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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1904)
THE OREGON- DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 24, 1904. It m CITY NOTICES. Sir Francb Clairvoyant Spirit Medium Palmist Your Life an Open Book to Him Washington Street. SPECIAL OFFERI OREAT REDUCTION! LOW FEE I For 7 Days Otjly nrowxdDiM a wwn. mob ox mxos. mm will nu totj WUT TOU OaTaTaWP TOaV AM ITMiJQ TOU WABTT TO MOW. Asnea that wzu do boos. $1 ABE TOO IN TROUBLE OF ANT KINO. discontented, unhappy, or pot satisfied In life, or have yon ear onatl or put trouble that annoy you I Bat no matter what roar trouble may he yp will bt told of thorn and reeatr tha proper advice. xaw to ornoon all tionus, Your pest, your present life and yonr entire future, and everything can be told by consulting BIB FRANCIB DRAKE, the world eminent clairvoyant and optiit medium, who la the greateet maater of oecnlt adeoce and peychie force the world baa Ytr Known. HI predict lona are always correct and never fall to oome true, aa thousand, of people will teatlfj. Uoea everything aeem to an wrong, and baa fortane sever saillsd on 70a 1 Baa our life been fall of "op and down?" Do not deapalr, too can yet learn th true road to aucce and bapptnoaa. for both await yo If roa will only knarw bow. wham and her to find them, which will be revealed to too. Too will alao be told bow to bare row wants aad wtshs sstlsrisd. How to obtain yoor object In life or your heart' deetr. How to lira happy and contented tbe rest of yonr life and bo fortunate. Bow to obtain the money you want, and what you aro boat adapted for. Telia what you ban .lone, what yoo ar doing now and what you ar going to do. AU told without Baking a slugl quewtlnn. ' IB THIS ajOT FAIH ABD lOIBUTf ADVICE OBT BUSrkTBSS. SPECTUX AXIOM, IcOVB, OOTJaaTBsOT, MAB- SUAGrS ABB DIVOBOB. Settle lorer' quarrel, reunite the Sep r ted, rue a apeedy and bappy marrlag with th on of rear eboleo. Tba earth revesla to him tbe hidden treasures burled la her bosom. H locate mine. Interpret dream, tell of yoor friend and eneralee, retmavee erll Influence. give adrlce pertaining to lawaulta, everything. The troubled aad unfortunate aiioold bl counsel Tbonaanda of famllle. long eparated. here been unltad by bla effort; tboneand of heart mad glad through hi truthful prediction. Whatever may be jour trouble, anxieties, hope. fr and wlhe. call an tbl lifted gentleman Immediately. Hla parlor aro visited by business men of good repute, itnilou for reliable luformatlon a to tha ootcom of future or paat Investments, and by ladle In all grade of life. SATISFACTION OIVBN OB SO FEB ACCEPTED. The tide of skepticism la aurrly turning by tba wonderful power displayed by tbl strange Sana. Ordained to do what bo dare by soma Strang, qssssn power, whose potent Influence Is felt by every creature on the far of the earth, whoee power la Been In th force of nature, tbla wonderful end sifted man demonstrstes bis powr In row praaanr. white yon look, listen and wonder. The deed of the prophet and th wlae men of old aro outdon by tbla strange and mysterious er of modern times. From whence couie this wonderful power 1 Profeesinnsi men and woman r awsstrlrken. tb public In feneral I dunifounded, speechless. Had he been horn In time of superstition hi work would bo elasssd as llttl teas than miracle. Sir Krancle Drake I acknowledged by pre and public to be ordained to do whst b doss. He baffle akeptlca. btiahe doubter, and Hence th alura and Jeer of all cla and nations 11 tte. Bs Is known from oossa to ocean the marvel of two hemisphere. Tb pretender or partially developed medium flies before him. knowing fall well that tber I a mall room for pr ten Ion where tb true light of genuine power shines triumphant. They flesh sad vanish like tb fleeting meteors acroaa the beam of tb steady, aclntltlatlng atar. 11- gives name, datea, facta and figures, reliable end Important advice sod Informs tlon on all matter of Interest In badness transaction, lawsuit, contested will, life tnaurance, damage suits, divorcee, deads, mortgage claim, collections and speculsttoa. adventure, gold mining atock snd all fin net 1 difficulties. Truly predicts the success or fsllurs of nsw Inventions. patent, liendlng penalon claim, etc.; tells whether you will receive fair dealing with partners. If you care to know what buelaee you will follow to be successful, where yoa aball go and whom to avoid. If you Intend to make any changes or start a hualneaa. boy or sell property, or. In fsrt. tsks sny Important step, don't fall to consult Sir Francis Drske. His advice assy be tbe means of ssvlag yoa thousands of dollars and a great deal of trouble. Remember, rour prospects of today may be your fortune tomorrow If rightly baa died. Occult Wonder. Alwaya Consult tbe Beat. Positively no equal on earth In bla pro faeelon. Oat tbla oat to avoid mlatake In name and number. Permanently located. Boars front 10 a. an. to S p. BL, Sunday Included. SIR FRANCIS DRAKE 404H CrTOsT ST. AJTC WASBXBOTOB Brlxn t. Bo 814m Watt In. X ROAD PROGRESSES SUB VETS MADE AND Ol PABT OF MIUHT OF WAT SE CURED FOB LINE BETWEEN THAT TOWN AND BEAD OF ROGUE Although no definte news of the pro posed lumber road from Medford to the head of Rocue river haa com out of southern Oreson recently, the pro motion wjork Is progressing and there la growing confidence among Medford people Hint the Butte Falls Sugar Pine Lumber company and Messrs. Enyart and Vawter of Medford will put the road through within the next IS months. The preliminary survey la now com pleted 82 miles out from Medford, and the right of way haa been nearly all secured for that distance. B. H. Harris of Medford la registered nt the Perkins hotel. He Is accompanied by Roy Young, a logger, of Aberdeen, Wash., who haa been engaged to take charge of the logging department of the Butte Falls Sugar Pine Lumber com pany. Mr. Harris, who la Intimately connected with the railway project, de clined to be Interviewed on the railway question, but was willing to talk of some new irrigation enterprises that are afoot in Jackson county. He said: "Tho Olwell brothers, Jackson coun ty's heaviest fruit growers, are promot ing the construction of a reservoir two milts long and a mile wide on Ashland creek, which when filled will be 60 foot deep and will reclaim about 12,000 acres of land. The Pish Lake Ditch company has turret! water on the 20.000-acre arid tract known as "the deaert." near Cen tral point, and the water la running In many of the ditches. The result la that good pasture la growing where there waa bare ground, and next spring will witness farming operations on a large scale on this tract. The Condor Light eV. Power company, which recently lee cured from the city of Medford a con tract for public lighting, is erecting lta line of poles and feeders from tha power Meats that Meet Approval Swifts Premium v 1 - f - Hams Bacon The Care Exercised in producing these meats ought to make them the best possible and it does. No wonder they are pre ferred to all others. Each piece is U. S. Gov't Insp'd. Sold everywhere. SWIFT 0. COMPANY, U.S. A. plant at tha mouth of Bear creek, on tha Rogue river, and In a short time Medford will be lighted with electric lights. It Is understood that Jackson ville, tha county seat, six mllea from Medford, la figuring with the company for public lighting." SAYS RUSSIA WILL PAY FOR ARABIA M. C. Harrison, of jthe firm of M. C. Harrison V Co., the underwriters of San Francisco, spent the day In Portland con ferring with the shippers relative to the advisability of taking some concerted action toward inducing the United States government to demand the immediate release of that part of the Arabia's cargo which was consigned to private firms In Japan. The consensus of opinion seemed to be that Secretary Hay will soon make strong representations to tha St. Petersburg government as to what constitutes contraband of war, and that everything In connection with the af fair will eventually turn out In a satis factory manner. "The American government takes the position," anld'Mr. Harrison this morn ing, "that foodstuffs not intended for tha army and navy are not contraband, and Mr. Hay will insist, I believe, upon tha Russians accepting this Interpreta tion. So far as we know, tha freight Is till held by tha prise court at Vladi vostok." "What Is tha war risk situation?" waa asked. "It la wholly uncertain. Possible complications in China are likely to have tha effect of making shipping rather hasardous for aome time to come. In my opinion that la a bed of tinder which may be Ignited at any moment." Before coming to Portland Mr. Harri son waa In Seattle, where he went to make, arrangements to send assistance to the schooner Viking which waa Lwrecked on August 7 at Cape Prince of wales, a short distance north of Nome. He Insured her cargo, and the report Is that but very little of It can be saved. Mr. Harrison was also at Florence a few daya ago inquiring Into another In surance ease. A couple of months ago the schooner Del Norte, carrying a caro of lumber, was wrecked off the Oregon coaat. She waa launched Thursday. NEW TILE PUNT SHIPS FIRST LOAD The Diamond Brick company yester day made Its first shipment of drain tile and terra cotta from tha new tile fac tory which this company haa added to lta brick plant at Vancouver. Tha tile waa loaded on a acow and brought to Portland, where It haa been sold. The shipment marks tha beginning of a naw Industry that will play an Important part not only In tha sswerlng of Oregon cities, but the drain tiling of Oregon roads and farms, where In many places trouble is caused by springs and exces sive sub-Irrigation. George W. Bates, who has been prominent In the building up of the plant, aald today: Tha new tile plant la a complete suc cess, and the business starts off In a very satisfactory way. It Is strictly an Oregon concern, snd built by Portland capital, and we expect to dispose of tha output here." ASK APPEAL ON DEPORTATION CASE United States Commissioner McKee ordered the deportation of Ah Teonf this morning and Teong's attorney haa filed a notice of appeal, although no defense was submitted at the hearing. The Chinese waa arrested in a laundry In Alblna On May 26 and aaked to show his registration papers. He was unable to do so, but claimed that ha waa born In this city. . After several postpone ments, tha case waa called this morning. Assistant District Attorney Banks stated tha caae to the commissioner. Ah Teong entered no denial, and he was forthwith ordered deported. WIFE AU.XOB8 DI mow. Christina Hanson haa filed snlt In tha circuit court for divorce fmm Louis H. Hansen on the ground of deser tion. She declares that he induced her to leave her home In Croxton, Minn., and come tn Oregon In 1101, promising that he would dispose of hla business and fol low bar. Instead, she says, ha went to She Has Told Portland Men and Women the Secrets of their Lives BJMpggSSW ' SBBaBasaBBaiBDBBWBBBBflfSssBBBBBBBBT jT HnfW f. . j! I JF t , Hw j t ' w P ?UKsBav ' I I saw There la a feeling of strangeness In the presence of a person who readily tells one secrets of their lives supposed to he looked up in their own breasts. There Is a fascination, too, about such an Individual, and- a declaration In the heart of the listener that "If she can tell me my past there Is no reason to doubt but she can reveal my future with equal accuracy." Miss Virginia Wardel Is the lady referred to, and with candor It may be stated that she has abundant ly succeeded In mystifying many of the brightest minds of this city. Bhe has made men- and women - wonder from whence she receives her keen and accu rate perception. She reads the human mind as the merchant his business cot respondence or the banker his financial statements. On her arrival here eight months ago she gave readings to many persons, foretelling events that were soon to oocur. These predictions have proven so accurate that these same pat rons are her best friends now, and scarcely a day goaa by that one to half a dozen of them are not her visitors, glad of an apportunlty to be told of the approaonof other matters In which they are deeply Interested. Through her counsel there have been business suc cesses, where there would have been failures, snd calamitous mishaps havo been warded off. She has also brought sunshine Into homes of darkness, made sad hearts glad and removed clouds of misery that threatened to overwhelm persons walking blindly along to tha gales of woe. Those In trouble, those about to en gage In business ventures, persons wish ing to ascertain tbe trustworthiness of professed; friends, or seeking any Infor mation whatever that can ' enlighten them on coming events, may feel confi dent of faithful and Inestimably valu able service. Mis Wardel Is s lady of the finest sensibilities, exceedingly con scientious and absolutely honest. Call and consult her today. Sha will do you good. COUPON Bring this orrupon with yon aad receive a Twa fling a fa-half price. THE GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR D. SINGLETON The famoua doctor haa saved man7 lives from operation. Ho euros all dle- eases of man and women, such aa rheumatism, neu ralgia, kidney dis ease, stomach dis ease, etc., by tha use of roots and b a r b v especially prepared for each case. All diseases successfully treat ed with powerful Chinese herbs. ruuta ana baraa that ar entirely un known to medical science In this eoun- P aaaF ' A MM: t- ?, V5j try. CONSULTATION FREE Patlenta out of tha city can be cured at horn. Writ your aymptome fully. A d drees D. Slntleton Chinese Medicine Co. M M. fourth St. Bet. Oomoh aad Bara- roruana. Oregon. Pargo. N. D., and la now In thla city, on his way to Alaska. Mrs. Hansen asks for an attorney's fee of ITS and alimony In the amount of tan a month, pending tb disposition of tb action. KNOW THY FUTURE! CLAIRVOYANT $10 Complete Life Readings 1 THIS WEEK ONLY BUDAH BERMQUE Her parlors are crowded dally by th beat people of Portland anxloua to know their future. Budah Bernlque's demon strations of second sight must be seen to be believed. So bs sure and consult her at once. TWKNTT TEARS A PRACTICING CLAIRVOYANT. Known from ocean to ocean as the marvel of two hemispheres. KNOW THT ) JTURBJ. WHY CONSTTLT AN 1NIT.KIOB MBDrOM WRBN MADAM BKRNIQI'E. THB ACKNOWI. EDGBP LBADBB OF THRU ALL IS HBBB. AND HER FEB NO HIGHER THAN THOSE LESS COMPETENT? FREE! FBBB1 FREE I IF NOT CORRECT B positive am I of 007 powers to tell the past, sreeeat aad future aad exactly what yoa waat to konw, that 1 will mass NO CHARGE I NO CHARGE I unless res obtain perfect eatlafacttoa and and me superior to all MEDIUMS, CLAIRVOYANTS and PALMISTS In this city. I'll la Wheeler Wilcox, tbe poetess, eaya: "Budah Berntque saved me aerlooe mla take. 'She la a marvel among men aad womea." "Bndab Berntque I the beet and clever est clairvoyant if th city. "Chicago Bee-orH-nrrald of April 21 William J. Bryan ear: "Badab Ber ntque 1 th gr safest scientist tn her line. She be thoroughly convinced nag." TELLS TOU WBBN AND WHOM YOU WILL MARRY. Born With a Double Veil Educated In Oc cult Science in Egypt and India. The Veiled Prophetess "I Tell Your Name" This OCCULT WONDER la placed In a claas by her self, towering head and shoulders over every rival, and Is recognised by the PROFESSION ss tholr BRIGHTEST STAR. London's mnt famoua palmist and clairvoy ant la acknowledged uv pre and public tb gretet living DEAD TRANI B MEDII'M. Sb telle waat rou eame for Before you utter a word; eeee oat ask Trr""", a a what your trouble may be. Call, and ah will guld yoo with certainty higher than human power. Telia yoa tha truth, good or bad. Tbe following Hat bowa parely aad almplr that Budah Bernlqu ha been consulted br the most popular and most noted men and of th world, and her reading of thvlr Bl: live wa pronouncad Julia Marlowe Sarah Bernhardt Ella Wheeler Wllroi Helen fJoald linn t 11. Harrison President MrKlnley President Itooaevelt .at wondtTful President Harrison Resident Clrvelsnd Archbishop Ireland Senator Depew Senator Ilanoa Senator Koraker Baaater spoxner No man or woman haa ever been ronsnlted la axore astable affair than she. In Barops aad America shs haa advtavd thouaand In vari ou walk of life, aad alwaya to their advan tage. It any be of vital Interest to yen to know the outcome of your pfeeent dtatre. The happiness of your future life may de pend noon th right solution and proper advice. There see no mlatake In the predictions Cade by tbe great and wonderful dead trass I'dlutu. Yoa may wish to know If It la advisable tn make a change la business. In love. In mar riage. "Shall I so creed la my new endertaklagt" 'Can I obtain my hopea, my wtahee, my ambitious T" "Shall I ver enjoy the 1 11 1 uric of walth?" "flan I truat my fiiendal" "When aball I marry 1" "How often aball I marry r' "Shall I vr be dlvoroedj" "Doe another abare the lore that rightfully be lot gs to met" "If so, whom t" "Am I loved In return V 'I thr a rlvl la my hvr' "When shall my lov affair terminate in marriage?" . "When ahall ffiT domestic trouble andl "How can I make my life and borne banpyr "When ahall my absent friend return T" 'why do I not receive a letter r "I my disease curable I" "Shall I win my Uwsult 7" DEAD TRANCE MEDIUM OFFICE HOURS 10 A. M. TO 8 P. M. SUNDAY AND DAILY. 291,4 MORRISON STREfT, COR. TIFTM T. Boaton Dental Parlora. Portland ha sonatas Kelfy and J. P. it.nefee vfevrera so view protweed ritenakm of ld atreet aad toast titut of the beneSra anS ouru ny in opening, lay it and mm log of the earn, la aeca-daae with Sail of the Charter of the city of P lated H. J. Morravea. A sa awgea ear tsbtua- 11 tb City of Portland. rtfc. r f the said viewers to meet t th Auditor of the City of Portland a th., ton day of eteaaer, Iwn. at or 10 a in in roreneoa of salt TB proposed opening, widening, layli nd raUMlablng of Itekutn aveue la i3 fset In width aad U more particularly boo need aad o.-crioeu ss rouuwa: Beginning at point la the weet Ma ef fa Ulden street 80 fe,-t northerly from the south line ef Dvkum aveaae now 114 out; ran nlug thence wealerty parallel with the eoatb Use of Drkunf avenue and su feat distant there from, to tV eaat line ef Ysncuveg eoaaty reed; tbenre southerly along th seat lta f Vsneonver'- county road feet; thearn eaetsrly along th aouth II n of Usaum aveaae to the west line of Camden street; the nee aortbsrlr ou the west line ,.f Caui.lvn atreet NO fae! to the piece of beginning. The proposed opening, laying eat aad eatal,. llshlng of Iiekum ereaae aa above deerlhed will include and neceealtete the appropriation t.i public uae th following described parcel or tract of land: All that urt of lot 5. block 1. Sareton. lvtas enutherly of th north Hne of the proposed Drkuta avenue, containing 4,go square feet. Also all that part of lot a. block a. Saratoga, lying southerly of tbe north line of the pro posed Dekuia avanae, containing 4,730 square Alao al) that part of lot r. block 3. Saratoga, lying southerly of the north line of the pro posed Dvkuau avenue, containing 4.840 aqnr feft. Alao ill that pert of let 9. Mock 8. Saratoga, l1ag southerly of tbe north line of tbe pro posed Defcum avenue, containing 4,920 feet. Also ill that part of lot 4. block , Saratoga, lying southerly of the north line ef the pro tweed Dekum aveaae, containing 40 sosjar feet. Also all that part of kit S. block . Saratoga. lying southerly of the north line of the pro posed Dekum aveaae, containing 6.000 It. are feet. Also all that part of lot 8. block 8, Saratoga, lying southerly of tbe north line of the pro Caed Dekam avenue, containing 8,000 square t. Ala all that part of lot T. block 8. Saratoga, lying southerly of tho north line of tbe pro posed Dekum avenue, containing 130 equare iet. Also all that part of lot 4. block T. Saratoga. lying eouthcrly of the north lta of thj pro- Rwea Deknm avenue, containing 240 square Wmm AUo all that part of lot ft. block T, Saratoga, lying southerly of the north line of the pro posed Dekum avenue, containing 6,000 aqua re ftet. auto sll that nart of lot A block 7. Saratosa. lying southerly of the north Ha of tbe pro poaed Dekum avenue, containing 5.000 pare Alao all that part of lot 7. block 7. Saratoga, 1 Log southerly of th north line of the pro- C.d Dekam avenue, containing Sift quara t. All person claiming damage by reaaoa of tho appropriation of the property above de scribed or any part thereof. In tha proposed opening, laying out and establishing of. said trect are hereby apeclally notified to file their claims for each dan.ages with tha Auditor of the City of Portland before tbe 8th day of September. 1904, the time appointed for tha meeting of the viewer therein. By order of the Council THiiS. a DEVLIN, Auditor of the city of Portland. Portland, Oregon, Anguat 23. 1904. FARMS Note the following list, which are only a few of th many cholo farm we now offer. For full particulars call on or write ua: 1370 acreS, 1160 acre, 890 acres, (t acres, 140 acres, 80 acres, 140 acres, 13 acres, 130 acres, SO acres, 40 acres. 50 acres. 48 acrea, 170 acrea. 194 acres, 80 acres, ft acrea, 20 acrea. 86 acrea, 80 acres. Oregon 1711 acres, near Eugene 917,110 dear corvallis ao.soo near Junction City. . . 89,000 in Jackson county... 8,000 440 acres, In Benton county.... 4,600 :IU iiores. near Allmny 12,000 260 acres, near Harrlaburg .... 8,360 300 acres, in Marlon county.... 6,600 147 acres, near Carlton 6,390 8t acres, near Sheridan 8,900 80 acres, near Hlllsboro. 1,800 40 a, ri, near Portland a.soo Clackamas county... l.BOO Clackamas county . . . 4,000 Clackamas county . . . 1,780 near Dallas 8,100 near North Yamhill, e 1,050 near Oreaham ,600 near Portland 6,000 on Willamette river. . 8,000 near Portland 1,780 near Portland 8,400 near Portland 8,800 near Portland 80,000 near Portland 18,000 near Portland 11,000 near Portland 8,900 near Portland 2.6O0 near North Yamhill.. 850 20 acres, near Portland 8.000 40 acres, near Hood River.... 4,800 88 acres, near Independence. . . 4,800 J8 acres, Mar Forest Orove... 680 14 acres, near Wood lawn 4,000 10 seres, near electric car..... 6,800 10 acres, near electric car 3,000 4V4 acres, near electric car 14100 3 acres, near electric car 8,000 4 acres, near electric oar 8,780 4 acres, near electrl car..... 4,000 8 acres, near electrlo car 8,000 3 acres, .near electric car lcttoo Washington . 80 acrea. near Ostrander 9 a.aoo joins Vancouver, .... ii,ow Clarke county 2,000 near Waahoural .... 6,000 126 acrea, near Herbert on 4.760 225 acrea, Clarke county . 8,000 Clarke county ,ooo Clarke county -VTBO Clurke county 1,360 28 acres. Clarke county 3,600 105 seres, Clarke county 3,500 300 acres, near Vancouver 11,000 HENHLE (a BAKER BIT Abington Bid., 108 H Third Street, Portland, 100 acrea. 40 acres, 300 acres, 185 acrea, 126 acres. 100 acres, Or. A Few Bargains 10 ACBE8 1 mile from Montavllla car; 6 acrea In strawberrlea, blackber ries and raspberries; a few cholc apple and pear treea. balance In gar den; well fenced; new 7-room house.; good barn and chlcken-hnuae; a nlc home. Prlc 84.000. 10 AOBE9 Nice level land, all fenced; half in crop; .1 mile to street car. Price $1,260. i aOtUBB fir and spruce timber; close trt Alaea Bay; will cruise 4,000.000 feet per quarter section. Price $8 per acre. -ACHE tract, fine saw timber. In Henton county; will cruise over 4.000,000 reet eacn quarter aecuon. Price $9 per acre. XWO BXTaVA OOOS hnmeatead relin quishment. 4,000.000 feet each fir timber; haf-mlle to SUets rlvr; a snap, st $175. Maxwell & Burg SIS Ablng-ton Bldg., Portland, Orgon. BstabUsbsd 1886. Oregon Phone, Portland Marble Works 8CHANEN NEU. Manufacturers of and dalra In all kind of Marble, Granite and Stone Work Estimates Olven on Application. 268 FIRST STREET Bet. Madison snd Jefferson Street. PORTLAND. Or. Bed 977 mm irn n 1 1 i it CURES Gquomhoei AJTD IlIIT WITHOUT OTBasal mm nil FARM, FRUIT AND HOP LANDS $18 Par Acre 87 acrea, 18 In cultivation, balance light timber; I fine springs; 6-room "house: one mil to school, stor and postofBce; one mile of fencing: 8 miles from Ore gon City, on fine road. r- $7 Per Acre to acres; t acr slashed, balance light growth; about 10 acres untlllable; only 4 mllea from Mollala corners. $22 Per Acre If acrea, 4 miles from Oregon City; one mil from Clackamaa river; cord wood enough to pay for tba land; no Improve ments, terms. $50 Per Acre 40 acres, 3 miles from Oregon City; level; timber cut off; balance brush; surrounded by fine farms; no Improvements. $34 Per Acre W acres, 45 In cultivation; 30 seeded to ciover; good spring; largi sheds, etc., costing $1,000 low Interest. large frame barn. good terms; $20 Per Acre (Hair Cash) 160 acres level, rich loam soil, on line of O. W. P. Ry.. near Eagle Creek; 8.000 corda wood: freight rates to Portland only 18 cents per cord: a snap for a wood proposition. Don't overlook thla. Cross . Shaw SEAL ESTATE ABD tTaXSTTsTXKTB. 99 Washington Street. FOR SALE Either of those naw snd ele gant dwellings "about com pleted," situated on the south west corner of Eaat Sixteenth and Stark. Will be sold for caeh or on installments by Parrish. Watkins & Co. S80 ALOES STSEET. St. Johns Park Fin, new cottages nesr Woolen Mills and car 11ns, for sale cheap, on Install ment plan. One with 3 lots 91,000 One with 1 3-8 lota 91,080 Three with I full lot each 9 800 The Woolen Mills will be In operation soon and 60 to 100 new houses will be needed In Bt Johns. CHIPMAN & KINO General Agents, St. Johna. at. C. Holbrook. Owner, TBS Chamber of Commerce. 5-poon ran mm For Salm at Woodmmr Terms to suit. ("hole lots In Laurel wood. 88 per month. Mod ern 7-room house to rent. Take Mt. Scott car. First and Al der. GEORGE W. BROWAI 988 Falllag Bldg. Phone Mala 818. $5 READINGS 50c PROF. YARMO ZINGLER Sclaatlfto Phrensloglst, Palmist. Percbometer ad Meatallat. Advice on all questions pertalu lag to human life. Will do what other claim to do. Hours B HO to 8. 841 H MorrlsoB, Corner BivoBtk. FREE LAND IN OREGON I in the richest grain, fruit and stock lection in the world. Thousands of acre of land at actual coat ef irrigation, i Deed direct from Stats of Oregon. WHITE TO-DAY. BOOKLET and MAP FREE. Deschutes Irrigation and Power Com pny,b I o-1 i -1 2 McKay Building, PortUnd, Oregon. 0ITT BOTICXS. HENRY WEINHARD Proprietor of tb City Brewery Largest and Heart Complete Brewery in th. Bortbweat Bottled Beer a Specialty TBLBFBOaTX BT. TX Otto 13th and Btsrneld. Bti ISA PORTLAND. URKUUN. EXTENSION Or BAST DAVIS STREET, Wbersa. th Com,, 11 of the City of Port land, deeming It expedient to ope, lay out aad eoubllsh n extension of Kat Davis atreet. In the City of Portland, from the eaat line of Keyatone addition to tka west Hne of Kast Twenty-eighth street, aald street to be Si feet In width and an extension easterly In It preent course of But Davl street aa laid out In Keyatone addition, did on the 16th day of Jane, 1904, direct tbe City Baglneor to sur vey the sas and to mark the boundaries thereof, and to make a plat of such survey, and a written report containing a fall and Krfect deacrlptlon of such propceed atreet and nnriarle thereof, and of the portion of each lot. tract or part of either to be appropriated for each atreet, and the City Engineer having made each survey, plat and report, and filed sncb plat and report in the office of the Auditor of the City of Portland on the 2d day of Jaly. 1004, and aald report having been adopted by otdlnance No. 14,142. entitled: "An ordinance adopting the report of tbe City Boglneer tn the matter of the propoeed opening, laying out and eetablUblng of Kat Davl atreet. In the City of Portland, from the east line of Key stone addition to the weet line of Bast Twenty eighth street, eaid atreet to be 60 fset In width and an extension essterly In Its present conrs of East Davis atreet aa laid out la Keystone addition." Now, therefore, all persona interested r hereby notified tht the Cosncil ot tbe City of Portland has appointed H. J. Morrison, J. Kelly ead B. Qanderaon viewer to view (aid proposed entenalon of aald street and make an eatlaoate of tbe benefit aad damage c rasloned by the opening, laying eat and eetab Ibhlng of the same, In accordance with eectlou 849 of the Charter of tb. City of Portland and said viewer to meet at the dthwe of th Auditor of the City of Portlend on Thursday, the 8th day of September, 1904. at tbe boor of 10 o'clock In the forenoon ef eald day. The propoeed opening, laying oat and estab lishing of East Darts atreet la 60 feet lo width, and Is .more particularly bounded and described as follows: Reglrnlng at the southeast corner of block 10, Key, as addition, running thence eestrrly on sn extension of Its present coarae ot the north tine of Kast Darts street as, laid oat In Keistone addition to the west line of East Twenty-elahth trrt; thenc southerly long tbe weet line of East Twenty-eighth street 60 feet: thence weeterly on n extension of th cath Hue of East Davis street as laid out in Kevstone addition, tc the northeast corner of hloek 9, Keystone addition: thence northerly along the eeat line of Keystone addition 60 feet to tbe place of beginning. Tbe proposed olMnlng. laying out and estab lishing of East Davis street will Include and mrcMltate the appropriation to public uae tbe following described parcels or tract of land: All that part of lot 4. block 6. Wynkoop Villa lying southerly of the northerly line of the proposed Eaat Davie street, containing 1.2UZ square feet. ' Also .ill that part of lot 8, block 6, Wynkoop Villa, lilng southerly of the propo-e-d northerly line of Kast Davl street, containing l.Oua sip. arc feet. . . Alao all that prt of kit 4. block B. Wynxoop Villa, lying southerly of the northerly line of the proposed Eaat Davla street, containing 1.644 square feet. Alao nil tht parcel or tract of land lying be. tween the northerly line of the proposed Eaat Dsvls street and southerly line of Wrnkoop VUU; and between the easterly line of Key stone addition and the westerly Hue at Bast Twenty-eighth afreet, eoutatnlng 83.403 qur feet All person claiming damage hy reaaoa of the appropriation of the property above do eorlbod. or any part thereof. In tbe prupiwod opening, laying out and eatabllahlng of laid street ar hereby specially notified to file their clnlois for such damage with th Auditor of tbe City of Portland before th 8tb day of September. 1904. the time appointed for the mtetlng of the viewer therein. By order of the Council. TH08. C. DEVLIN. Auditor ef the City of l-urtland. Portland. Oregon, August 23, 1804. EXTENSION OT DEXTJM AVENUE. Whet ess the Council ef the City of Port land, deeming It sxpedlent to open, lay out and estshllaa an extension of Dekum avenue, la tke city of Portland, from the weet line of Camden atreet to th. eaat line of Van couver county road, aald atreet to he SO feet In width and the north tin of ld street to be 80 feet northerly from and parallel With the south line of Dekum avenue aa laid opt In Saratoga, did on tbe 16th day of June. 1904, dir. . t the City Engineer to anrve tbe aauM and to mark the nmndaiiea thereof, and to make a plat ef such earvey. and a written n-i-ort containing a full and perfect deecriptlon of ancb proposed street snd boundaries tbereuf, and of the portion of each kit, tract or part of either to he appropriated for each etrot. aad the City Engineer having made sock Mr vcy. plat aad report, and filed ch plat aad report In the office of the Auditor of tbe City of Portland ua tbe 21 h day of June, 104. and ..Id report having been adopted by ordinance Xo. M.iOH, eatltled- "An ordlnsnce aiwiptlng th report of tb. City Engineer In the natter of the proposed opealsg. laving out and eatab llahlng of Dekum avenue, la the City of Port lend, from the west line of Cenadea atreet to tbe eaat line of Vancouver county read, aald atreet to he SO feet la width aad the north line of aald atreet to he an feet northerly from aad parallel wlOi th onto Ha. df Dkum avenue aa laid out In 8artoge." Now, therefore, ill persons Inteceired ar brby DotuVtd that the Council of tie City ef PROPOSED ASSESSMENT . FOR IMFBOVE . MENT Or CURRY STREET. Notice la hereby gives that the Council ot the City of Portland propose to assess the fol lowing described property and owner or own ers aa being apeclally and peculiarly benefited In the amount set opposite the name, aad de scriptions thereof for the improvement ot Curry street from the west lln. of Corbett street ti the eaat lln. of First .treat, as provided by or dinance No. 13.861. Any objections to the apportionment of coat for said Improvement moat be mad la writing to the Council and filed with th. Auditor within fifteen day from the date of the flrat publi cation of this uotice. and asld objections will be heard aad determined by the Council before the passage of the ordinance assessing the cost of said improvement. CAR! THEKS ADDITION TO THB CITT OF PORTLAND AS LAID OUT BY THB SOUTH PORTLAND REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION BLOCK 134, lot 4, Nancy B. Atkinson eetate, heirs of, 821U.06: lot 8, Nancy B Atkinson eetgte. hair, of, 315.00; lot 6, Sumner J. Barber, $70.06: lot 6, Sumner J. Barber, 81TH.4T. BLOCK 163, lot 4, William Tar rant. 3306. TT; kit 3, William Tarrant, 8T1.T3; lot 0. Ftrt Mothodit Episcopal church, true tee. $14.81; lot 6, First Methodist Episcopal church, trustee, SS0H.T8. BLOCK 182. lot 4. Alice J. Plimpton, $200.10; lot 8. IHcs J. Plimpton. $14.96; lot 6, Ida B. Qor. 818.88; lot 6, Ann C. Baroft. 886.88. BLOCK 146. lot 1, Oregon Railroad at Navigation com pany. 820 62; lot 2. Oregon Railroad A Navi gation company, $14. 02; lot T, Oregon Ball road A Navigation compear, 870.60; lot 8. Oregon Railroad A Navigation company, $30290. BLOCK 146, lot T, Matilda Sand atone, 8304.28; lot 2, Mtlld San da tone, $70.68; lot T, Oregon Railroad A Navigation company, 814.74; lot 8. Oregon Railroad A Navigation company, 820H.2S. BLOCK 147. lot 1. Louis M. Asptnw.ll. $106.63; lot 2. Sarah V Edith and Samuel L. Campbell, $15.21: east V ant 7. Adam Cat tin. $7.26; eaat hi lot 8. Adam Cat lln, $108.28; weet !, lot T, Alliance Trust Company of Dundee. Scotland. $7.27; wet H lot 8, Alliance Truat Company of Dundee. Scotland. $98.26. Total. 83.014.60. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor ot the City of Portland. Portland, Oregon Aagast 22. 1804. rXBAJfCIAX. lasve, vssssmaw f Established la 18681 Trenaaota a Oaaeral Banking Bait IIS. Interest Allowed on Time uepoens. . Collection made at all point on favor terns. Letter of credit leaned available la Europe and all point tn the United Stats. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic TraasfM old on New fork. Washington. Chicago. St. Loul. Denver. Omaha. Sao (Ttacuteo and Mas tana and British Columbia. Ksebange told on Luii a a. Parte, Barn, rrankfort. Hong Kong. Xosehasas, Manila aad Honolulu. rrjUT 3f ATTOIT AX asAJTht r of Portland, Or. Dealgsated Depository aad Financial Ageat at the United Bute I'.mM.dI A. U MILLS Cashier W. MaTWKlBK . . . ss r, . r v , , d r. Assistant iKsi.ier " v. - Secoad Aaalataat Cashier a r. STBVBNS tattlers ot creoil isueu iTniueav tu wu. the Eastern States. , Signs nxcnanire sou . - sold on New Tork, Boston, Chicago. St. Louie. St Paul. Omaha. San Franc! eo aad the principal nolnts la the Jtortaweei. Ulh mmA elm Mil drawn 1 IDSS to BBSS ou London. Paris. Berlin. fraakfort tn Ms In. fleng Kong. To aha ma. Oopeehaaaa, Chrlstlsna. Stockholm. St- Petersburg. Mos cow. Zurich. Honololn. Collection msa os ravovani. sv 1 1 r.nnpfrrffftoS. 10KTarwlST COB. THIRD AND OAK ITS. TraatarU a Ovaeral Banking Basins. DRAFTS IB9U9D. Avslh-or in all cltlea ot tke baited Statss aad Burope. Heag Kong and Manila. OOLLECnOBS MADE OB FAVORABLE TXBJtS President . Vice-President CaSh lee Assistant Cashier. ..J. C. :-.b.-ww- s.saww It L PI'ltntM v1e-lshis B. W HOYT 9 8BOROR W. HOTT. Aslstant Cesktsf Traasavet a Oeaeral Baaklag Buataaaa. Orsfts snd lertere of credit Isssed availahl Sn sll carta nt th World. Collections a specialty. OoM evast I OBTPOaT ss BABT rAJTOlavOO CkamWr ef Ostameree Bu fid tag, Thhsl aad Stark Strsrts. Read Office. 88 OM Broad Street. f.iiaSSS. Thla hank general haaklug, aeas. makes loaas. discounts Mils sa usjiisa letter of credit available for travelers and K th nuretiase or merensnme in "J world. Deala to foreign and domaetle sscna inter., pe.n - M7Hul Ms. ' CO, CTCtmirr batiwm sv nywr SA-T-wftTri Drafts and letter of credit avsnebt ks SB SSSSS of th. world ... a P. AfAMS j-... . t3saBSBBsi I. A. I.HWIB j'" vm-.r. . V ' Mir I S bx d Jt'SITS Vice Pustdisd KOSUkXB BOB. as " w&tsrte -"air m 189H First Psvttsad. Oese-e MORTOAOR UOJKTSm' tm Avsd Seal Fstate at lowest 8kja TITLE OUARANTEIi "t TRUST CO.