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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. AUGUST 81. 1801 UTTWIB Mm4 at ths noatoffkee of Portland. Or for traaeportatloa through lb mail M out matter. nafau far ilmli - ' Tar sc. 8. 10 or IX pan pa Mr. 1 east; 1 to to page. S aaotai 83 w as page, a Rualaaaa Office Main 600. Bdltjrial Booma Main 280. rots adteatisivo mmnnntATiTB. Vreelanrl-Bengamln ?.D -4M51' J BO Naaaaa street. aw Tork; Tribune leg, lm OMomxraov um Term hy Carrier. Tha Dallr Jonrnal. with Buna;. 1 fear. . . .IT B0 Tha Dallr Journal, J rear BOO The Dallr Journal, with Bandar, 8 months. 8 T8 Tha Dallr Jonrnal, 8 montha g Tha Dallr Journal, with Bandar. month. l.M Tha Dallr Jonrnal. 8 montha -f0 Tha Dallr Jonrnal. with Sunder, 1 mooih . . .88 Tha Dallr. par wwt, delivered. BwnSaw Included M Tha Dallr. par week, delivered, Bandar - tp4d .. Tarma by rT?- Tha rar Jonrnal. with Snndar. 1 raar IT. 00 Tha Dallr Journal, t raar 25 Tha Dallr Journal, with Bandar. montba. S.TS Tha Dallr Jeornal. 8 montha -J The Dallr Jonrnal. with Snndar. 8 moatha. 1.90 The Dallr Jonrnal. S montba 1 The Dnllr Journal, with Sundar, 1 month... .JS The Dallr Jonrnal. 1 month Tha Bandar Journal. 1 raar BOO Tha Sundar Journal. 6 montha lw Tha Semi Weeklr Journal. Tha Semi Weeklr Journal, 8 to 11 pa. each laaaa. lllnatratrd. foil mark at re- norm, l raar Tka Waaklr Joumai. Tha Weeklr Jonrnal. 100 eolnmna of raad- la each laaoa. Iilnetreted. fall market report. 1 raar ifciLiS! Bemlttancea ahonld ha mada br drafta. poatal not re. express ordara. and email amounta an accptabla la 1 and 2-cent paaa aUnyr P. O. Box 1ft, Portland, nr. Bahaeribara to Tha Joumai who agar Veer town for tha eummer can bare tb paper forwardrd to tbea to enr andreaa without extra rharf. payment for tha eama to ba mada upon their return. WHE&B THE JOUBBAL MAT BB TOtTBD. Um Journal nan ba found as aale at tha fol lowing places: 1 nnisfi. IDAHO -Pioneer book atom. t HICAOO--Poatofftca New companr. 1TB Dear- t-orr. atraat, - DKNTBB. COLO. Kendrlek Book A Stationary companr. 91 Seventeenth atraat; 7. Black. Sixteenth and.Qartta street. KANSAS ' IT Y - Van Nor Nrwa companr. LOS ANCKLBS B t. Gardner. BBS float Spring trert; Oltrar A Balnea, BOB South MINVFU'OLIS M. J. Karanaaah. 80 Sooth Third. IT KBW TOBBT nTT Brent no' a. Union arnara. OODBN Orden New company. OMAHA Millard hotel newa atand: ktegseth Stationer? companr. 1808 Farnanx atraat. SALT LArfR CITT Kenron hotel newa atand; Barrow Broe. . 43 Weet Second atraat. Booth. ST LOt'1.1 Philip Boeder. 818 Locaat atreat. 8AN PBANCTSCO W. B. Ardlng. Palace hotr-1 newa atand: Ooldaratth Broa.. 880 Butte atreat: Fred W Pitta. 1008 Market atraat. SPOKANE. WASH John W. Graham A Oo. TACOMA. WASH Central New companr. 111 rsoino avenue. AUCTION SALES T0M0EKOW. Br J. T. Wllaon. at 831 Ftret atreat. nt 2 p. m Sale of groeerlee. J. T. Wllaon. auctioneer. Br (ieorae Baker A Oo.. Park and Alder atrreta, at 10 a, m. Sale of boheebold fur nlshlngs. ete. Oeorge Baker Co., auctloneera. mrBKAX NOTICE. BRADY At 406 Madlaon atraat. Ausroet 80. 1804. William Edward Brady, aged 80 yeara T month 4 dara. funeral Friday, September 2, 1884. at 8 a. m. from late rraldenca. 408 Madlaon atraat; 8:80 a. in from tha cathedral, corner Fifteenth and Dr.Tle etreeta. Relatlre and frlanda ra aiKCtfullr Inrlted to attend. Interment St. Marr'a cemetery. BRADY At 406 Madlaon etreet, Auguat 81, 1114. John Brady. aged TO yeara. Funeral Friday, September 2. 1804. at a. m. from late raaldanca. 408 Madlaon atraat; 0 80 a. m. from the cathedral, corner Fifteenth and Dart etreate. Relatives and fiienda re- 3ctfullr Inrlted to attend. Interment St. ary'a oemetery. MDSCHALIK In thta cttr. August 80. 1804. at tha reeidence of her father, TBS Mississippi are., Helen Muacballk, aged 11 yeara. Funeral Thuraday. September 1, J p. m., from Holman'a 1'ndertaklng parlor. Chicago and St. Loula paper pleaae copy. WEATHER REPORT. Weather condition and general foracaat for Oregon, Washington and Idaho Showera and thunderstorm har occurred over a atrip of country extending1 from - northern Arlnona and northern New Mexico northeastward through Colorado and tha Dakota a to Canada. Klae where In tha United Staiaa no rain of conae quence baa occurred. It I warmer tbla morning In central Cali fornia, Narad and aoutheaatern Idaho and ft oler In northern w aahlugton ano nin-Thcrn ho. But of tha Backy mountain nearly inkjrraal temperatnrea prevail. The Indication are for fair and warmer weather In tbla dlatrlet Thuraday, with light froata In rxpoaed placaa tonight In extreme eaatern Oregon and eouthecn Idaho. half.: -TEMP. Max. Mia. Prac. SS TO 88 44 f SO 60 0 84 88 0 SS TO 8 84 0 88 88 0 84 64 .0t 68 DO 0 fid AO 0 72 64 .02 88 88 84 44 .at) TO 88 a ,0B TS 60 0 88 64 0 84 T4 .01 T4 84 0 62 62 0 TS 84 0 Tl 60 0 TS 68 0 66 M 8 TS 48 0 88 84 0 84 88 .M 88 90 0 T8 84 0 T4 64 i. 68 68 OS 44 T. OS 60 0 T6 64 0 TS 04 0 TS 68 0 08 80 0 Atlanta, Oa Baker City, Or.... Hole. Idaho Cllrago. Ill Cincinnati. Ohio.. Itenrer, Oolo Kureka, Oal Fresno, Oal Kallspell. Mont Knnsaf City. Mo Iwlstnn. Idaho I.n Angelea, Cal New Orleana, La Nkw York, N. Y Nofth Head. Waah Omnha. Nab rnllodelphl. Pa Pocatcllo, Idaho Portland, Or Itcaebnrg. Or arrmento. Gal St Loala, Mo ?lt Lake, I'teb San Diego. Cal Kan Franctaco, Cal St. Paul, Minn Knokane, Waah Waah, Walla Walla. Waah.... Washington, D. 0 Wlnnemncca, NaT 1 iima, Arlg MARRIAOE LICENSES. Irrlng C. Brubachec. 22, Cedar cawnty, Neb.; Florahel Blnglcy. 30. Edward McOloln. 22: Mary D. Caeanaugh, SB. Ralph L. Wllaon. 23; Dalay Agnaa Btaele, IT (father consenting). Stan ley 'A. Starr. 26; Emily F. TVnr, St. BIRTHS. August 16, ta Mr. and Mr. Barry B. Ken nedy of 166 Park atraat: a aon. Augnat 1. to Mr. and Mr. Bart D. Coffey of 274 Montgomery atraat: a aon. August 24. to Mr. and Bra. S. Andrew Hart man of T88 Corbet t atraat: a aon. Angnat 36. to Mr. and Mra. John Klrby at Woodstock ; a aon. COSTAOIOTTS DISEASES, Angnat SO. B. -J. Ballympla, 464 Waahlngton atraat; acarlet fever. Augnat 28, Charier Flowara, Boy' and Olrla' Aid society: diphtheria. August 29. Archie Lacey. Bora' and Olrla' AM acclcty; diphtheria. DEATHS. Angnat 28, Edward Jamea Muldooa, aged 10 yeara, at 1148 Mlnneaota avenue; cause, in SnmnuUarr rbanmatlam, Boiial at Mount Cal vary ('-emetery. Augnat ST. Clara Kuhn. aged 21 year, at St Mncent haapltal; cause, thronloala of meeentrlc arterr. BfJHal at rsranta. Or. Angnat 2T. EUiabath E. Beeaon. aged IS yeara at Seattle. Waah.; can, carcema. Crema torlnm. Crematorium on Oregon city car Una. near Btllwondi modern, actentlflc, complete. Chargva Adults. ., children. 826. Visitor 9 . m. t B p. m. Portland Cremation aaaoclatJon, Portland, Or. Tka Edward Hoi man t'ndertaklng company, fi neral director and ambalmera. 00 Third atreat. Phone SOT. I. r. rUday A San Eggs are being ta ken in Urge lota from cold atorage. EGGS DO NOT CONE FAST ENOUGH or local PIAOTIOALLT VOKXBAL AMD most cor ' sables AJUfl or cold nTTOmAOB AJBIBTT BTJTTB1M OBT- TXMO DAHOUmODB MOPB rronat Btreat, Aug. 81. The principal featurea of the Portland wboleaala marketa today are: Egg hara stronger ton. Poultrr la ahowlng accumulation. ' Dallaa water maroon are lower. Peach market haa haary arrlrak. Hon continue tronger. Wheat remains doll bat Srm. Eaatern careala to advanc. Shortage of amall aaa flsh. Salmon cannera quit far aeaeon. Two car of awaat potatoes antra. Two car of banana ara In. Butter market la strained. Freeh meat ara yule t. Rgga Hare Stronger Tone. Tha egg market continue to gain in strength and price ara being moved ap to tha danger point. Tha receipt ara now practically nomi nal and moat of tha stocks being sold ara of tha cold storage variety, hat ara of very good quality. There ara aotna ordara again coming In from Alaafca, bat they are atlll email. Ship ment of thl character ara packed In lt, making the aaaaa Tory haary and ooatly la freight. Past Month Show Change. During- tha paat month the egg market ha ahewn cotudderable fluctuation and price have ranged about 8c per Oooen. Tha tore part. of the month ahowad tha receipt rather light, but later on they became a trifle too Deary and the market reacted back several cent. At one time It waa thought that tha Teealpta would become ao large that they would break tha market, but before tha danger point waa reached tha arrival feU off nearly altogether. Poultry "la Showing Accumulation. According to one of tha larger re telle re of thla city the. atocka of poultry in tha hands of the dealata ara not half aa Urge a generally auppoaed, hot they ara not solo to bay very heavily at thla time baeauae prlcea ara several cent too high. Tha market today abowed lll-iiil receipt and aume atocka were carried over bat thla waa not ao much on account of the lack of demand aa of tha too-high price. There waa aa change in tha price today. Turner A Co. nay: "Poultry receipta ara heavier with tha market lower yeaterday. Bgga ara Srm and are aelllng faat at printed prlcea." Hay Market Coattanaa Firmer. The tone of the hop market continue to Arm ap aa tha time for tha general opening of tha aeaeon begins, hat no of fere of more than 26c are reported for contract. Of the market tb New Tork Producer' Price Current In Ita latest lean rays: "Tha bop market has developed conelderahle lncreaae of strength on part of dealer during the paat few daya, but brawarg ara not aa yet Intereated. The report of tha growing crop In Germany have grown con siderably won In tha laat 10 day or ao. owing to the continued unprecedented drouth pre vailing In that country "d the eatlmatea of tba Gorman crop hare bean lowered conalderably. Report from England also ara not very en couraging: growers than ara not making much headway against vermin and mold, and tnateady of yielding 400.000 cwt., age lata eatlmate. It now look aa If 880.000 cwt. would ba nearer the figure. Belgium and Austria, how ever , report their crop In good condition. Hough Auatrla la now complaining of a lack of rain. Beport from New York atate continue exceedingly good; picking of seedlings haa corn ier need and appear to be coming down haary.' Wheat Bematag Firm, Bat Dull. The) wheat market's too 1 very Arm and noma taw ealee of amall lota of valley ara reported around 860. The eastern Oregon crop la tied hp to noma extent on account of the agitation of lower rail raaa to the middle west. Prlcea unchanged. Butter Market la Strained. IWthoot regard to what other marketa have been doing the quotation of creamery butter In tbla city hare been strained up toward tba danger point and although bualaaae la tether good the market 1 not nr too firm. Offer of eaatern creamery of tha beat, gxde have been aubmltted to local merchant at Wt 22c per pound, this city, and It I not likely that there will be any further advance la thla market aoon. Store butter la hardly coming at an, but a tha quality 1 poor tha demand la amall area at tha low figure. Smith Bra, a Meat. Bay Smith Bros.: "There I a good torn to tba fresh meat market Receipta of both real and hoga are quit HberuL hot tba demand la all right and no accumulation of atocka la ehown. Next week will ba hop-plcklng time and farmer will not rend ao many hoga to market aa thay will be needed at home. Thla la al moat aura to causa a good market. Tha de mand for both mutton and lamb rnaftanag good." Eaatern Careala to Advanc-. The existing high prlcea on wheat In tha eastern marketa ara baring their effect on the embalmera, har removed to their new estab lishment, corner Third nd Madlaon treaty Bath phone Mo. 0. Eeller-Byrnes Co., funaral director and em balmera. 278 Bnaaell. Lady anat. Phone Kaat 1088 REAL ESTATE TRANSFER8. Obarlea E. Stewart and wife to George W. Brown, part lot 3, Frultvale 8 TS j. ht Scott and wife to Jehn MatechlmeT at aL, north H lot 6, block 4. Conch a addition William Matbewa and wife to- H. H. Brooke, aorthweat 4 northaaat M aec tion IS, township 3 north, rang 1 weet; 10.61 acres In aouthweat of aoutheaat W section 13, township 3 north, range 2 waat . 1.800 H. Oerdea and wife to B. W. Foster, lota 6 and 8, block T. Wataon'a addition 60 J mo Doran and wife to Anton 1 Greco. lot 6, block 304, Oouch' ddlOon 3.100 W. H. Game and wife to Francla Clarnn lota 6, 8, block IS. Southern Portland; lota 36. ST. 28, block B, Portaraouth Villa extended 1.800 Sheriff (T. M. Word) to Joeeph Paquat, block 87. East Portland 18,703 Thomas Mulr and wife to Allen A Oll-bart-Ba maker company, lot 10, block 68, Piedmont addition. 800 The Hirer View Cemetery aaeoclatton t D. Walter Ttlford, subdivision D of lot 27, eeotkoo 4 of River View cemetery . 128 Alfred A Baker and wife to .lulls U Hamilton, lot 6, block 0; block C, Mount Tabor rill. 3,000 P. H. Marlay and wife to S. B. Drlrer. lota 84 and 86, block 43. Peninsular Addition No. 4 I Halrer Olsen and wife to John Miller, 1 acre beginning at point weet Una section 4. township 1 south, range 3 east 600 P. W. Ttwgler and wife to William Marataaon, lot 1, 3. T and 8. block T, Dolan'a addition 1.800 B. B. Noble and wife to Mary A. Brown, lota 8 and 4, block 12, North AJblns . 400 Robert Collier and wife to Mra. Dora the Duback, lota T and 8, block 108, city 0,600 George Ehlel aad wife to George W. Brown, part lot 2, Frultvale IS Portland Lone Fir Ceatetery companr to H. T. 01 boon, lot 0, block 88, Lone Fir cemetery 40 Fred B. Morrl to Arnold Myers. Iota 2 and 8, block IT, City View Park 800 John W. Mlnto and wife to Jaaa G. Bell, 16 acre la eectlon A township 1 south, range 1 seat 1 Dudley Kvana and wife to R. M. Bates, ' lot 8, block 163. Coach' addition ... 4,000 H. O. Bahlstrom nd wit to George w. Holme, tot 13, block 1, Maple wo ad Addition ITS Oat yonr Insurance and abstracts to real estate from the Title Guarantee A Trait com pany, Chamber of Commerce building. BUILDING PERMITS. Angnat SO, W. B. Btevane, cottage on aouth eaat corner of Brooklyn and Beat Tenth street; mat. 81.800. August 80, Mra. A. Alchhorn. dwelling on Northrup between Nineteenth and Twentieth atraat; coat. $1,800. August F0. M. C. Kreft, 2 story dwelling on Monroe between Kerby and Borthwlck street; coat. $1,800. Angnat 80, Ttlton Broa.. repalra to wnod bouae on Fifth between Plunder and Glln treet; coat, AITS. Angnat 80. Mr. Foa. repair to 2 -story wooden house on Grand avenue between Hawthorn and at Madlaon atresia; coat, $600. August 9n. F. T. Wood, 2stocf dwelling on hat Morrison between Boat Thirty fifth and East Thirty -alith; cost, $3800, TODAY'S MARKETS cereal market and tka nanufactun rs of both grape ante and poatum hara notified Jobber that on September 1 tha quotations on tha Hue will ba advanced by recalling tka fatal at 1 par cant discount for cash Salmon Oanaara Quit far Practically all of the canaarlaa along tha Columbia ara now closed for - tha season and flual return of the sack ara expected to ha In within tb next few daya. The market la In good abas. In thla city tha receipt of treah salmon are ample hut there la a scarcity of SB-all tt water stock. Prlcea unchanged. Potatoes Ara Vry Unlet. Tha potato mark Is very quiet with prac ttcally no stock being purchaaed try tha dealer as they are expecting lower price to prevail. A ear of Merced sweat cam In thla moraine and found aale at a Ught decline, the preeent price being 3Hc. Two earn of banana In (lUlte good ahape came tbla mornings Tha ar rivals of peachea from all poluta but Ashland are heavy aad tha market ta a trifle down. To ast toe are dull and unchanged. Huckloberrlea are In larger supply and the price la down to 10c. Good fancy near will bring $1 par box, tut aomn aalea are being mada aa low ae 60c. Many prices are ruling aa apples. The ex pected cay of watermelona from Tha Dallaa ulved and found a good aala with prlcea rang ing from 80c to $1 per hundred pound. Canta loqpea are not coming ao faat, but demand la ieconlng limited with prlcea practically tha aama. Today' wboleaala quota tlona, aa revised, are aa follows: WHEAT Export Mica Haw aad old Olob,- TOc; blueatem, 88c; valley. 88e. . . BARLEY Feed, SSI; rolled. $23; brewing, $38.60034.00. OATS Producer' price No. 1 white, $36.00: gray. $34.00. , FLOUR Eaatern Oregon: Patent. 84.36; atralghts. $A804)S.60; valley. S8.8BtM.t6; gra ham, -K. $3.6808.78 : 10. $3.8614.20. MILLS TUFFS liran, $18.60 par ton; mld dllraa, $36.00; aborts, ooantry, $3300; chop, HAY PnodBcer' pi lea Timothy. Willamette valley, fancy. $14.0816.00; ordinary, 1 12. not! 18.00; eaatern Oregon. $16.00116.00; mixed. $10.00012.00: clover, $8.00410.00; grain, $11.00 011. SO; cheat, $11.00011.60. Baps, Waal and Hide. HOPS 1808, Nominal, 20034c for choice ; X 023 Uc for prima; contract, 1804, 28c. WOOL Nominal. Vallay. roar to medium. ITBlSc; One. 18c; eastern Oregon. 13010. MOHAIR - New, 80c. SHEEPSKINS Shearing, 10030c: short wool, 3tn0SOc; medium wool, 30060c; long wool. eOc0l.OO each. TiLLOW Prima, par lb. 406c; No. 3 aad grease. 10SU. CHITTIM HARK 6c par lb; buying price. HIDES Dry hide. No. 1, 16 lbs snd ap. lsROlBc per lb; dry kip. No. 1, B to IB Ine. ISMc; dry calf. No. 1. ends 6 lbs, 16V, c; dry as lied bulla, and ataga. 1-3 than dry dint; silted aides, ateer. Bound, 60 lbs or over 708c; 60 to 00 lb. 7c; under 60 lbs and cow. 607c; stag and bulla, eound. 6c; kip, IS to 81) the, TUc; eound, 10 to 14 Iks, 8c; alt. Bound, under 10 lha, SHc; green (nn aalted) la per lb lees; calls, Ic per lb lea; hare hid, salted, each. $1.2801. 78- dry, each, $1.0001.60: colta' hide, each. 20060c; goal skins, common, each, lO016ei Angora, with wool on. each. 26c0$l.OO. Butter, Eggs Sad Poultry. BUTTER FAT Sweet. 28 Vic; sour, 21 Via BUTTER City crermrry, 35c; outside fancy, 2314026c; ordinary, lTVsOSOc; More, 12Vc. EtlUS No. 1 freah Oregon. 23028Ve; un candled, 23c; bakers, 22 'v. CHEB8B New Full cream, twin. 10V.O 11c; Toting America. HVi 012V,c POULTRY Chickens, mixed. 12Ve lb; bens, 18c per lb; rooatare, old, 8c per lb; young, 11V4C per lb; brollera. 14Vic per lb; fryers. 14Ho per lb; ducks, old. lie par lb; young, HHc par lb; geese, 7c per lb; turkeys. 17c per lb; dressed. 18c per lb. Frutta sad VegeUhlaa. POTATOES New Oregon. $1.0001.36 per cwt; buyers' prices, 9Oc0$l.Ou; aweeta. Be per lb.. ONIONS Walla Walla. $1.TB; CallfornU. $l.T6tt2.00: garlic, 10c per fb. FBEK1I FRUITS Applee. fancr Oregon. $1.35 01.50 per box; cheap grades. 28076c per box: orangee. Mediterranean aweeta. $8,000 $.26 her box; let Vslcnclae, $H 2608.50 per box; banana. Be per lb; lemon. choice. $3.00 per box; fancy. $3.5008.76 per box; lime. Mexican. 65c per 100; pineapple. $4.80; pluma. Burba nka, 60000 box; peach olunis aorotBOc box: neachea. ordlnarr. 40c lex; Crawford. 50000c par box: peers, $1.00 Cr boa; grapes, a 1 P ; black fig. per box; black- uerriea. per , crate, w.inujes,, California. 76085c per cwt; crated. $115 Usn.SSTuragon, SOc0$l; muakmelnn. 8Bc0$l.OO er no; cantaloopea. Cellfornla, gi.uo; uregon, 1.00 per crate: caaabaa, $2.0008.30 Bar do; ectarlnee. 75080 per box; bucklebeerte. lot.- uer lb: crabannl. 24c per lb. TEOBTABLKa turnips, $1.25 per sek: car rota, $1.36 per sack; bests, $1.26 par sack ; Oregon radishes. 15c per doa; cabbage. Oregon. 2c per lb; lettuce, head. 18c per doa: green peppers, 40c per box; celery, 76c per doa; to matoaa, Cregon, 30060c box: paranlpa, T6c0 $1.26; green pes. 6c Bar lb; green onions. 12VV0 per doa: local green corn, 10 doa: pie plant. lOSVte par lb; string beans, 406c; cucumbers, 50c per sack; hothouse, 12Vc Cr doa; cauliflower. $1.2001.26 par doa; butter ana, 7c; .pamnklna, 1 Vic lb. DRIED FRL'ITS Applee. evaporated. TOM per lb; apricot. SVtOllc per lb; sacks, Tie bar lb laat; peachee, 7V0c per lb; pear. SO 10c per lb: prunea, Italian. 3V04Vc per lb; French, 8 Vs 04 Vic per lb; flgs. California hlacka. 606ttc per lb; do whites, OUOTa per lb; plum, pitted. 6O0c psr lb; date, golden. 6Uc par lb; tarda. $1.60 per IB lb box. RAISINS-Aeeded. fancy lib carton. 80 parkagaa to case, TVs pkg: areoed. ii-o ear ton. 6Hc; loose Muacata, 50-lb boxea, B0Vc per lb; London layer. $1.86: cluitera. $3.00; Vs. 26c; U. 60e advance over pound cartons. FIOS Ten l ib cartons, choice brand. 00e; 10 1 lb carton, fancy brand. $1.00; 10 l ib bricks. 2-crown. 76r: 10 l ib brick. 8-crown. 5c; 48 H-lh brick, per box. $2.00; i brioka. ar so caea, as.uv; o-row layers, par 10-10 00a. TOc: loose. 50-lb boxea, per lb. 8Vc, Callaymr nss Sir-crown, 10-lk cartons, per box. $3 00; 6-crown. 10-lb cartons, per box, $1.T6 4 axons. 20-lb cartons, per box, $1.76. Oiueetlea, Bats, Ete. BUOAR flack basis Cube. $6.40; powdered, 88.35; fruit granulated. 86.18; dry granulated, $6.16; beet granulated, $0.08; extra C. $6.15; Klden C. $5.66; bbU. 10c; V bbl. 30c; boxea, 1 advance on aack baala, leaa 26c cwt for cash, 16 daya: maple, 14016c per lb. HONBT UVtOlSc. COFFEB Green Mocha. 31 0 26c; Java, faney. tCQsSe; Jv. good, 30016c; Jara, ordinary, 18030c; Coat Rica, fancy. 1902oc; Coata Rica, good. 16018c; Coata Rica, ordinary. lieiJe par lb; packag coffee. $18 T6014.76. TEAS -Oolong, different grldea, 28000c; gnn nowder, 28082085c: English breakfast, dif ferent gradea, T2VaO60c; spider leg, uncolored Japan, SoO5c; green Japan (vary acarce), 80 60c per lb. SALT Fine Bales, 3s. Ss. 4a. fie, 10a. $1.20 1.50; Uble, dairy. 60. $0.0001160; 100a, .ISO : Imported Liverpool. 60. $15,000 6.B0: 100. $14.78010.00: 334. $14.60016.60: extra Sna, bbla. 3a. 8. 8a, 10a, $4 00; balk, 830 lbs $3.50; aacka. 50a, 88c. SALT Coarae Half ground. 100a, per ton, SC. 2006.80 ; 60. per ton, 86.6507 00 IJverpool lump rock, $16.60014.60 per ton; 601b rock. $6.2606.73; 100. $A784Bft6. (Above price apply to sale of leaa tha a car lota. Car tote at aperlal prlcea eubject to fluctuatlona. GRAIN HAGS Calcutta. $5.7504 00 per 100 RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1. Bc: No. 3 4f. New Orleans head, 4404; Adjacfc. bCc: CreoU, 4Vt04V4c. IlEANR -Small white. SViOSkAc: large. White, 8!4r; pink. 4V4c: bayou, svic; Lima. 4V4c: Mexican reda. 6V4c ouiv -,eHU,e, ,71. Jul" VTfV iu, raw. 8010c per lb for roasted: cocoanata, 880 NU1 Tspa t. vtx. . , n. , 0,1- ,K . 80c per dee: walnut. 14V016ac per lb; pine bate. lOOtSVic per In; hickory nuta. 10c per lb; chestnutB, eastern. 150t8c per lb: Brasli nut. 18c per lb; fllberta. IBOloc per lb: fancy perena. 14015c per lb: almonds. lSOISc par lb. Meats, Flak aad Provlaiona. FHESn MEATS Inspected Beef, ateera. Se per lb; rows, $05Vkc per lb; matton. dreaaad, 4t)5e per Tb ; lambs dreaaad. 6O0e per lb. FRESH MEATS Front atreat Beef, steers 4Vti5c per lb; pork. !'" TVlc per lb; puckers, TVic per lb; Trails, jv(c per In; ecwa, 8Vi04iAc per lb; mutton, dnxaaan. 405c per lb; real, extra, 7c per lb; ordlnarr, flc per lb; poor, 5c: lamba. 8V4BVic per lb. HAMS, BACON, ETC. Portland park (Iocs I) hams. 10 to 14 lb. 14c per. lb; 14 to 10 lha. 14c per lb. IS to 30 lb. 14b per lb; cottage 8VC per lb. breakfast bacon. l4gflSe per lb; pirates, lie per lb: regular abort clears, unsmoked. 10c per lb; smoked. He per lb; clear hacks, nnsmoked, 0a per lh; smoked, 10a per lb; Union butts. 10 to 18 lb, nnsmoked. 8c per lb; smoked. Oc per lb; clear belllee. nnemoked. 11 He per lb; amoked. I2Hc per lb ver, i-ib talis. $1.86; 2-lh tall. $2 60; fancy 1-lb flat. $3.00; V, lh fancv flats. $1.20: fancy 1-lb ovals, $3 76. CHITTIM BARK HOOll al CO. will par the hljchoat 5V Btnotint of CHITTIM nrlcc for BARK. Qood rlemaml for (Jron HurbanAs, 151 Front Stttat, Portlaad, I. in Al. l,axo eversie war, lua, ioe per lb: 8. WHc par lh: 601b tin 8c per rh; team rendered. lOa. Bade per lb: 8a. e par lh; 60a. y per Tb; vompontid tierce. vic per lb: tuba. 6tc per lb: 60s, SKe par lb. CANNED SALMON Columbia rl Alk talis, pink. 88O0c; red. $1.60; ITtnl 2a. tall. $2 00. FISH Rook cod, Oc par lb: floandare. Be rer 'o. DII1VSI, me per 10, Oram. ml. ma par uoa; atrped baas. lOOlSHc per lb! catflah, Tc per lb; salmon, Chinook, Be par lb; ateelheada, Chinook, Be par lb; ateelheada. w barks. 8c par Ik: barring. Se per per lb. shrimps. 10c per It. . skad, par lb: perch. Be per lh; shad Tn; roe abed, 0c par fb; black cod re aar in; utaeoaeae, ac par 1 in; sola, oc per areas a, ihc toe. 12Ue ear 6c per lh: sHrar amelt. 0c per lb 12Vtc; freah mackerel, 8c; crawfish. 30c per doa; flonndere, 6c par lb. OTSTBs-flhoalwator bay. per gal, 88.86; Set aack. $8 TB net; Otympfa. per eaek. $J 26. CLAMS Bard ihell, per box. $3.00; raaut clama, $1.TB per box. j Paints, Oeal'-tTtle, Ska. B0PB Pure Ma nil. 18 Vac; standard. 134e: COAL OIL Pearl or As tr si Cases, 31 He oer gal; water -white. Iron bbl 16a per gal. wooden per gat; nteauugm, nu-ueg, esses ZaWo si Iron bbla iTe per gal. par gal, broa bbla 17e par gal. LINSEED o u. mra raw. in bbla Me mm. EBD OIL Pare raw, la bbla SO par gal. caaea 68c per gal; genuine kettle boiled, caeca 86a per gal. bbla 00c per gal; ground cake, car lota $36.00 per tea, leaa than ears 83S.0U per ton. 0A8OI GASOLINE 8-deg. caaea 82c per gal Iron bbla 38c per gal; Per gal. . . . . a. - . - is sue ver nil stove, caaea eaac uon core ioe par gat. laa BENZINE 63 -cleg, caa 33s par gaL Iron bbla 16VU par gal. Paint Oil Raw, bble 88c oer sal. V per gal , noiieo. caaea sue per gal. Ti it i b Tin i 481 In caaea S6c oer sal wnori bbla. Sic per gaL Iron bbla TOc per gaL 10-lb caa Iota 84c per gal. WHITE LEAD Too lota, Te per lh. 500-lb WHITE LSUD Ton let. Te per lb, ta Be per lb, leas lota SUc per lb WIRE NAILS Preeent baa at $2.48. lots ra Com. Select Clear Per Per Par a. . . UTX- Urt u Rough, dlmeaalan regular alaea 2x8 to 13x12. 83 ft. .$ 8.60 $16.00 $28.00 Rough, dlmensima regular alaea to 12x13. 84-40 ft... ABO lT.oo 34.00 Dough, dlmanalon regular alaea to 13x13 43-48 ft... 11.00 18.00 26.00 Lot gh. dimensions renter alaea to 13x13. 60-00 ft... 16.60 28.00 80.00 For eacb additional 3 tnchea In width add 1.00 3.00 AOS For odd and fractional slara aawed add net lea than BOO 8.00 AOS For sawing vertical grain to 4x13 i add AOs) 8.00 A 00 Common rough board, regu- lsr u IX in. wide to 24 ft., lac, assorted fourths 880 11 Specified lengtha of board $1.00 par M teat additional. . Board to consist of lumber leaa than 3 lathe la thickness. PRACTICALLY LOST ALL OF THE RISE (Furnished by Overbeck, Starr A Cooke 0a.) New York. August 81. The haary advance In cotton yeaterday waa too much for tha mar ket to atand aeon upon the uncertainty of tha government crop report, and today tha market Is nearly $1.60 a bale lower. The market today: Onen High. Low. $10.80 $10.08 11.06 10. T8 Ckoaa. January .. March . . May . . . August . , September Oetober . November December ..$10.06 . 10.86 . 11.03 . 11.00 . 11.0T . 10.86 . 10.88 . 10.80 $10,731 10.801 10.881 11.02 11.00 11.10 10.U8 10.88 1L01 10.83 10.86 10.88 10.61 10.03 10.00 10.1 10.851 10.681 10.681 10.721 LIVERPOOL COTTON HIOHER. Liverpool, Augnat 81. The cotton market holds steady and strong with the opening 10 to 19 point higher ana the closing 11 to 10 point advanced from yeaterday. New Orleana Cotton. New Orleana. August 81. Cotton Spot,' 8 16; middlings. 11 8-16. Balsa today, 800 bale. TONE OF CATTLE IS CONTINUED STRONG Portland Union Stockyards, Aug. 31 The tone la the cattle market I very strong with no changea In prlcea today. The hog market I easy not ss weak oa account of the amaller receipt. Sheep ara steady and are aelllng at printed prlcea. Tha receipt today consist ad of 31 bogs, 164 cattle and 188 aheep. Official prlcea ruling today ara: Cattle Best eastern Oregon ateera, $8,000 $.26: beat valley ateer. 32T603OO: medium steers. $2.75; cow. $3.000350; bulls, $1.76: ataga, $2.00. Hog Best heavy, $6.5006.00; block, S5.250 6.60: China fata. $6.0005. SB; stock sre and feed er. $3.9604.86. Shrep Beat grain-fed wether and lamba, $2 0002.50; mixed iheep. $1.7602.00. EASTERN H0OB UNCHAN02D. Chicago. Angnat SI. Hog receipta today con sisted of 26.000 bead. Tha market la ateady with prlcea unchanged. AUSTRALIAN WHEAT TO REACH 'FRISCO i Furnished by Overbeck. Stsrr A Cook Co.) a Francisco. Aug. 81. F. T. Button A Co. say: Wheat prlcea bap abown a dragging tendency today. There la a rumor that Aiitrnllan wheat la to be brought Into thla market; that with 12 shllllnga freight wbeat frc-m Australia can te delivered here for $1 .30. It la argued that while Auatrallan wheat will not be good for delivery on contract In thla market, yet It will Oil millers' wanta and make the demand for home wbeat ranch leaa. While there may he something tn thl tempor arily we cannot give It much consideration for the present The shorta are doing ill they can to i keep price down, using every avallshU traw Boat Into their camp. We can are nothing to change our views. Barter I fairly atrong and there la a good speculative and conf umptlve demand and wa look for higher prlcea. Today's official 11:80 market: Open. Close. Wheat, December ij5 ! "2J? Barley, December 100B 1.09 London Ooneola Barber. Iondon. August 81. -Today's market shows k rise of 6 16 from yesterday. ' This week a special price will be made on all our extra brands of tea Simply to brings new trade and to introduce them into new families. All our 50c grade teas this week AOc All our 75c grade teas this week 43Sc Our Colombo brand Ceylon tea a delicately flavored tea grown In Ceylon, fragrant, full bodied, economical, M-lb. lead packages S8c One pound lead packages OSc ArB cjh3fip urooorle good? No. Art) good jtrtrcerie cheap? YAJ. There's food for thought. We keep everything good and firstclass in Groceries F. DRESSER & Poultry in demand, but stocks accumulate on account of high prices. SLIGHT REACTION IN WHEAT TODAY aon OLD AND now op ih BBB . SIBTCB TMBTMasJAAT T AMD OKOBhf- ahd oats xzo: Close Close Gain Tuaa. Today Today $1 OR Old Sept.. Now Sept. I '! iuber $1084. $1.0TK A $ .01 1.00 106V. .01 1.08). 1.07 -00 l.lo LlOVs .00 00 Va UVYt (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Chicago. August 31. There waa a slight re action toward a "bull" market today and prices ara a fraction up. The market thla morning opened quit atrong on mora bullish reports nd tha prlcea were a fraction higher. These .spurt are becoming ao frequent now that very UtUa attentiou la paid to them. Tha advance of today ware brought about by a determined effort of the bulla. Tba various grain papara are devoting much pace to what they consider a "Chicago scheme" to boost prlcea by unwarranted attack upon vurlou grain centers. Under the caption of "Crop Killing for Revenue Only." tha North western Millar af Minneapolis aaya aotna earcae tlc things. Ita comments on the crop conditions and on the crop killer 1 Interesting reading. Ita crop report, complied from advice from Boo millers, la different from any laaued. It pre sents threahlng returns from southern Mlnne aota, which show mostly 16 to IS buahela to tha acre; In northern Mlnneaota and the Red Hirer valley, 0 to 10 bushel; Central Minne sota, o to 13 bushel, aad eaatern, 16 to 20 turhele. Southern Minnesota haa the beat crop of any section In the aorthweat. It akto haa a big acreage. It waa evidently too far ad vanced for tba rust to do any damage. Thla la where the good wheat will come from. South Dakota rlelda are 5 to 16 bushel, mostly 0 to 0 bush la; North Dakota, In the aootbern sec tlcna, 5 to 6 buahela; In tha weat, 8 to 10 bushels, and In tba north, 8 to 24 buahela. In thla wiaa the Inter-Ocean aaya: "A little history of tba wheat crop of the northwest ta not out of place at the preeent, owing to the calamitous -eporis coming from there. Tba northwestern people In aome Instances have the crop down to 100. (too buahela. The milling capacity of the northwest Is about buahela. In 1804, lost 10 yeara ago, the three state only raised 86,000,000 buahela. The av erage yield per acre of tbe three northwestern ststea ranged from 13 to 16 buahela. The talk rf amall yield thl year ta no worse than tbe threahlng return laat year. Then 18 counties In North Dakota had ylelda under 10 buahela to the acre. The lowaat waa 4 buahela, 1 averaged 6 buahela, one averaged 6 buahela, 8 jveraged T bushela, 4 want 8 buahela, 2 produced 9 buahela, and 8 abowed 10 buahela per acre. Old September wheat opened very firm today at Sl.OTVs. but the tight bold wa looaened early In tha session and a alight reaction aet in. but covering of the "bear" force later on aent tbe prlcea higher and tba closing figure, $1.08, waa a rtee of lVc from yeaterday 'I cloae. New' September opeaed c higher, but aa with the oh! grade there was a reaction early and touched 11.05'i. The rest of tbe aeaalon BSaaiS Jn upward tendency and tha cloae waa at 1.06V rlae of lVc from tbe prevloua day. The rise In December and May options since yeaterday waa Vac. Tbe market on tba former opened at SLOSH and on a downward eourae went $L07Vi. December closed quite firm at $1.08401.08. May option cloaed Vc higher than the closing of Tueerlay, but loat aome of thla amount early in tha aeaalon. The reaction brought the price at tbe close to $1.10Vk1.10. September corn oend Vie higher at 62o, touched the high point at 68V4C with tha rlae lu wbeat aa a help and cloaed at 68Vbc an ad vance of c from yeatardar. December oorn cloaed VsC higher with the cloae at 51 Vic Tha market opened at 61 c and touched 63c aa tb high and 61Vc. tha opening figure, aa tbe low mark or the dsv. Tn oats market la about e higher the principal cause being the strength In wbeat aura. Today'a official market: WHEAT. Open New8ept.$ 1.06 Old He lit Dee May...,. Sept. . . Dec... May..... Sept..... Dec May Jan Sept. . . . Oct..... laa.... S pt. . a Oct-.... Jan. ... 686 7.00 T.0T 7.18 t-WVk 7 IJVERPOOL ORAIN MARKET. Liverpool, August 81. Cloae: Wheat option. d lower. Corn- Option. d. lower. PARIS ORAIN MARKET. Parte. August $1. Wheat opened 8 ta 10 centime lower and cloaed 10 centime lower. . Flour Opened 6 to 30 centimes lower. Tha ckoaa waa 5 centime lower than yeaterday. AB FRAN CISCO MIMING. San Ran Francisco. Auguat $1. Mining qnnta- tlooa: Bid. Tonopah. Montana..... 222 Midway 40 MacNamara SO Belmont 83 Kealn 00 Tonopah Gold Mountain 18 Tonxti. Nevada .' 7 Rod Top ... 19 Jumbo 88 tiotu r teiu AMERICANS IM LONDON DOWN. London. August 81. 2 p. m The exchange craotea Amertcnn rallroeda eaaler at decline of to point from yeaterday. i High. Low. Chase. $ LOT $ l.MVi I 1-08. I 'M 'a loots s.uiya s-OTt l.osii 1.08 LOTS 1.08 1.10VS 1 US t.OOVk 1.10 CORN. c .63 .63 .53 .68 a I m OATS. .81 .81 .81 .81 A :? :S M PORK. 11.30 11.37 10.00 10.87 11.46 11.46 1107 11.13 12.47 12.60 12.37 IB 43 LARD. 6 07 6.97H 0.SS T.10 T.10 T.00 T.12 T.03 RIBS. T.SO T:16 T.40 T.22 6.62 S.5T PORTLAND'S GREATEST GROCERY TEA Corner 7th and Washinaton REQUIRES WORDS 12,000 TO ACCEPT T OHIS 00338 TO TEB BOB OOht- IWG FBOht B3VOOKX. TM TO TTBZT I Journal Special Service.) Oyster Bay, Aug. 31. Tha president's letter of acceptance waa this morning; Civsn to a Now Tork publishing bouse with order to ruah tbe printing and binding. It will be made public Sep tember 12. Tb latter contains about 11,000 worda. There were several callers today, all of whom ware on social mis sions. Secretary Loeb haa received word that the Colored Business Men'a association from Brooklyn will visit Oyster Biy to morrow. It la expected they will head for BaeTaiaore hill. Tills association Is comprised of negroes who are self-supporting, self made man from among all classes of the colored race, many .of whom are very wealthy. Owing? to the comment cauaed by the Booker T. Waahlngton Incident, many conjectures sre being made aa to the manner of reception that will be ac oorded this body by the president Taking Into account the combative nature of President Rooaevhlt and the fact that ho Ignored the criticisms caused by the attention be bestowed on the noted colored educator, it Is pre dicted by many that he may be Inclined to be exceptionally warm In hla welcome to the oolored men from Brooklyn. BEAT NOMINATE PECK. (Jouraal Special Service.) Oshkoah, Wle.. Aug. 31. Between 800 and 600 delegates filled the opera-house at noon today, when the Democratic atate convention waa called to order by A. F. Warden, chairman of the state central committee. The , convention, which will be In session two days, will name candidate for governor, lleuten ant-governor, secretary of state, state treasurer, attorney-general, rallrond commissioner and Insurance commission er. Bx-Oovernor Oeorge W. Peck la the probable nominee for governor. Bplr ited conteats are on for most of the other places on the ticket The resolu tlons will deal principally with state is sues, and particular attention wilt be given to the question of primary elec tion and freight tariff commissions The national ticket and platform of the fit. leouls convention will be warmly In dorsad. SB DnimORD. (Journal Speolal Service.) New Tork, August SI. The Brooklyn Democratic primaries, which have at tracted so much attention owing to the light which hsa been persistent there be- COALERS AND STEEL ISSUES FAVORITES rrnrnlahed bv Overbeck. Starr A Cooke Oo.) New Vork, Auguat 81. The coalers Reeding snd Brie showed great atrength today, tha farmer ahowlng the hlgheet price since Feb ruary, 1001. rnltrd Statea Steel preferred and common ihowed a very good tone, with prices higher. Otherwise tha market practically ahowa a orop. Todaj' official market: .67n .. 80 Close Amalgamated Copper Co. . . . Atchison, common 60 V 8U-V, Atchison, preferred American Sugar, common IS Baltimore A Ohio, common ST Brooklyn Rapid Transit 84 Canadian P1ne, common 137 is?h! 84 B 127 184 2814 1S7H 120't. Chicago A Grt Western, com.... IBB Krle, common flfl Illinois Central Isinlsvllle A Nashville ISO1 Mttropolltsn Traction Co 110' Manhattat Elevated IBS' Missouri t'aclOc 0T 1ZO SH MM Pennsjlvinla Railway 138 121 Reading, common mi) Bock Island, common SB' 25 58fi OS Southern PadBc Sts I'nlon Pscldc. common 081 I'nlted States Leather, com. T United Statea Steel Co., common . I3 H I'nlted ststea Steel Co., preferred.. "I Wnbaah, preferred American Ice AUiern an lee, jireienes, - . mm Union Pacific, common, ex-dividend 2 per cent. SAB FRANCISCO LOCAL STOCKS. Sann Vranclaco. August 8L Cloae, 10:30 a m. Local stocks : Bid. Ask fl r. O A Electric .'. . . 81 82 Spring vabrv Water 88 8S Contra Coals Water SB Giant Powder 01 Hawaiian Commercial 6T OT Honokea Sugar 142s, 1431 Hutchlnann Sugar 10 im Makawelt Sugar 37K $3 onomea Sugar 80 Paauhau Sugar ,m IS Alaska Packers' Aaa'n 12SH 128 TODAT'S BANK CLEARIBOS. The Portland clearing bouse reports today: Clearing $58.3.712 4fl Balance 4t).tU3.41 Minneapolis Curb Higher. Mlniseanolls. Auguat 81 The curb la Mc advanced ou both September and December wheat. STILL ANOTHER CLOUDBURST. Sen Francisco. August SI. Still another cloudburst haa struck Arlsnna, thla time the foi bk being st Pearb Mpringt. The extent of the damage Is not known an all Atchison trains are tied up. A usual telegraph wires are aovra. SALE tween Senator MrCarrea sad Charles T. Murphy's Tammany representative,, ended yeaterday In the Tammany 8341 carrying five dlstrtcta oat of II. Tam many men claim thla to be a victory. InaeiefTlch aa if waa a light on McCar- ren's part to sweep Brooklyn clean from Tammany control. National politics arare In no wise Involved. SOUTH OAMOUMA (Jouraal Special Service l Charleaton. 8. C, August SI. Throughout South Carolina yeaterday waa held the Democratic primaries for state and county officers snd members of congress The following atate offi cers were nominated without opposition: For governor, D. C Hey ward: llevttenant- governor, John T. Sloan; secretary of slate, J. C. Oantt: attorney-general, V. X Ountter. Jr.; state treasurer. R. H. Jennings; controller, A. W. Jones;, su perintendent of education. O. B Martin; adjutant-general, A. D. Frost. The re- ncmlnatlon of Congressman Oeorge B. l.t'gHr of the first Wyatt Aiken of the third. Joseph Jobnnon Of the fourth, D. C. Klnley and A. C. Lesever of the seventh district, is assured. (Journal Special Service.) Memphis, Tenn., Auguat SI. At a most harmonious meeting of the Demo cratic state convention which adjourned here laat evening the following ticket waa named: governor, John A. Johnson; lieutenant-governor, Wendell J. Wins ton; secretary of state, John J. King; treasurer, Byron H. Mosber; attorney general. T. J. McDermld; supreme Judges. Calvin L. Brown. John A. Lovely i Republicans), and Charles E. Otis and John Dtnd (Democrats': railroad and warehouse commlaaloners, W. F. Kalao and H. (3. Hoard. OOBB TO (Journal Special Service.) Chicago, August SI. The Rock Island passenger train that left here laat night for Kansas bad aa a pasaenger Senator Fairbanks, Republican candidate for vice-president, en route to that state, where he will open the Kansas campaign Thursday. He Is scheduled to speak In Charleston, Weet Vlrglna. September IT, but, the Intention Is to give the latter part otolhe campaign to the west, FINE ST. LOUIS SERVICE. Mew Bleeping Oar Arrangement TaTsSg by O. Bk Sj M. X.OW mat. St. Loula fair visitors will bo Inter eated In knowing that the O. R. K. has inaugurated a dally through stand ard sleeping oar service to that city, passengers arriving there la the morn ing. September 8- T, October S, 4. 8, the O. R. A N. Will sell o-day return-trip tickets to St Louis for $67. SO; to Chi cago, $72.50. Stop-overs allowed going ind returning. Particulars of C W. Stinger, city ticket agent. Third and Washington. Best Butter Best creamery . j. Qood creamery Dairy butter . Ranch eggs Best sugar-cured hams Breakfast bacon 10 pounds pure lard 5 pounds pure lard . .45c and 60a 40o . .S0o end 16a dosen for tic , 16a ltd 100 ,i 60o .10c and lo S0o Full cream cheese ........ Swiss cheese Java-Mocha coffee 60o tea for Remember Saturday Is Spring chickens 25c eacb. I3 Orande Creamery, fli chicken day. cstablishsd 1883. Oregon Portland Marble Works SCHANEN 0 rtATO. Manufacturers of and dealers In aU klnda of MarbJe, Granite and Stone Work TEsttmates Olvet) o Application. 268 FIRST STREET Bet Madison anc Jefferson Streets. PORTLAND, Or. mm. sum t (ml? a Membere Chicago Board of Trade. CRA1N. PROVISIONS, STOCKS. BOND snd COTTON 02 Third St. Near Sum - fastest, SaAta BJI We are rennected by rrlvsta wtra with Messrs. Logan A Brvae, Ohteage aad Jew York; Walker 3roa.. j. A Baeh C.. Mew Tork Stock Exchange; Hobbard Bfoa. P-. New Tork Cotton Bxchange; fslrchlld Hob son: Haw Orleana Cotton Kxebaas: Beary risrth A Co.. New York Coffee Bxrhaagsi fata Webber A Co.: Boston Oca per and Stork Bx cbsoge; Dirk Bros. A Co.; Sow Tork aad raUe oalphia Stock Bxcbsagaa. nowsrso. HOI tEatabllshed 18$.) a around Floor. CTAAkdBKX OB OOMagmOM. PlJiC Bwa"ti mm CO BBS