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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1904)
II" I THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 31, 1904, " t 1 1 i in . i i i SOLE OREGON AGENTS FOR THE WORLD-FAMOUS BONNE ET CIE'S SILKS THE DIFFERENT STORE " it" , ,. September "DESIGNER"" Now Ready Pattern Counter Annex First Floor, 10c, or 80c Year. NEWEST AND LARGEST STOCK OF CAR PETS IN OREGON. . , i, FiftH and Washington Streets HOME OF THE "QUICK MEAL" COOKING RANGES. SEPTEMBER'S SUPERB SHOWINGS AND SPECIAL SALES OF SEASONABLE SELECTIONS START TOMORROW! KTSAOBSZVJUftT Continuing THE Shoe Clearance VALUE IJf rOOTWEAB IJT AUTTnOT'B OFEMTNO BALES-TIBBT FlOOl. Woman' shoes for dress or sfreet wear. Men's Shoes for every occasion for the street, the office or evening dress functions. Misses' and Children's Shoes of every good sort, and .Boys' good, sturdy, well - made, good - fitting, splendid-looking Shoes for school wear. Shoes for the children of both sexes who are going back to school to study hard (maybe), but, anyhow, who PLAT hard and should have GOOD shoes that are cheaper In the Ions run than "cheap (T) shoes. SHOES FOR ALL THE FAMILY At phenomenally great bargains to lower the stocks to a else that will dove tail into the space we have Tor tnem to occupy during ine tearing out or me shelving and forced alterations at hand before moving to the new shoe store In the Sixth-Street Annex, which wt hope to occupy for the fall season. The fractional prices tell the bargaln-4itory best. SPECIAL SHOE FKICES FOB BALANCE OP WftHl Women's Dressy New Shoes In fall style lasts, patent kid. viol kid, vslour calf and patent leathsr, plain Balmoral or Blucher cut, patent or stock toe tips, military, Cuban or wanting heels, very smooth, new and stylish, some wits-matt top, others plain viol kid. newest and choicest E - (i styles from the 1S.S0 and 14.00 lines; special for this week at. . . .(JOV Women's 12.60 Bouse Jullsttaa. vicl kid stock, broad, comfortable shapes. plain, with broad hear and medium round toe; special go this wsek pleOT Women's handsome styles in $5.00 and ft.OO Press and Strest Shoes, patent or FTsncn Kia or patent learner stoca. paieni loainer or sioca ioe lips, iouis or 14 -inch military heels, full round or medium toes, dull C q or matted tops; special for weak POeifts' Women's New Party Slippers, one or three strap style, vamps beaded or plain, Louis heals, very smart new styles!,, regular is.oo values; t f ORE special this week & i pi0 Women's New Dress Shoes in patent or plain kid vamps, dull or matted tops, very latest styles, with medium round toes, plain or tipped, military heels, hand-sawed and of finest workmanship throughout, the product of a lead ing eastern manufacturer, best f 5. 00 values; special for eS -a : T the week 50n3 J Women's New t.t.00 Street Shoes, vicl kid stock, patent leather toe tips, full round toes and military heels; special for B) wmm the weak aft.0 Women's 14.00 Dress or Street Shoes, new arrivals just In. finest vicl kid stock. matt kid tops, medium round toes, military or Cuban heels, flexible, easy, tread, hand-turned soles, vary swell styles; special for B T the week I "B ! Women's House Slippers, soft kid stock, comfortable foot -shape lasts, -k s medium heals, one strap or plain: special this weak . v. -. . - s sj Misses' Box Calf or vicl Kid Street Shoes, in laca styles, sole light or heavy. full round .toes, very stylish and durable- Regular tl values, slses 11 to I; special 91.35 Regular 11.76 values, slses H to 11; special $1.15 Men's Oxfords, In tan or black stock, neat stylish foot-shape lasts. Blucher or straight lace styles, very fashlonabie lasts and handsomely "" TO finished, regular 11.60 values; special .Ja) J Men's handsome, fashionable Street Shoes. Oxfords or boots, regular $3.60 and 4 values, Russia calf, willow calf leathers, a vary swell D A line; special to close )UO Boys' Dress or School Shoes, very durable for general wear, valour or box calf or vlct kid stock, six effective styles in tne cnoostng, ugnt, medium or heavy oak tan, solid leather soles Regular 11.75 values, slses 11 to It; special ..... SI. lO Regular ft.OO values, slses W to t; special SI. 29 Regular 12.60 values, slses 24 to 6H; special $1.55 The Great Special Sale of Dinner Sets and Continues Until Saturday Night FLOom. .ssm il,flBllBBTwrBi1'!' English Semi-Porcelain, decorated, neat green scroll border and small fas- toon of roses, gold traced bow in mn or separate Atecea. 60-plece sets, value 16.10; special. $4.15 to-pleoe sets, varus $.0; special 85.55 100-plece sets, value IM tO; special $8.25 llS-pleo sets, value $11.0; special - $9.95 A Monster Sale of Housefurnishings SfMW OHAPIBO DISXSB Alcohol, gas and electric heaters, every Chafing Dish reduced t-plnt stse, black wrought-iron frame, hot-water pan, dish and cover nickel, welK-flntsUed. value $1.75; special $2.5 Full nickel stand and dish, value t4.00; special $2.89 t.i COT OLA8B Reductions on all Cot Glass, new fall Unas all Cttt Olaa reduced 7 Inch Bowls, value f.00; special $4.49 1-Inch Bowls, value M.76; special $5.86 B7BCIAL DINBTEB, SETS Value $17.86; special $11.00 Value 112 60; spaclaj $14.95 All Jardinieres reduced, mottled or sl'd -Inch, value 10c; special 7-Inch, value 40c; special QUICK-BAKE BTEEL COOK If -Inch oven, $27.50; special. 20-Inch oven, $f 0.M;speclal . GKABTCTE IBOB TEA Kl No. t, value Itc; special HW ITALIA K V ABBS In raised flowers, from . . . . inr $54 $$$.40 $25.90 594 354 TO $1$.00 BAOM The Greater Olds, Wortman & King Stores Are in Sight The end is near, and patient waiting will be rewarded. The new Sixth-street building assumes store form, revealing sufficient in architectural lines and interior finish to indicate the aims of its founders was to build the BEST that mortal rhind could conceive and hand execute. To as semble the solidest and choicest rather than the cheapest. Not so much to byld the biggest in which to store away discards and left-overs from stocks of former generations, but to .place quality before quantity exclusiveness before extensiveness to build a clearing-house for bright, right, smart merchandise to pass through quickly as water adown the mountain brook. And we've built thoroughly and well on the founder's ideas. In the interim between this and occupa tion timfethe rearrangement offerings will still further favor the buyer. In many instances 'twill be a case of reducing figures already reduced. No price will be too low to meet the exigencies of the occasion where stocks must be moved; 'twill be but a matter of SELLING if PRICE will accomplish it. 'Tis the easier, better way of moving goods the new kind of storekeepinfc that people expect of this "NEW KIND OF A STORE." Continuance for the Balance of the Week of the Phenomenal Success , . i :' .m,..:. .... ,., g s w t , 1, 'SLA i iiwispiwii 1 1 ' l nlHrn i iii ill's1! ' II muuaier vXaac ui iTAttiiumciui ci a oiua mi New Fall Silks K"1 At Price Other Store Ask 4fcA.IL a.A .A ws wasvis wa AND THIS IS TO BE THE GREATEST YEAR FOR SILKS EVER KNOWN IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD! NEW NOVELTY SILKS FOR SMART NEW CTTTTC T7 t. 1 l ..I. Tl !.. l.";j anu oaiurudy wc cuuuiiuc mc iituiisicr aaic ui a manufacturer's entire stock, bought by us at a hior disf mint- roitlar RSr vnliiM iipw nnvpltv sua, in iifdi aciipcs, iiirina dim uuuicuc uiciis, all colors in the assortment. Special for three more days only, yard ff)t Regular $1.00 values. Special, yard 69 Regular $ 1 .2.5 values. Special, yard ...... 1 .. . 79t New Crepe de Chines, 24 inches wide, all pure silk, ' $ 1 .a .' an colors ana wnue, ivory, cream ana niacK ; $ regular $1.00 quality. Special at, yard 69 We are SOLE OREGON AGENTS for Bonnet's T 1 . ITM1 7 , CiaCK M1KS. I IrTsssi B ImjB it 9 wm$TMiw I BLAAVBST TLHI H I ABTLV-tlOSrBXT s m Knitwear 2 Grand Specials Hosiery 111 UNMBWfAJ? Women's. 'Tis really pos sible to pay only a few pennies and get splendid values among the endments of the season's selling in these aisles. Here's nints of the prices of which you'll find plenty. Women's me dium weight, Richelieu rib bed Cotton Vests, with long sleeves ; regular 85c values Special Thursday at..l74 Women's Black Cotton Hosiery, in a good weight, with high spliced heels and double white soles. Best 40c values-r-Special, Thurs day only at, pair 25 NEW LINES FALL AND WINTER KNIT UNDER WEAR FOR WOMEN, MISSES AND CHIL DREN, ALSO NEW HOS IERY LINES ARE HERE AT "PARADE REST" READY FOR INSPEC TION AND CHOOSING. The New Fall Line of Japanese Crepes Domestic Aisle First Floor Are in just arrived. Beau tiful patterns in floral and figured designs and stripes; also plain colors. Order by Mail Z$$BBsBBBM$aVBBBH$J$aHH f g JjM &? If you can't come to the store, order by mail or phone. Your orders will be filled carefully, promptly, by trained, skilled shoppers. This is the oldest and lead ing mail-order house on the Coast. Timely Bargains for Men -IN THE Haberdasherie FIRST FLOOR. Men's new Fall weight Under shirts and Drawers, the best dollar grade of natural gray merinos; special at 85 Men's best 26c Cashmere Socks for fall wear, in blacks, natural with black tops and foot or full natural gray ; special..l9f Men's handsome Neckwear, best dollar grades, beautiful silks, very swell patterns in the new French fold 4-in-hands, EnUish squares or im perials; special Monday and Tuesday at just 4 price, via J, ... .'. 60 Men's new Fall Shirts in golf styles, leading makes, all new patterns, a smart showing $1.00 values; special for. .85 $1.50 values; special for $1.25 The Style That Won't Come Off Clings to Portland's Largest. Foremost Cloak, Suit and Costume Shop On Second Floor. Autumn's authoritative fashions are here. We've no time or news paper space to waste in counting the express packages the hosts of new Suits and Wraps come in, and telling of it. What do Port land women care, so long as the new garments are here for their choosing? Those are matters that only interest the expressman. It's the women folk we interest ; hence the rapid growth of our splendid Apparel Store the largest and finest in the Northwest, both from points of convenience in shopping and replete new stocks from au thoritative makers and designers of fashions that are correct as ex emplified in the making of wom en's garments. Walking Costumes are prominent among our advance displays ; new grace, new outlines and .effects more daintily feminine than ever characterize them. The skirts are in the "all-round" ef fects that just skim the ground in front and a trifle longer in the back. Stately new "Directoire" and Louis XIV and XV types are here. Long, wide vests of cloth, velvet or 1 suede, adorned with beautiful novelty buttons. Lapels, revers, cuffs and collars embellished with rare bits of embroidery, frills and jabots of lace displace the severity of the plainer tai lored styles. Skirts are much fuller. Novelty mixtures are much in evidence in materials. And thus we might go on and fill a book of ten thousand pages in attempting to describe the beauty of the new autumn dresses for women's and misses' wear and vet leave the better half of the story untold. The only way' is to come and revel in the grand, boundless displays so lavishly spread out here in the great Second-Floor Salons of Dress. An immense line of Street Coats, Rain Coats, Evening and Carriage Wraps has tust been opened ready for expose to morrow. Some things said yesterday are worth repeating today and tomorrow. Carpets. Curtains, Comfort ers, Draperies, Rugs a FOURTH FLOOR Handsome designs, splendid qual- a.: -a. . Hies, at extremely row prices. The responsibility of a purchase of one of the above items in the household expenditures is quite a serious one, and should be shared by the store with whom you deal. We assume all responsibility here as to quality, comparative values and prices. Your responsibility rests alone upon your selection of patterns, colors, etc. As all of the goods carried by us in above lines are absolutely confined to ik tfht rmtilrl hf Mtv W' 9lr your attention to the new lines of CARPET RUGS In sizes 6x9 feet, RxlOvS feet and 9x12 feet, in Wiltons, Ax- minsters. Bodv Brussels. Tapestries and Oriental Effects. The largest assortment ever brought to the Coast by any house. NEW BED COMFORTS. Genuine downaline-filled, soft and fluffy, but "warm as toast," extra large size, silkollne-covered .$2.50 TO $3.75 TWO LACE CURTAIN BAROAINS TOMORROW. Fourth Floor Elevator, We place on sale tomorrow in Curtain Section, Fourth Floor, 850 pairs of Handsome Lace Curtains in Brussels Effect, regular $2.50 values, at fl.65 Also 200 pairs of very beautiful Lace Curtains in Brussels Effect and Cable Nets, regular $4 value; special at... . 92.35 FALLOWS, COUCH COVERS, BLANKETS, MATTINOS AND RUGS UN DERI RICE D. Nice, Soft and Downy Pillows, selected feathers, rAalf feathers, half down, covers of all-linen ticking, best $7.00 values; spe-i cial tomorrow at, pair $4.75 $6.00 TAPESTRY COUCH COVERS f 3.85. Very Handsome Oriental Designs. . $7.60 BLANKETS $5.95. All wool, ourest of selected fleece wool, full size, first qualit best $7.60 values ; special tomorrow 86c MATTING 21 YARD. Fine Linen-Warp Matting. $1.76 JAPANESE RUGS f 1.35. These cial : handsome Rugs, in size itfxb feet, best $1.75 values ; spe to morrow $1.35 i