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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1904)
. - THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENINO, AUGUST 17. lqM. EVERYTHING . IN SPORTING CIRCLES :j ' T.5.Tovvnsend jSreainenj CDrnpcniTj Edits by ; J. A. HOJCAN TALENT LOSES COIN ON FAVORITES TRACEY AND TURNER MEET TONIGHT BASEBALL, RACING AND BOXING .a t tra Y-a-V B. X T POOR STARTING AT s IRVINCTON TRACK Titotm xomii urr at m j POST AJTO TAUR Or A BZ9 1 SOU AS A COVCEQUEjrCB U- jj OA1 M1ZDI Mil UOraO TM "' ' tbacx rovm tucxs. - i When Eldred wai lert at ma posi in the Ort race yesterday at irvington track, howl want up from the betters (that could be JVsard In the seventA hen ' en, and the grumblings of dissatisfac tion were evident during the -entire af ' mnr.t. Tha trouble cama right St tha start Eldred wag a hot favorite, and V .'it la safe to say that avarybody at the track had a bet 6a fne black mare. A 'prominent sporting man of thla city put a 1S-00 bat on Eldred. and scores, of other placed beta ranging- from 116 to '$100. . Eldred, opened at to 10. and a steady at ream of money flowed In on her and her price , went to is . waa elated to ride Eidred. and at tha laat Mnlnate P.owll waa substituted, and the -crowd In tha betting ring- had a fit Many went to Lady Rica then In order to i protect their money, and tha Lady got a big play. Whan tha horses went to the post there waa conalderabla Jockey ing and great difficulty experienced In getting them off. When tha .barrier Anally went up Eldred waa left at the pout and eadnes prevalledjn the rng. it ait oil wltu the mint of .coin on Eldred, and the book lea fait greatly , relieved, as had tha horae won the tal i ant would have dug deep Into their eof 1 fera. Tha race waa won by Bally Good win. Lady Rice being slowed up and 'finishing fifth. ' : - w V In the second race' Algarette, tha beat 1 horae, at 7 to 10, captured the money, i In thla race Herculesa, well played to ;.ahow, wat left at the post ' . t Tk. r mi . had. although tha favor ite got away in the lead and waa ridden a pretty race by Sullivan. The third, event waa a racing muddle, 'consisting of a poor atart, Legal Maxim . ... , 1 A 1. .... lh. Kb r rl m r and inrowini uim m ,' running madly around tha track for four miles- before being caught.) and Jim -Bogeman getting left at the poat. Dr. Sherman, however, the beat In that bunch of starters, got away third and ,ran a beautiful race, winning by two lengtha from Chlleno,,, who had many admirers. ' ' . k-in. itarM well backed to earn the. victory In the' fourth race, r but Uottlleben out gamed and outran the .' held. and. although rushed hard by Facta, had a neck to apara at the wire. 1 In the fifth event1 of the day Croaa walte rode a bettor race on Glenrlce than 'Powell did on Klrby, and got the race by two lengtha. Klrby looked good to the . j a ki urn nf monev at iaUOIS U l "-V4 vm a to t and 1 to , but proved a dlsap i polntment at the finish. Tha plungera got a aevere Jolt In the laat race of the day. Just aa a gentle re 1 minder that It la difference of .opinion that, makea horae raaea. and that alnan who beta on a aure thing la often fooled. Tannhauacr waa the pippin that looked the real oata 10 mw w heavily on Eldred. and tha coin rolled In on thla favorite to beat the band." The beUIng opened at even -money, and then down to 4 to I with many takera. North weat. Gentle- Harry and Flairalgan . were well played alao. .- , The eurt waa the pooreat of the day, and Tannhauaer waa lef r a af a distance in. the lurch and -finished In the same poaltlon, Jaat In' the race.- Huapala. a 4 to I ahot, with acarcely any backer, aava those who got the tip at the laat minute, got off in the lead and. gaming the rail. maintained urai posiwun in, viwinu manner and won by two lengtha . from ' Northweat. who waa a length ahead of Frlvoloua. v. . 1 Ladiea day had ihe effect of getting ajDOUl two UIOUHDQ VI Ul. iiir vuow w the track, and the racing waa -very much . cnjojreo, ouiduw. r . . Flrat ' race, five furlonga, aelllng Bailie Goodwin, 10.' (McCleea), S to 1, ' won; Batldor, 101, (F. Sullivan), 10 to 1, second; Moflder, 10Z. . tUerbert). 10 to 1, third. Time. 1:01. Second race, five furlongs, selling '. AlgaretU. 100. (F. Sullivan), to won; Urbano. 110 (T. Stewart), ( to 1, aecond; Phil Criramlns. 107. . (E. Smith), It to 1. third. Time. 1:01 K: , Third race, six furlonga, selling Pr. Sherman, 107. (Herbert) to a, won; Chlleno, 107. ' (Croaathwaite), i to I second; Skip Me, 110. (Tullett), to .1, third. ' Time, 1:1. . Fourth race, five' and one-half fur longs, selling Gottlebeiv 103. (L. A. Jackaon). to 1, won; Facta. . (Eam shsw). 10 o 1, aecond; The Pride. 107. (McFall). 7 to 1. third. Time,. 1:01V.. , Fifth race, one mile and 100 yards, selling Glenrlce, lot. (Croaathwaite), to 2, won; J. V. Klrby. 10. (I. Powell), 1 to S. second; Isabellila. 102. (Herbert). . a to 1, third. Time. 1:49. . : , , Sixth race, one mile, selling Huapala. tr. DUlllvany, lo &, wwn; .iiunn- west. 100. J. Hayee), I to I, aecond; Frlvoloua. v 100. (R. .. Butler), 4 to 1, third. Time, 1:48. . r! UOOAX, OBJCEETESI WZH. a match game from a team representing the crews of the ships Rajore and Cru sader, 'now In the harbor. The score: Cruaader and Rajore .. . . ; . Parkinson b. Mlddleton ...... a Griffith b. Klngaley .....a,.. 0 r'rosalev hL Klnaralev' 0 Hodge b. Mlddleton I Stokes K Mlddleton ,...11 Crake D. Middt-ton ..... ." . ........ . Rev. Cummlng-Bruce no out ...... a Lawrence c and t. Mallett 11 Miller not out .................... 4 1 Extras . M 7 Total -..j..-. ....... Poirland-i- " ' Webb b. Hodge ..... .Jones e. and Ja Oreig b. gandga IMailott b, Taylor ... Klngaley e. Parkinson Klngoley b. Hodge . Mlddleton not out Muntgovrn h. Miller . Ounn b.. Miller ...... ...64 4 . . .40 ... 0 ... 0 ...11 ... ..; a ...10 ... ...10 ...t . . . . . Extras ..j T"ts1 1 . m ta tha erorat dlamae ea earth, yet thi eaalaat tn rnrm when iiiu KNOW WHIT TO Manr baa pint. pnra en iiie kire In tha nlrera. railing ann alTia. ra- nn Sun t tnnar ! la Itl.tMlU I'l'IXON B-tMl to PR BROWN, !.-. rHi nf , rhll.ll.hl.. I'nn.. for BKOWN'S KKHi rt'KK. $2 m, r-r hi.ltlr; Isats one awntk. si4 la I'wtiaitd eel by Fran Has. t"aiUaaa Uvtal Pbaraaacy. - , BLOOD GIANTS AND COLTS g WILL NOT GO ABROAD i ! . f- : : (Joeraal Bpeelal service.) Chicago, Aug. 17. The announcement that the bottom of the proposed' tour round the world of the Giants and Chicago Colts had fallen out and that there-would be a world's championship series between the Giants, If they won the pennant and the winner of the American league race la the chief topic of discussion In baseball circlea. - . . . When the trip was first- proposed sev- eralv weeks ago the' Players of both teams favored It, and President Brush Immediately began to figure on tne coat of the tour. . When It waa suggested that each player contribute tltO to help defray the expenses, not a few of them sot the traditional "coia reef Man the -members of the teams are married, and their better halves raised a storm of protest' when their 'uubbles" spoke about going to foreign climes. If their husbands had - not- reckoned on what would be their individual -share o(,the aeries with the Highlanders the good houaewlvea did. Each player would get at least Il.t00 net. - and' the Idea or tossing away thla money Just when tha winter styles In gowns were coming out nroved too much for the women, so they have made strenuous objections to globe trotting. After the possible aeries between the two Ootham clubs, thepj,, ,tm n) that expanalve smile, and Giants will make a tour of the United States. When the team reacnes tne ra clno coast it will make an extended stay, playing Portland. Ban Francisco and other teams of the Paclno Coaat league. Dates and places for games have not yet been arranged. ar atioh ax' uAatna. New Tork . Chicago . . Pittsburg , . Cincinnati . St. Louie ... Brooklyn . Boston ...... Philadelphia . . .i. Flrat game . , K. H. is. Brooklyn . . - Cincinnati ......., 4 1 Batteries Bcanlon and Bergen; Kel- lum and SchleU ... ' Second game n- t Rrooklvn . . f 0 Cincinnati M.'.V'S. " 1 Batteries Cronln and Rlttet; Ewelng and BchleL Umpire Zimmer. , ? At rUladelphla. Flrat game . 8L Loula . .J ; J Philadelphia.. .......1 t - Batteries Nicholas and Orady; Fra ser and Roth. ... Second game : n. e. St. Louia . -..J 10 Philadelphia i .........1 6 4 Batteries O'Neill and Grady; Dug gleby, Dooln and Roth.' Umpire Ema ils, . ;. ',' . At atostoa. ', ' - . ...... -i:-" . a H.E. Boston . . .......... ....6 ? Chicago . . t... , Batteries w una ana wiormn; nitmt and O'Neill. Umpire Moran. ' R. H.B. ..7 11 1 ,.a i t Carlsch; Pittsburg; . . . -. New Tork . ... Hatterlea Flaherty and Mathewaon ana ; Bowerman. ', Second game ... .R. H. E. Pittsburg ..,..... 11 J New York 1 . t Batteries Lynch and Carlsch; Taylor and Warner. Umpire Johnstone. - AlCEaUOAjr XMAQVM. PC. .408 .408 .691 .684 .tot New Tork Chlcsgo . Phlladelphli Boston . . . Cleveland . feiroii'. . y. ........ 418 07 St. Louis Washington . ft. Louis . ................ New York - ' Batteries Budhoff and Kahoe; Orth and Kljinow. ' ' At Chloago. " R. H.B. r-hlraa-o . . 11 1 Boston 0 4 1 Batteries Owen and Sullivan; Toung, Farrell and criger. , At Cleveland. R. H. E. Clevelsnr . . . .. .7 11 1 Washington .' Batterlea Bernhard Jacobson snd Klttredge. - At Detroit. .1 I 1 Bemls; and R. H.E. Philadelphia ............ Detroit . . . 10 a .a 10 s Batteries Henley end ' Schreck; llan and Drill. KU J JFACXTZO aTATZOlTAX. lliOVB. ' At Xatte. - - .. ' ': ' R. H. E. Butte . ..... .0 4 0 110 10 7 I 1 Boise.. 000 so 00 00 o 6 Batteries Dowllng and Swindells: Thompson- and Harrison. ..- Umpire Davis. . , , - Boxing school. Tom Tracer, 101 4th St TRACEY CONFIDENT , OF TONIGHT'S BATTLE (Journal Special Berrlre.) . Seattle, Wash., Aug. 17. Both Tommy Tracey and Rufe Turner, who meet in a 20-round boxing contest at the Seat tle theatre tonight, are In . the best of condition. ' - The sporting people are divided as to who will win. both men have numerous supporters, and even money seems to be the prevailing betting. The frlenda of Tracey, who have watched him In his work, feel confident of his winning, while Turner's supporters are "equally confident of the black boy landing the long end of the purse. Tracey, who -has been training at Pleasant Beach for the paat month, says he feels as good as ever he did in his life, end If Turner defeata him he will have no excuae to offer. Turner Is train ing a West Seattle. He has worked faithfully for thla contest, for he knows he will have to be at his best to defeat Tracey. It will be a great go, whoever wins; both boys sre game and will take all sorts of punishment before they will cry enough. . The preliminary will be between Kid Krant of Seattle and Toung Sullivan of Portland. They, will furnish a six-round go. The people of Seattle know Krant. Sullivan haa earned quite a name for himself In Portland. .. There Is quits " a bunch of Tacoma .sports coming over, snd a special car has been chartered for their benefit. - Both . pugilists 'weigh In this after noon at 140 pounds. . Either man ex ceed lug that weight forfeits 250. , Won. Lost P.O. 70 1 .707 0 V J .404 ,. SI . ,402 .........It . 45v .647 ........ .61 60, .610 18 . 44 .til ..-at 44 , .160 -. . 7i . .150 - Won.- Lost. t 10 41 -' 40 . .".It 40 68 41 ,'.6 41 ..41- . 61 ? 7 M .....11 76 .lil At St. lVonSg. ; ' 1 J. - R. H. E. ,.16 1 ..i t 0 MUNROE WORKS HARD .! FOR COMING CONTEST (Journal Special gerrlee.) Baa Francisco. Aug. 17. Left books take uo the greater part of tha fistic bill of fare that is served up to Jack Muh- roe every afternoon out at Bhee ban's Jefrs tavorlte blow Is a left hook, and Trainer Tim McGrath Is educating his man to tha bollermaker's style of light ing. All of the miner's sparring part ners, Andy 'Gallagher, Harry Cheater and the shifty Jack (Twin) suuivan. get more generous with the left every day. Tim orders It, and what ne ssys goes. Teaterday .Harry Cheater used both the crouch and the left hook, and It was evident that he was following McGrath's Instructions. It wss a busy day for' Munroe, Ja the morning he took a long run on the road and ta the afternoon he spent an hour an a half In the gymnasium. The boxing with Gallagher. Cheater and Sul livan was fast enough to suit any body. It .was biff, bang all the time. Munroe. quicker by far than he was. be fore the postponement, kept coming, and his sparring partners were glad to hear Tim aay, "That's enough." . Following the boxing came II minutes with the medicine ball, Gallagher, Sul livan and Cheater taking turns In keep ing the miner busy. At the end Mun roe wss In a beautiful perspiration, but would have kept on for an hour if Tim had aald the word, but the trainer cut him ahort with.' That'll do for the day, George." . . This "George"" business is one oi the Jokes of the camp. When the miner andTilaTTralner are Traveling hey don't carry banners reading "I'm Jack Mun roe" and "I'm Tim McOTSth." Instesd they are Inclined to . be modest They conceal their Identities by giving .each other "phony" names, Tim Is Jim sna Jack Is George. That Is why Munroe Is sddressed as "George" by his trainer. After the gymnasium wore: yeateraay the miner and "Twin" Sullivan took a 10-mlnute swim In the ctcean. Jack takes to tha cold briny like a fish, and 10 minutes was nothing to him. but It made VTwin" anxious to sit on a red- hot stove. He thought he never wouia get warm again. One or the ooys or the training camp dosed him with tea that was still boiling when It hit his stomach, and , at once he began to feel better. , "Twin" Is the comedian or tne camp. Munroe haa a black eye Just at pres ent ' When he went.Jp bed Wednesday night he didn't have It but the black border was there In the morning. "I butted Into one of these canary birds," said Jack yesterday, nodding toward his sparring mates. "Don't .you believe him," chorused the birds. "We soaked him In the lamp." At that Jack smiled gnd remarked: Tou, must, have done It while I slept." ' . RACING RESULTS ON EASTERN TRACKS (journal Special Service,) J St Loula. .Aug. 17. Fair grounds re sults: - ... Four and a half furlongs, selling An nabel Lee won: time, 0:67. . Seven furlongs, selling Babb won; time, l:t. - , Mile and 70 yards, selling Varro won; time. 1:44. Six furlongs, handicap The Cook won; time. 1:14 H. . . Six furlongs, selling J. W. QaieUl won: time. 1:16. t Mile and an eighth, selling Pathos won; time, 1:64. g Saratoga. V Saratoga.' N. T.. Aug. IT. Results: Seven furlongs Adrlutha won; time, 1:16 4-1 - i One mile Canajoharle won; . time, 1:40 1-5. ' Five and a half furlongs Princess Dupont won: time, 1:0. The Merchsnts' and Cltlsens handi cap, mile and a furlong Mollis Brant won: time. 1:611-6. Six furlongs Jack Lorey won; time. 1:13 2-6. - , Mile and a furlong on turf Bodabll won; time, 1:61 4-6. , , . . !, ' ' At Brighton Beech, New York. Aug. 17. Brighton Beach summary: ' :0 nace. nurse 15.000 John M. won third and fourth heats.; time. 1:07, 1:074. 2:10 trot purse 15,000, two In thre Stardey Dillon won both heats; time. 1:101. 1:16 trot purse $500, dash 1 1-11 miles T. L. N. won in l:Z4. - 1:10 pace, purse t400, dash 1 miles Cherry Lass won In 1:17 VI. . 1:08 trot purse R00. dash 1 1-14 mires -Cashlan won In 1:10. .. Kawthorne. . Chicago, Aug 17.-"-Hawthorne results: Six furlongs Aluce Commoner won; time. 1:14 1-6. 81k furlongs White Plume won; time, 1-14. : . Five and a half furlongs No Trumper won: time, l:0t. Mile and 70 yards Celebration won; time, l:4t t-t. One mile The Lady , won; time, 1141 1-3. i Mile and 70 yards Handle? Cross won: time, 1:45 1-6. Five snd a half furlongs Monte won; time, 1:013,-6. .' MURPHY AND NEIL HATCHED TO FIGHT (Joanul'Metal Service.) 1 New York, Aug. 17. -r Now -that Frankte Nell and Tommy Murphy are matched the Harlem sports will begin to save their coin. Murphy Is the pride of Harlem sports. Not a man of them but what thinks Tommy Is the peer of any bantam In the World, and when he and Nell come together In Philadelphia on the 14th of this month, the Quaker City will be flooded with Harlem money. Two years a B-n, when he walked Into the Polo Athletic club In his bare feet snd askeOT to be given a trial. Matchmaker Oliver looked with pity os him. "You're too frail,- my boy. . There are lads here who would beat you In a punch, so run home," said Oliver. , "You ain't got any one my weight In town that can beat me In a punch or.. 60 punches,"-wag 'Tommy's snappy re Joinder. Oliver admired hie' pluck and put Tommy on with a boy about his weight Murphy won eaaily, and since then, he has defested every boy he has met In hts .class. . Murphy Is a naturat two-handed fighter, hitting as hard with either hand. His crouch Is slso natural. By assum ing the stooping position be does not lose sny of the force of his punches. He can take a good punching, IX it comes to JEFFRIES RETURNS LOADED WITH GAME (Joaraal Special Service.) Hsrbln Springs, Cat. Aug. 17. Camp Jeffries Is activity every day. The big fellow has Just returned from a 4i hour trip to the hills, bringing back two lino deer and 10 doves. Tne cnain plon wss the picture ef rugged health ss hs climbed down from his seat on the cart . Hungry? Oh. royT He said he had had hla breakfast at t a. m.. and It was 11:10 p. m. whin they drove In here. 'Mine Host Ha yep routed out tho cook, and things were , made, to hum while Jeff's midnight supper was being put together. The champion sat on the steps of the porch and told of his trip, of how he, had torn through mile after mile of brush and had tracked up and down the mountain sides; of how hard it had been to follow' the dogs in such an inaccessible country; and the champion felt quite satisfied with the results of tha trln Rv thla time the cook an nounced that grub was ready and Jeff sat down to a spread of six chops, a larce steak, a plate of toast several oupa of coffee and a number of relays of other things in the shape or potatoes. corn on the cob, pie and a plate of fine. ripe peaches not a bad meal for a man who had had nothing to eat for 14 hours, and Jeff had not been feeling Juat right ' On Sunday night he ate a large Blice of watermelon. . which did not lit iuat aa It should, and aa the weather waa very warm Monday too warm ior gym work the big fellow came to tne conclusion that a trip to the mountains would be a good thing for Dim. ue laney thought likewise, so Tuesday mornlnar awav thev went Jeff certainly looka good- and from this on he will' da- vote the balance of the time to putting on the finishing touches. Ths trouble some knee Is a thing of tha past Joe Kennedy's ear Is O. K, now, and Jack Jeffries Is pining for a few wallops, so Jeff haa decided to start boxing today. The old guard Is here now Colonel Brady. Dick Adams, Joe Heggerty of Vallejo, George Miller of Los Angeles and several other friends of the cham pion are here to keep him . company. moras or ran max. Before the first race yesterday Jesse. James and Queen T raced a quarter of a mile for a bet of $100, James won the race eaaily. Holbrook and McCIees were the lockers, Ths start was a poor one. Queen T starting about two lengtha be hind." : Horace Egbert snd Assistant Starter Duke left last evening for Sacramento, where they will attend the races. Harris 4s Co. and Mccartny s eon. bookmakers, quit the ring, yesterday, stating that they sold out The starting yesterday was tne poor est of the meei. Four horses were left at the post - The prices on the races during tne paat few days are not good enough to Invite-bettors. Three to five on a fa vorite, with other 'good horses in the races, la not-considered a fair price. ' Old "Hoop, La La." Huapala. made her backers feel good by her performance In the last race- ' The tip was given out on her as the horses were going to the post end only a few got their money on her. The mounted cop stationed at the track was a ludicrously feeble effort to it op Legal Maxim when that horse was on Its fourth circuit of the track. Aleck Johnson Is all the candy when It comes to picking winners. Several of his . friends say that he picked every horae that got left at .the post Jake Tblelman arrived at the crack Just In ' time to place a bet on Tann hauaer. 'end saw the fierce start whereby his horse was practically left at the post. " - . ,' . ' t roamvAarD ts. &o Aarosus. The Portland and Los Angeles teams cross bats this afternoon for the first time In the second half of ths season. Charlie Baum will be on the slab for the Angels, who will present their regu lar lineup. Brashaer and Wheeler Were left at home, and Chase. will be back at his old position, and only four pitchers- Newton. Hall; Gray and Baum will be used. While In Portland yesterday with the Seattle team Charlie Shields said that it was the Intention of himself, Andy Anderson and Van Buren to Spend the winter In Portland. , U LICENSE OF SELLER i Berha Stryker, the little Spanish wo man who has been peddling chameleons about the streets, has had her license revoked by the license committee. This action was taken at the suggestion of several members of the police depart ment, who stated that the woman had frightened several girls and women al most Into hysterics with the little bril liant colored llsarda. She has been to the office of the city tax collector several times since her li cense has been taken away In an en deavor to secure a permit to sell the little creeping reptiles, but she has not been sble to secure one. The matter has been referred to the council. , BURGLARS MISS Inexperienced burglars ' overlooked three diamond rings, a purse containing money snd other valuables when they visited ths home of Mrs. E. F. Thomp son, lit Thirteenth street last night They secured a gold watch and a small purse containing the sum of tl. . - Entrance Into the room was gained through a window on the ground floor. A bench and ladder were used to reach the window, which Is slightly elevated above the ground, and both were found near the place this morning. Mrs. )WHAf DID THE V BUG vAv'n SOLDIERS TO HOLD. ATHLETIC MEETING co&oararx. arxraTOr zsgxrxa ouim aroat a'tzsu anxr at tajtcou tbs BAJtatACu oar SATtrawAT, AXJOUBT M Z1TTS3UBST . Ajcoaro Bxrramxarr mmamcxbw. After an Interval of several months, during which the soldiers at Vancouver barracks have been busy with military affairs, , including the encampment at American lake and special target prac tice, the athletic . work will be rearmed on Saturday, August 14, when field day exercises will be held. The1 order for the meet has been Issued by Colonel Huston, and reads aa follows:.- - ' s Vancouver Barracks, Wash., General Orders No. 41 Saturday, August 17, 104, is designated aa field day for this command. ' The competition wtll, com mence at t a. m. ' The program follows: For field day. August 17, 1904 60-yard dash, any cos tume; standing hop, step and Jump, any costume; bar vaulting, bar must be fair ly cleared, no part of body but the hands touching, any costume; throwing baseball for distance, standing at line; throwing 6 6 -pound weight any costume; half mile walk, heel and toe, one foot always on ground, ny costume; throw ing baseball for accuracy, distance to feet, at target B, three trials, points to be counted ss prescribed for target prac tice; baseball gams between companies A B. C. D. EL and F, Nineteenth Infan try, and Twenty-sixth battery - field ar tillery vs. companies O, H, I, K. L and M. Nineteenth Infantry and Eighth bat tery field artillery. ' .. 'I The officials snd games committee Referee, MaJ. Silas A. Wolfe. Nine-1 teenth Infantry; assistant to referee, Lieut' U. W. TUlotson, Nineteenth In fantry.. Judges of course Capt J. H. Bradford, Nineteenth Infantry; Flrat Lieut B. H. Fenner, artillery corps, and 8econd Lieut I. A. Smith, Nineteenth Infantry. Inspectors Lleuta. J. L. Bond and F. B. Terrell, . Nineteenth in fantry. Judges at finish Capt Berke ley Enochs, Nineteenth Infantry; First Lieut Harry E. Mitchell, artillery corps, and First Lieut L. J. Mygatt Nine teenth Infantry. Tlmekeepers-r-Lleuta. R. Wetherilt J. -J. MlUer and F. G. Kel lond. Nineteenth Infantry. Starter-t- Capt' J. M. Graham, Nineteenth Infan try. Clerk pr the course capt John Howard, Nineteenth, infantry. Scorer Second Lieut C M. Allen, artillery corps. ' " -'.i. At least one entry xor eacn event will be.emade from eacn organisation serving at the post except the band and detachment hospital corps. Entries will be reported to the clerk of the course not later than August 4, 104. Officials designated as officials will post themselves thoroughly In the rules governing tneir auties. , toes . umciai Athletic Rules, A.A U.) Officer detailed In this order, who. for ' any cause-will' be unable to per form the duties for which detailed, will give timely notice to this office. All duties except tne necessary guara and police will be suspended on this day- . .. .- ' .. . :. ' . : In ths field days tne batteries nave been winning the. pennant but In this Instance much Interest is shown In the different commends now stationed ' at the Vancouver barracks aa to who will be the winners, and which company will receive the pennant The Infantry has Increased by one battalion wane some of the best athletes in the battery have left the post their term of enlistment having expired. . ; , ) coaiin Atro owxar. ' - (Joeraal Special Berrli-.) New York, Aug. It James J. Corbett and "Philadelphia" Jack O'Brien, the two cleverest boxers in the ting today, have been matched. .They have signed articles to fight six rounds In Philadel phia on or before September t. The men will split ths purse. There Is no weight stipulation In articles. Only soft ban dages will be aiiowoa. ' LIZARD IS REVOKED There is much objection to the woman peddling the little animals oh ths street and there Is strong talk of bringing the matter before the attention of the ha. mane officer, Joe Relsing, and have him prohibit the woman from keeping the Usards chained without food or water for so many days. The women states that ' the chame leons are. caught In Florida and shipped to her. She then puts chains about their necks snd sells them to women for ornaments. In some Darts of the coun try women" go Into society with thess little bright colored llsarde attached to some part of their dress. They die In a short time unless they are given proper food and'water. . - DIAMOND RINGS Thompson with her daughter occupies tne room. , "I heard some ' one in the room be tween 1 and 1 o'clock thla : morning.' Mrs. Thompson said, "but hsd no Idea It was a burglar. If I had known I would have naked iilm to J save hla card. I called to my daughter and aaked her what she was doing up st that hour, but received no reply. I was only part ly wakened and went back to. sleep at once. . I must have frightened the man away, though, for he took 'only the watch and Small purse. On the tray in front of him were three diamond rings snd In the drawer waa a puree contain ing some money. "I was told thla morning that the men went from here to another house beck of here, where they also secured few articles. . They, took the fob from my watch as soon ss they got outside And left it on the doorstep. They also left the empty, pyree there.". wisooarnar KiTsuamt. (Journal Special gerrlee.) 'm-a adlson, Wis.. Aug. 17. Members of the Wisconsin State Postmasters' asso ciation assembled here in second annual convention today and were called to order by Postmaster fctlllman of Mil waukee. Between ISO and tOO postmas ter of the state were la attendance. aaacatAjmi aaUBoro to nun , Their friends ought to urge them to buy White Clover Butter. " This butter le not excelled In the United States, and sells ss low as sny other. We have ten plants In thla state, which makes our Institution one of the largest in the, country. , . . .. . . tv. Tel. Main 4077 - Wholesale Only , 44-46 Second St. 1 ' .DUV YOURh. BAR FIXTURES BILLIARD TABLES :. ;.- - , " - ';.' '.''.:.'. v --.'V:'..-: From Us, and YOUR LIQUORS WHERE YOU PLEASE, if you want to save, money and stay in business. . .:' ;:.; , The Brunswick-Baike Collender Co. vara aancxAjr, rrestdeat. fOBTaVAJTD, OaVM. Btaw Osxa tl te'ta.tO pes day. PORTLAND HAS GIFT- OF TONGUES rxxxraro croiocDMxoar wzu amrs icajtt ; wnooimra . oxrmara wrno AJta svAansaK ixmn ajtd auioauPTzoar ooaaorxn aiaiTizt AOAxar. The problem that vanquished Tacoma aa one of the cities in the Itinerary of the Filipino honorary, commission Is proving a, mere bagatelle for Portland, Since the publication of the story In The Journal many applications, both- by letter snd. in person, have been received at the office of the Commercial club and at the -exposition headquarters, xrom persons who claim to be fluent In the use of ths Filipino tongue and who wish to take part in the entertainment, of the visitors during thslr stay of one day In Portland. There la a disposition on the part of the Commercial club to heap upon the fair board all of the honor of entertaining the Filipinos, and there is an aually generous feeling at the director-general's office, which has sent 411 applicants and letters on the subject of the Filipino language to the officials of the Commercial 'club. The visitors will be entertained with a luncheon at tne exposition grounds. and this with a trip about the city on the street cars will constitute their en tertainment as their stay in Portland will be only from t o'clock s. m. until 1 p. m. on the lid Inst ' They leave this i V ; .IFOR SUIT BARGAINS Stouts and Slims 250 Suits of serge and fancy worsted, Oregon casshneres and tweeds in . desirable Stouts, - 37 Slims, - 34 to 42 chest Suits made. expressly to fit men of irregu-: lar build. $13.50 and $16.00 lines are now included in our unparalleled sale at A ;LEAN IWAIXET, 85-87 THIRD STREET, One Door North of Chamber of Commerc ICE CIWAM POSTlAND, . OaOM ' OL W. nOVrXSS. Manages.'. BUBOFBAjr WXUM OSTXT. " Seventh and Washington Use is. city for San Francisco, and will Vsall . from that port for their island homes.. Among the early callers at the Com mercial club thla morning was I C, Beckwlth of Ashwood. Crook county, Oregon. Mr. Beckwlth came down in ad vance of the American Mining eongressj ' to arrange for an exhibit of .ores. Ia addition to the samples be brought with, him another Jot-is coming from J. D. Wood, the postmaster st Ashwood, and. also a lot 'from W. 8. Thomaa, ' superin tendent of the Oregon King mine, whlchi Is about a mile and a Quarter from Ash . wood.- .'-v . . Mr. Beckwlth says that Max Ludder man, editor of the Ashwood Prospector, W. S. Thomas and others will attend tha congress, and that the people of hla ' town and county ar very much inter ested in the outcome of this meeting. The Baker City Cltlsens' league haa) ' extended an Invitation to Secretary Tom Richardson of the Oregon Development . league and several members of the Pert land Commercial club, to pay a social -visit to Baker City and discuss mat- . ters of state importance concerning in terior development. The Invitation will . be accepted, '..'..;,;... ' FINE ST LOUIS SERYICE. ITsw Bleeping- Oar Anmnrsmant rMd by O. aV at Zkw states. ' -St Louis lair visitors will be inter ested in knowing that the O. R. A N, has inaugurated a dally through stand ' ard sleeping car service to that city, passenger arriving there In the morn lng. -'.-.' September I. t. T. October S. 4. I, the O. R. aV N. will sell tO-day return-trip ' tickets to St Louis for 14T.60; to Chi cago, 171.80. ' Stop-overs allowed going ' and returning. Particulars of C W. Stinger, city ticket agent. Third and Washington. .- THE colors . . to 46 chest BirVS , A , FAT SUIT - ' v J 4. (