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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. AUGUST 18, 1904. . J I rJ U-L I- -- PIGTAILS WILL STILL FLOURISH OimiD OlTIiltW BAT TIAT POITLAJD OILMTIAIJ amm nor notunm, in THAT QUEUES WILL WOT U OAS Ansa. While the reform sentiment la (row ing agiong the Chlneae of Portland, thare la no Immediate danger that thoy will adopt the maniple of heir countryman at Frcano, where at a meeting of tlx Cblnaae Empire Reform association thla week 3S0 Chinamen resolved to cut off their queues and put their ahtrts Inalda of tbalr trouaera. While It would not be fair do My that Portlund Cjttnatnen are of the '"moss-back, order, thVre are Ce leatlala who are ao far from Adopting the American barber ahop put terns, that they axe carrying plgtaila longer than the average. r "It la hard to learn ari old dog new tricks." was thj maxim utted today by. Wing, the well-known Americanised Chinamen who makea hla headquarters at the store of Kwong Lun Tal A Co., 61 Front street. Wing la an official In the Portland br&ncji of the Chinese Em pire Reform association, and he Is not only an ardent reformer, but he practices what he preaches, being a well-read, edu cated man, who, speaks English with a purer diction than Is spoken by many white people. He said: "We are not ready to take up these quaatlona here. Our association has been well established In Portland for about four years. Lately many China men here ha ire been cutting off their queues, and I think the number will continue to Increase. It may corns In a wave of reform In styles, and a large, numDer adopt the American styles ft ones. The movement will be more rapid aa aoon as- that 'old woman' dlea over In China. The young emperor Is pro greaalve, and he will very aoon adopt European customs and dress, lie once am tirens rnmseir in American iHsniun, but as soon aa the 'old woman' saw him she made him change them. "Our association has a hall on the third floor at 63 H Front street, where wa frequently meet to paas upon local mattera.' Wa are trying to educate the younger generations of Portland China men to American manners and Ideas. After a man has passed the age of 40 years we cannot do much to reform hla customs. He de not understand the American, and the American does not understand him. But we are educating the young ones, and they will be Amer icana In naerly every respect There has been a goad deal of frightening Chinamen In Portland lately, the offi cers chasing them and calling them con traband Chinamen. But I am aure the Chinese do not harbor spate nor anger on that acpourt. The CMjiaman Is a good citizen, quiet, peaceable and moral." Wing read the Journal's Fresno dis patch to a number of Chinamen assem bled In the. store, and they listened with much Interest. The nlagr oaves laughed when the dispatch relied the cutting off of the Fresno n'uevMa and the con fining of shlrta Inside of trousers. TIE MILLS SHUT DOWN FOR A TIME About 14 sawmills in eastern Multno mah county and several more on the Washington side of the Columbia, that were running specially on ties, have practically been closed down for a few months. The tie output of these mills Is controlled and handled by the Colum bia River Tie A Lumber association Last August the O R. A N. Co. and the Oregon Short Line made their usual an nual contracts for ties, and the deliv eries from some of the Multnomah county mills was not completed until recently. The railroads purchased large stocks of ties laat year, and had enough for Immediate use. after using what was needed for. extensions and other Im provements. However, the railroads were still will ing to buy ties for future use, If they could be secured st the rate of 23 cents. Ties had been bringing aa much aa 31 cents each. The mills refused to cut ties at that price, and closed down aa aoon aa the old contracts were com pleted. The Columbia River Tie A Lum ber association has been shipping a few ties from 8t. Helens by steamer to Southern California, that were barged across from Lewis river on the Wash ington aide. , Honey en Butter creek. In various forma. What a place to live butter, creek, honey, milk, and dancing damsels i. sssssssi ssosssasawsasi .WHAT DID THE FOR SALE Either of those new end ele gant dwellings "about com pleted," situated on the south west corner of Bast Sixteenth and Stark., Will be sold ror cash or on Installments by Parrish, Watkins & Co. 20 AX.DE HENRY WEINHARD Proprietor of the City Brewery Largest aad Moat Complete Brewery la the Mortbxeeet. Bottled Beer a Specialty nuraon ho. fa. . Offlce lMh and Bnrnalde Streets, rOP.TLAKL, OftKOON. JL-DID 1 the J (TbugA- CLAIRVOYANT BUDAH BERNIQUE Born With a Double Veil Ed ucated in Occult Science In Egypt and India The Veiled Prophetess $10 LIFE READINGS $1 y person will b entitled to more than one resting st this lonr fee, ts It ts suds ss a exalter of advcrtlelng for thl week onlyi fter that all readings will he st regular fee, IB, to all. You must taring this ad. London's most famous palmist and elelrvoy ast Is acknowledged by press and public the greatest living DEAD TRANCE MRDUSM. She tells what yon enme for before roa after s tvird: does not ask imeatloua. no mat ter what your trouble may be. CM. sad see will guide you with certainty higher Ann human power. Telia you the truth, good or bad. This OCCULT WONDER Is plaeed la s clsee by herself, towering head and shoulders over every rival, and Is rernrotscd bv the PRO CESSION aa their BRIGHTEST STAR. It mar be of vital Interest to roa to know the outcome of jour present distress. The happiness of year future life mar de pend upon the right solution and proper ad Ties. There are no mistakes In the predictions made hr the great and wonderful Payehlc. Too may wish to know If It Is advisable to maAo a change In business, la lore, la marrlace. "Khali I succeed In ar new undertaking?" "Can I oDtaln my hopes, my wishes, my ambitions?" "hall I ever enjoy the luxuries pf wealth I" "Can I frost my friends T" "Hare I enemies" "When shall I marry?" "How often ebsll I marry 7" "Shall I ever be divorced" "Does soother share the ktve thst rightfully belongs to ma?" , "If so. whom?" "Am I loved In return?" "la there rival In my InveT" "When sbsll my love affair terminate la marriage 7" "When ahall mv domestic troubles end?" "How can I make my life and home harpy?" "When ahall mv absent friend return?" "Why do I net receive a letter?" Hours 10 a. m. to p. m., daily sod Sun day Permanently located. 291 S MORRISON &T., Cor. f If in T. Same Floor of Boston Dental Parlors. TEETH SPECIALS EXTENDED UNTIL SETT. 1 Boston Painless Dentists Will make apeclal low school rates la order thatall school children may come and have their teeth cared for during vacation. These are the only dentists In Port land having the late botnnical dlacovery to apply to the gums for Painless Ex tracting. Filling and Crowning Teeth, and guaranteed for ten years. LI f Tl 11 ExtTsctlst .. FREE I Examination FtEE Silver Fillings 3Sc j Gold FIIDRgt ..75: Fsll Set of Teeth $1.00 Geld Crowns $3.00 Crowns and Bridge Work at Low Prices a spoclalty. Our Patent Double gactlon will hold your teeth up. JJfO STUDENTS. Pome in at nnce and take advantage Of low rates. All work dona by speclallatn without pain and guaranteed for 11 years. Boston Painless Dentists Fifth and Mnrrlac streets, entrance ISlVa Morrison. TUSCAN Mineral Springs On RTSBT DAY XV THE TEAS. To Whom It May Concern i came to the above springs on April 6 to take treatment for my eyea. I hail a very severs attack of catarrh of the eyes, was almost blind after treating with the best specialists that could be found, and suffering for nine years. I have at laat found a cure here at the FAMOUS TUSCAN BPRINOS. I can not praise them too highly. 1 hope that others that are afflicted, will give them a trial Respect palm EK. I Room SOS. Commercial Blag.. Portland, Oregon. Mr. T-vC. Palmer, of Palmer. Or., was cured rheurrratlatn. Tf you are alck write to ua; wa will give you the name and addreax of some one cured of a similar complaint, Tuscan Mineral Springs Corp. TUSCAN, CAB SEHD 80c TOM BOTTLE OF gTOat'CH AMD CATAIHK SALT. CITT NOTICES. completion and acceptance or im provement Or FIRST AVENUE. Notice la hereby given thst Wllllshi C. Eldott. iTIty Engineer, hsa filed In the offlee of tba undersigned notice that William B. Ckle, contractor for tbe Improvement of First ntcmie. nude- the provlsloiM of ordinance No l.M'70, hss completed said street; from nrrth erty line )f Locust itreet to northerly Hue ef Ash atreet. Said aceeptbnee will be considered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock an Ibe 10th day of August, 10C4, and objections to the accept ance of asld itreet, or sny psrt thereof, may be filed In tbe office of the undersigned st sny prior thereto. THE EEKCt TIVK BOARD. By THOB. C DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland.. lroayn,. Augnet 13. 10IM. From the Chicago Trlfoune. The Invitation to President Caotro to par up or shut up appears to be prac tically unanlifmus. U1TI NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR 110BV STOVE. ORAVEL AMD SAND FOB RESERVOIR BO. 4. Seeled proposals will be rseelved by the Water Board of the City of Portland. Oregon, until 8 p. m . Monday,- Aoguat 22. 1004. for furnlrhlsa ant. delivering at Reservoir No. 4. City Pan. the following approxluutts gunutl ttes of broken atone, gravel aad sand, vli: 100 cubic yards broaea stone. 960 ruble yards Willamette river gravel. 600 cubic vardi Columbia river concrete aand. Delivery of above materials to be nude upon reiiulaltlou of the Wster Board, betweeu Sep tember 1 and November 20, In lots to suit the requirements of Ike work la hand, not exceed lug 100 ruble yards per day. The right is reserved by the Water Board t reject say er all bids or to Increase or dl i,..i '.h - the total quantities to bo delivered. Specifications and form of proposal ean be obulued at the office of the Engineer of the Water Board. Ctty Hall. Poetlsnd. Oregon. With each bid must be depauslted a certified (heck for S1)0, payable to the order of the AsCttor of the City of Portland, aad bonds acceptable to the Water Board will be required of the euoceaaful bidder. proposals must he enclosed In an envelope endorsed on the outside. "Proposals for Broken Sf.iv. Uravel and Sand for Reservoir No. 4," aud addressed to the undersigned. By order of the Water Board. PRANK T. DO DOB, Superintendent. Portland. Oregon, August 10. 1904. PROPOSALS FOB CEMENT. Sealed proposals will be received hy the Wr.ter Board of the City of Portland, Oregon, until 3 p. in.. Monday. August 22. 1904. far furnishing 4,400 barrela of Portland ceweat. The cement must be of some well known and reliable brand and bo subject to the tests rec ommended' by the American Society of Civil En 1 Moors. Didders moat stats the brsnd snd same of the manufacturer of the cement they propose to furnish snd the net weight and price per barrel, snd must also atate the location of the narehouse from which delivery will be made. Delivery of cement to be made between Sep tember 1 and November 20. 1904, In lota to suit the requirements of the work la hand. Specifications snd form of proposals ran he obtained at the office of the Engineer of the Water Board. City Hall, Portland, Oregon. With each bid must be deposited a "crtlfled cbeck for SaxM, payable to the order of the Auditor of the City of Portland. Oregon, and bonds acceptable to the Water Board will be required of the successful bidder. The right la reserved by the Water Board to reject any or all bids. Proposals muat be enclosed In an envelope et'dorsed on the outside. "Proposals for Gen-en t." snd addressed to the undersigned. By order of the Water Board. I FRANK T. DO DOE. Superintendent. Portland. Oregon, Angnst 16, 1904. FR0P08ALS FOR BROKEN STONE. ORATEL AND BAND FOR RESERVOIR NO. t. Sealed pro Does la will be received by the Water Board of the City of Portland, Oregon, until 3 p. m.. Monday. August 22, 1904. for furnishing snd delivering st Reservoir No. 3, city Park, the following approilmste quanti ties of broken atone, gravel sod ssnd, vis: 228 cubic ysrda broken atone. 1.425 coble yards Willamette river gravel. 1.120 coble yards Colombia river concrete sand. Delivery of above materials to be made upon requisition of the Water Board between Sep. tember 1 snd November 20. In lots to suit the inruliements of the work In bsad, not exceed ing 100 ruble ysrds per day. The right Is reserved by the Water Board to reject any or all bids, or to Increase or diminish the totsl quantities to be delivered. Specifications and form of proposal can he oMulned st the office of the Engineer of the Water Board. City Hall. Portlsnd. Oregon. With each bid must be deposited a certified check for $100, payable to the order of the Auditor of the City of Portland, snd bonds ac ceptable to the Water Board will be required of the successful bidder. rrttpossls must be enclosed In an envelope endorsed on the outside. "Proposals for Broken More, Gravel snd aaod for Reservoir No. 3." and addressed to the undersigned. By order of the Wster Board. FRANK T. DO DOR, Superintendent. Portlsnd, Oregon, August IS, 1004. PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Auditor of the City of pert land until August 19. 1004. at 3 o'clock p. ni . for the Improvement of Morris atreet from the oast line of t'nloo avenue to the east line ofAlblns, In the manner provided hy ordinance No. 14.130. subject to tee provisions of the charter aad ordinances of the City of Portlsnd. and the esti mate of the City Engineer, on file. Bids muat be strictly In accordance with printed blanks, which will he furnished on ap plication at the ofgee of the Auditor of the City of Portland. Aad aald Improvement muat be completed on or before 60 days from the date of the signing of the contract by the parties thereto. t accompanied by a certified cbeck payable to the order or tne Mayor or tne t iry or t'ortisnn. certified by a responsible "bsnk. for sn amount equsl to 10 per eeat. of the aggregate proposal. The tight to reject any sod sll blda is hereby reserved. By - order of the executive board. THOg. C. DEVLIN. Aodltnr of the City of Portland. Portland. Or.. August 13. 1004. PROPOSALS FOR CAST IRON WATER PIPE ART) SPECIAL CASTINGS. Sealed proposals will be received by the Wi.ter Board of the City of Portland, Oregon, until 3 n. nr. Wednesday. September 14, 1004. for furnishing and delivering at Portland. Ore' gon, the following approxlmntv euautltles' of cast Iron water pipe and special esstlngs. vis: 2.100 lineal feet 4-Inch rast iron pipe, class K weight 2U0 pounds per length. 20 tons. 23,000 lineal feet fl Inch cast Iron Pipe, rises D.. weight Mi pounds .per length. .180 tons. 2,200 lineal feet 3-lnrh cast Iron pipe, class D.. weight SAO pounds per length. GO tons. 3.000 lineal feet 1" Inch csst Iron pipe, clave D., weight 700 pounds per length, 120 tons. 8,200 lineal feet lt-lnch east Iron pipe, class D., BT0 pounds per length, 210 tons. Totsl. 780 tons. Special caatlngs for cast Iron water pipe, Sii.cuO pounds. Specifications and form of proposal esu be obtained at the office or D. I). Clarke. Engineer of the Wster Board, City Hall, Portland, Ore gon. Bidders most stste the price of pipe per ton of 2.000 pounds ard the price of apeetal eastings Br pound, all delivered f. o. b, cars. Portland, egon. delivery of as me to be completed on or before December 20. 1P04. With each bid muat be deposited a certified cheek for $800. naysble to the order of tbe Auditor of tbe City of Portlsnd. Oregon, snd tonds sstlsfartory to the Water Board will be required of the successful bidder. The right la reserved by tbe Water Board to reject any or all bids.. Proposals moat be enclosed la sn envelope enderred cm the ontslde, "Proposals for Water Pipe." and addressed to the undersigned. By order of tbe Wster Board. FRANK T. OODOB. Superintendent. Portland. Oregon, Angnst 10, 1004. COMPLlTlOg AND ACCEPTANCE 07 IM PROVEMENT OF WY0AMT STREET. Notice la hereby given that William C. Elllrtt, Cltr Engineer, baa tiled la the office of the undersigned, notice that Stevens 4 , White, contracture ror the improvennt er Wjgant tirret. under ihe provlalona .if ordi nance No. 11.374, have completed aald alreet. from center line of Grand atreet to west line of East Seventh atreet. Said acceptance will be considered h the Executive Board at 4 o'clock ea the 10th day o( Angnst. 19t4. and objections to the accept of aald street, or any part thereof, mar be filed In the office of the undersigned st soy time prior thereto. THE EXECrTlVE BOARD. Br THOg. C DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portlsnd. Tertian 1, Oregon. August 1.1. 1004. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT Or CLEVELAND AVENUE. Notice Is here) , given that William C. Elliott, City Engineer, hss filed In the office ef the undersigned, notice that R. J. Deimbr. (it tractor foe tbe tmprovcrner.t of Cleveland avenue, under the provlalona of ordinance No M nan hss enmnletcd said atreet. from ci nter line of Msegley atreet to sooth line of ! i All'orta atreet. . Said acceptance will he considered hv the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the loth-day of August. 1004. snd ohJ.etlc.ns to the seOvsJH ancc of aald street, or any part thereof, rosy ! fll d In the office of the undersigned at any time prior thereto. THE KXEC1TIVB ROARD. By THOS C DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portlaod. rorllnnd. Oregon. Annat IS, 1004. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE CT SEWER IN EAST THIRTY-FOURTH STREET. Notice Is Hereby gives thst Willis V Elliott, i 'Ity Engineer, has filed la tbe office j or the undersigned, notice tnai neecniu i ni ntrsetors for the construction of a sAVer In Eaat Tblrt- fourth itreet. under the pro visions of ordinance No. 14.043. have cum- nl.tul mA uw fSAtSl OA S-t nnrth nt 1 1. north line of Hawthorne avenn to a eew wer In nth of Rast Thirty fourth atreet at 80 feet, the Mo of East Main atreet. Bald acceptance will be conaldered by the Executive Board st 4 o'clock on tbe loth day of Aoguat. 1004. snd objections to tbe secept. anee of said sewer, er sny psrt thereof, may be filed In tbe office of tbe undersigned st sny time prior thereto. THE KXECt'TIVE BOARD. By Titos. C DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Portland, Oregon. August 11. 1004. C1TT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Sealed protsieals will be received at the ofaee of the Auditor of the fit of I'orrlaiid until August 10, 1004. at S o'clock p. n.. Tor the Improvement of East Third atreet from a point so feet north of the north line of Eaat Davis street to the north Ma of Bast Couch atreet. tn the manner provided br ordinance No. 14.141. -i, Meet to the provlalona,' of tbe charter and ordinances of tbe Cltr of Portia ml aud the estimate of the City Engineer, on Ble. In. Is must be strictly In accordance with printed blanka. which will be fnrulsbed no ap piicatlou at the ofgee of tbe Auditor of the city of Portlsnd. And aald improvement muat be aoaasleted on or before 00 dare from the date of the signing of the contract by the parties thereto. No proposals or bids will be considered unless nccompenled by s eertlSed check psreble to tho order of the Minor of tbe tltj of Portlsnd. crtlAed hy n responsible bank, for tin amount equal to HI per cent, of the aggregate proposal. The right to reject sny sod sll bids la hereby reserved. Br order of the executive board. THOg. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe Cltr of Portland. Portland. Or.. Angnst 13, 10O4. PROrOSALO FOR STREET WORK. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of tbe Auditor of the Cltr of Portland ontll August 10, 1804. st 3 o'clock p. m . tor the Improvement of Brvent atreet from the east line of Wabesh avenue to tbe west line of Delaware avenue. In the manner provided br ordlneuee Dio. 14.137, subject to the provlalona of tbe charter and ordlusneea of the City of Portland, sod tbe estimate of Ibe City En gineer, cn die. Bids must be strictly In sceordance with printed blauks. which will be fureiehed on ap plication st tbe offlee of the Auditor of the City of Portlsnd. And aald Improvement muat lie completed on er before 00 days from the date of tbe signing of tbe contract by tbe pert les thereto. No proposals or bids will be considered unless nccompenled by a certified cheek payable to tho order of tbe Mayor of tbe, City of Portland, certified by a responsible bank, for sn amount equal to 10 per cent, of tbe aggregate proposal. Tbe right to reject sny and sll bids Is herrby reserved. By order of the executive board. TH0S, 0. DEVLIN, Auditor of the Cltr of Portland. Portland, Or . August 13. 1004. PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. gealed propossla will be receive at tbe offlce of tbe Auditor of tbe Cltr of Portlsnd until August 18. 1004. st 3 o'clock p. m.. for the Improvement of East Ninth street from the north line of Bescon street to the south line of Fllsworth street. In tbe manner provided by ordinance No. 14,130, subject to the provisions of the cbarter and ordinances of the City of portlsnd, snd tbe estimate of the City Ea gtneer, en die. Bids most lie strictly In eeoordenee with printed blsnks. which will be furnished on sp- SHcstloo at the office of tbe Auditor of the Ity of Portland. And sstd tenprnvement must ne completed on or before 00 dsvs from tbe date of the signing of the contract by the parties thereto. , Nt proposala or blda will be ccnaldered unleas accompanied by a certified cheek payable to tb order of the Mayor of the City of Tortland. eertlfted br a responsible bank, for an amount equal to 10 per cent, of the aggregate proposal. Tbe right to reject agy and all bids la hereby reserved. By order of the executive board. THOg. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the Cltr of Portland. Portlsnd. Or.. August 18, 1004. PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Reeled proposals will be received st the offlee of the Auditor of tbe City of Portland until August IB. 10O4. at S o'clock p. m.. for the Improvement of Fourth street from the south line of Hooker street to tbe north line of W.smIs atreet. In the manner provided by ordi nance No. 14.1.1S. subject to the provisions of Ihe charter snd ordlusneea of the City of Port land, sod tbe estimate of tbe City Engineer. on die. ... Blda must be strlctlv In seeordanec with printed blanka. which will be furnished on ap plication at tbe offlce of the Auditor of the City of Portland. And said Improvement must he completed on or before 00 days from the fete of the signing of the contract by tbe parties thereto . , No proposals or bids will be considered ntiless accompanied by s certified cheek payable to the order of the Mayor of the City of Portland, certified by's responsible bsnk. for sn amount 10 per cent, of the saWgete prnpoaal The right to reject sny sod sll bids fs hereby reserved By order of tbe executive board. THUS C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Portlsnd. Or.. Augnat 13. lOOi. , COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PR0VEMENT 0T OVERTON STREET. .. . . . s. fcL -l .K. Wltltitm r rsosice is nrreus S' -' " -e--' , I-l'.ioU, City Engineer. I'M lUed Jo the office of the undersigned, notice thst Ftalney at Keating, contractors for tbe Improvement of ovrton street, unner me i , : nnnce No. 13.020. have completed said stteet. from center line of Twenty second atreet to tbe center line of Twenty-third street snd the eerter line of Twenty -fo.trth street to tho west line of Twenty-fifth street. Paid acceptance will be considered hv the Executive Board st 4 o'rkyek on the 10th dsy of August. 1004. and objections to the accept ance of said atreet. or any pert thereof, may ! filed In the office of the onderelgned st sny time prior Br TI10S. C DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. Aoguat 18. lsssi C( MPLETI0N AND ACCEPTANCE OF SEWER IN ALBINA AVENUE. Notice Is hereby given thst William O. Elliott City Englueer. has filed In the office of Ihe undersigned, notice thst J. B. Slemmons. contractor for the construction of s sewer In Alblna svenoe, under the provisions of ordl nsnce No. 11.041. has completed aald "wer. from 100 feet sooth of tbe south line of Shaver street to a connection with the sewer la SSt alOIBOlslaa will be considered e Executive Board st 4 o'clock on the 19th day o' Aogust. 1004. and objeotiona ts the accept a nee of aald sewer, or sny part thereof, may be filed In the office of tbe undersigned st soy time prior KcvrivK B0ABD. By THOB. C DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Portlsnd, Oregon, August IS. 1004. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PR0VEMENT OF SHAVER STREET. Notice la hereby given that William C. Elliott, city Engineer, has filed In tbe office of the undersigned, notice that Louis Jsnln. con tractor for the Imptovetent of Mayer street, under the provisions of ordinance No. 13.(27. has completed aald atreet. from center 'line of Porthwlck street to eaat Hue of Mississippi "ssTd' acceptance will be considered r.r the Executive Board st 4 o'clock en the 10th day of August. 1004. and objections to the accept ance of said street, or any part thereof, may he filed In the offlee ef tbe undersigned at any m. prior Tf. ,OAr)n By THOS. r DBVUN, Auditor of the City of Portland, rortlanl. Oregon, Augnet 1.1. 1004. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE Or IM PROVEMENT Or SPOKANE AVENUE. Notice la hereby given that William r. Elliott. City Engineer, has flle.1 1 In the offlee of Ibe undersigned, notice thnt Wills A Kelly, rent rac tor for the Improvement of Spoke ne ex em) a andrr the provlrlons of ort'lnanee No. 13 021 have completed sstd street, from Wll lemrtte river to tbe west rorb Hoe of East Nineteenth street. , Bald aeeeptance will be conaldered bv the Executive Board at 4 O'clock on Ihe 10th dsy o Aoguat. 10f4. sad objections to ths accept snce of asld street, or sny part thereof, ma b. tiled In th- refftre of the arKlerslgned at any time prior ;xEcl'TIVB BOABD, Br THO a. c DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. Aogast 13. 1004. C0MFLKTI0N AJJT!, ACCEPTANCE 0T IM PROVEMENT Or UNION AVENUE. Notice Is hereby given thst William C. li'llott City Engineer, has Hied In the offlee o' the urtderalgned. notice that Olehlseh A Ji plln, contractors for t .e Improvement of Cnlnn avenue, under the nrirvlaloda of eedtasaee No. in 470 have tompictod said atreet. from renter line of lioulov.ird to Dckifm avenue. Bald acceptance wlW be considered by tbe Executive Board st 4-o'clock on the 10th dsy of August. 1004. snd objections to the accept ance of said atreet. or any part I hereof, may he filed In the office of the undersigned at any time prior thereto. THlOntXECl T1VE BOARD. By THOS. C DEVLIN. Andltor ef the city of Portland. Prrtlsn.l. Oreg.ii. twgast IS. 10O4. s COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OP SEWES IN WILLIAMS AVENUE. Notice Is hereby given that WCUam C. Elliott. City Etjglnee- I IS filed In the office of the i-.ndeitJtiofi. notice that T-enlieon Bade Co., con tracture for Cie i oost-'ip'tio,! f a sewer In TAIIllsma imw, and-r lira provisions ef ordl art'Ce Ne. 1.1.068. have completed said svwi-r, from loo feet sooth of the sooth line of Alberta street to s connection with Use sewer in Fremont street st Willis sis avenue. Held acceptance will be caaaidvrsd bv tbe Executive Beard at 4 o'clock on Ike lOtk day ef Angnst. 1004. sad objeetloaa to the accept anee of aald sewer, er any psrt thereof, stay b- filed la the office of Ibe and reigned at any time prior thereto. THE EXECCTIVE BOARD. By TIH'S i DEVLIN. Auditor of the city of Portland. rortlaad. Oregon. Augaat U. 1004. CITT NOTICES. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF SEWER IN EAST YAMHILL STREET. Notice Is hereby given that William C Elliott. City Engineer, 'iss filed In Ike offlee of the undersigned, notice that U. Anderson, rxmtractor for tbe eoostnrrttoii of a sewer la Eist Vapihlll atreet, under tbe provisions of o dluan-e No. 14.001. kas completed said sewer, from 73 feet eaat of Ike eaat Una of Rsst Tl.lrteeuth street tc s conaeetloo with tho sewer In East Twelfth street. Said, acceptance will be considered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock ou the 10th day of August. Hint, snd objections to the secept sr.os of said sewer, or sny part thereof, may I" filed la tr offlee ef the undersigned st soy time prior thereto. THE EXEC! TIVB BOARD. II IlltlS i ' DEVLIN, Auditor of the city of Portland. Portland. Oregon. August 1.1. 1001. i COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT Or EAST NINETEENTH STREET. Notice la herrby flvea that William C. Elliott. City Engineer, biia filed In the office of the undersigned, notli-e thst James Mete), contractor for the Improvement of Eaat Mne ticnth street, under the provlalona of ordi nance No. I 1.07.. hss completed ssld atreet from tbc scaith line of Weldler to center line of lUln-y atrelt and from center line of Broadway to center Hue of Weldler. Ssld acceptance will be conaldered by the Eiccutlvu Board st 4 o'clock on the 10th day of August. 1004. snd objections to the accept anee of aald atreet, or sny psrt thereof, soar be filed In tho office of the undersigned at any tlms prior thereto. THE EXECUTIVE1 BOAItD. By THOS. C DEVLIN. Andltor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, August 13. 1004. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE Or IM PROVEMENT Or MARSHALL STREET. Notice la herei v given that William C. Elliott. Cltv Engineer, hss filed In the office of the onderilgned, notice thst Wsrren Con struction Co.. contractor for the Improvement of MarsUjll strict, under tbe provls.ons of ordinance No. 13,043. baa completed asld atreet. from center lne of Twcuty-tblrd itreet to esst line of Twenty-fifth street. Bsld acceptance will bf consldeved by the Executive Board at o'clock oa the 10th day of August. 1004. snd objections to the secept anee of said street, or any psrt thereof, may be filed In the office of the undersigned at any time prior thereto. THE EXECCTIVE BOARD. By THOB. C DEVLIN. Auditor of the Cltr of Portland. Portlsnd. Oregon. Aoguat 13. 1004. COMPLETION AND ACCETTANCE. 0E IM PROVEMENT Or FLANDERS STREET. Notice la hereby given thst William C. Elliott. City Engineer, hss filed tn the offlee of the undersigned, notice thst Warren Con atrueUoa Co., contractor foe Ihe Imprcverr.ent of Flanders street, under the provlalona of ordinance No. 18,844, hss com leted asld street, from center line of Fourth street to crnter line ef Sixth street. Bsld acceptance will be . conaldered bv tbe Executive Board st 4 o'clock on the 10th dsy of Augost. 1004, snd objections to the accept soce of ssld street, or sny psrt thereof, may ho filed in the office of tba undersigned at any time prior thereto. THE EXECCTIVE BOARD. By THOB. c DEVLIN, Andltor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. Aoguat IS. 104- COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT Or DAVIS STREET. Notice is hereby given that William C. Elliott, Cltv Engineer, has filed In the office of tbe onderelgned, notice that Warren Con stnotion Co.. contractor for the Improvement of Davis atreet. under the provlalona of ordi nance No. 1.1.042. has completed ssld street, fn-iu west lino of Tlird street to east line of Tenth street. . Said seeeptsnce will he considered by the Executive Board st 4 o'clock on the 10th day of August. 1004. snd objections to the seeept snce of asld street, or sny psrt thereof, msy he filed In th office of the undersigned at any time prior thereto. THE EXECCTIVE BOARD. By THOB. C DEVLIN. Andltor of the City of Portland. Portland. Otegon. August IS. 1004. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OP IM PROVEMENT Or FOURTH STREET. Notice is hereby given thst William C. Elliott. Cl'y Engineer, hss filed In the offlee of the undersigned, notice thst Cnrbollnciim Wood Preserving Co.. contractor for the lm ricvement of Fourth street, under the pro vlslnns of ordinance No. 13.047, haa completed ssld street, from south line of Burnalde street to south line of (lllaon street. Ssld acceptance will be considered bv ths Executive Bosrd st 4 o'clock on the 10th dsy o? Aognst. 1904. and objections to the accept ance of said alreet. or any part thereof, may be filed In tba office of tbe onderelgned st soy time prior thereto. THK EXECCTIVE BOARD. By THOB. C DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portlsnd. Portland. Oregon. August 13. 1004. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OP ARTHUR STREET. Notloe is hereby glvrn that William C. Elliott City Engineer, toe (lied In th office of the nndiTBlgned. notice that J. W. Sweeney, contractor for the Improvement of At thur street, under the provlalona of ordinance No. 13.818. hss completed ssld street, from center Una of Fient street to eaat line of l lrst street. Bald acceptance will be conaldered bv the Execnllve Board st 4 o'clock on the 10th dsy of Angust. 1004, snd objections to the secept sree of ssld street, or sny psrt thereof, may be filed In tb i office of the undersigned at aay time prior thereto. THE EXECCTIVE BOARD. By THOB. C DEVLIN. Auditor of Ihe jfity of Portlaod. Torlland. Oregon. August 13. 1004. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE 0T IM PROVEMENT Or WATER AND HOOD STREETS. Notice Is hereby given thst William C. Elliott. City Engineer, t as filed Ir. the office of the undersigned, notice thst Smyth It Howard Co.. contractor for the Impiovement of Water snd Hood streets, under the provlalona of or dlnance No. 13.777. have completed ssld street, from center line of Orsi.t street to center line of Sheridan street. . . Bald aeeeptsnre will be considered by tbe Executive Board at 4 o'clock on tbe 10th dsy of August. 1904. snd objections to the accept snce of aald street, or sny part thereof, may be filed In the office of the onderelgned at aoy time prior thereto. THE EXECCTIVE BOARD. By THOB. C DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Portlsnl. Oregon. Augost IS. 1004. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE 0T IM PROVEMENT Or OVERTON STREET. Notice Is hereby given tbst William C. Elliott City Engineer, bsa filed In the office o Ibe nivlerslgned. notice that Star Hand Co.. contract! r for the Improvement of Overton street under the provlalona of ordlnsnce No. 7T 0.28 hss completed said atreet. from i enter line of Fourteenth atreet to center line of Fifteenth street snd center line of Seventeenth street to cent-r line of Eighteenth street. Ssld seeeptsnce will be considered hy the Executive Board st 4 o'clock on the 10th dsy of Augiaxt ll""4. and objections to the accept anee of said street, or any part thereof, may b. filed In the offlco of tbe undersigned at any time prior thereto. THE EXECCTIVE BOABD. By THOS. C DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. August 1.1. 1004. COMPLETION AMD ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT Or AINSWORTK AVENUE. Notice Is hereby given that William C. El'lott City Engineer, baa filed In tbe offlee of the nnderalgned. notice that Oeorge Bancs, ontri.rtor foe the improve-xent of Alnawnrfi aionue. under the provlalona of ordlnaace No. noil, has ..Mniiileted .xsld street, Irom center line of East Sixth street to center fine of East Seventh street. a Ssld acceptance will oe ronainereo, nv tne Executive nosrd at 4 o'clock on the 10th day o August. 1004. snd objections to the accept gates of said street, or any psrt thereof, may Or fihd In 'h- offlee of the undersigned at any time Prior inereio. THE EXECCTIVE-BOARD. By THOS i DEVLIN, a ' Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. O-egon. Aognst IS. 1004. PROPOSALS rOK STREET WORK. ' ' "' Sealed proposal" wll) be received at the offlce of the Auditor ef Ihe I It v of Portland until August '0. 10O. at .1 o'clock p. m., for the Improvement of Magnolia atreet from the eaat line of Eaat Eighth atreet to the west line of Durham avenor. In the manner provided hy ordinance No. 14.110. subject to the provisions .if the charter and ordinances of the city ef portlsnd. and the eatlmate of tbe City Englueer. en die. ... Bills taost be atrlctly In accordance with printed blanks, which will be furnished on ap plication st the office of the Auditor of the city of I'ortlsud. And asld Improvement must lie completed on or before .10 days from the date of tbe signing of the contract by the psr.Jes thereto. No proposals or bids will he considered unless accompanied by a certified cheek paysble ha the order of the Mayor of the City of Portland, certified by n responsible bank, for aa amount equal f 10 per cent, of the aggregate proposal The right to reject any and all blda la hereby leeerved By older of Ihe exeeiftlve board. TIIOB c DF.VI.IKi Auditor of the on of I'urtlaod. Portlaod. Or.. Aagost 13. 1004. CITY NOTICES. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF EAST TENTK STREET. Notice Is hereby green that William O E'Motl. Cltr engineer, haa filed in tbe office of the lllldrralgiird, notice that Uleblsch tv Joplin. contract. ra for tbe Improvement of i st Tenth atreet. under tbe provisions, oi ni'llnsaee No. 13,807, have completed aald atreet, from north line of Falllna street to center Hue of Shaver atreet and from ceuter line of Maaou street to center Hue of Bkldmore atreet. Ssld acceptance will he considered by toe Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 10th day at August 1004, snd objections to tbe seeept snce of ssld street, or sny part thenof. may h' riled lii the office of tbe undersigned gt any time prior thereto. THE EXECCTIVE BOARD. By THOS. C DEVLIN. Andltor of the City of Portlaod. Portland; Oregon, August 13, 1004. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF SEWER IN H0YT STREET, Notice la hereby given that William C. Elliott, Cl-y engineer, haa filed tn tbe office of the undersigned, notice that 'J. B. Slemmons. nutractor fur the construction of . a aewer In He yt atreet. under the provlalona of ordinance. No. 14,043, hss completed asld sewer, from 78 feet w t of the meet line ef Tenth street to tbe aewer In Ninth street. Bald acceptance will be considered by tbe Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 10th day of 'August. 1004. sud objections to the accept ance of asld aewer. or any part thereof, may bo filed In th office of tbe undersigned st suy time prior thereto. THE EXECCTIVE BOARD, By THOS. C DEVLIN. Andltor of the ctty of Portland. Portland. Oregon. August 13. 1004. CCMPLETI0N AND ACCEPTANCE Or IM PROVEMENT Or EAST TWENTY EIOKTK STREET. Notice la hereby glvea tbat William C. Elllitt. Ctty Engineer, haa filed In the office of the undersigned, notice that Oleblach St Jcpllih contractors for the Improvement of Cist Twenty -eke hth atreet. under the provisions of No. 1.1.030. have coti'Pleted said attvet, from center line of East Pine atreet to si nter Hoe of Eaat Ankeny atreet. Sold acceptance will be conaldered hy the Executive Beard at 4 o'clock ou the 10th day of August. 10O4. snd objections to tbe accept snce of ssld atreet. er aoy part thereof, may be filed In tbe office of the undersigned st any time prior thereto. THE EXECCTIVE BOARD, By THOS. C DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. Aogost 13. 1004. CCMPLETI0N AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM FR0VEMEMT Or EAST TENTH STREET. Notice la hereby given tbst William C Elliott. City Engineer, hsa filed In the offlc of the nnderalgned. notice tbut I.lnd Man nlng. contractors for the Improvement of Eaat lintlt street, under the provisions of ordi nance No. 1.1.8(17. have completed asld street, from north Jlne of Failing street to center Una of Mason atreet Skid arccntance will be considered by th Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 10th day oJ August. 1004. snd objections to tbe sceept anee of aald atreet. or any part thereof, may be filed in the office of tbe undersigned at Say time prior thereto. THE EXECCTIVE BOARD. By THOB. C DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Portlsnd. Oregon. Aogost 13. 1004. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PRO VEMENT OX PRXSC0TT STREET. Notice Is herebr glxen tbat William C. Elliott, City Engineer, has filed In the offfrj or the undersigned, nonce insi isiuis jamn. contractor for the Improvement of Preocott sf-iet. under the provisions of ordinance No. 13,873. kas completed said street, fruit, renter line of Esst Eleventh atreet to the center line of East Twelfth atreet and tbe east ft Inter section Eaat fourteenth street. Said acceptance will be conaldered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock oo the 10th day o! Aogost. 1004. and objections to the secept ansa ef aald atreet. or any part thereof, axay be filed in the offlee of the undersigned st sny tlms prior thereto. THE EXECCTIVE BOARD, By THOB. C DBVUN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Prrtland. Oregon. Aogost 1.1 1004, T 1?U Only Double-Track Railway between tbe Missouri River ard Chicago , The Chicajtjo-Portlaod Special, the most luxurious train in the world. Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining car. buffet smoking arid library car (barber and bath). Xess than three days Portland to Chicago. Two Through Trains to Chicago are operated dally via the Oregon K. R. Nav. Co., C. P. R, R. and unicagn ox norm western sxy. at inicago Irom Portlsnd and points In Oregon aod sr.-. i -MUicoi ssnioa IUI1. Daily excursions In Pullman tourist sleeping cars from Portland through to Chicago without change. SL R. RITCHIE. A.G. BARKER. stss l Agt. rsc. coast, (jsaersi Agsat, C. J M.-W. Rv. C. sV W.-W. Kg. it Msikst Street, lit Tkird Stmt, LSI FaANClSCO, Cal, PoaTLAKD, Oas. Tlcktt Oflice 01 Thiri Strttt rhoat 4N x"rtnxjtrntl ncritl ass. -at- rains Dally FAST TlaMB TO SPOKANE. ST. PM'U Dl'l.fTII. . MINNKAPOI.IH. CHICAOO AND ALL, POINTS RA8T. Daylight trip through ths Cascade and Rox-gy (sountslrs. for fpll panic ulars, rates, folders, etc, sail sn or ad draaa M. DICaTBON. City Ticket Agt, Lta Thixd Btrxvsrt, rortlajaaV BALTIMORE f- OHiO R. R. RAILROAD TIMETABLE, VMM. Oregon shoaling AND Union Pacific 3 TRAINS to the EAST DAILY Throngh Pullman stsndsrd and tourist slveae lag ears dally to Omabs Chirac . Spokaeet tourist sleeping cars dally ta Kansas atri through Pnllmsa tourist aleealng csrs (persoe. ally conducted! weekly to Chlearo. ReeEalag ehs r esrs Iseata free) to the Pest rftllv. ONION DEPOT. CHICAOn :-OKTLAND SPECIAL. Pee tbe via Bast-tngtott- SI'.iKANB sl.YEB For Rsstem M. shine ton. nsllti Walla. Lev. Istnp. ( '-ear d' A tens end Greet Norttero eolnte. ATLANTIC EXPTBsW. S IS n. BV For tbe Eaat via Host-; Dally OCEAN AND RTVER SCHEDULE. KOK BAN KUAKCISqil; t'rem Alnaworth Dock, s no p. as. 3.00 p. OX, S. 8. Ceo 70 Aug. 4. II. M. g. g. Colombia Aug. 0. 10, 20. MaaV River P!s!on. i. saioais ana wsv ; p. ss. About 5 :00 p. nv. prima, connecting wxtn, '!. atrar. for llwaeo aad ( ex. Sunday North beach, atr. Haa Raturdsy aalo. Aab-at. doc. I 10:00 p. m ga BXSgKSBJD Tsuhlll River FOR DAYTON. Oregon 7 00 a. BV. 3:80 p. bv. City and Yamhill Blvrr Dally. Dally, potato, sirs. Both sad! except except Modoc. Aah-st. dock. Sunday. Sunday. IWat.r .ertnlttlnv. 1 1 Snsks River Route. FOR LEWISTON. Ida., and way polnta from Rl peris. Wash steam ers Spokane and Lev Istnn. 3 4ii s. m. Dally. "X. Sat A boot 3:00 p. as. Dally, ex. Friday. TICKET orriCB. Third snd Washington. Teas poons Main Til, PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY Nor Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at Robe, Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamers for Manila. Psrt Arte as aad Vladlvost.-vk. For rates and mil Information ean en er sa ofuialala or agents of tbe O. R. A N. Co. EASTd, SOUTH Leaves. Arrives 0:111 a. m. 1:30 p. ax. Dally. Dally. 6:18 p. ts. 8:00 a. aa. Duly. Dally. U i K ax. 7:15 a. nv. .Daily. I lOOOTCs7i"j)l I ' I Leaves. ONION DEPOT. Arrives. OVRRLAMI L.TI'UKSO trains, for 8alm. Roee borg. Ashland. Sacra- S:S0 p. to. meoto. Ogdeo, San Frso- 7 s. sa. rlaoo. Stock ton. I-os Aa gates. Bt Paso. New or leans and tbe Rast, At Wood bars sally (except Sunday! morn- " Jet SLA feAS P- - SJ villa. Sprlnrfleld. Wvnd ling snd I'atroa. 4:00 p. m. Albany passe near. re aa neeta at Wood bom with lit. Angel and Silver too VocsL 7: a. m. CorvalUa pease mas 8:B0 S. SB 114.110 p. m Bhseidao passenger s 23 a. am. Dally. IIDatly. accept Sunday. Portlord-Oawsgs Sahnrhsa Service sag TamhUJ Dlvlaloa. Depot Poet of Jefferson gr?aet. f.esve Portland dsllv for Oswrso 7:80 a. SS.S II SO. t:03. 8:25. S 20. 0:26. 8:30. 10.10 p. a. Dally (except Sunday), 8:00. 8 SO. C:89. I0 2S Si. I 0:00, 11:30 p. bv. Sunday only :oa Retvjrnfnw hww His.m ssrtvs fXnrvlsnd dalle S:n a. m : I 55. 8 05. 4.M. 8 IS. T:8S. 8:88. 11:10 n. m. Dally (except Bondayi 8:26. T:n. 0:SO. 10:10. 1145 a. m Bxeent Monday. 11:2 p. ra. Banday onlv. 10:00 a. ts. Leaves from same depot for Dallas snd rntevw medlste points dsllv (except Sunday) 4:00 p, aw. Arelve Porttand 10:10 n. Sx. i Ths. Indenendenev-Moemeath Votae Ban operates dsllv to kfonmonth sod Alrlte.. eesv narrtng with Boofhern Paelne company's tracks at Defies and Tedeortdenea. First-class fsee frove Portlsnd to BsnaaiSMi snd Ban Francisco S20. berth SB; second -class fare SIS. eeeoed-elBSa berth aj 50. laHSn Chins. Ronolaln sad Ansti sna. City Ticket Office eoener Third and Wsghlaa oe srres rt,nae. Main Tit. . C W. trPINONR. W R. CTtktAN. City Ticket Agent- Oen. Paas. Arse. irser. in r."iem pwini. " ' - i TIME CARD tw TRAINS PORTLAND: UNION DEPOT. Poget Sound Limited, for Tacoma. SeattVs Olympla. Sooth Baod and Cray's Harbor polnta. North Coast Limited, for Tacoma, Seattle. Butte. St. Psol. MIs neanolls, Chicago. New York. Boston snd points East and Southeast. Twin-City Express), for Taconia. Sesttle, Spo ts ne. Helens, Bt. Panl. Hinncnpoila, Chicago New York. Boston sod all polnta Eaat aad Southeast Puret Sound Rsnssi S:S0 a. m. 8 00 p. : 7 00 a. ax. 11:48 p. to. 7 00 p. as. City Ot. Loali BneclaL . ror Taeroxoa, gcsttle. Spokane. Batte. BITitnrv Denver. Oniehn. Kansns Cltv. at. Louta and all polnta Esst and Booth eaa. S:30 a. m. 7:00 a. ax. i All trsloa dally except en Sooth Bead brsorh. A. D. CHABLTtiS. Assistant vpenern1 Psaseoger Ageat. 825 Morrison st.. ear. Third. Portlsn.1. Astoria & Columbia River Raikoad Co. Leaves, 0X10 DKPxrt. Foe Maygova. MslaVss. Clstskante. Westport. OaHFs ( llfton. Astorls, Wsr r.. i tlaxi-l llsm mond. Port Stevens Oenrhsrt PSVk. besstils. Aatoris and Sesahaae, Kxpreaa dslly. Ast tin aUsraas. Da fly. Portia ud Seaalde Flyer. 8:00 t. m Dally. 7 Or) n n-. Dally eg. Satarday. Sat. enl.r 2:30 t. . li 10 a. as. 0:40 s. m. i. C. MATI). n p. and P- A.. Astoria. r. gTEWART. Cemawrclsl Agsut. 240 sVMaS Phone Mais SUA C. A ax. Sch wab Bros. PrintingCo. nest Wet. Is FrVaavs gory itus N hone SaSsVB 17g