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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 24, 1904. Sole Selling Agents for the Famous ORDER. BY MAIL If you can't come to the store, order by mail or 'phone. Your orders will be filled carefully and promptly by trained, skilled shoppers. This is the oldest and leading mail order house on the coast. Bonnet et Cie's FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STS. THE "DIFFERENT STORE" PORTLAND'S QUALITY SHOP The Great Sale of New 1804-0 Silks and Dress Goods at Sharply Reduced Clearance Sale Prices Continues Annex, First Floor. Do fall Sewing on an Olds, Wormian & King Sewing Machine Special Clearance Sale Prices All This Week Fourth Floor. Celebrated "Quick Meal" Kitchen Ranges Third Floor. Last Week of Clearance Sale Prices. Buy the Range This Week and Save Price of Ton of Coal. Silks armwz. T ''mm i " 4( SEE THAT HOLE? 99 That hole means a lot to us. It means that at last a larger Olds, Wortman & King Store is In sight We stood yesterday and looked through the hole out into the great new building that opens onto Sixth street and on through the great doors and windows of that mammoth new fireproof structure the most modern in all the west, out onto the busy street, and we said with a fond, excusable pride "My! but how the great, strapping, robust boy did need these new clothes." Yes, we've outgrown our clothes kept having to let 'em out in the seams for 28 years, and yet we've but started to grow. You may look through the "hole" and see the great mammoth elevators go up and down elevators that will carry our great public from first floor to fifth in a jiffy and make thia the handiest store to shop in west of Chicago. There's a lot to sea through the "hole in the waif that now makes the two big buildings into one store. There's but, golly I what's the use? YouH soon be romping through the "hole" and can see for yourselves. We're selling merchandise of every sort this week at Clear ance Sale prices, getting ready for that time. Tailored Suits A Latent models Just received from New York. In all the new and popular "Butcher" ooated effects. High novelty tailored single-breasted, rteml, or close fitting Inng-coat costumes with full skirts and the new sleeve. Advance showings today In plain and fancy suit inns, tweeds, serges, cheviots and other appropriate tailoring fabrics, finished with contrasting material, stitching and button. High novelty, French tailored walking costumes, with detal-fltted short packets, single-breasted vests and fancy panel flounce effect skirts. Advance showings today In materials of cheviots, worsteds, serges and other fashionable plain and mixed Suitings, finished with contrast Ing materials, buttons, stitching, etc. IPS iLl-tssM B JAY SPECIALS XV mt W1AB asm mm rioqr. The mercury is falling, cooler days have already entered upon Autumn s stags, and women's thoughts lightly turn to heavier undergarments. While you've been sweltering under the sum mer's sun we've been getting together the most comprehensive lines of Knit Underwear and handsome Fall Ho siery Portland women folk ever chose from. Fall lines of the famous "Me rode" Knit Underwear are ready. Great savins are here for those who buy this week three more days of August's clearance sale pricesand they apply to the new fall stocks until Saturday, at 1 p. m. Special for tomorrow we offer misses see hosiery 194 pais. Fine Black La.ce Lisle Hosiery. In a fine assortment of fancy patterns, slses SH to 9, values 26c. 30c, 35c; special 19c womri 35o vests ioc. Pretty New Vests of White Lisle. Richelieu ribbed. lace . striped, sleeveless. In white and tints of pink and blue, regular 36c values; spe cial Thursday at 194 SPECIAL SALE SEWING MACHINES DO PALL SEWINO ON AST O W. Fourth Ploor. $14 Golden Oak Cabinet, E -drawer style, full ball bearing, drop head 921.20 $22.66 6-drawer. box top, antique oak finish cabinet 220.00 $21 same as above with exception of being In ! -drawer style 018. SO very Machine fully guaranteed for ten But Three Days More wxsm-trv iubi amoho m vmvmmMomxsn. Advance Auram BBowlisrar Clearaaoo Tl loss s. nasi. Second Floor. Ladles' Muslin Petticoats, deep lawn flounce, with cluster of four tucks, snd embroidery edging; regular price, 8lo; special at 624 Ladles' fine Cambric Drawers, cluster of f fine tucks and edged with fine wide Swiss embroidery, regular $1,60; special at 994 Broken lines and slsea of Corset Covers, Bklrt Chemise, Gowns, Drawers and Petticoats of line cambric and muslin, trimmed In lac and embroidery, regular prices $100, $1.31 and $1.60; for rapid selling we have bunched them together to sell at , ,. 694 Ladles' and Misses' Sunbonnets, In fancy and plain material, to close at. .164 Square or round Centerpieces, tinted and stamped on tan, blue and green linen. . else (( Inches, regular price $1.36 to $2.00; special at 974 New Petticoats In black mercerised sateen. Italian cloth, mercerised and silk moreen, slpaca and poplin; also a large variety In colored brllllantlne and mohalr,wltu of without silk flounces. Dust and Dismanteling 'Mong the Shoes First rioor. We're sure "an against It," to use a slang phrase, la the shoe store. We're right "next" to the "hole in vae wan." it e not now "where the wans ace coming flown," but actually Where the walls are down and pandemonium reigns, bat we've fat the shoes well protected, and if yon don't mind a little draft, with sounds of hammer, saw and plasterers, you may buy shoes at prices that would make their makers wasp to see 'em sold at. All the new FaU Shoe Stocks are included In one grand slaughter this week better get yours nw before they go through the hole, when they'll cost more for w must make a profit some time they're all yours now, ana more. Special Shoe Prices for Balance of Week Women'a dressy, new Shoes In fall style lasts, patent kid, erksi kid, veloar calf and patent leather, plain Balmoral or Blucher out, patent or stock toe tips, military, Cuban or walking heels, very smooth, new and stylish. Some with matt top, others plain vlcl kid, newest and choicest styles from the $3.1$ and $4.00 lines: special for this week at . 2. 64 Women'a $3.10 House Jullettes. vlcl Baa stock, broad, comfortable anapes, plain, with broad heel and medium round toe; special this week 91.64 Women's handsome styles In $8 and $$ Dress and Street Shoes, patent ' or French kid or patent leather stock, patent leather or stock toe tips. Louis' or H-lnch military heels, lull round or medium toes, dull or matted tops; special for weak $)8.23 Women's new Party Slippers, one or three-strap styles, vamps beaded or plain, Louts heels, very smart, new styles, regular $3.00 values; special this week . $1.97 Women's new Dress Shoes In patent or plain kid vamps, dull or mat ted tops, very latest styles, with medium round toes, plain or tip ped, military heels, hand sewed and 1 of finest workmanship throughout, me product of a lead ins eastern manufacturer. Best $6 values; special for the week 23.43 Women's new $$ Street Shoes, vlcl kid stock, patent leather too tips, full round toes and military heels; special for the week 91.83 Women's $4 Dress or Street Shoes, new arrivals Just In, finest vlcl kid stock, mstt kid tops, medium round toes, military or Cuban heels, flexible, easy tread, hand turned soles, very swell styles; special for tha week 92.86 Women's House Slippers, soft kid stock, comfortable foot shape lasts, medium heels, one-strap or plain, special this week 94 Misses' box calf or vlcl kid Street Shoes In lace styles, soles light or heavy, full round toes, very stylish and durable Regular $3 values, sixes 11 to 1; special 91.38 Regular $1.76 values, slses to 11; special 91.18 Men's Oxfords, in tan or black stock, neat, stylish foot-shape lasts, Bluchsr or straight lace styles, very fashionable lasts snd hand somely finished, regular $3.60 values; special 92.84 Men's handsome, fashionable Street Shoes, Oxfords or boots, regular 13.(0 and $4 values, Russia calf, willow calf or box calf leathers, a very swell line; speclsl to close 92. T9 Boys' Dress or School Shoes, very durable for general wear, velour or box calf or vlcl kid stock, six effective styles In the choosing, light, medium or heavy oak tan, solid leather soles Regular $1.75 values, slses 11 to 13; epectal 91.14 Regular $3.00 values, slses 11 to 2; special 91.34 Regular $3.60 values, slses 3H to 6tt; special . J 91.64 August's Great Closing Linen Sales BUY B.BT.TABT.X from A People our public always wait for the Olds, Wortman A King sale of Linens, Sheets, etc. A store noted for following our lead sent out their emis saries the other day to note the tremendous selling being done in our linen aisles. The busy sights they saw caused the spark of envy to light anew In their breasts result, an advertised "sale" the day following at prices higher than our regular ones on equal quality linens. Homemakers and hotelkeepers. rooming-house managers and restaurant men alike know the Linen Sale occa sions at this store as their own. Those who take fullest advantage of the economies we offer supply thslr "linen chests" for the ensuing year. It's forehanded way. The basic reason for our great August Linen Ssles rests on the fact that the savings are great and warrant buying for months ahead. Why notT 'Tie but natural seasonable things should command full prices when the season Is on; how else would stores make a fair profit? souro reason for buying linens how at Praia ST, sideboard and napkins at Slightly mussed or 3 yard lengths. $2.26 Cloths $$.00 Cloths $3.60 Cloths $6.00 Cloths $$.00 Cloths $3.26 Cloths I $ 1 25 values, now $1.60 values, now $2.60 values, now $4.26 values, now $6.00 values, now $6.60 values, now tablecloths soiled In 2 to ........4 l.TB 92.25 .78 .76 .OO .12 26. 864 21.O0 21.88 88.00 8.76 94.IO $1.00 Tea Cloths $1.36 Tea Cloths $2.25 Tea Cloths 2.50 Tea Cloths $3.60 Tea Cloths I 754 904 1.76 1.96 2.60 10O In full sise, some slightly soiled from showing and window display, most of them, however, are but slightly mussed. Best $8.60 values .... 92.35 DAMASK BEMNANT8. $3.00 Damask 91. 60 $2.60 Damaak 21.90 13.00 Damask 92.25 $4.60 Damask 98.35 $1.00 $1.26 $1.50 $2.00 A btg- Sca rfs Scarfs Scarfs Scarfs TOWELS. slightly ...754 ii08S 81. SO nple line, 30c Towels 12'. r 2 60 Towels 18 10c Towels 40c Towels (6c Towels tl.00 Towels $1 35 Towels sh ays : JEB O WLY OF ISJ 90 c 1.(0 Towel 91.66 X OF SI Short lengths Table Damask IV, to S yards long, mercilessly rednoed. leached ana Unbleached Table la Richards oa'e famous w Four extra special values In Unbleached Damasks at, yard 80a, 344, 384. 424 Four extra special values In "Bleached Damasks, at yard 424. 504. 554. 634 iparate Table CSotha sharply Blse 8x10 Cloths. $8.26 values, for 96.10 wise kid uioms, .u values. for 14 .25 diss sxiu unim. n mi values, for 22.72 oise sxiu uioms. it.uu values. for .: an. is sise sxiu uioms, values, for 2.HK oise sxiu uioms, is.uv values. 'or 92.46 a lot emoracing over luu remnants In Bleached and I'nbleached Damasks In 1 to 3-yard lengths at slaughter prices. 1 LAST DUOID FR1UBSI X UBTYXBJJALLT IWB1PTMOLT RB- so: ITABLB TIG OO! OF mm W BOTBLTT OTT OS FOB FAU WBia SPE CIAL AT Sle TASKS. A pretty line of smart, new fall and winter Novelty Suitings, exact cop ies of the fine, aristocratic imported cloths that cost fsr away aad above the regular prices of those fabrics. Thsy ara in rich, dark mtxturea, In stripe and Jacquard effects, and embrace all the new autumn shades of brown, green, navy, maroon and black and white effects Sao them In window Special this week at yard 214 BUY FALL FLANNELS IB AUGUST AHD SAYB OX PBi-A After Saturday these new goods re sume a normal price-trend. MB W AUkUSLX W AXBTXB'OS In silk and wool effects. Vlyella flannels, plain printed French Flannels, unshrink able Scotch shirtings, fleeced cre ponettee, swsnsdowns and velours. A full line of the now embroidered flannels and eloerdowne. fancy terry cloth for the wrappers, bath robes snd dressing gowns. Plain and .igured outing flannels, fancy flannelettes and all the latest novel ties at T60 WASH FABRICS Me A TA3KO. Wash Ooods Aisle First Floor. Short lengths of dainty, pretty wash stuffs, both white and coloreo. Fabrics fit not only for summer dresses, but for pretty house gowns you'll wear all winter. Values to 76c; today and until sold. yard. 254 SOTS' MO WAISTS 184. Cotton School Waists. In assortment of light and medium shades, neat fancy figured and atrlped. regular 2(c grade, special Thursday only t 184 Thfeb HOMEFITTER'S WEEK At This Growing Store Houeef ittings of the Reliable Sort for Three Bays More at the Drastically Sedated Clearance Bale FrloesI Buy for Your Winter's Needs NOW! 1 Familiar noses will soon be pointed homeward and the faces thsy grace will be seen again upon the city streets. The summer bungalows will don their shutters and city doors swing open again to greet the owners and their own ers' friends. There'll bo a musty smell and darkened look when first you open the homes that have been closed while you've been basking In the sun shine at ocean's side or mountain's slope 'Tie easy dispelled throw every room open to the glorious light and nit ol Oregon. To be sure, you may see spots that need brightening up by other means. A pair of curtains here, a rug there, perhaps new carpets, some draperies or portieres. Perhaps the bed coverings are hardly ample for the coming cool autumn nights. Ah! Does a light dawn on you? "We have all theae to sell" of course; and Just the biggest, handsomest line of new home fittings you ever saw. We've a selfish Interest, perhaps. In thus pointing out your wants, for we want to fill 'em. Hay weT We ll savs you money FOR ALL THE NEW FALL HOUSE FITTINGS ARE HERE THIS WEEK AT THE AUGUST CLEARANCE BALE PRICES. A DIBTTBCT SAYING TO YOU. Bo you should share our Interest In fitting your home and filling your house hold wants. Our new lines are by far the largest and handsomest ever shown In any western city and will rival those of any house in America. A word of them: CURTAINS FOR FALL, 1904. Every line embraced. Including the Cable Net. Brussels and Renaissance ef fects, 754 to 96.00 the pair, with a full doaen In-between grades Cluny Lace Curtains, pair 9 2.76 TO 9 15.00 Real Renaissance Curtains, pair 7. BO TO 42.50 Real Arabian, pair 12.50 TO IOO.OO Irish Point and Brussels Curtains, pair 2.75 TO 20.00 Ruffled Net and Mahlffany, pair 1.56 TO 7.56 JPBy IWZwmvm 'ssl rtBWIPW3WsTl2qF j AjjFi sbBBBBBBA m rrsmPfc. mmW rYOft Prnsss! (t r' .BB isstl VGS&fBBBBk 7 SJ BsWltYsf LSBSV 1 '3 (Br I AHD 01 A lino so varied, so rich, so beautiful, that cold typo would but profane their effulgent eleganoe Plain Rep, with beautiful OobHn borders 9 5.90 TO B1S.OO Plain Tapestry, edges corded or fringed both ends 6.00 TO 17.50 Heavy Figured Tapestry, edgee corded or fringed both ends, pair 8.50 TO 35. OO Beat French Velour from 40.00 TO 15. OO Place Ooods In Reps, Armures, Tapestries, Heavy Brocade Silks, Velours, Etc Full line of fall Bed Comforters, Downallne Comforts, Silk Comforts, Etc. A handsome line of Silk Bed Comforts at from, each 910.00 TO 925. OO sxax sowar bed comforts 26. 50 of. Tls savins', not Immediate service. nerhaDS. that Isanala folks to hnv flan. forts and Blankets BOW. There's mighty little use for such warm bed woo tens these August nights, but most everybody has uae for dollars chipped off blanket prices now during THE CLEARANCE-ALTERATION SALES. What better reason, then, for the outgoing of hundreds unon hundreds of Blankets and Comforts during this last week of the sale 7 LINOLEUMS CARLOADS XtW FALL STYLE FLOOR 0 YE RINGS. The handsomest line of New Carpets we've ever seen under tnr one roof, the biggest line In the city, the newest line on the coast, and all at the loweet prices quoted by any carpet house in all the Northwest country. Rich dark reds, two-toned greens and Delf blues predominate, strikingly neat, small figures. Oriental and floral designs, scrolls and plain fillings vie with each other for favor. In price you'll find Extra Lupers at. yard 904 Tapestries, yard 854. 81. OO. 91. 15 Extra Lu pars C. C at yard 994 Body Brussels, yard 91.65 Half Wool, yard 704 Axminsters. yard. 9i.6O TO 92.16 Granite, yard 464 Best Velvets, yard 21.56 Wiltons, yard 91. SO Say FatUooata Thursday. FAT 984 (AS OF 1.60. Floor. Woman's' Black Mercerised Sateen Petticoats, a grand $1.60 value; spe cial for the day only at 964 BTXW FALL AXB WIBTBR COATS. For little tots to ( years, tm white ar)4 colored new fabrics. In Russian, Duster Brown, sailor, bos pleated and plain ulster styles; prices from 9I.2O U 999