THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 80, 1904. 10 REPRESENTATIVE HOMES OF PORTLAND i r w I f C s"aa3flsBeas..B S ' eSS ran mmnna or p. irmaiB. A tTBleal unmmr sore. whoN wtds veranda era always cool; Its Jn J.tII tave nbSirfcr retiring Alaska or th. beach The Stone dllUMrtWWM to thl. wtll flntahed house. SCSta ! ! JSStfMtSSi W O- McPheraon companr. htatlng con-oontractor. WITHHOLDS REPORTS OF MANY CRIMES Chief Htmt ; Orders That No Information Be Given to Public Concerning the Burglaries and Holdups That Occur Nightly So vut ku b tbe volume of crime In PortlMi atUun the past few month, 1t Mavis been a ooiwtant feature of ihc newspaper erery day. that Chief of Pr lire Hunt ha decided to withhold th news from the press. Thia morning h Instructed Chief Clerk Archie Leonard to read all reports from policemen In the chief's private office and not to remove them from that office. "I'll never give lit another bit of newa." said Chief Hunt to his clerk, aa they were converataw loudly. In front of the central police atatlon this morn ing. "In the future yoo trill road over all of the leperta tn 7 private office and WlU n reaieve them from there. I am determined the newapapera ahall not make a Rjenkty of me any longer." Chief Hunt wss greatly angered be cause of The Journal' atony of last night relative to Policeman Connor. Th latter wti fined $25 without any hearing, he declare. and o atated In an inter view. H characterised th action of the chief and th police commute of th xcutlv board a high-handed and outrageous. He la an old reeident of Port land, has a wife and family and has ben an officer for evn year, yet he declare the commit took th word of a Fronchsaaa. now waiting trial before the graad Wry on two erlou charges, against hi. Better than any vaudeville ehow In the city wa th comedy enaotea in ine rear yard of the residence of Mr. Annie Basaey. H Flanders street, last night, when the cltlaens of the neighborhood met and took part In breaking to bit th laddr left there the night before by the two burglar who haee been plundering th vicinity for elx week. When th crowd finished, th ladder waa all ready for kindling fires In th home of the district, and if the burglars hoped to use It last night, they surely war disappointed. Th vicinity mentioned ha been mad a particular object of attack by th, celebrated "ladder men" who have bn robbing right and left right under th ye of the police and detective without molestation for six week. Great lndlg nation is manifested by th cltlsens there over the laxity of th poljo. Ca.-e-Fre Botectlve. "A dtctlva sauntered out to our houe last night and made a brief ex amination of th premises, whtch waa robbed during the night by th burglar who used the ladders," said Ml Annie Callender, of 18 North Seventeenth tret. today. "After viewing the place and taking a look at th step-ladder. Uft in th rear of th Basaey horn, th detective told us that w must ex pect robberies now, many criminals are coming her from th St. Louis x poaltlon to b here for the 190S fair. He than Uft. He expressed no hop that th men who robbed u during the night would be captured" Chief Must th smth. Chief Hunt has. however, mad a mov In th direction of ruhnlng down th bold burglars. To th policeman of th second rllef, a they stood In line be fore him at the central station thl morning, he aaid: "In the future you will keep a close watch for men wearing rubber-heeled shoe and carrying step-ladders." Being well drilled In military tactics and being "at attention." none of th policemen laughed until ranks were broken and they got outsld. FILIPINO GUESTS ARRIVE MONDAY HX.AsTS'S DEIEOATIOH WXXXi BE BUCEIVED BY LOCH OOaMITTBB AJTD IlfTBBFBBTBBg OmOIAI. VISIT TO BB MADB TO X.BWIS ABB C1ABI TAXM It will be a great relief for the Fili pino delegation to reuch Portland, where It la cool. Monday morning. It 1 aaid th weather nt the St. Loul fair hag bean about the aam as that usually prevailing In the Philippine Islands, and the dress suits were decidedly hot. Aa their train draws into the Willamette valla v nest Morula morning they' will be greeted with cooling that will possibly start u run on local overcoat houses. The delegation will be met by a com mittee with carriages at the railway station, and taken to the Portland hotel, where they will breakfast, and after-' ward they will be shown about the city. This will occupy the forenoon, and about 1 o'clock they will be served with luncheon at the exposition grounds, by President Ooode, of the exposition company. The afternoon will be spent In Inspecting the grounds and dis cussing the Philippine exhibit, which the government will probably bring in tact from St. Louis to Portlsnd. This exhibit Is said to be s wonderful show ing of the resources qf th Islands, and will b a revelation to people who are unacquainted with the extent of their products, (if th number or interpret ers who have offered their services for the occasion, th fair board has In vited Isaac A. Manning, city editor or the Balejn statesman, who was for some year a resident of the tropics and Is proficient In the Spanish language, and ft. It. Lewis oi portiana. wno was ior two year a resident In the Philippine. ATTORNEY LOCK WOOD ASKED TO EXPLAIN I Attorney Charles E. I.ockwood must appear In court and explain why he ha not turned over 1648 belonging to the Jerry Lynch estate to Richard Lynch, the administrator, and why he refuses to endorse a check now in pos session of the county court in favor of Lynch. His demurrer to the adminis trator's petition was overruled by County Judge Webster. Complaint was filed last March by the administrator. He asserted that as ad ministrator he hired Lock wood a at torney and endorsed to him a oheok for 168.41. drawn In favor of the de ceased. Jerry Lynch, on the First Na tional bank of Storm Lake, lows. The lawyer was accused of cashing the check and depositing the money In the Mer chants' National bank of thla city and of afterward drawing the money out of that bank and refusing to turn It over to the administrator. It Is further alleged that as ths ad ministrator's attorney. Lock wood col lected 6i 35 belonging to the estate, all but 1200 being expended. This check was deposited with th county court land Lockwood Is said to hav refused ST. S l I Im fuunr A tk. tlmtn. lstrstor. nTniiiniiiixiixixiii IIIaTaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sssMMwJwisimMWgS-sBBBSrBlls"Tyi FTTTYTYTYT7TTTYyT7TTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlaIIllAw? Mr. Professional or Business Man: CIRCUS PAGEANT A GORGEOUS ONE Jerusalem and the Crusades Is the subject of a magnificent spctaol pro duced by Rlngllng Brothers shows this season. There are 1,20 peopl In th cast, a ballet of 300, and n singing chorus of 100. The music Is original, and is rendered by a uprb grand pipe organ, th only portsbl one vr made, and a selected band of fifty soloists. The scenlo embellishment la gorgeous In the extreme, painted by the greatest American artists, and th t.000 cos tumes worn by the vast company are of Parlelun make and design. Tha daya of chivalry, "when knighthood waa In flower." are reproduced. Ths great stage Is larger than a hundred theatre stages combined, and th massive set tings and historical properties require a special train for transportation. AH th pastime of the middle ages are exemplified m thrilling action by dueling expert of aklll and strength Jousting tilts, sword combats, spearing contests, scrnbatlc exploits, equestrian trials, riding accomplishments, and many other exciting sports of the chlv- alrlc age are Illustrated In whirling tourneys. The grand pageant In honor of the departure of the Crusader on their holy mission Is a processional display In which are presented Interesting his torical types, beautiful costumes, elab orate scenic decorullons, novel features men. women and children, and horses la the street parade show day morning tableau floats, bearintr national types and characteristic scenes from sll over the world, will he n novel and attrsct Ire feature. All the people with the great show will participate In thl free display of the wonders with the circus, and the costuming; Is the rlcbest ever attempted. Forty elephants, (50 horses, 101 rage, lairs and dens. 1 bands. If camel. 40 lolly clowns, troops of gaily accoutred soldiery, lady riders In Kster-Hke finery, children's charlot, fairyland pictures, aristo cratic whips, aod a multitude of other distinctive features will be Illuminat ing factors In the largest circus pa geant vr organised. Rlngllng Brothers will exhibit here Monday and Tueaday, August 29 and 0, and give performances tn the after noon at t o'clock and evening at I o'clock. JUDGECUTS DOWN " AN ESTATE BILL In a briefly worded decision County Judge Webster passed on th objection to the final account of George H. Thomas a admlnirf rator of the estate of D. W. Llchtenthaler. He reduced th adwInUlrator'a fee from t l.too tn tl.oeO and refused to allow extra Itema of esp..s sggregatlng a sou tin Several of th heirs did not ob test to th final account. Th object ors were Mr. Pierce, a granddaughter and the wife of a Salem physician; H. B. Llchtenthaler, a brother, of Wllaon- vllle. Or ; and Mrs. Josle L Slater, a granddaughter, of Salem. They were rpreerd by Attorney W. D. Fenton, while Ed and A. R. Mendenhall ap peared for Administrator Thomas. Ths testator was a bachelor, and a pioneer resident of the state. His heirs were his brother and children of his brother and sisters. His estate Is worth about $10,000. Prefsried stock Oamaeg CM Allen I. wis' Best Brand. OULP WILL XS FILED. Th will of Cornelius Culp, who died recently at St. John, wa filed with th county clerk for probate thl morning. the estate Is appraised at It. 090. Every thing 1 left to Albert M. culp. a son, In trust for Mrs. Eliza Culp. th widow. It Is specified thnt after the property has been sold certain amount, ranging from S50 to $100, shall be paid the children. The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has beat in use for over 80 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per sonal super-vision since its infancy Allow no one to deceive yon in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" arc hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constlnatlon and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tha Stomach tend Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bonght In Use For Over 30 Yeart. t ever (JpVHATe-s $L DID 1 g&THE Z TT BUG vNSAY Did nrriir in vmi What a great advantage you would have in your work the hot summer days and nights by having an electric fan on the top of your desk to relieve the stuffiness and sultriness of the atmosphere? If you have never tried it you will be surprised and pleased to note the difference in the whole atmosphere of the office, resulting from one of these noiseless little fellows spinning away at a cost of less than one cent an hour. Some folks say a fan gives them a cold. There is a right way and a wrong way of doing everything, and a fan PROP ERLY USED will never give a cold. It is not necessary to get directly in the current of air to derive the benefits of an electric fan. In feet, that is just the way NOT to get the good out of it The fan can be so adjusted as to give anything from a zephyr to a gale. It can blow from you, or towards you, with an oscillating fan, in both directions. Put in a fan and see if you cannot do your work much more comfortably, if you cannot do more work in a given time and do it better than the man who is perspiring away, wishing he were at the coast or out on a farm, and stopping every few minutes to "Whew, but it's hot," and with another mopping of his brow, and one more hitch at his shirt sleeves, wallow again into his hot and dusty papers. Others appreciate elec tric fans. So would you. Call us by telephone and let our solicitor talk the matter over with you. PORTLAND ... i ., . ' ' - v , .j General Electric COMPANY SEVENTH AND ALDER STREETS