The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 18, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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rsnsportstlon thruugb to roslls IIIIH
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ior single copies: rov ma a. iw -
Mge paper. 1 cant; 10 to 30 pages, t cants: S3
lo 44 peg, t mats,
tags (or single copies: for an 8. 10 or 12
Bualnaaa Office- Main 500.
Editorial Roona -Main 260.
Yreeland liengitnln Special Advertising Aaenrv.
ISO Naaaan strest. Now York: Tribune BullO-
ll g. Chicago.
Tarmi by Carrier.
The Kallv Journal, with Sunday, 1 year ST SO
The tally Journal. 1 year 5 00
Tbe Dally Journal, with Sunday, S montha. S TB
Tor liatlv Journal. 8 montha 3.80
Ibe Dally Journal, with Sunday. S montha. 1 90
The Dally Journal. 8 montha 1-30
The Iiallr Jearnal. with Sunday. 1 month.. .88
The Dallr. per week, delivered. Sunday
The Dolly, per week. oeBverrd. Sunday - -
eepted 13
Tarmt by Mall.
The Dally Journal, with Sunday. 1 year $7.00
The Dally Journal. 1 year 25
The Dallr Journal, with Hunday. 8 montha. 8.TB
The Dallr Jontual. inontba S-TB
The Dally Journal, with Sunday. 8 montha. 1.80
The Daily Journal. 3 montha 12
The Dally Journal, with Sunday, 1 month.. .88
The Dallr Journal. 1 month - J
Th Bandar Journal. 1 year 3.00
The Sunday Journal. 8 montha .oo
The Semi Weekly Journal.
The Keml Weekly Journal. to It pas,
each laaua. Illustrated, fall market, !'
porta. 1 year 1 80
, ' The Weakly Journal.
The Weekly Journal 100 eclumna of read
Ira each laaue, tlluatrated. full market.
reports. 1 year lit
Remtttancee ahouM be made by drafta. poetal
reites. expreaa order, and amall emonnte are
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THE juuaaau
P. O. Pot 121. Portland. Or.
Subeerlhere to The Journal who may ware
town for the aummer ran haea the paper
forwarded to them to any address without
eitra charge, payment for the eame to be
mnae upon their return.
The Journal n be found on aale at the fol
Islng place :
nnisft, IDAHO Pioneer book atore.
Brl'AflO-Poetofflce Newt company, ITS Dear
horn atreeer
DKNVKR. COU. KendrlckBook StatVwiery
company 013 Seventeenth atreat; J. Black.
Sixteenth and Curtis atreeta.
KANSAS '1TY Van .Noy Neva company.
I.OS ANdTCLKB R. r. Gardner. 3fW South
Spring tfrret: Oliver 4k Balnea, 308 South
Soring afreet.
MINNKA"OL!S M. J. Kavanaugh. 80 South
NEW YORK CITY Brentano'a. tlnloa, aqnare.
OODFV - Ogrien News company.
OMAHA -Millard hotel news Bland; Megeath
Stationery company. 1308 Farnnm afreet.
HALT I. AK R CITY Kfcnvon hotel newa atand; Rrn.. 48 Weat Second atreet. South.
BT LOPis Philip Boeder, 818 Locnat atreet.
SAN FRANCISCO W. I. Ardlng. Palace hotel
newa stand: Ooldmlth Bros.. 280 Sutter
atreet: Fred W. Pitts, inns Market atreet.
SPOKANE. WASH. John W. Graham A Co.
TACOMA. WASH Central New company. 1131
Pacific eeenwe.
MINNEHAHA TRIBE. No. 8. Improved OeCSer
Red Men. The regular meetlnga will be held
in the new wigwam. Willamette hall. No.
17i", Second atreet. at ,8 olelock p. m. each
Thuraday evening.
t. CARSTKNRCN. Chief of Hecorda.
are all Invited to attend an open meeting of
Portia ml lodge No. 2T. rrlday night. August
18. at which time Paat Supreme Maater J G.
Tate will talk on "Fraternal Inauranre."
-Co mp and bring your friend. By order
Maater Workman.
Atteat: T. M. FRARRY. Recorder.
i ...iiEajiJui J miiMtmrnmsmmtlemsssst
By George Baker A Co., Park and Alder
atreeta, at 1 p. m. Bala of furniture. George
Barer A Co.. Auctloneera.
Weather rondltlone and general forecaat for
Oregon. Washington and Idaho. Hlure yeater.
day morning eery Utile caug. baa occurred
In temperature anywhere la tbe United Htatea.
ami In the North! I'aclOc states It contlnuea
warmer than usual at thla aeaaon of the year.
Heavy ralna haea fallen In the Texaa Pan
handle, and leaaer nmounte are reported In
northern Arleooa. southern I'tah, Colorado, New
Mexico. Bonth Dakota. Kanaaa. Oklahoma, the
upper Mississippi ralley and at acatterrd plsce
In tbe aouth Atlantic atatea and tbe lower lake
The Indlrattona are for fair weather In thla
uUrrlct Friday. It will be cooler east of the
Cascade mountains.
ot seriatim closed at a, in.
Max. Mln. Free.
Atlanta. Ga S8 T2 .14
Ilaker city. Or 88 88 0
Itolac. Ida 04 58 0
Bofton. Maaa 84 88 0
thsrli-ston. S. C 88 T8 .18
Chicago, hi T8 04 0
Cincinnati. 0 80 88 0
Pturer, Col 58 .04
p.-trolt. Mich 88 88 T.
El I'aea, Tex 88 TO T.
Eureka, ra 1 68 50 0
Kr. "lev Cat 103 TO 0
Helena. Mont 84 54 0
Jsckennvttlr. Fla 80 T8 0
Kallspell Mont 83 4S 0
Kansas OHjr. Me 84 TO .44
Loa America. Cat A3 83 0
New Orlr.ine. La OS TO 0
New York. N V 84 kj n
North Platte, Nab 83 on 0
Philadelphia, Pa 88 TO T.
Poratelto. Ida 88 84 0
Portland. Or 88 88
Rnechurg. Or 54 0
Sacramento Cal 88 58 0
St. lamia. 'Mo 88 TO T.
Salt Lake. 1 tab 83 58 0
Sar Diego. Cal to 84 8
Ban Francljco. Cal 80 84 "0
St. Paal, Minn 84 84 .04
Spokane, Weak 83 54 0
Tacima. Waab S3 83 0
Victoria. B. C T3 80 0
Walla Walla. Waah 88 84 0
Washington. D C 88 80 0
Wtnnemu-ca. Nee 88 50 0
Yuma. Aria 100 83 0
Otto Rraefta. 38. and Helen Schawl. 10.
John Ilelser. 2.1. and Emma Srhranta. 31.
B. n. Nekton. 27. and Ethel Silverman. 18
laaac K Blaey, 41, and Mary E. Carty, 88.
August IT. to Mr. and Mm Char lea Stelnel.
ot 306 Second atreet, a eon.
Aufiiet 3. ta Mr. and Mra. J P. Hansen, rff
14T Pennotrer atreet. a daughter
Augruat 10, to Mr. aad lira. Secharlah Ste
phen, of 184 Nebraaka atreet, a daughter
August 10. ta Mr. and Mra. F. M. Rankin, at
48 Union avenue north, a aoa.
August 18, to Mr. and Mra. Amhraaa M. Cro
nln. ot 805 Overton atreat, a sea.
Augaat IT. Hulda Bllleter, of 080 Third atreet.
typhoid fever.
Augwat IT. Mra. T. Bllleter. ot 880 Third
street, typhoid fever.
Autuat 15, Rather KroU. aged 4 montha. at
1004 OreenrtUe avenue, cauae. entere colltla.
ttnrlal at Lnwe Fie eemeterv.
Aaguat 18, EUaabeth L. Keller, aged 8
montha, at 141 Cook avenue: caaae. acute en
terltu. Burial at laine Fir cemetery.
Aaguat I. Olga Violet Keller, aged I montha.
at 141 Cvtok avenue; caaaa. acuta enterltta.
Burial at Lme Fir cemetery.
Ananat Id. Helen M. Wtlaon. aged 34 yearn.
at Lewla River. Waah. ; eaaaa, accidental drown-
lag. B'irtal at Eugene. Or
Ana-nat U. Walter Blum, aa-ed 4 montha. at
17 J IJulmby atreet; eaaaa, cholera Infaatum.
Burial at Lone Fir cemetery.
Aajruet IT. Byron Burt Banta, aged IT year,
at Xtn Market atreet: raua. menlngltra. Burial
at Lome Fir cemetery.
Augaat 15. William T Everaon. aged ST. at
lna Be
caaaa. valvular aean 1
Burial at Greenwood cemeterr
Aaguat IT. Aatbony Smith, aged 2 montha. at
351 North Twenty-Bret atreet; caaaa. cholera
Infantum Burial at Mount Calvary cejnetery
Angvet IT. Ada May Hamlin, aged 8T yearn,
kt 8MI Frederick atreet. cauae, pulmonary tu
bereuJoam. Burial at Martin a Bin. Waah.
The Edward dolmen ' ndertaklng eampaay,
funeral director and em kail mere. 330 Third
fur In
li 1 il
u , - 1 . - . . 1 '
Front Street, Aug. 18,- The principal fea
ture of the Portland wholcaale market today
Creamery butter la weaker.
Large chicken receipt! eold.
Salmon canning to cud Augaat 23.
Oregon potatoea are high. .
Opening price on almond not.
California steamer arrive".
Fruit market have plenty.
Egg about holding their ovra.
Wheat market la very firm.
Hongkong aaklng for Oece inner Sour.
Pom he for canning neit week.
Ilueklcherrlea In larger aupply.
Roma large bog are coming.
Salmon Canning to Zad Auguxt 35.
By mutual conaent. It la aald, of the 8ah
warden nf both Oregon and Waahlugtnn the
preaent aeaaon, although nominally cloaed, la
a wlda open a It erer ha barn and Bahlng
and canning operations go nn Juat aa faat a
the runa come la. The paat aeaaon In aalmon
llahlug ov r tbe entire Pacific coast has been
a vary poor one and tbe para all through will
not average mora than one half of the normal
one. The aeaaon In tba Sacramento In Cal
ifornia fell oft over one-hair tbe uaually small
pack and the aupply ot enckeye from Puget
aotind thla year will be hardly nominal. Re
ports from various fishing grounds In Alaska
tall tba same tale of a shortage.
Carryover Stocks Are Small.
Conditions In the salmon market are re
markable inasmuch It I generally a fart
that when tba aeaaon 1 a bad one the carry
over stocks Irom the previous year m very
large. The reverse la the ra this aeaaon for
It ha been many years sine sappllea have
been so abort. Stocks of the former season's
Columbia river Chinook's are practically gona
even from the retail establishments and the
large demand for Alaska fish from tbe orient
has cleaned up everything In that line.
Prices Will Rala High.
Although the opening price on Columbia
river almon weic Kir higher than last year,
the figure are considered very low consider
ing tho conditions prevailing In the salmon
markets of the world. If ePerehsnre there
should be a good run of Columbia river ftsb
from now on to the close ot tbe canning sea
son tbe totals of the park mv possibly be
as great aa It was during the former year
when 818.000 rase ware pot up. Csnnerymen
of tba Columbia river this year hare been
ratber caution of selling too heavily and If
the pack should reach last yegr' proportions
tin v would bgve some stock to sell, for which
tbey are now figuring on obtaining practically
a 10c advance over tbe opening figures.
Canneryman Tall of Situation.
George 8 Beal. foreman of the Pillar Rock
cannery, ssys: "Up to dste It haa been ratber
prior fishing and tbe pack has been about two
thlrda of that of laat year. The season haa
been an off one In every particular the glll
neta haea done well but the seiners and traps
bare been poor. Tbe ftsb Is now coming In
excellent shape, In fact. Jut as good aa at
any time during the sessoti. It would work
a hardship to rloae the season Just at this
time and I think that canning operatlona will
continue to about August 28.
Will Seek Ail Legislature.
The csnnerymen hsve practically decided to
get together aad seek tba aid of the next state
legislature In opening as well . aa closing the
aeaaon later. It baa not been fully derided
upon aa to whether the Ashmen want tba aea
aon entirely closed during April or to keep It
closed until tbe 15th of May and then leav
ing It open until tbe laat of August.
Large Chicken Receipts Are Sold.
Tba heavy receipts of poultry yesterday and
thla morning hare been cleaned np with the
heavy demand, but a continuance of these con
ditions will cause the market to go lower. Tba
egg market holds a good, steady tone, with
tba recetpta and demand still or) a par.
Oregon Potatoea Are High
With Oregon potatoea now being bought at
prices averaging 8120 the farmer are receiv
ing gilt edge returns over what the market
was last season when the early ssle vter
made as raw a 88 and 80c. It is slightly dif
ferent thla aeaaon on account of the lack of
molsrnre and seme dealers are figuring on a
higher aeaaon than laat jesr The atocka now
arriving from local points are of very amall
siae and unless the country soon has good
ralna the crop will be shorter than has been
Opening Prices on Almond Nut.
Report from California tell of a large short
sge In the production of almond nuts and
prices this year are practically 3He higher
than during the proceeding season. Telegrspblc
reports of the opening prices made today show:
Nonparlel. ITc lh. : No pins ultras. 14c lb.:
Duke's seedling. 12r lb.: Golden state. 12c lb.;
Lanqoldor. 11H !.: 1- X. I., 14He lb.
Haw of tba Fruit Market.
Peach ea are In very large aupply and the
prlcea have begun to go down. It Is expected
that stocks will to cheat, enough and In poper
condition next wek foe ,nnlng purposes.
Hucklelierrlea from NewpoVt are In larger sup
ply and are cheaper at T2'v Merced awext
potatoes were In fair supply and found a good
aale at 8 and SVic per lb. Cantaloups and
m imega are In very liberal supply, snd prices
boor. down. Bananas sre in nrttrr supply. .The
market Is hsvlng s better run nf blsck Ham
burg grsnes from Csllfomrs. but prlcea are
high. Watermelon still find a good sale at
unchanged figures.
Wheat Market la Vary Firm.
The local wheat market re very firm with
Sellwood: modern, scientific complete. Charges
Adults. 888; children. 828. Visitors 8 a. as.
to 5 p. m. Portland Crams tloa eaeoelitlca.
Portland. Or.
J. P. Flnley A Son. funeral directors aad
an. be lis re. hrvs removed to tbelr new estsb
Ufbment. earner Third and Madlaoa streets.
Both phones No. 8.
Reller-Byrnea Co., funeral directors sad m
balmera. 378 Raasell. Lady aaat. Phone East 1088.
Clark Broa. for Sowers. 388 Morrises atreat.
Columbia Real Estate company to Albert
R. Bulltar. block 85, Penlusulsr addi
tion No. 3 t
A- 1. Carter to J. C. McGrew. lot 3. block
381. city
D iitmlck Eeenovleh to Title Oosrsnte
A Trust company, lots T. 8, 0. 10. II.
12. 80. 40. 41. 43 and 43. block 41,
Peninsular addition No. 3, to Rast
W. A. Hathaway aad wlta to. Do-nlnlck
Evsrswlch. nr
Voihn A Inf to A. E. Carter, lot 2.
block 381, city 1.000
George C Brow aad wife to Prank C.
Baker lot 1. south 10 feet lot 4. block
102. Conch a addition 8.500
Union Truat A Investment company to T.
K Martin, lot 10. Murk 10, Iranhoe..
William Lewis snd wife to A. B. Jaonbs.
lot 5, block 12, Point View
John B. Kelly to M. Sbumway. lot 0.
row D, Pleasant Home cemetery
Samuel Werner to Charles P. Werner.
lot . bavk SO. Carson heights 1
Sage to ssme. lota 4. 8. 18 and 14. block
SO. car n height 1
K J. Cowllshaw to J. lefler. lot 1. block
1, Stratford Sidney addition 1
Julia M. Hughe, arfmlnlatrator. to Port
land Seed company, lots 8, 4. 8 and 4.
block 48, East Portland 8. TOO
Julia M Hngfce at si., to same, lota 8.
4. 5 and 0. block 48, East Portland 1
Terwllllger Homestead addition BOO
College Endowment association to . J.
Shore r, lota 8 and T. black 3. Cen
tral Alblna addition BOO
Sat year tsararaat a a abatraeta ta real
satsla from th Title (la. rants. A Treat eea
assy, Chamber f Ossamsrr balldlac-
August IT, Mrs I'btlllpa. repairs to cottage
on Minnesota aveane, between Beech aad Fall
lag streets; coat, 3100.
August IT. J. Jappereee, repairs to cottsge
on Montana avenue, between Beech aad Falling
trreta. coat. 3300.
August 18. J. R- Wttbevtaeev). tare story
dwelling on Brosdway. between Eaat Nineteenth
snd East Twenty Or t streets; coat. 84.000.
August IS. A. I. Warren repair to dwelling
Montgomery, netweea seven t and Etgiitn
many aale reported throughout the Inland
empire, bat ralley transactions are not a
plentiful. Hongkong this morning wlrea for
prices on fiour for Deoumber delivery.
Boms Large Hogs Coming.
All at once nearly every dealer received
some uirge-slsed hogs thl morning. Tbe de
mend continue very good tor good block
stock and for veal. Mutton ta also la good
call with th receipt under the demand. Prlcea
Today' wholesale quotations, aa revised, are
as follows:
wralm. Flour aad Foe.
WHEAT Export, priceNew and old Club,
T4c; blurstem, lr.f valley. 80c.
BARLEY Feed, 822; rolled. 338; brewing.
OATS lrodurers' price No. 1 white, $24,600
25.00; gray, 828.50gj24.0n.
FLOUR Eastern Oregon: Patent. 84 38;
strslghts, 83.50493.80; valley. 33.85kJS.88; gra
ham U. 38.85: lo. SS.OS.
MILLBTUFFB Bran. 810,60 per ton; mid
dlings.. 835.00; aborts, country. 823.00; chop.
HAY Producers' price Timothy. Willamette
valley, fancy. $15.00il8.00; ordinary. 112,000
18.00: eaatern Oregon. $16.00018.00: mixed.
$10.00(113.00; clover. 30.00O10.00; grain, $11.50
U12.00; cheat. $11.50013.00.
Hop. Weal and Hides.
- HOPS Nominal. 36A20c for choice; 2S03BV
for prune; contract. 10O4. 22 to 22V, o
WOOL Nominal, Valley, coarse to medium,
lTtJISe; fine. 10c; eastern Oregon. 12018c
MOHAIIP-New. 80c.
SHEEPSKINS Shearing. 104130c; short wool.
2t 3iic; medium wool, 80060c; long wool.
6CC081.OO each.
TALLOW prima, per lb, 405c; No. 3 and
grease, 303Ue. ,
t HITTIM BARK 6c per lb; buying price.
HIDES Dry hide. No. 1, 18 lb snd up.
HVkOtSc par lb; dry kip. No. 1, 6 to 15 lbs.
lStfc; dry calf, No. 1. under 5 lbo. 16Vkc;
dry salted bulla, and stags, 1-3 las than dry
dint; salted bides, ateer, sound, 00 lbs or over.
TOSc; 80 to 0u lbs. 7c; under 50 Iba and
cows, fiOTc; stag an1 bulla, sound, 5c; kip.
16 to mi Iba, TUc; sound. 10 to 14 lb, 8c;
calf, sound, under 10 Iba. 8V4c; green (on
aalted) ic per lb leas; culls, lc per lb less;
horse hides, aalted, earb, $1.2&OL75: dry, each,
$1.00OI 50: colts' hldea. each. 3SQ60c: goat
sklna, common, each. lOiloc; Angora, with
wool on, each. 35cO$1.00.
Butter. Zgga aad Poultry.
BUTTER FAT Sweet. 23V; UHe
HI TTElt --City cremery, e2V026c: outside.
fancy, 2'i(u22Vjc; ordinary, lT$c; store, 12
EG (IS No. 1 fresh Oregon. 21c; nn-
catidled. 2uc; bakers, 10c.
CHEESE New Full cresm, twin. lOVtO
11c: Young America. UVb013ViC
POUI.TRV Chicken. mixed. 13V,e lb;
hens. 13c per Ibt roosters old. OOOHc per lb;
ycung. llVkc per lb; broiler. 14c per' lb;
fryer. 14c per lb; duck, old. llttc lh; young,
12c per lb; gee, Tc per lb; turkeys, 1TO
18c par lb; dressed, 18020c per lb.
Fruits and Vegetable.
POTATOES New Oregon, $1,804)1.50 per
cwt; buyer' price, $1.2o&1.25; aweeta, .st:;i,c
ONIONS Walla Walla. $1.8001.75; yellovy
Danrers, $1.78: garlic, 10c per lb.
FRKHH FRUITS -Apples, fancy Oregon. $1.35
O1-50 per box; cheap grades, 26475c per box;
oranges. Mediterranean sweet. $3,000
8.X tier box; lata Valenelaa, $3.3508.60 per
box; bananaa, 6c per lb: lemons, choice.
$8.00 per box; fancy, $850O3.T5 per box;
limes, Mexican, 85c per 100; pineapples. $8,000
8.60; cherries, be per lb; apricots, Oregon.
per box; plums, Burhanks. flufrfsoc
per box ; peach plums, Boot 75c per box : peaches.
Oregon. 7oaS0c per box; Crawford. T0Jc per
box; pears, $1.3501.60 per box: grapes,
whit Callfornls, $l'tfl 25 per box: black Ham
burg. $1.25431.60: black fig. per box; black
berries. $1.36 per crate; watermelons, x.vd'.me
par ewt; crated. $1.25; muskmelons. 8821.00
rrr dos: csntslonpe. California $1.35; Oregon,
1.50 per crate: nectarine. T5cOl-r0 Pr box:
huckleberries. lSVfcc par lb; crabappl, SVie
per lb.
VEGETABLES Turnips. $1.28 per ssck: car
rot, $1.35 par tack: beeta, $1.35 par ssck;
Oregon rsdlenea. 16c per dos: cabbage, Oregon,
3r per lb: lettuce, bead. 15c per do; green
liepiarr. 30c per lb: celery. T5c do: to
matoes. Oregon. 00c par box; parsnips, T5cO
$1 25; green peas. Ac per lb; green onions.
l2Hc per dos; local green corn 10c
dos: pie plant. 203VsC per lb; string beans.
45c: cucumbers, 406150c per box; hothouse, 10c
per doa; cauliflower. $1,204(1.35 per do; butter
Besns. tc; pumpkins, 1HC lh.
DRIED FRUITS--Annie. eTsnorated.
r. SO
per lb; snrlcnts. OHtailr ner lb: sack
per lb lees; poaches, T(3c per lb: pears.
10 per lb: prune,- Ital!
Itsn. svk
SvitatVic per lb;
French. 8t4I4Ue ner lb: firs. Callfornls
blacka. OUXOHe per lb: do white. 601t
per lb; plums, pitted. 6408c per lb: dates,
golden. 8V4c per lb: fsrda, $1.60 per 15-Ib box.
RAISINRSeeded. fancy 1 lb carton. 80
pa'rksge to case, THc pkg: seeded, li-os car
tons. 5Hc: loose Muscsts. 50-lb boxes, 5084e
per lb: London layers. 81.08: cluster. $2 00;
Ha. 2.V; Us, 50c advance over noun 6 carton.
FIO? Ten 1-lb cartons, choice brsnd. 30c;
10 l ib fa-tons, fsncy brsnd. $1.00; 10 1-lb
brick. S-rmwn. 75c; 10 1-lb brick. 8 -crown.
06c: 4 t, lh bricks, per hog, 33.00; bricks.
81 to case. $2 00: 6-row layer, per 10-lb box.
TOe: loose. SO lb boxes, per lb. 5Mjc. Cltvmr
nas Six -crown. 10-lb carton, pet bog. $3 00:
B-crown. 10-lb cartons, per box. $1.T5; 4-crown.
30-lb cartons, per box, $1 75.
esssris, Nuts. Etc. .
SUGAR Sack basis Cube. $8.40; powdered.
fruit grannlsted. 8a35; dry granulated.
15: beet rrsnulated. SB. 88: ettr C. 80.15:
golden u, ga-no; bbls. loc; u, btiis. ZK; ooxes,
50c sdvanc on sack basis, lea 25c cwt tor caah.
16 days; maple, 14Q18c per th.
HONEY 14H015C.
COFFEE Green Mocha. STOtSc: Java, fancy.
StQKSr; Java, good, 202V: Java, ordinary,
U4T20e: Coata Rica, fancv. 10OOc: Coata Rica,
good. lOOlSe: Coata Rica, ordinary. 11313c
per lh; packsge coffee. $13.2501t.T8.
TEAS -Oolong, different grsdes. 2508Sc; gun
powder. nOttOSSc: English breskfast. dif
ferent grsdes, 12H08Se; splderleg. ancotored
Jspsn. 30085c; green Jspsn (eery scare), 38
80c per rb.
SALT Fine- Rales, 2a. Sa. 4a. 8a. 10. $1 20
fll.30; table, dairy. So. 80.00011 80; 100.
(a. 150 ; imported Liverpool. 80. $18,004)
18.50; 100s. $14.75018.00; 334a, $14.80O18.80
extra fin, bbls, 3s. 3a, Be. 10s. $4.00; bulk.
320 rbs. $3.50; ssrka. 60a. 85c
SALT Coarse Half ground. 100. per ton,
ST. ttnffO.SO; 50s, ner ton. $60T 00; Liverpool
lump rock. $15 5001850 per ton; 50-lb rock.
$6 8 TV 100a. $.1 758 35.
(Above price apply to aale of lea thla
car Iota. Car lot at speclsl prlcea subject
to fluctuations
GRAIN RAOS -Calcutta. 88. TB OS 00 per 100
HICF Imperial Japan. No. 1. 8e; No. 1
e; New Orleans bead, 41404T4: Adjack.
8Vc: Creole. 4HOtVic.
BEANR-Rmalt white, 8a08Ae; Urge,
white. 3-,c. ptnk. 4.c; rayou. 9ti Ubii.
4ac: Mexican reds. 814.
NUTS Peanuts. THc: Jnmhna. Hc per lb:
raw, OOlOc per lb for roasted: cocoannts. S50
POo. per" do: walnuts. 1440184C per lb; pin
nut. WtfjtSHe per lb: hickory nut. 10c per lb;
chestnuts, eastern, l6O10c per In; Brail nut.
15c per lb: filbert. lSOlOr per lh: fsncy
pecans. 14Q15C per lb: almonds. ISOTSc per tb.
Mast, rtah aad Provision.
FRESH MEATS Inspected Beef, steer. 8c
oer lb: coma, oanvac per lb: mutton.
4ef5r oer rb: lambs dressed. 5438c per Tb
FRESH MR ATS Front atreet Beef, ateers
4HT3C per Th: porm. block. Be par Th;
packer. 7 P-' lb: bulla. 8 He per lb;
cow. 3H04H per Tb: mutton, (trees a. 4Q5c
per lb; veal, extra. 8c per lb; ordlnarv,
TtTTH par lh; poor. 5c; lamb. SHOBHc
HAMS. BACON ETC. - Portland park I local)
hams. 10 tn 14 nm. 14c per lb: U to IB lb.
14c pes lb: IS to 30 the. 1 tc per b: cottage
OHc per lh: break fast bacon. 18H01Tsje
per lb; plcnlea. lie per rb: regular sbnrt
elcra. unmked. 8Hc per lb: smoked. 10Hc
per lh: elesr backs, nnsmoked. 8c per rb;
smoked. 10c per lb; Union butts. 10 lo 18 lbs,
nnsmoked. 8c per lb; smoked, lb per Tb:
clear bellies, nnsmoked. 11 He per lb; smoked
13Hc per lb.
LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a. lotte per
lb: Sa. 10H nr lb; 50-lb tin. 8Hc per Th;
stesm rendered. 10. BAe per lb: 8. at per
lb; 60s. OVt Per Iti: compound tierces. SHc per
lb: tubs. Sate per lb; 50. 8c per Tb.
CANNEI tramnis rt
Iver. 1 lb tails
81.88: 2 lh tails. 83.60: fancy I-lb flat. 33.00;
lb fancv flats
i zn: rancy I -in oval, 83.75;
Alaaka U'ls pink. HStJJPOc; red. $1.50
3s. fall. axon.
FISH Rock cod. 8c per tb: flounders, je ear
th: halibut. Be per lb; crab. $1.38 per dos;
striped has, lofl 12Hr per lb: catfish, V ner
lh, salmon Chinook. 8r per Tb: teethede.
c par lb: blueback. 8c per lb: herring. 5c per
lb; sole. A- per lb: shrlmre. 10c per lb; shad,
dressed. SHe per ; pereb. Be oer Th; abad
toe !3Hc per Tb: me sbsd 8c per lb; blsck cod,
8c per m: silver smelt. Be per th.
OYSTERS Sboalwster bay, pee gat. 82 25;
par srh $3 75 ret: Olympls per ssck. $3 35.
CLAMS- Hard shell, pa box. $3.00; rssor
rlsm. $1 78 per box.
Psmts. Obal Ofla. Rt.
ROPE Pur Manila lSVbc; standard. 3j8tAi
Sisal. lOHC
COAL OIL Pr1 or Astral Caaaa. 21 He -r
gal; water white. Iron bhls IV per gal. wooden
per gal. nesoiigax. in'o'i, esses xJva
per gsl. Iron bhls 17c per gal.
LINSEED OIL -Pure raw. in bbls 5Sr per g
caaee Sc per gal: genume kettle boiled, ea
85c per gal. bbt 80e per gsl; gronnA ea!
car bta $38.00 per ton. lea. thaa cars $38
deg. cage SSc per gaL kroa
I; store, rasas 34 He per gaL
hhta a ner aa
Iron M Is IV oer aal
BENZINE -83-deg. caaaa 89k pet gaL
btls 15 He ner gal.
PAINT OIL -Raw. hbta 38c per gL
SSc per gsl boiled, rases 40c per gsl,
TURPENTINE -la ra SB per gaL w
4 (Journal Special Barrlc.) 4
4 Ban Frsnolaco, Aug-. 18. After
4k rePHlra had been made to tele- 4
4 sraph wlrea yeaterday sfternoon. e
4 they were again wrecnea Dy an-
4 other cloudburst which orcurred 4
4 about 7 o'clock last eveninR. At 4
4 1 p. m. the Poatol Telegraph 4
O company reported that at least 4
4 a half mil of wire watt yet In 4
0 the mud. It Is thought that all
0 damage will be repaired tonight.
caee lot 84c per gs
on lots, T(c per lb, 600-lb
int. 8c ner lb lam lota 8V1 aar rb.
WIRE NAILS Preaent baa at 33.88.
Retail Lumbar Prlosa.
Com. Select Clssr
Per Par Par
I at Ft. M Ft. M Ft.
Bench, dimension regular
sixes 2x3 to 12x12, 82 ft. $ 8.80 $18.00 $28.00
Rough, dlracnsl ma regulnr
sixes to 12x13. 84-40 ft. . . B.60 17 00 34.00
ltough. dimensicn regular
slses to 12x13, 43-48 ft... 11.60 18.00 38.00
Rough, dimensions regular
alses to 12x13. 60-80 ft... 15.60 38.00 30.00
For s(ch sddltlonal 3 Inch
In width add 1-00 2.00 2.00
for odd aad , fractional
sixes sswed add not lea
than 3.00 8.00 4.00
For sawing vertical grain
to 4x13 add 8.00 8.00 8.00
Common rough boards, regu
lar alses to 13 In. wld
to 34 ft.. Inc., assorted
length 8.50 11.00
Specified lengths of board $1.00 per M feet
Board to consist of lumbar leas thsn 3 Isaas
tn thickness.
Portland Union Stockrarde, Aug. 18. There
la now every Indication that there will aooa
be a larger run of bogs and thla will ajeaa
tbst price will go lower. The cattle market
la stronger on the smaller receipts and tba
better grade especially are wanted at the
preaent figures. The sheep market Is quiet, but
stendy. Receipt during tbe paat 24 hours
consisted of 100 hogs, 150 cattle, 25 sheep and
20 horses.
Offlclsl ruling prlcea:
Cattle Best eaatern Oregon steers. $8 00;
beat valley steers. $2.7508 00: medium steers,
$275: cow. $2 25; bulla. $1 75; stsgs. $2.00.
Hogs- Best hesvy, $0.80; block, 88.00; Chins
fsts. $5.5005.75; stockers and feeders, $4,700
Sheep Best grain-fed wethers and lambs,
$2.0002-60; mixed sheep. $l.TBO3.00.
Chicago, Aug. 18. The hog market la steady
snd quiet at yesterday's quotations. Estimated
tomorrow, 15,000 bead of hog.
(FurnUhed bj Orerbeck, Starr 4k Cook Co.)
New York. Aug. 18. Tba stock market waa
womuwhtu arratlc today, although th ductus -tloua
wire wlthtn eomparattrrlj narrow Un
its. Tb principal strength waa shown la
the traction atocka, which war hta?ll- traded
tn on 'tec unt of a rcTtTal of rumors that a
consolidation scbeio la betne worked oat.
Amalfsmated Copper also mored up oo tba
sir nxth of copper metal and on tho belief that
Hrlnae la neurl through flgbtlng.
upen. uux aaie
Amaifamateo topper to...
Atchlaon, common
Atchison, preferred .......
American Sugar, common..
Baltimore A Ohio, common,
ftrooklrn He pld Tranalt . . .
Canudlan I'aclnc. cooinKin .
1 .
.. 88
. . 5.T4
Chicago. Milwaukee A St. Panl
brie, common
IHIrvnlr. Ce.vral
lyulfiTin. Naabrllle
Metropolltao Traetlon Co....
j.i f
Manhattan Elevated
Missouri Pacific
New Ytrk Central
Norfolk A Western, common...
74. T.. Ontario A Western
Pennsylvania Railway
People's Oss. Light A Cok Co.
Resdlng, common
Rock Island, common
Southern Ital'ssy. common ...
Southern Pacific
Bt. Louie A Ban Fran., 3d pfd
Texaa A Pacific
Tennessee Coal A lrn
t.'nlon Pacific, common
. 5
.120 V
. 84
. 84V
. 45
. on
nlted States Steel Co..
I'nltrd State Steel Co.. pfd.
Western Cnlon Telegraph....
Wabaah, preferred
(Furnrshed bj Overbeek, Starr A Cook Oo.)
Baa Kranclaeo. Aug. 18 E r. llutton A r.
say: December wheat opened st $1.50T4. There
was good bnylug for local and outside ac
counts. Tbe wesTkn which appeared
In Chicago during the middle of tb session
caused early buyer to sell oat their early
purchases aad resulting la a Bartlns to $1.4S.
There was on fact apparent -that Is the big
holders are not selling wheat, believing tb
market I too cheap and will go higher aad
carrying out oar argument that tba north
west condition will adjust Itself Th ad
vance In fiour haa had some fsris-sble effect
upon vslne. Barley haa been dull, hut firm.
We continue to advise purchase of wheat
and barley on fair reaction.
Tiwlar's 11:80 a. m. market:
Wheat December $1 .W4
Barley December l.OSft
Baa rranciacoi. Aaaj 18. Close 10:30 a. m.
Ii : sag, Aa.
Spring Valley Water. T
S F. Lo Angeles A Blectrlc. . . . 8044 804
Olsnt Powder 81
Mr, ii a Plantation 30
llswsltan Sugar 88
Honnkeo Sugar 14 15
iliitchlaon Sugar 10
Ktlanea Sugar 3 4
Mt-kawell Sugar 38 38
Ors-me Sngttr 3T 38
Patuhua Sugar 181k 1$
Alaska Packers' Aas n 138 1 34
Cal Fruit Canner' Aas'a 100
(Furnished by Overbeek, Stsrr A Cook Co.)
Chicago, Aug. IK On heavy wiling order
and profit taking by many traders tbe wheat
market opened much lower today, showing
loseee of from iy to 3Uc from laat ntgbt's
closing prices. Liverpool showed a lose of
1 at tbe close ot their market. While there
I not much selling preaaur. tbe principal
causa of the weakness wss profit taking Caah
price bold steady bare, alao In Kanaaa city
and St. Louis. Tba millers snd elevator people
are taking all the wheat offered them. Crop
news from the west today wss much more f
vorsble. while the Minnesota and tbe Da
kotaa are still complaints ot much rust. Tba
market seemed weak at times, but a reaction
occurred on th publication of Jonea' bullish re
port. While not aa great excitement as y
ttrday was shown todsy, tho market wa very
active. i
Corn Was Weak.
Th corn market waa week today In sym
pathy with whest and alao batter weather In
the corn belt. There la mora moisture In tb
belt than for nine time, although a good deal
of It Is needed. Kan la reported to hare
fair prospects of s good crop. The September
opened slightly lower with very light trading,
and not much tendency either way. It held
steady throughout the session sud closed with
a net loss of about . The trsdlng In De
a ruber waa very light.
Little Doing ta Oats.
There waa very little doing In oata today and
trading la practically at a atandstlll. There
Is very little chsngs In prices. September waa
e lower thsn the previous rloae. Weather
conditions sre unchanged, and tbe crop Is ma
turing favorably.
Pr1leai Mor Active. ,
Tbe provision market waa a little more active
than for the last few dsys. tbe principal tradlug
being in September, which shows a range for
the day of about ITc. The opening prices were
15c higher snd trsdlng was mor srtlve. Sep
tember pork cloaed with a 5c advance tor the
Today's market:
Open. Close.
New September $ 1.0T $ 1.08
Hecember l-OSta LOTS
Ma 1.08 LOOvk
.64 .64 B
September 84 .54
September 11.T3 11. TT
Ban Francisco, Aug. 18. 11:80 a. m. De
cember wheat opened at $1.60. waa high at
$1.60, low at il.48. and cloaed at $1.48.
Barley eve. oc hi bar opening, $1.06: high.
$1.09; low, $1.S: Aose, $1.0.
on a cemts
Ifi J:
I lose. ( lose
Today. Aug. IT.
109 1.11
' .03
Maw September
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Chicago, Aug. 1$. The crop damage reporta
continue to com, but notwithstanding an ava
laccbe of these moving la tba pit today tba
market opened much lower and cloaed aensa
tlonally down from yesterday.
Tbe report of Jones was unite bullish, but It
bad little If any effect In stemming tbe down
ward course of price.
Logan A Bryan aay that early weather fe
ports do not sbow an frost and the lack of
damaging new of thl character waa one of
tbe principal cause of today's drop.
Trader an Frantic.
The wild scenes la wheat yesterday war
more than duplicated thla morning, when the
market opened down from tbe former close.
After the opening the market took a down
ward course, sad from then on to the close
there were rather see saw quotations, slowly
but surely the price touching lower lev is
Ther baa certainly been great deal of
damage to the crops of tbe northwest by both
rust and unfavorable climatic conditions, but
whether this damage has been fully discounted
or not I tb cause of much controversy loa
and gain of money.
It ta conceded by all that tb conditions
ss generally shown wsrrsnt vary high figures,
hut the ones who predict $1.38 Wheat are few
Bulla Ar Shocked.
Tbe reaction In th market today, although
a shock to the most sanguine bulk, was not
aa severe aa some bad expected, the loss being
prsrtically lc. Bom reaction had been due
from tbe high values, but despite th fact that
It bad beea. expected many were caught nap
ping. Thla la especially true of tbe smaller
specula tors, who bsd beea led to believe tbat
tba market would easily reach $1.26 without
any serious reaction.
Tbe Portland clearing bouse reports todsy
Clearing 8804.T4.52
Bs lances
Liverpool, Aug. 18 Cloae: Cotton 1 penny
vrn from tbe opening.
(Journal 8 peel 1 Service. I
Vienna, Augr. 18. The cerenty-fourth
birthday of Emperor Francis Joeph waa
celebrated . with fetes throughout the
dual empire today. In the capital there
waa a grand review of troop and a gen
eral Illumination of the city. The ven
erable emperor Just returned from his
tstt to King Edward at Ifarlenbad, ob
served the anniversary by granting
amnesty to a large number of prisoners
undergoing; sentence for minor crimes.
Franc la Joseph waa proclaimed em
peror of 'Austria on the abdication of his
uncle, Ferdinand 1, on December 1, 184S.
He wag crowned king of Hungary June
8, 187. He married In 18(4 Kllxabeth, a
daughter of Duke Maximilian of Bavaria.
Th empress was assassinated by an
anarchist In Geneva, September 10, 1888.
Of the emperor's three children th
Crown Prince Rudolph committed sui
cide, and. as his daughter, the Arch
duchesses Olsela and Marie, ar In
eligible, his brother Charles Louis will
become emperor when the beloved
monarch ends his beneficent rule.
i Journal Special Service.)
Cincinnati. O.. Aug;. 18. One
killed and four Injtired In a head-on coin-tun
between tare work trains on tho
"Big Rrrur" near Ellsabethtown today.
Engineer Patrick Mitchell at Indian
apolis was killed outright. Of the four
men Injured on may not survive.
Both coastwise and deepwater Bailors
are so scarce In port that the seamen's
union and the sailor boarding houee men
are experiencing considerable trouble in
securing enough men to supply the ships
now In port and about ready to sail.
The British ship Rajor, which will com
plete her cargo for the United Kingdom
this afternoon, will probably be delayed
for a few days on account of the scarc
ity of men to ship before the mast.
To prevent any unnecessary detention
of the Rajor, Captain Oarrloclc her skip
per, and the representatives of the sailor
boarding house are putting In the mos?
of their time In an endeavor to get to
gether a crew. By both working In har
mony. It Is expected that the requisite
number of seamen will soon be Secured.
Th captain will only have to pay about
half rate for all whom He induces to
sign to make the voyage.
This Is believed to D uie nrat time
In the history of the port that such an
agreement haa been made between the
captain of a ship and the sailor boarding
houso men. Heretofore the latter have
expected full rates for all nsw men who
were put aboard the vessels, may con
tended that they are the only ones au
thorised by law to engajra in the busi
ness of shipping sailors, and they
usually won their point- A few have
disputed their right in this particular,
but subsequently they invariably re
gretted it.
The German ship Blfrieda has been
fitted out with a new crew, and Is now
practically ready for sailing. Her des
tination la South Africa, and under the
moat favorable circumstances it is fre
quently difficult to get men who are
willing to make the trip to the dark
continent. Tbe agent of tho seamen's
union has been compelled of late to send
to Puget sound to fill the vacancies. It
Is thought to be probable that the board
ing house man will send to Ban Fran
cisco for men If there l not soon a
change In tbe situation for the better.
Each of them almost half a day late
the Columbia and Aurella arrived in
port last night from San Francisco.
Heavy fogs caused th delay. Both ves
sel brought full cargoes and a large
number of passengers. Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Russell were passengers on th
Aurella. Mr. Russell la a member of
. i Ae o i v Ufiaars C!n. owners
Ilia hi in in i, u. - b s --
of the craft. He expects to remain a
WCfK oeroro reiurninf uuuiv.
The Aurella haa been on the run be-
AUM taaa,. anrl flan Vru nplBCf. rlf 11 i & 1"1 V
during; the past tx or seven montha.
carrying cargoes ooin way. . w
k.4 ka vantiirA ha si KMn sv navlrtir one
from the start. At the time the Una
was started it waa xearea ins.
i a t .kliaul t patitm Amntv nn.
. m at.-atl sW Anvlin iVlA OlMBtt hilt SO f ft T
V t3- llJILgll 4 J uvnii vav -
she haa received all the freight that
she couia nanaie. uiuui; i i .
wheat and lumner, ana inose pruuucis
will comprise her cargo on this trip.
Together with the Josph Pulltsar,
the schooner Churchill was placed on
the dry dock this morning to have th
bottom of her bull cleaned and painted.
The Churchill arrived at Astoria a cou
ple of months ago with a cargo of coal
from Newcastle, Australia. After com
ing oft the drydoclc she will tax on a
cargo of lumber at the Eaatern West
ern mllh Sha la In command of Cap
Lain Rosendal.
Tho steamer Aberdeen arrived this
morning from Ban Francisco and is re
ceiving a lumber cargo at tho Eastern &
Western mfll for th return trip.
Astoria. Aug. 1$. Loft up at mid
night Steamer Aberdeen.
istnris in IT.- Left un at S D. m.
Steamer Whlttler. Sailed at 3:10 p. m.
Schooner Virginia tor buu x-vniru. ui
up at 4 p. m. Schooner Churchill. Lstft
up at 4:40 p. m. Steamer Columbia.
Left up at T p. m. Steamer Aurella.
Arrived down at 7:40 and sailed at 10:3$
p. m. Steamer Redondo for San Fran
cisco. Arrived at P. m. Steamer Ab
erdeen from San Francisco.
San Francisco, Aug. IT. Arrived at
3 :30 p. m. Steamer Alliance from Port
land and coast ports.
Astoria, Aug. 18. No bar report; cap
line down.
Construction work will be started to
morrow on'ths steamer Arago, whleh is
being built for the government to be
used aa a survey boat for the United
States engineers. The work will be done
at the Portland shlpysrds. The vessel
la of small dimensions and will be
placed In commission south of the Co
lumbia river. Her principal run wlU be
from Tillamook to Coos bay.
i Journal Special Service )
New York, Aug. 1$. Pemocracy-s on
slaught on New York, New Jersey, Con
necticut, Delaware and West Virginia
kept Chairman Cortelyou and the Re
publican national executive committee
plotting retaliation behind locked doors
yesterday, and the work Is again being
gone over today.
National Committeeman Ward re
ported thst the situation In New Tork
was none too alluring. Governor Frank
lin Murphy and Senator Dryden ad
mitted that New Jersey was debatable
thla year. National Committeeman
Charles F. Brooker demanded all the
help that could be afforded for Connect
icut. I Journal Special Service 1
m Jnaepn, Ma, Aug. 18. The Demo
cratic convention of the Fourth con
gressional district reassembled here to
day. The convention met two weeka ago
and adjourned after 777 ballots, without
agreeing on a candidate.
ML. MM ( COORt (0.
Member Calces Board of Trass.
82 Tsrrd St., N8r StArk - PIsmm, Nats M I
We are seainsssa by trivet wire wtr
Meaara. Lagan A Brraa. Cbtcag aad Hew
JmL' StSf-Ttim Pistil ""
Kw TcrbOMtsiT saTetuiBge I rawraauT $&
ssa; New Or lea as Cottas BxsSiaaai aVeary
Meet A Co., New Toeb Cuff. BiOsng; Patsa,
pJLlkttiX'imrX sasTxsm
BwDeJast aCXCaWasarak
U jBBmir
bbMMbbSbv '
Dr. W. Norton Davis.
We treat aueeasafully all private nervosa snd
ctronlc dlsesss of men, alao blood, atomscb.
heart, liver, kidney and throat trouble. We
cure BYPHILLIS (without mercury) ta stay
cured forever. In SO to 80 days, W r.mosr
STRICTURE, without operstlon or pain, la IS
We axon drains, tb remit of self abuse.
Immediately. We can restore the aaxual vigor
of any man under 80 by means of local treat
ment peculiar to ourselves.
We Cure Gonorrhoea in a Week
Th doctors of this Institute are all regular
Craduatea, have had msny year rxperlenc.
sre been known In Portland for IB year,
bar reputation to maintain, snd will under
take no caae unless certain cur can be af
fected. Wa guarantee to ear In every ess we under
take or charge no fee. Conaultatlon free. Let
tera confidential. Instructive ROOK roB MBM
mailed Tree In main wraooer
ir you can at ornce. writs rev
Men blank. Horn treatment successful.
0$ ce hour 0 to 8. and T to 8. Sunday and
holidays. 10 to 13.
Ma leading sneda lists la tba North wssL
Established 1888.
Di. W.Norton Davis & Co.
Tab mor Motel, V. E. Cor. Third and
Pin Btrt
The (Jreat Chinas) Doctor
Is called great be
cause his wonderful
cures are so wsll
known throughout
the United State,
and because so many
peoole are thankful
to htm for saving
their Uvea from
Be treats any and
all dlaaavses with
powerful Chinese
herbs, roots, buds,
barks and vegetables
mat ses ens ffselv un
known to rnedlcaT science In this coun
try, and through tne us n '""''
less re) ad lea This famous doctor know
tb action of ovr $00 different rerndle
that he has successfully used In different
diseases. He guarantees to cure catarrh,
aatlima, lung troubles, rheumatism, ner
vousness, stomach, liver, kidneys, fe
male trouble and all private diseases.
Hundreds of testimonials. Charge)
moderate. Call and see him.
Patlants out of .the city write tor
blank and circular, inclo stamp. Ad
dress T
3(3 Alder street, Portland, Or. Men
tion thla paper.
BaaBsm. 7 ' JL. HJai
R Rxs 8B AmbMal
ESaX i
eUwlurrrtty. flittrtfliv;
IgLT. a. jjggU : gft8Utisittp
Thm JoCDuraJU
JWoar Pairtt ffaete.
Afanqy SacJc f not"
Tor Bel By
J. A. " " 8) CO- 232 First St.
J. J. lAODtBIiT ill First St
m paiwt orx. co.
12$ Orand Ave.
CO. (lrpod)
Cmprbal aad Surplns svBO0,80 0.88k
Ttrokars la
Grain.Provisions. Slocks and
tar scat Frlvsss War Bratem bt
We CBllgi 3a ia $
(atabllhd IK)
OaKAJMBaaSasafc OtfQtttSmmrmmnQK
1 streeu, eaat, $S0.
city car