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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 24. 1804. 10 CRAWFORD'S TITLE WAS DEARLY WON COLOnL BEAM I TSODBLESOME WO USED B AM MM MXBTOS OF VARIOUS BATTLEJ IS BTOW ENJOYING. RESULTS Or Although his activities are limited by Wound recti veil in 18(4, Col. John B. Crawford of fjnrnts Pass la " pictur esque tigure In the. mining congress. He la a, favorite with the El Paao delega tion. He was for many yeara familiar to the range aa well aa the mines of the southwest. His tall, slightly stooped frame, bronzed features decorated with array moustache and goatee, and shrewd yea that twinkle with the good nature of the plainsman mid philosopher, are not booh forgotten. Colonel Crawford la a typical fron tlersman. and when he walks down the street the admirer of things western feels certain that hla tan-colored Prince Albert cat and faahlpnable white Vest conceal a pair of navy pistols and a cart ridge belt. But these things are far from the colonel's thoughts today. . He la here for a few social hours with old com rades, and ia accompanied by Mrs. Craw ford. - These boy from Kl Paso." he Bald, "deserve the next meeting of the con gress. Tbey are hustlers. Just aa they were down there In the old daya." Colonel Crawford Is a native of Vir ginia, but he fought on the union slda In the civil war. He was shot In two or three places. One bullet hit htsn In the Jaw and ranged through the lower part of hla face, but haa left only a slight mark, ao cleverly did the army surgeon mend the wound. Another ball truck him In the body, and It Is this wound that atlll gtve him trouble. Owing to unusual exertion yesterday he Buffered lll-effectn. and the wound bled. The colonel takes a keen Interest In the proceedings of the mining congress, and' will be seen at every session of the Portland meeting. He Is extensively In terested in the mining Industry. His latest purchase was the claim adjoining the Brlggs family on Oreyback moun tain In Josephine county. TO GATHER HERE f-SIXTH ABTBTTTAXi OOBT- vaumosr qi- rwm oreoon cost OBEOATIONALISTS WHJC BE HELD IBT PORTLAND SEPTEMBER 87 TO BfAJTT DELEGATES. Arrangements are being made for the ftth annnal convention of the General Association of Congregational churches of this state, which will take place In thla city September 17 to 19. The gather ing will meet at the First Congregational church. Dr. B. L. House, pastor of the Flrat Congregational church, la chairman of the committee or arraagementa, and as sociated with him are Rev. Charlea E. Chase of Hasaalo atreet church. Rev. J. J. Staub of Bunnyslde church. Rev. C. M. Smythe of Mississippi Avenue church, Rev. air. Rocknow of Highland church and Rev. H. A. Btott of Pilgrim Mission church. Plans are being made for the entertain ment of the 150 visitors who are : ex pected to be in thla city to attend the convention and an attractive program for the three days of tbe meeting la being arranged. An attempt Is being made by the committee to secure some speaker from the east of national re pute to attend the conference and give one or more addresses. Interesting reports from the different churches of the state will be read. There will be papers by different clergymen and open debates upon the subject dis cussed will follow. There are 66 churches of this denom ination in thla state and each of them will be represented In the convention. NOTED VIOLINIST WILL PLAY HERE BVJwin Cahn, the noted violinist, will appear at the local T. M. C. A. hall Sep tember 12 for the benefit of the Oregon Humane society. The announcement of his coming will be hailed with delight by hundreds of musicians in ttHs city. He is a graduate of the celebrated School of Belgium and represents the "Ovide Musl'i" system in this country. He Is a violinist of rare ability and has not only the appreciation of the public but the respect of his fellow musicians. The construction of the violin Is ex plained at his performance by stereoptl oon views. He also speaks of the celebrated art ists of th past and present and while their photographs are being reflected upon the screen, piny some of their characteristic composition. By means of beautifully Illustrated stereoptlcon views he makes th history of the violin construction and its great masters most instructive and interesting. His playing loaves nothing to be desired. COMMISSION'S WORK IS SYSTEMATIZED Secretary McPherson of the civil serv ice commission has Just completed an Index of every appliontlon nnd every pa par which haa vver been filed in the office of tbe commission In this city. The Index is complete In every detail, comprising about 2,000 names. I'nder the system It Is an eaay man ner to search the records and find any document which has been fried In the office. On each card Is a name, and with the name la a number which cor responds to the number on all the paper which have been filed relating to that individual. In this bundle of papers will be found his application for a position, his examination papers, his ap pointment, bis discharge or any Infor mation about him which has ever come under the attention of the commission. Smoke Threatens Complexions. A group of ladles well known In Port land social circles were overheard, a few days ago discussing the deleterious ef fect of the present smoky atmosphere upon the complexion. They were all agreed that in addition to the irritation of th eye, common to those who are at all seneltUe. the carbon-laden atmoa phere had a tnaVncy to roughen the oomplxlon. W,.HH Several remarked, however, that they BSVd found th Judicious us of T'-AR- tUkS Luxury, a liquid fae powder, a CHURCH WORKERS Thfe Journal Want Columns RATES t One time. 6c a Una. On weak (7 Insert lone, includ ing Sunday Issue), Sic a line. One month Including Sunday Issues). 75c Una. Classified advertisements are payable in advance; minimum charge He "Help Wanted" and Situations Wanted" advertise ments are published on time fr of charge. Advertisements must be In by 1? o'clock noon for the dally is sues, and 10 o'clock Saturday evening for ins Buiuuy mail Branch Offices ASTER TUZBtBBTTS will received at regular mate rites at the following place and aent to The Journal in time for publication In the next Issue: WORTH. K. A. Preston, druggist. 13d and Tliurman streets. Nob Hill Pharmacy, 680 OUaan street, corner 21st. A. W Allen, pharmacist, 16th and Marshall streets. R B. Jacka. confectionery, 600 Washington atreet, corner 19lh. B. F. Jones A Co.. druggists. Front and Olbbs streets. Cottel Drug Co.. First an8 Grant streets. EAST STUB. Tuttlea Pharmacy. 852 Miaals- slpp! ave, corner Shaver st Nichols & Thompson. 128 Russell street, corner Alblna avenue. Jancke Drug Co., cor. Hawthorne and Qrand avenues. J. A. Dick, tobaccoa. lit Crosby (eaat end steel bridge). B. F. Fulton, c onfectlonery, 174 K. Burnslde. cor. t'nlon av. Ingram A Bush, tobacconists, lit Orand gyenue. SUBTBTTSIDE. J, E. Worth, pharmacist. 999 Bel mont street. BROOKLYN. Brooklyn Pharmacy, cor. Powell and Mllwaukle streets. NOTICE. Blda will be received at the office of tbe president. Lewis and Clark exposition, up to noon. Asgust 27, 1904, for the construction of bruins, cement steps, balustrades, buttresses, ate., for sunken gardens at fair grounds. Plans and speelfleatlona can be seen at the office of director of arhlteeture, room 8, Stearns hldg. MEETING NOTICE. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINQ Tbe annual meeting of the stockholder of tbe Mountain Lion Oold Mining company, for the election of a hoard of dlreetora to serve for the ensuing year, and for tbe transactlen of such other bualneaa aa , may come before tbs meeting, will be held st tbe office of th company, rooms SOS to 810 Mohawk building. Portland. Oregon, on September 14, 1804, at tbe bon. of 11 o'clock a. in. JOHN M. OEARIN, Secretary Mountain Lion Oold Mining Co. LEGAL NOTICE. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TnE STATE Or OREGON FOR MULTNOMAH COUNTY. In the matter of the application of William H. King to register the title to block SB of J a me John's nddttton to the town of St. John. In Multnomah County, Stat of Ore gon, plaintiff, va. W. A. Edgertna. Buck Smith. I. 0. Hulhert. Robert Catlln. P. A. Marqssm. Charles E. Ladd. E.-c. Bronaugb. A. F. Flegel. John A. Carr. Mary Annon. William John. Lulu Tlnney. Bert John. Wal ter John, Samuel John. Adellaa John. Elisa beth E. Strowprldge. James John. Virginia Lewaon. Emma Ward. Eva Pattb. Mary Jane Bin Iter and all others whom It may con cern, defendant To the above named defendants and to all whom It may concern : Is the name of the State of Oregon: TAKE NOTICE. That on 7be' 24th dav of Anguat. A. P. 1904. an applica tion was Bled hv said William FT. King In the Circuit Court of Multnomah Connty. for Initial registration of the title of the land above described. Now, unless yon appear on or before the 24th day of September. A. I). 1904. and ahnw cause why such application shall not be granted thi same will he taken ss confessed, and s decree sill be entered ace rdlng to the prayer of the application, and you will be forever brrred from disputing tbe same. Witness mv band and tbe aeal of said Court this 24th day of August, A. D. 1004. g. S. FIELDS. f Clerk. By M. S PHILLIPS. Deputy. H. B. N1CB01.AS. Attorney for Applicant. HEX WANTED MALB, WANTED For TJ. s. Army Able-bodied an anarrled men, between ages of 21 and 85. citizen of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information, apply to Recruiting officer. Third and Oak ata, Portland. Or. WANTED At Eureka and Redding FIBRT-CLASS TIMRRKMEN Fa Uses O North Mountain Power Co.'s right of way. Wages, too to $70 per month and board. Address North Mountain Power Company, Eureka. California. WESTERN EMPLOYMENT IU'REAl' TM Third at. 1'bonr Main 1B1B. Your orders for help will furnish cooks, waitresses, chambermaid, all clasaea help, short notice; 12 factory girls. WANTED A good farm hand; must be good milker and teamster, with good character; steady Job; wages. $.10 and board; or If mar ried. $JUi. house, wood, etc. Address J. W. Reynolds, Gaston. Or. BARKER trade taught by our new method, which enables student to earn wages while learning. Csll or addrrws for free catalogue, AMERICAN BABBER COLLEGE CO., Ns. 68 North Sixth at SKILLED AND UNSKILLED LABOR of all descriptions, promptly supplied. Free ef charge to empln)ers. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 20 North Second street, near Rurnslds. WANTED Millwright. $3.50; phone Black 101 LUMBERMEN'S LA BOB BUBHAU. 2t3j Morrison street. WANTED A man to work for a cripple that gne In a wheel chslr selling small articles; $1.50 per day. g. Culver, 824 Gantenbeln ave. AGENTS Rest wages ever paid; must be well annwn ana eiH-rlenren. call Between II a. m. to 8 p. m.. 193H First St.. mom 4. WANTED Man with tools that can do rough arnenter wora ano i-iffle aniuwrlghtlug In mall town. 43.1 Eaat Harrison St. MEN wanted, to read the "Male Help Wanted" iMroip-awnip; you ii aiwitr nno s numper ot good ipenlnga among them. SIXTEEN men and eight young ladles st Baker Theatre stage entrance, befor Wednesday evening. BOY can earn tulttoe. private school. OaU after 9 m , 81 Aldngton building. Pl.t MHERS wanted at 222 First St, Salmon. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. A O0N0 MAN. thoroughly experienced In grocery nnslnca. desires position In that or other lines; does not use Intotlranta or to. hecoo aud can give unexceptional reference. J 12 The Journal. TWO painters want work by contract, or day work In elty or country. Address H. if. Oregon Journal PRACTICAL man want, attuatlon to do chores garden, etc. r 9. The Journal. never falling specific for this or any untoward condition of the skin and It was curious to note that In every In stance whre this preparation has been used, most happy results had bean ob- talnad. j . jL rfald Stock Canned woods. Allan 4t Lewis' Bast Brand. Good rooms are scarce and there's a big demand ' for them. If you have any rooms for rent you can quickly find desirable occupants by advertising: in The Journal want columns 21 words for 15 cents at main or branch offices. HXLP WAN TED FEMALK, n s ni-nn EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 110 FIRST BTRKET. wanted, waiters, country hotel, $26, room aud bear; rbamiieruiald. city, ii.v room aim beard; bop Dickers, good yards, toy wages. GIRLS' Keep your eye on Journal want col . anna; what you want Is very likely advsr- tlscd In tBesa columni today; read mem carefully. GIRL wanted for general housework. Klrby, corner Falling. 811 W ANTED I roners. Colon laundry. Second and Columbia sts. , SITUATIONS WANTED rotALK. A VERY respectable elderly widow wishes position as housekeeper In a small widower's fundi)-; best of references ran b furnished and eichacged. Address Housekeeper. 152 Eaat Twentieth at., city. WANTED Nursing, by trslned nurse; 15 yeara' experience; obetctrlc eases s specialty; bast of references. Call or write, corner Star and Russell sts. B. H. A COMPETENT LADT desires position aa housekeeper In refined widower's corns or la botel. P 18. The Journal. YOI'NO lady wishes position' as companion or housework. M. 15, care of Journal. EMPLOY-HEXT AGEltCIEB. HELP of all descriptions furnished sawmills, logging ramps, factories, free to employers. Alpine Employment Agency, near Morrlao. 152 First St. Phone Main 1917 AI L kinds of male help furnished on abort notice free to employer. WILLIAMS A ROttSH. 2Vi North Second st. Phone Red 181. LADIES positions seeured and femal- help furnished. The Oregon Woman s employ- moot Agency, 206 Allaky building. I 'bows Clay 40S. AMERICAN Employment Agency. Help of all kinds furnished on short notice; mall orders promptly attended to. 29 N. 3d st. Main 2118. FOR LADIES ONLY. .. PORTLAND Women's Employment Company. 218 Altsky, cor. Sd and Morrison. Bed 9087. JAPANESE Employment Agency furutsDes do mestics, farmhands, etc. SB North Fifth at. Psoas Clay 592. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO.. Labor tors; help free to employers. 21S HELP wanted and supplied, male or female B. G. DRAKE. 20AH Washington St.. Clsy 448 WORK for men. awn for work. HANSEN'S OFFICE. 28 North WANTED ROOMS. WANTED By young man. one or two small, lneipenalvely furnished housekeeping rooms, with gas stove; cheap rent: within walking distance: cleanliness and quirt tbe main ob jects. In answering state rent and whether there Is bath. Address V t. Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. AN ADVERTISEMENT Like this In Journal want columns costs 5 cents s line each Insertion. It Is attractive and reaches the people yen want to reach. Try one! WANTED 800 booses to reshlngle he for tbe rainy season sets la. Estimates given on all kinds of shingling. For responsible work and reasonable prices, call up FOSTER A KIRK. Phone fnton 1008. WANTED Good furniture wagon, horses snd harness: must be cheap for caah. L. 14, care of Journal. WANTED Pair of IndUn clubs; stats alas, weight snd price. L. H., Joornsl. WANTED Invalid wheel chair, good order and cheap. Address G 10, Journal.. WANTED Place to keep small rowbost. Ad dress E 8. rare of Journal. WANTED TO BEET. WANTED To let you know that advertising your vacant rooms hi Journal want columns Is the easiest and (Slickest wsy to find de sirable occupants; 18 cents nays for 21 words. WANTED to rent, two acres on car line. small places of 6 or 10 24 Morrison at. FOE RENT H0TTST KEEPING ROOMS. $1.78 PER WEEK Large, 'clean, furnished housekeeping room, with os Of lanndry, bath, phone; also cheap furnished cottages I. Lsudlgsn. 1S4 Sherman. PbAB Clay BOB. FOB BENT Housekeeping rooms In sll parts of the city. Bead thla elaaalBcatton If yo are looking fur some. THE TVmpleton. 2084 1st St.. nicely furnished housekeeping snd single rooma ; reasons hie. FOB Rr-wT FtTRNISHED ROOMS. RIVERSIDE HOTEL 845 East Oak. Furnished and unfurnished rooms, single and en suite: lodging. $1 par week sad up. Phone Scott fdM. FT RNISHED room ada Is Journal want col umns bring results; 21 words for 15 cents Is the rate. Have you any rooms? THF. CECIL, furnished rooms snd hoard, perma nent or transient; terms reasonable. si North I'ark st. Phone Main 494(1. THE DREW. 1(12 Second near Morrison: first class rurmshen rooms: an newiy and nicely furnished: rent reasonable. o K 1- t TJ V ...... t ., h,...,..n a atrlctlv modern; private residence. 213 Grand ave.. North. FI RNJSHED rooms for rent: Isrge frost parlor; znn Firth at., cor. Mansion a iso room ana board. THE TEMPLE Large, nlcetv furnished rooms: reasonable. S4St T.'mnui at., cor neveotn. ROOMS WITH BOARD. BOARD with room well rsmlrhed: Hinders conveniences: table board. 221 Iklrteenth st. ROOM AND BOARD for tw young men, res- sonnblr. prlvste family 85 N. ISth St. NFWI.Y fernlshed rooms with or without heard. W8 Clsy. Phone Clsy (MWU FOX BEET FLATS. 5 ROOM MODERN FLAT, close In. west side, furniture for sale. A 4. Jonrnsl. FOR RENT-FARMS. 127-ACRB highly Impi cod a ted Efehange. ! d farm. Oregon As 14 Washington st LOST AND FOTJED. IOST Mcny good opportunities evrry Say yon fsll to tend Journal Wast Columns. Don't Sals them. FOB SSIB BFAL E8TATR. TO THE PUBLIC. We desire to extsod our thsnks tor oar pa trons and friend recently glveu to the linker llesl Eatata Agency, room 9 chamber of Com merce bolldlng. which has been sold by us. Ws are now located art 233 Washington atreet under the name and atyle of the Eureka Reel Estate. Rental snd Collection Agency, where we shall be glsd to hsra our former patrons and clients call, ready and willing to tnem. J. J. IIIRSIIIIKIMER. II. 1). UAGBUORN. COMFORTABLE 5-mom bouse and lOOllOO fine lot. fenced ; three blocks from street car. good car asrvlce. good water, good neighborhood, can have row snd chickens: only $550. $2bj down. $10 monthly. Oregon Associated Ex change. 3K9Vi Waablngtou st. FOB SALE 5 acres on O. W. P. car line at dates' crossing. $300; 5 acres with bouse. $425 ; 2 seres with house. $300; essy term. Inquire at Gates' crowing. PROPERTY OWNERS If yoo have any prop erty for sale, advertise It In these columns. Jou-nal Want Ads are great raal estste sales men; 21 words for IS cents. FOR SAL: 8 acre of land 4 miles from court house: fruit on place; all cultivated: for BBS, 234 V, Morrison street. A THREE ACRE tract of land 7 miles from city on the O. W. P. electric line: will sell cheap fee cash. Enquire of owner, SOI Powell at., esst aid. FOR SALE Three 5-room cottages with base ment snd yard: good condition: renting for $14.00 month; easy terms; $1,400 each. N. 47. Journal. RELINQUISHMENT on 180 acre land near Lyle. Wssh. ; good two-room bouse : good well; shoot two seres fenced. N. 19. Journal. FOR SALE fl room bouse and lot at Forty second snd Division sts.; hot snd cold water: $1,400. Call at 224W, Waablngtou St.. room 10. FOR farms, acreage, city property, choice tim ber and ' homestead locations, see Mai well A Burg. 819 Ahtngtoa bldg.. Portland. Or. 7-BOOM cottage. No. 84 Corhett st.. with On orchard; lot 60x100 feet; rent $Jg per month. Inquire Frank Harheney. 940 Corhett at HOMES bnllt on Installments: several new houses about complete; $1,860 to $2,800. O. M. Smith. 714 Chamber of Commerce. BABGAIN. If sold. at one; one ft -room sod one 7 room colonial residence, all strictly modern and cloae In. Apply 498 E. 17th St. FOB SALE 5. 8 and 7-room houses, from tbe owner and builder. In tbe city or suburbs, for a bargain. Address Box 107S. elty. A HOME for $70.00. Take Mount Scott ear to Archer's place Ask at store. $inrt LOT for $75. near Lents, If taken st once. K. IS, Tbe Journal. 1T0S SALE MISCELLAEEOrjS. IN your store room you probably have some thing of no us to you, hut It's good, snd you may Just ss well get cash for It by advertising Is Joornsl wsnt commas : 21 words for 15 cents.. nunaasrAnn wsmmiiin risible writing. Tabulator. nan oeanog. Lsgnt running. Agency SB Front st Phone Bed 19.11. FOB SALE Fine lot of talking psrrots. Angora cats fancy birds snd pet stock at Portland Bird Co.. 804 Third street and 127 North Sixth. Everything guaranteed. BILL! ABD AMD POOL tables for rent or for ssle on eoav payments. THE BRUNSWICK-n ALKB COLI.EN'DER CO.. 49 Third St.. Portland. ST. BERNARD female dog. 8 months old. cheap, n. . Mil of Montavllla car cheap. R. C. Hunter. H mils esst of snd luxe. FOB SALE CHEAP Marble washatand and combination chsmpoo; also gaa heater. Csll st 870 No. 28rd at. T DAIBYsfEN If you wsnt s good. wellsVred fresh cow cheap, see E. A. Hyde, Oak Park. St. Johns. Or. BICYCLE dosing out sale; $40 Wolff-Amerl-cans now $25. Seventh snd Morrison eta. THOROt'GHBRBD pedigreed fox terrier pup tics, 184 N. No, hi st. Phone 1368. FOR SALE OH RENT. FOR RALE OR RENT Cigar stand In good lo cation. Inquire 248 Yamhill st. J. J. Hlrsbhelmer. pension attorney, counselloi st law. pensions: War of tbe Rebellion. In dian wars, Art of June 27. 1890. order No. 78. widows, children snd dependent relatives, bounties arrears, commutations and claims against the U. 8. 238 Washington st MANLY vigor restored br Dr. Roberts' Nerve Globules. One month's treatment. $2, 3 months, SB; aent securely sealed by mall. Agents, Woodard. Clarke A Co., Portland, Or. TOTJB prescriptions are mors, accurately sad rMsonabty Ailed at Rysell'r Pharmacy. 227 Morrlao n st.. bat. First sod Second sts. PERSONAL Your business or professional esrd In Journal Want Columns will bring yoo business; 21 words for 16 cento. Try It. CATER ooly to th heart people, speetsllst on dlaesses of the hair and scalp. Mrs. B. D Vere. 500 Dekofn. Phone Rood 897. "ON a Blow Train Through Arkansaw." by Jackson; full of fun and Jokes; 25 cents. Jones' Bookstore. 291 Alder st. YOI'NO WIDOW desires to meet elderly gentle msn of good position. Address G 9, Journal. MME. H. E. Ely. dermatologist, scalp treatment. electric msssags. xii itooanong. FOR KENT HOOTEEB. A GOOD home Is slwsys s source of plessure; many nice houses that will make good homes sre constantly advertised In Journal want columns. Are yoo looking for onpt 8 NEW modern ft room houses on the esst side. In a good location. $20, $21. Inquire of Harttnan. Thompson A Powers, 8 Chamber of Commore.! FOR rent or ssle. 1011 Williams avenue. 8-room house, all mode.-n conveniences. Apply John Bain. 224 Stark at. Tel. Main 7.13. SI BI RRAN nOME. 8 acres: vineyard, orchard, berries, cow. good plsce for chickens. Phone West 201. 5 ACRES snd house, hsrn. well of good wster, some fruit; a snap. B 17. The Journal. FOR RENT -One 6 room cottage. 470 Belmont, near R. Bth. Phone E. 12iT mm entte desirable; D3 N,4soi AT FOR RENT-FURNITURE FOR BALE, NEW furniture of 2-roem housekeeping 1st, down town. V. 20 Tbe Journal. FOE EEKT LODGE HALLS. LODGE halls for rent; eleaic quiet snd reasona ble rent, st the Dree-. No. 182 Second St.. nesr Mori son. TO EXCHANGE WHAT you bar and don't want Is Just what somen,., else oeeda and ean't Snd. If i II sdverrlse It In Journal want eolumss yon ess make a good trad. Try them; 21 words for IB coats. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING HOrSJC HEADQUARTERS. TAFT CO. 128-8 Abington Bldg. Phone Mala IBS. 50 ROOMS Nearly all housekeeping, about $ blocks from Porllaud Hotel. 2 years lease, rent $175. This houao Is and haa always bees a monry-risker. Pries I S3.D00. 29 BOOMS Good location, well furnished. 2 yeara lease, rent $06. now elesrlug Over iuu per month, l'rice s-'.joo. 18 BOOMS On Washington St.: very fin In every respect ; bhr. money maker Price SS.Q00. 8 rooms SU ih St.. nsr P. 6. very neatly furnished: rent $35. clearing about $60. Price only $650. S ROOMS On Seventh at., near Osk; nicely furnished, modern In every respect. AND ONLY $400. 10 ROOMS Extra good location, cheap rent i good leaae, rent low; an extra good buy st only $1,000. 9-ROOM lltH'SE Right down towa. well fur nlshed. low rent; this la the best bar gain on the list. Only $850. 8 BOOMS Near Portland hotel, finely fur nished, girfid location, bouse up to dste to every respect. Only $700. WE CAN MAKE TERMS ON ANY OP THE ABOVE. ALL TITLES GUARANTEED. BUYERS PROTECTED AS WELL AS SELLERS. NOTICE. WE WANT rooming-house. 20 to 40 moms; also smaller plarea B to 12 or IS rooms. TAFT A CO.. ItS-S Abington BIB. SOME GOOD BUYS 8 rooms $860 7 rooms . . . c- 60 10 rooms goo 80 Washington-building. 270), Washington St. 'BUSINESS CHANCES" advertisements Is Journal Went Columns bring big returns; If yoo want to buy or sell a bualness, try them: 21 words for 5 rents. WHAT bar yon to exchange as fan psyment or part payment ror a ure insurance policy In one of the lsrgest old lis companies? Address M. 72. Journal. FOB SALE Houses, lots, farms, rooming honsea. restaurants, cigar atsnda, for cash or time. 284 Morrison st. rtlonery. with Ice cream snd living rooms. 683 First at.. South lortuind; rent m. A small dairy and rout for ssle: also col Be pups for ssle. snd tent, 12x16. Phone Scott 088. FOR SALE Clgsr stand; csll Investigate; long lease, cheap rent. Owner, 148 Sixth. $250 TAKES best restsursnt on esst aid. Call st .tun k. Morrison. FOR BALE HORSES AMD CARRIAGES. I BUY, sell, rent or exchsnge horses, wagons, buggies, rubber-tire runabouts, harness, camp ing outfits; livery In connection. Phone Main 1125. Bed Front Stables, 15th, Just off Wash ington. FOB SALE Horses, harnesa. heavy wagon snd ruckled, team weighs 3,000 lbs. Inquire 864 Noras Twenty second at. . YOU CAN aell your hers or wagon by adver tising It In Journal Want Columna; try them; 21 words for 16 centa. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALE FARMS Improved farms for sals la all parts ot Ore. goa snd Washington; payments mads to suit purchasers. For foil particulars aa to vsrt oos properties apply to Wm. Mac Mast sr. $11 Worcester hide. WOULD you like to Uv oa fsrmt This Is where many eicellent farms sre often ad vertised. Look for them. MONEY TO LOAJs. FHBD H. STRONG. FINANCIAL AGENT, easy to halm No commission. I am In a position to make Immediate loans on Improved reel estate or for bend ing purposes- soy amount: moderate Inter est. We approve loans from pirns snd ad vance money as building prograssas. Optlo la repayment after one year. PEED H. STRONG. Financial Agent. 103 Skcond St.. near Stark. THE STAR LOAN CO. An . I. F lu, .nnl... - - Ml so his not, without mortgag atonio. s-inantB. wees. $50(10 Repay to as B1S.S2 or 8666 or $8.85 J2B.00 Repsy to us $ 6 86 or 3.88 or ll.flB slfOO Bams to ns I 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 ,.w,urnuii. aju aaenay oiag., losvfc . SALARY '.OANS Any salaried person having etesdy position with responsible firm caa obtain money on the ?asy payment plan, wltfc out publicity or dlar: sll business treated otrictly confidential. NORTHWEST LOAN CO., 821 Abington bldg.. city. LOANS ON THE BAST-PAYMENT PLAN To SilfFleva PSTrple. Strictly ConfldsutUL Office hours. B a. s. to S s. ss. EMPLOYEES' LOAN CO. SWSBS 224. Room T1S. Th Dekatn bldg. B. w. cor. Third and Washington sts MONEY TO LOAN on reel, persons ssd col lateral reenritvi special stteotloo to ehsttol mortgagee: notes bought. C. W. Pellet 212 Commercial blk. Phone Main 1BSS. FROM $irm to $1,000. rates 7. 8 and 10 per cent; and from $1,000 to $26,000 at 8 per cent, by CHARLES HIRSTEL. 8814 Third St.. room 8.- opp. Chamber of Commerce. loans: .loans: loans! Private partlea having money to loan from $2oo up call or addreaa 3.12 Mohawk Hldg.. Third snd Morrison. SEE THE Dunn-Lawrence Co., real estate and financial agents: money to iosn on mortgage securities at low rate In aums from $800 to $10.0110. 14914 1st at. MOUTH AGE LOANS on Improved elty ssd farm i"--o',, hi wwrn eurreoi rates; imiiacif , os, msiniimenr loans 811 Worcester hldg. Wm. MseMaoter. MON E loaned os piano, furniture and other chattel securities: all business atrlctlv pri vate. NORTHWEST IIAN CO.. 321 Ahfng ton bldg.. elty. MONEY to LOAN In large or small amount on good secorttv; lowest rates. William O. Beet. 807 Fault bid . MONEY ADVANCED aslsrted neorde. 4crfters etc., without aernritv; essv pavmenta, la. f est hnalness tn il principal iltles Tolman. 228 Abington htdg. CHATTEL loans In amonnt ranging from 9T fro s nnn. - , - u - -- , ...,, . ,R 11. mi-. - s rermiit t-ew Era Iosn Trnat Co.. 2nd Ahlngtou hldg. CHATTEL lnns: rreontn .-ereses a opedattv leana to salaried people. New Era Loan S Trust. Co.. SOU Ahlngtns bldg. MONEY To LOAN on Improved or snimprnved pniptrty. in nma to anit. l'srnsn. wat klns ft 0.. tM Alder st r lOANS at loeest rate on forsltnre. ssraas o,nr security notes pnrrhshrd. Eastern Ixsin dfles. 4IS McKay bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on clsrkemaa ennf lands E F ft F. B. Riley. SuS Chamtsr of Com STOLEN. STOLEN Prom la front of S. Charles hotel. vi, I. it., bicycle, No. 718; saraber under ml on mine; counter brake, cell v. w. Weir. nasi i.tuo. uowaru fa. WHfBBBtiapr BBBfSsY-f-BwaTry-"- 'Tw "f "IT TT ATTORNEYS. I'Al'IKIr Coast Law Collection Agency i-uruaua orncs, jov cuamnr or uomiavree S. B. RIOGBN. attorney and counselloi -et-law aaiaiy. suo-uo AOingtoo wag. SHEPHERD. ANDERSON A CBLLAU, Atorseya. 619 820-821 Marquani bldg ARCHITECTS. HODGSON A CO. Arehlteets snd no.Hn teudrute. Suite SIS Marleay bldg.. cor. kWtb suu wasuington ota. Goodrich A Goodrich, architects; Wm. W. Oood rtch. cossnltlng engineer isu nth ',, nH, ASPHALT "AVTaTO. THE Trinidad Asphalt Paving Co. of Portland. Office SB6 Worcester blk ART METAL WORKS. ORNAMENTAL work for residences, bnslnesi houses, Ntnka and office railings, gnu. Sra PlaC flttltia. ihandellrra signs, fences rt work la any style metal and finish; hammered lesf wort sad metal spinning s specialty; conning eonstruet urs t wcrs. i a. 1 seres. 402-404 Dsvls. cor Ninth. BARGING AMD LI0HTERLWO. OI1EOON ROUND LUMBER CO.. 191 Burnalds st. Phone Grant 11T1. GOAL AND WOOD. GREAT WESTERN COAL CO.. 441 Hoyt. cor, 11th; washed lump sootless coal. $!. per loo. uui. eu.uu; agents tor vumoerisno Range. $7.00; Castle Gste. $S.50; wholesale prices; free delivery: full weights; Satisfac tion guarauie,-i. rnocie Mum IKS. STEEL bridge woodyard. Be a ure and are us be'or you hoy wood snd cost; full mraaure gugrsnirea. titnce, zim iioiiaday ave. I'boue cast ext. c, uamenns, uanniccr 11 EKE I your chance to get your winter's box wood: Five loads. $1.50 a load, or single maos si si. m a loaa. Aiuitnuuiau wuoa Com pany. Phou Maiu 3119. GOOD fir rordwood at $3.75 delivered to any place within 2S blocka of Eighth and Haw thorne streets. Phone Scott 40TA 7 ALBINA FUEL CO., Railroad st. and Alblna a., nesr ferry; slab nod bkek wood, dry and green. Phone Eaat 674. GORMAN COAL CO. Front snd Pettygrove sts. Csll OS up. PHONE MAIN 888. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO.. Phone 1018. Castle Oate coal and all other coal ou the market. 1B4 North Fifth st HOOVER A CONWAY. 313 Water St.. th plsce cor good 4-tuot. uv or or wood, rboa Male 4598. PIONEER Fuel Co., removed from foot Mor rison to foot Main st. Phone Mai 1SB. C. E. VEUN. flrat -elaas wood and coal: office 38 Alblna av.. sear ferry. Phone Esst 1S82. OREGON FUEL CO.: all kinds ot coal and wood. 344 Morrison. Phone Main flfl COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVRRDIN0 A PARREL!., produce snd commtv srna mart Hants 140 rront St.. Portland, or. Phone Main 17. CROCKERY AUD GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery and glssswsr. Prset. Hsgew a Co., 100 to 100 riftb. tor. Stark st. THE OFFICE. 285 Wssh'.ngt. s , hon S. stain nrtet ft visa CAFE KRATZ 122 Sixth St. A lunch served at all boars. 'JKS. VOYABT AXS PALMIST. MADAME JOHNSTON Clairvoyant. palmist. card reader; I give facta reliable and 1m- Brtsnt on all affairs or reel life. Readings r. 195 Fourth at. WANDA, the palmlsl, psyrhlst snd card reader. win reaa your neart tine rree or charge for this "sd." 211 Fourth st. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. WBEBG-GUNST CIGAR CO. Distributors of FINE CIGARS. Portia sd. Ore goo CEMENT CONTRACTORS. HAWKINS A CO. Residence. 90S Fourth St.. .none rront ixsn: ...cement work or sll de scriptions; stop work specialty: work guar anteed. - CHAS. B. CARTER A CO. (formerly Carter A E1I1. cement contractors. 874 Taggsrt. Phone Eaat 1875. All work guaranteed. CARPENTERS AMD TrLDERB. A. J. AUTHOrtS A II. E. WOOD, carpenters ana nniiaers; repairing nno jubMng; store and office natures bnllt. Shop 20B Colombia. Phone Clay 1851. FANNING A ARMSTRONG Carpenter and builders; repairing snd Jobbing: reasonable rate. Khop cor. Fourth end Columbia. Front 12S.1. O. W. OOnDON. coontera. shelving, houses bnllt snd repaired. 208 Fourth. Cl 174. 0HIEOP0DT AMD MART CURING. WM. DEVENY ft ESTELLE DEVENY. the only scientific chiropodists, parlors room 2o3 Drew bldg.. 162 Second st. Phono Main 1801. Thla Is the long-haired gentleman. He Is tbe man yoo are looking for- DRESSMAKING. MRS. McKIRBEN. artistic dre making. 661 Morrison at. sad closae DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR. S. J. CARNEY Veterinary surgeon 10B ptortn mxrn at. cson Main ia: re Mala 8087 DECORATORS. HENRY BERGER ISO First St.; wallpaper. Ingrains, tapestries, sppllqu frteses. inter- Mr decorating. DYEING AND CLEANING. PORTLAND STEAM CT.EAN1NO AND DYEING Works : practical batter tn connection; feather hoaa and plumes cleaned and curled by sn ex pert. 211 Fourth Phone Clay 704. J. HUNTER. 600 Jefferson at., steam eern.1 snd ma t tress cleaning: feather renovating: sll wcrx gosrsnteed. Phone Mstn 214. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED $1 per month. Unique Tailoring Co.. 847 Washing ton at. H. W. TURNER. nrofe1ona1 dyer and cleaner. flOfl Jefferson St. Phone Main 2618. njmxKiu. INSURANCE. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foremost frater osl society of northwest: protects th liv ing. J. L. Mitchell, supreme secretary. 812 and SIB Msruosm bldg.. Portland, Or. Tele- phons Main 842 ELECTRICAL WORKS. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company. SOB Stark St.. Portlsnd; .0. K. for everything la th electrical line. Phos. Msln 18. FURNITURE FACTORIES. FURNITURE msnufseturliut snd special L. Rovsjsky'o furniture factory. 870 Front at. OREGON Fttrnltsrr Msnufartnrirg Cnmosnv Mannfactorera of furnltnre for tb trad. 20 First st. GROCERS. WADIIAMS A CO.. wholesale farturers and corn or! salon merchsnri. Four ts snd Oak sts ALLEN ft LEWIS, com mission and prodnee mer rhsnta. Front snd Davis sts.. Portlsnd. or. LANG ft CO.. First and Ankenv at- ATS CLEANED. EASTERN Hat Manufacturing Company. 322 Flrat. nesr Clsy; hats dtcd rlenrsMl. bloeke.1. made over Is latest at, lea our specialty; Panama bets. HOTELS. pd... Hotel Portland, American piss; $3, $6 Belvedere; European plan; 4th sod Alder sts. 9 HORSES AMP CARRIAGES. UNITED Carriage Co.. rubheTlhredMriJoilT! tally-boa. Malu 222. 153 11th, m. Morrison. HUMAN HAIR BOLLS. ' ..""toksr human hair rot!. 428 B. 9th. Tel East 22U. Store, BBS Morrison at. INSURANCE. ,A?.- .Mc'- WOOD- employers' liability and In dividual accident surety bonds of sll kinds. Phou. 47. 809 McKay hldg." B. P. B ARTELS COMPANY, fire Insaraoes 44$ Sherlock bldg. Oregon phone Clay BBS. FIRE INSURANCE J. P Kojtsedy ft Co.. 221 Sherlock bldg. Phone Main 1968. ARTHUR wit son fir. looran. hldg. Phone Main tOOS. IRON WORKS. PHOENIX IRON WORKS Engineers, menu farturers of marine, rplntnr. logging and aew. mill machinery; prompt attention to repair work Phos. last 29. Hawthorne uve. E 3,L MUHICAL. T. E. LAWSON. 240 Psrk. cor. Mala, piano lea. sons: terms reasonable. Phone Front 211. MASSAGE AND BATHS. YAPOB hatha and mesas re by lady with yoaow lodt sssistant. 110H Fourth, room 8. M 1S. the OBROCK, ms sssssss, has r turned from est. Union 503. aTfjno DEAT.IBB, FISHER MUSIC CO.. IBS Third st. Victor fceietM meeninea; repairing. lien sag. OVERALLS. BOSS OF THE ROAD OVERALLS and msehs , .u ' .!... . , - ' ' .p'iiiiiik. u 11 mauv. cieustaater msnnfsrtnrrra. Portlsnd. Or. PLUMBERS. BOX A CO., sanitary plumbers, 2S1 Second, bet. L BMlmou- vrswoo poo. Mala S001. DON N ERBEBG ft RADEMACTIER. plo rerooveo x e pour in at. Kotn pnonsa PAINTING AND PAPER-RANOINB. P. K Ht'TTON painter snd psperbangar. 1TB eeiimiii si., weei ruu Ol oriags. PATENTS. R- a WSIGRT. lawyer; patents a specialty I Protect yoar Invention. Boom 804 Deksm. PLATING. TWi OREGON PLATING WORKB, 491 Wssb- ugiou street. mass asnja. fullsblag. plat tag and Issoserlag. , PRESS CLIPPINOS. MAKE MONBY! USB PRESS CUPPINGS! Ring bp His ok II and order a month's service covering every town lo sny or sll eosst states: daily messenger service: tdvanc C2or? 1D " eootrsct work. Portlsnd ofnr its? Second st. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. 9 B. BEACH A CO Ploo-"o.lrrv" HthTI ,,!"t things msde Is osints and general building materia Is window-glass a id glssln a specfslty. 18S First st.: phone Main I8S4" DAVID M. DUNN W a m n,.'ni. D.I-. s ! TV ; msnn?sctnTrs and Imnoeters ts inn. .,11. ,PH eprsvs. etc.: phone 587 Office nd f-etory, Sherlock see. and Nineteenth at. 'e P. r!lJ'7-r?R CO., manufacturers Pioneer ' r,0"',, Pslnt. Kopsllne: a gua'sctea aTven with every gallon of oaltit msnufartared BASMUSFW ft CO.. .ihhees. r.tnts. oils, glsso. sash asd door. 180 Flrat at. .RINTTNO. BUSHONG ft ro.. Frrmt snd Stsrk ata. print. mg. 'Ithor-anhtng. blank books and office aupplles: work d.m on rime: most complete printing office In the west. Male 104. ANDERSriN ft DTTNiWAT COMPANY, nrlnttnr. "TOLmint. oisiw oooss. I'hnne Main IT. gift Alder St. ROOrnfO- "OOFTNO. guttering, repairing and general jo,,..,oK. a. ixtsii. gia jerrerson street. ALL kinds of roofs r," T ' I -,. rl mriA na1nS VST T Farrell, fsltj First. Scott 942. ROPE. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO.. ear. ena no-tnmp sts., portlsnd. Or. RUBBER STAMPS. fcsfl 8t?o.MP JW0RKa Alar " nh"'e' '" ' o"o-r "lempe. seals, stencus, sag gags, trade checks; send for catalogns. SPRAY'NO AND WHITEWASHING. SPRAYING and whitewashing. treee. has.. men ka n ms a l. - - i . r; isA-sia Wl. . W OrBFI 2L C,1I-"p Spot B4- w "I" call and a" Too figures on yeor work. The largest gasoline spraying snd whitewashing ootid IVI J1 eoonty. 970 Mllwaokls st. LArtoiCRT stoe n elty: Dlebold work: locaonta openeo; repslrs. Jail work, steel celling, trest- J. P. Dav -.. iuvii. uiiTittna roar narrnnin. .... m inirn sx. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. bAFES. pianos and furniture moved peeked ready for shipping snd shipped ; all work guaranteed; large ft-story brick flreproot a rehouse for storage. Office 128 Flrat st. C. M. OLSENT Phone Main 647. C. O. PICK, office 88 First at., between Stars asd Oak ata : phone 80S: ptanna and furni ture moved and parked for shipping; com. modlons fireproof brick warehouse. Front snd Olay sts SHOWCASES ANN FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every descrlntton; hsnk. bal and afore fliturr made to order. The Lutks Manufacturing Co., Portland snd Seattle. tra";teb and hauling. OREGON "RANSFER CO 184 North Slits, telepbce Main 69. Heavy banting SOS storsgs. POUT SplEClATrriBf.fvBBY-!"- 200 H logton st. Phone Or. Mais 982. TTPEvrrjauL TOST TYPEWRITER I1RADQUABTERS 230 Stark Street. Ws rent, repair aell. exchange tvpewrltors. til sntiplles for all machines. Standard machines $28 and up tn $100. Do yon want a stenographer or typist 7 w hare list of good snptlcanta. Phone Black 2871. ALL MAKES of typewriters for rent at Under wood Typewriter Agency. 86 Front St. TRUNK FACTORY. 1 PORTLAND TRUNK MFG. CO. Wholesale and retail Phone day 808. Cor. Sd ft Pise. Portland. Send for eatalognej TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, bruah. ana-, $1 per month. Lawrence Bros.' Towel Snpp( eompanr. 4th and Conch. Phone 429. - 1 " 1 (a-1 iT-oamsssssss WHERE TO DENE, STROUSE'S RESTAUBA NT. first-class nwsl bssrt service. 229 Wasbtogtoo at. WALLPAPER. MORGAN W A LI. PA PER CO.. 1S418S Secesl at,, bet. Vamnlll sad Taylor. PiarUata,