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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1904)
' THE OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 17. 1004." 11 QUEER CRAFT HAS BERTH OH DRYDOCK bcboobbx mmn biaobd ta TBB BOO BOB) u4XB CAx au; phot aobobs m sab JTD U BUILT OM ,- RIUOl For th next four or ftv days tha ' little bar schooner Joseph Pulltser will occupy a berth on ths Portland dry dock. , In addition to the hull bains claanad and painted tt Is planned to have con- g1derbl carpeoter work dona to the vas. . sel., Bf a unanimous vote at one-of Its recent meetings the port of Portland commlmlon decided to five the pilots the free use of the dock for the schooner. The Joseph Pulltser Is one of the most . curiously constructed craft on the ooast, . Sha waa built exclusively, for operation ' on .the Columbia, river bais-to carry pilots ; out to vessels which are walUn on tha - outside to be escorted Into the big fresh . water stream. During fair weather sha Ik propelled, by means of sails, but when there Is a squall on and the bar, Is more than . ordinarily rough tha Uttla .schooner is usually -taken in tow by the , tuaj waiiuia. . , - , - Tha latter brought her up to tha dry ' dock on this trip. She was accompanied by Captains H. . A. - Matthews, M. D. Staples and Arthur Lelghton. three well known bar pilots, who have taken her out to sea on many an occasion when the . wsves were running- mountain high. .The Pulltser Is only TS feet long and S3 feet - across the beam, but she draws almost 11 feet of water. On account of her ,'. great draft. It Is Impossible to take her out on the ways for repairs, as Is usually , done with other boats of her length. The vessel waa built In 1884, When tha schooner Is given an over hsullng she-will return to the mouth of ' the river. On September 1 It Is said that she will be placed In commission and ' continued Jn servlcas11w1nter! Ppeak ""Ing of the bar. Captain Matthews says . that he la positive that It will show a greater depth of water by A foot then ; It did at this time last year. Ha apeaka very highly of tha government Improve : menta being made and believes that the dredge Chinook Is doing affective work. lis Is also of tha opinion that tha jetty . Is going to accomplish tha purpose for wmcn it was, constructed. - - 1 WOTTCS TO XABXBBBB. . - The following - affects tha list of HerMa M fit! ilnul. Char T M fir. ' cos st:' '. v -' .- W.ehlnartnn XVmmAA, 1.1. w,A ' nnal , light, i page 40. after No. 1(4 (list of lisrrtvs KiiAua '. A em ewe--, an ah an ' Das aIHa t , navr j m uf turn atar, a aaviiisi - coast, 1904, page 71). Corrected bear Inga are; Largest bouse, Naah village. . mw. 8-1 w.J Cape nattery hill, hw. - W.; tangent to : Kydlkabblt point. The following affects the list of lfKh W ...... , i 1 V, 1 ne, ouuji kjiu u uiabJ ... a-wcixau '-coast, Oregon: , '. t'- , , geacoast of Oregon, page ! Coqullle - buoy, . a red first clasa nun, marked ' KJoqullle. In white,, reported, adrift Auaust S.v will he renlncd ae iaab u -. practicable. , Umpqaa rive rentranee, pegs 48 In , side bar buoy, a PS. second-class nun, reported adrift August 7, wlU be re placed aa soon ss practicable. - - . - 4 Oregon and 'Washington:: Columbia river, naees 11 and gf Raede imailna Jbuoys Nos. t, 4. snd.l, each a flret clasa spar, the three former red and sha , latter ' black, discontinued - during the June freshet, were replaced July II. I x Coon Island channel, pages II and 1 July 11 the following changes were made to enable vessels to clear the sunken Jetty at Coon laland: , ' Coon laland channel buoy No. f, a red flrst-claaa sosr. waa nnnmlmml and a new No. 1 spar buey.xof same aaIa .1... ..I.I.K.V., 1 . fet of water; r tangent to Matthews point, E8B. 1-4 B.; Willamette river lighthouse, be. by B. ; right tangent to Coon Island, NW. by W. 1-4 W. - Coon Island channel buoy No. 4, is red flrst-claaa spar, was established In SO lent or wiwr, tangent - to Mattnews " point. E. - S.: Willamette river light house. 8BE.I-4 E.I rlrht linnnl - t Coon Island. NW. 1-4 W. . Ufkln-tMt. XT'. U W . .' ... ..' CM.f IIAIVUr, la .Eagle harbor sand pit buoy No, 1, a fllarlr thlFit-laaa ran fnnnJ a.. e . sit Ion, was replaced Jul yr I. Half passage, page SI Point Mlgley turn v. a IIS McnnillsH tinn v.. a. roneously reported adrift July 10. " , 'w'-" -C a CALKINB.'S ' LlahthoUM IninMfnf QBABT IS UX0O1U9, f Tha revenue cutter Grant, which has ' been on the drydock at Quartermaater harbor for nearly two months past, wilt come off tha dock nest week practically a new ship from stem to stern, says tha Astorlsn, About 110,000 haa been spent , by tha government In getting her ready ' to go Into commlaslon again and the re sult Is that she will be able to make II or It knots an hour, where, before being overhauled, tha beat she could do waa .10 or 11 knots. An entire new aet of ' boilers haa been placed In the Grant, and her engines bare been reinforced with new valves, pew eccentrics and brasses. And her cylinders have been rebored. New deck and deckhouses have been built Into her and her hull braced and strengthened until It la as - seaworthy aa If Just launched. 4. . .WXXAOW BAB) SBXDOZS. ' TTnlted States engineers report that the dredge Columbia will complete the work of -clearing out the channel at Willow bar this week and from there she will move down to Martin's to do some dredging. So far .as tha surveys have been completed It is aald that the ehan hel at the several burs Is Jn much better shape than expected. Consequently the engineers will not have a great amount of work for her to do this year. In about six weeks or two months It Is thought ptbbsbls thst she can again ha turned over to tha Port of Portland commission, i;J:-Z MABXsTB BOTBS. 9 r ,".:" , Astoria, Or.', Aug.' 17. Condition of the bar it I a, m., obscured: wind, northwest; weather, foggy. No' shlp- ping. , - - -" Astoria, Or., Aug. II. Arrived down at S p. m. Schooner Virginia. Sailed at t:I0 p. m. Schooner Commerce, for . Manila. , , . San rrsncisco, Aug. IT. Arrived 'at a. m. Steamer Geo. - W.- Elder, from Portland.,.; , .", . AXOBCr TXB WATBBTBOBT. Application has been mads for In stalling oll-burnlng spparatua In the O. R A N. river steamers, not Inoludlng those plying In the urP"r- Willamette. The remainder of the fleet la vompoaed m h. rn.. lla.a.ln tf.v.. UilAM , and the ockiahama. , , ' 'OBAXB SXirS OOKXBCr. 1 .In I day or two thi steamers 11 a- naw and' Oancls H. Lrsgett are - pected to arrive In Portland from Saft vn.i. mm u... ri i ff.A a. r win .M ply the Leelanaw with 100 tone of wheat, ' the Northwet Warehouse company will pui'i'ijr iin nun a. aiiiiti.i uniuuui, nun CLAlftVOYAWT ; BUDAII DERHIQUE Born With a Double VeilEd ucated 1n Occult Science ; In Egypt and India v. The VeileJ Prophetess ' $10 LIFE READ1NCS $1 1" saracNi arffna arlft be eetttM to" sMre tkes ens thla low (aa. as It la.mada aa a BMtta bf adr.rtl.tna fn. thla Ck Ofllr: I f t,'V Mi., .11 - It - l LI k - - M.l.. (a. I to an. Yoa mual brlos thla ed. I toneDB'l nmt firooot palmUt and attlmr- aat le erknowlrilirfd br prra and pnttWa the fCMtMt II 'las lKAO TKANCB klKDIUaf. Bhe tIU whet 7 on eane for before T Bttnr a word) ooas not aak qoaatlena, ae ava ter wket your trouble sy ba. .11, anil tha will gold yoa with eartalnry higher thas twu sowar, . Tells yea the truth, good or bad. This OCCULT WONPBR is Blared la s clsas by kararlf, towarlns 'end phcoMars owr every, rival, and la rora'nlard br the PBO- ranniun aa thrlr BRI(iUTKSXJTAB. j It BIT ha nf rttal IntarMt an voa Sa know tbe eotcoaw a( yout praaant dlatrraa. Tke happ(nee of your futore- lite sjay ae peed apoa the lisbt eolotlos and proper ad vlee. . , - - . Tbere are no mlatakae Is the eradlctlnea tude br tke sraat and woodarrul Paehle. Yoa Bay trial) know If It la adrlaabla to make s ehanae in buatnaaa. is ' love, is toerrlarat. .. - ... . "fihaU I sneeaad hi aw new andartaktogf MCas I aetata ar kooea. air wtebae. air sstMtloner' ' "Shall 1 evr eniey ne nranes el wearar' Tan I trnat nr frlendaT', .. 'Hira J anamlsar' . ' ' "Whaa ahalf I Biarryr " : ; "How often shall I marrer .' "Hhall I aw be dlrorcadr' TMaa aaothrr ahara tha km that rlsbtfsltr ketones to mat" . "if , whom r - ' : -, ... ' , . Ais I loved is referer ' "ta there e rival la my lover . "Wkan ahall mr love affair terminate la arrlsaer . ' " worn ssau Sir aonaaric wennire enarr "How-caa make nr life and home hippy t" "Whan ahall mj ebaent frland ratorar' . "Why do I sot receive a letter V Itanra 10 a. m. to I d. wo., dally sad atas- day. Pemnently located. , .. . .. jt. f:...i Z9 MORRISON 5T.o Cor.flFTH ST. '1 ; '.' Sasaa rioo of ' Bostoa Dental Wartors. - ' HIS REPUTATION ESTABLISHED In Portland and Seattle for J Seven Years Prof. sVan Cortland . ' THS WORLD rAMBD " 'r . CLAIRVOTANT. A8TRO-TBANCB i . MBDILM AMD faUUBT. .SPECIAL , Sl-His SIO Reading forr-Sl ... -A-rB TEST , ': , . TO ALL ., ' . WHO COafS PECPARKD TO HATS A . . BEADING. - . Wltboet ssklns s eaeatlnn. be tells yoa' your same, your motber'e maldao nanv. tbe name of the one yoa lovei tails yoa roar and what you called lor. without asking a stnele ration. Tbara la ae affair ef impoitaiwe paat. pres ent or future but what Prefaaaor Van Cort land'a occult eye ean plainly revuL He will rolnt eat the way that will lead to eaceeae la oloraa. aneculatlnno, laveatmanta, love, court ship, matrlmonr. divorce or anything yea may ba la troubl. about. , . ' . , . . , TBS PROPR08OB 4 BBADB BY -V ' ' A8TROUX1T. -. , - ' - f " CLAIBTOTANCVJ. ' AMD PALMISTRY. Re la nbeolntelv retlabte. end reallalne that Wrrlt brlnn reward, when the reading Is ever with you do sot have to pay ualraa yoa teal aa tinned with What yoa have been, told- Zhnae who have Iwea humbussd by tke hsndrrda of fake fortune-tallrrs now on the road will do wrll to consult Professor Van Cortland. Re glrre adrlre on bnalnaaa, aperw latlon and eourtahlp. He tettlao Invera quar rala, reunltea the aoneratrd, eeoeae epeedy end bappy marriages, . . ..... s. , 1 PROFKMOB r TAN CORTLAND ? , "t -.: . PLACRS . . . BNOWLEDtil And power la year hands, to de or Bade what ever yon dealre, alrnoat at once. ' Ne ions drlars end wilting) ilnvnat 1mme dlatrty remorse tbe eauae of . any Influence, ttouble. dlsvas., bad luck, kiet affrrtlon, fall ntaa. wanraa or Vreaoa of whatever eauee) kind, ' koetrahle and eonAdantlal treatment to alL Ne matter what your troubles. er deetrce may be. Professor Asa Cortland will kelp yoa; hl advice and. kelp are always absolutely re- Lihle. i,w rnrreit ir rroreaanr van tmrtisaa FnlVs to do as renreaanted. Affaire of any kind adTiaed aed treated t sera.. a. --- - 4 Ha aato teacDe. ate proreaaioa so emere. Hours from s. m. to S p. as. dally ssd Sunday. Permanently located at . lll'A WASMntOTON STBEtT. ALSO TBI ' YATX ZsTTBAVCB ON TH ST. .- I . ! l Patterson, Smith A Co. will furnish her with 100 tons of grain. The - Laggett will takt out 1.100 tons of tha cereal, which will ba supplied by tha W. A. Oor don enmpany, Balfour, Outhrle at Co, and th Northwest Warehouse company. aV . . . aaL .... jk" ' ill ltmm 1 r -r'r- i t mnr Dr. Norton Davis. IN A WEEK Wa traat aurrMafnllv all nrirata naevaue end efcronle dlaaaaaa of aian, a Lao blood, etomarh, baart, llTrr. kldnay and throat troubles. . We euro BYl'HILLlti (without smwil ta ataf eurrd fnrarar, la SO to SO daja. Wa remava 8TUICTUKB, without overaUoa ar pala, ia U dare. We stop eVains, the raeelt of self sboae, Immedlataly. Wa rratora tbe eaaual vUcnt of any man andrr 60 by mrtns of local treat. mem jeeuiiar to onraeivae. , We Cure Gonorrhoea in a Week The doetora of this Institute ere ill reenter fraduetea, havo had Biaay yaara eiperlaoee, ave beae knows tsr-fortland fur 1& yaara, bare e reputation to maintain, and will aodr take ae eaae auleae eertnla euro ena be ef fected. - w (narantee to rare la evvy eeee we ender take or rharae ae fae. Oonanltitton free. Let tare confidential. ln.truetla BOOK WOR UEM sullad free In. plain wrapper. . If row cannot eall at office, write for saes. tjon blank. , Uome treatment saeeeasfai. 01 ee boars f to 5. and T to I. Sanders sad : boUdnya, 10 to U ? Me lesdlng epoHaUate Is -the Korthwett : EsUbllahad 1888. b. W. Norton Davis & Co. am Boy Motel. W. B. Cos. Third ana - rtas Streets. . BOBTaVABB, OBBOOB. "" ' THC GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR V D. SINGLETON Tha famous dootoi has aaved many lives from operatlona . Ha ouree all dln- r.i ,i)..u).iiawi easee of men and woman, euon aa rhauraatlam, neu ralgia, kidney dla saaa, stomach dis ease, etc, by. the use of roots and 1 prepared -for each ease, ah oiseaeee suooeesfully treat ed with powerful f h I n a a harha roote and barns that ar entirely un known to medical science, in this coun- CONSULTATION FREE PatlenU out of tha city can be cared t home. .Write your symptom fully. Aaareesv D. Singleton Chinese Medicine Co. 4 V. Tourth St. Bet. Ooaeh and Bura- side Btreeta. Vortlaad. Oregoa. CITT NOTICIS. PmOPOSALS yoB bbokzw stobz. vbatxx AND SANS fOB BE8EBV0IB BO. . 'Seeled proposals - will be received by tbe Water Board of the City ef Portland, Oregon, nntll S p, aa., Monday, Angnat 82. MX. tot fnrnkrhlne and oVIIrirlne at Reservoir No. 4, City ParV the following epproilniate ouanU tles of broken stone, gravel and sand vll( , 100 cubic ysrds troken stone. S.V euhle ysrds Willamette river grevel. . bftO ruble ysrds' Oulnmbls river concrete sand. Delivery of shove materlala to be made upon requisition of tbe Water Board, between Sep. teraber 1 snd November to, in lots to suit the requirements of the work ia band, Bet eieeed ln 100 ruble .yards per day. The right is reserved by the Water Board te reject any er all bids or to increase or di niiilsh tbe total quantities to be delivered. - Rneciflcatlons end form of DroDosal ran be Ubtalnad at the office of tbe Knglneer of the Water Board, city Han, mrtianq. uragoe. With each bid mnat be dapuoalted a certifrsd check for ll'X), parable to the order of the Auditor of tb. City of Portlsnd, and bonds acceptable to the Water Board will be required of toe euceaestul bidder. Proposals must be eneloeed la ss envelope endorsed on tbe outside, "Proposals for Broken Stone. Bravel and Band fRr Reservoir No. ," snd addressed to the undersigned, , . , .. By order ef the Water Board. FRANK X. DO DOB, . . Superlntendeat, ' Portland. Oregon. Aagnet 16, lsue. . PROPOSALS FOB CEMENT. Sealed proposals will be received by ' the Wcter Board ef tbe City of Portland, Oregon, until S p. m., Monday, Aarnat 22. IPOe, for furnishing 4.400 barrels of Portland cement. The cement mast be nf Some well, knows snd reliable brand end be subject to tbe testa rec ommended by tbe American Society ef Civil Engineers, ' . Blddere must state the brand end asms ef the manufacturer of the cement they propose to furnish and tbe set weiyht and price per barrel, and must also state the location of the warehouse frota which delivery will ba made. Delivery of cement to be made between Sep tember 1 end November 20, 14HH, in lots so suit the requirements of tba work In hand. Specifications and form of 'proposals eaa be obtained at the office of the Engineer of the Water Board, City Hall, Portland. Ore eon. With each bid moat be depnalted a certified Check for SHOO, parable to the order of the Auditor ef tbe City of Portlsnd, Oregon, and bonds acceptable to tbe Water Bosrd will be required of the successful bidder. Tbe right le reserved by tbs Water Beard te reject any or ell bide. , Propossls must be enclosed In en envelope endorsed on the outside, "Propossls for Ce B'ent." and addressed to the undersigned. . By ardor ef the Water Board. . - , , f BANK T. DO DOB, - Superlnundent. . Portland, Oregon, August IS, 1904. PROPOSALS rOB BBOXEX STONE. ORATEL AND BAND FOB BESZBYOIR B0. S. Sealed proposata will be received by tbe Water Board of the City of Portland, Oregon, until S p. m., Monday. August 22.. 1004,. for furnishing snd delivering Jit Reservoir No. , City Park, the following approximate qua oti tis ef broken stone, ststoI ssd sand. Via; 22A ruble yards broken atone. 1.425 cubic-yards Willamette river gravsL 1.12S ruble yards Columbia river eosereta sand. ' - Delivery ef shore materlala to be made spna requlaitloa of tbe Water Board betweea Sep tember 1 and November SO, In lots to suit the lequltements ef the work In band, sot eueed liurlOO cubic ytrde per day. ' - The right is reserved by the Water Board to reject any er ell bids, or to increase or diminish tbe total quantities to be delivered. Hpeelfleatlnne and form of proposal csn be OMslned at tb. oW of the Engineer of the Wster Board, City Hall. Portland. Oregon. With eerh bid must be deposited a certified ebecsr for StflO, ps'shle to tbe order of the Andltor of the City of Portlsnd. end bonds ac ceptable te the Water Board will be required ef tbe successful bidder. : I proposals must be enclosed In ea envelop, etidflrsed ea tbe outside, 'Proposals for Brokea htor.e. Gravel and Hand for Reservoir Ns. g," (nd eddreesed to tb. undersigned, , By order ef tbe Water Bosrd. -f PUANK T. DODOS. , Superlntendeat. " Portland. Oregon. August 16, 11)04. . . , PROPOSALS FOB STBEET WORE. . Sealed proposal, wilt be reeetvul at the office ef the Asdltor ef the City el Portland sntll August lt, 1004. st S o'clock p. m., foe the Improvement of Morris street from the esat line of Union arenas to the eeat line ef Alblna, In the manner provided by ordinance No. 14,1X0. subject to the provisions of the rhsrter snd erdlnsncee of the Cttv of Portland, and tbs ss ti me te of the City Engineer, on (le. Hide must be strictly in accordance wltk printed blanks, which, wilt be furnished on ap plication at the orflce of the Auditor, of the City of Portland. And aald Improvement must be completed on er before) go dare from tbs 1st. ef the signing of tb contract by tbe parties thereto No proposals er bids will be considered aniens aeeompsnled by e f si titled check psrsble to the order' of the Msyor of the City of Portlsnd, certified br S responsible bank, for ta emonni sqnsl to 10 per rent, of the esrregste proposal. The right to reject sny sad ell bide Is hereby reserved. Bf Order ef th eiecn'rre hoard. THOS. C. DEVLIN. - Auditor ef the City ef Portlasd. Portland, Or., August 18, ISOa, , X. C4TT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOB STBEET WORE. Sri led proposals will be recelred at tbe office Of tbe Auditor of tha Cltr of Portland uutll August 111. lts4, at S o rloca. p. m., for tha niirovemnt of East Tblrd street from a polut eu feet north of tha north Hue 'of East Davis street to the north line of test Ooucb street. In the manner provided by orduisace No. 14,141, subject to the proTlsloue of the. charter and ordinances of the City of Portland, and tha stlinat. of tb. City Engineer, on die. Ulils must be strictly la accordance with printed blanks, whlrh will be furnl-hed on sp pllcatloa at the office of the Auditor, of the City of Portland. And aald Improvsuient must be completed on or before BO, dars from the date of the slgnlug of the eoutrset by the parties thereto. No proi kiss le or bids will be considered unlets accompanied by e certified check payable to the order of the Mayor of the City of Portland, certified br a responsible bank, for ea amount equal to 10 per cent, ef the aggregate sropoaaL The right to reject any and all bids la hereby reserved. , - - 1 , By ardcT Sf tbs eseeutlve board. THOS. 0. DEVLIN, Andltor of tbe City of Portland. Portlasd, Or., August IS. 1004. PROPOSALS FOB STREET W0RE. Bealsd proposals will be received st the efftce ef the Auditor -ef the Cltr of Portland snh)l August IV, IIMM, st S o'clock p. m., for the Improvement of Bryant street from the east line of Wabash arenus to the wast line of Delaware , areuus, lu the msnner prorldsd br ordinance No. 14.18.. suhjact to tbe provisions of the charter and or (I Ins nose ef tbe City of Portland, and the estimate of tbe City Eu glnser, ea ale. Hide must be strictly In accordance witb primed blanks, which will be fwnlebed ea ap plication at the office of the Audi toe of the City of. Portland. And as Id Improvement must ba completed on or before 80 dara frora the date 0 the signing ef tbe eoutraot .by the part las thrrsto. ' ' No proposals or bids will be considered unless sccMapsnled by s certified check parable to the dOroer oc me mayor ei in. v. iij- rnriMea. eertlfled br e responsible benk. for ea amonut equal to 10 per oent. ef the aigrscate proposal. 01 ine aggrvasia wvvuMk any and all bids. Is kersbs Tne ngn le ssjec. reserved. Hv erdae mt Mia MseffHve board. ,. T1IOS. C. DETT.IN, i Auditor of the City of Portland. , PortWL Or.. August la. Ilft04. . . TB0P0SAXS tOM STREET WOBB. . 1 BLl- minali arlll k. ranatvad at tha Off!-. ef the Auditor ef the City of Portland until Anguat IB, woe, at s 0 eioea p. tor me Improvement ef East Ninth street from the north line ef Beacon street fur tb. south line of Ellsworth sweet, in the -msnner provided by ordinance No. 14.180, subject to tbe provisions of the charter and ordinances of the City of Portland, snd tbs estimate of tba City Es glneer. OB Slo., ' .....'. . lit, printed blank, whlrh will be furnl-hed en sp oil re linn at tbe office of the Auditor ef the City of Portland. And eald Improvement mnat be completed" on er before SO days from the date of tbe ai going of tbe eoutrset by the sorties thereto. '.'.. . No propossls or bids will be considered unices accompanied by s certified check payable to the order of the Mayor of the City of Portland, certified br S responsible bank, for an amount equal to 10 per ceut. of tbe aggregate nropoaaL - Tbe right to reject sny sad aU bids la hereby reserved. - ' . . 1 ' By order of tba executive board. J , v . . THOS. 0 DBVLiN. -' " ' Andltor ef tbe City of Portland. PortUnd. Or., August M. 104. . PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORE- Sealed propoeale will be received at the efftce of tbe Auditor ef th. City of Portland until August 19. 1804, st S o'clock P. m., for the Improvement iof Fourth street from tbe South line of Booker street to the north line of Woods street. In tbe msnner provided by ordl nenre No. 14.18H. subject to the provtolone of the eharter end ordlnsnese of the City of Port Und. snd tbs estimate of tbe City Engineer, oa file.. -. Blda must be atrlotly In accordance with printed blanks, which will be furnished on ap plication at the office of the Andltor of the City ef Portland. And eald Improvement must he completed on or before 60 dsys from. the fate of the signing of tbe Contract by tha parties thereto. , Ne propossls or bide will be eowldered anteee accompanied by s eertlfled check parable te the order of the Mayor of tbe City of Portland, certified by s reeponelble benk. for an .mount sqnst to 10 per cent, of the aggregate mopoaaL The right to reject sny snd sll bids ia hereby reserved. By order ef tba eseeuMvo board. . , THOS. O. DEVLIN. V I . Auditor ef the Cltr ef Portland. ' Portland, Or.. August ia. iwi. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IB- PBOTEMXVT OF OVERTOB STREETS Notice Is hereby gvn thet ,Wlllsn0. Etliotv City Engineer, bss filed Is the office of the undersigned, notice tbstFrslney ft Keating, enntraetore for the improvement el Ovtrton street, snder tbe r"T.lo,,,1 "rdJ nines No. 1S.62S, hsve compleled "Id street, from center line of Twentr-eeeond street to the center tins of Twenty-third street and the center line of Twenty-fourth street to tbe west line of Twenty-fifth street, Ssld acceptance will be WMttered t tbe Elscutlve Board st 4 o'clock on the 1st k dsy of August luo4. and objection, to the Jccept nee of eeld street, er ny pert thereof, ms 7 b tiled ta the' ef (lea ef tbe Bndenlgned at any time orlor thereto. - V EXECTTITB BOARD- - V Br THOS. C DEVLIN, ' , Auditor of the City of Portlssd. Portlsnd, Oregon, August is. is COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF SEWXR IN ALBINA ATENTJE, ' Notlee' 5 hereby glvea thst William 0. Elliott. City Engineer, has filed In the office ef the undersigned, notice thst I. B. Blammono, eontreetor for the construction of a sewer Is Alblaa avenue, ander the provisions of ordl nance No. 11,041. bss completed said Sewer, from 10O feet eoutb of the eouth line ef Shaver street to a connection with the sewer la "'sld'eece'ptsnce will be eoMddersd br tha Eiscuttrs Bosrd et 4 o'clock on the lvth dsy e' August, 10O4. snd objections to the accept l ore of ssld sewer, or any part thereof, may be filed U tbe office ef tbe aadcratgned at say tiBM prior thereto. ' " THE EEECTTJTB BOARD. ; , By THOS. C DEVLIN. . ' Andltor ef tke City of PortUnd. Portland, Oregon, August 18. 1S04. - COMPLETION ABB ACCEPT ABC ,0F DC- PROTEMENT OF SKATER STREET. Notice Is kerrby given that William O. milett. City Engineer, has filed Is the office OK in. gmNniaiev. - - tractor for the Imptoveaent of Shaver street, -seder the provision of orllnanca No. 18.12T. nee comptccea -' - - , : Borthwlck street to seat Une ef Mkwleelppl TBsld' aoceptanc wlU te considered br tb. Fcnrlve Board at 4 o'clock en the ltb dsy ef August, 1004, and objectlona to th. accept. a oca of aald street, er any part thereof may be filed In the office ef tbe aaderslgBed at any vim. prior fwrrt BOAlu,; ' By THOS. C DEVLIN. ' ' Auditor of the City of PortUnd. , Port Is n1. Oregoa. August IS. ISO. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IX FBOTEBEBj; OF SPOKANE ATEBTJB, - Notice Is hereby given that Wllllsra O. Elliott. Cltr Engineer, has filed In tha office of "the nnderelgoed. notice thst Will. Kelly, contractors for tbe Improvement of Spokane S'Si-ue, under the prorUlon. of erlnance No. 18 621. bare eoraplrted said street, from Wit lametts river to the west curb line of East Nineteenth street. Ssld acceptance win be cwaetdered by tbe Biecutlr Boerd et 4 S clock 00- the ISth day o August. 1914,. and objectlona to the accept nee of said street, er any part thereof, ma b. tiled la the etflre of tbe undersigned at ssy time nrior thereto. 1 ; THE EXECTTTITB BOARD, By THOS. C DEVLIN, ' Auditor ef the Cltr of Portlsnd. . Portland. Oregon. August IS. 1904. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF XM FR0TEXXBT OF UNION ATEWTJE. Notice Is hereby given, that William 1 C. EMlott, City Engineer, bss filed In the office of the undersigned, notice thst Glehlsch ft Jr.pllu, contractors ft the Improvement ef Union .venue, under the provisions of ordinance No. 18 470. have completed aald street; from center Une of Boulevard to Dekntn avenue. Ssld aoceptsnce will be .considered by tbe Executive Boerd st 4 o'clock ea the lBth dsy of Augiait, 1B04, snd objections to tbe accept ance of ssld street, or sny pert thereof, mar b. filed In the off lee ef tbe undersigned st.aay tuna prior -'yTV. board; . ' . By THOS. C DKVUN, Auditor ef the aty of Portlasd. PortUnd. Ore fx a, August 18, IA04. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF SEWEB IN WILLIAMS AVENTX. Notice ts hereby given that William C. Elliott, City Knglneer, bae filed In tha office of tbe oridevvlgrrcr,, ncrflos thst Jsenlisen Base Co., eon tractors for t:ie cont.-n,?tlon of sea er la Wllllsms avenue, undr tbe teor1tons of ordl nance No. 18PoV have romoleted ssld swnsr. from 100 fwt south of the eouth line of Alberta street to a conneetl"S with tbe sewsr In Fremont street st Williams .venue, Ssld seceptsnce will be considered br the Executive Bosrd at 4 o'clock es the lBth dsy ef Augint, 1B4. snd objections to ths accept. sacs of ssld sewer, or any pert thereof, msy b- filed In ths office of the Budrrslgucd st sny Urns prior thereto. ths; rrrnrnvB notnn , Br THOS, c DEVLIN.' St . Auditor of the City ef Pert land. v JdrUaad, Oregoa, August 18, 1B04. '..' , ' CITT BOTICES. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF SEWER IN EAST T AM KILL STREET. Notice le hereby glvea thst William C. Elliott, Cltr Engineer, baa filed in the office of the njuiereigued. notice that O. Aaderson, contractor for tbs woustructlon of a sewer la Etst lamfalll street, under the provlalona of edlnance Nu. 14.W1, has evmpieted eald sewer, from TS feet esse of tbe esst line of Esst Tt Irteenth street to s eonuectioa with the Bivier la East Twelfth street. Hald acceptance etll be considered br the Exceatlre Bosrd at 4 o'clock on lbs lih day ef August, note, and objection, to tbe accept ance of said sewer, or kny part thereof, may Im filed In tbs office ef the BBderstgued st auy time prior thereto. TUB EXECtTTtVB BOARD, By THOS. O DEVLIN, Andltor et the City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, August 13, 1B04. . . COMPLETION AMD ACCEPTANCE OF IX , PROTEMENT OF EAST NINETEENTH . STREET. - ' Notice Is hereby' given that "William C. Elliott, City Engineer, haa filed In the office 14 the andsrslg-iisd, notice that Jamee Bl'lej, contractor for ths Improvement of Rest Nine teenth street, under tbe provisions of erdi nsnce No. 11.071, bss completed said street, from tbe sooth line ef Weliller te center line el HMaev street and from center Une ef Braadwsr to center line ef Weldter. Said acceptance will be considered by tbe Executive Bosrd at o'clock ea the 18th dsy of August, 1"4. and objections te the eoeept sore. of Hid street, or sny part thereof, may be filed la the oft Ire ef the aadersigned st say tlms prior thereto. ; . , TUB EXECTTtYB BOARD, ' , ) By THOS, C DEVLIN, - , Auditor of the aty of 1'ortUsd. Portland, Oregua, August IS, 1P04. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF . MARSHALL STREET. Notlos as hereby gives that William C. Elliott. City Enclnser, bss filed in tbe office of the andenlned, notice thst Warren Con struction CVk, eootractor tor the .Improvement ef Marshall strvet. under the provislane of ordinance No. 1S.B48 bss completed said street, from center 'lne ef Twenty-third strset te eeet line of Twenty-fifth street. Ssld aoceptsnce will be considered by - tbe Executive .ifcard at 4 o'clock oa tbe 10th day St August. 1V04,' and objection, to the accept ance of said street, or any part thereof, amy he filed In the office ef the undersigned at say time prior thereto. TUB EXECTTTVE BOARD, . By THOS. O DEVU. Auditor oiths city f Portland. Portlsnd. Oregon August 18, 1P04. COMPLETION AND . ACCEPTANCE OF- IX. . PR0VEMENT OF FLANDERS STREET, ottoe- ts hereby given that WttHairr1 -C. Elliott. Cltr Engineer, ha. Died In the office ef the undersigned, notice thst Warren Con struction Co., eontreetor for the improvement of Flanders street, under tbe provisions of ordinance No. 18,44, bss com-le ted ssld street, from center line of Fourth street to center line ef Sixth a treat. Ssld acceptance will be esasidered by ths Executive Board at 4 e'etork oa the 18th day of August. liMX. and objections to the sceept snce of .aid street, er any part thereof, msy be filed In the office of tbe aadersigned st say time prior thereto. , . THB EXRCTOTl BOARD, . By THOS. C DEVLIN. Andltor ef the City of rortUnd. Portland. Oregon. August 18. 1B04. COMPLETION. AND ACCEPTANCE OF IX PR0VEMEXT OF DAVIS STREET. Notice la hereby glvea that William C. Elliott, City Engineer, has filed In the office of tbe anderelgned. notice thst Warren Con struction Co., contractor for the Improvement ef Davis street, under the provisions of erdi nsnce No. 18.B41V bss completed said street, f rem west line oTTl lrd surst to east line of Tenth street. ' . Bald acceptance will ba considered br tbe Executive Bosrd st 4 o'clock on the 10th dsy of August. 1904. and objections to the '.oeept- nce of ssld street, or sny pert thereof, mey be filed In ths office of the ssderslgsed at soy time prior thereto. , . J THE EXECmTB BOARD.- By THOS. C DEVLIN. - Auditor ef the City et PortUnd. PortUnd, Oregon, August 18. 1B04. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IX - PROTEMENT OF FOURTH STREET. Notice ts hereby given that William C. Elliott, City Engineer, bae filed In the office of the underalgnrd. notice thst Carboltneum Wood Preeerving Co., eontreetor for the Im riovsment ef Frth street, seder the pro. visions of ordinance No. 18.B4T, ha. completed said street.-' from south Une ot Buruslde street to south line of OUssn street, Raid acceptance will be considered by the Executive Bosrd at d o'clock en the 10th dsy o.' Augnst. 1(4, snd object lone to the accept ance of aald street.-or eny pert thereof, may b filed in the office of the Bnderelgeed st asp Urns prior thereto. -. , THB ETECmVB BOARIV ' , By THOS, O DBVldBf. . . . ' ' - ' Asdltor ef the City of Portlsnd. - Portland. Oregon, August 18. I:- . J COMPLETION ' AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROTEMENT OF ARTHUR STREET, ' Notice is hereby given that WHUsm C. Elliott, City Engineer, hss filed ta the office of the undersigned, notice thst Jl W. Sweeney, rnotr.etor for the Improvement ef Arthur street, under the provisions of ordinance No. 18.818, bss completed eald street, from center line of ricnt street to esst line of First street Said acceptance will be considered by the Bxscuttve Bosrd at 4 o'clock oa the ISth dsy et August, 104. snd objections to the eoeept acre of eald street, er sny pert thereof, may ba filed In tb 1 office of tbe Undersigned at any time price thereto. . . .. . TUB IIICrTITl BOARD,. By THOS. O DEVLIN. Andltor ot th. City ef PortUad. PortUnd. Oregon. August 18, 1004. COMPLETION AND . ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROTEMENT OF ' WATSB AND B009 STREETS. ' .. Notice te hereby glvea that WtllUm a sssn .... Ala sn tv a as aTi latut law IhS APnaa ot tb nUnitrte.. mrtlf thtt Srajrtti Bcrwtrc . - . . .u ,H.MJWAm .e t K . , , I o. . oimmnw iw "- - -. - nd Hood streets, ander tbs provlslone of or dinance No. 18.T77. hsve completed said street, e tin. nt Orant street to center line f Shertdsn street, - . Bald acceptance win st ewisniei u w Executive Board at 4 o'elock oa tbe ISth day of August. 104. and objections to tbe s crept, a nee of .aid street, or any part thereof, may be filed ta tbe office ef the snderslgned st say time nrior thereto. THB BXEOTTTIYB BOARD. By THOg. fl DEVLIN. ' Andltor ef the City of PortUad. PerfUsd, Oregon, August 18. 1904. - - ' COMPLETION ' AND ACCEPTANCE OF XX- PROTEMENT OF OVERTON STREET. Notice le hereby gives that WlllUm C. Elliott. City. Engineer, baa tiled In the office e lbs erflrrvtgned. nolle, thst Star Sand Co., contractor for tbe Improvement of Overton street, under tbe provlslone et ordinance No. 1F.62S, bss completed ssld street, from center line of Fourteenth etreel to center tin. ef fifteenth street snd center line of Seventeenth street to center Une of Eighteenth street. Said acceptance will be considered br the Executive Boerd at 4 o'clock es tbe ISth dsy et August. 1904, snd objections to the .crept rice of said street, or any part thereof, may Ik filed In the office ef ths Bsderslgned st say tlms nrior thereto. , time prwv uxBCT'TITl BOARD, ' . : . By THOS. C DBVLIN. Auditor ot the City o Portland. . Portland. Oregon. August 18, 1904 OC'MPLETION AND ACCEPTAN0X OF IM PROVEMENT OF AINSW0RTH AVENUE. Notice is hereby given thst William 0. Elliott. City Engineer, has filed In the office ot the undersigned, notice thst George Bauer, detractor for tho Improve. en t of Alns worth avenue, snder the provlslone of ordinance No. 1HM1, has completed said street, from center line ef East sixth street- to enter Use ef Krst Seventh street. g. Id acreptsnce will be considered br the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the lBth dsy e August. 18t4. end objections to the eeeset ance of ssld street, or any pert thereof, msy br filed In th office of the aodersjgned st any time nrlo. thereto. time nw jjttcTTIVB BOARD, : " e 'By THOS. fj DBVIJN.. Auditor of the City of Portland. ., Portlsnd, O-.sgoe, August 18. IPOs. PROPOSALS FOB STBEET WORK, Scaled pro pros Is win he received at the office of the Auditor of the City o( PortUnd until August IB, 1B04. st 8 o'clock p. m., for the Improve meet ef Magnolia afreet from the eeat lint of Beet Eighth street to the west line el Durhsm evenoe. In the msnner provided by erdlnsnee No. 14.140, subject to tbe provisions of the charter and oedl nances of the City ef PortUnd, ssd tbe astlmats et the City Engliaeer, P.lde' most he strictly In Sreor dance with printed bUnke. wblch wilt be furnished en sp pllcstlon tt the efnee of the Auditor of tbe City ef Portland. And aald Improvement must be eomplered en nr before SO days from the dste ef tbe signing ef tke eootrsct by tbs parties thereto. No proposals or blda will b. ermstdeeed wnless accompanied by s certified check psysble to the order of tbe Meyor of the City ef Portlsnd certified by e responsible bank, for aa amount equal to 10 per rent, of the aggregste SropoaaL The rignt 10 reject any ana nu man le asrsoy JBr eidsT sf tbs executive, boerd. THOS. a DEVLIN. - - Auditor ef the Cttv of For as n A PortUad, Or., August IS, - 1P04, CITT R0TICEA COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF XX- - PROTEMENT OF WT0ANT STREET. Notice U herebf glvs that William C. Elliott, City Knglneer, ha tiled la the office of the. aadersigned, nuUce thst Stevens ft Whits, contracture for the Improvement ef Wrgant ureal, under the provlslone of ordl pence No. 1I.3T4, bar. completed said street, from center line ef Oread .treat to weet line ef East Seventh street. Ssld eeeeptanee will be coast Acred by the Executive Bonrd at 4 o'clock ea tbe lBth day e( August. 1B04. end objectlona to tbe accept ance of aald street, er any part thereof, may ba filed In the office of the snderslgned st sny time prior thereto. , ,, TUB BXECTTTVB BOARD. ' By THOS. C DEVLIN. , ' ' Auditor of the City of portUsd, PrvtUnt, Oregon. August 18. 1804. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF CLEVELAND AVENUE. Notice Is Berety given that WtllUm 0. Elliott, City Engineer, haa filed In the office ef the undersigned, norleo thst R. J. Debubr, ctrtrscter foe the Improvement of Cleveland srenue, under the provlslone - of erdlnsnee No. 11.080, hits oomplarted Mid street, from center Une Sf Masglsy street to south (Ins ( All-erta street. Ssld sccepunee- will be esneldered by th. Executive Bosrd at 4 e'elock on the 18th dsy ef August, 10t4. sad obJrrUooa to the eoeept ance of said street, or sny part thereof, may be filed In the office ef the aadersigned at any time prior thereto. TUB EXBCTT1TB BOARD, " . . By THOS, C DEVIJN. 1 Asdltor et the city of Portland. 1 Portland.' Oregon, August 18. 1B04. COMPLETION' AND ACCEPTANCE - OF IM PROVEMENT OF FIRST AVENUE. Notice U' hereby given that William' C. Elliott, CltV Engineer, haa filed la tba office of the anderelaned. notice that William E. OfU, contractus- tor tbe improvsment of First atenne, under tne provltlona or erdlnsnee No ir.BT6. has completed said street, from north er ly line 3f Locust stvset ta northerly Bae ef eu sirsvx. Raid eeeeptanee win be eoesldersd by the Executive Bosrd at 4 o'clock on tbe lBtb.dsy of August. 1BC4. and objections to tbe aocept snce of said street, er aAr part thereof, mar be filed In the office ef (ha undersigned st say time prior . THB EXBCfTTVB BOARD, . t. By THOS, C DEVLIN, ' . Auditor ef the City of Portlsnd. . PortUnd. Ore goo, August 13. ISne. PBOP0BED IMPROVEMENT OF FREMONT STREET. Notice le hereby given thst st ths meeting of tbe Council of the City ef Portlsnd, Oregon, hold oa the 8d day ef August, 1B04. the fol lowing reoohitloa eraa adopted: Resolved, Thst the. Council of the Oty Sf PortUnd. Oregon, deems it expedient and pre- noaee to 1 01 Drove Fremont street from tbe weet line et Esst Eighth street to the east Une ef I'nloa arenas is tba fallowing manner, ta- Pirst Br araoins tbe street full width with fall lntereeotlorai to the proper grade ss glvea by the Cltv Engineer. Second Br bringing the enrfaee of the street full width wltb full Intersections te tbe proper grsoe wirn grsvei. ... Third By constructing wooden a. dews Iks In eeeordsnce wltb tb. City Engineer's, plana, a peel ri re uone ana estimates -Vrtnrth Rr oonstructliur wooden crosswalks. ' Fifth By constructing boa and .ton. gutters In secordsnrs with ths City Engineer's pUns, speclflcstloes snd eetlmatee. Raid Improvement to be made ta scoocdanc. with the charter and ordlnancee of the City ef PortUnd and the plans, specification, and esrlmatee of the City Knglneer. Died la the office of the Auditor of the City of Portlsnd on the 1st dsr ef Augnst, loot, endorsed: "City Engineer's pUng and specification, for tbe tmnrovemeut of Fremont atreet from tbe weet line of Esst Eighth street to tbe eeet Mae ef Colon svenne, end th. eetlmatee or the wors to be done snd the probable total cost .thereof." The cost of aald Improvement to he sssessed se provided by the city - rhsrter upon the property specially benefited 'thereby, and which is hereby declared to be alt tbe lots, parte of lot. and parcel, ef land lying between a line 1'PU reel nortn oc ena parnuei witn uie dotiu Una. of Fremont street snd a line 100 feet eoutb ef snd parallel with the south line ef Frenssnt street, snd between tbe west ltn. ef East lcighsh street snd tbe esst line ef Union svenne. 1 The Engineer's eetlmats ef the probable total cost for the improvement ef said Fremont atreat la S4.0m.00. The above Improvement Is tn he cUased as a grevel Improvsment snd sbsll be mslntained by tha rlfv for nertod of five veers, nrovided thst' the owners of e msjorlty ef the property be ne At ed by ssld Improvement er sny portion thereof shall not peUtlon tor s new er different Imptvrrembnt , before tbe expiration ot such uertodj -1 The plana, sped ri cat loos snd estimates ef tbe City Engineer , for the Improvement ef said s-remont street sr. hersDV adooted. Resolved. That tbe Auditor of the City of rortiand ne sea se is nereny airenea o give BtUee-jof . tbeproneesd - imurevament af said street es provided nr the city chsrter. Reinonetraneee against th. above Improve Koent auy he filed la writing with tbe onder- signea within m asm rrom tne ssts si tne first publication ef this notice. By order of tbe Council. . , THOS. 0, DEVLIN, Auditor of the City ef Portland. Portland, Oregoa, August A 1B04. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF BAST ALDER - - STREET. ' Notice Is hereby given that at ths meeting ef tbe Council ef ths City of. Portland, Oregon, held oa the d 4a r ef Anguat. 1B04. tba fol- lowlna, 1 -1 - waa adonted: Resolved, That the Council of tbe City ef Portland, Oregon, deems it expedient end. pro posos to Improve Rn.t Alder street from tbe eeat lln. of r , Thlrtvtehth street to tha wsst line of Bast Thirty-ninth street, M tbe follow.' log msnner, te-wit: First By grading ths street full width with full Intersections to the proper grade ss gives by tne City Engineer. Second Br constructing wooden si dews Iks. Said Improvement to be made In accordance with tbe chsrter snd ordlnancee of the City of Portland and the nlane. a peel ft rati on. and estimates ef the City Engineer, filed In the office of the Andltor of tbe City of Portland en the 2Btb day of Julyi 1B04, endorsed: "City Engineer's pUns and specification, foe th. Improvement ef East Aider street from the esst line -of Esst TMrtr-elgttb atreet te the wsst line ef Esst Thlrty.ntnth street, snd the estimate, sf the work to ba son. snd tbs prob sble tot si cost thereof." Tbe eost ef said Improvement te he aaaaes, , as provided by th. city chsrter snoa tb. nrenertv arjeetafle benefited therebr. and which Is hereby declared to be all tha iota, parts of or. ana parcels 01 tana lying pet ween a line loo fret north of and penile! with tbe north line of East Alder street snd -a line inn feet south of and parallel with the-eouth line of Eaat Alder street and betweea tbe esst line of Esst Thirty-eighth street sad ths west line ef Esat Thirty-ninth street. The Engineer', estimate ef the srohsble total met far the Improvement ef said Eaat Alder street le fTHO.tsj, The elsne. SDedflcatlona snd estimates of tie. Cltr Engineer for th. Improve meat ef said Eaat Alder atreet a re hereby adopted, - . " Reaolved. That th. Auditor nf the City et Portland be and be u hereby directed to give notice ef the proposed Improvement of sold stteet se provided by the city charter. Be monstrances ggstnst the ehove Improve stent msy be Died In writing with the under signed within SO dsy. from the date et the Drat publication of this notice. , By order ef the ConnriL THOS. O. DEVLIN. ' Auditor ef tbe City ot Portland. PortUnd, Oregon. August A 1B04. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OP BAST WASH . INOT0N STREET. Notice Is hereby given thst st the meeting of the Council of tbe city er rortiena. Oregon. held on ths d dsr of Asgnst. 1D04, tb. fol. knrltur resolution wss adopted : Resolved. That the Council of tbe City ef Portland, Oregoa, deems it expedient and pro posse to improve Eaat Washington strsat from the east line of East Thirty-eighth street to the weet line of Esst Tblrty-slntU street la tbe following msnner, to-wit: . First By grading the street full width with full Intersections to the proper grsde ss glvea ay tne t'ltv Engineer. Second Br constructing wooden sidewalks. Bsld Improvement te be made la accordance With tbe charter and ordlnancee of tbe City of PortUnd and the plana, sped firs tlons and estimates of the lity Engineer, filed In the office nf tbe Auditor of the City of Portlsnd on the SBth day ef July, 1B04, endorsed: "city Engineer's pUns and epeel first Ions for th. improvement ef East V, ashlngton street from lbs esst line of Esst Thlrtr-rigbth street to tbe west tine ef Eset Thlrtv-nluth etreet. end the estlmstee ot the work to be dotes and th. probable tot.l cost thereof." The mat ef ssld Improvement to be asses ss provided br the city rhsrter upon the propertr spec's fly benefited thereby, snd whirs Is hereby declared to be alt the iota, parts of jots ana parcel, or le na itiub Between n line loo feat north of and parallel with the north line of East Washington street snd s Une 10O feet south of and parallel with the eoutb line of Eaat Washington street and between the eaat line ef Esst Thirty-eighth street and tba west line ef Base- Thsrty-nintn atreet. The Engineer's estimate of tbe probable total coat foe the Improvement of ssld East Waah inrton atreat ta 824. The plane, s per tfl ration, and estlmstee ef the nry Engineer for the Improvement er said Eeet Wsatilngtnu srreet sre Sereny anopfetl. Reaolved, That tbe Auditor ef the City f Portlsnd be and no le hereby directed te gtes notice ef the proposed- improvement et eeld street .. provided by tb. city chsrter. Remonstrance, agalnat the a l-i re Improve ment mny he filed In writing with th. under signed within 10 davs fmm th. dat. of the first puhllrailon of this notice.. By order of the cncL . TH.'i. c. rrvM-r. ' Andltor of the rilr of lortland. - PortUnd, Oregon, August 8, 1004, CITT NOTICES. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OP IM PROVEMENT OF BAST XENTB STREET. Notice ta hsrebr riven, thet Willi, an ft. E!.lott. Cltr Rfialnear. has filed tn th. .f1ra - Of the anderalgned, ' SoUce that OleblsrS ft Joplln, eonUerUir. IW tbe IniurnTemeut ef a. . t . . .. ,..--, w r n. . . w, J'lU. ll'ili otd I nance No. 13.507, hsvs eomplstsd ssid stieet. from nurtb line of ratline sir-eel to asuter line of Shaver street and from center Una ot Mason treat to canter Hue ef Vklduvure street- Bald .crept. no . will be considered br the Executive Bim at 4 o'clock ea the ISth der ot August. 11KX, end objections to the ucept enee of slid street, ee any part thereof, avsf p mea in tne of rice et ua Boosraignsa at say time prior thereto. TUB EXECTTTVB BOARD. , By THOS. 0 DEVLIN.' ' Aadttor ef tbe City of fortiaad. . Portlsnil, Oregon, August 18, 1B04, 0OXPLXTI0B AND ACCEPT AN CB OF SEWXR IB B0TT STREET. Notlos Is hereby given that WinUm .-, Elliott. Cl'r Englueer. has filed In tha efflrn ef the undersigned, antics that J. B. Slsmmona, tcntrector tur the eoastrnetlca of a sewer In Hcyt street, ander the provision, ef erdlaanre No, 14,048, haa completed said lever, from TS feet wsst of the west tine of lenth atreet to the sewer In Ninth street, Ssld seceptsnce will he considered by tbe Executive Btsird at 4 o'clock en the 10th dsy et August lu04. end objections to the secept snce ot sold sewer, or sny psrt tfasveof. aisy ' be filed la the ef Los ef tbe Snderslgned st any time prior thereto. . TUB EXECmVB BOARD. ' : By THOS. C DKVLIN. ' Auditor ef the City ef PertUnd. Portland, Oregon, August 18. 1B04. COMPLETION AND A0CEPTANCB OF IM. PROTEMENT OF EAST TWXNTT-EI0HTK STREET. .'.-'' ." Notice is kerehy glvea that William C. Elliott. City Knglnesr. bae filed ta the office of the undersigned, notice that Glehlsch ft J roll n, eontractore for. the Improvement of r.rat Tw-euty-elghtb street, under the provtaioiie of erdlnabce no. 18.B8S, have completed eald street, from center Une ot East Pine etreet ta outer Une of Esst Ankeny etreet. Paid acceptance will be considered by tbe Executive Board at 4 o'clock en the ISth dsy ef August, iw4, and objections to the accept--.ore or Mid street, er any part thereof, may be filed In the office of tba andarelgaed st soy time prior thereto. ' TUB EXECTTTVB BOARD, ' . By THOg. C DEVLIN, ' '' . Auditor of the City of Portlsnd. -' PortUnd. Oregon. August la, 1004. OCMFLETI0M AND ACCEPTANCE OF IX' ' PROTEMENT OF EAST TENTH STREET. , Notlos Is hereby given that William Q ElllottjJCIty Engineer,, bee DUdlla the ff1cs of tbe Snderslgned. notice thst Mnd ft Man ring, esntrsctor. for the Improvement ef Esst Ttnth street, under tho provlslone of ordi nance, No. 18.667, have completed amid street, Ooas north line of Palling atreet to center Une of Meson street. Sold acceptance will be considered by the Executive Bosrd at 4 e" clock oa tbe UHh day e.' Auguat, 1004. and objection, to th. accept ance ot aald street, er any part thereof, may be filed In the office of tbe undersigned st say Urns prior thereto. THB XXtSfTTTVB BOARD, ; . By THOS. 0 DEVLIN. Andltor ef tbe City of PortlaxeA, . Portland, Oregon, August 18. 1004. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF PBESCOTT STREET, Notlee Is hereby gives thst WllHam C riUott, Cltr Enflneev bae tiled la the office ef tbe unoeralgned, notice that LouU Jen In. eontreetor for the Improvement of Preseott st-eet, under the previsions of ordlnsnee No. 18.ST8, ha. completed eald street, from eeater line of Best Eleventh street to the center Una of Esst Twelfth street snd the Best tattr sectlon Best fourteen ih street. Ssld seceptsnce will bs considered by "the Executive Bosrd et 4 o'clock ea the ISth day el August, 1B04. and objection, to the aorept snoa of said street, or any part thereof, may ' be filed Is tha office ef ths anderalgned at any " Uma prior thereto. , 1 . THB EXECTTTVB BOARD, . 1 By THOS. C DEVLIN. Auditor ef the City of Port load. FsrtUnd, Oregon, August 13. 1904. PROPOSALS FOB OAST IRON WATER PIPE , AND SPECIAL CASTINGS. ' Reeled proposals will be received try tbs Water Board ef tbe City ef Portland, Oregon, sntll S p. m., Wednesday. September 14, .14. -far furnishing and delivering at Porttsiut, Ore gon, the following approximate quantities et east Iron wster pipe and spec-is 1 eastings, via: S,l) lines I feet 4-lneb cart Iron pipe, class a., weignt scau ponnos per tengin, au touo. , 28.000 lineal feet S-lDch cost Iron Bll 6-Inch cost Iron pipe, elans D.. weight 8HS. podnds per length,- 8S0 I 2,200 llnesl feet 8-lnch esat Iron pipe, ehua D.. weight rVSO pound. Der lenarth. 80 tone. 8.800 Uneal - feet- lo-tnr cast " Iron pips, cls.s D., weight 760 pounds par length. 120 tuns. 5.200 llnesl feet 12-Inch east iron Bloa. class D., 970 pounds per length. 210 tons. Total. TOO tens. - Retrial eastJnfts for east iron wstae pips, SO roO pounds. ( ' Speeiflcations snd form ef propnssl ess bq obtained at the office of D. D. Clarke, Engineer of the- Water Board, City Hall, PortUnd. Ore gca. . !-. ' Bidders must at.ts tbe price of pine per ton ef 2,000 pound, end th. price of .pectal esstlngs . ua -11 " - . fet MM Pm1.w( Oregon, delivery ot same to no eempietea an er brfive December to. lotvi. 1 With eech bid must be deposited a eertlfled ttierx tor oou, pnysnte u tne erner ot ine Asdltor of the City of PortUnd, Oregon, and bonds sstlsfsctory to the Wster Board will be required of the successful bidder. The right is reserved by the Wats Board . to reject sny or sll bide. PropouU mast be enclosed In SB so re lop. endorsed en the outside, "Propossls foe Water Pipe," and aidrr aaed to the undersigned, , , By order of tbe Wster Boerd. . , .t . FRANK T. DODOTt, . ' 1 ' Supsrlntoudent. PortUnd, Oregoa. Asgnst 16, 1904. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF XOBBOB , , STREET. ''. Notlee ts hereby given that et' the meeting ef the Council of the City ef Portlsnd. Oregon, hold on the 8d day ef Auguat. -1904, tba fol lowing resolution wse adopted" Resolved. Thst th. Council ef the City ef PortUnd. Oregon, deema it expedient and pro posea to Improve Moaroe street from tbe west line of Union avenue to the esst Une et ssn tenbeia svanoe . la the follow log manner, te wlt: First By grading the etreet fall width with fall Intersections to the propeo, grade ss glvea by the (its Engineer. Second By bringing the Surface ef tbs street foil width with fuU , lutsrsecUoos te proper grsde wltk gravel. Third By constructing ereeswatks. ' Fourth By constructing atom gutters. Fifth By relaying the crosswalks In socoed-. sues with tbe City Engineer's pless, spedOoa 11 one end sarins res. Said Improvement to be made la aeenrdanee with ths charter and ordinance, of ths City of Portland and tbe plana, specif! ration, and eetlmatee of the City Engineer, filed In the offlc of th. Asdltor of the City ef Portland on the 20th day of July. 1904, endvrsod! "City Engineer'. pUne and specification, for tb. Improvsment of Monroe street from tbe west line of I'alon avenue te the eeet line et Osn tenbeln svenne. .nd tb. eetlmatee ef the work to he done end the pent hie total eost thereof " The met of ssld Improvement to be assessed ss provided by tha, city chsrter upon the , Rreperty specially benefited thereby, and which. 1 hereby declared to be til the lots, parts of lots and psreeU of l.nd If log between s Une . too feet north et and parallel, with the north line ef Monro, street and s Une too feet eeeth o' and parallel, wltb the eouth line ef Monroe street snd between tbe weet line of Into, sve nne and the eaat line ef Oantenbeln avenue. The Engineer's esttmste of the probe hie total cost for tbe Improvement ef Bald Monroe street ' is 84.900.00. ' , Tbe shove Improvement Is to he classed as a gravel Improvement snd ahsll be mslntslned rr the city for s period of Sr. yeses, prsvldsd thst , the owners of s msforltv of tbe property bene fited by said Improvement er su.r pneHon thwiof shall not petition for a new or dl. f event! is perv.ment before the .xpiratlon ef su-.h period. Tbe plana, speciflcsthms snd eetlmatee of the City Engineer for the Imorovemant ef said Monro, etreet are hereby adopted. Resolved. Thst tbs Adltoe of the-Ctty ef Portlsnd be snd be le hereby directed re f . Bfltlre ef the proposed Improvement ef geld, , strict as provided br the city rhsrter. Bemonstrsnees against the shore rmprcve tnent msv be tiled In welting wltk the under, signed, within 20 dsra from, tbs dale ef the first publication ef thle notice, By order ef tbe Council. - - THK8. O. PRVL1N. , ' 1 Auditor of the Cltr of Portland. Portland, Ore roe. August S. 1904. - i 1 , COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF 8EWIB IB BAST TRIRTT FOCRTK STREET. . Notles fa hereby gives Jhst Wllll.m C, Elliott. City Englsesr. hsa filed In th. efflew of tho Snderslgned. tlce thst Beechllt Bres., ... e,ntrsctors fir the construction f . seeer Irl East Thirte.foueth atreet, under tbe pro. Vlalors ef online ore No. . 1 4 fna. have m pletrd ssld sewer, from IH fet nctlh of the north line ef Hawth-voe aren.. t" a ar-. lo East Thlrtv-fisarfh street st AO feet so'itsj ef the Soutfl line of Kst Main sfre-t. - Ssld sccei'lsoc. will h eiHi.l .Inr-d r t"S Executive ttoerd st 4 e'r,rk na th.' IP s d-r of Auatiaat. Iho4, and ohj.rilons U th lw,l. S Snce of an Id srvr-r, or S"r part lh.r (. b.- filed In tne ..ffli-e of te ui,.lr iied st . tlms prli t'.rreto Tim tm-TIVK II""" , Hr in1 ' i ' Attdlt.r of ., " T ' ' ' PortUi, Oragen, Au.u.t 11. 1 .r 1