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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1904)
1904. CITY 0ZTT B0TTCEB. 01 fl BOTTOM. THE OREGON DA1XY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. AUGUST 24. norotxo assessment fob oupbote- ltXNT Or WATEB ABO HOOD BTBEETB. , Notice U bervbr given that the Council of thv City of PortUnd propuaes to mm the Solluwlug described nrofierty nd owuer ox uau r bclug specially ud peculiarly brueOtrd la the amounts act opposite the nanus and faacrlptlons thereof for , tho Improvement of Water and Hood streets, from tho aootb 11 . of Clay atreet tn 100 f,-t south of tka aouth Una of Carutnere ilmt, u provided by ordl Un No 1.1.777. eluy objection to tba apportionment of coat Car aaH Improvement mast be made In writ lag to the Council and Sled with tbe Auditor arfthla fifteen dare from tba date of tbe flrat pri ll, atlon of tola notice, and aald objection will be beard and determined by tbe council aelwio the issage of tbe ordinance oaaeaelug the coat 'of aatdT improvement. P0UTLAND BLOCK 113, lot 1. I. Bwetlt estate, be ire of. fUS 00; lot t, J. Swrek estate, helra of. I06.U0; north 0 feet lot 3. 1. Bvieek eatate. belra of, T8.00; aoutb lu fret lot . M. VV. Smith, fit 00: lot 4, M. W. Bmlth. 103. 00. lil.tit'K US. Int 1. ("red Be horet. IM.0O; iot 2. Fred Itrhoret. too wj lot 8. Tbe Northern Onuutlea Inveatmont A Treat Co., Ltd.. 395.00; lot i. Vera Huynrr. 308.00. BLOCK ill, uud. 1-3 lot 1, David l'eiinl, gl-01 ; und. 1-8 lot 1. John W. Hickman. 1.81; uud. 1-3 lot 1, Candido 0rlirlu. 1.61: und. a 3 lot 2. Mlunle Koae. S103.U0; uud. 13 lot 2, Haael Blue, 331.65; lot 8, Mary Jane Tunstall, 8212.52; lot 4. Mary Jane TuuaUU, 8220.50. BLOCK 110. iot 1. Wil liam trailer. 1230.811; lot 2, William Krtaler. S213.50; let 3, laabella B Lewla, 8218.08; lot 4. William K Hmlth giTO It Hi ll' K I Oil. fat 1, Olacnmo Curletto. 8230.22; lot 2. David Peanl, 8213.10; lot 8, l'errv G. Baker. 3212.1.; lot 4, ferry G. Baker, 822. SO. HUK K UK), lot 1. Cortland General Electric Co.. S22X.80; lot 2. William Church eatate. helra of. 3212.00; at 8. William K Smith 8212 20; lot 4, ferry Maker, 822W.22. BLOCK kit, lot 1. omiin Walton Iron work. 122K.2S: lot S. Hmlth A Watsou Iron worki, 8211.57; lot 3. Smith 4 Wataon Iron work, 3143-17; lot 4, Hmlth St Wataon Iron worka. 8158-40. BLOCK 108. aat 100 feet of block, Hmlth A Wuteon Iron worka, 8104. TO, BLOCK A. eaat 85 feet of north U lot 1, Sarah J. McKltrlck. 878.32; outh tt of eaat 00 feut of lot L Ha rah J. McKltrlck. 177.28; weet 22 feet of lot L Ore Son Furniture company, 818.08; west 22 feet of lot 2. Oregon Furniture cotnpauy. 83". 28: aat 84 feet of lot 2. Albert N. Pradlck. 8161.77: eaat 85 feat of north 86 feat of lot I. Charlea K. Hall. 8101.08; Mat 90 feet of aoutb 25 feet of lot 8. Nettie A. Beaton. tMS.48; eaat 80.48 feet of north feet of it i P. I. Illce, 8104.71; weat IS feet of lot 8, 0. Oordano, $48 10; aooth 28 feet of lot 4, 0. Cor da no, 8140.81; weat 81.18 feet of north XS feat of lot 4. (1. Cordano. 883.68. BLOCK B, lot , Parry O. Baker eatate. belra of', 807 08; lot S. Jane F. Dvl. 81.ii.30. lot 8. D. Marx. $180.50; lot 10. Stephen Mead eitate. helra of. 8181 50; eaat U of jot 7. Jacob stabler, ft'ftO; lot 11. Perry 0. Baker e'tate. helra of, 8203.88; weat H of lot 7, Thomas P. Campbkll. 847.50; tot 13. Thomas P. Campbell. $228.08. BLOCK 11. lot 1. Clemena Caeear eatate, belra of, 8208.4ft; t 2. Clemena Caeaar eatate, helra of, $208.58; t 8. Ann Slim.. it. 8215.08; lot 4. Ann Bin aott, $288.18; lot 5, Ann Stnnott, $00.48; eaat 15 feet of lot 6, Clemena Caeaar eatate, helra of. $20.87; weat 25 feet of lot 6. Perry 0. Baker eaute, helra of, $43.38. BLOCK C, eaat SB feet of lot 1. Perry 0. Baker eatate, helra of, $23.76; eaat XS feet of lot 2. Perry 0. Baker eatate, heir of. $23.76; eaat SB feet of lot 3. William Waacber, 823 73; eaat 25 feet of lot 4, William Waacber, 823.73. BLOCK U. lot 1, I ae Delia It aud W. A. Lewla, $200.28; lot 2, laabella B. and W. A. Lewla. $186 54; cut 50 feet of weat 53 feet of lot 3. Matilda A. Baker, 854.84; eaat 60 feet of weat 58 feet of lot 4. Matilda A. linker. $58.74: all of lot 8 except weat 68 feet. Edmund B. Hill. $147.84; all of lot 4 except want 53 feet. Edmund B. Hill. $168.16; uud. H of weat 3 feet of lot S. London A Kan Fran rfaco bank. $1.46; nnd. Vi of weat X feet of lot 4, London A Ban Francisco bank, $2.87; and. H of eaat 47 feet of lot S, London A Ban Franclaco bank, $22.30; und. of eaat 47 feet of lot 6, Loudon A Ban Vrauclaeo bank. $21.71: nnd. H of weat $ feet of lot 3. Alliance Truat Co.. $1.46; und. L of weat 8 feet of lot 4, Alliance Truat Co.. $2.68; and. of eaat 47 feet of lot 5. Alliance Truat ., $22.31; and. of eaat 47 feet of lot 6. Alliance Troat Co., $21.71; weat 58 feet of lot 6. Edmund B. mil, $51.50; weat 63 feet art lot 6. Bdinund B. Hill, $51.50; weat 23 fret of lot 7. John H. Lewla, $23.30; weat S3 feet of lot 8. John 11. Lewla, $24.30; eaat 73 feet of lot 7. Is a I. el in B. and W A. Lewla. $06 83; eaat 73 feet of lot 8. laabella It and W. A. Lewla, $79.84. BLOCK F, lot 16. J. Conrad Luckel. $106 51; lot 15, J. Conrad Lnekel. $103.29; lot 14. J. Conrad Lu.-k. I. $fix83. lot IT. AuguaU Mark. $32.21: lot 18. Augusta Marka, $28.80; 1st 18, Annate Marka, $28.22; lot 20, Augueta Mark, $28.22; lot 21, John B. Zlegter. $28.22: north 46 feet of lot 8, J. Conrad Luckel. $23.08; north 46 feet of lot 9. J. Conrad Luckel. $23.08; north 45 feet of lot 10. J. Conrad Lnekel. $23.08; north 46 feet of lot 11. J. Conrad Luckel. I.I ,..rll. Alt C....I A l 14 1 I .... -...! 1. Oreeon A California R. K Co . 47.50; eaat H of lot 2, Oregon A California B B. Co., $4f.50 eaat V4 of lot 3, Oregon A California K. It. Co.. $47.50; eaat of lot n ax iaiiTorma n. K. to,. on; of lot 1, William K. Bmlth. 847.60; of lot 2. William K. Hmlth, $47.50; of lot 8. Walter V. Bmlth. $47.50; of lot 4. Walter V. Bmlth. $47.60: alter V. Smith. 8220.90: lot 0. Wal- Rmlth. $210.60; lot 7. William K . $133.47: lot 8. William K. Smith. BLOCK 102. eaat N of lot 1. Ore- ton A California B. B. Co.. $47.50; eaat H of lot 2. Oregon A California B. B. Co., 47.50; eaat of lot 3. Oregon A California k. B. Co., $47.50; eaat U of lot 4, Oregon A California It. R. Co.. $47.50. weat V of let 1. F. V. Hnlman. S47.50; weat H of lot 2, F. V. Holman. $47 IV.; weat M of lot 3. Wil liam K. Hmlth, $47,501 weat M of lot 4, Wil liam K Hmlth. 847 50. lot (I. William K. Smith. $227.40; lot 6. William K. Hmlth. 210.84; Int 7. B. W. Siultb. $211.42: lot 8. . W. Bmlth.. $228.58. BLOCK 103, eaat of lot 1, Oregon A California It: It. Co . $47. o; aat Vi of lot 2, tlregon A California U. B. Co., $47.50; eaat S of lot 8. Oregon A Cal ifornia It B. Co., $47.50; eaat Vt of lot 4, Oregon A California B. B. Co.. $47.80; weat H of lot 1. William K. Smith. $47.30; weat H of lot 2, William K. Htullh. $47.SO; weat H of lot 8, Walter V. Hmlth. S4T.60; weet H of lot 4. Walter V. Bmlth. $47.50; kit 5, Walter V Hmlth. $227.83: lot 8. Walter V. Smith, $211.17; lot 7. William K. Hmlth. S2I0TT; lot 8. William K. Bmlth. $227. 4o. BLOCK 104. weat of kit 1, Security Bar tng A Truat Co.. $47.50; weat Ml of lot 2. Se curity Baring A Truat Co.. $47.50; eaat H of lot 1, Oregon A California B. B. Co., 4T..VI: eaat to of lot 2, Oregon A California It K. C . $4T.6n; kt 8, W. K. Smith, $0.Voo; k-t 4. W. K. Bmlth. $03.00; lot 5. W K. Bmlth. $228 24; lot 8. W. K. Smith. $211.04; lot T, Security Baring A Troat Co., $212 24; lot 8. Security Baring A Truat Co., $228.82. BLOCK 106. lot 1, Henry Weiohard, $113 ik); lot 2. Henry Welnbard, $05.00; lot 8. Henry Welnhard. $86.00; lot 4. Henry Welnbard. rT.SO; lot 5. Henry Welnhard, $163.30; lot Henry Welnhard. $163.64; lot T. Henry Welnbard, $210.I: lot 8. Henry Welnhard. $227.72; a triangular tract of land lying be tween the north line of Hall a tree t extended eaaterly in lla prcacnt courae and the north line of Flnlce Carathera P. L. rlatm and eaaterly line of Water atreet, Henry Weln hard. $W4 08. CARITIIEIIB' AnOITIOM TO CABCTHKR8' AnnrrioN to the citt of poutland BLOCK F, and. to lot XS, Wm. Montag. $222.67; und. to lot 22, Henry Clear. $222.;x; beginning at a point In north line of block 101. Portland, 330 feet eaaterly from nnrth wet corner or aald block, thence southerly on and along the eaat line of the Portland A Willamette Valley Hallway Co. right of way 1. 100 feet, more oK leee. to north line of Flnlce Caruthera' donation land claim; thence eaat along aald north line 770 feet to weat bank of Willamette rlrer at low water mark; thence along weet line of aald river 1.200 feet to north line of block lnl Cnruther addition to Carathera uddltlnn tn the City of Portland, extended eeaterlj ; thence weaterly 96 feet to be ginning, W. K. Smith $0,030.00; a- tract of land bounded and deecrtned a follow: Commencing at a point In the eaat line of Moody atreet where tho une would be In tersected by a atralght Una 100 feet eolith of and parallel with the aooth linn of Ca rathera atreet If extended eaaterly In lu present courae; thence eaat along a line 100 feet aoutb of and parallel with an eaaterly extension of -the aonth Hoe of Caruthera atreet to tbe weet bsnk of the Willamette rlrer at low water mark; thence northerly long the weat bank of aald rlrer at low water mark to It Interjection with the a. .nth line of track owned by the City of Port land, section 3, township 1 south, range 1 eaat W. M ; thnnce weat along the south line of raid treet to a point lixi fe.-t went and lo feet south of the outheat corner of the " pumping honae; thence north 300 feet: thence weat to a point 006 feet weet of the Weat bank of tbe Willamette rlrer; thence north long atralght line to where the name lntereaeeta the north line of Lincoln street If extended easterly In It present course; thence weet along the said eaaterly extension of the north line of Lincoln atreet to the esat line of Hood: thence south along the east line of Hood atreet to Its Interaectl. n lth the north line of Ctiruthrra street: thencs est sloug the north Una of Caruthera atreet tn It intersect b n with the eaat . lias-, of Moody arreet; thence south along the east line of Moody street to the place of "begin ning, Oregon Hallway A nselggttoa Co., $8,284.41; tract of land lying between the eaat line of Hood atreet and Una 38 feet eaat thereof end parallel therewith, snd be tween the north line ef Csruthers street nd line 150 feet north thereof end psrallel therewith. Jeremiah Wrrlck. $441.61; tract of land bounded and described as follows; Beginning on the left hank of the Wlllnmette rlrer 10 feet south of tbe ostheaat corner f the water wo ska; the nee weet 100 feet; thence north 300 feel; thence east to few water mark of Willamette rlrer: thence np atream on line of low water mark to point due east of place of beginning; thence weet to beginning. Including also right f way 18 feet wide from aald tract to tout a. urege weat weat to west to west to lot 6. W ter t. Smith. 1163.80. a.iM'i'ii "lint, V III Ol IIIUSUU, A . , $300.70; a tract of Und lying between the east line of Hood street aud line 100 feet eaat thereof and psrallel therewith, and between the north Uue of Uncoln street extended easterly and a Una 60 feet north thereof aud parallel therewith. W. H. Newell. $160 41 ; a tract of kind lytng between tb eaat line of Hd atreet and a line 100 feet eaat thereof and pnriillel therewith, and between two llnce reapeetteely 50 feet north of snd parallel aim ine north, line or Lincoln atreet n ex tended easterly In lta preeeut course. Annie and Edward Cole. $150.41 : a tract of land boiiaal'd end di-scrlbed as follows: Commenc ing at the Intersection of tbe north line of Flnlce caruthera' donation Und claim with the eaat Una of Hood atreet; thence eaat along aald donation Und claim to tbe west bank of the Willamette rlrer at low water mark: thence eoutherty along tbe weat bank f the WllUtsette rlrer at low water mark te point 648.48 feet south of the north line of Flnlce CamtbetV donation lsnd claim: thence weet 605 feet; thence north along a lirie to where the a ante would be Intersected by the north Une of Lincoln atreet If extended raster ly In Irs present courae ; thence west liaasj said extension of the north line of Lincoln street tn point 100 feet'rwet -- east tine or Hood atreet; thence north ion reet along a line 100 feet east of and parulUI with the enet Hn of Hood atreet: theuce weat along a Hals TOO Met north of and parallel with an eaaterly extension of the north line of Lincoln atreet to the eaat Une of Hoed treet: thence north elnng the eaat line of Hood atreet to the plaee'of beginning, Portland I .umbering A Manufacturing Co.. $6.1130.88: a tract of land lying between aonth line of Clay atreet and easterly extension of same snd the south line of Jefferson street end essterly extension of same, and between Water street and weet bsnk of the wills co-tie rlrer at low water mark. Portland A Will amette Valley By. Co.. $1,500.00; right of way. through Portland Lumbering A Manufac turing Co. 'a tract and O. B. A N. Bv. Co.'a tract Portland A Willamette Valley By. 5., $127.50. Total, $40,468.70. TH0S. 0. DEYLIM, Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Portland. Or. August S3, 1004. PROPOSED A88EBBMEMT rOB IMPROVE MENT OF BAST FIFTEENTH 8TREET. Notice te hereby glreu that the council of tbe City of Portland proposes to aaseaa the follow ing described pi-oixrty end owner or owners as being specially and peculiarly benedted in the snjouuta set opposite the names aud descrip tions thereof for tbe improvement of Bsat Fif teenth atreet, from the north line of Multuonish atreet to tbe aoutb one of Tbouipeon atreet, as provided by ordinance No. 13,622. Any objection to the apportionment of coat for aald Improvement njuat be made In writing to the council and Sled with the auditor within Bftren days from the data of the Brat publica tion of IqU notice, ami said objections will be heard and determine. by the council before the paasage of the ordinance assessing the oust of ssld imtveremcnt. HOLLA DA VH ADDITION TO BAST POUT LAND BLOCK 168. lot 6. Oregon Keal Estatu Co., loc, lot 6, oreguu lteal batata Co., lOe; lot T, Oregon Real telsle Co., loc, lot 8. Ore gou ileal lSatate Co., 10c. BLOCK 138. lot 6, Oregon Beal Estate Co., 10c: lot 0. Oreguu Keal Estate Co.. 10c; lot 7. Oregon Keal Eaute Co., 10c: lot 8, Oregon Ileal Instate Co.. 10c. BLOCK 157. lot 6. Oregon Beal Estate Co.. 10c; lot , Oregon Heal Eatate CO., Us-, lot 7, on goo Beal Eatate Co.. 10c; lot 8, Oregon Kesl Estate Co., 10c. BLOCK 300, south 36.42 feet lot 5. Oregon Keal Estate Co., $83.66; north 18.68 feet lot 5, William Kerrou, 83.02; lot 6, Wllllain Kerron. $11.81; lot 7, Nellie C. Dustlu. $10.64; lot 8, Nellie C. Dustlu. $13.00. BLOCK 237, kH 6. Nancy Boatman, $12.02; lot 6. Nancy Bout man, $10.56; lot 7, David L. Houston, 27.73. BLOCK 327, lot 8. David L. Uouatou, $28.88. BLOCK 332, lot 5, Mra. low Dlpncl, $8.71; lot 0. Mra. Iowa Dlppel, 11.53; lot 7, John and Nellie F. Lawrence. $12.66; lot 8, John and Nellie F. Lawrence. $13.34. BLOCK isv.i, lot 6, L. A. and Martha E. Brown, 0 30; lot 6. L. A. and Martha K. Brown. $0.o3; lot T, C. Bradford, $24.60: lot 8, Fan nie C. Bradford. $25.79. BLOCK 204, lot 6. John J. Miller. $56.96; lot 6. John J. Miller, $60.70; lot 7, Kate L. Hall. $66.66. IBV1NOTON BLOCK 137, lot 3, Kate Hall, $65.66; oath to kit X Kate 1111, $37.63; north to !ot 3, Theodora Thompson. $2 X8; lot 1, Theodora Thompson, $38.38. BLOCK 04. let 10, M. J. Delahuut, $34.41 : lot 0. M. i. PwUhunt, $24.13: lot B, T. D. Bartou. 1163.65; tot T, Charlea H. Preecott, trustee, Ift6 66; lot 6. Charlea H. Preecott, trustee, 50 65; lot 6. Charles IL Preecott. trustee. ; 66 05; lot 4, Charles H. Preacott. trustee. .'.Vis.; lot 3. Oakea M. Plumnter, $4.72; lot . Charlea H. Preacott. trustee. $66.65; lut 1, Charlea H. Preacott. trustee, $66.05. HOLLADAY'S AUDITION TO BAST POUT LAND BLOCK 174, lot 4. The Oregon Kesl Estati Co.. loc; lot 3. The Osegou Keal F.atute Co., 10c; lot 2, Tbe Oregon Keel Estate Co.. 10c; Vit 1, The Oregon Kel Estate Co.. 10c. BLOCK 175, lot 4. The Oregon Bel Folate Co., loc; lot U, Tbe Oregon Keel Estate Co., 10c; lot 2. The Oregon Ileal Eatate Co.. 10c; tot 1. The Oregon Real Estate Co., 10c. BLOCK 176, lot 4. The Oregon Real Estste Co., loe; lot 3. Tbe Oregon Keel Estate Co., 10c; lot 2. The Oregon Keal Eatate Co., 10c; lot 1. The Oregon Real Eatate Co., 10c. BLOCK 199. aouth 88.41 feet lot 4, The Ore gon Real Eatate Co., $83.65; north 13.69 feet lot 4. Richard Derby. $17.47; lot 8. Richard Derby, $62.53; lot 3. Linda A. Dekum. $10 Ml; lot 1. Linda A. Dekuiu. $13.02. BLOCK 22S. lot 4, Bdward Q. CUrk, $8T.51; lot Ed ward O. Clark. $61.48: lot 3. Samuel M. Barr. $58.80; lot 1, Samuel M. Barr. $S4.16. BLOCK 331. lot 4. John (luatafeon. $88.51; lot 3. John Onstnfson, $83.44: lot 3. Merle C. Wright. $81.43; lot 1. Jacob Kb mm. $01.68. BLOCK SSO. lot 4. Benson K. Wright, $11.38; lot 3. Benson E. Wright. $10.97; lot 3. Port land Truat Co.. $36 34; lot 1. Portland Trust Co.. $87.13. BLOCK 263. lot 4. Robert J. Stewart, $66.96; lot 8. Robert J. 8tewrt. $6d.Tn; lit 3i Kotiert J. Stewart, $56.66. mVINC.TON BIitiCK 128. lot . Benaon B. Wright. $23 16; north 47 feet lot 6, Pranela O. Willet. 824.20: lot 6. Franol I). Wlllet. $29.13. BLOCK 63. lot 11. Marie Velguth, $14.01; lot 13. Mule Vrlguth. $12.87; 'lit 13. Moo Una Metalurglcal Worka, $4.72; lot 14. Tilde A. Sherman. $4.73; lot IS. rtnnte a. Hasten. $4.73; kit 10. Ellen and L. Hoffman, $fi-'i.66; kit 17. John M. Wells. $4.72; lot 18. Walter F. Bnrrell. trus tee $66.86; lot 19. Charles H. Preacott, trustee. $66.65; lot 20, Charlea H. Preecott. trustee. $36.66; right of wy. City snd Sub urban Railway Co., $3no.T2. Total. $2,820.47. TH0S. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Or.. August 33. 1904. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOB IMPROVE MENT OF TWENTY-EIGHTH STREET. Notice Is hereby given that tbe council of tbe City of Portland propoeea to assess the fol lowing deecrlbed Vroperty and owner or owner as being specially and peculiarly benefited In the amounts set opposite their names and de ecrlpUntie thereof for the Improvement of Bast Twenty eighth atraet, from the north Une of ttssc IJno road to the north Une of tlollnder nveuue, aa provided by ordinance No. 13,936- Anj objections to tbe apportionment of coat for said Improvement must be msde In writing to the council and Bled with the auditor within fifteen ds vis from the date of the first publica tion of this notice, and aald objection will be beard and determined by tba council befors tbe passage ot the ordinance aeelug the cost of aald improvement. PLEASANT HOME ADDITION TO THE CITT OF EAST PORTLAND -BLOCK 1, lot 1. Wm. M. Iaxdd, triwlee. $40.37; lot 2, Wm. 11. Ldd, trustee, $48.06; lut 3. John E. Bennett, (49.06; lot 4. John E. Bennett. $64.12; lot 5, Charlea W. Stringer. (54.54. BLOCK 2. lot 1, E. C. -onser , $34.86; Int 2. John E. Bennett, $.i3.80; kit 3, Joan E. Bennett, $78.58; lot 4, Win. H. Sullivan. $8(1.70. BLOCK 3, lot 1, Portland Trust Co.. S88.79; lot 3. Portland Truat Co.. $77.85; lot 3. PortUnd Trust Co., 78.21; lot 4, Portland Truat Co., (80.81. BLOCK 4. lot 1. Luella IS. Darts, (84.84; lot 3, Sarah E. Onmm,' $77 78; lot 3, Sidney M. Mann, $78.10; lot 4, Sidney M. Mann. $22.60; a tracF if land lying between weet line ot Beet Twenty-eigbtb street and line 100 teet . wct thereof and parallel therewith aud 1st ween the aoutb line of Eat An keuy atreet and line 24 feet aouth of and parallel there lib ' J. D- Ken nedy, (40.68; a tract of land lying be tween weet line of Bast Twenty -eighth street nd Un 100 feet Weat thereof and psrallel therewith and between north line of East Anke'iy street snd sooth line o( East Burn side street, lsnack Buckmsn. $181. "2. a tract of land lying between west line of Eeat Twenty-eighth (treet and line 100 feet sr est thereof and parallel therewith, and lie tween north line of East Uurnalde atreet and a line 248 feet north nd parallel therewith, lck Bnekman. $198.14; tract ot tend lying between west line of East Twenty eighth street and a Una 100 feet weat thereof end parallel tnerewitn, aim pciweeu winui line of F,t Darl atreet (ml a line 330 foot south thereof and parallel therewith, School District No. I. $14 IS. WYNKOOP VILLA -BLOCK 6, l.t 4, Ttlla Old ham. $30.39; bit 3. Bebrecht Rtraeha. $27 3u; lot 2. Edward A. Clark, $48 29; lot 1. Elisa beth Wynkoop. $64.77. BLOCK 4, lot 4. Oua tof F. Landgrew, $B3.4o; lot 8. (lustof F Londgrew. (10.88; lot 3. Samuel Bahler. $48 st; lot 1. Samuel Bahler. $64 st. block 1. ioath Mi lot 7, J. P. Bucbman. $40 83: south to lot s. J. P. Bnchman. $11.70: north to lot 7, Jsnuls H. Psrellus. $40.96; north to lot 8, Jcnnla II. Parellus, $11.70; kit 6. Anus llenrlckaon. $20 tat; kit 6. Mlnla Stspp. $27.38: lot 4, Mlnla Stepp. $87 61; lot 8. Charlea M. Steven. $30 68; lot 8. M. O. Hughea. $38.36: lot 1. Third Preahvtrrian Church of Portland. Or., trnatee. $30.33 LOO A N'S ADDITION TO EAST PORTLAND -BLOCK T. sll rf lot 5 lying east of a lino 100 feet west of sod parallel with weat line of ist Twenty-eighth atreet, John T Biillia. (1 70. lot 0. John T. Hums (168.10; all nf iot 8, lying seat of e Une 100 reet wist ot nd parallel with wret lira of Eat Twenty eighth atreet, Eiiunerson B. Clark. (3i: lot I. Btneroin It Clark. 194 36 HEu' K r, lot 6. Thorn Pphm. $128.08; kit 4. Thorn l"op hatn. $103.nA ; all of lot 3 lying eaat nf a line of 100 feet weat nf and parallel with weat line nf at Twentv-elrhtb atreet. Tbomaa Popbam. uu, lot z, inmu ropuaa,; lot 1. Thorn Poubim. $83.86. BLOCK 1. lot 8. Kats Watson $90.17; lot 9. Hater Benoaky. 317 74: all ,.f lot 7 lytng Mat of a line 100 feet weet of and parallel with weet Hue of Beat Twenty-eighth atreet. Ludwlg Meguer. $ii" so; aU of kit 1 lying eaat of a Una 100 reet weat of and parallel- with weat Une of Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet, Harry M. Adauia. $58.93: lot lo, 1-enn Peluluch. $82.TS; lot 11. Una Peluluch. S6S.4S. Sl'LLlVAN H ADDITION TO TUB CITY Or EAST PORTLAND BLOCK. IT, estorly to block 37. Fred BtUra. 107.13. BLOCK 40. kitB Fred Ellere. $82 si. lot 0. Fred Ellers. $77.16; lot T. I red Blere. $84 02; lot S. Fred Ellers. $02.72; tract of lsnd lying between weat Hue of East Twentj eighth street snd Us 100 feel weet thereof aud parallel therewith, 'and between north line of llolla dar avenue and line 100 tret north thereof and parallel therewith. Slaters of Charity of tbe Home of Providence, of Vancouver, Wash.. $44 84; tract of Uud lyliaj between esst line of But Twenty-eighth street and a Una 100 feet eaat thereof aud parallel therewith, and between rtb Une of East Stark street and s..u!t, iin.- of Eaat Pin atreet. Anna Bcbmuer, $607.33; a tract of Und lying between eeat ltee nf Bast Twentj -eighth street snd a line la) tost snst thereof-and liwlkl- tAewUh, nd between north line of East Pine atreet and south line of Oenrrsl Andrraon'a addi tion, Anna Sebmeer. $192.71. 0KXBBAL ANDERSON S ADDITION BLOCK 8. lot 4. Tho. M. Anderson and Cbae. Van Winkle. $78.76; lot 8. Too. M. Anrtcron nd Ch.. Van Winkle, $30.84. BLOCK 2 lot 5. Time. M. Andrreon and Ckaa. Van Winkle. $108 43; lot $. Thna. M. Anderson snd Chss. Vsn Winkle. $3663; kit 8. Thos. M. Anderson end Cb. Van Winkle, $40.06: lot 4. Tho. M. Andereon and Chae. Van Winkle, $134.63. BLOCK 1. lot 6. Tho. M- Anderson snd Chas. Van Winkle. $87.34; lot 0. Tho M. Ander son and Chae. Van Winkle. $3,108.; let 3. Tboa. M. Anderses and Chas. Van Winkle, $38.09: lot 4, Tho. M. Anderson and Chaa. Van Winkle. $70.61. HAWTHOBNB B FIRST ADDITION TO EAST PORTLAND BLOCK M. lot IS. City and Suburban Railway Co.. $61.08: lot 11. City and Suburban Hallway Co.. $32.40: weet 1T.T feet of lot 10. City snd Suburban Railway Co . $8.09: went 18:5 feet of lot 3. City and Suburban Hallway Co., $7.80; lot 3. City and Suburban Railway Co., $27.38: lot-1. Cltv and Suburban Railway Co.. $57.22. BLOCK 17. aoutb, 50 feet of lot 12. F. N. McFsrlsnd. $20 80: south 50 feet of lot 11. F. N. Me Farlsnd. $16.43: west T feet of south 6fl feet of lot 10. F. M. MrHolUnd. $1 BO: north 60 feet of lot 13. Frank Bode. $20.80; all weat 17.8 feet of lot 10, except wet 7 feet of aouth Bo feet of lot 10,, Frank Bode. $8.17: north nn feet of lot II. Frank node. $16 45: weat 18.7 feet of lot 3. Berthn Jemsen. $10.00; kit 2. Mike end Roee Henrlckson. $33.14: lot 1. The Hawthorne estate. $69 28. BLOCK 18. eoeth to k)t 13. A. J. and D. L. Kirker, $2K.o6; aouth to kit 11. A. J. and D. L. Kirker. $18.TT: north to lot 12. Brnm F. Turnr, H38 57: wot 30 1 feet lot tO. B. C. Brook. SIl.BB; north to kit 11. Emm F. Turner. $16.76: west 20.9 feet kit 3, Clarnse H. Ulme. $12.00: lot 3. Dorothy IbelU Art. $33.83: lot 1, Dcrothv ' Isabella Aria, $68.07. BLOCK 9, south to lot 13. 8. J. Thornton. $38.86: nouth to J- Th"r"- ton. 817.33: north to lot 13. Adell and Frank T. Smith. $30 80: weat 32 feet lot 10. John K. Andereon. $13.37: north to lot 11. Adell and Frank T. Smith. $15.81: wet 23.0 feet lot 8. Loal n. Nethertnn. $13.40: north to kit 3. Henry Wlneert. $1T B4: north to lot 1. ITenrT Wlnrert, $29 14: south to lot 2. Eva Kllea! $17 rdV: aoutb to lot 1. Eva Elle. $20.11. BLOCK R. aouth to lot 12. charlrai N. Alwopd. $27.96; south to lot 11. Charlea N. Alwood.' $17.87: north to kit 12. The Haw thorne eatate. $37.87: weat 34.6 feet lot 10, Tbe Hawthorne ett. $14.34: north to Jot 11. The Hawthorne ete. $17.41; went 36 8 .feet kit 8. The Hawthorne eatate, $9.70; north to lot 2. Duncan McMlllen. $12.37; north to lot I. Donean McMlllen. $34.00; south to lot 3, The Hswthorn estate. $12 30: sooth to lot 1. The Hawthorne ette, 824 10. BLOCK 1. lot IS. Tbe Hawthorne eatate. 361.24: sooth 108 feet, weet 36.7 feet lot 10, The Hawthorne estate. $12.16; lot 11, The Hwthorne estate. $40.07; north 18 f est west 30,7 feet lot 10. Arthur J. Howltt. S3. 32. YORK BLOCK 11. kst 6, Tbe Hawthorne ette. $30 63: lot 4. Ellen C. Hewitt. $16.44: lot 5. Frederick H. Klttennnr. $54.04. BLOCK 9. lot 8. Security Baring ft Trut Co.. $84.37; lot 9. John Kill. $18.70; lot 7. Albert W. Phllpott. $40.00: lot 0. H. L. Power. $60.65; lot 4. H. L. Power. 819 21: Tot 6. H. L. Power. $65.38. BLOCK 8. let B. Becnrtty a. ln.. . TstisI no 8M 02: lot 0. Tbe Haw thorn etat. $18.38: lot 7. 0. Wleeel. $48.04; lot 6. H. L. Powers, trustee. 347.89; lot 4, Km n Harnos 818 34: lot 5. H. L. Powers. truatae. $63 08. BLOCK T. lot 0. James Lngg. $63.43; kit 8. James Lngg. $18,43- lot 10. Msg M. Smith. $47.04: lot 13. Mlrtln Ssndre.rg. $22.18: lot 11. otto vvieoei. BLOCK S. lot 10. Mathlns Becker. $100.80: l,.t 11 Unrtla Ssndhera. 834.33: kit 12 Mar tin Bandberg. $10.08; lot 8. The Hwthorne eatate, $23.14: kit 7. The liawtnom ci'. ti ntl- lot 0. The Ilswthoene ette. $74.74. BLOflll 4. lot 8. The Hawthorne estate. $10.88; bit 7. The Hawthorne estate, $39.44: lot 6. The Hawthorne eatate. $13.01. Total, THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the Cltv of Portland r..rt land. Or.. August 33. 1904. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOB IMPS0VI- MXBT OX MARSHALL STREET. Notice U hereby given thst tbe Council of the Cltkvsf JJprtland propoeea to aeee the,, roiiow- l. aMhsa npnnsrlr snd o'wW'r or owners SS being specially and peculiarly benentca in rne amounts act opposite me nsiovs sou "--ie-tlona thereof for tbe Improvement of Marshall street, from the wet line of Twenty-second street to the esst line ni isrno-uou socv-i s. , , ...l.l..,l hv ordinance Nn. 13.843. Auy objections to the spportlonment of cost for nld ImproTement mut be made In writing tn tha Council and filed with the Auditor within 16 days from the dte of tbe first pub llcstlon of thl notice. nd ald objections wlU be besrd and determined by the Council before the passage of the ordinance aaaesslng tbe cost ot said I uiDrovomem. . riit cu s anniTION TO THE CITY OF PORT LA N D BLOCK 306, lot 4, flood Bsmarltan Hospital. (430.69: kit 8. Good Samsrltsn Hos pital, $46.53: lot 6, Good, Bsmsritsn Bus pltal. (338.04: lot 8, Good Bsrasrftsn Hes pltal, $235.04; kit 9. Oood Smrltn llo pltl. 8381.93; lot 13, Good" Samaritan Hoe rltal, (383.04; tract of Und lying between the north line of Maraball street and a line 100 feet north thereof and psrallel therewith nd between the et Un of Twenty-third treet nd line 150 feet et thereof aud psrallel therewith, uooa nsmarmn nospiiai, ts i:. no OOLDSMITH'E ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORTLAND BLOCK, a, lor 1, Aonie orysn, (441.08; south 5 feet lot 3. B. K Brysn. (10.41; north 43 fe-t kit 3. L. P. Beuo snd Wllllrm Bsllls, $04.30; lot 8! Dly C. Bruere. $200.91; lot 7. 0. E. Bmere, $200.01; w in lj,.ls a Goldsmllh.; lot 11. Leul 0, Ooldsmltli. $18254; lot 14. Mathew F. Fehton, $1K2.D4; lot 10. M. . inorntou. $288 ll;s lot 18, M. 8. Thornton. (371.17. BLOCK 18. lot 1. Osslsn F. Psxton. (582.87; kit 3, OaaUn F Paxton. $139.60: lot 8 Omtan F. Paxton. $386.04; lot 7. Timothy D. Dlneen. $335.04; lot 10. Joaeph W. Hill and Jessie K. Hill estste. heirs of. $235.04: lot 11. Joseph W. Hill snd Jessie K. Hill estste. heirs of 8386.04; lot 14. Daniel B Buchanan. $835.04; lot 16, Daniel E Buchanan, $236.04, kit 16. Daniel E. Buctfnnan. $242.89. COM 119 ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT LAND Block 304, lot 1. Good Samaritan Hospital $430.68: lot 2. Good Samaritan Hos pital (46 63; lot 6, Good Samaritan Hoe pIML (285.04: lot 7, Good 8nmrltn llne pltal. (38804: lot 10, Good Samaritan Ilua pltal $381.92; lot 11, Good Samaritan Hos pital, $38604; a tract ot Und lying between tbe aouth line of Marshall street snd line 100 feet outh thereof nd parallel therewith and between the rat Una of Twenty-third street and a tine 180 feet east thereof and parallel therewith, Good Samaritan Hoapltal, $"46.09. .- GOLDSMITH'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORTLAND BIX1CK 1, lot 4. Loute Odld sniltb. $431.18: lot 3. Louis Goldsmith. $101.68; tot 6, Nellie Oarrstly, $200 91; lot 8. Louis Goldsmith. $200 81: lot 8. Louis Gold smith, $200.91; lot 12. Olle InTvtment com panr. $338.04: lot 18. Olle Investment com psny. $235.04; cst 80 feet lot 16. W. O. Shellrnbcrger. $154 18: west 20 feet sobth 50 feet lot 16. John J. Hswe, $2o.0.1j south 60 feet lot IT. John J. Hswcs. $88.26; weet 30 feet north 60 feet, lit 10. John end Arthur V Marshall. $101.64: north 60 feet kd 17, John and Arthur D. Maraball. $888.68. BLOCK 14. kit 4, Beal M. Teal. $637 67 ; lot 8. Beaale M. Teal. (129.60; kit 5, Fannie I. Loring. 1335.04; lot . Fannls I. Lorlng. $285 04; lot 0. Edith E. Nlcbolnon. $200.01; lot 18. F. A. Nltchy. 8380.91; kit 18, F. A. Nitchy. $300.01; lot 16. Percy H. Blyth. $2nn.8l: lot 17. BoV H. Wlnfelder. $188,881 right of wy PortUnd Railway company, $31.28. ToUl, 818.687.63. r THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor f the City of Portland. PortUnd. -Oregon. August 33. 184. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOB IMPROVE MENT OF FOURTH STREET. Notice la hereby given that the Council of the City of Portland propose to acs the follow ing described property and owner or owners aa being specially and peculiarly benefited In the amount aet unpoalte the name aad descrip tlrm thereof for the Improvement of Fourth treit, from the south line of Burnslde street to the south line of Oltenn atreet provided by ordinance No. 13.847. Any objections to the apnertlonment of eoet (or Mid improvement meat he marl' In writing to the Council and filed with the Auditor within 15 dvs from the dite of the first pub lication of this notice, and aald objections will be heard snd determined by the Council before tbe paaeage of the ordinance assessing tbe cost of said Improvement ClH CH S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT LAND BLOCK 83, tot 1. Caroline B. WU on. $81.84; lot 4. Caroline F Wllaon (77.87; lot 5, Caroline E. Wllaon, (60.58; lot 8, Caroline F. Wllaon. (78.01. BLOCK 38. lot 1, Rodney Oltaan eetste. belrs of. 870.711; lot 4. Rodney Gllaan estate, helra of. 874 27: lot 6. Rodney Ollssn estste, hclre of, (71. 3n. lot 8, Rodney Gllaon eatate. heir nf. $62 14 BLOCK 84, lot 1, Clementina F. Lewi. 4T.0S; kit 4. Clementina F. Lgwte. $44 OS; Jot 1. John Klernae. 84 12; lot S. Johu Klernan, $84.28. BLOCK 86. lot 8. Charlea Hsrtneae. $.13 66; lot S, Char lee Hartness. $51.66. BLOCK SB, lot 1, Stephen Mvd estate, heirs of. 86.66; lot 4, Btepheu Mead esute. heirs of, $68.48; lot 6. ElluU'th It Ollaaa, $19 63: lot 8. Beeorlty Savtnga ft Trust Co., $61 7' i BLOCK S lot 3. Mar garrt Marshall estste. helra of. $46.40; un divided 5 12 uf aouth 38 feet of kit 8. Will Urn H. Mareball. $19.00; uudlvldi-d 6-1$ of west 96 test uf north 23 feet kit 8. William H. Mareball. $8.88; asdtvtded 6-13 of outh 3 feat of lot S, George W. Marshall, $10oo; undivided 5-13 of weet SB feet of north 33 feet of lot 3, Ueerge W. MsrsbalL $8.88; undivided 3-13 of aouth 38 feet of lot 3. Arthur D. Mareball. $3.99; un divided 2-13 of weat 96 feet uf north 32 feet of lot 3. Arthur b. Marshall. $8.a6: undivid ed to o$ eaat 6 feet of north 22 feet of lot 3. Sarah M. Tllford. $0.25, undivided to of eaat 6 feet Int 6. Sarah II. Tllford. $1.50; un divided to of eaat 6 feet lot 7. Sarah M. Tll ford, $1.63; undivided to of eeat 5 feet of north 23 feet iot 3, Tyler Woodward. (0.13: undivided to of east 5 feet lot 6. Tylur w., .,1 wurd. $0.75: undivided to uf esat 5 feet lot 1. 7,Xler. Woodrs sea. $a.B8l dJildiU -r-rrr eitliT n teet or north zz reet or iot 3. kiii cor bett eatate. heir of. $0.12; undivided 14 of eaat 6 feet of lut 6. Ellaa Corbet! eatate. helra of, (0.7$: undivided to of eaat 6 feet of kit 7, Elixa Corbett aetata, belra of, $0.82; weat 96 feet lot 6, J. W. and W. C. Jack on. $79.17; weat 96 feet lot 7. Cltv Laundry company. $00.11. BLOCK 38. lot 2. Central Trust ft lureetmeht company, $37.14; aooth 30 feet lot 8. Central Treat A Iaoeetmeot company, $14.88; north 80 feet lot SF Krank Michel, $40.68; lot 8, Braymsn A Souimer TlUe, $68.97: lot 7. Breyman ft SommervllU, $7186. BLOCK 3T. lot 3. Peter Tayke-. $04.60; lot 8, Pbllo Holbrook. $U2.94; lot 6. Central Truat ft Investment company, $76.61 ; lot 7, Ccutrsl Trust ft Investment company, (N2.88. BLOCK 38. lot 3. Charlea Csrdlnell, $76.03; aouth to lot 3. Charlea Cardlnell. $X!..'.7; north to of lot 8. Guatavue Murbard es Ute. hears of, $83.67; lot 6. Guatavns Mar hard relate, heirs of, $68.80; lot T, Charles Cardlnell aud Uuatavua Murhard eatate. belr . of, (U3.81. BLOCK 23. kit 2. Herman Trenk man. $73.08; lot 8, Herman Trehkmen. $48 3o; lot 6, F. 11. Hoenel and Frank Van Heter. $30.63; eeat to bit 7, F. . 11. Hoenel end Frnk Vkn Heter, (T.4S; weat to lot T. Fred Mick E. Hoenel, $63.08; right of way, Oregon ft California Railroad i aiaanill $178.36. TeUl, $2,583.87. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of PortUnd. Portland. Oregon, August 33. 1904. PROPOSED BEWEB IB HZLIBDA AVENUE. Notice I hereby given that at tbe meeting of tbe Council of Ike Cety of PortUnd, Oregon, held on the 17th day of Auguat, 1904, tha fol lowing resolution w adopted: II. solved. That the Council ot tbe City of PortUnd, Oregon, deem It expedient and pro pone tu construct Ben'cr lu Melinite veuue, irom the second bend lu Mellude venue to the connection with the Johnson street newer at Taeuty-flfth street. Bald sewer to be vitrified aewer pipe, with all necessary ctcbbalus. manholes, Uuipboles snd branches, sud to be of ten Inches clear Inside diameter. Held aewer to be constructed In accordance with the Charter and ordinance of the City of Portland and the plana, specifications and esti mates of the City Engineer filed In the office ot the Auditor of the City of Portland, on tbe 9th day of August, 1904. indorsed: "City En gineer's plans and specifications 4 for aewer in Mcllnda avenue, from tbe second bend In Mellhda avenue to Johneon treet aewer at Twenty-fifth atreet, and the estimate ot the work to be done and the probable total east thereof." The cost of a Id- aewer to be aaaeaaed. pro vided by tbe City Charter, upon the property specially benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to be all the tend lying between Unee 100 feet In rectangular meaaorement distant from tbe respective aide Une of Melluda aveuue and a line 50 feet weat from - tbe ter mlnua of aald aewer end the easterly line of Cornell road, aave and except a tract of Und lying between the north Une of Johnson street extended westerly In Its present course end a itnt 100- feet northerly therefrom and parallel therewith and between tbe woaterly line ot Cornell road and a Une 100 feet weeterly there from and parallel therewith. Tbe Engineer's estimate of the probable total eoet for the construction of said aewer Is $011.00. The ptena, apeclficatlona end estimates of tho City Engineer fur the construction of ssld sewer sre hereby adopted. Resolved. That the Auditor of the City nf PortUnd be nnd he te hereby directed to give notice ot the proposed construction of said ewer provided by the City Charter. Kemonstrancee against tbe above newer may be filed in Writing with the under signed within 20 daya from the date of the tint publication of thla n tics By ordor of th Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of I'ortteud. Portland, Oregon, August SO, 1904. PROPOSED SEWER IB EABT ASK BTKEXT. Notice te hereby glean that at tbe meeting of Ibe Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, held on tbe 17th day of August, 1904, the fol lowing resolution was adopted: Resolved. That the Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro is sos tO Construct sewer In East Ash street, from tbe east line of General Andereon' Ad dition to the newer In Beat Twenty-fourth treet. Bald aewer to be of vitrified aewer pipe, llth all necessary catcbbaalna, manholes. lamphok'S and branches, and to be of the fol lowing dimension: Of eight Inches clear Inside diameter from the eaat una of General Ander son' Addition to a point In East Aah atreet at East Twenty-seventh atreet; thence of ten Inchee clear inside diameter to connection with tbe ewer m But Aah street at But Twenty fourth atreet. Bald sever to be constructed la accordance with the Charter and ordlnancea of tbe City of Portland and the plans, specifications snd esti mates of tbe -City Engineer, filed In the office of the Auditor of the city of Portland, on the Otb day of August. 1901. Indorsed : "City En gineer's plr.ra and speciftcRtlona for a aewer in Bast Aah atreet. from the eaat line ot General Anderson's Addition to tbe aewer la Bast Twenty -fourth street, end the eatlmatm of the work te be don and tbe probabte total coat thereof.' v Tb eoet of Mid ewer to be eeeed, ae pro vided by tbe City Charter, noon tbe property apoclally benefited thereby and which 1 hereby declared to be all the kite, parts of lot nnd parcels ot laud lying netween line 111 reet north of and parallel with tbe north Une of East Ash street and a line 100 feet aoatn of and parallel with the aouth line of Eaat Aah atreet and between a line 100 feet eeat of and parallel with tbe eaat line of East Twenty fourth atreet and a line 60 feet east of and parallel with the eaat Une of General Ander son's Addition. Tb Engineer' estimate of the probable total cost for the construction of ssld sewer Is 8888-00. The ptena. sneclficatlone and estimate of fh City Engineer for tbe construction of said ewer ere hereby adopted. Resolved Thst tbe Auditor of the City of PortUnd be and be te hereby directed to give notice of the protsieed contrtictlon of ssld ewer provided by tbe City Charter. Remonstrance glnt tbe ahor aewer may be filed In writing with tbe under signed within 30 daya from the date of the flrat publication of thte notice. By order of the Council. THOS. C. DETLIK, Andlnr of the City nf PortUnd. Portland. Oregon. Aug net 30. 1904. PB0P0BED SEWER IB BIC0LAI STBEET. Notice Is hereby given that at the meeting of the Council of the City of Portland. Oregon, held on th 17th day ot August. 1804, the fol lowing resolution waa adopted: Resolved. That tb Council of th City of Portland. Oregon, deems It expedient and pro lasses tn construct sewer In Nleotet treet, from tbe seat Une nf Walnut atreet to connec tion with the nearer In Sherlock venue and Hock atreet. Bald aewer to he vitrified sewer pipe with all neceassry catcbbaalna, manholes, lainpholea and branchee, and to be of the fol lowing dimensions : Of eight Inchee clear In side diameter from tbe weet line of Walnut treet to point lu Nlcotel atreet at 84 to treet; thence of ten luetic riser Inside diam eter to a point in Nicola! atreet at Factory treet; thence of twelve Inches srieM Inside diameter to a connection with the aewer In Sherlock avenue and Ibck street. Said sewer to be constructed in accordance with the (garter and ordlnancea of the City of Portland and the ptena. specifications and esti mates of tbe City Engineer, filed In the office of the Andltor of the City of Portland on the th dy of August. 1004. Indorsed: "City En- Cnerr'a plans and specification for a ewer Mcotel atreet, from eaat Une of Welnut arreet to aewer In Sherlock avenue and Bock street, and the estimate of the work to be done and the probable total coat thereof." The cost of said sewer to be aeeessod. ss m vlded bv the City Charter, upon the property specially benefited thereby snd which te hereby declared to oe an uie iota, parts or iots and .arceis of land Iving netween Hue ion reet northerly from aiid parallel with tbe north Une of N loo 11 street md a Hn 100 feet southerly from snd parallel lth tbe southerly Hue of Mrolal street, end between the easterly line of Twentr-slvth street snd Walnut street and the westerly line ot Blarklaton street. Tha Engineer a cellmate or tne nrnosDIe total coat for tbe construction of Mid aewer la $2,172.00. The plans, sperinceiions ann estimates or the City Engineer for the construction of aald wer are nereny noptn. It.nlved. That the Auditor nf the City cat Pirtland be and he I hereby directed to give notice of the prranoaed constrnetloo ot aald ewer provided by lb City Charter. Itemoestrancea agalnat tne shove aewer may be filed In writing with the nnder signed within 30 dsya from th date of tbe tint puhtctlor of Oris notice. By order of the Council. THOS C. DEVLIN, Auditor, of the City of Contend. Portland, Oregou, August 30, 1904, PB0P0SED IMPB0VEMEBT Ot EAST BUBB SIDE STBEET Notice Is hereby given that at the meeting of the Council of the City ef PortUnd. Oregou. held ou the lTth day of Auguat, lien, tn fol low lug r.-s.. hi l Ion was adopted: Resolved. That the Council of the City uf PortUnd. Oregon, deem It expedient end pro pose to Improve East Burnslde street, from 80 feet west of the west Una of Bait Third street to th east Un of Grand aveuue, lu the follow - manner to-wlt . 'lest- in iirliwrlnr the atnsst full width with rull Intersection lo tne gruue as souwa uy the aUke set by the City Engineer. Second By planking the atreet full width with full Intersections, In secordanc with the City Engineer ( plane, peclflcstlone sud osti um lee. Bald Improvement to be made In accordance with the charter and ordinance of the City of Portland nd th plana. apedfleaHon aud etl mate of th City Engineer, tiled in the office of th Auditor of tbe City ot PortUnd. on tbe 18th day of Auguat. 1804, Indorsed "City Ei ilneer1 plan nd apeclficatlona for the lin pioveinent of East Burnslde street, from 80 feet weet uf the weet Un of Bat Third atreet tj The eaat Mne, of Gran aewstae, end th esti mate of tbe work to be done and tka prob able total cost thereof." Tbe cost of aald Improvement to be aaaeaaed aa provided by the city Charter upon the prop erty peclly benefited thereby, and which te hereby declared to be all the lot, parte of lot and pareeU of Und lying between a Unu 100 feet north of and parallel with tb north line of Eaat Uurnalde aireet end a Un 100 feet outh of and parallel with the aouth Hue of East Burnaldefatrsel, and between a Une 100 teet eaat of and parallel with the eaat Une ot Graad aveuue and a Une 100 feet weet nf spd psrallel with tbe west Une of Eut Third street. Tbe Engineer's estimate of th probable total coat for the luitaovemeut of uld Emat Burnald treet la $2,000.00. The Above Improvement U to be cUssed a a .plank roadway Improvement and bll be main tained by the city fur a period of four years, provided, that the owners of' a majority of tbe property benefited by aald Improvement, or any portion thereof, shall not petition tor a new or different Improvement before tbe explratiou of such ra-rlod Tbe plana, specifications end estlmstes of tbs City Engineer for the Improvement ot said Esat Burnslde street are hereby adopted. Resolved. That the Auditor of the City of Portland be and he te hereby directed to give nolle of tb proposed Improvement of aald treet aa provided by tha City Charter. Remontrnce agalnat the above Improve ment may be filed In writing with tbe under digued within 2u days from tbe data of the flrat publication of thla notice. By order of the Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor nf the City ot 1'urllaud. Portland. Oregon. Auguat 30. 1904. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF EAST WASH INGTON STBEET. Notice te hereby given that at the meeting of the Council of the City ot Portland, Oregon, held on the ITtb day ot Auguat. 1804, th fol lowing revolution was adopted 11. solved. That the Council of the City of Portland. Oregon, dee ma It expedient and pro pose to Improve East Waahlngton atreet from the eaat line of East Thirty-third atreet to the weet line of Snnnyalde Third Addition, lu the following manner, to-wlt: Flrat By grading the street full width with full Intel-sections to the stakee as set by tbe City Engineer. Second By constructing wooden sidewalks In accordance with tbe City Englueer'a plana, apectflcalloo and eatlmate. 3 bird Br constructing wooden rrosawalk. Fourth By constructing wooden curb. Bald improvement to be made tn accordance with, tbe Charter end ordinances of the City of Portland and tbe plana. pec I fl cat Ion and esti mate of the City Engineer, filed tn the office of tbe Auditor of tbe City of Portland, on the tb day of August. 1904. Indorsed: "City En gineer' plana nd BpeClflcatton for the Im provement of Eat Waahlngton treet. from tbe .r.-t Un of East Third third street to tbe west line of Buunyslde Third Addition, and the estimates of the work to be done snd the prob able total cost thereof." t. The cost of ssld Improvement to be eseesed ' provided by tbe City Charter upon tbe prop erty specially benefited thereby, and which Is hereby declared to lie all the lots, parts of lot nd pan els of tend lying between line 100 feet nortb of nnd parallel with tbe north line of Eaat Waahlngton atreet and a line 100 feet aouth of and parallel with the aooth line of East Waahlngton treet, and between the eaat line of Eaat Thirty-third atreet and the weat Une of Sunuysrde Third Addition. The Engineer's estimate of the probnhle totl eot for Ihe improvement of sld Eeat Washing ton street te $896.00. The plana, apeclflcatlon and cellmate of the City Engineer for tbe Improvement of the aald Eaat Washington street are hereby adopted. Resolved. That the Auditor of Jhe City of Portland be and he te hereby directed to give notice of the protssjed Improvement of aald street aa provided by the City Charter. Remonstrances against the above Improve ment may he filed In writing with the under signed within So daya from tbe date ot the tint publication of thla notice. By order of tbe Council. TOO. C. DBVMK, Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. Auguat 90. 1904. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF EAST BOB BISON STREET. Notice Is hereby given that at tbe meeting of tbe Council of tbe City of Portland. Oregon, held on the 17th day of Auguat, 1904, tbs fol lowing resolution waa adopted: Resolved, That the Council of the City of Portland, Oregou, deema It expedient and pro Isoeee to Improve East Morrison street, from the rest line of East Thirty -eighth street to the west line of Enet Thirty ulnth street, lu the following manner, ti wit. Flret By grading the atreet full wklth with full Intersection to tb proper grade given by tbe City Engineer, Second By constructing wooden (Idewalkn. Bald Improvement to be made In accordance with the Charter and ordinance of tbe City of Portland and the plana, apeclficatlona and eatl mates of the City Engineer, filed In the office of the Auditor of the City of Portland, on the Slth day f July, 1904. Indorsed "City En gineer's plana and specification for tbe Ira lirovement of Eat Morrion tret. from the eaat line ot Eaat Thirty-eighth street to the west Une of Bast Thirty -ninth street, and the estimates of the work to be done and tbe probable total coat thereof.' The cast of the ssld Improvement tn be as sessed, according to the City Charter, upon the proiiertv sneclatlr benefited thorebv. and which Is hereby dcclsred to be all the lota, parts of lots nd parcels or land lying netween a line 1UO feet north of and parallel with the north line of East Morrison atreet and a line 100 feet aouth of and parallel with tbe aouth Une of Eaat Morrison afreet, and between the eaat Une of Eaat Thirty-eighth street and the weet line of East Thirty ninth atreet. The Engineer estimate of tbe probable total cost for the Improvement of ld Eut Morrlaon treet te (640.00. The plan, apeclflcatlon nd estimates of tb City Engineer for tbe Improvement of aald Eaat Morrlaon atreet are hereby adopted. llesolved. That the Auditor of tbe City of Portland be and he la hertkry directed to give notice of the proposed lmprovemei street provided by the City Char d Improvement or eaid Iter Remonstrances against the above Improve ment in iv he filed In writing with the under dgn. d will In 2n lavs from tbe date f the flrat pill Mention it thl notice. By order ot the Council. THOS C. DEVLIN. Andltor nf the city nf Portland. Portland, Oregon, August 30. 1004. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF EAR THIRTY -EI0HTH STREET. Notice te hereby given that at tha meeting of the Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, held on tbe lTth day of Auguat, 1904, the fol lowing resolution waa adopted: Resolved. That the Council of th City ef Portland, Oregon, deem It expedient and pro poeea t Improve Eaat Thirty-eighth atreet. from the aouth Un of the Bae Une roed to the north Une nf Eat YmhlU atreet. In the following manner, to-wlt: Flret By grading the street full width with full Intersection to the grade a shown by the stakes set by the City Engineer. Second By constructing sidewalks in accord ance with the i 1 1 v Engineer' plan, peclf1e- tlf-na and estimates Third By constructing wooden crosswalks. Bald improvement to he made In accordance with the charter and ordinance of the city of Portland, and the plan, apeclflcatlon and eatl tnfn of the Cltv Engineer, filed In Ihe office of the Auditor of the City of Portland, on tbe 16th day of August. 10O4. lodnraed: ''City En gineer'a plana and specificstlons for the Im provement of East Thlrtv eighth street, from the south line of Bsse Line road to the north Hue of East Yamhill street, and the estlmstes nf tbe work to be done and tbe probable total erst thereof." The cost of ld Improvement to he aaaeaaed. aa provided by the Wily Charter, upon the prop crty specially benefited thereby end which is herebv declared to be all tbe lots, part of lot nd parcels of tend lying between a line ion fe t east of and parallel with the eeat Ha of East T'.ilrti eighth Mreet nnd line 100 feet west of and parallel atth tbe weat line of Beat Thirty-eighth atreet. and between the wmth line of the Base Line road and the north Una of test Yamhill street. The Engineer estimate of the probable tot I erert for the Improvement of s1d Hast Thlrty elrhth street te 81.783 00. The plan, sneciflcstloas and eetlmatea of the Cltr Engineer for the Improvement of said Best Thirty eighth atreet sre hereby adopted. Rolvd. That the Auditor nf the llty of PortUnd be nd he Is hereby directed to glv notice of the pronoaid improvement of laid atreet as provided by th City Charter. Remonetraacea agalnat the abrcre Improve mrnt mar be filed In writing wltb th under signed within 2o dav from tka date nf the first publtcstlnn of thl rwtiec. By crdcr of the Council THOS C. DEVLIN, Auditor nf the City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, August 30, 1804. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOB BEWEB IB ALBIBA AVENUE. Notice te hereby given that tk Council ot the City of Portland propoeea- to the following described properly and owner or owner being specially and peculiarly bene fited In the aniouuta aet opposite the namee and descriptions thereof by the construction ef a sewer lu Alblna avenue from 100 feet aouth of the Math line of Shaver street to a connec tion with th aewer In Beech atreet, aa pro vided by ordinance No. 14.041. Any objections to tbe apportionment of coat for aald aewer must be msde In writing to tbe Council and filed wltb tbe Auditor within fif teen day torn tbe date of the flret publication of thte notice, and ssld objections will be hesrd nd determined by th Council before the pas sage pf the ordinance assessing the coat far aid aewer. MI'LTN'oM All BLOCK 38. let 11. George W. Cnmmlugs. (19.8o; kit 8, Edward J. O'Dea. (Ill SO; lot T, Henry Moore, (19.30; lot t, Henry Moore, $10.30; lot 8, D. A. Paine. (19.30; lot 1, D. A. Palue. $19.30. BLOCK 84 lot 18. Relic Erie, $19.30; lot is. Cath erine A. Caas, $18.30, north to kit 11, Gain briuua Brewing company, 88,06; south to kit II Henry Iterger, $8 66; lot 9. George Hurd. (19.30: lot T. George Hurd, (19.80: lot 5. Christina Kirn, (111 An. CENTRAL ALKINA BI.OCK 30. lot 11. Maud K Tillman. $26.80; kit 13. Maud E. Tillman. ' (86.30; lot 13. C. W Petersou. (26 30; let 14, C W. Peteson. $26.80: lot 16. Wllllsm M. Kllllugsworth. $26,80; kit 16, William M. Kllllngawortk. (20.30. 'BLOCK 19, lot 0. Id M. Johnson, $28.3. kit 10. Id M. Johnson. $26.30; lot 11. Erik and Sophie Johauson. $26.30; kit 13. Anna and Marie Dahl. $26.80: kit 1.3. Erik Johsnaun, $36.80; kit 14. Ambrose Gsu tenbelu, $26.90. Total. $547.30. TIIOS C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, August 22. 1904. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOB BEWEB IX EABT TWELFTH STBEET. Notice le hereby given thst tbs council of the City of PortUnd proposes to asses the follow ing deecrlbed property and owner or owner being specially and peculiarly benefited In tbe amount net opposite tb name aud de r.crlptlone thereof try the construction at n sewer In Beet Twelfth street, from 160 feet north of Hancock street to the aewer In Han cock erect, aa provided by ordinance No. 13.960 Any obleetlona to the apportionment of coat for atd newer muat be made 19 writing to the council uid filed wltb tbe auditor within Bftren daye from tbe date of the flrat publication of thl notice, and aald objections will h heard and determined by the council before the pass age of th ordinance assessing the coat for aald HOLLADAY'S ADDITION TO EAST PORT LAND BLOCK SOT, lot T, Maria Smith. 83N.60. ' k WEST IRV1NOTON BLOCK 14, lot fl. JuU M, Eiteott. $87.70. HOI.I.ADa'Y'S ADDITION TO EABT PORT I.AXH-KIX1CK 302. lot 3, Richard Derby. $.:ii no. WEST IRVIN0TON BLOCK 138. lot 6, John A. Hertmn. $29.23. Total. $18880. TH0B. C. DBVLIH. Auditor of tbe City ot Portland. Portland. Or., August 33. 1904. PBOrOSED ASSESSMENT FOB SEWER IB SELL WOOD STBEET. Notice te hereby given that the Council of the Hty of Portland propoeea to ssssss the follow ing described property nd owner or owner being pectelly end peculiarly benefited In the amounts set opposite the namee and descriptions thereof by the construction of n sewer In Sell wood street, from 143 feet weet of the weat Une nf Borthwlek street to the sewer In Alblna avenue, a provided by Ordinance No. 14,006. Angobjectlona to the apportionment of cost for said sewer must be made In writing to the Council and filed with the Andltor within 16 daya from the date of the flrat publication of thla notice, and said objectlona will be heard aud determined bv the Council before the pnssagc of the ordinance aasesslng tb coat for the aald aewer, 81 Rill VISION FN PBOKBSTEL'S ADDITION TO ALBINA BLOCK 11, aouth 100 fret of lot 7. Jane A. Randall. $31.06: south 100 feet cf lot 8. E. P. Stafford.-$20.00. BLOCK 10. north 100 feet of lot 15. John Glarlk. (41.10; north KM) feet ot kit 18 John Glaslk, (36 70. ToUl, (188.90. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. PortUnd. Oregon. Auguat 33. 1904. Vm Only Double-Track Railway between the ' Missouri River Chicago The Chicago-Portland Special, the most luxurious train in the world. Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining car, bullet smoking and library car (barber and bath). Less than three days Portland to Chicago. Two Through Trains to Chicago are operated daily via the uregon k. ft. r.av. Co., c r. K. K. ana Chicago a Norm-western ivy. :c Chicago from Portland and points iaiOregun and Baalero Washington. Daily excursions In Pullman tourist deeping cars (rom Portland through to Chicago without change. . B. RITCHIE. A- G. BARKS. Ges'l Agt. Pac. Coast. Gvacral Agcttt. C. A N.-W. Ry. C. A N. W. By. it Market street, 13 Third Street, BAH PRAetCttCO, CAL. PoaTLAMO. Oau. Mil. MSB ITtsafr H?TkaVll BALTIMORE, t- OHIO IL R- A1X TRAINS VIA WASHLNOTON Tklttt Olflct tn Third Slrctt Ibosc 888 1 rnniicontlntjntHl Jb I rnlna DcUly FAST TLVIE TO 1POKANI, tT. PAUL. DULUTH, JdlNNBAPOLia, ClUCAOO AND ALL, POINTS CAST rnyllglit trip tbrouck tba Cascade nd Bocgy mountain. For f'.ill per tic ulara, ratas. foldera. ate, call o or adV draaa - M. DICKSOM. City Tlekat Aft 13B Tnlld sHreet, VorUMSk ','7",, 1 V1 Isra"-- rj 'lJftn i eesssji ' r ' jrygvs It 1 BIT B OA P TOUnAMW. mm. Oregon Shqjutliihe AMD UPL1UN FAViriU 3 TRAINS to the EAST DAILY Throucb PuIlntRU standard ami tourist sires trig cars dally te Oman.. Cbtttgo. Snokaae: tourist leel.lng ear datlv to Kansas Cltr: through Pullman tenriat Bleeping rare (srs atly conducted) weekly to Ctiteugn. Recltulug rrislr esrs tseats rreel to tne rwiv fllll. UNION DBFtrT. Ceases Arrives CtUCAOO-l-ORTLAKD 0:13 a. aa. i 3J p. am. SPBCIAL. Dally. Deli. For tbs Bast Tl Boat rngtsfc . 8POKANB FLTKB. 8:13 n. tn. Voti 1. n. Per, m Waohlog- Dally. Dally, ton. walU Walla. Lew 1st". Ceeur 4' A lens and Great Mart ter a point. ATLANTIC BZPHRMR. 3:13 p. B. . T 18 . tn. Per the vts Hunt- Rally. Dally. tnta- . I OCTAB ABT) 8HTBB BCTTJtAtTXB. KOB SAN PltANCISCU: rixai j:00 am. B. 8. Oeo. W. Blder a In. mirth Aug 4. 14. 34. Dock. 8. fl. Columbia 8 00 p. am. Aug. 8. 19, 39. Columbia Rtvsr Division. PGR A8TOHIA snd way 3: n m pnlnU. eooneettng with Dsfly. stmr. for Ilwaea and j ex. 8undar North e.ek. str. Baa Sstnrdsy sub. At st itoeh. 10:00 p. m. ISssas J 00 a. as. Yauhtll Blver Bout. POIl DAYTON. Oregon 1 7 00 a. m. City and Yamhill Blver pally. ilnts. strs. Butb audi except odoc. Ah-et. doe. Sunday. I Water tier ml t tine I vsn p. am. Kelly, -xcept Sunday. Snake Rlv.r Bout. FOB LEWISTON. Ida. and way points froni Klpsrls. Wash.. stea rre Spokane and Lew- ltou. Vtn a. m. Oally. ex. Sat. About von p. sg. Dally, ex Prtdary. nCKWt OfTICR. Third and TVeablugtoas Teas Phone Main TIB. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY Pur Yokohama and Hong Kong, ralllag at Robe. Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamer far Manila. Port A raker snd Vladivostok. Par rates and run Information call on or ad dree ofnlcUU or agents of tbe O. It. A K. Co. EAST v. SOUTH I -eaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrlv OVEBLANO EXPRESS trains, for Salem. Bale barg. A .bland Sacra mento. Ogden. San Krn SlSOp. m. am. cl.x. Stockton. Lo An geles. El Psso, New Or- )rn and th Eaat. At Tvocdhurn dallr lexcept nuniiayt. mora lor tralu for kft. An "8 '.SO a. t 4 :00 p. m. 7:80 s. m. 114:80 p. am gel. Rllvertnn. Browns T:18 p. 10:10 a. ville. Sprlnrrleld. Wend tins- snd :'stron. Albany passenger. v resets at Wood bum with alt. Angel and Silver ton local. Corvnllla p see rarer. . . .. 118:88 B 88 8:38 a. urn. ShrrUn passenger.... Dally. IIDslly. except Sunday. PorUand-Oawege Bnhnrbn Berries snd Took Depot Poot of Jefferson Bt7t 'v PortUnd dally far Oewega T:SB a. m l 13:80. 3:08. 8:38. 8:30. 8:36, 8:38. 10:10 p. BV Daily (except Suuday). 8:00. 8:30. C:38. 18:83 . m.: 4:0tJ. 11:80 p. m. Sunday only. 8:08 m. t Returning frcm Oswego, arrive PortUed SsOr '" - m.: 1:88. 8:08. 4.r8. 8:18 T:8B. 8:88, 11:10 p. m. Di:y (except Snndvl 8:86. T:B8. 3:30. fnrrri. n:48 a. m. Bxeent Monday. 13:38 p. n. Rnnd.v ante, 10:88 a. m. Leave from same depot foe Delia aad tntse medlar points esliv (excent Sundayl 4:00 p. an. Arrive P"et1m1 t0:3O n. m. The Indertendenee-MonmentJi Motor Tin eresratee dslhr t Mrm month and Alrll. eon- oeetlne with vmtbern P.elflc company a t Dn and Independence. Flr"t-el.s. fare frem pnetl.nel to Seeag and S.n fjn. nertn sn; fare gm. second-ela nertl. x nn. Tickers tn F- "tern nolnr snd Bnroi, ansa Jsns. rtilns. eTnnoreln snd A sirs . Cits Ttek.t nmee eeener TTlIrd and W ne ste-e. m.rtn. Main T18. ft W. rTTTNOBR. W. K fJalArT. City Ticket Agent. Oea. Pss. A gear. TIME CARD or TRAINS PORTLAND: L'NION DEPOT. Puget Sound LI mite A Tar Taeoama, Seattle Olvmpla.- South Bend nd Gray's Barbor pnlntu. North Coeet Limited. Bar Tacoma. Seattle. Butte. St. Paul. Mln neanoil. Chicago, New Yor. Beaton nd points East and Son the x. Twin-City Expreoa, tat Tacoma. Beattks. Spo kne. Helena, St. Paul. Mlnnenpoll. Chicago. New York. Boston snd all paint But and 8ontbet. Puget Bound - Raesa city-Si. LouU BnerlaL for Taenrna. Benttls. Spokane. Butte. Billings. Denvsr. Dnwh. Kns Cite. Bt. Lonl and ail nnlnta Esst and SootT soot. Depart 30 a. am. 3:00 p m 11:45 p. ss. 8:30 a. m 0:30 n. av TOO, as. T oon, mv 1:08 8. tt. All train dally except on South brauck. A. D CHABLTON. A'.latant General Psseeager Agent. 33S Morrison st,. cor Third. Portland. Oe. Astoria & Columbia River Raikoad Co. IQIoGotn inAAial I ImiA pouTia y4il Leave. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. Per Marger Bi tnler, . nataktol. Waatnort, "" Cllftno. Astoria. War S no m rentou. rlivel Mass- 11:10. v Dallr. mond. Pert Btvea. Gesrhart Park. Seaabka. Aatorla and 3 m ST. TOO m Einrssn oally. Dally et. Aatorla Exsnaa. t 40 p. m. Saturday. n.ilr Sat. oaly. Portkud fcn40 riyr. 3:38 8. . , I .. , J. C. MAYO, O. r. and P. A.. AatocU, 0, ABT. CeajureUI AgesO. 88 AktWf x a. eTrw St. rasa Uatn 8. Schwab Bros. FrintingCa aat Work. Bvaaaaaahla Fries ttTVk HVOstB SUeet, r.eaa SSakttl IT8