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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1904)
1 i i 10 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. AUGUST 17. 1004. DECIDES AGAINST : EI6I1T-II0UR . LAW fxroam nu or vr.nroTO ru bsbuob cotjbt bbcxjlbbb. 4-0 ' ' JrABSXS BT jVABT UOinATVBJI tjbcobbttttttiiobax. Liioi f vaxon 'trzu ArrsAb , .. (Special Dlepatrh 4s The Journal.) Seattle Wash.. Auk. TT. Judge Bell in the superior, eoart jrestsrdsjr after : noon handed down a decision holding that tha eight-hour law, paaned by the last legislature, ta unconstitutional. The action waa brought by B. Norm He, a ' local oontraotor for the city, after tha board of public works bad threatened to cancel nil contract on tha ground -that h was violating Its provisions ra ' gardlng , working men on tha Job not mora than eight hours. s ;. Normlla contended that the men In hla '' employ wera willing to. work 10 hours and to receive 1 hours' pay, but the. city would not permit' them to do so. . Ha secured a temporary injunction- restrain ing tha board from Interfering wltb htm and this has been made permanent. Tha decision holds that a contrac tor can work hip men as long as they desire providing ha pay them for their labor at an agreed prtcv-v . Seolslo Xs Xmportana.' - The decision la of Importance to the elty Inasmuch as If tha eight-hour law should remain on the statute books much city Improvement could .not 'be undertaken. Eight hours, when in augurated for tha first time a month ago, brought aa lncreaae In wagea and a corresponding Increase tn the blda of contractor la many instances theee , blda were without the limit of aaeeaa ment for local Improvement and the ' work contemplated bad to be abandoned. The labor unions announce they will carry the matter Into the United States courts The state supreme courrTiag al ready held to coincide with Judge Bell - - c. aTOeterans ARE ENTERTAINED (journal Special Berries.) ' ' ' ' ' Boston, Mass.. Aug. IT. Today was . devoted to business by the Grand army .veterans and the members of the affllt . " ated organisations In annual session, De spite the fatigues of yesterday's march, the veterans were astir early and the Mechanics' building' was well crowded an hour before the national encampment, was called to order. The session waa opened with prayer by the chaplaln-in-chlef. Wlnfield Bcott of Arlsona. ... After addressee of welcome and other formalities had been disposed of, the veterans listened to the annual addreas of Commander-in-Chief - Black and the reports of the adjutant-general, Charles A. Partridge, and' the other offloera of the national organisation. . . ' - ' The Woman's Relief corps held Its Initial session this morning In Tremont temple, with the national president, Mrs. Sarah , Wynans of Troy? O.. presiding. Other organisations which began their annual meetings at the same time were the Bona of Veterans, Ladles of the (J. A. R. and Ladles' Atd society. - One of the novel entertainment fea (turrw- of the-week ake- place tonight . at Waltham, where a grand water car nival win be held on the Charles river. .'Four-of five thousand canoes will be employed- to make continuous lines of red fire along a two-mile stretch of the river, while the veterans and - their friends will witness the spectacle from tha river banks. , c 4 , TONOPAII CAMP IS FAIRLY INUNDATED .' ' (Journal Special Berries.) ' Reno, Nev., Aug. 17. One of the great est rainstorms In the history of Nevada - la now raging In and around Tonopah. For four daya and nearly aa many nlghta a deluge has been on, and at 10 o'clock last night a- brief flash from Bonanza . Camp states that the rain was stlM com lng down' In bucketfuls. The bills are veritable waterfalls, ra vines are turned Into roaring torrents and on the streets of the pamp It la Im possible to walk without wading to the knees In. water and mud. . Water In the town Is two feet In depth and store rooms and Milan are flooded. The camp la now cut off from communica- ', tion with tha outbid world. The new Tonopah road ia crippled and cannot be opened for many daya. Provisions are scares and there la a famine In horse feed. ONCE RESPECTED, NOW , : ' A COMMON VAGRANT .. ("pedal Dispatch to The tonal.) Seattle. Wash, Aug. 17. Emily Car roll, once a -respectable house wife In this city, waa today sent to the county Jail aa a common vagrant. For a year past she had frequented the waterfront ' saloons lingering at the bars with - sailors and oftlmea with a class which . have given the police much trouble. She was placed under E00 bonds to remain away from these places and be . lng unable Jq give it went to jalL Her. husband la engaged in business la the lower end of the city but has not lived with the woman for several years. '. XOF HOUSB H STJUTCS. (Special Dispatch te Toe journal.! ' " Chehalls, Wash., Aug, 17.- The hop bouse of William Blnke at Bolstfort hss been burned. Mr. Blake set a fire In a yellow Jacket's nest and the Are ran across a meadow to the hop house. Mr. Blake's barn and dwelling were saved after, a' hard fight. . ' Three spectres that threaten baby's life. . Cholera infantum, dysentery, diarrhoea, lir. Fowler's Extract of Wild Htm wherry never falls to conquer them, 3VVHAT DID THE IGGE BUG The Journal Want Columqs RATES t One time, lo a line. . v. One week (7 Insertions, Includ ing Sunday issue). 15c a line.. -One month (Including Sunday Issues), 76o a line. Classified advertisements are payable In advance; minimum charge 15a "Help Wanted" and "Situations Wanted" advertise ments are published one time free of charge. Advertisements must be tn by 11 o'clock noon for the dally is sues, and 15 o'clock Saturday evening for the Sunday Issues. Branch Offices ADTKBTtSXaOBaTTS will -be received at regular main office rates st the following places and aent to Tbe'Jeurnal In time for ; publication In the nest Issue: : inn, R. A. Preston, druggist Md and Thurman streets. Nob Hill Pharmacy, Ollsan street, corner list. A. W. Allen, pharmacist, lith and Marshall streets. '. ' R. B. Jacks, confectionery. "0 Washington street corner ltb, ' '' .." SOUTH. B.' F. Jones Co., druggists. Front and Glbbs streets. ' Cot t el Drug Co. First and Grant streets. , bast mi, ' , - ' Tuttle'g Pharmacy,' i8I' Mlssls T slppl avej corner Bhaver at Nichols A Thompson, lit Russell street, corner Alblna avenue. Jancke Drug Co., cor. Hawthorne and Grand avenues. 3. A. Dick, tobaccos. 114 Crosby (east end steel bridge). B. F. Fulton.o onfectionery, 174 E. Burnslde, cor. Union ave. Ingrsm A Bush, tobacconists. Ill Grand avenue. UJIIUI J. K. Worth, pharmaclat, tit Bel mont street. nooixn.v Brooklyn Pharmacy, cor. Powell and Mllwaukie street , CLOSED SEASON NOT OBSERVED Wm OOSTBBsTT OF T1HX WA&SXVS of oxxeov ajti vuhiotoi Va TAKXjra of baucov ox txx oo&xncBlA ooaiuiuM uon Btnr of fzsx txb OAinrB.' ' '(Special Dispatch to' The JcaraaL) Kalama. Wash., Aug. 17. The closed fteason - for taking aalmon from the Columbia river and Its tributaries la not being observed, so far this season.' By consent, it Is said, of Fish Warden Van Deusen of Oregon and Fish Commls loner Kershaw of Washington the ao- tion of the law has been suspended and all kinds of flak gear la In the water and taking fish, ,.i '' Oanaerlesj Bmpty. .' . The reasons given by the fishermen for this action being taken are that tha run of fish has been so light this sea aon that no one haa made any money and that the canneries are' empty and that there are - algns of a good run of fish coming Into the river nd that to shut down now would deprive the Ash ing interest of from two to four weekr fishing to which they are Justly en titled. . .. . Xablta Are Ohaiursd. They say that the habits' of the fish have changed of lata years and that the fish oome In from two to four weeks later now than they did In former years and that the time of the closed aeaaon should be changed to ault the 'changed hablta of fish. Last Saturday. Fish Commissioner Kershaw visited all the canneries and fish houses on the Washington aide and the fishermen declared he told them to go ahead taking fish until further no tice, v. : i', , ' - . Dubois Crowns his VICTORY IN TICKET '"'.' ' " T ';'"., : (Special Dispatch to Hie Journal.) Lewlston. Ida Aug. 17. The Demo crat le atate convention, before Ita los ing last evening, nominated the follow In ticket: ' Congressman, F. H. Holtiheimer 'of Bannock; governor, Henry Heitfeld of Nes Percea; lieutenant-governor, Frank K. Harris of Waahlngton; secretary .of stste, J. P. Walling of, Canyon; Supreme Judge, N. H. Clarke of Custer; attorney general, Carl Paine of Ada; atate treas urer, Timothy Regan of Ada; superin tendent of schools. Miss Perineal French of Blaine; state auditor, W. H. Stuffle beam of Bingham; atate mining Inspeo toi", Capt. M. J. Llnke of Shoshone; pres idential electors A. F. Parker of Idaho, W. W. Wood of Shoshone, John W. Brown of Bingham. ' The ticket la a Dubois vletory In line with his anti-polygamy resolution. ,: KILLS HIMSELF AT ' HOME OF PARENTS ISnAetal nhMtph e The Imrfial. t Pendleton. Or., Aug. 17. Frank Blth shot himself at the home of hla parents in Echo last night and died this morn ing. He had been Buffering he past three years from the effects of a fall from a horse, and this Is said to have been the causa of bis taking his own life. . He was tt years old and single. The wound' waa Inflicted with a revolver, the bullet taking effect In the right temple. POLK COUNTY RURAL CARRIERS MEETING ;gprlal Dtapatcb te Tke Journal.) . Independence, Or., Aug. 17. At the meeting of the rural tnall carriers of Polk county, held In Independence, offi cers-were elected, as follows: Mr. tL From, president; Archie Parker, vice president; AL Dockateader, secretary and treasurer, and ' Archie Parker as delegate at large from Polk county for one year. , The delegation Indorsed the bill in troduced by Hon. John H. Mitchell la congress for 1850 a year for all car riers, and 16 days' vacation on full pay. all substitutes to have full standing in the department and be promoted ac cordingly., - Ao preferred the county aonoB. iy Charles . White, formerly marahal of seaside. Or., will rall oa i. m. r.ooa"nrV''' rlrk of Mi W.. h wlil tuire. J i.'.i. k ...., N.i TT. W II tears seiuatuiag u bw u II WATgD XALB. WESTEBM KlPU)VklNT BI'BSAU. . Third at. Hwoa Mais 1618. 4 waltreawi, (tea earh; S chambermaids. 130 Month; 1 (aetury stria. S.UI to 110. OO per ' wveki 4 koaM slrta. 420.00 month; 1 an treeaea, il.oo per dar: 1 eoofc. out ot town, (no. 00 per month; 1 oooa. out of town, gauoo par Duntk. ' WANTKn Tor V. Si Artmj Able Nxllee sa tarried mm, set wees ( of 11 aa4 St. rltlaana af I'nited atatea. ef soed eharacter sad temperate habits, who eaa ajaa. ra4 and writ a Bngllah. for Information, apply to Reerulrlng OtOeer. Third aad Oak ata, CNartlanA Or. WANTT.D At Borrka and Redding FIRST-CLASS TIMBKRMKN Fallera oa . North Mountain Power ( o.'i rlrht ot way. Waaoa, 4l to T0 per month and board. Addreaa North Mountain Power Company, -Bareka, California. BARRRB trde tansht by ear sew method, which enables! student re earn wagae while learning. Call or addreae for free catalogue, amrbTcan babbgu coixbob co., nb. m North Blxth at. AND t'NUrtltXrn LABOR ef s0 aaaenptioaa, nrompu' anppuoo. wrwm w ebaraa to empUivem. HAMtF.N 8 BMPWTatBHT OFTirB Hi North geoMid street.' sear Buraelde. MRN WANTED T Warn barber tradet a pacta I offer; poaltiona aeemrad; eonataat praenea aaa expert I Detraction; eataloa-no mailed frae. Molar Brat am College, aa rrasdeoa, CaL WANTEfl A mat to work for s cripple that goes in wseei maw ariiina; ainaii erurm, no talklns; $160 per dar. T. Culver. 824 tiantenbeln are.. Port I a ad. Or. MEN wanted, te read the "Male Help Wasted" . advertlaamente; yoa'U alwars Bad a number ot goad openings sawng thoaa. IIOI.DKR8 wanted; i open shop; I1M par day ef nine kra. Bealcta Iroa Works, Benleis, t aurornia. .t . T . . WANTKD rtratlaas plnmbere to work la open ahop. Brady A Bherrett, 141 Ft rat at. UlI VABTZD TMtAL. 01 MAI Keen ronr eye es Jearnai want eol amna; what too want la verr useiy aovar tlaed Is tbase eotooue today; read taea carefully. . YOt'NO alrl wanted te take eare of baby and aeelet In aosnework. . Apply awrnlsgs St Oil : Mortgoeaery St. - WANTED Olrl te eook. weak and Iroa for family of three; else second girL Cau phone F.aat 32B4. rrvATiovg wAirrm sT4Tt. BITrATION wanted by a plamber, with long experience. O. IB, Toe Journal. TTVAtlOXB WAVTZD TZKAU. EXPBRIKNCF.D boueekeeper dealras posltJos! nr,t-c)aaa cook; iefine-1 and capable of taking fall ebarse, 11. IS, The Journal. COMPETENT yoang Ikdy desires hooaework ta leflned home. Addreas N. 14, Journal. . WABTEO BXAX XITATX. WANTED To bay from owner, a small dairy, fruit or poultry farm; sire fall deeerlptloa. Addreaa A 13. eare- JournaL WABTEB MIBCrrXAJIIOnB. Y AN ADVERTISEMENT Like this fat Journal want eohtmns easts g eenta a Hne earn Inaertloa. It Is attractive and reaches the people yoa want to reach. Try osel WANTETxfVlr ot Indian clubs; stats etna, welxbt aad price. U H., Journal. WANTED Place Jte keep a small boat- Address , R. 17, Journal. MrT01TUCT'a0tTICrza, HELP ef all descriptions furnlabed sawmills, locflag rampa, faetortae. free te emptorars. Alpine Bmplorment Arenrr. near Morruoa, 15 2 mt aC Phooe Mais MIT. ALL kinds of male help fumUbed ea abort . notice free to employer. Williams a Rorsn, North Beeond St. Phone Red 151. LADIES poaltiona secured and female help furnlabed. The Oregon Woman's Employ. ' meat A re nc J. X Allaky building, rhoae Clay 403. . AMERICAN Rmnloyment Agency. Help of sll klnda famished on abort notice; mall orders promptly attended to. BR.Ma Main Zll. lOR L.ADIER ONLY. ' ' PORTLAND Women's Kmplojment Company, 216 Allaky, cor. sd sad Morrison. Red soar. JAPANBSB Emnl lormeat Agency mrslshea asds, ate. s North tutk snostlcs. farmhai Uth st Phose Clay BsS. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO.. Labor contrae tore; help tree ta eaployars. lis Morruoa. HELP wanted and sannlled. male or female. B, O. DRAKE. 20SH Washington St., Clay 445 WOBR for men. Wa for work. HANSEN'S OPTICS. 2S North leaosd sa. WAJTrXD TO klaTT. WANTED To let yoa know that advertising tour vacant rooms ia Journal want columns i the eaaleat and eulrkeet way te gad de sirable oerupsntat 10 eenta para rne si worse. tor B.XXT Houixrxrre book. I1.T5 PER WEEK Lars, dees, ruiulahes kousekeaplng room, with see ef Isaadry, bath, phone; also cheap furnlabed so traces. A Landlcas. 154 Bharsnas. Phone Clay Bug. KB RENT Uonaekeeplng rooms la sll par of the elty. Besd this elaantflcstloa If yc are looking .fur some. - Bom Water. eor.N Colombia: boaaekeeptng rooms, 12.00 par week sod up; ea salts of 3 or a rooms. tfe) dtk St. Nicely furnlabed housekeeping aparuaenia; ugni Irani rooms, w. . usaiy. - rrop. THE Templetoa, tOH M St., nicely fnrnlahed hooeekeeplng snd single rooms! reasonable. CLIRTON. ear. let sad Columbia; Ins suite: reaeeoable prlcea. rOE BINT rUKBTgRXS BOOMS. TTIB FAtBMOt'NT. 2Vi North Birth, aear Burnslde. half block north of postofflee, S - blocks sontn or aepnt xos eaa get rooms Is this elegastly furnlabed. new, steam-heated building at reasonable rates, furnlabed ot nnfurnlahed, single or ea suite, hot and cold ' running water In rooms, electric llrhts, poree . lain baths, phone; tourist snd transient trade ' solicited. Mrs. a. B. umrniM, proprietress. "THE LINCOLN." 40 Morrison, cor. lltk New -brick, eleo-ant, ruralahee. aenny rooms; sll modern conveniences; tourists and travel lng ma solicited. Mrs. T. D. Bnghes, Pros. BIVEBRIDE HOTEtj Atfl East Oak. Fnrnlahed snd unfurnished rooms,' single and es snlte; lodging, 1 per weak and as. Phone Bcott rtjRNISHED room ads is Journal want ml. amna bring results; tl words for 15 cents is toe rate, usee yoa any roomer fTRNtftHKD rooms for rent; Isrge front parlor; J.VS rifth St., cor. Madhvon. Alas aoosj end board. THE TEMPLE terga, steely furnlabed rooms; reasons hla. stXIH Tamhill St. sue SereaU. FINE rooms, tol Tenth, ene. Taylor st BOOstt WITH S0ABD. BOARD with rooms, well faretbed: eonveeteneeel table hoard t?l Inlf teesth st. aa a unit In place of the atate at large. Waa In favor of one den-gate for the first ten or less carriers, and one for the remainder In excess of ten. , No county to be entitled to more than two delegates to the state convention. f rrsieiias wseoa iUBM nasggs I eiUM aV Aela' Mt aa4 - l'-L BVgllTESB 0SAH0ZB. B0OMINQ BOUBB HBADCjTJABTEBB, TAFT A CO. v - 125-g Ablngtoa bldg. Mala 1B4L . A. FEW OF OUB LEADERS, 50 BOOMS Fine location, aear Portland motel low rent, rood lesss; bouse fleam sot ess tnaa Slow pet mosia. race, sow, . ; 5JI.6O0. . . . BS BOOMS -CV-li-e Ineatlea.' B rears laaaei - s rent, ti&.0t peraBonth; clearing over BlUO' psr soontb. 14 BOOMS On Sixth st.. close la, rent 4150, Jill modern good Income; price, ll&OO. 14 BOOMS Oa Sixth St., new furnttnre. good lesss, rent reasonable; clearing; nearly siju per month; price, sj.suu.w. 11 B0QMS Elegsntly furnlabed, nicely located. doing good boalaeee. lease; rent only sau.un per axmtn; Sl.sio. t) BOOMS Oa 15th st.. finely furnished, good y lease; rent flow; steam neai; pnea, y., 2,oo. . .'. , S BOOMS Near Portland betel, very Bnely - furnlahed. rent rlaht: this hneas la , strictly modern la every respect; 1700. 10 BOOM-Boose. swell location. Bnely furnished. beat boy oa the xaarxet; price, oaiy . .;. . rOO.OO. , ( 5-BOOM beese, eloss In. oar Tth St.. good fnr- . altars; price, only faoo. rr-. ' .' ' ' ' Wl WANT te 11 BOOM bouae, well furnished, good lo cation; gave immeoute customer. , '. ' '' ' TAFT A CO.. , 1XV4 Ablngtoa Blk. . FOB SALE. ' flFJNWRAL MEIK HANniSB. One of. the best Uoney.maklng propositions we know of; stork win invoice so.ouu; rsrm worth 52.160: poetofflre wltk Income of 5-W0 per year; all for less thaa cost of store stork: this most be sold at once oa account of dlsaohitwa of M.partaerabip. rail par ticulars. Boom f, IB) Beveath M. ' ONE OF THE BI0OEST SNAPS EVER. A eonfeetlonery. Ice cream and soda water store on the best street la Portland. Owner f called east oa argent business. Invoice evar tl.MO. Yoa eaa save this soap for 51.0O0. If voa have sot all cash wa eas erreiure terms ea part. Maa and wife eaa siake 5100 per month. This is the biggest snap in the , city. Full lnforinatloa at room t, 12B Sev enth St. ' SWELL! Cigar snd eonrerttonery at ore ea Waahtngtoa at.: win invoice gi.aoo; u sola uis week - f00 will Use It. TAFT CO..' 1J5-B Ablngtoa bldg. Phone Main IDs. " MORE LTTCK FOR SOME ONE. NO. 118 A FINE OO-ROOM PRIVATE HOTEL. Ws have received Instruetlona to sell . thta at ance; this hotel well located; earning over 5200 per month profit; long '.' , lease, low rent; location, residence dla. , trtct; price tor a nuirs sale, S4,ouu. ' Boom 5, 120 Seventh st. NEW rooming noose, cor. Sixteenth snd Thur man 20 rooms juat fin tab ed, to lea as to re sponsible tenant J. R. llogera, t0 1st st NEW TODAY. IS lsrge. alee moms. located oa Morrison et. : . 2-year lease; cheap rent; mnet be sold ' this week. Prion 51,500. This Is s , oeciaea narrain. . . . . ' w TAFT A CO., " 128-6 Abingtoa Mdg. . Pboae Mala 18A NO. 114 41 -room rooming bouae; One brick corner, vera central. Terr low rent with long leese; this bouse la paying over gftta) , iper month proof;- tv see itis te bay Itt price ana tmrum rv nsn- . . . Boom 5. 129 Bevesth at 151.000 CASH will take one-half Interest la the near Business in tne sister a enanoa sa eleaa - ap 510,000 to 520.000 In one year. If yoa warn a gooa moneviaser, see J. a. as., -ea nrst sx,, ronisna, tir. . bKOCSWl store for sale la s rood location; Bice clean etock st Invoice, 5 per cent dls- 7 eonnt and a usht Borse, barneee and spring wagon; vary cneap. owe rourta sc. NO 1 18 S rooms ot good furnttsra and car pets) Om location for students for medical : couege;. rent oiuy price ssuu. . - Boom 8, 12 Seventh st . ' "BPSINESS CHANCES" ad-rertleemente la journal want columns bnaa bis ret If yoa want te bay or sell a business, .try taem; .si arsroa I or 40 eenta. NO. 122 A grocery store, cash business, rest IS. g-rear lease; a nice nttle business with S ohance to double the sales; price, gats) cash. t ' noon a, laa eeventa sc. WHAT have yoa to exchanre as fan sej maut or part payment for a life Inamaaee policy In one of the largest old line eampaalssl Aoaraea aa. 7s, journal, 1 , , WANTED Enterprising young maa as business v partner: some money required; success of busineee asaureo; good c nance ror tight party. a. iv, A am eoornai. BESTAUBANT that will pay for Itself la one month. dViing good bnalness, and wffl bear tnvestigatioB. can st bhs Ksst stornsoe st FOB SALE Mnet sell st once; restaurant doing good boelneea; suitable for mas aod wife. Address, e. K. Hitter, Hsmmond, or. FOR RALE Stock of household roods. ' cow. alatlng of bedroom, dinlnsoom and kitchen ruraiture aaa surres. - iu uaii st. IF wsBtlrur s flrat-etasa around floor ptopusI tlon, small Investmeat, address Immediately A. 2. xnm journal. . . . 5300 CIOAB snd eoBfeetlonerr. with Ice cream and living moms. 583 First st, South rortiana; rent as. A small dairy and route for sole; also col lie paps for sale, sad teat, 12x16. Pboae iteott tn. FOB BINT HOUSE. A GOOD borne Is alwars s source ef sleaenrs many Bice bouses that- will msks good homes sre constantly advertised In Journal want columns. Are yoa looking tor ene 1 BENTAL AGENCY of . L. Wells Co., 54 Grand ave. We make a specialty ef ranting Booses snd collectlne en east aide) chargss reasonable, nose union in, 1 1 5 NEW modern g-room booses ea the east in. u . . ..a iM aoo ail i.mIm e Har'tman. Tnompaoa A Powers, t Chamber or commerce. FOE rent or sale, 1011 Williams a venue, o-roora bouse, sll modern conveniences. Apply John vain, sae stars St. Tel. Main is. FOB BENT New g-mnm cottars, with bath and pantrv; good location and ear service. ti4 at awa rjrax at. FOR BENT Roeee. comer - Seventeenth and Ottaaa streets. Inquire, at lOe Fifth. Max Bmlth, "Tne Savoy." I ... NEW modern 5-roorn cot tare, - fnrnlahed, at niland park; reaaonsble rent SIX Commer- j 1 1.1. SrsrRRAN home. 9 acres: rlnevsrd. orchard. berries: cow; good place for chickens, phone west xnvi. 515 MODERN groom cottage; bath; dreh-able; sey next ooor, sue neiann st FOB SALE H0B5E5 AND CABBIAOXB. YOU CAN sell year borse or wsena by advev tlalng It In Journal Want Columns; try them! - si woroa ror id cents. 8INOLB top Viegy, barneas, blanket and robes for sale cheapest ,55 .Ella st . Phone Mala S225. FOB SALE TAB Ms. FOB RALE FARMS e - Improved tarn, for sale m sll parts ef Ore gon aad Washington; payments mads ta.snlt purehssers. For full particulars as ta vsrt. one properties apply so Wa MscMastsr. 511 Worcester bldg. ' WOHLD yoa tike to live, ee a fsrmt That Is where many excellent farms sre eftea ad vertised. Look for them. TO EXCHANOX. WHAT yoa have and don't want Is Juat what someone else seeds and can't find. If rou'll advertise It in Journal wsnt enlnmne you eaa nske a good trade. Try Loam; 21 wards fur U cents. FOB BALE BEAL ESTATE, FOR SALE Lsrge S-room house. 5 lota: fruit Sod abade trees; good selibborhood; central; a splendid .borne place.. Price iuo0. Address Mrs. V. Espy. Corvsllls, Or. FOR KALE 5 acres on O. W. P. ear line at Ustes' crossing. 4O0; 5 scree with house, Jilt,; 2 seres with h.uiae. 5300; easy terms, uqulre .at Oatee crossing, v ( FROPEHTY OWSERtt If you have say prop erty for sale, advertise It la these columns. Journel Want Ads are great real estate Be lea men ; II words for 14 eenta. FOR SALE Lot lflOilOO, with material for building 6-roora bouae on aaay terms; also g lots In Laurelwood. 5125 a lot Addreaa A. IT, The Journal. FOR SALE Three S-room cot tares with base ment end yard; good condition: renting or ' 514.00 month; eaey terms; 51.400 sack. Mt 47, Journal. .. BELINQP1SHMENT on 100 acres land Bear Lrle. Waah.f good two-room house; good well; about twe acres fesced. N. 10, JournaL HIB SALBi 5-rnora bouse Snd lot st Forty second snd Division sts. I hot and cold water; 51.400. Call at 224Mj Washington at, room 10. FOR farms, screes, city property, choice tim ber and homestead locations, see Maxwell A Burg, 818 'Ablngtoa bldg., Portland, . Or. T-BOOM eottage. No. One Corbett at..wtth fine orchard; lot 50x100 feet; rent 515 per mouth. Inquire Frsnk Hacheney, 040 Corbett st FOR SALE. 51 eno 5-reom cottar, t lots Ions 100 feet 1 block east of Woodlawa car. In quire at bosae, 504 Shaver st Will PAY RENT Mew 5-room cnttaga; 4100 cash, 'balance 515 moathly. Addreaa B. 21, The JournaL NEW 4-roona boaae with baaemeat; price 5000; 5400 .rash; balance long time. Inquire 1080 Denver avenue. Take V ear. SO-aere improved farm for sale; Stock, eta, Particulars, addreas 0. W. Stephens, Clarke. . Oregon. Claekamae county.' FOR SALE a -room modem hooae; 50x100 lot; lfiot Twelfth st, Woodlawa; price 51.800. - 8. Farrlngtoo. A MANrFACTURINO site, looxino or too feet oa Hallroaa. eaesp. - ave uoiaamim at. . - A SNAP BeauMful mndera T-room, east side. home. Enquire Pee rteimont at. FOB BAXX-emOXIXAaTEOVB. BEWINO suehlnee; 100 Bne sagchlmM slightly dssMged st very low prices; lilrree. 15. A, 4'omeatle. Vihlte.. rw atome. uias ai r.ias, Willamette. Wbeefar A Wilson snd ethers; "acme new drop -head machines at 520. 0tr. sj. g. , PtreL gag Morrlaoa st, our. 1 ta. Marqaasi bMg PoctUnd. Ore. - WANTED BOO aoases to reehlngle before the rainy aeasnn seta In. Estimates riven ea all klnda of shingling. For responsible work and reasonable prices, can no .' F' OHTER A KIRK. Phone Union 1068. IN your store room yoa probably have some thing ot bo use to yoa, but It's goad, and yoa may Just sa well get cash for It by advertising In Journal want colonuss U words for IS eents. .... - UNDERWOOD TTPEWBITEB. . Visible writing.- Tabulator. Ball bearing. Light running. - Arenrr SB Front at Phose Red 1931. . BILLIARD AND POOL tables for rent or for ssle on easy pay men ta. THE BBUNSWft'K-BALKB COIXKNDEB C0 40 Third Bt. Portland. 500 COBDS of 4-foot live fir wood for sale: Jenne Station on O. W. P. ear Una, ' 5 ' ml Ire west of Greabam. Inquire ef B. A Jenne, near stattos. BICYCLX closing out ssle; 540 Woirf-Amrt-Beveath aad Morrlaoa sts. cans Bow -, FOR RALE Durham eoar Vnt 2-year-old heifer. Enquire at 520 Mistier St. M on ta villa. T- FOR sale or rent. Urge soiling yacht. Address B. J a, care or journal. LOST AND roTnro. LOST Aug. 14, Elxln sold watch; reward for return u journal oence ana do questioi ssked. " . IOST Many good opportunities every day yoa Is u to read Journal want uoiumas. dob t miss them. . FXBS0VAX. J. J. Hlrshbeimer. BensloB atsoraer. iiiiiistsBor at-law, pensions: War ot the Rebellion, In- , aiaa wars,- Act ot June in, iwu, order Mo. Ta, wldowa. children and dependent re la tl Tea. bounties, arrears, commutstions aad claims sgsinsc tne u. n. noom , uaam. ot oom. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nerve OImIh Wa nu.n,lt'a I , , I 1 1 I SO. months, 55; sent securely sealed by msIL Agents, Woods rd, Clarke A Co., Portlaad, Or. ZOUB pr-eertptlooa sre more s crura tety sad reasonably filled st Byseirs Pharmacy, S2l aomsoB sr., net. nrst aaa eeooaa sts. PERSONAL Tour baatness or professional eard In Journal Want Columns will bring yea Boainess; xi woras ror to cents, zry it CATER only te the best people, specialist ea diseases of the hair and scalp, Mrs, A Ds - vera, nog uesom. rnone uooa swi. "ON a Blow Trafn Tkrouck Arkaneaw," hr Jsckson; fall of fun and Jokes; SB eents. Jones Bookstore, zi Aioer st MRS. L. K. HARDEN hss retnrned from her vacation and Is scaln In her office, SOS uregoniaa Plug. 'let. uiay lata. MMR. H. A Ely.' dermstoloalat scalp Ural meat eaampue, eisctrie masssse. - ai i veaoanoasa. V0BXT TO L9AA. FEED H. .STRONG. FINANCIAL . AGENT. Moner to han. Mo anainiUa4. I am in a position te make Immediate loans ea Improved reel estate or foe betid ing purposes: suy amount: - aaodefhte hi tee eat. We approve loans from pirns sad ad vance moner aa building progresses. Optles aa awparment arrer one year. FBfiu H. STRONG. Flpsndnl A rent 105 Bosnnd Bt. Bear SUrtf THIt T LOAM- CO. 1 ' Any salaried employe, w ire-earner, eaa get ssi ais aots, without mortgage Month. U -month. Wee Ind.Oo Repay le es 5 IS. (IS or 50.08 er 53.804 x.oo Repay ta ea S d.g or 58 .88 er 81.08 515 OO Repay to BS I 4.00 or 4200 or 51.00 - wanoantlal. 110 McKay bldg., lOSVi Sd. SALART LOANS Asy salaried persoa havtag ai aiesuT positloB with responsible arm ess obtain money ea the -May payment plea. with, out publicity or delay; sll bnalneea treated Strictly confidential. NOHTHWEST LOAN w.. sxi Abinsgoa bldg., dty. - .LOANS ON THE BASy-PATMEirr PLAN To Salaried People. Strictly Confidential. Office benrs. 0 a. m. to g p, Bk, - EMPLOYEES' LOAN CO. FBeae 124, Room T18. The IV km bldg. . w. ear. xnira ens Wssblngtoa sts. MONEY TO LOAN sa real, persons! asd cot. lateral eeenrttyt special attention te chattel Bortanres; Botes boosht a W. Psllet SIS vsanmsreiat nut. Psone Main lana. M0RT0A0B LOANS ea Improved city and farm - property at lowest correct rates; bnildlug roeos- rnsiaiiment snaBB, WXs. Mseusstar, ' ei Worcester bldg. MONET leaned on pisnos. finnlluie snd ether chattel securities; sll business strictly prt- " " vr i n n sa a Mian w, a amng toa bldg., eity. - .' MONET te LOAN tit lanre or em sll sraoents v nuou aeenntyi Reweat rates, ,. WlUlam U. Aack. 507 Falling bids. MONEY ADVANCED salaried seanle, tea meters. I etc., without eecttrltv; essy psvmeots; lsrs 'eat bnalneea In 40 principal titles. Talmas, 225 AMnrtoa bldg. t'fTEL Issos In smoants raneing fmei 52J to 5J.OO0; roomtnv-hoaaea s speelslty Hew isai ar Trust uo., sue AMnrtoe bids. CHATTEL leans; rooming gnnaee s specialty. j-- v saisnea people, new era idea a Treat -Oa.. too AMnrtoa bldg. ' MONET TO LOAN FROM sr rr: PRIVATE PARTY. ADDRESS 882 MOHAWK BLTXJ. MONEY TO LOAN es 1 in proved, or enlmproved kins A Cm. ISO Alder st LOANS at lowest rates on fursltuie, pianosi mur securiTv noiea pnrcnaaea. Eaetera usss ofnes. 415 McKay bldg. ... MONEY TO LOAN ne Clsehsmsa eomty lands. r r, I. Riley, 80S Chamber ef Coas. CKIK0P0S7"AsTT MAKICXrXIBO. WM. DEVENY A TLLB DEVENY, fhs only scientific ehlropodlets, parlors room 901 Drew bldg., 182 Second st Phone Msla 1801. This Is toe Ions haired gentlesaaa, . Us Is the tea lea sre looking foa, JLfiPHAJ-T FATINS. TUB Trlnidsd Aaphslt Paving Co. ef Faftland. Offlce sns Worcester blk. "TttCbneys. PACIFIC Coaat Law A Collection Agency Portland ortlcs, low t-ua ruber of cemnieres. A B. RIOGEN, attoraey and connaellur-st-sW aotary. suo-sue Ablngtoa nag. . SEEPHERD, ANPPltnON A CEU.ARS, ' Atornere. glO-tUO-tul Merqeam bldg. ABCHZTXCTB. HODGSON A CO. Architects sad I opart a- tendents. Suite 511 Macleay bldg., ear. Fourth aod Wssblngtoa sta. Goodrich A Goodrich, architects; Wm. W. Good rich, eousultlng engineer. 1M0 8th. Front 18NJ. BABOIVa AND UOHTIBXHaV OREGON HOUND Ll'MBKB CO.. 151 at. Phone Oeant 117L BICT0XZB. STAR NOVELTY WOHKB Dealers la secoad. hang blcyeleat geoeral repalrliig. ST liatos COAL ABD WOOD.- GREAT WESTERN COAL CO., 441 Hoyt, 4 lltb; wsshed lump soot leva coal, 41-00 par ton But. fo.w; stents ror i Cumberland Bangs, 57.00; Castle Gate, gK 60; wbolesale prices; free dellverr; full walgbta; satlafae. . tlon guaranteed. Phone Jdala iwa. STEEL brldse woodyard. Be sure and 'see aa - before you bar wood and coal; full measure , fusranteed. Office, 21 Uolladay ave. phuae - Kast az4. B. Lamer ins. Manager. - - ' BERK Is your chance to set your winter's box wood: Five' loads, fl.00 a load, or stnsle loads peny. at 51.75 s load. Multnomah Wood Com- Phone Mala siis. GOOD fir -cord wood at S3 .78 delivered te any Place within 20 blocks ot Elrhth aad Baw- thome a ireeis. rnone ocott euio. ALBINA FUEL CO., Railroad at. snd Alblna . ave., aear ferrri slab and block wood, dry site grave, rsooe s.est ois. . i GORMAN 'COAL CO. ' Front and Pettysrove sts. Call oa ap. PHONE MAIN 888. WESTEBN FEED A FUEL CO.. Phase 1015. Castle Oate coal and all other coal ea ' market 154 North Fifth et HOOVER A CONWAY, 815 Water at. the Place for good 4-Coot Uve Br Bra .weed, rsoss Mala aoua. - PIONBEB Fuel Co.. removed from foot Mof rases te root Msla st psoas Mala las. 0. BV. VBUN. Oratylaaa wood snd coal; office S3 Alblna ave., near rerry. Phone Kaat llku. OREGON FHEL CO. I an klnda ef coal sad 844 Morrlaoa. Phone Mais es. OABPXBTZBS ABD TTIXDXBA l. J. AUTHOatB A H. B. WOOD.- eajveatars sad builders; repairing and jobbing: a tore and ernoe uirurse esiu. aoog sue i minmnia. Pboae viay taoi. . FANNING - A ARMSTRONG Carpenters aad baHdere: repairing and jobbing; reasonable rates, troop ear. Fourth and Columbia, (root 1280. . - (I W. GORDON, eonnters. ahelvina. booses ballt sne reoeirea. sua sonrtn, tjisr-ne. C0XMIB8I0V lfXBOHABTB. EVERDtNO A FABBELL, prod ace snd eommW- sioa merxhants. lo stobc su, t-urxiano, ur, Pboee Mala ITA - CBOCKXBT ABO OLAASWAXX. WHOLESALE crockery ead lass ware. Praaa, Bessie A Oa., 100 te log Fifth, ear. Stark st ART METAL W0 EEs. ORNAMENTAL work for residences, business houses, banks snd orrjee railings, gnu, are - place fittings,- chandeliers, signs, fences, art work la any style metal and finish! hammered , leaf work and metal spinning a epecualtrt building eonetrsctoral wcrk. L. K. laerok. 4O2-404 Dsvls. ror Ninth. OARS. THE OFFICE, ,280 Waahlngtoa ' st. Main. Til. ticket a ignaasx. CAFE K BATE. Ill Sixth st A ssi ted at all hours. CXAIBV0TABT AND FALKISX, PBOF. YARMO EINGLEB. This week, 50 readings, OOe. Scientific phrs . nologist pal id let, psrehomotar and mentaltst Advice on all quest ions pertaining te human '. lire. will . oo What ourars claim to so. ,. Hours, s ao to g. , , S41a Marrisoa. Cor. Seventh. MADAME JOHNSTON CValrvoysnt palmist, eard reader; I give facts reliable and Im portant oa all affairs ot real life. Beadlngs ouc iwo rourta st WANDA. THE PALMIST psychic, lifts the veil of mystery and brings forth your de sires; reaainga luc. . . 210 Madison St. -' ' CHOABS ABD T0BA0OO. a-. ga- e-s. .avA-a. ea. E8RKRO-GUNST C1GAB COv Dlstribatore ef . ' m F1NB C10AB. ' ; ' UBEMMAXWO. MRS. McKIRBEN. srtlstle dress and eloas. making. 551 MorrlsoB et CXXENT 00BTBACT0BB. HAWKINS A CO. Residence. SOS Fourth St. pboae Fmnt 1288: cement work of all de- smptioasi step work s peels Kyi worm gaar ssteed. . .. . . ' ' - CRAA H CARTER A CO. fformerlr Carter A Ell). eVmeat eon tractors. 914 Tsrsart PBeas East 18TB. All work saarantesd. DOG AND R0RSB HOgrTTAX. DR. S. J. CARNEY Veterinary rargeoa. 105 Worth gtrtk st I'aoas Mala 14S4i res. paoae, , Mais 58ST. . DE00BAT0BA HENRY BEROER 180 First st.t wallpaper, Ingrslne. tupestrtea. sppllneie fiiasaa. Inter ior decorating. - FAATEEBAX mgTJBAltCX. OBDEB OF. WASHINGTON Foremost frster. Bel eodrtlr of northwest r nmteets ' the llv. v lng. J. L. Mitchell, eapreme secretary, fill ana Bio Mtrrmsm hiag rartisBa, vr. Aeas phone Msla 84g. . . STxnra and cLXAvnta, PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING AND DYEINO Works; practical hitter Is connection; feather boae and plnsiea cleaned end cnrled by aa es .pert Sll Foartk. Pbcaa Clay 704. J. HUNTER, 5S0 Jefferson St.. steam carpet and ststtreas rleanlnx: feather reaovatlogl sll wore gusrantsed. Phone Mais 114. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PREP8ED 41 Bee month. Unique Tailoring Co., 547 Waahlng ton st H. W. TPRNER. professional ftvee and r lea nev. SOS Jefferson et, phone Main 2815. ELECTRICAL W0KXA NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Com pa nr. SOS Stark St., Portland; 0. K. for everything la the electrical Use. Phone, Msla 1AH8. FURWmrBX FACTO BIES. FUBNITURB manafsrturlng and special ardors. Am auveassy s rarnitaee rsetory, arp rront st 0REGCN Fornirare Msnnfactnrln CrtB3oasr Marmfactarera ef ramltars for ths trade, gos First st OBOCXBAv WADHAMS A CO., wholesale grocers, amas facturers aod sammlmloa merchaBm. Fourth sod Osk sts. . ALLEN A LEWIS, cemwilaaloa snd jmwtoee Btec ehents. Front and Dsvla sta., Portland, ue. LANG A CO., First and Ankeny eti. HATS CLIANED. ASTERN Bat Msnofacturtug Oomnanr, 821 First, near Clay; sat dyed, cleaned, blocked la la last stylea . ear . specUlly) f aaama hats. X0TEXI. Hots Portland. A marl eaa plan l 53. 55 per day. Belvedere; Euro pes a piss: 4th snd Alder sts. BOSSES AND CABBIAOXB. L'MTKQe-srrlare r., rubber tired esrrisgee. tslly-hos. Main 222. lo8 lltb. cor. Morrison. HTTMAN HAIR BOLLS. I: J. BORO, maker human hair mils, 428 B. Sts. TaLKaat 2il I. Store, SNO Morrlaoa et XVSUBAXCX, I8XA0 L. WHITE, fire 1 nee ranee, 505 Dekaai JA8. Mcl. WOOD, employers' liability sad h dividual accident surety bonds ef all kind. Pboae 47. 8o2 McKay bldg. B. F. BABTEIA COMPANY. Sre tnauranoa. 445 Sherlock bldg. . Oresos phona CUr 535. FIRE INSURANCE J. P. Kennedy, A Co.. S21 Sherlock bldg. Phone Mala laaA - ARTHUR WILSON, fire Insures, ghsrlorg bldg. Phone Msla loog. IB0E WORKA' PHOENIX IRON WORKS nglnsera, - mess . fscturers ef msrlae, mining. ksxlng ead saw - mill Biaeblarrr; prompt attention te re pant work Vkone. Kaat 20. Hawthorne sva. A B. sd, MAGNETIC HZAXXE. I 8UOCE88rr'LLY treat all forma ef mm. -whether chronic er acute: also teach otbsea- ' Mrs. U H. Hart Sll Allaky bldgT '" ""' " ' " -' I I lil , snmicAL. T. E. LAWSON. S40 Park. cor. Main, ptane kaa- eona; terms reaaonsowsr , mono rront Mil. MA58A0S AND BATES. TAPOB bathe aad massage by lady wltk you sat , ladr assistant I10H Foortb. room A MH8. 0RHOCK. mssaaassr has t turned rroai 1 the best Union BOK1. atTBIO DXALXBA FIRHEB MU8I0 CO., ISO Third talking machines; repairing. Bed I t. VVhae OVKJLAXLA DOSS OF THE BOAD OVEBALLAsnd BMCbaae' , IcaA elothlngi anloa made. Neostadtor Brea, msnofscturers. Portlaad. Or. FLUMBEKA FOX A CO., esnltsry phtmbers, 181 Bsoond, bet, atain ana bsiojob. wsgoa pnone. Mala xoou , DONNEBBIBO.A RADEMACHBR, pluaOMra, iviuvveu wa o voann et. sotn ATBTTJia A1TD YAFEB-XAVOnrS, W. B. UTTONr painter and pa ITS Madlaoa st, wast end ot I onngi FATXBTB. B. C. WRIGHT, lawvsr; patsats s spedaltyf . protect your iBvsatlona, Booat S04 Dsfcaow FLATTiTtt. THU OREGON PLATING WORKS, del Wasb- ibb-iob street.- rnooe XDID. . sxtlishlag, gist, lag ssd meqaerlng. FKXS5 CLlrmiOA, MAES MONEY! USE PRESS CLIPPINGS! Ring Bp Black 11 and order a Broth's service covering every town la aay er all eoast states; dally meeeenrer service; edvanr reports ea sll eon tract work. Portlaad efAag log Secoad st FATBTB, 0TX ABB LAM. "ACH A CO. Pioneer Paint Co., sslllpe r"-, luinse ansa in paints sna general building materials: window-glass sid slsslng S epsctalty. 185 First St.; phone Uu 1854. tASJf-' TONNE A CO. Phoenix Paint ssd . Oil Works; suan'settrrers snd importers v pslnts, oils snd sorava, ete.t Tooe 1ST. Office ' sad fsctory. Sherlock are. sad Nineteenth eta - W: Pi FUT.LER A CCk,. wiannf seturars Pioneer lead. PSoenlx Paint. Kosallpe; a gsaraatse given with every galloa et paint auiBataetsred by as. ,- , , BASMUSEI A CO., tonnera. paints, ells, glasa, essk and doors. 'lo First st V fBrTOBB. ' BU8HONG A CO... Front and Stark sts.. print. lng. Ushoavanhlng, blank ' books and office oppose) wort ovrm on time: most oomplste printing office In the west - Msla 104. ANDERSON A DUN1WAY COMPANY, pristine. mnosrenoine;. Bunt books. . rseae Msla IT. Si Alder et ' . BOOlTJfB. TIN BOOITNO. sutterroe. renslrlna snd joomng. j. uama, gig garreraos ansae. ALL kinds of roofs repaired and painted. W. J rarreil. ove nrst. BCOtt Ht Borx. PORTLAND CORD A0B CO.. cor. ano nortnrep sts., PorUanA Or. BTJEBEB TAJ4TB, a rt mm sbabwm eio i iv, ramav sramna, aeskt. stenetm, rare, trade checks; send for catalogue. 5PEATIB0 ABO WBITEWASBTBO. IPkivntn -- " w uiw abulia, u i a, wmmw mean, naras. socks, ete M. O. Morgaa . Co. Call sp Booth Snd. we win cell asd give yoa genres oa your work. Tke largest fsaollne spraying and whltewaehlng eetfit n Multnomah euenty. 870 . Mllwaukie sts Portland. Or. ' BArrs. LARGEST stock ta ettyi THebotd wort! lockouts pmea, repairs, jail work, steel calling, treat . meet, snd goeda meriting year patrons J. B. Davis. 88 Third st BT0BA0E ABO TBABSFXB, SAFES, pianos and furniture moved, pecked resur tor snipping ana sninpea; an work guaranteed; large getory rirk fireproof , warehonse foe storsea. Offlee 13S Vlret a, . 0. M. OLSEN. Phone Mala 647. . , a O.- PICK, offlce SS First st, between Stark son vas ,-: noone oho; pianos ana nrnt, tare moved and parked for shipping; com modlona fireproof brick warehouse. Front and Clay eta. TEAKS FEB ABD BAUUB0. 0BBOON TRANSFER CO., 184 North Slith. telephoae Mala 40. Boavy hsallng and POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. Ne. too Uj Waaav tnoum ei. rnone ur. Mala sua. SHOWCASES ABD FTXTTEES. SHOWCASES of everv deacrintloat bank, has and store flxteres made to order. The Latke ro.i.nunni to., fort lana and Best tie. ' 1U J LfciL TTFXWBTTXBA TOST TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS .w ersrs crree t. Ws rent repair, sell, exchange type writers, 411 supplies for all machines. ; Standard machines 425 and up so 4100. ' Do yon want a stenocraphar or typist t Ws bare list ef rood sppUcants, lDone Black 1871, , v ,. MAKES of typewriters for rent st Under "wo wood Typewriter Arency, 80 Front st TRUNK FACTO BT, PORTLAND TRUNK MM, ' CO. Wholesale snd retail. Phone Clay 808. Cor. 5d A Pine. Portland. Send for es ts lorue. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash, 81 per month. Lawrence Bros.' Towel eomnsny, th and Coach. Pbone 420. WBIEI TO SUE, STROUSE'S RESTAURANT, flrat-rlsss best service. 228 Wsshlngton st WAIXPAFXB. MORGAN . W A LLP APE B CO.. laa-las St, Set, Asauui aad Zsykar. 4-ucUaed, .. ' '' f.. .