The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 27, 1904, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of TEe Journal
8ATURDAY. AUGUST 27, 1904.
Published every evening (except Sunday) and every Bandar morning at The
streets, Portland, Oregon.
FROM NOW ON till the middle of September there
will be many Knights Templar vlaltora In Port
land. They are on their way to San Francisco to
attend the triennial conclave which will be held there
September 6, T and 8. Meanwhile nearly all the dele
gations have chartered special trains and arranged itin
eraries which will embrace a great part of the country.
Many of the delegates from the far east nave taken the
northern routes through Canada, making their way
through Seattle and Portland to San Francisco and re
turning by the southern routes. Others come here by way
of the Yellowstone park. In the midwest sections hun
dreds of others come by the direct route to Portland and
thence make their way to San Francisco or go direct to
San Francisco and return home by Portland.
This is one of the greatest of all events among the secret
societies. The men composing the Templars are repre
sentative citizens from wherever they may hall. They are
men of substance, character and standing who look for
ward to these triennial trips aa genuine events for which
they are willing to pay the price whatever it may be. At
ovary point along the road where a stop is made they are
assured a wans welcome. At some previous period they
themselves have dispensed hospitality to visitors from
other parts of the country and these in turn now seek to
return these courtesies with interest. In this respect the
Portland Templars may be relied upon to do their full
hare and such of the Templars aa have so far corns. here
have had reason to go on their way rejoicing.
Incidentally the visit of the Templars will be of great
value In spreading Information about the Lewis and Clark
fair. Nearly all the visitors have been much impressed
by what they have so far seen and we are inclined to think
that, taking everything Into consideration, few cities will
leave a pleasant er impression upon them than this 1906
World's fair city.
IT IS next to impossible to secure an amendment to
the federal constitution and on the whole It Is well
that U la. The constitution was made practically for
all time; if It were easy to amend it It would be amended
to meet conditions that sooner or later changed and In the
course of (time the Instrument would become a hodgepodge
and patchwork. ' But an amendment which requires a two
thirds vote in both bouses of congress and a subsequent
ratification by three fourths of the states is never given
Impulsively and to this circumstance do we owe the sta
bility of the great document bequeathed to us by the
founders of the government. L
The business men of . Chicago are now circulating a pe
tition asking for the submission of an amendment to the
constitution of the United States extending the presiden
tial term from four tq six years and prohibiting the re
nomtnation of a president for a second successive term. It
Is said that 99 out of every 100 business men to whom it
is presented are signing it. The petition proceeds to re
cite that a presidential campaign la a disturbing element,
a positive injury to the country. It may be said it ex
cites unhealthy and annoying friction along all industrial
avenues and calls to the front a horde of falsifying s pout
ers who are mere attorneys for this or that party and who
for the most part suppress or disguise the truth, even If
they know it.
There Is doubtless much that can
such a movement, although even more might be said with
equal force and greater propriety in favor of the popular
Instead of legislative election of United States senators.
And yet, even while we must confess that a president once
elected in the very nature of things must be influenced to a
degree by his hope of a popular vindication of his admin
istration through a re-election, while we may frankly ad
mit that business is disturbed by quadrennial elections,
nevertheless there are compensations which perhaps over
balance the losses. If the terms are short they bring the
president closer In reach of the popular Judgment. If he
The Man Who Dot It Up
to Say la Its wahslf.
To the Editor of the New York 8un
Dear7 Sir May I beg you aa the chief
critic of the Subway tavern, to give me
space for what I have here to say 7 It
was I who first suggested the enterprise,
who persuaded others to furnish the
funds, and who have done all the work
of organisation and establishment. I am
happy to see that none of our sub
scribers has recanted after the storm of
protest that has beaten about Bishop
Potter's head; but whatever happens to
the saloon, aa the "instigator" of it I
prefer to be its Loeb.
If you were merely blaming the bishop
as a church dignitary for appearing at
our "dedication" I should venture to say
nothing. The bishop is amply abls to
talk in his own behalf. But you are
Baring In substance that our experi
ment is worthless
I am little concerned aa to whether
Episcopalians approve their bishop's
course; but I am deeply concerned that
this experiment, which he has publicly
indorsed, should have an honest chance,
and escape misrepresentation during its
First, as to the criticisms which have
appeared In the Sun and other news
papers, may I ask these critics whether.
In considering the temperance problem,
they acknowledge the existence of the
1S.OO0 places in New York City where
string drink is soldi Let me ask fur
ther, whether they believe there is any
possibility of legislating them out of
existence; and still further, whether,
law or no law. men are going to stop
drinking. Is it not true that saloons
exist and that men drink? Will not,
then, our extremist friends allow me to
wrestle with the condition? I shall
leave them to wrestle with the theory.
I shall be happy if they shall come
Into the Subway tavern and snatch the
bibulous away from the bar Into the
pale of teetotal! im But I shall be un
happy if they interfere with my work
of snatching the bibulous away from In
deeency. immorality and depravity. Are
there to be no helping, handa extended
to the climbers way up the hillside of
continence? In the name of all the
wretches in all the groggerles who drink
that the proprietor may grow rich as
they grow poor, I beg that I may be
permitted to help them If I can. I may
not raise thsm to the throne where the
pure hand of absolutism would deign to
touch thsm, but I may Just raise them
te their -feet, so that they may walk
toward the hasy heights of perfection.
Te the good women of the W. C. T. U.
let mo reply that I believe la them ex
cept aa to their attitude toward the army
MalAM mnA their attno on Intoxirat ina:
patent medicine drugs. I know that
those laities have been urged to attack
the hidden drinking In the prohibition
communities. where are consumed
especialijr. by. women "remedies" and
have than to fly to
on gold and silver. There was never yet so permanent and
great a city built In the midst of mines. Butte is a greater
copper camp, a wonderful place, that will endure, too: hut
Butte has not the general mineral resources around it that
Denver has, and will have, for an Indefinite period.
It may be assumed that In course of time the labor
troubles in Colorado will somehow be settled; that the
time will come when miners can work for good wages and
when employers will bar fair and reasonable. The practical
needs of the world will require the continuous and pro
longed development of that great mineral region of which
Denver is the most prominent center.
Salt Lake and Denver could not both win. The choice
had to be made, and, all in all, it is perhaps best to say
that the Judgment of the delegates was good.
Yet The Journal will add that It has not a particle of
sympathy with the spirit manifested against Salt Lake
because It Is the seat of the Mormon church. This spirit,
to sum it all up In a word, is utterly un-Christlan, and in
such a case is not only unfair, but smacks and smells of
mediaeval barbarism and persecution.
But let this be dropped, and forgotten, aa nearly as may
be. We congratulate Denver, and we are Christian enough
to say that we like Salt Lake, and are proud of Its people's
THE JOURNAL has long held that all that Is needed
by Portland Is to induce people to come here and
the city Itself will do the rest. It Is really sur
prising to note the enthusiasm with which visitors regard
Portland, Its commercial opportunities, and the chances
which it affords for pleasure seekers. While there is an in
creasing number of visitors each year from eastern Oregon,
Washington, Montana and Idaho who wisely spend here
and on the coast their summer vacations, the delights of
the country are hot so well known farther east. Men
from Utah and Colorado who have been here attending
People living In
be said in favor o
"tonics" containing more alcohol than
any whisky sold in the Subway tavern.
But there they had their loved 'prohibi
tion" with its immense and ludicrous
hypocrisies, and they turned deaf ears
to the Macedonian cry. They turned
ears as deaf as they now turn to the
Macedonian cry from the Philippines,
where drunkenness and disease, follow
ing the abolition of the canteen, are
hewing down the young manhood of
America faster than all the battles and
canteens since the insurrection.
You, air, work aa hard as the men who
come into this tavern for rest, refresh
ment and recreation. They do not be
grudge your highballs in your club '(if
you are not a teetotaler), your book by
the lamp or your turn at the billiard
table. Are you prepared to say that
they will fare no better In the Subway
tavern, where they may rest and re
fresh themselves in oomfort and de
cency, than in the back room rumshop
which Is prevalent In parts of this city?
Why do you choose your club rather
than the glnmlll of Park row? Is Is be
cause your club affords you greater
ease, better comrades and superior re
freshments? Please allow, then the
Subway tavern to offer the poor man a
club; allow it without questioning the
motives of those whose public records
and private lives stand for their sin
cerity. I had feared that the quaint Mrs.
Grannla would approve of the present
ventura Her denunciation has relieved
an anxiety as great as I would feel to
hear that Carrie Nation had beaded for
the tavern.
And now in true forebearance I must
welcome the Salvation Army lassie with
her pleading cup Into the Subway tavern
and divide with her our "6 per cent";
for she has already come Into the
despised place for coppers Those who
have gained glory in charity are prone
to forget the path of contempt by which
they climbed. Seriously, I cannot think
that the great generalissimo of the Sal
vationists would concur In the words of
the local commander. Is the army, too,
now rich and great, to forsake the
slums? Surely the Booths and Tuckers
will not march away from the hearts
of the poor.
I "have nothing but sympathy with the
Christian and other societies that urge
men not to drink at all. Rut again, I
ask whst is to become of the vast army
that do drink? Must they drink drunk
or drink sober? Must they drink In In
decency or in wholesome environments?
Must they drink in debauches or ID
ssne and cheerful friendliness?
I am not pleased thst the notoriety
which has befallen us has increased our
sales so largely. I would have preferred
thst the experiment be given a chance
without the visits of the curious. But
at- your editorial says, the curious will
fall away, and then we shall see.
The fun you are having In the news
oris, inns of the Sun has Imposed
Journal Bull din. Fifth and Yamhill
Is playing for a re-election he is not likely to fly In the
face of the most mature public judgment and If the people
are excited over such events they carry with them the les
son that all power after all resides with them, that be
tween elections they simply delegate their powers, all of
which tends to keep fresh In their minds the Importance
of a representative government and the obligation which
rests Upon each individual voter. It Is not well to place
any public official too far away from the people such as a
six-years' presidential term might do.
We are inclined to believe, notwithstanding the petition
Is being generally signed, that the sober second judgment
of the country will in the end oppose this move and still
cling to the four-year term, despite some manifest short
comings, on the theory that it Is better to bear the ills we
those we know not of.
ALL THINGS CONSIDERED, the victory appro
priately went to Denver. It was born of mines,
has lived oh mines, eats and sleeps and breathes
the mining congress have found here precisely what they
sought. Living in high and dry altitudes what they most
need Is the relaxation which comes from the sea level.
This they have found In Portland and with it the heavy
atmosphere which they craved and which will do more
than medicine to rehabilitate them.
the lntermountaln country are learning
lesson that when they need rest and relaxation it is
unwise to go to their mountains to find It for It can only
be found on the coast, Just as some people in Portland are
learning that the stimulation which comes from the moun
tains so contiguous to us is precisely what they require at
certain intervals to keep them thoroughly braced. And
so learning this lesson there will be more people each sea
son to adopt the sensible expedient of getting from the
mountains to the sea" level. Coming here they will find
precisely what they need and return to their homes better
fitted to face the cares and worries which are Incident to
human existence.
graver responsibility upon me thsn I ex
pected. The widespread criticism of our
arrangements has evoked a fixedness of
purpose that I might not otherwise have
summoned. A week ago I was hoping
that the experiment would prove a suc
cess. I bad faith In It. Now that you
have centered so many thousands of
eyes upon us, the experiment must be
made to succeed.
President of the Subway Tavern Com
From the New York World.
William G. Choate, lifelong Repub
lican, brother of Joseph H. Choate,
ambassador to Great Britain, head of
the noted law firm of which the am
bassador is a member, and a former
president of the New York Bar as
sociation, has made known to his
friends that he cannot support Presi
dent Roosevelt for election.
His reasons ars Identical with those
presented In the formal announcement
of the Parker Constitution club, which
Is composed of the foremost lawyers of
the New York bar.
For reasons of delicacy growing out
of his brother's official position under a
Republican administration, Mr. Choate
will not make any formal announce
ment of his position, or take any promi
nent part In the' campaign. Ha has,
however, Indicated that he has the
strongest of convictions on the subject
of what he regards as the disregard of
the constitution by President Roose
velt, and believes that all upholders of
the constitution should support Judge
Mr. Choate's firm Is one of the roost
notable In the city. It Is a hundred
years old, and has numbered among
its members many of the most brilliant
men of the New York bar. Joseph La-,
rocque, one of the leading partners in
the firm, has also actively declared for
Judge Parker, and will do all In his
power to bring about his election.
Mr. Choate was at his summer home
In Connecticut yesterday and could not
be seen. His views are very well known,
however, among his personal friends
with whom he has talked. Mr. Choate
was formerly a judge of the United
States Court.
Complimenting the Bishop.
From the New York Sun.
It was noon hour and quite a number
of workmen had dropped Into the Sub
way tavern. He waa a Hibernian, an
tique, grlsxled. aeamed. and warped with
age, but he shifted his dinner pall with
a certain sprlghtllness as he stopped on
the way out to light his clay. He eyed
the clerk. "I hod a dhrink," he pre
faced with dignity. "Me name la Dlnnia
Mulcahy. T have th' distinction av beln'
th' oldest laborln man in New York I
am 91 years av age. Ye may tell th'
bishop I was in. an' that his liquor is
vlrry Ixcellent. Good-day."
Small Change J
Did Grandpa Davis ever chew to
bacco? The Black Hand has its palm upward
muscles In It.
There is one safe "loop -the-loop" up
on Portland heights
Wouldn't it be as wall to send various
fish to the legislature?
The burning question in these late
August dsys is: Is Grovsr oatchtng
Now watch Col. Watterson hold him
self. He may have to go to Yourope.
The mint Is ripe, and there Is no pro
hibition law In Louisville.
If Russia had gotten another name for
that scow Ryeslntelinlsky or whatever
It was perhaps we might have had a
little more sympathy for bar.
It is conceded on all hands that Parker
would make a "safe" president But if
the United States really likes a Bill Hol
lenzollern Two times, there's Roose
velt. Secretary Shaw will soon explain to
ex-Governor Geer how the Republican
party raised great crops In eastern Ore
gon, but the ex-governor Is scratching
his sky-scraping head to discover why
Teddy didn't order a few timely showers
in the Willamette valley this summer.
The chances are that a good msny
farmers, stockmen, and even business
men, will not only refuse to get excited
about the election this fall, but will de
cline, intelligently, to vote at all. They
see clearly that politics, except as a
money-making proposition, is a good
deal of a farce.
New York doubtful. New Jersey
doubtful. Connecticut doubtful.
Maryland doubtful. Delaware doubt
ful. West Virginia doubtful. Montana
doubtful. Colorado doubtful. Ne
vada doubtful. Fight, then, for Illi
nois and Indiana. These states will be
the real battleground this year. Why
disguise it? ,
(Washington Correspondence Brooklyn J
A situation In which the new secretary
of the navy, Paul Morton, found him
self the other day has recalled to the
officials of the navy department aa In
cident in which President Roosevelt fig
ured while assistant secretary of the
navy, just prior to the Spanish-American
One day. while Mr. Roosevelt was at
his desk In the navy department, a high
officer of the navy, who Is noted for
bis technical knowledge of things nau
tical, walked In and, after some general
conversation, remarked In an absent
minded sort of way, "I certainly think
the gunboat Annapolis should be bark
entlne rigged."
Mr. Roosevelt, with his well known Im
pulsiveness, and, perhaps, recognising
the other's superior knowledge of naval
matters, jumped out of his chair, banged
his desk, and cried, "Why, of course she
should, admiral. Of course, she should.
I'll see that It Is done."
And then, aa the story goes. Assistant
Secretary Roosevelt sat down and wrote
about 90 letters to the naval constructors
and other officials of the navy, asking
their views on the matter. When the
replies were all In Mr. Roosevelt sent
for the chief constructor. "I have here,"
he said. When that official had entered
the office,, "about 30 letters from some
of the best men in the navy, and every
one of them says he thinks the gunboat
Annapolis should be barkentlne rigged.
"I think ao, too," said the chief con
structor in surprise.
"Then why isn't she barkientlne
rigged?" Inquired Assistant Secretary
Roosevelt, with some heat,
"She Is, sir," said the chief construc
Special London Cable to the Chicago
Dally News.
"Japan's genius for war con
sists largely with headlong ac
tion," said Commander Filson Young to
the Dally News correspondent today.
"Admiral Togo will probably live in
history as the most conservative ad
miral yet on record. Before Port
Arthur he bristles with. Initiative and
desperate daring. Throughout the
blockade he ran all great rlscks with his
small vessels. He sent his mosquito
fleet to death time and again, but care
fully held back his battleships and his
best cruisers to stand between Japan
and defeat in any final struggle fortune
might force on the nation.
"Even when the Port Arthur fleet at
tacked the Japanese line Togo man
euvered his most Important ships well
out of harm's way, and Intrusted the
hottest work to vessels that could be
spared If necessary. But for this cau
tion In my judgment a wise caution
the cxar's squadron might have been an
nihilated. On the other hand, Japan's
naval bulwark might have been de
stroyed, and the final victory In this
war torn from Its grasp.
'We must all applaud the heroism of
the Russians, while grieving over the
disaster and slaughter that have over
taken them. Their failures are rooted
in the rottenness of St. Petersburg.
Other nations are struggling against
physical deterioration. Russia's trouble
la mental and moral decay throughout
both the secular part of the nation and
the hierarchy."
Prom Everybodys Magaslne.
There must be no exercise as exercise
for the consumptive patient If you are
able and feel like it. amuse yourself,
but don't take exercise to build your
system up. I know. I. too, have heard
those stories about men given up to die,
who began work in a gymnasium and by
violent exercise entirely recovered their
health. You musn't believe all the phys
ical culture people tell you, any more
than all the patent medicine people tell
you. They're both in the miracle busi
ness. When the lung tissue Is attacked
by tuberculosis it heals. If It heals at
all. by this fibrous scar-material filling
In the cavity. No new lung tissue is
formed to replace what has been lost.
and this scar material Is useless for
breathing. Suppose you had a deep cut
In your hand and you kept working thst
hand violently, how long do you think It
would take the cut to heal? When exer
cise Is taken or you "expand the lungs,"
you have to work the lung ttssus just as
you work your hand, and If It Is
wounded there will be a much larger pro
portion of scar material useless for
breathing when It does get well.
Active Old Parties.
From the Boston Poet.
Senator Davis is five years younger
than Judge Reagan, and Judge Reagan
has just finished the work of writing an
Important book Tbe senator is also
two years younger thsn Senator Pettua,
the most frolicsome proposition in the
August 97. The morning star ap
peared much larger than usual. A gen
tle breese from the southeast curried us
by some large sandbars, on both ''
and In the middle of the river, to a bluff
on the south side Vi miloa dialiuu.
This bluff la of white day or chalk,
under which la muoh stone, like lime,
lncrusted with a clear substance, sup
posed to be cobalt, and some dark ore.
Above this bluff we set the prairie on
Are to Invite the Sioux. After 11 'A
miles we had passed several other sand
bars, and reached the mouth of a river
called by the French Jacques (James),
or Yankton, from the tribe which in
habit Its hanks (and now also Dakota
river). . It is about 90 yards wlds at the
confluence; the country which It waters
is rich prairie, with little timber; it
becomes deeper and wider above its
(By John H. Raftery, Special Correspond
ent of the Chicago Tribune, published
Simultaneously In The Journal)
Quebec, P. Q., August 26. The province
of Quebec, although not the moat popu
lous. Is the most consequential division
of the Dominion of Canada. It Is the
pivotal province, for its parliamentary
representation Is flxed and Immutable,
while the representations of other prov
inces ars changeable and based upon
their relative gains or losses of popula
tion as compared to Quebec. .
Quebec is French; Insistently, dicta
tor! ally, proudly French. Ninety per
cent of the population speak French and
adhere to French methods in social,
commerclal-and business life. Sir Wil
frid Laurier, premier of the dominion
and now the fixed and dominant charac
ter of Its government, is a French Que
becer. The tricolor Is as frequent In
this capital of the province as the British
flair Th at at n, and atrlnea can he found
everywhere floating side by side with
the red cross of the fleur de lis.
Garrisoned and embattled as It is by
British soldiers and engineers. Quebec
is not an English city. As you walk
about the narrow, crooked, mountainous
streets, busy, beautiful, picturesque
streets, It Is the language of France
that greets your ears. Cabmen, news
boys, bootblacks, shopkeepers, merchants,
priests, shoppers, policemen everybody
seems to talk and think In French.
The provincial legislature conducts its
business In the French language. Tbe old
treaty of Versailles, the result of a
compact between General Murray and
General Levis, still obtains here, so that
the French civil law Is operative; the
French Catholic church retains all of Its
old prerogatives as to tithes and exemp
tion from taxation.
Such is the French Canada, as much
"New France" in Ideals, in habits, and
In racial proclivities now as It was
100 years ago. And these. French charac
teristics continue to dominate the federal
government at Ottawa. French Is,
equally with English, the language of
the central parliament. The proceedings
of the legislative body at Ottawa must,
by law, be rendered and reported both
In French and English.
In this and other cities of the province
French merchants, financiers, artisans,
and laborers predominate. In the rural
districts the habitants, descendants of
those brought hither from France to col
onise the selgneuiies, founded when the
dominion was a French colony, still pre
dominate. In dress, In thought. In affil
iation, in customs, in sympathies every
way, Quebec Is French.
Under such conditions the statement
that Quebec, as a province. Is not ultra
Imperial fa easily understood. I do net
wish to convey the Impression that
Quebec is pro-France ln either Its politics
or Its commercial policies. But I do
wish to convey the understanding that
the city and province are and must be
positively absolved of that radical loyal
Ism to the empire which distinguishes
the maritime provinces.
This statement does not include any
hint that Quebecls disloyal to the na
tional Interests of the dominion, but
it Is a fact that, in everything but In
ternational dependence, Canada In Its
governmental aspect Is more French
than British.
The liberal party. In the handa of which
now rest the reins of government for
the dominion. Is French -Canadian, and
as such Is either Indifferent or utterly
opposed to the Chamberlain plan of tar
iffs, preferences, and Imperial commer
cial oneness.
It Is admitted here, for instance, that
the Chamberlain tariff plan Is almost cer
tain to become the policy of the home
government at Westminster In course of
time. But this admission Is accompanied
by a consequent opposition to thaj phase
of the imperialistic idea.
The French-Canadian, like the Irish
man, Is "agin the government." And by
the way, the Irish Catholic element of
Quebec Is, politically, quite as active
and more successful than the ultra
Hrltlsh element. The Roman Catholic
church continues to exercise a mighty
Influence In politics and commercial pol
icies of Quebec. The French and Irish
continue to be passively hostile to the
central government of the empire. When
the chamberlain tariff scheme becomes
an imminent proposition you will And
that French Canada and probably the
liberal party of this dominion wilt be ac
tively and openly In opposition.
An intimate acquaintance of Premier
Laurier, connected with the provincial
government of Quebec, told me this
morning that Sir Wilfrid is not In sym
pathy with the Chamberlain propaganda
of imperialism. To be sure, so far as
benefits for Canada from the crown are
concerned. Sir Wilfrid, like all good
Canadians, is willing to take all that
can be had. But when It comes to con
ceding benefits to' Britain the premier
and all French Canadians will be found.
at heart at least, In solid opposition.
Here, then, the student of public sen
timent with regard to trade relations
8t. Petersburg Cable to Chloago News.
Notable changes resulting from the
birth of the Infant aarevitch are taking
place In the positions and Interrelations
of the different court parties of Russia.
The arrival of the heir terminates the
predominant Influence of the dowager
empress, backed by the clergy, the grand
dukea and Pobledonostseff. the procurator-general
of the holy synod. The
young empress, as mother of tbe heir,
succeeds to the precedence st all court
solemnities. Her influence is strength
ened (n many ways. Formerly shs was
compelled to occupy a secondary posi
tion and frequently had to suffer of
fenses agslnst her personal dignity at
the hands of clericals and other reac
tionaries. The letter's nefarious tnflu-
ence with the oxer is likely to, be great
moutb. and may be navigated a great
dlatance. as its sources rise near those
of St. Peter's (the Minnesota, a branch)
of the Mississippi, and (those of) the Red
river of Lake Winnipeg. As we came
to the mouth of the river, an Indian
swam to the boat; en our landing we
were met by two officers, who Informed
us that a large body of Sioux (ranKtona)
were camped near us They accompan
ied three of our men, with an invitation
to meet us at a SDOt above the river
The third Indian remained With us; he
is a Maha boy. and says that his nation
have gone to the Pawnees to make peace
with them. At 14 miles we camped on a
sandbar to the north (near Yankton, 8.
D.) The air was cool, the evening pleas
ant, the wind from the southeast and
light. The river has fallen gradually
and is now low.
with the United States. Is relieved of
the pervading spirit of British patriot
ism, or what you will, that dominates
the political attitude of the maritime
A canvass of the manufacturers, mer
chants, Importers and public men of this
city reveals the fact that reciprocity
with the United States la wanted;
keenly. Intelligently. almost unani
mously wanted. And yet Quebec la pro
nouncedly, positively, and even haughtily
at one with the great maritime prov
inces and cities In the faith that Can
ada will never again Initiate negotia
tions with the United States looking to
a treaty of reciprocity or free trade.
This feeling, or belief, has nothing te
do with Imperialism. There la no evi
dent hostility here against the United
States; no eighteenth century roysllsts,
no refugees of the revolution, no Boer
war soreness, no regard of Alaskan dis
pute, or flag tearing bitterness to make
difficult a commercial understanding
with America.
No such prejudices are in tbe way of
a co-operative and mutually beneficial
treaty between Canada and the states,
so far as Quebec Is concerned. But it
must be remembered that the French
Canadian, who practically rules Canada,
is as proud aa his Latin forebears, and
so good a politician that he knows well
the dangers of reviving at thla time any
effort to gain commercial unity with the
United States.
"The issue Is asleep," said Mr. John
A Jordan, one of the principal poli
ticians and publicists of Quebec "but let
the United States come forward with
any kind of a fair proposal, and It would
set Quebec afire for reciprocity. The
Chamberlain tariff plan will become an
lasue here in time. French Canada is
pot Imperialistic. It wants nothing to
do with Imperialism. Then will be a
time when reciprocity with the United
States may jump into prominence again,
and then, if ever, it will win."
The existing tariff, especially on Im
ported paper, furniture, shoes, flour.
and machinery, has had the effect of
bringing American manufacturers Into
Quebec with branch establishments.
which -are successfully operating in the
Canadian market because they hsve
evaded the custom house.
The product of pulp wood for paper
making Is now, as It has been for SO
years, one of the richest resources of
Quebec The government requires a
license tax of cents a cord for woods,
such ss spruce and poplar, cut for the
market, but, in order to keep the yield
in Canadian factories pays a rebate of
St cents the cord for all such pulp wood
as is manufactured in the dominion.
To evade this export tax which It Is,
In effect American pulp manufacturers
and paper millers have come across the
borders with their machines and equip
ments, and are now. In effect, Canadian
trade factors
Of this phase of tariff conditions the
Canadian does not complain. It means
more factories and therefore more em
ployment for Canadian operatives It Is
helping to keep the young men and
women of Quebec bome. It is an Invi
tation to capital to Invest In dominion
enterprises, and it la drawing from the
United States a considerable measure of
industry, population and Interest.
But, even for tbe American factors
who come hither to escape the duty on
raw material, the effect so far as the
United States is concerned is not satis
factory. The same motive which
Tirompted these manufacturers to estab
Ish themselves in Quebec also prompts
them to buy their machinery, supplies,
and essential material in Canada. The
factories of Montreal. Hamilton, Lon
don and elsewhere, encouraged by the
entry duties and taught by the example
of rivals. In America, are commencing
to supply a great many articles of ma
chinery and equipment that were form
erly mads exclusively In the states.
Meanwhile the British preferential
clauses of the readjusted Canadian
tariff are having marked, effects favor
able to all tbe British market and
derogatory to that of the United States.
Last year, for Instance, Quebec's im
portation of denims, bleached, printed
and manufactured cotton goods was
$398,364 worth, and of that total Eng
land sold $241,488 and the United States
only 1129.207. Of brass and copper
manufactured articles England sent
Into the port of Quebec $71,000 worth,
to the United States $(0,000 worth.
These are selected as representative
of the reversal of trade balances brought
about by the Canadian-British prefer
ential as sgalnst the United States, and,
therefore, express In a meaaure the dis
advantages under whloh the United
States Is laboring on account of the
changed attitude of Canadian inter
national commerce.
The figures sesm to point to the fact
that reciprocity with Canada would not,
as many of the senators of the United
States seem to think be a one-sided,
jug handled benefit to the dominion.
ly diminished because of the new pres
tige of the empress coupled with his
natural sympathies and memories of
past Indignities which she has experi
enced. From the Washington Star.
"How often." said the philosopher, "a
man Is reminded of his own littleness
In this great world."
"Yes," answered Mr. Cumrox, "es
pecially if he has three daughters who
have been to boarding school."
From the Lady a Pictorial.
Since the magnificent times of the
Roman Empire there has never been a
period when people have been so over
red, over-smused and over-stimulated
aa in the imperial London of today.
Oregon Sidelights
Oregon produces the best fruit raised
in the world.
Oregon has the greatest accessible
timber belt in the world. .
There Is a fair prospect of oil In va
rious localities in Oregon.
Really, did you ever, anywhere, see or
bear of any finer weather?
Oregon includes a portion of
greatest wheat belt In the world.
Oregon has the best sll-che-year-round
climate in the United States. v
Not one-hundredth part of Oregon's
mineral wealth has yet been developed.
Hay yielded about two and a half tons
an acre about Gurdane, Umatilla
Now is the time to get your hop
ohecks All the papers up the country
have 'em.
Wheeler county has ISO children at
tending school. Tbe othsr 10 have
probably shown up while this Is being
Balls and horseraces Intervene to
make amusement amid work to diversify
human life in the Narrows, Harney
county, neighborhood.
Poor farmers up east of ths moun
tainsno market for wheat over about
61 cents They may starve yet the
wheat cost them nearly two bite a
bushel. .
North Bend Post: It is understood
that the third one of the trio of knock
ers who have been gradually knocking
themselves out of business In North
Bend. Is to depart for ths north on the
next Alliance Thanks.
Oregon Is becoming gradually a treat,
dairy state. It can become the greatest
dairying state in the Union, without ex
ception. But that will only happen
when there are ten people in the Paclflo
northwest where there te one now.
Well, this from the Bast Oregonlan
looks fair on the surface, at least;
'What Is sauce for the goose Is sauce
for the gander. If the whites are to be
barred from Innocent enjoyment on the
Umatilla reservation, the Umatilla In
dians should not be allowed to hunt,
fish and start disastrous forest fires
promiscuously over the public domain."
If our mining friends will take an
hour off If they have not done so al
ready and will go up to the city hall
and call on Col. Hawkins, and ask to
see something, they will find already col
lected here one of the most Interesting
and Instructive museums In the country.
To look at It Is a pleasure; to study It Is
a part of an education.
Up In Benton county, as recorded by
the Contains Times, Improvements be
ing made' to ths Dr. Cathey dwelling this
week include a large porch, 6x26, and
repairs In general. There was a hay
rack party Saturday night. It started
from Plymouth and went to the Philo
math camp ground, where a bonfire and
refreshments were the festures of the
Fossil Journal: Henry Morgan knows
where there Is a fine balky team for
sale. He left the team with Mr.
Schunk, who let Hank have another team
with which to proceed to the mountains.
The team balked before leaving Fossil,
but Hank got along nicely aa far a
Wlnlock by walking all the way ahead
of the horsee and leading them, and at
the same time talking to them In an en
couraging tone of voice.
Tillamook Herald. Aug. II: This
week will see a number of Tlllamookers
off for the valley and the hop yards. It
Is reported that picking will begin
earlier this year than usual and we
have been Informed that a week from
now the picking In many yards will
have commenced. As Is usually ths
case this county furnishes a number of
hands who make the hop season their
annual excursion and outing, which pays
them quite well and is a good way to
have an outing and get your expense
money and more.
From the Albany Herald.
ittnmov C.naral A Vf . . I ...
i - . k .i'iniiiu v . L
Salem, whose home Is In Roseburg. has
Just returned from a month's outing In
me mountains of the eastern part of
Douglas county, where he spends a
month every season. This time he waa
accompanied by E. Cooks Fatton, a
Salem merchant, and these two, with a
number of others, enjoyed a good time
in the hills They spent a portlqn of the
time at Fish lake and hunted extensively
In the mountains, and had some inter
esting experiences. The party of eight
secured II deer, and over 600 trout.
Six days were taken up with the trip
from Roseburg to the mountains, and
the party covered on an average 11 miles
a day in the hills. Some funny Incidents
occurred to the hunters, some that they
will not soon forget. One day General
Crawford and Mr. Patton went out for
a hunt, leaving their guide behind them
fn camp A magnificent deer was killed.
and with a portion of the carcass on
their backs the two hunters started for
the camp. But they could not find It
and after walking In the mountains
they found tracks. These they followed
only to find that they were following
their own trail, and the old story of
walking In a circle waa told over again.
After wandering around for nine hours
and becoming more and more bewildered.
they at length sank down In despair
ready to die from vexation and alarm.
But a forest ranger fdund them and
showed them the way to camp, which.
by the way, was not very far away.
Here they found everything In an up
roar owing to the fact that their party
had become alarmed and searching
parties were out to find the lost ones
In the mountains. Mr. Patton, In speak
ing of their experiences on that occa
sion, states that It was the most har
rowing of his life, and he declares that
he will never again allow himself to be
caught In that way.
From the London Chronicle.
The Archbishop of Canterbury hss
finally decided to pay a vtslt to the
United States. There Is no precedent,
we believe, at Lambeth palace for this
adventure; but even archbishops grow
weary of precedents. This wilt be a
novelty with a purpose. For beyond ths
interest taken by every intelligent man
in a first visit to the states, his grace
goes with an open mind to Inquire into
a question that causes htm some per
plexity. "He wants to find out how It
happens that Americans grow up God
fearing, though their education la what
people tn this country call .godless."
That la the explanation of his visit
given by one of his friends.