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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 18. 1804. 10 AST METAL w o a KB. CLIPPISOB. THUGS TERRORIZE SEATTLE CITIZENS BUSINESS CHANCES. OPNAMBKTAL work for residences, nuelneea houses, banks snd ifflce railings, grill, are place flttuur. e ha ai teller, slgss. fences, art MAKE MONEY! USB PKI.HK CLM-PINGS! Blag op Block 11 aad order a moots'i Oervtee covering every towa la any or all Co. at atates, daily meaoenger vtrvlce; advenes reports SB all contract work. Portland g8 108 Booood at work la any style metal and tin 1st; kammarsd BOOMING HOUSE HEADQUABTEBS. rear work ana meiai spuming s specially TAFT CO. bnllillng eun.tructural wrrs. L. 402-404 Da via. ror Ninth. K. Tuerck. 128-8 Ablngton bldg. Phono Mala IBS. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. IMP, I J IS I nmon pedistwawi nu vr AMD lOBUD OX 8TMIT TBOIe UT OOWDUCTO SHOT AID MOU THAW 100 HOUSES MM TXKED AJTD LOOTED. , (Special Dispatch to The Journal I Seattle, Wash, Aug. 18.-irattle la Cain In the throes of the hold-up man. rivo ports of the relief of valuable at the point of a guu were received at police headquarters In lea than two hours yesterday morning;. All occurred In the heart of the city, and P. McHugh. a street car conductor, on his way home from work at II o'clock In tha morning, was shot in the le for refusing to de liver when commanded. This condition has been looked for by the police for some time. When the order was given in Portland by Chief of Police Hunt to carry guns and ahoot, Seattle policemen eald it would not be long until the gang reached here, as they would, not atand auch an order. The prediction has proven true, for other than the carnival held yeaterday morn ing within the past 10 nlghta there have been more than 100 houses looted In the quiet hours. Holdups Begin Shooting. McHugh says that when he reached Eighth avenue and Pine atreet, he aaw three men standing on the walk. Sus pecting all was not right, he took the middle of the street. The men Jumped out after him and before he could com ply with their demand to stand and de liver, one of the holdups began ahoottng. The second shot struck McHugh lo the leg. He fell to the ground, snd after taking another shot st him the men ran towsrd Pike street. Seattle Is a first rate place for this class of operators. Because of the order of Mayor Balllnger to clean up the town, which has been rigidly enforced, he hss lost the support of the city council. The mayor's interest hss been centered In the police department, and for this res son the council has refused to do any thing for It. WHl Got Nothing. A request from the mayor that the force be increased by the addition of 20 patrolmen haa been refused, Snd, In a nice way. he hss been Informed the police department will get nothing until gambling Is allowed to resume snd the pool room operatora have been given permission to open their doors. To this Mayor Balllnger has replied that this will be sfter he hss left office, and If the cltisens will atand It he can afford to. A disss meeting la threatened to give the council a hint that Its ways must be changed and the occurrences yester day morning hsve but added fuel to the flames. BALLASTING TKACK. (Speciaf Dispatch to The Journal.) Howell, Idaho. Aug. 18. Ths work of ballasting the roadbed of the Northern Pacific from Pullman to Howell has been resumed after a month's suspen sion. The steam shovel Is st work on the -gravel pit, and two work trains with full crewa are engaged in the work. As soon aa the roadbed la ballasted, 88 pound rails will be laid on this 10 miles of track. A depot win be erected here and a regular agent Installed. NOTICE BIDS will be recelTed for the construction of bridge, planked boulevard' and concession platforms by the director of works up to August 23. Plana and specifications In the . office of director of works. Lewla and Clark Exposition company, Stearna bldg.. Sixth and Morrison at a IF Charles E. White, formerly marahal of Seaside. Or., win call on J. M. woodwortn, clerk of Multnomah camp. No. 77. W. 0. W.. be will learn something to his advan tage. KELP WAJITED MALI. ANTED Millwright. 83 (10: blacksmith. 83.00; two lumber gradera, $2.25, 25 mill and yard Sien. $2 to $2.28; book Under, $2.50 up: barkers, $2.25; trackers. $2.26; logging road lahorcr. 12.00. We alao want aome one to prove that we buncoed D. B. TJona out of any money or erer accepted any money from him. or mlsreureaented the work that we sent him to, In anr form wbaterer, and offer $60 reward to any one who ran .prove that we aid. Lumtx-rmen'e Labor Bureau. 205 Morrison at. WESTERN EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 220 Tblrd at. Phone Main 1810. 4 waitresses, $8 00 each; 2 chambermaids. $20 month; 2 factor' girls. $5.00 to $10.00 per week: 4 house girls, szn.nn month; ? seam stresses. 81 uo iter dar: 1 cook, out of town. $00.00 per month; 1 cook, oat of town. $80.00 per month. WANTED At Eureka and Redding FIRST-CLASS TIMBEBMBN Fallen on North Mountain Power Co.'e right of way Wagee. $00 to $70 per month and board. Address North Mountain Power Company, Eureka. California. BARBER trade taught br oar sew method, which enables student to earn wagea while learning. Call or addrsee for free catalogue. AMERICAN BARBER COLLEGE CO., No. 88 North Sixth st. KILLED AND UNSKILLED LABOB of an descriptions, promptly supplied. Free of charge to employers. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB 20 North Second street, near Burnalde. HEN WANTED To leara barber trade: special offer; positions secured: constant practice snd expert instruction : catatogae mailed free. Moler System Collage, San Francisco. Cat WANTED A man to work for a cripple that goes In wheel chair selling small artlrlea; no talking; $1 BO per day. P. Oliver, 824 Gaxteohetn are., Portland, Or. MEN wanted, to read the "Male Help Wanted" advertisements: yon'n always find a number of good openings among them. MOLDF.KS wanted: open ahop; $3 .10 per dar of nine boor. Benlrla Iron Works, Benlcla. California WANTED Flrat-elaaa plumber to work la open ahop. Brady Sherrett. 142 Flrat at. PLUMBERS wanted at 222 First St., corner Salmon. KELP WANTED FEMALE. GILLS' Keep your eye on Journal want col umns; what yoa want ta very likely adver tised la these columns today; read them carefully. WANTED-Girl to cook, ween and Iron for family of three: alao aecond girl. Coll phone Lust WANTED -Ironera. Union lanndry. Second and Columbia at. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. STRONG German boy. does not spesk very gnod Engllah. want situation Address Gl.aeck. 124', Knott at. SITUATION wanted hy a plumber, with long o. la, The Journal situationi wanted female. WANTED TO KENT. WANTKT-T let pea know that advertising rear vacant rooms In Joornal want colutnna la the easiest and mlck't way t find de- elraMe occupants; in cents pay ror zi wins. by repeiiie laaag woman. within If hawse of Pisrtland hotel, and In a cli ah B. A The JuuaaL A FEW OF OCR LOADERS. SO BOOMS Fine location, sear Portland hotel low rent. good leaae; nouae cicara noi leos than $150 per month. Price, bow, $3,600. 28 ROOMS Choice im-ation. t year' leaae: rent, 005.00 per montn; clearing over eiuu per nx-ntn. 1 4 BOOMS On Slits at., close In. rent 342. 50, all modern; good income price. $1,800 14 BOOMS On Slith at., new furniture, good leaae, rent reasonable; clear! ng nearly $100 par month; price, $1,250.00. it BOOMS Elegantly fnrnlahed. nicely located, doing gnod business, leaae; rent onlj 850 OO per month, $1,S7S. 23 BOOMS On 18th at., finely fnrnlahed. good leaae; rent $100; team heat; price, $3,000. 8 BOOMS Near Portland hotel. Terr Bnely furnished, rent right; thta house la atrlctly modern In a Tor 7 reapeet; $700. 10 BOOM-hou. awell location. 8nly fnrnlahed. heat buy on the market; price, only $830.00. 8 ROOM bonne, clone In. on Ttb at. good fur niture; price, only $480. . WE WANT R to 12 R"OM bona... well furnished, rood lo cation; bare Immediate cuatomer. TAFT A CO.. 135-S Ablngton Blk. ONE OF THE BIGGEST SNAPS ETBB. A confectionery, lee cream and sod water tore on the beat afreet In Portland. Owner must -well at once on account of having been called eaat on urrent business. Invoice over ? 1.200. Yon can have thta enap for $1,000. f mo have not all eaah we ran arrange terma on part. Man and wife ran make $100 per month Thta la the biggest anap la the city. Full Information at room 8, 12A Seventh at. PBICB Or ABOVE REDUCED TO $800 IP SOLD THI8 WEEK. .. FOR SALE. GENERAL. MERCHANDISE. One of the beat money. making propositions we koosr of; etock will Invoice $6,000: farm worth $2,180: poetofftce with Income of $2oo per year: all for lean than coat of store atoek: this moat be Bold at onee on neconnt of dlaenlution of eo-partnerahlp. ; full par ticulars, Boom 8, 18 Seventh at. MORE LUCK FOR ROME ONE. NO 126 A riNB 60ROOM PRIVATE HOTEL. W have received Instructions to aell thla st once; this hotel la well located; earning over 82n0 per month profit ; long leaae, low rent; location, residence dis trict; pries for a quirk sale, $4,600. Room 3. 129 Seventh st. SWELL! Cigar snd confectionery store on Washington at : win invoice si. JMI ; if aota mis wees boo win take it. TAFT A CO.. 128-6 Ablngton bldg. Phone Main 160. NEW TODAY. 18 large, nice ronma. located on Morriaea at.: rear lease; ehesp rent) must he sold thla week. Price $1,800. This Is s decided bargain. TAFT A CO.. 125 Ablngton bldg. Phone Main IBS. NEW rooming haae. cor. Sixteenth and Thur man 20 rooms lost finished, to lesse to re- enonsiult tenant. J. K. Rogers, oo 1st st. WANTED --S00 bouse to resh Ingle before the ralnv aeaaon acts In. Estimates otven on all klnda of ablngilng. For responsible work and reasonable prices, can on - FOSTER 8s KIRK. Phone Union 1086. NO. 114 41 -room rooming bouae; Sao brick corner, very central, very low rent with long leaae; this bouae la paying over $sno per month pront; to see It Is to buy It; price sod terms are right. Room 8. 128 Seventh at. WASTED A partner. Gorman or Swedish pre ferred, for liquor bnalnes.--well eatahlished. splendid location, floe flst. well furnished, pisnn Included, only $780; splendid oppor tunity right party. 831 Mohawk bldg.. Third and Morrison St. $1,000 CASH will tske on.- half Interest In the best business In the state; s chance to clean op $10,000 to $20,000 In one year. If yoa want a good money-maker, see J. H. at., fiSH First St.. Portland. Or. GROCERY store for sale In a good location; nice -lean stock at Invoice, 5 per cent dis count, and a llgbt borae, harness snd spring wagon; very cheap. B04 Fourth at. NO 1 1S 8 rooms of good furniture and car peta: 8ne location for atudents for medical college; rent only 830; price $800. Room 8. 128 Seventh at. 'nrSINESS CHANCES" advertisements la Journal Wrat Columns bring big returns; If yon want to buy or sell s business, try them; 21 words for 18 cents. NO. 122 A grocery store, essh tmslneaa. rent $18. 8-year lease: a nice little bualneas with a chance to double the aalea; price, $800 cash. Room 8. 120 Seventh st. WHAT have yea to exchange aa fall payment or part payment for a life Insurance policy la one of the Inrgest old Una companies I Address M. 72. Journal. A SNAP Rooming house. 28 rooms. 4 years' lease; price. $1,800. $000 down, balance on eaay payments. Call, see owner direct. 18BU Morrison at. RESTAURANT that will oar for Itself In one BT-onth. doing good business, snd will bear Investigation Call at SSR Eaat Morrison st. FOR SALE Must sell st once; restanrsnt do1n good bualneas; snltable for msn and wife. Address J. R. Bitter. Hammond. Or. FOR SALE Stock of honaehold roods, con sisting of bedroom, dlnlne-room and kitchen furniture and stoves, tin Hall at. ClOAR and confectionery store for $400; best place In town. 284 H Morrison at. IF wanting a flrat-elaaa ground floor proposi tion, small Investment, address Immediately A. 1, The Journal. $no -CIGAR and confectionery, with Ice cream and living rooms. t;i nrst st., south Portland; rent $8. A small dslry and route for sale: also col lie puns for sals, and tent. 12x18. Phone - Scott BS8. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED To bny from owner, a small dairy, fruit or pou'try farm; give fall description. Address A 13. csre Joornsl. WANTED ROOMS. ROOMS WANTED. Several hundred lodgings will be needed M accommodate those attending mining con gress from August 22 to 27: send price. Iocs lion and number of rooms to II. K. Sargent, chairman of committee on entertainment, 884 Chamber of Commerce. ALL those who hsve rooms to rent plsaae send particulars, giving prlcea. location, bow to reach bv atreet ear. Portland Commercial rlab. WANTET MISCELLANEOUS. AN ADVERTISEMENT Like thla In Journal want column coato 8 rente a line each Insertion It ta attractive and reaches rbe people yoa want to reach. Try one: WANTED Pslr of Indian elnbs; atate alas. welabt and price. L. H.. Journal. WITH BOARD BOOM and board In private family for one or two gentlemen: every convenience; near atael bridge. 88 Adama at. BOARD with rooms. waH furniaed: mnlsls soars aiaaooa. labia heard, m laUtaeatk aa. You can have an Advertisement containing not over 25 words published in next Sunday's JOURNAL WANT COLUMNS FRER OF CHARGE If you will take it to one of the Journal's Want Ad. Branch Offices. There is a branch office near your home. Here is the list: R. A. Preston, druggist. 23rd snd Thur man streets. Nob Hill Pharmacy. 880 Gllsan atroet, corner Zlat. - A. W. Allen, pharmacist, 16th snd Mar shall streets. R B. Jacks, confectionery. 800 Wash ington street, corner 19th. SOUTH. B P, Jones Co., drukftsts. Front and Olbbs streets. Cottel Drag Co., First snd Grant streets. SUNSTYSHJE. J. E. Worth, pharmacist, 999 Belmont street. A DVERTISEMENTS are received at the above places C- until 11 o'clock for the daily issues, and 9 o'clock Sat-, urday evening for the Sunday issues of The Journal at regular main office rates. HELP of all deaerlptlona rnrnlshed aaw mill, legging campa. tactorlea. tree to emorara. Alpine Employment Agency, near Morrison. IfiJ Plrat at Phone Mala ltlT. ALL kinds of male help furnished on short notice free to employer. WILLIAMS A ROI'SH. V, Nortt Second st. Phone Red 181. LADIES Positions secured and fa male beta fnrnlahed. The Oregon Woman's Employ ment Agency. 80S AUaky building. Psoas Clay 40s. AMERICAN Employment Agency. Help of all kinds furnished on abort notice; mall orders promptly attended to. 28 N. 3d at. Main 2113. FOR LADIES ONLY. PORTLAND Women'a Employment Company. 218 Allaky, ror. Sd and Morrlaon. Red 8087. JAPANESE Employment Agency fonlebee do mestics farmhands, etc. 88 North fifth st. Phone Clay, 688. it; PIONEER EMPLOYMENT 00., Labor oon trac tors; help (roe to employer. 218 Morrison. HELP wanted and supplied, male or female. R. O. DRAKE, 2064 Washington St. Clay 448 WORK for men. Dion for work. HANSEN'S orriCB. 98 North TOE SENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. $1.78 PBB WEEK Large, elrsn. fnrnlahed housekeeping room, with nae of lana-iry. bath, phone: alao cheap fnrnlahed cottages. J. Landlgan. S4 Sherman. Phon Clay 108. FOR RENT Honaekeeplng rooma In all part of the city. Bead thta elaaslflcstton It yoa are looking fur some. 388 8th St. Nicely furnished housekeeping apartmenta; light rront rooms, u. neaiy. Prop. . THE Trmpleton. 204 H 1st at., nicely furnished honaekeeplng and single rooms: reasonable. CUETON. cor. 1st sad Columbia: tng suite: reasonsbl price. FOB BMTT----FU81SHJP BOOKS. THE FAIBMOl'NT. 20 Mi North Sixth, near Burnalde, half block north of postofflca. 8 blocks eouth of depot You can get rooma In thla elegantly furnished, new, steam-heated building at reasonable rates, furnished or unfurnished, single or ea suite, hot and cold running water In rooma, electric lights, porce lain baths, phone; tourtet and transient trad solicited. Mrs. S. K. Cartwrtght, propiirtrea. RIVERSIDE HOTEL 348 East Oak. Furnished snd unfurnished rooms, single snd en suite; lodging. $1 per week and up. Phone Scott 884. FURNISHED room sds In Journal want col umns bring results, 21 words for 18 cents Is the rate. Have yoa any rooms 1 FURNISHED rooms for rent: Isrge front parlor; 288 Fifth St., cor. Madison. Also room snd bosrd. THE TEMPL1D Iarge. nicely furnished moms; reasonable. 84SV Ycmhlli at., cor Seventh. FINE 201 Tenth, ror. Taylor at FOB BENT HOUSES. A GOOD horns Is always a aonrce of pleasure; many nice hohaes that will make good homes era constantly advertiser In Jnnrnal want columns. Are yoa looking for one? RENTAL AGENCY of I. L Wells Co.. 84 Grand sve. We make a specialty of renting houses snd collecting on east aids; chargea reasonable. Phone Union 888. 8 NEW modern 8 room houses on the east side, in s good location. $20. $21. Inoulre of Hartman. Thompson gt Powers, 8 Chamber of Commerce. FOR rent or aale. 1011 Williams avenue, ft room bouae, all mode.-n cotrvenleneea. Apply John lisln. 224 Stark at. Tel. Main 738. FOR RUNT New 8 room cottage, with bath snd psntrv; good lecstlon snd csr service. Call at 202 First St. FOR KENT House, corner Seventeenth and Gllsan street, tnerotre at 188 Fifth. Max Smith. "The Savoy.' NEW modern Broom cottage, furnished, st inland park; reasonable rent. 812 Commer cial bldg. FOR BENT Convenient 0 room modern house, 853 Fourth St., $10. newly papered. South Hood 887. Hi iit'RBAN Inns. 1 acrea; vineyard, orchard, berries: cow; good place for chickens. I 'hone West 2001. $13 MODERN B room cottsge: bath; dealrable; key next door. 808 Nelson at. FLAT FOB RENT FURNITURE FOB SALE. NEW furniture of 2-rtmm honaekeeplng flat, down town. V. JO, The JoornaX LOST AND FOUND. LADIES' watch, initials E. Mc. t, act In dla monda and rubles Return 828 Irving at, or phone Main 8474. Reward. LOST Aug. 14. Elgin gold wstch; rewsrd for return to Journal office and no quratlona asked. I.ORT Many good opportunities every day yoa fell to read Joornal Want Columns. Don't miss them. FOB BALE FARMS. rOR SALE FARMS Improved farm, for aaie la sit parts of Ore gon sad Washington : payments made to salt purchasers For full particular aa to vart oaa properties apply to Wm. MacMaoter. 311 -Worcester bid. WO'T.D yoa like to Itvs on s fsrmt This Is where many excellent farma are often ad vertised. Look for them. A FARM of IB sees for 8100 flown; good place. 234 M, Murflson at. FOR SALE HORSES AND CARRIAGES. YOU CAN aell your borae or wagon by adver tising It ta Journal Want Columns, toy them; 21 words tag U cent Tuttle's Pharmacy, 853' Mississippi ave nue, corner Shaver street. Nichols Thompson, 118 Russell street, corngr Albion avenue. Jancke Drug Co., corner Hawthorne and Grand avenues. J. A. Dick, tobaccos. 114 Crosby (East end steel bridge.) B. F. Fulton, confectionery, 874 E. Burn side, corner Union svenue. Ingram at Bush, tobacconists, lit Grand ' avenue. Brooklyn Pharmacy, Mllwaukle street a. FOB SAL'S REAL E8TATS. FOB SALF l arge 8 room bouae, 3 Vote; fralt and abode treea; good neighborhood; central, a aplendld home place. Price $2,000. Address Mr. V. Espy. Corvallla, Or. ' . FOR SALE 8 seres on 0. W. P. car line at Gatea croealng. $300 ; 8 acres with house, $425; 1 acres with bouse, $300; eaay terma Inquire st Gates' crossing. PROPERTY OWNERS If yoa have any prop erty for sale, advertise It In theae columns. Journal Want Ada are great real estate sales roan : 21 words for 16 cents. FOR 8 ALE--Lot 1 OOxioo. with material for building B-room bouae on easy terms; also 8 lota In Laurelwood, $125 a lot Address A. IT, The Journal. FOR RALE 8-room house; bath; near W car; fall corner lot: fruit troea and roses; this Is a anap. Address W. 21, The Journal, or 928 Henri, ks are. FOR SALE Three 5-room cottages with base ment snd Tnrct; good condition : renting for 814.00 month; easy terms; $1,400 eechT N. 47. Journal. RELINQUISHMENT on 180 acres lsnd soar Lyle. Wash.; good two-room house : good well: about two acres fenced. N. 18. Journal. FOR SALE 8-room bouse snd lot st Forty second snd Division sts. ; hot and cold wster: $1,400. Csll st 224H Washington St.. room 10. FOR farms, acreage, city property, choice tim ber and homestead locations, aee Maxwell A Burg, 318 Ablngton bldg., Portland, Or. T-ROOM cottage. No. rl4 Corbett at. with 8ns orchard; lot 50x100 feet; rent $18 per month. Inquire Frank Hacheney, 040 Corbett at WHY PAY RENT? New Broom cottage; $100 caah. balanco $18 monthly. Address ft. 21. The Journal. U'iMES built on Installments; arversl new houses sbout complete; $1,880 to $2,300. O. M. Smith. 714 Chamber of Commerce. HERE Is a chance of a lifetime; lot; a nice home. $300. 234H Morrison at. and NEW 4 room bouae with basement: pries $000; $400 eaah: balance long time. Inquire 1080 Denver avenue. Take U csr. SO-acre Improved farm for sale; stock, etc. Psrtlculsrs. sddress C. W. Stephens, Clsrks. Oregon. Clackamas county. FOR RALE 8-room modern bouae; 50x100 lot; 1801 Twelfth at. Woodlawn; price $1,350. R. Farrlngton. HOUSES bnllt on easy monthly paymenta; have some nies-plans; reasonable; 812 Com'l bldg. A SNAP Beautiful modern 7-roora, eaat side, borne. Enquire 043 Belmont at. TO XX CHANGS. WHAT yoa have and don't want la Jaat what someone else needs and ean:t nnd. tr you 11 advertise it In Journal want columns you can nuke s good trade. Try them; 21 words for IB cents. FOB IALX MISCEILANEOUS. SEWING maeblnea; 100 One machine, slightly damaged at very low price: Singer. V. 8.. Pomeatle. White. N iw Home. Olds King. Willamette. Wheeler A Wilson snd others: acme new drop-head machines at $20.00. S. B. Flgel. 888 Morrison St. cor. fth. Marquam bldg.. Portland. Or. IN roar store room yoa probably have some thing of no uss to yoa, bat It'a good, and yon may Just as well get cash for It by advertising la Journal want columns; 21 words tor tS cents. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER. Visible writing. Tsbnlstor. Ball bearing. Light running. Agency 88 Front st. Phone Bed 1831. BILLIARD AND POOL tables for rent or for ssle on rosy psytuents. THE BRUNSWICK BALKE COLLENDEB CO.. 48 Third St.. Portland. BICYCLE closing oat sale; $40 Wolff Ameri cana now 125. Seventh and Morrison sts. FOR SALE Durham cow snd 2-yesr-old heifer. Enquire at B2 MUner st.. Monts villa. FOR ssle or rent, large sailing yacht. Address S. 18, car of Journal. PEBSONAL. J J. Hlrahhrlmer. pension attorney, connselloi at law pensions: War of the Rebellion. In dian wars. Act of Jans 27. 1880. order No. 78. widows, children and dependent relatives. Untitles, arrears, cornmntstlons snd clslms against the U. 8. Room 3, cbsm of Com. MANLY vigor restored br Dr. Roberta' Nerve Globules. On month's treatment $2: I months. $5: sent securely sealed by mall. Agfnts. Woodard. Clarke A Co.. Portland, Or. YOUR pr-cr1r.tlons sre nors seeorstelT snd reasonably ailed at Ryaell'a Pharmacy. 227 Morrison st.. bet. First and Second eta. PERSONAL Your business or professional card la Joornal Wsat Column will bring yoa bnslnroa; 21 worda for 18 cents. Try It CATER only to the beet people. speeisIlBt on disease of the hair snd scalp. Mrs. B. Do ver, BOO Dekum. Phone Hood 807. "ON s Slow Train Through Arkaaaaw," by Jackson: fall of fnn snd jokes; 18 cent. , Jones' Book at ore. 2B1 Alder at MMR. H. B. Ely. dermatologist scalp treatment ehampoo. electric masg. 211 Goodnoagh ATTORNEYS. PACIFIC Ooaet Law A Collection Agency Portland office, 70S chamber of Commerae. B. B. RIOGEN, attorney and tassasllar-qt-law; notary. 805 808 Ablngton I log. BHEPHBRD. ANDERSON CELLARS. At. .more. 818400-821 Marqnom bldg. . ARCHITECTS. nCDGSON A CO. Architect and aperta tradents. Suite 812 Macleoy bldg. cor. FuO'th and Washington its Goodrich A Goodrich, srehltccts; Wm. W. Good rich, consulting sug laser. 148 $ta. Frost lesi, corner Powell and MONEY TO L0AJ. FBED H. STRONG, FINANCIAL AGENT. Money to loan. No commission. I Sax la a position to mske immediate loana on Improved real estate or for brild apurtsjses: say sroonnt; moJerato Inter We approve loses from p.'rns snd ad vene money .. bolldtng progress. Option la repayment after oar year. FBED H. STRONG. Financial Ag.ot. 103 Soeond St.. near Stark. THE STAB LOAN 00. i.iioi riNvtur, wnjr-reoirr. p., on hut note, without mortgage S Month H-montb. Week. 00 Repay to OS 118.33 or $8.88 or $3 88 .00 Bepay to aa $ 8.88 or 83.38 or 31 S pin.uv wp so as s s.uu or sa.uo or s I lev CuBfldentlal. 110 McKay bldg., 10SH 3d. SALARY LOANS Any sslartrd perooo having . nrmsj poamon witn responsible arm csn obtain money on the -aay payment plan, vjrlts oot publicity or deny; all business treated atrlctly confldentlal. NONTH WEST LOAN 00.. 811 Ablngton bldg.. city. LOANS ON THE BAST-PAYMBNT FLAN To Salaried People. Strictly ConfldentUL Office hour. 0 a. m. to 8 p. sk. EMPLOYEES' LOAN CO. HL Room T1S Til fteSnre hid S. W. ear. Third snd Washington eta MONEY TO LOAN on real, personal and col lateral reeuntv: speetsl attention to chattel mortgagee; notes bought. C. W. Pallet HI i nm. none Main iseo. MORTGAGE LOANS ob Improved city and farm property at low eat current rata; bat Ml us Isana, Installment loans, Wm. MacMaator. SU Worcester bldg. kfONBY loaned on piano, furniture aad other chattel securities : sll business strictly pri vate. NORTHWEST LOAN CO.. 821 ,Abfng ton bldg.. dtp. MONEY to LOAN In largo or snail on good Beet. 8t rity; lowest rare. Wl!Haa 307 Falling hid. MONEY ADVANCED aslsrled ner.nle etc.. without security; eaay payments; larg est business In 4ft principal cltleo. Tolmss. 223 Ablngton bldg. CHATTEL losae In amounts ranging from 325 to $8,000; eoomlng-houere a enecialty Mew Era Loan it Trust Co . 200 Ablngton bldg. CHATTEL loana; rooming bonses 4 specialty loans to salaried people. New Era taws 4 Trust Co.. 108 Ablngton bldg. MONEY TO LOAN FROM WOO UP; PRIVATE PARTY. ADDRESS 332 MOHAWK BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved or unimproved City prop, rty In sums to salt Parrlsh. Wot klns A Co.. 280 Alder at. LOANS at lowest rate on furniture, pianos: any aacnrity note purchased. Eastern Loan office. 418 McKay bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on Clackamaa conntv landa. B. F A F. B. Riley. 808 Chamber of Com ASPHALT PAVING). THE Trinidad Asphalt Paying Co. of Portland. Of8c 056 Worcester blk BARGING AND LIOHTERINO. OREGON ROUND LUMBER CO.. 181 at Phone Grant 1171 COAL AND WOOD. GREAT WESTERN COAL CO.. 441 Hoyt, eor. 11th; wished lump eootleao coal. $6.00 per too; not. $5.00; agents for Cumberland Range. 87.00; Castle Gate. $8.50; wholesale prlcea; free delivery; full weights; satisfac tion guaranteed. Pbone Main 848. STEEL bridge woodyard. Bo sure and aee us before you buy wood and coal; full measure guaranteed. Office. 218 Holladay a vs. Phone Eaat 424. E. Lamerine, Manager. HERE la ycur chance to get your wlnter'a. box wood: Five load. $1.80 a load, or single loads at 81 7.1 a load. Multnomah Wood Com paay. Phone Main 8118. GOOD fir cordwood at tJLJS delivered to any place within 20 block p4V8t Eighth and Haw thorne streets. Phono Scott 4078. ALRINA FUEL CO., Railroad at aad Albino ve.. near ferry; Blab and block wood, dry and green. Phone Eaat 874. GORMAN COAL CO. Front and Pettygrove ate. Call aa up. PHONE MAIN 8S8. WESTERN FBED A FUEL CO.. Psoas 1018. Castle Gats coal and all other coal market. 184 North Fifth at. HOOVER A CONWAY. $18 Water St. the pises for good 4-foot, lire Br Sre wood. Phon Main 4508. PIONEER Fuel Co., removed from foot Mar rlaoa to foot Mala at. Phone Main 188. C. B. VELIN. flrat-elaaa wood and coal; office 38 Alblna are.. Bear ferry. Phone Eaat 1832. OREGON FUEL CO.: all klnda of cool and Phone Main sa. CARPENTER0 AMD TILDEBB. A. J. AL'TIIOftS A H. B. WOOD, carpenter. aad bulldero; repairing and jobbing; atore aad office fluuree built Shop 108 Colombia. Phone Clay 1881. FANNING A A R METRO NO Carpenters sad bolldrr.: repairing and Jobbing: reasonable ratea. Fhop cor. Fourth and Columbia. Front 0. W. GORDON, counter, shelving. houe built and renslted. 80S Fourth. Clsr 174. COMMISSION dnBfrHABTB. KVKItDI NO A FABI1ELL. produce and commis sion men bents. 140 Front St.. Portias Or. Phone Main 1TB. 0B0OTBBT ABD QLASaTWABX. WHOLESALE crockery and glaaswsrs. Prs.l. llegele A Co.. 100 to 108 Fifth, cor. Stark at. CKIBOPODY ABD MANICURINO. WM. DKVENY A KSTELLE DRVENY, the only scientific ehtropodleta, parlors room 202 Drew bldg . lrJ2 Second st. Plume Msln 1801. This la the long-haired gentUtsua. Us Is the sua yoa are looking foa THE OFFICB. 283 Waahingtnn ml Main 771. Picket A VtgnogalX. CAFE KHATZ. aar sad at all 122 Sixth A 8ns looea hours CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST, PBOF. YAHMO SINGLES. This week. $8 readings. 80c. Scientific phre nologlat. palmist, psychomotor aud mentnllet. Advice on sll questions pertaining to human life. Will do what others claim to' do. Hours, 8:30 to 8. 841 M Morrison, Cor. Seventh. MADAMB JOHNSTON Clairvoyant. palmist, card render; I give fscts reliable and Im portant on sll sffslrs of real lira. Beadlngs 80c. IBB Fourth at. WANDA, THE PALMIST payrhlc. lift the -well of mratery and brings forth your de sires; reading 1 0c. .210 Madteon st. CI0AR8 AMD TOBACCO. ESBBRG-GUNST C1GAB 00. uiotrinotora of FINE CIGARS. Portland. DBF.88MAXINO. MBS. McKIBBEN artistic dress sad cloak- making. 881 Morrison st OXMENT CONTRACTORS. HAWKINS A CO. Realdence, SOB Foarth st. phone Front 1183; cement work of all de scriptions; step work specialty; work guar- CI1AS. H. CARTER A CO. (formerly Carter A BID. cement contractors (174 Taggart none Baat 18TB. All work guaranteed. DOG AND H0BBE K04VITAX. DK. 8. J. CABNEY Veterinary eurgeoo. 18$ North Sixth at. Phono Main 1484! no. phon. Msln 8837. DECOR ATOBB. Hen ENBY BERGKR 130 First at: WaHpapar. Ingiatns. tsneatriea. appllqu friese. inter ior decorating. FRATERNAL INSURANCE. 0BDEB OF WASHINGTON For moat frater nal society of northwest; protects the liv ing. J. L. Mitchell, supreme seeretsry. 811 snd 818 Msronam bldg.. Portland, Or. Tele phone Mnlo 042. DYEING AND CLEANING. PORTLAND STB AM CLEANING AND DYEING Works: practical batter In connection: feather boas and plumea cleaned and carlod by aa ea pert HI Foarth. Phcae Cloy 704. J. HUNTER. BB0 Jefferson St.. stasia carpet and mattress cleaning: feather renovating: all work guaranteed. Phone Main 114. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED $1 per month. Unique Tailoring CO, 847 Washing ton at H. W. TURNER, professional (lyee and e leaner. aw ,ivi I . riiua. .sin eoio. ELECTRICAL WORKS. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company. 308 Stark at.. Portland: O. K. for everything la the electric! Hoe. Main 1SSS. FURNITURE FACTORIES. FURNITURE manufacturing and apodal orders. L. Bav3ky s Paroltnr rectory, oto Front st OREGON Furniture Manufacturing Company Manufacturer of furniture for the trade. 108 Flrat at OB0CEKS. WADHAMS A CO, wholes 1 grocer . ma no factor era and commission mer rcbants. Foarth snd Osk sts. ALLEN A LEWIS, commission and prodnee mer chant. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or. WHa A CO..' Flrat and Ankeny at-. HATS CLEANED. EASTERN Bat Manufacturing Company. 821 Flrat. near Clay; bat dyed, cleaned, blocked; made over Is latest sty km oar specialty; Panama bats. HOTELS. Hotel Portland. American plan; $3. 35 per day. Belvedere: European plan: 4th sod Alder sts. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. UNITED Carriage Co. tally hos. Main 222. rubber tired carriages. 153 11th. cor. Morrison. HUMAN HAIR BOLLS. J. J. B0RG. msker human hair rolls. 423 E. 8th. Tel. East 2211. Store. SSfl Morrison st. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. bldg. WHITE, fir Inaareoc. 800 Dokaa J8S. Mel. WOOD, employer' liability and la dividual accident surety bonds of all kinds. Pbone 4T. 801 McKay bldg. H. F. BABTFXS COMPANY, fire insurance. 441 Sherlock bldg, Oregon pbooe Clay 828. FIRB INSURANCE J. P. Kennedy A Co, 221 Sherlock bldg. Phone Mats I8BS. ARTHUR WILSON, flee losursnc?. bldg. Phone Msln 1008. ntox works. PHOENIX IRON WORKS Engineers fscturers of marine, mining, logging snd saw mill machinery: prompt attention to repair work Phone. East) 29. Hawthorne sve. u B. 3d. MAGNETIC HXALXB. I SUCCESSFULLY treat aU forma of dkmaa. whether chronic or a rate; also teach other. Mr. L. n Hart. Ill Allaky bldg. MUrJlOAL. VIOLIN, mandolin, cornet, clarinet and aU string sad wind Instruments. Prof. Edwin A. Smith. Msln 4703. 2B4 Twelfth at T. B. LAWSON. 140 Park, eor Msln. plsno let suns; terms reasonable. Phone Front 111. KAllBAfEEABTDBATEl VAPOR baths snd massage hy lady with ladr aaalatsnt. ronrtn. MRS. onROCK. masseuse, the esst. Union 502. boa returned from MUSIC DEALEB8. FIRMER M.'BIC CO, 180 Third talking machines; repairing. Bed I si. Victor OVERALLS BOSS OF THE ROAD OVERALLS and mcchso- ics' clothing: union made. s.-usisaier tiros., msnufaetorers Portland. Or. FLUatBJWaj FOX A CO, ronltsry plumber. 281 Msln and Salmon. Oregon phone bet Msla 2001. DONNERBFR0 A RADRMACHER. plumbers. ispaiiTsil it 84 FeayjeA) 8$. '"SJ if1 -i i FAINTING AND FAPBB-HANOIHG F. B. SUTTON, painter and papefhsnger. 1T8 Madison at, west ena or onnge. PATENTS. B. 0. WRIGHT, lawyer; n,l,nl, a aoeclattv roor laventlnna Itooni ant Uekam PLATINO. TH'C OREQON PLATING WORKS, 401 Waeu lugton atreet. I'ho 573. 1'ullahlng, plat- lag aad 8V JT IZ2VH Pioneer Paint Co, selling fa beat things nude In psltits snd gener.l balldlaa msterisls: wlndow-glsss a id glszlna . a apoelalty. 118 First st.: phone Msm 1384. DAyiNU. DUNNB A CO.-Phoenlx Pslnt snd ,,n .Works : msnafsctarer sod Importers paints, nils snd snrsvs. etc.: phon !37. Office and factory. Sherlock eve. and Nineteenth et. i . 'HLLBR A CO, mannfsctarara Pioneer toad. Phoenix Paint. Knpaline; a goar.Ltea given with every gallon of paint manafaetared RASMUS EN a CO., paint, olla. glass, sash .Oil . H . ' .e,r.. ino rirsx ax. iBINTIN0. BI SHONO CO.. Frost snd Stsrk Jts, print lng. Mthogrsphlng. blank books snd offl.-o supplies; work done on ttms: moat complete printing office In the west. Main 104. ANDERSON DPNIWAY COMPANY, printing. Uthogrsnblna-. blai k hooka. Phone Mala IT. si? Alor t. BOOFTBS. T,i,KM0OF,x. r"t,'ring rpalrtng and general e . - .i, Minns, sueei. ALL kinds of roofs repaired and painted. W. J. . Farrell, govt First. Scott 841, B0PK. PORTLAND CORDA0B CO., eor. oorrnrup aia.. rortland. Or. BUBBUH STAMPS. F. 0. STAMP WORKS Sao 1M.. . Mala 710: rubber stamp, seals, ateocias. bag- ww nwmi; eena ror cataloguo. SPRAYING AND WHITEWASHING. SPRAYING aad whitewashing, trees, baa. roenis. nam, dorks, etc, M. O. Morgan A Op. Call ap Scott 2B4, m wln nx an( giro yoa figures on your work. The largest gooollne gpraylog and whitewashing oatSt Ib Hnltnomab county. 870 Mtlwauate et. Portland. Or. SAFES. '-ABQBBT stock la city; Dtebold work; lockouts ..peiieii; repairs, jail work, steel celling, treat ment and goods meriting yoar nstrnaqga I. B. Dsvis. 88 Third at. STOBAOE ABD TBAVSFXB. SAFES, piano and furniture movod. packed ""J ror snipping sou snipped: su work gusrsnteed; Isrge 8 -story brick fireproof sjsrebou for dtorsge. Office 128 Flrat st. a M. 0L8EN. Phone Msln 847. C. O. PICK, office 88 First st, between Stsrk snd nag at. : phone nuvj; pianos snd furni ture moved end pneked for shipping; com BaoeBoas fireproof brick ware bouae. Frool and Clay sts TRANSFER AND HAULING. OREGON TRANSFER CO, 184 North Sixth, telephone Muln ow. Uesvy Paul lug aud storage. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. 200 Vt Waah- ingron ar. r-none cir. Main ihei. SHOWCASES ABD FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every description: honk, bar snn store natures made to isrder. The Lutka Manufacturing Co, Portland and Seattle. TYPEWRITERS. YOST TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS z:tu stark street. We rant, repair, aell, exchange typewriters. All supplies for an machines Standard machines $28 and np to $100. Do you want s atenogruphsr or typlatT We have list of good snpllcanta. Pbone Black 2871. ALL MAKES of typewriters Tor rent st Under wood Typewriter Agency, on rront st. TRUNK FACTORY. PORTLAND TRUNK MFG. CO. Wholesale snd retail. Phone clay 300. Cor. 3d A Pine. Portland. Send for catalogue. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, soap. SI per month. USW I BW S urna. towel supply company. 4th nnd Couch. Phono 418. - WHERE TO DINE. STKOUSK'S RESTAURANT, flrat-elaaa meals, best service. 229 Washington at WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 134-134 st, bet. YamhUI aad Taylor. Portlord. FINANCIAL. LADD It TILTOK, BAKIEES, (Eatahlished In 1S5V) Transacts a General Banking Bualnoaa. Interect Allowed on Tim Deposits. Collections mads at all points on favorable term. Letters of credit Issued available la Europe and all points In the Ualted State. bight Kxchanga and Telegraphic Transfers sold on Now York. Wsshlngtoa, Chicago. St. Loo la, Denver. Omaha. Sao FrLocioco and Mon tana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Parle, Berlin, Frankfort, Hong Kong, Yokohama, Manila aad) BoBobjla. i FXK8T BTATTOoTAX BAjrjC Of Portland. Of, Designated Depository and Financial Agent of too United State. Pre' dent k. U MILL) Caahler-i'.... J. W. NEW KIRK AoBtatant Cashier W. C ALVOHU Second Assistant Cashier B. F. STEVENS Letters of credit Issued svallahl Ib Europe aud the Baatern Ctnteo. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Tranafero old on New York. Boston, Chicago, St. Louis. St Paul, Omaha. San Francisco and taa principal sunt. In the Northweat Sight and time bills drawn In soma to suit on London. Carls, Berlin. FrsnkfOrt-oo-toe Main. Hoog Kong. Yokohama. Copenhagen. Christiana. Stockholm. St Petersburg, Moo cos Enrich. Hon-. lulu. Oollecttoua mad on favorable u 1TXTSD STATES NATIOltAL BASfat, OF PORTLAND. OREGON. NORTHWEST COB. THIRD AND OAK STB. Traasacta a General Banking Buatnoaa. DRAFTS ISSUED. AvalE-of in all cities of the United States and , Burope. Hong Kong and Manila. COLLECTIONS MADE 0B FAVORABLE TERMS President Vlee-PreeldoBt. ... Cashier Assistant Csahlsr. J. C. AINSWORTH ,....W. B. A YEB R. W. SCHMEEK ...r A. M. WBU1HT MESCBAST8' RATIONAL BANK. PORTLAND, OREGON. I. FRANK WATSON President R. L. in KM AM Vice-IT esl dent K. W. HOYT Cashier SEOROR W. HOYT Asslstsnt Caahle Tranaacta a General Banking Bualneas. Ursfts snd letter nf credit Issued available to all porta of the world. Collection a specialty. Gold dust bought. OMDOH $1 BAIf FttATf CISCO LTIUTID. Oiambor of Ccmm mere Building, Third aad Head Office. 88 OV3 Broad Street, London. This bank trsnaacts s general banking bnsl. nes. makes loons, discounts bills snd Issue letter of credit svallable for traveler and for the purchase of merrhsndlse In sny city nf ths world. Deals In foretgn and domestic sxebaag. Interest paid on time deposits. W. A. MACRAE. Manager 8 HO U BUT 8AVIB08 Bj TT87JBT CO, 888 Morrison St, Portland. Or. Transacts s Osnsral Banking Baalaoaa. SAVTNG8 DEPABTMXBT Interest Allowed on Time snd Seringa Deposits. Acta aa Trustee for Estates Drafts and letters of credit avatlsbls ia all parts of the world. a F. ADAMS ..Proaldeat L. A. I.RW1S First Vie. Pre.1d.nt A. C MILLS Second Vlee-Presldent B. O JUBITB .7TS Secretary MOataxa TAttoa. m CamiTgiw. Offer gflt-edg ravoatmanta la Municipal aad Ballroad Bonds. Writs or call. IStH Fleet Rt Portland . Orssyoo. MORTOAGE LOAIS On Po-tlsod Real Eststs st lowest Rates. i.,.. ivi.w, ,.h...' TITLE aUAR ANTES -X TRUST CO. 1, Chamber ot lummoxes, 'T "V e t