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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 19, 1901. 11 Entered it th poetofflcc of Portland. Or., for trmnsporuttoa through the mall u eseoad class milter. Postage tor tingle copies For id I. 10 or 1 psgs paper, 1 cent; 16 to 10 page, t wti; H to U pant, cent. TELESHOMES. Business Office Msln 600. Edlturlsl Booms Main 0. F0BEION AEVERTISraO KJEVKEBENTATITX. Vr. eland Beni.njln Special Advertising Agency, 160 Nihu .treat. New York; Trlbniie Build log. Chicago. tVMCBIVTIOV BATES, luai by Carrier. The Dally journal, with Sundsy, 1 yeer 6T.S0 The Pslly Journal. 1 roar 6 00 The Dally Journal, with Sunday. Booth. 8.T8 The Dally Journal. 6 moo the 2.00 The Dally Journal, with Sunday. S month. 1.(0 The Dally Journal . 1 month 1.S0 The Dally Journal, with Sunday. 1 month.. .66 The Dally, per weak. delivered, Sunday Included IS The Dally, par week, delivered. Rapday csptsd .V7 H Term by Mail. The Dally Journal, with Sunday. 1 yaar tT.OO The pally Joornal. 1 yaar 5 22 Th Dl!y Journal, with Sunday, month. S.Tg Jho Dally Journal. 6 month S.TB The Dally Joornal. with Monday, S month. 1.00 The Dally Joornal. 8 month. i S The Dally Joornal. with Sunday. X month.. .Jf The Dally Journal. 1 month Tbe Snnday Journal. 1 year. . sou .1.00 The Sunday Joornal. S month The Sean I-Weekly Journal. The Saml Weekly Joornal. S to 11 Pf. each taane 1!lnarat e-ll market re- l yr . . a.ov The Weekly Journal. The Weakly Journal. 100 rnlumna of read I eg each laaua. Illutratad. full mrket reporU, 1 yaar 1-SS Remittances ahnold be made bv drafts, paatal notes, express order, and small amount ara acceptable In 1 and 2-cent peataf atamaa. THE J0UBHAL. P O. Box 111. Portland. Or. ftabscrlbere to The Journal who may Ware iown nr tne osmmer can neva ini forwarded to them to any axaah charge, payment far the aama made upon their return. town for the oammer can hare the paper WllDOUl to WHEBE THE J0FBNAL MAT BE EOtTafD. The Journal can ha found OS sal at the fol Icwlng places : BOISE. IDA HO Pioneer hook a tor. CHICAGO Pes tof flea Kewa company. ITS Dear born street. DENVKB. COLO Rendrick Book Stationery company 012 SaTrnteenth afreet: J. Black. 81xtenti and Cartle streets. " . KANSAS I.IITY Vsa Nor New company. LOS ANCEI.R8 B. P. Gardner. M South Rprlne street; Oliver A Halnea. 105 South Spring treat. Ml N N KA IOI.1 8 M. J. Kaven.ngb. 60 South Third. NEW YORK" CITY Brentano'a, Union acinars. OODBN Orden Newa company. OMAHA Millard bote) newa atand; Megeath Stationary company. 1808 Farnum afreet. ALT LAKE CITY Kenyon hotel new atand; Marrow Bros AS West Recond afreet. South. ST. inns Phllln Roeder HI A Locust afreet. AN FRANCISCO W. . Ardlna. Palace hotel newa atand; Ooldaralth Bra.. HO Sutter atreet: Fred W. Pitta, inn Market etreet SPOKANK .WaVRH John W Oraham A Co TACOMA, WASH Central Newa company. 1121 racioe avenue. MEETING NOTICE. MINNEHAHA TRIBB. No. 2. Imnrovsd Order Red Men The regular meetings will be bald in ine new wigwam. Willamette aaii, no. 1T0H Second a treat, at o'clock p. m. each irjurausy evening PAOS CARTER. L. CARSTKNSBN. Chief of Record. AM ikst ORDER UNITED WORKMK-N You ara all Invited to attend an open meeting of i on is no. locige ro. n, many nignt. Augnat IP, at which time Paat Supreme Maater J. O. Tat will talk on "Fraternal Insurance.' Coma and bring your frlepda. By order J. II. TACKABERBY. Master Workman. Atteet: T. H. FEAREY. Recorder. EIJMEBAI. NOTICE. M OT.TAS At the residence of her father. O Swanson. August 10. 1064. Annie, beloved wife 0C H. B. MrClean. aged 2d year. S month. 26 dara. . Funeral will take place nunday. auius' zi. Irom the oarenta real dence. 109 Fargo afreet, at 2 p. m. Frlenda inviteo. WEATHER REPORT. Weather conditions and general forecast for Oregon. Washington and Idaho: Heavy ratna para occurred daring the laat 94 hours In the central weat. sad tha follow ing excessive amounts were reported: Kanaaa nii. 188 Inchea: Huron, 1.10 Inch; Omaha. 1.8c) Inchea: Dodge City. 1.S4 Inches. It 1 generally cooler In the North Pacific etatea. In Minnesota aad the Dakota It Is from 6 to 10 degree warmer; eleewhera tha changes In temperature hare been unimportant. The Indications are for fair weather In thla dlatrlrt Saturday. It will be slightly cooler tonigni. Temp. Mai. iftn. Prec. So M 0 w ft i TS M 0 S T4 .08 68 61 II Trt .11 0 62 T2 68 a o as .o 66 60 - 100 66 0 S 68 0 90 Tl JO 86 48 0 MM" ts as s.ts 82 an o TA 60 0 62 64 0 82 6 1.8S SO 60 Tl 68 0 00 64 i M 68 0 M 64 S3 66 0 T6 m .! 88 an t U M 80 64 71 64 .48 88 88 0 SO 64 0- 61 0 4 4 O SO 64 .01 00 64 0 101 SO 0 Baker City, Or Bismarck. N. D Rolae. Ida Boaton. Mass Charleston. S. C Chicago. Ill Cincinnati. O Denver, Colo Detroit. Mich El Paao, Tag Eurek. Oal Freano, 01 Helen. Mont Jacksonville. PI Kallapell. Mont Kamloop. B. C Kanaaa City, Mo Lna Angelea. Cal New York. N. Y North Head, Wh... On aha. Neh Philadelphia. Pa Plttabnrg, Pa fcatello, Ida rtlaad, Or aeburg. Or T men to. Oal Loula, Mo It I.ak. Utah aa niego. cal in Franclaco. Oal... St Paul. Minn Spokane. Wash Tecoma, Wash Victoria. B. C Walla Wan. Wash.. Washington. D. C. ... Wlnnemucca, Nav.... Jiuma. Aria MARRIAGE LICENSES. Clyde R. Reed. 22. and Eva Noren. 20. James Edward Mahon, 21, and Mary TXbomaa, 21. BIRTHS. Angnat IT. to Mr. and Mr. Walter Klett of 882 Flrat afreet, a daughter DEATHS. August IT, August BtaasTta, aged 44 years, at St. Vincent's hospital: canae, carcinoma of stomach. Burial at Pendleton. Or. Augnat 6. Balph Moore, aged 16 year, at Mood Samaritan noanltal; c alias, acuta menln pltls. Burlsl at Multnomah cemafary. Crematorium os uregae Clt ear Baa. aaat Sellwood; modern, scientldc. complete. Charges a annua. s-; cnunren. SJO visitor a a. to 6 p. m. Portland. Or. Portland Cremation aaeclatloa. The Edward Holman Undertaking company funeral directors aad embalmera. HO Third fttraet. Phone 507. J. P. Flnley A Boa. fnneral directors aad Ehalmera, kera removed ta tbslr new estab im.nt. corner Third aad Madlaon atresia th phooea No. t. Esllar Byrnes Co., funeral directors sad a hslmers. tT( Russell Lady asst. Phone Bast 1 OSS. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. A. H. Irnns and wife to 0. M. Smith. fractional block 248, Couch's addltlna..t Sheriff for P. A. Wagner et al.. to P. H. Msrlay. lota (, 10. 24, 25 and 28, rjiecs a, sunrise rare Sheriff for Robert Irving to aama, frac tional block 243. Couch1 addition Hiram E. Dodaon to Sarah Dodsoa. 10 m K. re, e at 14 nge 6 acres, esst 20 rod northwest u south east u section (8 township 1 north. range S eaat . . . (B n. Ire-borough et al. to Edmund Henn, lot 6 and 7. block 4, Monts Villa 427 O. M. Smith and wlf ta Robert Irving. fraction block B. Coach'a addition 1 172 If A Ms - iw.nsl.l at al. to C. H. Bates at a I., aaat H aoothesat sect I., n 4. township 1 south, range 4 eaat 1 London. Has Ptandaco bank to Joseph Premium of 1 to 3 cents Is Paid by Smaller Mill Men for Wheat. VALLEY MILLERS PAYING PREMIUM mills omm note i TO S OUTTS moke ro valley THA1T AT POBTtAlID rjBHXLB OF CLUB SOLD 600,000 to MAarm. wm CITIES. Front Street, Aug. BO. Th principal feature of tha Portland wbolaaal market today art: Millera pay premium for Talley wheat. Half million buahal club aold aaat. Peaches glutting the markets Many amall aalmon ara arriving. Oata ara acarca and higher. Hgg market la good shape. Dealara eager to contract hops. Poultry rlaea additional He. Car peacbe from Ashland tomorrow. Many cara waternjelona arrlrlng. Flour market looking higher. Millar Pay Premium far Valley Wheat. A premium of from le to 8c a buahel la now being paid by the Interior millera above tha ratio of the Portland market for Immediate aupplle of valley wheat. The crop In the Wil lamette valley waa eo abort thla year that there will probably not be a alngTe foreign cargo ahlpped. Tha exporters are not oat of the hualnses, however, as many of them are buying for California account. Thla year shows very clearly that the southern neighbor 'is not In th wheat ralalng business, and the major portion of the wheat to be used by millers In that state will be brought In from the outalde. The hard varieties will be purchased In the Dakotaa and tha aotter grades In the Willam ette vulley aad la tha Walla Walla country. Half Million Bushala Said Eaat. It Is estimated by one of the larger Port land millera that during tha paat few days at least 600,000 baa he la of wheat have been shipped by local men out of the Palouae coon try, and If tha high price keep up a consid erable larger amount will be sent aa a good profit eaa now he mad by shipping to Chi cago, Dulutb and Minneapolis. Will Keep Prise High. Larger shipments of wheat from thla terri tory to the middle weat will have a tendency of eaualng a firmer feeling In thla market, and good price ara expected to prevail all through the seaaon. The reports of damage to tha grow ing crop la the mlddla weat. or what Is termed In the eaat "the northweat." have not been over exaggerated, according to later Information, and the baying of outalde wheat by the very people who are sending these damage reports is evi dence conclusive that they at leaat believe la their own reports. Oata Are Scarce and Higher. . The yield of oats in this state has not proven of such large proportions to supply the large f'sr1 both from thla city sad California and atocks Just now ara acarca with prices about 60e up. Barley also ha a better tuna with prlcee practically the eime. flour Market Wt'rr Higher. Wholesale dealera In thla city ara expecting the announcement almost any day now of an other advance all through tha flour market oa account of the heavy demand and higher price aa wheat. No changes were made today. Peaohaa Ara Glutting tha Market. There la an overabundance of peaches of all kind on th market and the low gradaa ara abowlng a abarp decline while tha bast stock is slightly lower. A car of peaches la expected from Aahland tomorrow. Hop Contracts Ara la Demsnd. There is a vary eager call for hop contracts from th deslera and higher price ara being offered. Tha crop reports from various foreign countries ara not of such good tone, and thla causes a better feeling here. Ara Buying Okitttm Bark Again. After a severe dullness, there Is again some demand for chtttlm from the eaat, hot local agent are authorised to pay not more than ftc a pound. There la quite an amount of bark coming. Maay Small Salmon la Market. There la quite a large aupply of amall salmon In the market at present, a fact which cauaee 0. J. B. Malarkey to say: "There la now more amall Chinook aalmon coming than I kave known alnce being In the bualneee. They are coming In all sixes from 1 pound up. From reports thla morning there la every Indication that the pack of aalmon this aeaarm will be fully up to that of laat year. The heavy run which haa been expected came In late yeaterday and caused some of the larger eenners to be Mocked. There Is some fine Steelhead and Chinook aalmon coming from the coaat atreams. Th aeason there opened on Augnat 16. Hogs Are a Trifle High. With tha Indication of a larger ran of live hogs there la every prospect that prices on dressed hogs will not rale so high here In the near future. Smith Brothers say: "There ara now plenty at live hog coming to market, and If shipper aspeet to get top prices for dressed stock they will have to ahlp at once, other wise they will get left. More veal ta coming -but the prices remain up." Cbatterton A Co., In an Interview, aay : "There la a good demand for block bog, but larger alar sell lower. De mand for veal 1 good." Today' who lea ale quotations, a revised, are aa follow: rain. Flour sad Feat, WHEAT Export price New and old Crab. T4o. blueatem. TSo; valley. 80c. PA It LB V Feed, (21: rolled. (28: brewing. 12160 ip) 24.00. OATH Producer' price No. 1 white, (38.00; gray. (24.00. FLOUR Eastern Oregon: Patents, (4 36; straight, (3 5008 60: valley. (S.a6J8.(6; gra ham e. (8.86; 10s, (S.B6- Mll.l.STT r'KS Bran. (10.60 par ton; mid dllrga. (13.00; shorts, country, (22.00; chop. (18.00. HA Y Prodocer' price Timothy, Willamette valley, fancy. (I8.0niftlS.OO; ordlnarj. (12.00Q 1(00; eastern Oregon. (16.0nQi6.00: mlxsd, (ln.noail.OO; clover, (o.nndt 10.00. grain. (11.60 812.00; cheat, (It. 60012.00. Hop. Wool and Hides. HOPS Nominal. SSttlSc for choice; 26t28Se for prime; contract, 1P04. 22t22Vc. WOOI -Nominal. Valley, coaree to medium. natlSc: Sne. 16c; eaatern Oregon, 12O10c. MOHAIR New. 80, SHEEPSKINS Shearing, 10130e: abort wool, H08Oe; medium wool. 10Q60r: long wool. each. TALLOW Prima, par lb, 4(Se: No. S aad grease. JffllVaC. i null hark no per in: miring price. HIDES Dry hide. No. 1. 16 lbs snd up. fllBc per lb: dry kip, No. 1, 6 to 16 lbs, ary calf, wo. 1, onasr a ino. idv)c; n. Bader, undivided Vk lots 1 and 2. block P.. Caruthera' addition to Caruthera' addition (OO Peter Olaen and wife to B. J. Oahnrg. lot 1 and 2. block IX M. Patton'a ad dition to Alblna 1.426 lfary A. Morris et al. to Atlanta M. Allyn. weat 83 1-8 feet lot 4. block , Olencoe Park 1.000 J. I. .Scott aod wife to W. F. Ryan. eaat M, of lota 6 and 8. black 222. Faat Portland 1 Ella Glendennlng and husband to Katie E. Peterson et al.. north H of kit 6, block 6. Alblna Homestead 600 Samuel Eber and wife to Jacob Kotewa, lot 4, block 33. Multnomh 1.000 W. T. I. Inn and wife to L. Gerllnger, lot 1 and 1. block 1. l.lnn'a addition. 800 Babette Bergman to Hortha Vlerhacker, part south of aouthraat of aoutb eaat U of aouthwest V section l(, township 1 aouth, range 1 eaat 1,000 Leo A. Harma and wife to Lena 0. Mc cormick, lot 16. Lenora place 800 Cbauneey C. MacDnnald to C. H. Mates et al.. eaat H of anutheaat aectlon 4. township 1 enufh, rang 4 aaat, con taining 80 seres 1,000 J. . Scott and wife to Catherine Kava nsugh. trnatee. lots 1 and 2, block 14. aalidlvlaion Proabatsl'a addition to Al blna t Oct roar tnenrauee ana afcatraeta ta real aatate from tha Till Guarantee A Truat rear aay, Champa ef Commerce building BUILDINO PERMITS. Augnat 18, Holmes Busies college, repair tn two-story frame building on eoutheaat corner of Eleventh snd Yamhill streets, east, (400. August '18, Thomas Conaell, two store dwell ing on Eaat Thirtr ninth, between Clinton snd Taggart atreela; coat, (1,860. Augnat IS, D W Reynolds repair to house as Bast Madlaon. between last Eighteenth snd East Nineteenth street, cost. (100. Augnat 18, Oregon College of Dentistry, building on Wsshliglon. between Nineteenth snd Twentieth streets mat. (ISO. August 1. I. H. Gove, enttsg on Seven teenth. between CUy aad Market afreets; cast, 11.600. TODAY'S dry ssltsd bulla, and ataga, 1-8 lea than dry flint; aalted hldea. ateer, aouud, 00 lbs or over. 7Utc; 60 to (0 lbs. Tu; under 60 lbs sad cows, dOTc; stags sad bulla, sound, (c; kip, 16 to (tT lba, Tc; sound, M to 14 lha, 8c; calf, sound, under 10 lba. (He; green (us salted) lo per lb less; calls, ic per lb leas; horse hide, aalted, each, (1 25Q1.T8: dry, each, (1.00O1.S0: colt' hide, each. 16060c; goal aklna, common, each. 10J 16ei Angora, with wool os. each, toe 0(1.00. Better, Eggs and Poultry. BUTTER PAT Sweat, SBttc; sour. 21Hc Itl TTKR City creamery, tKHJ2iV; ontslda, fancy. 2022Hc; ordinary. lTttc; afore, 12Skc. EQOB No. 1 fresh Oregon, 21c; un c'andled, 20c; bakers, loe. CHEESB New- Full cream, twin. lOtt) lie: Young America. HYitlSHc- POULTRY Chickens, mlxej, 13c lb; bena, l$Hc pec lb; rooatrre, old. OHc per lb; young, 12c per lb; broilers, 14J16c per lb; fryers, 14015c per lb; ducks, eld. HVtc per lb; young. 12c per lb; geeae. To par lb; turkeys. 170 18 per lb; dressed. lSfpfOe par lb. Fruits and Vegetablea. POTATOES NeW Oregon, (1.3001.50 par cat; buyers' price. (1. 2001.26; sweets. 80(Vie lb ONIONS Walla Walla, (1 i I1.T8; yellow Danvers, (1.76; garlic, 10c per PREflll FRUITS Apples, fancy Oregon. (1.23 01.60 per box; cheap gradaa. 260T5c per box: oranges, Mediterranean sweets, SS.000 8.26 tier box; late Valenctaa, (S.2S0S.6O per box; bananas. 6c per lb: lemons, choice, (son per bos; fancy, (8.6003. T8 par bos; limes, Mexlesn, 66c per 100; plnespples, ((.000 8.60; cherries, 6c per lb; apricots, Oregon, pa' box; plums. Burbaaks, 00060c per box; peach plums, 6O0T&C per boai peaches, Oregon. TO0SOr per box; Crawforda. T0s5c per box; pears, (1.1601.60 per box; grapes, blsck Hamburg, (1.26; black figs, par box; black berries, 11.36 per crate; watermelons, 860800 par cwt; crated. (1.26; muekmetooe. 8601.00 per dos; canfaloopea. California (1.26; Oregon, 11.60 tier crate; nectarine. T6c0t.OO par box: huckleberries, llHc per lb; crsbapplas, SHe per lb. VEGETABLES Turnips, (1.26 per aack: car rota, (1.26 par aack; beet, (1.15 per aack; Oregon radishes. 15s per dos: cshbsgs. Oregon. 2r per lb: Isttoee, head, 18c par dos; green peppere. 20c per lb; celery. T8c doa: to matoes, Oregon. 80c per box; parent pa, T6c0 (1 26; green peas. So per lb: green onions, t2'e per do; local green corn 10o am; pie plant. 2024c per lb; string beans 4fl6c: cucuml.ers snttnoo i)(U'60c jkt box: hothouse, loe per dn: cauliflower. (1.2001. 26 per do; butter oeaus. ic; pumpxina, .c ID. umpklne, n ,. it, lil'ITS- Annlea e DRIED Fltl'lTS--Apples, evsporsted. T lb: aorlcota. BUallc ner lb: aarks per lb leas; prachas). THc per lb: pears. 8 lnc per lb; prunes. Italian. lWl4Me ner lb French. 8U04ttc Pr lb: flgs. California blacka. dOflTsC per lb: do whltea. H0Tc per lb; plumi pitted. 8AOe per lb: dates. suiuru. isc pax id: rsros. fl.oo par io-id oox. IB, .Blue, I'er lU'iU us -Seeded, fancy lib sartona. nee packajeSa re caae. lite Dka: aeeaed. li-oa car tons, llHc; loose Muacafa. 60-lb boxes. 60(Uo lb; London layera, (1.66: clusters. (2 no; 26c: Us. 60c adranre over nound cartons nun . xen l ib cartona, choice brand 90c: 10 1-lb cartons. fancy brand. (1.00: 10 l ib hrlcka. 2-crown The: 10 l ib hrlcka, 8-cmwn. 86c; 40 4-lh hrlcka. per box. (2.00; A brick. hj to caae, az.iaj; n-row layer, per iu-id box. TOc: loose. 60 lb boxes, per lb, 6Hc Cailaymr naa Six-crown, in lb carton, par box. (2 no; 6-crown, 10-lb cartona. per box. (1.T5; 4-crown. 20-lh cartona, per box, (I TS. Sraiaila. Nuts. Me. SUGAR Sack basis Cube. (6.40; powdered. (8.36; fruit granulated, (8.26; dry granulated. $6.15; beet granulated. (6.0S; extra 0, (6.16; Kldea C. $555; bbla. lOe: H bbl. 26c: boxee. r dvncs on aack heals, laaa 25c cwt for eaab. 18 daya; maple, 14016c per lb. gpNa7T-tii,016c. COFFEE Green Mocha. 21028c; Java, fancy, 2fQ32c; Java, good. 10025c: Java, ordinary, 18010c: Coata Rica, fancy. 10020c; Coats Rica, good, 16018c: Costa Rica, ordinary, 11013c per lb: package coffee. I13.kBau.T6. TEAS Oolong, different gradra. 26086c; gun ponder. 20(208Bo' - Engllah hrrakfaat. dif ferent grade, 12Vi0S6c; aplderleg. ancolored Japan. 8n0fUc; grssn Jspsn (vary scarce), AO 80c per lb. SALT Fine Bales, 2a. (a, 4. 6a. 10. (1.20 1.80; table, dairy. 60s. (9.00011.(0: 100a. 16Q : Imnorted Llvernool. 60a. 116.001 650; 100a. (1176016.00: 224a. S14.60411l.5d: extra flne. hhn, 2s. 3. 8. 10s, $4.00: bulk, 82n lb. (8.60; sscks. 60a, 66c. SALT Coaree Half ground, 160. per ton, SC. 2006 50; 60a. per ton. (5.880T 00: Over pool lump rock. (15.60016.60 per ton; 60-lb rock. (6 2606.75; 100. (8 7506.25. (Above price apply to salaa of leas than ear lots. Car lots at special prleaa esh)eot to fluctuations. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, (5.T606 00 per 100 RICE Imperial Japan. No. I 5Ae; No 1 4r; New Orleans bead. 4: Adjack. SVer-Creole, 4W04We. BEANS Small white, 88,08ic: large, white, SUc: pink. Ue: bayou. IKe; Unas. 4Hc: Mexican reda. R?4c. NUTS Peanuts, THe; Jnmhoa, StAe per lb; raw, P0inc per lb for roasted; cocosnats, 860 one per dm: walnuts. 1440158e per lb; plae nine, iniiiiir per in: nicsorr nnta, ine per in; cheatnuta. eaatern 15018c per lb: Brail, nnta. 16c per lb: Alberts. 1501Sc per lb; fancy pecans. 14016c per lb: almonda. 13015c par lb. Meats, Fish aad Provisions. FRESH MEATS Inspected Beef, eteera Ac par lb; coins. 608Hc per lb; mutton, dressed. ii re ner Th: Ismba dressed. 506c per lb FRE8n MEATS Front street- Beef, steer 4H08c per lb; pork, block. So par fb: parsers, r HSfSC pe.' id; no us, 2c per lb 8 H04Hc par lb; mutton- dresses. 4 et 5c per lb; veal, extra. 8c per lb; ordlaarv, TfrtTHc per lb; nc; larnSa. 6U06UC per in HAMS. BACON. ETC. -Portland aack iloesll hams, 10 to 14 lbs 14c per lb; 14 to 16 lba 14c per lb; 18 to 20 lba, 14 per lb: cottage SHc per lb; breakfast bacon, 18Vs01THe per lb; picnics, lie per lb; regular snort clears, unsmiked. (Vkc per lb; smoked. lOHe per lb; clear hacks nnamoked, Ac per lb; smoked. l'V per lb; Unl.m butts. 10 to 18 lba nnsmokerl. Sc per lb; smoked, ac par lb; clear belli'" unsraoked, nv per lb; smoked 12V4c per lh. LOCAL LARD Kettle lesf. 10s. ine per lb: 5a. lOHc per lb; 80-lb tins. D'ic per Th at earn rendered. 10a. OKc per lb: 6a, P per lb; 50a. 94c per lb: compound tierces, flue per lb: tuba. (We ner lb; 60s. e per lb. CANNED SALMON -Colnmhla river. 1-lb talla. S.86; 2 lb talla. (2.60: fsncy Mb flsts. (1.00; -lh fsnev lata. (1.18: fancy 1-lb ovals, 12 75 saka ta'ls. pink. 85000c; red. (1.60: nominal la. tall. (2.00. FISH Rock rod. So per lb; flounders. 5c per lb; halibut 6c per Tb: crabs. (1.26 per dos striped bass. lOailVtc par lb: catnSh. Sc per lb. salmon, rhlooek. Se per lb: ateelheade 8c per lh: blnebacka 'Sc per lb: herring. 6c per lb; aoles. 0? per lb: shrimps. 10c per lh; shad, dressed. (He per lb: perch 6c per lh; shad toe. 12Uc per lh: roe shad. 8c per lb; black cod. 6c per lb; silver smelt. 8c per lh. OYSTERS Shoalwater hay, per gal (l.SB: per sack. (8.TB ret: Olympla. per ssck. (5.. CLAMS Hard thell. par box. (2.00; rasa clama. (1.78 per box. Palnta. Coal Oil, Eta. ROPE Par Manila. ISVkcs afandard. llAe: Sisal. IOMiC. " C0AL.01L Pearl or Astral -Csaes. tlte att gsl; watar white. Iroa hhls 10c per (al. woods a per gal: neanngni, nuueg. caaes 23 Uc per gsl. Iron hbls 17c per gal LINSEED oily pure raw. in Mi la 5 Re par gal. esses two per gsi: genuine seme noned. eases 66c per gal, bbla SOc per gal; ground cake car lota zn 5.00 per ton. leaa than cars SSS.Oo per t"n GASOLINE M-dsg. esses Sic per asl. Iron bbls 26r per gal; stove, caae 24v,c per gal. lion hhls Ike per gsl BENZINE 0.1 neg, cases He per gal, Iroa I.Ms 151..C ner sal. PAINT 01 1. -Haw. ' hbls (Sc per sal. sac per gai; noiieo. eases sire per gal. TCRPfNTINE -In csaes 88c ner sal. bbla.-Sic per gal, Iron bbla Tie par gal, 10-lb caae lota 84c per gsl. WHITE LEAD Ton lota. T4e par lb, 600-lh lots 8c per lb. leaa lota SUc per lb. WIRkf NAILS Present haae st (1.86. Betall Lumber Prices. Oom. Select Clear Par Per Par M Ft. M Ft. M Ft Rongh. dimensions regular alses 1x3 to 11x11. 81 ft 7.1 g.rvo (23.00 riougn, uimensijns regular sixes to 12x12. 84-40 ft... Rough, dtmenakna regular alses to 12x12. 42-46 ft . Koryh, dlmenalon regvla,- slses to 12x12. 50-6O ft. . For each additional 1 Inches 10 width sdd For odd snd fractional alses sawsd sdd not lea than For sawing vertical grain to 4x11 add Common rough hoards, regu ISO 17.00 14.00 U 80 19 00 26 00 15.80 18.00 (0.00 ' i.oo i.oo son 1 no 1.(0 .oo 1.00 8.00 (.00 lar sixes io is in. wins to 14 ft., lac, aaeorted length (.80 1160 SperKed lengths of hoard (1.00 par M feet additional. Board to eonelet of lumber leaa than 1 Inches In thick sea. MEW TOXX COFFEE MARKET. New York, Aug. IS. Coffee today 1 (boat 10 points up. Th official market: August September October November December . a, .... .tiniiMrv . February T.16 March April i T.jS Bay , T 38 Jaa 7 18 July T.80 tAak (6.56 8. n (SO ass ss ABB 7 on T.lfl MARKETS STOCKS CLOSE AT LOW POINT OF DAY (Furnishes by Ovarbeck. Starr A Cook a Co.) Na York. Aug. 10. Dick Brothers aay: The steak market was has vies t at the cloae and the leadlac lauea closed at about the bottom. Smelter, common, waa particularly buoyant. Steal preferred wa heavy, but made lees re sponse to bad trade newa than was expected. Boms lirqaldatlon In augar made that ataak wtak. Walker Brother ear: Sentiment ts flxtd. bat there was a good deal of bear talk. Th close waa at the lowest of the day price. Today's official a took market. DESCRIPTION. Anacooda Mlulag Co. 78. Axnsi. topper to....... Atchiaoo, com do preferred Am. Car A P.. com.... do preferred , Am. Sugar, oom Am. Smelt., oom do pre tarred B. A 0., oom da praterred Brook. Rapid T , .. Canadian PacISc, eoaa.. 0. m A., com do preferred C AG. W , cam C. M. A St. P CAN. W.. oom Chicago Term. By Chesapeake A Ohio. . . . Colo. Furl A Iron, com.. Colo. Southern, oom. . . . do 2nd preferred do Ut preferred ..... Del. A Hudaoa D. A R. 0.. cam do preferred Brie, oom do Ind preferred .... do 1st preferred...... Illinois central r. a n Mat. Traction Co.. .. Man. Elevated Max. Central Ry M. St. P. A Sta. 14.... do preferred Missouri PsclAc M.. K. A T., com do preferred New York Central .... Norfolk A V , com.... North American M. Ont. A W Pennsylvania Ry People's G., L. A 0. Oa. is ilsiaA 108 lOT 63 i 5J1A. 1S8KI12T 3V KH. hipv 80 1SA 16 ISlS 14SV. iirS isik in 371 a. 1 21) G, 48 113 120V12" i2s imvl aMmllsaS Ti I u i TSVil rsi Kttl(0 1180 S6l Wv U4 ai fast 211 11 sin 344 114 lllOjlwlV, Press. Bteel C, com. do preferred Pacific M. S. Co.... Reading, com Reading, lat pfd Ken. Iron A 8 , oom. do preferred ...... Bock Ialand, com . . . do preferred us as 4S 41 24 V44 87 668 xsvli sr7 W3! U2V 6614 554 Btt 6l4 72 I T2 South. By., oom do preferred Southern Pacific .... St. L. A S. F., 1 Pfd. . . ao lat prererrea .... St. L. A S. W . oom.... do preferred 17 Texaa Pacific Tenn. Coal A Iron 9., M.I. A w., oom do preferred Union Psclflc, com do preferred U. H. Leather, com..... do nreferrecj V. V. Rubber, com do preferred V. S. Steal Co., com.,.. do preferred ......... W. A L. E . earn do 2nd preferred do lat preferred Wl. Central, oom do preferred W. tT Tl Wabaah. com do preferred Amerfcaa Ice 181 18 T T Mossy. 1 Bar cent. Total aalae for day. 404,100 shsres. North American ex dividend, 1 per eaat, BOSTON COriTJl MARKET. Boston. Aug. ly. topper close Isle Roy al . . . Dominion Iroa Old Dominion Adventure ... Allon Arcadian Arnold . .... Atlantic . ... Ming ham . ... Copper Range Daly West ... Victoria Wlnon Wolverlno . . Maaa Mining . Mohawk rr.w Oeecola . .... Parrot Phoenix Uulncy Rhode Island . Shannon TODAY'S CLEARINGS. The Portland clearing boose reports today: Clearings 1471 14.170 Balances , 48, 484.84 SAN FRANCISCO LOCAL STOCKS. Ran Franclaco. Aug. IS. Cloae. 10:80 a. m. I "Ml atneka: Bid. Aak spring valley water 3. 8. P. Gas A Electric do Hawaiian Sugar f.6 Hiitehlnaon Sugar 18 Makawell Sugar Sf Paauhau Sugar '. HP Alaska Packer' Ass'n US Oceanic Steamablp 51 18 123W, 4 CHICAGO LOCAL STOCKS. Bid. Ak :::::::::::::::::: ii iF t :::::::::::::::::; :::::::::::::::::: sSSt :::::::: i .....41 42j 88 64 24 25 so so 81 S4 T6 SO 'a ..rM Chicago. Aug. 19. Local atocks: .5 Bid. Ask National BuHMlt 47 47 do preferred 10T 10S American Box 1 1U do preferred T S American Can 4 4H do preferred 42 43 National Carbon 86 8S do preferred 107 1(M Swift A Co 101 Vi 103 Chicago City By 1T0 ITS Union Traeilon : 4 614 do preferred (0 North Side Ry TS West Side Ry 4S 44 AMERICAN STOCKS IF LONDON. London, Aug. 1(. 2 p. m. Anaconda de clined ; Atchison declined tt. preferred de clined : Baltimore A Ohio declined Canadian Pacific advanced 1 ; Cheaapaak A Ohio advanced ; Denver A Kin Grande ad vanced ; Erie advanced ; Illinois Central declined ; Louisville A Nssbvllle declined ; Mexican Central declined ty; .New York Cen tral declined U ; Norfolk A Western declined ; Beading advanced S firsts advanced ; Southern Pacific declined S, Southern Railway advanced . preferred declined U; Union Pa cific declined W. preferred declined ; Console, IS, advanced ; rest unchanged. SEW YORK SUMMARY. New York. Aug. Id Dow Jones A Co., aay: American atocka point below parity la Lnn doa. Scarcity of Pennaylvsnls and Sugar ta shown In tha loan crowd. Interest on Wabash debentures Is likely to he paid at end of thla year. The hanks gained from the anh-treaaury Ine Prlday. 1. 060.000. Southern rsllwsy sara lnga for the second week of August show an Increase of $17. HI 5 V Starling. New York. Aug. 18 Demand alerting, 4.8S05 to 4.8816; 60 day. 4.8640 tn 4 8660. ESTIMATED OOITII CROP. Bantoa, Aug. IS. Karl KHeehr. the noted German coffee expert, hss ratlmated the crop of thla district at 6.160,000 to 6.8T8.000 hag. New York Cash Oof fas, New York, Aug. IS. Ch coffee No. T Rio, S08e; 5a. 4 Bantoa, 80Sc. Liverpool Orsln Market Liverpool. Aug. 18. Close : Wheat. Deoam bar. T 4Md. Id higher. Cor ree-September 4a THd. unchanged. Minneapolis Wheat Dsereaa Minneapolis, Aag. 19 Mlnnes sfioSJ stock this week show bushels. Par la Orsln Market Parte, Aag. ID Close: Wheal, quiet: spot. SS centimes, lower . futures. 16 centime lower flour -Quiet; spot, SS assume lower; fa turee. (5 centimes lower. Oats Scarce and Prices Up Some Advance in the Poultry Market, WHEAT MAKES THE YEAR'S HIGH NARK MAT OFTIOM 1ST CKIOAOO TOUCMBB SI 14T,, A WD CLOSED AT ADVAHCE OT 4H OB1TT0 sTBT UP 3', OUSTS AMD DE K OISTS. i Fur ii lab tl by Overheck, Starr A Cook Co.) Chicago, Aug. 19. Logan A Bryan advise: In wheat the largest advance waa In May and tba leaat In September. It waa again a wild market and on advices from the northweat. The reports are senaatlonal snd the advance Is being led by the north" eater n marketa and the prin cipal buying Is from that Quarter. The action of tha September option abowa tba affect of accumulating stocks of wnsat. Receipts con tinue Urge In ths southwest marketa. Tba cubles show strength, bat are not keeping up with the advance ner. The whole ltnt1on la o unusual and the action ef tha market ao un usual that, It la difficult to propose anything regarding it. The damage to the crop haa coma from ao Inaldloua a cauae that ita effect could not be foreseen snd Its action cannot be estimated Judging hy all paat experience, after an advance of 80 to 43 casts per buahel. reaction would seem likely. Perhaps only the movement of whast will bring It snout. We think the conditions Justify prices, bat we are not reckless enough to advlss buying except an sharp reactions. Corn a Weather Market. Tha whole corn halt ha, or Is. hsrtag rata. It Is quits generally needed. The market la taking Ita tone from thla Influence. There la good speculative selling of th December aad May oom an the prospect for the growing crop. Receipts are fair and demand la pretty fair also. All the tendency of tha weather seems fsvorsbls for ths crop snd the srtlon of the market, considering ths strength In wheat, Is heavy. Rains Cauae Steadiness. Is eats there did not seem to he much sell ing pressure In sympathy with wheat and corn. Tha rains are a strengthening Influence In ao far as they daisy threshing snd the movement. This Is plainly the causa of the stssdlness. There was no psrtleulsr feature to a moderate business. Pre vis leas a Shade Easier. Provision price ara a ahade eaaler. Tha movement of hogs and packing operatlona have about resumed their normal condition. There It some little disposition among traders to buy provisions snd sell corn, bat wa sea no Im portant speculative baying In the market. The cash demsnd Is running about th same as laat year. Tha action of the market la not en couraglng. Today1 official markets: WHBAT. Open. High Low. rinse rws$,t' v 108 l-10 8 1.074 ( 1.0S A Old Sept 1.0 1.083 1.102 1.11 lrc. May , Sept. Dec. May Sept. Dec. Ml 1.14 .88 "Xb .(4 It 17 May Seat. Oct. Jan. i Sept Oct. Jaa. . Sept. Oct. , Jaa.- -. "seax J. AS 1.0S 1.11V, 111 1 14 corn" .64 .(4 m l OATS. .84 .B4, .36 .36 roS ll.ST 1186 1106 12.00 13 27 1.1 35 LARD. 6.1T 6T T.OS TOT T.16 7.17 RIBS. 7 50 7 50 T.8S T.6T T.02 7.86 11.T0 ll.TS 11. TT 11.80 13.06 18.08 6 8T ' S.ST 8T DOT T.02 T.OS T.41 7 12 T.4T T.60 7 82 ASS 'FRISCO SHORTS ARE RUSHING TO COVER Furnished I. n,W a. c i y.- v San Franclaco, Aug. 18. fflutton A Co. aay: Th pbraae, "How different In the morning " applied very well to the local wheat trader this I n m ' l... . .1 . . M usuius was ill raror ? "uwr m"rl,t today. The bears pounded ... ... m io e a.-iss aaaeo i no rug advance in Chicago and bullish foreign newa tbla morning a scramble to cover yeeterday's snort tales. December opened at (1.61. It held there a few minutes and then worked up to (1.62 where the ahnrta tried to atem the tide, but good buying order appeared which carried the price to (1.62. when weakness In Chlcsgo appeared and carried December wheat back tn (1.61 Vi. We .an see nothing bat higher prices. We advlee purchaae on fair breaks snd also sdvlse asles to tske profits on ralllea of fslr preportlona. It will be a big market all thla cnap mar. Today, ii:ao market: Opes. (Ull . l 084 Close. (IMS 1.08 Wheat, December Barley, December CHICAOO OBAIM OAK LOTS. Chicago, Aug. 18. Grain car lots: Cars Grid Eat Wheat Tl 1 210 Corn . - - ins we iss Oats ana 153 suit Wheat cars today: kllnnesjmlla. 61;- Dnlnth. 36. Tear ago Minneapolis. 168; Dulnth, 2; Chi cago, 101. Estimated tomorrow: Wheat, 181; corn. IBS; oata, 864. and 10.000 bags. CHICAOO CASH WHEAT. Chicago, Aug. 11. Caah wheat: Bid Ask. (1 12 1.11 1.08 1.06 no. z ran, sew.. No. ( red. saw.... No. 2 bard winter No. 1 bard winter , No. 1 northern spring No. t not tears spring No. 8 spring ..." , (1.10 1 06 1.03 .) 1 16 1.16 l.OS PBIstABY AMD SHIPMENTS. Today. Year Ago. Buah. nush. , TKn.nnn aTn.rno . 274,880 88,010 Wheat . ... Corn 8hlproent Wheat . ... Corn (IS. IK 14.441 2.84T London Orsln Market. London. Aug. IP cise Wheat, Manitoba. Hd higher; Argentina. Id higher. Liverpool Cotton Lewsr. -Liverpool. Aug. II. Cotton options closed 1 to ( points lower. City Grain Market Kanaaa City, Aug. 10. Close: Wheat, Sep tember. SSe. .. Few York Orsln Market. New Y.wk, Aug. in cioaV. Wheat. Septem ber, SI. IS. St. Leal Grain Market. St. Louie. Aag. IS. Caste: Wheat, Septem ber. SLOB. Milwaukee Oram Market. Milwaukee, Aug. IS. Cloae: Wheat. Septem ber. (1.08H: December. (1.11; May. (1.18V. Corn September. 58.c, May, 61e. HOG MARKET SHOWS QUITE WEAK TONE Portland Union Stockyard. Aug. IS. With a good supply of bogs now coming In from the oast, there la every Indication that lower price will soon prevail In thla city. The hog market waa weak today, but so far there Is ao change In prices. The local men will soon begin To earnest and. according to one of the stockyard officiate today, "the ahlpper had better look a leedle out." Cattle are In good call, bat sheep are laat ateady. Today'a receipts consisted of 191 hogs, 48 rattle. 1.088 sheep snd 10 horses. official ruling prices today: Csttle Best rsstern Oregon steers. (8.00; best valley eteera. IZ.T5sjn.oo: medium steers, (2 75: cows izzn; bulla. i 75; atai tags, (2.00 Hoars Best heavy. (8.60: block (JS.00; China fats, (3.6005. 76; atoekers snd feeder. (4 700 6.00. Sheep -Meat grain fed wethers and lamb. (2.0042.60; mixed sheep, $1 TB01 00. EASTERN KOOS ( OZFTS TP. Chlrag8. Aug. IS. Livestock receipts Hoga Cattle Chicago 4.000 (.000 Itknaaa City 8.000 o.nOO Omaha 6.200 1,800 Sheep 16 nno 2,000 2 700 lings opensd 6c higher, with -4, 600 left over. Receipts of hogs a year ago ware 12.000. Cattle Steady. Sheep- Steady. ELFRIEDA'S CREW FEAR THE WORST FIIED MIOH OBT TKS DECKS AMD THE SAILOBUS rSAkX CAPE XOBsT STORMS WILL SIXK Today the German ship Elfrleda weighed anchor and left down for the sea with a lumber cargo meaaurlng con siderably more than 1,005,000 feet. Her destination la South Africa. As her deck la also loaded with Oregon fir, the offi cers and crew are expecting; to experience anything but a bon voyage. It Is gen erally regarded as a serious undertaking to attempt to go around th Horn with A cargo of lumber lashed to the deck of A vassal, And for that reaaon thoae oa board the Klfrleda ara not looking forward to tha trip with any great degrn of satis faction. The- captain made most atren uoua objections to tha deck being loaded with lumber, but his ownera ruled other wise and nothing remained for him to do but to make the beat of It. Particular care was taken to plane tha Urn be re on the deck tn such ahape that they cannot be easily shifted by wind and wave. In the neighborhood of the Horn stormy w-ather la always ex peeled, out a number of the daepwater skippers In port state that with ordinary weather condltlana there Is not so much danger In making the trip aa l popu larly aupposeu. While lying In port tha Elfrleda loat nearly all of her crew but new men signed article to make tha voyage and were placed on board yester day. Tha British ship Rajore haa also com pleted her (Train cargo for ths United Kingdom and is now lying in the stream If she can he supplied with a crew In time It is planned to have her leave down for th mouth of the rlvor tomor row. But sailors are scares In port and it may not be possible for her to get away before Monday. The vessel has on board 106,8(5 bushels of wheat, valued at 180.248.76. which Is being shipped hy Bnlfour. Guthrie Co. By chartering her at the time they did the owners of the Rajore lost in tha neighborhood of 16.000. They-aqcepted a rate of 10a and a couple of weeks later the figures advanced to 2Ts (d, the price asked by the shipowners' union. Four or five ships war engaged at these lat ter rate to load at Portland. The Rajore haa been In port since April 2R. She came here from New- caatle. England, with a miscellaneous cargo. The vessel la In commend of Csptain Oarrlock. Astoria. Aug. It. Arrived down at T a m. flchooner Mabel Gale. Left Up at 1 A. m. Schooner Zampn Astoria. Aug. IS.-Arrived att 1S:I0 a. m. and left up at 1 p. m. Steamer Francis H. Iggett, from San Fran claoo. Arrived at 1 p. m. Schooner Zampa, fain Wlll.n. hirhnr Astoria, Aug. 19 Condi! Inn of tha bar at S a. m . smooth; wind north west; weather cloudy. fob bob: T. (Special Dlapateh to Th Journal.) Roseburg, Or., Aug. 11. Three young hoboes, Lakwrence (loodman, aged 18; Fred Strong 11. and J. Latvelyou, IS, were brought from Riddle yesterday and bound over to the circuit court for rob bing a aectlon houae. They aay that they ara from the east. COTTON DEVOID OF SPECIAL FEATURES (Fnm.nhsHj br OTrbck. Starr A c.nkc Oo.) NrW Turk. An, ft. T. A. Molntyrr. 4k Co. j: Tb cottaMi markftt wat qalt totlaj and rVrold of any particular new feature of tin fMTtanrH. Hp-'cuUt Inn rontlnuea tif only inosl rata eroportlona and la atlll ponflnod nrlnt-l pally to tba profeeafonal acalplna; etmtlnjrrut who are aaMaftrrd with maklnar amall quirk tun n. Tbla altoatlmi la likely to eontlnue tht feature of the market until the next monthly FFcrnms-nt crop report, la published at noon on rlday. September 2,. aa the New York Cotton exrbana and tba Sew Orleane exchaaa;a will bo elneed Saturday for an extended labor day holiday. Fhietuatlona In the meantime, are ex pected to continue erratic and confined within a coanparatlTely narrow range. Showers are Cedlcted In nearly all the cotton statea for night and tomorrow and the outlook la now better than haa been for tba paat three weeks. Today a official cotton quotationa open lilfD- Laow January . rcbruary . March . . April . April . . June . , . July . a . Anffvat . mg. Mnveaiber December. .T1 ( H.T4 Condensed Cream We are introducing the Star Brand Of Cream. This cream is of su perior quality and every can guaranteed. During this sale our prices are: 2 Cans 15s 1 Dozen cans. 85) 1 Case (4 dozen cans) $3.25 25s 7 pounds (nod White Beans. 2&s T pounds Fancy Broken Rice. 25s Oallon Bast Dili Pteklaa. 25s Pound choice Ounpovrder Taa. 20s Can Baiter's or QhlrardelU's Cocoa, 25s II bare Good Laundry Soap. 15s Pound fancy Freeh Roaat Costa Rica coffee. 85.90 100-lb. sack bast Dry Grannlatsd Sucar. FELLOWS 374 Washington Street f'li.S.'. ( s as ( m .... (.7072 STS S.TS S.T1 (TSaTB 8 78 0.78 S.78 (TSn P. 78 S.TS .T8 T8aT7 S.SO (.80 S.TS S.TSSSI) 8.81 SSI B.81 S.nsSsi 10.18 io. is io i lo.isaio S.8S 0.8T S.SO S 00083 888 S.TS 8.8S 8.SSQT0 8 S4 8.84 8.04 P 884(0.1 8.S8 S.TS S.8B 8.S8AST tot tads Ukr T aesj the words of Tratk sa told by ISM wcnrlerfiil wnrasn, whose revelations of tba roture ara ii..lhlns ah rt of the ni nilrs. u. loos asaerlloos ever uttered by aay beavaa betas. Tb state of tba aaoat ekspllcat wiped away, one tbey bear (nr tbaaiarlvaa the Iran word of a tree and honest ace man who. with, oat cist. I wllUns to aid all asaaklad aad reveal to them their future. MISS WARDED The Great Natural Clairvoyant Would you know year future, sad what this big world holds (nod or bad for yea know it correctly snd truthfully. It ao. (o where the truth can be, snd Is, told hy ouo who Is naturally gifted with the pnwsra of rcrrallns the future of tbe human race. Miss tbe areat natural clairvoyant, will revesl roar paat. present and future; her words will astonish and rnlkthtea you, aa well aa prepare jon for the future life. Why not know thyself and the future? Net tomorrow, but today. Now la the accepted time. Bring this Coupon and get Reading tor Half Price Everythtnc strictly confidential. OfSce hoars: 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. dally. ril55 VIRGINIA WARDEL Cosmos bld(.. Fourth and Morrianu sta. Offices 38. ST. IS. A. J. FARMER Wholesale and Retail Grocer Tbird and Jefferson Tou can save tS per cant by dealing with me. 2-lb. square Haselwood Creamery Butter H box Crackers Vi-lh. can Stall worth Cocoa .... . V-ll). can Stallworth Cocoa .5(0 .(Oo .20o .10c .2(0 .l(o .26o .Sac .40o . 6o .1(0 .25o .Mo . ao cans Lerrron Cling Peaches ... 1 pkgNAcms Health Koffee S pkaa'Prlncess Royal Haccart 1 lb. ehllllnfs Baking Powder 1 lb. Royal Baking Powder 1 lb. Arm ft Hammer soaa. . 1 bar Naphtha Hoap 12 bars Royal Savon Soap . ( bars Baby Elephant Soap 8 bars Diamond C. Soap . . . 8 bars Owl Soap 1 can Alaska Salmon 1 dos. Rex Deviled Ham . . . 2 lba. Arbuckle's Coffee .... 10 lbs. Sago or Tapioca .... 1 lh. best full Cream Cheese 40u 25o 3uo 1 lb. good Engtlnh Breakfast Tea Best sugar-cured nams, i id J cans t,yo . . . 4 lb. Gunpowder Tea 2 cans Oregon Orape Cream 14o 2&o (6c , . .1(0 !.' .15.90 2 cans primrose cream 1 sack beat D. O. Sugar , 1 sack good Hard-wheat Flour. 20-lh. nail best Lard ft! SS 10-lb. pall pure Leaf Lard (-lb. pall pure Leaf Lard 2 bottles Hntder'a Catsup 1 bottle Ollt Edge Shoe Pressing. .00 Ms .t(Q 10O Deliveries on Bast Bids, Tuesdays and Frldsys. Butter! Butter! Best creamery 46c and (Oo Good creamery 40a Dairy butter 30c and 1(0 Ranch eggs 1 dosen for ac Best sugar-cured hams 14o Breakfast bacon ISo 10 pounds pure lard 1.00 ( pounds pure lard (So Full cream cheese 10c and 12 Hn Rwlss cheese) too Java-Mooha coffee SOo 60c tea for (Do Remember Saturday Is chicken d Cheaper than ever, spring cnicn earn. La Grande Creamery, 364 T am hill. IF YOU HAD CALLED UP EAST 412 Oftensr you'd be happier. Thla aad 1 ClTWTAi MAKKET, whose f reah meats, game aad flak are subject to your orders. KINDORF BROS. 130 OEAMD AVEsTUB. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP ha been ased by Sllllons of Mothers for the eHldren while Teeth I n s for over Fifty Year. It oothe the ahlld, oHeaa the rams, allay all pain, cures wind ouUo, and Is tha oast remedy fur dlarrhisa. TWatirTT.FITE CENTS A BOTTLE. sevvscvcvvvesrtcvvayvvavvvsl MEN AND WOMEN. Tse Bis tl f r nno. tarsi disc bar (es . i n llamnultOB, Irrttattona or olrarauoaa of mucoos laembrenss. .mi ii it sstrta. RliuiHanin. gsal or paxseonus. or sent la pl.ln wrapper, br .spress. prsasia, M if 00. cr bcttlea ((.. tiros lay sent oa rcassSV mm m i m a MaaSbar Oi lease Sward al Traaav CRAJN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS. BONDS and COTTON 12 TMrd it. Near Star Wa ara smarted by artvaa. Messrs. Lagaa Bryaa, Chleag Tseki Walker area.. J. 8. Baka York Stock Sscbaagai SlaMltS Mew TarS Cbttsa gsebaace: fain asa: Mew Orleaaa Cottoa Ksaaf Hera Co., W.w TorS Cuffee Bacsa, WsMtsr Co.: Bos toe Ossaas aad ehanse; Dtelt Bros. v. : Saw Yark SslaAla (toe eewesaee nowmo goviura (Established 118.1 SVoosa 4. P round Ftoaw. OatAMBEB or (JOS 4afjrF . I , I aarl sfJVS Oasrssaaai V SaSM sat le sirtslset. rrssaals rsataaiae aassaa 01 Klln,0ff NavSt. Mats Mil wire WttS sad New OsL Haw Srix o