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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1904)
V THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. , PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. AUGUST 17.1904 TOWN TOPICS Itir...,,, I-rrle..... HlJon... Aroade. ... Uruwn Band... ........ Vied-rllla Vaud-Tllie ...... ..VsimeTltle ...Veede-llle ..Hawtborae park ; The grandect scenery in the world, that of tha famous Columbia, may ta teen to beat advantage from tha dacka ' ut tha faateat and . newest steamboat , plying on tha Columbia . river. . Tha Chae. R. Spencer leavea foot of Wash ington atreet Mondays, Wedneadaya and Frldaya at T a, m. for Vancouver, Waahougal, Caacade juocka. Hood River and all way landing between Portland and, Tha Lallaa, returning on Interme diate daya. The scenery through which It passes la everywhere 'known aa the moat magnificent . on tha face at tha globe, and tha Spencer la acknowledged , the beat furnlahed and fleeteat boat that aver eteamed out of Portland. Phone Main 1422.. i : ' ' ' ' .'.Tha 'Women'' Christian- Temperanoa union, tha King Daughter and ' tha Florence Crlttendoa Home aociety nave headquartera In tha aam building at the 81 Loula fair, and tha looal aeoretary ' haa received a letter from the general aeoretary of the' national mission. Mrs. Kate Waller Barrett, conveying an invi tatton to all member! to make uae of the rooma.when they vtalt the exposition. ffk W . , . . . .. - . I I l..lnM lit. uwiuiwricri anu wuuuw .... exhibit are In tha Women' Anchorage building, hear the Varied . Industrto building. ,cloe to the entrance to tha , Pike, . , . ; . ., . Delegate to tha mining contra to aaemble hare In a few day from all , parte of the country will not aea all Portland'a attraction until they have visited the Union laundry. Second and Columbia, where those steam-heated pcuisners are constantly id scuun. uca-i modern polisher excite a much- Interest In tha t Inatlhitlnn Th. JAUPMl l a-reat printing machine doea In Ita flna pre room.. Members of th -mining eongresa are invuea w sena invir wuuui w . If we get It In th morning we can re turn It In th evening. Our telephone 1 .Main ass. ,'-,.' By th energy of th women of Sum ner relief corps th balance au on me soldiers' monument In Lone Fir ceme tery has been paid off. Th Grand army posta of th olty won prise of $60 for having tha largest percentage of their memberahlp In tha recent Fpurth of July parade, and all of tha posts excepting Llnooin-Qarfleld post contributed their ahare of th prise toward liquidating the monument debt. The amount of th debt being just ISO. there still remained nortaga or iii.ev, ana mis euro) um women nf Humner coma nave raiaeo. At the old barracks of tha Salvation Army. East Sixth and Alder streets. doming aepartmem, nas oeen hwduiuw .where those of limited mean are able ID CIU..-VU. IWHiaill. . !. ... J -aaa -- tha. thiaa. aMn An the streets Th building haa been parti tioned off and filled with clothing of every (conceivable pattern. - The depart ment la In charge of women- officer of th army and th clothing I secured from all parts of thef.clty by comrade wbo devote their tiro to th work. Nut all the lumber shinned bv rail' from the Oregon aid of the lower Columbia castes through Portland. During the month of July the Northern Paclflo rail road received 40 carloada of lumber trans ferred , from the Astoria at Columbia River railroad at Gome, waybllled to va rloua points east. Th probable value of thla lumber ahlpped by rail would amount r. atu.,,. I1MA1A Bmh. -All hlnm.nt. p 1 transferred to th Southern Paclflo at Portland that are waybllled for Callfor nia points, , Work on th two reservoir of th municipal waterworks In the city park la progressing very rapidly. Where th walla were damaged tha concrete la be ing removed to be replaced by new ma terial. Contractor R. O. Lundstrum, who haa the contract for the concrete' work. will start putting th new concrete walls In reservoir No. S at. once. It la expected that tha work will all be completed by the time th rainy season begins. Ladles! Ladles! Ladle! Tomorrow, . At the Irvlngton Race Track. Th ladle will be admitted : Free to grounds and grandstand. ' Six big races on th card tomorrow, The first race caned at :I0. - Over 600 thoroughbred now on th track. . Cam- t a I 4Xa .UMtna w t'tii. i. . w,.,. ..v., ti, m m villi. euertera. . k Cruelty I th ground for a divorce suit brought by Anna C Rider agalnet W. A. Rider. She allege that be' as saulted her with a flatlron, crushed her foot between a door and th Jamb, kicked parcels Into th street nd often acted so violently that the neighbor had to call tha police. Th two war married In thla city April t. lt. Mra. Rider asks for 120 a month alimony and th custody of a minor child. Bertha and Mabel Dye 'and Aline Fallon, girl from Seattle, were arrested ly tha police at th Irvlngton raoa track lest night on chargea-of vagrancy, and today will be sent to their homee by order of Chief Hunt. They cam from th sound, they told th officers, for th purpose of being with som of th Jock y who follow the races. They have been Bleeping In stalls. They came her In freight car with th horse. Funeral services ovef th remain erf James Pool, who waa drowned In the Willamette river laat Friday, and whoee held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock at th Flnley chapeL Burial will be made In Xon Fir cemetery. - Maria Stenn, who committed suictd by drinking car bollo acid In her room at the Burlington house. Sunday, was burled today In th county cemetery. . Bay Btste paint will' go IS per cent further and last 60 per cent longer than whit lead and oil mixed and tinted by hand with tha aid of a stick. That meana a aavlng of about l 1-1 pr cent on an Investment In paint. Flsher-Thor- sen Co., everything In paints, , corner Front and Morrison streets. . ... In case there are no delay In complet ing th necessary approaches and land ings the new Bellwood ferryboat will be Drs. Adix & Northrop OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS 416 Dekum Building EXAMINATIONS FREE In operation next week. At tha recent trial trip of th boat the run which was made 1om the Madison street bridge to Milwaukee and return, a distance of about 12 miles, was satisfactory. Uutll tha boat la put In commission It will re main near her dock Bear the boat yards. Mayor Williams, . City . Engineer Elliott and Whitney L. Boise went on a tour of Inspection this morning of th different street which are being re paired throughout th city. Thy rls J ted Flanders, Macadam, Wood, : Water and othera and found tha work progress ing rapidly. I ' Not a true Information waa filed In the circuit court yesterday afternoon In the case of D. Cullay by the district attorney. He waa accused of obtain lng IS from D. Well upon a fraudulent order, i .. t , ( Good news to ruptured parsons, old snd . young. No more contraction of hipa.t Irritating straps or unsanitary belts. Emerlo St. Palmaa, specialist, room 8, 26t Yamhill street, ' Consulta tion f re. - . ;v ; .; .... aaaa-a. ; . 1 , The First street bridge over' MarqUam gulch will be- open to trafflo In two weeks. Th blocks for flooring are nearly all laid and work 1 now being rushed on. th abuttmenta. . ' Wa-Hoo Tonio. Th great blood par tner. nerv . tonlo ana liver regulator. Juet what you need these days. For aai by ail druggist. - Chew Den-Tal-Oum, have pearly teeth and prevent decay, ; For aale every "her. . . - ' Dr. O. C Blaney, L O. O. F, temple, . Wis Br, denUsta, the Faillntt tilde, J Dr. Z-. M. Thornton, dentist. Marquam, eejs wsp ttz "03 Sonnm t"T ; oxanx nmsovAX. : . ' Dr. and Mrs. Adams of Hood River are arueets at the Perklna. - MIss-Lowlso-TVells of Cascade "Tcka and Pearson Wells of Cambridge, Mass., are at the Portland. " R.-M. Mayberry of Pendleton ts at th Imperial. ' : ' M. C. Gregory of Roseburg, 1 t the Perkins. - ..' - IS. B. Aid rich pf Fossil 1 registered at tha ImrjerlaL - P. H. Dally of Jacksonville 1 a guest at the Perklna. Roy Jones and Romeo Oanly of Salem are at the Imperial. Mr. and Mra. J.-W. Tolford of Rose burg are guests at th Perkln. W. F. Shield of Medford is at th Perklna. L. W. Wakeley. passenger agent of th Burlington route, with' headquarters at Omaha, Neb., la In tha city making business trip over thla section of his territory. Mr. Wakeley waa recently promoted to hi present position. Mr. and. Mra. A. Tlchner returned to day from Long Beach, "wher they went to attend th funeral or w. T. Everaon, whd died auddenry on Monday. ' Ed Jacobaon, business manager cf WtedermamV Theatrical company which opena at th Empire, arrived in th city yesterday. GRAND LODGE FOR OREGON ARCANUM Th Portland lodgea of th Royal Ar canum cave a recaption and banquet at their hall laat evening In honor of th supreme regent of th order, A. 8. Rob inson of St. Louis, who ' arrived In th city laat evening over th Northern Pa clflo from Seattle. ; Governor Chamber lain ta a member of th order, and he telegraphed to Kalama on Mr. Robin- aon'a arrival there, welcoming him to the state. A committee mat him at tha station and took him to aupper, after which, h was eaoorted to the halt Th program arranged Included an address by th governor, but at th laat moment he was unable to attend and wired his regret. An address or welcome was given oy Dr. N. R. Cox. deputy auprem regent for - th atate of Oregon. He spoke on behalf of th Oregon members, who up to this .time are not numerous enough to nava a grand council and carry on their work under a local Jurisdiction, At present the Oregon membership is 700. Ths laws of the order require 1,000 member In a state before a grand coun cil charter I issued. . , MT. TABOR COWS ' : MUST BE PENNED At th recent election th question of permitting cows to run at large waa submitted t th voter of four Mount Tabor . precinct. Th residents of Mount Tabor and south Mount Tabor decided that cowa must be kept In barn- yards, while Woodstock and Lents voted in favor of letting th animals have mor rop. County Clerk Field duly advertlaed the result of th election, aa required by law, and today it goes Into force. Al ready he haa been called on or tele phoned by a doien or mor people, whoee eows are running at large. "What are we going to dor" they In quire. 'We have no yard and must keep th cow som plaoe. it s up to you." is Mr. Fields' an swer In every case. . The taw says cor ral them, and th Mount Tabor Improve ment association declare th law must not be violated. Ij am not- running a dairy myself. , 1 TWM WTWnziCAarBT STOCK. Mr.' Thomas Wiedemann ha leased Th Empire theatre for a term of years. Commending Sunday matinee August IS, he will open the aeaaon with Oliver Doud Byron's famou auocesa, "Inside Track." Both Mra. and Mr. Wiedemann will b seen to advantage In thla popu lor, sensational drama, an th support' lng company la aa unaually strong and efficient one. Mr. Wiedemann from th opening performance will Inaugurate th aame policy he. ha used at The Alcaaar at Seattle for th past li weeks. The comfort and amusement of ladle and children will be ble aim at all tlmea, and he expresses the dee I re to make The Empire" strictly a family theatre, where entire famllle can attend on night a week at so small a cost that to remain at horn and burn light would be more expensive and leaa amusing. Regu lar matinee will occur Sunday, Wed nesday and Saturdays of each week, a well a on all holiday. Mr. Weldemann haa mad th price 10-lHSo. Matinee, Wednesday and Saturday; prices, 10-16. OOXTBtXIA TTOITII. Th management of th Columbia theatre I holding open house each ev ening between th hour of T and t, at which time th theatre I open for Inspection. This Idea of the manage ment 'seem to hav struck the publlo fancy, for every evening the theatre I filled with visitors, who are unanimous In praise of its beauty and safety. Th new Columbia Theatr Stock company open th Columbia's winter season 'With matlne performance. Sunday, Septem ber 4. POLICE LOOK FOR MAIMED BURGLAR t. For the second time within ten days th grocery store of Charles Haffenden, 1062 Corbett street and th meat mar ket of Jamea Kurath, 1001 Corbett, were entered by burglar during th night Th butcher, feeling very Indignant at the former robbery, In which be waa loser $1.60. laid a board trap that la be lieved to ' hav severely . Injured , th prowler thla time. ' The - market did not auffes, but th groceryman loat candles, nuts. oysters and . other goods to th value of about 110. "I believe the man who entered my market got badly hurt this tlm. for I laid a board trap that tripped up and pitched him headlong inside." said Mr. Kurath. 1 Intended It ahould break hla neck, and am aorry It did not but I ahall Invent' one thla time that will kill a man If another attempt to get In. Th last tlm they got 11.60, but this tlm whoever It waa got a scar that mad him glad to get out with his Ufa. The trap was ao arranged and left every night that If a man went In through tha window It would throw him headlong to tha floor. ' I came in to in- vcstlgate' after th attempted burglary, and found the trap sprung, ao I think tha man muat hav been badly hurt He cam In at midnight I guess, for the baker, who wa i working next door, heard a terrible noiae. I guess It waa the man falllnsr when the trap sprung. T think boys are guilty of the rob beries at my place," ssld Groceryman Haffenden. "They carried away notn lng but '.such things aa, youngetera would be ant to want in ma otner roo bery, which occurred ten day ago, they also took can ay ana nuia ana pa REPORTER IS JAIL t BIRD FOR A TIME "How doe It fee. .to bs imprisoned, though Innooentf" - Th best anawer to this question can be given by a local newspaper man. He went to th county Jail laat night to aea two of th prisoner who escaped and were captured and aaked Under Sheriff Morden to plac him In a cell with . the men and leave him there . a while. Mr. Morden did aa requested, and then forgot an about th knight Of th pencil. ' ' . All th captured men are located In corridor No. I. In a secluded part of th JalL Sever! Iron door and turn In th corridor prevent an outcry being heard In the Jailer's room. Th news paper' man had been a prisoner about tw hours, and had hammered th door tlm. when a nruaty passing by heard U1IU. r -Thr 1 a man back thr ' tht .,, " ,mmA tha "traatv" to Jailer Grafton, when, h reached tha front part or in . "I guess there are a good many men there that want out.":wa the Jailer" a dry retort. . Y a t a An Ita waa Informed that newarjaner man wanted to get out Not knowing of any member of that profea .i ha.i,t Im ifnMnia vila a tha laiL .IU1 . - - - w . Grafton Inveatlgated, with tha result that th innocent prisoner ragsan-a am uoeny.' - YOUNG GIRL ACROSS SWIMS '' WILLAMETT Tn uiu Helen Barber, tha 16-year-old daughter of Dr. 8, 3. Barber, lot Tarn- hill atreet ' belong th aiaunciion or being th youngest girl to swim th -xrm--iai rlv.r at Portland. Tha feat was accomplished yesterday, and will be repeated ttua arternoon. . ,,i- n..k.. a aaaAmnanliul On her long wlm by her brother. Dr. John Bar ber. TO two started iruiu win Bundy bath hous-nd swam directly . . Th vlvor- at that noint 1 Drob- ably wider than at any other place, the distance being a urn more mn iwi a 'mile. After making, th trip Misa Barber took a abort rest and made the return trip without experiencing a great aeai or laugua. , . In addition to being an xprt swim mer, Miss Barber 1 an accomplished diver. After her long awlm yesterday ah entertained th patron of the bath house by some -very clever and daring dlvea from tha high platform. Yesterday Mia Barber and her broth. er etated thatrtha next tlm they cross th river they will make th return tri without (topping to rest They" will undertake th task this afternoon. FAIR COINS TO BE . MINTED AT ONCE x.mwu An dxvamx BUurAOBiiaar ztaoxsM ka omaoOsT oou is MOT BSSBaTTXAX. AJTO TULB1 X.OT ' WILL MM MAST JM ABOUT TWO I Lewis and Clark official hav given un the Idea or Having tne wwu ana Clark gold -dollar made only from Ore gon gold. This product of th Philadel phia mint will be on of th most unlqus advertisements of th Lewis and Clark fain . It will be mad after a design, sud- mltted by President Goods. - On on aid la a nrofll of Capt Meriwether xewis. surrounded by th word "United States of America" and "On Dollar." On tha raver aid I a profile portrait of Capt William Clark, surrounded by th word. "Lewis and Clark Exposition, Portland, Ore son. ' Senator Mitchell Instructed Director of th Mint Robert to us Oregon gdld In Btrlklne- the coin. The die lor tamping th coin er now ready, but there 1 only $16,000 worth of Oregon sold In tha Philadelphia mint to mint authorities writ to th Washing ton official to amy that If they retract their decision to uee only Oregon gold the first set of coin will be ready In a fortnight or less. -.1 President Good said this morning: "We ahall no longer demand that th coins ahall be mad from Oregon gold alone. Of course, ta all probability. mora Oregon gold than any other kind will be used In thla connection, but the mint official will be advised to go ahead with th work of preparing the first shipment at once." . At the sdvlce or Mr. oooae ze.oeo coin wilt be b truck off for th first BhlDmenC Tha die for stamping are of delicate workmanship, and require care ful handling to Inaure perfect results. . OSaVl MTTTIS IOLD COM WliJRTlOaT, . , (Journal Special Berries.) -Allentowb. Pa.. Aug. IT. Th Penn- aylvanta Society for tha Advancement of the Deaf began Ita annual convention in Allentown today and will .remain in aeaslon until Saturday evening. Th at tendance number mor tnan 100 per. sons, including many men and women of wide prominence in educational work ror th deaf and dumb. Accidenta com with distressing fre quency on the rarm. cute, Druiees, . I ainMlnM . . Tl Thftm. Pxlaot.irt Oil. relieves the pain Instantly. Never ssfe without it.- Hav you teen th . Roosevelt Spectacle Pins? Only 10c J. R. Ewing's Store ITT rOTJBTX ST. T. M. O. A. IUO, 3WHAT DID .THE t rkr,r, ' 'lVUUU, T V BUG y) iw HOPE TO SETTLE PLUMBERS' STRIKE ATTXaUrOOV ajts arjcraor to kbttlm rmou- ni wztb raa jorntsrarncxsT . irtTKBSB OT APP-tatatTICaJS tS . Xaurcra. '.; .' , , , , ' Master plumber of thl city ' win meet this afternoon for th purpose of attempting to settle th strik of th Journeymen that went Into effect in sev eral plumbing establishments yesterday morning. A dosen Journeymen plumb ers went On strlk for th reason. It is said. that, they demanded that only one apprentice shall be retained , in each shop. Th firm affected by tha strike are Brady A Sherrett First street; Jaoobaon, Washington atreet; Bruce. First street and Stephenson. First street It Is feared that the strlk may reach other branches of th 'trad if a settlement Is not reached today or tomorrow. "Th master plumber will meet thl afternoon to discuss th altuauon and to try to aettle the dissensions," said Robert Brady, of th firm of Brady. eV Sherrett today. "Th Journeymen con tend that we cannot employ mor than on boy, or apprentice. In our ahopa, and w contend that we can employ a many aa we Want Th atrlke haa not reached any very dangerous proportion yet but may If It la not settled soon. I think, however, that we cah arrange things satisfactorily and prevent further dif ficulty." i Schedule of Meamer T. J. Potter. Th aeaslde steamer T. 3. Potter will leave Portland. Aah Street dook, for Astoria and Ilwaco. aa foliowa: August li, Thursday,! a. m. . August 10, Friday, tarn. . August 10, Saturday, 1 p. m. ' Get transportation and berth tickets at O. R. at N. ticket office. Third and Washington streets. NOM KIN Chinese Restaurant "' 135 Second Street. Oorner Aid. -Delicious Chinese noodle boud. Su perb chop suey. . Delicately flavored vianda of all descriptions. Cleanest and cheapest place In Chinatown. Private boxes for parties. .Tablee inlaid with shells and flower. Handsomely carved chairs all Imported. TEETH SPECIALS EXTENDED UNTIL SEPT. I Boston Painless Dentists Wilt make aoeclal low school rate In order that all school children may com nd hav their teeth cared for during vacation. . These are th only dentist In Port land having the late botanical discovery to apply to the gums for Palnlees Ex tracting. Filling and Crowning Teeth, and guaranteed for tea years. Extract!, ....... FIE Silver fiillsts SS Fall Set f Tceta p. Euailiutls Till Md FUIIstS. 7Sc (la Cmru $LM Crews aad Brldg Work at Irow Pileea a speolalty. Ow fa teat Boabl SaeUom will bold yea teeth a. IO BTUDIaTTS. Com In at once and take advantage ef low rales. All work done by specialist-) without pain and guaranteed for II years. . Boston Painless Dentists Fifth and Morrison, streets. oe til) alorrlsoB, SHANAHAN'S SHANAHAH'S SHANAHAN'S SECOND WEEK fV 77 OF OUR GREAT SEMI-ANNUAL AVii ILL m SALE Useful Uttle and Big Thing, for Exceedingly Little Prices; lc Yard ' for Fancy Silk Trimming -Braid. , 2ic For Hen' Turkey Red Handker-1 chlefa - lc yard' for Vel veteen Binding. ' 1 2C Yard for colored and . black Spun Glass Lining. - lc For Ltiln' Whit Lawn Tie. 35c For Misses' Wash Walking Skirt. lc Tard K1U Bad. -Lawn, Dlmltlea, Calicoes, par yard 1 Free In and get September Ba- Com a Set sear of Fashion free. We . slso tako subscription for HcCall' Mag , aslne 60o a year. lc For . two dosen Patent Hooka and ya, . lc For Skln f Good Quality Zephyr. 68c Tor fl.SC Percale Wrapper. ' ."1. lc Dosen for ' Good Safety pin. 5c For On Hundred Paper Napkin. lc Yard for Black Linen Sorlnt Inter linings, worth . la 5c For Children' Sun Bonnet, plain and fancy color, regular t6o. 18c For Ladles Mus lin Drawer, with hem and tuck or with ruffle. 3lc For Skein Domes tic Tarn, pink and blue. 5c For Children' Whit Lace Btrlpe Bormeta, ISO value 2lc For Spool Clark' Lustre. 15 c For Child' Naxa reth Waist worth IB. .. : ; . ;2ic For Pleo Whit Finishing Braid. 25c For Slngl Gray Blankat ' ' . lc Man'. Wash Ties, Four - In - Handa and Windsor. I to valuea, , 5c For Hand Mlrrora. lc For Men's Four-In-Hand and Wind sor Cotton Tie. Ac For ltxlt-ln. TJn bleached Honey comb Towels. . . lc For Colored Bor der Handkerchiefs. lc .For. to Leed pan all. ' '. v ' " ' 5c For Pair Infanta Black Socks. lc For Doxen Bell Pearl Buttons. , 3c For Ladi Hem stitched ' Colored Bordered Handker chiefs. . 38c For Ladles Tap Girdle Corsets, pink, blue and white, worth Tto. 4c For 14 X 14 -Inch Hemmed Bleached Huck Towels, - Yard for'TTn bleached Cotton Toweling. ', 10 c Tor Pair Ladles Black Sllk.Mltta. 3k For Ladi Bleached Sleeve less Vest, : lc For Paper Ameri can Pin. " 29c For Tto:. Calico Wrapper. lc Yard for Fancy Silk - Trimming Braid, worth to and 10c, : Patterns . We ar agent for th celebrated McCall patterns 10a' and lto each. su 50vl S(KI Zljv s RAGES IRVINGT0N Race Track ADMISSION lncludin; Qraadstaad 50 Cents SIX OR MORE RACES DAILY . First Race Called at 2:30 , z .' Over 500 Thoroughbreds on the Grounds. Takt Car First Wualito SU. The herae ef polite vaaee-ille. OMitlnonaa perfrYaianc-e frsnt t to 4:90 a. htiubn -oatlnaeos t te lU:n a. B. gvee- Ing pertornuBwe fra T te 10:00 s Bh a ay srat la the tbeatre, 10 easts. . THE BEST SHOW EVER a m 1 . STAR THEATRE rOstTaaAmO'S FASMXOsTABl.a VAVSaTTlXXJI FXaAYXOTSa. General admission. 10c; reserved box seats. ISe- Parformano, I to 4:10. 10 to 10:1 p. m. BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE SPCTH AND MORRISON STREETS - W teach Fezaim SlMrthaad, which la th simplest, most legible and rapid. Bookkeeping by th Laboratory Method, which la conceded to be th best by th leading business men of th country. Let us assist you in secur ing a practical education and when competent in placing you in a re munerative position. . . Day and Night Send for Catalogue IJaJslamtletitatt. H. W. BEHNK1S, President. L M. WALKER, Secretary. , BASEBALL Los Angeles ';: vs. Portland RECJtEATlON tAMK August 17-18-19-20-21-22 Ladles' Days, Thursday and Friday. Gam called at 1:10, Sunday 1:10. Ad mission lie; children lto. UYRIC THEATRE Cans Alder snd amotk, : HIQH-CLA88 REPINBO VAUDEVILLE a SO t ) t M fcj'lO tO; Sunday. 1 as 10 B. sa. Tbls a a. and We will admit two seosle ay BtUtM esp Sendars-an handsys. TtM Cisra so juuHia, ARCADE ' ami) DEFINED THEATRE 4 WaaUagtea. - VAUDEY1LLE t 4:0. f :li to 10:00, te 10:00. Far la4e, gntl-ma ssd eklldrea. AeailMloe 10 easts Is say seat, ' FRITZ THEATRE BVIHSIPI. rin rim, rv-. w. u. aaown, Mm. TUB HOME OP . VAUDEVILLE Columbia Theatr 14rh aed Waahlnctna St. H. O. W-k-b. 1mm aad Manatee. " The theatre will be opeo fur lnapectloa evry evening Uila we-k (ma T till e'rlork. The r-tnlar alack eeeapaay epeaa Saaday Matinee, S-it-aihr 4. iuiamoia st-whim , snr. efle ssd s few sesu s TSe. hUtlnee (Setor. day sad Handa;), lOe, lAe aad Sfte. COMCIST Ha 1 1- ; ' L siania Bmog. . COHCIKt 1T1BT KIOBT. x4l-M BtTHKatn. HENRY WEINHARD Proprietor of the City Brewery ; - bargest Batd ktost eoaaplet . Brewery la the a-rtweet, : Botfjed Beer , a Specialty ; maraon . rs. ' OAs im aad Balde Stieel. PORTLAND OREGON. .- . PREE LAf.'D IU OREGO'J Q h the richest fnin, trait snd stack lectio kt the world. Tbevsane. ef acre, ef laae at actual coat ef IrH-'tlne. D-ee i'mct from Stats ef Or.-v. V ITX TO-OAY. IIOOKUT see MAPr-m v -IV 1 aoe Power Cera- NORTH PACIFIC DENTAL COLLEGE On of th beat equipped Institution nf Ita ln- Ttae annual eeeslon "bearlns October t. Student may graduate attar attendin three full eouraes. For further Information and catalog addreea. BS. amstBT c 141 Was Park BV lNirtlaad, Orearoa, Columbia t3S?: University marclal and Grammar Orade Apply for Catalogue, Coureea. loardi u4 lay kboi lor Ymr Net tti lyi Box 333, Unrvarsity Park Station -Portland, , Ormgom Tc ALLEN PREPAR ; ATORY SCHOOL Win Open September 19th ' ! For Catalogue, apply 2Z8 Sixth 8t, PORTLAND ACADEMY rira Iam mA I-U ffn VmIm -n Eaatarm soUesvs, Wlaiarf sad greiBawr srsdaa tarleil-4. Portland Jtcadmmjf Hall for QWU Bacelv-s a llsiltad aaaiBer sad f "a tfm the -oajfnrte aa ears e e r4n4 haata, OfSce soiire arti tvr an Ant" trom 9 a. as. ts It bl ' eatleee sdOrsas fee. laad Aeseemy, PerUaad, Ob MtDICAl DEPARIMINI UNIVERSITY OF OREGO:. Klf Meenta annual saaaln tlna Se)t, - IS, JS'Jt. . J n w. fACfrOlTf M T rta.M ttO I-kum Mil. P'T""'i. ssuy it i u. i a a. .. . .... -J- -r?