO of tbSvCharter ot tbe City. of Portland.
Mid ttewon te sseet at Um ofoce of (be
Auditor of tb City ot Portland oa Thursday,
th 1th day aL. September. IPO, at the boar
ot 10 o'clock In tbe foroneon of Mid day.
-Tb proposed opening, widening, toying awt
and esfshUshlUg of Dekum aven U SO feet
to width and Is mors par.UcnlarU hUHaded and
described as follows:
Beginning at a point hi ta waat hue of
Csmtlea street 80 feet northerly from th sooth
line of Dekum avenu as now laid oat; run
ning thence westerly parallel with tbefssouth
Um at Dfknm avenu aad BO feet distant there
from, te the esst lias of Vssoouvet county
roud; thence southerly along tbe east lln of
Vsncoaver county road Bo fret; these easterly
along the eouth lln of Dekum a re mm to the
Nt Dm of Csmden street; thence northerly
on the west Hne of Caudea atnut- tt (aet
th place of beginning.
Tb proposed opening, toriag nut and estsh
Itoblng of Dekum avenue as anon described
will Include and uecessltata th appropriation
U public um th following dsscxlbsd pax eel ar
tracts of land;
All that part af lot 8. btoek A tars tear. Trio
Southerly of the north line ef tb proposed
Drknm avenue, eoutalnlig 4,840 euuara feet
Alw all that part of lot S. block A Saratoga,
lying southerly of the north line ef tbe pro
posse tmfcum senna, eaa t sluing 4,730 aqusn
"lm aH that Bart of tot 8. Mock A Is rates.
lying aunt her ly of the north lln of the pre--posed
Dekum anna a. nnlainlut 4,tt eauar
AIM an that part of tot A block 1. tantaga,
tying aoithcrly of th north 11m af Um nre
ned Dokua anon, euaulalag ABtt agaat
Aw all that part of tot 4. block A Saratoga,
tylnif aoutberly of the aorth line, ef th pre
(osed Dekum avenue, coatalnlog at aewar
tost. .
Alw all that part of ktt 8. block A taratrgt,
lying aouthsrly at th north Hm f the prv
pus ad Dskom aronus, aoatslnbig A 000 aquara
Aiao alt that part of tot A block A Bar toga,
lying aoutberly of th north tloe ef the pra-pc-eed
Dskam arenue, osutalulng 8,000 sonars
AIm til that part at lot T, Mock A taratagt,
lying aoutberly of the aorth line ef the pro
posed Dekum areue. aoutalaLut Its aonate
A toe all that part Of tot A block T. tantaga
lying nontbsrla. at th aorth Una of the pro
piHird -Dskum a venae, euaulaing tsO square
AIM aH that part ef tof A Most T. atorataaa.
tying; aoutberly of th north tin of the pro-
niea Awxum a vsnus. containing a,uwp euaare
Alsa all that nart of tot A block T. tara ton.
rrlna aeutberty of th north 11 a ef the pro
pused. Dekum aveuM. containing Autt eggs re
Aim all that part ef lot T btock T. teratoga,
lying aoutberly of the north Hoe ef tb pra
phrd Dekum avenaa, aaatalntng 118 anuar
All person elslmthg dams re by re son ef
the auprOprtailoa of the property above de
scribed' or any pert thereof. In the proposed
euenln. laying out and est a hits In of said
street ara hereby epeclelly sot 1 Bed to Bis their
oiaima roc sucn aanvagn witn um Aodltoe or
tbe City of Portland before the Sth day ef
Rcptemher, 1004, th time appointed Par th
testing at th viewer therein.
By order af th Council.
. 1 THOA C. DTMB -
Auditor f the City ot PertlanA
VartlaieA Orrgou. Aacust St. ISO.
Sealed proposals will be received by the
Wster Board ef th City of Portland, Oregon,
antll 1 p. am., Wednesday, Auyuat 11. 1P04.
for hauling S.POO barreU Port la eenwat
ttoa th warehoun ot Mottlafhiint A Co.,
at the foot of Olbian stmt, or other ware
hottoe r depot equally scereslble, not ex
ceedlna a dlatsnce of 2 Mi mlto. to reset voir
Noa. t aad 4. City Park. Tbe ana at! tie
named above an approximate only and may
be Increased at tlutioUaed nt the apttea af
the Water Board.
Tb Water Board rsMrvn the light P raet
any or all bids.
Th delivery off th cement must n assd
apoa noulalttoa by tb Water Board, tn lota
to snlt the requirements of lba Work. Sat M
etedlng tuO barrela per day.
Perm of proponl eaa be - obtained at the
office ef tbe Enrineer of the Wsto BoarA
City I tall. Portland. Oregon.
With tach bid must be deposited a certified
check far 100, payable to tbe order of the
Auditor ef tha City of Portland, and bonds to
be approved by tb Mayor will be reenlred af
tbe BucreMfut bidder.
ProvoMto must be acts sad la SB ewrahme.
radorsed on tb outside. "Proponl for Hsul
ttif Csnmt,'1 not addramid to tha sndat
rant of th Water Board.
1 Port Is M. Orepoti. Aawnat SL 1004.
- ' mmmmmamamammWammm
Portland t'atoa Stock Tarda, teat. 1. There
are no boga now arriving and tbs market ha
a Bear steady ton. Cattle ar shuotng up
well la tt-fsrd' to th demanA Tb asm ton
dllkM pri-vsll la sheep. .
Th receipt, today eoasketed af Tt Otttto and
ISO sheeo.
OfOcUf orlcea mint today:
Cattle Brat saatera Ore go ateera, ga Ong)
I.S; beet rallry steer. 4S.TI.flO: atedlum
steers. 13.78; eowa, lAOOdiXWi bulls, !.;
su rs, 13 00.
liege Beet sari, ft.SOeat.OO; btock. 18 tnJ
8.50; China fata, tn.0I8.Att siockers ami Itud
Sheep tUwt train-fed Wether and toprba,
12 U0tl2.Su; mixed sheep. ll.T8tj8.00.
BAUrXTBJI KOat B TO It sows. .
Catoana, teat. uUrestoek recelpr!
Unas. Cattle, theea.
ChtoBga ..................tO.OOO T.800 18.000
Ksnsss City .... 6. in) ABo l.hou
Uensh .noo 1,000 ,ou
lloga opened t t lftc tow with 0.000 left
over. Aeceltr a year at were is.iwo. Rut log
off Mai prices: Mixed and hatchers. IMxiaJ
A.TjO: araNl.. aft. IBtil.atl . rooah. n4.88at4.Bli:
light, t8.1tA8A . . 1
Cattle Slow. ,
Sheep- BUs dy. J------ " - ' .-
Basroa, Sapt, A Cop einat -
. ' Bid. Ask:
Adventure 1U IS
Allous ! 1214 131s
Arcadian .?-....., TB lui
Atlantic 8S
Copper Ran,.,.. 8T tTU
Mass Mining... 1
Oucecta .TTT. Tl! 71
Phoentx t
Shanon t 4u 4t4
Tlrlorta ,
Wtnona ; tH
Arnold 1 ,
Pa ne, weoaer a 11, y: copper ws rrse
tbnlly towec In Loda today on Isrger a lee.
t) ports of copper for tbe atonth of August sg-
fr.;stsd 24.U1 tons ami esceeded sll rxpecta
Iuim. The tow of tb feral market wa de
cidedly trmer. There Br tour Mda tbau
ash and hardly any sellers. , . . t
The Port land tVattng hsaat
Clearing ,
reports todayt
......IT'Ki.ietd BS
.....V 88,111.83
St. Paul Bautoiad SItwImA
New Turk. Kent- 1. The regnlac dividend M
Chtragw, Milwsske t tt. Paul WM declared
today. - .
' htilwaukM Sraak Horitst.
- Mflwunki. tept. 1. 4 lose! Wbest, Sewtem
ber, l.Mm; benmbrr, tl.ut; May, fl llh) mA
" tarts Seash nUrhat.
' -Antwerp On la atirhat.
Astwerp, tept. le OtoMi Wheat
' 1901 '
Wherras, Um OmacU ot Um City at Prt
tond. deemlag M aspedleat M pcn. lay out
and wuhiuih aa eaUnaiua af -Bast Davis
street, la tbe Oty of PoMtoaA. from the Mat
Dm of Kuyston addition l th west lln of
East Twenty els btb street, said street to be
feet In width and an extension easier If ta
Its preseut courso of Esst Dbvm street sa told
out I Keystone addition, did on the Utk dsy
es lane. 1004. dtreet tb City Sugle to ear
vey tb Beiae pud to mark tbs IwuodarUfl
tkerewt, and te make a plat ef such survey,
and g written repurt coatslaiog full and
Crfrct description of each eraprwed street aud
cudsrUs thereof, and ot tbe aorUoa of each
hit. Uact Ar part of either to be spprapristed
for such atreet. and rh dty Bnglueer hsvlng
msde such survey, plat and report, and Sled
such plst aad report In tbe ofnee of tha Audlta
or the City of Portlsad on tbe Id dsy of July,
1004. and Mid report hsvlng hero adapted by
etdlMse K. 14.141, eallttod: "An or diss see
Bdoptln the report af Um City finciurer la
th. nutter of tbe jsoposed opening, laying eat
end Mtabllehlec et test Davis alreet. In the
City of PvrtUaA from the sMt Um at Key.
st-'se addition to th west line ot Bust Twenty
eighth street, ny atreet to be 4 feet IB width
and an extension Msterly in lm nreeeut sou res
or EsstiDarm street a told nut ta Keystone
how, there for, an piwina tateraeted to
herehj not I Bed that tb Council of the City at
Purttond ha appointed 11. I. Morrtaoa, T
Kelly and A Ouodersoa vie wen hi rtew Mid
Sicpooed extra loo of si Id street Bnd make
n Mttnmte ot the hewed ts and da mans oc
casioned by tbe opening, is Tin out and eat ab
utting ef tbe same, la accordance with section
MP of the Charter f th City f Portland,
and Mid viewers to sheet at the etar of tb
Auditor of lite City of Portland on Thursday,
the Bt day af teptember, 1004. at the boat of
10 o'eleet la the Cure wo of nld tap.
Th iropesed opening. Uylng oat snd sstsb
Hehtng of Bast Davis street to to feet la
wieia, . to mon particularly aauaded Bad
deecrtbed as followa:
Beglaning at tb southeast corner af btoek
10, Keystone addition, running thence MStvrly
oa an e (tension of Ha present eaurM of the
north Una ef Boat Davis street as laid oat ta
Keystone sddlUou to the jvset 11ns ot Ksst
Tweuty-ihfhtb street: thence amithcrly aloua
tb west lln et Rast Tweuty-elghth street to
fret: theoM westerly oa aa extension ef the
et-nth line of Bast Davis street ss Uld out la
Keystone addition, tc tbs nart beast corner of
block t, Keystone addition; tttsncv; northerly
alone; tk east line ef KeystoM addltbn SB feel
to the place of beginning.
Th proposed opening. Is ring eat and Mtsh-
iMvis street
street wtU inrlud snd
BccrMltat tb
a Uo to public im th
folk'wiBg described parcels sr tracts tlaod:
All that Dart f lot 4. block 8. WrRkooo
Villa lying aoutberly of the nortbertr Uu of
the proposed Baal Darh) atraat, aMtalnhag 1.UK
eauar feet.
Ala sll that part af tot A stock A Wynfcoop
Tllta, bin soU.crlf ef tbs proped northerly
tM af Seat Davto street, eaatolaluf LOJel
squars feet.
Aton all that part of tot A Block A Trana,
Tills, lying souther! at the northerly One of
tbe proposed Beat AMVla Street. anatmntaaT 1,044
aauara feet,
- Atop tU that parcel or tract at land tying be-
Ceea tbe northerly line of the proposed Kst
via atreet and Boatherty 11m of Wyakoon
Till; snd betwewa the MBterly Um at Key
stoM addlthir snd tb westerly llos ct Esst
Twcaty-elgbth atreet, oeptalalnt t8;tl sauxs
faet. '-.
Atl peraoM etsMag dkmagt hy res son at
th apprvprUtlea of the pruaerty above de
crltH'd, at any, nsrt thereof. Id ih proposad
opening, lering ouT aad Mtahllehlug ef .said
street an br-by specially so (I fled to tie tbrlr
claims for such daman With th Auditor f
the Cltr of Portland before tbe 8th dar of
hr-ptetnber. lt04. the 'tltue fppolatod tat- tha i
aweiing f the new ere therein, . ... .
Aadttat at th nty af rSicllaaA
Portlsnd. Oregoa. August O. 1104.
Whsr-so. the Co sell ot tb Cltr of Port'
bnd. deeming It xpedtoat to open, toy rat,
widen Sti-I eelabllsh an eztenslon ef Boot tsl
aaou atreet. U tbe City et Portland, tram tbs
wtt Uo f Bast Tlitrty-etahth street to th
wist line ef blocks tl and ft. So y side add).
tloa, did on tk lata day et Key, 14, direct
the City Engineer to survey tbe same sad to
mark the bouudartoa thereof, and to make a
Cist et each aarvey, and a writ lea report eou
ilnlng a full and 'perfect dracrlpttoa of each
proposed atreet aad boandarto thereof, and of
the portion of each tot. tract ar part et either
ta be appropriated tor each street, and the
Cltr Bnglanr having msd sue eurray, plat
and report, and tied such plat and report la
the Of ice of tbe Auditor ef tha City of Port
land oa the 8th day of July. 1804, and Mid
moots- bavins bean s Booted br ordinance No.
IS 1UI. entitled "An nrdlnauos adontlno the
report of th Cltr ugineer la the matter ef
ta proposed opening, wring oat. wioening una
Mtabliahlue at Mast Bslmna atreet. In the
KMMnt course, from the west 11m of Bast
ilriy-etgbth street to the went Bna af htocb
11 an 11, atiDsysioe additiou. - -
Now. therefore, sll nersoM lata rented an
hereby put I fled that the Council of th City of
Portia sd has appointed H. 1. Morrison. . xriiy
and J. P. Mcoc fee viewers to view Mid pre
posed extcMloa of sshl atreet and make a srl
e'ste 41 to nonanta na aamaye orcaaionea
r th or nine. 1st oat sua eatablUblu of
tbe mom. In sccordsPM with section 840 ef tbe
(.verier et lb city ot Portlsnd. mm rumen
U meet st the efAce of tb Auditor of tbe City
ef Portlsnd .n Thursday, tb 8tfa dar of to-
tember. 1P04. at the hunt nt 40 n'atoct hk Um
fore boo ef mm day.
The proposed aprulng. Widening, toying eat
and Mtsbfishlng ef East Bel moo atrtet la 8n
feet la -width and ta mora particularly hennaed
and described M follows:
Begtunlng at a puts! In the watt Una t TMt
Thlrtyelrbtb street where tb as me would be
Intersected by tbe north tine of East Salmon
atreet aa laid eat Tttnnayslde adfllloTlheuos
easterly along en eitenskm ef the north line
ot East taluoQ street as laid eat la Aunnyelde
addition, to the west Dim of btock it, Sunuy
slds sAdlttoa; thence soot her ly along tb aootk
rrly etteaelon of the' west line off btock If.
Sunnyslde addition SO fret; tbeae . weeterly
along tb aoutberly true ef Enst Salman street
as Uld ant In tnauysid addltloa- to tha west
Um of Srat Thirty-eighth atreet; then
nrtberly along the west Um ot East Thirty
eighth street 80 feet to the piece af beftnalnc.
The proposed psnlng. widening, laying out
and Mtsbllahlng of East Salmon street will la-
cled and aeccasltate the aporonrlstkM to nub
bm ef the- following described pare hi w
trace or mho:
All that parcel or tract of hind tying he to eon
the northerly Una af tbe proposed East Salmon
atreet and line 90 feet souther) 7 therefrom
and penile! therewith: snd between the eset
erly and weetorly boundaries of tb proposed
East talmaa atnat,- ntillg H.TU sauara
fret, f.
Alt peraonS eistmlng dams ye by reaeoa af
tbe MrDrtattoa of the property above de
scribed, or anv Mrt thereof. In the wrnpnafd
opening, wldValng, toying eat and Mtahllahlng
of nld street ara hereby specially aotlBrd to
Bis their claim lor Met damagM with the
Auditor ef the City of Portland before-the sth
day of B-ptember. ftoi, tie time appointed tor
tbe meeting of the viewer taenia,
Sy eadac of the Council.
THOfl. C. DBTLIW, -Auditor'
of the City of PertlanA
rnrttanA Oregon. Auawst Bl. 1104.
e9p4rttst Brnd Swrprat SttJOrOOSlOS. ,
Browors la
Crain.Prov1$lon$, Siocfcs and Bonds
ttrarst Prrrala wh Srsteat it Bmsrtoa.
hto aad Osmwrtsttva
R. Ke ALDKN, Mariatrdtt-
WBOL'Wi ? C00K.C0.
Memben Ckdesae Iward at Trad.
QTBtreli, Ktar Ittri . rnttA mAltS)
W are eaemeeted hp artrat WNm with
Msesra, Lagsa Srraav Chicago and Mew
York; Walker 3ros.. I. A Bsrh Ch N-b
Tcrk ttoeb Bxebaagi RuMsrd Bras. Co..
New Tork Ootte Baehaaaei nirvana A Db
ran; New Or lee m Cotton Kxcbanret Jlearf
llrrth ft On,. Kew Taek Coffee Kxrhaege: Pal so.
Wehhet ft Co.: Bee to Copper aad Itrak Ks
rhssae; Diet Bra. Co. I Xew Trt nd Phi to
ds tpfeke SBnek SlaMuaW.
lEaUkbllnhad 181A
Aaom 4, fftul neuy.
ORAIIBlt or oosa m
af xWtaA
Frwrn tha Chlcwgo Trlh-"-"Bow
did wool oocapo froua
ine wreck Y'
"At h htot morn- ''
Uf preaarver i
Um shora,"
W Charge Ho later tar Carry tog Lang
Stocka ;
T aunsots TmiAaTlV
and Union Pacihc
o, - - aOianrfaea sod tnMkst
bs ears dally la Omh. Chin, tto-kaoes
toertet teei log ears dalte to Ksaay Crtrf
throagb PultrosB tnnrtet 'lee?4" nn !..
ally ceodwetedV weekly 80 ajta. triltoT
CM KIN lltttet. l-cavea.
Sl'RCIAL. ' PalV. - D1
Par th p.aat via Swat-
WtMS. - . " '
tPOKANI PLiaa. 4:0r a. Sh
Pur Ea.ter Waahtuo Daily, Dally
to. Balls WsRa, Le ,
Mnp, Ceear d'AWwe , ' ' " .
; sa. Oreat tsttssrs i-' -
-"r. ,
1 ATLANTIC M .TPS not. B:tA p 4. T:18 a. Sk, ,
; tar the Past ta at- Dally. ItoUpv
is sua. - .-. i:
i "" aciAh? amp Brrtn aNnrantrtg,
' KuH SAM r'KAHt'lMCOi Krr.m A MM A SK
A A , W. andnre- A lit worth
Sept. 1. IS, T. . . rH-k.
A A OfONhtnia . roOAnt .,' .
teaC LAS. ,
A lr- C . -.
Qlek4s Mteev Ptvtsie.
P'lK ASTnitl A snd wv hr p, nj. Ahoof
porhle, eoaneetln with Dally. von , oa,
atmr, for Ihrara snd . Bumiy ea. tandaa,
North brack, err. aieduy
Mi. Ash-es, act, tft-oB n. w.
TatAkm Btrar Baba. "
TOR DAYTON. Ore 7 nt , ax, lavat,
Band Tamhin Blrar Dalle. Dally .
its. etra. Itnth and eieept - -tcept
nr. Aah-et. 4-ek. Sua dep. tame P.
- IWster peraxlttlejat ' '
" ' t Saab Krrav Bs,
POK LKWirroN, Ida.. ! 1:4a a. BA Khwat
and wuy pel am from Dally. n:rwtp,ah,
Rip-rta. Wast.. Oteaav es. Bat DalTv.
en tpohap ant A - eg. Prldap
l-raa, . . . 1 -
TICK ST OtTICN. Third snd Waaht;
Mala T1A
.. Pat-Tsawanma Bnd noag
Kobe. Naaaukl and tha net
a. esfNuw at
thsngksL taklnt frelanf
ri raanertlna saeamsn tar Ms alto. Part Aetna
and Vladlvoet-.
Por rstea sad tstl hreensrhwi nfl a at d
sea afaietato. t scents f the 0. K, A Co.
tnlna, for Bal-m. Ross-I
burg, AshUud, As era
tt ASA
d.tta. sa
tn S. Sk.
Bient.'.0dea.Sn Pna
cla.'o. Bioektti. Ljos An
te tea. El Pas, rtew Ur
leM and tbe (Ml
At WooOhura Oatl
fescept toisyi, morn
tor train fr lit Aa-
Tttt A SA
rrl. Alt vert na. Brawns
vtlto. Snrlncfleid. Wead
i!na and Osteon.
A Iso or pasnesee. shtv
nect st Wondhorn with
ML Ana-el aad Sll ear
tea toeuL
A ah,
18 a. aw
Mally. JlPully. eaarpt taodap.
PartUad-Oewea SphHrasa tmito and amvMl
-j-ct: Apwtjwff 4rpf dPvsWfmwmol fltpPamV
fan Porttoud tally tor Mawe T:S0 a, m.1
ft 80, t 03, 1:SJI, B :i :B. 11 M 10 p.
nallt teecewt ScMdarl, BJ8. t St. SA IB tt
a. m.t 4:00, ii:tt p. sk, Snndap aalg. t;J0
I BefOrwlng fre thnre, arrive Petvtoud dsrto
a. m i 10. 4-fB. drtt. T -St. t at.
n-1B p. m. Psi;y leicetn Sunderi a-PK, I II
8:ia. t an. 11-4R a. m. Rseewt staaday. l&St
p. ). tnnds sole, 10:00 a. BJ,
(.es frnffi Mote 4 wot (or DpTm end tatepa
wtedtste antnes d.t feveent Sandayl 4: fat a 0h
Arrl Pnrtlsn.1 IO:tO , to.
The lndSrndonee-hlniWtJ 1NW PASS
Wferate 4elv te Me "ninth wee A trite, eno
neeHrt uHfh kwikwa Psette watsu'i track a
1 Al. rVris SOd lodeneodewee. - --- .
( tlr.t-etM tr' fee"! P-rt-nd t Feeraesejp
sng PeSeeleM IT" eit sn; nraaa-ctora
fsre til. Second -etses berth 19.80. .
Tlehefs tn pVetera norne end aVoeaaa, Slap
Is a. rrilo. etAootrto sad AfMtrsrla.
rife TIHtet fftee eeoe' Third and WsshlnB"
e tr n-nqf, MIT1B.
W, SL cWvwASJ,
C. W. BTinKKS.
ntr Ttoket AawaA
Pueet Bnad 1.1'
ttt A Sk
lmt si,
um a sl
fee TsenaiB. tratite,
Orrmnts. Itoatb Read
848-p. 1
and Oray
.uerrfc Pose
for Tsenma. Seattle.
Kufte. tt. Pawl. Mia
uesnotta. Cbtoasw. Kew
Tork, Tbw-'on snd aalols
Esst and ajMtheant.
Twin-city Ripreaa. nt
Taeoma. Seattle. Bm
feane. Itelenn, tt. PsiL
Mlnoeaiiolls. , CMraaa
. ...
rut a tv
few Tork. tVmoa sod
all on I nta Boat and
Piiset Aneod ujwf-r,,
ntyAL ! SpeHsL
for Tbcowis. teartie.
tnoksne. flntte. BHIInr
t'4t A Sk
TVnsee. Omsk. Ksuss
Ttfv. it. fls aad all
point Bast sad teath-
dnllt exceet pa ftwtru
A. D. f H Altl-TO)l.
tastotaut Sewersl Pass, s rev Ageat.
Mwrtaim et, sat, laarA rwrttoaA On.
al B04ftB JOI