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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 16. 1904. CORN BELT NEEDS Arbuckle Coffee Rises "T" f " A i I I l A r IX aT"""!"" Scarcity, of Poultry . 80 Cents Today, but I I II I V ' IVI EA W l K" I a Causes Stiff Advance , Lion Does No: FolloW 1 J L- ' J 1 I V I I 1 l L. I Of In Local Market Today . i ' ' ' ' i i . i ' ' " ' RAINS VERY BADLY ' Entered at the onarnffles of Portland. Or. foe trsnspnrutlun through Um Bulla u soeood- veae matter. Poetaee (or slnsle conies: Tat an A 10 or IS- sgs Hlr, t sent; Id to (0 psgas, I eantal U w pages, eauu. -V nUFROIIL ' ftnalnss Offar Mala 8i0. . fclltorlsl Buonae Mala H00. V yOSEIOsT ADVIBTIBISCI aiVBI8EVTATITX. vreelsnd-Renaainln Srjeclsl Aclrartlaln Aencv - ISO Kiuu street, haw Xork; Tribune Build . . u a;, ,ioicsga, - r 1 i V vBicmnrnoH batia ' , TaaaBB h flan-har. - Ia Pally Journal, with Sunday, 1 year.. ..IT BO The Ialiy Juarnal, 1 year.......... 800 '. The Daily Journal, with Bandar, 8 Montha. I 78 Jhe Pnllf Jnornal, mrmtha S W . The rally Journal, with Siindsy, months. 1 US nb Dally Journal, month 1.80 , The Dallv Journal! with Bunday. 1 month.. .04 . lit Dally, par Week, delivered. Suodsy Inelnoed ' .1 ,1b flail, per week, delivered. Sunday am eepted J . Tmm Kv Wan. Journal, with So nosy, 1 r....IT-00 ' i'al, 1 rear.... The Dl!r Joarnal. with Sunday, 8. month. 8.T5 ' A?" I?"' Jomual. montha f T8 The Dally joarnal. with Sunday, Soon tha. 1.80 ' 2T Joonuil, 1 montha ; 2 I""' Journal, with Sunday, 1 moath.. M Tha Dallv Journal. 1 month.... ....... -J ""Isy Journal, 1 veer J-JO Tba 8uadar Journal. Bon tha 1.00 " Tha Saml-wsskly JomrnaL v Ta Seml-Weeklv journal. to II page. Sfk U.U 111t....J ...II n.r. H. ,'C'porti, 1 aar , . , ' Tha Waakly 7ornsJ. Tba Weekly Journal, loo columns of reeA ' i In aarh taaiu ii)h..m ..ul full aaarkat ' reports. 1 rear ....100 . rlsmltlnsce ahnuld ha mada h draft a. posts! Dotra, riprrra ardrra. and amall ainounta' ara arrrpiaoia la i ana I -cant ptta ramim. , , THE J0UBBAI. f. O. Bo Ifl, Portland. Or. Unbarrlhrra ta Thai Journal wba Bajr laara town tor tha auoimor can hara tha papa torwardod ta tham to . any addreaa without ' aitrn rharar, paymant for tba aama ta ba Piada apon thlr ratnra, iwnms m ynirmwAt. hit n ruuin. . Ta Journal can ba found en aala ai tba M f'Tina; .piaraa: HO I KB. IDARA-Waioaf hank atorav' ! IIICAGO Poatotfle liawa eampany, ITS Daar- IKNVEtt cniy).KiWbHrk Rnnk A Statlnnar - rnanpany. nil BaaantM-nth atraat; . 4. owe, Bixtaantn and curtla atraata. - aiVBil? .r . ' , LA" AtfOKI.RSB. T. Oardnar. nn Rnatfe BlHinf atraat; OIlTar A Halnaa, tuS .South allVNEAPOLIS-ll. J." Eaanaah. SO South t Third. . FEW YORK CITT Brantano'n, Union aqoara. OODRV Opi1bi a. MuniMiif. OMAHA Millard nan arandi Maaaath Btatkinarr tnnmnf 1 ajat rarnnm atraat. .ALT t.iua ffTV ar a.aia a.andr narrow Hroa.. aa wait Bvontt airaai. aoaia, ST. LOT IS I'M II n tutrr. Bid Lairawt atraat. .'- lit an vt ., a, . i i l w...l atwt: rrad w. Pitta. Irtna, Markat atraat. SPOKANE Wan John W. (Inhaaa On. TACOMA. WASH Oantral Naara company. 11X1 t. AO0TI0H SALXS TOM0KEOV. . Br J. T. Wltaoo. With mn4 Ahkray atraata. at 10 a. m. , aala of fumltura and houaakaaplns r a.OipBiaata. a. x. w nana, auctionaar. I JL1 ! r . .y w-XATSIB BEFOET. ... j Waathar condition! and kanaral fnracaat for ! orcfon, waablntna and Idaho. Slnra y rater day Baorntng ahowars and thandaff atnrma hara ': occurred In Arlaona, Utah, annthaaatam Idaho. Colorado, New aiexleo, Kanaaa, aaatern N"a Kraeka, Mlaaonrl, tha Laka rcBloa and tba with Atlantic atatca. no Btarkaa cbaji(aa la tempera tura sard takas j)iara. v . Iha Indlcattnna ara fop fair weather fa ihta rmtric Wednaaday, . with aaarly atatleDary irmperarnrea. " r aObarrratloM cnaed it I I. :" Atlanta, tw i , oa , Ilaker City. Or 84 - ., Itlaaurck. K. D.. ....... PS 54 fiolaa. Idaho.. M , ftfl lioaton. Maaa M M - t harloaton, M. a.........' BO ' T2. hlraao, IU c.,....v. M ' 63 - (Inclnnatl. Ohio... ,. M ' 08 ' Jenrer, Cola.............. - Bit . M I-etrolt. Mick M 6i Kl I'aao, Tex... M f -B4--e- F.ureka, Cat. ...... ........ M M Kreano, Cal.... 104 TO Helena, Mont. ............ SO S4 JarkaoUTllla. FU.... M 73 KiniX. B. C. ........ . SO SH .Kanaaa City, Mo Pd . ' 68 i lxai Anrelea, Cal. M . M New Orlaana. La. ! It ,Kaw York, I. Y M , 6S " V North llead, Waah. ....... S 50 Omaha. iNeb.. ............ M . ' W 'I'hlladelphla. Pa M a- ' Toratello, Idaho .SO . fX) rartland, Or S4 M ;Hoarhart. Or.............' M M Sacramento, Cal SO M '(it. Lou la, lis .;..,M, 70 'Salt Laka. I'tnh SO BS ,raa Meito, Cal........... SO 95 . San rraaclaeo. Cal........ 51 tit 8t. Paul, Minn..... 83 9 ' Snokana, Waah..... M M . .Ttmrna. Waah 1 7 , 62 'Walla Walla. Waah....... B ft", 'Wlnncnueca, Nay........ M SO - Xuna Aria 104 80 Prae. 1.H , 0 , 0 0 0 T. 0 .04 . .03 . T, ' 0 0 0 .so 0 ' .04 0 .ot , o 0 0 .08 0 o o o 0 0 . 0 T, 0 ; Sell wood; anodarn, artentine. aaanplcta. Charcaa Aanlta, wsoi cnuuraw. jd. riaitara a. am, tto S p. a. Portland CraBaOoo aaoaUtlaa, '.I'artUnd. Or. . ....... Tha Edward Holana Tmaertaaut eoorpaBy, .fanaral dlractora and aajibaiDMra. , Sao Thir4 atraat. rbooa sot. J. P. Unlay Son, funeral director a ad - aanhalmera, haao renorM ta taeir saw eetaa llahnant. aarnar Third BB4 Madlaoo atraaaa. Motk phaoca no. B. , . - . . ; Eeller-Femea Co., fonarat director and aov fcalauara, 17S EnaaalL Lady aaat. PVxaa Eaat 10aA. CUrt Bras, for Sowara. SSS Uorrlaoa atraat BIB TBS. Ancoat'ld, to Wr. and Mr. 8. J. McCo. !Hlll . V rvua.r-nu.H ' ; - ....... u . Aupiat 12, to Mr. and Mr. , Joaeph K. Kela. at SM Roaa atrect. a ana. , Auimet 4 to Mr. and Mra. Bernard Each). ' oacaar. at lim ru a.i(nnanin airaai, a M. . Aoraat I. to 'Mr. and Mr. Daniel Flood, at i VTO caiTier ewvt, it gaHui.r. Anauat S. to Mr. and Mra. J. II. Mtaao baliner, at SM Ooaby atreet. a ana. A (if oat 10, to Mr. and Mr. W. W. MeOooo, at M North Blerenth atreet, a dauchter. Anauat B, to- Mr. and Mra. Andy J. PoaroH, at 164 Eaat Waahlrutton atreet. a dauchter. Aiiruat If, to Mr. and Mr. U E. UlTlnaa, ' at Wnodlawa, Or., a daughter. Aucoat IK, to Mr. and Mr. P. Baaaepp, at AUirnaT 9f aonn vaevnt, ipv 01 rear, Bl. itanu Samaritan hoapltal, can fracture of ahull. Burial at Lor.a Plr cemetery. Anmnt 10, La lun, aed ,4S yea re, at .- rVurteenth, Bear Qulmhy atreet, canaa fracture and die location of carrlcal eertebrae. . Burial at Lrnia Fir ceroetery. Aukuat , Caroline H. Wllllamaoa, a red RE I yea re, at Oood Samaritan hoapltal, caaaa perk. vurmi a;i Lena err ceroererr. AiifUft 14, Harnuet Werner, aa;ed T8 year, at l inoo neiirnia, caoefi 1117 nBnTBlOB bk in .can, .tut la 1 a v iimniiq. Ana net S. Mamie O'Banloa, aserl SS year, at llond Samarltaa hoapltal, canae acute faatrl- tlen and ludlgeation. Burial at Lona rlr cam Auanat IX Daniel W. Hannaelman. aaed A4 year, at Pnrtamouth at at Ion, caaaa anina .'pcBToria. rinriai m m aioinea, la. Auauat 18, Mafia Uanaen, aed 80 yeara, at 1 147 Wnncyer atreet. cauee cerebral ambola. llurlal at Hlnaated, la. Anrnat 14, Jama S. Ratbhnn, tfed T8 year, at Mnnt Tabor, caoao dropay. Burial at ' Lone Kir ce met err. : '' Anriiat ta. Mary Tart, a red 83 yeara, at 4.'.S Fourth atreet. caaaa carcinoma. Burial at HlTerelew cemetery. Aoauat 14. Ann Margaret Olaaa, axed 88 treare, at St. Vlocaat boaptUk Biirtal at Xifaa Fir cemetery. , - Aafuat 1, Adelaide E. Bodmer, red 84 year, at 0"d Samaritan bnoplul, caaaa multl- - bin ahaceaae ot lleer. Itnrlal at t m urnA ml Auauat 13. Edmoa Qrarrnry. a red 8 yeara. at St. Vlnnent! hoapltal, cauae acut auterttla. Bnrlal at Mount Caleary cametery, , . Aoaat 10, Wllhelmlna Hperllnc, aawd 74 yeara. at ho Nnrth Firth atreet. eaua aeaaral tlvhlllty. Burial at tone Fir cemetery. . . Awuat 8, Mary J. fiottoa, and Boatha, PRICE OF COFFEE IS iW VERY HIGH ABSVOXXl AEH COBSOYA ZUBB AJT ADSITZOVAX TXPTT CZSTTS BX- uitxo tkat ror in uacxbs- KBAOTIOV Z.OOKXD rOB FOTJXe. tbt curat aaoHEB. ' rront Street. Ant. IS. Tha. arinclnal fea. lure of tha Portland wholaaala aiarkaU to- oay are t Arbuckl Co (Tea arlaanced attain. Poultry blfber with aaiaU racalpta. Kits market hold good ton. Hop market la much nruer. . , ' -' " Car bananaa arrlTes.lB.- Walla Walla globe onion out- Local potato ablpmenta amall. , .' ' , .' No veal or -boa ara corning. r" Peaehe firmer with InadXiuat aupplyj Markou aupplled with aalmon. Wheat crop will arcrage better, , ". Flonr aurket looking higher. Chlttlm bark la vary dull. ' u , Craaowry butter la Indifferent. : ' " Arbuekl Ooffa Adraaead Again. .' Tber waa another a (trance of 60 ceata par 100 pound In tba quoutlon oa Arbuckl aoffe thia morning, tba aaw prlca being 814.74. Tha aama change waa mad oa Oordonu . Aa yat thera la no change ta Lion brand, tha rlee of yaaterday being ta a newer to aoa made la Arbuckl Bom time ago. Tnday'a suoUtton oo Un atand at 813 35, while Arbuckl and One dura are 81.50 higher at 814.7ft. In coffee drclea In tbla city It la thought that tha top f tba market baa practically been reached and that there will aooo b a eharp decllo all arouua aa in aamage to tha Ban toe crop baa beea ery much oTervattmated. On Angaat IS, 1008. the loth being Sumlar. all Daofaae enffea af aaubllabad Jwauda waa quoted at 811.13, wait tnia rear there ba been a re mar ka bio rlaa notwltbatandlng the fact that tha aialhla tupply of coffe of tha world la much greater today and that tba coming crop la not la bed at rait. la tba New York coffee exchange ye, terday thera waa a warerlns of tha bull force and quotation oa optlona at tha cloae of tha aeaaloa were unchanged to S point lower. Wheat I Lowr ThU Tear. .; Price of local wheat, with tha axrenrun of alley grade, are lower thla year than at tb opening In Ian. The re porta of dam age to the erona of the middle weat did not nee . much air act on price ber. tha nro. pact of a bampar crno la tha northweat Uta oeerheating errery other eonalderatlon. The market at preaent I In Terr good ahapa and miller ara qalte anxloua to boy. although tba farmer are not ao willing ta aeU. Tber la a better demand for Sour thla year thaa during lima . Bad alao a better export value. Tha price that ruled oa Atirat IS, 1H3V were I Club, I8oi btueatem. Sic; Taller, 80c 1 riouj Market Looking Higher. With tha amellneaa of atoeka of old wheat for grinding there la aeery proapect that aooa there will cot ba anough Sour te All tha large demand whlckr la now coming from tha. orient ta wan aa from local point. The markat abowa Very Indication of going higher. ' Erg Market Bold Good To. Tha egg market la holding Ita ton with price unchanged today. The receipt are about equal to the demand, if anything otherwtae, they are (lightly andar. No reduction la looked for. - Poaltry Market 01 in be Bilker. Thar 4 a a hart are ta the mnolle of nonltrr today and with tha larger demand there waa an adeanc In price. Old ben ara being eagerly Bought after at Inc. an adranc ot He from yeetrrd.- and mixed chicken ara up ellgbtly more at Hike. Higher price by newly la ara ruling la broiler a and fryer. Tb ton of tha atlre market la good, with tha axerpttoa ot geeee, which find, but little ill. . .- " ' . . - . s . ,'. , t; tBof; Markat -la Mndh iWar, i. i With the eaoa eererel weeka lata and tha fear of rain be for picking oneration ara complete! then i added strength In bops. although prices are showing bo change. of bop, tb Maw York Producer' Price Cur rent ar . .. .. 'Tb boa markat baa Bat been rry actlr tha paat were, owing to mallneaa of remaining aaooka and ana Tlew of holder. Brewer are buying Borne, which la not to be wondered at, aa the government report for Jun , uat leaned abnwa aa Increaa In tb output of beer of 700.000 Barrel over Jun. 1803, which ta regarded - aa remarkable. Tha crop la Naw York atata la doing aa wall aw heretofore and everything Inoka favorable. !o all three eoat atatea report ara aatlafactory aa to growing enie. ' Dealer ara at 1 11 endeavoring to eon tract oa tba coaet. but meet with Utile uc ceaa, aa growera a re not Inclined to sell. Prom England report vbow no Improvement and It apiieari! If tha waahlug and aurajlng ha Mith been Bneocceaaful In atenimiug tha rav age of veruila and Build. Prua tier many ra- purt indicute that owing to tain tber haa beea aa Improveinent In tha altuatloa there and k wall of th doming crop." Looal Potato Shipment BotaU. 1 Shlpmenta of local potato ara very amall and thia market la still being supplied from California to a Bwrs or leea extent. Potato are cheap In California, but the acarelty bora enabled tb deader to keep as price. Veei aad Bogs Barnaul Firm. There 1 nothing but) flrmuea In tb meat market and both Veal lnd bog auppliea ara under th demand. Top price ara tb go. No beef I oumlug aloug to atreet, " Peache ar Plimer. . A car of banana cam In lata yaaterday ta good ahapa and waa diatrlbutad among local dvalera. . Thar I Brnineea ail through tha peach market, tb Buppllva of good a tuff being inadequate to tb demand and better prlca ara ruling. I Today'a wholesale quotation, as revised, ar as follows: , rtaw ITour and Paed. WTIRAT Export ptico Haw and old Ctuh. T4r- blueetem. 7Sc; valley, 80e. BAKI.KY Feed. roiled. 23; hrawlng, 82.ftU(uM.00. OATS Producer' price Me. 1 whit, 834.800 FL01JB Baerern Oregont Patent. 84 SO' straMjhla, 8 bo8 80: valley. 3 4,S.6; gra ham m. 8S f( 10a. SS.88. , MILLSTrFFS Bran. 819 60 pee ton; mld dltrga, 23.00i aherta, evanlxy, 822.00; chop. HAY PTodewr" prie Ttmnthy. Wlllamevt veupy, rancy,'; orninariv Sla-OuQ la no; eaatera Oregon, iin.oiie 16.0O1 mixed. at S4T Kaat Oak street, eauea aaatritla. Burial at Mount -lTtrv cematery. . Ananat TO. joaenb B. Edwards, aaed TO veara. at St. Vtncent'a hnanltal. eaua anonlexr. Bur. ii av aaount rieaaant. w. - Auguat 14. Michael M. Hale, aged TX year. at Spokane, Waah.. can dlabetla. Burial at aauuui vairary cemeierr. BKAX 1ST ATX TBAM8TEBS. ' William H. Tost and wife t A. J. F. Bowmta, lot 4 sad waet hi lot B. block 10. Pnrtamouth .ti 8 180 a: a. r. oowmaa ana wit to Emma u. Buchanon. same 180 . J. Oowllaham to J. Lefler, lots S to 8, clock i, and lot a, J) lock .z, stratrord. Sidney add Jobs i. Snyder to Mary C Snyder, 11 acres D. D. Prattyman t. C. aectloa B. townabln 1 anaitb ranee ft eeat t. M. Klchardaoo to Terwllllger Land Co., part Terwllllger O. It. C, In aectlona S. 10, 15 aad Id. townahlD 1 aouth. raaga 1 eaat : 1 t r). pteweu to w. H. neweii. Mte s to a, za to Zs, blocK B, Town ot Lent......... . 1 Bam to name, lot IB, SO, block S, Tr minus add to Alblna and lot S3, block 8 Bars Samuel Bwanaoa to John Perry sod wlf. lot 7, block 08. Ca ruth era add to Car. 'atber add H00 Martha 8. Fleeck and haa band ta Portland Truat Co. of Oregon, lot 14. block T. Ivanbn 1150 Emeet Kroner aad wire to Paul va Fri- dagh, trnatee, lot 18. block 12,' John Irving' Pint add to Bast Portland Karl . C . Bronaugh. and wlf to Blmoa Stetner and wlf. lot 4. block IT. Port- lead Homeatead ...a 678 liary O. Hart at al to John F. 8bea, weat 14. Iota S. A block 11. Couch's add 7. Lefler to B. J. CowlUhaw, northweat H aectlon it, township . 1 aouth rang S eaat. 100 acre....... Oregon Farnitur Maaufaetniing Co. to O. C R. B. Co., two 17-foot etrlpe, part Terwllllger I. L. 0., seotloa 15, tnwMht 1 aouth. range 1 eaat Ferdinand Oroner and wife to Jennie Snow, Kt in. mora xz, norm Aimna.. , 105 lit. nioc ju. norm aimna... , E. H. Bobbin to O. Ounderaon, hots 5 to S. block 5, Baffety's sdd to Eaat Portland P. W. Hoelbinjt and wife to T. B. Wine. low, lot 11, block 14. Columbia Belghta P. H. Marlay to T. B. Wlnalow, lot 13, Mock 14, earn ,, Warren J. Burdea and wife to Maud C. I.I ham. lota 11. 12. block X. Eaat Tatar (Villa .' PJInA Jannla Bnow and bnepand to Frank Hul ahiaer, mt 10, nmca Si, ynrtk Alblna... Mary A. Dunn to T. W. Toragler. lot 1. block 11, luna a aad to taet Portlaod 900 10 Oat poar rnanranc and a be tract to eatate frm tb Fa, Title Oaaraatee A Truat Chamber of Commeraa baUdlas. BTILDIHS HBMITS. 1 h . ta t.ihuM.1 BLAkMl ' - SI 1, of Jewlah Woman, on Flrat between Ball and Lincoln street.' twi gn.wai. . Aiuiuat IS. M. lliclya. replrs ta boa oa Firet between Coach aad Ivl streets. Coat $1I0. August IB, IT. Welnhant, repairs to hrtck building at aortheaat corner of Front and Mad- Iron aireeta. Ceat 8d.ix. Auguat 18, H. U Tnxrgatt, oa Twenty-third between Jobnaoa and Kearney a tree 14. , Coat H.IKW.' Angaat in. av. rsaamnaaen, enrraga oa Hie acurl betweaa) Severe and Oemoot street. IX at 81.000. Ananat 10, Miea raoie wngley, rator welling East Twelfth betweea Fallln anil Shaver atreeta. Coat iiV. Anmat la. nebnke-Walker Bual enlleae. renelre to brick building at tear the at earne of Sixth end Morrleon atreeta. Coat 8100, Anguet 10. It. r teckenetein. rra ine nouee oa tovth aide of Waehlngtoa between CLapmaa and Nineteenth atreeta. Coat 80. Anaiiat In, r. w. Traupe. cottaa on Ullwau. tie between South and Avenu atreeta. Coat 70O. " . " A areet In. M. H. Miasma, two -atnrv dwelllne on Kaat Eighth betwe. n Eiat Mill and Kaat Stephen atreeta. Coat $1 ). Auguat lb. Archer A Schani, repair t frame honaa oa novtheaat .corner of XlghU) and Aa keay straet. Coat tCX ... tt.00; ordinary. 8100 n. 8tn Ontftitt not n,i& 8i0.oni2.oo clover, to oflirr lo.ou; grain. 811.60 aAe.uv, cuvai. ea.ooxri.uu, , Bon. Wol aad'BIdaa, HOPS 'Nominal, S&ttMo for j SBQlsg WOOL Nominal. Valley, roaraa to medium. . , niai. idvi eaeievn vreanMB. UIIIK. MOHAIR New. 80e. w SIIGBPSKINS Shearing, lft90c abort wool, UtTHoe; medium wool, 806&O. long wouL DCcutl.OA each. TALLOW Prima, pa lb, -atJSet K. t and grreae, CHITTIM BABK 5a per Tb; buying prle. HIKES Dry hldee, No. 1, IS lba and an, 14 14 i 16c per lb; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 18 Die, "it. 7 can, . rto. a. snoer o lba, lotto; dry aalted bulla, and etaga. 1-8 leaa thaa: dry dint; aalted hldee, ateer, aoond. 00 lba or over. It He; So to 00 Um, Ttrt under 50 lb and tows. u'u'Tc; atari and Dull. Bound. Be: klu. IB to SO I!j, Tc; round. 10 to 14 lba. So; calf. Bound, nnder 10 lb. 8Uo green (an aalted) It per Mb lea; culla, lc per lb lee; horee hldee, aalted, each, SlUoQl.Tn; dry, each, 81 o1.80t colta'. hide, each. SVStaoOc; goei aklna, oommna, each. 10Qi8e; Angora, with ii ana, eaco, aoceisi.uv. , . . . .. Butter, Zggs and Poultry., BtTTTRrt PAT Sweet. MUc! enne. liu. I. I'TTV" It I itv MMm OOLa,-ft. . -J . . fancy. )(J214e; rdlnry; 17iici (ton, laj EUQ8 No. 1 freah Oraaoa. SlatSlUe! wu'iini, eje, Deaere. iwc. CHEBSB New Fuir cream, twin, 10UO ajr, lonnf America, liaajizwia. P01TLTBT Chlckena. nilud. IlUa th helu. 13c per lb; rooetera old, 6(39o per- lb .Clin. IlUa II.. kllu. , . - 1 ' -7a mi ""V"""! . fva iu, fryera. 13 "4c per lb; ducka, old, 11 He lb; young ' per in; aeeae.- BOTTC per IB; turkeys, 17 J ao pea in, areaeeo. iimzue per ID. TTulU aad Tagatahlaa. POTATO PS New Oregon. l.tat.SS per vwt; inivere. price, Sl.0OUl.aDi aw ONIONS WalU Walla. l.eetl. Denver. 81.79: garlic, loe oer lb. FKEIIH FBUITS Apple, fancy Oregon. 81.88 ei.50 per box; cheap grades, SB075O per box; orange,- Medltemneaa sweet. 83. 00 if, 8.25 ber box; let Valanctas, 83-25(88.60 per wa, Denanee, oc per in; lemona, choice, 83.00 per box; fancy.- 88.50(83.76 per box; limes, Mexican. S3e per 100; pineapple, 88.00(1 8.50; cher rlee, 6c per lb: anricota. Oreeon. " 1 ' per box; pluma. Burbanka. SoeHO per box: peach nluma. nOtftTSc ner box: neachee. Oregon, aodt leOe per box; Crawford. HSiflWe per - peer. . oi.owi.ou par oox; grapea. e-niw . enrornie. z par box; black Ham' burg. 81-60; .black flg. par box: black. berrlea, 81.35 per crate; watermelon. 4V$B0e per cert; crated, fl.2S muakmelona. 8ft tc 1.00 per aoa; nutmeg. California. II. ao; Oregon, 82.00 per crate : nectarine. TScaill.oo net hnvt huckleWrlea, lSVko pet lb; cretapplea, lki'6t VBOETABLKS Turnip. 81.88 per Back; car. tvu, per aacx; oeeta, gi.xo par aaca; Oregon radlabee, 16c per doe: cabbage. Oregon. ac per lb: lettncwr bead, lfto per doe; greeo peppers, SOe per lh; celery. 7ft doa; to- roit toe, Orrgoa, 40060a per box; parsnip. TSt 81.2; green peas, , fle per lb; green ontona, I2'4e per doa: local green corn. 10 do; pi plant. SrSM.e nee lh: arrlne baana. 4(USc: cucumber. 4ottSOc per box; botbouM, loe per aoa; cauuuower, per aoa; Butter beena Tc. DBIKO PBTTrnU-Anpl. evaporated, TSS per lb: apricot. SHnilc per lb; sack. Vie i"-r io ieea; pacnea, THvee par ro; pear, BJ )0e per lb; prunes, Italian. HB4ttc per lb; French, 8v,i64A ner lb:1 tuta. California blacka, 8SL,c Per lb! do whttea, tt$7 i" piume, nittea. 074 woo per mi oa Lee, golden. OUa per lb: tarda. 81.60 oer lS-lb box. BAISINS Seeded, fancy Mb carton. 60 Cickagea to caee, THe pkg: aevoad. ll-e ear n. ttic; loose Muscat. 80-lb box, 608H per Th: Londorh layer. 81. 85: elnatera. 82 00; ie. joc; us. ouc sdvsnc over poune) cartoee. ri( Ten l ib cartooa, choice brand. SO; 10 l ib carton, fancy brand. 81.00; IS 1-lh iinta. s-vrown. toc; 10 i-to nncaa, s-crown, fflc: 40 H-lb bricks, per box. 8J.00; V bricks, 81 to ease. 82nn. fl-- i. iA.rh TOe; Inoaa. 60 Ik hoxe, per lb, BHe. CaUavmr- nw eii ilea, nkin ea iwa, ne fine ai fait 6 -crown, 10-lb carton,-per bcx, I1.T5; 4-orowo. av-u nraon, par box, fl.TB. ' tooarlea, Bnts. It. i " ' SrOAB? Baa mim ea ao. mAmm JJ fto; fruit granulated, 80 2S; dry granulated. Jrl lB; beet granulated, 89.(6; extra 0, 8816; golden C, 85.66; bbla.Oc; H bhl. 26c; boxes, too sdvsnc oa sack bnala, leaa S6e ewt for eaah. noVFiTf4V,(916c. COFFEE AtMi Uoriii ia99. v. . 9f(v?.?2c. I... , 4 ania'K.. T - - 1 ' letjaoe: CoataBIc. fa ner. isetoe: Coeta Rica: good, laic; Coeta Rica, ordinary. 11813 per lb; package coffee, 813.2n14.7Ti. TEAS Oolong, different gradea, XAQOSc! gun. Powder, 2S!i82(iT.'Bri F.ngllah Breakfaat, dir. terent grade. 13ttf)Ve; aplderleg, ancolored Jartaa. 80(i2a6ci arraen Janeii (van SMnk. - ao 80c per lb. .SALT Fin Bales, 2a. Ss. 4s. 6. 10s, 81 80 """l aawy, O", a(jT 11.00; 10.- M lflifl 1 Imported LIvernooL Roe, StS.onM I860; 100. 8l4.7Baie.00; ija, l4BO(ai8B; 81 lba. 8.1.50; aacka. 80s, S6c. SALT Cosree Half ground. 100s, per ton. fr.eoeo.SO; IVw. per ton, 83.4BOT.00; Llverponl lump rock, 818.604110 60 per tuai 50-lh rock. 6.2fi(a.75; lflOa, ft.7o(f.xn. ' ' A bore prlcea apply ta aala of leea thaa fr lot. Car lota at spsclsl price - aabject GRAIN RAOS Talcutt 8JI.THAt1 nil ton RICE Imoerlal Jane. Na. I. r.ii Hn a -!'"w Orlcana bead. 4G Adjack, 8Vc; Creole.- 44Ke. " , BRANS Small whit. 8tCSe; largo, white. Svtc; pink. 4M.c: bayoa, 8e; Lima, JL-J-? n reus, oc, NTTTft Paaaafa tU.f-inailHa IU. n. raw. SiaiO Ber lh for meeted aaMaant. IRA SO per dos: walnate. I4(16e per lh pin ii'tiuao pee 111; niraory nnc. lite per in; eheatnota, eaatern, lftJIc per lb: Brasia nut. 16c per lb; Alberta. IKrflAo per lb; fancy lerceoe, jiaiieo per uu aimonoa. 10 XT 104 par ID, - Mesta. Pish aad Prsrlaisaa. rnRSn MEATS IMDected Beef, ateeeai e pec id; ejn, oxeno per 10 mutton, (Ire seed. 4fV ner f: lamhe dreaaed. B10c per lh, FRBSIl MEATS Front atret neef. ateer 4H'ti6e per Iht pork, block. Be per lb; Barker. 7141 Ho Be lb: bnlla. kue it.; cows, St'it per lb; mutton, dreeeao, 44tn per lb; veal, extra. 8c per lb; ordinary, TflTHe par lb: poor. Set lamha fiuttau. ma mb. ninm. mi;. rnrtiaad pack nocat) ha ma. 10 to 14 lba. 14c per lb; 14 to IS lba 14c ner lb: 18 to 30 lba. 14c neat lh. ..,- He, per lb; breakfaat - bacon, 11V,17He per lb; plcnlca. lie per lh: regnlar abort clears, Bnemoked. 8Ve per lb: anrnked. 10H per lb; Clear backs, nnetnnked. Be per lh; amoked. 10c per lb; rnloa hot re, o to IS n, nemoked. Se per lh; amoked. Be per lb' clear bellies. Bnamoked, 11 per lb; smoked. lt per lb. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. Ine tnate Tbt 5. 10H per lh; 60-lb tin. B',e per V" team rendered. JOs. tl per lh; 6a. 0 e per tb; roe. 9H per lh; enmponnd tleccea, SMe Dee lb; tnb. r per lb: 80s, t pee lb. CANNED SALMOV Columbia river, l-tb talra. 81.85; f ib tails. 82 60; fancy l ib rfafa. 8t 001 H-lb fancv Sate. l 80: fancy 1-lh ovale. 88 75; A leak a ta'la. pink, SfrQBOe, gad, 11.50; aomioal 'Vtsl!' Kock cod, Sc per tb: Sounders, 8 rev lb: kallbnt. Be ner lh: crabs. 81.26 aL.. striped bass, inAl2 per lh; ratOeh. c p, lh, aalmon. ehlnnok,. Be per lb: ateelheada c per lb; hlnehecka. ae per lb: herring. 5c prr lh; aok-. 0- per lb: ahrlmra. r per lb: ahad, dreaaed. 84e per lb; perch. Be per lh; shad toe, 12He per Th; roe ebad, Se per.lbi black cod. 8c pec TV! allver smelt. Se per lb. ' uibtehs Bbeaiwater say, Bet rV SJ8; tor' sack. 88.TS set: Olympla. Bar aark. 86 M. CIM'S Hard tbelL per box. X00; raaur vaaaua. . I per ooa. . ., ..' rant. Coal Ottd. Its. ROPE Par Manila. IS; ataadard. Jtt Slaal. lOVtc. COAL OIL Pearl o AatraV Case, S1H ntt Sail water white. Iron bbls Ide per gsl. wooden per gai: neanngnt, iiu-ag, caaaa 88Vs per gal. Iron bbla 17c per gal. LIMtrcKD OIL. fure raw. la nnis BSe see caaee 8.1 per gal: genuine kettle boiled. Bfto nee sal. bhl BOe nee aal : atmni . . lota 8 1.00 per toa. lea thaa ear 80.00 I AO-deg. 82e per aal. bea OPUS icoc pev gaii twn, reaaai seta per gsL lion bbls 1 ner aaL , ne as oeg, caaea gas per gaL iron ear Bee ton. u ArM iL-i n io ew-oeg. BENZI bbla 16 per gal. 88c PAINT OIL Raw, bbla 8Ae per gaL c tier gal: boiled, caaea 40c per gaL. TURPENTINE In oeee 86c ner aaL ana,. bbla, 81c per gal. iron bbls 70 per gsL 10-lb ease lots 84e per gal. WHITE LEAD Ton Iota, Tt ner lb, 500-lb Ota oc per in, 11 juie oytv per id. WIttE NAII-8 Preeent baae at 12.85. BetaU LumW Prlee. . Com. Belact Clear - - ) rer rer Per ' strt.Mrt.Mrt. BmwIi. dlmensi-vns reaular else fx to 18x12. 82 ft.. 8 8 60 818.00 828.00 Rough, dtmceeljna regular alaea to 12x12. 84-40 ft... 8.80 IT 00 14.80 Hough, dimenalcna regular alar to 12x12, 42-48 ft... 11.80 18.00 98.00 Koiwh, dtmenalona regular lac to 12il2. 50-00 It... 15.80 28.00 S0.0C For earn additional B inenaa In width add For ' odd and fractional else saared add aot leaa For aavri'ng 'vertical" grata to 4x12 add Common rough boar da, re so lar alaea u 13 In. wTde ta 4 ri Inc.. saaortad . ' . aA - a a a. S'ogiua ....... aw 11.W Declned langtha of board 81.00 par M feet addltlonsL ' Board to aonatst of lumber leea thaa t Inches IB VBICS , 1.00 . 1.00 2,00 t-00 A00 AOS A00 AOS AOS OUTLOOK FAVORABLE FOR STOCK MARKET iPurnlahed Iv Overbeck. Starr A Cook Co. I Now Xork, Auguat 10. Logan A Bryan say; We ara atlll of tb view that th shortans In tha wheat croa la aot an Important lnrtu- oa stocks. Fsrmers with of a crop Belling at 81 per Duaoei win exfisuq mora man wiin run crno i oo uueuei. So far tber M nothing the matter with tba corn crop and the weather conditions snd ten denetes. W think tha outlook la favorable fur higher prlcea for etocka. Today oiiiciai stork market: 0BSCBIPTI0M. Amal. Copper Co...... Atchison, common.. ... do preferred Am. Car A Foundry, do oref erred . Am. Sugar, common.,. Am. Smelt., common.,. ao Drervrrea Baltimore Ohio, com do oceferred Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt lunaaian racinc, com Chicago A Alton, com do preerred... .... C A O. W., common.. Chi., Mil. A St. P..... C. A N. W., common... Chicago Terminal By,. Cbraaoeak A Ohio... Colo. Southern, oommon do second preierrea do first preferred.., Delaware A Hudson.., Delaware, Lack. A Wast l. m H. u., common, do preferred, ...... Erie, common ...... do aecond prererraa.. ao rirst preierrea. Illinois Central Loulavllte N ash Vila.. Mt. Traction Co Manhattan Kieva ted... Mt xlcan Central By .... . Minn., St. P. A Ste. U. do preferred... Mlaeourl PaclSe..,. M. A. A T., common. ... do preferred New York Central Norfolk Wraurn. com North American N. Y., 0:it. 4t Weaurn Pennaylvanla Br. .2.... P (J. L. A 0. Co. Pressed Steel Car, com. do preferred. .......... Pacifle Mail 8. A Co.... Beading, common ., do eeeoal prererrca,. do fUat oreferred. . . . Bep, lroa A Steel, com. do n referred Bock, .Island, common... do preferred . Boutnera ity., 0 prrferrad . 64 U 81i 54 H 1WW fi BS IS I ! " 18((. 1.18 i:il . li.. 6.1 at 8 w ; at 80 Vk 104 oft 64 IK1. 40 81 141 161 Southern Pacific. 88 V4 15K 81 'A 61 W 161 278 23K 74 8 o 1H6 124 161. 1162 10 0014 104 12X2 40 W Bl 15V 151 22 B1H 275 1278 103 63 1T 8HV SOW 14i 15044 87H 16 21 50 . 1H1 V",' 23 80 65 1S7 122H 50 i 103 M' PI 6:ik 127 80S. I 1SOU lei hi B ShH 1614 60 Vs 271 Ti 2U- 04l4 lHOVi St. L. A 8. P., 2d ptd. Oo nrst preierrea.... St. L. A S. W., com... do -Dref-rred Texss A Psclfle........ Tennesse Cosl A Iron. Toledo. St. L. A W.. do DTeferred Union Pacific, common. oo oreierrea... C. A Leather, common. do preferred V. A Rubber, oommon. do preferred. .... C. A Steel Co., com.. do nreferred Wheeling A Lake Erie, e 00 secoaa preierrea.. do flrat nreferred.... WUconaln Central, pref. W. D. Telegraph Wabaah. common. do nreferred American Ice, common. do prefcrre 1 . .. T5 180 SOU 414 120 o ,, iX ia 14 101 BUM "4a hi 0 ' 62 66T41 oa 'iflik 88 a 44 1W 04 86 IH, T5 12 Ml' 15 4H 41 414 SB in 87 J HA n T5i 180U 6 gov 4312 12o 4 So lorn. 83 1 a 55 84 23 I 8H o 1K0 11M44I121 la.SM.iijjii'a 10 161 i" 10 180 844 2J S3 120 e sill 12214 101 88 M at . 4 48 TO 180 i 120 hi 3 hi bl 1221. l' hi 75 ES c-t 43 84 SO no- I a is 81 V 82 66 6fi "a ko 88 ktt 82 61 58 Id, 881 88 I 88 45 2(1 8U 100 84 T 88 I kft ki . 80 4 84 T5HI TB' I T5 2l ix N Ik 41H 40 80 is 87 2TA 6-fvk in a 40 SO IS 87 04 271 12 61. in 84 41 40 se 18 87 Money, 1 par cent. Total sales for day, SOS. 100 share. ' - AXSAX0AST STOCKS LOBSOV. London. Aug. 18. 3 p. m. Anaconda da. (lined . Atrhlaoa advanced . preferred de cnnea ;, naiumore unto oeciinea H, cana dlan Paclfto advaaced 4, Cbeaapeake A Ohio advanced 44. blcugn, Milwsukee ft St. Psul sdvsnccd . Erie advaaced , Illlnola Central declined H. Louisville Naahvllle advanced ta. Meslcaa Central declined . Mlaeourl, Kanaaa Texaa sdvsnced , New York Centrsl sd- vawcea . imtano weaiera anrnangeo, Pannsvlvsnla advanced . Reading advaaced Inioa Paclflc sdvsnced preferred de clined. 4, I'nlted Statea Steel declined , Wabash sdvsnced , preferred declined 44. sun. aobs aoa, aaranova h, reex ancnangea.. ' : CRIOAOO L00AI, IT0CXA. - Chicago, Aug. 1. Local gtocks; - 1 Bid. National BHcnlt 47 On preferred .....KM American Bog 1 do preferred TU American 't a s It 4' ou firi-rfrrfVi .a Nsstlotiiil Crtea OA nrvfftTvl ......... PlamoBd Mtch 9mt Co.,... .a :::48, ...led" ...1.12 ...ioih TBAlTi CISCO LOCAL BT0CXA San Franctaco, August 18. Close. 10:80 a. ga. Local stocks: ' . Bid. Spring Valley Water IH'i f. r. uaa- tviecine...... w lent Powder. 60 lewallaa Snxar... 84 , 6a Aak 87 01 Konokea Sugar..... 4 4 llntrhlnaon S'laar 84 nv Mekawell Sugar 26 . 20 Onomee Sugar.'...... 16 lrt Paauhaa Hugsr 1ft 1n Alaska Packers1 Cel. Wins Aas a Ass'a. .123 128 Demand Starling. New Tork' Aaruet 10. Demand steel Ine S4-STV0 to 84.SS10; 60 days. $4,8625 to S4.S64U. - TODAY'S CLEABXHSA . The Portland etearlrut Son rennrra tndae. Clearings ...86A0 441.07 BsUaci 80.7JO.4S ' CHICA00 CASK WHIAT. " " '" . Chicago, Ang. No, t red. new ..... w . Id. Oaak wbat! Bid. Aak. ...... 81. (S3 l.T 1C2 1.06 hard winter I. in 1 oa o. 8 hard winter , .83 1.0 o. S hard winter..-. ' o. 1 northern spring 1.1' No. t northern soring... 1.10 1 It Ni 8 ' ,M " 1.10 . 8 red. aew. h 3 1 DECEMBER WHEAT IS UP 3 CENTS airTuia wxzat m i cxioaoo VAI HXOXXB TODAY O aTBATT BTmMO oKorxa . rxoic na komTarvrssT hat vi an CIATTSJ, nw ZrTXafBXB aBei (Furulebad by Overbeck. Starr A Cook Co.) Chicago, Aug. 16. Logan A Uryau advlae In wheal. It waa active,, th tone was strong snd the ckwlng waa tha top price. The In centive waa the earn a - beretofornr' tb an fsvorahle crop sdrlce fro th northwest snd tb sdvsnclug aurthwestern markets. There ars reports of the' spread-' of uaauag from met lu th extreme north and In Manitoba; there ar also ninny report that are eontlict In With this. The .weekly vovernmeut reuort. while cooaruilng to damage, doea not appear to be sensational. Aa heretofore, every budy admits that It la practically luiuoealbW to get at tb real damage uutll the threahlug returns are In. Uicelpta of wtutar wheat oaotiuu Urge and while tha rash Butrkets srs Arm. con sumptive sad dlstrlbaliva demand ara not ao greatly In v1deiica. Of course, tlw mllla ar Uklug little Bluet all th tlw. but tb buy ing It uf hand to mouth character and tha elevator people ara still, w think, the prlo etpsl borers. New w best Is bealunlng to ar rive In lb northwestern markets. At tb end of souther weak th movement should be quit free. We ar atlll of th oulnloa that In buy lug wheat at thee ranges and at thla ad. veno, eonsorvsusm snouiu 00 xsrcisea. xtroom hsU'e suumsry of the JEuropsaa crop condl thai srs sbout th same aa heretofore. Tb HusUty of th arup I Indicated aa good. Cora Belt Has Bains. In own, ths festur of th situation wss th good rains In the Southwest snd pmspeet 01 showery westher over th belt. This checked bnvliig and mad eonldrbl scat- tared Uquldsticn so thst the tone of , th market waa rather heavy. Th weekly guv arnment rerjort- while not ins that rain ll needed In tb Ohio valley and Id part of th ottthret,- h still re sauting to ton as to tb gsnersl conditional. Th stale report of Illinois Is of the asms character. It Is purely a weather market at the aaouient and we are not of thoss who think the corn crop haa Jet osen extsosivsiy osmsgsa. V Tendency Is Oats. Th oat market. Except ss It I influenced by th market fr other grains, then Is no very decided tendency to the market. The movement from the Interior I liberal snd ele valor people both her and at Interior points srs accumulating stocks' snd hedging tbem freely. 'Unless bulped by the atreugtb In other markets we see nothing very urgeutly bullish la th presnt situation. Oood Buying sf Lard. Tore la manlfeatly a good buying ,of lard going on xo account ror in sirengin in uisi product. Tber I continued liquidation In pork and rib and tha general too of th market abowa little Improvement. Activities at plaflta eem tncressing and ar sow aaarly ap to norm! connition. Today's oiflctsl ouotallonsi nui BAT, Onem. ' Hurh. Low. NswSeptS 1KB I.06 8 1.08 UIOHCUt. 1.041 lec..C, May. Sept.... Dec May.... Sept.... sLCa a May.... . Sept.... 1I.T5 ct..... 11. Jan 18.20 Sept... S.8S . Oct. .. awn Jan. 1.02 1.0 .54 J2T4 tbUlS .84 .87 1.00 -1.07 COBN. .64 A3 .624 OATS. .84 , .: . .8H PORK. 1.044 1.02 l.W .62 .61 3 CVtsa. I 1.06 . l.ooH 1.05 loot. ; Mhi .63 .84 . - .84 .Kfi ... . .86 11.75 ll.hS - 18.29 Sept...; Oct. ...a Ian...,. T.03 T50 T.50 AST LARD. 882 . r.oa T.05 BIBA T-62 -1.62 ; ; T.82 .87 S 11 48 11.67 12T 8 82 602 6.17 t IT T 82 T.76 .874 B 11.80 11 60 12.97 SSS 602 6.BT T 82 ' T.8T ATT IF SHORTS COVER PRICES WILL RISE (Furnished by Overbeck, Starr A Cook , Co. ) Sas Franclac. Auauat 10 Hlltton 'A C aav: December wbsst Is selling srouna with mnch narvousnes ah own soon th part of th abort. Should any of th short try t cover the present onodltlon of ths - market mold eeusa s rsotd snd cood souses. There seems less fear regarding northweat deliveries In this market. Ocean rates are aa muen against price ss snything else and ahorta r out ot the market hers slso. Tb Sdvsnc la Ssstsra markets haa been too genuln aot ,to be well founned, ann. a always ssppens, someuing csnsed br tb natural law of supply and demand will aseert Itself In our market nnd place as nnon a mora revocable parity. 01 prices. It will enlv require a little patience. Barley te In good (lamina sna moss nigner. Today b oiiiciai ia:su a.(an. msrseit , Open;' Clos. Wnest. December tl 4T 81.4r Bsrley, December... l.w - l.uv XIXlsTOIl SBAI BtPOBT. Chics go, Aug. 16. The Illinois state report en grain today ssys: wnest inresnina is near ly flnlafaM. The quality generally range from fair tn anod. Corn haa reached the etas of development where a good crop la assured with seasonable weatner, out ine crop is Be ginning to suffer from Isck of molatur and unless showers come soon Injuries will ensue. Tha crop hag sdvsnced but little dnrtng the week. It Is firing In many localities. Ths threshing of osts hss proereseed with little Interruption snd ths work Is flolshed. In ths northern section the yield Is good, but la the central and southern districts the output is below the sversge. Tha duality of grain Is generally good. i Minneapolis Orala Msrkt. Minneapolis. Ang. 1A Close: Wht--8eB- trmber, 51.0H. - Dulnth OralB Msrkst. rjulth. Aaa. 10. Csos: Wheat September. 51.W Md. Milwaukee Orala Market. Milwaukee. Aug. 16. Close: - Wheat Sen- temher, new. 81.05' hid; eld. 81-06 somtnal; DecemUer, 11. GO asked; May. 41.0a nominal. 1 kaw Tark Orala Market. New Tork. Aug. 1A CIossl. VV'best Septem ber, fl.os. . , St. loals Grain I JUrksi SL Tawils. Ana. Id. Closs: Wheat Septem- ner, fi.wi. Xanaag City Orals Market. Kanaaa City. Aug. 16. Close: Wheat Seo- nmnar, ie assea. BB ADSTBEIT' S 0BAUT SKPOBT. ' Chlcsgo. Aug. Id. Rrsdstreet's srs In report Wheat Feat of Bock lea. Increaa of '403.0O0 buahrla; Barop snd sOoat, Increaae of Snu.OuO Bssseia; utai increaa ni dusbssk Cora Decrvsss of 1.17H.(l biianekx. Osts lucre of 2.420.0 jo bushsl. . . CXICAOO SB ArsT CAB LOTA Chicago, Aug. 1A Crala car lota: . . Car. Grade. Wheat ....267 IT Corn ....1 , 4 OstS a ..-..550 .! Est. 2H1 ll 811 ttvwrnoet Orala Market. Liverpool. Ana. 16. 4?!nee: Wheat fleni ber. Ta ld. 4d blgher: liecemher. Ta 1L Corn September, as bl 14 hlghsr: D r m ber, ss bd. rmiKAAT. SHIPMIBTS ABO CLXABABCIA Chicago. Asg. 1A Primary receipts: 1 T.ui. . . Vm, a mm. Milan. Wheal MM 426 Corn .....2T,Tu0 Mhlpmenta were: Wheat S7.0nQ Cora 276.670 Clearances Were: Wbest snd nVmr buabeis; corn, 122.842 hue he Is; osts, 30,446 bsanets. pteav Bnah cr.7.77 83S.42U 243 0o0 810. BK7 103.NM6 B. Lewi Orala Ourb. St. Ixiel. Aug. la Curb ctnalne: Whsak September advanced c at 8101 tyiked. Hew York Oaak Coffee, New Tork. Ang. 16. 4-ksk eoffa. No. Bin. 8c; Ho. 6 Bantos, - . - ,' . Chicago, ' Aug. II. Unless thera ta - rain soon In th corn bait thera la every probability of A- repetition In corn of soma of tba wild scenes that have re cently been enacted In tha wheat market. - Unfavorable crop ad vices on corn were pouring In from all parta of tha southern part of tha belt yesterday and Boms of them cams from as far north as the southern half of Nebraska. - In the event ot con tinued dry weather, and such Is predicted for the western states for today, the number of serious reports In corn mar be expected to Increase at a lively rate. Thus far there are comparatively few reports of actual damage, an ex-, coption being from Kansas. In all portions of Kansas rainfall has been practically nothing for two weeks. . Dry weather is reported In southern Illinois, Indiana and; Ohio, with occasional reports from Missouri. There Is already an lmmenae volume of specula tion In corn. The southwest has' been buying futures hers, most ly May, for over two weeks. Yeaterday the demand for De cember' ran somewhat ahead of that for the May.' - Snow wired from Grand Forks, N. D.t "Con dition In Red rfver valley' de plorable.' Bulk- of crop 10 days -to two weeks from harvest and much Just In bloom. .It did not promise T5 rr cent of a crop even before The rust struck It." LIVESTOCK ONLY IN SHALL SUPPLY TODAY Port Is nd "TTnlon Stnckysrds, Aug. 1 1 A During th oast 21 hours ths ntlr receipt of live stock conslstsd of enly 60 cattle. There were no hog in nd the msrkst la stronger with no chsnges la price : - ' uncial mi na nnn. annwi - Cattle Beat tera Oregon steers, 88-00; best valley steers, 82.TSeS.00: medium steers, 82.75; cows. 82.23; bulls. 81.75; staga, 82.00. liogs nesx pesvj, 90.00; piocs, rwi nins fata. 65. 504x3.75: stock ers and fsedsr. 64.78t 5.0O. Sheep Best' grain-fed wethers snd lambs. 82. 00 a-ao; mixed sheep, fi.vo2.uo. IA8TEXV E008 01 1ST W0HZX. rhuaa'a-A. An. 16 Liveerock receipt! Hog. Csttle. Sheep. Chicago 10,000 5.5O0 lS.otaj K a naas C4ty .......... 10,000 . w.oou x.u"ai Omaha 4,000 8,000 4.700 H.ara oneoed Be hleher with- 1.036 lerx over, Ruling prlcea are: , Mixed and butchera, 83-00 .15.55; good, 5.10ia.60( rough, 84.S0425.00; light, so.iotjn.oo. Csttle Htesdy, . . ,,,: Sheep Steady. - 1 . atTW-- T0XJC O0TT0B BLABXXT. New Tork, Anraat 1A Cotton today elosed 12 to 18 points Big ber. Today's official cotton quota rtonsl' Ooan Mleh t ow - floa. J.nnary . . . , 8 60 $6.73 8.5T $ .71'JT1 renruary a a -' -o . -o ; f.ion . 10 S.S0 10.11 f2. S.75 S.6T S.T1 Dr. W. Norton Davis. IN A WEEK ' W treat BaeCMSarullv all private amiaa aaal rt-runic diseases of men, slso blond, stowsch. heart, liver kidney sad throsl trouble. - W cur STfrltLLlS (wltnont mercury) to star enred forever. In 80 to 60 days. Ws remove STIUCTL'Ks without operstlo) or pslo. la 18 ws stop grains, the result of seir ano. Immediately. Wa ca a restore tb sexual vlgot ot any man under 60 by mesne of local treat ment peculiar to onrselve. We Cure Gonorrhoea In a WeeK Th doctor of tht Institute ar air regular graduates, hsvs- bad natny yesrs eipsrlescs, ksv been known tn fortutul ane 18 .. . hav a reputation to malnratn, snd will ander. se sa case anus ceruia euro esa e se lected. . . 'Ws guarantee to cars fn every case w andar tk or charge no fe. Consultation free. Let. tecs conftdentlsL Instructive BOOK FOB HS.t mailed free la plain wrapper. If yon cannot call at o'ftc. Vrlte for aua tloa blank, liocoa treatment soccessfuL . Offlca hour B to 8. and T to S. SaadaT aad v holdaya 10 to 1A . . i Th lesdlng speHsMsts In the Northwest, ... A EsUblUhsd ISMS. Dr. W. Norton Davis&Ca Tsa Vow XotsO, W. X. Cor, Third Mtt treats. . efOATLABrD, OAXOOW. March .... S.66 Msy . . ... S.flS Auruat . - . 10.07 Sriitrmnar ... S.TT October , . . . S.RT novemoer ... v. or December . . . 9. 67 Hut ton A Oo, asyt S.65 S.TTin7 S M ?- .81 TlltS 10.05 10.11(12 v.rwitfw W.T3 H B (Wind. s.ottuos 8.74 SaT S.8T 8.54 A more Bullish week I v rovernment rsnort thsn expected csused a moa- erst ris in cotton loasr. s.sri7 in xns asr tLsre was allsht decline owing to larr re ceipts ot new cotton at Hone ton and Ualves tou, general favoribl weather condition I th south and a local Belling preasur. but It waa gerearsiir xpectea us. uie gvveminenx renort would bs bullish BO that th selling wss by no mean aggressive), and latsr it wss fol lowed by local covering buying and for long account, southern ouying sna rctner neiier ui ernonl sdvtces thsn sxpeeted. Th trade eon. tluuea rstlier lsrsely orofesalonsl. Mew Orleans spots ar firm wita rales aw osies. Lrvsrpcol Oottoa Blgkar. Llverpoot. Aug.' 1A Oottoa closed to points higher. OOVXBXMZHT C0TT0H BIP0BT. Wsshlngtsn.' Augnat 1A The eottoa renort or'tne government sy: a more or less ae rified aetexiorstion ot cotton is inaicstea over slBwet ths entire part of th cotton belt, with th excDtka of Oklahoma. Comolalnta of sl edding ars received rrom very ststs snd rotting of lower bolls la reported from portions of central snd western district. Beports of too rank growth hav. however, been mnch lees numerous thaa In the previous week front portions of centrsl and eaatern districts. Boll weevils ar causing mucb damage In southwestern- sentrsL eastern and const districts of Texss and ar proving destructive to . th norinenr-row or counties, in mat state, now. ever, tb plant aad flalds are la good eoadlUoa. hew tobx oorro vakxxt. Kew Tork. Aug. 16. Ooffss todav rloaed 8 xo 10 points lower. xoosy a onicuu cone pncs: Bid. Ask. August 86 5S d.o September - 6.60 665 October 6.65 November 6 T5 Iiecember 885 lennary ...,... 6.0S Kebruary Marra .. April ... Way .... June ... July .... ...4.. T.OB ....... T.IO T.20 T 80 T.80 T.48 6 75 6.80 6.00 T 00 T.10 T.20 T.30 T.S6 T 45 T.80 rerslga Oeffee Dews. New Tork. Aug. Id. Havre coffee declined Ua4: Mambnr declined 4ttt: Hlo recclots tor two osy. i,uuu osgs; nanus a aoiioa. MUST WEAR TROUSERS IF THEY CARRY MAIL (Joarnal Special Servlcs.) Washington. Aug. 18. Tha report that Postmaster McKay of Pes Moines will ssk permission to smploy women mall-carriers was heard with interest by the postal department. McKay de clares that he haa found the ' women to be. more prompt,- trustworthy and capable than men In other positions In office, snd he believes would prove) so ss carriers. It Is stated that the rasulatlons on the question of uniform provide only for trousers, so If McKay carrlea out his plan the women carriers will hav to wear pants. MANY: CHINESE WILL CLIP OFF QUEUES ( Journal Special Service. Fresno, Cal., Aug. 16. Within th next two weeks 160 Chinese of this city will cut off their queues snd put their shirts Inside of their trousers. This was decided on at a meeting - of th Chinese Empire Reform association last night. Thla Is tha first deAnlt move ment which tha Chinese assert will end in tha ellpplns of queues In every city tn the state. t The Chinese concerned are members of the progressive political party that lms to overthrow the empresa dowager and Introduce modern - cuatoms Into Chins. Ss Tonnd Oat A man leaned up agaJnat s cage of man-eating tiger In Now Jersey to see 11 me press agint told the truth, and one of the titters chewed A piece two Inches esjuare out of his li'g. Some men shiw their frnil.hns by credu lity, others by skepticism, " " "Ll. ' . 'USCAM Mineral Springs OrXBT STSBY DAT XV TMM TXAB. To Whom It May Concern ' I cam to the above springs oa April to tako treatment for my eyes. I had s vary oever attack of catarrh of the ye, was almoat blind after treating with the beat specialists that could be found, and suffering for nine yeara. I have at laat found a cur here at the FAMOUS TUSCAN 6PRINO& I ean not praise tbem too highly. I hope that others that are afflicted wIU wive Ukeat A trial. Respectfully. W. t PALMER, ' Room BOf. Commercial Blus a-'ortland, Oregon. 1 Mr. I. C Palmer, of palmer. Or, waa cured of rheumatism. If you are sick write to ua; we will sire you the name and address of some on. cured of m similar complaint. Tuscan Mineral Springs Corp. TUSOAST. OAX nTB SOe TOM BOTTLB Of ST0X&CX . ABD OATABM AAIiT. C. GEE WO ' The Qreat Chlnesa Doctor Is called irraat tve cause bis wonderful euros are so well known throughout the United Btat, and becauee so many people are thankful to him for aavlnsT their lives front OPERATIONS - He treata any and all diseases with powerful Chines herbs, roots, buds, barks and vegtbla that are entirely tiir knnavn tn mawlloail Oclence In thla COUB- try. snd through tba ub of these harvw less remedies This f amoua doctor knows the action of over soo dinereni romeoi. that ha bos successfully used In different dlaeasea. Ha iruaranteea to cur catarrh, asthma, lung troubles, rheumatlam. ner vouanesa. stomach, liver, kidneys. fe male trouble snd all private dlseae. Hundreds of teertlmonlals. Cbarg moderate. Call and a him. COJUUATATIOW rUl. . Patient out of the city writs for blank and circular, sacloee stamp. Ad dress THE C. QEE W0 CHLNESE MEDICINE, CO. tSI Alder street. Portland. Or. . If sew tlon this paper. ovtra Sim 1 cooit co. Member Chicago Board eif Trade. CHAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS. BONOS ta4 COTTON t7 TWrs Sc. Ntar iurl . "bos. RalsXIll Wa ar eonnocisd h. sMvaas mtimm . Maaa. Msawrs. Lgsa A Brraa, Chleaa Saw Vorh; Wslksr 3ros., J. S. Bsc be C Hew Tork JMock Kiehangsi DsbCer rrre. Cs, Nsw Tork Cottoa Bichsngsi lalivhlia A Bo. son; nsw Orleans Cotton Kichaag! Bears flerth A Oo., New Tnrk Coffe Bzehaagat Paine, S'ehOee A Co.! Boatoa COonaw ssA Btoah Ks. Chana-el Dick Bras A Os. Aaw Xark aad PfeMse sip as mmm aaca COMMISSION CO. (incorporated) Capital aad Barplns OfA0OtVOs " Brokars In : " 1 Grain, Provisions, SiocKs and Bonds taravet Private Wire Sratsss Is Aaxrlsa. ' ' sseensfhl. snd Cumartatle. ' 1 12. K. ALDE1N, Manng-r . Bowsmra, stopxnrs Ctx, ( . KatablUhad 11) WKXAT AJTP TOOK SB0AXAAV . ' ' atoovn A 0roand Plnor, CXAAUIX. Oa COMMXslCaf. CREE LAND IU OHEGCn I b the tkhrst rain, fruit sn4 'x k stru'im tn thewotld, Thousandt of umnfUnd at a. ( cost f IrrirJtion. Ierd dircrt fr' Oregon. WRITC TO-DAT. f M AP FREE. Dc hum Irrr.' ssnr,i-i!-li 'jT