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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 19, 1904. Tfl STRANGLER KNAPP IS ELECTROCUTED WIO OOaTTaTBSSD TO TTTB BBUTAXi MT7BDXM SPENDS UB xouu xm ooKVAarr or nan CASB XCARLY POT III T,TitP a wfb or cm TUB. (Jorrnal Special aVsrvlre.) -i,,,k,,. ' rt Ana 18. Alfred A. Knapp, the Hamilton tntngler. was put to death in tbe electric cnair m Ohio penitentiary annex today. A snort time ago the murderer Joined the Cath pllc church and hla last houra were apent In company of tha prliat who haa been a constant visitor to hla cell tor several W"napp waa e-lectroouted at 13:01 o'clock thla aiternoon. Th electrocution waa very aucceeaful. one chars only sufficing, atjd ha waa dead In ate rnlii atea after tha current waa turned on. Ha refuaed to make any statement Ip order to And anything like a paral lel to the case of Knapp. It la necesaary to turn back tha pasra of criminal hia tory t decade ago, whan the entire rountry waa stirred ,ly the publication of the Crimea of H. H Holmes, tho arch murderer who was executed In Philadel phia. The almtlarlty in tho careera of the two criminate exiata. however, only m the number of their victlma. Accord ing to their own confeaalona. and aua UUned by tha evidence dug up by the police, both men were fullty of at leaat naif a doaen murdera, and both man Med to eacape auaplclon for a remark Able length of time. But Holmee. at leaat bad a motive for hla crlmea. name ly to get tha tnaurance money of hla rlctlme, while Knapp, ao far aa haa come to light, went about killing women and (trig out of pure flendlah. deelre. O oaf a ad to Five Murdera. The five caaea to which Knapp con reaaed after Me arreat are aa followa: Emma Llttleman. killed In a lumber yard at Cincinnati. June 21. 184 : May Bckert. murdered In a room on Walnut ttreet. Cincinnati, Auguat 1, 1S4; Jen ale Knapp, throw Into canal at Llb irty street Cincinnati, Auguat 7, 1884; Ida Oebhard, atrangled at Indianapolla in July, 1888. and Hannah Knapp, mur lered at Hamilton. O.. December 22, 180. Tha crime for which Knapp waa in flated In March. 10, waa tb murder f hla wife. Hannah Knapp. Regard bag thla murder Knapp aald that when he awoke on the morning of the crime ke waa aeteed with an Impulse to stran gle bla wife. After accomplishing her loath he got a box and nailed the corpse p. He hauled the body two miles and threw It Into the Miami river. Some lays later the body waa found In tha river at Now Albany. Serenes of Xaaaalty. Knapp'a trial lasted from June 23 to July 16. 1103, A defenae ef Insanity or legeneracy had been act up without avail. A motion for a new trial was overruled, and Knapp's attorney took the caae to the circuit court, which re versed trrfrcommn pleas court on the ground, among othera, that the atate failed to prove, according to law, that the deceased came to her death In the mariner alleged In the Indictment, the nlj evidence being the confeaalon. and that it waa error to admit this written sonfesslon and permit It to be used In the argument. Later the supreme court reversed thla decision ot tha circuit sourt and affirmed the decision of the lower court. Though Knapp confeased to five mur- lera It is believed that he waa guilty of many more. Previous to his final arrest ae had spent two-thirds of hla Ufa In prison, but for the murders to which be sonfessed he had gone unsuspected until t few unguarded words set the law upon aim. For years he had been a atrangler. ae admitted, pouncing upon Innocent thildren and choking them to death. He was twice In atate prlaon for flendlah lasaulta upon women. At the time of ate arrest he waa living with hla fourth wife In Indianapolis. SB. DAVIDBOM CO (Journal Special Service.) London, Aug. 11. Dr. Davidson, the Archbishop of Canterbury, is among the passengers on the Celtic sailing for Mew York today. The primary object if Dr. Davidson's trip to the United States is to attend the Episcopal gen ral convention to be held at Boston aext October. The Interval between his arrival and the opening of the conven tion will be spent by Dr. Davidson In visiting personal friends In Canada and In New York. 3vVHAT DID .THE SPECIAL B0T1CI. Know all men that by tbese presents L B. G. froaa sell, trsnafer and curter to J. W. Will ill my right, title and Intereata In the Boston i Studio, now located at 1--. Morrlaon atreet. sonatstlng of all furniture, carpets and small mstrunssata. all negatlrea. twe show cases at toot of stairs, 12 frames of plctnrea and all samples In aald framaa. 4 haekerounds. sky light curtain. 2 curtains on pole, 1 counter ind tbe good will and sll bualneaa of the Boa Son Btndlo and all coupons on oald stunt . Asd I hereby guarantee to J. W. Will tint aald itudlo Is free from sil incumbrances and debt to blm. Witnessed my hand and seal. B. O. FROST. Witnessed by M. I'slmer and lie rid Paris. It la agreed between both parllca that waea certain aolar lena cornea J. W. Will la to say O B. Frost J8 and the freight for ssmr, which Is 10 Inches la diameter. JaTOTICI BOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING The anaual meeting of the stockholders of the Mountain Uon Gobi Mining company, for the elect Ion of a board of directors to serve for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of ssjsjt other business ss may come before the BssstLag. will be held st the office of tin eorapssy. rooms SOS to 31o Mohawk bulldlne Portlanil. Oregon, on September 14, 1904, st the hoar of 11 o'clock s. as. JOHN -M GEAR1N. Secretary Mountain Uon Geld Mining Co. MM will he received for the construction of at lags planked boulevard sad concession plil forms by the director of works up August 23. Plana and specification In the office of director ef works Lewis and Clark Bipoettkm comnasy. Stesrna bldg.. Sixth snd Morns' n ata. 6a 0 ft arrPATioBS yumo-nMUjm. rot NO ladr da shuts pssttlsa as cashier or private exchaags operator. Address P S, save Joarasl. - j . , stBXr WAJtTaIatALl OB rogAJJ., IN AT far solicitors, fM par eaat- Call 203 First St., rsosa a. HILT WANTED MALJL WESTERN EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. M Third .t. Phone Main 1810 nllMtfi, 88. no each; I ebaatberinalds. ISO month; factory gtrla. 13.00 to 10 00 par weak; 4 house girls. 120.00 monihi 2 seam stresses. 11 on per day; 1 eook. oat of tnwn too oil ir mouth; 1 cook, out of town, 30.00 pee month. ' W A NTKD For T. Army AMe-bodled ua marrlru men. between ages or II ana Be, rltlaene of fatted States, of good eharartar and temperate habits, who ess speak, reed and write English for Information, apply to Recruiting Ofaesr. Third ask Oak ata.. Portland Or. WANTED At Bureks and Redding FIRST-CLASS T1MBKRMEN Fallen OS North Mountain Power Co.'a right of way. Wages, ISO to 870 par month and board. Address North Mountain Power Company, Eureka California. ,.t 1 . BA RHKK trade taught by our sew method, whl.-h enable atudeat to earn wage while learntmr Call or addrrae for free catalogue. AMERICAN BARBER COLLEGE CO.. Nc M Wort Slate at. SKILLED AND UNSKILLED LA BOB of alt ,i..rriofion nromotlr an dd Lied. Free of cnargc to fmpworr. - HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENTS OFFICB 2d North Second street, near Burnalde. MEN WANTED Te learn barber trade: special offer: poaltlnna secured; con at ant practice and expert inexrucnon; CIEiavnr w,nw yww Molar System College. San Franrtaco. CeL MEN wanted, to read the "Male Help Wanted" sdrertisements: you'll always and a number ot good openings amoag them. MOLDERS wanted: open ahop; 83 BO per day of nine honrs. Benlcla Iron Worse, Beulcla. California. ' WANTED -Barber for Saturday; $4 go ran teed. 370 N. BBrd at. PLUMBERS wanted at Salmon. First at., corner HHP WANTED FEMALE. U III 1.8: Keep roar eye os Journal want col urana; what you want Is "rery likely adrer tlaed In these columns today; read them carefully. WANTED Girl to cook, waab and Iron for famllr of three; also seeoud girt. Call phone Eaat 22W. WANTED A cook at my home: good wages. Apply W. r. Barron. T First st. N I r. I Ironers, l ulou laundry, Second and Columbia ata. STTTJATTOWI WAJfTEP MAXE. STRONG German boy, does not spssk very good Engllah. wanta altuatlon. Address Gleaeek, 124 Knott at. SITUATION WANTED By s Irst-rlsas Janitor; ran glv reference. Address E T, Journal. SITUATION wanted by a plumber, with long exsertenee. 0. 15, The Journal BUSINESS CHANCES. BOOMING HOUSE HBADQUABTBBS. TAFT CO. 1354 Ablngton bldg. Phone Main ISO. A FEW Of OUR LEAKERS. 2S ROOMS Choice location. 2 years' leaee: rent. MS on par month; clearing over 9100 per month. 14 BOOMS On Birth at., new furniture, good lease, rent reasonable; clearing nearly 100 per month; petes, J1.2SO.O0. S BOOMS Near Portland hotel, very Bnely furntahed. rent right; this bouee Is strictly modern In every respect; JTO0. 10 ROOM hnuae. swell location, finely furnlabed. heat bay on the market; price, osiy J850.00. WE WANT 8 to 12-ROOM hoosa, weU furnished, good lo rn Hon; hare Immediate cuatomar. TAFT k CO.. 125 Abiogton Blk. A BARGAIN fin J2.S00. a paring general merchandise a tore In a thriving country town: living rooma: wsreboosc; , three large Iota; atock at Invoice; near good school, sswmtll. grlatmlll and good surrotindlns ciTuntry; atagea meet and part escb day; railroad sur veyed by town. C. B. DONNELL A CO.. 230 Stark St.. Portland. Oregon. WANTED A partner. German or Swedish pre ferred, for liquor bualneaa. well eatabllahed. splendid location, ane Sat. well furnlabed. piano Included, only JT50; iplendld oppor tnnltT rlgtt party. SS2 Mohawk bldg.. Third snd Morrison St. GROCERY atore for sale In a good lorstlcn: alee oleas stock at Invoice. 5 per cent dis count, and a llcht borae. harness asd aprlng wagon; very cheap. 504 Fourth st. 'BUSINESS CHANCES" adverttaeaoents la Journal Want Columns bring big retsrna; If you want to buj or sell s bualneaa. try them; 21 words far IS cents. WHAT have yen to ezebsnge as fall payment or part payment for a Ufa tnaurance poller la one of the largeat old Urn companies? Address M. T2. Journal. A SNAP Rooming house 25 rooma. 4 years' Iraae; price. J1.S0O. JSBO down, balance on eaay payments. Call, see owner direct, 1SSH Morrlaon at. , RESTAURANT that will nay for Itself In one trnnth. doing s-ood bualness. and will bear Investigation. Csll at VW Eaat Morrlaon st. FOR HALF. Mnat sell at once; reetanrant doing good business; anltahle for man and wife. Address J. R. Bitter. Hammond. Or. FOR SALE Stock of household goods, con elating of bedroom, dlnlne-roora and kitchen furniture and stoves. 410 Hall at. IF wsntlns s ftrat-clasa ground fVsir proposi tion, small Investment, address immediately A. 2. The Journal. jaon CIGAR and confectlonerv. with Ice cream and living rooma. 833 Ftrat at.. South Portland: rent J8. A small dslry snd rente for sale: also col lie pups for ssle, and tent, 12x18. Phone Scott BS3. TWO CHAIR barber ahop for sale or to rent. Inquire Cut Rale Tallora. 238 Second at. FOR SALE Shoe shop with or without tools. Eaat aide ateel bridge. . . WAWTBP TO BENT. WANTED To let you know that sdvrrtlalng your vsesnt rooms In Journal want columna Is tbe eaalest snd quickest way to Snd de sirable occupant a: 15 cent a pays for 21 words. WANTED A room with closet and folding bed. be respectshle .ronna woman. within 12 titocka of Portland hotel, and in s clean house; permanent. B. A, The Jonnal. WANTED BEAL ESTATE. WANTED To buy from owner, s amall dairy, fruit or ponHry farm: glvs full description. Address A IS. care Journal. WANTED ROOMS. ROOMS WANTED. Hereral hnndred lodgings will be needed to accommodate tboae attending mining con gress from Anguet 22 to 27 : send price. Iocs Hon and nnmher of rooma to 11. K. Sargent chairman of committee on entertainment. 534 i namrier or I omateres. AI.l. thoae xrho bare rooms to rent pleaae send particulars, string prices, location, how to reaen or atreet cars. Portland Commercial club. WANTED aUSCEIXAHEOJ. AN ArrTERTISRlf ExfT Like this In Journsl want columns 5 cents s line each Insertion. It Is sttracttve and reaches the people yea wsnt te reach. Try oaal WANTED Pair of Indian clubs: ststs stas weight and price. L. H.. J partial F0K EHT-sfES. rilB Rf.VT Part of store e V.mKIV good; state tmalneaa going iu. dress D S, cars Journal. You can have an Advertisement containing not over 25 words published in next Sunday's JOURNAL WANT COLUMNS FREE OF CHARGE If you will take it to one of the Journal's Want Ad. Branch Offices. gjHHHF :'t - , . t There is a branch office near your home. Here is the list: HOkTH. R. A. Preston, druggist, 2Srd and Thur- man atreata. Nob Hill Pharmacy. 80 QUaan street. corner ' Hat. A. W. Allen, pharmaclat, 16th and Mar ahall streets. R. B. Jacka. confectionery, 600 Waah li.gton atreet, corner 19th. SOUTH. B. F. Jonea Co., drugglats. Front and Olhba streets. CQttel Drug Co., First and Grant streets. J. TB. Worth, pharmacist, 122 Belmont street. A DVERTISEMENTS are received at the 4ibove places C.nL until 11 o'clock for the daily issues, and 9 o'clock Sat urday evening for the Sunday issues of The Journal at regular main office rates. UtytOl atlsT AOOaTSZa, BKl.- ef sll issrrlpHaaa furslaeea sswssttls. fk?S, Ktrat at 1'hexw Mala lt AIJ. kinds of male help furnlabed on abort notice free to einslnyer. wll.l.iAaao si 3BH North Second St. HOl'SH, Pbons Red 151. LADIES Positions secured sad femsio help mm I. hen. tne xirraroa " ' ment Ageaey. 204 Allaky building. Phoas Clay SOS. AMERICAN Employment Ageaey. Help "' sll kinds rurmehed oa snori nonce; men peotcptbe attended to. N. Mat. slain till. rrtn I. a m KM ONT.T. roR.TT.AND Women 'a Emplojment Company. Zlfl Allaky, cor. so sno xaomson. imtu eni. OCT mestlca. farmhands, etc SS norn sins at. Phona Oar bxrk PIONEER EMPIyOTMENT cfe.. Lalaor eootrae- tors; neip rree xo empaorera. sji-. HELP wanted snd supplied, male or female. K. O. 1IKAP.B. sud rraaamaxon ai.. vwr UrnSV for men men fo HANSEN 8 OFFICB. as Norm BSCOtra ex. EOR RENT HOTJSEKEEPIsTO BOOMS. tin PER WEEk Large, clean, fnialakal housekeeping roots, wirn ot mnxtxirr. usis. eme; also cheap furntahed cottages. J. ndtgaa. 1S4 Jrherman. Phone Clay Ml FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms in sll psrts of the cltyt Read ima ciasaincsiion n yon are looking fur soase- SW sth St. Nleely furntahed. housekeeping apartmenta; light rront rooms. o. uesi). Prop. f THE Templeton. 206H let St., nleely furnished notiscaeeptng ana aiugic. ns.ixx. (nwieiH,. rt I ETON. cor. 1st and Coin Ins anltes: reesouswe seisy. FOR RENT FTJRaTISHED BOOMS. THE FAIRMOl'NT. t& North Btgth. near PnrnsHe. bair Block nnrtn or poatoraea. a blorka south of depot Yoa esa get rooms In this eleeantlr furnished, new. steam-heated building at reasonable rates, furnished or tiniurnisncn. single or eu suitv. en ,uu cvm running water in rooma. electric Rghta. porce lain hatha, phone; touriat and tranalent trade solicited. Mra. 8. E. Cartxvrlgbt. proprletreaa. RIVERSIDE HOTEIy JWIt East Oak. Furnlahed and unfumlahed rooma, single and en suite: lodging, t per week snd up. Pbons Scott MM. FI'RNISHED room sds In Journsl wsnt col umns bring results; zi words ror in cents Is the rets. Hsve you say rooma t FT'RNIKItED rooms for rent; Urge front parlor: 2Wl Fifth St., cor. Madison. Also room and board. Tits' TEMPLE I .arse nlcelr furntahed reasonable. 94.1V r tmntii sr.. cor per corn. FOB BENT HOUSES. A OOOD home Is slways a source of pleaanre; many nice honaea that will make good no mra ere coaatsntly advertised In Journal waat columns. Are you looking for one! RENTAL AGENCY of J. L. WeIJa Co.. M Grand sve. we make a speriaitr or renting bonaca and collecting on east aids; charges reasonable. Phone Union 888. 8 NEW modern 8 -room houses on the east Side. In S goofl location, as szi. inonira or Hsrtmsn. Thompson tk Powers. 8 Chamber of Commerce. FOR rent or ssle. Jnll Williams avenue fl-room house, al mode-n convenloncea. Apply zona Bain. 224 Stark st. Tel. Msln T88. FOR BENT New 6-room cottage, with bath and nantrr: good location ana car Bet-rice. Call at 2M First St. FOR RENT House, corner Serenteenth snd Ollsan streets. inquire at itn rittn. aaax Smith. "The Savoy." FOB, BENT Nine newly papered rooma. 1414 Hth at.. 4 per montn. uan aua anseny ax., corner 5th st. - NEW modern h-room cottsge, furnished, at Hlland park; reasonsble rent. 012 fomtner clal bldg. FOB RENT Convenient S-room modern house, Fourth St.. lu. newly paierea. ooutn Hood B6T. lt)R RENT One Broom cottage. 470 Belmont, near r.. wtn. notes r.. lis MODERN H room cottage; bath; desirable key nesi door, mm rteiaon ax FLAT FOB RENT FURNITURE FOB BALE NlTw furniture of 2-room housekeeping flat, down town. 20. The Journal. LOR ANB F O UgD. Fot'ND In the Wlllsmette river lsat Sunday, s box containing s collection of canceled stamps. Owner call on Pac. Mutual Lite Ins. Co.. 827 Mstqosm bldg. INDIES' wstrta, Initials E. Me. I. set In dls monda and rublea. Return 628 Irxlng St., or pbone Mala 8474. Beward. , IOBT Many good opportunities eviry day yon fall to ad Journal want columns. Don't mlaa tbem. FOB SALE HORSES AMD CARRIAOIS. YOU CAN sell your bona or waroo by sdver tlAIng It In Journal Wast Columns; try them; 21 worda for 16 cents. BOOMS WITH BOARD. room snd board la private family for oae or two gentlemen: every convenience; near steel bridge. 240 Adsms St. BOARD with rooms well eooveoloaces; table board. furnlbed: 221 thirteenth at. ROOM for two gentlemen, with board; prlrata family,, at egg Burnstoe at. EAST SIDE. Tuttle's Pharmacy, 853 Miaalsalppl ave nue, corner Shaver street. Nichols Thompson, 12S Kussell street, I'omer Alblna avenue. Jancke Drug; Co., corner Hawthorne and Orand avenues. J. A. Dick, tobaccos, 124 Crosby (East end ateel bridge.) B. F. Fulton, confectionery, 174 K. Burn aide, corner 1'slon avenue. Ingram & Bush, tobacconists, 1(1 Grand avenue. Brooklyn Pharmacy, Mllwaukle atreets. FOB SALE BEAL EgTATB. FOR SALE 6 acres on O. W. P. car line at dates' crossing. 8800; q acres with bouae. 1128: 2 acres with house, 8300; easy terms, inquire at dates' crossing. PROPERTY OWNERS If you bars any prop arty for ssle, sdrerttse It In tbese columna. Journal Wsnt Ads are great real eatste sales men: XI words for IB cents. FOR SALE It-room bouee; bath; near r car; fall corner lot; fruit trees and roses. 81.27.1; this la a aaao. Address W 21, Tbe Journsl. or 026 Hendricks sve. FOR SALgt Lot 100x100. with mat.rlal for building B room house on essy terms; else Iota Is Lsurelwood, 8125 a let. Addreai A. 17. Tbe Journal. FOR SALE Three 5-room cottages -with base ment and rard; good condition: renting for 814.00 month; essy terms; 81.400 each. M. 47, Journal. RELINQUISHMENT on 100 seres Isnd nesr Lffle, Wash.; good two-room house ; good well: about two seres fenced. N,. IS. Journal. FOR SALE S-room bouse and lot at Vorty second and Division ata.; hot and cold water: 81.400. Csll st 224 H Waahlngton St., room 10. FOB farms, screege. dty property, choice tim ber snd homestead locstlous, aee Masweh A Burg, 810 Ablngton bldg.. Portland, Or. T-ROOM cottage. No. SIM Corbett St.. with Una orchard; lot boxiim reet; rent io per montn. Inquire Frank Hacheney, 00 Corbett st WHY PAY RENT? New S-room cottsge: 8100 casta, balance 818 monthly. Address B. 21. The Journal. HUMES built on lnatallmente; several new hnusei about eomplete: $1 Sno tn 82.SOO. o. M. Smith, 714 Chamber of Commerce. N'BW 4 -room bouae with basement : price 8000; 8400 casta: balance long time. Inquire 1080 Denver svenue. Take V car. 80-sore Improved farm for sole: stock, etc. Particulars, sddreae C. W. Btephena. Clarka. Oregon. Clackamas county. FOR SALE g-room modern bonse; 50x100 lot; 1801 -Twelfth at., Woodlawn; price 81.S80. R. Farringwm. TO EX CHAN OE. WHAT yon hsve snd don't want la Just what aomeone else seeds and can't. Snd. If you'll advertise It In Journal want columns you can make a good trade. Try them; 21 wards for 18 cents. FOB !AIJrMla3aaiAlITOJ8B, BEWINO machines: 100 flue machine, slightly damaged at very low prices; Singer, v. S.. I'omeattc. White. N -w Home. Olds A King. Willamette Wheeler A Wilson and others: acme new drop-bead machlnea st 830.00. S. 8 glee, S8B Morrison St., ear. Ith. Marquam bldg.. Portland. Ore. IN your store room you probably have some thing of no use to yon, but It's good, am you may Just as well get cash for It b adrer Using la Journal want columns; 21 words for IB cents. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER. Vlslbls writing. Tsbulstor. Ball bearing. Light running. Agency SB Front st. Phone Bed 1M1. BILLIARD AND POOL tsblea for rant or for ssle on eaay psyments. THE BBCNSWICK BALKE COLLENDEB CO.. 49 Third St.. Portland EOB BALK CHEAP Marble waahatsnd snd osaaMnatton chamnoo; also gas heater. Call at 370 No. SSrd at. BICYCLE closing out ssle; 840 Wolff-Americans now 826. Seventh snd Morrison ata KIR SALE Durham cow nnd 2-rear.dd h.'lfor Enquire at 825 Mlsner st-. Montavlus. FOB ssle or rent. Urge Bailing yseht. Address S. 18. care of Journal. PERSONAL. . J. Hlrstabelmer. pension attorney, eoxi nee Dot at law pensions: War of the Rebellion. In dlau ware. Act ot June 27. 1800, order1 No. 78, widows, children snd dependent rrdatlrea. bounties, arrears, commutatlona and claims agslnst the U. 8. Boom 0, Cham, of Com. WANTED BOO houses to resblngle before th rainy season sets la. Estimates given on sll kinds of shingling. For responsible work sod reasonable Brlces. call up FOSTER A KfRK. Phone Cm oh 1088. MANLY rigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nerve (llobules. One month's treatment. 82: 3 montba. 88; aent securely sealed by mall. Agents, Woodsrd. Clsrke A Co., Portland, Or. YOUR prsasrrtpHoaa are more accurately and reasonably SI lea ax nyaen s rnsrxisrt, mi Morrison St.. bet First sad Second eta. PERSONAL Yonr business or professions! card la Journal Want Columns will bring yoe hnelnrse; 21 words for IB cents. Try It. CATER only to the beet people, specialist on . . . . M. k.l. ..4 smI,. Mm B 1W (iisrsses lit li. nsu sou - J- ' Vers. BOO Dskum. Pbons Hood 8ST. ON a Blow Trsla Tbroegb Arkaoasw." by Jackson: fall of fua and Jokss; 88 csnta Jones' Bookstore, tot Alder at. MME. H B. Ely. derma tologlat. scalp treatment, shampoo, electric rossssgs. til floodnoegb. ATTCBkTrYB. tACIKIC tsosst Law A Collectioa Agency- toriisoxi OtIICX, ivw vsiw", B. B. BIOOEN, attorney and cooosellor-st Uw notary. BOB 808 Ablngton lldg. SHEPHERD. ANDrBBON A CBl.LARS. Asoracye, 81-rato-g1 MargsaxaK Mdg. FOB FOR RALB FARMS Imnrored farms far sals In all parte ef Ore gon and Waahlngton: payments msds to salt for mil particulars as to , s ' i" ons properties apply to Was. MecMastse. 811 Worcester blng, WO' I.D you like to lira on a farm? Thla M woere many excellent laroia are vtiwsi vsrtlaeA. Look tar Ibeak corner Powell and MONET TO LOAJa. VRBD H. STRONG. FINANCIAL AGBNT. Money to loan. No commission. I am In a position to auks Immediate loans on Improved reel estate or for hrlld Ing purposes; say amount; moderate Inter est. We approve Inane from pirns snd ad vance money aa building progresses. Option Is repayment after oae year. FEED H. STBONO. Financial Agent. 103 Socood St.. near Stark. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any Bslsrled emnloe waae-oeroae. can eat en tals aota, without mortgage Month H-mosrh. Week. 50 00 Repay te us 818.83 or 88.86 or 88.86 26.00 Repay to os 3 8 85 or 88.88 or 81. 1B.00 Repay to aa 8 4.00 or 82.00 or 81.00 Ctoaaslentlal. no McKay bldg.. 10BH SALARY LOANS Any salaried person baring exswor position with responsible arm CSS obtain money on the ?aay partnent plan, with out publicity or delar: all business treated strictly conSdeatlal. NOHTBWBST LOAN CO.. 821 Ablngton bldg.. dty. LOANS ON THE EASY-PAYMENT PLAN To Salaried People. Strictly ConfldentlsX Office hours. 0 a. m. to 6 p. m. EMPLOY EBB' LOAN CO. Phone 224. Boom T18. The Deknm bldg. B. W. cor. Third snd Waahlngton ata MONEY TO LOAN oa real personal asd enl istees! security: special attention to chattel mortgsgea; notes bought C. W. Pallet. 218 bib. mens ata ibsd. FB0M 100 to 81,000, rates T. 8 sad 10 per cent: and rrom to at 9 per cent, by CHARLES HIBSTEL. WH Third St.. room 8. epp. Chamber of Commerce. MOBTOAQB LOANS oa Improved dty snd fsrm property ar inweet current rates: ouiKnng losas. Installment loans. Waa. MacMaatsr. 811 Worcester bldg. MONBY loaned on pianos, furniture snd other '.."., wriiriii, ,ii isHiDtss strictly pre Tate. NORTHWEST LOAN CO.. 821 A blag ton bldg.. city. MONEY to LOAN la targe or email amounts on good .security: lowest rates. William 0. neck. 807 f alling bids MONEY ADVANCED salaried peonle. teamsters' exx:.. wunout aecunxy: eaay psyxnents: lara; est business tn 40 principal cities. Tolmas. 223 Ablngton bldg. CHATTEL loans tn amounts rangiag from 138 xo ao.onti; rooming-boesea a apes-la try new Eva Loan A Trust Co.. 80S Ablngton bldg. CHATTEL loans; rooming tannsea a apeetalty, mans in aaiarea people, new era Loan a Trust 1o., i 203 Ablngton bldg. MONEY TO LOAN FBOM 820O UP: PRIVATE PARTY. ADDRESS 882 MOHAWK BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved or unlmproeed city property , in aums to suit. I arriBD. si ktus A Co.. 250 Alder at. LOANS at lowest rates oa furniture, pianos; any security notes purchased. Esatern Loan ofiee. 410 McKay bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on Clackamas count" tands. E. F A F. B. Riley. 80S Chamber of . Com ARCHITECTS. BOTXMON A CO Architects and aaerta temlenta. Suits 812 Msclesy bldg.. cor. Fourth and Washington ata Goodrich A Goodrich, archltecta: Wo, W. Good rich, cooanltlng engineer. IBS 8th. Front 1682. ASPHALT TAVIKO. THE Trinidad Asphalt Paving Co. of Portland. Office 8SB Worcester blk. BARGING AMD LIOHTEBINO. OREGON BOUND Lt'MBEB CO.. St. Pbone Grant 1171. COAL AND WOOD. GREAT WESTERN COAL CO.. 441 Hoyt, eor. 11th; waahed lump soot less cos I, $8.00 per ton; nut, 8500; agents for Cumberland Ranee. 87.00: Caatls Gate. 88.58: wholessls prices; free delivery: full weights; aatlafae- tlon guaranteed, rnone stain vwt. STEEL bridge woodyard. Be surs sad see os before yeu buy wood snd coal ; full measure Esrsnteed. Office. 218 Uolladsy are. Pbone st 424. E. La merino. Manager. HERB la year chance to set your winter's box wood: rive loads. 31.60 s load, or elngle loada st 11 75 s load. Multnomah Wood Com paoy. Pbons Msln 8110. . . ALBINA FUEL CO.. Railroad st. sad Alblna are., near ferry; slsh snd block weed, dry and green. Phone Eaat 874. GOBMAN COAL CO. Front snd Pettygrove ata. Call as op. PHONE MAIN 8S8. WESTERN FfcED A FUEL CO.. Phone 1018. Csstls Osts cbsl sad sll other cost on market. 184 North Fifth at. HOOVER A CONWAY, (18 Water st.. tbe place tor good 4-foot. Uve Or Ire wood. Pbone Male 4608, PIONBBB Fuel Co.. removed from foot Mor rison to foot Main at Pbons Main ISO. C. B. VEUN, tret -class wood snd eosl; office 33 Alblns sve., nesr ferry. Phone East 1832. OREGON riTEX CO : sll kinds of coal and wood. B44 Morrlaor Phone Main 88 0ABPEN TER8 AND r 'T1LDLBS. A. J. AUTUOatB t H I WOOD, carpenters sad bnlldara, repairing and Jobbing; store snd ofdee fixtures bullL Shop 800 Columbia. Phone Clay 1851. FANNING A ARMSTRONG Carpenters a sal builders', repairing sad Jobbing: reaaonsbls rates. Kaop cor. fourth aad Columbia, kroat O. W. GORDON, counters, ehetrfn. bouses built and renalred. BOS goerth. Clay ITS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, EVRRD1NG A FARRELL. produeV and commis sion mertksnts. 140 rront st.. Portland Or. Phone Msln 7TB. CB00XEBT AJTO OLA8SWABE. WHOLESALE crockery and glaaawars. Prael. Uagsle A Co.. 100 to 108 Fifth, ear. Stark at. AST METAL WOBKB. OMN AMENTA L work fog raaldsuess. baslaam houses, banks snd etflcs rslUngs, grill. Bra place Bttlugs. cbandellera. algna, fences, art work la any atylr metal snd nolsb; taammaraS leaf work and metal aploalug a spsylsltyi bslldlns eoostructursl wcrk. L. g. Ttwrck. 40(404 Darts, cor Ninth. CMIBOrODY ABP MAinC7JBJ3l. WM. DEVENY A ESTELLE DEVENY. the only sclsotlfk chh-opodlats, oar lor. room 203 Drew bldg . 12 Second at. Phone Mala 1301. This Is tha long-haired gentleman. Hs la the man yea are looking for CAFES. THB OFFICE, 285 Washington sL. .boas A Main 771. Picket A Vlgnesux. CAFB KBATZ. 122 Sixth st. A flss Bunch served at sll hours. CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST. PROF. YARMO ZINOLBR This week. 86 readings. Bt. Selenttfle ptare nologtat. palmist, psychomotor snd inentallst. A (It Ice on sll questions pertaining to human life. Will do what others clslm to do. Hours, ti .in to 8. 841V Morrison. Cor. Serenth. MADAME JOHNSTON Clairvoyant. palmtst. csrd rssder; I give facts rellabts snd Im- Ktant oa all affairs of real Ufa. B as dings 106 Fourth St. CI0ABB AND TOBACCO. EBBBBO-UUNST CIOAR CO. Dtoarlbutuga eg FINE CI04BH. Port hind. Oregoa. DREB8MAKINO. MRS. McKIBBEN. artistic miring. 181 Misrlsaa s. drsss snd ctosk- OZMENT CONTRACTORS. HAWKINS A CO. Bealdence, BOB Fourth St.. pbons Front 1288: cement work of all ds scrlptlons; stsp work specialty; work guar anteed. CH AS. H CARTER A CO. (formerly Csrter A Ell), cement contractors. 874 Tsggart. Pbona Esst 1STB. All work guaranteed. DOO AND HORSE HOSPITAL. Drl. S. J. CARNEY Veterinary surgeon luS norta mxrn st. t-ncoe mam io; Msln S8S7. DECORATORS. HENRY BEBOBBr 180 First St.: wallpaper. Ingrains, tapestries, applique mswae. inter ior decorating. BATKBJfAL rBjtANCE. ORDEB OF WASHINGTON Foremost fratsr- nal society of northwest: proterta the liv ing. J. L. Mitchell, supreme secretary. 813 snd 818 Maronsta bldg.. Portland. Or. Tale Phons Msln 842. DYEING AND CLEANING. PORTLAND 8TKAM CLEANING AND DYBINO Worts: practical batter In connection: feather boas snd plumes cleaned and curled by aa ex pert. Sll Fourth. Phcne Clay T04. J. HUNTER. 650 Jefferson St.. steam carpet and mattress cleaning: feather renovating: all work guaranteed. Phone Main 214. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED 81 per TTl T" 1 1 I .. rv. SZV UV.shlne. ton st. H. W. TURNER, professional dyee and cleaner. BOB Jefferson st. Phone Msln roin. EJLECTRXCAL WOUt NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL BNOINBEBINO Company. 309 Stark St.. Portland; u. K. ror everything la the electrical Use. Phone. Main IBM. - FURNITURE FACTORIES. FURNITURE manufacturing and special orders. L. Hut. laky a furniture rartory. btu rront au 0BJ8OON Fttrnlture UrSnfactnrtne pomoany Manufacturers of furniture for tha trade. 208 fire st. GROCERS. WADHAM8 A CO.. wholessls grocers, msns- fartorera and commission mercnaum. rourtu ana una ata. ALt.EN A LEWIS, commission snd jrsodnea mar cbsnta. Front and Darts ata., Portland. Of. LANG A CO.. First snd Anksay att BATS CLEANED. EASTERN Hat Manufacturing Company. 822 First, near Clay; Data uyeo. cieaneo. Daxraeu; made over ha tatsst atyles oar specialty; Psnsms bats. " HOTELS. Hotel Portland. American plan; 83. 88 per day. Belvedere: European plan: 4th snd Alder aaa. BBVBBBBBs i. BBBaBasat HORSES AND CARRIAGES. UNITED Carriage Co.. rubber tired carrlagea, tally boa. Main 222. 153 11th. cor. Morrison. HUMAN HAIR BOLLS. J. J. B0BG. maker human hslr rolls. 428 E. 0th. Tel. East 2211. Htore. .Wl aiorriaon at INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE, firs laaarancs. bldg. 800 Dekaat JAB. Mel. WOOD, employers' liability and ta dlTldnal accident anrety bonds of sU kinds. Pbone 4T. 80S McKay bldg. w nRTKl. COMPANY, fln 448 Sherlock bldg. Oregon phone Clay 628. FIRE INSURANCE J. P. Kennedy A Co.. bldg. Pbons Main iiuas. ARTHUR WIIAON, Sre Insurance, bldg. Phone Main 10J8L PHOENIX IRON WOBKSI Engineers, manu facturers of marine, mining, logging and aaw nrtll machinery: prompt attention te repair work Phone. Eaat 20. Hawthorns are. u I. Sd. MA0NETIC HEALER. I BTTCCESSFriXY treat sll forms of disease, whether chronic or acute: also tssch others. Mrs. L. n. Hsrt, 111 Allsky bldg. MUSICAL. T. PL LAWBON. 140 Park. cor. Main, piano les- 1 tar ma re so name, i-none rruut VAPOB baths and masssge by Isdy with young lady saalatant. WV, Fourth, room 8. MRS. OBROCK. masseuse, has returned from the esst. Union lsz FISHER MUSIC CO.. 100 Third St. Victor talklna machlnea: repairing Red 068. BOSS OF THE ROAll OVERALLS andjneohan tee' clothing: union msde. 'custodier Bros., manufacturer" Portland. Or. PIUMBEBS. FOX A CO,, ranltary plumbers. 231 Second, bet Msln sud Salmon. Oregon pbons. Main Ball. DON N FHftr till It Al'RMACHFtt M reaasved U S4 Fourth St. Bath pkaass. PAINTINO AND PAPEB-HANOIHO. r. K. BUTTON, pa hater and psperhanger. Madison at., wsst ead of bridge. 178 PATENTS. B- a WEIGHT, lawyer: psteats s specialty; as sua lit your Inventions. Room 804 Dekam. FLATIKO. -Li-.rui-. L'r- l-i'Lin. -i,i-i-ii-i.i-ii r - TH'I OREGON P LATINO WOBKB, 401 Wisb lugton street. Phone 2678. Polishing, plat log aad lacquering. sons BtAgflAOB AND BATES. WMXm CL1PPIHOB. ktAJCB MONEY! VSE PRESS CLIPPINGS! Ring ap Black it aad order a aasatta's serefee covering every to wo la aay or sll coast atatea: daily messenger service; sdvxtae reports sa sll contract work. Portias ai also SL a'-ftNTB. OIL AMD GLASS. J- "CH CO .Pioneer Paint Co.. aslllsa fiiiH"' ,h,n ,n ,nts snd gesHwal building materials: window-glass and glaalng s spseaslty. 138 Ftrat at: pbons Mam ISsf D J?' A CO. Phoenix Ps mn4l ."Vor'a; manu'scturers and Importers palats. alia and epreva. ste.; phone 1ST. Ofgee '"W. Bherlock ave. and Nineteenth at. a . rTS'L.R co- msnufactarsrs Pioneer zf"' JS0'', Paint. KopaHnei a gaarsatse veuwltk every gallon ef paint manufactured RASMUSEN A CO., Jobbers, rslnts. oils, glass, sssh sad doors. ISO First at. RIBTINO. BI'SHONO A CO.. Front and Stark sta.. print ing, lithographing, blank books snd office supplies; work dune on time: moat complete printing office Is the wsst. Main 104. ANDERSON A DUNtWAY COMPANY, printing. tlThogranhlne. blaik books. Pboas Main 17. get Alder st. ROOrTKO. TIN ROOFING, rilttertns renalrlne aA Jobbing J. loall. 112 Jafferaqn street. AM. kinds of roots repaired and painted. W. J. Fsrrell. 80S Plrat. Bcott 042. ROPE, PORTI.AND COR DAG B CO.. ear. aad Nortktsp sts.. Portlsod. Or. B7aukEK BTAMTB. . '. CL STAMP WOBKB. 840 Alder at., p Main 710: rubber stamps, aeala atenclla. gage, tvade eheeks: send foe estslogne. BPBAY.TNO AND WHITEWA8HIN0. SPRAYINO and whlterrsshlng, trees, base ments, barns, docks, etc., M. O. Morgan aj Co. Call ap Bcott SB4. we will can and anew you ngures oa your work. Tha largest gasoline spraying sad whltewaahlng ooiflt )" Multnomah county. 870 Mllwaukle st. ron ib oa, tar. SAFES. LA no EST stock In dty: Dtebnld work: lockouts opened; repairs. Jail work, ateel celling, treat ment and goods meriting your patronage, J. E. ll.rla. SB Third st. a I BBj BTOBAOE AND THANSFEB. SAFES, plaaoa snd furniture moved, packed . ready for shipping snd shipped: all work guaranteed; targe 8-story brick fireproof warehouae for storsgs. Office IIS First at C. M. OL8EN. Phone Main 647. C O. PICK, office 88 First St.. between Stark and Oak sta.: phone BOB; pianos and furni ture moved ana pscgeo ror snipping; coax. modions nreproor nrica warehouse, snd Clay ata. TRANSFER AMD HATJLINO, OREGON TBANBFBB CO. 184 North Sixth, telephone Mala 80. Heavy hauling aaa storage. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. sgCtt Wash ington st. Pbons Or. Mala 882. ITOWeABtt AMP bTXTTJBIB. SHOWCASES of every descrlotlon; bank, bat . snd atore fixtures msde to order. Tbe Lutke Manufacturing Co.. Portland sad Seattle. TTPEWBrTJJBS YOST TYPEWRITER I1EADQUARTEBA tSO Stark Street. We rent, repair, sell, exchange typewriters. All sin pile, for afl machines. -Standard machines 826 snd up to 3100. Do you wsnt s stenographer or typist 1 We hsve list of good applicants. Pbone Black 2871. ALL MAKES of typewriters for rent st Under wood Typewriter Agency, BS Front st TRUNK FACTORY. PORTLAND TRUNK, MFG. CO. Wholesale and retail. Phone Clay 808. Cor. 3d A Pine. Portland. Send for catalogue. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, bruah, soap. 1 per month. Lawrence Bros.' Towel Supply company, 4th snd Conch. Pbons 488. WHERE TO DINE. BTROUSK'S RESTAURANT, flrst-class best serrtos. 220 Wsshlngton St. WALLPAPLB. uiinnaM WALLPAPER CO.. 184-188 at. bet Yamhill aad Taylor. PorUard. FINANCIAL. I ASD ft TXXTOM. BAXXZBB, L (stabUahed la I860) Tnutsscts a Oassral Bsnklng Business. Intetest Allowed oa Time Deposits. Collections msde st sll points on favorable terms. Letters ot credit Issued svsllsble la Bumps sud all points In the United States. Rl.fct Eirhanae snd Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York. Washington. Chicago. SL Loula, Denver. Omaha, ssn s-Ttaciaco txii aaou taua and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Parts. Bar II a. Frankfort. Hong Kong, Yokohama, Manila Sad Honolulu. rOtST MATJOMAX. BAKE r of PorUand, Or. Designated Depository sad financial Agent et the United Stataa. PrsMildeut A. U MILLS CaJiler W. NaTWKlBK Asaistaav I aar.lsr .......w. u. aLtoau A SS IS IS OS 1 ' ; ; U ' ' . BTBVBNB Letters of credit loaned avaVtabls la Europe and toe B,aBiero aistw. Bight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York. Boston. Chlcsgo. Bt. Louis. Bt Paul. Omaha. Baa Frsaeteee aad tha principal points In ths Northwest Bight snd time bills drawn Is sums to salt . on London. Paris. Berlin. Fraskfort-oD tDe -Main. Hong Kong. Yokohsms. Copenhagen, Chrlatlann. Stockholm. Bt retereburg, Mas. f . . .1 Xlnn..lnln Collections msds on fsvarabte UBTTXD BIAfflWllJlfAI BABE. OF PORTLAND, OREGON. NORTHWEST COB. THIBD ABD OAK STA Transacts a Oeaargl Bsnklng Business. DRAFTS ISSUED. AvaHLor la all cities of the United Stataa and En rope. Hong Kong and Manila. COLLECTIONS MADE ON FAVORABLE TERMS President J. 0. AINBWORTH Vice-President W. B. AYKB Cashier I B. W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier A. M. WBIOHT M3BCHAWTS' rlATTOMAT. BABE, PORTLAND. 0BJEOON. I. FRANK WATSON President It. L. DURHAM Vice-Prea! dent It. W. HOYT-, ., Csshlsr GEORGE W. HOYT ...Assistant Cashier Transacta a General Banklnr Bualneaa. Drafts snd letter, nf credit lasned avslleble to an parts of tha world Collections a specialty. Gold dnat bought. I OMPOM MAM lMAMOIBCO BAJTX. L LnhTITHD. Chamber ef Oommsros Building, Third and lark Street. Hssd Office. SB Old Broad Street London. Thla bank tranascts a general hanking boat, ness makes leans, dlscnunta hills and Issue letters of credit available for travelera ami for the purchase of merchandise In any city nf ths world. Ilea la In lorelgn snd uomeatle axchsngs. Interest paid on time deposits. W. A. MACRAB. Msnsaar. SsjOXntXYT SAVZWIHI nTjnooZ 803 Morrison St.. Portlssd. Or. Transacts s Oenaral Banklne Business. SAVTNOB DEfABTMENT. Interest Allowed on Time and Savlnga Depoalbv Arts aa Trustee foe , Estates. Drafts and letters of credit .tillable la all parts ef the world 0. 9. ADAMS ..President L A. LEWIS first Vice-President A. L. MILLS Second Vice-President R. 0. JtniTZ Secretary MO BOB. A tTMMISTJIMSglM. Offer gUt edge Inveatmsnts In Municipal aad Railroad Bonds. Writs or call. lllfH rirst It.. Portland. Oregoa. MORTOAGE L.OA1NA' fTl PO-tt1t1 R4-rl Fvlteff B)f ftlfr.8 TITLE GUARANTIEE ft TRUST CO. Boom 1, Cbsmlisr et Oummsree.