The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 27, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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One Is Reported From
Has Started on Mt-
Men Suggest Means of Prevention
A flare fire U running through tim
ber of the Benson Logging company on
the Clatskanie river. Jama D. Whar
ton, ona or the Kellogg Tranaportatlon
company's puraera, earns to Portland
last evening to notify Simon Benson,
who Is out of tha city and haa not yet
bean apprlaed of tha lira. Mr. Whar
ton says tha flames were sweeping
through tha timber yesterday with great
rapidity and conalderable damage will
be done unleaa the damp weather of to
day Impedes their progress.
A Are haa broken out near Tollgate
on tha road to 1ft Hood. It Is reported
that a farmer named Harmon started
the blase by burning slaahlngs and the
Are got beyond his control. The tire
has almost blockaded travel on the
roads In that district The automobtlea
of J. H. Kelly and Dr. C. B. Brown, who
returned from Mt Hood yesterday, came
through with much difficulty. The Are
la raging on both sides pf the road, and
Forest Rangers Anderson and Proutt
re unable to atop its progress. They
ay they will come to Portland at once
and dunsult United Statea District At
torney John Hall with a view of get
ting a warrant for the arrest of Har
mon, the farmer, who had been notified
that he muat not permit the fire to get
outside of his land.
J. B. Yoen of the Ann of Toen As
Pelton la at the St. Charles hotel to
day. There have been heavy Area thla
week In timber belonging to his Ann
four miles below Rainier and a num
ber of bunk ahantlea, cook houaes and
bridges were destroyed.
Many Email rues.
James Muckle. of the Arm of Muckle
Bros, of Portland saya there have beeu
many Ares In Cowllts, ' Clarke and 8ku
manla counties, where his Arm Is log
ging, but no great damage haa been done
to timber or other- property. The fires
around Stella this week, he ays, are
now dying out
"I think a law ahould be passed by
the Oregon legislature providing that
11 laahlnga shall be burned In June."
aid Mr. Muckle. "I have been logging
In thla country 36 years, and have never
had a Are get away from me, mainly
for the reason that I alwaya burn the
slashings in June. In this month the
wood and trash haa not become ao very
dry,' the aap la running up in the tim
ber, and Area do not apread aa they do
when started in July. August and Sep-
tember. September la a bad month foribody to aid in fighting Are. A heavy
flres. Two years ago In September a
fire awept over Cowllts and Clarke coun
ties In two days and destroyed an Im
(Continued from Page One.)
noon. President Richarda gave latitude
In the mornjng for social conversation.
Two payers late In arriving were read
by fltle, 'The Theory and Evolution of
""the Treatment of River and Tiech
Sands,'' by Ryan, Stubbs St Ryan, and
'The Mineral Resources of Maine," Dy
Leslie A Lee, state geologist of Maine.
Resolutions were brought forward
with dispatch, aa the committee had Its
work up with proceedings In the main
convention. First to be reported was
No. 19, Introduced by Thuratoc Daniels
of Washington, recommending that the
south half of the ColvlUe Indian reser
vation of that atate be thrown open for
mineral entry at least.. The committee
endorsed the resolution" and It was
adopted, the national congress being
memorialized to hasten the work.
Resolution 17 and It. which were pre
ented by Delegates Joseph and Dodge
of Uth and Oregon. reapeStlly.were
omnibus thanks meaaures. Resolution
No. 2 was the general thanks measure
prepared by th committee, and all three
were adopted at the aame time.
Later J. Frank Watson, who was
elected director fronr thla state, re
celved sn especial vote of thanks, and
Delegate Joaeph moved that Prealdent
Richards be tendered the conspicuous
compliment of the session In the same
manner, for hla "strenuous, noble and
efficient work" In behalf of the on
The resolution limiting placer loca
tions in Alaska failed to receive final
sanction. After being reported back to
the committee to aubstitute "creek" for
"district" in the areaa where two iocs
tlons could be made, the resolution aa
mended waa defeated.
Still Have Money.
Reports on financial affair were pre
ceded by Prealdent Richard' statement
that the funda raised by the people of
Portland were aivicien into two pari
$3,000 being donated to the congress and
the rest being used by the Portland com
mittee for entertainment and other work.
Easily Recognized and Easily
Cured as a Prominent Port
land Man Knows.
Tou'v had cold: so haa everybody.
Did It ever settle In your back?
In the "small," Just over the hip?
Stay there, with steady ache?
Make Ufa miserable
That s "Kidney Cold."
Tou can atop It
A Portland man shows the way.
O. K. Parrlsh. the well-known musi
cian, who Uvea at 33 V4 Grand avenue,
aays: "My first Attack of kidney com
plaint consisted principally of dull, ach
ing pains across the loins. I paid little
ttention to it at first, and It gradually
grew worse. When I did anything which
required exertion, or if I cauarht cold.
I Waa aure to have backache In an acute
form. I waa feeling quite mlaerable
some time ago, and on evening while
looking over the paper X notloed a con
vincing advertisement relating to Doan'a
Kidney Pllla, which persuaded me to a box at the store of the
Lau-Iavla Drug Company, at Yamhill
and Third afreets. The results I ob
tained from their use were satisfactory
tn every way."
For sale by all dealers. Price 10 cents
per box. Fnetr-af llburn Co., Buffalo,
N. T., sole agent of th United Statea.
Remember th nam Doan'a and
take no other. wj
Clatskanie and Another
Hood Road Timber
mense amount of timber. Our Arm lost
80.000,000 feet, Weyerhauser loat 300.
000.000. and others were heavy losers.
It burned our outfits, engines and
camps. It waa impossible to aave any
thing, so fast did the fire run. .It was
very dry that season, and the fire swept
right through the tops of the trees.
Mr. Muckle thinks roost of the fires
tart from camp Area or from burning
of slashings on small clearings by
Blames Berry-FlcXors.
Stmcoo Chapman, president of the
Chapman Lumber company, attrlbutea
many timber Area to berry-pickers and
campers. He saya:
"The aettlere cannot burn thalr slash
ings In winter, end they must burn
them some time. A man can be arrested
by Are warden under the Oregon law
for a misdemeanor for cauaing a um
ber Are, but the trouble la to catch him
and prove It The man who atarta the
Are la usually miles from anybody else.
and how are you going to say who did
it after It is all over? In September or
after the first fall rain la a good time
to burn slashings. The Oregon legisla
ture passed law at the last session to
provide Are wardens, ana pay mem oui
of the state treasury, but the governor
vetoed the bill. It was mougni inai
the law was drawn to favor a certain
faction, as I understand It and that
Its enforcement would be a tax upon
the state. I think the timber Interests
would be willing to be taxed for the
enforcement of good law, and that It
would be benefit to them aa well aa
the Deople at large. I understand that
Cornwall, of the Oregon Tlmberman.
who drew the last law. la now at work
UDon another bill, which will be pre-
aented for BSS a st the next session. '
L. Oerllnger of the Oerlinger Lum
ber eompany expressed himself strongly
in favor of a law to regulate me aei
ting of Ares. He thought June a good
month for burning alashlngs. Timber-
men and lumber mill men feel deeply In
terested In the question of legislation
and will ask for re stringent law by the
next session of the Oregon legislature.
By the vetoing of the bill last passed
the state Is left without- any law to
regulate the aettlng of fires. The Min
nesota law la favored. This law pro
vide for the maintenance of a large
force of warden and they are author
ised aa deputy sheriffs to summon any
penally ia proviuou iui "
atarta a fire and permits It to get be
yond his own land.
Of the $3,000 given to the congress and
the other receipts, of the congress. Sec
retary Mahon reported that membership
and dues had been 31. 404, making, th
total receipt 34,104. Disbursements
were $3. 331, of which amount fits waa
for back bllla at the last session, leaving
In the treasury of the congreas $1,077
t thla time, with no outstanding bills
that the secretary knew of. Mr. Wat
son, chairman of the Portland commit
tee, aaid that nearly $3,000 had been
raised in this city, $3,000 being turned
over aa Indicated, and of the remainder
he would make detailed report when
he received vouchers. El Paso haa al
ready deposited certified check for
$3,000 for the next convention, which 1
reckoned among present asset. Presi
dent Richarda announced that the board
of directors had audited the secretary's
report and fully
Directors Chosen.
The nominating committee for di
rector submitted tha name of Col.
Thomas Ewlng. California, chairman; J.
H. Richards, Idaho; E. R. Buckley, Mis
souri; A W. Glfford. Texas; John Dern,
Utah: William Lennox. Colorado; J.
Frank Watson. Oregon; J. T. Cornforth.
Alaska; O. W. E. Dorsey, Nebraska, and
they were elected without discussion.
wamaaaaa AvruoxATxov.
Ladles of Mining- Congress Present
Who Created Sensation With
Empty chairs was me conspicuous fea
ture of yesterday afternoon's program,
following the spirited election conteat
One of the excellent papers of the ses
sion, "Mining Men for Better Roads,"
by J. W. Abbott of Colorado, was read
by the author, and the thoughtful oper
ators present gave It very considerable
attention, for In the document were
thoughts of Interest to all laboring with
the road problem In the mountain re
gions of American mineral belt.
A motion to appoint an auditing eora
shittee for the accounts of the secretary
nd tressurer failed, as President Rich
ards stated that the work of auditing
waa In progress by the board.
That he might be presented with
bouquet of beautiful roses, Mr. Pence
was called to the platform, when J. T.
Cornforth announced that he hid been
delegated by number of ladles to make
the presentation address. Mr. Pence re
sponded that th pleaaure was keenest
when he remembered that hi wife would
soon be here and would learn of the
kindness to her '."wayward, wandering
F. Wallace White of Ohio, who I en
gaged In the promotion business, read a
paper on "The Mining Investor. After
explaining to the audience that he had
brought number of men to look at
mines In "his own private car," he made
n argument for the promoter, and de
voted much time to telling engineers
what they ahould and ahould not do
J. H. Lifer, speaking first for some
property near Portland, aald that It had
thousands of tons of or In sight, and
from thla subject he drifted down to
Sunday closing of mkaes wherever prac
ticable, Introducing a resolution to that
end, which was seconded by Colonel
Crawford of Oregon. The resolution was
paased to the committee.
The touching event of this session oc-
cured just before adjournment for the
afternoon, when' L. J. Steele of Alaska
moved that J. T. Cornforth be made an
honorary member. Seconding Mr. Steele'
motion, Prealdent Richard explained
tl'at Mr. Cornforth had been the earliest
and most Indefatigable worker for tho
cr ngreas, and that on one occasion, when
the congress waa to meet at a certain
city and there waa not forthcoming funds
to defray the expenses, had contributed
$42,000 to this end from his own estate.
The occasion refered to la believed to
have been the 1897 session, held In Den
ver. By unanimous vote the aged min
ing man was voted an honorary mem
ber and when call for a speech came
he was too greatly overcome to reply.
Irtnrrtsl Dispatch to The Jenrnal.)
Roseburg. Aug. $7. A steam dredge,
which a Marabfleld firm ha finished, la
about to proceed to Gardiner tn do some
necessary work In that harbor., From
there It will go to Florence and then
will proceed wherever needed.
or stock roi-
(Special Dlspatcb to The Journal.)
Prlnevtlle. Or., Aug. 37. With week
passed since the slaughter or scatter
lng of 1,000 head of sheep belonging to
Morrow A Keenan at Cold Springs, and
time given for a sober discussion of the
stock situation in Crook county, it la
generally conceded that the range trou
ble haa reached a dangerous crisis.
Business men, and especially the stock
owners, stand appalled at the wanton
butchery which 10 daya ago stirred the
county from on end to the other. A
second clash of the sheep and cattle In
terest 1 hourly expected, and It I
feared that with further depredations
loaaea of life will be recorded.
It I stated by those In a position to
appreciate the intense feeling existent
that i the sheepmen will not oontent
themaelvea with a failure to avenge
themaelves of thla last slaughter of
their stock.
The wholesale killing which occurred
on the afternoon of July 19 waa the
culmination of the rang difficulties
which have kept thla county tn a heated
state for several montha past. It has
been thought at different ttmea that
matter had been amicably adjusted
Sheep and cattle men met several
month ago, when the summer ranging
season opened and the dead Unas were
fixed. Agreements, however, which
had been made were broken, and this
fact led to other meeting for satis
factory settlement.
The laat time when the representa
tives of the Antelope Woolgrowers as
soclatlon met the cattlemen of southern
Crook county to decide upon the range
territory to be used by each In the Blue
mountains it waa firmly believed that
the friction between these two conflict
ing Interests had been permanently al
layed. Thla was during th early part
of July.
Less than a week after the confer
ence. letter was received by president
H. C. Rboper of the Antelope Woolgrow
ers' association which completely dls-
peuea oil mougms ei a peacerui rang
ing season. The text of the letter,
which waa dated at Prlneville, waa aa
'Dear Sir: Tou will please notify the
members of your association that the
contracting parties in the agreement
made at Howard last Tuesday represent
only a small part of those who are en
titled to range privileges which conflict
In lntereat with that agreement, and
that any attempt to follow out the
agreement on the part of your members
wno own sheep will result In a contest
for range which will not be pleasant If
any of your members are unwise enough
to presume upon the atrength of the
agreement mentioned they must take the
consequences. (Signed)
P. S. Perhaps you have never real
ised that the reward offered by your as
sociation make It rather hard on your
sheepherdera and camptendera, It la
not our purpose to be testified against
no matter what reward and Inducements
are offered, and the offering of money
rewards simply makes your employes;
xlstenee In Crook county the more
strenuous. You will understand what
we mean."
tetter Causes Consternation.
This letter caused consternation
among the members of the Antelope
Woolgrowers association, and waa dl
rectly the cause of all herders who left
with their bunds for Crook county to go
Into the disputed district heavily armed.
So far those In charge of foreign herds
have been given no opportunity to stand
In defense of either their lives or their
stock, but It Is hot expected that th
season will close free from the chron
lcllng of another bloody record, and
that this blow will be directed toward
me sheep from other counties.
Contrary to . all expectations, the
laughter of 10 daya ago waa made
against horn sheepmen. Morrow &
Keenan own and range 12,000 head, and
they stoutly maintain that th band
which was killed waa ranging on sheep
territory and that It was driven off of
that district on to cattle grounds before
the slaughter commenced.
It la thla fact, coupled with the feel
ing that even home aheepmen are not
safe with their property even in sec
tions which have been agreed upon, that
haa stirred this county more deeply than
any event which has happened In years.
It can be readily seen that this phase
of the matter rendera the situation
more trying and more difficult of so
lution. Civil authority has been balked
and the ordeal for supremacy muat be
fought out on Intractable grounds under
the rulea dictated by conflicting Inter
Neither the sheepmen nor the cattle
owners have loat time during the past
few months in gathering their strength
for the final encounters. Anonymous
letters from both side have been sent
broadcast throughout the stock district
These letters, aa a rule, have defined the
stands taken by the different stock-own
ers and threats were carried agslnst any
person encroaching upon the territory
claimed aa their own. The letters show
plainly that the ranging districts of the
stockmen of Crook county are directly
opposed to each other, and it 1 pre
sumed that the recent slaughter may
have resulted from a trespass upon
grounds claimed personally by the cat
tlemen even In the face of the agree
ments made some time ago when the
ranging lines were fixed.
As a reault of th recent trouble
Crook county will watch with Intense In
terest the next move to be made. That
other depredations are Imminent la be
yond dispute, a fact born out by th
almost uncontrollable feeling which la
everywhere apparent Stockmen In
every district are arming their herders
and the time I drawing near when an
other alaughter of a great magnitude
aa th last will be recorded.
To the Canyon of the Clackamas
on the 0. W. P.
Tou make It by trolley Sunday for 60
cent round trip; distance. 36 miles. You
dine at the hotel, (0 cents. Music at
the pavilion at no cost Cars least First
and Alder at 7:80, 9:30, 11:30. 1:30, 2. .10.
3:30, 6:30, 7:30. Ticket must be pro
curer st in omce.
(Journal SpicUl Sex rice.)
St Louis. Aug. 37. This waa Liberal
Arte day at the fair and the exhibitors
In th Palace of Liberal Arts took ad
vantage of their Innings to make an Im
pression that will not soon be forgotten
by the ten of thotissnds who visited the
big exhibition buildings during the day
and came away loaded down with
souvenir of every description.
uw is ro
Whether or not the attack made on
the local option law through the courta
by Henry Wetnhard. the brewer, la to
meet with defense now depends entirely
on District Attorney Msnnlng.
County Judge Webster and County
Commissioners Barnea and Lightner
have "passed the mstter up" to that of
flclal. He was sent a oopy of the com
plaint and summons served on the board
this morning, accompanied by notifica
tion that as district attorney he would
be expected to defend the law. '
The commissioners do not Intend to go
down into their own pockets and pro3
duce the, money necessary to put up a
conteat to the suit Nor, on the other
hand, do they believe they would be
warranted In expending; county funds In
making such fight
Many reasons are urged gainst tha
constitutionality of the law In the com
plaint filed yeaterday afternoon by Mr,
Wetnhard. One of th strongest Is that
the bill which became the law was not
submitted to the governor for hi ap
proval, was not signed by him. was not
returned with his objections nor filed by
him In the office of tb ecretary of
It la further claimed that th law waa
not legally submitted to the electors be
cause the petition for Its submission
waa not signed by eight per cent nf
those exercising the franchise. The as
sertion la alao made that th law con
fer an unlawful delegation of legisla
tive authority on the county court; that
th title doe not give notlc that It
shall be unlawful to sell liquor; that It
unlawfully attempta to prohibit th sale
of liquor on the prescription of a phy
sician not engaged in practice, illegally
delegatea the problem of prohibition tn
precincts and provldea for Illegal search
warrants and rules of evidence.
One objection, that the initiative and
referendum act la contrary to the fed
eral constitution, was given publicity
In The Journal through th statement
of one of the Interested lawyer some
time ago.
No steam will be furnished Atkinson
school by the Welnhard brewery. H.
Welnhard has withdrawn his proposition
submitted to the city school board some
time ago to furnish all the ateam from
the brewery necessary for heating the
building. He atated that ha was willing
to contribute chis to the school and all
that waa necessary waa to have ateam
pipe laid to connect the two buildings.
Bids for Installing a heating plant In
this school had already been received by
the school board, but, as they had sn
opportunity to secure nteam for noth
ing, they decided to postpone the award
ing of the contracts. It was decided to
Interview Mr. Welnhard end see if he
would agree to sign contra ot to allow
the school house the use of the steam
free of charge for five year.
After consultation with his engineers
Mr. Welnhard decided that It would be
Impracticable to sign an agreement to
that effect and now he haa also arrived
at the conclusion that It la better to
withdraw his offer altogether.
Th new heating plant for the Atkin
son school will now have to be Installed
and the contract win In all probability
be let at the next meeting of the board
of director.
The following are th official entries
for Monday' race at Irvlngton:
First race, b furlongs, 4-year-olds
and up, sailing1 7130, Bee Rosewater,
106; 7234. Lady Myrtle. 106; 7224, Rim
Rock, 106,: 7319, Dr. Long, 110; 7119.
Alguna Buena. 107; 7334, Sequel, 100;
7201, Oov. John, 107; 7183, Sue John
son, 100; 7231, Ollvllo, 103.
Second race. V furlongs. 3-year-olds
and up, selling 7200, Judge Napton,
112; 7214, Evermore. 96; 7233. Frivolous,
106; 7236, Densll, 112; 7220, Estsdo, 109;
722$, Sir Dougal, 107; 7231, War Times,
110; 722. Educate, 106.
Third race, one mile, 1-year-olds and
upward, selling (976, Casador. ,109;
7236, Dug Martin, 104; Till, Decoy, 106;
7211, Plan, 111; 7238? Prestolus, 109;
7211, July Oyp. 10$; 7121, Qaucho, 91;
7141,- Barnato, 114; 7210, Nora, 9.
Fourth race. 6 furlong. 4-year-olds
and up, selling 7227. Anil, )04; 7236.
Doublet, 104; 7326, Holly Berry, 107;
911, Murat. 109; 722... Phil Cummins,
109; Till. Vines. 104; 7116, Billy Brook
wood, 104; 7119, Frlerllne, 104; 7119.
Nell Holton. 101; 7111, Montoya, 101;
7119, Cannell, 104; 7226. Breton, 109.
Fifth race, 1 furlong, 1-year-olds
and up, selling 7336, My Surprise, 104;
7141, Leash, 96; 7111. Oottlelben. 101;
7121, Maxtreas, 10; 724. Susie Chris
tian, 90; 7211. Facta, 90; 7121. Mounte
bank, 101; 7119, Bell Reed. 102; 7240.
Lady Kent, 100; 7216, Titus. 101; 7110.
MImo. 97; 7214. Tom Klngsley, 97.
Sixth race, mile and 60 yard. 4-year-olds
and up, selling 7212, Duke of
Richelieu, 104; 7236. Phys. 102; 7199,
Claudator. 109; 7217, Pastmaater, 104;
7311, OoldAnder, 109: 7222, Legal Max
im, 104; 7193, laabelllta, 102; 7119,
Harry Thatcher. 109.
Thinking that under th blue canopy
of heaven they might He down and rest,
build a fire and trouble no one, Fred
Watklna and John Trafler, gray-haired
with age, settled themselves comfort
ably under the ateel bridge on Portland
heights last night and prepared to sleep.
Seeing their fires In the distance. Po
liceman Taylor swooped down upon
them and sent both to Jail. They were
released by Municipal Judge Hogue thla
morning after promising to avoid viola
tion of th Uw in future.
"I thought we had a perfect right to
build fire and sleep a long a we dis
turbed no one." aald Watklna, address
inn Judge Hogue and Deputy City At
torney Fltsgerald.
They were Informed that within the
oorporate limit of the city they cannot
build fire or go to sleep out of doors,
without laying themselves liable to ar
rest and prosecution.
Both prisoners have no home. They
have been unfortunate In life and In old
age have no place but the county farm
to go for ahelter. Rather than remain
there, they determined to live out of
the Stadebaker Wagon stand for the qnalitirs that make wagons desirable.
Light-running and easy on the team, durable because the lumber is sea
soned right before being finished. Made to stand np under heavy loads.
it built from first-class material down to the minutest detail. The slow
growing, fine-grained, tough-fibered black birch from the rocky hills of New
England is used in the hubs, select white oak is made into spokes and fel
loe and choice second growth, butt cut hickory ia used tor the axles.
Every other part as carefully selected. The skeins, tough and hard, are
forced into place on the axles under 100 tons pressure. Studebaker slope
shoulder spokes are driven into the hub under the same tremendous pres
sure. Best and toughest iron sod steel strongly reinforces every part
where needed. The Studebaker is
The Unapproachable Wagon
and we sell it because the name ia the best guarantee we can give of its ex
cellence. We keep them in stock, and if we haven't the kind you want, in
sise or style, we can get one for you in the shortest possible time.
We shall be glad to talk wagon to yon and if yon will come in we will
give you some interesting reading matter about wagons.
Studebaker Bros. Co. Northwest, Portland-Ore.
read or
A MIS irto:
E AT 3 A. M. RAD
TION. J. E. Mayo, adjutant-general of the
Oregon Q. A, R. and for year on of
th city' prominent citizens, died this
morning at 3 o'clock at kla home, 404
Eaat Washington street. Paralyala of
the hesrt was the cause of death.
Mr. Mayo waa 66 years of age at the
time of hla death and was born In
Jackson, Mich. He has resided In Port
land since 1176. having In that year re
moved from Boseman, Mont. For many
years he was one of the chief building
contractor of the city and waa from his
first association with the veterans of
the civil war a leader In the Grand Army
affairs of hla city and atate. After seve
ersl yeare aa adjutant-general of the
atate Q. A. R. and assistant adjutant
general of the national organisation
Mr. Mayo waa unanimously re-elected
laat aprlng by the old soldiers of the
stat to continue In hla high office,
Mr. Mayo waa a member of a .Missouri
cavalry regiment and saw hard fighting
In the van of the federal force.
At the close of the civil war he re
turned to hi profession and after a few
year left Missouri and located at Bose
man, from which place he removed to
Portland. As a contractor he built many
of the Important business structures of
the early city, the First National bank
building being among those constructed
by him.
His wife end two children survive
him. The children sre Charles Mayo of
Dunamulr, Cal and Mrs. M. E Andrews
of Portland. - .
The funeral arrangements have not
been completed,, but will be announced
when word la received from Charles
Seven young Chinese converts to
Christianity were baptised last night at
the Methodist Episcopal Chlneae mis
sion, 207 Alder street, by Rev. Chan
Sing Tal, pastor of the mission. The
ceremony waa performed before large
crowd chat had gathered In honor of
Bishop Moore's visit and followed an ex
cellent program that had been rendered.
At the miaslon laat night reception
was tendered Bishop Moor who is visit
ing In this city. The plaoe waa beau
tifully decorated with American flag
and bunting and an appropriate program
waa rendered. There were several
choruses, solos, duets and recitations by
the Chinese members of the mission.
They also read several paaaages from
the Scripture.
Dr. L. E. Rockwell, presiding elder,
wss chairman and addresses ware made
by him and Bishop Moore. Bishop
f-Moore expressed himself as greatly
pleased with the work that Is being ac
complished jby the mission. Refresh
ments were served at th conclusion of
the exercises.
Prof. A C. Newlll, who was principal
of the Bishop Scott academy for three
years, haa leased th Hacheney property
In South Portland for term of years.
The property comprises an entire block
at Thomas and Corbett street and has
Generous Offer of a Free Book
to All Deaf People Who
Wish to Hear
Deaf people
everywhere should
learn at once about
the wonderful new
our for deafness
Just discovered by
the leading ear
specialist of the
country. In order
that every one may
know how deafness
can be cured, th
finder of th suc
cessful new method
haa written very
Interesting and
Infill book which
h will send absolutely free Of charge
to any person who suffers from deaf
ness. It explains in the clearest man
ner the causes of deafness and polnta
the way to a aafe and permanent cure.
Careful drawings made by the beat ar
tists, of the ear and lta complicated
passages, Illustrate the book.
Deafness Specialist Sproule, suthor of
this desirable work, has for year been
making the moat thorough Investigation
of th causes of deafness and head
noises, and his marveloualy successful
new ouro for deafneaa Is the reward of
all hla patient study. Now he wishes
Very one who suffers from deafness In
any degree to learn how science has at
laat conquered thla cruel affliction.
Don't be deaf any longerl Send for
thla book today and learn bow your
hearing can be restored aulckly and
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ing awalta you If you follow the good
adVlce given In lta pages.
Write your name and address plainly
on the dotted lines, out out the free
book coupon and mall It at onoe to
Dealness Specialist Sproule, lM
St. Boston.
FIEE BOOK Dssfaess Specialist
plssss send ma year
NAME . . .
) - a s
comVan? 147 FRONT St.
two buildings. On building of It
rooms will be need as a dormitory while
the other eight room will be used for
school purposes.
The school .win be known as the
Newlll Rtvervlew academy,- and -will bo
opened September 28. Some of the most
prominent and wealthiest oltixens of
Portland are among Professor Newlll'
25 Cents Round Trip to Cane man Parle
Overlooking the Willamette falls at
Oregon City, the O. W. P. haa estab
lished a park with pavilion and facili
ties for the Sunday pleasure-seeker.
Car every 10 minute from First and
Alder streets.
"""' i