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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. AUGUST 81, 1901 11 VIRTUALLY ADMITS -GRAFT CONSPIRACY ( till Dispatch to Tbe Joarnsi.) Seattle, Aug. $1 Virtually every charge made of conspiracy and graft aKHlnst the county commissioners of Klnir eouratv and II. H. Eaton, the at torney who received T.800 for half an hour" work tn eschciitltig to me n'unij n estate that had already eacheated to tile state. 1b admitted In the anawer of lroecutln Attorney W. T. Scott, who repreaenta the county treasurer In the suit that haa been brougnt against ui offlcal by n taxpayer to restrain the payment of 4he warrants ror tne (.uuu. The stand taken by the prosecuting attorney means that the Injunction will remain permanent and the men wui ran en the Innocent purchasers of the war rants. The exposure of the Baton deal with the county commissioners has been the greatest senna t Ion of the sort in Seattle tn years, and shown up In all Its details It has endangered the entire Republican ticket of the county, and haa made It certain that I.. C. Smath. now a county commissioner and a candklate for sher iff, will be defeated with Charles Maker, another commissioner and several other Candida tea. The prosecuting attorney, whose name was Involved In the scandal. It Is as serted, seeks to clear himself at the - of Eaton and the commissioners. Bodily pain loses Its terror If you've bottle of Dr. Thomaa' Ecleetrlc oil in the house. Instant relief tn cases of burns, cuts, sprains, accidents of any sort. Wrafsrrsd Stock Canned Goods. lien & Lewis' Best Brand. aorioz or sale or banebupt stock. In th nun-let Ceart of the United States, lor the district of Oregon. la the matter of Lost; A Bingham Lumber eompaay, s c irporatlon, bankrupt. Ia bankruptcy. Notice Is hereby siren that pursuant tn n erder of aale made by the above court on the 94th dav of Aufait. 104. the undersigned Basse. J. u. ijong or cottage, urove. Oregon, will, oa Taeeday, the 6tb day of September, Mas. at 1 o'clock tn th afternoon of aald day veil In tolk. npon sealed hi da. to the highest Bidder tor cash to hand, all the stork of foods, wares asd merchandise of tk abore bankrupt; and also will at said time sell In bulk all the lumber and shingles of aald bankrupt. Bids ss oe maoe cn lumoer. i from btds sa nserchandlr nber and shingle separata Ire. A certified check S arable to tk order of th undef.lgm-d equal l 10 per cent of the am unit of th bid mnit accompany eacs bid. cple 01 the Inventory of tk aald merchandise, showing the coat thereof, and also roplea of th tnrectory of aald lamher and shingles ar on file and can fie seen St the office of k, L Ssbln. In Portland. Ore Cn. st the office at C. A. W'lntermelar. referee bankruptcy. In Eugene, Oregon, and at tbs office of tk undersigned trustee, J. C. Long, at Cottage Orevs, Oregon. Said merchandise, lumber and shingles ar In aald Cottage Grove, and can bs there examined. Bids tn he opened St the office of said a A. Wlntrrmeler, la Eugene. Oregon, at th hour of I o'clock In the trnoon of said September S. 1904. Said sales sa bs subject to approval of th shore court. Dated at Cottage Grove. Oregon, this 24th day of August, M04. 7. a LONG. Tragi, LEGAL X0TTCE. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATS Or OREGON FOR MULTNOMAH COCNTT. In the matter of the application of William H. King to register the title to block 30 of James John's Addition to the town of St. John, In Multnomah County, State of Ore gon, plaintiff, vs. W. A. Edgerton. Buck Smith, E. C. Hulhort. Robert Catlln, P. A. Marquam. Charles K. Ladd. K. C. Bronangh, A F. Flaatel, John A. Carr. Mary Annon. William John. Lulu Tlnnry. Bert John, Wal ter John, Samuel John. Adellia John. Ellxn beth K. Struvrbrldg. Jamas John. Virginia Lewson, Emma Ward, Eva Halth. Mary Jane Rlnker and all others whom It may oou- rem, defends uta. To the shave named defendants and tn all whom It may concern; In the name of the Bute of Oregon: TAKE NOTICE. That on the Mth day of August. A. D. luot. an applica tion was Oled by said WlUiam H. King In the 1r-nlt court of Multnomah County, for Initial registration of the title of th land above described. Now. unless yon appear oa or before the Mth day of September A. D. 1004. snd show cause why such application shall not be granted th- same win be taken aa confessed, and a decree will be entered according to the prayer of the application, and yon will he forever barred from disputing ' the seme. Witness ray band and the seal of said Court this 24th day of August, A. D. 10O4. r. s. fields, i Clerk. By M. 8. PHILLIPS. i Deputy, ppllcant kTOTICE. BpTTCE Or STOCKHOLDERS' MEETyiO The Jsnnual meeting of th stockholder! of th Ifountaln Lion Gold Mining company, for the eleettor. of a board of directors to serve for the nealng year, sad for the transaction of such other business aa may come before th ir-ei lag. will be held at the ofSre of the company, rooms son to RIO Mohawk building. Portland. Oregon, on September 14. 1004. st th boar of 11 o'clock s. a. JOHN M. C.RARIN, Secretary Mountain Lion Gold Mining Oa. Btds will bs received at the office of th President, Lewis and Clark Exposition. Stearna building, up to noon of Thursday, September 1. 1004. for the electric wiring of following buildings: Liberal Arts. Foreign Exhibits. For estry, Agriculture. Main Entrance and Shelter, Fir Department and Public Com Sort ; also tor iaesndeerent lamps, according to plana and tsrlftoatluoa ia the office of Director of ork. Sealed hlda will be received for th furnish Ins of school st Arleta. Oregon. For Hat. en oalre of W. A. Schooling, 187 Burnslde street, or Robert A. Taylor, at Lsuretwood. ML Scott ear line. WANTED For C. . Army Able bodied on snarrled as. belsm agve of Si st, 1 38. ritlanns of 1'nlied States, of good character sad temperate habits, who can apeak, read sad write English. For Information, apply to Recruiting Officer. Third and Oak ate.. Fsrtland. Or. WESTERN EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 284 Third at. Pboo Main 1510. Tosr orders for help will furnish cooks, waitresses, chsrnbermslda. all claaaes help. nonce; 12 fsrtory girl. BARBER trad taugbt by our new sletbod. which enable student to arn wages while lea mine Gall or addreea for free catalogue AMERICAN BARBER COLLEGE CO.. Ni. 08 North Sixth st SKILLED AND UNSKILLED LABOR of sll orecrlptiooa. promptly sappllsd. Free of charge to employers. HANSEN'S EM PLO YME NT OFFICE 38 North Second street, near Burnsld. KEN to learn barber trad Is eight weeks and scars profitable positions. Special Induce ments this month. Catalogue mailed free. Moler System College. San Francisco. Calif. WANTED At once. A-l dry goods aflleanisn to take order for ladies ann gentlemen a gar Beat for manufacturing buslnes. Addn-as T 48. csre Journal. MEM wanted, to read the "Mai Help Wanted' adrer Casements you'll aiwaya nna a number I or si BOY WANTED4- Must b well acquainted in SOW a ana nave nicyci; aaiary io runnin Apply 88 Slata St. WANTED- Four xperlenced solicitor; salarr call at Hotel St. Charles. 7 p. at. G. W Poap. ' ' BOY WANTED -About 1 or 17 yesrs of sge Apply Journal baalnees oJEce. WANTED Men for wkVltlng te 4 p. m. 818 Yamhill at. ( all 10 a. ns WANTED Painters helper. 88 M-erleon st Foster A Klevner E ANTED Boy 14 or 15 yesrs old. Cigar atoee. 251 Front FfJtTMBEBS st tZt First St.. corner Hal alaon OE BHOEaf half-sated tor SOe at HoUabnugh's. 88718 Taylor bet. Third sad Fourth. The Journal Want Columns RATES I One tlma, So a Una. One week (7 Insertions, Includ ing Sunday Issue). 25c a Una. On month (Including Sunday Issues), 7Dc a line. Classified advertisements are payable In advance; minimum charge 15c "Help Wanted" and 'Situations Wanted" advertise ments are published ona tlma free of charge. Advertisements must be In by It o'clock noon or the dally Is sues, and 10 o'clock Saturday evening for the Sunday Issues. Branch Offices will bs received at regular main oAVe rates at the following; plaoes and aent to Ths Journal In time for publication In the next Issue: R. A. Preston, druggist. 2Sd and Thurman streets. Nob Hill Pharnfacy, 880 Ollsan street, corner 21st. A. W. Allen, pharmacist, lth and MHrshnll streets. It B. Jacka. confectionery, 800 Washington street, cornsr 19th. SOUTH. B. F. Jones A Co.. druggists. Front snd Olbbs streets. Cottel Drug Co.. First and Grant streets. BAST SIDE!. Tuttle'B Pharmacy. 151 Missis sippi ava, corner 8haver at. Nichols at Thompson. 118 Russell street, corner Alblna avenue. Jancke Drug Co.. cor. Hawthorne and Grand avenues. J. A. Dick, tobaccos. 214 Crosby (east end steel bridge). B. F. Fulton.o . onfeCtlonery. 174 E. Burnslde. cor. Union ava. Ingram AY Bush, tobacconists, lit Grand avenue. ' s uhittsidb. J. E. Worth, pharmacist, 99 Bel mont street. bkooelyw. Brooklyn Pharmacy, . cor. and Mllwaukle streets. Powell HELP WANTED FEE ALE. WANTED Young lady to assist In store and nook for two persona; sleep home nights; no Sunday work; wages 10 month. Apply 72 Sixth at. GIRLS! Keep your eye on Journal want col umns; what you want la very likely adver tised in these column today; read them carefully. r;lUt S WANTED- Rupert pnperlxl makers; also girls to learn, rortiana i-aper box Co., on First st. t WANTED Two canvassers of experience, ladles Call at hotel ornce, st. Charles, 1 p. m. u. W. Popp. GIRL wasted to assist In housework. 811 Trl. East 57. Klaby at., ror. Falling. WANTED Doners, Union laundry. Second and Columbia sts. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. COMMON laborer desires any kind of work; Industrious young man. P 10. care Journal. POSITION aa bookkeeper or aaalatant book keeper. Address K 81, car Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. BRIGHT office young woman; alao experienced sa saleswoman and cashier la store, desires position. (ifisas S 22, care JournaL EXPERIENCED dressmaker desire work by day or at .home; prices reasonable. 834 College at- ' EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HELP of' all descriptions furnished sawmills. logging camp, factories, rres to employer. Alpine Employment Agency, near Morrison. 165 First at Phase Main 1017. ALL kinds of male help' furnished oa notice xree 10 employer, WILLIAMS 4) ROC8H, 20H North Second at. Phone Red 151. LADIES position secured and remain help furnished. The Oregon Woman's Employ moot Agency. 206 Allsky building. Phone Clay 408. AMERICAN Employment Agency Help of all kinds furnished on abort notice; mall orders promptly attended to. 20 N. 3d at- Main HIS. MOI'NT HOOD EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, fur nish free tn von RELIABLE HELP. Munger A- Collins. 270 Pur. aide. Bond 114T. FOR LADIES ONLY. PORTLAND Women's Employment Company. 218 Allsky. ear. 3d and atorrtaon. Red 3087. JAPANESE Employuwst Agency furnishes do- K Empli L farmhs snaa. tc. US ni Fifth Clay PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO., labor contra, tors; help free to employer. 815 Morrlsos. HEM wanted and supplied male or femal. It O." DRAKE. 306V, Wsshlngton at.. Clay 446 WORK for men. men for work. HANSEN'S OFFICE. M North Second at. WANTED ROOMS. WANTED By young man, one or two amall. Inexnenslrely fiirnlsbed housekeeping rooms, with gas stove; cheep rent; within walking dlatanee: cleanliness and quiet the main ob ject. In answering stat rent and whether there la bath. Address V 1. Journal. WAATTXD TO BEST. WANTED To let you know that advertising your vacant rooms in journal want coiumna Is the easiest and quickest way to find de sirable occupants; 10 cents nays for 81 words. W ANTED 5 or il room cottage before Sep tember 15: not over 515; write location. T 23, car Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. AN AnVFRTISTOIptT LI. tM In Joiirryil want coin rani cmti 6 eontft a Una frh Inmrt1n. It n ttrtrirtlTw and rNch- tb people yon trant U met.. Try omI WANTF.n 600 bnttMn rhlrrf V iVforw tbl nlnr Rmrm irti In. Rvtlmitn r1r oa all klnla of ahlnyllnir. for raaponaltila arork and reaaonabU prt rail no FfaSTRR 4 KIRK. Pbotva TTnlon 10M. WANTED All your catclrnlnlng and paper banging to do: 30c per nil. by experienced man; work guaranteed. Phone Union 8S84 WANTED To exohsnre carpenter work Wltk gooo carpenter. Address v , care journal. FOE kENT-KOUkXEHPLs-O EOOME 41.75 PER WEEK Large, rises. farslsSed Souaekeeplng room, with Bee of isnny.rr bat., phone; alan cheap tarslahed cottage. J. Lendlgaa. 184 Sherman. Pbon Clay Sua, FOR RKNT-Housokeeptng room In all pert ex is city, awaa mis class lncstloa xi yea are loosing rur some. 3A SIXTH at.; nicely furnished IliiBlskssi ng spartments; right front rooms. HeslyAprop. 8 I'NFCKNISHKD housekeeping room tor rest. cam jonnsou st. E00M8 WITH BOARD. BOARD and mom for couple or two gentlemen In private family; bath and phone. 178 Bast Bersstk St., cor Yamhill BOARD with moms well fnrm-hed: aauOaia saavenlencu; table board. 331 Ihlrtesatk si NEWLY furnished room, with or without board; moosBBSst. ose may. rasas Main sow. rOUR TIME IS VALUABLE, don't waste It. When you want something, remem ber there's a branch office of THE JOURNAL near your home where advertise ments may be left at regular main office rates. No extra charge for the cdnvenlence. Pay them a visit. 21 words for 15 cents. FOE RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. RIVERSIDE HOTEL 845 Eaat Oak. Furnished snd unfurnished room, single and en salts; lodging, fl per wek and up. Pboa Scott 804. FI'RNISHED room sds in Journal want col umns bring results. 81 words for 16 cent la th rate. Hsv you sny room? THE CECIL. furnlhd rooms and board, perma nent or transient; terms reaeunabl. 81 North Pars tt Phone Main 4040. FOR RENT Fumlaeed bouarkeeplng and alngl room, with or without board; bath, gaa, sll modern. 86 Seventh st. NICELY furnlehed front parlor; folding bed. piano, phone, hath. 254 Union sv.. North. Phone Eaat 1185. TWO nice front rooms, pleasant location; house keeping rooms reasonable. Phone Main 2U04. 546 Morrison at. NICE hay window room, close la; private fam ily; bath, phone Main 5078. Enquire 843 Clay St. THE TEM PLE Large, nicely furnished rooms: reasonable. 843 H Yimhlll at., cor Seventh. FURNISHED room In private family: gaa, bath and phone. 23014 North Eighteenth at. FURNISHED room, with 16114 North 14th St. or without board. TOE IMIU BMI TO LET The upper Sat now being built at Ninth and Everett at.; tlx rooms and bath; modern; to drelrable tenant. Call at Cali fornia wine bouse, 380-8 Washington at. Phone Main 708. FOR RENT HOUSES. A GOOD bom la aiwaya a source of pleasure; many nice house that will make good home are constantly advertised in Journal wsat 'coiumna. Are you looking for one ? 8 NEW modern 6-mom bnnaes c aide. In s good location. 20. (21. Hartman, Thompson A Powers, of Commerce. the esst Inquire ot 8 Chamber FOR rent or sale. 1011 Williams avenue, 8-room houae, all modern convenience. Apply John Rain. 224 Stark St Tel. Main 733 740 MINNESOTA AYE., 6 rooms. $12. FOE RENT TJNFURNIBHED ROOMS. 43.1 8EYE-TII t. ranged, modern rooms. -4 clean, light, well ar unfurntahed housekeeping TOE RENT MISCELLANEOUS. TO RENT 3 good lakes near steamer land ing; 2.000 ducks killed laat aeaaon: room for all huntera; hosting cabin: for particulars, tee Northwest Gnn A Bicycle Co.. Third snd Washington sts. HOUSE TOE BEET FURNITURE FOR BALE. FOR SALE Furnished bona 1 rooms, price 8400; rent Including water, (18; class In; east side. DAVID80N, WARD A CO.. 408 Chamber of Commerce. FOR FOR SALE FARMS Improved farms far sal Is sll parte of Ore gon snd Wsshlngton: payments mad to estt purchasers. For fall particular ss to vari ous properties spply to Win. Mac Mas tar. 511 Worcester bids. FOR SALE 240 acres, 100 seres bottom lsnd. rasa green an tne year, u need or atoct. R of them cows; price. 83.000, $3,000 caah. Write for particulars. W. B. Harrison. Ona. Lincoln Co., Oregon. FOR BALE SO scree good valley lsnd near Junction City, or.; price. fz.ono. Address owner, B. F. Myers, Woodburn. Or. WO'.'LD you like to live on s farm? Thla la where many excellent rarma are ortea ad vertised. Look for then. TO EXCHANGE. WHAT you have and don't want Is Inst what someone elss needs and can t nna. ir you u advertise It tn Journal want column you can make a good trade. Try them: zi 15 cents LOST AND FOUND. Ut.IND Lady' pocketbook containing some money and articles; owner Tin have asms By proving property and paying for advertising. Apply cashier Journal office. FC ,liOne black horse, about 1.200 pounds. Owner cell at trt. wasco at., pay cnarges and taks swsy. Phone East 188. LOST Many good opportunities every day yon fall to read Journal want coiumna. ism x roles them. MARIA Z1LI.INOER -Call st Ths Journal business office for your lust qicisuon poos. FOR SALE SEAL ESTATE. PROPERTY OWNBRB If too have any prop erty for aale, advertise It In thee column. Journal Want Ada are great real estate sales men; 21 words Jpr .IB cents. 14 000$ h on sea. furniture nd ground: coet Btf.OtB); in minures waia imoi on iiuue-, rent will pay for property In 8 yera. J. I.sndlgan. 184 Sherman. HOUSE snd lot. 838 Rodney sre.; choice cherry snd prune treea; price l.uuu; aiao large team horses snd new wagon. Apply oa premises. RELINQUISHMENT on 180 acres land neat Lyle. Wash : gnod two-room boas; good well: about two acre fenced. N. 1. Journal. 80S SALS fl room bones sad lot st Forty, second and Dlvlalon sta.: hot and cold water: $1,400. Call at 33414 Washington St.. room 10. FOR farms, acreege. city property, choice tim ber and homestead location, see Maiweft A Burg. 818 Ablngton bldg.. Portland. Or. FOR SALE Two 5-room cnttsge: bement; yard: good condition; renting for $14 00 mo ; easy terms: $1.400 each. IT. 47. JournaL, I-ROOM cottage. No. 804 Oorbett at., with 8n orchard; lot 50x100 fret: rent $16 per moat. Inquire Frank Hscbcney. 840 Corbett t BARGAIN If sold at once; one 8 room and ona 7-room colonial residence all atrlctly modern sad close In. Apply 488 Eaat 17th at. HOMES hnllt on Inetallmente: several i bouse shout complete; $1 880 to $3,800. M. Smith. Tie ensmner or omn FOR SALE 6 acres at Gates' crossing on O P. electric line. rrtee gaou PI1 " J0BEBT BMEEYE SCRIP. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE- -Approved, unrestricted, ready for Immedlete nse; lowest price. E. P. A F. B- Riley. 80S Chamber of Ocnmerce. FOR EST reserve, approved. Sssta Fe. on hand, ready far location; also soldiers' nstlonal lewd warrants and Sioux acilp. Mag Ion la A Son, 397 Falling bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES, ROOMING -HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. TAFT A CO. 125-8 Ahlngb.n BIdg. Phone M.ln 158. US ROOMS Brick otl Morrison St.. heart of city; rent $283.00 month with leas; houea la clearing $400.( above sll expense monthly. Price $0,600.00. 28 ROOMS Good location, well fnrnlshsd. I ears leas, rent $88. now clearing over 100 per month. Price 8X300. 22 ROOMS On Alder at., near Hotsl Portland: rant $80 00. furniture and carpets good, house chair shove sll expenses $110 . monthly. This Is s good buy for $2,000. 18 ROOMS On Morrison t.. all fnrnltnr good. 3 yeara' lease, rent $76. sll modern con veniences. This Is sn exceptional good buy, only $1,000. 15 ROOMS Right In the hub. on Fifth at., very finely furnished; good lease; rent $75 Price, $1,800. 10 ROOMS Extra good location, cheap rest, good lease, rent low; sa extra good Gay. at only $1,000. 8-R0OM HOUSE Right down town; well fur alahed. low rent; this hi the beat bar gala on the list. Only $860. WE CAN MAKE TERMS ON ANY OF THE ABOVE. ALL TITLES GUARANTEED. BUYERS PROTECTED A3 WELL AS SELLERS. RESTAURANT. RESTAURANT Good. first -class. up-to-date rsstsnrsnt, well located on one of the principal ata.. doing a good, profitable business; best of reasons why offered for ssle; good lease snd price right. "V NOTICE. WE WANT rooming-house. 30 to 40 rooms; also amaller places 8 to 13 or 15 rooms. TAFT A CO., 128-0 Ablngton Blk. BERE'S A BARGAIN! Ies cream, candy and clgsr store, well lo .eated on Washington at.; nice trade, cheap rent, lease; price $".50. TAfT A CO.. 136-8 Ablngton blk. DRESSMAKERS WANTED DliESSM AKBRS A apace to rent la connection with a millinery store to the right party. In the best retail district. Ad dreea A 41, care. Journal. HOTEL ef 40 rooms furnished snd occupied: hotel bar coating' $1,000; 2 Iota; 10. year leaae; low rental; fine location: $4,000; term. CROSS A SHAW. 388 Washington st. NEW LODGING BOUSE New unfurnished, 30 rooms. Just completed, good location; to lease for term of yesrs to responsible trnsnt by owner. Apply J. K. ROGERS. 00 First at. FOR SALE Stock of hardware, stoves, tinware. paints and oils, tn ona or tbe beet town in the Willamette valley: stock will Invoice be tween $3,000 and $4,000; reasons for eelltng. other buslneaa. B. 12. Journal. "BUSINESS CHANCES" advertisements la Journal Want Columns bring big returns ; It yon wsnt to boy or sail s business, try them: 21 words for 16 cents. - WHAT hsv yon to exchange ss fnll payment or part payment for a Ufa Insurance policy In on of the Isrgest old tins companies t Address M. 73. Journal. SNAP New furniture of 47 rooms; easy pay ments, cheap rent, fin location; neat building; leaae. Call 103 Seventh. SNAP If taken st once, furniture 14 rooms $1,000; half caah: fine location. Call 183 Seventh. TOE SALE BOSSES AND CARRIAGES. I BUY. sell, rent or exchange horses, wagon, buggies, rubber-tire runabouts, harnea. camp-' Ing outfits; livery In connection. Phone Main 1138. Bed Front Stable, 15th. juat off Wash ington. TWO yearling colts, one milk cow. most sell; will almost give sway. Inquire C. Rooney, Jennings Lodge, on Oregon City Use. YOU CAN sell your bora or wagon by adver tising It In Journal Want Columns; try them; 21 words for 15 rents. FOR SALE Buggy. Rodney. 888. cor. Fremont and TOE SALE MISCELLANEOUS. IK your store room you probably have some thing of no ass to yon, but It's good, snd yon mar Just as well get cash for It by advertising tn Journal wsnt coiumna; 33 words for 16 cent. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER. Vlalbls writing. Tabulator. Ball hearing. Light running Agency 86 Front st Phone Red 1881. FOR SALE Fine lot of talking parrots. Angora cats fanes, birds and pet stock at Portland Bird Co.. 804 Third atreet and 137 North Sixth. Everything guaranteed. BILLIARD AND POOL table for rent or far sale on rny payments. TBE BBUN8WICK-BALKE COLLENDEB CO., 48 Third St.. Portlsnd. CHEAP wood at Forestry building, fair grounds. $2o0 per cord; chip kindling free to wood urrknaere. Apply Immediately. Inquire for O. 0. Ayera. FOR SALE Fin upright piano, standard make, used 2 years; will sell cheap If taken at once. 638 Eaat Fourteenth, near Clinton. FOR SALS A amall dairy and route; ahto Hootch colli pup for SSl. Phone Scott 083. bicycle clostna oat sals: 840 Wolff- cans now asB. necentn anu Morrison so. TO exchange, an double barreled shotgun for s bicycle. Address 628 Thurman at. FOR SALE-- 830O plans for $200; good make. Phone Hood 3BT. rOR SALE OE BEET. FURNITURE 8-room fist for eel. Telephone Main 4402. ;- r&u : i.'i t cheap rent. FOR SALE HOUSEBOAT. HOCSFBOaT for ssl. Just been completed. 18x28 feet; h)gsntly painted, all first rlaaa. toilet and anterooms, Isrg outside deck. Q 30, car Journal. jgXAiEyoTAiiT aep r ALjnsr. MADAMS JOHNSTON Clatreoyaat, palmist. sder; I glv rset re on sll arts Ire ot real TBS OFFICE, 386 Waah'.ngt- st,. Main 771. Picket A Vlgueeoa. CAPS KEATS, las III st all 139 Sixth 88, A card reader; I glv rssts renew seal im portant os all affairs of real Ufa. Reeding to. 188 Fosrrk - GATES. PERSONAL. J. J. Hlrabhelmer, pension attorney, cc at law. peaaiona: war or tbe BhlUon. In dian wars. Act of Jno 37. 1800, order No. 78, widows, children snd dependent relatives, bonntlea. arrears, commutations and claims against ths U. S. 38$ Washington st MANLY vigor restored br Dr. Roberta' Nrv Globules. One month's treatment. $3; 3 mnntba, 86: sent securely sealed by mall. Agenta, Woodard. Clarke A Of, Portland, Or. TOl'll preaeitptlone are more accurately sad reasonably oiled at Bysell'a Pharmacy, 837 Morrison at., bet. First snd Second ata. PERSONAL Your business or professional esrd In Journal Wsnt Columns will bring yos business; 21 words for 16 rents. Try It. CATER only to th best people, specialist on dlsessea of the balr and scalp. Mrs. E Dae Vere. BOO Drkum. Phone Hood 887 ASTHMA actually and permanently cured: all obstinate virulent diseases - . actentlflcally Rested. Dr. Voose, 18114 First St. "ON a Slow Train Thronrh Arksassw. . by Jackson; furl of fun and Jokes: 36 cents Jones' Bookstore. 301 Alder st. MMR. R. E Ely. dermatologist, eeslp treatment, shampoo, electric maaasre. 811 Goodnough. ASPHALT FAYTWtt. THE Trinidad Asphalt Paring Co. of Portland. Office 888 Worcester blk. ARCHITECTS. HODGSON A CO. Architects sad I perls- tsndAts. Salts 818 Mscleay bVdg.. ear. Fourth and Washington ata Goodrich A Goodrich, archltecta; Wm. W. Oood rich. couaultlng engineer. 188 8th. Front 1883. ATTORNEYS. PACIFIC Coast Law A Collection Portland office. 708 Chamber of Commerce. E 8. RIOGEN. attorney and coanselior-at-lawi notary. 805-808 Ablngton Ltdg. SHEPHERD, ANDERSON A CELLARS Atnrneya. 81S-aO-31 Marquam bhtg. AST METAL WORKS. OBN A MENTAL work for residence, baaiasss houses, banks and office railings, grin, fire place attiilgs. chandeliers, signs, fence, art work In any styl metal and Satan ; ha mas are 4 lesf work snd metal spinning s epeclalty; building eoastrnctnral wcrk. L. K. Tasiik. 403-404 Davis, cor Ninth. BARGING AND LIOHTERINO. OR BOON BOUND LUMBER CO.. St. Phone Oesnt 1171. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EYKRDINO A FARRELL. produce and commis sion mertbant. 140 Front St.. Portland. Or. Pbon. Main 178. CBOCXERY AED GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery and gkxa Uegele A CO.. 100 to 108 Fifth. s. PrseL Stark st. COAL AND WOOD. GREAT WESTERN COAL CO., 441 Hovt. ear. 11th; washed lump Bootless coal. $8.00 per ton; nut. $6.00; agents for Cumberland Rangs. $7.00; Caatle Gate. $8.60; wholesale orlces: free delivery; full weights: aatla fac tion guaranteed, nvm MslB 048. BTEEL bridge woodyard. Be sure and see us before yea hay wood snd coal; full measure Earanteed. Office. 318 Holladay are. Phone st 434. E. Lsmerine, Manager. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO., 164 North Fifth at., dealers In domestic and steam coal, blscksmltk coal, charcoal snd coke. Phone Main 1018. i ALBINA FUEL CO.. Ball Broad, at. and hloel sad Alpine sts.. near ferry: slab sad green. Pboa Esst 674 GORMAN COAL CO Front and Pettygrove are Can na np. PHONE MAIN HOOVER A CONWAY. 813 Water at., ths pises for goad 4-foot. Era fir fire wood. Phots PIONEBB Fuel Co., removed from f to foot Msln at. Pbon Mils 18 C. E VELIN, first-class wood and coal; office 33 Alblna are., near rerry rami mat irra. OREGON FUEL CO : all kinds of seal aad 844 Morrison Pbon Main 8. CKAR00AL. OUT hardwood charcoal made expressly for charcoal asd Irons at the American Stables Front and Jefferson; every sack atrlctly fins nags CIGARS AED TOBACCO. EHBEROOUNBT CIGAR CO. Distributers of FINE CIGARS. Portland. Oregon. CARPENTERS AED '"TTLDERB. L t. AUTHOeta A B. E WOOD, carpenters sad builders; repairing snd Jobbing; store and office fixture hnllt. Shop 308 Columbia Phono Clsy 1861. FANNING A ARMSTRONG- Carpenter sad builders: repairing and lobbing; ressonshls rstes. Chop cor. Fourth and Columbia. Front 1385. O. W. GORDON, counters shelving, bouse built SBd eenslred 308 Fourth. Clar 174. CEMENT CONTRACTORS. HAWKINS A CO. Residence. 306 Fourth St.. phone Front 1388: cement work of sll de scription; step work specialty; work guar anteed CHA8. B. CASTES A CO. 'formerly Carter S Fill cement contractor. 874 Tsggart. 1875. All work gasraateed. CMEOPODY AED aTAEICTnUJO. WM. DEYBEY A ESTELLE DEYBNY. the only scientific chiropodists, parlors room 308 Drew bldg . 183 Second at. Phone Main 1301. This la th long-haired gentleman. Be la 1 man ran are looking foe LADIES' and chlldren'4 garments, silk skirts, nslsta and wrappers made te order. 138 Eleventh st., telephone Msln 8127 MBS. McKIBBEN artistic as king. 651 Morrises st cloak DOG AED B0ESE HOSPITAL. DR. S. J. CAENBY Yeterll ry satgesa. norva antra sr. moo Mam law; raa. MONEY TO L3AA. FRED H. STRONG. FINANCIAL AGENT. Money to loan. He commission I sts Is a position te make Immediate Bhang aa improved rest estate or for be' Id lag porpoass: sny amount; sssJersbt Inter est. Ws approve loans from plena and ad vanes money aa building progress. Option la repayment after on year. PEED H. STRONG. Ft d. natal AgeeAt 108 Socood St. aaar Stark. TBE STAB LOAN CO. Any salaried emnluve. wse-arner. eaa set aa his note, without mortgage Month 1,. month. Week. $60 00 Repay te us 813.88 or 88.88 or $8.88 835. oo Repay to oa $ 6 85 or 3.S8 or 81.88 $16.00 Repay to us $ 4.00 or $3.00 or $1.00 oonnoenttal 810 McKay bldg.. log 14 88. 8AIARY 'OANR Any salaried person baring a axaway position with responsible arm eaa obtain money on tbe may payment plan, with out publicity or delav; all business treated strictly confidential. NGKTBWEST LOAN CO.. $31 Ablngton bldg.. city. LOANS ON THE EASY-PAYMENT FLAM To Salaried Perm la. Strictly Confident). L Of8ce hours 0 a. m. to 8 p. ss. EMPLOYEES' IOAN CO. Phone 994. Boom 718. The Dekum bldg E W. cor. Third and Waahlngton sta. MONEY TO LOAN sa real, personal and col lateral recuritv: apeciai atreunoa re aaatxei BMrtgsges: Botes bought. C. W. PsUet. 313 nig. none Kaio laws. FROM $100 tn $1,000. rates 7. 8 and 10 pee cent; and from $1,000 tn 895.000 at 8 per rent, by CHARLES HIRST EI., 88V4 Third st. room 8, opp. chamber ot Commerce. SEE TUB Dunn-Lawrence Co.. real eatat and financial agents; money to loan on mortgage securities at low ra tea in sums from $300 to $10,000 14814 let at. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved cite and farm property at lowest current rate: balldtug loan, isatallment loans. Was. Mar Ms star, 311 Worcester bldg. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture and other chattel seeu.-IMea: all bust nee atrlctly pri ests. NORTHWEST LOAN OO.. 831 Ablng ton bldg . city. MONEY to LOAN tn large or asnaP anvonntst os good security; lowest rate. William O Been, sui 807 Falling bide. MONEY ADVANCED salaried people, teamsters eyt ooslnens in 48 principal cities. ,' CBATTSL loans IB e mounts rangiest neaaJH8 m so.uon; rooming-houses a snrctslty new Era Loan A Trust Co.. 908 Ablngton bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved or unimproved city property. In sums to suit. Purdah. Wat klns A Co.. 950 Alder at n, umirlt, Mha mimI, ornce. sib McKay bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on Clackama coontv land. F A F. B. Riley, 808 Chamber ot Com- DEC0RAT0R8. HENRY BBRGER 130 First St.: wallpapar. Ingrains. tapss 3 aprUqu fries. Inter- lor decorating DYEINO AED CLEANING. PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING AND DYF.INO Works; practical hatter In connection: feathet toss and plume cleaned and curled by an ex pert. 911 Fourth. Pboo Clsy 704. J. HUNTER. 660 Jefferson at., eteara carpet and mattiias cleaning: feather renovating: all work guaranteed. Phone Main 314. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED $1 per month. Unique Tailoring Co.. 847 Washing ton st B W. TTTRNKE. professional dyer and e lessee. 80S Jefferson St. Phone Main 8518. T1ATEBEAI. ntglTEAOE. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foremost frater nal neftcty of northwest: protects the liv ing. J. L. Mitchell, anpreme secretary. 813 snd 816 Marnnam bldg.. Portland. Or. Tele phone Msln 849 aaJOTEJCAL WOEEE. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company. 808 Stark St.. Portlsnd; O. E. tor everything In the electrical Una. Main 1888. FURNITURE FACTORIES. FURNITURE manufacturing and special ordera. L. Ruveaky'a furniture factory. 870 Front st OR BOON Furniture Manufacturing Company Manufacturer of furniture foe the trade. 908 First st GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO.. wholesale lecturers and commission me ants, ronrta snd Oak sts. ALLEN A LEWIS, commission and produce mer chants. Front snd Davis eta.. Portland. Or. LANG A CO.. first and Ankeny st-. KAT8 CXEASED. EASTERN Bst Msnofsctnring Company. 833 first near Clay; bats dyad, cleaned, blocked; sll sssta la latest stykM oar specialty; Psnsma bats. Hotel Portland. American plan; $3. $5 per day. Belvedere: En rope n pise: 4th and Alder ata. HUMAN HAIR ROLLS. J. J. BORG. maker human hair mile. 498 K. 9th. Tel. Bast 2211. Store. 888 Morrison st. INSURANCE. ISAAC XT WHITE, fir Insurance, bldg. 900 Data JAB. Mcl. WOOD, employer' liability and la dividual accident eurety bonds of sll kinds. Pbon 47. 803 McKay bldg. at. r. B ARTELS COMPANY. Sr InastrsBce. 448 Sherlock bldg. Oregon phone Clay 898. FIRE INSURANCE J. P. Kennedy A Co.. 33! Sherlock bldg. Phone Main 1858. ARTHUR WILSON fire bldg Phone Main 1048. EE0E W PHOENIX IBON WORKS Engineers, msou fsctnrers of marine mining, logging and saw mill machinery; prompt attention to repair work Pbon. Esst 98. Hawthorns are. eiB.SE MUSICAL. VIOLIN, mandolin, cornet, clarinet and all string and wind Inetrumente. Prof. Edwin A. Smith. Main 4708. 954 Twelfth St. MB. and MRS II. A. WEBBER, hanlo. ando- tin guitar Instruction. Main 3888. 178 W Park T. E LAWSON 340 Park. cor. Mala, piano lee son.; terms reasonable. Phone Front 911. MASSAGE AED BATES. A PGR hatha and massage by lady wltk ladr aaalatant. 11014 Fourth, room A MUS. OBBOCK. ma sseuse, haa returned from the eaat. Union 5089, MUSIC DEALERS. FISHER MUSIC CO.. 180 Third talking macblnee; repairing. Bad t Victor OVERALLS. BOSS OF THE EGAD OVERALLS and mechaa les' clothing: onion mads. Nrustadter Bros.. BMBBfaetnrerB. Portland. Or. PLUMBERS. FOX A CO.. eanltsry plumber. 381 Second, bet. Msln aad Salssoa. Oregon phen. Main Boot. DONNERBBEG A RADEMAcn EE. plnmswra r ass red to 84 Fourth st. Beth phones. PAIETDfO AEB PAPER-HANOIIIO 801 TON. p. Inter and nspi Mgna t.. wast end of bridge. p.rh.uger. 179 99X88 ourraojE. MAKE MONEY! USE PRESS CLIPPINGS! Blag Bp Slack II and ardor a moath's eervlc cover! eg sverr town In any or I1 coast tats: dally meeseager service; adv.iev naarta ra sll contract wurk. Portland office 109 Sa 0. WEIGHT, lawyer: patent epertalty; rotect your Intentions. Boats 804 Dekaas. rLAXIEO. THE OREGON PLATING WOEES, 481 Wash lugtos atreet Phoas 9579. Pollablug. pl.t 'sg aad subs art say, PAINTS, OIL AED OLA 88. r. E BEACH A QO. Pioneer Pal at Os.. ettlsg the bast thine made In paints snd general building window-glass 'and glaslng a Peeiarty 136 Ftrat at.: pbon Mam 1884. nv'I M. DONNB A CO. Phoenix Pslnt snd "fl Works: Biann'acturer and Importers paint., oil. and rnrave. etc.: phone 187. Offl- asd factory. Sherlock v. and Nineteenth st. i . IIJel-KIl CO.. manufacturer Pioneer Ied. PbAcnlx Paint. Kopsllne; gaarastee given with (very gallon of pslnt manufactured BASMTTBEIf A CO.. lobbera. r.lnta. Otis, glass. - TT lm STts Bt. ,EINTn$o. BUBHONG A CO.. Front and Stark sts.. print In. lithographing, blank hooks and office eu optica; work done on time: must complete printing office In the weet. Main 104. ANDERSON A DDNtWAY COMPANY, nrlntlne. Ilthorrspblnr blsik book. Pboa Mala IT. El Alder at. ' IN B0O9TBE. TIN HOOFING guttering, repairing and joi.ninr j. isiii. xii jrrron afreet ALL kind of roof, repaired snd painted. W. J. Farrell. 8814 Ftrat. Scott B49 ROPE. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO. ear. Fourtesutu and Northrup sts.. Portlsnd Or. EtJBEEE WAMTB. P. 0. STAMP WORKS 348 Alder st nhon. Msln 710; rubber stamps, scale, stencils, bag gage, trsds checks: send for catalogs. sJEATTsEuAED WRlTEWABkngtl. SPRAYING and white rraahlng. tree, base ments, barn, dock, etc.. M. O. Morgan S Op. Call op Scott 954. ws will call asd give, you figures on year work. The largest gasoline spraying and whitewashing 00 ,8 1 In Multnomah connty. 870 Mtlwsakls St. Portland. Or. SATES. LARGEST stock In city; Dlebold work: lorkoota openeo; repairs, jail work, steel celling, treat ment and goods meriting your patronage. J. E Davis. Aa Third St STORAGE AED TRANSFER. SAFES. pianos and furniture moved, packed ready for shipping nd shinned: all work guaraatecd; Urge 8-story brick fireproof warehouse ror eforaee. Office 138 First st 0. M. 0L8EN. Pbon Mala 64Y. C O. PICK, office 88 Ftrat St.. between Stark and Oak ata.: phone 608; piano and furni ture moved snd packed for shipping; com modlons fireproof brick warehouse. Frost snd Clsy ata. SHOWCASES AED FIXTURES. SBOWCA8ES nf every description; bank, bet and afore fixtures made to order. The Lutks Manufacturing Co.. Portland and Seattle. TRANSFER AED HAULING. OREGON TBANSF8B CO.. 184 North Sixth, Heavy hauling and telephone torsg. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. Inston at Phone Or. Mala 88 30014 Wa TYPEWRITERS. YOST TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS 330 Stark Street. Ws rant, repair, sell, exchange typewriters. 41 supplies for an machines. Standard machines $35 sod up to $100. Do yea wsnt a atenographer or typist I We have list of good applicants. Pbon Black 8871. ALL MAKES of typewriter for rent at Under wood Typewriter Agency, 88 Front st TRUNK FACTORY. PORTLAND TRUNK MFG. CO. Wholesslc and retail. Phons Clay 888. Cor. 3d A Pin. Portland. Send for cats lorn.. TOWEL BUTTLT CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash, soap, $1 psr month. Lswrene Bros.' Towel Supply company, 4th and .Pouch. Phone 428. STKOrSR'S RESTAURANT, flrat-rla beat service. 398 Vtaablngton WALLPAPER. UOROAN WALLPAPER CO.. 184-188 at, bet- Yamhill sad Taylor, Portlard. FIMANCIAL. I ADD TTXTOW, BANKERS, l (Established In ISO I Making Busli Interest Allowed on Tin - Deposits. Collections made st all point on favwsbv (arm. Letters of credit Issued available la Europe and all polnta In the United States. Bight Exchange sad Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York. Washington. Chicago, St. Louie. Denver. Omaha. 8. u ' s mnclscu ana Mon tana snd British Columbia. Exchange sold un London. Parts, Berlin. Frankfort. Boug Kong. Yukohsms. htaalla sad none In la. I-.RST EX ATTOIYAT, of Portland. Or. Dsslgnated Depository and Financial A rest st tb United States. Pres'dent - I MILLS OsLhlrr 1. W. EMTKIBK Asslstsnt Cn.r-.ler W. C. Jn.VOKD Second Aaalatant Cashier B. W. STEVENS Letters of credit leased available In Europe and the Eastern State. Sight Exchange and Telegraphle TTanafera anld on New York. Boston. Chicago. St. Louis. St PauL Omaha. Saa Francisco snd tbs principal nolnta In the Northwest. Sight snd time bills drawn In sums tn suit on London. Parts. Berlin. Frankfort -on-to Main, nong Kong. Yokrmams. CopenhsgrB. Christiana. Stockholm. St Petersburg. Mos cow. Eurlrh. Honolulu. Collections msds on favorabl term- ETTXID STATES BATIOWAT, BAKE, OF PORTLAND. 0EEOON. 0RTHWEST 00E. TB1ED AND OAK STS. Transacts a- ursexvu penning aawassa. DRAFTS ISSUED. Avalx-oF In all cities of tbe United States and Europe, Hoag Kong and Manila. f COLLECTIONS MADE 0E FAVORABLE TERMS President Vice-President.... Cashier Assistant Cashier .J. 0. AINBWOBTB S, A7ES ...R. W gTBMEKK A. M. WEIGHT MvjmcHAWTS' EATTOaTAX. BAJTX. PORTLAND. OREOON. I. FRANK WATSON .Preeident R. L DURHAM Tice-Preeldent R. W. BOYT . Oeahlee 3EOROE W. HO,9T Assistant Csshlee Tranaacta a Gaaersl Banking Business. Draft and letters of credit leaned avsllshla to all parts of the world. Collection, a specialty. Gold dust bought. OBTDOST 4 SAft IE FSAEt LIMITED KCTSCO BAEK. Climber of Omamaros Building, Third, nag Stark Streets. ftesd Office. 8S Old Broad Street. Ixmdou. Tbl. bnk trnnct a general hsnklng hnsl nesa. makes loans discounts bills and tssnes letter, of credit sraltahl for travelers ami for tb. of merchandise In any city of ths or Id. De.1. In foreign and do roe. tic exchenga. Interest paid on time deposits. W. A. MACBAE Msnsrer. 8ECU9UTY BAWIWOB TWTJST CO. 984 Morrises St. Portland. Or. Tiasati la a General Benkrn Baslssaa, 8AVTEO8 DEPARTMENT Interest Allowed on Tim. snd Roving Depoatts. Acta a. Tmatee for Estate. Drafts and letters of credit available in all parts Of the wnrhl. 0. r. ADAMS ...PrswMeM f. A. LEWIS First tnV-President A. U UVXM fieeond R. O. Jtrftrrg Secretary MohftEIS BROS. A CMEISTB 1 Offer gPt-edge Investments tn Municipal Ballrosd Bonds. Writs or call. 1894 Fire. St.. Prriland. Omgira. MORTOAQR LXA1V8 On On fland Best Eatat. at Isesit Bate. TITLE GUARANTEE ft TRUST' CO. aVsotS l. Chumbesot