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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL', PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 31, 1904, MEETING OF NEGROES WHO MAKE THEIR WAY (Jen rati Special tartar.) -' Indianapolis. Aur II. The National Negro Business league began lte fifth annual session In this city today with the largest attendant In Its history At the opening of the convention this morning Tomllnson halt was rilled with members of the league from all parts of the country, representing among them the wealth, Industry and Intellect of the negro race In America. It was strictly a gathering of business men who be lieve that the elevation of their race I to come through hard work along Indus trial lines rather than through political channels or higher education. The meeting opened with addresses of welcome by (lover nor Durbln, Mayor Holtsman and John W. Kern, the latter representing the Commercial club of In dianapolis. The response was by Book er T. Washington, president of tile Tui kegee Normal and Industrial Institute and founder and president of the league. 8 VISIT TO BWOI.AWD. (Journal Special Service.) London, Aug. 31. Official announce ment Is made that Emperor William will visit England about the end of October or the beginning of November. His majesty will proceed to Windsor, where he will take part In some days' shooting. It la highly probable that the emperor will proceed afterward to Lowther cas tle on a visit to the Earl of Lonsdale. A bU.HHlnK alike to young and old; Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw berry. Nature's specific for dysentery, diarrhoea and summer complaint. EXCHANGE PROPERTIES WB CAN TRADE: 158-AOXB Improved stock farm, near Lyle, Wash., with 3( head cattle, 1 horses, buggy, surrey, wagon; all farming Implements, for Portland property $4,000. 400-ACMH fine dairy farm on Columbia river; boat landing and R. R. switch on farm; 40 cows, 30 young cattle, team, wagon. Implements; trade Into Income town property. n HOTJBB In Portland, now rented for $45 per month; trade Into a farm. CHOIOS lots on Mt Tabor, worth $1,000; trade for home In Brooklyn Heights or near, and pay cash difference. STOCK of general merchandise In good valley town; trade for stock farm In Eastern Oregon or Washington or Southern Oregon "$6,500. 15 A era 118 apple and berry farm. 1 mile from town of Hood River; tratsolfor a home In Portland IMoV S ACBBS Improved, nice house, at Clackamas, for home In Portland. 78 ACRES Kins land, house, barn, or chard; 20 acres cultivated; fine spring water, at Clackamas station; trade for Portland property. 5 ACZSS Improved, fine house, barn, etc., at Lents; trade for home lit Portland. 160 ACMBS Near Buxton. Washington county. Or.; small Improvements; for house or lots In Portland $1,200. t-BOOH new cottage in suburbs, for land $900. B-mOOM cottage In North Portland; trade Into a farm neer Portland $1,500. VOn SAWMXLL plant; trade for a farm. TO A CMS All good land; SO acres cultivated; good, large house; good orchard; fine location Jn Rood River valley; trade for good Port land property SK,000. IT OOTTAOE Ground 160x160 feet. on Ankeny car line; trade for land fl.ZOO. 153-ACBB farm. IS miles from Port land; trade for stock of goods, hard ware preferred $6,000. CTTCOm property In good valley town; trad for a farm SlO.OOOft GOOD IOMI In Hood River, for land Ti,of. 8-BOOaf cottage, good barn. 6 full lots adjoining. In fruit, west of Eaat SOth st; trade for a farm. -BOOT house. 100x100, on St. Johns car line; trade for a farm $1,850. 360 AOKBB All good, level land; no white soli; in good location In Linn county. Or.; can plow nearly all now; SO acres farmed, balance In gesture; running water"; house", am, etc.; will take a good home in Portland ' as part pay. Price $27.50 per acre. US A.CBUBS Improved farm; 10 miles west of Portland; stock, imple ments, hay, etc; trade for town property $9,000. 160 ACBBS In Morrow county; all rrood grain land; trade Into a home n Portland $1,600. )l,ooo STOCK in a good lumber com pany; trade for a small house In Portland or a grocery business. tMO ACBVBS All fine land; running wa ter; fine stock range, Klamath county; trade for a valley farm. Price $12 per acre. 800-ACME farm, near Newberg, Or.; , trade for a stock farm; prefer on the coast or eastern Oregon or Washington $9,000. SjOT In Lower Alblna; trade for a home close In on Bast Side or West Side and pay cash difference. 80 AOBIt good timber neer Reedvllle, Or. ; ajbod wood proposition ; all good land: trade into a home or lota In Portland. 89 ACatBS fine land; SO acres in or- chard; all In prime condition; near ' Oakland, Or.; will trade Into Chi cago or other good city property near $4,600. 10 ACMES All Improved; miles out; for Portland property. merchandise business, for farm $3,000. 1,700-ACntB stock farm In Willamette I valley ; trade for town nroperty or a smaller farm $10 per acre. We have some good bargains In farms And city property for cash. Above are only a few of, the many Mood- things we have for trade, now what have you to offer? Henkle & Baker IT Ablngton Bldg , Portland. Or. $2300 S, 6-room house, on Montavllla ear line. $2,250 StS lOUt, convenient to Mount Scott car line. $2,750 ! ACBCm, partly Improved. Wo have other rood buys In convenient to olty. Davidson, Ward & Co. 408 Chamber of Commerce. 3-D0011 ran mm For Sal at Woodmrra Terms to suit. Choloe lota In Laurelwood. $3 per month. Take Mt. Scott car. First and Al der. GEORGE W. BROWN M Failing Blag. Peas Mala UM. CLAIRVOYANT The Greatest Living Dead Trance Medium. BUDAH BERNIQUE Born With a Double Veil Educated in Occult Science in Egypt and India Recommended by Probate Judge August 20, 104. I cheerfully rec ommend Miss Bernlque as a gifted psychic. She predicted my election and located Important documents that had been lost three years. R. L CRANE, Judge of Probate. Saginaw. Mich. The Veiled Prophetess I TELL, YOUR NAME " $10.00 Complete $1 Life Readings for This Week Only 291 Morrison St., Corner Fifth It mar be nf vital Interest to roe to know tbe outcome of your present distress. The happlneaa of your future Ufa may de pend on tb rlsbt solution and proper ad vice. There are no mlatakaa In the predictions made by this great and wonderful Psychic. 1 c max "lab to Know u it la advisable to mak a change In buetneea. In love, la marriage. snail I auereed In my new undertaking? 'Can I obtain my hopee. my wishes, my am bitions T" Shall I ever enjoy the luiurtee of wealth r "Can I treat my frieoda?" "HaTe 1 enemies?" -"When .hall I marry?" "How often ahall I marry T" Shall 1 erer be dlroreedT" "Does another aharu the lore that rlahtfullr belongs to me?" "If so, whom? ' "Am 1 loved In return?" "la there a rival In my lore?" "When ahall my love affair terminate In marriage?" "When ahall my uomeatic trouniee and?' "How can I make my life and home happy?" "When .ball my absent friend return?" "Why do I not receive a letter?" Hnura 10 a. m to A p. m.. dally and Sunday. Permanently located. 291 i Morrison St, Corner Fifth Bama rioor ef Boa tea Dental College. You Can Get a Home for $17.50 by Coming to Us 817.80 Cash, no Installment, no inter est, "4 acre home paid for, Root's Addition: new electric car Una Immediate prospect. $ 88 Bach, a few desirable lota in Peninsular. 9 180 Each, very beautiful lots In Oak Park Addition, convenient to manufacturing district on elec tric car line. St. Johns; $10 down, $5 monthly Installments. $ 600 Real nice t - acre place, small house; 200 bearing fruit trees; 2 miles Oak Orove. 8Vk miles out. 9 878-A lot worth $1,200, on E. 'a 10 th atreet; streets lmnroved, cement walka, sewer connections; a genuine map. 9 880 Beautiful 6 -acre place; excellent springs of living water; 2 lovely little groves; charming home; blocks electric cars. Oak Orove. 91180 Magnificent new (-room cottage, 100x1 21 feet of ground; 2 blocxs electric cars; convenient to man ufacturing district, St. Johns. 9 18 SO Elegant 6-room cottage,' full lot; beautiful West Side home; front ing on electric car line. 81780 Magnificent home In Woodlawn: rooms, modern conveniences, cement walks; choice variety of fruit and shrubbery; S large lota, 1 blocks electric cars. Magnificent t-room residence. beautiful lot, K. 12th, near Burn side. DON'T rOSOET. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY M8V. BARGAINS A new, modern -room house. Bast tSth and Ollaan streets 92.200 A new 6-room house, Eaat $lst and Pine streets fl,600 t-room two-story house, Eaat 17th fl,600 6-room modern house, Sunny side 91 eoo 4 -room modern cottage, East 12th, near Burnslde u Bl.HOO B-room cottage, Eatt 17th, corner lot. SOxlOO S1.250 10-room house, Bast 22d, near Stark 92,000 100x100. East 27th and Yamhill, small house, brings $7 per month . .$)1,450 One acre ground and a two-story house, close to Irvlngton. on easy terms $1,450 20-acre tracts, six miles from here, good aoll, some cleared, per acre 975 VACANT LOTS East Portland Heights; easy terms: title perfect, from $96 to $800 Lots In Hawthorne's First addi tion 9450 and 9500 V. SCHMID 108 OBABTD AYS., HENRY WEINHARO Proprietor of the City Brewery barges, sad Meat complete Brewery ta the Mortbweet. Bottled Beer a Specialty TILETSOirC Bo. ft. Office I3tk sad Baarastde treats. PORTLAND, OREGON. CRT a" OTX CBS. xxTXBSioa or dekcm atebttc, ltheiess, the CouooU of tbe City ef Pert land, deeming It expedient te open, lay ost and eetablfah an extension et Drkum avenue. Is tbe city of Portland, frees the west Use 01 i a moan s treat te me eaat ana or van oaever musty read, ssld atreet to be so feet la width and tba north Use ef aald atreet to be HO feet northerly from and parallel with the aouth line of Dexum seenue aa laid oel In Saratoga, did on tbe 15th day of June, 1S04, direct the City Engineer to surrey the same and to mark tbe boundarlea thereof, and to as a plat of such survey, and a written art oantalnln a full and perfect daacrtntlon ot aura or epeasa atreet saa aoeaoariea tnereor. and of the portion, of each lot, tract or part of either to be appropriated for euch atreet. and tbe City Engineer haying made such aur vey, plat and report, and filed such plat and report In tbe office of she Auditor ot the City of Portland us tbe 28th day of June. 1804. sod aald report baying been adopted by ordinance No. 14.108, entitled: "As ordinance adopting the report of tba City Engineer Is the matter of tbe proponed opening, laying out and estab lishing ef Oakum srenue, In the City of Port land, from tbe weat Una of Camden atreet to tbe eaat Una of Vaneonrer county road, aald atreet te be 80 feat In width and tbe north line of said street to be SO feet northerly from and parallel with tbe aouth Una of Dekum avenue aa laid out In Saratoga," Now, therefore, ail nervosa interested are hereby notified that the Council of the City ot Portland baa appointed H. J. Morrlaoo, J. Kelly and J. P. Menefee viewers to view said proposed extension of aald atreet and make an estimate of tea benettta aud damages occa S;ed by the openlug, lay vet and establlab of tbe aame, in accordance wits section of tba Charter of the City of Portland, aald viewers to meat at tba office of the Auditor of tbe City of Portland on Thursday, the Rth day of September. 1904. at tbe hoar of 10 o'clock la the forenoon of aald day. Tae proposed opening, widening, laying oat and eatabliahlng of Dekum avenue la SO feat In width and la mora particularly bounded and described aa follows: Beginning at a point In tba weat Una ef Camden atreet SO feet northerly from tbe aoutb line of Dekum. avenue aa sow laid out; run ning thence westerly parallel with the south line of Dekum aaenne and so feet distant there from, to the eaat line of Vancouver county road; tbefvee southerly along the eaat Una ef Vancouver county road 80 feat; thence easterly along the aontb Una of Dekum avenue to the weat line of Camden atreet; thence northerly 011 the wast Ha of Camden street SO feet te tba place of beginning. The proposed opening, laying out and eatab liahlng of Dekum avenue aa above described wilt Include and necessitate tbe appropriation to public lieu the foUowlng described pareela or tracta of land: All that part ef Vet 8. block 1 Saratoga, lying aoutberly of the north Una ef the proposed Dtkum avenue, containing 4,040 square feet. Alao all that part of lot 8. block 2. Saratoga, lying southerly of tbe north 11 no of the pro posed Dekum avenue, containing 4.720 square Alao all that part of lot 8. block S, Saratoga, lying southerly of the north line of the pro posed Dekum avenne, containing 4,840 aquare feet. Alao all that part ef lot 6. block 3, Saratoga, lying southerly of the north line of the pro posed Dekum avenue, containing 4,020 aquare Alao all that part of lot 4. block 6. Saratoga, lying aoutberly of tba north line of the pre pared Dekum avenue, containing 40 square Aura all that part of let S. block 6, Saratoga, lying southerly of the north Una of the pro posed Dekum aveous. containing 8,000 aquare feet. Also all that part ef lot 8. block . Saratoga, lying aoutberly of tba north Use of . tbe pro posed Dekum avenue, containing 8.000 aquare feet. Also all that part of lot 7. block 0. Saratoga, lying southerly of the north line of tbe pro posed Dekum avenue, containing 120 aquare feet. Also all that part of lot 4. block 7. Saratoga, lying southerly of tbe north Use of the pro posed Dekum avenue, containing 240 aquare feat. Also sll thst part ot lot 8, block 7. Saratoga, ljlng aoutberly of the north Una of the pro nosed Dekum avenue, containing 8,000 square Net Also all that part of lot . block 7. Saratoga, lying aoutberly of the north Use of the pro posed Dekum avenue, containing 8,000 square feet. Alao sll that part of lot 7. block 7. Saratoga. 1'lng aoutberly of tbe north Use of the pre poerd Dekum srenue, containing 315 aquare fast. All persona claiming damages by reason of the appropriation of tbe property above de scribed or say part thereof, In the proposed opening, laying out and establishing of said atreet are hereby apeclally notified to file their claims for such damagea with tba Auditor of the City of Portland before the Sth day of September, 1904, the time appointed for tae meeting of tbe viewers therein. By order of tbe Council. Tlli'S C. DEVXIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. August 23. 1904. proposals rox hatlino cxstxBT. Sealed proposals will be received by the Water Hoard of the City of Portland, Oregon, anttl 8 p. m . Wednesday, August 81. 1904. for hauling 6,900 barrela Portland cement from the warehouse of N'ottlnghi.m A Co.. at the foot of QUsan atreet. or other ware bouee or depot equally accessible, not ex ceeding a distance of 24 miles, to reservoir. Noa. 3 and 4. City Park. Tbe quantities named above are approximate only and may be Increased or diminished at the option of the Water Hoard. The Water Board reserves tbe right to reject any or all blda. Tba delivery of the cement moat be made upon requisition by tbe Water Board, In lota to ault the requirements of the work, not ex ceeding 200 barrela per dev. Form of proposal can be obtained at tba office of th" Engineer of the Water Board. City Hall, Portland. Oregon. With each bid must be depoeited a certified check for Slut). Darable to the order of tbe Auditor of the City of Portland, and bonds to be approved by the Mayor will be required of tbe auccesarul bidder. Proposals must be enclosed In an envelope, endorsed on the outside. "Proposals for Haul ing Cement," and addressed to tbe under signed. By order of the Water Board. FRANK T. DODGB. Superintendent Portland. Oregon. August 2B. 1904. CREE LAND IN OREGON in the richest (rain, fruit and stock section in the world. Thousands of acres of land at actual cost of irrigation. Deed direct from Stats of Oregon. WRITE TO-DAY. BOOKLET and MAP FREE. Deschutes IrrigatioTfand Power Csm-panyT6io-i I -1 1 McKay Building, Portland, Oregon. CURBS aONORRHOE ABTD BlItT Sold by all Drusrevats. MEN AND WOMEN. Use Big 49 for unnatural dlsebargea.inflassrastloaa. Irritations or ulcerations ef mucous membraasa. L . I .. ! ... ... lOMMCWBIWalO, gent or poisonous. Sold by Dv-vjcerlets, or sent Is plain wravsav, by express, prepaid, fat I 00. or 1 bottles M.TS. Circular aaal aa FOR SALE Either of those new and ele gant dwellings "about com. pleted," situated on the south west corner of East Sixteenth and Btark. Will be sold for cash or on Installments by Parrlsh, Watkins & Co. 880 ALDB1 St. Johns Park Fine, new cottages near Woolen Mills and car line, for sale cheap, on iaurtaUi- Lmaat plan fOne with 2 lots B1.0O0 One with 1 2-3 lots il.OOO Three with 1 full lot each 8 800 The Woolen BUlls will be In operntlon soon and (0 to 100 new houses will be needed In Mt. Johns. CHIPMAN & KINQ Oeaersl Agents, St. Johns. ML o. MoAbrook. Owner. TBS Okeuabsr of irii h fjsBrr MmXr i" i .r MBB OsaraatMa vj BaJY a.. M etrsvejve. e rr ,(, r w.. lla?l rjBxaB. CiaoiNkAn.OBBJ kfSBvSsaaaflBsPpI OITT VOTIOZB. norosxD vtnomun or iabt burs side nBjcn. Notice is hereby given that at the meeting ef the Council of tie City ot Portland. Oregon, held on the 17th day of August, 1904, the fol lowing resolution was adopted: Resolved. Test the Council of tae City sf Portland, Oregon, das tea it expedient and pro joaae w Improve Beat IJurualde atreet, from SO feet wast of the wast Una of Eaat Third atreet te the aest Una of (Jraud avaaue, in the follow ing manner, to-wit: Pirst By bringing the street full width with full Intersections to the grade as shown by ls stakea est by tbe city Bug laser Second By planking the street full width with run lotarssauuaa, City Engineer s plana. specification, 'and aatl- m. tea. Said Improvement to be made la accordance wltk tbe charter and ordinance of the City st Portland and the plana, specifications and esti mates of the City Engineer, tiled tn tba office ot the Auditor of the City of Portland, on thu 11th day of August. 1904. Indorsed. "City kt.glneer a plana and specification, for the tin movement of Eaat Burnslde street, from SO feet seat of the weat Use of aSaat Third atreet t the eaat line ef (Jraud avenue, aad the eetl uiatva of the work to be done and the prob able total coat thereof." lira cost of aald Improvement to he asseaaed aa provided by the City Charter upon the prop erty apeclally benefited thereby, and which la heresy declared to "be sll the lots, parte of lota and parcels of land lying between a Uao 10U feet north of and parallel with the north line ot East Burnslde atreet and a Una 100 feet aouth of and parallel with tbe aouth line of East Burnslde street, and bet wee a s Use 100 tsst seat of and -parallel with the esat Uei of Orand avenue and a line 100 feet west ot and parallel with the west Use ot Eaat Third atreet. Tbe Engineer's sstlxaats of the probable total coat for the Imnroveaeaat of aald Esat Burnslde atreet la $2.000. 00. The above Improvement Is te be clasasd ss 4 plank roadway Improvement and aball be main tained by the City for a period of four years, provided, that tbe owner, of a majority of the property benefited by ssld improvement, or any portion thereof, akall not petition for s sew or different improvement before the expiration of such period. The plans, specifications and estimates et the City Engineer far the Improvement of aald Beat Burnalde atreet are hereby adopted. Resolved. Thst the Auditor of the City ot Portland be aad ha Is hereby directed to give notice of the proposed Improvement of said atreet aa provided by the City Charter. Remonat ranees against the above Improve ment may be filed In writing with the under signed within 20 daya from the date of tbe first publication of this notice. By order of the Council. TH08. C. DBVMX. Auditor of the City of Portlsnd. Portland. Oregon, August 10, 1004. FE0P0SID BKWKB IB EAST ASH STREET. Notice Is hereby given that st she meeting of I be Council of the City of Portland. Oregon, held on the 17th dsy of August. 1904, the fol lowing resolution waa adopted: Resolved. Thst the Council ef the City ef Portland, Oregon, deems it expedient sad pro to construct a sewer in East Ash atreet. from the seat Una of General Anderson's Ad dition to the sewer in Eaat Twenty-fourth atreet. Ssld sewer to be of vitrified sewer pipe, i.lth all necessary catchbaalna. manholes, lamphnlee and branches, snd to bs ot tbs fol lowing dimensions: Of sight inches clear lnalde diameter from the east fins of General Ander aon'a Addition to a point In East Aah atreet at Bast Twenty -seventh atreet; thence of ten tncbea clear Inside diameter to a connection with the sewer In Beat Aah atreet at Bsst Twenty fourth atreet. Bald sewer to be constructed In accordance with the Charter snd ordinances of the City of Portland and the plans, specifications and esti mates of the City Engineer, filed In the office of the Auditor of the City of Portlsnd, on the 0th dsy of Anguat, 1904. Indorsed: "City En gineers plana and speclflcatlona for a sewer in Bsst Ash atreet, from the east Una of Oeneral Anderson's Addition to tbe aewwr In Beat Twenty -fourth atreet, and the eattmatea of the work to be done sad the probable total seat thereof." The coat ef aald sewer to be assessed, aa pro vided by the City Charter, apon the property dally benefited thereby and which Is hereby Is red to be all the lota, parts of lota and pareela of land lying between a Una 100 feet north of snd parallel with the north line ef Esat Ash atreet and s Una 100 feet south of and parallel with the south line of Esat Aah atreet and between a line 100 feet esat of and parallel with the east Uae of East Twenty fourth street and a line 80 fast east ot snd parallel with toe east Una of General Ander aon'a Addition. Tbs Engineer's estimate of the probable total cast for the construction of ssld sewer - Is S900 00. The plana, speclflcatlona and estimstae of the City Engineer for the construction ot aald sewer are hereby adopted. Resolved That the Auditor of the City of Portland be and be la hereby directed to give notice of the proposed construction of ssld sewer aa provided by the City Charter. Remnnatranees against the above sewer may be filed to writing with the under algned within 30 daya from the date of the first ptibllcattna of this nctlce. By order of the Council. THOS. C. DBYLIB". Auditor of the City of Portlsnd. Portland, Oregon, August 20, 1904. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT Of EAST EOS RISON STREET. Notice ta hereby given that at tha meeting of the Council of the City of Portland. Oregon, held on the 17th day of August, 1904, tha fol lowing resolution wss adopted: Resolved, Thst the Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro losca to Improve East Morrison atreet. from tbe eaat une of Eaat Thlrtr-eigbth atreet to tha weet Sue of Beat Thirty-ninth atreet, In tha follow inn -nitnner, to-wit: met By grading tbe atreet full width with full Intersections to the proper grade aa given by tbe City Engineer. Second By constructing wooden sidewalks. Said Improvement to be made In accordance with the darter and ordinances of the City of Portland and the plans, apeclfleationa and esti mates of tbe City Engineer, filed In tbe office ef the Aadltor of the City of Portland, on the 29th day ef July, 1804. Indorsed: "City En gineer s plana and specifications for tbe las provement of Eaat Morrison atreet. from the exat line of Eaat Thirty-eighth atreet to the weet Use of Eaat Thirty-ninth atreet, and the estimates of tbe work to he dons snd the probable total coat thereof." The coat of the aald improvement to be ae ereaed. according to the City Charter, upon tbe property specially benefited thereby, and which IS hereby declared te he sll the lots, parts ot lots and pareela of land lying between a Una 100 feet north of and parallel with the north Une of East Morrison street and a Une 100 feet aouth of and parallel with the aouth line of Eaat Morrison atreet. and between tbe east line of Esst Thirty-eighth atreet and the wast line of Eaat Thirty-ninth atreet. The Engineer's estimate of tbe probable total cost for the Improve meet ef aald Bast Morrison atreet la 1040.00. Tbs plana, apeclfleationa and estimates of the City Bttgineer tor the Improvement of aa Id Eaat Morrison atreet are hereby adopted. Resolved. That the Auditor of the City ef Portland be aad he Is hereby directed to give notice of tbe proposed Improvement ot aald atreet aa provided by the City charter Remonstrances against tbs above improve ment may he filed In writing with tbe seder signed within 20 daya from tba dsts of the first publication cf jthle notice. 3- By order of tba Council. r THOB. C. DBVI.IN. Auditor of tha City ef Portland. Portland. Oregon. August 20. 1804. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF THIRTY -EIGHTH STREET. Notice la hereby given that at tbe meeting ef the Council of the City of Portlsnd, Oregon, held on the 17th dsy of August. 1004, tbe fol ic wing resolution was adopted: Resolved. That the Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro poses to Improve Beat Thirty-eighth atreet. from the aouth line of tbe Daae Line road to the north line of Esat Yamhill street, is. tbs following manner, to-wlt: First -By grading the street full width with full Intersections to the grade ta shown by tbs atakes aet by the City Engineer. Second By eonetrnctlng sidewalks in accord ancs with the City Engineer's plana, apeclflea tiona and estimates Third By conetntctlnr wooden eroeawalka. Raid Improvement to be made In accordance with the Charter and ordinances of tbs City ef Portland, and the plane, spec! flea tlrma end mates of tbe City Engineer, filed In the office ef the Auditor of the City ef Portland, on the 1 sth dsy of August. ieH. irMHvresu: "ory En gineer's plana and specifications for the Im provement nf Beat Thirty-eighth street, from the south Use of Base Lisa road to the north Une of Esst Yamhill street, and the estimate, ot tbe work to be dona and the probable total cost thereof." Tbe erst nf aald Improvement to be assessed, as provided by tbe (ity Charter, soon the prop crty epeelsllr benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to he all the lota, parts of lota and pareela of land Ivtng between a line 100 feet esst nf and parallel with the eaat line of Beat Thirl i eighth atreet and a Une ion feet weet of arid parallel with the west Use of East Thirty-eighth atreet. and between the aouth line of the Rase Mne road aad the north Uae of East Yamhill atreet. Tbe Engineer's eatl state of the probable total met for the Improvement ef said Bast Thirty eighth street la $1.7M.O0. The plana speclflcatlona and estimates nf the City Engineer for the Imnrovemest of aald East Thirty eighth street are hereby adopted. Resolved. Tat the Auditor of tbe City nf Portland be aad he la hereby directed to give notice ef the propoaed Improvement ot ssld atreet a provided by the City Charter. Remonstrances against the above Improve meet may he filed la writing with the ander signed within daya from the data of tha first publics Hoc of thla nrtire. By order of tba Council TB04I. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City nf Portland. Portland, Oregon. Aageat 20. 1904, U1TI BOT10E8. PROPOSED SEWER Ot atXUMDA AVENUE Nsttce hi hereby given that at tbs meeting of the Council of the City of Portland. Oregon, held on the 17th day of August, 19U4, the fol lowing resolution wss adopted: Resulved, Thst the Council of the City of Portlsnd, Oregon, sparse It expedient and pro poo., to construct s sewer Is slellnda avenue, truss the second bend In MeUnds avenue to the connection with the Johnson street sewer st Twenty-fifth atreet. Bald sewer to be vitrified sewer pipe, with aU necessary catchbaalna. maaholaa, lauipbol.-e aad branches, sad te he ot tan Inches clear lnalde diameter Said sewer to bp ooeetructed la accordance with the Charter and ordinances of the City et Portlsnd and the plane, speclflcatlona and eatl mate, of the City Engineer filed in the offtco ot the Auditor of tile. City of Portland, on the Sth day of August. 1904. Indxarssd: "City En- Sseer'e plana and specifications for a aewer Mellnds avenue, from the second bend in sUnda avenue to Johnson atreet aewer at Twruty-flfth atreet, and tbe estimate ot the work to be done and the probable total coat thereof." The coat of aald sewer to he assisaid, aa pro vided by the i Ity Charter, upon the property specially benefited thereby and which Is harsh declared to he aU tbe lead lying between lines loo feet in rectangular measurement distant from the respective side lines st Belinda avenue and a Una 80 feet west from the ter mlnua of aald aewer and the easterly Use of Cornell road, aave and except a tract of land lying between tbe north line of Johnson street extended westerly In Its present course and a Use 100 feet northerly therefrom and parallel therewith and between the westerly line st Cornell road and a line loo feet westerly there from and parallel therewith. Tbe Engineer s estimate of the probable total coat for the construction ot aald aewer la en oo. The plana, specifications and estimates of the City Engineer for the construction of said aewer arc hereby adopted. Resolved. That the Auditor of the City of Portland be and ha Is hereby directed to give notice of the Mac said construction ef said aewer aa provided by tha City Charter. Bemonatrances against the above aewer say be filed la writing wltk the aadsr algued wltt In SO days from tba data of the first publication of thla n. Ure. By order cf the Council, THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland, Oregon. August 10. 1904. EXTENSION OF EAST DAVIS STREET. Whereas, tba Council of the city ef Port lsnd, deeming It expedient to open, ley out snd establish sn extenaloe at Beat Davis atreet. In the City of Portland, from the eaat Una of Keyatone addition te tbe west line of Eaat Tweuty eighth atreet. aald atreet to he aV) feet In width aud au eiteiavioo eaatarly In Its presrut course of East Parte atreet aa laid out In Keyatone addition, did on the I.lth day of June. 1904, direct the City Engineer ta sur vey th sense snd to mark the boundarlea thereof, and to make a plat of ancb aurvay, and a written report containing a fall and Crfeet description of such proposed atreet and oudarlee thereof, sad of the portion of esch lot, tract or part of either ts bs appropriated tor auch atreet. and tha City Engineer baring made such survey, plat and report, and filed auch plat and report In the office of the Auditor of the City of Portland oa tha Sd day of July. 1904, and aald report having been adopted by oidlnanes No. 14. 148, entitled: "An ordlnauce adopting the report of the City Engineer in the matter of the proposed opening, laying out and eatabliahlng of Eaat Davla atreet. In the City of Portland, from the east line of Key atone addition to the west line ot Beat Twenty eighth street, ssld street to be SO feet In width and an extension easterly in Its present course of Beat Davla atreet aa laid out In Keystou. addition." Now, therefore, all persons Interested are hereby notified that the Council of the City of Portland baa appoint ud II. J. Morrison, J. KeUy snd E. Gunderson viewers to view aald pes posed extanalon of aald atreet and make an estimate of the benefits and damages oc casioned by tbe opening, laying out and eatab lbblng of tba aame, In accordance with aectlcn Mt of tbe Charter of the City of Portland and aald viewers to meat at tbe office of tbe Auditor of the City of Portland on Thuraday the Sth day ot September, 1904. at tha boor of 10 o'clock tn tbe forenoon of aald dsy. The proposed opening, laying oat and eatab liahlng of East Davla atreet ta 00 feet lu width, and la more particularly bounded and described aa follows: Beginning at the southeaat corner ef block 10, Keystone addition, running the nee easterly on sn extension of Its preeent course of tha north Una of Eaat Davla atreet as laid out In Keystone addition to tbs weat Une of Eaat Twenty. eighth atreet; thence southerly along the weat line of Eaat Twenty -eighth street SO feet: thence Westerly on sn extension, of the south Una of East Davis atreet aa laid out In Keystone addition, tr the northeast corner of block 9. Keyatone addition; thence northerly along tha eaat Una of Keystone addition 00 feet to the nlses of beslnnlnx. The propoaed opening, laying ost and estab lishing of Esst Davla atreet will Include and necessitate tbe appropriation to public see the following described pareela or tracta of land: All that part of lot 4. block 6. Wynkuop Villa inns southerly of tne northerly line ot the proposed East Davla atreet, containing 1.232 aquare feet. Alao all that part of lot 8. block 6, Wynkoep Villa. 11 Ins southerly or tbe proposeu northerly line of Baet Davis street, ooaUlalsg 1,008 aquare feet, Alao all that part of lot 4. block 5. Wynkoov Villa, lying aoutberly of tbe northerly line of the proposed Eaat Davla street, containing 1,844 aquare feat. Alao all that parcel or tract of land lying be tween tbs northerly lias ot tbs nrooosed Esat Davla atreet and aoutberly line of Wrnkoop Villa: and between the eaeterly line ot Key stone addition and tha westerly Una if Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet, containing 88,402 aquare feet. All persons claiming damage by reason of tbe appropriation of tbe property above de scribed, or any part thereof. In the propoaed opening, laying out and eatabliahlng of aald atreet are Hereby apeclally no tinea to nvs xssxr claims for such damsees with the Auditor nf the City ot Portland before the Sth day of rwptcmber, 1904. the time appointed tor tse meeting of the vtewera therein. By order of tha Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City ot Portland. Portland. Oregon. August ts. 1904. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF EAST WASH IN0T0N STREET. Notice Is hereby given thst at tbe meeting ot tne council ot tne ( ity t Portland. Oregon, held on the 17th day ot August. 1904. tha fol lowing resolution waa adopted. Resolved, 'ihst the Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, dee ma it expedient ana pro poeee to Improve Eaat Washington atreet from the eaat line of Baat Thirty-third atreet to the weet Hue of Snnnyslds Third Addition, in tbs following manner, to-wlt: First By grading tbo atreet fall width with full Intersect Ions to tbs atakea aa est by tba city Mgineer. Second Hy eoaetuct1ng wooden sidewalks Is accordance with the City Engineer s plana, apeclfleationa and eetlmatea. Third By construe tins; wooden crosswalks. Fourth By eonetrnctlng wooden curbs. Ssld Improvement to be made In accordance with tbe Charter aad ordinance, of tbe City of Portland and the plana, apeclfleationa and esti mates of the City Engineer, filed In the office of tbe Auditor of the (ity of Portland, on the 8th dsy of August. 1S04. Indorsed: "City En gineer's plan, and speclflcatlona for the Im provement of Bast Washington street, from tbe east Une of Eaat Thirty-third atreet to the weat Una of Sunnyslde Third Addition, and the eatlmatea of tha work to be done and the Brae able total cost thereof " Tbs cost of said Improvement te be ssaassed aa provided by tba City Charter upon the prop erty apeclally benefited thereby, and which la hereby declared tn be all the krta, parts of Vote and pareela ot land lying between a Una 100 feet north nt and parallel with the north Use ot Bast Wssblngton atreet and a Use 100 feat aouth nf and parallel with the south Ilea of Bast Washington atreet. and between the eaat line of Eaat Thirty third atreet and the wsat Une nt Sunnyatde Third Addition. The Engineer s estimate nf the probable total coat for tne Improvement of aald Bsst Wssblng ton atreet la fP98.oo. The plana, apeclfleationa and eetlmatee of the City Engineer for tbe Improvement of tha asld East VYsshlngtcm street are hereby adopted. Resolved. That the Auditor of the City of Portland be and be la hereby directed tn glee notice of the proposed Improvement of ssld street aa provided by the City Charter. Remonstrances against tbe shove Improve, roent may be filed Is writing with tbe under signed within an daya from tba data of the first punllcrtlon of thla notice. By order of tbe Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the (ity of Portland. Portland. Ore Ton. August 20. 1804. EXTKBSIOM OP BAST SALMON STREET. Where., tha (Vmneit of the fits of Port land, deeming It expedient to open, lay ost, widen an-l establish an extension of Eaat Sal- Don atreet. la the (Ity of Portland, from the Beset line nf Baat Thirty eighth atreet te the wret line of block. 11 and IX, Bsnnysras aunt tlon. did on the ISth day of May. 1904, direct the City Engineer to survey the aame and to mark the boundaries thereof, aad to snake a plat nf auch survey, and a written report con taining a fall and perfect description of such C posed street and boundarlea thereof, and of portion of each lot. tract or part of either to be appropriated for auch street, and tbe City Engineer having made euch aurvey. plat ami report, and Sled such plat and report la the office ot the Auditor of tbe City of Port land on the Sth day nf July 1804. and aald report having bees adopted by ordinance No. 14.101, entitled "An ordinance adopting tbe report of the City Engineer la the at tbe proposed opening, layfng out. widening and establishing ef Baal Salmon atreet. la the City of Portlaad. 80 feet la width. In Its preeent course, from the weet line of Raat Tbtrtyslgbtb atreet to the weet Hue ef blocks II and 12. Sunnyslde addition. How. therefore, all persona Interested are hereby notified that tbe Council nf the City nt Portland has sppnlnted 11. J. Morrlann. J. Kelly aad J. P. Menefee viewers to view aald pro paaed extension of aald street snd make en eatl nsle of the le-ueftts aud dsuiugcs .-easioned CITY NOTICES. by tbe opening, lay out and establishing of the earns, la accordance with section 349 of the Chsrter ot the City of Portlsnd. aald viewers to meet at tha office of tbe Aadltor of the City ot Portland en Thursday, the Sth dsy ef Ses Icmber. 1904. at tbe hour of 10 o'clock In the ftafjiaasa of aald day. Tba proposed opening, widening, laying out and establishing of East Salmon atreet Is SO (eel tn width and la more psrtlculsrly bounded snd described as follow.: Beginning at a point la the weet Uae of Best Thirty eighth atreet where the aame would be Intersected by the north Une of Baat Salmon street aa laid out Is Ran nr. lee addition; theses easterly along sn extension ef tha north line of East Salmon atreet as laid out in AuxStreteS addition, to tbs west tins of block 12. SnniiT slde addtttoa: thence aoutberly along the eouth- rrly extension of tbs west Lias of block II, avion ui inff west unv as imi ... addition 00 f..t, theses westerly southerly Use of Baat Salmon atreet nt ta Sunnyslde addition to tbe weat Hunnyslde addition On feat; along the a ss laid out Ilea of East Thirty eighth atreet; theses nortneriy along tne weet use ot Eaat inirty rlghtb atreet 80 fast to the place of beginning. Tbe propoaed opening, widening, laying out and eatabliahlng of Eaat Salmon atreet will In clude and neceaaltsts the appropriation to puh Ut use of tbe following described pareela or tracts of land. All that parcel or tract of land lying between the northerly Use of the propoaed Eaat Salmou street and a Una SO foot aoutberly therefrom and parallel therewith ; and between the east erly and westerly boundaries of the propoaed Eaat Salmon atreet. coutalnlng 11,713 aquare feet. All persons claiming damages by resaoa of the oppreprtstlon of the property above de ecribsd. or any part thereof, la tbe proposed Tnlns, widening, laying out and eatabliahlng aald atreet are hereby specially notified tn file their rlalxaa Bar suck damages with tbe Auditor of tbe City of Portlsnd before the Sth day of September. 1904. the time appointed for tbe meeting ef tbe viewers therein. By order of tbs Council. THOS C. DEVLIN, Auditor Of the (ity of Portland. Portland, Oregon. August 28. 1904. PROPOSED SEWER IN NI00LAI STREET. Notice la hereby given that at the meeting of tbe Council of tbe City of Portland, Oregon, held on tbs 17th day of August, 1904, tbe fol lowing resolution waa adopted: Resolved. Thst tbs of tbs City of portlsnd, Oregon, deems It expedient snd pro poses to construct a sewer In Menial atreet. from the esst lies of Walnut atreet to a aonaee tlon with tbe sewer In Sherlock avenue and Rock atreet. Said aewer to be vitrified eevrar plpe with all necessary catchbaalna, manhole., tampbolee and branches, snd to be of the fol lowing dimensions: Of elebt Inches clear In side diameter from tbe west line of Walnut atreet to a point In Menial atreet at ny, street; thence ot ten Inches clear lnalde dtam eier to a oolut In Mcolal atreet et Factory street; theses of twelve Inches clear lnalde diameter to a connection wtth tha sewer in Sherlock avenne and Bosk street. Said aewer to be constructed In accordance with tbs ' barter snd ordinances of tbs City of Portlsnd and the plana, apeclfleationa and eetl matea of the City Engineer, filed In the office of the Auditor of the City of Portland on tbe 0th day ot August, 1804, Indorsed: "Olty En- Iineer'a plana and apeclfleationa for a aewer n Nlcolat atreet, from east line of Walnut street to sewsr in Sherlock avenne and Rock street, aad the eatlmatea ot the work to bs done and the probable total coat thereof." Tbe coat of aald sewer to bs aaeeaeed. as provided by the City Charter, upon tbe property specially benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to be all the Iota, parte of lota and pa reeks it land lying between a Una 100 feet northerly from and parallel wltb tbe north line of NleoTal atreet and a Uae 100 feet aoutberly from and parallel with tbe aoutberly line of Mcolal atreet, end between the easterly line of Tweutr-elxtb atreet and Walnnt atreet and the westerly line of Blaekletone atreet. The Bnglneer'a estimate of the probable total east for tbs construction of ssld sewer la 11173.00. The pinna, specifications and eatlmatea of tbe City Engineer for tbs construction ef said aewer are hereby adopted. Resolved, That tbe Aadltor of tbe city of Ptrtland be and he la hereby directed to give notice nf the proposed construction of ssld aewer aa provided by tbe City Charter. Bemonatrances against tbs shove sswer may be tiled In writing with tbe under algned within 10 daya from tbe data of tba first mbUeatlon of thla notice. By order of the Council. THOS 0. DEVLIN, Auditor of tha City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. August 80. 1904. eV2sOTil' I I 1 I . I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 aBSII SBKSS Double-Track Railway between the Missouri River fin Chicago The Chlcafo-Portlsnd Special, the most luxurious train in the world. Drs wine-room sleeDins cars, dining car, bullet smoking snd library car (barber ana bath). Less man twee days Portland to Chicago. Two Through Trains to Chicago are operated dally via tbe Oregon K. R. & Ntv. Ce., V P. R R. snd Chicago & North-Weelrra Ry. N Chicago Irom Portland and points in uregoo snd Eastern Washington. Dally excursions in Pullman tourist sleeping cars from Portland through to Chicago without change. a. a. aiTCHia, - s. a. barksr. . i Agi rae., ceaer.i Agvsx. C. V-w. y. c. a eiTWVBy. a M.rk.t street, m TSIre street, at rsAscisco. Cat. f PeaxLAatn, oas. Ticket fffle OI TUrd Street PBaag UI iranaeontlnantnl eess. Jb I mines Dally FAST TlaVie TO BPOKANBj, ST. PAUL, DULUTlt WINNSAPOUa CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST. Daylight trip tbrougb tbe Cascade aad Booby mountains. For full partle ulara, rates, folders, etc, sail o or ed it. DlcrsOW. Cfty Tiokwa Aaab 128 TbllA BALTIMORE tr OHIO R. R. RAILROAD TIMETABLE A Oregon Shout Line Union Pacific 3 TRAINS to the EAST DAILY Through Pullman stsndard .re', toarl.t .lean ing ears dally to Omaha. Chicago. 3pokane tourist sleeping ears deity ts a seas. Cltvi through Pullman tsertet sleep! a r ears .erase ally eoedueted) weekly to Cbleaars. See Males SB! Sflb AID ORION MBPteT. Leave. Arrive. caiCAOOPORTLAND :1B a. as. SJjl p. as. SPBCIAL. Deity. Dslly. For tbs Baat via Bsst- Ingtsa. SPOKANE PLY SB. 8: IS p. vs. 80 a. Sa. Pur Ksstern Waahlas- Daily. . Dally, toe. walla Walla, taw Is too. Occur drAleae sad Crest Bar there points. . ATLANTIC BZP3BBS. 8:18 p. as. TIB a.m. tot tba Baat via Bast- Dally. Daily. las tea.' QCKAfJ AJfB BTTTB SCMBPtrLg. POB San khancisco: Irreas :w a. ex. 8. a Ose. W. 81der A lo. worts Aug. 4. 14. 84. Dscb, S. S. Columbia i'.OS p. as. "" Aug. s. it, at. Pel aetata Bresr TJtetgtaa. POB ASTORIA aad way I 8: p. m. Asset points, connecting wltb Dally. 9:00 p. aa. atmr. for llwaea and ex. Sunday sat. ganiUjl North beach, atr. Has-1 Saturday asks. Asb-eS, Sub. I 10:08 p. as. TafahUl Biver Bouts. FOR DAYTON. Oregon 7:00 s. as. 8:88 p. aa. City and Yamhill River Dally. Dally? points, stra. Ruth sad except except Modne. Aah-st. dock. Sundsy. Sandsy. (Water psrmltttag. Saabs Breer Besrka. POB LBWISTON. Ida.. 3:40 a.m. I About ' aad way points from Dally. 8:00 p. rav Rlparla. Week., steam- ex. Set. DaflyV era Spokane and aatar- as. friday. latoa. TICKET Ore-ICS. Third aad W Mala Tit. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY Per Yokohama and Hong Kong, calllow ef Kobe. Nagaaekl aad Shanghai, taking freight via connecting .team. re for Manila. Pert Arttaa and Vladivostok. Per rate, sad fen Information eatl oa or ad ore., ofsieiala or agents ot the 0. B. A N. Cs EAST-. SOUTH ONION DEPOT Arrives. OVERLAND EXPRESS trains, far Salem. Bees- nnrg, Ashland. Sacra roento. Oxden. Ssn Era a 8 S0 p. m. 8:80 a. hi, 4:00 p. m. T:80 a. aa. 114:80 p. a 17:28 a. a. ciaco. Stockton. Lea Aa- (rales, B1 Paso, new Oe- lesua and tbe Bsst. At Wood bora dally (except Bundar). aaorev Inr train for Mt. Aa get. Sllvsrten. Browse T:l p. ta. vine, spnngfleia. weed ling and . atron. Albany aaeasagar. . necta at wood be re with 10 10 a. si Mt. Asset aad Silver ton local. Corvallla 118:88 p. Sheridan passenger. 8:28 a. I Dally. IIDally. except Sunday. Portlsad-Oswago SuWbsn BeretM Depot root of Jefferson Street, tear. Portland dally far Oswego T',88 a. BLt 12:80. 2:05. 8:80. 8:80. 4 2.'.. 8:84. 18:18 a. at. Dally (except Sunday). 8:30. S 89. ('88. 10:8 a. m.i 4.-00. 11:18 p. as. Sunday osly. 8:J8 k. m. Returning from Oswego, arrive Portlaad dells an vaaiiw r. talis : a. m : j :nn s:un, a.rn. o:io. t:ss. 11:10 p. m. Dat;y (except Sunday! . 8:80. IS to. 11:48 a. m Bxesrrt Mood sr. p.. as. Sunday only. 10:00 a. ss. Leaves from ..roe depot foe Detlaa aad Inter, mediate point, dalle (except Sunday) 4:08 p. sa. Arrivs Portland 10:80 o. m. His Independence-Monmouth Motor sTgsS operates dstlr ts Monmouth and AtrUo. ees aectlag wtth Southern PsriSs com pan 'a treats at .nit Independence. Firet-elaae fare from Portland to snd Ssn PravrMaeo fen. harts Hi fare 818. second -rises berth tn SS, , Tickets to Pasters points end Fine pa, a Jawan. CMna. Ttonolslu snd A wefrsrts. CTre Ticket Office eeruer Third aad Week . ..., m,MM m.i. nt C W. STTNOBB. W. . COafAPJ. City Ticket Agent- Out TIME C,RD or TRAINS PORTLAND: UNION DEPOT. Paget Son a 4 Limits, for Taooaaa. Seettle Olympla. South Bead snd Oray'e Barber points. North Ceeet United, fer Ts corse, Seattle. Batts, St. Paul. Mla neapolla. Chicago. New York. Boston aad peteta Baat and Sontheeet. Twln-aty Express, foe Tscoma. Seattle.' Spo kane. Helena. St. Pa a I. MInnespnKa, Chicago, New York, Boston aad a points Baat sad South esst Puget Sound Kansas City-St. LoeH Special for Taenma. Seattle Spokane. Butte. Billings. Denver. Omshs. Kansss City. St. Lo.1, sod gjl points Ssst asd Bouts Departs 8:80 a. m. 8 :00 p. as II :48 p. BS. 1:10 a. a. Arrivaa fist . T OO a. as. 7 OOa. as. rooe. as. All trains deity except oa South Res. brsacb. A. D. CHARLTON. Aaatatsnt Oeuersl Passenger A geek, 288 Manama at., aur. Third Portland. Or. I Astoria & Columbia River Raikoad Co. Leaves. UNION DBPOT. Asrtesa. Par Maygers, K la lev. Catsksale. W street, ""e'. Cllftos. Astoria. Wsr 8:00a. m reotoe. Plavel Haas- 11:10a. aa. Deilv. Based. Part Btsvess, Oearhart Park. 8i Silas, as tor Is aad Si i ktasye T on n- m Baprete dsUr. Dally ex. Astasia Ex press. Stag a. as. Ssturday. Patty. Bat. only. INrt la a Hassles fires. 1:88 a. Sa. I I. r MA t"rt. e m a si A.. As Schwab Bros. Print 847 y