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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. AUGUST 17, 1901 - na for transport tlua through Ui alalia m ascend, ejsse nutter. - Pastas; for slnaie copies: for ta I, lO'ot IS Psy psper, 1 cent; 111 ta 10 ptM, t cental U w, page, nou, " TILIFHOWIS. . Business Office .lain oort. - Bdlurlal HnunM Msla 200, yomiiow adtibtisibo xirxt ivtattti, , Vri elsn rlesrsmln kneels I Advsrtlstn Aaenry, 1W strtext, Nw Xorki XrlbuM Build- " vaiesfo. ; . .. ( BiTBfloxirnov bates. . Tarffia he Parrtar. Tilt Dslty Journal, with Suaday, 1 year.. .4T BO i.Tbe lialiy Journal, i year...?...... . BOO The Pally Journal, with Bnnday. a month, t To Tbe Dally Journal. niouthe f The telly Journal, with Bunday, I njentb. 1.05 7b flatly Journal. I niontha,... 1.80 Tba Pally Journal, irlth Bundsy. 1 month.. .63 The Uallv, per week, delivered. Bunds Included .18 Joe Holly, par week, deli Tared. Sunday sa- , eepted .10 Tarmi by Mao, "Ti 5,n' with Sunday, 1 yer.,..8T. lb rnll Journal. 1 .... .. I . H1 t't'r Journal, with Bundty. aaoaitbl. 8.J.S 2J Pally Journal. months.............. I TB tnlly journal, wild Hand, 1 Boot). J. BO The Dally Journal, I moot ha I- I"' Journal, with Sunday, 1 aooath., Tba Tiellv Imt.n.1 1 mnnth The Biinday Journal, 1 year A., f 99 Tba Sunday Journal. month. ...... ...... 1,00 Tba Semi-Weakly" Journal, - , Tba Bml-Wrktr Journal, R to 11 par. esra taan. Crtlt sa.rkat sew porta, 1 l.M Tba Weekly Jourmsl. Tba Weekly Journal. 100 column ( read - In each Imm lltn.Mwt ft.ll xnarkst reports, 1 yaar i t.OB ReaUttance ahould ,1m mada by drafta. postal rotra. ainraa ordnra. and anall amouata mf ,ao.ptabla In I mat t-not poataf atampa. , - THB JQV9-HAX. P. . Hot Itt. Portland. Or. 2 Xiinarrlbrf to Tha Journal wba may laa town tha kummrr an bar tb papar forwarded to tham ta any addraaa without "Ira rharg. parmant tor Um aaaaa to bo ,iuada upon tkair rrtnrn.. itu m iqu-kwai iut bi rouxa ' Tha Jonrnal b found ea Mat at tba tot raing piaraa: - ; HOIK, inilln tMnn ' tmAb nra : CHlCACtV poatoffiiM Kawa company. ITS Oaat horn ... MSNVKH Ct,T.n KanoXok Booh A Stationary '. joaipany. fell Ran-ntaanth atraat(. J. laek. oiipnm anq turtia atraeta. ' KAN'tilt 1 1 TV v. Km k.m maiianr. "inn B. r. Gardnar. rf Sooth nrln rtrrati Ollrar Hainan, M Soutb Rnrlna atraot. KlNNKAi1U8 M. I. KaTlnaiirV SO Sootb 'Third. . . NEW YORK CITT Brantano'a, Cnloa aquara. nirFVOadm Krwa Mmpany. t OMAHA Millard' Uptl nawa atand; Magaatb StatlonarT romnany. ISna rtrnnm arraat. . SALT LAKH CITT rtanyon hotal nawa tan Barrow Bra.. 43 Waat Baoona arraat. amu. ST LOI'ia Phllln RoMtar. aia Iiauat atrwt. ; SAN FRANCISCO W. t. ArHInf, Talaea hotal . naw atand; Goldmlth Broa.. 130 Rut tar atraat: Trad W. Pitta, 1(W) Market atraat. PPOKANS WilH John W Orahata A Co. TACOMA. -WAHII Cantral Saw aonpany, 1111 4- ATJCTIOy ' lAtIS TOMOSKO W. ttv Oanrna VLakaa A, V .. Park a n it A Mar ata.. at 10 a. in. Aa la of furnltur. . Oaorg Baker ar fo.. Auotionoar. . WIATKIB EIP0BT. ' Waatbar cnndlllona and ranaral foracaat for 1 Orraou, Washington and Idaho. Tlx waathaf in to nnrtn l acino ntata la ary ana lout; Vlth mod,rataljr hlarh taranoraturaa. Slnaa yaatarday mornlna a how era- ana thnn fairat.rma aaa oceurraa In Arlaooa. new Haa- HMaria KM.ku.m IT.k ' rado. Wroailnt-. tb Dakotaa. tha nnuaf lak realna, tb Toiaa Panhandla, . Oklahoma and t (Da naw r-ngiana ata tea, . . Tha Indlrationa ar for fair and . eonlar , wratner in tttla aiatrlct Thuraday. ObaarTaUoaa tbawA at a, m.t - - r TKMP. " ' ' S'.'ataa. . kiln, Atlanta. Oa... ........... M - S Itakar City. Or ., M . BJ , itlacnarck. N.- O M ... .M , holae. Ida I2 v ' au Ucaton. Maaa;. v 2 M ' t'harlaatan. 8. .,C M i T ' t'hlaairo, 111. Td M - Prac x .01 .00 0 T. 1 '' 0' ,' T. T. 0 c 0 0 , 0 o . Inrlnnatl. O... ..rf.t... ' fa a. ; OU ...... ....Sl -IS, 54" iVllttt ""p' if HQ .'!! rt !? itrrar, ioio.. tmlt. Mick.. . Kl Paaa, Tax. l:urka, Cal... I'reapo, Cal. liririH, Nimi, ...... .... . w JarkaoBTtlla. "la. ....... - M T4 n jxauapaii. Maaf , Kamknpa. ,0. ' Kanaaa 1ty, M,(....i. ' Jo Anaelea. Cal......... lcmphla. Tenn. ........... New orlaana. La ... Naw York. N. Y...., North Head, Waab . Omatia, Neb. . . ....-i...... l'tlladetphla. Pa..... rocatalk), Ida.... t TO - ?? Td M M ait v M : AO . M 62 . M ', M ad M a m , M bo M M 13 C 91 M 4 ' R4 n u M a M M a-erxiajHl, vr. .. ..... tioaemira. vr ...... ....... acramantw, Cal.......... Ml. Lonla. Mo...... Halt Uka. t tab.rt. ' A ... I 0 . ' o 0 , 0 0 0 .0 Td Baa FrancHeo, Cal.. .... ft Bt. Paul, Minn...., , AO Bpokana, Waab,. 8 Taroaaa, Waab. ........... 7 Vlrtorla, B. C "A Mali Wa'la, Waab Waahlnatoa, D. C. ........ T rVlnnaniuora, K.....,.. M atna. Aria.... 101 '0 .0a) .04 hasiiaok ucnsxs.. i t. T. Rburtnan. M. and Dora Swarta. tA. Orrln O. Barlow, 67, , aad alary K. Oon- I rad A. tlaedham, 80, and Mlanla B, IWtar, IT (father eonaantlnf). ar . , Hanry Vtaako, 20, ana Maiey Walkarr So, Ana. 11 To Mr. and Mra. Oaoraa Spady of mn luiai aaimon atreei, a aon. . Ana. in To Mr. and Mra. W. P. ttoa at M Hharaaln atraat, a aun. Ana. 1 Ta Mr. aad Mra, Prod Spooa ' of vtooniawn, a ann. An. 14 Ta Mr. and Mra. Klka Matanmots, at aVseond and Coaeb, a aoa. OOVTASIOVS BISIASES. Any. in Mra. A. fltl-le at STB MeAdama Itract; typhoid ferar. DEATHS. Anc. aW-An Mnaana, aawt T4 yvara, at St. Joaeph'a home aoa. aanlllty. Barlal at aloant Calrarr rameterr. Aua. In Hohart Parla Raraa. aired Tl yeara, at Good SnMrltaa boapltal; rauaa. a rata rb. rfitiam. Burial at Lone PLr eematery. An. IS William Donalaa, arad 4T year, at North Partita aanntorlum; raua. Inanition from aattf alrer. . Burial at North Yakima, Waab. Au. Id Mary I Brlari. ayad Tl yaar. at M Nineteenth itraet. Burial at Rlrar Vlaw ccuwtrry. , ' Cranttnrtam aa ttrayon rrrt ear Baa. aaa Bel wood J modern. arlanrlA. aomplata, Cbaraa Adalta, tttl rblldren. . Vlaltor a. a. a. m. Portland Crcmatloa (atoclataoa, Portland, Or. , t Tb tdwnrd Flolmaa radertaktaf rampatiy, fnueral dlrvrtor and ambalBMra. tM Third atraat, Pnoaa SOT. , J. P. Praia A Son: faoaral dlrat tun aad ambalmara, bra remoaod t tbalr aaw ath ifnmant. ornr TBIra ao ataojaoa aBaa. '.urn paonta ro. a. . , EaUer-flrmea Co., funeral dlleetora aad balmara. 171 EnaaelL Lady aaat. Pbona laat 1WA. BEAi. ESTATE TBAJTirEBS. . William M. Oreaorr and wlf to Parld . R MrManab, Tx20 feet part lot A. Arbool park , tri i . ri i-.a-i , Sf Anna Hlepa, at al.. to J. Rowland Iter, at tl.. lot T. hba-k M. Cantral AIMua. . , 1 1 - ' - Jomea J. t) Kaan, at at. to Franrla t. - Imnhar, at al.,- lot , block Bl, Sunny ' Hide ,, 1.S60 ' 0. H. naltkemper and wlf to R. C. Brooka. lot id, blork IS, Hawthorn' .. ' Aral addition.... BOO Henry Weaihuawar and w1fa to B B. . r.merlrk. at al., rM 1. 1 and t, block H, Portaroooth VIII ar tended ; 4110 ltke Metilnnla and wlf ta corporation t ' , the Hlatera of Merer, north lot 14, M,y n. M (latea. addition to Eaat I'ortland : l.ariO - The Kin ata to f K Irknatrtek. . 1 r a.piare reel netfitinin luteraeeTina of Juboaoa and hvcUl TnaulIifLk ' Patent Flour Advances 15 Cents with the Ex-" cessive Foreign jCali., PATENT FLOUR IS . 15 CENTS HIGHER BXCXSSXTS MUAMD TBOM TXB OSZZVT A ITS in XZQSXB COST Or,WEZAT CAUSM A STTTP EUSB ' abto rntns adtajtcis asb TaOOSXO 70m TABJrlZXS SEIOa, W UU . Rimk " ,. , ... If .... . . . tar of tba Porllaad wboleaala market to day ar: 1 Patent .flour adranccd IB. Varmeaa ar Belling wbaat. "' Oriental flour dainand ta larger. , V puuipkltw In larger aupply. k - Cheap price on euffe dlaapparta. . . Salmon pack 60 per cent abort. California a tea our du tonight,"' ," Pint car of Aahland peprh to arrlT. ' Egg market la Arm at Hue. , , Uood ton to Teal and bog. . . ; , . Mill product very firm. . ' Poultry coming la faater. , ' ' y Patent Elow A4Tnoad IB Cant. ' Tbare wa aa adrane of lne par barrel In tba quotation oa patent grade of flour tbla tuornlug In auwr to tb larger demand aad tha blMhvr coat of wbaat. .Thar la now larger export calf for atorka than aver bafoc knd tb tjrioua miller report that their aup pllea arr runulng very abort. Tb a nuou oca lorn t mad by tb management of -tha Port- laad-Aalatle Bteamahlp company that a re ael would b put ou'th Japanaa run to aafl direct from thle city ba cauwd a firmer fuel, lug la the market. I'p to tb tim of tha an ncuaoament .th miller bar were receiving or. d(ra galor from Japan, but Could not Bud a way t ablp, Tb eatravagant damand from tb orient la tha principal raua of tba ad- vaace In flour here, Tha market la vary tra at tha new price and millers ar anticipat ing- further ileee la viae. Today' advanca a zclualvely predicted by Tb Journal v ra. aaya ago..;-. . Tanaara aa Sailing Wheat. - - With wheat valuea at their preeeot high etamlliig, tb farmer ar tahlng tima by tha forelock aad- ar generally selling. 1 In eaat era Oregon, where tha eroo la a bumper one, itirb of tb wheat la bring Bold la tha Held at high flguraa. S. I. Strattsa of tb Ion Trading company at Ion aaya: "The wheat crop In aur aeottoa la In very good aba pa and tba croa la a mnter. th fleld averag. lng all tha way from 10 to SB buahel to th acre. . price are good and rarmar nana tbla and ar aelllng. la aur aectloa much of the grata la being Bold out In tb fleld. Tbe day I left lone tber war '60.000 ouabain of club Bold at due. while bluMtcm la Bndlng wry excellent demand at Tuc." Report from tha virion. Wheat -growltig aectlona of th thre aortbwMt eta tee -Oregon. Idaho and Washing. aua Bay that tha crop was never looking as good, and tha Ant Mtlmatea of from 4S.000.000 to 60.000,000 boahela bar not provea eufflclent for tb araaant outlook and a eonaervative ti. aiata of th crop Is aow placed at otf.OOO. 000 auaAaaa. . Mill Taad WIU B High. . - Tha high -valne which ar ruling In th wheat market all ever tb aoaatry will can additional etrength la tb products of mill and bran and shorts ar expected to a how a material apward mora If the present value In wheat keep up. No.cbangea-wara mad to day. Cheap rrloas aa Cot re TMaanpaartag. Although It la thought by nearly everyone aonnected with the coffr trade that present price ar too niga ana ar not warraatea by tba crop eonaiuonB er in viaioie supply, aon of them ar expecting prlcea ea coffee to nil aa low aa they did last yea. At tb orlrea of ast rear tha parawnta to tba grow. era were so small that many of them are to day bankrupt and a large percent of them hav alwndoned their fields and hav gone Into other Urea of trade, -leat year' price oa'eoffr were an th aura era wnat sve wheat would be la ttria country. Thar waa bo change In lkh praaa xouay. , - ' Egg Market Tina at SO Oast. Tad egg market la ahowlng anlte liberal re ceipts today . and tba average price being paid la me. Tb weather la not quit aa good a It baa bean f sueeeaaful shipping and stocks ar not ootnlng la In sack good sbap. , . YAiwaa Beeelnt at Chlekana. 1 v Tba hfetiav valaaa In tbe noultrr market hav caused larger receipt today, but th market 1 holding Its strong ton with vainea ruling around th top. ' Ther la a .better call for brollera and fryer, out tb principal call coo- f noes for old bona. Dwka are coming in liberal annply and are meeting with a good demand for tb larger siaes. A few geeae ar coming and una a natter call. but prlcea are low. W. T. Turner A Co. say of th situation: "Becelpte of chlekana have been be Tier of late, but tha demand la extra good and all klnda are aelllng oa arrival. There bi aleo a good demand for gee and turkeys. Kaa are eomlna In fast and tbe market le aluggtab and a decline ta looked for. Veal of rood aualltr la scarce ana) atorka win aeil read ly at quotation. Store batter la weak, and quality boot." , Trash Meat are TIrm. The market on freeh meata Is la good (bapa with tb reeelpta email, i-battertoa A Co. aay of It: "There are but few arrirale of Bogs aad alack are aelllng readily at tha price quoted. Veal aleo finds a ready eal. There I practically ao demand lor beef." Salmoa Pack M Pr Coat Short. Renorta from down tb Columbia say that tb canneries are still operating and that If th run continues for a abort time tn pack will nearly averaga tht of last -year. At Preeent tb pack la about 60 per cent of that of th mrmer araaon. ' loe morning onax rrora tha lower river did not arrive until boob and the euppllea of ateelheada. although But abort, were not quit ao plentlfnL Cannera are atlll paying 6e a pouad for flab to tha Sabers. Paaoka ta Liberal Supply. Pea che from aootbem Oregon wer la aanr liberal anoolr tbla morning, but th piic dlitl not ahow mac decune oa account or ine avy aVmand. Tomatoes are coming In better nd prlcea ar lower. Pumpkin ar coming In and are quoted at 1 HO per pound. The orst ear of pea ens from Aahland tbla aeaasa la due within atraat .. S.41S TJnlvenlty Land company to Lydla Page, lot tit ana u, Bioca l, iniversity nark '. SOS D. B, Kelly to Carolyn Bhanahan, as 141X100 reet. Deginnmg aurtnweet comer lot B. Mock Be. Carter' addition 1,460 J. . Scott to Oil Waatlund, lot 13 and 14, block IS, bunnsa park. Mount tb. -hoe 1 Walter Hicks tl any, at al., Co Harry Bmitn, at al., lot it, buxB a. Miner a addition to Sellwood S00 I A. King and wife to Praak E. . . Matchette, 1 acre, ae. IB. X. 1 a., K. I K , t A. Neal and wlf to E. It Robblna, lot X. block A. York..... 110 Charle A. Oond and wife to B. M. Smith, lota T and ft, block 1, Ceatral Aihlna.. 1.S00 Darld Oondaell aad wife to Jerry Mr era. kit a, niora a, aaat i-ortiaaa iieignta.. , aoo William Uua ' and wife to cbarloa Rrloasoa, lot IB, block 10, AIM" SOB Ralph W.. Uoyt at al., to Minnie W. , r riroricBean, lot c. a, a ana n. Mock ft. Afieta park No. B. .......... 400 CsMata R. Th.imaaoa to Jeaale Pearl Thompson, hks a ana . more is, uen- ter addition to r'Jiat Portland 1 Patron Mettradlst Rplsennal church of Al- Mna o r. ll. Kearney, lota l ana A Mock SSV M. Pitton'i addUkrn to Al tilna ... 400 A. Harold to P. II. Kearney, lot 1 and . I. Mora an, at. raitua a aaaition te u Mna IB SMALL AD PA0B - Oat year roan ranee and a he traces" to real sstate from tbe Title Snsrants A Trust esaa. paay. Chamber of uoaBsarc oulldlsg. BTflLDIBS PEBMITS. Ant.' Id Motile Bpooneee, eottare on Raat ill between Kaat Klevvblh aad kast Twelfth street!- eoatr- $. - - : An. c tigieoiev ..p.j xfutioing oa Kaat Ptftcvnth between Henry aad Tolaua atraets: coal. ). . Aag. la rtoyai nreau naaing eompany, airev atliKia of S-etory brick building tint be tween Clay and Ootumbt elreeta; coat. I.l.fwaj. Aug. Id R. MrO. Mlchler, cottar oa aouth waat corner of Kaat Thirty- vent and Beat Morrlaoa at reels; coat, $1,360. Any. 1 lewf Hartley, 1-atory dwelling, aa McMllltn brtweea R.aa and Wheeler streeU; oat. l.f. Any. la R. r. itronga. a atory awening on Eaat IWTia between TwentylgbUi and Twrnty ninth streets; coat. BI.WNl. - Aag. Id 4a,. J, saarsMSr t-aeoey dwelling eai P.aat Tartar between Kaat Urteeatb aad ltaat BiataoaUi atrctta) oat, !,, . . TODAY'S the next few day. ' Th California ateaaaer will arrlv tonight with tb usual supply of fleeb green and smsll fruit. Today' wholesale quotatloaa, a rarlaed, ar aa follows: . t wram. PI our aad Feed. WHRAT Kxport price New and old Club, lac, Uliieaieni, inci Tnuey, n.m. . BAKLKV taad. Xt; rolWd. 2S; brawl ng. B1.M)WM.00. ' OATH Producers' price Mo. 1 whit. 2t.S0Q ao.uui gray. s.oukl.ou. - . 1 FLOI'R Kaarera Orncon: Patenta. 14. SS Slralgbts. B.'l Suica sO: vaUsy, Ba.BjiJ.BB gra nam fee. Hot,: 10a. BAPS. MILLBTI'KKB Bran, l.60- per thai mid- oiirga, fo.oo: ahorta. aouniry, kaooi ebop, B1N.&). 1 HA Y Producem' price Timothy, Wlllamatt valley, fancy, BlB.OOiii 19.00: ordinary, 12.(MKdJ IB.OO: eaatera Oregon. I lHOiXtt 19.001 mixed. BIOOOiQlXoo; ekiTcr, t oori0.oO grata. 111. 0 Hfliuu; cnaat, fii.ouiaix.uv. ' Was. WaaI aad Sldaa- v HOPS iNomlnal. XSrtc for choice) SSQaSH tor priourf cPHiract, ivoa, iuua WOOL Nominal. Valley, eoarae to mediant, liri.vj nne. iw; eaatera vrcgoa, UWlue. MOHAIR New. BOe. BHEEPWK1NS Shearing, lOflSOej short wool. JtWi'ic: medium wool, BO(ft5oei long wool, BU4JB1.00 each. . TAU.UH 1'rim. par m, xse no. a ana grraae. ttfZUo. CHITT1M ABK per lb I baying Brio, HIDKB r bid, bo. x, 1 lb and ap, KU15c per lb; dry kip, No. I, B to 18 lb. KB lltic: dry calf. No. 1. under B lte, 18Ue 1 . W7 " - a, mwi V v. a7sv) dry aalted bulla, and aug. 1-B tea tbaa dry viol, iBiinj uiq.', WW, wwu, uu wr vnr. 7UHc; 60 to 00 lb, Tc: under 60 lb and cows, eu.Tei stage and bulla. Bound, ocj kip, 16 to Htl lba, Tc aound, 10 to 14 lb,. Sol calf. Bound, ander 10 lb, BHoi. green (na sal tod) 1 per lb less; calls, lc per lb 'least horse hides, salted, each. tlMQl.Tt; dry, eh, Bi ookjil.SO: colts' bides, each, . BSdJoOoj goat skins, common, each. 10Q16ci Angara wltb wool on, eaca, zocofl.uu. Butter, Egga aad Poultry. BrTTRR WAT Rareat- MUc; aonr. tlUa III TTt:it Cits oreamerv. 22Uai2TW! ouuld: fancy, ljt22Vti ordinary," 17 He; itore, 12 fiine. . . . BOOS No. 1 fresh Oregon, Slat aa CIJKESS New Pull cream, twin, 10HO tic: Young America. lH4il2Ho. POTJI.TUT Chickens. mixed. ' 11H Ri bens, i:lc per lb; ronatera old, CWe per lb young, 11H par lb; broiler, 14c per lb) frrera. Iter pr lb; ducks, old, 11H tbr yotrnr, 12c pa Ibj geeee, Tc per lh( turkeya, lllul ae per i'; areasaa, iitzo per id. - ' Pruita and Tcgetablea, POTATOES New Oregon, $1.401.T8 per CWt! buyer' price, 1.2S(tl.SA; weeta, fle lb, ot'tova n 1 1 ii' -1 1 . a, ,xai ,r, mIim Danrera, BI TS: garlic, lba per lb." ' '' FKKflH 'UU1Tb Apple, fancy Oregon. B1.S5 per oox; cneap grease, xo'fi J&c per nox: orangee. Mediterranean aweets. IS.OOaa B26 bee boa; 1st Valencies, B3.164ia.60 par oox; Banana, oc per in; lemon, choice, 3.00 per box; fancy, $1.Sn3.75 per box: I me, Mexican. BSe par 100; pineapples, JS.Ooa ASo; cherries, 6e par lb: apricots, Oregon, per box; plum. Burbanka, OOf HOe per boa; peach plums, BoetTSe per box: peaches, Oregon, TSDiaOo per box; Crawford. BSQwOe pet oox , peara, si. trri. oo par box; gnpes. wnit t aiiTornia. simi.xo per box; tilsca Ham. ai a... . i h . - v. .1 I. . . . w.,m, ui.t , a, vir w., . . - bcrrle. $1.86 p.-r crate; watermelon, Mt90 per cwt; era ted. $1.25; muakmelooe. BStjl.OO per ooa; cantaloup. California 1 IS; Oregon, ai ao. .... ..-i.. .. aa.aa nA w. hucklpharrlea. 12He pet lb; eraMppWa, 1Q34 per to. VEORTABLESe-Tnrnlpa. Bl.JS per eck) ear. toxb, per sack; beets, fi.zs pr aaca; Oregon radiance, lne ner dos: eahbare. Oregon. lc per lb: Uttue. bead, IBs per doa: greea pepper, an per lb; celery. TSe doa: to mato, Oregon. 0c tier box: parenlp. TScta $1 SB; .rsea peaa. Be par lb: green oalona, 12V, per due; local green corn, 10 dos; pi plant. tlttKe ner lb: string beane. tifUSc; cueu altera, 4ii'v .V)c per box; botboaa, 10 oosr caunriower; 11 zuui.zo per aoa; natter bea nntrn rm-l -ra . .. eea. ih. lc. rumniina. i w. n in. per lb; apricot. BHItllr per lb; sack. H vt id lee; pacnc, TfQwo per id; pear, eej 10 Der lb! nrunea. Italian lufllUi nee lb: franco, SHifite. par lb: flits. California black. 9am per In; do white. tQK per in; piuma. pitted, aatejsc per in: natea, golden. 9M, nee (h; tarda. ifsO nee 18 lb box. RAIKIKh -Heeded, fancy lib carton. B0 perkagea to caae, Tujc pkg; aeeded. 12-oa car. ton. 814; lone MtiacsU, BO-lb boxes, B419U per in; tendon lay era. $1.06; cluatera. - fx 00 Via, 2.V: kl. AOe idranej aver Bnua carton. - FI0B Ten l.ltl mmrtnnm holea heand OOj. 10 Mb carton, fancy brand. $1.00; 10 1-lb irii-aa. a-crown. tpc; id - i-in nrica, a-crowa. Sei S H-lb brick: per boa. $2.00; bricks. a oa eaee, az.uo; n-row layer, ner io-ib Bos. Tool loose, 80-lb boxea, per lb, BHa. CaUarmr- naa i m.rnw. io-ik eeAMe mm m, aa on. B -crown. 10-lb carton, per bog. 1.TB 4-erawa. av-u, emrcuoa, per oox, i. la. . ' , tareaarlaa. But. Eta. RT'flAR Rack twata Cnha 1 1A- nnwAeeeA $d.A1; fruit aranulated. tri 21: drr aranulated. Bd.lS; beet granulated. 18.0S: extra C. Bd.lSi K'iuea ao.oo; onia, lue; 4k nnia, aoc; nosea, , advanc ea eark beat, lee 16a awt tor cash. " " mapie, lenios P in. HOSIEY 14UT15. . Corrr.R Rraen Uocha tlMtJIe. law, him cijot; ware, good, xuuznc: Java, .arainary. laeiOe: Coat Rica, fancy. IS Joe: rinsta Rlea. grMd. lOsrlHo: Coats Rica, ordinary, HQ 13 r" ' pacaaaw -cooea, 914.WQit.1n, HAS (himnr. dirrerent grade. 81T9nt taa wdr. Z(2i!I6c; Rngtlab breakfaet. dlf- rent aradea. 12UtARe: aanldeele. ftefileeeA Ja Dan. aorzdoe: araaa Jana fwaee mm.1 BO Oc per lb. salt nne naie. Ta. at. a. pa. lne. n.IO $ IS19 x Imported I.lTemonL SO, gis.onej I9 60; iOOtJ BI4.TSaiA00: 4a. $U SOCJIS 5); extr flne.'Vbla. la, .1. Be. 10s, $4.00; bale. $20 tha. $.S0: arka. 60s. 6Sc: SALT Coarse. Half ground. 100s. net toe, $?.aoe.S0; one. per ton. $5.6SAT.O0: lvioot lump roe. aiD.nuoyio.ofl per ton; BO-IB rCL $.2SId.T!l; lOfla, WTBfld.KI. (Ahov arlcea aoDly to aaTe of leae tbaa car lota. Car apt at special prlcea subject to fluctuation. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta. $S.TB9 00 per 100 RICB Imnerlal Janaa. No. 1. KStai Ka. A .c; New Orleena held. 44041) Adlack, MKAiTM emeu whit. astnsaie! hna white. BUe: sink. 4Mici baron, iu.i Lima. 4Vac: Mexican rede. Atie. r tin reseats. ie: romnna. awe ner Tbt raw, d Ke per lb for roasted: cocoa as ta. (ma) oc per do: walnura. 14lwlBae per lb; pine auta. lOaJllHc par lb: hickory nnta. lne per lb; chestnut. tern. lSiJIdc ner 1bt Braate auta. 10c Bar in ainerra. lnerioo tier n: faacv pecans, 14jlfle per lb: almonda, I3)16 per lb. Keata. Plah aad Prarlaloa. PRRSH MEATS Inspected Beef, steers ae ner Ibi aoa. 6tS4e ner lb: muttoa. 4iV tier Til lamba dreaaed, 6i3nc pet lb.' FRESH MEATS Front etreet Reef, ateer 4H.V per lh; pork, block.. Re per t: packer. 7HTe P.- lb; bnlla, 1H net lb; cow. 8He4e per R; mutton, nriaaid. 4nse per lb; veal, extra. e per lh; ordlnerv, tTHe per Ibl poor. Bel lamb. IkfilUa per lb. riAHn, eiat iici. m oniana pacal riocal? kama, 10 to 14 Tba. 14c per lb; 14 to 1 lba, 14c oer lb; 18 to 10 lba. 14 ner lh i-i par tb: breakfaet- bacon, 1HHtlTV,e per R; picnic. He per lh; regular . ehort clear, aaamoked. per lb; smoked. loH per lh; clear backs, unarnoked, S per lb; moked.- l'le per lb; Cnton butt. Id ta 1$ if, unarnoked. $c per lb; a rooked, Pe par h clesr bellies, uaemoked. 11 Ha per lb; smoked. jii; ft ii LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a. last - lb: Be, lOHe per R: StVw tine. 9m pet Thi steam rendered. 10a, PHe per lb; 6. ,e per lb; SO. PUe per th: compound tierce, H set lb: tubs. 4o per lb: 60s. per lb. CANNED RAI.MOrv Oolnmhl river. ). faTla. 1.KS; 1-lh talis. $2.60; fsary 1-tb Data, it 00. ..IK CeM Beta BI 1. f.nT t.lK 2a va. Alaska ta'la. pink. BoQflOei red. $1.80; aomlnai Is, tall. $1.00. ' PISH Rock and. So pet lb: aWideea, Be ret lb: halibut. Ac ner lb: crab. Bl.lS ner Ao., striped be, 1"I1H per lb; rataeb, he per lb; salmoa. Chinook, Be per lh: ateelhead, c per lb; btuehack. Ac per lb: herring, ft per lh: aoles. 9- per lb: ahrlmrs, 10 per lh; shad, dreasrd. H per Tb; perch. Be per lb; shad '. lme per in; roe anao. oc pee 101 Black cad. c per lh; silver smelt. Be per R. OYRTKRn -nnoeiwsrer nay. ner mi. . a aw, per ck. $.t.TB net: Olympla. par sack. $.118, CLAMS Hard tbell. per boa. $A00; raaor clam. $1.T5 per boa. Jratata, Oaal OQa, Eke. ROPE Par Manila. llVtsi ataadard. llVei SUsl. 10HC . COAL OIL Pearl or- Astral Taee, 11 H awt gal; w.ter whit. Iron hhla 19c per gal, wnodea per gal: headlight, 1 70-dee. . aaaee xag per rsl. lr- bbl ITe pet gL - LlSnrED OIL Par raw. In hnbj BV pat gal, eiiwi oa ner rsl: genuine kettle boiled aaaea an per sal. bbl SO per gal; ground cake, ea, lot (28.00 par toa- laaa ttiaa ar Bka.e OAMOUNB M-deg. reeee 2e per gal. tro bbl pace per gal; atov. ,S41k per gal, ken bt.le 11 per gaL . . RENKINH AS-deg. aaaea tat per gal, Irea ktla 15 per gal. M- , PAINT OIL Raw, bhht M per gal, aaaea Skc per yal: boiled, cases 4oe per gsl. TI.RPENTINB Ja eases V nee a-aL woodea bbla. le per gal. Iron bhla TO par gal,. 10-lb ease lots SC per gal. , ' whiii i.KAie 10a kaii par in, hxhi lota Be ner lb. leea lot per th. WIRB NAIL8 rreeent aaa at I2.S. . DulatA Oram IsArkat. J -.... ... Dulnth. Aug. IT. 4. kMI . Wheat. Seataia bar, L1S, . , . . w MARKETS EXCITEMENT Oil. CHICAGO BOARD SBATSATTOBTAXi BZn XBT WATXAT OmBATXB IOOSI TTM OT 8BA boat abto, vAromoiarjaf ksiaira ..xbt rrrwUT wnAT has son -. TO $141. - ' SXVSATI0BAX. wbeatSibe. ' - Cloa. " Close. Today. . Aug. 18. New September ,..$l.oA 1 "6 ncembe ............ 10 . 1.08 May j.Uw 106T4 Prie. Today. :!2 1 (Special Dtapatch to Tba JonraaL) ''Chicago, Aug. IT With acene that maka pea enable to describe on account ef lb wild ocafnsion, tb wheat market la Chicago took a higher eoure today. , . Th blah valuea of tb Beat month have esueed a great many of area tba largeat epecu- lacora to go short aaa to excitement niaay raueed by tbeae In tbelr effoete to "cover" with tbe leaat poaalbla delay waa wonderful to-wit ness. .... Hither and thither roshsd tb leading "bulls" aad "bean" la their effort to let la aad dur ing tba genera 1 scrimmage many An salts of clothes were ruined and tbe . trader roughly handled. .. Tha crop damage reports eoattnae ta aoatt nr. bated, but aome of tha larger trader are of the opinion that tbla baa beea more than dla eoticerted by tba recent heavy advance. With wheat In thla ettr aelllng at nearly 1 teats a pound It la not aurprtalng .that war anouid do eome wua aeenea ana uis special edition of tb awappr bar fully reflected tb ton of th pit with their Wild, thrilling headline. - The rsp.d advaneat la the 'May eptVma wsr th principal .raua of today' exetteBieut, but tber waa a anfflelent apward meeement ta au tbe option to tnra the pit tooay tarvy. - May wheat thla morning opened up stronger tbaa at aay ttm during tb year $1.0. Tber wer a great many nroxer Who thought thla waa tb beginning at tha advance, and they advised their Intimate frlanda and tbelr larger customer to go short. At $1.08 th price bowed bo reslataac, and tber waa a awlft onward movement until the end or the aaesina. Th closing Aa-ur on Mar notion waa at 11.111.. a rlea alnc tb 14ke sdvano of yes ter day of 414e, a rla which braaka aU tba blfb polota ot in year. - New Septombat had B very atrong opening thle aanrnln at 11.0914. aad from' thla tmlnl ther was hardly a break 'In the upward mov nntll th clualng agar of tb day at B1.0BH. Thla la an advance of BHa lot lb day, and witn yeateroay a naa or ojao. The advance ot a mad by December option la wheat yea ter day bad a goad effect oa tha market this morning, th alt opening at $1 0914, a rut of lke from the forma cksw. Decem. her bad a vary atrong e losing at $1.00, a rla today of 4c and for two daya at Tc. Tbe strength la wheat today canard a Arm feeling la both corn and oats, and price ar aigoor. . . ' GRAIN ADVANCE IS CAUSE OF EARLY LOSS Vaw.l.K.jt fx, fkukul. 4ld-atBBB aV IWll AC, at tea astr-M t jg vtviirnw, rytaii nam vMtTsV Vu f New York, Aug. lT.-e-Stocka sold oft soma. waat in toe early aeaunge aa account jt the Sensational advance In grain la the Chicago market, but later oa recovered all of th loaae a buying by tb leading bull Interests wb are satiated that no real lose at bualneaa la likely to 0 realised rrota thla aoarca, ag a full eroo of earn la looked for and tha loaa af at best tonnage will be offset by tbe pro parity arcnuiBT to xn runners or ma 1 ner esse in price. Bberts aba) helped to etlmulate th aavraat py coTwnng earner aiea - .- , DSSCBIPTIOat. ' Aufatgamatad Copper Co 63 Atchlaoa, commoa ............... 8 American Sugar, eoamon .. ...... 1B2 Baltimore A Ohio, commoa........ 84 Brook li a Bapld Transit 63' .1.1 Canadian PaoiAo. oommon. ...... .ISM1 Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Psul....l6. lhjgaa sue) Iron, eommoa . . 9 Kris, common . ................. so 'Wit tnria u iatnam .aa.... .... . av 8 ..." i .........a.... .... WJ iouisTii! riasaviii ........ n,is)l i ixiaj MetrnpoUtaa Tractloa Co. . .. ,.'4 Ift siannattan cievatea .............101)4 Mexican Ceatral Hallway ......a .... Mine., St. p. A Ste. M Mine., St. P. A Ste. M.. preferred .... Miaeonrl Pact So M New .York Central .... 120MV NorVolk A W eater a, commoa,,,,,. es'I N.' Y Ontario A Westera 8 Peanaylvanla Railway , 122 VA Pacldc Mall Steamablp Co Reading, commoa 64a kock Island, commoa a4 Bock Island, ore f erred ........... .... 16" lev 89 ti 87 Souther Paclne 6S HU Louis A Ssa Fraa., Id pfd.... M St. Louie A Saa Fran., let pfd Cnlon Paclne. eommoa .......... 4 I'nlted tit a tea Bteel Co., commoa. . ll I'nlted State Mteel Ca, prsf erred 68 Wabaab, eommoa .... .... Wanaab: preferred ITU ?5it 100 . ie America a Ice, commoa ........... T, Money, 1 per cent. Erie, let preferred, ex-dlrldend of S per tea St. Louis naa rraaeiaoo, ex-aivieana. per eeut. TODAT'S CXEABnfftS, Th Portland elearlna bona renorta today : Clearing $. 09 84 ...... B1.81JJ$ balaacea AMEBICAAT BAILS IH LOBDOH BUIX, 1 London. Aug. IT. Prlcea tot' Amerlcsa talk are auu ana ancaangoa. HIGH PRICES BRING 1 HOGS TO RORTLAND Portland ttnloa Storkrarda. Aag. IT. Tbsr to. . . ' - I. I h. MMtnta at he., b. day which ware brought about by the extrav agant flgurtng aow ruling la thla market. The wine continue Just strong witn ao cosnges lu arlcea. There war no arrival at settle and the market has a fair too. Sbeep ar quiet wita ta receipt ruiiy ap to an oemana. During th past 24 hours 137 hogs and 21 sbeep arrived at the yard. ornciai ruling prices soowi - - - Cattle Beet eaatera Oregoa steer, $.100; best valley eteers. $2.7603.00; medium steer. $2.78) aow. (2.26; bulls, $I.TB; at. as, $1.00. liog riet Deary,, xnoca, so.w; t.nina fats. $6.o0uS.T6: etockera and feeder a. $.., B.oo. . . Rbeep Beet rrain-reo wwtnera aaa lemae, $2. vu 4, 2.60; mixed sbeep. $1.T6Q2.00. , SAB PBABCISCO LOCAL STOCXS. '' Saa rrsndoco. Aug. 17 Clo, 10:80 a. ax. Ta.1 atocka: . - . Bid. . Aaa. 81 "M BT , IB It ' SB. ' BV in' 100 AS Olant Pwwder d . F. Gee and EloctrW Ha walla Bogar 69 Hoooke Sugar 144 . Hntcblnson Ougar 10 Mskswell Sugar XT Onomea Sugar .,,, BtH raanpa auger ..r,.. ..,.. IQip -v Alaaka Packers Assn ........123 CaL Fmlf Cannera" Aasa. ......... .... CsL Wins Aaan. St Pad Be Auxiliary .......e. 4 OHICAwO K0SS LOWE . Chicago. Ani ng. IT.-Todar's recelnr of bogs Cortalated of i,ono head. Tbe market waa at aa. area sccuont ex tb Jack of buying by lh packer ad tn Deary e mount art vr from yeatardxy caoeed a drop of 6e la prtc. Mlnaaapela) Oram Itarwet. - Minneapolis. Aug. IT. Cloa: , Wheat, Rap temher. II 1.14. CHITTIM BARK BOOOE88 A CO. will pay tha rtlrtiaeit 6 rlea for any amount af CHITTIM A.KK. . . . , UOOO QPmtna nr ir-ini jnurowiftl. Ill Tto trMt, ortlMU, May .Wheat Touches $1.11 a Bushel In Chi cago This Morning. TREMEMDONS RISE IN WHEAT VALUES CTaTZOACrO FIT rVXS. OT UOTTB. icajrr tosat. A-OTASTOaS S4 raaTTS, BBOZaCBBS KZSBS 4 CQBaTTS ABTO SCAT IB TJ 4 aBrr bcobt tBAima t (Ptarnlaaad by Orerbeck, Rtarr A Conk Co . Chicago, Aug. IT. It -waa another exciting day la tha wheat pit, tb market being very active gad atrong aad everyone bullish oa tbe Ituatton. although the' September option la about SBe higher tbaa laat year, while tb May la euly about 12 up, aad IMeiabsr about 12 higher aleo. It u n 4 tha moat melt ing day ' th floor ef the exchange for feara, tbe market opening tor all option b. ireea 1 and 1 higher, and a wild rush of tha ahorta to aover advanced the May opt to to $1.12. A (light reaction occurred, bat tb market immediately .reacted aad bald steady throughout th aeaeVi. On great Influence on today'e market waa tha la adrance la Liver pool at 1:80 p. ta. Cable from London and Psrla were strong and steady. There are atlll many complaints M mat, and bad report con. tlnn to ecm from tb northwest, Th ah markets ar atrong at St. Lonla and Kansss City. Elevator cancels and millers are taking au waeai enerea taem, . . Cora Waa Steady, Tba cor aurket waa very active aad Steady Th market opened about H blgbar oa HttU irsoing. ana oii up to oovke. it Mia steady throughout tha session, closing at the high point ot no See. Th berember ODtloa waa verr oulet. though tdy, with ant mock tendency either way. Tbe condition In the eorn bait are re ported aa being muck atore favorable, although more rains will not do any barm. Should the preeent eoadltlona continue In tbe belt w ahould hav a good crop of aora, but should a hot apell occur It would be diaaatroua to tba crop. Data Baaga BTlgaac. Data were higher today la sympathy with others. Interest being centered In tbe wheat market. Weather eoodltlona era about aaraal tut the crap. AAeasvaa Im s.,lataa. Proutetona veer quiet, with very little doing. September pork onened st last night's close, ad vanced Te, and closed at the high point of tha day. Receipt today were SO.0U0 bead of hog a. souay a otacxat mariets WHEAT. ftnaa. Hlah. Ysrm rTlna. NrwReptf 1.0A f IM I 1.06V I 1.09U OldSept l.OTt? . . . .7 . ...... j.00? iv....s ff-ooa. i.ju t.vs i.iw , M.y... i.OS 1.11 ' 1.08 J.1IH COBB. Sept.... . .B4U S!4 . .841 .BBU IVe .6Z - .68 -.BSil .642 M.y 62 .64 , .61 .63 UAITJ Sept.... .4H - .88 .B4Vi .84B1 Pee..... .88 .89 ' .BBuT ,MZ May.... .88 .M .87 li M PORK. . St..,., 11.B0 ' ..... , , 11.68 .....1167 - 11. BT 11.4T , ll.SB .,.., 18.10 18.10 .1180 18.08 . , . - . aiAKu, -Sept.... S , BNO H T , Oct-.... ABB AST a AA a BT ' Jan.. ..a .... T.OS T.01 B - - r RIBS. : i Sept.. a T.SS T.BT f SB TBS Oct. . T.4B ' T.80 . T42B Jan, f.BO .. ..... ..... S.TT . . BEARS GO INTO CAMP OF 'FRISCO BULLS . (Parnlabed by Orertjeck. Btart Oook Oa.1 Baa IVanclsco, Aag. IT. B. P. Huttoa A Co. ear: "Tha bears hers about atvaai no their Position In local wheat and barley. Deoembet le Btrongbr wanted at $1.B1V Ther 1 a great oeoi ot aervoaeneo aispiayeo apoa tn part ox xnoB wno bbt ry main rorc gept price down oa tba northwester argument. All along w bava maintained that aataral eon- ditiona would adjust themaslres as to what would b aon with Oregon ana Waahlngton'a wheat crop. One would aot bare to draw upon bla Imagination very much to aay a great deal of the wheet of thee two etstns might Bad a good eaatera demand. Tbla ver sion amy appear vague at tbe moment, but wa ao not consider it at- ait .improoani or an naeir. t ice en rare era nouna to worn lower. Oregoa and Washington will be called apoa ror wnaTever export oemana may eome along. California will require a fair amount of wheat tot milling purposes from the two crate. Wa can oniy ae nig oer price xnr oota wnesx una barley, believing be fere another crop la de livered wheat orices will aaomlsh tha moat ardent bull. W advise parens see eve at Pre vailing price.--Today's official 11:80 market: Close. Wheat, Ileeetnrier ...........ILSf. J 515 aartry, iarcemoar ........... i.ua4 SMaja viar wmm aawi aww,, ' iiy. ain. a,. .auwa. T veax. sarp fbsahee. ... a.kl V . BTOwaaha aVimta BTaract. Mltwanke. Aua. IT Toss: Wheat, Beo- xrmnr, ai.neia nidi IecmBr, Sl.uv 'A no. (ra Aepteinbar, 6640 aakd; Dscember, oawje, - . ITf TOBJC OOTttJB MAAXET. New Tor. Aug. IT. Oottoa today cloaed oat anout a pointa lower. Today's official cotton markst: Ones. High. Low. Cloe. S 8 02l8 January..... A t.BT 9 S.TT B.T1 STT $ 8.80 Tl .BT February.h.. ..a . 8 84 in 97 marca. ,..... . a. a April. .... .a ... Umj 8 7ft0 BBvtt71 s.Tieri laoifi' $.811 8MV4 v S.MgnS S.BBtlW) Annatt. 10 "(I 8 0 $.74 8.84 8.98 10.00 $T 8 80 IM S.ST tHtfptavtljVaeBaaf a aaa 8 64 November.. .M ... Decenxber. ... B.8S UTEBP00I. COTTOB MAEKXT. (Pwrnlabed by Over bark. Starr A Cooke Co.) IJrarnool. Au. IT. Onaailna': flnttna. Arm T te B polota ap from yse ter day's class. A CLOUDBURST IN ARIZONA DOES DAMAGE (Journal Rpeelal kwrvica.) - d San Franolaco, Aug. 17. Titer q la a bic cloudburst on tha Mo 4 . Java dert. caualna much . d 4 atrnetlon. Special wires of tha d warlona stockbrokars ar down d d and only mcagwr detalla of to- d d day's financial traiiaactlons can d d ba obtAlnad. , 4 BYRON BANTZ DIES AT FATHER'S HOME Byrovi Burka t Bants, tha IT-ywar-old son ef Will lata A. Bants, died thla morn ing at B ;$, - At - tha raaldsnc of bla father, 11 Market straet, after an '111 neaa ot three waaka.- Th . lmmadlat eaua of hta death waa meningitis. Tha dacaaaed waa a Portland boy, having beww bora In Portland and lived her aU hla Ufa. Ha waa a member of the Light battery and returned reeantly front Waahtngton. had boon with th Oregon mllltta. His father waa In Chicago at tha tlma tha lad was taken 111. but returned Immediately in reapona to a telaaram from th faintly phyalotan, eaylne; that tha boy' a condition was critical. Mr. Bants arttved home Bun day morning, to find his son In aa an. eonaeloue condition. In which atate hd remained until hla death. Toung Banta waa educated at the Hill military acad emy, but waa forced to give up bis turtle em account of Ms health. The funeral win be held tomorrow afternoon. at o'clock from tb family residence. "PORTLAND'S GREATEST : GROCERY." Like Mother Made : - 1 ' - Is the Coffee your wife will make if you furnish her with CHASE & SANBORN'S COFFEES. : . Remember, We Are Sole Agents For 11 ' Chasie & Sanborn's World Famous The 'Standard Hih' Grade Always uniform. ' ; ". 1-lb. tins, whole, ground or 2-lb. tins, whole, ground or pulverized.. ....,....;...75 GIVE OUR ilVIPERIAL JAVA AND MOCHA CO F ' FEE a trial, the best value on the market, No experiment ' hare sold it for . 15 years. Suits most people,' why not .''i',' ' 'ait you?;"V'. 1 :;'V'-'''''V 35 Per lb. or S lbs. for...iV.............,..:.....l1.00 . Liquor Department GREEN RIVER The Whisky Without a Headache Full. Quarts; regular $1Z0. ; .fl.30 Fives ; regular $1.35. ..... . . . 9H0 Full Pints; regular 75c..........;.....,.. ...65 Full Half Pints ; regular 40c. . ........ ....... ........ .35 CREAM PURE RYE Quarts regular $1.25. ....l.lO GORDEN'S DRY. GIN Quarts; regular $1.25. .....f 1.10 I. DeTURK'S COGNAC BRANDY Quarts; regu- lar $1.50 ...... .91.30 I. DeTURK'S COGNAC BRAND Y Pints ; reg. 75c..65 .We make a Specialty of Tilling Telephone Orders Quickly. IF. Dress Telephone Main 227. Butter! Butter! Beat creamery ..4C and SOd Good creamery . .........0o Ialry butter ..............SO and SJo Ranch eyra .....t doaea for 5 Beat augar-cured hams 14q Breakfaet bacon . 160 10 pounda pur lard .............. 11. Ot B nourida Dure lard 60a Full cream cheea.. ,.10 sad 11 Uo Swiss cheese ....16e Java-Mocha coffee . ................too BOe tea for Remember' Haturdav la chicken dar. Cheaper than aver. Ciprlng chickens IS aacn. X ttwada Orunry. SM TamltUl. APPLE CROP IS GENERALLY SnORT OOTaTaUTaCBaTT SOWOB IIOWI BfTJOX BAVBLAOB XBT OStZO, BTOBTBT OAmOXaZaTaV, XATSZABTA, WBSY TXB- tuartsv, mwa Airs kobttaji'av BtOBTAoa nr oncn K.s.oaa. A late report ef the dapailamit of afrieat- tare at Waabtaftoa ea tba frail erop shows i Kew Enylaad Ptaoie aad pears aavai ber rle plentiful, aaeept raaberrtee ucsrtala; to bacco aod, topptna pmsraaalnii enra awkhaf rapid trowtk. Urya erop. New York Apples sad srapea proaatstn-, bat anaie rot; peackea aad peara llfht. New Jereey rail sad winter applee fair ta plaoee. eeare la others t keary hallstcrai alrbt of Mtb proatratad cor aad blew axach trait froxs the treea la central section. fennaylranla Tie id ana tjusiity er apple better than ex sorted i Dears and Plunai cenar. ally plaotlfali coaiplalau of trap rot aaasat e. Maryland aad Delwar Plaais, peara. ap plee aad seeches Ja. nisrket; toaaatoea dottu) Well. Vtrftote Apple acaree. North Carolina Peanats backward I applst aearca: ether fruit fair. Florida Utrua trull aad pineapple dot ne ws 11. A tab ma react and kaeloa plentiful, Arkaoaae peacae ood: apple fair. Tennetare trait crop promlslna. Missouri Abort crop ef peaches: other fruits fair, lAlnoje Orspee aad plujaa ptoasaxlac; apple and peach scarce. IndlaaawAsDlea and Harass BuCrerlnsT freal bUaht. Wret .Vrrirlnla Llybt ctop ef apples and pes rbee Indicated; avapsr- sbuadat, Ohio Apple anterior peacbe malls Sra rottln. Midi it Apple, phuaa aad arapaa sever- ally proailstns. rt lacooaia &ppie xsir crow. low Aon le dolna wvlL axevot some local da mace by heavy winds. Kanaaa Applee omppunr. . Oklnkoma and Tndlaa Tsultwls Grsaaa aad axe lone 11 bt to food. Montana Bisk winds da aiaed apple crop- la place. v Colorado Beeta aad fruit raeelleat! CM loo lata, pat promlalny. imaroox. obatb xaakit. I.tverneoL Aaa. IT 1:80 a. at. Wkest. Id aifaer; eorn, wi is ,a aiaaet, St. Leuia Srala MaitMi. A --a- i Ma . t " - - - . aVt.a. a -- i yj Awr-iw". jBrtp. m t.mwmm. v swsa, MiBbva8aT' per. 11.08 asked. xfn ravactLT tn mxmnoaT. , ' (Journal BeWial Berrlce.l " Sandwlrh, Maaa., Aus. 17. The asso ciation of tha Nye family of America be ran Ita - second annual rtunlnn her today. Th association ta -compos! of descendant of Benjamin Nye. who BPttlod here m H7J. Among thoae prea. ent are a dan ah ter of the arret humortat. Fill Nve, ami a brother, Frank Nyt of annciip""..a. Other membrre of th famliy ar l.i aUomlanc from Illinois, Coffees Coffees of the United States. , , ' ' ' puiverlzed. s'. .40 Cor. 7th and Washington Sts. BStahlUAed 1S8S. CIMnsaa, Portland : Marble Works 8CHANETI Jh NXTJ, A- .V Btanufaoturers ef aad t 4 l J dealer la aU kinds of i . 0. Hartle, CmStt tr.i MY StoneWort Jb f .V I Eatlmatea OIvwb oi Applloatlon. 2MIWJlIfT Bet MAdlsoa and JaSaraoa Gtreeta. , VOKTUOOX Or, Screened Speolal Bkawaa 9mtlg AugWrn fo tA BOwUM OOwBsw- 1-ton lota, dallvarad fS.SO -ton lota, dellvared... fS.25 10-ton lots or mora..... SIS.OO Ordaw Too winter Goal STOW. I VhtM BtAla STT. Vulcan Coal Co. 329 Burnside Street oittm-'Snni (M!t(fl. Oileas Board at Trad. CHAIN. PROVISIONS, STOCXJ, . BONOS tMBt) COTTON ; n TWi-JL, Bear Start . Itan, KaUSII W ate naan tid be leeera. Uaa Bryaa. Chleas aad. Saw ork Walker 3roa., J. S, Bsrse Co Saw ork Stock Bxehancei Baeoard Bvias, Oa, lew York Cwttoa BUohaaawi ralrchlM A Be. swat New Or lease Oottoa Btaheacej Peary iierra m taa, risw Tara Dorrs aUakaaaet raja. Webber A Co. I Bostoa Cppt ad Stork Ba rbssr.) Pick Broa. A Oe. SsW Tsrk sad fbli. esipaia seaaaawa. owsrnro, Korarjjrs a oow - ta-tabllaA4 lit.. T AJTD BTOCX IBOUka, Stooua 4, arvwand rioef. ' CTSAatBSB OT COMatBAOB. CURES ' G0I0IRIK4 sao . Suit wrmotrr o-rwa-B SchwabJtePrintingCa Beat Work. BoaMSASl Sttass -TVfc Stark Str. , Vhaa Baata l? TOO- 1ATS TO CtABBrrT UiriE? watch. rnltl.N ) M- I " lo il'i- naoniw ano nin.ea. nimn ... i ir.'i'a ,i , pt,,,ne tlaln f. .... I Mlaaoncl. renneylvni;!, New Y t e " Naw Ens-land. i t " arr - I A! suit . . er. k C. Rock Spriiigs Coal II IX w 8aM eil e .. .ii lisl v,e I A