The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 24, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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Kntersd at tha MUfflH og Portland. Or.,
for tranersnrtatlua through toe mails as
ilaae matter.
Postage far alnfla coplee: Far an B, 10 or li
ft papar, 1 cent; 18 to SO pages. 2 cacti; 82
to 44 pagaa, S rants.
Bualnea Office Main 500.
Editorial Uoome- Main 250.
Vr.-riantl-Bengamln Special Advertising Agency.
150 Naaeau street. Near York; Trunin Build-
Term by Carrlar.
The Uslly Joarnal. with Sundsj. 1 Tear ST.B0
The Dally Journal. 1 year J-25
The Dally Journal, with Hunday. 6 month. 8 To
The Dally Journal, 6 month
The Dally Journal, with Sunday. 8 month. 1.08
The Dally Journal. 3 month
The Dallr Journal, with Sunday. 1 aneSBs.
The Dallr. par week, delivered. Hunday
Included .
The Dally, per week, dellrered. Bandar s-
Tarma hy Mall.
The Hally Journal, with Sunday. 1 veer ST-00
The Dally Journal. 1 year 5 J2
The Dally Journal, with Sunday. month. 8.T0
The Dally Journal. (I rlonth f-JJ
The Dally Journal, with Sunday, 8 month. .
The Dally Joarnal. 8 month 1
Tho Dally Joarnal. with Sunday. 1 month.. .SB
The Dally Joarnal, 1 month -J!
STh Sunday Joarnal, 1 year J-0"
The Sunday Joarnal. S month
The Semi-Weekly Journal.
The Semi-Weenie Joarnal. H to 11 Pg.
earn laaue. Ulaatrated. full market re
ports, 1 year 180
Th Weekly Journal.
The Weekly Journal. 100 column of read
ing each laane. Iliuatruted, full market
reporU, 1 year M
Remittance ihoaM be made by drafta. postal
notea. express ordera. and email amount r
acceptable In 1 and J-cent poatige t mp.
P. O. Box 1S1. Portland Or.
Subscriber to The Joarnal who may leave
town for the aammer can bare the paper
forwarded to them to any ddr without
extra charge, payment for the aame to be
made upon their return.
The Jonrnal ran be found on al at tha fol
V-eing place?
TUiIsE, IDAHO -Pioneer book tor.
HICAGO Pnatofrie New company. ITS Dr-
borr. atreer. . .
DENVER. COLO. Kendrlek Book Stt1onery
company. 12 Serenteenth atreet; J. Blck.
Slrteetit and Cnrtle Itreet.
KANSAS ' ITT Van Ney New company.
L08 B P. Gardner. 889 South
Spring street: Ollrer A Hatne. 305 Sooth
Spring atreet.
MINNEAOLIS M. J. Kavanaogh. B0 South
NB)W YORK CITY Brenteno'a. Union qare.
OODEN Oiden New company.
OMAHA - Millard hotel ncwa Und; Megeath
Statlonerr company. IB0S Parnnm atreet.
SALT LAKE CITY Kcnyon hotel new tnd;
Barrow Broa.. 43 Weat Second treet. South.
ST LOI'IS Philip Boeder. 618 Loco at afreet.
SAN FRANCISCO W. B. Ardlng. ralace hotel
new stand: Ooldamtth Bros.. 280 Sutter
treet: Fred W. Pitt. 1008 Market atreet.
SPOKANE. WSH. John W. Graham A Co.
TACOMA. WASH Central New company. Ill
Pecifle aeenne.
Bly Geo. Baker A Co., Park and Alder street,
at 10 a. m. . sale of furniture, household geods.
etc. Ceo. Baker A Co., auctioneer.
Weather condition and general forecaet for
Oregon. Washington and Idaho. During the
lest 2-4 houra light rain haa fallen In central
California, Narad, northern Utah, southeastern
Idaho. Wyoming and northeaatern Montana. At
San Francisco and Sacramento the rain waa at
tended by thnnder. Elsewhere orer the entire
United State the weather I generally fair.
It 1 warmer thl morning In northern Califor
nia. Kanaaa. Nebraska. Minnesota and the Day
kotn. and cooler In Idaho and northeaatern
The Indication are for fair and warmer wea
ther In this district Thursday.
Observations cloaed at 5 a. m. :
Max. Mln. Pree.
Atlanta. Ga 02 70 0
Baker City. Or 5.. W 4H 0
Bismarck H. D S3 M 0
Kolae. Idsho S4 53 0
Boston. Mips 73 88 f)
Charleston. 8. C B3 74 .03
Chicago. Ill 7 40 0
Cincinnati. Ohio.: SO 56 0
Der.rer. Colo . . BS 68 1
l:i:i eta, Cat 60 4H 0'
I Cal M 64 0
Jacksonrme. FTa. 82 73 0
KellspeU. Mont 76 44 0
Kiniloop. B. C 74 46 0
Kansu City. Mo TB AS 0
Lewlstnn, Idaho ,", 7S 52 (I
Lne Angela. Cal 78 64 0
New Orlesrs. La S3 78 0
New York. N. Y 76 60 0
North Head. Wash 58 50 0
finish. Neb TB A 0
Philadelphia. Pa. 78 64 0
Pncatello. Idaho I 74 60 .0B
Portland. Or 70 50
Itoaeharg, Or 78 48 0
Sacramento. Cal 76 62 .OS
St. Loula. Mo 78 64 0
Salt I. hi-:-, rtah 76 58 .03
San Diego. Cal 73 68 A
San Franclaeo, Oal B6 64 .06
St. PshI. Minn 74 63 0
Sptkane, Wash 76 44 0
Tecoma, Waab 66 46 0
Victoria. B. C 0 48 0
Walla Walla. Wash 80 54 0
Wrshlngton. D. C 78 84 0
Wlnnemucca. NaT 78 86 T.
Ynma, Aria SB 76 0
August 31, tn Mr. and Mr. J. H. Johnson
of 828 East Clay street, a aon.
July 27. to Mr. and Mrs. William Mill, r of
537 Alblna arenaa, a daughter.
Anguat 7, to Mr. and Mrs. John Bull of 897
Braiee atreet, a daughter.
August 19. to Mr. and Mra. J.' T. Relnhart
of 687 Kearney street, a daughter
Anguat IB, to Mr. and Mrs. ft. Carpenter of
58AV? Seventh atreet, a daughter.
Anguat IS. to Mr. and Mr. W. Mace of 374
nolllday avenue, a daughter.
August 18, tn Mr. and Mrs. ('. 8. Ingles,
near Northern Pacific lntnber mills, a daughter.
August 22. to Mr. and Mra. Leonard H. Vin
cent of 844 Grand avenue, a son.
August 28. Laurence Fenley, 1007 Division
atreet; typhoid ferer.
August 23, Mra. B. P. Hill. 464 Alder atreet;
August 32, Delta Own bey, aged 10. at 170V,
Fifth street; cause, nephritis. Burial at Ore
gon City.
Crematorium on Oregon City car line, near
Btllwood; modern, sc ientific, complete. Charge
Adult. $35; children. 333. Visitor 9 a. m.
tt 5 p. m. Portland Cremation aaaoclatlon.
Portland, Or.
The Edward Holman Undertaking company,
ft nr rsl directors and rrotjslmera. 230 Third
atreet. Phout) 607.
J. P. Flnley A Son. funeral directors and
emhalmera, have removed to their new estab
lishment, corner Third and Madison atreeu.
floth phonea No. 0.
Eeller-Byrnea Co., funeral directors and em
bsltnera. 278 Russell. Lady aaat. Phone Eaat 1088
J. B. Scott and wife to Thomas H. Smith,
bo 2. block 41, Cro there add to Car
uthera add I 1
M. Puller ami wife to B. Paltay, SB 1-3
X66 3-3 feet buck 387. city 8380
1 P. Keeler to Karl V. Lively, trustee,
lot 10. block 8, North Irvlngtnn 1
Crorge H. Churchill and wife to Adeline
V Burton, lota 16. 17, block 72. Uni
versity Park a ...... . 1
Title Guarantee A Treat Co. to Annie
Anderson, kit 11. bWk 2. Holtaday Park
add a. B00
TV W. Wakefield and wlf to Francis
Hart, lot 8. block 110. Carutbrrs add 600
David Coodsell et al to Charles H. Mln
ner. lot 15. block 3. Mayor Gate add 8B0
Atranda Worsley and huaband to J. H.
Gray, lot 14. htaek B. Portsmouth 1
The Dundee Mortgage A Trnet Investment
Co. tn Joseph H. et 1, one
half lota 1. 2. block B, Carnther add
tn Car nt hers add.... BOO
Advlph A. Dekum and wife to C. W.
Roberts and wife, lota 11. 18. block 1,
Wondlawn A 170
Jrmea A. Campbell and wife to C. W.
Roberta, kit It. block 1. Wondlawn BB0
William M. Gregory and wife to J. Albert
1 eke. tract J. School Park la section
18. township 1 aonth. range 3 eaat .... BOB
IJedc Fitch tn Gottlieb Fticha. ', Interest
la lots 10, IS. block It, (boa's ad w
Local values on
wheat too high
Millers not buying.
nra mo drop zv values is wot
so Aonra millbris who cam
Front Street, Anguat 34 Th principal fan
fare of tha Portland wholesale markets today
Wheat near tha danger saint.
Flour market growing stronger.
Lion coffee advanced 50c.
Fresh salmon la, down Vie.
Potsto market f oea lower.
Cabbage I scarce and up.
Kgg advance about Vic.
Poultry receipt large; demand good.
Veal come faster and la down.
Lower price prevail In hog.
Market glutted wlh cantaloupe.
Local tomatoes coining faster.
Heavy movement In peaches.
Wheat mushes show an advance.
Creamery butter ahowlng Improvement.
Provisions are very firm.
Grape are cheaper ' today.
Wheat Hearing the Danger Point.
With wheat values la Chicago and other cen
ter going lower th tone la the Portland mar
ket continue very strong and at present
prices here tha market la rather atralned. all agree that th price I too high
for them to purchase and those that can help
themselves are staying oat ot tha market and
are not making any offera at alL Tboae millers
who are rery abort of supplies are forced to
come Into market and pay exorbitant Ogurea
on account of tha firm holding by tha farm
er. The tendency among the latter la to hold.
They hare almply become wildly Intoxicated
by the recant sensational rises In Talaea all
orer the world and some of them are waltiug
tor the price to strike the 31 mark In thla
city. This figure dees not lock very probable
at tbla time; in fact, It doea not eem a
close as it did when the market was lower.
The northwest la going to produce a rery
large, amount of grata thla year 60.000,000
bubeia being a conaerratlre estimate aad
there la not going to be the thrilling demand
for our stocks tbat some of the grower bare
been led to believe. The crop damage reports
(rem the middle state and from Manitoba bare
been pretty well discounted by the tat rises
and during the laat couple of daya Chicago
haa been ahowlng a slump on this account.
The late aalea mad In the wheat market here
hare been at rery hlgb figure, hut today
there waa an eaaler tendency alt around. It li
thought that valley wheat will command a
rery good figure all through the season 00
account of lta Intenae acarclty.
-Flour Market Gaining Strength.
The flour market la gaining atrength with
the high figures ruling In local wheat and there
haa been a general advance all along the line
of late. There Is much talk In milling clrclea
of a farther advance in prices, but no change
occurred today beyond practically a 10c adranc
in graham. There were some cable thl morn
ing from the Orient, but they were ill aaklng
for Information aa to. the probable future of
tbla market. No aalea are repored.
Lion Coffee Advanoed 60c.
The Woolaey Spice company tbla morning
mad an advance of 50c per hundred pounda In
the quotatlona on Lion brand of package coffee,
which makea the new quotation 113.75, or Bl
below that of Arbuckle and Cor dor of the aame
Fraah Salmon 7s Down ",c.
With the larger recelpta of fresh salmon
prices on both chlnooka and ateelheada are down
Vic a pound today, with the quotatlona on the
former 7Vic and tha later 7c There la now
quite a aupply of fresh mackerel In from Call
fnrnla. which ta selling at 8c a pound. Lobsters
are coming In larger aupply and are quoted at
lBVic Fresh Meata Are Lower.
A larger sttpply of real now arriving and the
not orer hrtak demand ha caused about "He
drop In price this morning. Although dressed
hog are not coming rery lively, the larger
apply of lire stock haa resulted In a loaa to
quotations . Some beef came on the atreet thla
morning and found a fair -demand a former
Ogurea. The market, though, la in better abape
aad any future fluctuations will very likely be
The cheaper prlcea on potatoes tn th San
Francisco market ia having tta effect here and
values are about 5c down today with the re
celpta atlll only moderate. The onion market
la very' firm with no changea In price.
Xgg Showing an Advance.
There la an advance of about Vic a doaeu
In the egg market today, the present vslue
ranging from IT to 22c. The recelpta are fair
and are about equal to the demand. A email
shipment waa made to Alaska today by one of
the local dealera.
Poultry Baealpta Are Larger.
Poultry arrivals are showing an Increase, bat
the demand la eueh that everything la cleaned
off the street before the close of Me day.
11-1 oea unchanged. The demand ia good In all
Market Glutted With Cantaloupes.
The Front seet marketa are glutted with
cants km pes ot all descriptions snd some sales
have been made aa low a 50c crate. The
price for fancy goods remalna at $1.25. The
aupply of peaches tbla rooming w quite liberal
hut a heavy demand cleaned everything up with
the beet price at 50c box. Crapes are In
snore liberal supnly and the price haa dropped
to SI for the best goods. Local shipments of
tomatoes are larger and valuca are down. Good
cabbage lp scarce and both California and Oris
gon stock la quoted strong at 2c a pound.
The higher valuca In the wheat market have
caused some advance In th. product and today
wheat mushes are quoted higher by 15c a case,
with the present price 33.BO for 2'j pound
package and $2.78 a case for 5 -case lots. , .
Provision Market Very Firm.
There Is more strength In all provision pro
duct, bat no change occured In price today.
Tho eastern houses are still short snd depend
to a great degree upon the local product to fill
their ordera.
Creamery Butter Showing Improvement.
I.lgher receipt are telling In the creamery
butter market and the tone Is becoming mora
atrnng with price held atlffer all through'
Today city creenrerlc are quoting their beet
product very firm at 25r. while the outalde fac
tcrlee are holding at 22Hc. Store butter ta
only coming In limited supply and th quality
ts not good.
Today's wholesale quotatlona, aa revlaed. are
aa follows;
Brain. Fleer aag Fees. .
WH1CAT F.xport price Hew aad old Crab,
81c; hlueotem, 8Sc; vlley 86c.
BARLEY Feed, $22; rolled. $28; brewing.
$2.1 Mai 24.00.
OATS Producer' price No. 1 white, $35.00;
gray. $34.00.
FLOL'B Uastern Oregon 1 Patent. $4.86;
straights. $3.50418.60-. valley. $8 864)8. 06; gra
ham. Vie. $3 05438 75; 10a. S3.BBQ4.20.
MILLS TUFFS Bran, $10.50 per ton; mid
dlings. $35.00; aborts, country, $33.00; chop,
HAY Producers ' price Timothy. Willamette
valley, fancy. $l5.00ft10.00; ordlnar). $13.00)
13 00; eastern Oregon $15. OU44 18.00; mixed,
$10.00012.00; clover. $0. 00(10.00; grain, $11.50
013,00; cheat, $11.5001300.
I atop. Wool aad Hides.
HOPS Nominal. 35ti36c for choice; 30O35Vie
for prime; contract, 1904. 24 ft 25c
WOOI. Nominal. Valley, coarse to medium,
1 1 VI IK, line, lftc; eastern Oregon, 12O10C.
SHKEPSKINS -Shearing. loOSOc; abort wool.
3tO 30c; medium Wool. SO) SOc: long wool.
OCrQfVOO each.
TALLOW Prime, per lb. 405c: No. B aad
greaae, B02Vie.
Alblna j.. ST
W. J. Peddlcord and wife to ralmer W.
Illnmao eaat W lot 4. block 85, James
Jobn s add
to St
Johns 4100
Get your Insurance and abstracts to real
estate from tbe Title Guarantee A Trust com
pany, Chamber of Commerce bolldlag.
Anguat 28. I a. 1,1 A Tllten. repair to, brick
hnlldlng on Stark between Flrt and Second
treet ; cost, $.150.
Annual 28, Mr. K I. Magalre, two 3-etarj
dwellings n southeast corner of Kast Tenth
and Rest Pine streets; cost. $2,000.
August 28, M. Malteun. cottage no Lexington
avenue between Rest Ninth and Rat Klnvenlh
streets; coat. $1,000.
August 34, John Marten. 2 sinrr dwelling on
Twentieth street between Tillamook and Thomp
aoa vuss, coat, SLBUAV
o ic-.. .w I ee, Ansr 9.1 .The A
telegraph wire to the eastern t
atocK egcrunajea an aim uuwa sy
and only occasionally measasjea
s Tiv "public" wire are being- re- 4
a celved. There Is atlU conalder- 4
able water on the railway tracks
X , a.i I. la not IIUolv A
y 111 ai iuiis siui . - - ' W
L that the wlrea will bo Up before s
sy lumuiiuw. -w
CHITTIM BARK Be per lb; buying prlee.
HIDES Dry bide. No. 1. 16 lb and up.
UViOUe per lb; dry kip. No. 1. B to 16 lbs.
124c; dry calf. No. 1. under 5 lbs. 16Vi;
dry aelted Bulla, and etag. 1-3 lea than dry
flint; ealtad hide, steer, sound, 60 lb or over.
708c; 60 to SO lbq. Tc; under 50 lb and
cow, SOTc; ataga and bulla, sound. 5c; kip.
15 to SO lb, 7 Vic; sound. 10 to 14 tbe. Be;
calf, sound, under 10 lb. 84c; green (on
salted) lo per lb lees; culta. tc per lb lee;
horse Vide, aalted. each. $1. 264)1.70; dry. each.
$1004)1.60; colt' hide, each. BBOBOe; goat
kins, common, eecb. 104316c: Angora, with
wool on, each. 25cQ$l 00.
Butter. Egg aad Poultry.
Ill TTKK FAT Sweet. 38Vic; sour, SlVie
fiCTTKtt City creamery. 23Vi025c: outalde.
fancy. 324c; ordinary, 174020c: store, 12,c.
BOGS No. 1 fresh Oregon, 22c; uncandlad.
20c: bakera. 18c.
CHEESB New Full cream, twin, 104O
11c; Youug America. 1140124c.
POULTRY Chtckeua, mixed, 13c lb; bene.
184c per lb; ruoetera, old. B4e par lb; young.
12s- per lb; broltara. 14015c per lb; fryer,
14015c per lb: duck, old. 114c per lb; young,
lit per lb; geeae. 707Vic par lb; turkey. 174J
lsc per lb; dressed. 18030c per lb.
Fruits aad Vegetables.
POTATOES Nw Oregon, $1.4001-46 per
ewt; buyer' price, $1.2501.30; wu, 8c per
lb. . v
ONIONS Walla Walla. $1.75; California,
Sl.75tl2.0O. garlic, 10c per lb.
F KK.-ill FRUITS Apples, fancy Oregon. $1.25
01-50 per box; -cheap grades. 25t)76c per box;
orange, Mediterranean sweets. $8,004)
8.35 ber box; tats Valenrlaa. $8 2508-50 per
box; bananas. Be per lb: lemons, choice.
$.1.00 per box; fancy. $3.600 8.75 per box;
limes. Mexlrsn. 65c per 100; pineapples. $S.00t
8.50; pluma, Burbauka, 50060c box; peach
pluma, 40o'00c box; peachea, Oregon, 8050c
box; Crawford. 60c per hog; pears, $1.25i)
1.50 per box; grape. $1. 0041. 26 per
hbx: black flga, par box; black
berries, $1.86 per crate; watermelons, 85c
per cwt; crated, $1.25: muskmelons. 85O1-00
per do; cantaloupes. California, $1.00; Oregon.
$1.25 per crate; eaaabac, $2.0002.26 per do;
nec-tarlnea, 75c(et$1.00 per box; huckleberries.
134c per lb; crabspplee, 24c per lb.
VKGKTABI.E8 Turnips. $1.25 per sack; ear
vote. $1.26 per sack; beet. $1.36 per lack;
Oregon radiance, 15c per doe ; cabbage. Oregon.
2c per lb: lettuce, head, 15c per doc; green
peppers, 20(3.10; per lb; celery, 75c dox; to
matoea, Oregon, 50c per box; parsnips. 75c
$1.35; green pea, 6c per lb; green onions.
124c per, das: local green corn 10c
do; pis plant. 2Q24c par lb; erring beans.
4 5c; cucumbers, 10c per dos; hothouse, 15c
Cr do; cauliflower. $1.2i&1.25 per doa; butter
an. 7c; pumpkin, lVic lb.
DRIED Fill ITS -Apple, evaporated. 70Se
per lb; apricots, B4llc per lb; sack". 4c
per lb lees; peachea, 74O0c per lb; pear. SO
10c per lb; prune. Italian. 34Q44C Der lb;
French, 84Q4Vic per lb; figs. California
blacks, flT84c per lb: do whites. 6407c
per lb: pluma, pitted. Bi06c pr lb; datea.
golden. 64c per lb; tarda. $1.50 per 15 lb box.
RAISINS Seeded, fancy 1-lb cartons. 80
packagee to case. 7Uc nkr: seeded LYoa cas
tor,!, B4c; loose Muscats. 50 lb boxee, 6064c
r in; London la.vere. (1 on: eioetere, ax.uu;
s. 25c; 4a. 50c advance over pound carton.
Fins Ten l ib cartona. choice brand, wie;
10 1 -lb cartons, fancy brand. $1.00; 10 Mb
brick. 2-crown. 76c; 10 1-th brick. 8 -crown.
5c: 40 H-lh bricks, per box. $2.00; hrirks.
8.1 to esse. $2.00: 8-row layers, per 10-lb box.
70e: loose, BO-lb boxes, per lb, BVlc. Cllymr
n Six-crown, 10-lh cartona, per box $3.00;
B-crown. 10-lh cartona, per box, $1.7B; 4-crown.
30-lb cartona, per box, $1 75.
Qrooariss, But, Xto.
SUGAR Sack basis Cube, $6.40; powdered.
$6.85; fruit granulated, $6.26; dry granulated.
$6.16; beet granulated, $6.00; extra 0. $6.15:
golden C, $5.58; Mils. 10c; Vi bbls, 35c: boxee,
50c advenes on Back basis, laaa 25c cwt for cash,
15 days: maple. I44)16c per Ih.
COFFEE Green Mocha. 21023c; Java, fancy.
Sr'QSSe; Java, good, 30035c; Java, ordinary,
isa20c; Coata Rica, fancy. 10020c; Coata Rica,
good. ISOlScr Coata Rica, nrdlnarv, 11 0 18c
per lb; package coffee, $13.76014.78.
TEAS Oolong, different grades. 28 41 66c: gun
powder. 2-11 S24t !Bc: English breakfast, dif
ferent grade. 124008c; aplderleg. ancolored
Japan. 80065c; green Japan (very scares). BO
60c per lb.
SALT Fine Balee. Be. Sa. 4s. Be, 10a, 11.30
tl.50; table, dairy. 6o. BB.00OU.50: Wtt,
$ 157 ; Imported Liverpool. 80a. BfB.004)
16.50; 100. $14.76016.00 : 224a. $14.50016.80;
extra fine. bbls. 2s. 8s. 8a. 10a, $4-00: beta.
820 lbs. $3.50; sscks. 80s, 68c.
SALT Cosrse Half ground. 100a, per ton.
$f.3O0sso: 80s. per ton. $.1.68 O7.00: Liverpool
tump rock. $18 50016.60 per ton; 60-Ib rock.
250 75: 100a. $5 7506.38.
(Above prices apply to aalea of leaa thaa
car lota. Car lots at apaclal prtceo eubjert
to fluctuations
GRAIN BAOS Calcutta, $5.7547 00 per 100
RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1. 54Lc: No 2.
4tc: New Or hens heed. 4404; Adjack.
8c: Creole. 4Vi044e.
BEANS Smsll white. BHOSKae: large,
white. 84c; pink. 44r: bayon. 34c; Lima,
44c: Mexican reds AVjc
NUTS Peanuts. 74c: Jambo, BVie per lb;
raw, 0g)10c per lb for roaated: cocoannti, 36 aj
POc per do; walnnt. 14018c per lb; pine
net. 100124c per lb: hickory not. 10c per lb;
chestnuts, eastern. 15016c per lb: Brsxl, nuts.
18c per lb: filberts 16010c per lb; fsncy
pecana. 14016c per lb: almonds, 18015c per lb.
Meet. Fish aad Provisions.
FRESn MEATS Inspected Beef, steer, Oe
per lb; cow. 8054c per lb; mutton, dreeaed,
ire re m; lambs dressed, 5O0c per lb.
FRESH MEATS Front atreet Beef, steels
440V per lb; pork, block. 74 07e per lb;
packera. 74c per lb; bulla, 24e per lb;
eowa. 84044 per lb: mnttnn. dreseert. 405r
per Ih; veal, extra. 7074c per tbj ordinary.
Be per lb; poor, 6c; lambs. BUOSHe per lb.
HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland pack (local)
heme. 10 to 14 lbs. 14c per lb; 14 to IB lbs,
14c per lb: 18 to 20 iba, 14c per lb: cottngs
94c per lb: breakfast bacon. 18ViQ17-c
per Ih; picnics. 11c per lb: regular abort
clears, nnemiked. 04e per lb: smoked. lOVic
per lb; clear backs, nnsmnked. Be per lb;
smoked. 10c per lb; Tnkin butts. 10 to IS lbs,
iinamnked. Rc per lb; smoked. Be per th;
clear bctlloe. nnsmoked, 114c per lb; smoked.
124c per m.
LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a. 10e per
lb: 8e. lOHc per lb; 80-lb tine. 0t4c per lb:
team rendered. ICsv. 0c per lb; 8. Bc per
lb; 50s. B4c per lb; compound tierce. 6 Vic per
lb: tnh. 64c per lb: 80s. 6ac per lb.
CANNED SALMON Columbia river, 1-tb talis,
$15: 2-lb telle. $2 60; fancy 1-tb Bar. $2 00;
v lb fanc Bate, $1 28: fancy 1-lb ovale. $2 76;
Alaska ta'ts, pink, 85000c; red. $1.80; nominal
2s. tall. $2.00.
FISH Rock cod. 6c per lb: Bonndeea. 6c rer
lb; hallhat. 6c ner lb: crab. $1.25 per dos;
strped bsss, 100124c per IM catfish. 7e per
lb; salmon. Chinook, 7Vie per lb; ateelheads,
o per lb; btnehacka, 8c per n: herring. 5c prr
lb; soles. 0- per lb: shrimps. 10c per lb; hd.
dressed. BVie Per lb: perch. Be per lb; shad
tner 124c per lb: roe shad. 6c per lb: black cod.
no per lb; allver met. 6c per lb; lohetrra.
124c: fresh mackerel. V; erawfleh. 20c per
dos: flounder. Be per lb.
OYSTERS Shnalwater bey. per gal, $2 28;
per aaek $8.78 net: Olympta. per each. $8 28.
CLAMS nard hell, we box. $3.00: rasor
rlama, $1.78 per box.
Palnta. Coal Olla. Etc.
ROPE Pure Manila, 134c; atandard. 124c
SUal. 104 c.
COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Caaee. SlVte nrr
gal; water white. Iron bbfs 16c per gal, wooden
per gai: neaooani. 110-oeg. Cases SS4C
ner gal. Iron hhls 17c per gal.
LINSEED Dili rare raw, in now Bsc per
mi 63c ner gal: genuine kettle holiest
... . ,1 hhls nc nee eel- Jt l
car JoU $28.00 per ton. la than ears $86.00
per ton.
1 GASOLINE RB-deg. esses 82c per gal. Iron
bbls 36c per ': 'ove. case 344 per gsl.
tton hhls 18c per gal.
BENZINE 4tt-dg, caaee 22c par gal. Iron
164c per gsl
ler rsl: br
SRc per gal; boiled, cases 40c per
TURPENTINE In cases 5c per gat.
bbls. Sic per gal. Iron bbla TBo per gal, 10 lb
case lota B4r per gal.
WHITE LEAD Ton Iota. 7 t e per lb, BOO-Ib
lot Be per lb, lea lot 4c per rn.
WIRE NAILS Prerent base at $38.
BOOGK88 A CO. will pay the highest
jrlce.for any amount of CHITTIM
; 1 demnnrl.for nregnn nurhanktv
.AM rront .treat, FortlAnd,
(Special Dtapatch to The Journal.)
Chicago, Aag. 24- The wheat market I go
ing lower
The crou damage
crop damage aevra received from the
northwest the paat few daya haa been of a
much milder tone and the trade la general bo
ilers that wheat value have practically
touched the topmost limit.
The market thla morning opened practically
nuchas ed from tha closing of yaatarday, but
th pit' ton waa very weak.
The downward movement of prices began
almost before tbe sound et th opening gong
had subsided and .thla tone continued ell
through the day.
The abort or "bear" now have the upper
hand and are helped In depreaalng prlcea by
he mote favorable new from the crop een-
The number oat shorts ta taereastog very
feat aad th rank of the long or "bulls" la
being depleted. The liquidation aanong the
longs la now at tbe high point and tbe number
of them who an getting out of tbe market
la now Immense
The .lump In wheat beg Monday. On that
day May option reached lta hlgbeat point of
ike year at $1.17. bat the market had a big
range and the closing figure waa at $1.13.
On Monday, December cloaed at $1.11.
The cloalag figure of May wheat today waa
at $1.08, which la practically a elunip of 10
cents from the high point of Monday. From
Monday' dosing figure. December wheat la
ahowlng a elunip of 64a eenta.
Mrmliere of the board of trade have practi
cally conceded that wheat baa gone to tha
top market, but the bucketanope" are till
crying $1.28 wbeit.
Today1 market how:
Open. High. Low. Close.
Sept. $ 1.0SV4 $ 1.04 1084 $ 1 MS
1.081 1.00 1044 1.04
i.10 1.10 1.08 1.06
" PO.fR
Sept, 11.75
T firs In Market.
Liverpool. August 24. Close: Wheat options.
ld lower
n Option d higher thaa yeaterday.
(Furs lab ed ly Overbeck. Starr 4V Cooke Co.)
New York, August 24. The alump la wheat
all over the country today caused a general
advance In the atock market, the entire
list showing marked rise from yeaterday.
Th close waa:
Amalgamated Copper Co. ........ H ...... . 56
Atchlaon. common 81
American Stiear. common ................. i;i I
Baltimore A Ohio, common 85
Brooklyn Rapid Transit
Canadian Pacific, common ' I
CI 1, -ago. Milwaukee at St. Paul 1
Brie, common
Ixiulavtlle Bt Nashville 1
Manhattan novated ...-.
Missouri Pacific 06
I'ennaylranla Railway 124
Peorie'e Oaa. Light A Ooke Co 101
Reading, common 67
Rock Island, common - 244
Srtithern Pacific 67
1 1, lou Pacific, common OOVi
UnttedT Statea Steel Co., common 11
do preferred 88
San Francisco, August 24 Mining quota
.... 23
.... 38
.... 64
.... 30
.... 40
.... 15
.... 42
.... 7
Oi-uld A Currency
KU-tra Nerada
i'nlon ...
Tonopah Mining
Red Top
Jumbo !
Gold Field
Tonopah Nevada
San Francisco, August 24. Close, 10:80
Local stock:
Contra Coata Water 86
Spring Valley Water 187
San Francisco Oaa A Die, trie 61
Oiant Poarder 60 4
Vlgorlt PowdT
Hawaiian Sugar 56
Honokea Sliaar. 14
Makawall Sugar SB
uaaaweu nugar o
li omen Sugar 27
I'aaubau Sugar 15
CaL Fruit Cannere" Aaa'n 07
in '
Cat Wine Aaa'n 70
Mt. Tamalpala By M
Tbe Portlsnd clearing bouse reports today:
Clearing $482.41 28
Balance 41,617.64
(Furnished by Overbed, Starr A Cooke Co )
New York. A.lguat 24. Cotton I abont $2 50
bale higher. The official market:
January 10.88064
December 10.62064
September 10.80O8S
October .' . .lO.BBQBB
Liverpool Cotton Higher.
Liverpool. Auguat 14. Th higher prlcea
en cotton In the American marketa haa caused
thla market to follow and today' market here
la 0 to 11 pnlnta higher.
This week a special price will be made on all our extra brands of tea.
Simply to bring new trade and to introduce them into new families.
All our 50c grade teas this week - '-- 40c
" 75c " " " " 65c
Our Colombo brand Ceylon tea a delicately flavor tea grown in Ceylon, fragrant,
full bodied, economical, -lb. lead packages - 35c
One pound lead packages - 65c
Are cheap groceries good ? No.
Are good groceries cheap? Yes.
There's food for thought
, e i
v We keep everything good and firstclass in Groceries
Steady slump in Chi
cago wheat Eggs
up Poultry scarcer.
(rurnUhid bj OTerberk. Starr A Conk Co.)
San Krinclejco, Augmt 24.- Hutton A Co. UJJ
Wbt In th local nurkeU aotd off In my ro
p thy wttfi tbe ea t eru tuarkf U. Itambt
opeued at I.4UH, an Id at II 40 and chait-d at
$1.4714 at tba uiorolug aaaalon. It la not iir
prtHnif that tba Mt.trn tnarferta ha to hnm
ill tii a aat back after a SAc adrance. A break
ot 10c a buahel vlfht eaaily ba looked for.
ErldettUjr tbe bla oorratoni bare secured tbelr
proflu and are uoldloc off f..r a aoft a pot to
replace their Hues. While prices may work
sooia lower, we advise taklna on some wheat
on any further breaks. There are three good
reasons why Mfher wheat prlcea may be looked
fat la the near future In thla market as wall
aa la the niwthern market centers. Present
prlcea are about on an asport basis, with foreign
marketa shuwlng more disposition to follow
Amertcsn markets secondly, some eastern mar'
kets which will go up beyond any question of
a doubt and reouli .n "roitof' an 1 vv'itshluKtn
producra finding; It to their profit to ship the!
product east. Tha northern roads must have
tonnsas and 'hey will sooner or later make rates
eufflclently low to more tba wheat. They bars
two reasons. One la, they will have a surplus
of grain csra. and they are mo Ting ears any
way. In order tn keep np their tonnage. They
will be compelled to carry grain eaat. If even
at coat, snd they will send tbs same wheat back:
to the coast again In tba shape of flour, thereby
giving tha rsllrosds a double ball. Our third
reason la that ocean rates will go rwry much
k'wor. snd vessel owners might as well accept
the ormdltlona amlllngly. It will surely result
In this way. With tneee on ml It Ion a ao apparent
on m aat draw largely on his luagl nation to
ranch any other decision.
Today's official 11. JO a. m. market;
Vbes t. neoembar 1. 49 $ 1 .47 U
IUrkp Dcceml-er M B 1.0T
Portland Union Stockyard, Aug. 34
were no receipts of bog today, but th mar
ket la not show lag very much etrongth. The
arrival today conalated of 1U0 cattle and 300
beep. Cattle and sheep are both firm.
official ruling price ahow:
Cattle Beast eaatrrn Oregon steers, 3-100;
beat valley ateere, B2.TB43.UO; medium steera,
I3.TB: cows. 32.25; bull. 11.75; tgs, 32.00.
Hug Best heavy, $9.00; block, BS.BO; i liln
fata. 3S.004jeB.26; atockera and feeders, B4.30O
Sheep -Beat grain-fed wethers and lamb,; mixed shoep, fl. 7802.00.
Following- are tha offlclsl entries for
tomorrow' a races at Irvlnerton:
Flrat race, four and a half furlongs,
3-year-olds, selling 7308, Lizzie Ward,
95; . Oregon Girl. B; 7178, Louts
Mac, 102; 7208, Vuughan, 102; (978,
tireton, 109; 7109, Phil Crlmmlns, 109;
8883, Turtle, 97; 7081, Red Croaa Nurse,
100; 7313. Addle D., 107; 7201, HoUy
Berry, 107.
Second race, five furlongs, 4-year-olds
and up, selling 7108, Badly Used, 107;
(598, Rim Rock, 105; 7220, Modder, 107;
7211, Rosebud, 100; 7189, Billy Brook
wood, 107; 7307, Educate, 106) 7167,
Ingo, 102.
Thrd race, six furlongs, 4-year-olds
and up, selling 7212, Budd Wade. 107;
7197, Titus, 107; 7184. Almoner, 107;
7317, Dora I., 105; 7184. Agnes Mack,
105; 7211, Penzance, 146; .7311, Lau
reates, 100; 7098, Amst. 102; 7207, Albe
marle, 102.
Fourth race seven furlongs. 3-year-olds
and up, selling 7191. Illownho. Ill;
7187. Mountebank, 104; 7171, Ldy Uak,
89; 7216, Maxtress. 89; 7198, Chief
Aloha, 97; 7185. Lady Kent, 100; 7198,
Sir Dougal, 102.
Fifth race, one mile, 4-year-olds and
up. selling 7202. M. K. Rothachild, 112;
7217, Dr. Long. 107; 7202. Capable. 107;
7072, Prestolus, 107; 7104, Lord Bldred,
107; 7222, Cut hello. 102; 7315, Black
Cloud. 104; 7206, Morenso, 109; 7217,
Harry Thatcher, 109; 7178, Our Choice,
109; 7216, Montoys, 109.
Sixth race, mile and 60 yards, 4-year-olds
and up, selling 7217, Chickadee,
107; 7217, Past Master, 104; 7217,
Cracks, 104; 7218, The Stewardess, 102;
7217, .Phys, 102; 7212. Scherso, 101;
7209, Nora; 101; 7199, J. V. Klrby, 109;
7214, Oentle Harry, 98.
(Special Dtapatch to The Joarnal.)
Rawsonvllle, Idaho, Aug. 24. One of
W. L. Rambo's flne cattle came home
with Its horn torn from Its head by be
ing struck with a heavy club. It la sup
posed. For several years paat
and cattle have been most brutally
butchered by some persons In this sec
tion. There are several suspicions, but
no arrests have been made.
Schedule of Steamer T. J. Potter.
t The seaside steamer T. J. Potter will
leave' Portland. Aah street dock, for
Astoria, and Ilwaco as follows:
August 26, Thursday, 8:30 a. m.
August 27, Saturday,. 9:10 a. m.
Get transportation and berth tickets
at O. R. & N. ticket office. Third and
Washington streets.
(Special Dispatch to Tbe Joarnal.)
Paola. Wash.. Aug. 24, Joseph
Mnckey, aged 73, a native of Ireland and
a pioneer of this section, died yesterday.
He leaves a widow and six children.
Corner 7th and Washington
i 0. MO
While Ute go r In B. C Mersa'g Uf
ia not quite ao broad at that In Rip Van
Winkle's, being only six days. It is fully
a complete. He has attained fame In
other ways alao, first by losing himself
and then by finding himself. He would
not be surprised to dlscovor that he la
another Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
While Deputy City Auditor Hutrhin
son waa hunting for Morse In the woods
bordering the Sandy road, on the theory
that he had been murdered and robbed,
the missing man telephoned his alster,
Mrs. J. W. Hutchinson, from Biggs, that
be waa to take a train and would reach
here yesterday evening. The salient fea
tures of Morse's remarkable dlaeovery
of himself were recounted exclusively
In yesterday's Journal.
Morse says he remembers that he took
a car to leave the race track Wednesday
afternoon about 6 o'clock. He remem
bers nothing very well after that until
he found himself at Bend. In Crook
county, more than 160 milea from Port
land, mat Sunday. Hla mind waa nssy,
and two days mora were required to re
member that his home ts In Portland
and that he has relatives here. Mr.
Morse stoutly maintains that be drank
only one glaae of beer.
He Informs his relatives that he was
very 111 when he began, to come to hlm
Hlf at Bend and that while on the stag".
bound for Biggs, he was afflicted with
nausea. This convinces him that he was
drugged. He has a dim recollection that
a short, heavy-set man. accompanied
him on the trip. The proprietor or me
hotel at Blgga, where he found he had
not registered, he says, told him that a
man of this description took him there.
Before going to the races laat Wod
neaday Mr. Morse drew 1145 from, sn
east side bank with tha announced In
tention of purchasing five lots at
Qreaham. He bemoans the Impulse
which tcok him to tbe track Instead of
to Qresham. That he won 1100 Is
vouched for by Mr. Morse. Ha might
have won more, but Is not certain. His
mind seems to have been clear when he
talked to Capt, Arthur Cox after reach
ing town.
When he found himself, at Bend, he
had 117 left. It took some money to
travel there. This coin he accounts for
by the fact that It was In a small pocket
near the waistband of his trousers. The
remainder of his 1146. If he remembers
accurately when he sly s he won $100,
was missing.
He could not be seen this morning;. A
girl, who answered the doorbell, asserted
that Mr. Morse Is yet too weak to be
interviewed. She ssld he looks well and
admitted that he had not been struck
on the head.
(Joarnal Special Service.)
Sedalia, Mo., Aug. 24. William Orr, a
farmer, and W. T. Harris, a real estate
dealer, fought a duel with revolvers to
day as the result of a quarrel over
Morris was seriously wounded and Otr
la dying. The ehootlng created great
excitement aa both men were well
(Journal Special Service.)
Wallace, Idaho. Aug. 14. Pour young
children were found destitute and nearly
starved In a shack near town yesterday.
They aald that their father left a year
ago and that their mother had gone to
see a sick daughter tn another town.
The children were taken In charge by
the neighbors.
(Joarnal Special Service.)
Paris, Aug. 24. A child actress, 8u
sanne Juglerska, haa obtained 160 dam
ages from Mme. Sarah Bernhardt fot
breaoh of contract. The youthful ac
tress had been engaged for the role of
Madame Royale In "Varennes," but after
10 rehearsals Mme. Bernhardt refused to
let her' appear. The court held that this
could not be done without Incurring a
liability, nor waa the artist bound to
accept the substitution of another role
under such conditions.
Schedule' of Steamer T. J. Potter.
The seaside) steamer T. J. Potter will
leave Portland. Ash street dock, for
Astoria and Ilwaco aa follows:
August 25, Thursday, 1:10 a. m.
August 27. Saturday. 1:10 a. m.
Get transportation and berth tickets
nt O. It. A N. ticket office. Third and
Washington streets.
Points to be Remembered
In haying and harvesting time are that
we keep a complete line of everything
the farmer needs In forks, scythes and
sickle. The housewife can alao find
everything she needs In kettles, meas
ures, scales, dippers, ror preserving ana
canning time.
82 Third St.
Mineral Springs
To Whom It May Co nee rn
I came to the above springs on April
to take treatment for my eyes. I had
a very sever attack of catarrh of the
eyes, was almost blind after treating
wltb the beat specialists that could be
found, and suffering, for nine years. I
have at last found a cure here at the
not praise them too highly. I hope that
others that are afflicted will give then
a trial Respectfully.
Room 601. Commercial Bldg . Portland,
Mr. I. C. Palmer, of Palmer. Or., was
cured of rheumatism. If you are sick
write to us; we will give you tha name
and address of some one cared of a
elmllar complaint.
Tuscan Mineral Springs Corp.
sszn ooe ros bottle or stok',ci
mm STARR i (OOlit (0.
stampers Chicago BosrS of Trade.
02 Third St, Nsar Stark - Paesc. Mais 3111
W are connected by private wires srlta
Messrs. Lagan A Bryan. Chicago sad New
York; Walker 3ro J. 8. Bach Co.. Mw
York Stuck Exchsnge; Hobos rd Bras. Co..
New York Cotton Kxchsnge; Falrcfllld A Bee
eon : New Orleans Cotton Exchange; Heary
Herth A Co.. New York Coffee Exchange; Pa la.
Webber A Co.: Boston Copper snd Stock Bx
cbsngs; Dick Broa. A Co.: New Yerk sad Patla
delpbls Stock Bxeksxaga.
Dowirrwi, HontiKs a co,
(Established ISM.)
assess 4. Ground Tloor.
Butter! Butter!
Best creamery ...........
Oood creamery
Dairy butter
Ranch egga 1
Beet sugar-cured hams . ,
Breakfast bacon
10 pounds pure lard
6 pounds pure lard
Full cream cheese .......
Bwlss cheese
Java-Mocha coffee ,
60c tea for
Remember Saturday Is
. .46c and 60o
. . 10c and lie
dozen for sc
10c and llo
chicken day.
spring cnicxens zoo eacn
La Grande Creamery
2S4 Yamhill.
(Joarnal Special Service.)
Los Angeles. Aug.' 11. Washouts
continue to hold up the Santa Fe trains
In Arisona. The Knights Templar spe
cial will be delayed twentjr-four hours
or more.
f BUG v.