The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 01, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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Bartered at iMWnei f TSrttasA Or.,
fee traaaporUUee tstMgh (to Mill as NMv
ana B) at tar
tost "asaa fea! Par SB I M sr SB-
k-vvsZ raj? "r.r v ' "
tiuriom. i
Busts Office Mai 00."
adlterlei Bmsbi blaJa 4Mb -
rbftntv unnniM unvrntfifi
ftad-SesgaaUB Bpeetal Advertising
130 Baasas ilnrt, f Illtl TUhffM li'hl-
. ffTMOmXPTIOV mATlt' '
- KMlrOmta
The Dally Jeertial. via Saaday, 1 ye...4T.O
TW pall Journal, 1 year. .77:. f
The Nlty lourMt; frith -dy. BMethS. 74
TW Dally JtMraal, nontbe ..........
Tb Dally Joaraaj, Wirt Sunday, t assets. $
Th Dally Joarsat, 8 month , a-"
The Dally Jon me 1. wltk Banday. 1 Koih. . . -4B
The Dally, set tut, aWBvarwi W
t Dally, par wt. Miml Bsaeaf
rPed vM'- f ,
2 Illr Ifaraal. with $n4ay, 1 7....fT.'JJ
TW laaal-WaaAlr IwnMl.
TW Maial-WwhtV Irnl II to II I
ft, 1 yaar
A WaakJr ImiwU .
, TH Wwhly Joanal. 100 Mlaauw of rMV
tnf aack lam, UlaUaU4. tttU Mrtat
rrprta 1 yaar ... -m
kamlttancM riKt4 B nud M dratM. fMtal
rta. xprM nMfi, and amall aavafit hi
P. A. (hi 1t1. PwrfUid. nr.
Habacrlbm Ba Tb loarnal wM Mar
fDVB t tk iidibm ean bar tb .CfP;
forwardfd ta tbm ta any aiMrMw wlfboat
itrm thtrmm. nayftiMtt for tbt MM t- !
lad Bpoa Hialr rttora.
Th Jatrai MB to tjawd m aala aft fba M
Irwlnc ataa: ,
BOISl. mi HO Plaeawr boat Mar.
CHITAOO t-natoffUa Mwa coaasuy. Ill Dar-
borr. atraat.
DKrrVrTB. CiJlp.-rKntMf feoah A rttatfmary
mmpaor. tit ImitMatli rtraatl X. Wan,
lxJwit and CtrtH atrrta.
KAXSAK ' ITT -Van ha Nawa aaaapanf'.
LC ANtlKttSR. r7 Oardnar. -fcab
Jrrlna: rtrrt; OUrar Baloaa, M toatb
Hfr'na trt.
MlNMtAl-OLIf-M- J, Karaa. W Mta
KFW TftKtf CTTT Bmtaw'i, Uataa aaauttv
ftOnitK fardr Nwa Company.
OMAHA HUIard botal aw- atand! Myatb
StatkaitTT nmniM, 1RM Knraia atraat.
AliT LaXR C1TT--tCrnyrai Vt1 awa atand;
Bimw Broa. at WM tMd rtwl atoutb.
M, LOl'l Philip Rndr; 61(1 Lacwat atraat.
AN rBAWCIIICO W. B. Ardlm. Palaa botrt
' pwa ftandi Ooldinttb Bp., WJ Batter
trat! rivd W. Pitta. im Uarbft atrt.
tPf)KJtn. W4lH.Joha W. Or ham A i.
TArOMA. WASH Caatral Xa aoaapaay. H
I J!PaajalB'yr--fBB,,,g,gg
y J. T. Wllann, at 111 Flrat atrwat. at 10
a. m. SaW of frcrta. J. T. Wlkaoa, aao-
By OMraa Baker Ca.. Park a ad Aldar
atrrta. M I p. m. 8al at rmnold faraiab-
iiryn. fiixr)rt Bakrr A Co.. airtlnpra
hTINySHAllA TBIRX. !U. ff. Itppmrwl Or-f
Bd Uaa.Tbr rvfalar nwtlnat wtil Sa brM
tn th naw wtrwam. Wlllntntta ball. No.
1T0H BMaod atraat. a( I a'alaak p, m. aaah
Tkaraday catnjr.
' T-AOt CARTK. Sacbaat.
t.. rAnHTr.wn. rhif Bmrdii.
' nmSAt VOTTOBt.
,,UMI)1'-At Martltwfj atraat. Auauat 80.
1 1804. WUHaiB fMward Brad, a gad 30 raara
7 montha 4 day.
-anral TridaT, Baptaariiar f IBM. at a.
m. from lat raaMae. 4S afadlann itrwt; :St
a. ta. rmm tb ca(BdraL corner riftaaatb and
DTla strait. Blalla and trieniit r
arxtfally larltfd at attaaA. iBtaraaatit St.
Hary'a fwtry. -
BBAPY At 0ft Madlanai atraat, Aacast SI.
lt04. Jnbn Brady. iH TO yrara.
Funwal" Prlday. fcpiwirr 2. iaM. at a.
m. from lata ratdan. Madlann trt;
a 30 a. sb. from tbt cathadral. enraer F1ftrntb
and Davla atrMla. Blatlaa and rrtaoda r
aprirully lnltml to attaad. iBtarmaBt t
Mary 'a (rtwtary.
Waatbcr rwndtttona and nral ffWM-aat for
Orryon. Waahlnatoa and Idaho A dkttm hane
f allfht utj la central orr Kanaaa. It ha
n.uard Tlfbt ralna In fh anrthi-rn atatt he
torva the Horkj- mr.nnUlo and th lakr wa;ton.
Fair wpathrr 'prvralla 1b tb Paclac ad the
Allantk atatra.
It la wirmfr In tb laka rackm and conlw
In !w RntlatMl. Btwbr tbr- t'mpratur
' ehitncva hTi brn stall and antmpurtant.
To liMHa(lnna are fnr fair Wfatbi-r tn thla
dlatrlrt Krlday. It will b waraorr taalfht
et of th racd moantaln and eaokr
Friday to th wat at thla ran.
fitiarTaiioa mm at a . m
AtUnia. (la
Bakr I'lty, Or
BUmarrk. N. D
Bfiisf. Idaho
Boaton. Haaa
CbarlabN). f. C
f!'W-o. Ml
Clr.rtnttatt. Ohio
Dnr. (Vl
Kurha. Cal
pTfnn. t'al
Jlln. Meat
rkaonrlll. Pla
Ktlapll. Mont
Krnaia City. Mn
1 wlit on. Idahe
Npw Orlran. I
trw York. K. fr. ........
Knrtb Ilad. Vaab
Obi ha. Nb
Itllaithbla. Pa
Pomt1lo. Idaho
Partlaad, Or
IUtHtr(, Or
aatramrat. 01
Bt. LouJa. Mo..
. Bait Lak. I'tal
Ba Dlrao. Cal
Ban PVitirlao. Cal 1
Bt. Paul. Mien
Bjmkan, Waab...
Tafma WaahjX
Walla Wallfc-Wart.
Watblnctflif, D. C
W I n nan 1 (. Hv
pauy journal, 1 raar - 5
Tba Pnllr Jonraal. wltfa Son day, I
Th Dally Joqrual. DMntha. ....... t-
T Dally Joaraat. wltb Haadar, aMtt..
T Dally lonrnal, f aaaatli . .4.
H PmmStr JporaaL -
m to 0
Tl 44 0
4 M .00
tut 4N 0
TJ M 0
M T4 0
m m .04
M U .fH
t 0
m 4 0
0 44 .14
M 0
S 4S .10
Ta Tl .01
af 4 0
m T4 fl
T4 m 0
AS M 0
TH S4 0
t , 4 - A
U 41
AO 4fl 0
tt A A
ao ra 0
Tn 0
73 . T.
TO 44 0
W 4 0
m M a
n m e
U 4B 0
102 T. 0
Yiiana, Aila 10S
Audit IT. to Mr. and Wre, Albert C. Goal tar
of TW Clattlaad en; a boo.
AoaMt m. Hato lfnerballk. agea 11 rara.
at Good BaoMMtin aoapltal; eaa, apaeBoieltla.
Burial at L.m Fir Mmtry. .
Auaeat an Wllltaai CO ward Brady, ated M
Kir, kt Madlaoa atrct; eaaaa. epUapay.
rial at Bt. Marr-a elbtry.
Ancaat W, Hit tit t. Utean. aaad 4A yaar. at
TV Dailaa, Or.; eaaaa, tajwrcalaal. . Creau
toriaai. . r
Auaaat IT, Jaaoa Krllofs. atTd Tl yaar. at
Ben feet Morrlaoa atreat: ". brt dtaeaaa.
Burial ar Un Fir ratTy.
Aoaaat 41. Joba Brady. d TO yrera, at 408
BadlBon frt; ran, eaacer. Burial at Bt.
ary'a fjtry.
Crataatorlaa aa Orafoa aty ear Hae, bear
fa 11 wood i. awdera. eriantlfle. oeanlt. Caarsc
AdalU, 1301 rhlMraat B. Tlaltor 9 .
laaa. r raaMtto "ci"tto
The Mmr4 Melaaaa TJadertablai wareaay
- ft atral dlrrctara aad aaihalaMr. BB Third
. auvet. Fbaea AWT t .
S. P. rtalry A Baa. ftaeral Sfeeteri and
embataaera, hi reaioTad ta tbtr aew aatab
)lrhiaut. erar Third aad bladlaoa atrMta.
- utk pbawa Ke. B, ; . ,
Balfr-BTraa (Vl, ranaral dliertnra ant rra
, batatrra. tTl Baaaall; Udy t. PWaa Beat MSB
,i Clark Bmb, far flew are. HB tletrleaB atr
ieaatibln A. Kara aaj baobaaa -to Am
, TntblU, let I bk BO, Irrlag'a IlirW
fittA 6toa'iMr Bwababal'to'bi'k!
Waltoa. aortb 10 tat hi It, at li
aneth IB feat let It, bkwt 4, PwUt
JraawTi"eal' aWato ' tmipit 't eC ?
Jit ' 1 11 a.
Ull ooxown, wmxu mavt.
tM VA PaUTV 0 m O0M-
wfm Mnura lair wiult
(Jaaraal aaaebl rvla.
0 PrtuiclBOO, Sopt l.-Tha Oakland
eontlannt mmda aevan bit, eouplad
with PortUd'a four dlnutroua Kwa, I
aceount for eeren ran yeaterdaF. while
the beat that the Brtrwna could muater
were nine ajrooaa eBa. Haatlnaa waa on
the flrlnf Hoe for Portland and In he
firaT-lnnhir 'oauaed Dudale to have a
fit, whan ha, waHMd three men and al
lowed three hlta, that netted the com
mute re five rune. Butler replaced Haat-
fiiie' and pltohed a aplinllil l
hxwlnv trot- four rrtta tn elaht tnatnaa, t
but owlna to hla teaes-matea' lnaDiuty
to hit Buchanan, hla Fork waa of no
avail, ao a ahutout waa recorded. The
Oakland team played championehip ball,
MiMIhb In arifHlrahlw at via. and finish
ing the fime without an error, 'whlterf
the Portland Infield played stupid mm.
The score:
liunNir Sh. 4 0 12 10
Hurley, lb. . ...4 1
Nadeau. 4. f.
Staelman. 0.
Caatro, r. t. ...
.. I
.. t
Drennen. o. I.
Beck, lb
t 0
Raymond, a. m.
Haatlnca, p. ..,
Butler, p.
Totals .
.10 4 14 IS 4
AH. R. H. PO. A. E.
Francka. a A .
4 2 1 2 4 V
Oanley, r. f . .
t 1 t '
Dunleavy. l. I.
Schatley, lb.. . .
Kruaer. c. f. ". .
Strelb. lb.
DvrMUX lb.
Bymea, -e. . .
BuchkiwR, p, .
h Totals
7 7 X7 t
1 I I 4 I I 7 I I .
Jortla-nd . , 5 ?
Hlta . . -V v 2 w w v
AJw ilW ' ItlOl 7
Hlta . . .i i. a v '14
Hlta Off Haatinav. t: off Butler. .
Two-baa hlta Krur, Back. Krancka.
Oanley. Caattro. Bacrmce Bit uanicy.
First baan on error uatcuina. a. nr
baa on call ad balia un HaaiinK, w
Butler. 1. on baaaa . Oakland, 4;
Portland. I. Struck out By Buchanan,
a. k. u..nn : h Riitlar. 4. Double
aiay Francka to Strelb. tTlma of fame
One hour ana 15 mlnutea. Umpire
OConnell. s.
- Won. Loat. P.C.
SSL!-"v.":::::S i ;i?S
Clevernd ....! . H
Detroit . . 47 -4-
St. Leull 'I "J
WMhlnffton . . . 23
At Blew York. .
B. H-Bt
Cleveland J J ;
New York " 3
Batterlea Hea. Bam la and Buatow;
Chesbro and Kiel now.
At Btortaa,
n. rk.
Boaton "
Detroit 711
Batterlea Winter -snd-Dorani Hullts
and Drill.
16 2
. ...2 10 0
St. Louie . v
Battariee Hughea and
Sudhoft and O'Connor.
At nusdslpbia.
R. H. K.
Chioaso . . . . -, ;
Philadelphia 0
Batterlea Owen and Sullivan; Plank
...0 t 1
and Powere.
New Tork
Chicago f
Plttaburg to
Cincinnati J
St. Louis J
Brooklyn . . .
Philadelphia S3
LoeU PC.
32 .724
i .6S"i
4S .575
60 .h't
R7 .51"
72 .SS
78 .SiS 4
SI -2b i
R H. tt.
At Otociatuhti.
First gam
Cincinnati .
New York .
.2 4 4
.3 7 6
R H . E.
.14 0
Harper and Pelts
nlty and Warner.
Second gam
Cincinnati .
New Tork
4 8 0
Batr1s-i5"wing' and ' Schlei;' Wilste
and Wsrner. umpire zimmer.
AtinmbAtw. rrr
Birf ::.:::::::::::::::::: iS !
Batteries Lynch and Phelps: Pittln
ger and Moran. Umpire Kmells.
At St. XkmUS.
R H.B.
St. Louis . J 10
Philadelphia . . IT s
Batteries CNrtU and Orsdy; Fraser
and Dooln. Umpire -Johnstone.
. At Ofcleago.
R H. t-
Chicago. 0 4 0
rBatterlesB'rVrwn' and 1 Kiin'g; Bcanlon
and Bitter. Umpires Moran and Car
penter. wovnunm sat a faxb.
(Joaraal Saertal Barrlee )
Toronto, Ont,. Sept. 1. Boottiah aocis
tle of the Dominion and several delega
tion from similar onranlsstlons In the
United States today took part in the cel
ebration Of Scotland's day at the Tor
onto exhibition. Patriotic addresses and
Boottiah games wars features of the
day's program and the muele waa fur
nlahed by the famous Black Watch band.
Traaebael. let IB. , tl
tt. earn 10
ft lot IN, blork 4, Point View ........
tfelaoa H
ar an
ana wire t rrans anoer.
ton. lot T. Mori 2D. 'bt I inw iiua.
Ert Kelland and ortmde M. nun. .
fn. 14 ara 1b aaetlea St, towaabla 1
. arrte. ree t eaet
Oet F-aw taearaaee and ahatteets te real
eat it ft-ow the Tttl Ouarantee A Treat eeav
aaay. Ckatabar at Oeaaiaeree belJAlag.
-afeaaaaaaHeBS vSaa
Birtxsnis FBBJQTS.
Arat tl. r. ta Bowrrte. repair to aeaae aa
Btiaaell BtreH eetwa Mlaslaalppl aad AlWaa
aTpnuea; met, 4100. 1 .
Aognat tl. Jaraea Otaea, reeetr a ewelltng
ea naitheat earner nf Sixth atreat aad Haw-.
ttora avenae: enet, IflOO.
AacMt II, Vlh Leon I Sea, teeelra la eattash
b Kmrtb tetwaea GwaeB bad Darts StreatSi
awBt 'tl. Beerr Breed, eettaas ea Baat
Tenth hetwaea Stavaaa aad Marrlaea araets;
Aaruat SI. B. M. Batee. t-atary ewatltog ea
r-tvtenth betweaa Bebnva aad Tls,atrU;
aawt ta.eno,
Arai 11. A1 retand, B-atory taMRns aa
Blnoat- betweea Tweaty-eiaiA, aad XbirUetb
stretUl eaet, (1.BM. '. v . ' - a '
BTATSJ rurna swvbat srmx
The Portland lacroewe eltta will sxtond
an Invitation to the de lege t loo of tour
ing Canadians due. In this city next Sun
ay to atund thf Ucroaaa match b-
tween the PorOnds and Oregon as
ameata of the clW Many of the Cana
dian party nre old laoroaae-playera them
selves, so this act. courr on me
part of the Portland lAcrosse elvb will
be greatly appreciated.
The Canadians have bean uaad to seo-
rrg thft rniili issms ihtlt rwslrr
7ia;htlna for the eupremacy, but no
T'fiyhtlnB for
where have they Been any supsilui t-
Ucle of ball than at present IS being
put up by the Portland team.
. While there Is every possibility of fine
weather for next Sunday, still the port
land .team will take no chaneee. And,
profiting from the experience last Sua
day In the Victoria game, will wear rubber-spiked
ehoea In place of the ordi
nary runnlng-shos.
The Portlnds.wore out practicing last
night, but the fact, that the last few
games have put the members In such
fine shape makes It hardly necessary to
Indulge In hard work, the evening prao
ttcea being now devoted mostly to pass
ing the ball and tesnjL movements.
(fmrnel Special Brvlee.
Chicago, Sept. 1. Harlem aummsry:
Five furlongs Bowling Bridge won;
time. 1:01.
Steeplechase, ahort course John &
Owen won; time, S:t S-a.
Six furlongs McOss won; thus,
Mile and 70 yards Dalvay won: time,
Five and a half furlongs Devout
won; time." 1:07 S-S.
One mile Leila won: time,
Mile end an eighth Ethylene won;
time, 1:6S 4-4.
Sacramento. Cel.. Sept. 1. Summary:
2:14 elaea, pacing, puree 1400 Tidal
Wave won: time, 2:11H."
Runnlna. five furlongs En Morro
wSirr time. 1:0S.
FJve and a half furlongs Light BraM
won: time. 1:09.
Ux furlongs Miss Culver won; time,
1:14 H. .
Vlnctor sUke. one mile Tom Blavin
hsd a walkover: time, 1:44.
Handicap, eeren furlong Fills d'Or
won: time. l:7ttt.
Five furlongs, handicap Lena ds Ford
s-on; time, 1:03.
k. .? - -a .
At ttt. SVonls.
St. Louis. Sept. 1. Fair grounda sum-
Five furlongs, selling Jack Moran
nn : lima 1:02 2-4.
Blx furlonas. eelllna- Lady Vashtl
won: time. 1:20H.
Five and one-half furlongs Onle Bur
nett won: time. 1:0U.
Six furlongs; purse Msfalda. won;
time. 1:14.
Five furlongs, sailing Opinion won;
time. 1:02 H.
Mile and three-etxtsenths Brooklyn
won; time, 2:0S.
At B f eieta.
Everett. Wash.. Sept, 1. Results stT
the Snohomish county fair:
2:21 paca Dewey Ann took three
straight heats; time. 2:18. 3:18 and
Mile trot May Tllden walked away
with the first three heats In 2:12.
2:2R4 and 1:10.
Half-mile daeh Rattler won; time.
Beven-elghtha mils dash Bmgned
won; time, 1:134.
lum Anfi-le..,
San Pranelaeo
PortUnd .....
Boise . . .
Spokane . .
Butte . .
Salt Lake
At Batts.
B. H.B.
Butte . .
Bolne . . .
.309012000 8 IS
ft 1 f 10000010 12 6
Dowltng and Spencer: Mo-
Farlan and Hanaon.
umpire Braita.
Attendance 46.
At tpo
R. H It
Spokane . . 00400010 01 7
Salt Lake 00004101 S 4) 14 1
Batteries Hogg and Stanley; Ksalck
and Hausen. -
OcraeSt ZVoaea Agamst BTewtom.
Loe Angeles, Sept. 1. Joe Corbett
oppoeed Doc Newton yesterday and the
Angels won out In the eleventh inning.
'Frisco had the lead up te the ninth In
ning, when the Angels mads three Funs
and tied the score. The scorer
R H. K.
Angeles. 0 0 00840010 I f Jl
Fran. ...0 201000004 I I I
Aatlerles Newton. Baum and Spies:
Corbett and Leahy, umpire -McUoaaUd.
Tseoma. Sept. 1. Keefe received bet
ter support than was accorded Hughes
and Taooma won the first gsAe. The
Tacoma I 1
Bum. 4440041444 B 5
Maittorlew Ksefe and Hogan: Hughes
and Wilson. Umpires McCarthy and.
Dannt Shea, the well known local
eat cher. returned this morning from Ta
ooma. where he went expecting to join
Parke Wilson's Brattle team. Upon his
arrival In Tigsftown, and bubeequsnt
conference) with Wilson, they failed to
agree upon the salary Question sod Dan
ay returned to Fortuvnd, . - a
T At S 01 3 18 .443
5 .. 0 1 1 IT .MS
1 0 .. BjlO 0 IT .4S
4 01 .. 0 ft 1 .483
O 4 8 0 .. 1 IS .4W
Bjji 0 I 4..13".B4
'. .114114 Ti imViawi
Won. Lost. P.C.
42 44 .671
66 63 .614
61 68 .481
44 41 ' .430
Yesterday doings at Irvlngton track
wars the kind that neitosr maxee a
man happy nor yet very aad. They
were of an unusual variety, it waa a
day of strong bunches and heavy play.
with the horses In favor of the book
makers. 'Everybody felt sura that Juan
Belardo would capture the first, event
and Belardo was accordingly deluged
Ith lucre, but Powell's ride waa not
sltogetber satisfactory, as he allowed
Kelly to distance htm unnecessarily In
the stretch and beat bint out with Jadge-j
Thomas by a length. Belardo went to
the post at I to s. while Kelly'o mount
was Quoted at 3 to 1. and carrying top
weight. Belardo got off in a ruab, but
Kelly passed him st ths half end man
aged to maintain tb lead to the flolah.
much to the chagrin of Belardo a back'
In th second race the talent unloaded
their money on Albemarle, forcing hla
price from 14 to 10 to S to 4 at the
closing. Frank Pea roe. too, got a strong
play, and- th vagrant tip that- KoUt
ohlld waa a good place bet caused many
etneh dollars to be wasted. Albemarle,
however, was worth all that waa wa
gered on him snd his performance was
satisfactory. Fltspatrtck got him sway
first and, though challenged by Rtcefoot,.
t three-quarters and the stretch, wss
able to keep a safe dlstanos In front to
the wire.
The crowd got mixed on Alloa Carey
and Almoner In th third race. Almoner
opened up at I to 2 and was backed to
4 to I, while Alios Carey rated to
5 post odds. Two of the books refused
to take money on Alio for fully 10 min
utes before ths bunch got off. so certain
were the bookies that eh couldn't loae
unless she dropped dead. Alice didn't
drop dead, but won th rues. Almoner
waa looked Upon as a fair substitute
for a million-dollar treasury - note, but
the popular son of Midlothian couldn't
keep ths stride set by Miss Alice Carey,
and finished seeond. being; beaten by a
good two lengths. Jensll made a poor
showing, running last the entire, dis
tance, Ksrabel waa given a sever Joan
ling at the half or else aha would hare
given th leaders A tough finish.
Harry Thatcher showed his heels to
thbunch In the fourth race and wss
never headed, winning from Our Choice
and Costello In easy gait. Our Choice
Was la dee, with the gilt that la supposed
to make any old mare go, but It failed
to soeed Choice sufficiently to bear out
the truth of that xuaty old saw. An
early tin ballooned over the beads of
the talent whenever Cathello'S name was
whlsoered. snd the rehl wise" d la pas
sionately and willingly placed their coin
on the fair daughter of. Altamax. ua
thello waa out to win, all right, but
Fl tape trick couldn't extricate nls mount
from ths tangled bunch long enough to
get down to real business, so ths money
went a breeslng when Tnetcner poaea
his bold form In front Black Cloud
was given a splendid ride, but the- pace
was too swift for him and he fell by the
wayside. RlnvRock got mixed up atathe
quarter pole and completed a somer
aault, throwing dm well head over heels
Into the bunch, but luck saved the young
jockey and he emerged from th mlx-up
.unmarked, ..
Nonie was the whole performance In
the Diamond handicap event. The talent
had a difficult time picking a. suitable
horse- for this race, Mlsty's Pride. Ib-
structor. Lady ITsk and Redan having
many admirers. Those who always carry
the correct dope primed their fslth snd
tickets on Nonie. giving th snare her
lust dues. ' Herbert good boy that he
la did what the doctor ordered and
brought his mount home a winner by
two lenarths. with Instructor second and
Oatewav a 10 to 1 picker, third. Mlsty's
Mrried too much weight.
The sixth fees made many enemies for
Suburban Queen. Budd Wade and Sally
floodwln fought It out .pjl the former
got first money. Bally taking place.
First race, four nd one-half furlongs.
aall ins Judae Thomas. 112. (F. Kelly)
I to 1, won; Juan Belardo, 108, (I. Pow
ell) 3 to 4, second; lnu nramina, mi,
ifC Rmlth 16 to 1, third. Time, 0.64.
Second race, five furlonga, selling
Albemarle. 1 04. 1 Pttlpatrt'-k 4 to 6
won: Frank Peorc. 104. (Herbert) I to
1, second; Rlcerul. to, (Kent) i to 1,
third. Time. 1:024.
Third race, five and one-half -furlongs,
sslllng Alice Carey, 107. (Alarle) 3 to 4.
wnn: Almonte, 108. (Ttlllett) S to 6.
second: Ka rebel, 102. (Fltspatrtck) 7 to
l third. Time. 1:0U.
Fourth race, one mile, selling Harry
Thatcher. US. T- Clark) 4 to 1. won;
Our Choice. 113, (Tullett) S to 1. second:
Cathelto. 144, (Fltspatrtck) 4 to 1, uiru.
Tim. 1:43.
nth race, six furlongs. Diamond
hamdleanNonle. 116. (Herbert) 7 to I,
rm- instructor. 104. (Alarle) I to I,
second: Oeteway, 04, ( Fltspatrtck) 14 to
1, third. Time. 1:14.
sixth rac. seven furlongs, selling
Rudd Wade. 104. (Tullett) S to 1. won;
.111. nnnrlwln. Lit. (F. Kelly) I to 1,
second; Mlmo, 14. (FJtaWrVtT" W T,
third. Tim. 1:17 H.
(Joaraal' Special Bervle.)
Sea Olrt. N. J.. Sept, 1. Rifle teams
from severalNstates ere here for the
annual meeting, and competition of the
National RiflVaeoctatlon. Th meet
in amm thla Wfternooo with th In
spectors' match. Xh,h W)H otloa
bv the Be bar y and Bpeneer matches.
Th tournament program eovers ten
nays snd includes the Columbia trophy
iHiok too and 600 yards, a aafblne
team match, the Wimbledon Cup match,
company and regimental teem matches,
the Drvden trophy match and' Individual
bull's-eye shooting: On Monday next the
feature of the day's program will
the badet team match between Annapolis
and West Point. ,THe Various contest -ants
havs made soma splendid soorsa In
their practice work and before th tour
nament I ended It ts expecua soma now
score will be established. ,
IJaeraal SparaU Berrtee.)
- Philadelphia. Sept 1. TBaakl Netl.
the clevor little Cslifomlan, who h I he
champion bantam weight of ths world,
fought a all-round draw with Tommy
Murphy of New Tork, befor th Na
tional Athletic club. Neil bad th better
of th ooTitesft-
Bl4 try .
J. A. HOftVAN .
. fVWMp
idtvim a
(Journal Special Barvtoe.) ,
San Francisco. Sept. L It would be a
very tempting; pugilistic proposition that
would turn Jim Jeffries' thoughts from
thlnga theatrical just now, says W. W.
Naughtoih th ttxamlner's sporting au
thority. Jim tells that he ought to do
something towards elevating the stag
tn this far west country. Hs has had
numerous offers of dates sine he mads
known hla ambition to star In Frank
Maya'a version of "Davy Craehttt,"
it la practically settled that the big
champion will -go on tor very shortly
under the direction of Sam Mott.
Meanwhile Jack O'Brien of Philadel
phia la out with a challenge to- ths
They'll have to see Delansy. said
Jeffries. "He attends to the ' match
making. I want to asy ' right now.
though, that I'd hate to be drawn Into
another such an exhibition as that of the
other night. They tell me thst Biulm
mons got away with O'Brien In the six
rounds chey had In Philadelphia, and
surely If O'Brien couldn't take cars of
Fltsslmmons he ean hardly expect to be
regarded as. a suitable match for m.
But, as I said, any on who wants of'
llctal Information mut get In touch
with Delaney. He kjiowa bow I feel
about, these matters snd what will suit
me- As for ahs Munros affair, now that
It baa panned out so poorly from a
sporting standpoint X can only say that
I was guided by public opinion in nuk
ing, the match.
"When I sr rived In New Tork Munros
and Sharkey were about to fight In
Philadelphia. I had a go with Sharkey
under oonekfe ration at that time, and I
might say that I looked upon It aa set
tled. The porting writers said that tt
would be only fair for me to mast the
winner of th MunrosBharkey fight.
and I said I was perfectly willing toj
abide by en- arrangement of that kind.
When Munroe defeated Sharkey the pa
pers took the matter up again Immed
iately and I read everywhere that the
public" demanded a match between Mun
roe and myself. I broke up my tour on
the- road and dam Bacfc her to" train
right away."
When Informed that Philadelphia
Jack O'Brien has expressed hi willing
ness to be matched agslnst Jeffries.
Billy Delansy, trainer of th champion.
"Of course, I cannot aay much About
she matter, as I know nothing more
arxHit tt than what has been told me.
O'Brien at present baa Corbett on hla
hands. If he gets through with him all
right and ehows that ho ts slnosre, why
we'll take him on. Of oourss, w won't
Lstand for any six or ten-round go. And
another thing. ws won't go east to fight
him. If he wants to come to California.
where th -sport hae polio protection.
well and good. We would not propose
to posses forfeit and then, with the east
ern Suldlt snd press against us, have
nothing but trouble for our pains. . To
be sure, O'Brien la pretty small, but that
won't make any difference to us If the
rest of the matter la satisfactory. Be
yond thla I cannot Venture' to discuss
She matter until I know definitely what
tb Jfs-ls-Ut O Brten has made.
(Jeoreal Special Bervteej
Bt. Louis Fslr Grounds. Sept. 1. The
Americana continue to hold their own at
the Olympian games here. Roe of
Chfcfrgo- brbkCThe World's record for the
14-pound shot put hurling a distance of
43 feet 7 inches. The day's sjowmaryr"
Lifting' bar bell Pertkl Kakousls.
Athens. Greece, first, ltd pounds; Otto
C. Osthoff. m. A. C. Milwaukee, second,
134 pounds (withdrew.)
Following the bar bell event, Penikles
Kskousls, Athens, Greece, attempted to
break th Olympic record of 146 pounds
II ounces, made st the Athena Olympla-r
In 144 by V. Jenaen. Copenhagen Ath
letic club, KakouBla smashed ths rec
ord by lifting 344 pound.
One hundred yard handicap event
C. Hastedt, Bt. Louis (four yards), first;
CharJes H. Turner, triple A. St. Louis
(two1 yarda), second. Time. 10 l-S.
Standing high Jump Ray C. Bwey,
New Tork Athletic club, first, four feet,
11 Inches; Joseph f. Straddler. Cleve
land. O., second, four feet 10 inches.
Running high Jump, handicap E. J.
Barker, Creeco, Iowa (4M Inchea), first,
6 foot 11 Inchea; L. Ooncsky. Budspest.
Hururary (I Inch), second, 6 feet 11
Inches; heights are actual Jumps.
Pole vault, handicap Leroy Samse,
Indiana university, scratch, first 11 feet
t inches;. Walter R. Dray, Oxford school,
Blootnlngton, Ind. (1 Inch), second, 11
109-anatr run Archie Hahn. M. A. C.
Milwaukee, first; W. J. Csrtwell. Lou le
vin. Xy., second. Time. 21 S-l. which
breaks tb Olympic record of 22 1-6.
Catcher Frank BOwerman, th most
notorious rowdy that ever won a New
Tork or any other uniform, again hutted
into trouble yesterday by striking a
apectAtor at th gams In Cincinnati.
Rowerman was srrested, but the matter
waa squared up and he was allowed to
depart with hie team-mate. This aame
playerwss the direct csuse of the mob
bing of Umpire Moran at Cincinnati two
years ago, Moran had given a decision
against New Tork and Bowerman's butl
doalng tactjea thereafter so rattled th
umpire that he gave s palpably raw de
eleion In favor of New Tork, which
practical I ly robbed th. Beda of the
gams, and so Incensed th crowd that
they snobbed him, and It was only with
great difficulty thst ths police were
able to reecue ths unfortunate official.
Ovf . Overall. It 1 reported, will be
drafted by th Cincinnati club. Some
two weak ago Louis Castro of .th local
club rocslved a wire from Manager
Kelly cf th Reds, asking his (Castro 8)
opinio of Overall'a ability. Castro shm
resolved A wire from W- B. Armour f
th Clwvelend club, rsqueetlng bis opin
ion rsrrdlng Charlie Graham, th creak
catches of th Taoosaa stub. Castro re-pited-
awssmndin botty puyrs htalWj.
atom. mna Mfar know dey haf a oon
gcienoaitlU dr doetoc ssys dar vas no
. i tr iv BBawaaw-BBfBB 'jr
I I I I ' ! ' ' I
" 'niAtaMornnu. 1 '
Sine tb operetta. A Night In fur
key," waa first produced at tnr Bijou
hurt Monday, hundreds mt psopl who
never before ea tared tM thaatrs have
been pleased vial tors. There la so much
that Is new and novel In th skit that It
has just cause for popularity. Ths pony
ballt assists Sinn' BroadwaJ' bur
lesquers ta their work. . V.
T The Wiedemann stock eompany ts tb
magnet which la drawl eg th people to
the Emplr theatre, where "Th Inside
Track" haa proven Itself to be a very
popular play. This meioarama com Dines
all those qualities that the theatre-
going public requires, and as presented
by the company ts an attraction which
cannot be surpassed. Each lady at
tending the Saturday matinee will be
pre anted with A handsom bouquet of
Commencing with th Sunday matins.
ths famoua comedy-drama of th south
before tb war, "Th Octoroon," will be
the bill which th Wiedemann stock
company will submit aa a second bid
for th patronage of the Portland pub
lic at tb Empire. Thla great play will
be given a grand, revival. Special seen
ery of lavish character . haa been ee-
cured for It '
Tomorrow night at the Lyric 116 will
be distributed among the vialtors. Soma
on at each performance will get 16
DeCoe, th men who doe a great bal
ancing act Is easily th top-liner this
week. Katharine Dyer.- a dainty little
Mlaa, sings and dances steely. The bal
ance) of th bUl I up to th standard.
or mm km vbab) a
Only three days mors ntur the frew
Columbia theatre opens for th first
performance of the fall season. Ths
play In which the Columbia. Stock com
pany will make It Initial bow to the
theatre-goer of Portland is K. H.
So t hern great .comedy suoosss, "Cap
tain Lettarblalr." It deals. In brilliant
fashion, with ths military smart set In
England. Ths sals of seat oontlau
to be exceedingly active.
Tomorrow night at the Arcade thea
tre there will be, la addition to tb full
regular bilk a number of turns pre
vented lur ambitious smateura. Th
managwment has secured for this occa
sion a number of entertaining acta of
whoss merit th audience must judge.
Ths regular bill this week is fully npf
to tha Arcade standard.
Thera la printed In Ths Journal today
a coupon which will entitle the bearer
to 4 cents on a ticket to either of the
matins performance at the Star thee-'
tr tosanrrow afternoosv ,Th bill at
th Star theatre this week-has a num
ber of feature acta of which th turn
presented by the Bends Is perhaps ths
most nowet. Th performer sr clever
songsters, yodelera and oomedlans. , .
"Cleopatra," at th Baker this we.
Is proving a decided success. Tb at
tendance Is large each night Th
Bcenio equipment and ooeturalng la
equal to that given of th drama by
th lat Fanny Davenport This I th
first time that "Cleopatra- has been
presented tn th Pacific northwest si
Baker price. Ttisr wlU be Saturday
matinee, as usual... L
"La Tbsca" will be th second Sardou
drama which Melbourne MaoDowell will
present during bis engagetnent at th
Baker thaatr. Th first performance
of this tragedy will ba at th matinee
Sundsy. Th play will b staged with ear and attsntlon which bss
marked the production- of -x:iopatra
this-week. Mr. MaoDowell wlU appear
in bis great role or L isaron soarpiav
-A Mexican Romance" will be seen
for the first time 1b Portland tonight a
Cord rays theatre. Thla thrilling 00m-edy-drama
will b presented by Jams
Keane and his company. Thl organisa
tion has made a very favorable taiprea
slon on th theatre-goare of this crty.
snd' the Cord ray manaswmewt haa ln
duced Mr: Keans to extend hla stay trere
for on more week. "A Mtxkei Ro
manes" will Sfteat Ah week.
Porttand-s T. M. C. A. btbl class ts
lsrger than thst of any other coast city.
There ere only seven dtles In the coun
try whoss bibw class registrations ar
larger than tt
According to tha International year
hook just Issued by the T. M. C A. of
North America th registration la ths
bible classes of the coast cities ta given
for Portland as 334. san Francisco 64.
Ixm Angeles tt and Seattle 197. Portland
.aa 643 different student m ths educa
tional class and there are 414 boy mem
bers In the association. There Is a total
membership of 1.431.
Ths total membership of ths Portland
aasodstlon Is greater than that of aay
coast city except Ban Francisco. Seattle
bss 1,287, Los Angeles 1.223 and San
Francisco 1,886, compared with Portland
1,431. Ths local association has more boy
members than any city on .the- coast
Seattle has 310 boys who are mem here of
tbe T. M. O. -W Los Angeles tt. Ban
Francisco 334, while Portland baa 414.
(Joeraal Sparta! fierrie.) ,
Spokane, Wash., Bdpt l It si undwr
atood that Wllmot will not be granted
a franchise In th P. N. U next year
aa manager of a league team.
Butt is now talking of totting- ut
Runkl and Schaffer, If they cannot aell
them- Elsey has been taken back by
Wllmot, snd is playing on tbe tnlttal
bag. whlls Schaffer la In th right
garden. It sppears that Wllmot labors
under the belief that he la doometl In
Butt aext season, and may not do much
for th Other team IB tha league.
' . -
fjwarwal saawaal Berrtee.V
New Tor. Sept 1. The eveart of tke
woek tn th thestrtcal werld le th open
ing of Edna May's engagernent at Daly's
thaatr tonight Th reappearance of
the popular actrSa on th American
stag aftat an sbeenre of three years
abroad la awaited with not a little
interest by play-goer a of the metropolis.
She will be ra in a nawaiosl eomedy
aired The Snboolgirt,' en mt the Lon-
of test
The ' a' - Ph. o h
Oregon 1
pany, th
of Ores
aa frebk
Strsttt. . .
Sir Francis Drcke
$10.00 CompIeU
Life Reiings tor
This Week Only
- V
'i-.'l -?t
' Aa bone
b fan judge.
BitraerdhHrf eiarrroyaot
with hla awprtsr hnowWd f oeeH tore.
.enablee blsa ts read snauui BM wtta eserr-
lug aeraraar rrotn rnrawf aa oiei a.-
power are wonderful and loo1apotabl bke
adrtre reliable: aw brnrxeirlon elar, oa
da and t tb poUt la Love, nrmetsblp. Maf
lb poUt la Loea. nrmetsblp. Maf-
rlase, LMvoroc.
tVnabm. Ineaatnteots, BpBeoIatlnna, Prupertr.
Inanrane. Murtgasea, Olf aad kUaisg CkUSBS,
Usees, eta., U.
Wtrbowt Aatra a Quette. "
Wftbaet say prertoas bBewld. sad bartag
a astnral saan ef kaewtsg are,
whanea r what you ram, ba tell Foe
Bam, Sge.k orenpattoe, where y Vrw. Me
telki yea af friend and eaasu. wbe bttrn
and Wbe la faJee; telle yoe wbssa and Wbe
?em will Bwuw-r, airlag sataas, datea, facta,
and kwBtbna. taking no Te la advance, aad
ecetptlag saaa aalrea aatlaiaetto Is giesa, .
1 ' ' - ' ' E Ferfett.
' I effl forfait BBuu where I rait te tsaeB tea
bow ts faeeteate anyoa res dawtre, bow ts
aiahe roar Bite year frlena. eaaaa a
BueedF auuiaca with tha ee of year ebolea.
sir yea fnod keck aad suk yea aneeaaafml
in rear buain. rasiove evil nifleawca. re-
unit the Mparated. ir 7
locate th earth's, borled trea
m MdtM that tinea haa dm
hickjr Bsibra.
aarae. Battle tas
aatatoB that tln ha paaced beyond the
Uwyer'B iiaru esnaaa, ana yoeiiiTvir bbbpibis
jpex tostaaes, ,. . , -; ,
He hae been tor yeara a raetdeat ef Kew
Tork nty. Sir Franrta Drab la the erlgtaal
who aredlrted ta Cbleage fir sad th grat
Oalnatoa fleed eeverat aMmtaa bafcea tber
bappeoMl; be predlcUd tbe Orrgea flood, and
amorlcat PrealdBt MrKlaleya papr was
fr.and a letter predicting bis aaaaaetaartlo.
Tboae readlBs ef tb trasedy saay save sesa alse
aa-sceaeal ad -Mia ' ( . . -
wantber. " Fnaaaentlr Ineabtd,
A . .t t p. St., Bwsdays
JiYdl -
if; . .
WwhriHto Ste'tStS'
Dr. W Norton DavU.
W treat wen a fairy aO srtvsta sereeaa sad
ehronls dlaaaaea of at a, also bleed, atoaaach.
heart. H. kldaa and throat trovbssa.. "
esra TPHIU.1S
LLlB (wltsoet MreBtj) te at ay
, la BO t S3 day a. We raawve
wltbeet esatsttan st bbJb. la U
eared forevar.
ate dralas. ths result f aeV shwjs.
haaielitly. W ess few or Che eai tr
at aar mm eaaer 40 by bmsss f Isaal tnau
at aay bh eadar 40 by
awe aaeaaat s satsBresB, ....
We Cart GorTboa In a Week
Tb dbeaara ef mis tsatltat sr aB rvsaasr
graduatea, bar had away yaara aaMtience,
ba t bees Vnowa la PoHla4 forjB ye.
have s repatatloa to SMlntatt, asd wW aadar
take a aw aalesa eertaia sure eaa ba 4
tected. . -. ..
We sear ate te ears hi every ease w aaa
take er chare B fee. OoMoltatkm free. It
trra eaafldenHaL Inabrartlra BOOK FOB MSB
snaUad fra fat etala wrapper.
If roe eaaset rail st fnee.
ties Mask. BeeM trastsnat
04 hear t te t. aad t ta
... . eotteaya, 3B 1B
VM ebadbuj saaelatbrla
. Batsbllabsd
Di'.W. Norton Davis & Co,
Ys Bsf mam, w.
Tbt OrsBt ChlnBtw Dsctor " .'
'., J ealtod groat be
caus his woatdsTful
cure Ar so well
' known thraushout
th Ualted States,
and because so many
peaol are thankful
to him for saving
their live tram
' Be treats any and
all diseases, with
erhs. toots, buds,
barks and vegetables
that are entirely
aciene la this couo-
known to m
nse Of tnee ainrw
vouaneas. atomach. H- Si'iTlL-ir
mate trrruMs awl alt prtvat
u.Mii, f trfHmiaia
moderate- Call and ese hltey
on s tridf ATtosT rmMM.
wetlertta out of the iy .-"w rr
blank and circular. aWttaos
""ttl Afder sir. Per'
tlon thla pap-r.
a r
t- v-
trv M Ihrnuik tM
lea. remedies, 'This """trn U
the action of vr 00 Anmrntrrnaim