The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 27, 1904, SECOND SECTION, Page 15, Image 15

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mo nun.
Not! Is bmb; givea lbs! the Couuoll of the
City ef Portlsnd. Oregon. st a meeting held on
ins inn nay ot aujuii, ivv. neolored loo
mpriiiaaat of Irving street, from the wast
una oc nqn street 10 tne esst line of aaves
t nth etreef. In the manner provided br ordlu.
ancs No. l.rd, upoa sack lot, part of lot and
parcel k was, wmcn ara specially aua pars I
lerlr beoedted, U be aa followe, via:
X 17. let 1. Hlrbard
Brass, 1133 34
4, HISkSM ETSBS. 138 ft
3. Illchard Eons, 115 US; tot 2. Hlrbard
L 1110.90. BLOCK 138. lot 1. Aaerl
Traet iBvaetmeut company, 111084;
' a, wssvvessii trni investment oust
pan. 1& 7, lot S. Marls Camay. US.M;
Jot karat Caraay, 114 W. BLOCK I as!
lot 1, Ions aad W. . Buchanan, 1138.54; t
4. Iona and W. S. Buchanan. 134.81; lot 1.
Amelia Dueber eatate. heirs os. Illtt; lot
a. Amelia lmeoer aetata, bate ef. 117 IT.
BLOCK 1M, let 1, I leery Brown. f 133 OU;
lot 4. Mary Prenes Llfhtaar. rl.l : tot .
WHBaM JPraslar. lo; lot I ktlllai
Kraaler. ISM Iff. BUICK l. lot 1. Moss
Fried eatsta. hatr ef. .; let 4, Moee
Pried .estate, heirs ol 17. Jl ; tot IT Annie
I Manning. aan.WT ; lot 2. Anals Meaning,
ISO 4. BLOCK ISA tot I, Tf. Sweeaey.
lit. 81; tot 4. B. Aftallla, 11 8.8 ; north
I 1-8 teat tot S. WrtAwfo. Dunning. 114.03;
south 16 2-8 fast tot). H. Brown. 17.01;
north 16 23 feet lot 1. U. Brown. 113.00;
south 88 1 8 feet lot 1 William B. Harris.
EtM.IO. BLOCK 1M tot 1. Barah rree
bora, 1156 BT; st 4. flarati rreeborn. SSI. 84;
lot I. Robert D. Pr Sahara estate, heirs ef,
81BTB; tot t. Robert I. Ptassagii eetate.
Weirs of.I14T.00. BLOCK 114, lot i, Ladfer
Bolr. 1228 op. lot 6. Lodger Bolre, mil:
noi a, u ez '
Tlltoa, U3 IB
Ljget. 4218 IS;
$154; lot , I
tot u, uoo ez Tunas. Iia.1T; 1st T. uto a
BLOCK 1 IT. lot M. August
tot 0. Helen P. Sneuldlrur,
t. Ham L. Pit took. 1SB0.33. BLOCK 118.
Hirr I. llttnrs EO.ll Mil
tot 8. unsbie r. Cramer. 1127 58; lot 8.
Cuatav V. Cramer, 123.30; tot . Ladd
Ttltoa. AM 41 : tot T. Ladd Tlltoa, 8208.76.
BLOCK 11. tot i. Joseph Horning. tlB.VoP;
north H lot S. Jobannea Vegtluls. $26.17;
sonth H lot ft. H. R. Pleksl estste. hetre ef.
J 36 IT; lot 6, lokm Gorman. 114.06; tot T.
oho (tarsus. ii.ia.Ta. BLOCK 120. lot 8.
f. W. Isberwood. 13S4.7B: tot ft. P. W.
lenerwooo. n w lot 0. r. w. isaerwooa,
123. 64; to T. P. W. Isherwood. 828ft 81.
BLOCK til. let B, Oatbertne McGrath.
8148.88; tot ft. David P. Thompson eatate.
heirs of. (21 04; north U lot 6. Catherine
McGrath. 110.84; sonth H tot 6. Darld P.
Thompson eetate. heirs of. 11005; tot T.
Dsrld P. Thompson eatate. belra of. 1111.08.
CLOCK 156. tot I. Oeorn W. Hort eetate.
elrs of. 830.68; tot f, Oeerte W. tlojt
eetate. heirs of. (10 66; lot 4, Oeorta W. Hojt
eatate, heirs of. in.W; tot T. Oeorae W. Hort
aetata, heirs of. (321.18: rlrht of war City
A Bnbnrhan Bsllwsr eompsnr. $23 52: Port
land Rallwar company rl(ht of waj, flS.S.
Total. (S.81..0.
A statement of sforssald ssaeeament has been
stared In the Docket of Cltr Uens. and la now
dne and parable at the ofttre of the ritr
Treasurer, In lawfal moner of the United
States and If not. paid within 80 dars from
date of this notice, euch proceedings will be
taken for the collection of the asms aa ara
Brortded by the Charter ef the City of Port-
Tha aboee assessment will bear Interest 10
airs after the first publication tif this notlse.
Auditor of the Cltf of Portland.
Portland. Oregon, Angnat 23. 1904.
Waereas, the Council of the City of Port
land, deeming It expedient to open, lay out,
widen an. establish an, sitenslon of Esst Sal
man street, In the City of Portland, from the
West line of Eaat Thirty eighth atreet to the
Wtet line of blocka 11 and 12. Runnralde addi
tion, did on the 18th day of Msy, 1904, direct
the Cltr Engineer to surrey the a a DM and to
mark the boundarlea thereof, and to make a
plat of such surrey, and s written report con
taining s full and perfect description of sock
proDoeed atreet and boundaries thereof, and of
the portion of eg'cb lot, tract er part of either
to be appropriated for each atreet. sad the
Cltr Engineer basing mads each surrey, plat
and report, and Bled such plat and report la
tbe office of the Auditor of the City of Port
land a tbe 6th day ot. July, 1904. and aald
report Bering been adopted by ordinance No.
14.101. entitled "An ordinance adontlne tbe
the proposed opening, laying out. widening and
establishing of Bast Salmon street. In the
.1 ,
city of Portland. 60 fset In width. In Its
R-aent coarse, from the west line of East
trty-elghth street to the weat Una ot blocks
11 and 12, Sannyslds addition.
New. therefore, all oeraooa Interested ara
hereby notified that the Council of the City of
r-ortiaam naa appointea n. J . morruon, J Kelly
and J. P. Menefee rlewera to view aald pro
posed etteneton of aald street snd nuke sn esti
mate of the benefits and damsaee occasioned
by the opening, lay out and eetabUahtng of
the ssme. la sccordsnce with section 149 of the
ensrter or the t'lty or Portland, aald viewers
to mset st ths office ef the Auditor of tbe City
of Portland cn Thursday, the It day ef Sep
tember, 104. st the hoar of 10 o'clock to the
forenoon of said day.
Ths proposed opening, widening, toytag out
and establishing ef Esst Sslmon street Is 60
feet In width snd Is mors particularly bounded
aad described ss follow:
riesrlnalrui at point in the weat line of East
Thirty -eighth atreet where the same would be
Interaeetsd hy the Berth line af Eaat Salmon
atreet as laid oat In ftanayatds addition: thence
eaatsrly along sn estcnaton of the north line
of Past Salmon street aa Istd out in Sunayslda
addition, to tbe weat Una of block 13. Sonny
side addtttoa; thence southerly along the aoath-
erly e a ten ton of the weat Use
BuiinyaUe audition 40 feet; then,
line of Beet Thlrty-ekthth stn
erly eitenfton of the west lias of block 1.
eaca westerly
Salmon street
0 to the weat
tv -eighth atreet: thence
mr merry along tne weat una of Bast Thirty
eighth street 60 feet te tbe place of beginning.
The proposed opening, oldening. IsyTng out
and eatshrUhlnsT of Eaat Salmon street will in
clude aad aeceealtate tbe appropriation to pnb-II-
w it the fallowing dWtbed parcels or
tracts of teas:
All that parrel er tract of tend lrtng between
the northerly Una of the proposed Esat Salmon
street and a line 80 feet southerly therefrom
and parallel therewith; and between the eaat
srly and westerly booadsrlea ot the proposed
Eaat Salmon street, containing 11.713 square
AU persons claiming damsges hy reason of
the opprnorlatlon of the property above de
scribed, or say part thereof. 1b the proposed
opening, widening, laying out and eetahllahlng
of aald street sre hereby specially notified to
file their claims for sucb dsmsges with the
Auditor of tbe City of Portland before the 8th
dsy of 8-ptemher. 1904, tie time appointed for
the meeting ef the viewers therein.
By order of the Council.
Auditor ot the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon. August 23. 1904.
Notice la hereby given tAat taw Grand I ef tbe
City ot Portland, Oregon, at a (Bulla held aa
the 17th day of August. 19047 declared the
asaesament by ordinance No. 14,16. for ths
construction of a sewer in Preeaeat street, from
the esst Uns of Union avenue to a eonaeettoa
with the aewer In Cleveland s Waste at Premont
street, la the manner provided by ordinance
No. 12.961, upon each lot. part ef tot and parcel
of land, which are specially and peculiarly
benefited, to be aa followa. vis:
LINCOLN PA UK BLOCK 22. west 00 feet tot
S. David ShaaaSaa, 1S.S0 west AO feet lot
T. David Shanahan. fit 00; west SO feet of
sooth 6 feet lot 6, Lewis W. Hsuser. 11.00.
als sad Thomas O'Day. flVSOi tot T. lAasie
aad Thorn. O'Day, 30.80: lot 1, Ellaaheth
Taylor, Jft.0j tot 10, Bllssbeth Taylor,
120.80. BLOCK in, lot 1. Oeerf e Boosrlilln.
(86 30; tot f . Oeorgs Boeaeblla. ISO.IO; tot 9.
George Bawachtlo, 1880, lot 10, George
BoeechllB, MO.IO. BLOCK II, tot S. John
uisDeiaoMB, ggo.30: sot T, Adam Yost
130.80, west H lot . 1. Sehwarts. 117 6(1
west Vi tot 10 J Schwarta. 110.16: eaat VI
tot 9. Henry Yoet. (17.66; east
tot 10.
lot 8.
Henry Voat, $10.1. BLOCK
Jaoob and lns Nelson, $6.S0 tot T, Jacob
and i.eni newoa, aao.BO.
ALBINA BLOCK 1.1, weat 60 feet tot SS. Wit.
Ham " I'oer, llS.SO: wsst o feet of north
46 feet ef tot SB, William Oelfner, tU.TII.
north 36 feet of test SO feet lot 16. Henry
Meier. $30 66; all of lot 11 eieeat north 3ft feet
of east 10 feet, Peter Bchnell, $83.66; north
84 feet tot 14. Portland Trast company, $t.oo;
tot IS. Portland Truat company, $20.80: lot IT.
Portland Trust company, ISO. 80; St IS,
Portland Truat company. $; tot 19,
Portland Truat eoinpsny. 120 80; lot 30,
Portland Trust company, $20.80; tot 21.
Portlsnd Trust company, $30 80; tot 83.
Portland Truat company. $30 80; tot I,
German Evangelical Lutheran Trinity
church. $4660' north ST fast lot 2. Jens P.
snd Berths Hansen. 1S.00.
feet, tot 1. Clare A. Moaer. 11T 60; Booth
SO fret of north ion feet lot 1. C. B. and
Minnie B. Tnnug.; north 100 feet tot
S, John B. George. 119.60: north 100 feet
of lot 8. John R George. $19.50; north 100
feet of lot 4. B. H. Fltaglbhon. $10 60: north
100 fret nf tot 6, Jane M Donaldson, $111 60;
north 100 feet of lot 6, Jane M. Donaldson.
$19.60; north 100 feet of tot T, Frank P.
Caldwell $19.60. Total $8SS.T0.
A statement nf aforesaid aaaeaament hee been
enteren In the Docket of City Liens, and la now
due arid payable at the office of the t Itv
Treasurer. In lawful monev of the United
Rtstea and If not paid within SO days from
date of this notice, such proceedings will he
taken for the collection of the same aa ara
provblrd hy the Charter af tha City of Port-
Tha Shove SSI, meet will hear Interest In
daya after tha first publication of this notice.
A editor f tha Ctty of Part la ad.
ad. Oregon, August Is, 104.
Notlcs la hereby siren that the Council of
the City of Portland. Oregon, at a meeting
held on the 17th day of August, 1904 declared
the aaaessuient by ordinance No. 14.148. for the
Improvement of Twenty-third atreet, from the
north Una of Thurmau street to the north line
of Sherlock addition to the elty of Portland
! the manner provided by ordlusnce No.
il.tSO, upon ssch lot, part of lot and parcel
ef land, which are apeclslly and peculiarly
UBBBnBSB, w oe ee lairrwe, via. s
PORTLAND BLOCK 33, lot 12. Louis and
Theodore MtoalaL
tot o.
Louis sad
TBaooxiro wicoial,
si. $129.13; tot 8, Louis au4
a). ilSft.36; 1st 6, Louts sad
at. 114.4: tot 4 Louis snl
si, $170 71; tot 1, Loals ana
Theodore Menial
Theodore Nloelal
Theodore Nlcolal.
Theodore Nlcolal. (211 44
BLOCK 30, tract
of land lylaa between waat Una of Twenty
third Street end a Una 10 fast west thereof
aad parallel therewith and between two
liars respectively SO feet and 100- feet
south of snd parallel with sonth Una of
s Bawd Street, (far Mucaow, $166.04.
DoscHSR's skcown addition tothecity
0 PORTLAND BLOCK II. tot 111. Nsls P.
aad Christ I nl Abelaon. S60.T: tot 0, Mary
Muchow. $174.46; lot 8, Sterling Ind com
Buy. 1128.63: lot ft. Dora Schrelner. $128.68;
t 4. PtdeUty Truat company. $IT3.98: lot
1. Fidelity Trnet company. $21 1. BLOCK
T. tot 1, Bertha Knoll. $214.36; tot 3, Bertha
Knoll. $IT3.M; tot $. Clemens P. Oroes.
(176 30; tot 4, Clemens P. Oroee. (216 21;
BLOCK 4, tot 1, Banna M. Palter, $216.66'.
lot . Rams If. Keller. $131.(10. .
M. Hsnsen, $42.00: south 28.2 feet lot 3. M
B. Iffaw, $72 11; north 31.8 feet lot 3.
Henry M. Hansen. $101.18; lot 1. M. E. Laf
fsw. (212 20. BLOCK 6. lot 13. Solomon
Hlrsch eatate. heirs of.llM.lS; lot IT. Solomon
Hlneh sststs. heirs of. $144.60; tot 2,' Mar
garet Ana Todd. $176 76: tot 1. Margaret
Ann Todd. $218.16. BLOCK T. tract of land
lying between west lias of Twenty-third
Street and line 100 feet west thereof
and parallel therewith aad between south
Una of Vaughn Street aad the north line of
block 8. Wilsons addition to the City ot
roriiana security Barings a irust company.
PORTLAND 71 LOCK 3, tot IT. Ladd A Til
ton. $182.08; tot 16, Ladd A TUton. (106.60:
tot 11, Ladd A Tlltoa. $T4 OS; tot II. Arthar
j. r. uaraacne. 13; let I. Artpnr g. r.
Osrearhe. $113.13; tot 8. Ladd A Tlltou.
STL 11; tot 6. Ladd A Tlltan, T0.S; lot 4,
Oeorgs Qood, $71.12; tot 1, Osorgs Good.
161 4
. .PORTLAND RIXICK 28. lot 11. loals and
Theodore Nlcolal. $63 63; tot 10. Louis and
Theodore Nlcolal. 131.69; tot T. Loula and
Theodore Nlcolal, 126.9T; tot S, Loula and
Theodore Nlcolal, 1ST 40: lot 8. Lonla and
Theodore Nlcolal. I 178.88: tot 2. Loula aud
Theodore Weolal. Mll.ftd. BLOCK IS. lot
11. Alfred Ingrardaon. $21T.o.v lot 10, Wil
liam Rherloek company, $1T.1.T8; tot T, Wil
liam Sherlock coniuaor. bbbUbb
William Sherlock company, 16. 8T; lot a.
Martha H. Pish. 1129 40; lot 8. Sterling
Land compear. $174 HI: lot 3. Sterling Land
anpany, 113.81. BLOCK 8. tot T. Jeaae H.
Tod Ida J. Brown. 131ft.1t: aonth 30 feet
of weat Vi tot . Erik Wlk, $67.06; sonth 20
feet of east H lot 6. Carl Peterson. I12.9T:
north SO feet tot . Nlcolal Bros. Co.,
1104.78; east H lot 3. Carl and Josephine
Peterson. - $32 60; esat H tot 2. Csrl and
Josephine Peterson. 188.46: west H tot 3.
Erik and Chrlatlnl Wlk. 1143.28: west t, tot
2. Rrlk snd Chrlatlnl Wlk, $1TT.10. BLOCK
8 weat U tot T, Ludwtg Kayeer. 11T4.40;
east Yt tot T. Predertck A. King. 138.30; tof
6. Rterllne Land eomnanr. 1143. TO.
ward C. Horhaprrl. 126.69: lot 9. Jacob
Mayer, $4.42. tot T, Edward C. Hochappel.
P3TI: tot 6. Jacob Mayer. 166.16. BLOCK
tot . Mark A. Mayer. 1330.06; lot 9 Mark
A. Merer, (rig O-l: lot n Martin Winch (0ft 88:
tot T, Martin Winch. 1824 62. BLOCK 1,
tot ft. James Mciirtdc. Hun ftn.
PORTLAND- -II LOCK 2. lot 18. James Mc
Brtdr. 116.68: tot 16. George Kencher.
1167 36. tot 14. Ellaaheth Oardner, 1127.4ft;
lot 11. Edwtn and Beatrice Merrill. 1123.37:
lot 10. Arthur J. P. Oaresche. 2124.11: tot
T. Arthar I. P. Oaresche, 1123 71: lot n.
Oeorgs Cood. $124.14: lot 3, Oust nolme.
1124 06; lot 2, Gust Holmes. 9T 04. Total.
A statement of aforesaid aaaeaament has been
ftaswd la tbe Docket of City Liens, and Is now
dne and parable at the office of the city
Treasurer. In lawful money of tbe United
States and tf not paid within 80 daya from
date of thta notice, eneh proceedings will be
taken for the collection of the same aa are
nmvlded by tbe Charter of the City of Port
land. The shore aaaeeament will bear interest 10
days after ths first publication of this notice.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon, August 38, 1904.
due and parable af the office af
Notice Is hereby glean that the Council of
the City of Portland. Oregon, at a meeting
held on the 17th day of Auguat. 1904. declared
the assessment by ordinance No. 14.168, for
the construction of a sewer In Bortbwlck atreet,
from tbe center Una of Humbolt street to the
aewer In Prescott street, In tbe manner pro
vided by ordinance No. l3.903.vupon each lot,
part of tot and parcel of land, which ara
specially and peculiarly benefited, to be ss fol-
WEST iOfl feet of aoath 80 feet of east 280
feet of let N, M. Psttoo'a tract, Thomas U. J.
D. Piper, $18.90; west ISO feet of south 60
-feet of eaat B0 feat of tot N. M. Patton a
tract. William Kllllngsworth. $800.
CLIPPOUD BlKTC 13. lot 6, First Unitarian
Society of Portland, Oregon, 10.10; tot 6.
Irirst Unitarian Society of Portland. Oregon.
13001 tot T. First Unitarian Society of
Portland, Oregon. 130.30; tot R, First Unl
tarlan Society of Portland. Oregon, 10.30,
BLOCK 11. tot 6. Edward Jaaper, guardian ot
Augusta Jena. 180.80; tot 6. Edward Jaa-
rr guardian of Augusta Jena. 130.10: tot
Edward Jasper, guardian ot Augusta Jsna,
130 0, tot S, Edward Jasper, guardian of
AnraU Jena. Mono BLOCK 10. tot S.
Addle J. Squires. 130.80; lot 6. Charles K
Ladd. $8030: lot T. Charles E. Ladd, 130.30:
lot 8. Edward Jaaper, guardian of Augusta
Jena, $30.30. BLOCK 9. tot 6. A. J. Gelay,
180 30; tot 6. A. J. Gelay, 130.80. BLOCK
IS. tot 4, CUfford Real Estate aasoclstloa.
121.90- lot 3. cilfferd Real Eatate aaaocls
tton. 381.90: lot 2. Clifford Real Estate aasoel
atlon. 121.90; lot 1. CUfford Real Estate aaeo
clstlon. 121.90. BLOCK 14. lot 4. Louise J
Psnsbsw. $21.90; lot S, Loolae J. Panahaw.
121 0; lot 2. Ixralae J. Fanahaw, 381.00; lot
I, Charles E. Ladd. 121 90 BLOCK 16. tot
4, Tbomaa H. and W. A. Bechlll. 121.90; tot
8. Thomas II and W. A. Bechlll. 131.90; lot
3. Thotnes H. and W. A. Bechlll. $31.90; lot
1. Thomas H. and W. A. Bechlll. $21 00.
BLOCK IS tot 4. A. 1. Gelsy. $21. 90; lot 3.
A. J. ueisy, $21 no.
Society of Portland Oregon. $33.36; J.
unitarian Society ot Portland. Oregon.
; M. First Unitarian Society of Pert
Oregon. $81.10: O. Louise i. Fanahaw,
.10. Total. 194.90.
A statement of aforesaid assessment has been
entered la the Docket of City Uens. and la now
que ana psyanie at me oroee or tne t ity
Treasurer. In lawful money of the United
States aad If not paid within 30 daya from
date of this notice, such proceedings will ha
taken far the collection of tbe same as ara
provided by the Charter of the City ot Port
bad. The above aaaeaament will hear Interest 10
days after the Irst publication of this notice.
1 Mills 1;. UK! l.l.s.
Auditor ef the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon. August 21, 104.
Notice Is hereby given thst ths Council nf ths
city or Portland. Oregon, at a meeting hel
the 17th day of Anguat. 11047 declared
held on
assessment or ordinance Hi
14,151, for the
Imnrarement of Seventh street, from the aonth
line uf lloj t street to the north curb Una of
Jefferson street, In the manner provided by
oidlnsncs No. 13.848, upon each lot. part of
lot snd parcel nf land, which are specially and
Brctillarlr benefited, to be as follows, via:
OUCH'S ADDITION to the City of Portland
BLOCK 49, aaat Vi tot S, Joseph
O'rarrell Estste. heirs ot. $T0.$. BLOCK
SO, lot 8. Levi C. Potter Estate, heirs of.
1T0 89; lot ft. Levi C. Putter Batata, heirs of.
$67 21; north V, tot 4 Alice Isabella Rate.
$28(11, aoath Vi tot 4, First Baptist Church.
PORTLAND North V block SS, lot 8. Her
man Eake, 1SS.73: south Vi block 83,
lot 4, S. Morton Cnhn. $71 H2; tot
3, 8. Morton Coho. $71.93. BLOCK 114.
lot 1, Portland toorsry Association. $30 71
lot 2. Portland Library Assoctat'nn, tip 73.
BLOCK 211. tot 8. Dors w. Ssvage. 173 60;
tot 4, Dora W. Savage. 178 fto. BLOCK 210.
tot 1, Unitarian Society. 146.46: tot 2, Uni
tarian Society, 129.02. BLOCK 20. lot 1.
Meier Frank Co., STO.IS; lot S. Meier A
Prank Co.. $4S 16.
COUCH'S ADDITION o the Cltr of Portland
BLOCK 44, tot T, Marie Julian Plunder.
PORTLAND -BLOCK 84. tot 8 II W. Corbet!
Estate, hclra of. 1203.22; tot T, II. .W. Cor
hett Estate, heirs of. 17192. BLOCK 1TA
lot 8, The Title Guarantee A Truat Co .
130.82: tot T, The Title Guarantee A Truet
Co 180 82: lot 6, The Title Guarantee A
Trust Co.. $13.02. Total. $1,275.33.
A atstement of nforeaald aaaeeament baa been
entered In tbe Docket of city Uens. ami Is now
dee and payable at the office of the City
Treasurer. In lawful money of the United
States and If not psld within 80 daya from
date of this notice, such proceedings will he
taken for the collection of tbe asms ss are
E elded by tha Charter of the city of Port
Tha above aaaeeament will bear Interest 10
daya after the first publication of this notice.
Auditor of the Cltr of Portland.
Oregon. August 33. 1904,
Notice la hereby glveu that ths Council of the
City of Portland. Oregon, st a meatlug held on
the lTth day of August, 1904, declared the
assessment by ordluauce No. 14,14, for the
luipruvaracBt of Goldsmith street, from the
Meet lin. of Alhlue avvuea to the aoath Use
of Uuaerll street. In the uMuaer provided by
ordluauce No. 18.T3S, - each tot. part ot tot
and parcel uf land, which are specially and
peculiarly benefited, ta be sa follows, via:
A i'KACT of land bounded and daacrlked aa
folluaa: CommeuclaS at the intersection of
the northeasterly Uie af Goldsmith atreet
with the weet line of Alelua Aveuue, these
north along tbe waat Una of Alblna avenus
to a point loo feet nortneaatarli from ths
Bortheastely Une uf Goldsmith atreet lu rsc
tangular measuremeat; thence northweatarly
along a Una 100 feat northeasterly from aud
uarailel with the aortheaaterly Una uf
Goldsmith street la rectangular measure
ment to Its Intersection wit a Una loo feat
wsst of and parallel with the weat Una of
Alblna avenue; thence south along a line
100 feet weet ot aud parallel with the west
line of Alblna aveuue to Its latereectlua
with a Une 460 feet aoath af and parallel
with tne aoatb Has of Russell street; thence
weet along a line 460 feet south ef sad
raltol with tbe south Une of Busaell atreet
0 Its Intersection with the northeasterly
Uns of GoMaaalth street; thence eouthesaterly
along the northaattsrly Una of Goldsmith
street tu the place of beginning. Henry
Welnhard. $072 69; a tract of land bounded
and described ss followet Commencing at
the Intersection of the eaaterly line of
Mississippi avenue with tbe northeaaterly
Una of Goldsmith atreet; thence north slong
the east Une ef Mississippi svsnue to Its
Intersection with a Hue 100 fset northeasterly
frcm and parallel with the northeaaterly line
uf 1th atreet in rectangular measure
ment; thence eouthesaterly along a Una 100
feet northeasterly from snd parallel with the
northeaaterly Uui) of Goldsmith street In rec
tangular measurement to Its Intersection with
a line 100 feat eaat of snd parallel with
the east Una ef Mississippi avenue; thence
aoath along a Une 100 fast east ot and
parallel with the east Una of Mississippi
avenue to (ta intersection with a line 460
feet south of aad parallel with the south
Une of Russell street; thence weat slong a
Una 460 feet south of aad parsUal with the
south line of Russell atreet ta Its Inter
section with ths northsssterly line of Gold
smith atreet; thence northwesterly along the
Bortheaaterly Une of Goldsmith street to
the nines of beginning. F. M. Stoldt. $206.77,
the niace of beginning. F.
all at a parcel of land lying between the
all af a narcal of land lvlna
northeaaterly line of Ooldamltb street and
a Une 300 feat aoath ot aad parallel with
the aoath Una af Russell street and be
tween the west Una of Mlsatoslppt svenue
and a Uaa A 00 feet west of and parallel
therewith. Ssnford B. Whiting, $983.01; all
of a parcel of land lying between a Uaa
100 feet northeasterly from and parallel with
the northeaaterly line of Ouldimlth street
tn rectangular measurement, and a line 300
feet south, of and parallel with tbe south
Une of Bussell street snd between the weet
Une of Mississippi svenue and a Uaa 100
gat weat thereof and parallel therewith,
sale N. F. Benedict and La Fayette N.
uodict, 1216.18; a parcel ot land lying
between tbe northeasterly Una of Goldamltn
atreet and a Una 100 feet northeaaterly
therefrom and parallel therewith and be
tween a Una 100 feet weat of aad parallel
with the weat Una of Mississippi avenuo,
and a Una extending In a northeaaterly direc
tion and at light angles from a point In
the northeasterly line ad Goldsmith street,
aald point being 62.1 feet southeasterly
from tbe Intersection of ths aaat
Una of Delay street with the
northeasterly line ef Goldsmith street
to Its intersection with a line 100 feet north
eaaterly from 'and parallel with I the north
easterly line of Goldsmith street Alliance
Trust compsny, 1302.21; sll of a parcel of
land lying between the northeaaterly Una
ot Goldsmith street and a Une 100 feet
no tbeaaterly therefrom and parallel thers
with and between the eaat Una of Delay
street aud a Uaa 100 feet weat of and
parallel with the west Una ot Mtaslaalppl
avenue, aare aad except the Alliance Trust
company's tract. Ullmer O. Blahop, 1067. 7;
all of a parcel of land lying bet Wee a the
northeasterly Uaa of Goldsmith street aad
a line 100 fret south of and parallel with
the sonth line of Russell street and be
tween the weat Uaa of Delay atreet and
a Una 100 feet West thereof and parallel
therewith. H. Welnhard, ll.086.9S: a parcel
of land lying between a Una 100 feet north
easterly from and parsllsl with the north
easterly Une ot Goldsmith atreet and a Hue
100 feet south of and parallel with the
south Una of Russet street and between the
wast Una of Delay street snd a Una 50
feet weat thereof and parallel therewith,
O. C. Tennyeon. 151.43; a parcel of land
lying between a Uns 100 feet northeaaterly
from and peratlel with the northeaaterly line
af Ooldsmlth street snd a Uaa 100 feat
south ef and parallel with the sooth line
of Hueonll atreet and between two Hues re
spective! 50 feet sad 100 feat west of and
parallel with the west Una af Delay street.
Pacific Trust com pa By, 1158.66: a parcel of
land lying between the northeasterly line
af Goldsmith atreet and the south Una 'of
RusseU atreet and between two Unea re
spectively 100 feat aad 1T1 feat and 2
Inches weat of aad parallel with the weat
line of Delay atreet, Nicholas C. Merges.
1055.02; a parcel of land lying between the
northeasterly Une of Goldsmith street aad
the south Une of Russell street snd between
tbe esst line of Goldsmith atreet and s line
JT1 feet 2 Inches weet of and parallel
rest line of Delay street. Ernest
ALBINA BLOCK 69. southwesterly u tot 5,
iisvta ana Anna urnwn, 124.10; northeaster
ly H lot ft. Dirk Vsn Roeaum. 116T.60; tot
C. John Mitchell. $211.66: lot T. John Ran
kin. USA.; tot 8. John Rankin. $316 72.
mock 68. tot S. J. H. Rankin. $317 32;
tot 6, Andrew J. Murphy and W. H. Foster.
$388 82; tot T, Mary Jones. $443.00: lot 8. Mary
Jones. 1476.80. BLOCK ST. lot 6. Mary Jones,
34T6 38; lot S, Msry snd William T. Jones.
440.il6; lot T. Daniel O. Brunger and Mary
Jones. 440. ST: lot 8. Ellaaheth Kail, 14TB. Tl.
BLOCK 66, tot 6. Joseph Paqnet and B. F.
Smith. 1477 80: lot 6, Joseph and B.
F. Smith, 1428 is); northesaterly 80 feet lot
T. Joseph Patmet and B. F. Smith. 1410.1ft;
K'theaaterly 80 feet of tot 3, Joseph
quet snd B. P. Smith. $466 29;
southwesterly 20 feet tot T, Edwsrd D. Bsrnrs.
$37 09; anuthweaterly 20 feet tot S. Edward
D Barnce. $43.88: a parrel of land lying h
' tween tbe southwesterly line of Goldsmith
atreet and a Use 100 feet sonthweatrrly there
from and parallel therewith between the
northwesterly line of Randolph atreet aad a
line 71 feet northwesterly therefrom and par
allel therewith. B. W. Pries. S9T.O. Total.
A ststement of aforesaid aaaeaament has been
entered In the Docket of City Uens. and la bow
dne and payable at tbe office of the fit.
Treasurer. In lawful monev of the United
States and If not paid within 30 days from
dste of this notice, snch proceedings will be
taken for the collection or the aa me aa are
provided by the Charter of the Cltr of Port
land. The abajra aeaeeemeat will bear Interest 10
days aftsr the first publication of this notice.
Auditor of the Ctty of Portland.
Portland. Oregon, August 23. 1904.
Notice ta hereby given that the Coo aril of the
Ctty ot Portland. Oregon, at a meeting held on
the 17th day of Auguat 1904, declared the aa
seeaaient by ordinance No. 14,163, for the (on-
t ruction of a aewer In Kerby atreet. from the
c -liter line ot iiumDoiut etreet to tne aewer In
Prescott atreet at Rnrthwlck street. In tha man-
ner provided by ordinance
no. 14.022, u
pon each
tot, part of tot and parcel of land, which are
a peculiarly benefited, to be aa fol
WEST 100 feet af aonth SO feet of lot 0 at
M Cation s tsact. M. P. Brady, 116 S3; east
100 feet nf south SO feet of lot N nf M.
Pal ton's tract. William I. Upson. 134.06.
waat 30 feet of eaat 130 feet ot south 60
feet of tot N of M. Patton 1 tract. Wil
liam M. Kllllngsworth. $2.00.
CLIFFORD BLOCK IS. tot 6. aiffoH Real
Eetate association. (30.36; tot 6. Clifford
Ileal Batata aaaoelatlnn. $30 .38: tot T. Clif
ford Baal Estate aaaoelatlnn. $80 86; tot 8.
Clifford Real Batata aaooctatlnB. S30.8S.
niicit 11. lot n, iuta j. rananaw, ano.;
tot S, Louts J. Fanahaw, 130.36; lot T. Lonla
J. rauanau-. lot n, ixmts 1. fai
Haw, .:i ' .'.'.. block is,
J nomas Bechlll and William A
SD.Sfi: tot n. Thomas H. flechlll
Ham A. Bechlll. $30.86; lot 7. Thomas
Bechlll and William A. Bechlll. $8016:
8, Thomas II. Bechlll and William A. Becbll.
s:in .10. 111,111 rv 10, lot D. liecar K. llftntt
830.36; tot 6. Oaoar E. Helnta.S30.SB; jt 7.
Oscar K. Heinta. 130.35. BLOCK 80, tot 4.
V. A. Smith. 181.95; lot 8. H. A. Smith.
$21.96; lot 1. K. A. Smith, IILSS; tot 1, R.
T. Smith. 121 IS. BLOCK JO. lot 4. Theo
dora Wygant. 121. (6: tot 1. Theodore Wygant,
$31.96; lot 1. Theodore Wygant. $11.96; tot 1.
Theodore Wygant, 121 96. BLOCK I8t tot
4. Theodore Wygant. $11 M; tot 8, Theo
doce Wyaant. $21 Oft, lot 3. Margaret a.
Wygant. 121.95: tot 1. Margaret 0. Wy
gant. $21 06 BLOCK IT. tot 4. Oeear E.
Ttelntt, $2196: lot 3. Oscar F Helot,.
$21 96; tot 2. Oscar E. HeMTta, 821. OS; tot 1.
(wear E. Ilelnti $21.06.
Fanahaw. $10 40; N. First Unitarian Society
of Portland. $36.40: 8. First Unitarian So,
cletv nf Portland. $341.28; O. Victor Land
company. $26 36. Total. tnTS.OS.
A statement cf'aforeaald aaaeaament his hern
entered la the Docket of City Uena. and la now
dne and payable at the office of the City
Treasurer. In lawful money of the United
states and tf not paid wlthtn SO daya from
date of this notice, such proceedloga will be
taken for the collection of tbe aarae as are
provided by tha Charter nf the City of Port
Tha shore assessment will bear Interest 10
days after tha firat publication of thle notice.
Auditor of the Ctty nf Portland,
rortlaad. Oregon. August 23, 104.
Notice ta hereby given thst st the meeting of
the Council of the City uf Portland, Oregon,
held op the 17th day af Auguat, IU04, the toll
lowing resolution was adopted
Keaolved, That aha Council of the City ot
Portland, Oregou, derma It expedient and pro
peaee to Improve Bast Uurnalde atreet. from HO
feat west of the weat Une ot Eaat Third atreet
to the eaat Une of Grand avenue, In the follow
ing manner, to wit:
first By bringing the street full width with
fall Intersections to tbe grade ss shown by
the staked set by the Ctty Engineer.
Second By plaiiklug the atreet fall width
with full Intersections, In accordance with the
City Engineer's plans, specifications and esti
mates. Said Improvement to he made In accordance
with the charter aad ordinance of the City ot
1'urllaud and the, peclflcatlona and esti
mates uf the City Engineer, tltod In tbs office
uf the Auditor of the ClU ft
uf the Auditor of the C'H
hratuelVa ufana ifud specific
Portland, on the
Indorsed: "City
.cations for the lin
prevemaat ot East Uurnalde. street, from SO feet
weet uf the west line uf Eaat Third street tj
the east line of Greed aveuue. aad the eetl
natae of the work to be done and the prob
able total coat thereof."
Tha coat of ssld Improvement to be aaeeesed
aa provided hy tbe City Charter upon the prop
erty specially benefited thereby, and which Is
hereby declared to be all the lota, parte ot
lota and parcela of land lying between a Una
100 feet north of and parallel with the north
line of East Uurnalfto atreet aad a tine 100 feat
south of and parallel with tha south Use of
Kaat BurnaVtte street, and between a Une 190
f.-et aaat of and parallel with the eaat line
ot Grand avenue and a line 100 feet weat of
nod parallel with the wast Una ot East Third
' Tha Engineer's estimate of the probable total
coat for the Improvement of aald East Buruslde
atreet la $3,000.00.
The above Improvement Is to be elaeaed aa a
plank roadway Improvement and shall be main
tained by the City fur a period of four years,
provided, that the owners of a majority of the
proiwrty benefited hy aald Improvement, or any
portion thereof, shall not petition for a new
or different Improvement before tbe expiration
of such period.
Tbe plane, specifications and estimates of the
City Engineer for the Improvement ot Mid Esst
Burnslde street are hereby adopted.
Resolved. That the Auditor of tha City of
Portland ha aad he la hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed laaprevemenl of aald
atreet as provided by tha City Charter.
Remoaatrancea against tbe above Improve
ment may be filed la writing with the under
signed within 80 days .tern the data ot the first
publication of thla notice.
By order ot the Council.
Auditor ot the City ot Portland.
Portland. Oregon. August 80, 1004.
Notice la hereby given that at tha meeting of
the Council ot the City of Portland, Oregon,
held on the 17th day of August, 104, the fol
lowing resolution waa adopted:
Resolved. That the Council of tha City of
Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro
poses to Improve East Washington street from
the eaat Une of Eaat Thirty-third street to the
weat Una of Sunnyalde Third Addition, In the
following manner, to wit .
rtret By grading the atreet full width with
full lotereerttooa to tha atakea aa sat by the
cily Engineer.
Second By constructing wooden aide walks
In accordance with the City Engineer's plans,
spectflcetton and estimates.
Ihtrd By constructing wooden crosswalks.
r'ourtb By constructing wooden curbs.
Ssld Improvement to be made In sccordance
with the Charter and ordinances of the Ctty of
Portland and the plana, specifications and esti
mates of ths City Engineer, filed In the office
of the Auditor of the lit of Portland, ou the
Clh day of August, 1904. Indorsed "City En
gineer's plana and specifications for tbe Im
provement of Esst Waahlugtnn street, from the
east line of Esat Thirty third street to the
weet line of Sunnyslds Third Addition, and ths
estimates of the work to be done and the prob
able total coat thereof."
Tha coat of said Improvement to ho a as es aid
as provided by ths City Charter upon the prop
erty specially benefited thereby, and which Is
hereby declared te ha all the lota, parts of lota
aad parcela of land lying between a Une 100 feet
north of and parallel with the north line of
Baat Washington street aad a line 100 feet
south of and parallel with the south Uaa of
East Washington street, aad between the eaat
Una of Eaat Thirty-third street and tha weat
Une of Sunnyalde Third Addition.
The Engineer's estimate of the probable total
coat for the Improvement of aald aaat Washing
ton street la $096.00.
Tbe plane, specif Icatlona and estimates ot the
City Engineer for the Improvement of the said
(Cast Washington street are hereby adopted.
Resolved, That the Auditor of the City of
Portlsnd be snd lie Is hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed Improvement or aald
street as provided by the City Charter.
Remonstrances against the above Improve
ment may be nioo In writing witn tne under
signed within SO days from tha date of the first
publication of thla notice
By order of the Council.
Auditor ef the city of Portland.
Portland. Oregon, Auguat SO, 1904.
Notice la hereby given thst at tha meeting of
the Council of tha City of Portland, Oregon,
held on the 17th day of August, 1904, the fol
lowing resolution was adopted:
Beeolved. That the Council of the City of
Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient aad pro
, oees to Improve Kaat Morrtoon street, from the
eaat Une ot Eaat Thirty-eighth atreet to the
west line nf Eaat Thirty-ninth street, la tha
following manner. tc-it:
first Hy grading tbe etreet fall width with
full Intersections to the proper grade as glveu
by tbe City Engineer.
Second By constructing wooden sldewalka.
Said ImproveureBt to be made In accordance
with tbe Charter and ordinances of the City ot
Portland and ths plana, specifications and eetl
roates of the City Engineer, filed In the office
of tbe Auditor of the City of Portland, on the
29th day cf July, 1904, Indorsed: "City En
gineer's plena snd specifications for the Im
provement of Esst Morrison street, from the
esat Uno of East Thirty -slgbth street tn the
weet line of Best Thirty -nluth street, snd the
eatlmatea of tha work to be done and tha
probable total coat thereof."
Tha coat of the aald Improvement to be as
sessed, according to the City Charter, upon the
property specially benefited thereby, and which
la hereby declared to be all the lota, parte of
Iota aad parcela of land lying between a Una
100 feet north of aad parallel with the north
Una of Bast Morrison etreet and a line 100
feet south of and parallel with the south line
rnf Esst Morrison atreet. and between the east
line of East Thirty eighth street and tha weat
line of Eaat Thirty-ninth atreet.
The Engineer's estimate of the pmhsble total
coat for the Improvement of said East Morrtoon
street la $040.00.
Tha plana, apeclflcatlona and estlmstes nf the
City Engineer for the Improvement of aald
Esst Morrison street are hereby adopted.
Resolved. That the Auditor of the City nf
Portland be and he la hereby directed to give
notice 1 Of the proposed Improvement ot aald
street aa provided by the City Cbsrter.
Remonstrance, against the above Improve
ment may he filed In writing with tha under
signed within 20 -lava from tbe date of the first
publication cf thla notice.
By order of tha Council.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon. Auguat 30. 1904.
Notice Is hereby given that at the meeting of
tne 1 ounen of tne city 01 roriiann. taregon,
held on tbe 17th day of Auguat. 1904, the fol
lowing resolution waa adopted:
Beeolved. That the Council ef tha City of
Cortland, iiregon. oeems 11 expedient and pro
noses to Improve East Thirty-eighth atreet.
from tbe south Una nf the Baas Line road to
the north Une of East Yamhill atreet, la the
fallowing manner, to-wit:
First By grading the atreet fall width with
mil Intersections to the grade aa a bow a Br the
stakes set by tbe City Engineer
Second Br constructing sldewalka In accord
ance with the City Engineer's plana, specifica
tions and eatlmatea.
Third By eonatmetlng wooden inuagwalka.
Ssld Improvement te be made In accordance
with the Charter and ordinances of tha City of
Portland, and tbe plsns, specifications and eatu
matea of the City Engineer, filed In the office
of the Auditor of the City of Portland, on the
16th day nf Auguat, 1004, Indorsed: "City En
glaeet'e plana and apeclflcatlona for the Im
provement of Baat Thirty -eighth atreet. from
the sonth line nf Base Line mad to the north
line of Eaat Yamhill atreet, and the eatlmatea
of the work to ha done and the probable total
coat thereof."
The coat of said Improvement to be a see seed,
aa provided by the city Charter, upon the prop
erty specially benefited thereby and which h
hereby declsred tn he sll tha tote, parte of Iota
and parcela nf land lying between a Uaa lot)
feet east of and parallel with tha east line of
Beet Thirty -eighth atreet aad a Una 100 feet
weet of and parallel with the west Una nf Eaat
Thirty -eighth atreet. and between the aoath line
of the Beer Line mad and the north Una of
P.a Yamhill street.
The Engineer s estimate nf the probable total
cost for the Improvement of aald Eaat Thirty
eighth street is si.loa.oo.
The plana, specifications snd eatlmatea of
the cttf Engineer for the Improvement of aald
Mat Thirty -eighth street are hereby adopter.
Keaolved. That the Auditor nf the VI ty of
Portland be and he la hereby directed tn give
notice of the proposed Improvement of aald
atreet aa provided by the City Charter.
Remonstrances agalnat the above Improve
ment mar he filed In writing with the under
signed within 20 daya from tha data of the first
publication of this nctlce.
By order of the Council.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon. Auguat 20. 1904.
Notice la hereby glveu that at the meeting of
too CotueU of the Cllx of Portland. Oregon,
held on the 17th day of August. 1904, the fol
lowing resolution was adopted:
Resolved. That the Council of tha City of
Portland. Oregon, deems it sxpedteat and pro
poses to construct a sewsr la Mellada avanae.
troln the aecoud ot nd In Mellnda avaooe to ths
connection with the Johnson atreet sewer at
Twenty-fifth atreet. Said sewer to he vitrified
sewer pine, with all necessary catchbaelne,
manholes, larpoholrs and brauchea, 'and to ha
ui leu incut's nr,i lusmt- uisisstn
Said aewer to be i-ocarructed la accordance
with tbe Charter and ordinances of tha City ui
Portland and the plana, specifications and fail
matea of the City Engineer filed In the offleo
of tha Auditor ot the Ctty of Portland, on the
th day of August, 1904. Indorsed: "City Ea-
tlueer'a plane and eaeclflcstluaui for a sewer
1 MellBda aveuue, from tha aaopBd bead hi
Mellnda avenue to Johnson street aewer at
Twruty-flfth street, and the estimate of tha
work to be dona aad tha probabto total cost
t hereof."
Tha coat of aald aewer to be aseeeeed. aa
. aa pro
propdrtj vided by the City charter, unaa the
specially benefited thereby and which to hereby
declared to be all the laud lyiag between lines
100 feet In rectangular measure meat distant
from the respective aide lines of Mellnda
svenue and a line So feet weat from the ter
minus af aald sewer sad the eaaterly line uf
Cornell road, as re and except a tract of land
lying between the north Hue of Johnson street
extended westerly In Its preaeat course and a
Pae 100 feet northerly therefrom and parallel
therewith and between the westerly Uno of
Cornell road and a Hue 100 feet weeterly there
from snd parallel therewith.
The Haglneer a estimate of the probable total
coat tor the construction of said aewer la
$611 OfT
The plana, epeciricatlnne and eatlmatea of tho
City Engineer lor tha construction ot aald sewer
are hereby adopted. ,
Resolved. Thst the Auditor of the City of
Portland be aad be la hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed construction of aald
aewer ss provided by th City Charter.
Remonstrances against the above newer
may he filed In writing with the under
signed wttfcla 30 daya from tbe data of the first
publication of this n lice.
By order cf tbe Council.
Auditor of the Ctty of Portland.
Portland. Oregon. August 20. 1904.
Notice ta hereby given that at the meeting of
the Council of the City of Portland, ' Oregon,
held 00 the 17th day of August, 1904, ths fol
lowing resolution was adopted:
Beeolved. That the Council of tbe City of
Portland, Oregon. drea It expedient and pro
pcaea to construct a sewer In Bast Ash atreet.
from the esst Une of Ueuersl Aadereon'e Ad
dition to the aewer In Bast Twenty -fourth
street. Ssld sewer to be of vitrified aewer pipe,
t.ith all necessary cstchbaslns, manholes,
lampholea and branchea, and to be of tbe fol
lowing dlmensltsis: Of eight inches clcsr Inside
dlsmeter from the east Una of General Ander
son's Addition to a point tn East Ash street at
Best Twenty seventh atreet; thence of ten tncbea
clear Inside diameter to a connection with the
aewer la last Ash (treat at East Twenty
fourth street.
Ssld aewer to be constructed la accordance
with tbe Charter and ordinances of the City of
Portland and the plana, apeclflcatlona and eatl
matea of tbe City Engineer, filed tn the office
ef the Auditor of the city af Portland, on the
9th day of Auguat. f904. Indorsed: "Cltv En
gincer'e plcns snd specifications for a aewer in
Esat Ash street, from tbe east line of General
Anders. ui - Addition to the aewer to Eaat
Twenty-fourth street, and the eetlmatea of the
work to bo done aud tha probable total coat
The cost of ssld aewer to ha aeeeeeed, ss .pro
vided by the City Charter, anon the property
specially benefited thereby and! whlcb Is hereby
declared to be all the tote, parte of lota and
parcels of land lying between a line 100 feet
north of aad parallel with the north Une of
Baat Asb street and a Une 100 feet south of
snd parallel with the south Une of Eaat Aeh
street and between a Une 100 feet east of and
parallel with the aaat Une of Bast Twenty
fourth street and a Une 50 feet eaat of and
parsllel with tha eaat Uaa of Genera) Ander
son's Addition.
The Engineer's estimate of the probable total
coat for the couatructloa of aald sewer ta
The plans, specifications and eatlmatea ef
the City Engineer for the construction of aald
sewer are hereby adopted.
Beeolved. That the Auditor of tha City of
Portlsnd be snd he Is hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed construction of aald
aewer as provided by tbe City charter.
Bsmonstrancca against the above aewer
may be filed in writing with the Under
signed withlu 30 daya from the data ot th first
publication of thta nctlce.
By order of the Council.
Andtaar of tha City ot Portland.
Portlsnd. Oregon, August 20. 1904.
Notice 1a hereby given that at the meeting of
the Council of the Cltr of Portland. Oregon,
held on tha 17th day ot Auguat, 104, the fol
lowing resolution was adopted:
Beeolved, That the Council of tha Ctty af
Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro
poses to construct a aewer la Nlcolal atreet,
from the east Une of Walnut atreet to a connec
tion with tbe aewer In Sherlock avenue aad
Boek atreet. Said sewer to be vitrified aewer
elpe with all necessary eatchbaelna, manholes,
impholee and branchea, snd to ha of ths fol
lowing dimensions: Of eight Inches clear In
side diameter from the weet Una of Walnut
street to a point lo Nlcolal street at 34V
street; thence of ten inches clear Inside diam
eter to a point In Nlcolal street at Factory
atreet; tbeucc of twelve locbaa clear lnslds
diameter to a connection with tha sewer la
Sht rlorgi arenas) and Rock atreet.
Said aewer to be constructed 1b accordance
Ith the charter and ordinance of the City of
Portland (nd the plsns, apectfl cat lone and eetl
matea of the City Engineer, filed In the office
of the Auditor of the (ity of Portland on the
9th day of August, 1904. Indorsed: "City En
gineer's plana and sped flea t Iona for a aewer
In Nlcolal atreet. from eaat Uaa of Walnut
atreet to sewer in Sherlock avenue and Bock
street, and tha estimates of the work to be
done snd the probe hie total cost thereof."
Toe coat of said aewer to be Baa,, a
provided by the City Charter, upon tbe property
epeclallr benefited thereby gad which la hereby
declared to be all the lota, parts of tots and
parcela ot land lying between a line 100 feet
northerly from and parallel with tbe north line
of Nlcolal atreet and a line 100 feet southerly
from and parallel with the southerly Una of
Nlenlsl atreet, and between the easterly line of
Twenty slith street and Walnat atreet and the
tuty -sixth street snd wsinut s
terly line of Placklatone street.
The Engineer s estimate of the probable total
cost for ths construction of aald sewer ta
$1173. 00.
Tho plans, specifications snd eatlmatea of the
Ctty Engineer for the construction of aald
newer are hereby adopted.
Resolved. That the Auditor of the City of
Pi rt land be and he Is hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed construction of aald
newer aa provided by tbe Ctty Charter.
Ilemonatranees against the above aewer
may be filed In writing with the under
algned within 30 daya from the date of the first
publication of this notice.
By order of the Council.
Auditor nf the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon. Auguat 20. 1904.
Notice Is hereby given that the Council of
the City of Portland proposes to aeseea the
following described property and owner or
owners aa being specialty and peculiarly bene
fited in the amounts act opposite the rafB
and descriptions thereof for the Improvement
uf Davie atreet from the weat line of Third
street to the east line of Tenth street, aa pro
vided by ordinance No. 13.912.
And objections to the spporttonment of coat
for said Improvement must be made In writ
ing to the Council snd filed with the Auditor
within fiftoen dars from the dsts nf the first
publication of this notice, sod aald objeettona
will be heard and determined by the Council
before tbe palag of the ordinance saseeslog
the oot ef aald improvement.
undivided H tot 1, R. W.
Lam arm estste, belra of. $200 46: undivided
H tot 1. Mary G. Hart. $20o.4: lot 4, Port
$300.46: undivided
land Seaman s Friend society, $57 36. tot 8,
Philo Molbrotik $608; lot 3, Peter Taylor,
413.58. BLOCK 34. lot I, Clementina F.
Lewis. $46809; lot 4, Clementina F. I .owls.
$64 58; tot .1. Clementina P. Lewi. $00.88;
tot 3. Clementina F. Lewie. $421 71. BLOCK 8.
tot 1. John A Brown. $.'19,1.68; tot 4. John A.
Brown. $66 23; lot .1. John A Brown. $66 00;
tot t. Kenneth A. J. Maekenale. $802 00
BLOCK 46. tot 1. neurits F. Harrington.
$4.13 08: tot 4. Dennis F. Harrington, ISA 46;
lot 8. Dennis F. Harrington. 166 TT; lot 8,
Dennis P. Harrington. $434 16 BLOCK
8L lot 1. United Statre government
$803 0; tot 4. United State government.
$56.00: tot 8. United States government.
8I66.9S: lot 3. United State government.
$628 58: aonth 100 feet Park block D, City ef
Portland. $K18 60.
RUM'K SS. tot 1. Peter Taylor
$64T.4S: lot 4. Clementina P. Lewie. $143.80
tot .1 William II. H Cummin $1
2. William II H. Cummlnira. $543 40.
6.1. hit 1. I.larle and Thomas Whalen
tot 4. Llaxle and Thomas Whalen, 1143.91;
eaat H tot 8. Llaale and 1 homes Whalen.
8 64: eaat H art 2. Llssle and Thomas Whs
lea. $195 47; undivided -$ nf weat V4 lot
8. Antntne Lahhe. $9 MS. undivided 1-8 nf
weat H tot 2. Antolne I .abbe. 165 (ft ; undi
vided 1-3 of weat Vi lot 8. Blaise Lahhe.
(9 ov undivided 1-3 of weet H lot 2. Blatae
Lahhe 166 16: undivided 1-8 of weat V lot
8. John Lehbe. $9.88: undivided-1-8 nf weet
H tot S. John Untie. $66 16 BLOCK 2.
tot 6. Rreyman A Somroervllle. $414.70; tot
1. Sre y man A Sommervllle. $624: lot 6.
Rreyman A Sommervllle. $60.06: tot 7. Rrey
man A SVimmere-rllle. 1430 4S. PLock .11. lot
8 Rodney Ollsan estate, heirs of (49.38; lot
6. Rodney (lllaan eatate. heirs of. $64 66; lot
S. Rodney tutsan eetate. heirs of. $61 It: tot
7. Bod nay Gllaao estate, heir of. 8406,84.
BLOCK 40. tot 8. CaUforala Title. Invest
meat A Truat aomaaay. $9.81: to 6, Call.
fornla Title. Investment A Truet company,
6S.64; tot S. Percy H. BlyTh. SBSSS: tot T.
Perry' H. Blyth. $393.68. BLOCK 4ft. tot 8.
Mary I. Uvaitoo, SSSSS4 tot 6. Hugh W.
Wallace. IsTtd; tot Cujrb W. Wallace.
SM.T7; nt T. bub W. Wallace. $397 41.
BLOCK 58. lot SavtajBS A loan Society
of Saa rraaetaeo. $393 SST lot 6. Savings A
loan Society of Son Francisco. $68 23; tot
A Ravi use At Lnaa Boeaata of Ssn Francisco.
eiuaxae; mm i, savings m 1
Ban Francisco, $636.01 north
Loan Society of
Park block
c. citr or Portland, asai-BO
v. Atari ttt.o tr sv o..
(red Holies,
. $143.01: lot
r 30; tot 5. Ouaata Brt
Samuel Bromhergrr. $ lot 7. Will
aua r. Tuaasaraa. aaaa.
BLOCK 44, 11
S. John Koarad Trunk.
1: tot 5. Ellas
Vlekera. 1I4I.IO: let A Gaels T. Mrera.
SBS.41: tot 7. Oeorgs T. Myers. 8431 78.
Total. 1.57 94.
Auditor of th City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon, August 23. 1904.
Notice Is hereby given that the Council of the
City of portlsnd. Oregon, at a meeting held on
the lTth day of Auguat, 1904, declared the as
sesa men! by ordinance No. 14.164. for the con
struction of a aewer la East Irving atreet. from
SO feet eaat of the eaat line of Esat Twenty
ninth street to the sewer ta Bsst Twenty-eighth
street, la toe manner provided by ordinance Mo.
1.1.960. upon each lot, part ut lot and parcel
of land, which are specially and peculiarly
benefited, to be ss follow, vis:
YORK BLOCK 3. aaat 23 feet of tot 9. The
Hawthorn Estate. 813.26: tot 10. B. !.
Powers, trustee. 1280; 1st 11. II. L. Pow-
era. trustee $38.90; tot 12. M. I. Drew.
$38 R0. BLOCK 0 eaat 23 feet nf tot 4.
H. L. Powers, trustee. 9,S6; lot 3. H. L.
Powers, trustee, 130.40: lot 2. H. I.. Powers.
trustee. 130.40: tot I. Boys' and Ulrta' Aid
aocletv. 80.40: a tract of land lying be
tween the aaat line of Bast Twenty -ninth
Street and a Uaa 100 feet eest thereof aad
parallel therewith and between a Hue 100
tret north of and parallel with tha north
lias or last Irving street If extended eaater
ly In Its preaeat coarse, sad a line too feet
ennth ef and tiers lie 1 with the south line
of Bast Irving Street, tf extended essterly
la Its present course. Boys' and Girls' Aid
aocletv. (134 60. Total. (34.80.
A statement of aforesaid assessment has been
entered la the Docket of city Uens. and Is now
due aad psyabls at tha office of the City
Treasurer, la lawful money of ths United
States sad If not paid within 30 days from
dste or thla notice, eucn proceedings win re
taken for the collection of the same aa are
provided by the Charter of th City of Port
land. Tha above aaaeeament will begr Interest 10
daya after the firat publication or thta no nee.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon. Auguat 23. 1904.
Sealed proposals will be received by tha
Water Board of the City of Portland. Oregon,
until 8 b. as.. Wednesday. Auguat 11. 1904.
for hauling 8.800 barrels Portlsnd remerit
from tbe warehouse ut not ting nam m CO.,
at tha foot of Ollsan atreet. or other ware
house or denot stiuslly aeceeelble. not ex
ceeding s dlstsnce of 24 miles, to reservoirs
Noa. 3 and 4. City Park. The quantities
named above are approximate only and may
be Increased or diminished at tha option of
the Water Board.
The Water Board reserve th right to reject
any or all blda.
The delivery of th cement must be mad
upon requisition by the Water Board, In lota
to suit tne requirements oi ins wore, not ex
o. .editor 200 barrels ner der.
Form of proposal can be obtained at th
office uf the Eugiueer or ta water uoaru
ilit Hall Portland Oreaon.
With aach bid must be deposited a certified
check for $100, payable to the order of the
Auditor of tha City of PorHaad. and bonds to
be approved hy the Mayor wlU be required of
tne aaccesstui oiuuer.
Proposal moat he enclosed In an envelope,
endorsed oa the outside. "Proposals for Haul-
I n m I", hi ! 1 I snd addressed to tha unit.r.
of the Water Board.
l.he Only
Rail wsy between tbe
Missouri River
The Chics "fo-Portlsnd Special, the
most luxurious train in the world.
Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining
car, burnt smoking snd library car
(barber and bath). Less than three
days Portland to Chicago.
Through Trains
to Chicago ara operated dally via the
Oregon K. R. ft Nav. Co., U P. R. R. and
Chicago ft North-Western Ry. tn Chicago
from Portland and point in Oregon aad
i Eastern Washington.
Daily excursions In Pullman tourist
Iceping cars from Portland through
to rhlrasa wtthftof r'lnM
uea'l Agi. rse. Cist, Geatial Age at.
C. A BJ..W. By. C. A N.-W. By.
Market Stn
ta Tklrd atreet
PBAwciaco, CAU 1
To a i land, oaa.
ilCB ftV Ot Talrd streej
Irnlna liallv
Daylight trip through th Cascade
and Rocky mountains For full p rt lo
ula ra. rat, foldara, ate, rati o or ad-drssa
Shout Line
Union Pacific
Through PnUBMB standard and test let tree
ing car dally to Omens. (Tiles so. Baskasel
tourist steeping cars dally te a a aaaa City I
taroagh Pullman toortet s least eg oars tuna a
ally rood acted weeary to ' rue go. nasi
ehalr cars (seats f,ee to the Past 1 ills.
fat th Bsst via Baat-
lit a. av
'SI a.
Par Baat era Waahtaar
roa. Wall Walla. Lsw
tstoa. Occur d'Aleae
i:is a. at. :bo a. i
ad Great
3:18 p. m.
T:l a. i
Tor the Eest via
S. ft Oso. W. Blase
Aug. 4. 14. 84.
ft ft Columbia
Aug. . 1. SX
B. a.
04 hs Riser TN taajp.
POB Astoria aad way
points, connecting with
stmr for Uwars aad
North heaeh. atr. Haa
ss lo. Ash st. desk.
3: s. ss
er Sunday
10:00 p. m.
TauAlll Blear Rente.
roR bayton
T OOa.
Ctty and Tambtll River
points, sirs. Both aad
flndnc. Ash at dock.
(Water permitting. I
8 neks Riesr Route.
ad way point from
Blparta. Weak., steam
ers Spokane aad Lew
rat on.
3:40 a. m.
ex. 8a L
n on p. as.
Phone Main Tl.
Par Yokohama and Bong Kong, calling at
Kobe. Nagasaki add Shanghai, taking freight
via connecting steamers for Manila. Part Art sat
snd Vladivostok.
For rates aad full Information eat! aa of ad
dress ofnielais or agents of the O. R, A N. On.
EAST vi.
trains, for Salem,
bnrg. Aahland. I
mento. Ogden. Saa
840 p. m.
8:30 a. ai.
too, at
T 80 a. w.
Ir40 tv m
ekvo. Stock ton. Lo A
gelea, KI Pao. New 0
lean aad the Beet.
At Woodbura dally
tescept aaaaayi. mora
tnr train for Mr. Aa
gel. HI I vert on. Brows
7:10 a. as,
vine. Bprinrnoia. need
ling and .'atron.
Alhonr oassengee.
recti at Woodhnrn with
HI. Angal ana 811
ton fcocaL
: a. I
Dslly. MDally. except Sunday.
Portland Oswsgo Snburjea Berries aad TaaUtO
Depot root of Jsffsraon Bliss.
raaew Portland dally for Oswego T:S s. si
11:80. 3:03. 8 3. 8:30. :&. 8:3ft 1:10 B. SS.
Dally (errant Sunder). BJO, 8 30. 8:88, 10:33
a. m.i 4:04 11:1 a. aa. Sunday only.
s. m
Returning from Osweso. s reive rurtteB dalle
8:30 a. m : 1 AS, 8:08. 4.18. 8:18. T:SB. S:S8.
ii m p is. Dally (sicep t Baadayl :3. T:a,
:. 10 m. 11:48 s. m. Ft cent Monday. ISJsV
a. sj. Basday snlr. 10:00 a. aa.
Leaves from esme depot for Danes aad rater,
mediate aetata dalle (except Bon day 1 4:04 a. as.
Arrive Portland 10:10 n. m.
The Indenendesee-Mnnsioafa Motor Baa
apes ate fiatfv tn Mop month and Alrll.
peering with Southern FsctSe company'
at Dallas and tndeoendeeee.
First ejsss fare trove Portlsnd to Beers SkesvsH
and San Prandaco SSA. berth 88: second ftaaa?
fere 113. second-class berth 13 30.
Tlekete to Bsatern points end Prveops. aha)
Jaesn china. rvVsvotuta and A metre Tha.
Ctty Ticket Office eeawiee Third snd WasblaaV
vmi -'--- rt use lists Tl
a W. STT1(1FR. W. ft rOlfAFI.
City Ticket Agent. Geo. Pees.
Pugrt Sound Limited,
for Taooma, Seattle.
1:80 a. Bh
1:00 p. m.
11:43 p. m.
8:80 1. m
0 30 p. m.
Olrmpla. Boat Bsa
n Oray Barber
North Coast limited,
for Taeoasa, Seattle.
Butte. St. Paal. Min
T:00 a. as.
neapolis. Chicago. New
York. Boston saa poiats
Past and Sootheeet.
Twin-City Fv press, far
TaeoBM . Seattle. Bass
kane. Helena. St. Paal.
Minneapolis, Chlrego.
New York. Boa too and
II points Bast aad
Pnget 10004 - fTsnaai
City St Lonla Special
for Tacoma. Seattle.
T O p. m.
apokans. Bstte Billings
T.S0B. 1
Denver. Omaha. Kansas
City. St Loala and all
polnta Eaat aad Soul!
ATI trains dally sleep! en Sonth Bead
breach. A. D CHARLTON,
Assistant General Psaaeagsr Ageet.
MS Morrison at., cor Third. Partis sd Or.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
Pra m
A tn worth
108. m.
Lr?f UlTM
IOIocdin snaSTAl I
I aIt souTt IOI
m . , . , , .
m Ua. OBION rig POT. Arrltsa,
- " for Mayaaea, R. later.
IClatahaal. Weavjaart,
Cllftoa. A steels. War-
8:fma.m tota. flsv.l .rtsm- II 1 a. m.
Dallr. sd. sort Steves,
- Gear hart Park. Sld.
at Astasia ad Beaataa
T o p m. Biprras dslly.
. Dslly eg. Aslarta Bspreee. 14 a. m.
I la tarda. Baity.
J. e. m th.
), r. aad f. A.. Astoria, Of.
ft A STEWART. Commercial Asset, S4 AMat
at. Pksa Mala BO.
Schwab Bros. Print
Bast Work.
847 rk BMkCB