THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 28, 1904. II Alan Dale Writes of Mr. Steal mo re Tricks LONDON. Auc, 10. In desperation the "dog days'" setting-, the theatres closing, the London sea son coming to a legitimate end I went to sea "The Earl and the Olrl," which has been running for 10 months at the Adekpht theatre. I had promised myself Immunity from "The Earl and the Olrl." but I broke forth. Duty called, and I saM. "Ah. there!" to duty. My reward was an evening of enjoy ment. As a matter of fact. I found "The Earl and the Olrl" a Jolly entertainment. It was like meeting old friends, think ing old thinks, hitching on to old Illu sions, for the show at the Adelphl was like a hash of New York a sort of Man hattan show, served with a thin London sauce. There was absolutely nothing in It that I hadn't seen before, but the good things of the New York season had been aptly put together, and In "The Karl and the Olrl' It was a caae of the survival of the fittest. Mr. Seymour Hicks usually called Mr. Stealmore Tricks the author of the piece at the Adelphl, has, In a recent Is sue of an . Illustrated London monthly, given bis lordly views on that crucial topic. "The State of the Drama." He has discussed the means of giving a new Impetus to the drama; the notion of a state-aided theatre, snd ths question of the reform or abolition of the censorship or plays. He sounds awfully nice does Mr. Stealmore on paper. Off paper he ap pears to be nothing mora than an adept in the art of knowing a good thing when you sea one. In "The Earl and the Olrl" he has given an admtrable illus tration of that art. He has taken little old New York, squeesed It dry of Its most desirable Juices, blended them af fectively together and served up hot. He has completely Justified the endear ing epithet, Mr. Stealmore Tricks. What this young London manager-au-thor-actor has done in "The Earl and the Olrl" some daft American might have dona with the London season. We might have sent over some energetic youth to pick plums from "The Clngalee," 'The Orchid." "Veronlaue" and 'The Duchess of Dantslg." and to mske a pudding of them. It would have been a "real nice pudding, and we ahould have enjoyed It far more than we shall relish these various ingredients taken separately. Wa shall have 'The Clngalee." 'The Orchid," "Veronlqoe" and 'The Duchess ' of Dantslg" In separate ' doaes. Why not. as Seymour Hicks does, blend them? In 'The Earl and the Olrl" I heard J. W. Bratton'a popular "Cosy Cor ner" dona up Into a dainty affair called "The Cosy Corner Olrl." To do this. Mr. Hicks not only appropriated the "Cosy Corner", from New York, but an nexed the Idea of the setting from Paris. I saw his Idea done In the French metropolis. The girls sit in rocking chslrs. oscillate prettily, swish their skirts, and cross their er 1 limbs. In the French metropolis they did this rather shall I say violently? In London It Is perfectly proper, and exceedingly pretty. . So Paris and New York oomblne to offer one of the most effective featurea of 'The Earl and the Olrl" In London. If Seymour could have secured a wrinkle or two, for added flavor, from Berlin, Vienna or SV- aTeteraburg. rest assured that he would have dona so. uncom plainingly.. Ml Is fish that comas to Sevmotir's net. Another New York fea ture of 'The Earl and the Olrl" la "In Zanzibar." whloh Miss Emma Carus gave us at the Broadway theatre, with simian accessories. Mr. Hicks has taken the idea tenderly, and improved upon It. Agnes Fraser sings the song; the gells are dressed like monkeys; swings descend from the files, they clamber Into them, monkey-like, and the feature Is exceedingly fetching. . You sea. the art of the Jhlng Ilea not so much in the appropriation of some other fellow's ldess as In the embellishment and Im provement thereof. I auppose it Is an art. Isn't it? There Is a double octette modeled ex actly upon the "Florodora" Idea- While thla Is not a steal from New York, It is a lift from,. London via New York. For the "Florodora" affair was almost unnoticed In London until it achieved Its violent and unexpected hit in New York. Seymour keeps a weather eye peeled at that which appeals to him. Our old friend "Sammy" came forth fresh as the dewy morn another popu lar feature of 'The Earl and the Olrl." Seymour liked "Sammy" and he took it to his -capacious bosom and made it at home. Mr. Hlcka reminds one some what of young Wackford Squeers In "Nicholas Nlckleby." ' You remember thst whenever the parents of the boys at Mr. Squeera' school sent presents to their offspring, the presents invariably fitted Master Squeers. So it Is with the dainties that come from New York. They all fit Seymour Hlcka Into 'The Earl and the Olrl" a dash of Dave Warfleld haa even been in jected. Ths Hebrew Is a type that has never been much used on the. London stage. Somehow or rather It has always been Unpopular. But at the Adelphl the type la trotted forth. I suppose Sey mour said to himself that as It "goes" so well in New York there is no reason on earth why London shouldn't get it. You can quite see why I enjoyed 'The Earl and the Olrl." Moreover It haa a story, and music by Ivan Caryll when ever Mr. Ivan Caryll gets a chance. Thanks to New York, that chance is not a very frequent one. Ivan Is splashed aside for the outpourings of Manhattan Isle. I liked the show. It was pleasant to get the best of New York In tabloid form, without any suf ferings or undue call upon one's powers of endurance. Walter Paasmore. Henry 'A. Lytton. Helen Kennard, Louie Pounds, good old Phyllis Broughton (once a gayety gell) and Alec Fraser help Mr. Hicks out What can happen to 'The Earl and the Olrl" If It be done In New York I am literally ungblo to Imagine. The New York features may be discarded for others. In that case the piece wont be 'The Earl and the Olrl" that haa made such a merry record In London for 10 months. As for the sjrrfnery with Its paper showers and flowers from the flies that Is also -New York, In Its garish moments. Monologues (Continued from Pag Fourtesn.) I 4 LAST SAT OF CTGLOHT. Cyclone rides today for the teat time at 1:30, 8-.S0 and 9:10 p. m. The Star's grent bill la continuous today from 2 to 10:0 p. m. The new bill thas atarta tomorrow merits equal recognition from a pleasure-seeking public. The Benning ton duo, far-famed as entertainers, will produce a spectacular comedy. Jaston and Harvey, the renowned Australian duo, will appear for the first time In Portland. Swede Fisher, a character comedian whose laurels are ths bright est has an act that la unrivaled for purs and unadulterated mirth. Chlng Ooo Lee. the Chinese maglclsn, has brought to America the black srt of undent China, and hla act is one. of th roost mystifying that evsr enlivened a COLUMBIA THEATRE I4th and Washington SU. R. G. Welch, Lessee and Manager. OPENS SUNDAY MATINEE :) i SEPT. 4, 190 04 Capt. Lettarblair ' Cathrine Countiss, Edgar Baume, Donald Bowles and Rose Eytinge, And Select Company PRICES: Evenings 15c, 25c, 50c and a tew at 75c Matinee Entire. House 25c Seats can now be reserved for entire season at Rowe C&V Martin's Drug Store, 6th and Washington House now open for Inspection each evening to the Public, between the hoars of 7 and 8:30. BAKER THEATRE Oregon Theatre Co. (XBC.), Lessees. B Saiga I. Baker, Manager. OPENING WEEK Starting Matinee Today, and All Week, Mat. Saturday bit a orbs Mr. Melbourne Macdowell Supported By and Excellent Company la Sardou's Great Spectacle 0 Cleopatra btoeh nan nr "euorinu" will be a marvel or STAGE MECHAW1SM. One of the most complete scenic productions ever seen on the Baker stags. Over 100 people uaed in the production. Notwithstanding the grandeur of the production, the Baker prlcea will prevail: Even ing 15c, 26c, 35c and 50c; Matlneea 10c, 15c and 25c. Next Week Melbourne Macdowell LA TOSCA In Sardou's QRBAT PLAY I 3 4jp fytyfySfr All Roads Lead to the OREGON STATE FAIR 44tH Annual Exhibition at SALEM September 12th to 17th , The Greatest Exposition and Live Stock Show Ever Held in Oregon Great Attractions. Band Music. $10,000 IN PREMIUMS HIGH CLASS RACING Hundreds of Thoroughbreds Entered An unexcelled camp ground with fresh water and plenty of shade. Good street car service Special Rates on All Railroads vaudeville program. A pretty spectacle, full of flashing lights snd beautiful color, la the- aot of Zarnlta, the serpen tine dancer, who Is herself most be witching. Will C. Hoyt will sing a pic tured ballad in his popular baritone, and the proJectoscopB with new moving pic tures will end the excellent program, a program such as ths public expects to find at ths Star. ABC AD E S NEW Bill Today ends a week of merriment at the Arcada and tomorrow begins an other. Heading ths new bill Is the Elec tric Trio, who are the funniest of run makers. They made a great hit at the Arcade last week, and beginning tomor row they will appear In a new farce, full of gibes and gambols, and qulbs and cranks of the merriest kind. There la not a dull moment while the Electric Trio is on the stage. Every word, every gesture strikes a spark that sets the audience in a storm of laughter. The great Stanafteld is a character, comedian whose merits aa an entertainer are known from sea to sea. Alice Alva is a talented performer whose musical ct is unexcelled. The two Buttons do a comedy sketch that has won them great applause when they appear as "Happy Ouy and Merry Aggie." Kate Coyle sings a new Illustrated song, and the American blscope haa a new series of moving pictures. Illustrating the latest events, as well as catching some funny scenes from real Ufa. Today's bill Is continuous from 1 to 10:20 p. m. Theatrical make-up, Heaa and Meyers' specialties, grease paints, powders and creams. Woodard, Clarke at Co., corner Fourth and Washington streets. SOCIETY (Continued from Page Thirteen.) Mrs. O. W. Staver and Miss Nellie Staver, who have been passing the sum mer with Portland friends, left for thslr home in Chicago yesterday. Dr. Beatrice Oranier-Stejer of this city left today for a two weeks' vacation naar Olympla. Wash. Mrs. i. H. Valentine and daughter. Miss Elinor, who have Men visiting several weeks In Portland, the guests of Mrs. Valentine's mother, Mrs. Julia Llndaley. returned Monday to their home In Bos ton, Mass. William Walter has returned from a two months' absence In Happnar. Miss Edith Taylor of Boise, Idaho, Is a guest at the Sterling. Miss Elisabeth Wolfe returned Satur day from a vacation spent at har moth er s country homo at Reaver Creak. Miss Haasler, of the children's depart ment of tha library, returned from an eastern trip the first of the weak. John Ronfro visited his sister, Mrs. D. P. Burton, In Eugene the first of the weak. Mrs J. I. Teasdals and little daughter have returned from a short visit to Eu gene. Mrs. Jerry Bronaugh has returned from a visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge B. Dorrts of Eugene. Miss Ruth Loverldge pssssd a short time in Portland the first of ths week on har wsy from the beach to har horns In Eugene. Prof. W. M. Hyds of the school of BASEBALL Oakland vs. Portland RECREATION PARK This Afternoon (August 28) Ladles' Days, Thursday and Friday. Oame called at 2:S0. Admission 26c; children 16c. Races! Races! Races! Irvlngton Race Track All days but Saturday of this week ladies will be ad mitted to ground and grandstand for 25c SIX OR MORE RACES DAILY First Race Called at 2:30 p. rn. Take car at First and Wash ington Streets. Over five hundred thorough breds now at the track. CORDRAY'S Cordray 4 Russell. Managers EATRE. POHTLAITD'S MOST POPULAR FAMILY 4 Nights Commencing: Tonight, Sunday Evening August 28 No Matinee Today James Keane WELL KNOWS EASTERN STAB, Supported by a Strong Company, presenting a Complete Scenlo Produc tion of the Season's Greatest play ' FABIO ROMANI A New Version of Marie Corelll's Famous Story of "The Vendetta." Ho Mho or Eapense Has Been Hearlected to Make This the GRAND CROWNING ROMANTIC MELODRAMATIC PRODUCTION OF THE SEASON. Grand: Hovel: Interesting! Startling Situations! E setting Climaxes! A Hovelty from Beginning to End! 3 Nights and Saturday Matinee, Commencing Thursday, Sept 1 Mr. Kaane and his Company Present the Military Comedy Drama A MEXICAN ROMANCE Prices 10c, 20c, 30c. Special reserved seats 60c.. Matinee prices 10c and 26c. gon was cMinrcsH mines In the University of ( In attendance at ths mlntn during the wrtk. Mr. and Mrs. U M. Mains' of Salem. who last week celebrated heir silver wedding anniversary at te home of their aunt, Mrs. C. A. Burr hard, re turned home last Tuesday; Miss Bessie Morgan of Portland is visiting Mrs. s S. flpencei of Eugene. Mlaa Katharine Horganfls the guest of Mrs. F. A. Rankin of Eugene. Miss Alice Bretherton visited In Eu gene during the week wlUi Miss Theresa Friendly. She la making arrangements to return to college lnlthe fall al ths University of Oregon year a Junior. Mrs. Dachau M. visiting Mrs J. T. ler street. Mrs. Weldter Is well known on ths coast for her charming poems snd stories and her connection with the Pacific Monthly. Mrs. Harry A. HoVand of Spokane Is paaalng the summer with her mother. Mrs. M. Baum. ) Mr. and Mra. Bssslngar visited Mrs. 'here she Is this ler of Eugene Is tors at 46 Wsld- EMPIRE THEATRE Portland's Coziest and Safest Family Playhouse COR. 12TH AND MORRISON STS. PHONE MAIN 117. Thos. F. WIEDEMANN, Lessee and Manager Grand Opening Sunday Matinee August 28 The Wiedemann Stock Co. Will Produce for One Week with Matinees Sunday, Wednes day and Saturday, Oliver Doud Byron's Famous Five-Act Melodrama, THE INSIDE TRACK ( The Village Mill ILL ' The Metropolis After Dark J LL ) The London Dock The Great Fire Scene Prices Evening 10c, 16c, 26c. All matinee Correct Scenery and Effects -10c and 16. WEEK OF SEPT. 4-OCTOROON Beeslnger's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Helner of Baker City, last week. Beth Catlln visited friends In Pendle ton ths first of ths week. Dr. and Mrs. Q. C. Eshelmsn visited In Ths Dalles lsst weak with Mrs. Esh slmsn's parents, Mr. and Mra W. S. Myers. Miss Ethel Fraker of Pendleton Is vis iting Portland frlanda snd taking her summer outing at. tha coast. MB A OX LOS AHOlfLBS. (Jnsraal Bsartal Service.) I-os Angeles, Aug. ST. Overdue Santa Fs trains arrived today over ths South ern Psclflc route, while ino Knights Templsr are still held up In Arlsona. Ths passengers report many hardships on the trip, but commend the railway Officials' efforts to feed those delsyed. The first limited to arrive was three days late. 25 Cents Round Trip to Canemah Park Overlooking the Willamette falls at Oregon City, ths O. W. P. hss estab lished a park with pavilion and facili ties for ths Sunday pleasure-seeker. Cars svery 10 mtnutss from First and Alder streets. THE STAR Portland's fashionable Vaudeville Theatre. PA1K ABB WASHIHQTOH STS. NEW BILL STARTS MONDAY THE TWO BEN'S Cleverest of Punster la s Spectacular Oosssdy. JASTON & HARVEY Famed from nraesiand'a Icy Mountain to India n Coral Strand, as the Australian Inclng Doo. , SWEDE FISHER Ha la a Character Comedian With Jokes Slant Oft the Seel. CHING FOO LEE Introducing tor tha Flrat Time In Amer lea Ue lacrct Magical Trlcta of China. ZARNITA A Bcwltchtna Serpentina Dancr WHoa Act Make an Entrancing tacts. WILL C. HOYT This Popular Baritone W1U Blag s Pretty Tttlsred Ballad. PROJECTOSCOPE Edlaou'i Oreat Invention Will Plash Mot -Ins Pictures of the Moat Inter eating rents. CONTINUOUS BILL TODAY S to 10 ISO p. m. Weak Day shows. 2:30 to :M. Craning Parfonnaaeaa 7 SO to 10 80. BaaeiTil Bsa Seats to Centa. General Admission 10 Cts. The Playhouaa Tha Bade TaadevUl Famoua la Portland WASHINGTON Vat. SIXTH And BXVZVTH. NEW BILL OPENS MONDAY ELECTRIC TRIO The Kunnleat Co media na That Bnr Pla tted Portland In a Bright, New Farce. THE GREAT STANSFIELD A Clever Comedian Who Makes the Dtamal Cheer Up sad tha Mournful Cease to Orlave. ALICE ALVA A Talented Performer Whose Musical Act la Oaa of ths Best la Vaudeville. Happy Guy and Merry Aggie They Are the Two Bartons, the Most enter taining l air You Ever Saw. KATE COYLE Sweet Singer of Illustrated Songa. AMERICAN BIOSCOPE TbU WNk'i film outdoea all otbar morlnf plrtuTM for novel lfbta and arenefl. CONTINUOUS BILL TODAY 1 to 10:90 p. si. Weak Day Matlneea 10 to SO. Craning Farfonnancea 7 SO to 10:80. Admission to Any Seat 10c Bijou THEATRE Sixth Street Opposite Oregonlan. WEEK OF AUGUST 29 A BIG NOVELTY HUM'S BBOADWAT BUBLESQUEHB. Producing Ills Popular Operetta, "A NIGHT IN TURKEY " FRANCES GREY Comedienne. MANN & FRANKS Sketch Artists, v LION ERROLL Comedian. THE FAMOUS PONY BALLET 6 Pretty Olrls 0 HARRY Del. IN 'Prima Donna. Mew Pictures on ths VITASCOPE lO CENTS IO Any seat la the bouse, i Mo higher. Afternnnna from 2:n to 4:80. Evenings from 7:00 to 10:80. LYRIC THEATRE Corner Aider and Severn. KBATIBO a; MOOD. Managers. Seating Capacity 700. WEEK 0T MONDAY, AUG. 29 OVERTURE BT LTRIO 0RCHX8TBA. EARNEST YERXAS Elaatlc Knnreme. introducing His Spectac ular Contortion and Posturing Art. THE GREAT DeCOE Novelty Balancing, t'alng No Prepared or Elaborate Paraphernalia bet Common Kitchen Furniture Mrs. and Mr. Clark Mounts High Class Hinging snd Talking. KATHRINE DYER Painty Ami brat ta. TOMMY WHITE Ths ( lever Comedian. THOMAS RAY Illustrated Seags. VITASCOPE la the liStsst Moving Pictures. Thla ad. and 10c will admit two to any matinee, excepting Sunday snd holiday. ADMISSION tOc NO HIGHBR COBTIWUOUS BJUi TODAY. S to lOsSO. Weak Shows Begin 8:18 and TtlS. PORTLAND-2 DAYS MONDAY A I af TUESDAY AUXJ 29B0 MOW omouaiDs NORTH 25th STREET BtTWEfcN RALEIGH AND OVtBTON STL performances Dally at I and 8 a. Boors open hour sarller to permit view of ths OBAIDi BBW gl,000,000 BOO Containing ths Largest Collection of Wild Animals la tha Entire World. More than half of all ths Elephanta la Amerloa shown In this Msnagsrls. RINGLING BROS. WORLD'S GREATEST SHOWS The Biggest Show Of All Times, Fast o Present. Burpaaalng in Scope, MaaTsV tude and Grandeur Anything BsfOlw Attempted. 85 Railroad Carl 20 Separate Tents Q Acres of Canvas 40 Elephants 20 Camels 640 Dorset $3, 700,000 Invested 17.400 Dally Expense 1.280 People 37 S Star Performers SO Musicians 200 Unique Acts Tents that Cover Three Times 1 Space Than Any Other Show OB Earth. At Bach Performance, CRAZO Challenges Death In his Sensational Act WlAPWtt TMB OAF. A Bicycle Jump of 62 Feet the Most Hasardous and Thrilling Feat Ever Accomplished. European Stars Appearing in America for the First Time: THE 4 ELDREDS World's Champion Novelty , and Daring Bareback Riders. THE 4 BEDIMS Italy's Premier Equestrians. The Colini-Ca.rons Famous Parlaan TroublMon Dancers. The 7 Glinserettis Europe's Most Celebrated Acrobats. The Kauffman Family Phenomenal Bicycle Experts. IB COMPARABLE JACKSON FAMILY DOLLAStD TBOUBB, DACOMA8. BXT ZBO riBMBSB, S BIOS, BOBBfJBSS BROTHERS, TASMABZAB TStOCFE, OEKABO B THIOL, and 300 More Fee rises Performers. tSMS ABBST SrBBBBsW (SStMlBBWr M3ka.'' Mr TMB GREAT ELDREDS. Three Mas That Ferfonn at ths Sams Tims on a Gal loping Horse. Amazing Animal Actors 3 HERDS PZRFORMXBTO CAFT. WEBB'S S GROUPS OB EDU CATED SEALS. And Squadron of M.A RVELOUBLY TRAINED KOI The most sublime spectacle of all times. mm MID 1 CPUSADfS A BasaUng Picture of Beauty, Life, Color and Motion. Entranolng Terpslchorean Steve's Before Jsrusalam's Oriental Basso. EXQUISITE OBAND BALLET 00 Enchanting. Accomplished, Meautl ful. Lithe snd Oruceful Reveling I Ing Qlrls In Radiant. Varl-'olord. Jewel-Bedecked Costumes, presenting a Scene of Exciting Enchantment. An Enthralling Oriental Scene of Voluptu ous Animation. Tha Most lavish, 8tsws,llttstag. Frcc"1trcet "Parade AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. Even Sees In ths Streets of Any City arr.u - thsWOStS. 50c TICKET ADMITS TO EVERHHING CHILDREN UNDER 12 HALF PRICE Admission tickets snd numbsrsd re served seats will be oa sals during IBs engagement at Graves & Co. Musk Store at esactly ths same pries charged at regular ticket wagona on tits soar grounds.