The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 27, 1904, SECOND SECTION, Page 12, Image 12

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Knter4 at th poatorriee of :rtlsnd. Or.,
for rrs as porta Uun through the nulla aa eeeond
Class matter.
ranp roe amgic eopiee: ror an e. i ;
page paper, 1 cent; 18 to SO page. cent: sa
t . : AA
Basin Office Main 800.
Editorial Boom Main 250.
Vrrelsnd-Bengamln Special AdvYrtietng SI,"''
ISO Naeaau etrvet. hew York; Trluun Bull
lie". Chicago.
forms by Carrier.
The rall Journal, with Sunday, 1 yr I "5
Th ftatlv tniirml 1 Mar 0 V
The Pally Journal, wltb Sunday, montba. I 78
The milr Journal. 6 mostha 2
The Daily Journal, wltb Sunday, S Matte. J o
Dally Journsl. 8 month -E
The Pallr Journal, wltb Sunday. 1 month.. .SB
Tb Dsllr. par wr-k. dsllverod. SuTday
l..,.l.,,l. A ... 1
Hairy journal. i year.
The Doily, ', ", deSverrd. Soadav rt
Tartna by Mall.
Tha Pally Journal, with Bandar. 1 yaar tt.OO
Tha Dally Journal, t mr ' ?J
Tha Pallr Journal, with Sunday. 8 montha. J JB
Thr Pally Journal, 8 month J
Tha Pally Journal, with Sunday. month. I
Tha Pally Journal. 8 month. W
Thi Pally Journl. with Sunday. I month.. JJ
Tha Pally Journal. 1 month -"J
TS Sunday Jonrnal. 1 yaar J
The Bandar Journal. montba 00
Tba Sam I Weekly Journal.
Th. Seml-Weeklr Journal. to It pa fa,
each tens. Iltustratad. fnU market r-
ports, 1 rar , .B9
Tba Weakly Journal.
Tha Wrakly Journal. 100 column of read
ing each lasu. Illnatrated. toll market
re ports. 1 yaar L?
Remittances abould b mada by draft, portal
notes, express orders, snd small amootita an
acceptable In 1 and J-ceut postage stamps
JT o. Box m, fnrtUnd. Or
Subsi-rlbrrs to Tba Journal wh may ban
town for th aurrmar ran bare tha neper
torwardod to tbem to any addriaa without
Ttr rhsrge, raiment for th aa
upon roetr return
The Jonrnal ean be found on Mht at tha fol
low In places:
BOISE. IPAnO I'lonssr hook store.
CHICAOO Poatofflra Naw company. 1T Dear-
oorr. street. CuI.O. Kendrlrk Book A Stationary
company. SIT Seventeenth street; J. mac
Blsteent snd Purtla atreet.
KANSAS 'JITT Van Nor New company
Los ru n r n.nWr wo
Spring street; Oliver Halo. SOB South
nprlng street.
a15NRA!-OLIS It. J. Kavanaugo.
NBW YORK CITY Brentano'a. Union square
OfinPV ndn Vmb-s witniwm
OMAHA Mlllsrd hotel new stand: Megeatb
Statlonerr company. l.TOfl Frnnra street.
BA1.T LAKE CITY Kenyrm hotel new stand;
Barrow Bros . an Wert second street, roiis
ST I.Ot IS PMlin Tti.,.il. r (11(1 locust street.
BAM FRANCISCO W. E. Ardlng. Palace hotel
new stand; Goldsmith Broa.. no nutter
street: Fred W Pitta. 10OS Market atreet.
RPO 1," r KM John W drlhin A Co.
TACOMA. WAP II Central Saw company. 1121
I'arnc aeenne.
Weather coudltlona and general forecast for
Oregun, Washington nd Idaho. Shower ana
TnunilT storms nsre occurrca in iee osu
states and in Georgia. At Atlanta th ei
eeanlve amount of 3.08 Inch occurred during
tbe last 24 hours. Rain alao continue In
ArUon. I tah, southern Sew Mexico and north
ern Nevada. Th weather etaewher 1 gen
erally fair.
It I warmer thl morning along the northern
lope of the Rocky mountains, and much cooler
In the middle Atlantic snd tbe New England
The Indication are for partly rlemdy and un
settled weather In thai district tonight and Sun
any, with shower near tbe coast.
Observations eland at S a. m. :
Max. Min. Prec.
Atlanta, Oa SS S 2.08
Baker City. Or SO 60 0
Bismarck. N. D S3 SS 0
Boise. Idaho SS 4 0
Boston, Maaa TS SS 0
Charleston. 8. C ;.... SS T3 .3
Chicago. Ill SB SS 0
Cincinnati. Ohio 74 58 0
Denver, Cole 88 SO 8
Eureka, ral SO 5S 0
Fresno. Cal 88 TO 0
Helena. Mont 84 58 0
JackaoovlUe. Eta 88 T4 0
Kallspell. Mont T8 48 0
Kama City. Mo T4 58 0
Ltwlstoo. Idaho SS 83 0
Los Angeles. Cal 88 88 0
New Orleana. La 84 T4 T.
New York, S. Y TO 58 0
North Head. Wash 58 44
Omaha. Neb. SO 58 0
Philadelphia. P TS 58 0
Pocatello, Idaho... SO 00 0
Portland. Or 74 58 . a)
KoeelKirg. Or 83 54 0
Sacramento. Cal ,. S3 58 0
6t. Umle. Me T4 50 0
Salt Lak. I tah TO 53 ft
San Plego. Cal TS SS 0
San Francisco, Cal 88 53 0
St. Paul, Minn T8 80 0
Spokane, Waah S3 58 0
Tacoma. Wash 74 58 0
Walla Walla, Waah 04 88- 8
Wsshlngton. D. C T4 t 0
Wlnnemucca, NT 83 M .04
Yama, Arte 108 TS 0
John Hall Blackburn, 31, and Emms Blssen,
Charles J. Uardwlck. 85, and Suaan Relchen.
Angnet 34. Frankle Alexander Oorrell. aged
S years, at 88 Eaet Tenth atreet. cans septa
carmli Burl si at Lone Fir cemetery
August 28. Eylnba J. Sutherland, aged 65
years, at North Paclnc aanlrarlum. cauaa chronic
nrpbrttl. Burial at Dnluth, Minn.
August X, Otto M. Roaendale. aged 44 year,
at Kalama, Wash . uffoctlon. Crematorium.
Crematorium on Oregon City ear line, near
BVDwnod; modern, actentlflc. complete. Chargra
-Adults, 885; children. 835. Visitor 8 a. m
t- 5 p. m. Portland Cremation association.
Portlsnd, Or.
Th Edward Holmaa Cndsrtaktng company
fimral directors and mhslmera. 220 Third
atreet. Phone 507.
J. r. Elnley A Son. funeral director and
mbalmer. have removed to reelr naw eetab
llrhmaut. ourner Third and Madlaon street.
Both bbodee No. 8.
EelleT Byrn Co.. funersl director and em
banner, 378 Ruaeall. Lady aeet. Phone Bast 1088
Clark Broa. for flower. 3SS Molt la an atreet
Scottish American Inveatment Co. to Wood
Hutchinson. 150x175 faet block 4, Wil
lamette neigbt dd 3225
P. A. Helm t al to Harry Smith, lot 5,
Block 1. Mt. Scott Park 300
George W. Watt and wife to Mary J.
CoTllnaon. lot 4. block 77. Sari Irving
ton 830
John Nearer and wife to Joseph Day,
south H lot 5. bkvk 232. Couch s add... 1480
Lewis Rsaeell at al to Olaan Lombar A
Shingle Co.. part John Wand P. L. C. 15000
RniiltaM Paving A Loan aaaoclatlon to
3 Cy Smith, lot 11, block 4. Port,
month 008
O Erlcken to Virginia Morrison, lota 23.
S4, block 3, Wood lawn Height 1380
Clsr A. Morser and husband to A. S. Ellis,
north 70 feet lot 1, Alhlna Homeateaa
add M08
William Phillip nd wife to 11. Erlrkaea.
lot 33 block 3. Woodlawn Heights '75
Judson Weed, execntor, to Evelina M.
Bonser. 70 aertsi acctlon 38. township
S north, rang 3 waet 338
R R MrClnna and wlf to DeUa U
Arerlll. lots T. 8. block 233. Hollsday's
add 3100
Ben Selling rt al to Andrew V. William
son iota xa, mi. dick-a . isiureiwooo .
Fidelity Tmt Co to Albert K Hbepard.
83 1 BiST faet block 11, Deecher's Sec-
aod add 3858
L. A. Grimm to Ida C. Grimm, let 8.
block io. Oewtral Alhlna 1000
W. G. Btsnsbery t 1 to RrMtlne onerg
et al. lots 1 to T
Incluelv. block 13.
Stanshery'a add
Get sour tnsnrane and abstract to real
elate from the Title Guarantee A Traat com
paay. Chamber of Commerce building.
August 38. A. H. AvarilL two -story dwell
, lac oa oathwet corner of Eaat Tenth and
tlreadway atreeta Coat 6.noo.
Aagna S8, Oe Sam. alterations to two-elorv
betiding n Seeead between Oak and
uk atresia. Uom 81.508.
Forces Mille
Premium (a
rs to sy
or Wheat.
- T
a SevarnJ sales of bine tern e
a wheat In round lots wars mad
a lata yaaterday to miliars of aas-
.era OreRon who wera short of 4
e supplies at a premium of o over
Portland prlcea. -
Front Stmt, Anxuat ST. Th principal fen
tare of tba Portland wholesale markets today
Miller paytnc a premium. .
Crawford peaches ending aon
Very large rhn sf aalmon coming.
Slump In wire nail.
Fresh aalmon advanced Ha.
Karly hops being picked.
Movement of hay I larger.
Poultry market look lower
Eggs very firm St r retards j 'a rlae.
Bacon Is advanced He.
Short clear are advanced He.
Car lemon arrive In.
Car baaanaa In lata yaaterday.
Millar ray Premium for Wheat.
bluratem wheat waa aold yeeterday to
eastern Oregon miller at the rate of 87c
Portland. Th buy were hy those who were
abort and were compelled to make Immediate
purchases or eMe close their mill. In this
city th whet market I quiet, bnt very firm.
No sslss ar being made at the printed price,
but they are a high a tha larger miller or
tha exporter will pay.
Oriental Baals la Small.
Bale of flour to tba orient ar amell. the
only one reported being one for about 10.000
each by a local mill to Japan to be (hipped
on th scat outgoing tmr. Th local
market I quit firm with as lea average
Very Heavy Baa of Salmon Coming.
It was thought hy tha larger flah canned e
that today all the . satoblishmenta would be
closed, bat a vary heavy ran of fish yesterday
afternoon made them change their minds. The
run' waa so large that moat of tha canneries
were blocked and a large amount of flah
waa seat Into cold atorage la order to keep.
One of th canneries at Pillar Rock yesterday
received 40 tone of flah while Ita full capacity
waa only -80 toss, eo 10 tone were aent to
cold atorage. The large run enabled the c on era
to drop the price paid to tha flahermen lo
4c now being paid.
Pack Larger Than Lake) Season.
The fear that this sesson's pack would he
far below that of last yaar have proven
gtnundlea; In faet. It I now almoat aure that
there win be an Increase of about 10 par
cent In the catch over that f th previous
season. The market la In very good ehape. and
eves If thr pack ahould be twice as large as
laat year It will not weaken the tone. The
condition which axhrt in th flah trad thl
year re rather nnusual inasmuch there hi
n ) aurplns left from previous peek. Thl refers
to all trades.
Praah Salmon I Higher.
Th cloning of the season ha caused an ad
vance of Vic In the qnotatlona on freah aalmon
In thl city, th dew price being SHe for Chin
ook and Tc for ateelheada. There I plenty
of flah of all kind In th msrket.
Early Hope Being Picked.
Around Independence and In Some part of
Marlon county early hop are now being picked.
The condition of the yard at th cloae of the
res son la not so bad reported, a some
of the dealer are atlll talking of a. crop of
100,000 bale. The regular picking eon will
not begin until Monday. September 8. Unices
tbe rslna re too high all the yard will
average ap well. The market 1 vary firm. It
Is now estimated that there era 1.300 bale
of 1008 hope remaining nnaold In the tat, of
which 380 ha lea remain In th bands of the
grower. Then 1 some trading of old atock
among th dealer, but none of the hop are
being shipped out of the state. Contract are
Wire Ball Take a Drop.
Of late there have been severe! quiet drop
In the valuee of wire nail, tb list change
to ba mad being a cat of 15e eereral dsya
ago. A fight between the United States
Steel corporation and th Independent Is re
sponsible Tbe new baa for wire nails In fhl
City la 83.45.
Poultry Market Looks Lower.
The retail market are well filled with
noultrv of all klnda and there was sat so
much demand today. The receipt were qalte
heavy for the list day of th week and soma
slight eats were made la the quotation In
order to clean np.
Th egg market 1 In food ah a pa with 22
33Hc easily received for all present arrivals.
Some Advance la Provision e.
Accordln to th Union Met company there
waa n advane of He pound In all grade
of hreakfsat bacon today, making th naw
prices rang from 14 to 18c. Then waa al
an advene In local regular abort clear, both
smoked and nnamoked, of tha earn amount.
With tb possible exception of lard, of which
there ar very heavy atock. with th market
weak, all provisions r allowing an upward
Ending of Crawford Peach Season.
Todsv nrobahlr tba laat full ear of Crawford
peachea win arrive from Aalftind. Stork are
(ecomlnr acareer and thr quotation are tight
ening, with present values on the beat stocks
ranglngf rom 80 to 88c. Within th next
few dura the movement of Mnir will begin.
Th Malr peach 1 of th yellow freestone
rerletv and will likely stay in the market
for savers I works. Lets yesterday a car of
lemons snd a car of banana arrived In. With
tbe larger receipt th quotations on sweet
pottoe are down H today, present valuea
being SttttSKe pea pound. New Oregon pe-
tstoea are coming m rainy wen, mi u mar
ket la sot ahowlcg any strength snd looks
Foreign nines on Green currant ban ad
vanced wht would practically equal He per
pound' In thla city. A reported scarcity of
citron 1 causing price In first band to show
an advane of mo par pound.
Todsy'a wholesale quotations, aa revieea, are
as follow:
rein. Flour sad Feed.
WHEAT Exonrt nrlc New and eld Club.
Tflc; bldosum. 88c; valley, 85.
BARLEY Feed, $31: rolled. $33: brewing,
(23 5UU 24.00.
OATS Producers' price No. 1 whit. 835.00;
gray, 384.00.
FLOI'R Eaatern Oregon: Patent, 84. SB;
freights. 83.608)8.80; valley. $ was 08; gra
ham. U. I3.86Q8.T5: 10. S8.BSt4!zft.
MILL8Ti;rrs Bran, 810.50 per ton; arid
dllrga, 825.00: shorts, country. 822 00: chop.
HAT Producer- price Timothy. Wills met t
valley, fancy, $14.00018.00: ordinary, $1100$)
18 00; astern Oregon. $15.0u()18.00'. mlxedT
810 003I2 00: clover, M.OOtJIO.OO; grain. $11.00
8)11.50; cheat, $11.00011-60.
Hops, Wool and Hide.
HOPS Nominal, 35038c for choice; 380S8H
for prime; contract, 1004, 34Q35e.
WOOt-Nomlnal. Vclley. eosra to medium,
ITOUc: Sua. 10c: eaatern Oregon. 13010c
MOHAIR New, 30c.
SHEEPSKINS Shearing, lOOSOc: hort wool.
3O30: medium wool, SOOhOc; long wool.
SLeOll.OO each.
TALLOW- Prim, par Tb. 408e; No. 3 and
gresse. 303H.
CH1TTIM BARK he per lb: baying price.
HIDES Dry hide. No. 1. 18 lbs and op.
UVkOldc par lb; dry kip, No. 1, 5 to 15 Ibe.
12V- dry e if. No. 1. under 6 Ibe, ISHe:
dry sslted bulls, and ataga. 1-8 leee than dry
Slut, aslted hides, atrer. errand. 80 lbs or mt.
70c; 50 to 8ft lbs. Tc; under 50 lb and
cows. 807c: stars snd bulls, sound. 5c; ktp.
16 to mi lbs, TUc; sound. 10 to 14 lb, 8c;
calf, aonnd. under 10 lb. 8 He; greea (nn
aalted) lc per Ih less; calls, fe per lh lea;
horse hldee. ealted. each. $1 SBOl.TS; dry. each.
$l.nooi 50; colts' hides, each. SSOSOe; goat
skins common, each. 10015c: Angors. with
wool on. 28cO$1.00.
Buttor, Bgga sad Poultry.
rT -Sweet. 38 He; soar. 31 He
BUTTER City crsvmera 35c; oattlde fancy,
"JoJI?'. ordtusrj, lTO: store . I2c.
BOOS- No l fresh Oregon. SSOSxHe; an
cendled. 32r; baker. 30OS1.
CHEBSk. New Fall cream, twin. 1014O
lie; Young America. IlHOlSUa.
POULTRY -Chickens, mixed. 18c lb; bene.
18Hc per lb, rooster, old. OS per lb: yoOng.
IS par ik; breilers. lie per lh, (tyara,
Shortage in
15 per lb: dncka
IBs ner lb: aeeae.
II Ue ear lb:
T07Vtc par lb; turkea. 18c
per lb; oreaaed, 18020c per lb
Pratt aad Yegetablee.
POTATOES Nsw Oregon, $1.3S1.40 per
cwt; buyers price, $1.0011.28; awevt. 241
24c per lh.
ONIONS Walla Walla. $1 75; California.
$1.76OS00; garlic, 10c per lb.
FRESH EHi'ITS Apples, fancy Oregon. $1.38
81 HA nee hnt- ehasn srsdea 9fl175c OOT box:
Cangee, Mediterranean sweets. $3,000
S3 her box ; lat Vslenclss. $8 35050 par
box: nananaa. oc per in; icmona, csnw,
88 00 per boa; fancy, $3.5008. TS per box:
lima. Meilcan. 86e perjlOO: plneapplea. $8,000
8.50: nluma. Burbanks. 501 noc box; peach
plume. 4o200c box; peachea, ordinary, 804340c
hex; Crswfords, 80085c per box; pear. $1,380
l.oo per Do I ; grape. pes
box: blsck fig. par box; btack-
lirrtea 1 1 86 oer crate: watermelons. 75 O 86c
per cwt: (rated. $115451 28; musk melon. 80O$t
per oos; cantaioupea, California, yi.uu; uregon,
$1.35 per crate; raaabaa. 88 0003.35 par do:
nactarin. TBOSOe par box: hucklabeeel,
12Vc per lh; erahappl, 3Hc par lb.
VEGETABLES Turnips. $1.35 per eck: car
rots. $1.26 ner eark: beete. 81 28 per sack:
Oregon radleneo, 15c per do; cabbage. Oregon.
Be par lb; lettuce, bead, 16c per do; greea
pepper. 40e per box; celery, TB par do, to
nal toea, Cregon. SOOSOc box: parsnips. T5eO
$138; green pea, 8c par tb; greea onion.
I3H per do: local green corn. 10
doa: pi plant. 34B3Hc par Ih; string beans. ,
405c: cucumber. 50c par rack; hothooee, ISHe
Kr doa; cauliflower. $1.3001.35 par do: butter
ana. Tc; pumpkin, 14e lh.
IlKIEU FKt 1TB -Apples, evsporstea. Tags
per lb; apricots. SHOIIC per tb; aacke. Vc
or lb leas; peachea. THO Pr lb: pear. SO
10c per lb: prune, Italian. $Hj4Hr ner lb:
French. 8H04He
blacks. SOSHc c
c per
per lh
lb; figs. California
do white. 8H Is Tc
nr , i u AAjss. uiuru, vm vva. jyva iiv, u"
golfVn 9c mt lb; fir. 1.80 Vt 10 lb box.
per lb; plum, pltl
Isa.A $t mi
ovasc ptr in; aatee.
Idea SHc per lb;
fancy 1 lb esrton.
oocksres to oss. TH peg; eeeoed. 13-o ear
ton. SHe: too Muscats. 50-lh box. 608H
ner lb; London layer, $1.88: clusters. $3.00;
'.is. 36c: Ul. SOe advai
ver pound carton.
FIGS Ten lib cartons, choice brand. One
choice n
10 1 Ih eertoa. fancy brand. $1.00: 10 1 lb
brtch. 2-crown. 75c; 10 lib bricks. 3-crown,
05c; 40 H lb bricks, per box. $3 00; at brick.
81 to esse. 82 00 ; 8 -row lsrsrs par 10-Ib box.
70 ; loose. 501b box, per Tb, SHe. Csllsy me
ns a Sit crown, 10-Ib carton, per box $3 00;
8 crown. 10-h carton, per bog, $1.T8; 4-crown.
S0-n cart, par box. fl.f.
earssrls. Buta. Eto.
SUGAR Sack basis Cube. $8.40; powdered.
86.35; fruit grannlated. $8.16; dry granulated.
$8.16; beet granulated. $8.05; extra C. $8.15;
golden C. $5.56: bbla, lfte: H bbl. 36c; bona,
50c advane. on aack baala. leaa 23c ewt for cash,
16 days; maple, 14016 par lh.
HO&BT 14H016C.
COFFEE Green Mocha. 31 OSS: Jan. fancy,
38Q83c; Java, good, 20 O 35c: Java, ordinary.
lO30c. Coata Rica, fancv. lSaBSOe: Costs Rica.
good, ISOlSe: Costa Rica, ordinary. 11013c
pvvaBa ivvirrv, i"is nini, "I'linnir, aVA
per lh: package coffee. $18.tS014.TS.
TEAS Oolong, different gradee. SSOOSe;
powder. 2S03$OS5c; English ' hreakfaat.
ferent gradee. 12UtI8Bc: snideries uncnlored
Japan. 80088c: green Japan (vary scarce). SO
80c per lh.
SALT Fine Bale. 3. g. a. Bs. 0s. $1.30
O1.S0: tahla. dairy. 50.' 80 oofln 60: 100.
SS.1BO : Imported Liverpool. SO. $18,000
18.60; 100. $14.75018.00; 334. $14.00016.60;
extra fine. bhla. 3. Ss. Bs, 10s, $4.00; balk,
820 he. $8.50: sscks. 50. 85c.
SALT Cosree Rslf ground. 100s, per ton,
Sf.80O6.8ft; 60s. per ton. $6 88OT.OO1 Liverpool
lamp rock. $1550016.50 per son; 80-lh rock,
$8.3506.73; 100. $8 7806.28.
(Above price apply To sale of las this
car lot. Car lot at special prices subjeet
to nortnatlon.
GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, $6.7508 00 per 100
RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1. Btac; No t
4,e; New Orleans head. 4H04H; Adjack,
8to; Creole. 4U04W.
BRANS Small white, SHOSHe; large,
white. 8Uc: pink. 4Uc; hayon. SHe; Llmaa.
414c: Mexican reds. 614c.
NUTS Peanuts. TH: Jumbos, OH per Th:
raw, SO 10c per lb for roasted: coroannta, 860
POc per doa: walnuts. 144t)15c per lb: pine
not. 10O13HC per lh; hickory nut. 10c per lb:
rheetnuta, eastern, 16QlSe per lb: Brssli nnts.
IB per lh: Alberts. 18O10 per Ih: fancy
pecana. 14115 per lb: almonds. 18015 per lb.
Meata. Flah aad Provisions.
FRESH MEATS Inspected Beef, steer. 8
per lb; cowa. SfJSVjc per lb; mntton. dreaaed.
4?fo twr in: lambs dreaed. BOSc per Th.
FRESH MEATS Front street- Beef, steers
4Hil5c per ; pork, block. THATHo per lb:
packers. THe per Tb; bulla. ;c,c per Jo;
cows. 8HQ4He per lb; mutton, ncssec. 405c
per lb; vesl. extra. Te per lb: ordlnarv.
8c per lb; poor. 6c; la tabs, BHO6HC Per Ih.
HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland pack Oocal)
hams, 10 to 14 lbs. 14 per lb; 14 to 18 lbs.
.14c per lb; 18 to SO lb. 1 4c per lb; cottage
SHe per lb; hreakfaat baaon, 14018c
per lb; picnics. 11c per lb: regular abort
clears, nnamoked. lOe per lb; smoked; lie
tier Ih; clear hacks, nnamoked, Oc per lh;
amoked. 10c per lb; Union butt. 10 to IS lh.
unsmoked. Sc. per lb; amoked, Oe per lb
clear bellies, nnamoked. HHc per lb; amoked
13Hc per lb.
l.niAl. i.aiiij nettle icat. 10a. lOKe nor
lb: 5. lOHr Mt lb; 50-Ib tin. PHc per th
ateam rendered. 10a, BSc per lb: Bs. Olic per
lb: 50a. OH par tb: compound tierce. OUc per
lh: tuba. 6AC ner lh: 60s. IVo nar Ih.
CANNED SALMON Columbia river. 1-lb tall.
$1.88: 2 lh talis.. $3.50: fancy 1 lb 8am. $8.00;
H-lb fnncv data. $1 35: fancy l ib orals. SS.TB;
Alssks tails, pink. 85000c; red. $1.60; aomlnal
3a. Tall. n.00.
FISH Rock cod. 8c per lb: flonnden, Be rer
Th; ballhnt. A ner th; crabs. $1.35 per doa
atrped ba, 10O13H rer lh cstflah. Te per
Ih; salmon. Chinook. 8c par lb; ateelheada
Te per lb; bluebacka. 8c per lb; herring. 5c per
Ih: sole. 8 per lb: ahrimpa, 10 per Ih. shsd.
drea'ed. SHe P' B: perch. 5c per Tb; shad
toe, lSH' per In: roe ahad, 8e per Th: black cod
8c per lb: stiver smelt. Sc per lb; lobster.
12He: freah mackerel, Sc; crawfish, 20c por
doa: flonnden. Be per tb.
OYSTERS Sboslwster bay, par rl S3. SB;
per eark. $3 76 ret: Olympta. par ssck. $5.38.
ri.AMt Hard thsll. per bos. $3.00: rsaor
clam. $1.76 per box.
Paints. Goal Oils. Etc.
ROPE Pur Manila. 13Hc; standard 13e:
Sisal. lOHC
COAL OIL-Pearl or Astral Caaea. 81 He oer
gal: wstsr whits. Iron bbla 18c par gal, wooden
Pr gal; headlight. lT0-dg, esses SSH
per gal. Iron bbla 17c per gal.
per gal.
cases an per gar. genuine setti boiled, caeca
85 par gal. bbla 80c per gal: ground cake
00 per ton. lass tbsa can $38.00
ner ton
OABOL1NB -SS-deg. cases 83c per gsl. Iron
bbla 2Sr per gal; stove, cases 34Hc per gsl.
lion bbls 18c par gaL
bbla lSH per gal. '
caaea S3 per gal. Iroa
bhla 83c per gsl,
c per gsl; boiled, cases 40c pet gaL
turpentine in eases so per gsl.
bbla. 81 per gsl. Iron bbls TO per gaL. 10-lb
case lots 84 per gsl.
WHITE LEAD Ton lots, Ti Per Tb. 800-ib
Iota 8c per Ih. lea lota RVJe par Ih.
WIRE NAILS Present bsse st $3.46.
BaiaU Lumber Frloea.
Com. Select Clr
.Par Par Per
M Ft. M Ft. M Ft.
Bough, dimension regular
slsss 2x3 to 13x11 32 ft .$ 8.50 $18.00 $88.00
Koogn. aimcrsima regular
atses to 13x13. 84-40 ft...
Rough, dimensions regulsr
a! see to 12x13, 43-48 ft...
E01 vh. dimension regtlaf
lae to 13x13. 50-80 ft. . .
For each additional 3 1nehr
la width add
For odd and fractional
elan sawed add not leaa
than .,
For sawing vertical grain
to 4x13 add
0.50 IT 00 24 .00
11 50 18.00 38.00
18.50 38.00 80.00
1.00 BOO 3.00
BOO BOO 4.00
Common rough boards, regu
lar else to 12 In. wld
to 24 ft.. Inc.. assorted
lengths 88ft 1100
Bpeciard lengths of beards $1 00 par U feet
Board to eonetet of lumber leaa than S laches
In thloknee.
(Jonrnal Special Service.)
Saa Franclaco. August ST. Unless all present
sign fall there will b a raaunintlon of work
on th print wires of the stock brokers to th
cost on Monday morning
(Ear is bed by Overheck. Starr aV Cooke Co.)
law York. August 27 Reported rust In
aome parts of tb cotton belt la rea ponalble for
the rlae of 10 points la ths msrket hero tints r
January bad nry atrong opening at 1053
despite the weakness la Liverpool and then waa
a steady rlae during ths session. Tb closs
ws st 1063.
Th official cotton market:
Open. Cloae
January 1068 1063
Way 1088 10T3
September loss 1080
October 1060 1084)
see IwW 1063
Journal.) ah
It Is an- 4
4 (Special Dispatch to Th
4 Naw York:, Aug. 11-
naunoed today through tho J. K. 0
0 Armsby company that tba open- 0
0 log prlovs for tho 1804 pack of 0
0 rod aalmon named laat Monday 0
0 by tha Alaaka Packers assocla- 0
0 tlon have been withdrawn from 0
0 tha market.
0 Tha reus on for tha with- 0
0 drawai are carefully . guarded. 0
0 Soma Internets here believe ghat 0
0 the aaaoclatlon will not remain 0
0 oag out of ths field It Is aa- 0
0 aumed in soma quarters that tha 0
0 withdrawal will be followed soon 0
0 by an announcement of aa ad- 0
0 vanoe In price. 0
: :
Portland Union Stockyard. Angnat ST. There
M a much heavier demand for cattl. and
although ih recelptt of lat hv bn fslrly
haavy, th demand la Larger than the sapply.
Tba price now ruling t the local yard ar
Wing bell vary firm and la om caaea a
alight advance of, printed quotations ha been
Tha beg markst U nry quiet today, th
weather being unfavorable tor heavy buying.
Th aheap market la holding It former ton
with no change In th price.
Th receipt today ware email and consisted
of bat 100 cattle.
Cattle Beat eastern Oregon steers, 88 00;
beat valley ateera, 83.T54fS.00; medium steers,
13.78; cow. 83.38; balto. 81.75; stags. SBOO.
Hog Bast hvy, 85.5008.00; block. 85.286'
5.50; China fata. 86.00U5.36; atockara and
feeden. 8.054 35.
Sheep Best grain-fed wethers sad leaks,
83.000X50; BiUed aheap, tl.T603.OO.
(Furnished by Overbook. Starr B Cook Co.)
Nsw York, August 37 Ths New York stock
msrket is skownj phenomenal strength, con
aldrrlng that tbe London market 1 displaying
large losses all around, snd th list here la geu
ernlly up.
Tha official market:
Anal. Copper Oe. 0?"
Atchlaon. common B0
do oreferred ....
American Sugar, com 1S1 1S1
American Smelt.. Drafarved
Baltimore B Ohio, com SSW 88
Brooklyn Bapld Tranalt. . e 83 53
Canadian Fscl&c, common.. 126 138
Chicago A Ot. Western
Chisago. Mil. B St. Paul.. 163 u. 154
Erie, common B6 t 27
Illinois Central .... 1WJ
LoaUvllla A NaahrlUe 13114 13114
Mat. Traction Co 123V4
Manhattan Kterated 15414
Missouri Paclnc 88 084
M. K 4 T , common 83
Nsw York Central I 123
N. T., Ontario A Wasters 31
Pennsylvania Railway 131 134
P. O. L. B C Oa 108 1034
Pacific Mall S. 8.O0. 2014
Reading, common..... 67 68
Rock la land, common 85 85
Southern Railway, preferred 28
Southern Pacific 58 60
St. Loula B San Fran.. 3d p 6
Texaa Pcl8c .. . . 8014
t'nlon Pacific, common 00 09
l ulled State Leather, com. 7
do preferred ... 86
I'nlted State Steel Co., com IS 13
do preferred 60 6H
Western Cnlon Telegraph 88
Vabaah, preferred 88
Total aalaa for day, 823.000 shares
Baa Franclaco, August
ST. Mining quota-
.... 8
0. C. at Ta
Crown 1
Gould B Carry
Hal B N
Savage ... .,
Sierra Nevada
Silver Hill
Little Tonopah
New Vnrk
Red Top
Oold Mountain
Tonopah Nevada
North Star
Ban Franclaoo. August 37 Cloae, 10:80 a.
m. Local stocks:
: J !
. 80 Vi
61 Vj
61 B
Contra Costa Water
Spring Valley Water....
S F Oss A Electric..
Olant Powder
Hawaiian Sugar
Honokea Sugar
Hutchinson Sugar
Mskawsll Sugar
Paeuhao Sugar
London, August 37. The Loudon stock ex
change closed weaker at declines of from
to point aa compared with the cloae
of yesterday.
Th Portland clearing bona reports today:
rtearlng ....
i Furnished by Overheck. Starr B Cooke Co.)
a Franclaoo. Angnat ST. E. F Hutton, A
Co. say: Today's wheat snd barley markrta
have been without special feature -simply of
Saturday character. Th undertone was
strong with very little wheat or barley for sale.
There waa reported good milling demand.
We see no reason to change our views as eg.
preeasd in tha past.
Today's 11 80 s. m. market :
Open. doe.
Wheat, December 81.40 81 I
Barley, December 11.00 1.08
Paris, August. 37. Closs: Wheat options.
8 to 10 centimes higher.
Flour Option, 5 to 10 centtmas lower.
Liverpool. Angnat ST. Cloae: Wheat, strong.
Id higher.
Corn Options. d tower.
(Jonrnal Special Service )
Psrls. Aug. 17. The funeral of
Oenrge I.eander. the famous cyollst, who
wss killed Tuesday, was held In the
American church here today. Many
prominent ojrcllsts were pfent Tbe
body is to bo taken to America.
Early Hop Are Being
Picked Poultry Not
So Firm Eggs Stiff.
or H
Close Claee Bin
Today Aug. 88 Today
New September.
fl.ue A BLOOlt 8 -I"' -
l.OTJs 1.0T .00
107 l.OfS .00
1.00 1.00 .00
old sept
(Special DU patch to Th Journal.)
Chlcaso. Auanst XV Tbe wheat market
opened thl morning gait ateady on reports of
uamage to toe crop in srence, tue yieiu 01
which la raoorted to he nearly 35 nr cant
short. This news was rather actuation!, but
the fact that tha market did not show a en
aatlooal advane waa bee see th report waa
not generally believed.
There ar still quit number of damage re
norts coining la from tha aortbweat. but tbe
only effect they hare 1 to ateady th market.
New September wheat opened st 610814. a
rise of e from the case of yesterday. Prom
thla point ths market bad a steady ton and
an early rlae to 81.08, tb high point. Prom
the high point there wss a resctlon toward th
nd of th aaialoa of e and ths closing Ogur,
1.08 aaksd. was a toa from tbe opening ot
c. but an advance of 14a 00m in closing
Old SeDtamber otrtlon had a lower opening
at 81.0681. but soon recovered en the receipt
of the news that Manitoba was showing addi
tional damage to the crop. Oa thla boost ths
markst rose rapidly to 81.07, but th trading
wa light at this figure and before tbe closs
ths Drfoa had lost Uc. ths laat sal being at
l.of. This wss aa advance from the pre
vious nay or hc.
During tha ' day December whest touched
81.0T. Thl wa th high aad opening flgur.
Th option did not com la for Ita share of
the early Improvement brought about by th
damage report. Prom th opening December
wheat went down to' 81 08. ths tow point,
bat a rssction toward the close brought th
lsst sale ap to II 07, a lia of o from th
previous day's cloae.
Ma ontton nnened 44 higher at 81.1014 and
soon reached 81.10, the high mark for the
day. There wss s downward tendency from thl
easx so ai.uvss out anotner reaction uruugui
price te 81.08, th earn as yesterday's
last price.
Both the corn and oats markets wars lower
In sympathy with the Khali business la tha
wheat pIL
Tb ernciai market snows 1
High. Lew.
FvSi k
.83 A
11 27
11 85
New Sept 8 1.06
r.08 1 OS
m is
.SS .62
UM dept. l-UO
December. .
.61 K
11 50 11.60
Evening Star Q range, Patrons of TTue
bandry. Is smngrlng to give a county
fair at its grounds on the section lino
road, between October 1 and 10. Tha
fair will last two or three days, but the
exact dates have not been named. A
meeting of a score of the prominent
members at the office of Master J. J.
Johnaon decided to give tbe fair, and ap
pointed the following committees:
Agricultural display C. H. Welch, B.
J. gpooner, a Milam. W. W. Howltt. A.
F. MUler. A. V. Falkman. J. W. Brock,
J. B. Gehr, Will lam Larsan, E. N. Em
ery. Entertainment Mead am en W. N. Bow
land. M. E. Bhafford. B. A. Nlblln, H U
Vail, M. M. Eaton, Etta Johnson, John
Mock; Messrs. B. Lee Paget, Edward
Peterson and J. W. Brook.
On exhibits) and concessions C. H.
Welch, J. P, Oehr, Warren T. White,
Mrs. M E Bhafford, Mrs. H X. Vail.
Mrs. Bhafford was elected chairman.
Public school exhibit Profeaeor W.
N. Bowland of Montavllla Softool, with
power to fill out the committee.
Ladles' department Meedamea C Mi
lam, M. M. Eaton, Johan Antontson, H.
Xj. Vail. Mary Corbln, J. O. Nash, M. E.
Bhafford, W. E. Stephens, Cella Moll,
Alice Council, Metta Falkman, e. a.
I luring; the next week these commit
tees will hold meetings and report at s
general meeting to be held next Sat
urday, September 8, at the Orange hall.
New exhibit halls have been erected,
grove put in order and quarters are be
ing prepared for a display of rattle, and
other live stock. A large pavilion tent
will be put up to accommodate some of
tire exhibits. Portland merchants will
be asked to msks displays. Special
prises will ba given. The first offered
being 810 and IS by Oeorge Hlmes for
the best and seoond best bakings of
bread by Multnomah county women
under 30 years of age.
Humorous Incident are common tn
the courts. Now and then, however,
something happens that is unique. A
case in point la a not-true Information
filed this morning in tha circuit court
by DUtrtct Attorney Manning against
M. J. Sutton.
Sutton waa convicted of the larceny
of a diamond pin valued at ltd from
R. A. Broadway on July 4. Ho was sen
tenced by Municipal Judge Hogus to
serve three months In the county jail
After serving 87 days he wu placed
aboard the ship Rnjore last Thursday
to be sent to the United Kingdom. He
knocked the mate on tha head Saturday
evening, and, taking a small bost,
reached the shore. Sunday morning ho
bonrded a train for tha east
Tot this morning a not-true Informa
tion was filed agatnst him In ths circuit
court, though his oasa waa not aven rest
ing on appeal. He would probably be
serving time yet If the police had been
able to catch him.
On complaint of his daughter, Wini
fred, aged II years, Frank Wilson, a
pslnter, was arrested last night charged
with assault. He Is In the city jail.
The prisoner Is a member of the paint
ers' union and has resided hero many
years. There is a suspicion on the pert
of the district attorney that .the de
fendant la not guilty, nd that he is the
victim of a conspiracy. He was not
arraigned today.
When tha steamer Despatch reaches
the mouth of the Columbia river from
Q A .Im I. ,wnMla In An
eo today, she will be ordered to proceed
to Puget sound and load lumber for tbja.
return trip. It was the intention to
have the steamer come to Portland, out.
during ths past week, the rates for the
transportation of lumber dewu tbe coast
from thla port, have fallen to sucn a low
figure that the owners decided to change
that program.
Within the past week or two the rates
from Portland to Baa Francisco by the
water routs have dropped down to 8.7 S
par thousand feat, or to $4.76 if the
cargo is taken to Ban Pedro. From tbe
sound the tariff is $4.50 to tha Cali
fornia metropolis and $5.50 to Ban
It is claimed by the vessel owners
that so long aa there is such a wide dis
parity in the figures they would prefer
to have their steamers operating from
the northern porta, where, they claim.
that cargoes are easily secured. It is
also contended that it doea not require
Very much mora time to make the trip
than it does from Portland.
Until recently, the rates wre the
same as those which are In force at Ta
coma, Seattle and neighboring porta. It
Is explained that, the decline la duo to
tha fact, that tha business has been
overdone locally on account of tha large
number of schooner, which have been
loading here of lata. The owners of
the aalllng vassals are willing to accept
lower rates than those who are operat
Ing steamers, but It is not generally be
lieved that the present situation win
continue for any great length of time.
Nearly all tha sailing vessels in port
which are under charter to carry lumber
are loaded, and shortly after they clear
out It is thought by those who are dl
rertly Interested in this lino of business
that the tariff will again ba rained.
This view Is taken for the reasoji that
there are not so many schooners on the
en route list aa la usually tha oasa.
The steamer Aberdeen will return
from Ban Francisco In a few days to
load with lumber for the return trip.
Her cargo will ba eecured at LaVelle and
it is understood that tha owners will
receive the rate which was la force sev
eral weeks ago.
Work of unloading aad BVeVeadrng srioo-
madl BTatr Beam Tory Bapld.
At 4 o'clock this morning tha lsst
pound of freight waa removed from tha
hold of the oriental liner Nlcomedla,
and two hours later she shifted from tba
Alaaka dock to tha flour mills, where
she Is receiving a cargo for tha outward
trip; Officials of tha company state
that soma vary quick work has bean
dona on the Nlcomedla during tha paat
few- day. If tha present pace is kept
up until Tuesday they assert that the
vessel will be ready for sea. Should
their calculations prove to bs correct,
it will mean that the steamer was com
pelled to lay in port only one week, dis
charging and receiving cargo. As she
brought in nearly 7,000 tons, snd will
take out a similar amount, the declara
tion Is made that few vessels of ner
carrying capacity have even been given
such quick dispatch in any other port on
tbe coasL Ixingshoremen were working
day and night unloading her, or the task
would yet be far from completed.
No particular rush is being made in
loading the Astec, which Is lying at the
Alblna dock. Onry a couple of batches
are being worked a part of tbe time, but
it is thought that she will be in shape
for sailing by the first week in Septem
ber. One thing that will keep her back
considerably la tbe fact that she will
have to make several shifts to the vari
ous docks to gather up the different
kinds of freight that she will carry.
Among other miscellaneous consign
ments a number of flatoars will bs
taken on board, and as they are, divided
Into sections that weigh in the neigh
borhood of 16 and 30 tons, much valu
able time will be wasted In handling
The shippers will receive the benefit
of the $4 freight rata on both steamers,
although the new tariff of 16 a ton is
supposed to go Into effect September 1.
Thla is the principal reason that every
effort has been put forth by the com
pany to get the vessels out before the
higher freight rate becomes effective.
It is also necesaary for' tha Asteo to
reach Japan before October 1 in order
that the consignees may avoid paying an
Import duty of 10 cents a barrel on
When the steamer Alliance sails to
night shs will have on board 80 China
men who are going to Coos bay to work
In the salmon cannerlaa. Temporary
quarters have been fixed up tor them
on the boat.
Blnce the fishing season along the Co
lumbia river has closed large numbers
of Chinaman are returning to Portland.
The Ieurllne brought up a big crowd
from Astoria this morning. As the
season Is Just beginning st Coos bay
many of the Celestials will go down
there to work for a few weeks. The
local Immigration officials are meeting
all tha boats arriving from down the
river and they secure the names of the
Mongolians as fsst ss they land. The
object la to prevent any of the wary
sons from the far east from playing
any of their dark tricks to which Bret
Harts once called attention,
IB addition to the Chlneae, the Alli
ance will take out SO tons of cannery
supplies for Coos bay, ISO tons of grain
and flour far Ban Francisco and 300
crates of peschss and a oarload of
watermelons for Eureka.
A dispatch to M. C. Harrison A Co.
ststes that the steamer Harrison lost
her rudder this morning off the Sluslaw
river. She put back to Utnpqua, where
a safe landing was effscted. The Infor
mation is slso given that the steamer
Bus H. Elmore will be sent from the
mouth of the Columbia river to toe the
disabled vessel to Astoria, where the
necessary repairs will be made.
At the time of the mishap the Har
rison waa en routs from Taqulna to
Ballts with a cargo of cannery supplies
valued at 110,000, and was fully Insured.
The steamer belongs to the Elmore com
pany of Astoria.
After tha schooner Zampa wss placed
In drydock at Bt Johns yaaterday after
noon it was found that her keel waa en
tirely knocked off when aha went
aground at Leadbetter point a couple of
months ago. Aside from this It Is said
that she sustained very little damage.
The contrsot for repairing tha .vessel
will be let this afternoon. As she Is to
rnwumaa ma jo butt oar obsboobbi
bs recaulked It Is probable that the J
CO. (aassews)
SB Surplu
Brokers la
Grain, Provisions, Slocks and Bonds
E. K. ALDt!N, Manager
atsmesrs Chicago Board st Trade.
91 Third St. Near Mark - Phone, Mais 3111
W are rasa Stan by private wtsas wttfc
Messrs. Legau A Bryan, Chicago aad Naw
York; W.TET Droa.. 1 Back. OS, Sew
Ton Stork Exchange: H sensed Bros, o..
Nw York Canton Back save: gartrhiid A Ma.
fsa; Mew Or Us as Cotton Bxchangs; Heary
nana m i., atv xora tones axenaogo;
wanner a vo. oonoo topper
mag; Dick Brae. B Co.; Bw :
eSInil Stnek Sxfcsgea.
ark sad rbU
Dowsnsro, btopbxsib a oo,
(Katabllahed 1188.)
t Am stock :
Sims 4, around Floor.
s or ooi
J In the richest grain, fruit and stock section la
th work). Thousands of acre of land at actual
cost st irrigation. Deed' direct from Stall of
MAP FREE. Deschutes Irriration and Power Cam.
sany,6lo-i i-iaMcRay Building, Portland, Oregon.
T ROOM koas for rent: east sloe, modern
provemvut. Inquire puon Scott 8001.
FOB SALB Modern Improved 7 -room
nd lot 80x100 ft, 468 Fourth at. Inan
on prrtniaes nr nirmer particulars.
schooner will be on the dock sbout a
week. When the work Is completed ths
vessel will come to Portland and load
lumber at the Inmen-Poulsen mill for
Ban Francisco.
The schooner Churchill, which came
off tha dock yaaterday, arrived at the
Eastern A Western mill this morning to
load lumber lor down the coast. The
Oeorge C. Perkins left down this after
boon lumber-laden for Ban Pedro.
En route up tbe river today are eight
Portland yachts which participated In
the races at the Astoria regatta. They
are being towed up stream by a gasoline
The steamer Columbia arrived at I
o'clock this afternoon from Ban Fran
claco, with a full cargo and a 4arge
passenger list.
Astoria, Aug. 87. Arrived In and lefit
up at 8 SO a, m.. steamer Columbia, from
flan Franclaco.
Balled this morning United States
monitor Wyoming, for Ban Francisco.
San Francisco, Aug. 87. Arrived at
8:16 a. m., steamers Oeorge W. Elder
and Leelaoaw. from Portland.
Astoria. Aug. 28. Balled at 1 p. m
schooner Alice McDonald, for San' Pedro
and schooner William Ronton, for Re-
Arrived down St 8:41 p. m. barken tine
Astoria. Aug. ST. Condition of the bar
at I a. m., smooth: wind northwest I
weather olondy.
bb rm i aai ed asrosuQ
The contract for building the Condon-
Arlmgton branch of the Oregon Railway
A Navigation company's lines has been
awarded to the Paoiflo Coast Steamship
company. The road Is to be miles in
length and is to tap ths great wheat
growing and cattle country of Gilliam
It is announced that work on the
proposed road will begin at once and
that It is stipulated in the contract that
all the bridge and track work shall be
completed by December 81 of this year.
The contract embraces various kinds of
work, providing for bridges, culverts,
cuts and Alia. Because of the heavy and
sudden rains that occur in that oountry
a great amount of rock work will ba
required to prevent weakness.
The construction of tbe road waa rs
cently decided upon by General Man
agar E. E. Calvin of the Oregon Rail
way A Navigation company, who made
trip of Inspection through that coun
try. For years farmers and cattle rais
ers of Gilliam county have been handi
capped because of transportation facil
ities. Wagon trains have been used
by the farmers and the cost of market
ing ths grain has been sccordlngly In
creased, destroying s lsrge percent of
the profit to which the farmers were en
titled. The construction of ths road
will do much toward opening up a ooun
try that offers wonderful opportunities
for Investment and location.
Killing to put u'p a 11,000 bond, as
ordered by Circuit Judge George, the
preliminary injunction granted laat week
restraining E. E. Lytic from digging a
well near the property of the Sanitarium
company at Mt Tabor, waa dissolved
this morning. The company asserted
the well wss being dug on a publlo
hlghwsy and would make Its own water
system. Installed at a cost of 18.000,
useless These allegations were denied
In the answer of Lytic. When It came
to the proposition of putting up a bond
tha company failed to meet the issua
Largest rrtvax Wlrs gjltlaS ta II T nil.
Btaspeoaibls aad Ooorvatlve.
s Oaarg Be Interest fa Oarrylag la