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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. AUGUST 16, 1004. . I ! L..X1" 1 JUDGE AWAITS AN AFFIDAVIT bbtbctxts bat wm as tvwico jrxa to oobtbmtt smni 01 imnn tobjcas cxaboss ah tx&xb aoaxbst . Whether or not Circuit Judg George investigate the charges road against IXtMtlvu Day. (now ana K-emgan, am Mnda on: whether or not some person F, sees At to draw th matter to hie atten- tlnn hv affidavit Under th law. in court cannot take cognisanc of an act of contempt committed out of hi pr nr unless an atndavlt relating the tmff la fllod. While Judg George will not aanui that it ! his Intention to draw a grand a Jury at the September session si wnm ' . : - . . 1. .hIAmI " me iinnan ne . "Sections Ml and 6 of the codes pr f scribe 4he action to be taken In cases of 1 contempt," ald Judg George. "If con S tempt is committed In the presence) of vtha court, he can take action' on the v spot. If, however, the contempt charged takes place when he ta not present, an ' affidavit embodying th facts, must be '.' sled before eogniaario can o tacea b . the bench.: None of the detectives have ? committed an act of contempt In my 3 presence." ;' ' Detective Day, Cerrlgan and Bnow are accused by John McCarthy, . sen - j mw. months for'the theft r1 of Prank Rummelln'a furs, of bulldoslng him arid threatening to see that he got jj the limit, seven years, for his offense i If lie did not plead guilty. If the so 5 pusattons aris true, 'the detectives vir '.. tuaiiv asserted their ability to control the machinery of the courts and thereby placed themselves la contempt. . As' regards the 'charge made against . ; Day by Mr. Rummelin and also by Mo ' Carthy. that he said the stolen furs were ;.. In the city and that all but on garment X could be secured If $220 were paid, that , Is a matter which can be investigated i only br the grand Jury. Day is also ao , cused of haying Bob Patterson, send a letter to Vancouver, B. C In an en deavor to havs the furs - returned In order that the reward might be secured. Instead of trying to capture the two men said to have committed the tnert. "A grand Jury can Investigate any charge of. violating the stats law," said Judge George. "As a rule district at torneys ask for the drawing of a grand Jury. Thla is not always true, as they are frequently drawn when "a district at torney does not so desire. I do not care to say what will be done relative to a . f grana jury ivr in owjimuiuoi rw vi . r court. Many things may happen be ) tween now and the time the September j ONLY THREE ARE h STILL AT LARGE f two wi or tbb coubtt tmxm f oirama wio noins xnnAT BIOXT.ABB CATTtrBI3, ABB TX1 w ..' SETTTIES BSUXTB 1KB BSST I BOOM WXU MM,',,' v'. .J..;..",' ' uruy three or tn seven men wn I ; escaped from the county Jail Sunday t: night aro now at large. Harry Volcker ; and John Sullivan were captured near ' the Twelve-mil house, on the Base Line , road, yesterday , afternoon by Deputy ' Sheriff Moreland, aided by Barney Haf- fey. Fat McGurren and H. C. Sexton. James Turner ana James uaynor were . captured yesterday morning by Deputy Sheriff Downey near Kalama, Wash. . j, ueputy Moreiana went to tne -i weive j mils roadhousa, conducted by A. J. Mil- ler, to sell some goods under attach- meet . He described the prisoners who , . . ' 1 . A uhl I i he believed that two of them had passed ' t bis place a short time previously. At ton entered. They were told of the ' escape and declared that two of the men j naa just passea inem oown ins roau. 1 Moreland and the three men then went in pursuit. They searched for some V time and finally located Sullivan and . t; Volcker as they were entering the brush. - p Sending two of his companions down , Via pm a lnfMnfr thA UMMll furl- i tlves when they cam out of the brush. '.. Moreland took on man and followed '' them. . '." When they cam upon the fugitives Moreland covered then) with a revolver p while his companion placed the handcuffs ' on their wrists. Moreland was the hap- ,, " pleat deputy in the office when he ' reached town with his prisoners. A re- . J . MA .J 1 1 h. . n , k. , ,, men captured. The break has drawn attention to on . defect at the county Jail, which was i made the subject of recommendation by ithe last county grand jury. Formerly the jail was connected with polio head- . iurLvr w iiuti iii nn ui m oreaa uie . jailer could push an electrio button and have a wagon load of policemen on the v spot in a few minutes. This wire was . removed by City Electrician Walker some ' would have been nothing to prevent a wholesale Jail delivery had -the seven ' i They could have knocked on the door, j.and when Jailer Grafton answered have j covered him with a weapon and de t minded the keva to tha raiia Kmra ' prisoner in the Jan could then hay been vnnwn TiPnuii rim ( IUUHU 1AIAJ1T1A U1KL ' MYSTERIOUSLY GONE f"-7 : .. ' , ' . k 8pedai THaiMtrh o Tb JonnuL) Tacoma. Wash Aug. 'll. Norma Hoyt a ls-ysar-old girl, ha been miss ' Ing sine last week from her home in ' , this city. Sh belongs to a prominent family, and was visiting friends at a ; summer camp and disappeared after .. leaving for home. i ' She 1 beireved to hav been enticed away while on th boat The police ac- count for th numerous mysterious dls- . appearances of young girls In Tacoma recently oa th theory that there Is an . organised gang of procurers in Seattle. HJiE -ST. LOUIS SERVICE. . Bew Staeplar Oa Arraageimaat Kad by O. B. ft VXow Bate. St Iouls fair visitors will be tnter- 1 cited in knowing that th O. R. A N. " has inaugurated a dally through stand ..ard. sleeping car aervlo to - that -dty; . . passenger arriving there la th morn i Ing. ..." September I. , T. October , 4, (, th O. R. A N. will Mil 00-day retura-trlp tickets to St Louis for t7.S0; to Chi cago, 17 I S 9. ' Stop-over allowed going and returning. Part leu lure of C W. .Stinger, elty ticket agent,. Third and Washington, FREED FROM CELL, TO BECOME SAILOR J. C Fabrlctua, . known all over the coast as "the church thief." will not go to the penitentiary for attempting to break into a house on the east side some time ago. Through the exercise of Judi cial clemency, due to statement made by Deputy District Attorney Adams and Attorney B. S. Pagus. Fabrlclus will be allowed to ship as a sailor on on of the vessels to leave port in the near future. . When the prisoner appeared in court this morning and changed his plea from not guilty to guilty. Mr. Adam declared that while not exactly insane, the man 1 THROW NO GLASSES IN A STONE HOUSE Municipal Judge Hogu baa remodeled an old proverb.. Charles Martin, of Oak Point who was arrested yesterday by Officer Courtney, is responsible for the change i. . ' Lat Saturday Martin cam to Port land with more than 10f to Spend. Yes terday h went into a north end saloon and threw several .beer glass at the bartender. Offloer Courtney was called and Charles Martin was before Judge FEAR NO MORE FOR ARAGONIA WO MAT HOT AISm AT TOKO- liHA FOB nTUU BATS, BUT WRI Iinil OT VMM MV9WXAM jliii fcooAT, ' sxxrrsBi mi ast. ' Having sailed from the mouth of the Columbia river -on Jul II th ori ental liner Aragonla U due to reach To- Kohama today, as th trip across th Pacific is usually mad In 14 or IT days. The local officials of th . Iln hav hot yet been apprised of htor ar rival, but there Is no doubt expressed that ah will reach her destination in safety. In fact, if she is not heard from for several days It Is hardly probable that her whereabouts will cause any great amount of concern, for th reason that her captain received sealed instruc tions to lake a circuitous rout around th war son. If th instructions are followed out it is possible that th voy age will be mora than ordinarily pro longed. 1 - ' " Those Interested in th vessel ana ner cargo do not believe that ah will be molested on account of th recant naval victories to th Japanese arms. They are of the opinion that Russia has re tired from th business of seising merchantmen and there is no longer cause for apprehension on that score. Th Aragonla la carrying on of tn most valuable cargoes that naa left thla port for several months past It con sists principally of flour, a big portion of which is for Japanese ports, and therefor is contraband of war, aooord- Ing to th Russian idea. Should she be captured th Russian would be ahead by-the deal to th extent of almost 1300,000, for tnat IS tn vsju m ni cargo, t. .. - ' ; ' TO CUBA ) abb; The American . schooner Commerc ha cleared for Manila with 100.000 feet of lumber, which wa loaded at th Eastern A Western tnflL Th cargo was dispatched by Balfour, Guthrie at Co. Sine her arrival in port on July tg th Commerce ha been given un usually quick dispatch. Today th Virginia will leave ior ine a. in tow of the Harvest Queen. Her cargo was received at th Inman-Poul- sen mllL Tne inc ana iniu wu, also complete their lumber cargoes in a day or two. - ' : Th schooner Churchill naa left up th river from Astoria after discharging her coal cargo and will probably go on fhe drydock thl aftesaoon. . Bhe arrived from Newcastle, Australia, a short tlra ago. After having th bottom of her hull cleaned th vessel will tak on lumber at on of th local mllla. ' XABXVB WOTBS. Astoria, Aug. 1. Arrived down at :S0 last night schooner Commerce. Balled at 11 a. m., steamer Harrison. ' , Astoria, Aug. IS. Sailed at 1 p. nx, steamer George W. Elder, for San Fran cisco. - M Astoria, Aug. n.-Jonaiuon or n bar at a. m., obscured; wind north; weather foggy. Tides at Astoria today High water 4:1T a. m., T.i feet; 4:40 p. m.. ( I feet Low water 10:21 a. m., 1.1 feet; 11:20 p, nw 9.9 leeu HARVEST AND NEWS NOTES FROM WASCO (gdal Dtapatck to The JournaL) Wueo. Or- Aug. 19.-Harvest Is pro- rreHin ranldly. and while it will not be as largo as expected in th earlier part of th season, stlU th yield is excellent and more than a good average. . Spring grain seems to b yielding almost as much as fall sown. Fires hav been very few this season, with th exception of jth burning of Henry Howell's com bined harvester there has been none of consequence, though there have been sev eral narrow escapes. Tha weather ha been extremely hot for th last two weeks, the thsnnometer registering as high as 10T in the shade, and forcing several Of th harvesting outfits to oeasa work for th time. .;'. Th new opera house is about complete and is certainly a ordit to th city and th energy of Mr. C A. Aksrs, its owner. A . Mr. Robertson manager of th San dow Milling Co.. is confined to his resi dence on account of an injury to his feet received July 4. ' Mr. E. O. McCoy and family of Th Dalles, are visiting th horn of Mr. George Crosfleld.' Mr. McCoy blng her In th interest of his company, th Wasco Warehous Milling Co. T WOUDV TAX YWTOBS. (Hpectal Dispatch to The JnwsaL) World' Fair, St. Louis, Mo., August IS. The World's fair visitors today in clude Julia E. Hyde of Grand Ronde, Maggie K. Sullivan of Baker City, Robert Blumensteln of Elgin, Dr. George Wall of Oottag Grove, Mr. and Mr. 1L 8. Mo " Daniel of Moro, Carrie Huff of La Grande, H. S. Corner of Dayton, Mrs. H. 8. Jone and Miss Maude Jones of Medford, W. K, Lewis, Samuel Lobner, W, B. Hudson, H. E. Warren, Victor V. Ernst Mr. snd Mrs. C. F. Bellman, Thomas O. Farrell, Clara B. Toof L. J. Weasels, Elevne O renter. Captain R. J. Toong, D. R. Toting and wife and J, D. Drlnkall,. of Portland- ' seems to hav a mania 'for entering houses, and especially churches, lie as Id Fabrlclus expressed a deslr to b permitted to ship on a sailing vessel. For thst resson, he believed the court would do well to suspend sentence and let him to. i ' Attorney Pague added that Jack Grant had offered to ship his client . He be lieved the man would stay at sea, where his church-breaking Instinct could not be allowed to have sway. Judge George accordingly permitted Fabrlclus to go on his own recognisance. i v Hogue this morning to answer a charge of disorderly conduct ' He ' pleaded guilty and asked permission to leav town. "It used to b that people In glass house should not throw stones, but her It is that people in stone houses should not throw glasses. I -will sen tence you to pay a fin of IS to Im press the new. proverb upon your, mem ory," said the judge, in passing sen tnc. WOULD HASTEN PORTAGE ROAD OrBsT BZTBB COatMITTBB OT CaTAlg BBB. OT OOM3CZBOB BTBBTS TO BBTXSB MBAflB TOB TSB SFBXBT BOTTBJarCI OT TBZS BTfsTPBP OCT- ' in, : - . ' The open river committee of th chamber of commerc 1 holding a meet ing tbla afternoon for th purpose of devising plana by which to hasten th construction of th portag road. The committee dealrea to -co-operate with th open- river commission of eastern Oregon and with th Oregon Develop ment league in forwarding this impor tant undertaking. No definite plan of action had been formulated in advance of today's meeting, but it is believed that.tb commute can b of) service in securing; the consent of th "govern ment to th construction of the road over the right of Way of th Celllo canal. Th committee consists of Henry "Hahn, L, A. Jwls, A. H. Devera, A. F. Bile and E. T. Williams.' "Our committee has not met for some tlms," said Mr. Lewis, shortly before the meeting, "and w are getting to gether to discuss th host plan of pro cedure in refereno to th portag road, W are very anxious to push th con struction of tb road as fast as pos sible." - . , Member of th chamber of commerc open river committee war present at tn conrerence or .July is, ' betsreea representatives of th Open River asso ciation of eastern Oregortand th state board, but no meeting has been held sine that time.- Th most Important development subsequent to that confer ence wa th correspondence between th state board and Major Langfltt rela tive to th. us of a part of tb Celllo canal right of way for th portag road. Whether such use can be mad appear to be dependent upon th results of th reaurvey of th rout of th - road. Members of th stat board aay that th reaurvey is to be made as soon as a satisfactory engineer hag .been se cured. . . LIST OF ENTRIES AT TOMORROW'S RACES Official entries for tomorrow's races at Irvlngton: . First race, fly furlongs, 1-year-olds and up; Helling. 7171 Roseleaf K T1T4 7151 T17I 7171 444 7171 7170 7171 7170 Densll Nervatrlx , . Master .......... ".104 tl 104 Quest ot Bus Johnson .',.,,...,,,..,,107 Our Choice .10t Alguna Buena ............. ,10 judge Napton 104 Conatansa inn Second race, alx and one-half furlonn. 4-year-olds and up; selling. ' 7176 Modder .,..,..,.,.107 7074 Pat Morrissey 107 7177 Artilleryman ................107 7144 Frank Pearc 101 716 , Myrtle H. 100 7171 Crosby ..,.107 717S Jim Boseman ...,,..,...,,..107 7171 Louis Melnlng (5 Third raee, five furlongs. 4-year-olds and up; Selling. - T1S4 Suburban Queen ......lot 7174 7076 7074 7146 7161 7146 Eldred 107 Dora L 107 Step Around lot Almoner ........ .,..101 Bell Reed ,..,..104 Agnea Mack 107 Fourth race, Multnomah Handicap, seven furlongs, 1-year-olds and up; 1500 guaranteed, , . 7144 Illowaho 105 717t El Plloto , 106 7011 Lady Kent 100 7081 'Red Cross Nurse.,...,..,.., 7161 Whiskey King Hi 7167 xForest King 101 7166 xMlsty's Pride ,.....,.107 T166 Nonle .115 8. J. Jones entry. x Geo. Want worth's entry. - Fifth race, six furlongs, , 1-year-olds snd up; purse. 7165 Cerro Santa 106 Budd Wade 1 106 Mlsty's Prld 104 Instructor 105 Redan ............111 Gateway 107 Blue' Eyes 100 Bummer 109 70t4 7166 Sixth race, mile and 70 yards, 4-year- olds and up; selling. 7171 Col. Van. .101 7114 7164 71 SO 7160 net 7161 7164 Mountebank ..,.101 St Phllllplna .lot Chickadee 106 Dr. Long ...........103 Homage 10S Profitable, .j ...., 10H Duke of Richelieu 105' LEAVES PROPERTY, TO THREE CHILDREN (Journal Special Service.)' New York. Aug. 16. The will of th widow of th lata Henry George was filed for probate today. The eetate and personal property, valued at 160.000, Is divided among three children, Henry, Richard and Mrs. Anna Demllla, CORNER STONE OF 1 1 ' CHURCH IS LAID JOB BATBS, OXAXBMAB OT BOABtt OT TBVSTBBS. HAS OBABOB OT OBBBMOBXBB feUTT ABTXCXJBS ' BBTOSITBB BBT. -T, S. BBIOBT D1UTUI ABOBBS8. (Special DUpatch ta Tb foaraaL) . ' Salem, Aug. 14. Quit a large crowd attended th laying of th corner-stone of the First Congregational church her yesterday evening, the oeremoulea taking Dlac at 7:10 o clock. : 1 . John Bayna, chairman of the board of trustees of the church, had charge or the services, .which- were opened, with a hymn by a quartet followed by a prayer by Rev. P. S. Knight who was for long tlms pastor of this ohuroh. AXter another hymn by the quartet the corner stone was laid, under th 'direction of William Staiger. secretary of th board of trustees. Dan J. Fry, chairman of th (Inane committee, and Mr, Mourer, on of th contractor for th new building. The following articles were deposited in the corner-stone: Copy of th Dally' Btateaman of July . containing a history of th church. Copy of .th Btateaman or August it. containing the program of th laying of th corner-ston and a description or th building. Copy of tb Capital Journal of August 16, containing a' cut zrom tn arcni- teot's drawing of tha new church. A list of th church of floors; list or the officers of the Ladles' Aid society; list of the officer of th Woman's Mis sionary society; llt of officers of T. P. 8. C . -and ' euperimenaenis 01, ine Junior Kndeavor societies; list of pas tors of the church; names of the build ing commltte; names of the finance oommittee; offloer of th stats and city; list of th members of th church at this data . - After the depositing of th articles and the sealing up of the corner-stone. Mrs. Etta & Beley aang "isya iiatn nox Been." from "Th Holy City." Then Rev. P. & Knight delivered tn address for tb occasion, taking for his text the refereno in th Jpsalms to th atone that was rejected which after wards became the - corner-ston of the Temple, the tradition of which were re ferred . to many tlmea by th Btbl writers. H painted a beautiful word picture, the central thought being the rejection or the Christ wno Became in corner-ston of a new religion and a nsw faith. " . Six Boys Bsoap. The escape of six boy from th Stat Reform school during- the evening of yesterday and Sunday caused a good deal of exoltement her . last night by tb officer from that Institution searching for them. They caught eight of two of them one, but th boys were too fleet . tor them and- they escaped. Th boys' names were Rogers of Toledo, Jerrett from Th Dalle, who escaped Sunday, and Roy Pugh and Peter son from , Portland; Hamilton and Davis from' Eugene, who took . French leave yeaterday. . Diligent inquiry failed to elicit from th orncers or tne scnooi why or under what conditions tha boy scaped.' - Iuh for . Divorce. . Mrs. Ida Stelnbach filed suit t or di vorce from Ijouis BteinDaon, ner nus band,! in th circuit court her . yester day. Inhuman cruelty is given as th cause. Mrs. Stelnbach asks that sh be given th custody of th two boy, say ing sh will be able to ducat them ana car for them with their help. : Oovernor Oranta Tardon. Governor Chamberlain ha granted a pardon to James F.' Crawford, a young man sentenced from Douglas, county. lie was committed three years and five month ago, and wa about tl year old at that time, Th governor, felt that there war extenuating circumstances sufficient to warrant th pardon. Governor Chamberlain insists that if Chief of Pollc C. S. Smith of Pocatello, Ida, wants th reward for the supposed capture of the Tllton stag robbers, al leged to be Leadford and Hansen, whoa act of June 14 last startled eastern Ore gon, he must prove that they ar th men wanted and. that ha captured them. Catherine A. Whitney of Clatsop county wa brought to the asylum yes terday. Governor Chamberlain has extended an invitation to uovernor Henry mo- Bride and staff of Washington to at tend th annual regatta at Astoria. I . 11, ; EWQXJUTD X8STBS FBOTBST. snviy of Knight Commander 9 Offl- ' elally Takea TJp. ' (Journal Special Service.) . St Petersburg, Aug. 16. Th British- ambassador today presented a protest to thar Russian government subject to con ditional and unconditional contraband as outlined by Premier Balfour in , th house of commons, regarding th Sink ing of th Knight Commander. , TAUVABA ZS BSPOBXBB ST7BZ. Bnsslaa Cruls Among Taos BUred to Bav Ba XiOsV '. ' (Josrnal Special Service.) . Washington, Aug. 16. Consul Fowler of Chef 00 cabled the stat department today that it wa reliably reported that tb Russian cruiser Pallada wa sunk on th night of August 10. Th Pallada, although a cruiser of th second class, and having a tonnage of but 6,610, has been regarded as on of th best of the smaller Russian war ships In eastern waters. . BBstABBS , TBBZB DIBATiMs sTKBT. Prompt Actios Takes Begardlag Bns slaa Ships at Shanghai. v ; (Josrnal Special Berrlee.) Washington. Aag. 16. Th consul general at Shanghai cables the state de partment today that the taotal of Shang hai has informed th Russian consul general that th two Russian vessels now in that port must either disarm or leave the harbor at one. Th Russian consul replied that the vessels were In need of repairs to make rthem seaworthy. The .Japanese consul general thereupon demanded their dis armament ' ": TOBTBBO BOAT ZS LOST. Bnssla Suffer Aa other Blow Through - Wind and Tog. (Journal Special Service.) St Petersburg, Aug. 16, Th official announcement was mad tonight that the torpedo boat Burnyl struck a rock during a fog and her boiler exploded, Th crew wa saved and has arrived at Wei Hat Wet BtTZZAZBO TWO SsCZZiTBBB. (Rpedal JMapatck to The Joernal.) Harrington, Wih, Aug. 16. Renewed activity in th mining district north of Davenport and Wilbur, has awakened a great deal of interest in that section. Two smelters ar In course of construc tion, on by th Turk company. In th Cedar canyon dlatrlct, and another by th Keller A Indian Consolidated com pany, in Keller. , - ; i , EASTERN OREGON CONTROLS SHEEP TBOKZBBBT WOO BLAB BBOZtABBS 1U BZSTBZOTS BAYS BASTBBB TOBTZOB OT TXIS STATB ' ABB BVmniMO A SBOBTAOB SATS BABOBS ABB ZBBZXATSTZBXdB. " (Special ntapatch to The Journal.) Pendleton Or., Aug. 16. "There la not In th United . States ' any district la which there Is not a shortage of shsep, sxcept In eastern Oregon," 1 a state ment msde by Charles Cunningham, on of th richest wool ' men in the stats. "In Utah and in California," he con tinued, "the encroachment of settler has practically ruined th Industry. Even the state of Washington is suffer ing because of th forest reserves." Mr. Cunningham believe that th range of eaetera Oregon ar practi cally Inexhaustible. The number - of heep In the Oregon district, he says, la not diminishing,' . for th - lamb crop last spring wa more than enough to offset the thousands of older animal mat wr anippaa out "There Is but one danger that the Umatilla county aheepmen must- watch,' aald Mr. Cunningham, 'and that is over stocking. . He must not saoriDc hi ranges by allowing .outsider to run their flock on them.- Their la ample rang for th 160.000 sheep In thla part of th country, but we cannot expect to furnish feed for , the flocks of Morrow and other neighboring sections," BeUway Wanta mdaetlom ' Th Oregon Railroad A Navigation company, in th stat circuit court to day, argued for 'a writ of' review In tit matter of th assessment of its prop erty. County Assessor C P. Strain fixed the assessment of th railroad track at 111,000 a mil. Bult waa instituted by th company seeking a writ of re view. The plaintiff la not- asking th court to reduce th assessment but It la -aeeklng by technical points to havs the entire assessment thrown out The argument today ar on motion of th county to quash th proceedings and to compel th railroad company to pay Its equitable taxes. In caa Judge Ellis overrules th motion th county will file a-return to a writ of review ubmltted by tha O. R. A N. Co., which will be argued on it merits. . ' 1 Former Deputy District' Attorney Ar thur C. Spencer of Portland Is repre senting th railroad. Jam A. Fee of this city 1 counsel for th. county. Th examination of 10 applicant for county .'certificate to teach school re sulted, it was announced today. In but three falluree. ' G. B. Marqul of Athena secured tha first place, with a general average-of 16 psr cent . . Ralph Ward; a local candy dealer, against whom civil suit was instituted last week, waa arrested last night. charged with attempting to defraud hi creditors. - HI bond wer today placed at 1500. Anna M. Marshall Was th plaintiff, and sued Ward to collect 1176, claimed to be due for rentals. ' GREAT COAL FIELD NEAR ROSEBURC PISTXvAT' OT TXBB OOAZi TBOK A Bura-Toor Yinr ofbbbb ob XX.XTOB BOAS ATTBAOTS ATTXB TXOB TO WBAT HAT BBOOBTB AB XMTOBTABT XBDTJSTBT, (Serial tMapatch to Tb Joernal. Roseburg.- Or., Aug. 11. Thar wa placed on oxhlbltion her today a fin lot of first-class coal taken from a large deposit now being developed about four mile from Elk ton in thl county. Thl vein of coal Is over nln feat in thickness and' of larg extant It Is also vary easy of acoeaa, being near th Oak land-Elk ton atag road and with in four mile of the reoentry surveyed railroad rout from Drain to Coos bay. Th development of th property ha progressed quietly for some tlm under th direction of George W. Dimmlck, Jams 8. Hildeburn and Albert Abra ham of Roseburg, but it was not until today that they mad known th extant of th valuable deposit Analysts by expert show th coal to be of excellent quality, and this, with Its known volume, will demand tb con struction of a railroad to th new coal field at an early data, Du perhaps to th greater attention paid to mineral search than for bitu minous deposits, th coal Industry of thl section of th state haa heretofore been neglected. - The location of the new fields Is perhaps a sign indicat ing a rapid growth in a new and ex ceedingly important development Considerable attention 1 being given th display and several men who have at times been Interested in coal lands ar planning trip to th field. PORTLAND WOMAN HAS BATTLE WITH-RATTLER (Special Dlapatcb t The JoaraaL) Hood River, Or- Aug. 16. Mr. Mo- Cuen of Portland, who 1 spending th summer on the A. "BL Curtis farm In th Crapper neighborhood, killed a rattle snake yesterday, which measured four Inches in diameter and was nearly lous feet in length. , Neighboring children with a dog attracted Mrs. McCuen's at tention to the reptll, which had colled Itself on a log, and mad ready for an attack. Undaunted and plucky sh seised a stout club and killed the reptll. Nor did sh faint when It was all over. VrnOLDI BOTKXsT BEOXSZOB. I Josrnal Special Service.) Ban Francisco, Cat, August 14. A 'de cision on th motion for a new trial in the Cordelia Botkln case wa expected today, but Judge Cook announced that he would not hand it down until Monday. The belief Is that it will be adverse to the prisoner. Judge Cook stated that he had received many anonymous communi cations on the subject, but refused to be coerced by them. ' ( BII.Z. OOUBCTOB BtJBT. (Special IHepatrh to Th Jrm-naL ) Northport. Waah.. Aug. l.r-Jutln Rider broke a pitcher over th head of William Hurd yestsrday. who tried to collect a bill. Elder says that Hurd en tered his restaurant carrying a meat cleaver, and that he acted In self -defense. Hurd will recover. BXSOVSS BOOSBTBXT X.BTTBB. (Josrnal Special Service.) '' Washington. Aug. 16. Most of th tlm at - today cabinet meeting was consumed In a discussion of the presi dent's letter of acceptance, which Is ex pected to appear about September 10. CLAIRVOYANT BUDAli BERfJIQUE Born With a Double Veil Ed ucated in Occult Science In Egypt and India V The Veiled Prophetess $10 LIFE READINGS $ 1 K" peraos will be .ntitWd to nor thas a Martin at thla low re. aa it la Blade aa fSI ,r ot edvertlialng for tula week enlyi "" that all reartliica will be at ragula fee. " . i oe must Drug taia a a. Ino's meat fa mnui n.lml.1 and rlatrvev- ant Is acknowledged br Wtm and unblle the eiat nring PBAD TKANCK MSDIUaL . fh telle what joti. came for befnre ye 7" - ones no aaa qneationa, se aeai- tar wbat tour tmuhia m. h- . ..Call, snd the will snide roa with certainty , .k i" h,na powvr, Telia yo the Thla OTOPLT WONDER ta placed ta a rlaas ay benelf. towerln head and ahoeldeis Vrj rWal. and ta on1ad br tb PBO rEKSIOM aa then- BRI0HTK8T STAR. It nay be of rltal Intenwt n yn to know the outcoaM otr preaent niatraee. The happiness ef ymtr fntsre lite my de pend upon the right aolatle and proper ad vice. . , There' are ne mlatakee ' tn the predlethns aiade br the sraaj snd wonderful Pajehle. . Tea nosy wlun to ksow If It Is sdvhiahle m nn eaang la baatmsa. la love, la 'Shall I ancraed la mv sew andertaklsgf" . V.".n L"BI bopaa, ny wlahea, siy amhl tloneT". - "Bhall I ever enjoy rh Inxsrlee of wealth r Taa I treat sir friends " j.. , . Hare I eneMaer wWbea shall marry V 'How often (ball I rrrt" "Hhall I hm lmiei ''Does soother share the love that rtghtfally "If so, whom?" "Am I kreea In eeromr "la there a rival In mr lorat "When. ahaU my love affair taranoata is mamt(r' "When shall mr eomeatle tranMea andt" "flnw can I stake mr life and home happy T ,1 n-n anau.inr aoaeni mena reTnrsr , "Why do I not 'reeelve s letter Hoar, 10 l n. In I n. 4111 and ak. iMMj. rsrnanentiy westeo. , 2913 MORRISON ST. Cor. flfTM ST. "'' Sam Tlooc of Boatoa Seatal Taxlon. For CoUege Students Thl offer Is yor eolleg stud ents and I good only until Sep tember 1. .'";., -"v , $2.00 , . ForColoretlAll-Silk We hav eom fine umbrella for 1100, $2.15 and Jl 60, In all - color and all slla. The allk and worsted umbrellss. In fast black, are less expensive. : ) ' ' ' Hercules Umbrellas ( For gents, ar tyie only onei wind proof and rustproof. No other quit so strong. -. From 11.60 to 12.60. . John AHesina .( ' '. '" : TWO VAOTOmiES. '" tVrtory Be, 1. Taetory Bs t, ' . 08 Morrkwa it tM Wsshlagtea St, .'"-'.. Pboa Mala 1040, . 77m Mod? DurhJbl roortoterffcrete,. fancy J3aoAr f not Satiefactoj .-', To Sal Mf ' - ." ' v t. A. KA&ABKBT ft CO, If I First St t. 3. XADSXBX.T. . . 141 first St STBOlTBaXBOB TAZBT ft OOEi OO, - It Orand Av Every Woman about the wondarfat MARVTL WbirUM Spray Toe new Vatm SrfSHf. nt- ma Muenon. neaa eai- Moat Convenient. MMrawiMk, it he cannot ennolr the ItBtKI- aaeul no liter, putaana Kami tor llualrated bona 14 Itafras nil MrtimlAra and dlrer-tlnna in. volnahieloladiM. NtalkLC. tlase BMg.a Sew terk. For Sal By WOOTJABD. CIVABaTB ft CO, BOBTB ft MABTZB Aldrioh hamao- IMtllla 4M nMr for dlArrhm, a. . ?ywiJsa- 4 a v rVjL. . "m Utlnaill 1 au i i, m m sc3Tr.:::a synu? hm Nwra bt WUHotM of ifothfvrii fnr ttMtr ohlMrcin wbli Twtiiln tit Otojt Fifty Ttrl, 1 i It (MjotheM Uu hilt, Boftid h pirna, UiTt i all suln aansa. lni1 SiuIa. skawt taa AKaa kaai , Caa Jf9-9fyf9Tjk MAN : OF PSYCHIC GIFT r POWER IS , i Prof. Van Cortland Display of Phenomena That is o Puzzle to Scientists , V Magnetic Clslrvoynce th- Secret ,4 of - Doings . That Bear the . CA A M . m -:j BRINQ THIS SLIP, FOR 50c READING j P K OTTIT 4 tt V A XT CVMlTT.iwn been for VMra hefnra lh, nMnnl, "t iu ' United Stntes In a profesalonal way. II receive letters of gratitude from sll parts of the country for services ren dered. He has never changed his meth ods, and stands higher in the hearts of for. ..-.- ' THE MOMENT- TOU ENTER hi parlor he tell you your name and what you called for -without asking a iiuv.iih, .win ivii inv- nnme ui jrgur - weemeart, or anyming you want to know. He sends you away much wiser and happier than, when you called, j - On visit will make you hi friend. - Ninety-seven persons In everv hun dred come through recommendations of otnera, wnicn Tact proves his merit more than all high-sounding advertisement. A SECRET YOU SHOULD KNOW, Many Bonnie ar themselves conscious - of th possession of magnetlo forces by wnicn iney are aois to innuenre or Di rect others, but they also realise that they can but Imperfectly use these mar velous glfta To such people Professor' vsn cortiana can De or untold assist ance by directing the development and growth or these hidden forces, thereby enabling the nossessor to so perfectly control the force that he can by their asslstanc govern tha condition aboutj S B7 . 1 a-. M. B B - rror. van toruana lllW Washington St; also Frivat Ei-jr- .f -tranca-on Sixth St. ; MISS VIRGINIA WARDEL Qaeen of Palmists, , Clairvoyants and : Crystal Gazers or America. ' ' 1 - ' ewa-awa RENOWNED THROUGHOUT THE WORLD rerfeoUon Berself, Mis Wardal Tsaohag th Solenoe to Others, So That . They Stay Bead th Mysteries 0 - of Zdf. ..,'. Plalrvoyaney taotht Kvery aecret -of life re re led. . .-' ', :e '- t Bualneaa si crate anfoMed. . ; Advice gives oa oualnees ventures. y f- . The separated reunited- , V Iyitit lore nsit pnalilTely reatnred.- How to win the a Meet lone nt those yo love. The-hahlt or aranaeaneas cureo. ', - Stammering enred. y Loat property recovered. . The secrets of 7 oar afflaneed'e heart- revealed. , The aneceas or failure of ynar future lite correctly ld. enail yon prosper in your vonteinpiaiea vvn threl . . . ' . Should yon sees s mrtier pnaition in lire? All thoae thins are at the rlnser tins and oa the' tonaue of Mlaa Vlrslnla Wardel. eelmlaw aatrolnirer, clairvoyant and crratal gaaer, SHH Morrison street, corner of Fourth, over Merfc 1l' clothing store, alias Wardel has spent the last all month In Portland, and has he eeam a bouaehold friend In many famlllea. 8he reads the fa tor of th bona race aa readily aa ordinary folk can read a hook, and with an accuracy that haa given her nntrnt aoclal recoa; nlili n In th moat sniect of home. Mlat Wardel haa trareled extenalvely thVnush out the world, having heen -ed nested here to the limit of American clairvoyant poaalhllltlea, ' thee continuing tb arortr lu Europe and the Aalatlcs. Sh waa a atnnent in India and ICarnt until ah naaaed thronah all th noted schools nf tnee eountnea; an earn to port land with th moat exalted reenmmendatloni. which ah ha maintained and added to, antll sow none ean nereaafully dUpnte her away. Mlaa warnei la n queen in ner nenxesaion, sna a nueen that bonnes her svoeallon. feranna deairlna tn eonanlt her or to acquire s share of her aublltti kuowledg. should call or ad llraaa v ( MISS VIRGINIA WARDEL :- vVrtar SS jiA tt. Th OoSme. MtIA atarrlxo . stnat, urar (oaru, '"i . rOXTLASD 0EIO0W. ' , Olavlrvoranoy 1 Taught, eloped, Medlnmg Ba- Tcupcc tlahcr Satisfaction fftori sna Aner r...,. J Wearing one of my . uQaraMCtH famous Toupees. I r neror ana After OS WMslngtom St. - Tortlaad, Oa,