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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1904)
- THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 28, 1904. CITY NOTICES. 011 1 NOTICES. CTTT NOTICES. CUT I NOTICES, CITY BOTlCXa. GITS NOTICES. JLBJLBOAD TTatXTAaTLr. raoposED abbeukxmt to IMPROVE MENT Or WATER AMD HOOD STREETS. Notlo, la hereby given that tha Coancll of the City of Portland BrotioaeB to UM the following described property and cm of own frs Mac specially and peculiarly In tb aseounto Ml opposite the Datura and wx-rlptloaa thereof tot too Improvement water ana Hood atresia, from tba at nnlh Una iJ atreet to too fart auutb nr tbe sooth line or Oaruthrrs atreet, aa provided by ordl Unr. No. 18.TTT. Any objectlona to tba apportionment of coat for sai l Improvement muat be mada la writ ing to tba Council and IM with tba Auditor frllbln flfteen days from tba data of tba Arat pKbUcatlon of tbla notice, and aald objection fK be beard ana determined by tba Council before tba passage of tba ordlnanca aaaeaalng tba coat of aald Improvement. 10 ft TL AND BLOCK 118, lot L J. Sweek ealate. balra of. $03.00; lot 2, J. Sweek eetata. helra of, M0.00: north 40 faat lot , J. Sweek aatate, helra of, 878.00; aoalb 10 feet lot 8. M. W. Smith, $I00; lot a, M. W, -smith, 883.00. BLOCK 112. lot 1. Wed H karat, tM.OO; lot S. Kr. d Heborat. tOS.OOj lot S, Tbe Northern Counties InTeatment A Trust Co.. Ltd., $05.00; lot 4, Vera Uayner. SOo.on. BLOCK 111, und. 1-3 lot 1, David Peuul. $61.81; und. 1-8 lot 1, Jobn W. Hickman, SI. 01; and. J-8 lot 1, Caadldo Oarbarlno, Sol ui; uod. 2-8 lot a. Minnie Bona. $103.00; und. 1-8 lot 2, Haael King. $51.53; lot 8, Msry Jane Tnnatall. 212 32; lot 4, Mary Jane Tunetall. $228.86. BLOCK 110. lot 1. Wll- rllam Frailer, 8280.; lot t, William Frailer. 13 BO; lot 8. laabella B. Lawla, 8213.08: lot William K. Smith. $880.12 BLOCK 10. Clot 1 Qlaeoano Cornrtto. 8230.22; lot 2. David aaoi, 8218.16; lot 8, Perrv U. Baker. 8212.88; 4, Parry o Baker. S22M BLOCK 108. lot 1. Portland Ueneral Electric Co., 8228.80; lot 2, William Church aetata, helra of, $212.08; lot S. William K. Smith. 8212.20; lot 4, Perry O. Bakar, 2 82. BLOCK 10T, lot 1, Smith 4 Watson Iron works. 8228.28; lot 2. Smith 4 Wataon Iron worka, 8211. 6T: lot 8. Smith 4 Watson Iron worka, 8153.47; 'lot 4. Smith A Watson Iron worka. 8108.80. BLOCK 104. aaat 100 feat of block, Smith ft Wataon Iron worka, $184.70. BLOCK A. aaat 85 feet of north U lot 1, Barak J. McKltrtck. 818.82: aontk ( of eaat 80 feat of lot 1, Barak J. McKltrirk. 877.28: weat 22 feet of lot 1, Ore gon Furniture (vinnany, $18.08; waat 22 feat of lot 2. Oregon Furniture company. 830.28; aaat 84 feet of lot 2. Albert if. Feadlck. 151.77: eaat 8S feat of north 20 feat of lot . Charles K. Mall. 8101.08: eaat 80 feet of aontb 20 feat of lot 8, Nettle A. Beaton, $103.48: eaat 80.44 fret of north 20 feat of lot 4, I. B. Illge. 8104.71; waat IS faat of lot 8. 0. Cordano, $48.10; aontb 20 feat of lot 4, O. Cordano, $140.81; west 61.18 feet of north 20 faat of lot 4, 0. Cordano, $88.88. BLOCK B, lot 8, Parry 0. Baker eaute. helra of, $87.08; lot 8, James I. Do Tie, $101.30; lot . D. Marx. $106.58: lot 10. Stephen Mead eatate, helra of. 8183.00; aaat H of lot 7. Jacob Stalder, $47.50; lot 11. Ferry 0. Bakar estate, heirs of. $208.88; weat H of lot 7. Thomas P. Campbell, $47.00; lot li Thomas P. Campbell. $2.oo. BLOCK II. lot 1. Clemena Caeaar eatate, helra of, $20N.4; lot 2. Clemena Caeaar eatate. helra of, $208.56; lot 3, Ann Slnnott. $215.00; lot 4. Ann Sin not t. $288.18; lot 0, Aon Slnnutt, $96.48; aaat 15 faat of lot 8. ( lemens Caeaar eatate. kelra of. 828 07; weat 25 faat of lot 6. Perry U. Bakar eatata, balra of, $48.30. BUM'K C, aaat IB fact at lot 1, Parry O. Baker aatate. balra of, $28.75; aaat 35 feat of lot 2. Perry a. Baker aatate. balr of, $28.76; aaat 28 feat af lot 3. William Waerber. 823.7); aaat 28 faat of lot 4. William Waacher. $23.75. 1, ' n ss, lot a, isanriii, D. mum w, at. Lewis. 8200.28: lot 2 Isabella B. and W. A. Lewis, $188.04: eaat 50 feet of waat 58 feet rf lot 8. Matilda A. Bakar, $54.84; eaat 00 feet of waat 88 feat of lot 4, Matilda A. ablet. 858.74: all of lot 3 except weat OS feet. Kdmund B. Bill. $147.84; ah of sat 4 except waat 53 faat, Edmund B. Mill. $168.16; and. H of west $ faat of lot 8, London St Ban Fran cisco bank. $1.46; and. H of weat 8 feet of lot 4. London 4 San Franrleco bank. 82.67: und. H of aaat 47 faat of lot 5, London A Ban Kraucteoo bank. 222.30: und. 'i of eaat 47 feat of lot 6. London A San Franelaoo bank. $21.71; nnd. V, of weat 8 feat of lot 8. Alliance Truat Co., $1.46; und. H of weat 8 feet of lot 4, Amanca Truat Co.. $2.88; nnd. of aaat 47 faat af lot 0, Alliance Trust Co., $2181: and. H of eaat 47 faat of lot 8, Alliance Truat Co., $21.71; weat 58 feet of let 5. Edmund B. Hill. $51.50; weat 58 feet Of lot 8. Edmund B. Hill, 851.50; weat 23 feat of lot 7, John H. Lawla. $25.30; weat 25 feet of lot 8. John H. Lawla, $20.30: aaat 70 feet of lot 7, laabella B. and w A. Lewie, $M93; eaat 75 faat of lot 8. laabella B. and W. A. Lawla, $70.34. BLOCK F, lot 16. J. Conrad Ltirkel, $106.51; lot 15. J. Conrad Lnckel. $103.20: lot 14. J. Conrad Luckel. $88.03: lot 17, Augusta Harks. $32.21; lot 18, Augusta Marks, $20.08; lot 10. Augusta Marks. 828.22; lot 20. Augusta Marka, $28.22; lot 21. John B. Zlegler. $28.22; north 45 fact of lot S. I. Conrad Lockel. $23.08; north 40 faet of lot 0. 1. Conrad Luckel, $23.08; north 45 feat of lot 10, J. Conrad Luckel. $28.08; north 46 feat of lot 11. J. Conrad Lurket. $28.04; north 45 faat of lot 12, J. Conrad Lnckel. $22.07; north 17.2 feat of lot 13. J. Conrad Luckel. $81.77. BLOCK 101. eaat H f lot 1. Oregon A California K. It Co., 47.50; east A of lot 2. Oregon 4k California I. U Co., $47.50 eaat -. of lot S. Oregon California It. R. Co., $47.50; eaat i of lot 4, Oregon 4k California It. R. Co.. $47.50; of lot 1, William K. Smith. $47.50; or lot Z. William K. Smith, 547.50; or lot 3. Walter V. Smith. $47.50; of lot 4. Walter T. Smith. $47.00: L'.l,.. V C.ltt. Mfl ft.. I. a W-l tar V. Smith. 8810.60; lot 7, William K. Smith. $153.47: lot 8, William K. Smith. $153.80. BLOCK 103, aaat H of lot 1. Ore gon 4 California B. It Co.. 847.00; eaat H 01 soi -. Oregon at tatirornia tt. K. uo 47.60; aaat vi of lot 8. Oregon 4 California R R. Co., $47.80: aaat S of lot 4, Oregon A California R. R. Co., $47.00; waat A of lot v a" V ii. m ii kA. . ,. IVcSt 1 of lot 2, P. V. Holman. $47. no; weat V. of lot S. Wll 11am K. Smith. $47.50; weat of lot 4. Wil liam K. Smith. 847.00; kit 5. WtlUant K. 8mlth. $227.48; lot 6. William K. Smith. 210.84; lot 7, S w. Smith. $211.42; lot 8, B. W. Smith. $228.00. BLOCK 103. eaat U of lot 1, Oregon 4 California R. R. Co.. $47.30; aat H of lot 2, Oregon 4 California R. R. . ' - i inn, a. ii.j, cm o to.. ai. no; aaat te or lot s. Oregon 4 Cat norma Oregon mla R. R. Co., $47.50; aaat tt of lot 4, on 4 California R. R. Co., $47.00; weat of lot 1. William K. Smith, $47.50; weat of lot 2, William K. Smith. $47.50; weat H or lot 1 14 of lot 3 H of lot 8. of lot 4. Walter V. Smith. 847 IM): weat u. Walter V. Smith 117 IUV kit h Walter V. Bmllb. $227.85; lot 8, Walter V. Smith, $211.17; lot 7, William K. Bmllb. eat", h i sdi e, wiuiam p.. nraitn. 9227. 4. BLOCK 104, weat tt of lot 1. Security Sav ing 4 Trust Co., $47.50; weat Vi of lot 2. Se curity Raring A Truat Co.. $47.50; eaat tt of lat 1, Oregon A California R. R. Co., $47.60: eaat tt of lot 2, Oregon 4 California R R. Co.. $47.50; lot 8. W. K Smith, $00.00; lot 4 W. K. Smith. 803.00; let 8, V . K Smith. $228.24; lot 6. w K. Smith, $211.04; lot 7. Security Saving 4 Trust Co., $212.24; lot 8. Security Having 4 Truat Co., $228.62 Bl.ocK 106. lot 1. Henry Welnkard, $86.00: lot 2. Henry Wrlnbard, 805.00; lot 3, Henry Welnhard. 8n5.); lot 4, Henry Welnhard, $47.50; lot 6, Henry Welnhard, $163.30; lot 6a-Hnry Welnhsrd, $153.64; lot 7. Henry Welnhard. $210.62; lot 8. Henry Welnhard. 8227 72. a triangular tract of land lrlne be tween tba north line of Hall atreet extended easterly In Ita preaent courae and the north Una oi Flnlce Caruthera D. L. claim and easterly Una of Water atreet, Henry Weln- u aril , CA It ' Tl I KltS' ADDITION TO f'AHl TIIRHK' ADDITION TO TUB CITY Or PORTLAND bloc iv r, una. tt lot a, wm. Montag, 8222.67; und. tt lot 22. Hanry cleave. $222.68; beginning at a point In north line of block 101, Portland, 230 feet eaaterly from north- waat corner or aaia block, thence southerly on and along the eaat line of the Portland A Willamette Valley Hallway Co. right of way i.iw teat, mora or leaa. to north line of Flnlce Caruthera donation laud claim; thence eaat along said north Una 770 feet to weat bank of Willamette river at low water mark; thence along waat Una of aald rlrar 1.200 faet to north Una of block 101 Caruthera addition to Carnthrra addition to tba City of Portland. extended eaaterly; thence westerly 88 feat to be ginning, W. K. Smith, $6,860.00; a tract f land bounded and deecrlbed as follows: Commencing at a point In tba aaat Una of Moody atreet where tka asms would be In tersected by a straight Una 100 feet .aoatb of and parallel wltk tka aontb Una of Oa rutkera street It extended eaaterly la Ita preaent courae; thence eaat along a line 100 feat south of and paraUel wltk an eaaterly extenalon of tka aontb Una of Caruthera atreet to tha weat bank of the Willamette river at low water mark: thence northerly along tha weat bank of aald rlrar at low water mark to Ita Intersection with tha aontb Una of a track owned by tka City of Port lead, eectlon $, township 1 south, range 1 aaat W. M. ; tbe ace waat along tbe aontb Una of aald tract to a point 100 faat waat and 10 faat aouth of tha southeast corner of tka primping bouse; thence north 200 faet: thence weat to a point 868 faat weat of tka weat bank of tba Willamette rlrar; thence north along a atralght Una to where tha aame Interraecta tba north Una of Lincoln atreet If extended eaaterly In Ita present courae; thence weat along tka aairi easterly extenalon of the north Une of Lincoln atreet to tka eaat Una of Hood: thence south along the eaat line of Mood atreet to Ita Intersection with the north Una of (s rut bars atreet; thence eaat along tbe north Una of Caruthera atreet to Ita Intersection with tha aaat Una of Moody atreet: t banco aouth along tba aaat Una of Moody street ta tha place of begin ning. Oregon Railway 4 Navigation Ox, $8,284.41; a tract of land lying between the aat Une of Hood atreet and a Una 88 feet aat thereof and parallel therewith, and be-, tween the north line of Caruthera .treat and Una 100 feet north thereof and parallel therewith Jeremiah Wertrk. $441.67; a tract of land bounded and described aa follows: Beginning on tba left bank of tha Willamette river 10 faet aouth of tka southeast corner af tka water works; thence waat 100 faat; thence north 208 feet ; tba nee aaat to low water mark of Willamette river; thence up stream on Una of low water mark to point due aaat of place of beginning; thence welt to beginning. Including also right . ai war, W faat wide from said tract to foot weat weat ft weat waat ' t,, K 1 af Lincoln street. Cltr of Portland. 1 acre $300.70; a tract of bud lying between tbe eaat Una of Hood street and a line loo faat aaat thereof and parallel therewith and between tka north Una of Lincoln afreet extended easterly and a Una SO faat north thereof and parallel therewith. W. II. Newell. $108 41; a tract of laud lying bet wean tka eaat Una of Hood street and a Una 100 faet eaat thereof and parallel therewith, and between two tinea respectively 50 feet north of and parallel with the north Una of Lincoln street if ex tended easterly In Ita preaent courae. Annlo and F.dward nole. $150.41; a tract of land bounded and described aa follows: Cooinieuc log at tba Intersection of tba north line of Plaice Cam there' donation land claim with tka eaat Una of Hood afreet; thence eaat along aald donation land claim to tba waat bank of the Willamette river at low water mark; thence aoutberly along tbe weat bank of the Willamette river at low water msrk to a point 648.48 faat south of tbe north Una of rinloe Cartitbera donation land claim: thence treat 605 faat; thence north along a line to when tka a a me would be Intersected by the north Una of Lincoln afreet If extended easterly In Ita preaent coarse ; tbrnce weat along aald axtenaloo of the north Una of Lincoln street to a point 100 faet eaat of the eaat line of Hood street; thence north 100 feat along a Ursa 100 faat eaat of and parallel with the eaat line of Hood street; thence waat along a Una 100 faet north of and parallel with an eaaterly extension of the north line of Lincoln street to the eaat Una of Hood atreet: thence north along tbe eaat Una of Hood atreet to the niece of beginning. Cortland Lumbering A Manufacturing Co.. 85.630 88: a tract of land lying between south Una of Clay atreet and aaaterlr extenalon of aame and the south line of Jeffereoa street and easterly extenalon of aame. and between Water atreet and weat bank of the Willamette river at low water mark. Portland 4 Will amette Tallay Ry. Co., $1,800.00; right of way through Portland Lumbering 4 Manufac turing Co.'e tract and 0. B. N. By. Co. 'a tract. Portland i- Willamette Valley Ry. Co., $427.50, Total, $40,483.70. TH08. 0. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Port land. Portland. Or.. Attgnat 22, 1004. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT TOR IMPROVE- Mjorr or east fifteenth street. Notice la hereby glvao that tbe council of tka City of Portland prapogaa to asaeaa the follow ing described property and owner or ownera aa being specially and peculiarly benefited In tka amounts set opposite tba namea and descrip tions thereof for the Improvement of East Fif teenth atreet, from tba north Une of Multnomah atreet to the south Hue uf Thompson street, aa provided by ordinance No. 13,622. Any objactlona to the apportionment of coat for aald Improvement muat be made lu writing to tka council and Bled with tbe auditor within Otteen daya from tba date of the nrat publica tion of this notice, and aald abtectlona will be heard and determined by tba council before tba paaaaga of tba ordinance aaeeaelug tbe coat of said lmprovemant. HOLLADA Y'S ADDITION TO EAST PORT LANDBLOCK 150. lot 5, Oregon Real Eatate Co., 10c; lot . Oregon Real Eatate Co., 10c; lot 7, Oregon Ileal Eatata Co., 10c; lot 8, Ore- Risa Real Eatata Co., 10c. BLOCK 158, lot 5, regou Baal Batata Co., 10c: lot 0. Oregon Hen I Estate Co., 10c: lot 7. Oregon Real Estate Co., 10c: lot 8, Oregon Real Eatate Co., 10c. BLOCK 167, lot 5. Oregon Real Batata Co., 10c; lot 6, Oregon Real Eatate ' Co., 10c; lot 7, Oregon Real Eatata Co., lOe: lot 8, Oregon Real Estate Co.. 10c. BLOCK 200. south 86.42 faat lot 5. Oregon Real Eatate Co., $83.88; north 13.08 fret lot 5, William Kerron, $;i.2; lot 6. William Kerron, $11.61; lot 7, Nellie c. Duatlu. $10.56; lot 8, Nellie C Dustln, $12.00. block 227, lot 6, Nancv Boatman. 612.02: lot 6. Nancy Boat man. $10.56; lot 7, David L. Houston. 827.72. BLOCK 227, bit 8, David L. Houston. $28.88. Bl.ot K 232. hit 5. Mr. Iowa Dlppel. $8.71; lot 6. Mrs. Iowa Dlppel. $11.56; lot 7, John and Nellie F. Lawrence, $12.05; lot. 8. John and Nellie F. Lawrence. 813.34. BLOCK XM. lot 5, L. A. and Martha K. Brown, 86.30; lot 6, L. A. and Martha B. Brown. $6.03; lot 7, Fannie C. Bradford, $24.00; lot 8, Fan nie C. Bradford. $25.70. BLOCK 264, lot 0. John J. Miller, $58.00; lot 6, John J. Miller, S0e.iT; lot 7. Kata L. Hail, $36.60. IRVlNtlTON BLOCK 127, lot 8, Kata Hall. $56.60; aouth tt lot 2, Kate Hall. $37.53; north tt lot 2. Theodora Thompson, 82.88: lot 1. Theodora Thompson. $321.50. BLOCK ' 64. lot' 10, M. J. Dalahuut, $24.41; lot 0, M. J Delabuqt, $24.13, lot 8, T. D. Barton. $53.63; lot 7, Charles H. Prescott. truatee. 855 60; lot 6. Charlee H. Preeoott. trustee. $55.06; lot 0. Charles H. Preecott. truatee, $55.00; lot 4, (Turks H. Preacott. truatee. $55.85; lot 8. oakes M. Pliimmer. 84.72; lot 2. Ctaarlea 11 Preacott. trustee. $65.60; sot 1, Charles H. Preecott, truatee. $55.85. HOLLADA Y'S ADDITION TO EAST PORT LAND BLOCK 174, lot 4, The Oregon Real Estate Co., 10c; lot 3, The Oregon Heal Estate Co., 10c; lot 2. Tba Oregon Real Eatate Co., 10c: lot 1, Tba Oregon Real Eatata Co.. 10c. BLOCK ITS, lot 4. Tka Oregon Real Eatate Co.. 10c: lot 3, Tka Oregon Real Batata Co.. 10c; lot 2. Tbe Oregon Heal Eatate Co., 10c; lot I, Tba Oregon Real Eatate Co.. 10c. block 178. lot 4, Tbe Oregon Real Eatata Co., 10c; lot 8, The Oregon Real Batata Co., 10c; lot 2. Tbe Oregon Real Eatata Co., 10c; Trot 1. Tha Oregon Real Batata Co., 10c. BLOCK 100. aouth 30.41 feat lot 4, Tbe Ore- Cm Real Eatata Co., $83.80; north 18.50 fret t 4. Richard Derby, 817.47; lot 8. Richard Derby, 882.03: kit 2. Linda A. Dekum. $10 56; lot 1. Linda A. Dekum. $12.02. BLOCK 228. lot 4, Edward U. Clark. 887.51; lot 8. Ed ward (4. Clark. $61.48; lot 2. Samuel M. Barr. $08.80; lot 1. Samuel M. Barr, 884.16. block 231, lot 4. Joha (luetafaoo, $80.01; lot 8. John Ouatataon. $86.44; lot 2. Maria C. Wrleht 8111.43. lot 1. Jacob Kamm. 861.88. BLOCK 200. lot 4. Benaon E. Wright. $11.23; lot 8, Benaon E. Wright. $10.07; lot 2. Port land Truat Co.. $80.34; lot 1. Portland Trust Co., $87.13. BLOCK 263. lot 4, Robert J. Stewart. $56.06; lot 8. Robert t. Stewart, $vtl.7(i; lot 2. Robert J. Stewart, 856.60. IB VI Nil TON -BLOCK 128, lot 4. Benaon E. Wrlgbt, $23.10; north 47 feet lot 0, Francis D. Wtllet. 824.20; lot 6. Francis D. Wlllet. $28.18. BLOCK 88, lot 11. Marie Velgutb, $14.01; lot 12, Maria Velguth. 1287; lot 13, Montana Works. 4.72: lot 14. THlle A. Sherman. 84.72: lot 10, P-inale fl. Maaten. $4.72: lot 16. Ellen and L. Hoffman. $80 86; lot 17. John M. Wella. 84 72; lot 13, Walter F. Bnrrell, trua tee. $00.86; lot 10. Charles H. Preacott. trustee $86.85; lot 20, Charles II. Preacott. truatee. $55.85; rlgM of way. City and Sub urban Railway Co., $200.72. Total. 82.026.47. THOB. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Or., August 21 1904. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVE- KENT OF EAST TWENTY EIGHTH ST. Notice la hereby given that tba council of tha City of Portland propoaee to asaeaa tka foe lowing described property and owner or owners aa being specially and peculiarly benefited In tbe amounts aet opposite their namea and de scriptions thereof for tbe Improvement of Eaat Tweuty-rlgbth atreat, from the north Una of Base Line road to the north Una of Hulladay avenue, aa provided by ordinance No. 13,086- Anjr objactlona to ike apportionment of eaat for aald Improvement muat be made In writing to the council aud died with tbe auditor within fifteen daya from the data of tka first publica tion of tbla notice, and aald oblectlona will be beard and determined by tba council before the paaaage of the ordlnanca aaaeaalng tha coat of aald Improvement. PLEASANT HOME ADDITION TO THE CITY OP EAST PORTLAND -BLOCK 1, lot 1, Wm. M. Ladd. trustee. 848.37: lot 2, Wm. M. Ladd, trustee, $48.00; lot 8, John E. Bennett. $40.03; lot 4. John K. Bennett, $34.12; lot 0, Cbarlea W. Stringer, $04.54. BLOCK 2. lot 1, B. C. Connor. 34 so. lot 2. John B. Bennett, $58.86; lot 3. John E. Bennett. $78.68; lot 4. Wm. H. Sullivan. $80.70. BLOCK 8. lot 1, Portland Truat Co., $80.70; lot 2. Port land Truat Co., $77.06; lot a, Portland Truat Co., $78.21 r lot 4, Portland Truat Co., $85.31. BLOCK 4. lot 1. Luella.E. Davla, $84.84; lot 2, Sarah E. Uumm, $77.76; lot 8. Sidney M. Mann. $78.10; lot 4, Sidney M. Mann, $22.50; a tract of land lying between west Una of Eaat Twenty-elg.'itb atreat and a Hue 100 feet waat thereof and parallel therewith and between tka aouth Hue of Eaat An keny atreet and a Una 24 faat aouth of and parallel therewith J. I). Keu nedy, $40.88; tract of land lying be tween waat line of Eaat Twenty -eighth atreet and a Una loo feat weat thereof aud parallel therewith and between north Una of Eaat Ankeoy atreat and aouth line of Eaat Burn aide atreet. Iaaack Buckman. $181.02; a tract of land lying between waat Una of Beat Twenty-eighth atreet and a Una 100 feet waat thereof and parallel therewith, and be tween north Una of Eaat Burnalde street and a Una 248 feet north and parallel therewith Iaaack Buckman. $100.16; a tract of land ljlng between waat line of Eaat Tweaty elgbtb street and a Una 100 faet want thereof and parallel therewith, and between aouth Una of Eaat Davla atreat and a line 230 feet aouth thereof and parallel therewith. School District No. 1, $134.12. WYNKOOP VILLA BLOCK S, lot 4. Tilla Old bam, $.m.30; lot 3, Sebrecht Stracha, 827 .no; lot 2, Edward A. Clark. 840 20, lot 1, Kllsa betk Wynkoop, x.vt 77 BLOCK 4. kit 4, Oua tof F. Lundgrew. $55.50: lot 8, Onatof F. Lnndguw. $40.38; lot 2. Samuel Itahler. $18.87: lat 1. Samuel Bahler, $54 ST. . BLOCK 1. aouth tt kt T, J. P. Buchman $40.86- aoutk tt kit 8. J. P. Buchman. $11.70; north tt lot 7, Jennla H. Parellua. $40.06; north tt lat1, Jennla II. Parellua, $11.70: lot 8, Anna nenrtrkaon. 828.08; lot 6. Minis Stepp. 127 28: kit 4. Mtnta Stepp. $27 61; lot 3. Charlea M. Stevens. $30.53, lot 2. M. ft. Id. ghee. $26.38: lot 1, Third Preshrtarlan Church of Portland. Or., truatee. 830.32. LOU AN' ADDITION TO KANT PORTLAND -BLOCK 7. all of lot 5 lying eaat of a Una 0o feet weat of and parallel with west Una of Eaat Twenty eighth street. John T. Bums, 81.70; lot 8. John T. Burns, $188.10; all of lot 2. lying east of a line 100 feet wrat of andaparallal with weat line of Eaat Twenty eighth street. Kramer son B. Clark. 88.08; lot 1, Emerson B. Clark, $04 26 BLOCK 6. kit 5. Thomas Pnnhsm. 8128 03; lot 4. Thomaa Pop bam,$18h.08; sllof lot.l lytngaaat of a llnrof 100 feet west of and parallel with waat line nf East Twenty-eighth street. Thomaa Pop are. ,154.00; lot 2. Thomaa Pop nam, $85.18; lat 1. Thomaa Popham. $52.88. BLOCK 1, lot 8, Kate Wataon. $00.17; lot 0. Eater Seaaaakr. $47.74; all of lot T lying aaat of a Una 100 feet weat of and parallel with weat Una of East Twenty-eighth atreet, Ludwlg Megner. 80.88: all of kit 1 lrlng eaat of a line 100 feat wet rat of and parallel witn weat Una of aat Twentv-abrbth atreet. Harry M. Adams. 838.82; lot 10, Lena 1'eluloch. $02.76; kit 11. Lna IVInlooh SaM 48. Sl'LLIVAN 8 ADDITION TO TUB CITY Or EAST PORTLAND BIICK 27, eaaterly tt block 27. Fred Ellera, $107 13. BLOCK 40. lot 5. Fred Kllere. $ji8l; kit 6. Fred Ellera. $77.18; Jut 7. Fred Ellera. $84.82; lot 8, Fred Ellera. $82.72; a tract of land tying between waat line of Eaat Twenty -eighth atreet and a Boa 100 feet waat thereof and parallel therewith, and between north Une af Holla day avenue and a Une 100 feet north thereof and parallel therewith. Slaters of Charity of the Home of Prorldeoce. of Vanooueer. Waak., $84.04; a tract of tend lying between eaat line of Eaat Tweuty-algbth atreet and a Una 100 feet eaat thereof and parallel therewith, and between north Una of Eaat Btark atreet and aouth Una of Eaat Pine street. Anna Srhmeer, $507 26; a tract of land lying between eaat Une of Eaat Twanty-eigbtfc atreet and a line 100 fact eaat thereof and parallel therewith, and between north Una of Eaat Plna atreet and aouth Una of Ceneral Anderaon a addi tion, Anna Srbmeer. $102 71. - GENERAL ANDERSON'S ADDITION BLOCK 8. lot 4, Tboa. M. Anderson and Cbea. Van Winkle. $70.78; lot 8. Tboa. M. Anderaon and Cbaa. Van Winkle, $20.84. BLOCK 2. lot 0. Tboa. M. Anderaon and Cbaa. Van Winkle. $106.42; lot 8. Tboa. M. Anderaon and Chaa. Van Winkle. $26 r.2: lot 3.' Tboa. M. Anderaon and Cbaa. Van Winkle, $40.05: lot 4. Tkj M. Anderson and Chaa. Van Winkle. $124.62. BLOCK I, lot 5. Tboa. M. Anderaon and Chas. Van Winkle. $87.84: lot 6. Tboa. M. Ander son and Cbaa. Van Winkle. $38.08; kit 3, Tboa. M. Anderaon and Cbaa. Von Winkle. $18.08: lot 4. Thoe. M. Anderaon and Chaa. Van Wlnkle.jJTO.Sl. HAWTHORNE'S KI11ST ADDITION TO EAST PORTLAND BLOCK 24. lot 12. City and Suburban Railway Co., $81.08: lot 11, City and Suburban Railway Co.. $32.40; weat 17.T faat of lot 10, City and Suburban Railway Co.. 88.08: waat 16:5 feet of lot 3. City and Suburban Railway Co., 87.88; lot 2, City and Suburban Railway Co.. $27.38; lot 1. City and Suburban Railway Co.. $57.82. BLOCK 17, aontb 00 feat nf lot 12. F. N. McFarland. 82080: aouth 50 fet of lot 11, F. N. Mc-, Fnrland. $16.43; weat 7 faet of aonth 00 feet of lot 10. T. tt. McIIolland, 61.00; north 00 feet of lat 12. Frank Bode, $20.86: all weat 17.8 feet of lot 10, except weat 7 feet of aouth 80 feet of lot 10, Frank B-)de, 88 17; north 80 feet of lot 11. Frank Rode. $16.48: waat 18.T feet of lot 3. Bertha Jemaen. $10.88; lot 2. Mike and Rose llrnrlckaon. $33 14; lot 1. Tha Hawthorne aatate. $50.28. HJ.OCK 16. aorth tt !" 1. A.. J. and D. L. Klrker, 828 58; aouth H lot 11. A. J. and D. L. Klrker, 818.77; north tt lot 12. Emma F. Turner. $28 67; weat 20 1 feet lot 10. It. C. Brooks, 811.88; north U lot 11. Emma F. Turner. $16.76: weat 20 0 feet lot 8. Clara ge H. Hlmea. $12.00: lot 2. Dorothy Isabella Aria 888 83: lit 1. Dorothy laabella Aria. $08.07. BLOCK 0. south tt lot 12, B. J. Thornton. $28.88: aouth tt lot 11. S. J. Thorn -ton, $17.88; north tt kit 12. Adella and Frank T. Smith. $30.80: wast 22 feet lot 10, John K Anderaon. $12.37: north tt krt 11. Adlla and Frank T. Smith. $15.81: west 22.8 feet lot 3. Imlsa B. Nethertnn. $13.40; north tt kit 2. Henry Wlngert. $17.54: north tt lot 1. nenrr Wlngert. $2 14: aouth tt kit 2. Era Files. $17.05: aouth tt kt 1. Era Ell-a. $29.11. BIick 8, aonth tt lot 12. Charlea N. A 1 wood 827.06; aouth tt lot 11. Charlea N. Alwood. $17.27: north tt lot li The Haw thorne eatate. $27.87: west 24.8 feet lot 10. Tha Hawthorne eatate. $14.24: north tt Jot 11. Tbe Hawthorne eatate. $17.41 : weat 2JV8 feet kit S. Tba Hawthorne eatata, $0.70: north S lot 2. Duncan McMillan, $12.87; north H lot L Duncan McMillan. $24.08: aonth tt kit 2. The Hawthorne eatata, 812.88: aonth tt lot 1. The Hawthorne eatata, $24,10. BLOCK 1. lot 12. The Hawthorne aatate, $61 24: aontb 106 feet, weat 26.7 feat lot 10, The Hawthorne eatate. $12.16; lot 11, Tha Hawthorne eatate. $40.07: north 18 feet, weat 28 7 feet lot 10. Arthur J. Howltt. $2.32. TOHK--BLOCK 11. lot 6, The Hawthorne estate. 830-82: lot 4. Ellen c. nnwin. eio.e. lot 8. Frederick H. Rltten"tir. $54. 84. BLOCK 8. lot 8. Security Saving 4 Trust Co.. $64.27; lot 0. John Kills $18.70; lot 7. Albert W. Phllpott. $40.00: kit 0, H. L. Powers. $50.65; lot 4. H . L. Powers. 810.21: lot 0. H. L. Powers. 155 2S. BLOCK 8. lot 8. Security Saving 4 Trust Co.. $51.02; lot 0. Tbe Flaw thorns estate. 818 88; lot 7. 0. Wlevel. $48.04; lot 6. H L. Powera. trustee, 847 80: lot 4, Eva D. Havnea, $18 34: lot 8, H. L. Powera. trustee. $62.08. BLOCK 7. lot 0. James Lugg $5243; lot 8, Jamea Lngg. 818.43: lot 10. Max M. Smith. $47.04: lot 12. Martin Snndherg. $22.18:"lot 11. Otto Wlebel. 877.80. DIICK 0. lot 10. Mathlsa Becker. 8100.60; lot 11. Martin Sandhcrg. $34.36: lot 12. Mar tin Bandberg. $10.08; lot 8. The Hawthorne estste. $20.14: lot 7. The Hawtkorne estate. 88 art: lot 0. Tba Hawthorne eatate. $74.74. BLOCK 4. lot 8. Tbe Hawthorne eatate. 816.86; lot 7. Tka Hawthorne estate. $20.44: lot 6. Tba Hawthorne eatate. $18.00. Total, $7,001.28. THOB. C. DEVLIN. Andlfor of the Cltr of Portland. Portland. Or.. August 22. 1004. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVE- MENT 0T MARSHALL STREET. v.iil,-. is herehv alven that the- Council of tba City of Portland proposes to aaaeaa the follow ing described property and owner or oWnera aa being specially and peculiarly benefited In tbe amounta aet opposite tba namea and descrip tions thereof for the Improvement of Marshall atreet, from tha weat line of Twenty-aecond atreet to the east line of Twenty-nrtn atreat mu ceoetdeel be ordinance ISO. 13. teas. Any oblectlona to the auoortlonment of coat for aald improvement must be made In writing to the Council and filed with the Auditor within 18 daya from tbe date of the first pub Ucatlon of this notice, and aald oblectlona will be beard and determined by tba Council before the paaaage of the ordlnanca aaaeaalng tka coat of aald Imorovement. COCCH'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT LAND BLOCK 308. lot 4. C,o.l Samaritan Hospital. $480.80: lot 8, Oood Samaritan lloa nttsT 84162: lot 5. Good Samaritan Una pltsl. $233.04; lot 8. Oood Samaritan Hm- nltsl. 8238.04; kit o. uood Samaritan noe- nltal 8281 02: lot 12. flood Samaritan II pltal. $235.04; a tract of land lying between tba north Una of Marahall atreat and a line 100 feet north thereor and parallel tnerewitn and between tha eaat Una of Twenty-third atreet and a Una 150 feet aaat thereof and parallel therewith. Oood Samaritan Hospital, mm no. GOLDSMITH'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORTLAND BLOCK , lot 1. aoom nrysn, last) 68: aouth 6 feet lot 2. R. K. Bryan. $10.44: north 45 feet lot tt L. P- Beno and William Haina. gwa.zo; tor n. uaisy i . Bruere, $200.01: lot 7. O. E. Bruere. gzoo.oi lot in Loots (! Goldsmith. $2nol: lot 11 Louis 0. Ooldamlth. $182 54; lot 14. Mathew F. Fenton, 8182.54: lot lb. at. n. Thornton. $268.11; lot 18, M. 8. Tkornton, $371.17. BLOCK 18. lot 1. Osalan F. Pattnn. $502.87: lot 2. Oaslan F. Paxtnn. 12M(: lot o. osalan F Paxtnn. 8235.04: lot 7. Timothy I). Dlneen 235 04; lot 10. Joseph W. Hill and Jeaale K. Hill estate, heirs of. $236 04; lot 11. Joaeph W. Hill and Jeaale K. Hill eatate. helra of, $235.04; lot 14. Daniel K. Buchanan. $23514: lot 15. Daniel E. Buchanan, $233 01; lot 18. Daniel E. Buchanan. $242.80. COl'CH'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF POUT LAND Block 804. lot 1. Oood Samaritan Hospital $480.00; lot 2. Good Samaritan Hos pital. $46.62: lot 6, Oood Samaritan Hoa pltal. $286.04; lot 7. Oood Samaritan Hoa pltal, $286.04: lot 10, Oood Samaritan Hoa pltal, $281.02: lot 11, Uood Samaritan Hos pital. $230.04; a tract of land lying between tbe aouth Una of Mnrshnii atreet and a Una 100 feet aonth thereof and parallel therewith and between the eaat Une of Twenty-third atreet and a Une 150 feat eaat thereof aud parallel therewith, Oood Samaritan Uoapltal. $845.00. GOLDSMITH'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORTLAND--BLOCK 1 lot 4. Louie Gold smith. $431 18; lot 8. Loula Ooldamlth. ? 104.08: kit 5. Nellie Oadaby, $200.8! : lot 6. ouls Goldsmith. $200.81: lot 0, Loula Oold amlth, $200.81; lot 12, Glle Investment com pany, $23504; lot 18. Glle Inveetment com pany. $233.04; eaat 80 feet lot 16. W. ; Rhrtlenbsrger 8184.10; west 20 feet aouth 50 feet lot 10, John J. Hawea. $25.03; aouth 50 feet lot 17, Jobn J. Hawea, $88.26; weat 20 feet north 30 feet, lot 16. John and Arthur D. Marshall, $101.64; north 50 feet lot 17, John and Arthur D. Marahall. $888.56. BLOCK 14. kit 4, Baaale M. Teal. $5.17 07; lot 8. Beaale M. Teal. $128.80; lot 5, Fannie I. Lorlng. 1235.04: lot 8, Fannie I. Lnrlng. $233 04; lot 0. Edith P.. Ntrholeon. $200 111; lot 12. F. A. Nltchy. $200.01: lot 13. F. A. Nltchy. $200 01; lot 18, Percy H. Blyth. $200 01; lot 17. Edeaaa H. Wlnfelder, $180.80; right of war Portland Railway company, $31.28. Total. $13,037 S3. Tims c. DEVLIN. Auditor of th City of Portland. Portland, Oregon. August 22. 1004. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVE MENT OF FOURTH STREET. . Notice la hereby given that the Council of the City af Portland propoaee to aaaeaa the follow, log dcacrlbed property and owner or ownera aa being apeclally and peculiarly benefited In the amounts aet oppnelta tba namea and deerrlp ttona thereof for tka Improvement of Fourth atreet, from the aonth line of Nurnelde afreet to the aouth line of UUaan atreat aa provided by ordinance No 13.047. Any obkretfona to the apportionment of coat for aald improvement muat be made In writing to tka ('Hindi and filed with tba Auditor within 16 daya from the date of the first pub lication of this notice, and aald objrctkioa will be beard and determined by the Council before the paaaage of the ordlnanca aaaaaalog tbe aaat of aald Improvement. ( n ICS ADDITION TO THB CITY OF PORT LAND BLOCK 82. lot 1. Carolina R. Wit eon. $81.84; lot 4. Caroline K. W there 877.87: lot 6, Caroline E. Wllaoo, $80 38; lot m Caroline n. ntiaon. 872.01 BLOCS. 83 kit 1. Bodney Gllaan eatate. helra nf. $78.76; sni a, rsoonoy i.nssn estate, netrs or. lot 3. Rodney Gllaan eatate. helra nf. kt Rodney Gllaan aatate. belre of, BLOCK 84, Jot i, ClismtlfM r. 847.08: lot 4. Clementine F. Lawla. 844.02 lot 5. John Klarnan. $84.13; lot 8, Jobn stlernan. $84.28. BLOCK 80. lot 0. Chi.rlaa Hsrtneea. 888.00: lot 8. Cbarlea llsrtur $01.00. BLOCK 88. lot 1. Stephen Mead aatate, kelra af, $80.66; lot 4, Stephen Mead estate, balra af. 808.40: lot 0. Itiahetb It Gllaan, $18.88: art 8. Security Savings A Truat Co., $84.70. BLOCK 28, lot 2. Mar garet Marahall aetate, hefra of. $46.60; un divided 5-12 of aouth 28 feet of lot 3. Will lam H. Marahall. $10.00: undivided 8-12 of wast 06 faat uf north 22 feet lot 3, William H. Marahall. $8.88; undivided 6-12 of aouth 88 fat of lot 8. George W Marahall, $10.30: undivided 8-12 of weat OO laet of north 83 feet 01 lot a, ueorge w Marahall. $8.38. undivided 2 12 of aouth 28 faet of lor- 2. Arthur D. Marahall. 83.00: un divided 2-12 of waat 86 feet of north 22 feet of kit 8. Arthur D. Marahall. ri 35. undivid ed tt of eaat 6 fret of north 22 feet of lot $. Borah M. TUford. $0.25; undivided tt of eaat 0 faat lot 6, Sarah M. Ttltord. $1.60; un divided tt of eaat 0 feat lot 1. Sarah M. Til ford, $1.68; undivided M of eaat 0 feet of north 22 faat tot 8. Tyler Woodward. $0.12: uuai video 14 at aaat n reel sot o. tyier wood ward. $0 70; undivided tt of east 0 feet lot 7. Tyler Woodward. $0.82; undivided Vi of east faat of north 22 feet of lot 3. EUxa Cor belt eatata, helra of, $0.12; undivided Si of aaat 0 faet of lot 8. Ellaa Corbett eatate kelra of. 80.78; undivided tt of eaat 5 feet of lot 7, Elian Corbett aatate. balra of. $0 82 waat 06 faet lot 6. J. W. and W. C. Jack on, $70.17; waat 08 faat lot T, city Laundry company, $00.11. BLOCK 28, lot 2. Central Truat 4 Inveetment company. $37.14; aouth 20 feet lot 8. Central Truat 4 investment company. $14.88; north 80 feet lot 8, Frank Mlcbela. $40 05; lot 8. Breyman 4 Summer vide, $08.87: lot 7. Breyman A Sommervllle. $71 36 BLOCK 17. lot 1 Peter Taylor. 684 50; lot 8, Pkllo Holbrook, $82.04: lot 6, Central Truat A Inveetment company. $70.31; lot 7. Central Truat A Investment company. gl.88. BLOCK 28. lot 2. Charlea Cardluell, 1. 02; aouth tt lot 8. Charlea Cardlnell. .57: north tt of lot 1, Oaatavua Murhard es tate, bean of. $88.07: lot 8. Uuatavua Mur hard eatate. helra of, $08.00; lot 7. Charlea Cardlnell and UuataTUa Murhard aatate, helra of, 105.81. BLOCK 2D. lot 2. Herman Trenk man. $73.83; lot 8. Herman Trrnkman. $48 30; lot 8. F. ft. Hoenel and Frank Van llrter. $00.58; eaat tt lot 7. F. H. Hoenel and Frank Van Hater. 87.43: weat H lot 7 Fred erlck E. Hoenel, $62.00: right of way, Oregon 4t vaitrornta tuiixoaa company, Total. $2.58307. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tba City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, August 22. 1004. PROPOSED SEWER IV ME LINDA AVENUE. tiotlce la hereby given that at tbe meeting of tne council or tbe city or Portland. Oregon, held on the 17th day of Auguat, 1004, tha fol lowing resolution wae adopte.i Reaolvad. That the Council of tba City of Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro poees to conatruct a aewer In Mellnda avauue, from the second bend in Mellnda avenue to th connection with tba Johnson atreet aewer a Twenty-fifth atreat. Said aewer to be vitrified aewer Dine, with all necessary catchbaalna manholes, lampholae and branchee, and to be of ten lncnea clear Inside diameter. Said aewer to be constructed In accordance With the Charter and ordinance of tbe City or Portland and tbe plana, sped fl est lone and eati mates of the City Engineer filed In the office of the Auditor of? tha City of lortland. on the th day of Auguat. 1004. Indoraed: "City Kn gineer a plana and apeclflcatlons for a aewer In Mellnda avenue, from tha second bend In Mellnda avenue to Johneoa atreat sewer at Twenty firth atreet. and tbe estimate of the work to ha dona and the probable total coat thereof." Tha coat of aald aewer to be aaaeaaed. aa pro elded by the City Charter, upon tbe property apeclally benefited thereby and which ia hereby declared to ha all tba land lying between Unea uiu leet Ln rectangular meaaurement instant from tha reapectlve aide Unea of Mellnda avenue and a Una 00 feet weat from the ter minus of aald aewer and tba eaaterly line of Cornell road, aave ana except a tract or land lying between the north Una of Johnson atreet extended westerly la tta preaent courae and a i'nr 100 feet northerly therefrom and parallel therewith and between tba weaterly Una of Cornell road and a line 100 feet westerly there from and parallel therewith. Tba Englneer'a estimate of tbe probable total cost for tha construction or aald aewer la 8611.00.- The plana, specifications and estimates of tba City Engineer for tbe construction of aald newer arc hereby adopted. Reaolved, That the Auditor of tha City of Portland be and ha la hereby directed to give notice of tha proooaed construction of aald aewer aa provided by thr City ( barter. Ketnonatrancea agalnat tbe above aewer may be filed lo writing with tbe under algned wit 1 in 20 daya from tha data of tha first publication of this n t ice. By order of tha Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, Auguat 20. 1004. PROPOSED SEWER IK EAST ASH STREET. Notice la hereby given that at the meeting of tne (jouncti or tne city or Portland, Oregon, held on tha 17th day of Auguat, 1004, tha fol lowing resolution waa adopted: Reaolvad. Tkat the Council of tba City of Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro poaee to conatruct a newer In Eaat Aah atreet, from the eaat Una of General Anderson's Ad dition to tba aawar In Eaat Twenty-fourth atreet. Said aawar to be of vitrified aawar pipe, 1th all acceaaary catchbaalna, manholes. lsmpholea and branchee, and to bo of the fol lowing dimenalona: uf eight lnchea clear lnalde diameter from tbe eaat Una of General Ander son's Addition to a point In Eaat Aah atreet at Eaat Twent j seventh street , tbence of ten lnchea clear lnalde diameter to a connection with tha aewer In Eaat Aah atreet at Eaat Twenty fourth atreet. Bald aewer to be constructed in accordance with the Charter and ordtnancee of the City nf Portland and the plana specifics! lone and estl mates of tha City Engineer, filed In the office of tbe Auditor of the City of Portland, on tba Oth day of August, 1004. Indoraed: "City En- flneer'a plana and specifications for a aewer la last Aah street, from tba eaat Una of General Anderson's Addition to tba aewer la Eaat Twenty-fourth atreat, and tha estimates of tba work to be dona and tba probable total coat thereof." The coat of aald aewer to be aaaeaaed, aa pro vided by the City Charter, upon tba property Socially benefited thereby and which la hereby elared to be all the lota, parts of kite and parcels of land lying between a Une 100 faet north of and parallel with tbe north Una of Eaat Aah street and a Une 100 feet aouth of and parallel with tba aonth Una of Eaat Aah atreet and between a line 100 feet east of and parallel with tha aaat Une nf Eaat Twenty fourth atreet and a Une 50 feet eaat of and parallel with tha eaat Una of General Ander sen's Addition. The Engineer's estimate of tba probable total coat for tha construction of aald aawar la $000 00. Tbe plana, apedflcattona and eatlmatea of tha City Engineer for tbe construction of aald aewer are hereby adopted. Resolved. That the Auditor of the City nf Portland be and he la hereby directed to give notice of the proposed construction of aald aewer aa provided by tbe City Charter. Remonstrances agalnat the aboVe aewer may he filed In writing with tka under signed within 2o daya from tha date of tha flrat publication of this notice. By order of tha Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. August 20. 1804. PB0P0BED SEWER IM NIC0LAI STREET. Notice la hereby given that. at the meeting of tbe Council of tbe City of Portland. Oregon, held on the 17th day of August, 1004, the fol lowing resolution waa adopted: Reeolred. That tba Council of tka City of Portland. Oregon, deems it expedient and pro poses to conatruct a sewer la Mcnlsl street, from the east Una of Walnut atreet to a connec tion wltk tba aewer In Sherlock avenue and Rock atreat. Bald aewer to he vitrified aewer Ripe with all necessary catchbaalna, manhole, iinpbolea and branchee, and to be of the fob lowing dimenalona: of eight lnchea clear In side diameter from tha weat Una of Walnut atreet to a pofnt In Nlcolal atreet at 24M atreat: thence of fen lnchea clear lnalde diam eter to a point te Nlcolal atreat at Factory atreet; tkence of twelve lnchea clear lnalde diameter to a connection with tba aewer jo Sherlock avenue and Rock atreet. Said aewer to be constructed ln accordance with tba charter and ordlnnncee nf the City nf Portland and the plana, specifications and eatl matea of the City Engineer, filed In tbe office Of tba Auditor of the City of Portland on tha Oth day of August, lOitt, Indorsed: "City En glneer'a plans and specifications for a sewer In Nlcolal atreet, from east Una af Walnut atreet to aewer In Sherlock avenue and Hock atreat. and tha eatlmatea of tha work to be done and the probable total coat thereof." Tba coat of aald aewer to be aaaeaaed, aa nrtrlded br the City Charter, upon the oronertv specially benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to be all tne mis. pans or tots and parcela of land lying between a Une 100 feet northerly from and parallel with the north Une of Nlcolal atreet and a Una 100 feet southerly from and parallel with tbe southerly Una of Nlcolal street, and between tba easterly Una of Twenty-sixth atreet and Walnut a'reet and the weaterly line of Blacklatone atreat. Tbe Engineer's estimate of the probable total at for tha construction of aald newer la $2,173.00. Tba plana, aneciriranona ana eatlmatea af tne Cltr Engineer for the construction of aald aewer are hereby adopted. Heaoived. That the Anottor or tne cut of Pi rtland be and he la hereby directed to give notice of the proposed construction of aald aewer a proviaed by the city charter. Remonstrances agalnat tbe above aewer may be filed In writing with the ander algned within 2o daya from tka date of the Drat publication of tbla notice. f tty order of the Council. THOB c. PEVI.IN, Auditor of th city of Portland. Portland Oregon. Auguat 20, 1804, f PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT 07 EAST BURN- SIDE STREET. Notice la hereby given that at tha masting of e Council of the City df Portland. Oregon. held ou tbe 17th day of August. 1004. tba fol Lo in restitution wan anatsted Heaoived, That tha Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, deem it expedient and pro poses to Improve Kfaat Bur aside street, from 80 leet weat of tka waat line of Eaat Third atreat te tha cast Une of Grand avenue, la tha follow ing manner, to-wtt : First By bringing tba atreet full width with fall lutersectloua to tbe grade aa shown by tire aUkea aat by tba City Bog 1 near. Second -By planking tba atreat fall width with full Intersections, ln accordance with tha City Engineer a plana, specifics tlnna and ee ti ara, tea. Said Improvement to be mada In accordance with the charter and ordinance of tha City of Portland aud the plans, apeclflcatlona and eetl swatea of the City Engineer, filed In tbe office of the Auditor of tka City of Portland, on the 18th day of Auguat, 1004. Indoraed: "City Kiglnrera pinna and sped flea tlona for tha Im provement of Eaat Buriixtdc atreet, from 80 feet waat af the waat lloa of Eaat Third street tj the east Una of Grand avenue, and tha cell mates of tha work to be dona and tbe prob able total coat thereof." The coat of aald improvement to be aaaeaaed aa provided by the City ( barter upon the prop arty epesially benefited thereby, and which la hereby declared to be all tha lota. part, of Iota and parcels of land lying between a Una 100 feet north of and parallel with tbe north Une of East Burnable atreet and a Una 100 faet aouth of and parallel with tbe aouth Una of East Burnalde atreat, and between a Una 100 feet eaat of and parallel wltk tka aaat Urn of Grand a venae nod a line 100 faat west of and parallel with tka waat Uuo of Eaat Third treat. Tka Engineer'! estimate of tha probable total cost for the Improvement of amid Eaat Burnaldo atreat to $2,000.00. Tha above Improvement la to ha claaeed aa a Blank roadway Improvement and ahall ba main tained by the City tor a period of four years, provided, that tba ownera of a majority of tbe property benefited by aald Improvement, or any portion thereof, shall not petition for a new or different Improvement before the expiration of such period. The plana, apedflcatlona and eatlmatea of the City Engineer for tbe Improvement of aald Eaat Burnalde street are hereby adopted. Reaolvad. That tha Auditor of tba City of Portland ba and ha la hereby directed to give notice of tbe proposed Improvement of aald street aa provided by tba City Charter. Hemonatraacve agalnat tbe above Improve ment may be filed ln writing with tbe under signed within 21) daya fiom tba date of tha tint publication of thta notice. By order of tbo Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tha City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. Auguat So, 1004. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT 01 EAAT WASH IN0T0N STREET. Notice la hereby given thai at the meeting of tbe Council of the Cltr of Portland. Oregon. held ou the 17th day of Auguat. 1004, tha fol lowing resolution waa adopted: Reaolvad, That the Council of tbo City et Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro- Keaa to Improve Eaat Washington street from a aaat Un of Bast Thirty-third atreet to tba weat Una of Sunnyeldc Third Addition, la the following manner, to-wlt : Flrat By grading the atreat full width with full Interaectloua to tha atokea aa Bat by tba City Engineer. Second By constructing wooden sldewslks In accordance with tha Cltr Engineer 1 plana, apeclflcatlona and eatlmatea. Third By constructing wooden crosswalks. Fourth By constructing wooden curls. Said Improvement to be made ln accordance, with the Charter and ordinances of tha City of Portland and tha plana, apeclflcatlona and eatl matea of the City Engineer, filed In tbe office of tha Auditor of the City of Portland, ou the 6th day of Auguat, 1004. Indoraed: "City En glneer'a. plana and apeclflcatlona for tha Im provement of Eaat Waehlngton atreet, from the aaat Una at Eaat Thirty-third atreet to tba weat line of Sunnyetde Third Addition, and tbe eatlmatea of th work to Be dona and tha prob able total coat thereof." Tha ooat of aald Improvement to ha aaaeaaed aa provided by tbe .City Charter upon the prop erty apeclally benefited thereby, aud which la hereby declared to be all the kits, parts of kite and parcels of land lying between a line 100 feat north of and parallel with the north Una of Eaat Waehlngton atreat and a Une 100 faat aouth of and parallel with tha aouth Una of Eaat Waehlngton atreet, and between tha aaat Una of Eaat Thirty -third atreet and tha waat Une of Sunnyalde Third Addition. Tbo Englneer'a estimate of the probable total coat for tbe Improvement of aald Eaat Washing ton atreet la $006.00. Tha plana, apeclflcatlona and eatlmatea of tbe City Engineer for the Improvement of the aald Hast Waehlngton atreet are hereby adopted. Heaoived. That the Auditor of tbe City of Portland ba and ba la hereby directed to give notice of the proposed Improvement of aald atreet as provinea ny tne 1 ny ( Barter. RemniiBfrsncee saratnat tbe above Imoro meat may he filed In writing with the under- algned within 20 daya from the ante or toe tint publication of thta notice. By order of tba Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, August 20. 1804. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF EAST MOR RISON STREET. Notice la hereby given that at the meeting of tbe Coundl of the City of Portland, Oregon, held on the 17th day of August, 1004, tba fol low tne- resolution waa adopted: Heaoived, That the Council of tha City of Portland. Oregon, deema tt expedient and pro oeea to Improve Eaat Morriaon atreet, from the eaat line of Eaat Thirty-eighth atreet to tbe west Una nf Boat Thirty-ninth atreet, la the follow lug manner, to-wit: Flrat By grading the atreet full width with fall Intersections to tba proper grade as given by tbe City engineer. Second By constructing wooden aldewalka. Said Improvement to ba mada In accordance with tha Charter and ordinances of tba City of Portland and the plana, apactfleatlona and eett mates of the City Engineer, filed In tha office of tba Auditor of the City of Portland, on tha 2th day or July, 1BQ4. Indoraed: "lily Bn glbcer'a plana and suedflcatlona for the 1m pri.remeot af Eaat Morriaon atreat. from tke eaat Una of Eaat Thirty -eighth atreat to tba weat Una of Eaat Thirty ninth atreet, and the eatlmatea of tba work to ba dona and tha probable total coat there,, f " Tha coat of the aald Improvement to ba aa aeaaed, according to tbe (ity Charter, upon tbe 1 ropertr apeclallr benefited thereby, and which Is hereby declared to be all tbe lota, parte of lota and parcela of laud lying between a Une 100 feet north of and oarallrl with the north Una of Eaat Morriaon atreet and a Una 100 feet aouth of and parallel with the aontb Una of Eaat Morriaon atreet. and between tha aaat Une of Eaat Thirty eighth atreet and tha wast Une of Eaat Thirty. ninth atreat. Tha Engineer s estimate of the probable total coat for tbe Improvement of aald Eaat Morriaon atreet la $040.00. Tba plana, apedflcatlona and eatlmatea of tba city Engineer for the Improvement of aald Boat Morriaon atreet are hereby adopted. Reaolved. That the Auditor nf tha City of Portland be and ha la hereby directed to give notice of tbe proposed Improvement of aald atreet aa provided by the City Charter. Remonatrancea agalnat the above Improve ment may he filed In writing with the under algned within 20 dara from tha data of tha flrat publication if tbla notice. By order of tba Coundl. THOS C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tba City of Portland. Portland, Oregon. August 20. 1004. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF EAST THIRTY EIGHTH STREET. Notice la hereby given that at tha meeting of the Council of the City of Portland. Oregon, held on the 17th day of Auguat, 1004, tha fol ic wing resolution waa adopted: Reaolvad. That the Coundl of tbe City of Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro poses to Improve Eaat Thirty-eighth atreet, from th s-oith Una of the Base line road to the north line of Eaat Yamhill street, la tha following mnnner. to wit Flrat By grading tha atreet fall width with full intersections to the grade aa shown by tha atakea act by tha City Engineer. Second By Constructing aldewalka In accord anca with the city Engineer s plana, specifics evens and estimates. Third--By ronatrudlng wooden eroaawalka. Said improvement to be mada In Accordance with the (barter and ordlnancea of tne City of Portland, and tbe plans, apeclflcatlona and eatl matea of tbe City Engineer, filed In tba office of tha Auditor of tba city of Portland, on tha I6th day of August. 1004. Indorsed "City En glneer'a plana and specifications for the Im provement of East Thlrtv-eighth atreet, from tne aonth line of Usee Line road to the north line of Kaet Yamhill atreat, and the eatlmatea of tbe work to ba dona and tha probable total coat thereof." The cost of aald Improvement to be aaaeaaed, aa provided by the City Charter, noon tbe prop erty apeclally benefited thereby and which Is hereby declared to be all tbe lota, parte of lota and parcels of land lying between a line 100 faet east nf and parallel with tne eaat line of Eaat Thirty eighth atreet and a Una 100 feet west nf and parallel with the wast Una af Bast Thirty eighth atreet, and between the south line of the Base Line road and tba north Una af East Yamhill atreet. Tha sTngiaeer'a eati mat a of the probable total coat for tbe Improvement of aald Eaat Thirty. eighth atreat la $1,768.00. Tke plana, apactfleatlona and eatlmatea of tbe City Engineer for the Improvement of aald Baat Thirty-eighth street are hereby adopted. Resolved. Tkat the Auditor of the City of Portland be and be to hereby directed to give notice of the proposed lmprovemant of aald atreet aa provided by tba City Charter. Is monstrance against the shove Improve ment mar be filed In writings with the under algned within 2 daya from tbo data of tha flrat publication of thta retire. By order of the Council. THOB. C. DEVLIN, Aadlhw of tba City of Port Uod. rnrtlaml, Oregon, August 20, 1004, Offe BNT FOB ALBINA AVENUE. Notice la hereby given that tha aOounoll of the City of Portland propoaee to aaaeaa tbe following described property and owner or owners aa being apeclally aud pecuttarly bene fited In the amounta set opposite the namea 0M dearrlptlone thereof by tie coaa traction of a aewer la Alblna avenne from 100 faat aonth of tba aouth Une af Shaw atreat to eoamee tlon with the aewer ln Beech atreat, aa pro vided by ordinance No. 14,041. Any obk-ctkina to tbe apportionment of can for aald sewer must be made h writing to the Council and riled with tha Auditor within fif teen daya torn Ibe date of the. flrat publication of tbla notice, and aald ohyectttma win ba hoard and determined by tbe Council before the paa aage of tha ordlnanca aaaeaalng tba coat for as Id sewer. MI'LTNOiIAH BLOCK 26. kit 11. George W. Cummlnga, 810.30; lot 0, Edward J. O'Dea. $10.80; Tot 7, Henry Moore, $10.30; lot $, Henry Moore, 310.30; lot 8, D. A. Paine. $19.30, lot . TO. A. Patne. $10.30. BLOCK 24, lot IS. Bella Frye, $10.80: lot 18. Cath erine A. Caas. $10.30; north tt krt 11. Gam brlnua Brewing company. $0.65; south tt lot 11. Henry Brrger. $4.65; lot 0, George Hurd. $1680: tot 7. George Hard. $18.80; lot 8. Christina Kirn. $U.80. . CENTRAL ALBINA BLOCK 30. lot 11. Maui! E. Tillman. $26.80; lot 12. Maud E. Tillman. $2630; lot 13. C. W. Peterson. 828.80: lot 14. C. W. Peteaon. $26.3": lot 15. William M. Kllllngsworth $26.30; lot 18, William M KllUngaworth. $2(1 V BLOCK 10. lot 0, Ida M. Johnson. $20.30; lot 10. Ida M. Johnson. $26.30: lot 11. Erik and Sophie Jobaneno. $20.80; lot 12. Anna and Marie Pant $28.80; lot 13, Erik Johaaaon. $26.30; lot 14. Ambrose Gan tcnbeln, $20.30. Total $547.20. T1I08. C. DJtVXIN. Auditor of the City of Poatlaud. Portland. Oregon. Auguat 22. 1004. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR SEWER IN EAST TWELFTH STREET. Notice la hereby given that the council of tbe City of Portland propoaee to assess tha follow ing described property Bad owner or ownera as being apeclally and peculiarly benaated In the amounta aet opposite the namea and de urrlptlona thereof by the construction of a aewer ln Eaat Twelfth atreet. from 150 feet north of Hancock atract to the aewer In Hnn cock areat, aa provided by ordinance No. 13.080. Any objectlona to tba apportionment of coat for aald aewer moat be made In writing to the council and 81ed with the auditor within 8fteen daya from tha date of tha nrat publication or this notice, and aald objectlona will be heard and determined by tbe council before tbe pass age of tbe ordinance aaaeaalng tba ooat for aald HOLLADAY'N ADDITION TO EAST PORT LANDBLOCK 267. lot T. MarU Smltk, WEJTIRYIN0TON BLOCK 124, lot 6. Julia HOLLADA HSTADDlTlON TO EAST PORT LAND BLOCK 262. kit 2. Richard Derby, snail WEST IRVINGTON BLOCK 126. lot 6, John A. Ilertxman. $20.28. Total. 1156.00 THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Or., August 22. 1004. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOB SEWER XV SELL WOOD STREET. Notice la hereby given that tha Council of the city of Portland prupMaa to aaaeaa tha follow ing deecrlbed property and owner or owners as being apeclally and peculiarly benefited ta tha amounta aet opposite the namea and descriptions thereof by tbe construction of B aewer in Sell wood ereel,'from 143 feat want of the waat Una of Bortbwlck atreat to tha aawar In Alblna avenue, aa provided by Ordinance No. 14,008. Any objections ' to the apportionment of coat for aald aewer must ba made In writing to the Council and filed with tba Auditor within 15 daya from tha date of tha first pubUcatlon of this notice, and aald objectlona will be heard and determined br tha Coundl before the passage of the ordlnanca assessing tba eaat for the said aewer. SI'BDIMSION IN PnOKBSTEI.S ADDITION TO ALBINA BLOCK 11. aouth 100 feet of lot 7. Jamea A. Randall. $81.08; aouth 100 feat of lot 8, E. P. Stafford. $90.06. BLOCK 10. north 100 feet of lot 15. John Olaxlk, $41.11; north 100 feet of lot 18, John Glaxlk. $33 70. Total. $150.00 THOB. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tha City of Portland. Portland, Oregon. A ague t 22. 1004. in . 1 ,1111' j, ra T!3 Only Double-Track Railway between the Missouri River art Chicago The ChicagjoPortland Special, the most luxurious train in the world. Drawinff-room sleeDine cars, dinine car, burnt smoking and library car (barber and hath). Less Man tnree days Portland to Chicago. Two Through Trains to Chicago are operated daily via tba Oregon R. R. ft Nkv. Co., U P. R. R. and Chicago ft North -Western Ry. $8 Chicago from Portland and points in Oregon and xuutern waamngton. Dally excuraiona in Pullman tonriat sleeping cars from Portland through to Chicago without change. ft. R. RITCHIE. A. G. BARKER. ims i Agt. rae. Loses, eeaerai Ageat, C. AN.-W. Rv. C. A N W 8 Sis Marks Iins. is. Third Street AM PRAMCISCO, CA1 "J POBTLARO. OBR. HA IT I MORiL tr OHIO R- R. AlaL TRAINS VIA VVASH1NGTON TVcket Offlcs 02 Third Street rfc - 1 rniKicontlnentiil earamf Trains Dally FAST TlaMB TO 8POKANB, ftT. PAUL. DULOTH. MINNKAPOUR CHICAGO AND ALL, POIMTB EAST. Daylight trip through the Can code and Bocly snountalnn For fall patrtlo Tit iHara, raloo. roldero. ate. mU 0 draM M. OltTKSO W . Otty Tick at Agt. 12a ThlXd ft-ts-OOs, VwattaSka. PROPOSED I BBBBBSBBBBassaBBUBuav ) afW ' taBRnTaBkjafBasj , mm. Oregon Shout Line AKD Union Pacific 3 TRAINS to the EAST DAILY Throngh Pullman standard and toortst s leas ing cars dally ta Omaha. Chicago. Rook seat tourist sleeUngt cars daltr ha Kaosaa Cltyi through Pallmaa tourist steeping cars fpirsia ally eondnrtedl weekly to ffhleago. RecUalog ehalr rare (seats free I to the Waat 8 tats. CNIOM UKfVT. Leaves. Arrives. CH1CAOO-POUTLAND SPECIAL. Par tha Ra.t via Boot lngtoas. 1:lfl a. as. Daily. 1 p. 1 Dally. SPOKANE PLY Kit. For Eastern Waah lag to a. Walla Walla. Law tstoa. CVjaaar d'Aleoe and Great WaaUisaq ontnta. e.:18 p. as. 8:00 a. I Dally. Dally. ATLANTIC EXPTl 8:18 p. m. Dally. 7:18 a. so. Fee tha Kaet via Ington. ortEAW Aire river scireTjrn.E. KOK BAN F RAH CI SCO: aV S. Oeo. W aUdar Aug. 4. 14. 24. . ft ft, Colombia Aug. 0. 18. 22. 8:08 b. ax. ColiraiCrla River Dtvtaten. POft ASTORIA and way points, connecting with atmr. for Itwaes and North hearh. str. Mas asks. Aah-st dock. A hose -O0JASB. Tax Mil River Route. POft DATTnH, Oregon City and Tamnin Blvar otata, etrs. Bath and Modoc. Ash st. anck. (Water permlttlag-l 8:80 tk 8 Dairy. Sundsy. POR LEWISTON. Ida., and way points from RlsaHa, Waah.. eteam era Spokane and Law- 1st on. ; Aboot .00p.Ok, Dally. ex. frtdap. TICKET OFFICE. Third Phone If. In 712. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY For Tokokatoa and Boar Kong, celling af tTobe. Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamers for xr.-ry. Pxt Artse and Vladivostok. . For re tee and fan Information can on or ad dress ofaiclala or agsnta of th. O. R, A N. Co. EASTvh. SOUTH A tne worth Dock. 8:00 p. to. 8: p. aa. Dally. ax. Sunday Saturday 10:08 p. nv Snake River Route. 40 a. Sh Dally, ex. Sat. qoco5l IJll ooj 111 Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. OVERLAND EXPRESS trains, for Salem, ftass- ' hau-R. Ashlaod. Sacra- 1-M p. m. mento. Ogden. San Fran- claoo, Stockton. Los Aa galea. El Paao. New Or leans and tka East. At Woodhora tally (except Sunday), raara- 8:80 a. ni. Inr train for Mt. Is- . gel. Stlvea-toa. Browne- villa. SrariarSeld. Weed ling and Matron. arOO p. m. Albany raaaaengar. eeo- . necta at Woodhora with Mt. Angel sad silver ton local. "frbb a. m. Corvxllla pa Being aa B:B8 p. ah 1140 p. m Sh-rldaa paaaengrr 28 a ra. Dally. HDafly, except Sunday. Portland-Oawago sWWhaa Service and Depot Foot of Jefferson Street, reave Portland dally for Oswego 7:38 a. SB. I 12:80. 2:08. 8:28. 6:20. 8:25. 8:80. 10.10 0. SB. Dslly (axcotyt Snuday). 840. 8 So. 8:88. 10:28 a. m t 4:00, 11: p. as. Sunday only. 8:08 a. nx. Returning fro at Oswego, arrive Portland datlr 0:00 a. m II '10 n. m ; 1:8.1 8:08. 4.P9. 8:18. T:8S. fM. . Dotty (except Snndav) 8 2S. t-lft . It an a. m. rtxeant Monday. 11 88 8:80. 10 20 p. n. Sunday enlv. 10:00 a. ra. Leaves from same depot for Danaa Bad Msg merit. re polite doflv (except Sunday) 4:08 p. aha Arrive Portland 10:20 n. SB. The IndependeneeMonmooth Motor raoO operates da fir to Monmooth and A trite. 00a norflag with Sonthern Pari So company's tracks at Tasltsa sad independence. Flret-elaee fare frees Portland ta anssrao snd Ssn Prsndeeo SJO. Issrth 88: second- fare 818. eeeond-elBso berth 82 88. Tickets to Eeetern point, and I k.n.e rKtn. vfonalatfl and A a str ntv Ticket office eearoer Third and ran .tree. POeaM, Main TIB. C. W. RTTNOhTTt. W. ft COM Aft. City Ticket Agent. TIME CARD h h . TRAINS PORTLAND: UNION DEPOT. Paget Soond Limited, for Tacoana. asset tha. Olympic. Sootk Read and 0 ray's Harbor points. North Coast Limited, for T a coma. Seattle. Batte. SL PbbI. Mln tasapolta, Chicago. New York. Boston aad points Fast and Riritheaet. S J0 a, sbj 7 00 a. ss. Twin-City Ex Brass, for Tscoma. Seattle. Spo ts ne. Helena. St. Paul. 7 08 p. av aim Nea as do Ita. Chicago, York. Boston and all nolnts Eaat aad ! oontneaat. Pnget Soond . Rinses i City -St. LoaH SlieelaL ' foe Tacoma. Seattls. Spokane. Batte. Fillings. I Denver. Omaha. Ksossa Cltr. St Loots snd ail points Boat and OootT 1 east. 8 SO a. m 7:00 a. as. All trains dally except en Roots branch. A. D. 0HARLT0M. Asalataat Oeneral Paaaenger Agsst. 22S Morrison St.. aa. -Third. Portland. Or. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. a-afTWl Depart 8.80 a. as. 8 00 p. m. 11:43 p. m. 1 1 Leaves. CRlOat 111: POT. Arrtrea. . For Maygera, Ri.lnler. nstsksnle. Waatport, ""F Clifton. Astoria. War 8'OOa.m rentoa. FlaveL Hsss- 11:18 a. as. Dailf. Rtood. Fart Stevsaa. Oarhart Park. aVraalde, Aatorta aad Smharo. T no p m Express dally. Dally si. Aatorta Kxaroot, 8:48 as. 8s turds y. rtelly. Sot. only. Portia sd Seaside Flyer. 2:80 a. k . J. C. MA TO, O. P. aad P. A.. A starts, Of, a A STEW A H OrjssasereU I Ageat. 848 AJska? Schwab Bros. PrintingU m