:vi.::: , t Where the Walls are Coming Down TO PWOSE And we propose to make these few days rich in bargain giving. Absolutely all summer ,will be enforced. This is truly a harvest time for economical buyers. The lowest prices of reductions are of the most sweeping nature nothing escaping our radical determination to GkANP the most 1 i SUIT DEPARTMENT v Tomorrow morning at eight o'clock we place on sale our entire line of Long Skirts at exactly one-half price, All colors and styles of materials are included in the lot, and the fact that they are to be sold at one-half the regular prices is all that is necessary to assure great bargains. Tomorrow only at , ,V:- v . 8 TO 9 A. M., . -. . , 65c Toilet Water 45c .-, 1 MAIN FLOOR. ". : Imported French Toilet Waters, 8-0. 1 bottle, lasting and refreshing odors, , violet, . rose, heliotrope, Jockey club .. and lavender; value 654. - Special for ' one hour only, per bottle. '.. . . . . . . .45 8 TO 9 A. M. 12Mc Pillow Cases 9c DOMESTIC AISLE MAIN FLOOR 500 dozen Heavy Linen Finish Pillow Cases ; regular 12jc value. Special.. Of ,!;.'.y.,l 8 TO 9 A. M. , ' ' . Pendants - 25c to 75c values for one hour only. .14 : 8 TO 9 A.M. ' , THIRD FLOOR. ; Asbestos-lined " Iron , Holders. ' Special for one hour.'. ................... .3 9 TO 10 A. M. ; 50c Campaign Caps 27c MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. SECOND FLOOR. ' The new Lewis and Clark, also the fall Campaign ' Caps, at extra special , V prices; colors are-navy, cardinal and white. For one hour only, 50c values for .27 , 9 TO 10 A.M.- Women's $3.50 Dress Shoes $2.84 r 'z:: lZZ",. ". main : floor.: . . :, Women's $3.50 Dress Shoes, patent tip, , blucher of plain lace, hand turried or hand welt soles, matt top, military : and Cubarr heels. Regular . $3.50 VK. values for ..a. .. ... ........ ? 2.8-1 THE OREGON DAILY, .OUT -THE .REMAINDER ; OF ALTEIIAT noteworthy vent in the history of this RELIABLE otD HOMESTEAD STORE. THE SECOND FLOOR. r 9 TO 10 A. M. ' 35c Fancy Parasols 256 f Children's Parasols, new' and very : pretty, fancy covering; value 35c Spe- cial for only. . . . . . . . .25 ,v-,...: 9 TO 10 A. M. ; .' - 60c All Wool Albatross v ,' , ' 41c v- - MAIN FLOOR ANNEX. , Regular 60c All Wool Albatross, all wanted colors.'; Special for one, hour ' only . ...... .. ..!.... ......'...41 10 TO 11 A. M. , . Fern Pots and Linings ' ..: THIRD FLOOR. J. Start your ferns for winter decojrations. ' 6-in. Fern Pots and -Lining;, value 20c. ' Special ..13V -8-in. Fern Pots and Lining; value 40c. Special :.27f ; v., 10 TO 11 A. M. 40c Cushion Covers 27c - C SECOND FLOOR. Cushion Covers or Slips, of striped ta- . pestry, in "Oriental colorings, tassels, at each corner, all ready for the fill- - iner: regular Duce cue aiectal....27e ' ' 10 TO 11 A. M. - 25c Midget Ties 12Kc MAIN FLOOR. . A line of Midget String Ties, in plain ; and colors. Our regular 25c line for one hour only, 2 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 10 TO 11 A. M. 7 7c Castile Soap 4c , MAIN FLOOR. Long bars Hard Water Castile Soap ; value; 7c bar. Special for one hour . only .....4 JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST IB, 1804. merchandise must be sold. Nothing held in reserve. No matter what loss is entailed, the store's policy of closing' out everything in season the entire year are quoted. This applies to every stock. There is not a section that has missed the scrutinizing eye of the price-cutter The make the ; ; ' v . , - i .... , ? ; ,, , . ' . AB1B) Great Three-Day Sale v.v;Mc.v:of Rugs FOURTH FLOOR. ' ' 1 Tomorrow morning we place on sale two extra values in fine rugs.. . They are .' exact copies of real Oriental'in both V color and design.' For Monday, Tues " -.. day and Wednesday .only. "Size iy by 10 feet ; value $27. Special . . $10.50 Same style as above; sizes 9 by 12 feet; ' . value $39. Special, v. . . . . . .$27.50 i 11 TO 12 A. M. $ 1 .50 Cuff Gloves Ladies' Saxe Cuff Gloves, for street and ' riding . wear, colors brown, , tail ' and white; regular $1.50 quality. Special s only ...... ......... ...81.29 . ii t6 ii a. M. . $ 1.50 Party Slippers 98c MAIN FLOOR. -$1.50 Party Sappers, one strap, bow or- ' naments and turn sole. For one hour . only ..................... .084 11 TO 12 A. M. 50c Voile Etammes39c . MAIN FLOOR ANNEX. - Regular 50c All Wool Voile Etamines, in black, cream and all wanted new " street shades. Special. .......... .39 11 TO 12 A. M. . THIRD FLOOR. Ironing' Wax. Special for one hour, per , package ........ . .lt 12 TO 1 PTM. r ... . - f t 25c Scissors 1 9c MAIN FLOOR. Fine Nickle-plated Scissors, in embroid ery and pocket shapes, all sizes; value ' 25c pair. Special, per pair. 19 .... - ... . 12 TO 1 P. M. , Colored Allovers , MAIN FLOOR. , Short lengths of colored all overs; regu--lar prices were from $5.00 to $12.50 ' per yard. Special for one hour only .69 12 TO 1 P. M. 12c Handkerchiefs 6c MAIN FLOOR. , ', Children's Fancy. Tucked and Lace School Handkerchief s ; regular 10c and 12c quality. Special only. .. .. .0 ' 1 TO 2 P. M. - 25c Waist Sets 15c : MAIN FLOOR. White Pearl Shirt Waist Sets, 3 pieces to set, hand polished and carved ; value ' 25c. ' Special, per set, for one hour "' only 15 ,' 1 TO 2 P. M. . . . 'Pendants $1.00 to $2.00 values. Special for only. 42 . 1 TO 2 P. M. a $1.25 Black Taffeta SUk ' -'V -; 89c "MAIN FLOOR ANNEX. Our regular $1.25 27-inch All Pure Silk Black Taffeta, beautiful, rich finish, and very durable. Per yard.'only. .891 OUR SUMMER E ORIGINAL HOURLY SALES AGAIN TOMORROW. A GREAT $?.50 and $8.50 Valiies $3.95 SECOND FLOOR SUIT DEPARTMENT. ' Nothing more extraordinary in the wav of sensational value was vr mmtri L from this splendid Suit Department on. trains, etc., are cool and clean and very weatner use., just the thing wanted attending the St Louis Fair, $7.50 and .2 TO 3 P. M. .T Women's 25c Vests 1 8c MAIN FLOOR. Women's white cotton high neck, long sleeve Vests; big 25c value. Special. 18 2 TO 3 P. M. 6c Safety Pins 3c MAIN FLOOR. Nickle-plated and Black Safety Pins, all sizes, 1 dozen on card; value 5c and ' 6c. Special, one hour only, card.'... 3 2-TO 3 P. M. 'Wash Goods at Half . MAIN FLOOR. For one hour we place on sale our entire line of Sheer Wash Goods at exactly one half price. In the lot are organdies, mulls, silk embroidered Swisses,' linen etamines and mercerized canvas cloths. This is an exceptional bargain. Remember, for one hour only at half price. iToJp.M. " $3.25Lace Curtains $1.85 FOURTH FLOOR; " 250 pairs White Lace Curtains; Brussels ; effect and cable net, Zyi yards long, 50 1 inches wide; value $2.75, $3.00, $3.25. Special for these hours-only.'. .,.$1.75 3 TO 4 P. M. - $1.65 Taffeta Silk $1. 31 MAIN FLOOR ANNEX. Our regular $1.65 36-inch all pure silk ' Black Taffeta, the best wearing silk in the city.- Special, for V one, hour only ........ . . . . . .f 1.31 4 TO 5 P. M. "15c Dress Shields 9c MAIN FLOOR. Best quality Rubber-lined White Nain sook Covered Dress Shields, medium size; regular' 15c value. Special for . one hour only, per pair ....9 Fifth and Washington Streets SALE SALE OF These coats are especially adapted for wear comfortable for warm $3.95 by those who contemplate $8.50 values, today only. . 4 to 5 p. m. T 35c Wash Belts 18c MAIN FLOOR. V Ladies' Wash Belts, in plain white pique and Persian dots. Regular 35c value - for ........... ......... . . ;.i8 '. 4 TO 5 P. M. . ' 85c SOk Messaline 67c MAIN FLOOR ANNEX. Our regular 85c All Silk Messaline, the newest silk shown, all colors in the line. Special, only. . . . . ... ....... 67 4 TO i P. M. 15c Sleeveless Vests 5c ; MAIN FLOOR. Misses White Cotton Sleeveless Vests, all sizes; value to 15c. Special, each. .5 5 TO 6 P. M. 75c Ribbons for 47c MAIN FLOOR. ? ; , We place on sale for one hour only a ' fine line of Dresden Ribbons, 6 inches , wide ; the regular 75c width. Special for .......... r....i..vi..47 v ALL DAY SALE. .1- Misses9 25c Knee Pants 12Mc : 1 ' MAIN FLOOR.' Misses Fine Ribbed White Cotton Knee ' Length Pants; values to 25c Special, " per pair .............. .'. ...... 1 2v ALL DAY SALE. Cream Mohdrs MAIN FLOOR ANNEX. Regular $1.00 grade for C?,? Regular $1.10 grade for .X?t Reeular $1.15 trade for.. ...f'7? Regular $1.25 grade for Regular $1.50 grade for. .... . Regular $15 grade for. Both Dril'iantines and Z..' eluded in th;3 lot. r