THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 88, 1904. 18 No Matter What You Want, Don't Fail to Read Today's JOURNAL WANT COLUMNS 'TWILL PAY YOU BBIIBBBIiMm t . 'iii i -i I HXLT WAJfTZD-MALX. OH RtNT-HOUMMEPniO QO. FOE BALS-EEAL EBTATL. I BU8INBB8 CHJUfCEB. OTKOTsM OHAJICM, MOlgTTO LQAA. The Journal Want Columns RATES i Ob time. 6c a -Una. Ona weak (7 Insertions. Includ ing Sunday lue), 26c a line One month (Including Sunday Issues). 76c a Una. Classified advertisements are payable In advance; minimum charge 15c , "Help Wanted" and "Situations I Wanted" advertise ments are published one time free of charge. . Advertisements must be In by It o'clock noon for the dally Is sues, and 10 o'clock Saturday evening for the Sunday Issues. Branch Offices iornnimni win be received at regular main office rata at the following placea and sent to The Journal In time for publication In the next Issue: K. X Preston, druggist. 23d and Thurman streets. Nob Hill Phsrmaey, 610 Qllaan street, corner 21st. X W. Allen, pharmacist. 16th and Marshall streets. R. B. Jacks, oonfectlonery, 600 Washington street, corner lth. B. T. Jones Co., druggists. Front and Olbbs streets. Cottel Drug Co., First and Grant streets. Tattle's Pharmacy, 661 Missis sippi ave.. corner Shaver at. Nichols A Thompson. 128 Russell street, comer Alblna avenue. Janck Drug Co., cor. Hawthorne -and Grand avenues. J. A Dick, tobaccos, 226 Crosby (east end steel bridge). B. F. Fulton.c onfectlonery, 174 E. Burnslde. cor. Union ave. Ingram A Buah. tobacconists, 122 Grand avenue. J. E. Worth, pharmacist, 99 Bel mont street BSOOELTN. Brooklyn Pharmacy, cor. Powell and Mllwaukie streets. JTOTICZ OF SALE OF BAMXEUPT BTOCK. 1c the Dlairirt Court of the United States, for the district of Oregon. In the sutter of Long A Bingham Lumber company, a corporation, l-ankrupt. In bankruptcy. Notice la hereby giver, tbat pursuant to an order of sale mane by the above court oo the 34th day of August. 184. the underalgaed trustee, J. C. Long of Cottage Grove, Oregon, will, on Taeedar. the 8th day of September. 11 "4. at 1 o'clock In the afternoon of aald day. sell In til, upon aealed blda. to the hlghint bidder for cash In hand, all the atock of anode, wsree and merrhandlae of the above bankrupt; sod akto will at aald time ell Id balk all the lnmher and ablngio of aaid bankrupt. Blda to be made cn lumber and shingle aeparate from blda on merchandlce. A certified check payable to the older of the undersigned equal to to per cent of the amount of the bid must accompany each bid. Cple of the inventory of the aald merchandise . showing tke coat thereof, and alao roplea of the inventory of aald and ahlnglea are on file and can Re aeen at the office of R. L. Sabtn. In Portland, Ore gon, at the office of O. A. Wlntermeler. referee In bankruptcy. In Kugeue, Oregon, aad at tha office of the undcratgneii trustee, J. O. Long; at Cottage Grove. Oregon. Said merrhsndlse. lumber and ahlnglea are In aald Cottage Grove, and can be there examined. Blda to be opened at the office of said C. A. Wlntermeler. In Eugene. Oregon, at the boar of 1 o'clock In the afternoon of aald September 6. 1004. Said aales to be aul.jirt to ipproval of the above court Dated at Cottage Grove, Oregon, thla I4th day f August. 1004. J. C. LONG. Trastee. NOTICE Bids will be received at the office of the President. Lew la and Clark Exposition. Stearua building, up to noon of Thursday. September 1. 1804. for the electric wiring of following buildings: Liberal Arta, Foreign Exhibits. Por- Rtry, Agriculture. Main Entrance and Shelter, re Department and Public Comfort; also for tncandeacent larapa. according to plans and soeclflcattooa Is tke office of Director of Work a. Sealed blda will be received for the rnrnlah Jng of acbool at Arlcta. Oregon. For list, en quire of W. A Schooling. 187 Barnalde afreet, or Robert A. Taylor, at Laarclwood. hit. Scott car fine. HELP WAMTID MALA. MAN and wife, cook and helper, for SO to 21 seen, on s farm, f 100 per month and perma nent tke year around, for right people. Extra gang foreman. g laborera, do experience, sawmill. $2.16 day. Steam shovel laborera, Oranta Paaa, $2.50; cheap fare, long i. East -Steers shore! laborera. $2, company work, free fare. 10 laborers, city, $3.50 day. pay weekly. S laborera, ebovclera. $2 25 day, 0 hoars, city. Italian foreman and 40 Italian laborers, R. R. work, free fare. Italian eecttou men. extra gang men, $1.50; drillers. $2. free fare. Bock cruaher laborer. $2 25. NOTICE. The Pacific Conatmctlon company will very aeon atart their new Job at Arlington; 46 mflee of new railroad work ; anb contracts for small team outfita and atatton work to let; 300 day laborera wanted In about s week; free fare. Ma ay other lobs. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. SB North Second at., near Rsmelde. . Open today. 8 to 12. fi to 7. WESTERN EMPLOYMENT BCREAL', 226 Third at. Phone Main IS 18. Your order for help will furnlah cooks, waitresses, chambermaid, all classes help. Short notice: IS factory girl. BARBER trad tanght by oar sew method, which enables student to earn wage while learning. Call or addrao for free catalogue. AMERICAN BARBER COLLEGE CO.. No. 86 North Sixth at KILLED AND UNSKILLED LABOR of sll descriptions, promptly aupplled. Free sf chsrge to employers. HANSEN'S FTM PI FITMENT OFFICE 26 North Record a treat, aesr Burrnlde. MEN to learn barber trade In eight week aad a car profitable poaltlon. Special Induce meata thla month Cstslogne mailed free, filar ft rater College, laa Frsacisoo. Calif. WANTED Planer maa, planer feeder, trim merman, milt hand donkey engineer, rigging rnatler. etc. Lumbermen Labor Bureau. 206 H Morrtooa it. WANTED A plaaterer who will exchange work for tradp ' Stsntos the jeweler IBS first St., seer Mor- WANTtjD At eace. I of 4 flrat-claa expor te the right parties. Address L. IS. AGENTS Beet wages ever paid: ranet be wall soowa ana expert enoea, an nefwecu u a a to 8 p a.. m . IBIV, rs Flrat BV room 4. MSN wanted to read tke "Male Help W a "' ad nvlasmsaats: yes'll arways Bad a aaavter LA HI Eft gentlemen for elty work, big JJKiBey; oil aaattor 84-. roses aajsaar Brass, t ss s e eases, im awsui WANTED Boy about 10 yeara old aa shipping clerk In wholesale honae. Addrcaa R. 61, JouraaL WANTED Boy from 14 to IT who wlabea to learu drug hualnee. Addrcaa K. H. Journal BOY to feed job proa; permanent poaltlon If satisfactory A. V. Kllle, I'rlntrr. ziu Mark. WANTED Errsad boy about 16. In wboleaale Louse. AOdresa A. as, sournat. WANTED A flrat -claw Monday morning at 274 paper hanger te call 'I ay lor ai. WANTED Good boy, II to 17 yeara, 71 Sixth st.; steady place. PLUMBERS wanted at 222 Flrat Salmon. St., corner HELP WANTED rEM ALE. GIRLS.' Keep you eye on Journal wast col umna; what yon want la very likely adter tteed la sheas column today; read them carefully. anted 50 girls and women at Beat Eighth und Yamhill at; flrat 2S applying, ateaity work for two moatb. Oregon Packlug Co. WANTED Middle aged woman to tak care of Invalid and do light housework: two In family. Call 487 Kaat Pine or phone Beat Woo. WANTED Yonag lady typewriter, 'one that underatanda aomethlng of bookkeeping alao; t place. ' 72 Sixth st. ' WOMEN and girl Wanted to work In fruit cannery. Apply at East Eighth snd Dlrlalon. Holmra Canning Oo. A GIRL who wanta to attend high Softool and have a good home for her board, caa call at 88S Waahlngton St. WANTED An experienced lady for sewing on umbrella, St S88 Eaat Morrlaon St.. city. GIRL wanted to aaalat Is koajaework. 811 Klrby at., ear. Falling. Tel. Eaat S7S. WANTED Young lady to set as night raahler In drug atnre. Addrcaa F. 10, Journal. WANTED Girl for general houaewnrk. amall fsmlnj. good wagea. Phone Eaat SIS. SKIRT MAKERS wanted. Apply at 386 Wash ington at.. Selling Hlrsch bldg. WANTED Ironers, Union laundry, Second and Columbia its. HELP WASTED MALE OR FEMALE. REPERTOIRE company wanta actors, both ssses: flrat-claaa opportunity for amateur: chance to make good: beginner pay for In atructloas. 0. 11, Journal. SHOES half soled for 50c at Hollabaughs. 267 H Taylor bet. Third and Fourth POSITION aa porter in barber abop or similar employment X. 23, The Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED dresamakt desires work day or at home; price reasonable. College st. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HELP of all description famished eswmlile. logging camps, factories, fre to smpsayers. Alpine Employ stent Agency. Dear Murrlsoa. 152 Flrat at Phoae Mala 1817. ALL kinds of male help furnished on abort notice free to employer. WILLIAMS A ROUS!!, 28 V North Second st. Phone Bed 151. LADIES Positions secured and femal- help rumisaeo. The Oregon woman a Employ ment Agency. SOB AUsky building. I 'bona Clay 403. MALB help af all descriptions for all Industries promptly supplied free of charge to employers. C. R. HANSEN. Jr SB N. Second at. Phone Main 1528. AMERICAN Employment Agency. Help of all ktnda furnished on short notice; mail order promptly attended to. 28 N. 3d st. Mala SUA MOUNT HOOD EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, for nlab free to you RELIABLE HELP. Monger A Oolilaa. 270 Burnslde. Hood 174T. V FOR LADIES ONLY. PORTLAND Women's Employment Company. 816 A risky, cor. Sd sad Morrison. Red 8067. JAPANESE Emnloyaaeat Agency farassSia mi- i. rarmnanaa. etc. as ami Slixa at. Clay BBS. ) PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO.. Labor contrac tors; kelp free to employer. SIS Morrlaon. B. O. DRAKE. 206 Waahlngton at . Clay 448 WORX far men, men HANSEN'S OFFICE. North WABTEP TO BEMT. WANTED To let you know that advertising roar vacant rooms In Journal want column Is fas saalest and quickest way to find dean-able occupants; IS casts pays for SI words. WANTED Three unfurnished bouaekeeplng rooms gaa and bath: state price. R. 16. Journal. WANTED to rent, two small placea of 8 or 10 seres on car line. 284 H Morrison at. WANTED ROOMS. WANTED By young man. one or two amall. Inexpensively furnished housekeeping rooms, with gaa store: cheap rent: within walking distance: cleanliness and quiet the main ob jecte. In answering ntate rent and whether there 1 bath. Address V 1. Journal. WAMTED BTPILS. MCSIC AND LANOCAGB SCHOOL. Choice home; catalogue. Oregon Conservatory of Mualr. Portland. WABTEP SEAL ESTATE. WANT to boy bouse and lot bet. Johnson and Jefferann ata. P. O. Box 46ft. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. AN ADVERTISEMENT Like this In Journal wast colnmna coats 6 cents a line eaeh Insertion It Is attractive and reaches the people yeas want to reach. Try eael WANTED The addreaa of a amall or large Slanlng mill or furniture factory, equipped nr Inalde finish work, and Inclined to take In the manufacture of church furniture to fill In: Catholic nrroa. or such In close touch with Catholic work prefered For particalara addnaa J. B B. thla office. WANTED- nno houses to reshlngle before the rainy season set In. Kstlmatee riven on all kind of shingling. For responsible work and reasonable prices, call up FOSTER A KIRK. Phone Union 1088. WANTBD-A lather who will raebangs work for trade. Staples, the Jeweler. I6B Flrat at. near Mor rlaon. WANTED All year caldmlnlng aad paper hanging to do: Snc per oil. by experienced man- wavW aku. T ' I .... . Phone 1'nlon 624. WANT te bay etna tare Addreaa ft faaone Phloa 4822. lot of second hand faml asset evignin St., WABTBD To buy a good, cheap S or room aesw ny paying n a mista JourytaL A. 8. care TAMTBD Place to keep smaH rowbodt. AV V dan sC isarasU, $1.78 PER WEEK Large, clean, faralahad bouarkx'plag room, with as of laundry, hath. eaae; alao cheap faralabed cot (ages. 1. ndltan. 184 Bkarmau. Phoae Clay 288, Kin R or 5 housekeenlng rooms, modern con Tenlem-es: 61 East Sixth at.. N.. S blocks from all car; no children, phone Eaat Jm. Ml KI.V furnished room: can be seed for bouaekeeplng; phone, bath. 668 Water St. on block from 8 ear Una. FOR RENT Housekeeping room In all parte of the city. Bead thla claealScatlou If yos are looking fur eosse. :iM SIXTH at ; nicely rurnlshed houvkeep Ing spartmenta; light front rooms. O. Ileal), prop. THE Templeton. 206 H lat St., nicely furnished r.iiiHekeeping ana single rooms i reaaouanie THREE very pretty houarkreptiig rooms; gas, hath and phone. 14BH Eleventh at. FOB BEBT TPBB1BBED BDOSM. WANTED -Two gentlemen, ateady roomers", to ' 'M' iniai wwuwu, (iiiibii- isuiii, a l.iith mil phone; hreakraat ir aealrea. 2SI East Second t., North, cor. Wssco at. RIVERSIDE HOTEL 345 Beat Oak. Furnlahrd and unfurnished rooma, alngle and en aalte; lodging, $1 per weak and up. Phoae Scott THE WALDO toe Wuhlngton St.; new man agement ; elegantly furnlabed rooma by tha day, week or month; very reaaonable. FURNISHED room ads Journal want col- oNI.Y $0.00 a month for large, nicely fur nished room, suitable for two. In private family; good location. 204 Third St. THE CECIL, furnlabed rooms and board, perma nent or transient; term reaaonable. 81 North Pars at. Phone Mala 4840. FURNISHED or unfurnlsBed rooms, one suita ble for an office or two gentlemen. 187 H Elrsl at., room 8. NICELY furnished front room for one "or twa Citlemen: fine Vocation; bath, gaa, phoae. Twelfth at 41 ELLA Newly opened private boarding house; lawn, porcelain name; tame ana service first -class. NICE bay window room, close In; prlrata fam ily; hath, phone. Main B078. Enquire 842 Clay St. THREE rooma for rent; flrat floor; price rea aonable. 88 Eaat Twenty-second near Osk. FOR RENT Large front room for one or two adults. 313 Third at. Every convenience. THE TEMPLE Large, nicely furnlabed room; reasonable. 848 H Ytmhtn at., cor Seventh. THREE furnished rooms: 1 housekeeping room, very reaaonable. 545 Morrison st. ROOMS WITH BOARD. ROOM and board; private family; large well furnlabed rooms) no other house near; large yard. Twentieth, one block south of Wash ington. Tel. Main 4868. JUST opened, private boarding house; every thing new and flrat-claa; corner house; beau tiful lawn; no children. S8S Third St., cor. Montg..ui-rv NEWLY furnished rooms, with first-class home cooking, reaaonable, day or week. 60S Clay. Phone Main 5088. BOARD with rooms, well foralfhed: modern convenience, table hoard. 221 Thirteenth St. NEWLY furnlabed rooms, wltb or without board; reaaonable. 502 Clay. Phone Main 8008. ROOM and board for two young men: reaaon able; private family. 38 North Eighteenth at. FOB BXXT FLATS. FLAT of four room on flrat floor; hot and cold water, porcelain bath, toilet, pantries and baaemenf: cheap to right renter. 484 Eaat Washington at. FLAT for rent; .1 room brick flat; bath, toilet, closets and pantry. 838 Wllllama ave. ;' $10 Including water rant. FOR RENT HOI A GOOD home la slwaya a source of pleasure; assay nice houses that will make good homes are coaotantly advertised In Journal want columns. Are you looking for one? FINE modern 8-room house. 788 Lovejoy at.; full attic and basement with furnace; $35 00 month. Apply Everdlng A Farrell, or next door to boose. 2 NEW modern A room houses on the east side, la a good location. $20. $21. Inquire of Hartman, Thorn peon A Powers, 2 Chamber of Commerce, FOR rent or aale. 1011 William avenue. house, all modem convenience Apply John Bain. 324 Stark at. Tel. Main 788. FOR RENT 7 -mom modern hoqse Inquire 100 Baat Eighteenth at. Phone Scott 4532. 7 ROOM bouae for rent; east side; modern Im- nts. Inquire phone Scott nnftl. $18 MODERN 8-room cottage: bath; deatrable; key next door. 806 Nelson st. HOUSE FOB BTJfT FUBB1T0BB FOB BALE. ALMOST new. furniture of 5 room cottage for aale reaaonable; cottage for rent; east side, near ateel bridge. Call Eaat 1264. V FOB RENT UNFURNISHED BOOMS. $12 UNFURNISHED 5-room flat; water, balk and yard; cor. Corbett and Bancroft; S car south to door; key at bakery. 433 SEVENTH St. 4 clean, light, well ar ranged, modern unfurnished housekeeping FOB RENT STORES FOR RENT Good location for barber or tailor abop or any amsll business. Inquire 274 Flrat st. FOB BENT MISCELLANEOUS. TO BENT 2 good lake near steamer land lng; 2.000 dark killed lost sesnoa; room for six kantera; banting cabin: for particulars, see Northwest Gun A Bicycle Co., Third sad Washington ata LOST AMD FOUND. FOUND One black horse, sbont 1.300 pounds. Owner call at 735 Wssco st pay charges and Uk away. Tel. Bast 188. . FOUND One black horee about 1,300 pounds, owner call at 786 Wasco t., pay charges aad take away. Tel. East ltd. LOST Many goad opportunities svtry day you fall to read Journal wast column. oon t miss them. MARION VERBTEEG Tonr lost wallet has been left at IDs Journal business office; claim It. - TO EXCHANGE. WHAT you have and don't want M Inst what someone else needs and can't Bad. If you'll advertfcse It la Journal waat column yea caa make a good trad. Try them; 21 words tor 16 cents. F0BBBT BXBEBTB SOBIB FOREST RBftHRVB SCRIP FOB BALE Ap- Kved, unrestricted, read for Immediate ass; eat price. B. F. A F. B. Riley. 608 bember of Otnnerce. . . FOREST reserve, approved. Santa Fa. on hand, ready for location alao soldier' national land warrants and Sioux scrip. Maglaais A Bon, m railing bldg. FOR SALE. A MODERN 7-room bouae. corner lot 100 feet square; alley In rear, at diversity Park ; 2 blocks from new city park: 1 block frer new ahsat ear line. 8750 caah. balance OB tlma to anlt purchaser. Call on owner. 816 Chamber of Commerce, fur terms and sas photo of premises. the wonni.i BI O SAYS IF yon want to bay a alee. new. nsadesn home on your own terms, to call at 818 Chamber of Commerce; Jnat think of It! A hom for 1S down and $18 per month; also soma nape in iota ana acresges. COTTAGE 6 roegaa and bath; fruit, flowers; mis nr two lots BOxl no nesr two car lines. school and stores Price $000 or 81.10O; part ran remain. Wllllama. No. 8 Urove St., near Baae Line. Mont villa. PROPERTY OWNERS If yoa have any prop erty for sale, advertise It In then columss. Journal Want Ada are great real estate salea rren: 21 word for IB cento. $4 0003 houses, furniture snd ground: eaat $8,000; 18 minutes' walk from court house; rents will psy for property la 8 years. J. Landlgnn. 184 Sherman. FOR SALE Residence close la; 10 rooms: ce ment walk: furnace, gag; writable for room ing or boarding bouae. Address owner. V. 21, Journal. HOUSE and lot, 888 Rodney av. ; choice cherry snd prune trees: price $1,000; slsn large team horses snd new wagon. Apply on premise. RELINQUISHMENT on 180 acre land near Lyle. Wssk, ; good two-room hoasa; good wall; about two acres fenced. N. IB. Journal. FOB SALE 6-room boos and lot at Forty second and Dlrlalon ata.: hot and cold water; $1,400 Call at 224 H Waahlngton at., room 10. FOR farms, acreage, city property, choice tim ber and homestead location, ace Maxwell A Burg. 818 Ablngtoa bldg.. Portland. Or. FOR RALE Two Broom cottages; basement; yard; good condition; renting for $14.00 me.; easy terms; $1,400 each. N. 47, Journal. 7-ROOM cottage. No. 864 Corbett at., with 8n orchard; lot 80x100 feet: rent $16 per month Inquire Frank Hscheney. 840 Corbett st BARGAIN If sold at once; one 8-room snd one 7-room colonial residence, all strictly modern nd close In. Apply 488 East 17th st. HOMES built on installments : seversl new bouses about complete; $1,660 to $2,800. O. M. Smith, 714 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE- Modern Improved 7 room cottage and lot 80x100 feet. 463 Fourth at. Inquire on premises for farther psrtlcnlsrs. FOR SALE S. 8 and 7-room honae. from the owner and builder, In the city or suburbs, for s bargain. Address Box 1078, city. FOR SALE 6 acres st Gate' P. ele.-trie line. Price $ agent on ground. crossing oa O. W. HO; easy term; 24 FINE lots. 8 minutes' walk from Irvlngton can worth $100 each; aell at $60. Langgntk, 606 McKay bldg. ONE 1st 60x100 to exchange In part pay ment for building. Address J. IS, car Journal. $100 LOT for $78. near Lenta, if taken at one. B. 18. The Journal. FOB BALE F 100 ACRES, 78 clear: excellent sell: windmill snd task; large modern house, large new frame barn: over $1,000 worth of thla year's hay; - all the stock snd fsrm Implements and crop; on fine county road near Portland; convenient to eleetrlc B. R. ; very cheap, $11,000.00. 8ARVI8 A CASE. BBS Mohawk bldg. Portland. Oregon. FOR SALE FARMS Improved farm for aale te all parts of Ore go and Washington: paymeate mads to aait purchasers. For fall particulars aa to vari ous properties apply to Wm. MaeMastar. all Worcester bldg. 8IXTT-TWO acre farm 20 miles from Portland: 23 acre In cultivation, 10 In pasture; good house and barn. T. 30, Journal. man yoa like to live on a farm? Thla la where msny excellent farms srs often ad vertised. Look for them. BOB BALE 0B RENT. A 6-BOOM flat, completely furnished, $200; bath and gaa; rents for $20. 406 First, flat U 6-ROOM flat for rent: furniture of 4 roon for aale. Inquire 627 Waahlngton st. FOB SALE OR RENT Cigar tnd In goad lo cation Inquire 246 Yamhill at. FURNITURE 6 room flat for aale, chesp rent. Telephone Msln 44P2 FOB IM your store room yoa probably have aome thlng of no one to yoa, bat It's good, and yea may last a well get caah for it by advertlslag la Journal waat column. 21 words for IS cents. JUST the time to start fsll ssvlngs; second hand machines a good aa new st your own Pfl' THE SINGER STORE. 402 Waahlngton St. Phone Main 4888. NOW Is the time to order your roses, trees and shrubbery of the Ockley Green Nursery. Phone Union 1221; addreaa 1288 Omaha ave., reeldenee. undebWood TYPEWRITER, visible writing. Tabulator. Ball bearing. Light running. Agency 66 Front at. Phone Red 1881. run SALE Fine lot of talking parrot. Angora cata fancy birds and pet atock at Portland Bird Co., 804 Third street aad 127 North Sixth. Everything guaranteed. BILLIARD AND POOL table for rent or far aale on eay payment. THE BRUNSWICK BALXE COLL UNDER CO., . 48 Third St.. Portland. $1.200 SNAP; new, 6-room hone; porcelain hath, toilet, baaemeat; lot 80x100. Apply on premise. 430 Spencer at., Montavtlla; half block from car. A GOOD 6-room houseboat hull 8 feet deep; bout 100 feet of porch; anap, only 8800. 883 Mohawk bldg.. Third and Morrison. BEAUTIFULLY situated corner lot on S car line, for dwelling or fists: cheap for cssh; southwest corner Corbett sad Glob. FOB sale Beautiful steel rsnge, brand new; cost 840.00; will aell for $18.00, If taken today or tomorrow. 828 Hall St. FOR SALE Ladle' wheel, good condition, or will exchange tor anything of equal value. W. 22. care Journal FOR SALE A amall dairy and route; akto Scotch colli pap for aale Phone Scott 8ft3. KINGSBURY piano far aale; need 8 month ; good reason for selling. Call at 415 Fifth. BICYCLE closing sat sals: 840 Wolff-i marl eaaa now 186. Seventh and Morrison ate. YOUNG Jersey cow for ale: gentle. N. ear. Twenty-Seventh and East Stark ata. THOROUGHBRED pedigreed fox terrier pup ties. 184 N. N.uio st. Phone 1868. TO exchange on double-barreled shotgun for a bteyel. Address 638 Thurmsa at FOR BALE Typewriter latest model. Test; saw; $70.00. BOB McKay bldg. ASPHALT PAVIWO. THE Trinidad nbtad AggHltPngui ftgfAjaaf, BO0M1NO-H0U8B HEADQUARTERS. TAFT A CO. 128-6 Ablngtr.n Bldg. Phone Msln IBB. 68 ROOMS Brick cat Morrlaon at., hssrt at city: rent $268.00 month with lease; boose is clearing 4UU.oo aoove an expeai monthly. Price 88,600.00. SO ROOMS Nearly all bouaekeeplng. about 8 blocks rrom roruana notei. a years less. rent 8178. This house 1 and alwaya baa been a money maker. Pries 83,000. , 28 ROOMS Swell location, near Morrlaon St.. elegantly furnished, long lea, rent right. Price for a FEW DAYS ONLY. BitoOO. As netstua ei 1 .1 .. .. 1 1 SmUhaa lHHIn U.1VU IWVKUVU, " , " KU.UWHWW. yeara lease, rent $63. now rlesring oytr $100 per month. Price $2,200. 3kJ 28 BOOMS On 7th t good location, wall fur nished, leaae until after the air. rent 870; bath, gaa and electric lights. Price for far days only, $1,800. 34 BOOMS New brick bolMlng. steam beat, hot and cold water In every room; the furniture, carpets and linen are tko hart money could buy; rent $116, knag lease, good location for steady roomers or tranatsnt; mast aee this to appre clste It; we mast sell It this week; has not been on the market before. 22 BOOMS On Alder st near Hotel Portland: coat $8,500. furniture and carpeta good; bouae clear above all expeasss $110 monthly. This Is s good boy for $2,000. 18 BOOMS On Morrison at., all furniture good. 2 years' lease, rent 276. all modern con venlencea. This I aa exceptional good bay, only $1,376. 10 BOOMS Bxtrs good location, cheep rent, good leaae. rent Vow; an extra good bay, at only $1,000. 8-BOOM HOUSE Bight down town, well fur nished, low rent; thla la tke best bar gain oa tbs list. Only $650. 8 BOOMS Nesr Portland hotel, finely rur al ah ed. good location, house up to date In every respect. Only $700. 7 BOOMS Extra well furnished, bath, gas. electric light, rent $90. Price for a few days only. $460. WE CAN MAEE TERMS ON ANT OF THE ABOVE. ALL TITLES GUARANTEED BUYERS nSASiVvv'PII'li A m TaTFBIT T A 49 83 BUT T B2M N I IH'ITA 11,1' AO TV EvS-aAa AO onaAIJUlea NOTICE. WE WANT roomlng-honse. 30 to 40 rooma; - also smsller placea 8 to IS or IS rooma. We sold three Isst week. Buslnees s little quiet. TAFT A CO.. 125-6 Ablngton Blk. THE UNION LAND CO. C. O. DeVcre E. H. Ahlgrea. 234 H Morrlaon Bt. , BOMB CHOICE BARGAINS. Cfgar atand In good location, doing good nnal neaa. for $276. Restaurant, nice, clean, flourishing place, mak ing $12 per day. Price $1.100 snap. Lodging-bouse, good place. 21 rooma. $800. The furniture of s 6-room house for ssle, fine furniture, for only $480. Half Interest In good restaurant, a fine chance, for Siajo. . 15 acres good land, $ acres clear. 6 nearly clear. 6 in timber, good house, well, all fenced; $100 down, your own terms on balance at 6 per cent. Only 7 ml lea from Portland, mile from good railroad ata Hon a. loon etna nlace. coat of fixture $8,800: win aell at eost. stock thrown in. A snap far a saloon man. I 265 acre farm for rent, implements for aalesJ 80 bead or atock, loo ton or nay, m acres la oats, 12 In potatoes, good honae, bars; standing crop goes with outfit; all neces sary Implements snd Mock, 5-year leaae. for only $6,000. Booming house. 12 room, beat location in town, for $800. 40-acrr good fsrm, 10 clear. 10 seres In brtwh. seme good timber, house, barn, all fenced. $1,000. A anap saloon for $8,780. Coat of fixtures; Bar. $600: pool tables, $300; piano. $250; stock. $300; Safe. $150; cssh register. $280; tables and chain. $300. Two year' lese. rent $40; dally recelpto $60. Thla 1 the best chance In s lifetime. Cigar stsnd $760; barber shop, $800; rests u- rant, $700; rooming-bouse $860. Term. Rooming-house. $700; restaurant for tent. best location In town; small tract of land te exchange for city property; roomlng- bouae for $350. Call today. Honae and lots on time. $10 to 220 down snd from $8 to $10 per month without Interest; the finest property In this city. Ws will trade for lodging bona or furniture; we bay. sell snd ex change any and all kind of prop erty; we are In s position to give yoa anything yoa want. BOX FACTORY. Will sell hslf Interest; doing bulne of $78,000 s yesr; will stand the closest Inves tigation; wlU sell s hslf Interest for SB.SfJO; party taking an active Interest will receive a salary of $126 s month on 1-8 Interest. TAFT A CO. 126-6 Ablngton bldg. Pbooe Msln 168. HOTEL OF 40 ROOMS, sll occupied: bar cost lag $1,000; 2 lots, 10 yesr lease, low rental; In prominent part of city; $4,000. CROSS A SHAW 233 Wsshlngton at. FOR SALE Oa account of disagreement of partner, w will sell oar complete new saw mill. 26.000 capacity, wltb complete logging outfit and planer; 2H mile from B R ; oust $10,000; will take $8,800; one half dawn, balance In one year, payable In lumber; five bead oxen, new wagon, donkey and 1,200 feet new cable. C. 7. car journal PROFITS AMOUNTING TO THOUSANDS Of dollar are divided every month among In vestors by th Storey Cotton Company (Incor porated capital and surplus $302,000 ioi Are you getting your share? Write for pr ttcuhtrs. T. H. Qololsn, treasurer, 668 The Boar, Philadelphia, Pa. A GREAT bargain. 82.200; rooming house. 25 room; .4 year' lease; price $1,360. $660 down, b Is nee on easy payments; call and see owner direct, Monday st 1A s. nr . 1 Morrlson t.; also s real eetate office worth $800. can be bought for $200 cssh. HERE'S A BARGAIN ! Ics ereem. candy and cigar store, well lo cated oo Wahlngton St.; nice trade, cheap rent, lease; price $880. TAFT A CO., 135-6 Ablngton Blk. WltL sell whole or hi If Interest In livery. sls snd boarding stable; long leaaa. low rent, good business that will atand Investigation; young man prefered; give part tlma If desired. Ad dress M. IB. Journal. FOR SALE Stoek of hardware stores, tinware, paints and oils. In one of the best towns la the Willamette valley: stock will Invoice be tween $8,000 and $4 000' reasons for selling, other business. H. 13. Journal. SOME GOOD BUYS 8 rooma $ 860 7 rooma 480 10 rooms BOO 80 Washington building. 370 VI Washington at. AN opportunity for a flrat-claaa cutter with $600 cash to buy sn interest In well ectab ltshed tailoring business: mnst be s good sslesmsn Addreaa T. 46, Journal. A MAN te take onehslf Interest la Ugsjsr bnalness. German or Swedish prsferred; ee tahiished bnalneea; $780 required. 822 Mo hawk bldg. Isro CIGAR and confectionery, with lea cream sad living rooms. 66$ First St., Sooth torimgja, rem aa. "BUSINESS CHANCES" advertlaemant Is Journal Want Columns bring big returns; It yoa waat to buy or aell a tusiness, try them; 31 words far IB cent. WHAT hivfe wm to vrhaatv aa full nayment or part payaeat for s Ufa insurance policy la aa of th lareeat old Una companies) Address M 72. JooraaL FOB BALM Half Interest la office haatasea; this is an excellent opportunity for bright man with $300; Investigate. Addreaa) B Journal. WHAT have yoa to trade for bouae and lot Is Sunnyslde? For sale cheap; muat be disposed or st once. u. a, Tne journal. WANTED At once, man to Invest from $600 to $1,600 and services in manufacturing Dual ness. D. 8. cars JournaL A amall dairy and route for aale; alao col lie paps for sals, ssd teat, 12x16. Pboos Bcett wm. FOB SALE Cigar stand: call tnvestlgste; long leaae, cheap real, owner. is Bixin. LODGING bouae of IS rooms for $400: s snap. 384 H Morrison st. FOR SALE Cigar stand for $115; good location; 234 H Morrlaon St. FOB BAIJ aOBSBS AMD CAEBIAOEB PAIR of first olsss matched sorrel horse !,.. . A .-It. SI mnA T .1, weigh close to 2.800 lha. ; alao pair of brow as, 8 years old; weigh 2.660 lbs.; one pair of baye 6 year old. weigh 3,400 lbs. ; one Bey bora saltable for delivery work; on fine saddle mare; also farm wagons, buggies, harness of all klnda; aee my atock before buy ing elsewhere. Bed Front Stables, IB Just off Waahlngton at. SNAP $125 buya brawn horse, 8 years old, weigh 1.100 lbs.; perfectly sound snd gentle for ladle' uae; nearly new top boggy and harness, whip, robe. Call 36 North Fifteenth; SSk for Mr. McKeeharslng. I BUT, seU, rest or exrbange borate, wagona, buggies, rubber-tire runsboutst harness, camp ing outfits; livery In connection. Phone Mala 1136. Red Front Stablea, 15th. Just oft Wash ington. FOR SALE Horses, harness, heavy wagon and rock-bed. team weighs 8,000 lb. Inquire 864 North Twenty -second at. YOU CAN sell year horee or wagon by adver tising It la Journal Waat Columns; try them; 21 word tor IS cents. PERSONAL. J. J. Hlrshbelmer. pension attorney. connsaOm at-law. pensions: War of the Rebellion In dian wars. Act of June 27, 1880. order No. 78, widows, children snd dependent relatives, bounties, arrears, commutations god rlalaat gainst the U. 8. 333 Waahlngton at. WANTED An opportunity to fit 888 people with spectacle or eysgtesssa. lateet style frame and lenses, complete stock to select from and at reasonable prices; 28 years' ex perience. STAPLES, the Jeweler and Optlc iaa, 162 Flrat at., car. Morrlaon. CHANGE OF LOCATION I wish to Inform my psuents ana rrienaa mat I Data Individually opened a new offlce at 318 Oragonian bldg. A. B IV vers, apeclaliat oa disease of the hair aad scalp. Phone Hood 1883. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberta' Nerve Globule. One month trestment. $3; 3 tooths. $6: seat securely sealed by malL Agents. Woodsrd. Clarke A Co.. Portland. Or. CONFIDENTIAL INTE8TTGATIONB Beporta made on any INDIVIDUAL, bnalneea or prop erty; nooao experieo; uet mj re r ere Lock box n. roruana. or. RESPECTABLE working-man of 40 wishes ac quaintance of respectable, honest working girl or young widow; object matrimony. Ad dress O. 8, Journal. TOOB prescription srs mora accurately aad raaaoaaMy ailed at Btrssirs Phsrsaacy. 227 Mirriiis at . bet. First aad Bsosal ate. PERSONAL Your bnalneea or professions card la Journal Want Cola nana will bring yoa hualneaa; 21 words for 16 cents. Try It. CATER only te tbs beet people, s pacta last aa diseases of tke hair and aealp. Mrs. B De Vere, BOO Dekum. Pnons Hood 887. FOR SALE Fine upright piano, standard make, need 2 years; will aell cheap If taken at once. 52ft East Fourteenth, near Clinton. ASTHMA actually and permanently eared: all obstinate virulent dlaeaaee scientifically treated. Dr. Tooae. 181 V Flrat st. "ON a Slow Train Through Arkansas w.1 Jackson: ran of fas and jokast 25 201 Alder at. DOES your piano need tuning: do yon want to boy second hsnd plsrjo. standard make? Aa. demon Music House. Oregon City WILL board and cars for S or 4 children not under 8 years of ags. Addreaa 524 North rup st. COMPANION for delicate young married lady; light bouaework, reasoaable wagea. Scott IMS. H. B tologist, aealp treatment. WE PAY $20.00 for Monarch ranges. Edwards. 186-181 First at. H. B HODGSON A CO. Architect sad I Sparta tendonte. Salt BIS Mcley bldg.. ear. Fourth snd Wsshlngton t Goodrich A Goodrich, architects: Wm. W. Good rich conanlttng engineer. 188 8th. Front 1882. " a - J. ATTORNEYS. PACIFIC Coast Law A Collection Agency Portland office, 700 Chamber of Oommerea. B B. BIGGEN. rtoraey aad coun tier at la at l notary. 806-308 Ablngtoa Udg. SBBPHERD, ANDERSON CELLARS, A turners Bis eao-ani Ma ABZ METAL WO BBS. ORNAMENTAL work tor residences, qosla boose, bank and offlce railings, grill, fire place fittings, chandelier, signs, fence., art work In any style metal aad finish; leaf work aad lata! siasislag a bntldlng ijuasliautuial work. L. 402-404 Davie, cor Ninth. BAROINO AMD LI0HTERIMO. ORBOON ROUND LUMBER CO.. 181 St. Pboos Grant 1171. CHARCOAL. GET hardwood charcoal mads sxprsssly for charcoal aad-lrona at the American Stablea. Front snd Jsfftvsaa; every sack strictly flrat -class COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BVBRDINO A FABBBLL. produce sad commla sioa meet nsnts. iu gront at., nsrf axna. or. 1TB. TBS OFFICE. 286 Washing-ten at-. Mala 771. Picket vlgaaaaa. CAFB BBATC 133 Sixth at. A Sn st an CROCEEBY AMD O LAM WARE. WHOLESALE crock err sad glasawar. Preei, Bags 1 A Oo.. 100 to 108 Fifth, cor. Stark at CLAIRVOYANT ABB PALMIST. MADAMS JOHNSTON Cl.lrvoyant. palmlat. card reader; 1 give facto reliable aad Im- Kant oa all affair at real Ut. Readings 180 Fourth st, wumu a. S-TBONQ. FINANCIAL AGBBT. , Money to loan. No commlasioa. . 1 " a poaltlon to auks Immediate loaaa oa Improved real ssuts or for hrlld lag purpose: oay amount; moJarato late, sat. ws appro rs loan from pirn and ad- la repayment after saa rear. unnuing prrigra upvjoa S-HBD H. STRONG. Financial Ags.t. 08 Soeood St.. nesr Stark. TBI STAR LOAN CO. f7 sstartsd employ, wage-earner, eaa get a hi Dots, without mortgage ' Month. H month. Wssk. 00 Sepsy to aa $18.88 or 66.66 or 88 88 00 Repay to us $ 6 68 or $8.86 or $L6 OO Beaar te as 6 4.00 or $3.00 or $1.08 Osamstaatlal. 210 McKay bldg., 10 id. SALARY '.OANS Any salaried person kavtag edr poaltlon with rss ports I hie firm caa taln money on the issy payment plaa. with eat publicity or delay: all borinsss (treated trlctly confident!!. NORTHWEST LOAN 00.. 221 Ablngtoa bldg.. city. UiiKB,0N .Tgj EABY-PA YlfBNT PLAN To Salaried rterple. strictly CoaBdmtlaX Offlce hours. 0 a. m. to 8 p. a. EMPLOYEES' LOAN Co. L Boom TIB. Tha Desam bldg. ear. Third and Weeblagtoa ata. S. W MONEY TO LOAN oa reaL pares aal aad eel lateral security: special attatoa to chattel mortgagea; notes bought. C. W. PsDat. St fammsrelal blk. Phone Mala laa. FROM $100 to $1,000. rat 7. 8 and 10 par cent; and tram $1,000 to $26,000 st 6 per csnt, by CHARLES HIR8TEL. S8H Third St.. room 8, opp. Chamber of Commerce. WE have private party who wishes to make a few loan on real eatate. Phoae Red OAS. BAR VIS A CASE, BBS Mohawk bldg.. Third and Morrlaon sts. SEE THE Dunn-Lawrence Co., real eatate and financial agent: monay to loan on mortgage securities at low rates In sums from $800 to $10,000. 144 lit et. sORTOAOE LOANS on Improved city and farm property at lowest current rates; building loana. IsataUmeat loaaa. Wm. MaeMastar. Sll Worcester bldg. MONET loaned on pianos, furniture and etJkst chattel securities; all bnslnes strictly prl sate. NORTHWEST LOAM CO.. 821 Abtag Boa bldg.. city. MONEY to LOAM la large or agasD m vw iu secuniy; lowest rats. William a. nee, but Falling bids. MONEY ADVANCED salaried people" teasssters! v., wiiboui secuniy; easy payments ; isrg- business la 48 principal cltW Tolmaa. Ablngton bldg. CHATTEL loans in amount ranging from 221 to 86.000; rooming honse a specialty Bsw Era Loaa A Truat Co., 308 Ablngton bldg. MONEY TO LOAN oa improved or unimproved -.ij proof ny. in sums to sail, rarnaa. wat kin J, ,11 p.noe in 380 Alder st. ts uo. . D0ANS at lovest rates on furniture, piano; say security notes purchasei. Eastern Loaa office. 418 McKay bldg. MONEY TO LOAN oa Ckvrkamss county toads. B F A B. B. Riley, BOS Chamber of Com- OOAL AMD WOOD. OBBAT WESTERN COAL CO.. 441 Hort, ear. ilia; waanea lump Bootless coal, o. per ton; ant. $5.00; agents tor Cumberland Range, $7.00; Caatle Gate. $8.60; wboleaale Seas; free, delivery ; full weights; satlsfae a guars a teed Phone Mala 848. . STEEL bridge woodyard. Be sure and see us rjerore you nay wood a DO coal; rail n guaranteed, office, 218 Hotladay ave. Eaat 4H. E. Lamrrlne. Manager. GOOD fir cord wood at $3.75 delivered to any place within 20 block of Eighth aad Haw thorne street. Phone Scott 4078. ALBINA FUEL CO., Railroad 88, sad Alblna av.. aear ferry; slab aad block wood, dry and grain. Phoae Eaat BTA GORMAN COAL CO. Front snd Pettygrav st. CaU aa np. PHONE MAIN 388. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO.. Phone 1018. Caatle Gate coal aad all other coal oa market. 164 North Fifth st. HOOVER A CONWAY. BIB Water St., the place or good s-rsot, ires nr as wood. Phone Mala 4606. PIONEER Fuel Co., removed from foot Mor rlaon to foot Mala st, Pbooe Main 18B. C. B VELI.N. flrat -class wood aad coal; of flea s Alblna eve . near ferry. Phone East 1R33. ORBOON FUEL CO.: all klads of coal sad wood. 84 Morrison. I'boaa Main 0 CIGARS AMD TOBACCO. BBBEBO-GUNST CIOAB CO. of FINB CIGARS Y INsf'atsatlssTsl, Or?OB. 0ABPEMTEB8 AMD v rrXDERS. A. J. AUTHORS A H. B WOOD, carpenters ana Duiiaera: repairing ana bring: store and offlce futures buIlL Shop 808 Columbia. Phone Clay 1861. FANNING A AKM8THON0 Carpenter aj bonders: repairing and Jobbing ; reasonsbl rate. Chop cor. Fourth and Colombia. Front 0. W. GORDON, counters, shelvlpg. bonaea belli eaa isaasrsa. bob s oftrrn. mar it. OEM1 T CONTRACTORS. HAWKINS A CO. Reeldenee, 306 Fourth t.. phone Front 1288; cement work of all d crlptloas; step work specialty: work guar anteed. OH AS. H. CARTER CO. (formerly Carter A Ell), cement contractors, STS Tsggart. moos Beat 1878. All work guaranteed. CHIROPODY AMD MANICURING. 7U. DETENT A KBTKLLE DBVBNY. th only scientific chiropodists, parlors room 308 Drew bldg . 162 Second at. Phone Main 1301. TBta It the long-haired gentleman. Ha Is tha aaaa you ars looking for DRFABMABJNO. LADIES' and children' garments, silk skirts, waists snd wrappers made to order. IBS Eleventh st., telephone Main 8127. . MBB McKIBBBN, artistic drsse aad closk maAiag. 861 Morrieoa st. POP AMD HO BSE HOSPTTAX. DB. S. J. CABKBY Veterlnsry aurgso. 108 North Sixth st. Phoae Mala 14S4I rs. pboos. Mala 8687. ' . DBC0BATOBS. HENRY BERGBR ISO Pint St.; wallpsper, lngrslns. tapeetrta. sppllqu frlasis. Istsr tor asiaatatlsB. VtXgg AMD ryixABrBO. PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING AND DYEINO Worka; nracticsl hatter In connection: feather boas and plumes cleaned and curled by sa ex-part- 231 Faarrtb. Pbcn Clay 704. J. HUNTER. 660 Jefferson St.. steam carpel :ad matflss cleaning; feather renovating: II work go sr an teed. Phone Msln 21A CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED 21 peg month. Unique Tailoring Co.. B4T Washing, ton St. rBATBBMAX. TMWVnAJTCZ. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foremost frster aal society af northwest; protect the lie. lag. J. L. Mitchell, an press sscrrtsry 611 sad BIB Maranass bldg.. Port lead. Or, X Ste phen Mala 842.