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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1904)
; J V. ... - i - ''V II of . re-organizatipn of . . ' ' 'fV., ' JrlMVW ' house-furnishing " ; . - . .: ... . 1;.MDJD: & THURSDAY; FRIDAY, SATURDAY , fx. - 1 1 1 1 Regular Price $1.90. SPECIAL ' 4 mm crtllitr tADI tC x Table, forty Inches long with OL TT llU I ABLLo yard measure and checker board ; , ,. ""stamped tti top. Flds flat when , ' ... i I t 20 PER I lHi Vd 1 4 LUt .1 . - ' SMI I . ki .. .. .. . , i ; ...; s ...... r , t. DISCOUNT ON GO - DURING AUGUST ,THE r OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. 'PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. 'AUGUST 17. -1801. L II i HI I III I II H , . , . . I ,. E-5B3M , I 1. PJ i II I i i ii l il i I.I 11 .SPECIALS , Golden Ash folding Sewing not in use. a bargain. WEATHERED J OAK DINING CHAIRS : " REGULAR PRICE $3.50 An exceptional bargain. Heavy ; Weathered Oak Dining Chair exactly " like -picture. Very. solid ,5 and good for years of -wear. Sold singly or in ' sets. . Make fine hall chairs. SPECIAL $L75 Pyfo-Etched Clock 1 REGULAR PRICE $5.50 ?' . Here's a new one. Pyrb Etched Eight Day Mantel " Clocks for den. or living room. ' We bought these especially for our -Midsummer Sale. Made of ; pyro-etched poplar with r - , handsome, dial and cathedral gong. - Want something absb V ' lutelv novel and at a banraln SPECIAL $3.90 CENT ALL CARTS 1Y0URCIIE1)1T ..A; ,r - ... . ,' : . .-, ' 3 'Ji'-;':'.:'.'r- Thesq arc the-days of . re-orgahization of house - f urn 1 s h i n g stocks. ; The Spring and Summer buying is over arid v many Folks are out of town tor - the Summer. August particularly Js apt to be quiet in: bus iness circles. v - .1 - i "",','. So, then, we've ar ranged so there will be no quiet August for i this store. ; Listen: : la order that our volume of .business for August be; asigreat asj the average for other months in ofder e just as busy as during other months," we will during August . make impst unusual price' inducements. Wcjwon't:cut? our profit out entirely, but ' will share it yith you; and yoii can rest as sured that prices will be just as low as con- servative merchandis-; : Of course, lines will be broken1 in ; -short ' order in a trade move like this, so we suggest that;u" while choosing is good. 7 Yom cari w get some ' idea of the money say ' ing chances by reading carefully the . detail .matter on tnis-page. '; . . - iir . SPECDALS THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY yEATHERED OAK ARM CHAIR : - . . . .. i REGILAR PRICE $8.00 Here's an inducement to bargain lovers. Hand some Weathered, Oak Arm Chairs exactly like ' cut with wear-well Imi tation Spanish leather v fl padded seats, hor odd, ,v unique.-, . .. f; SPECIAL $4.00 WEATHERED OAK TABOURET REGULAR PRICE $2.50 f V , ' Made 'of selected weathered ; oak ' In the popular "Mission", style, eighteen inches high with fourteen Inch top. They're fine types of ex- -cellence In cabinet making; being? bullt-to-wear and - carefully ' fitted and Joined with deep-seated screws . 7 'and bolts. X---4:: x SPECIAL PRICE $1.(0 ' ' WEATHERED OAK STAND 1 - . REGULAR PRICE $2.50 7 Weathered Oak Mission Stands with two ' shelves.. Make convenient Tea ' Tables or Smoking Tables. 7 Built of selected weath ered oak carefully moistened. "Twenty-four Inches high ''- Solid,: wearable and . a great bargain.'. v '' , SPECIAL $1.15 . 20 PER CENT discount, Ton all REFRIGERATORS 1 DURING AUGUST : ; d ' sin 'jS., -W' X :' ' L I ' M III1 . .- , t VII 'llf f ML.mX. "life , urn .'- I 3 , f , i I .,) . I -mwt- . .. :. .4 !.,.. w.. ''" c. , ' . . . - ' . ' , ' Js ' . ,'' y - a" .; ' j .v 1 t- 1 t "' ! ' I t'-? r ' . : rfr . . :7,7'