The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 17, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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    v. -v
- Store"
Where the Walls Are Coming Down
Where the Walls Are Coming Dovm
l i . ;. LrvJic: Tf a l. rsv u -lu- i i -if a . m w u i i mm m k: . -v - m w . i m "x
8 TO 12 A. M. :
Women's 50c Vests 32c
' ' Main Floor. -. ;-r .
.Women's fine white - lisle long
- sleeve Summer Vests, shaped
waist, very neatly trimmed; 50c'
. quality. Special for Thurs
day morning ............ .32$
8 TO 12 A. M. v-
Women's 50c Lisle Hose 29c
Main Floor.
Women's Black Lace Lisle Hose,
. .assorted patterns, finished foot;
i 50c value. SpeciaVfor one
half day V. ......... 1 ... . 29 :
8 TO 12 A. M.
X:, .. Third Floor. ; V Vv :
Scrub Brushes, 8-inch size; 1
" value 10c. ," Special. ....... 5e
. 8 TO 12 A. M. , :v- v
, Third Floor. '.-,', .
JNickel Towel Bars, 18-inch size f ;
.j.'U value ' 25cv ' Special 13
. 1 ; 8 to 12 a;m.v;;-;.
: .:. :': Third Floor. "'- . ; ! V;
Quick Baker Cook Stoves, 16x20-
inch oven, full nickel trimming';
high closet, asbestos lined ; .
value $40. Special. . . . . 929.40
8 TO 12 A. M,
: -' Third Floor, i'x y ''.'".t;''
Aluminum Salt and.Pepper.Shak-
' cers; value 30c pair.
Special .... ...... ... . .15
. 8 TO 12 A. M. '
'' ,;'; Main Floor..";' '..
500 Yards, handsome silk stripe,
t ; nonshrinkable Scotch Flannels,
'36 inches wide; 60c value.
; 2 For 37
8 TO 12 A. M.
Main Floor. -
300 .Yards White Duck , Suiting,
full 36 inches wide; regular 18c
value.' For four hours '
8 TO 12 A. M. ,
' N 10c Pin Cushions 5c .
'. Second Floor. " .,
Cambric covered Pin Cushions, 6
inches square; regular price .
, 10c. Special, only. . . , . . . .5
' 8 TO 12 A. M. '
' $1.25 Petticoats 97c
. ; Second Floor Annex. !
Ladies' . Muslin Petticoats,, deep .
. Spanish flounce, 2-inch linen
' lace insertion between clusters
of tucks and deep lace edging;
- regular price $1.25.' Spe
cial, only ....I.. 97
. -8T0 12A. M.'
Womien's $4 Shoes $2.79
, , , Main Floor. ;
Women's $4.00 Welt Bluchers,
patent tip, . full military heels,
. good high arched instep and.
comfort-giving lasts. . - '
- Special . .. . . . . . . j . . . . .$2.79
8 TO 12 A. M. :,.-
Women's $5 Shoes $3.48 -
Women's $5.00 Dress Shoes, pat
ent kid, vici kid or. French kid.
Louis or military, heels, patent
or. stock tips, hand-turned or
hand-welt soles, choice new,
lasts; regular $5.00 value. ' '
' Special f 3.48
i ii the Popular ' i '
r 8 to 12 A. M.
Extraordinary. Bargains in
$12.50 to $28.50
Fine Silk Coats
; 1 . SECOND FLOOR. .y,,-'.-
Here's another instance of remarkable bargain giv--Jhg'for
which this great establishment is so truly
: famous '.';.-'-;'. -i'
Women's Fine Silk Coats, in such splendid weaves
as taffetas, peau de soie and pongees.. Styles are'
short Etons, blouses and loose effects, colors, tan
and black. All are beautifully
made; $12.50 to $28.50 values.
Special, for half day only.
Items from the Third
Floor -
' We are closing out our line of
decorated open stock pattern Semi
vitreous China, decorated neat bor-'
' def patterns, with full goldmines.'
vOpen Vegetable" Dishes, 8-inch
' size, Value 24c. Special.'. .12
Open YegeUble Dishes, 9-inch
( ske; value 28c. Special... 14$
Other sizes in proportion.
Meat. Dishes, 9-inch size; value .
17c. Special...... ..'... '...8
Meat Dishes, 12-inch size ; val- ,
. ue 28c. Special, . . . . ..... .14
Meat Dishes, 14-inch size ; val
ue 58c. Special... ...28
Large Dinner Plates; value
- $1.08. Special, set of 6. ...54
Individual Fruit Saucers, 5-inch ;
- value 45c. Special, set of
six ................ .. ...23
Soup .Tureen; value $1.92.
, ' Special i ...... . .75
Coffee Cups and Saucers i $1.34 N .
; value. For set of 8. , . . ..67
1- Pint; value 23c. Special... 11c
. 1-Quart; value 28c, Special. -.14
2- Quart; value 58c. Special.. 20
" . A large variety of other articles
and sizes at HALF PRICE.
Just opened, a large line of new
importation of German steins and
tumblers in high grade quality and
decorations. ' . i . '
New open stock line old blue
Willow, in sets or separate pieces,
and material same aa white. .
. Five new open stock lines Havi
land China, new fall shapes and
decoration's,' 80 open Haviland
China stock patterns to select
from. ;" . .
Quick Baker Steel Ranges, 18x20
. inch oven, six-hole, high closet,'
1, nickel trimmings, guaranteed
, ' economical in use of fuel ; Quick
Baker value $45.00. , i
y Special ........ .?29;40
Such price reductions as we' mention below are surely enough-to loosen the .lightest purse strings. The offerings
are unequaled in the history of western merchandising. Not a. price but is much less than regular quotations..
Everything is reduced. . In many instances cost of materials is not covered. . But then our. object now is to dispose
of summer goods, no matter at what loss. We must have the room for fall goods, which are now on the way from
eastern markets. ' Don't miss one item that we quote today Don't miss one of these important Half Day Sales,
Every woman in Portland should read this advertisement carefully. Every line is an example of strictest economy..
i eiiects, coiors, tan
8 TO 12 A.M.
50c Voile Etamines 39c
' Main Floor Annex. :
Regular 50c All Wool Voile Eta
' mines, in black, . cream and all
wanted new street shades.
Special .... .... ....... . . j.39l
8 TO 12 A. M.
$1.25 Black Taffeta Silk 89c
Main Floor Annex.
Our regular $1.25 27-inch all pure
silk Black Taffeta, beautiful,
..' rich finish an4 very durable.
:Per yard, only... ...... ...89
8TO 12 A. M.'
85c Silk Messaline 67c
. ' Main Floor Annex.
Our regular 85c All Silk Messaline,
-the newest silk shown, all colors
in the line. Special only. .67
8 TO 12 A. M.
60c All Woo! Albatross 41c
Main Floor Annex.
Regular 60c All Wool Albatross,
- all .wanted colors. " Special '
. for 4 hours only....'. 41
" - 8 TO 12 A.M.
$10 Kid Slippers 98c
Main Floor. -Easy
House Slippers; . turn soles,
. flat heels, one strap or plain, fine
soft kid ; regular $1.50 values s
For .....................08
- 8 TO 12 A. M.
" Women's $1.75 Congress""
. Shoes $1.23
Main Floor. ,'
Women's Common Sense Com- ,
forts, flat heels, full round toe,
lace- or congress,- soft kid -up -pers;
regular $1.75 value.'
Special for $1.23 ,
8. TO 12 A. M. .
Third Floor. .
Black Satin Stove Polish, no dust,
' - will not burn; value 25c,
Special i. . 17
.Those who contemplate a journey of. any distance
this summer, either by rail, boat or stage, will be
interested in this great 'special for tomorrow after
r : :' noon . .
Women's Long
and crayenette,
light gray and
morrow afternoon
of $15.00 to
viujr ..... ....... ......r.
8 TO 12 A. M.
$5.00 Pillows $3.68
Fourth Floor.
Good All Feather Filled Pillows,
all live goose . feathers ; value
$5,00. Special. - for four
hours . . ............. . .93.68
8 TO 12 A. M. V
Boys 25c Shirts 18c
f ; , Main Floor. .
Boys' Balbriggan Shirts and Draw
ers all sizes from 24 to 34;
25c value. Special for. . . . .181
8 TO 12 A.M.
30c Art Ticking 19c
v , Fourth Floor., '
Art Ticking, in stripes and figured,
for . bed room ' curtains, bed
spreads, . drapery, cushion cov
ers, etc.; value 80c. ' Spe
cial for half day........... 19
8 TO 12 A. M. v
Children's 50c Straw Hats
' Second'Floor.
6 Dozen Children's Straw Sailors,
- assorted colors; value 50c
Your choice . . . .... .' 10"
8 TO 12 A. M. . : '
$1.65 TaffeU Silk $1.31
. Main Floor Annex. 1 .
Our regular $1.65 38-inch all pure
silk Black TaffeU, the best wear-
ing silk in the city. Spe
cial for 4 hours only. i. .$1.31
. 8 TO 12 A.M.
Main Floor.
Boys' box calf, heavy soles, full
round toes .
Sizes 11 to 2; value $2.00.
Special r.TT. . .Trnr; . ;rr; f 18
Sizes 2V, to S1,', value $2.50.
Special . . . . . . . . .'. .. . . . .$1.68
8 TO 12 A. M.
Main Floor. '.
' Child's button or lace Black Kid
- ' Shoes, sirs 2 to 5 ; value 75c
' pair. Special, f Of. half day. .48
2 to 5 P. M.
$15 to $32.50 Values for
Traveling Coats, of silk, brilliantine
colors gray,, white, light tan, blue,
pongee color. For three hours to
ror tnree nours to-
your choice .
$32.50 coats,
Few stores in the United States
have a better Hosiery and Under
wear Department than ours. Cer-
tainly there - is- none ' other that
makes greater ' price concessions. -Note
the following; ?
Women's White. Lisle Sleeveless
Vests, plain and lace trim
' med; 35c value. , Now. . .'. .23 1
Women's low neck sleeveless white
Lisle Union Suits, knee length;
60c to 75c quotations. Spe
cial, per suit. ............ .39
Women's high grade white silk
and Lisle Union Suits, long
sleeves, ankle length, no sleeves
and knee length; $2.25
: qualities. For ......... .$1.55
Women's White , Lisle ' Merode
, Vests, sleeveless, short and long
sleeves, pants to match; $1
' quality. For, each........ 63
Women's white lisle fine ribbed
knee length Pants, lace trim-'. -
' med; 75c value. For, pair.. 45
The great sale of women's fancy
" and plain Black Hose, in all
'. . styles, either lace, fancy and
black lisle and cotton, still con
tinues. Your choice of any '
50c to 60c -hose for. .... .. .33
. ETC.
Annex'--Second Floor." " " "
Our annex, on the second floor,
is really one of the very choicest
bargain spots in the entire store.
A few quotations from the corner
follows : :
" Ladies' Fine Cambric Gowns, low,
. round neck, very pretty, trim
med in embroidery, hemstitching
and lace edging at neck and
. sleeves; regular $1.25 qual
1 1 ity. Special for 78 $
8 TO 12 A.M.,.-: ;
. 25c Hand . Mirrors 9c
--' Main Floor. ; ,
Hand Mirrors, black wood backs,
: bevel ' glass, oval . and . square
-. shape; value 25c each. '
Special ...................9
. 8 TO 12 A. M. '. . ,
' .. .:. Main Floor. .
Large size box Crystalline Cam-'
' phor, for killing moths, ' etc ;
value 10c box. Special, for
4 hours only. . . . ; ...... . . . .4
- 8 TO 12 A. M. ,
; 15c Writing Paper 9c
Main Floor. ' ' i
Box Writing Paper, 24 sheets pa
per and envelopes ' plain or
, ruled, smooth finish, white; val-,.-ue
15c . box. Special, per
box 9.
V ' 8 TO 12 A.-M. " -:
65c Hand Bags 39c
' Main Floor. '.
Ladies' Hand Bags, V in ' black,
brown and tan leather, handles
; and inside coin purse in seal and
. . walrus grain leathers ; value
. 65c Special, each, only... 39
8 TO 12 A. M.
-y-;- , r Main. Floor. ; - ' .
Fancy Gunmetal Bracelets;
, value $1.00. Special, only. . 59
8 TO 12 A. M. .
' Main Floor. - j ':; .. ': '.
White Stock . Collar Foundation,
p all sizes; value 15c Spe- '
cial ........ 5
' . 8 TO 12 A.vM.
''; Main Floor. ' ;
White and cream Venise -Bands;
- values from 25c to 40c Spe
. cial for 4 hours only. . . . . .16
' 8 TO 12 A.M.
' 35c Ribbons 18c
.' Main Floor. -Moire
Ribbons, black, white and
. colors, 2, 2yi and 3-inch widths;
value; to 35c yard. ; Special
only ... 18
8 TO 12 A. M. . s
75c and 85c Gloves 49c '
: Main Floor.
75c and 85c values in Lisle Thread
' Gloves, all colors and black.'
Special, for 4 hours only . ..49
8 TO 12 A. M. '
Fancy Vests at Half Price 7
''', Main Floor.
For four hours we place on sale
the remainder of our line of
. , Men's Fancy Vests, in sizes 34
to 39 inclusive, at
T , 8 TO 12 A. M. ; 1
- Bathing Suits at Half Price;
. ' '; ' Main Floor., '
To close out our entire stock of
Women's and Children's Mohair,
Alpaca and Flannel Bathing Suits
we will offer your choice of the as
sortment at ONE-HALF PRICE.
Suits bought cannot be returned
or exchanged.
8 TO 12 A. M.
", - . Third Floor.
Wood Lemon Squeezers; value
8c. Special ."