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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1904)
THE OREGON DAllY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 24, 1904. TOWN TOPICS TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS. Curdray'a... Arcade .... I II tjrle Stsr ."A ltunaway Milrb" Vaudeville Vaudeville Vaudeville Vasgevillt Ot, the Tl -barbers who took the ez smlnatlona last week St stood the test and will be awarded permits to con- inn. ii,. ir ir-,i.. Th., wh. i.iu .111 have to wait until the next examination before they wllf be able to oontlnue swinging the rasor. The following were successful: M. J. Asher, Andrew Wooda, i O. W. MnrxlHnil. ilrirt Hall, &. atuaseU, o .alt nnin ii,.. ..i..i1 W. T. Pogle, Artnur Wydnham. Kmlllo Pepe, C. W. Kilter, Charlea Crandall. . J. Bushnell. C. H. Dixon. Mrs. 8. C O'Nell, W. J. Bergeron, Edgar Lafayette, O. 8. Murphy, A. W. Knowles, James Mllllngton. P. E. Harris, K. B. Qarmar. Charlea J. Anderson, C. K Buckles, Joe Zellnskl, P. K Qassolo, F. J. Bartels, A. O. Austin. F. J. Burney. W. T. Bas klll, E. L Plummer. Charles R. Bennett. O. E. Van Winkle. J. W. Turner, i. H. Docker. Emlle Pebvet, Hugh Maloney, Charles M. Wilson, W. A. Wood, James Kuah worth, Joseph Arthur, V. R. 8ex tnn, Harry McKey, William Ambuster. Charles E. Peterson, Ralph Thorp, H. A. Buxton. Charles Connor. Frank Farmer, P. W. Drake, D. A. Honey, Ray Robin son. F. W, Spencer. Bert Hoxle, William Ruckles. Fred Bradley, Joseph Ystes, J. A. Wahlln. H. W. Roach. W. E. Finch. John Hugdahl. Property owners north of Marquam gulch may object to tha assesaments which are to be made for the construc tion of the steel bridges over First and Front streets, the former of which is nearly completed and the latter not yet begun. The total cost of these two structurss snd (Ills which are being made In that vicinity will be 1211.441. The question regarding whether or not these, people have any grounds for a suit agslnst the city to keep from paying the assessment tins been Investigated by ths mayor and City Attorney McNary and they have come to tho conclusion that the residents will hsvs no reason able ground for commencing such ac tion. It was on this opinion that tha contract for the Front street bridge wss recently let to the Pacific Con struction compsny of San Francisco. There Is one steamboat ride that every man. woman and child in America ought to take. There Is no finer scenery on esrth than that of the Columbia, and there la no finer steamboat on tha Co lumbia or Willamette rivers In, fact, there Is none so feet and new. than the Charles R. Spencer. The Spencer leaves foot of Washington street Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for sll points on the Columbia between Portland snd The Dalles, passing within plain view of the great waterfalls, mountains, canyona and gorges that have made this river famous throughout all the world. Tel Main 142Z. Claire Washington, leading woman of "A Runaway Match at Cord ray s the atre, met with a painful accident last evening during the second act. In run ning across the stage she caught her foot in a rug and before she could re cover her balance had pitched forward her head striking the floor violently. For a moment she lay stunned and the rurtaln was rung down. Miss Wash lngton did not give up, however. She ordered the curtain raised as soon as she was on her feet and went through with the performance In spits of the pain she was suffering. Portland Is to have the convenience of mall deliveries equal to those of other cities, including a delivery to down town business centers after the arrival of the 6 o'clock afternoon malls. It will be done without any addition to the postofnee payrolls, but by prompt distri bution and carrying of the malls that come late in the day and which hereto fore have reposed In the postofflce until the following morning. The late even ing delivery will be a great convenience to hotel guests, business houses and offices are kept open until it o'clock and after. Cyclone." in private life W. A. Folia a r. had a taste of his one fear In life last evening while performing his sensational ride in the device called 'The Devil's Chimney" at the Star the atre. While on the descent, within a few feet of the bottom of the cylinder, the wheel slipped and he was thrown violently, to the floor, striking his shoul der. A doctor discovered that a small bone was broken and the Injured part was bandaged, cyclone declared that he would ride again today. The newsboys sre selling tickets for an excursion on the Willamette, to be given next Saturday evening. Captain C. W. Spencer having placed the steamer Spencer at their disposal for that even ing. People who purchased ticket; for the postponed excursion of the newsboys some time ago may present their tickets and they will be honored on this ex cursion. Bay State paint will go IS per cent further and last B0 per cent longer than white lead and oil mixed and tinted by hand with the nid of a stick. That means a saving of about S3 1-8 per cent on an Investment in paint. Flsher-Thor-sen Co.. everything In paints, corner Front and Morrison street. By a mis-step In slighting from a street, car yesterday Chancellor E. Ben jamin Andrews of the Nebraska univer sity sprained his ankle and was obliged to stand on crutches while sddresslng the mining congress last evening. The effects of his Injury are expected to pass away in a day or two. The first theatre erected by the Con solidated Amusement company outside of Portland will be opened tonight at Astoria. The house will be known as the New Star. Officers of the company have gone from here to attend the event. Our wagnna call anywhere at any time . . . ,, m , V me linen i our u k.v am at the Perktna call us up in the morning and have yo,,r"r 'J""; iHiiiniry n'luoini iiitj enmc uimhi. . . ,. Main 39. Union laundry. Second and Columbia. Two temporary school buildings con taining two rooms each will be erected In Arleta school district No. 47 Instead of building a f 10,000 structure as at first contemplated. This Is the decision - . Drs. Adix & Northrup OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS 416 Dekum Building EXAMINATIONS FREE reached at a masting of the taxpayers of the district held last night In the Presbyterian mission church. The contract was awarded to B. F. Doty the onMiloiHtlon being 1740. In addl tlon to this It will cost about 11,000 to furnish ths two buildings, hut these furnlahtngs can be placed In the new1 houae which will be aonstrtssted next year. Work will begin Immediately on the buildings fend the contractor states that they will be ready for occupancy by-September 2f. City Attorney McNary Is meeting with considerable difficulty In sec-ur Ing a clear title to the property on which the east landing of the Alblna ferry will locaieo. in nis nesren or me reo ords he has found that there are aeveral oM tax Hens on the property dating back many years snd that In case any on desires to make trouble for the city they inay be whin to do It Ly rraurrnrt fng these old claims upon the property He has taken steps to clear the title to the property and atates that Louis NIc oil, from whom the property Is to be purchased, must turn the land over to the city free of all Incumbrances. A. Shaplm, Eugene Blaster, Peter Qrant, Nathan Solomon. Harvey Dale, August Brlrkson snd Fred Frits were arraigned before Judge George In the circuit court this morning on informa tions sworn to by W. H. Markell, E Quackenbush and W. F. Edwards charg Ing them with gambling. Attorney S. C Spencer appeared for the defendants The court ordered the men to appear In court In 10 days to enter their pleaa These are a few of the gamblers who were recently arrested for conducting gambling resorts In this city. Most of them are chsrged In the Informations with running roulette wheels, Patrolmen Lee and Jones, members of the second relief of police, were fined ft each by Chief Hunt this morning for reporting for duty late. Lee came In fifteen minutes behind time and Jones was one hour late. Officer Price was seven minutes late, but gave as sn excuse that he went to the fire at Grand and Hawthorne avenues, snd said he telephoned Captain Moore, thinking that would be enough. He was given a talk In the chief's private office, and In structed to make his excuses In writing hereafter.. James Median, who wffh Fred Wll sop. was arrested some time ago for the burglary of the Gem saloon In Trout dale on June 12, appeared before Judge George In the circuit court this morning when sn Information charging him with the offense was presented to ths court He, waived time for pleading and entered the plea of not guilty. Wilson was ar raigned last week snd both wilt remain in the county jsll pending their trials. No settlement hss been reached by the journeymen plumbers who are on strike because of the refusal of pro prietors of plumbing establishments to discharge all but one of -the apprentices There sre a dosen Journeymen who quit work a week ago and all efforts to com promise or settle the contentions have been futile. It Is not considered likely, however, that the strike will reach other branches of the trade. Every letter, postal card or other piece of mull that passes through the local postofflce will hereafter bear the cancellation stamp of the Lewie and Clark fair. The machine was received yesterday and began Its work last night. On every piece of mall Is stamped the words, "Worlds Fair. Portland. 190K They are stamped on every piece of mall that either comes into or goes out of the nftlce. . In all probability the big Brooklyn sewer will be laid along Division street to the river Instead of passing through the Ladd estate as first surveyed. Thl will svold complications with the Ladd estate which objects to having the big drain pass through its property. It Is expected that work on the big drain will begin some time this fall and will be completed within a year. Lacrosse! Lacrosse! ' Portlsnd snd Victoria. A whirlwind game. Sunday. August it. Esst 8tde Ball Park. Admission 25c. grandstand 25c. Most interesting and enjoyable Is the usual verdict pronounced by those who "seev Portland" from the 'Observation Car. It leaves Third and Morrison streets at 9:30 a.m. and 2 p. m.. dally. News of the death of Henry C Pratt. a prominent Michigan lawyer and Re publican orator, was received yesterday by his brother. Prof. L. M. . Pratt of the Williams avenue school. Wa-Hoo Tonic. The great blood pur ifier, nerve tonlo and liver regulator. Just whst you need these days. For sale by all druggists. Fishing tackle; every description re tailed at greatly reduced prices. Honey- man McBrlde. Third and Taylor Sts. Clayton, King & Co., real -estate and Insurance, removed to 110 Second street, near Washington street. Regent baths, expert masseuses, elec tric vibrator. Main 4T66. 474 Alder, cor ner Fourteenth street. Chew Den-Tal-Qum. have pearly teeth and prevent decay. For sale every where. Dr. O. C Blaney, I. O. O. F. temple. Wise Bros., dentists, tha Falling blag. Dr. L. M. Thornton, dentist. Marquam. Ansley's 1906 envelopes, by all dealers. TLT PEB80VAL. N C. Evans of Hood River is Istered at the Imperial. reg- I. 8. McCandless and Miss Madge Mc Candless of Honolulu are guests at ths Portland. C. K. Mills of Huntington Is at the Perkins. Louisa B. Lehman of lone la at the Imperial. c J. Crandall of The Dalles is reg istered at tHe Perkins Mr. and Mrs. John Otto Lee of Al- of Ketchikan, Alaska, are at the Imperial. A. M. Rust of Saginaw, Mich., is at the Portland. Miss D. Velarde of The Dalles is a guest at the Perkins. W. Bollons, rnadmaster of the Pen dleton division of the O. R. N., Is at the Perkins. E. Q. Shoger and his uncle, Mr. rfJan ders of Aurora. UK sre spending two or three days In Portland with Dr. O. M. Babbitt. They are making an at tended tour through Wsshlngton, Ore gon and California. FINE AT MOUNT HOOD. Conditions Perfect at Cloud Cap Inn at Present Time. ' Mrs. S. Langtlle, keeper of Cloud Csp Inn. writes that the weather Is very fine at that popular resort. Visitors to the mining congress could take no more delightful outing than that to Cloud Cap Inn. or to the summit of the mountain. Particulars about . the trip of C. W. Stinger, city ticket agent O. R N. Co., Third and Washington WILL ENTERTAIN NOTED KNIGHTS POBTIAbT) , KMIOMTB WILL RECEIVE THE HAST EAST XBJT DELEGATIONS THAT PASS TMJtOUOM EM BOUTS TO SOUTH 1BV CONCLAVE. Extensive preparations are being made by local Knights Templar to receive and entertain the visiting knights who will pass through this city en route to San rFratlclscrj-tTT HTOsnrrrne annual conclave. The first delegation to reach here will arrive Friday, when the grand com mandery of the United States cornea to Portland on a special train. George H. Hill, grand commander of the state of Oregon, will be In charge of the reception and entertainment of the grand commandery. A sub-committee has been appointed to look after the interests of the other knights while they sre in the city. The 'committee is composed of Henry S. Rowe, Edward Hoi man and C. V. Cooper. It was ap pointed by Donald Mackay, cnalrman of the general committee of reception. On Sunday the largeat delegation that will pass through Portland will arrive. It will consist of 219 members with 21 cars. It Is the Pennsylvania contingent, who will remain here for one day. Practically ail the visiting delegations have limited themselves to that length of time in this city, with the exception of the Denver commandery. The knights from the Colorado capital will spend four days in the city. No detail has been overlooked by the local committees to make their visit and the visits of the other delegations as well as pleasant as possible. Headquarters have been provided at the Portland hotel, where there Will be open house always to tfle knights. The hostelry will be beautifully decor ated In honor of the occasion. The com mittee has left the work in that line en tirely in the hands of Manager Bowers of the hotel. Bunting and flags will be hung as will also various devices of the order. Expensive electrical displays will also be provided. Incandescent and arc lights will be placed throughout the lobblea and hallways and in court In front In such a way as to create a gor geous display. Trolley rides and trips on the river have been arranged. Each delegation will also be given a ride around the "loop" of the Portland railway. Public receptions will be held at the hotel where the headquarters are located. The Oregon delegation will leave for San Francisco Saturday evening, fully ion strong, iney win maae me trip in a train of five Pullmans, a baggage car and a diner. The train will be in charge of Henry Roe of . the Portland Railway company, who Is the highest officer of the Knights Templar In this city. He will lesvs Thursday for Ta coma, where he will meet a special train of knights from Cincinnati. Mr. Roe holds the office of eminent commander of Oregon commandery No. 1. PEWWSYLVANIANS OFF TOD AT. Templars Will Leave Pittsburg- la Spe cial Tratn. (Journal Special Service.) Pittsburg, Ph., Aug. 24. The Penn sylvania movement to the triennial con clave of the Knights Templar of the I'nlted States begins this evening, when a special tratn leaves this city bearing the members of Pittsburg commandery. No. 1, and their friends. The train will be made up of six of the most modern Pullman sleepers. In addition to a bag gage car and a commissary car. There will be about 300 persons In the party. The trip to San Francisco is to be made by wsy of St. Paul, and includes stops at Fargo, Helena and other points. n addition to a visit or aeveral aays in the Yellowstone National Park. Leav ing Montana the party will proceed to Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, and over the Shasta route to Monterey, Santa Crus snd other points, arriving in San Fran cisco on September 3. The return will be through southern California, the party visiting the Grand canyon and the petrified forests of Arizona en route. WOMAN OF NERVE FIGHTS FOR MINE Mtss Lena L. Walton, one of the best known Alaska mining women In this country, visited Portlsnd last night and left this morning for Seattle, from which city shs goes to Washington, D. C, where she has been called in the in terest of a case pending between a min ing compsny of which she is a member and another company of which Max Outter of San Francisco is a prominent memfter. Miss Walton has been Involved -in much trouble with Outter and she claims that he Is doing sll In his power to Injure her because she refuted to in corporate her mining Interests In a large Jewish company. One time at Nome she IS said to have had to protect herself against him with a pistol. Associated with Miss Walton is Sena tor Thurman and several Nsw York dim. One of their most valuable properties Is the Sea Level mine at Nome, on which the sum of S160.000 hss already been spent in Improvements. SLEUTH CATCHES THIEVES, ALMOST We'll take the ladders snd place tlfem so as to get up to tha right place and then we 11, be able to do the work." The foregoing remark was overheard by Detective Frank Snow last night In a room In a downtown lodging house, and he prepared to make the big "pinch" of the robbers Chief Hunt spoke of to members of the second relief recently, when he told them to keep a strict wati for men with rubber heeled shoes and carrying step ladders. Believing that he had at last caught the celebrated ladder men. Detective Snow swooped down on them snd was about to place them all under arrest. But, alas and alack, they proved to be only bill posters planning their regular night's work, and they were unmolested by the officer. Today Snow's brother officers are smil ing, bus, he Isn't a iumi or sr. jomsrs peach A peach from ths orchard of Mr. J. H. Mills of St. Johns, brought to The Journal office today, is pretty and luscious proof of the fertility of the sell In and around that booming city ami of Its adaptability to fruit culture. This peach, one of many nearly as large picked from the same tree. Is of the Crawford vsrlety and measures 1IH Inches around snd weighs IT ounces, and Is ss good ss It Is big. Bodily pain loses Its terror If you've a bottln of Dr. Thomas' Rrlsctrlc Oil In ths house. Instant relief In case of hums, cuts, sprains, accidents of any sort. HIS WORD WAS $5, fO ENQIWXEM WSOSX EST! MATE SO LP Tat J MOTEI 1TBAT TOM MOMS IS ATTEMDIMO COM OMESS BBUTIBX CAPITAL MS LIED OM Few outside of the mining Industry are aware of .the fact that the mild mannered, unassuming man mingling with other delegates to ths present, ssg- biuii of lhe""Amerlcan Mining congress and responding to the name of T. A. Rickard, lsthe engineer who examined and reported on Stratton's Independence mine at Cripple Creek. Colo., at the time of its sale to the Venture corporation. No other mining deal In the western world has commanded so much atten tlon as this. The Independence was re garded the most brilliant of Cripple creeks exceptionally brilliant pro ducera. W. 8. Stratton had taken from It a fortune and when the Venture cor poratlon crowd hove to' with an offer, sold the mine. It was on Mr. Rlckard's examination and report that the sale waa made. For several years the popular lmpres slon was that the Venture people had paid 110.000,000 for the great bonanza. but when litigation sprang up between the purchasers and the estate of the millionaire vendor, testimony in court proved that Mr. Stratton really received about 35. 000. 000 for his property. How ever, this did not dampen public interest in the affair, and does not materially lessen the weight carried by the mere Judgment of one man. When Mr. Rickard said "buy," the British In vestors bought, putting millions Into' a property he thought of value. Since the Venture corporation brought suit to recover some of the money paid for the mine, on the grounds that they were victimized, the name of Mr. Rickard has been cleared of the shadows that were attached as a result of the charges made. His retirement from the engineering proresslon, and long publica tion of a card that he would not report on mining properties, together with the evidence adduced by executors of Strat ton's estate, have long convinced the eagerly auspicious element of the dub lie that he was party to no wrong, and that even If error was made In compu tat Ions relative to ore reserves, the mis take rested with some of his subordin ates, rather than with the engineer him self. CARELESS SMOKER CAUSES BIG LOSS CIGAR STUM STARTS A FIRM THAT CRMS FIVE nORSES AMD $13,000 WORTH OF PROPERTY MAL ORDERS LOSE VALUABLE r. Five horses were burned to death and property to the value of 313.160 was de stroyed in a fire that conaumed the buildings of J. S. Foss, Grand and Hawthorne avenues, last midnight. Tha Are originated In the rear of the build ing from a lighted cigar, carelessly thrown by a passerby. Insurance on the various Interests aggregate but 35,400. The Order of Washington, Multnomah Tent of the Maccabees, the Spanish American war veterans and the Mor mons lost valuable paraphernalia In the flames, they having their property stored in the hsll above, where they met week ly. They had no Insurance. 'Their total loss is 34.600. The family of J. 8. Foss, living on ths second floor, narrowly escaped with their lives, but were uninjured. They were given shelter by friends. Some goods were saved from the flames by people who gathered. Two men rushed Into the Hawthorne market, seised a marble slab worth 360, carried it across the street and slammed it down on ths cement sidewalk, breaking It Into a thoussnd pieces. Had they left It In the market It would have been unin jured. The grocery store of Oraham ft Bellamy waa damaged to the extent of 33,000. They lost two horses, three sets of harness and had 32.600 Insurance. The Foss buildings sre a total loss. They were valued at 35,000 and were Insured for 31.600. The Hawthorne market, con ducted by C. E. Duke, was damaged 31.000; no Insurance. J. H. Dement's csndy store suffered to the extent of 3200; no insurance. Bastascb's bakery was damaged 32,000. They had 3600 In surance. They lost three horses. Only one horse waa ssved from the stable, which was In the rear of the buildings. The fire spread rapidly be cause of the dry state of the building and the Inflammable material. Have you seen the Roosevelt Spectacle Pins? Only 10c J. R. Ewin's Store 177 rOOITH ST. T. M. C. A. BZ.DO. ASTORIA REGATTA AUGUST 24, 25, 26, 1904 Greatest aquatic event on the Pacific Coast NOM KIN Chinese Restaurant 1S5 Second Street. Corner Alder. Delicious Chinese noodle soup. Su perb chop suey. Delicately navoied viands of all deaiTlptlona. Cleanest snd cheapest plscs In Chinatown. Private hoxea for parties. Tsblea Inlaid with sheila and flowers. Handsomely carved ohalrs-sll Imported. A SATISFIED CUSTOMERS ARE THE BEST ADVERTISEMENT! We Fully Realize this our lower than elsewhere. on easy Weekly or You pay no more than those paying cash. You get possession of payment. Your money back if you find any article different than 4 THE PORTLAND LOAN OFFICE DAN MARX, Proprietor 74 THIRD STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON BASEBALL Oakland vs. Portland RECREATION PARK August 25, 26, 27 and 28 Ladies' Days. Thursday and Friday. Game called at 3:30, Sunday 3:30. Ad mission 26c; children 15c. Races! Races! Races! Tomorrow. Aug. 25 WILL BE Ladies' Day Ladies admitted to grounds and Grand Stand Free. First race called at 2:30 SPECIAL CARD FOR TOMORROW Take Gars at rint and Washington. EMPIRE THEATRE nJL m?- Oor. 12th and Morrison. Phone Mu'ln I IT. Rtartlnar S tin (lav Matin. A UK 2Nth. Grand In'tufttral Performanw of toe Wiede mann Block Co., in unver iwwo uyron n Seneatlonal Drams,. THE INSIDE TRACK Pntmlar dtIcm 10. IS. tft crnta. Similar. Wrdnraday and Saturday matlDete. 10c. ISc. Hrata now oa aala at box offlea. Tur uiicn TUL1TDC 1 IIC DARLK IIILrtIRL 1907. Oregon Theatre Co. (Inc.), Leaaeaa. GEORGE I. BAKBK. Manager. Opening Week. Starting Sunday Matinee. STELBOUKWE MCDOWELL Bapportud by an Rierlltnt Company. In Sardon'a Grrat Spectacle, CLEOPATRA PricM Saturday and Sunday matinees, 10c, inc. 2.V. Bri-nlnga, 15c, 20c, 38c, 60c. Saata now on aala. C (MORAY'S THEATRE CORDRAY A lit SSKI.I., Managers. Tonight and nrrr nlaht thin wrrk and Stur day MATINEE. Mark B. gwan'a LAl'GIIINU "HIT." NOW THE TALK OF THE TOWN, A Runaway Match" Piicee, 10c, 30c and SOc. Special Raaarrad grata. SOc. Prtaa cntlciem Contest. 2S in Oold. ARCADE TtlFATBE Seventh and Waahlngtoa. REPINED VAUDEVILLE 2:15 to 4:80. 7.15 to 10:80. Sunday, canttnnnne from 3 to 10:80. For ladlea, gentlemen and children. Admlnalon 10 centa to any Mat. LYRIC THEATRK Corner Aider and Seventh. MrQH-CLA88 RERUN JD VAUDEVILLE 8:80 to 4:80; T:S0 to 10:80: Sunday, 2 to 10 p. m. Thl ad. and 10c will admit two people any matinee eicept Hundaya and holldaya. TEN CENTS MO HIGHER. Sees Cyclone's Sensational Act AT STAR THEATRE POBTLAHDS FASHIONABLE VAUDEVILLE PLATHOVBB. General admlaaton, 10c; reaerred box eeata, 95c. Performancee. 2 to 4:30; 7 i" t 10:80 j m. Toe some of polite Tauderllle. Cestlnuoaa perfcrmanrea from f to 4:80 p. m. Sssdaya contlnaona 2 to 10:80 p. si. Even ing performancea from 7 to 10. SO p. m. Any eeat In the theatre. 10 rente. FRITZ THEATRE sto-stt Btrmmrox. ' FRED FB1TZ. rros. W. U. BROWN. Mgr. THE HOMB OP VAUDEVILLE Two ahawa dally at 2 o4 s a- ax CONCERT HALL V BLAEIBB BROS. ' CONCERT EVERY NIGHT. 848848 BURNSIDB. and are only too anxious to already long list of "LIVE COME TO US Before buying a Watch, Diamond or Jewelry, examine our stock, get our prices and you will find our assortment larger and prices Our terms part down, the balance Monthly Payments DIDN'T HURT A BIT BY OUR OR. T. P. WISE. We are enabled to attract from one to 32 teeth at one alttlas. poaltlvely and aneolutely without pain or bad after effecta. People In delicate health need have no fear, aa our method of extracting la noeltively aafa and abso lutely palnhwa. Abaolute cleanllneae la our motto. We do crown and bridge work with out pain. Our IT yea re' experience la plate work enables aa to fit your mouth comfortably. The beat la tha cheapeat In the and. We have feeliaga aa wall ss yoa. WISE BROS.. DENTISTS 20K-21S FAILING BLDG. Open evenings till 8. Corner THIRD AND WASHINGTON ST8. LEARN the Laboratory method of bookkeeping; actual business from start to finish. Pern in shorthand, easy to write, easy to read; easy to learn. Give aa an impartial investigation and you will become convinced of the superiority of our institution. We know you will then enroll with us. DAY AND NIGHT. Send for catalogue. Behnke Walker BuaineM College Sixth and Morrison Streets Columbia tSSTSZ University mercial and Grammar Grade Apply for Catalogue. Courses. Bosrdlng and Day School for Young Nca and Boyi Bos 335. University Park Station Portland, ... a Oregon NORTH PACIFIC DENTAL COLLEGE One of the best equipped Institutions of its kind. , Ths annual session begins October 3. Students msy grsduate after attending three full courses. For further information and catalogue address. DR. 141 C. -. MILLER Portland. Oregon. MEDKAl DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Eighteenth annual Ion begins Sept. 15, 104. Address S. E. JOSEPHI, M. D. 10 Dekum bldg., Portland. Dean, PORTLAND ACADtMY Kite hoya anil (trla for Weatern and Eaatrra rollefea. Primary and grammar grade. Included. Portland Jtcadomy Hall for Girl Karalvee a limited number and give, them the cninforti and rare of a refined home. Office noura during July and Auguat from 8 a. m to 12 m for catalogue aadraas Port land Academy. Portland. Or. T2fe ALLEN PREPAR ATORY SCHOOL Will Open September 19th For Catalogue, apply 228 Sixth St. Knock the Flies GET ONE-WIRD NOsX MILK Cat CfetM'a "So Bos So Kllfly" oa yoar etoca. It meana money In yoar pock.t, tor cow. rlre one third mare milk, and horaea do better and oa lees feed when protected rrom th. ales It re only a few seconds to apply It; It lesa than Uc a day par head. To You can sot afford to do without It. Ask yooi dealer, or writ, today for 80-page book art. Portland Seed Co. Pacific Cut Agents. Portland, Or. IRS. WIMSLOW'S S00THIN6 SYRUP nejkMt.e'. .-ikiifly:s;yC lM lLT w SB VawF 8ail- TWEBTT.riTr. crwts a as 1 1. 1 a J sa'1wea'eseWearwaewesewwavrwNa please and add you to ADS." any article when making first represented. V " IS WHAT THEY SAY METHOD DR. W. A. 'VISE. Sundays from S to 12. I'hon.i. Main 2028. Dr. W. Norton Davis. IN A WEEK We treat eurreeefnlly all private and CBronlc dlaeaaea of men. alao blood, atoa heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. We cure SYPHILL18 (wlthont mercury) ta (tar cured forever. In SO to 00 days. W. i.ssiva STRICTURE, without operation or pain, la IS dare. We atop drain., the rewslt of self sssss. Immediately. We ran restore the aexual vtgot of any maa under 80 by meana of local treat ment peculiar to oureelvea. We Cure Gonorrhoea in a Week Tha doctor, of thl. lnetltute are all regular greduatM, have had sway year, experteae. have been known In Portland for 18 years, have a reputation to maintain, and will under take no cm anleaa certain cur. can be ef fected. We guarantee to cor. la every raae wa sader take or charge no fee. Cenesltatton free. Let ten confidential. Instructive BOOK FOB HEN meiiea rree in plain wrapper. If you cannot call at office ou cannot call at office, write for SSBS- tlon blank. Hotne treatment eucceaafuL 08 ea hoars 8 to 8. sad T to S. holidays, 10 to IX. Sunday, .ad Me leading .pedalUta In tha Northwest, slStttskll 1888. Di'.W. Norton Davis & Co. am Woy Hotel, ST. e. Oor. Third sad Fins Str.ts. TEETH SPECIALS EXTENDED UNTIL SEPT. 1 Boston Painless Dentists Will make special low school rates la order that all school children may corns and have their teeth cared for during vacation. . These are tha only dentists In Port land having the late botanical dlscov.ry to spply to the gums fcr Painless Bx trsctlng. Pilling snd Crowning Teeth, and guaranteed for ten years. 4JJLU FKE Sliver .7k full Jel sf Ttclk JJ.Oi GwM Owns. XN Crowns sag anage Work at Prices a specialty. Oar Patemt I Suotion win bold year teeth g 8TO STUOBHTB. Com. In st once and lake advantage el low raios All work dons speciallsW without pain area gttarSAtwSsf fw? II sarai Boston Painless Dentists WW