The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 24, 1904, Page 12, Image 12

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CITT NOTICES. I . . "1" I -I -
-- ta arlven that the Council of I
City of Portland. OKfM. at " lui WJ i
the 17tk day of Auguat, UK, declared
MNWul by ordinance No. 14.150, f' f the
rr.,..ini of Irving atreet. from lbe vcest :
Ea f Nlntb atreet to the east 8V;U
MB Street. ID 'in iniu-, , - - - . .
JS3rKo?l.4M. upon each tot. pert of
Barer! of Unit, which are apeclally and pecul
iarly beneBtcd. t be aa olloS V r
curries addition to the uh
wiuTitM, HluiK 127. lot 1. tornaru
Evan. $122.14; k.t 4. Richard Evans $26 ..1.
Ci s ii-u.rd T.n.. iib-bb; w 2- ni-b"i
t m. $110 80. RLOCK 12s. lot 1. Amorl-c,-
Tru.t Iiwiiwn compsny. $110 34;
Jjf 4. Amertonn Tro.t A Investment .coin
uny 118 76; lot 3. Marl Cwr 23 56.
CV aUrt. Carney. H
4. low nd W. 8. J? A
iw t ....K.. mIiIi. heir of. IKI.Wi tM
S iLlli Ducuer estate, heir of. $157 !
BLOCK 12. lot 1. Henry
Brown, $183 011;
tt liar rrlVM 1 fUUMT. OI.l, S-S
- . . . ... n 1 . s V
.,.,.. l e-l, lai lot X. William
FtaStT $264.07.' BLI1CK 123. J"t J. M.-r.
Kr" itit.. heir, of W).08: 4. M...
FTlod MUM. hrlri of. R7.J1; lot J. Annie
l.i.ln a87; kit t. Annie Muoln.
Ss 4 BLOCK 1. lot 1 J. W. V-
illl r lot 4. A. B1U. ! ; north
I 1 feet tot S. WrKrbt C rmjutn.. SM-08;
,(,, 18 3-.1 ft lot A. H. Brown, 7 "1 :
north 10 2 3 feet kt 2. H Brown. 12 0;
Smtt it 11 feet lot 2, WlltUm H. H.rrl.,
2,.S0. BLOCK 1J. lot I. 8rh re
Crlr'flftS 5t: t 4. 0nh r reeb. r S21 !M;
lot .1 Kohert P. free born otte. hrlr. of.
S1S.T8: h't 2. Rohert I. Frevhorn ett.
weir. of. 1147.00 BUX'K 111 lot , ledger
Bolr- 122.1 M. lot 6. I.oder Bolre,
fct . lAdrl Tlltoe. IIS. IT; Tot T. Ladd A
Tllton. S1131S. BLOCK 11T. lot 8. Auau.t
L-tet $213.13: VM S. Helen F. Rnn'iMlnK.
S15 4S: lot 6. Harry L. BIK-k. 221; lot
f Harry U rtttock. $280 . , BJ-rCK 11.
W 8. Cntii F. Cramer. $117.88; lot 5
GuataT F. Crn-ar. $23.20; lot . Ld A
Tllton. $54.41; lot T. Ladd A Tllton. SSSJ-Tt.
BLOCK 118. lot 8. Joneph. llornln. $183.69;
north v, lot 8 Johannea VecUnU. $2f).17;
pooth 14 lot 8. II R. Dlekel eatale. helra of.
OS. IT. lot 8. John Gorman. $14 58; lot 7.
John Oornun. $128 7S. BLOCK 120, lot 8.
F. W. lherw.wd. $254 75; lot 5. F. W.
laherwood $17.88; lot 8. F. W. labeTwoo.
$22 84: lot T. F. W. IaberwAod, $385.81.
BLOCK 111 lot 8. Catherine MeOrath.
$146 58; lot 5. Dnrld P. Tnnmpnon eatate.
heir. of. $21 04;. north U fc 8. Catherine
MeOrath. $10 64; nnuth H lot 8. Dartd P.
Tnompaon eatate. be Ira of. $10.85; lot 7.
TMrld P. Thompaon eatate. belra of. fl IT OS.
BLOCK 165. lot 8. GeorM W Hoyt eatate.
helra of. $230 85; lot 6. Oeorsr W. Iloyt
oetate. nelm of. $18.68; lot 8. Goorfa W. Hoyt
estate, helra of. $18.58: lot T. Oor W. Hoyt
rotate, helra of. $221.13: rlirht of way City
A Bnbnrhan Railway company. $23 52: Port
land Railway company right of way. $18.38.
Total. $5,819.80.
A atatrmrnt of nforraald aaaraament haa been
nterert In th Docket of City Uena. and la now
dor and payable at the offlee of the ' H
Trraanrer In lawful money of tba United
Btatra and If not paid within 80 daya from
data of thla notice, aurh procaaUlmra will ho
taken for the collection of tha aame aa are
Cortdrd by the Charter af tha City of Port
nd. Tha a bore aaaerament will bear lnrrrrat 10
daya after the Brat publication of tbla notice.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon. Auiuat 23. 1804.
Wbereaa. the Council of the City of Port
land, deeming It expedient to open, lay out
wtAn an.l ealahllah an eret!Hlon of Eait Hal
moo afreet. In the City of Portland, from the
woat line of Raat Thirty-eighth atreet to the
wat Una of blocka 11 and IX. Bunnyaiae aatu
tlon did on the lhth dar of May. 1K04. direct
the Cltjr Enjlneer to aurrey the aame and to
mark toe nounaanea inereoi, a no iv
nlat of auch aurrey. and a written report con
trlulng a full and perfect deacrlptlon of auch
propoaed atreet and boundarlea thereof, and of
the nortlmi of each kit. tract or part of either
to be appropriated for ancb atreet. and tba
City Engineer baring made auch aurrey, plat
and report, and filed auch plat anil report in
the offlee of the Auditor of the City of Port
land od tha 5th day of July, 1804, and aald
rcnort harltic tieen adopted by ordinance jno.
14.101, entitled "An ordinance adopting the
report of the City Engineer In the matter of
the propoaed opening, laying out. widening and
atabllahlna of Eaat Salmon atreet. In the
City of fort land. 80 feet In width. In U
preaent courae. from the weat line of Eaat
Thirty-eighth atreet to the weat Una of blocka
11 and 12. Bunnyalde addition.
Now. therefore, all neraona Interested are
hereby notified that tha Council of the City of
rortlanu haa appointed u. J. Morriaon, 4, iteuy
and J. P. Mcnefee rlewera to rlew aald pro
ajoaad eitenalon of aald atreet and make an aatl-n-ate
of the beuefita and damagea oocaaloned
by the opening. Uy out and eatabllablng of
the aame. In accordance with aectlou 348 or tha
Charter of tha City of Portland, aald rlewera
to meet at the office of the Auditor of the City
of Portland n Thnraday. the 8th day of Sep
tember. 1804. at the hour of 10 o'clock In the
forenoon of aald day.
The -propoaed oiieolng, widening, laying out
and eatabllablng of Eaat Salmon atreet la 80
feet In width and la mora particularly bounded
and describe aa roHowa:
Beglnulng at a point In the weat Hue of Eaat
Thirty -eighth atreet where the aame would lie
Interaeeted by the north line of Eaat Salmon
Street aa laid out In Sunnyalse addition; thence
eaaterly along an axteoalon of the north Hue
of Eaat Sainton atreet aa laid out In Runnyalde
addition, to the weat Una of block 12, Sunny
aloe addition; thenee eontberly along the aoutb
1 rlv extenalon of the weat line of block 12,
KunnysMe addition 0 feet; thence weaterly
along the aoutherly line of Eaat Salmon atreet
aa lafd out In Sunnyalde addition to the weat
line of Eaat Thirty eighth atreet; thence
northerly along the weat line of Eaat Thtrty
elgbtb atreet 60 feet ta the place of beginning.
The propoaed opening, widening, laying out
' and eatabuahing of Eaat Salmon atreet will In
clude and neceaattate the appropriation to pub-II-
uae of the following deecrlbed' pare la or
tracta of land:
All that parcel or tract of land lying between
the northerly line of the propoaed. Eaut Salmon
Street and a tine SO feet aoutherly therrfrom
and parallel therewith; and between the eaat
erly and weaterly bovndarlea of the propmed
Kaat Salmon atreet. containing 11.713 aquare
All neraona claiming damagea by reaaon of
the onproprlatlon of the 10 party a bore de
acrlbed, or any part thereof. In the propoaed
opening, widening, laying out and aatabllahlug
of aald atreet are hereby aperially notified to
Ble their claim for auch damagea . wfth the
Auditor of the City of Portland before the Nth
Bay of S-ptember. 1804. tte time appointed fur
the meeting of the rlewera therein
By order of the Council.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon, Auguet 23. 1804.
Notice la hereby Siren that the Connd! of the
City of Portland. Oregon, at a meeting held on
the 17tb day or Auguat, 1804. declared the
naataament by ordinance No. 14.166. for the
ronatructlon of a aewer In Fremont atreet, from
the eaat line of l'nloa areune to a connection
with the newer In Cleveland avenue at Fremont
Street, In the manner provided by ordinance
pio. 13.881, upon each lot. part of lot and parcel
of land, which are apeclally and peculiarly
benefited, to be aa followa, rla:
LINCOLN PARK--BLOCK 22. weat 80 feet lot
8. Darld Khanahan. $18 50; weat 60 teat kit
7. David Sbanahao, $3.00; weat 60 feet of
aonth 6 feet lot S, Lewla W. Haoarr, $1.00.
ete and Thomaa O'Day. $35.30; lot 7. 1.11
. and Thomaa O'fltj. $20.30; kit 8. Ellaabeth
Taylor. $30.80: lot 10, Ellaabeth Tayk,r. riuotiv 10. lot a. lieorg uoeachlln.
1.80; lot 7. George Boeechlln. $20.80 : lot 8,
f Boeachlln. lot 10. I eorre
Boaacblln. $20.80. ULot K 15 hit 8. John
Ule belt Hie. $86.80; lot 7, Adam Toat.
M30.30: weat lot 8. J. Schwarta. $17 85;
want H kit 10, J Schwarta, $10.16; eaat Vi
lot 8. Henry Toat. $17.(6; east U kit 10.
Jlenry Yoat, $10.15. BLOCK 30, lot 8.
a cob and Lena Nrlaon. $5.H0; lot 7, Jacob
and Lena Neleou. $30.80.
ALBINA BLOCK 1$. west 50 feet lot 66. WU
Ham !4mT, IIS.60, waat 60 feet of north
48 feet of lot 65. William Oelaner. $3.70.
north 36 feet of eaat 80 feet lot 15. Henry
Meier. $3-1.66. all of lot 15 ricept north 25 feet
of east NO feet. Peter Sehnell. $32 55, north
34 rest lot 14. Portland Truat company. $6.00:
let 18. Portland Trust company. $30.80. lot 17.
Portland Trnat company. $30. HO; Pit 16.
Portland Truat company. $30.80; kit
Portland Truat company, $30 80; bat
Portland Truat company. Mo.ftO; lot
Portland Truat company. $30 HO: lot
Portland Trnat company. $30.80; It
German Eraragellcal Lutheran Trinity
easrrk. aen.ou- north jrt reel lot z, Jena p.
and Bertha Hanaen. $5.00.
feet lot I, Clara A. Mosar. $17.60: aouth
SS (net of north 100 feet lot 1. C. B. and
Minnie B Tonus. $lo0; north 100 feet lot
2. John R. George $18.60; north 100 feet
of lot 8. John R. George. $19 60; north 1'i
feet of lot 4. E. H Pltcglbnon. $13.60: aorth
100 fact af kX 5, Jane at. Donaldaon. $19 811,
north 100 root of let 6. Jane M. IXonaidaou.
fit 60; north 100 feet of lot 7. Frank P.
1 aldwell $19.60. Total. $818 70.
A atatement af aforevald aaaeaament haa keen
enter, d la the tmrket of City Uena and la now
due and payable at the office of the city
Treeeurer la lawful money of the Cnlted
Bute, and If not paid within $0 daya from
Aate of thla notice, euen uroceeeMnga win ha
taken far th collection of the aame aa are
uwUMB by tha Charter of tha City af Port
Th above aaaiaaaaent will bear Internet IB
Sara after tha Brat naatlcattoa of thla notice.
Auditor af the City of Portland.
FeliB4. Oregon. Aagaat 23. IBM.
Notice ! hereby given Ut tbe Council of
til) of WMjM. HI. t o. Si
hM ln. ,7,1, a,T f A.i'- t. W. ileclar,
mwiwul by ordinance -No. H.lto. f'- t
Unproremrut of Tweuty -third stn-vt. Iwui I
,. ., , 1, ii,,, f Thurmau sir. .1 to the n-rth line
k addition to Hie cltj or Portland
I,, n.ennee oroVldetl M Ordinance CIO.
1.1.8HO. uiwli each lot. part of lot and parcel
of land, which are apeclally and peculiarly
benefited, to be aa folk.wa, la:
I'OKTLAND- -BLOCK 22. lot 12. Louie and
Theodore Nlrolel. $50.o4; lot W. Ixalla and
Th.-dare Mmlal. $128 13: lot 8. Uula and
Theodore Mcolal, $128 35; lot 6. I-ouU and
1neKlore .Vleolal. $124 411; bC 4.. Louie and
Theodore Mcolal. $17o 71 ; lot 1. Loula and
Theodore Nicole 1. $211. 81. BU1CK 2o. tract
of land lrlng tietween weat line of Twenty
third Street and a, Una 100 feet weat thereof
and parallel therewith and between two
ltnee reepeetlrrly 60 feet and 100- feet
eolith of and parallel with aonth Una ut
Reed Street. Mary Muthow. $108.04. "
(IK IMIIT1.ANP BLOCK 1 1 .lot 12. Nela P.
and Cbrlatlal Abelaon, $60.78; lot 8. Mary
Muchow $174.48; lot 8. Sterling Land com-
Sinr. $128; lot 6. Dora Scbrelner $I2S.H.
t 4. ridellty Truat company. $1T3.8S; lot
I. FtiVlltr Trnat company. $212.18 BIX( K
T, lot 1, Bertha Knoll. $214.26; lot 1. Bertha
Knoll. $173.88; Sot S. Cleroena K. OHaa,
$178 30: lot 4, Clemena r. Gcoee. $116.21:
BLOCK 4. lot 1. Emma M. Filter, $215 55:
lot 1, Emma M. Feltar. $131.50.
M. llaneen. $4100; eolith 2 feet lot 2. at.
E. LatTaw, $T11I: north 31.8 feet lot 2,
Ilenrr M. Hanaen. $101.18; lot I. M. E. Laf
faw. $111.30. BLOCK 8. lot 18, Solomon
Hlrech eatate. belra of $188.15; lot IT. reilomon
Illnrh eattte. helra of. $144.50: lot 2, Mar
garet Ann Todd. $176.76: lot 1. Margaret
Ann Todd. $118.18. BLOCK 7. tract -f land
lying between weat line of Twenty-third
Street arid 8 line 100 feet weat thereof
and parallel therewith and between aouth
line of Vaoghn Street aad the north line of
block 8. WUeon'e addition to tha City of
Portland Se.-irtty Sarluga A Truat company,
PORTLAND -BLOCK S. lot IT. Ladd A Til-
ti $132.00: lot 16. Ladd A Tllton. $Ho 50:
lot 1. I-add A Tllton. $74:08: lot 12. Arthnr
J r. Oareacbe. $128 18; lot 8. Arthar J. F.
Garearhe. $118 18; lot 8. Ladd A Tllton.
$71 11; lot 5, t-aifn A Tllton. $70.2S: lot 4,
Oeorga tioud. $71.12; lot 1. George Good,
am aa
..PORTLAND BWKTv . lot 11, looia ana
Theodore Nlcolal. $83 53: lot 10, lamia and
Theodore Nlcolal. $181. 6: kit 7. Inila and
Theodore Nlcolal, $138.87; lot 8. Loula and
Theodora Nlcolat $117 40; lot 8. Loula and
Theodore Nlcolal. $173.38; lot 1 Loale and
Tbend.e Nlcolal. $111.88. BLOCK 18. Jkt
11. Alfred IngVardaon. $117 06; lot 10. Wil
liam Sherlock company. $175.78: lot 7. Wil
liam Sherlock company, $03 08
WIIHaro Sherlock company. $38.87; lot 8.
Martha H. Ftah. $138.48; lot 3. Sterling
Land eomoarr. $174 1 : lot 3. Sterling Land
company, $313.81. BLOCK 8. lot 7. Jeaae II.
and Ida J. Brown. $215 11; eolith 30 feet
of waat H lot 6. Erik Wlk, $87 06: aonth 20
feet of Mt 1, lot fl Carl Peteraon. $12 97;
north 80 feet lot 8. Nlcolal nn." Co.,
$104.75: eaat u lot 3. Carl and Joaepbtne
Peteraon, $12 08; eaat H lot 3, Carl and
Joaephlne Peteraon, $38.40: went 14 lot 1.
Erik and Chrlatlnl Wlk. $14828; weat H lol
1. Erin and Chrlatlnl Wlk. $177.10. BI.OCK
8, weat H lot 7. Lndwlg Kayeer. $174.40;
eaat H .lot 7. Frederick A. King. $38.30; lol
8. Sterling Land company. $143 70
VORTH PORTT.AVD RIicK 4. lot 8. Ed
ward C Hochapfel. $3868: lot 0. Jacob
Merer. $4.43: kit 7. Edward C. Hocharmel.
$.122 71; lot 8, Jacob Mayer $88.15. BLOCK
8. lot S. Mark A. Marrr. $338.05: lot 8. Mark
A Marrr. gnu. 04 ; lot ,, aiarrin ainrn. aon.iei.
lot 7, Martin Winch. $324.62. BLOCK I.
lot ei Jam McBride. $100 88.
PORTLANIV- BLOCK 3. lot IS. Jemea Mr
Bride. $188.53; lot 16. George Kenether.
1157 85: lot 14. Ellaanetb Gardner. 8127 45:
lot It. Edwin and Beatrice Merrill. $115 37;
lot 10. Arthnr J. F. Gareache. $131.11: lot
T. Arthur J. F. Oareeebe. $113.71: lot 8.
George Good. $124.14: lot 8. Gnat Holme.
$124 88; lot 3. Gnat Holmes. $87.04. Total,
A atatement of aforeaald aaaeaament haa been
entered In the Docket of City Llena, and la now
doe and parable at the office of the Cltr
Treaaurajr. In lawful money of the Cnlted
Statea and If not paid within 30 daya from
date of thla notice, auch nroceedlnga will he
token for th collection of the aame aa are
nrorlded by the- Charter of the City of Port
land. T
The abor aaaerament will bear Inter eat ip
daya after the Brat publication of thla notice.
1 ruin, t . 1 r. 1,1
Auditor of the City of Portland.
(jfegon. Aaguat 33. 1804.
Notice la hereby given that tba Council of
the City of Portland. Oregon, at a meeting
held on the 17th day of Auguat. 1804, declared
tha aaaeaa-nent by ordinance No. 14. 163, for
the conatrnctton of a newer In Bortbwlck atreet.
from tha center line of Humbolt atreet to tha
ewer In Preacott atreet. In tha manner pro
rlded by ordinance No. 18.862, upon each lot,
part of lot and parcel of land, which arc
apeclally and peculiarly benefited, to be aa fol
low, rla: -
WEST 100 feet of aouth 50 feet of eaat 380
feet of lot N. M. Pattou'a tract. Thomaa H. J.
D. Piper. $18.80; weat 180 feet of aouth 50
fact of eaat 300 feet of lot V M, Patton'a
tract William Kllllncaworth. $80.30.
CLIFFORD BLOCK 12. lot 6. Ftrat Unftarlan
Society or Portland. Oregon,; 101 u.
Flrat Cnltarlau Society of Portland. Oregon.
$30.80; lot 7. Ktrat Unitarian Society of
Portland. Oregon, $30.30; lot 8, Flrat DM,
tartan Society of Portland. Oregon, $30 30.
BLOCK II. lot 6. Edward Jaaper. guardian of
Auguata Jena. $30.30; lot 0. Edward Jaa
per, guardian of Auguata Jena. $30 30: lot
7. 1
Rvird Jaaner. ruardlan of Auguata Jena.
S.1030. kit 8. Edward Jaaper. guardian of
Aurata Jena. $30.80. BLOCK 10. lot B
Addle .'. Siulrea, $30.80-, lot 6, Charles E.
Ladd, $30 30; lot 7, Charles E. Ladd. $30.30:
lot a Edward Jaarr. guardian of Augimta
Jeua, $30.80. BLOCK 8. lot 6, A. J. Delay.
$3030; lot S. A. J. Oelay, $30.30. BIJICK
1.1. lot 4. Clifford Real Eatate. aeaorlatlon.
$21 80; lot B. Clifford Real Eatate aaaocla
tlon. $21 90: lot 2. CUfrord Real Eatate aaaocl-
atlon. $21 90: lot 1. Clifford Real Eatate aaao
clatlon. $31.80. BLOCK 14, lot 4. Loulae J
Fanahaw. $31.80; lot 3. Loulae J. FBnahaw.
$21 90; lot 3. LoiiU J. Fanahaw. $31.80; lot
IT Charles K Ladd. $31.80. BLOCK 16. lot
4. Thomaa H. and W. A. Berblll, $31.80; lot
t. Thomas H. and W. A. Bechtll. $21.00; lot
1. Thomaa H. and W. A. Bechlll. $21 80: lot
L Thomaa H. and W. A. Bechlll. $2190.
BLOCK 16, lot 4. A. J. Delay, $21.80; lot 3.
A. J. Oelay, $21.80.
taiiaa fc-ctety af Portland. Oregon. $33 38; J.
Flrat Unitarian Society of Portland. Oregon.
$83.36; M. First Unitarian Society of Port
land. Oregon. $24.10: O. Loulae J. Fanahaw.
$34.10. Total. $884.80.
A atatement of aforraald aafeaament haa been
entered In the Docket of City Uena. and la now
due and payable at the office of the City
Treeaurer. In lawful monay of the l'nlted
Statea and If not paid within 80 daya from
date of tbla notice, auch nroceedlnga will be
taken for the collection of the aame aa are
Covldnd by the Charter of tha City ot Port
nd. The above aaaeaament will bear Internet 10
day after the drat publication of thla notice.
rims C. DEVLIN.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon, Angwt 33. 1804.
Notice la hereby given that the Council or the
City of Portland. Oregon, at a meeting held on
the 17th dgy of Augnat, 104. declared the
aaaeaament oy ordinance No. 14.151, for the
Improvement of Seventh atreet. from the aouth
line ot Hoyt street to the north curb Hoe J.r
Jefferson street. In the manner provided by
oidlnane No. 18.S42, upon each lot, part of
lot and parcel of land, which are apeclally and
Kcullarly benefited, to be aa followa, via:
t'CH'S ADDITION to the City of Portland
BLOCK SB. aaat H lot 8, Joaeph
0'Farrell EataU, helra of, $70.20. BLOCK
60. lot 8, Levi C. Potter Estate, helra of,
$70 88; lot 6. Levi C. Potter Eatate, brlrB of.
$37.21; north H lot 4. Alice Isabella Rate,
J2H61; aouth V4 lot 4, Flrat Baptlat Church.
PORTLAND North H block 88. lot S. Her
man Enke, $88.78: aouth H block 86,
lot 4, i. Morton Cohn, $71 02: lot
, R. Morton Cohn. $71.92. BLOCK 114,
lot 1, Portland ..o-rarv Association, $39 73,
lot 2. Portland Library Aeeoelat'on. $S 78.
BLOCK 111. lot 3. Dora W. Saage. 178.50;
lot 4. Dora W. Savage. $78.60. Block 210.
lot 1. Unitarian Society. $48 4: kit 2. I nl-
tarlan Soviet. $29.92. HLOCV 308. lot 1.
Meier A Frank Co.. $70.36; lot 2. Meier A
Frank. Co.. $46.16.
ti t i U S ADDITION to the Cltr of Portland
BLOCK 44, lot 7, Marie Julian Plunder.
PORTLAND BLOCK 84. lot 8 H. W. Corhett
Estate, helra of. 201.23; lot 7, H. W. Cor-
bett Eatate. helra ot. $71.81. BLOCK 178.
lot 8. The Title Guarantee A Truat Co..
$80.32. lot 7. The Title Guarantee A Truat
Co.. $30 33; lot 8. The Title Guarantee A
Truat Co.. $18.02. Total. $1, 276 .12.
A atatement ot aforesaid assessment haa been
entered In the Docket or City Llena. and la now
due and payable at the office of the City
Treasurer. In lawful money of the 1 nld-d
Statea and If not paid within 30 davs from
date of tha notice, suck proceedings wtll be
taken tor the collection of the aame aa are
provided by the charter of the City of Port.
The above aaaeaament wtll beer Interest 10
daya after the Brat publication of thla notice.
Andltor of the City ot Portland.
Portland. Oregon, Auguat 23, 1804,
Notice Is hereby given that the Oouncll of the
City vt l-ortlaml. Or.gou. at a meeting held ou
lb 17tb day of Auguat. 1U04. d-careil the
aaeemiieut by ordluauie No. 14.14J. tor ttii
liupiureua.nt of Goldsmith treat, 'roui the
k.Vt li.- of Alb areiiue to the eolith Hue
of Ruaeell atreet, la th. uiaauer provided by
ordinance No. ia.72.1. uikju .nch lot, part of kit
ami parcel of l-ud, olilib m ape.iauj iiai
CscaUarly beifll(ed. to be aa folk.., via:
A THAUT ol laud bounded aad d. -.1 iIk-U aa
folio, e: toioimhciiui aT the Interasctlou of
Hie leirtb. ualeriy Hue or tioiu.uiun .ireei
with the we.t line of Alblna Aveuue, thence
north along lh seat line of Alblna avenue
to a iiolnt loo rcet northeaateriy rrom the
ie.rihoatly line or Guldamlth atreet lu rsc
lanrular n-ureuiiul , the Ufa uorthwealorly
along a liue 1UO feet northeaateriy from and
parallel with the northeaateriy line of
Gotdamltb atraet In rtaiigular meaaure
mnt to IU liiteeaectlou with a ihie lwi teet
seat or aud parallel with the west Hue of
Alhlua areuue; thence aouth along a line
K"j feet weat of and parallel with the west
line of Albliia -aveuue to lta lnwraectlou
with a Une 460 feet aonth ot and parallel
with the aouth line of Ruaeell atreet; theuce
weet along a line 460 fret aouth of aud
parallel with the a-yuth line of Unwell atreet
to lta Interaectkin with the northeaateriy
line of Ujldeuiltk atreet, thence aoalheaaterly
along the northeaateriy Una of Goldaiulth
atreet to the plaov of brgiuiilng. Heliry
Wtlul.ard. $072 60; a tract of laud bounded
and described aa folloara: (Vimmenrlng at
the Interaectlon of the eaaterly line of
Mlaalaaippl avenue with the northeasterly
Uae of Ooldeuiith atreet; thence north along
the east Una of Mlsalaalppl avenue to lta
Interaction with a line lou feet northeaateriy
frcrn and parallel rlth the northeaateriy line
ot Goldsmith treat In rectangular maaaure
meut. thence southeasterly along a lino loo
leal northeaateriy trum and parallel wits. tM
luavbeaatci ly line ot Goldsmith atreet In rec
taiurular uieaaurement to lu Interaectlon with
a line lull feat aaet of and parallel with
the eaat Una of Mlaalaslppl avenue; thence
aonth along a Una 100 feet east of aud
pur.Uel with the v eaat line of Mlaalaalpp
urenue to lta Intersection with a Uae 450
feet aouth of and parallel with tha south
Una or Ruaaell atreet; thence wat : a
hue 460 feet aouth of and parallel with tha
south line of Ruaaell atreet to lta Inter
section with tha northeaateriy Una of Guld
amlth atreet; thence norlhweeterly along tha
nortbeaaterl line of Ooldemlth atreet to
the place .7 beginning, P. M. Stoldt, $2oo.77;
all or a parcel or land lying between the
northeaateriy Una of Goldsmith tr-et and
a line 800 feet aouth of aud parallel with
the aouth Una of Ruaaell atreet and be
tween tha waat line of Mississippi avenue
end a line lOO feet weat of and parallel
therewith. Ranford B. Whiting. $033.01; all
of a parcel of land lying betweeu a line
100 feet northeaateriy from and parnllel with
the northeasterly lint of Ooldemlth atraet
lu rectangular meaaurement. and a line 300
feet aouth of and parallel with the aouth
line of Ruaaell tret and between the weat
Uae of Mlaalaslppl avenue and a line 100
feet weat tnereot and parallel therewith,
Llaale N. F. Benedict and La Fayette N.
Benedict. $316.13; a parcel of land lrtaaT
between the northeaateriy line of Goldsmith
atreet and a line 100 feet northeaateriy
therefrom and parallel therewith and be
tween a Una 100 rest weat of and parallel
with the weat Una of Mlaalaalppl avenue,
and a Una extending In a northeaateriy direc
tion and at light anglra from a point In
the northeaateriy Use of Goldsmith atreet.
aald point being 62.1 feet aoutheaatrrly
from tha lntenectlon of the eaat
line of DeU7 atreet with tha
northeaateriy line ot Goldsmith atreet
to lta Interaectlon with a line 100 feet north
eirl rrom aud narallel with the north
easterly line of Goldsmith atraet. Alliance
Truat company. $502.21; all of a parcel of
laud lying between the northeaateriy line
of Goldsmith atreet and a line loo feet
no. tbenaterly therefrom and parallel there
with and between the eaat llue. of Delay
atreet aud a line 100 feet west of and
parallel with the weat Una of Mlaalaalppl
avenue, aave and except the Alliance Truat
company a tract. Hllmer O. Blabop. $657.87;
all of nereel of laud Irlna U-lweeu the
uortbeaatrrly llue of Goldsmith atreet and
a Unj 100 feet aouth of and parallel with
the south Una ot Ruaaell atreet and be
tweeu the weat line of Delay atreet and
a line 100 feet weat thereof and parallel
therewith. II. Weluhard, $1,038.88; a parcel
of land lying between a line lou teet uo-iu
terlv from and narallel with the north
eaaterly- Une of Goklamlth atreet and a llue
100 feet snuth of and parallel with the
a., nth Una of Rnaarl atreet and between the
weat line of Delay atraet and a Una 50
eo wMt thereof and narallel therewith
G. 0. Tennyson, $61.41; a parcel of land
lrlng between a Una 100 feet northeaateriy
from and parallel with the northeasterly line
of iloldamtth atreet and a Una 100 feet
aouth of and parallel with the aouth Une
of flnaaell atreet and between two Unea re-
apeetlvely 80 feet and 100 feet weat of and
Krallel with the weat line of Delay atreet.
clflp Truat company. $168.08: a parcel of
land lying between the northeaateriy Una
of Gildamlth atreet and tba aouth Una of
Ruaaell atreet and between two Unea ro
apcctlvely 100 feet and 171 feet and 2
Inches weat of and parallel with the weat
Une of Delay atreet, Nlrholaa C. Merge.
$655.02; a parcel of land lying between the
northeaateriy Una of Goldsmith atreet and
tba aouth Una of Ruaaell atreet and between
the aaat Une of Goldsmith atreet and a line.
171 feet 2 Inches weat of and parallel
wtlh the woat line of Delay atreet, Erueat
E. Merges. $807.88.
ALBINA BLOCK 69. aouthweaterly H lot 6.
David and Anna Brown, $34.15; northeaater
ly V lot S, Dirk Van Roaaum. $187.50; lot
6. John Mitchell, $211.66; lot 7, John Ran
kin. $288.38; lot 8. John Rankin, S315.72.
BIX1CK 68. lot 6. J. H. Rankin, $317.22;
lot 6. Andrew J. Murphy and W. H. Foater.
$888 82: lot 7. Mary Jnnea. $442 60- lot 8. Mary
Jones. $478.88. BLOCK 67, lot 5. Mary Jonea.
$475.28; lot 6, Mary end William T. Jonea.
$440.84: lot 7, Daniel G. Hrnnger and Mary
Jonea. $440.67; lot S. Ellxaheth Kelt. $475.76.
BLOCK 80 lot 5. Joaeph I'aqtlet and B. F.
Smith. $477 88; lot 6, Jnaeph Paqnet and B.
F. Smith. $428.80: northeaateriy 80 feet lot
T. Jiwph Paqart and B. F. Smith. $410.15:
northeaateriy SO fact of kit 8, Joaeph
Paquet and B. F. Smith. $46r1 2fl ;
aouthweterly 20 feet lot 7, Edward D. Barn".
$37.90: aouthweaterly 30 teet lot 8. Edward
D. Barnes, $48.86: a parcel ot land lying be
tween tha eolith weaterly Une ot Goldsmith
atreet g id a lire 100 feet aouthweaterly there
from and parallel therewith between the
northwesterly line of Randolph atreet and a
Une 71 feet northwesterly therefrom and par
allel therewith. H. W. Prtea, $687.08. Total.
A statement of aforesaid aaaeaament haa been
entered Is the Docket of city Uena. and la now
due and payable at the office of th clt
Treasurer. In lawful money of the United
States and If not paid within 90 days from
date of thla notice, auch nroceedlnga will be
taken for the collection of the aame aa are
provided by tha Charter of the City of Port
land. The above aaeesamrnt will bear Interest 10
daya after the flrat publication or thla notice.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland, Oregon. Auguat 23, 1804.
Notice la hereby given that the Council of the
City of Portland, Oregon, at a meeting held on
the 17th day of Auguat 18t4, declared the aa
aeaament by ordinance No. 14,162. tor the con
st! urtlon of a aewer In Kerby atreet, from the
center line of Humboldt atreet to the aewer In
Preacott atraet at Borthwlck atreet. In the man
ner provided by ordinance No. 14,022, upon each
lot, part of lot and parcel or land, which are
specially and peculiarly benefited, to be'aa fol
lowa. via:
WERT 100 feet of aouth 60 teet or lot 0 ot
M. Patton'a tract, M. F. Brady, $16.35: raat
100 feet of aouth 60 feet of kit X of M.
Patton'a tract, William H.' rpaon, $24.05:
weat 30 feet of eaat 130 feet of aouth 50
feet of lot N of M. Patton'a tract, WU
lUm M. Kllllngawortb. $2.00.
CLIFFORD BleOCK 1. lot 5. Clifford Real
Eatate aaeoolatlon. $30.35; lot 6, Clifford
Real Eatute asaoclatlon, $30.36; lot 7, Clif
ford Real Eatate association. $30.36; kit 8.
Clifford Real Eatate asaoclatlon. $30.$S.
BLOCK l. kit 6, Loula J. Fanahaw, $30. SB;
lot rt. Loula J. Fanahaw. $30.35: lot 7. Louie
J. Fanahaw, $80.35; lot h, Loula J. Fan
ahaw. $30.35. BLOCK 16, lot t.
Thomaa Bechlll and William A. Bechlll.
$30.86; lot 0. Thomaa H. Bechlll and W11
Ham A. Bechlll. $30.36; lot 7. Thomaa II
Bechlll and William A. Bechlll. $30.35: lot
- S, Thomaa H. Bechlll and William A. Heehll
$80.16. BLOCK 18. lot 6, Oscar E. Helntl.
$31.15; lot 6. Oscar R. Helntt. $30.36; lot 7.
Oscar E. Helntl. (30.36. BLOCK 10, kit 4.
E. A.' Smith, $21 86; lot 3 JL. A. Smith.
$21 06: lot 2. E. A. Smith. $2aft: lot 1. E.
A. Smith. $21 85. BLOCK 18. lot 4. Theo
dore Wygant. $21.85; lot 3. Theodore Wygant.
S 1.8ft; lot 2. Theodore Wygant. $21 86; lot 1.
eodore Wygant. $21.95. BLOCK 18. lot
4, Theodore Wvgint. $21.95: lot 8. Theo
dore Wygant. $21.96; lot 1, Margaret 0.
Wygant. $21.86: lot 1. Margaret 0. Wy
gait. $21 95 BI.OCK IT. kit 4. Oacar E.
Helntt. $1186. kit 3, Oscar K. ILInta
$11.95; lot 1. oscar K. Helntl, $21.86; lot 1.
oesr E. Hilntr $21.86.
Fanahaw, $10.40: N. F1rt I'nitarlan HK-letv
af Portland. 336.40; S, Flrat I'nitarlan So
cial of Portland, $2625: O, Victor Ietnd
company. $20 28. Total. $078 OB.
A atatement of sforeasl.l assessment haa been
entered lu the Docket of City Llena. and la now
due and payable at the office or the city
Treiirr. In lawful monev of the l'nlted
Ststre and If not paid within 80 daya from
date of thla notice, such ptoceedlnga will ha
taken for the collection of the angat aa are
Crovlded by the Charter of the City of Port
nd. The ahov aaaeaament will bear Intereat 10
daya after the Brat publication of tbla notice.
Andltor of the City of Portland.
Portland, Oregon, Auguat 23. 1804,
Notice la hereby given that the Council of the
Ctty of Portland, Oregon at a meeting held on
the 17th day ot August. 1804. de larcd tha
aasiaament by urdiuance No. 14,157, for th
couetructlon of a aewer In Ivy atreet, from
18 feet west of the eaat llue ot t'nlon avenue
1 1 the aewer In Vancouver avenue, lu the raau
ner provided by ordinance No. 13.861. upou
each lot. part of kit and panel of laud, nhlcn
are apeclally and peculiarly Oeuenied. to be aa
folLtws vis
Al II I.N A BLOCK 18. lot SO, B. M. MontnaM.
$l 60; lot 28, James U. Montgomery asiaie.
helra of. $H.ihi, lot : Robert lU.uThlell.
27 00: lot 27. Ida M Bollieits. $15.00.
k.t 13, Frank E. Park, ;.pi; ioi ,i. i-urnauu
Trust company of Oregon. $2O 40: lot 11. Ida
M. Kudrcotl, $14. BO; lot 10, otella l.lud.pilat.
$24.60; lot 8. Cora E. Conner, $24.50; lot 8,
i.ydla E. Mitchell. $24.50; lot 7. o. k. W Hay.
S34.60; lot B. Portland Truat company of
Oregon and Jamea A. Koberiaon. $24.60; lot
6, Loretu Irvine, $24.50; kit 3. atllaabeth
Blount. $17.00; lot 4. A. S. Ellis. $.12,011.
BLOCK 6. 1st 12, Martin Leiinarta, fte-Bt;
aouth 60 feet lot 17. Martin Lrnnarta. $23 08;
lot 10, J. 8. Thomaa. $2.40; lot 8. C M.
lllnkle, $28.40; kit 8, Annie D. ktOouigle.
$29.40: lot7. Anna N. Jewell. $18.40. lot
lilt' LI el.n.ior .', Ill
LAND. OREGON --ULOia, u. las i. H'J
SHuer. $28.40; lot 2. . 8. EI1U.. $Jo.4ii; kit
3, John J. Carey, $20.40; lot 4. Mury L
Emerauu. $38.80; lot 5. Mary 1. Emeraon.
$21.80. BLOCK 6. aouth 5o feet of kit 1,
A 11. Mauley. $19.Tli; lot 2, A. B. Maulel,
$33.20; lot 3, Caroline MttTuey, lot
fWlln. LI O .. .. . 'M I',
lot 15. Portland Truat Gonipauy oi "reaon.
$12.60; kit 14. Portland Truat Company uf
Oregon, $24.00; lot IS. Portland Trust Csra
pauy of Oregon. $38 00; lot 17, J. K.
Boydston $2s!oo: kd 18. Portland Trust
Company ot Oregon. $.00; lot 18, H. F.
and Minnie Krleger. $200; lot 20. Portland
Tiuat Company ! Oregon. $28.00; kit 31,
c C. Moure. $28.00: lot 22, German Evan
gelical Lutheran Trinity Church. 328.00;
Tot 1, German Evaugrllcal lttberan Trinity
church. $35.50; lot 2, German Evangelical
Luthern Trinity church. $20.50. BLOCK 7,
lot 18. Portland Truat company of Oregon,
$30.ot; lot IS, Portland Truat company of
Oregon, $18 00; lot 20. Ucse 8. Stone, $23 10;
lot 21. William E. Crerar. $28.10; kit 22,
Harriett R. Crerar, $33.10; eaat S3 1-3 feet
lot 23. Rasmus Jorgcnaen, 315.40; west S3
1-3 feet lot 3-L Frederick Haatlnga. $14.65;
weat IB 3-8 teet lot 23, Frederick Heatings.
$7.70; weat 18 2 3 feat ldt 24. Mary Seam
mou. $7.26. . 111
lot 1, Mlcharl and Anna Isomer. act i,
D. L. Freiter. $23.10; lot 3, John M. Ptt
tenger. $33.10: lot 5, John M. Plttenger,
$30.60: aouth 60 feet lot 4. Alwln Stopper.
$16.00. BLOCK 4. lot 1. Steuben Ixolge No.
4, O. D. H. S . Inc., $30.60; lot 3. William
T. Kerr. $16.80; lot 6. John M. Plttenger,
$30.30: lot 7. A. B. Mauley. $20.80. ToUl.
IT fill BO
a ..,,., ,,en, of aforesaid aaaeaament haa been
entered lu the Docket of City Uena. and la now
due and .payable at the office of the City
Treaaurer, In lawful money of tha t nlted
Statea and If not paid within 30 daya from
date of thla notice, aucn nroooeuinga win vsa
taken for the collection of the aame aa are
ovlded by we Charier or tne uaav oi iiai-
Th hoe aaaeaament will bear Interest 10
daya after the first publication of this notice.
1 two. 1. . eaii'i.-.
Auditor ot the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon. Auguat 23. -1804.
it,iu hh 4vn that the Council of the
Loity of Portland. Oregon, at a meeting held on
Ithe 17th day of Auguat, 1804. declared the
aaaeaament by ordinance No. 14.100, ror tne
ronrtrdrtion of a aewer In Eaat Stark atreet.
from 76 feat eaat of tha eaat line of Eaat
Seventeenth atreet to the aewer In Eaat Stark
atreet 76 feet aaat of the eaat Une of Eaat
soi.An,h et in th manner provided by
ordinance No. 13.864, upon each kit, part of
lot and parcel ot land, which are apeclally and
peculiarly benefited, to be aa follows, via:
OREGON BLOCK 5. lot 8. W T. B.
Nicholson. $22.30: lot 5, W. T. B. Nlchol-
aon. $37 .20. BLOCK 6, lot 8, W. T. B.
Mcnolaon. $22 20; lot 4, W. T. B. Nichol,
BLOCK 1. lot 8. Herman F. Varwlg,
estate, belra of, $43.60; lot 7. Herman F.
Varwlg eatate, helra of. $28.50. BLOCK 5.
west " of lot 1. C. A. Blgelow. $21.75; east
14 ofTot 1, W. II. Markell. $21 75: lot 2,
Daniel B. Buah. $28.60. Total. $263 80.
A atatement of aforesaid aaaeaament baa been
entered In the Docket of City Llena. and la now
due and parable at the office of the City
Treaaurer, In lawful money of the United
Statea and It not paia wunin oo uye
date of thla notice, auch procsedlnga will be
Uken for the collection of the nnt aa are
provided by tha Charter of tha City of Port
Tha above aaseasment will bear Intereat 10
dart after tha flrat publication of thla notice.
Andltor of the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon, August 28. 1804.
Notice la hereby given that tha Council of the
fit, ,.f Portland oroDoaea to assess the follow
ing deaerlbed property and owner or owner aa
being apeclally and peculalrly benefited In the
aihonilt l opposite meir name uu oe.
i.,o. thereof for the Improvement of I. nlon
avenue rrom the south line of Alberta street to
100 feet aouth of the aouth line of Lewla Love
donation land claim, aa provided by Ordinance
No. 18,470.
Any objectloui to the ariportlonment of cost
for aald lnrprovement must be made In writing
to the Council and filed with the Auditor within
is. ds from Oi date of the flrat publication
of thla notice, and aald objections will be
heard and determined by the Council before the
passage of the ordinance aaaeaalng tba coat of
aald Improvement.
WOODLAWN BLOCK 87, lot 4, School District
No i86.67; weat 40 feet lot 3, School Dla
trlct No. 1. $8.08; lot 5, School Dlatrlct No. 1,
$108.48; weat 40 feet lot 6. School Dlatrlrt
No. 1 $10.19; waat 40 teet lot 7, School Dla
trlct No. 1, $9.53; lot 8, School Dlatrlct No. 1.
$102.58; lot 8, Mary F. Hanna. $101.22: weat
40 feet lot 10, Mary F. and John 8. Hnnna.
C.88; west 40 feet lot 11. Christina A. Circle.
J.I; lot 12, David P. Thompaon Eatate,
helra or. $09. so; lot 13, ijnrisiine a. tircie.
1.93; weat o rest lot ia, oon . I'aviu,
12: weat 40 feet lot 15. Richard Deptie.
, so- lot 16. Olive C. Wheeler. $148.64:
lot 17. Richard D. Depue, $165.87: weet 40
feet lot IK. Jonn tiaviu, truaiee.; a
tract of land lying between the eaat Una of
Union aveuue, 100 feet east thereof and
parallel therewith, and between aouth line
ot Dekum avenue and a Une 100 feet north
of and parallel with weat line of Alnaworth
tract. J. C. Alnaworth. $1,774.47; a tractor land
lying between east Una .Union avenue and a line
100 feet east thereof and parallel therewith
and between south line of Alnaworth tract
and a Une 100 feet north thereof and parallel
therewith, Portland Railway Company,
$299 98.
A1NSW0RTH TRACT BLOCK 8, weat 100 feet
1st 4, Frank D. Fulmer. $250.90 1 weat loO
feet kit 8, Angella Bnnell. $308.41
Sarah A. Pope, $123.02; weat 10 test kit 12.
Sarah A. Pope, $1.00; weat 10 teet lot 10,
Sarah A. Pope, $0,08; lot 9. Sarah A. Pope.
$122.00; lot f, Sarah A. Pope. $108.97; weat
10 feet lot 8, Sarah A. Pope. $0 91; west
10 feet lot 6, Sarah A. Pope, $0.09; lot 5,
Sarah A. Pope. $88 80; weat 10 feet lot 4.
Sarah A. Pope. $8.71; kit 3, Rarih A. Pope.
$126 80: weat 10 feet lot 3. Sarah A. Pope,
$3.49: lot 1. Sarah A. Pope. $127 42.
Git KEN RIDGE BLOCK 1, lot 1. BenJ. Frank
lin Pndrick. $B2 08: woat 4 feet lot IS, II. M.
Underwood. $1.27: lot 2. II. M. Underwood
sti tfi weat 4 feet lot 13. Mn utile N. Starr.
$1 30; lot 3. Mannle N. Starr, $89.68; weat 4
feet lot 14, Jacob Plttenger, $1.80; lot 4.
John P. Dow. $67.86: west 4 feet lot 13.
Frank 8tauber and Ouatnv Dreyer, $0 57.
lot C, John Epperly. $71.10; weat 4
feet kit 11. John Epperly. $0.54 lot 6. Wal
ter It. Preston. $70.82; west 4 feet kit 11.
It. R. Menrfea. $1.01; lot 7. William L. and
Maud Jacoheen, $75.18; west 4 feet lot 10.
Sadie L. Prohl. $1.01; lot 8, Badle L. Prnhl.
BS1.48; waat 4 fact lot 8. Sadie L. Prohl.
$0 90
100 feet of lot 4. Harry Howard. $188 18;
north H west 100 feet of lot 4. K. E. Flow
era $202.18; weat 100 feet of north 80 feet
lot 3. Portland Truat Company. $181.61; south
76.876 feet of weat 50 feet of lot 8. A. H.
Burton. $177.81; aonth 76.876 feet of eaat 40
feet of west 80 feet lot 1. Clara J. Buxton.
$41.28; weat 10 feet of aaat ISO feet of lot
8. Potland Trust Company. $10.82.
100 fet lot B, Jamea Rnrman, $142.23; weat
loo feet lot 4. lame Surman. $122.60; weat
100 feet lot S. Wllber Campbell. $06.10; lot
2. M. II. Cady. $132.20: waat 10 feet lot 18,
M. II . Cady. $13.27: lot 1. John W. and
Sallln cummins. $142 34. BLOCK 6, lot 4.
Klranoa A. Slmpann. $183.88! weat 10 feet lot
6. W. G. Stlllwlll. $8.81; kit 8, Eleanor A.
Simpson, $121 19; lot 2. Harvey F. Cnoley,
$120.71: weat 10 fet lot 18, A. n. ntettjef
aid. $0 58;
l; lot 1. Harvey r. i antsy. i.s .in.
lot 2. Sarah N. Iirummot.d. BIBS 6:1:
weat 10 feet kit 1. Sarah N Drummond.
$10 24; lot I. Matilda Brown. $ir, 95.
, lot 26, William Hathaway. $34.83: un
divided 'v kit 36. William Hathaway, $4 98;
undivided lot 26. Charles 11. Thompson.
$.11 tu. undivided V, k.t 23. Charlee H.
Thompaon. $5.01: weat 10 feet lot 34, C. 0.
Cadwell. $T 66; weat 10 feet lot 3. C. O. Cad
wll. $8.61; lot t, Jamea It. Nickel), $48.14:
kit 1. Dora E. Nlrkell. 3188 51. BLOCK 2,
lot 4 Frederick H. Llnd. $11278; weet to
feet lot 6. Adelaide M. Notts. $7 mi. lot 76.
Nellie T. Brundell. $8.34: lot 3, Frederick H.
Llnd. ill 1. 65; kit 1. NetUe T. Brundell.
$108.16? lot 1. Nellie T. Brundell. $113.00.
BLOCK t. lot 4. May B. Olason. $n9.7:
neat 10 feet lot 8. Ella S. Ply male. $8 .12;
waat 10 fast 1st , Herbert h. natch wsU,
$6 85: lot S, Charles OeUen, $118.17; 1st 2.
Patrick J. Buddy. $98.43, lot 1. C. L. Nlttian.
norm 40 reel lot 1. Mary rsuoi, am io; norm
40 feet lot 2. Mary Knox. $16.48; aouth 90
tret lot 1, Adolph G. and Louisa F on.
$ DM1.06: south 80 teet lot 3, Adolph O. aud
Loula F. Ott. $48.72; west 3U led kit 3. Ellen
M. Walt, $Kk BLOCK 4. north Ik kit 1.
Cbarl.s K. Griff itha. il.1u.31; north Vi kit 2.
Charles K. Grimrha, $30 Nu; neat 30 feet ot
north U lot 8, Charlee E. GflffUha, $1.04;
south 14 lot 1. W. M. Seward. $127 35; aouth
la lot 2. W. M. Seward. $33.04; weat 30 feet
nth S kit 3. W. M Seward. 814.77.
R1 i.sKLAWN U&rfOCK 1. lot 1. John Kpperly.
$73.83; kit 3. John Epperly. $62.0O: weet lu
feet lot 6, Mary N. Millard. $8.80; kit $.
' 8. C. Hlldreth. $82 22: lot 4. 8. C. Hlldreth.
$47.48: lot 6. Mary N. MlUard. $40.84; a
tract of laud lying between weal Une of
1 nlon avenue ami a llue 100 feet east thereof
aud narallel therewith aad between aputb
Una of Roselawn aud a Una loo fact aosHh
thereof and parallel therewith, Adolph Leuta,
$25.42. . . -.
A KLrTTA PARK -Lot 147. George 0. BlrrelL
$136.36; lot led. George G. Blrrell, $2S85;
lot 141, George G. Blrrell. $16.91; lot 140,
Frailcie M. Galea. $18.91; kit 1S8. Arleta
Land Company. 823.74; lot 142 Phoeuli Land
Company. 833.78: lot 145, Lucy M Little.
$34.16; lot 148, Lucy M. Little, $146.81; lot
13s, Arleta Land Company. $24.98; kit 141,
Fktra B Gravis. $24.84; Hut 144, lo Doro
aeUkl. $37.89; kit 148, Joe Doroaalskl. $156.61.
HI SKDALE BLOCK 1. lot 1, A. II. aud Chrla
tlna Axelaon, $116 28; lot 2. Axel II. Axelaun,
$108.42: lot 8, A. Kklnnd. $83.66: lot 4.
ITareuce M. Dlllej. $78.42: tot 6. i lara Mor-
(ran. $84.11; kit 8, Maria L. Jones.
108.48; lot 7, Maria L. Jouaa, $116.15.
I.EKU'S ADDITION BLOCK I, lot 1, William
11. Leah. $48.16; lot 2, vVllUam 11. Leah.
$30 63.
Plummer, $101.47; lot 4; Charles C. Wood
cock. $118.B0; lot 6. Frederick W. Toriilrr.
$117.83; kit 0. Frederick W. Torgler, $117. 2d;
lot 7. Frederick W. Torgler, $115.00; lot 8,
Frederick W. Torgler. $116.58; lot 9. Fred
erick W. Torgler. $190.74; lot 10, Frederick
W. Torgler, $206.71; Weet 10 feet lot II.
Frederick VV. Torgler, $u.u8; went 10 feet kit
12. Fred -rick W. Torgler. $9.68; west 10 feet
lot 13. Frederick . Tocgler. $2.56; west 10
feat lot 14, Frederick W. Torgler, $2.52; weat
lo feet' lot 16, Frederick W. Torgler, $2.67;
weat 10 teat lot 16, Frederick W. Torylcr.
$2.59; weat 10 feet lot IT. Charles C. Wood
cock. $3 61 : weat 10 feat kit 18, Joaeph P.
Meuefee, $2.28. BLOCK 8. kit 1, Charles C.
Woodcock. $260.83; lot 2, Chalea C. Woodcock.
$251.83; lot 3, Cbarbai C. Woodcock. $167.74;
west 10 teat lot 4, Charles C. Woodcock.
$11.68; weet 10 feat lot 5, Charles C. Wood
cock, $11.68; woat 10 feet lot u, Charles c.
Wiaideock. $3.80.
BEVERLY BLOCK 1, lot 8. Investment Com
pany, $78. 46: lot 8, Investment Company,
'8166.49; kit 7. Investment Com; any. $100.03;
kit 0. Investment Company, $156.10; lot 5,
Investment Company, $153.17; lot 4 Invest
ment Company. $151.48: lot S, Investment
Company, $166.49; lot 3, Investment tkiuipany,
l$123.39; lot 1, Investment Company, $408.81.
PIEDMONT BLOCK 60, kit 6, Investment Conv
pau, $108.66; kit 6, Investment Company,
$202.04; lot 4, Invealjneut Company, $143.04,
lot 3. Inveatmeut Company. $111 .81; lot 2.
Investment Company. $160.41; lot 1, Invest
ment Company. $170.47. BLOCK 41. lot 8.
Inveatmeut Company. $160.36; lot 7, Invest
ment Company, $128.66; lot 6, Inveatmeut
Company. $80.08; lot 5, EUaa J. Hefford.
$92.64; kit 4, Ellua J. Hefford. $88.33; lot 8,
Ellas J. Hefford. $106.00; kit 3, Investment
Company, 3141.86; lot 1, Inveatmeut L'um
pany, $150.68. BLOCK 40. lot 8. Inveatmeut
Company, $148.43; lot 7, Investment Company,
$132.48; lot 6. Investment Company, $88.78;
lot 8. Investment Company, $98.34; lot 4,
Investment Company. $86.38; lot 3, Inveat
ruent Company. $86. 17; lot 2. Investment Com
pany, $126.83: lot 1, Investment Company.
$141.77. BLOCK 21. lot 8. Inveatmeut Com
pauy. $135.10; lot 7, Investment Company,
$119.88; lot 6, Investment Company, $82.46;
lot 6, W. H. Adams, $82.60; lot 4, W. U.
Adams, $81.31; lot 3. Investment Company,
$77 38, hit 2, Inveatmeut Company, $115 59
lot 1. Investment Company, $132 40. BLOCK
20, lot 8, laveatment Company, $131.44; kit 7,
Inveatment Compaty. $118.63; lot 6, Invest
ment Company 393.18; lot 6. Inveatmeut
Company. $84.58; lot 4, Inveatment Company.
$ns.H3; lot 3. Inveatment Company, $91 02:
lot 1. Inveatment Company, $126.21: lot 1.
It veatment Company, $133 30. BLOCK 1, lot
7. Inveatment Company. $139.36: lot 6, Inveat
ment Company. $119.60: lot 5, Inveatmeut
. lOV O, in v .si III' lit
Inveatment Company,
nt Company, $84.31;
any. $120.67; lot 1.
Company. $84.31: kit 4. I
880.78; lot 3. Inveatment
Inveatment Companv. $141.13
WALNUT PARK BLOCK 9, lot 14. William
Kllllugeworth and Frank M. Warren, $136.41;
lot IS. William Kllllugeworth and Frank M.
'Warren. $117.87; lot 12, WUltam KllUngs
wortb and Frank M. Warren, $87.97; lot It.
William KUUnsaworth and Frank M. War
ren. $81.65; lot 10. William Kllllngawortb
and Frnak M. Warren. $79.92: lot 8. Wtll
17 1 1 M V. . V-. n W M Whm,
$108.67: lot 8. William Kllllngawortb and
Frank M. Warren, $130.88. BLOCK 10, lot
14. William Kllllngsworth and Frank M. War
ren. $137.22; lot 13. William Kllllugeworth
and Frank M. Warren. $121.18; lot 12. Will
iam Klllliunworth and Frank M. Warren
$88.70: lot 11. William Kllllngawortb and
Frank M. Warren. $S4.66; lot 10. William
Kllllngawortb and Frank M. warren, $87.81
lot 8 William KllUngawnrth and Frank M
Warren, $120 13; lot 8, William Killings worth
and Frank at. warren, $144 w. unit r zn.
lot 18. William Kllllngawortb and Frank M.
Warren, $133.70; lot 17, William Killings-
warth and Frank M. Warren, 8I19.6H; lot in.
William Kllllngawortb and Frank M. war
ret.. 188.70: lot 16. William KUUngaworth and
Frank M. Warren, $86.16; lot 14. William
KUUngaworth and Frank M. Warren. $83.85;
lot 13. WtUlam KUllngavsorth and Frank M.
Warren. $88.39; lot IX William KUUngaworth
and frank H. warren, gioo.i; tot 11, win
lam Kllllnmworth and Frank M. Warren
$141.26; lot 10, William KUllngsworth am
Frank M. Warm. 126.68.
and C. C. Turner. $68.68; lot 2, T. A. and
C. C. Turner, $38 39; Portland Railway com-
pane, t
ma AS
nv. right ot way, o, toiai, zi.
Auditor of th- City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon, Auguat 22, 1904.
Notice la hereby given that the Council of the
City of Portland. Oregon, at a meeting held on
the lTtn day or Auguat, lavie, ueciareu tne aa
aeaament bv ordinance No. 14.154, for the con
at ruction of a aewer In Eaat Irving street, from
80 feet east ot the eaat Une or East Twenty
nlrth atreet to tha aewer In Eaat Twenty-eighth
atreet. In the manner provided by ordinance No.
13.950, upon each lot, part of lot and parcel
or land, wnicn are specially aau peculiarly
benefited, to lie as follows, vis:
YORK -BLOCK 8, eaat 23 feet of lot 8, The
Hawthorne Eatate. 313.25; lot 10. II L.
Power trnatee 128 80: lot 11. H. L. Pow
era. trustee, $28.80; lot 11 If. E. Drew.
128.80. BLOCK 0. eat 28 feet or lot 4
H. L. Powers, trustee, $9.35; lot 8. H. L.
Powers, trustee. 120.40: lot 2. II. L. Power.
trust. -e. $30.40; lot 1, Boys' and Girls' Aid
society, $30.40: a tract ot land lying be
tween the east Una of Eaat Twenty-ninth
Street and a line 100 feet eaat thereof and
parallel therewith and between a Une 100
feet north or and parallel with the north
line ot Raat Irving atreet It extended easter
ly In lta preaent course, and a line 100 teet
aouth of and parallel with tbe aouth line
of East Irving Street, It extended eaaterly
In Its preaent course. Boya' and Girls' Aid
society. $13460. Total. $384.80.
A atatement of afnreaald aaaeaament has been
entered In the Docket of City Uena, and Is now
due and payable at the orao of tne city
Treaaurer. tn lawful money of the Cnlted
Statea and If not paid within SO daya from
date of thla notice, auch procsedlnga will be
taken tor the collection of the same aa are
provided by tha Charter of tha City of Port
land. The above aaaeaament will bear Intereat 10
daya after tbe flrat publication of this notice.
Tims C. he vi. in.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon. Auguat 23. 1804.
Notice Is hereby given that tha city of Port
laud propoaea to assess the following described
property and owner or owners aa being spec
ially and peculiarly benefited In the amount
set opposite tha namea and dearrltitlone thereof
for tne Improvement of the north one-half of
Hawthorne avenue, from tbe eaat Una of Ken
worthy 'a Addition to Eaat Portland to 100 feet
eaat of the east Una of. Eaat Twenty second
atreet, as provided by Ordinance No. 11,837.
Any objections to tba apportionment of coat
for aald Improvement moat be made in writing
'to the Council and filed with the Auditor within
16 daya rrom tbe data of the flrat pnbUcatlou
of tbla nolle, and aald objectlona will be beard
and determined br tbe Council before th
passage of too ordinance, aseesalng tne coat or
said linomvemetit.
Ill LLC REST Lot 12. N. C. Ovlatt. $62.16; lot
11, N. C. Ovlatt. $47.23; kit 10. Portland
Truat Company or Oregon. $47.25; lot 8, Port
land Truat Company of Oregon, $17 J. kit 8.
Ell. ii ut. hlua. 147.84: kit 7
'ortland Trust
Company of Oregun. $61.38; lot 14, R. U.
Blxham. $11(1 75.
kd 6. Annl E. Oliver, $74.34; lot . Annie E.
Oliver. $63.20; a tract of land lying between
tbe north nte of Hawthorne avenue and a
line 100 feet mirth thereof and parallel there
with and between tha eaat line of Ken
worthv'a Addition to East Portland, and th
west lln of itlllcrest, unknown owner, $44.41.
Total. $911.81.
Auditor nf lh city of Portland.
Portland, Oregun, August 22, 1004,
Notico la hereby given that tha Council of
tba City ot Portland propoeoe to aaaeas the fol
kiwlug .described property and owner or owuere
as being apeclally aud peculiarly benefited lu
the amounts as! opiasilte their names aud de
scription, theroor for th Improvement of Eaat
Twenty fourth atreet, rrom the north line of
Tills monk atreet- lo the north Hue of Kuott
atreet, aa provided by Ordinance No. 13.376.
Any object lona to the appurtkiuluent of coat
fur aald Improvement must no made In writing
to tha council and filed with the Auxlltur
wltbln IB daya from the date of the flrat
publication uf tbla uotlce. aud aald ubjectlona
will be heard and determined by tha (Uiunril
la-fore the passage uf the ordinance aaaeaalng
I Iim ,,! of ld lltllirovemrllt.
IRVINGTON--BLOCK T, lot 10, T. 8. Doern-
l.cher. Ill 70. bliH-k u l- n noernnecuer,
814.07; lot 8. Charles 8. Pres.-. n. trustee.
$17.01: lot 7. Charles 8. Iesatt. trustee.
$10.04; lot 8. Charles H. Preacott, trustee.
$8.5; lot 6, Charles 8. l-rescott. trustee.
$32 30: pit . Charlee 8. Preeoott, truaree
$33.64: kit 8. Charlee S. sreacott. trustee
kit 1 Charlee S. Preacott, truatr. ,
. . e 1 1 ,, 1 1 i
W, I'M ll 1 Hll IU . - - "l . . - '
35. BIOCK 0. lot 10. Charles 8. Preacott.
trustee. $1 10.02; let 8. Charles 8.- Pnscott.
135.58; lot 8, Charlee a. 1-ro.eoii,
121 38; lot 7. Charles 8. Irecot.
115 29; lot 6, Charles 8. Preacott.
86.78; lot 8, Charles S. Preacott.
8 80; lot 4. Charles 8. Preacott.
trustee. $107.04: lot 8, Charles 8.
trnatee. 3107.94: lot 2. Charles 8. Preacott,
truatee. $93.03: kit 1. Charlee 8. Pnncntt.
trnatee. $62 16. BLOCK 6, lot 10, Charlee 8.
Preacott. trutte
STII..-CJ; lot V. - 1 1 ii r o s a.
387 25; lot 8, Charles 8
$3.K2: lot 7. Charksa 8.
S.58; lot 6. Charlea 8.
.57; 1st 6. Charles H.
H8. lot 4, Charles 8.
44 10: lot 8. Charlea S
Preeoott. truatee,
Prescoft. truatee,
Preacott, truatee,
iTcmvtt, tniates,
I'n scott. truatee,
Preacott. truatee.
Pn-acott. truatee, 830.08: lot S, Charlea 8.
Preacott. trustee, $16.41; lot C Charlea S.
Preacott. truatee. $10.13. BLOCK 4, lot 10.
Charles 8. Prrcott. truatee $4.83; lot 0,
Charlee S. Preacott. truatee. $8.68.
veatora Mortgage Becorlty company, i.imneo.
$13.03: lot 11. Investom Mortgage Security
Coom.n I tsntled 114 70: lot 12. John Barrett.
$15.75; loC 13. Horatio H Tarker. $11.82; k.t
tl te n Duvldaon. 113. .".S: lot 15. Agnes
Hsmen. $33.1$; led 18, Charlee C. Newcaatle.
$26.43; lot 17. Cnarlra 0. Newcastle. $21.92:
lot 18. Charlea C. Newcastle, $8.86: a tract
a tract af land lying between eaat Une of
Bast Twentv-fourth atreet and a Una 100 feet
eaat thereof and parallel therewith and be
tween tbr north line of Bart Irvtngton and
the aouth line of lot 12. William C. Bowerlng
donation lnnd cl,-.lm, B. M. Lombard.
$1,263.78: William C. Bowerlng donatlou land
claim. B1)CK 13. Dennis F. Harrington.
$268.18: a tract of lard lying between tbe
eaat line of Kaat Twentv-fourth atreet and a
Une 100 feet east tberent and parallel therewith
and between the aouth line or Knott street
end the north lln of lot 12. William C. Bow
erlng donation land claim. David Toggart.
$4.62: a tract of land lying between the east
ltne of Bast Twenty-fonrth atreet and a Une
iOO feet eaat thereof and parallel thereaflth
and between th north line of Knott atreet
and a Una 100 test north thernor and parallel
therewith. David Toggart, $8.19: ToUl,
$3 502 75
TnOR. C. DETLttt.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland, Oregon. Auguat 22. 1004.
Notice la harrbr given that tha Council of
the City of Portland propoaea to aaaeas the
rnltowlng described property ana owner or
owners as being specially aud peculiarly bene
fited In the amounts set opposite- the naraee
, ,,..ri ,(,.. ,i,,.f for the Improvement
of Davis street rrom the weat Una of Third
street to the eaat Une of Tenth atreet, aa pro
vided by ordinance No. nun.
And objectlona to the apportionment of coat
for aald Improvement must be made in writ
ing to the Council and filed with the Auditor
within firtn davs from tha data of the flrat
publication ot this otloe, and said objectlona
will bo heard and determined by tha Counell
before tbe paalaage of the ordinance aaaeaalng
the coat of said Improvement.
LANDBLOCK 17, undivided lo. i. v.
Lamsnn eatate, belra of. $300.4: undivided
V, kit 1. Mary 0. Hart, $300.46; lot 4. Port
land Seaman'a Friend . society. $57.26; lot 3.
Phllo Holbmok. $09.08; kit 2. Pater Taykir.
$413.58. BI.OCK 84. lot 1. Clementina F.
Lewis $452.08; let 4, Clementina F. Lewla.
$64.68: kit 8. Clementina F. Lewis, $60.23;
lot 3. Clementina F. Lewis. $431.71. BLOCK 39.
lot 1, John A. Brown. $393.68; lot 4. John A.
Brown. $56.28; tot 3, John A. Brown. $56.00;
lot 2, Kenneth A. J. Mackengle. $302 08.
BI-OCK 46, lot 1. Donnia F. Harrington,
1433.03; kit 4, Dannie F. Harrington. $66.46;
., -t ru.,nl. F Tlsrrtna-ton. 156.77: lot 2.
Dennis F. Harrington. $484.16. BI1CK
B1, lot 1, United States government,
"$38208; lot 4. United 8tatea government.
$66 00; lot J. . IJulted 8ttea government.
aiiuioA- i.. i 4 Cnlted Statea government.
$528.58; aouth 100 fast Park block D. City of
Portland, $838.68.
LAND BLOCK 08, ioi 1, raver Mn-r,
$647.48; lot 4. Clementina F. Lewla. $143.80;
lot 8. Clementina F. Lewla. $142 84; lot 2.
William H. 11 Ciimmlnga. $646.40. BLOCK
an 1a V t f..t. and Thomaa Whslen. $500.73
lot 4. Llaale and Thomsa Whalen, $142.91;
...i IX w 8 I.IbsI and Thomas Whalen.
$38.84; eaat H lot 2. Llaale and Thomaa Wha
len, $106.47; undivided 1-8 of weat H lot
8. Antolne Labbe. $8.88; undivided 1-3 of
U. lot 2. Antolne lsblie. $65 15; undl
IAA 1.8 of weat U lot 3. Blaise Ishhe.
S.88: undivided 1-3 of weat H kit Blame
ibbe. $66.18; undivided 1-1 of weet H Mt
8. John Labbe, $9.88: undivided 13 nf weat
L lot 2, John Ijbbe. $65.16. BLOCK 28.
lit 8. Brevmau ft'Sommervllle. $414.70; kit
6. Brevman sommervuie. eon x ; m o
n..n.n A Sommervtlle. 180.06: lot 7. Brey
man A 8omrnercvllle. $430 48. BLOCK 83. lot
5. Rodney Ollaan estate, helra of, $489.38; lot
6. Rodney GHaan estate. h1ra of. 04.; lot
6, Rodney ottaan estst. ueirs oi. JV'S'-
7. Rodney Ollaan eatate. belra of, $465.34.
BLOCK 40. lot 8, California Title, Invest
ment A Truat company. $396.81: kit 6. Can
i.i. -no tnttnefit A Trnat company
$86.54; lot 6, Percy H. Birth. $66.28: lot t
.. u nivth 130ans. BLOCK 45. lot 8.
Marv J. Oration, $386.28: lot 5 Hugh W
Wallace, $56.46; lot 6. Hugh W. Wallace,
tr.n TV- lot T Hrurh W. Wallacs. $39T.4t
ni n,-ir m lot ft Ravines A Loan Society
of Ban Francisco, $383.68; lot 6. Sa ring. A
i.a Anctetv of San Frandaco, $56 23; lot
L T ... r. 8. w-l., t r of San Frandaco
$185 25: lot 7, Savings A Lean Society of
San Frandaco. $626.01 north H Park block
C. City of Portland. $832.60. ,
mrrit-a anniTiov TO THE CITT OF PORT
LAND B11CK 67, lot 8, Fred Bollo.
$49 20: lot 6. Oussle Bremberw. $143.01- lot
rt ,,., t ttromhereer 1141.82: lot 7. Will-
lam F. Tubbeslng. $538 30. BLOCK 64. lot
a John Konrnd Tuerck. $54191; lot 5. Ellsa
Vlckera, $143.10; lot 6, Georg T. Myera.
$58 42; lot T. George T. Myers, $431.78.
ToUl, $16,576.04.-
Auditor of the City of Portland
Portland. Oregon. Auguat 22. 1804.
v.'tl.. 1 hereby alven that the Council of the
City of Portland propuaea to aaaeas the follow
ing deecrlbed property and owner or owners aa
being specially aud peculiarly benefited In the
anumnta act oppoaltn the numva and deacrlptluua
thereof by tile coliatrucuon oi a aewer hi raiat
YainklL atreet, from 76 feat east of the east
line of Eaat Thirteenth atreet to a couuectlon
with the aewer in Eaat Twelfth atraet, aa pro
vided by Ordinance No. 14,081.
Any objectlona to the apportionment of coat
for aald sewer must be made In writing to tbe
Council and tiled with tbe Auditor within 15
day rrom the data of the first pubUratlon of
this notice, and aald objectlona will be beard
and determined by the Council hrror the
psnaage of tba ordinance aaaeaalng the coat for
aald newer.
EAST PORTLAND BLOCK 267, lot 6. Central
Truat and Inveatment Company, $45.90; lot 6,
Central Trust and Investment Company.
$30.90. BLOCK 28H. eaat ft lot 4. Henrietta
Kern. $22.95; eaat M kit 8, Henrietta Kern.
$16.43; weat H kit 4. Anna Stocklen, $22.95;
weat Vk lot 3, Anna Stocklen, $15.46.
Catherine H. Beck, $37.50; lot 7, Catherine
H. Beck. $22.50: BLOCK 287. lot 1, Liulee
H. Boise and Catherine H. Beck. $87.50, lot
2, Loots II. Iolc .and Catherine H. Beck,
$22.50: Total, $273.60.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon. Auguat 22. 1904.
Notice Is hereby given that tba Council of the
City of Portland proposes to aaaeas the fol
lowing descilped profierty and owner or owners
aa being specially and peculiarly benefited In
the suiounts set opposite the names snd de
acrlntlona thereof by tha construction of a aewer
In Iloyt street, from 75 reet weat of tha west
Une of Tenth atreet to tha aewer In Nlntn
atfeet, aa provided by Ordinance No. 14.043.
Any objections to tbe apportionment ot coat
for aald sewer must be made In writing to the
Council and filed with tba' Auditor wltbln 13
days from the dat$ of the flrat publication of
thin notice, and aald objectlona will be beard
J and determined by the Council before the
pasaa"1 o . o , l . " m.. v
said aewer.
LAND RLOCK US. lot 1. Margaret Mar
ahall Eatate, belra of. $38.30; lot 4. Mar
garet Marahall Eatale. belra of, $34 30.
BLOCK U6, lot 1. Charlea H. Cary. $88 To;
lot 8, Charlea H. Cary, $34.30. RLocK 76.
lot 8, Mrs. Bridges Rahles, $47.80; lot 6, Mrs.
Brldgea Rahlea. $3160. BLOCK " 74, lot 7.
F. W. Fletcher. $47.80; lot 0. V. W. Fletcher.
131.60. Totsl. $287 20. .
Auditor of the City nf Cortland.
Portland. Oregon, Auguat 33, 1904.
true tee, f
trustee, I
trustee, $
trustee, I
trustee. 9
Notice la hereby giveu that tba Council of th
City uf Portland proposes to eeeess the follow
ing described property and owner or owner aa
being apssvlally aad peculiarly benefited la th
amounts set opposite tba namea and desert p
tloua thereof by tbe eouatructlou of a aewer la
Kaat Thirty-fourth atreet. from th north Une
of Hawthorne avenue to aewer in Kaat Thirty
tourth atreet at 60 feet aouth of the south llue
of East Halu street, aa provided by ordinance
Nu. 14,043.
Any objectlona to the apportionment of coat
for aald aewer must be made In writing to the
Ccuncll and riled with the Auditor within IS
days trom tba data of the flret pubUcatiun of
thla notice, and said objection wlU be heard
and drtormlued by the Council before tha
paasage of the ordinance assessing the coat Air
said aewer.
lot IB. Hubert Lockheed. $18.65; kit IS.
Robert Luck head. $15.66; east 2-8 lot 14,
1 i.i v. i I. Sumner. $13.66; eaat 2-8 kit IS,
Flavel V Sumner, $13.65; wast 1-3 kit 1. D.
L. Nlrhola, $3.00; weat 1-3 lot 13. D. L.
Nlcnoli, $3.00. BLOCK 58, lot 30, Herman F.
Beyer, $18.65: kit 18, Herman F. Beyer.
. $16.65; lot 18. Herman F. Beyer. $1665;
x north 63.4 feet lot 14, Anus Sehmit. B1.S6;
north 584 feet kt 16, Anna Rebuilt. $7.50;
north 53.4 feet 'ot 16. Anne Sehmit, $10.75;
aouth 50- feet lot 14. Florence C. Wshetar.
$1.00; south 50 teat lot 16, Florence C. Web
ster. $6.80; south 50 feet lot 16, Florence C.
Webater, $18.00; lot 17, Sunnyalde Land A
Improvement Company, $15.66.
SI ANY SI I IK BLOCK 53, lot 4, Maggie Guaale
Hamilton, $10.80; kit 3. L. L. Curry. $10.80;
lot 3. L. L. curry, $10.80; kit I. L. L. Curry,
$10.80. BLOCK 54. lot 7, William M. Howes,
810.80; lot 6. William M, Howea, $16.80; lot
5. William M. Howes, $10.80: lot 4, William
M. Howea, $10.80; lot 3. George Shearer.
$1.80; lot 2. George Shearer, $11.30; lot L
George Shearer, $21.30. Total, $286.60.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon. Auguat 23. 1804.
Notice I hereby given that tha Council of
tbe city of Portland propoaea to as
sess the following described prupcrty aad own
er or owners aa be lug specially and peculiar
ly benefited In the amouuta est opposite tha
uumea aud description thereof by tne construc
tion of a aewer In WUUams avenue from 100
feet south of tha aouth line of Alberta street
to a enuaectlon with the aewer In Fremont
atreet at Williams avenue, aa provided by or
dinance No. 18,888.
Ahy objectlona to the apportionment of coat
fur aald sewer most be made In writing to the
Council and filed with the Auditor within IS
daya from tba date of tbe flrat pubUratlon of
thla notice, and aald objectlona will be heard
and detertnlued by tbe Council before the paa
sage of tha ordinance assessing the coat for
aald aewer.
liam Poole, $38.60; lot e, Charlee A. Sullivan,
t 28.50; lot 4, Edward H. Fltagibbona. $28.50;
t S. Edward 11 Fltagibbona, $28.50; lot 2.
Stephen Stolta, $26.50; lot 1, Stephen Stolti,
OO. ruxit rv o, lot u, eucnaru v. nuimes,
60; lot 7, A. C. Froom. $28.50; k.f .. A.
.'room. $28.50; lut 6. Laura E. McFarlaad,
$38.60; lot 4, Horace N. Flanders, $38.60: lot
8. Horace N. Handera. $28.60; lot X Peter
and Mary Howling,; lot l, rater ana
Mary Howling. $28.60. BLOCK 28. lot 8.
A. L. Ford Warren. $28.60; lot 7, A. L. Ford
Warren, $28.60; kit 6, Henry and Anna Voder
berg, $28.50; lot 5, Donald B. McBride,
$28.80; lot 4. Nora Moore, $28.50; lot 3,
CatbWrlne and Joseph Muore. $28.50; lot 2,
Mary McMahoo. $38.50; lot 1. Mary McMahon.
$251.50. BLOCK 37, lot 8. Elisabeth Bar.
$28.60; lot 7, Ellaabeth Sar. $38.50; lot d.
Margaret Emmert. $2s.50; kit 6, Mary E. Pat
terson, $28.0; lot 4, WallaCflW. Patterson.
$28.60; lot 3. Christ Martin. $28.60: lot 2,
Braill Stephen Stolta. $2860; lot 1, Brazil
Stephen Stolta. $28.50. BLOCK 26. lot 8,
Joseph and Catharine Moore, $28.50, lot 7,
Frank A. and Chrlatlna Frenkeon, $38.80;
kit 6, Jacob and Marguerttta Emmeit, $28.50;
lot 6, Sarah R. Finch, $21 50; lot 4, Thomas J.
McNamee, $28.60; lot 8, Thomaa J. McNamee.
$28 60; . kit 2, Thomas J. McNamee, $28.60;
, . , ajn HA
I S 11 ) N ' ir 111.111. r. r, Ai.iu.ia n"-
STEAD BLOCK F, lot 8, F. Hastings,
$28.00; lot 3. Julius Stark. $28 00: aaat 10 feet
of lot 4. Minnie Byrnes. $1.50; tot 1. I. W.
Rountree. $2s ii; eaat 100 teet of north lb
of block F. William Mackrow, $86.20.
lot n, M. I Knight, $29 06; lot 6. Jane Haa
tlnga. $28.50; lot 4, L. J. HodgklSaon. $2S.6o;
lot 3. Charlea T. Malott. $28.60; eaat 70 feet
of tot 2. John B. and Anna L. Hofrman.
$36.00: east 70 teet of lot 1. John B. and
- Anna L. Hofrman, $36.00; weat 30 feet of
eaat 100 feet lot 2. Mrs. M. A. Cor, $3-50;
weet 30 feet of east 100 feet lot 1, Mra. M. A.
Cox, $3.50. BLOCK fB- North H lot It
Mary K Fletcher. B18.00: north A tot 11.
Mary R. Fletcher. $10.60; south tt lot 12,
J. A. Beck. $18.00; aouth W lot 11. J. A.
Beck. $10.50; aouth M tot 2. GIRyert 8.
Howard, $10 50; aouth tt lot L Gilbert 8.
Jtowsrd, $18.00; north H kit 2, Grace Mc
Krnny. $10.60; north H tot 1. Grace Mc
Keuny, $18.00.
eaat 100 feet of lot 8. John and Sybil M.
Bain, $27.86; eaat 100 feet of tot 4, Hiram B.
and Lucy A. Searlra, $27.95; east 100 feet of
tot 8, A. L. Ford Warren, $27.96; east 100 feet
of lot , John snd Sybil M. Balu, $27.86; east
100 feet of tot 1, R. W. Ftiher. $27.85.
BLOCK 1, lot 7. Mary F. Smith, 131.88; lot 6,
Marv F. Smith. $31 86; lot 6, P. A. Mann.
$.11.36; tot 4. P. A. Maun, $81.85: lot 3. klva
V. Met. $81.36: lot 3. P. A. Mann. $31 25;
tot 1, P. A. Mann, $26.26.
All. IN A HOMESTEAIV BLOCK 23, lot 11.
George hVhneller. $36.80; lot 12. Edward F.
and Lena Pletsker, $38.80: lot 18, Wallace W.
Keens, $86.80; tot 14, Wallace W. Krone.
$30.90: lot 16, Martin 0. Clancy, $38 80: lut
18. Ruth Gundermann, $36 80. BLOCK 34.
lot 8. John F. and Helma H. Peterson, $36.90;
lot 10. John F. and Helma H. Peteraon.
$.10.80; tot 11. John F. and Helma H. Peter
aon. $36.80; tot 13. John F. and Helma H.
Peteraon. $38.80; tot IB. E H. Warren.
S 38.90; lut 14. E. H. Warren, $36.80; tot 15,
I. H. Warren. $16.80; tot 16, Anna Stock.
$30 90. BLOCK 23, west 88 1-8 feet lot 8,
Kate Grr. $22.30; eaat 83 1-8 feet of weat
66 2-3 feet of lot 8. Laura Share. $13.80; eaat
83 1-8 feet of lot 8. C. 0. SaUier, $3.80; tot
10. Conrad Emlg. $36 90; tot 11, Laura A.
Flandira. $3690; lot 13, Laura A. Flaudar.
$38.80; lot 13. Thomaa Kay, 338.80: tot 14.
Mra. J. Ayera, $36.80: tot 15. Mra. J. A vera,
$.16.80: kit HI. Daniel Marx. $36.90. BLOCK
22. kit 9. Jacob Smith, $36.80; lot 10. Jacob
Smith, $86.80; tot 11, Donald B. McBride.
$.'1600, tot ll Donald B. McBride. $3680!
lot 18. Julia A. Vincent, $36.90; tot 14. Wil
liam Lannla. $36.80; lot 15. Michael A. Fllnn,
$.'10.00; tot 16. Michael A. Fllnn. $86.80.
BLOCK 21. lot 8. Maria Baracco. $86.80; tot
10. Maria Baracco, $36.80: tot 11. Henry C.
Ellis. $36.80: tot 12. Herman F. Lleberman.
r 36.90; tot 13. Herman F. Lleberman, $38.80;
nt 14. Donald B. McBride. $36.80; tot 16.
Donald B. McBride, $36 00; tot 18, Martha
W. Crew, $36.90; west 100 feet nf southwest
U block. E. R. Shaw Smith. $110.40: west
160 feet of northwest It block E, WUHa C.
Snow, $110.40.
John Howard Frary. $36.88: lot 8, John How
ard Frsry. $26.85; tot 9. August C. Dthhern.
J.18.90; tot 10. J. W. Olimore. $36.90; tot 11.
H. Breltex. $86.80; tot 12. 1. H.
Brelter. $3fl807i BLOCK 10. lot 9. Jane
Hastings, 886.80; tot 10, Jane Haatlnga,
$:tfl a, lot 11. Marahall Lane. 136.80; tot 12.
Marshall Lane. $36.90; lot 13. Joaeph K. and
Amelia Scheni, $36.80; tot 14. W. H. Nunn,
$.".flini; lot 15. Tberesls Bock. $30.90; lot lu,
Martin Bock. $36.80. BLOCK 1. tot 11. Port
land Truat Company. $25.86: tot 12. Portland
Trnat Company, $28 86; lot 13. William Clark.
$.18 00; tot 14, tela L. and Carl 8. Nlcklln,
$KflW; north 4 lof 15. Jennla W. Current.
$11.45; aouth U kit 15. Ellen Goodnoe and
Isittle CbappeU $1845; lot 16. Martin S.
Talior. $88.80; tot 17. William H. Rethlepen,
$30 BO: lot 18. Martha Crew. $86.90: lot 19.
J. H. Campbell. $84.90; lot 20. R. B. Holme
and John Hewitt. $25.90. Total. $4,344 15.
Auditor of the CMs of Portland.
Portland. Oregon. Auguat 21 1804.
Notice ta hereby glean that the'councll of tha
flty of Portland propoaea to aaaesa the follow
ing deaerlbed property and owner or owner a
being specially and peculiarly benefited in the
amounts set opposite tbe namea and descrtptkins
thereof by tbe construction of a aewer In Eaat
A ldt v street, from 80 feet east of the east Una
r I r. tivman avenue to the aewer In Eaat Alder
street at Beat Tblrty-elghtb street, aa pro
vided by Ordinance No. 18.863.
Any objectlona to tbe apportionment of coat
for aald aewer most be made In writing to the
Council and filed with the Auditor within 15
daya from th date of the flret publication of
this notice, and atd objectlona will b heard
and determined by tba Council before tba
passage ot the ordinance aasaaalng the coat tiay
aald aewer.
How en, $22.30; lot 8. C. T. Rowen. $22.80;
lot 9. C. T. Rowan. $22.30; tot 10. Bertha Van
Vlsrk, $23.80; Lit 11, George M. Straua,
$22 30: kd 12 George M. Straua, $32.10;
tract of land lying -between the weat line of
Pr-ttyman avenue and a Una 50 feat aaat
thereof and parallel therewith and between a
line 100 feet north of and parallel with an
easterly extension In lta preaent courae of the
north line of Kaat Alder street and line 100
feet aonth of and parallel with an eaaterly
extension In Its present courae of tbe aouth
line of Eaat Alder street, W. H. - Fries and
Henry B. McGinn. $30.26.
FA8T PORTIsAND-BLOCK 1. tot 1. Mary
Francs Hurler. $30.70, tot 2. Mary Frances
Hurley. $:i0.70: lot 8. Mary Frances Hurley.
$30.70; tot 4. 0. W. and Margaret te V. Allen,
$30.70; tot B. 0. W. and Margarrtt V. Allen.
$80 70; kit 6, G. W. and Margarette V. Allan,
$44 30. Total, $371 55.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon, August 32, 1104.